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1. Why only human can be ethical?

Humans is ethical because humans are unique in the extent of the foresight that they have.
2. What is the connection of technology improvement in moral dillema?
Increased isolation, reduced social interaction and social skills, and increased human-to-machine
interactions are all a result of an overuse of technology, which has created a wall between many
people globally.
3. What is the distinction of moral and non moral problems?
If an action has the potential to help or harm another person or yourself, then that action is of
moral concern. If the action has no potential to help or harm another person or yourself, then
that action is a nonmoral issue.
4. What is etiquette and how it is important on you as a student?
Etiquette helps us to know how to behave and conduct ourselves in different environments.
Etiquette is not about being perfect, or being prim and proper, it’s not about your social class,
profession or how rich or well educated you are.
5. Give at least 5 unethical action that violates moral standards and explain?
Misuse of company time - Employees who arrive late to work or take long lunches cost your
company valuable time
Abusive behavior - Abusive behaviour can take many forms. It can include being violent or
aggressive, making threats, controlling someone's behaviour, putting them down, verbally
abusing them, taking or keeping money from them and putting pressure on someone to have
sex or do things they don't feel comfortable with.
Employee theft - Employee theft covers the stealing of money, time, and merchandise from the
workplace, with the intent of personal gain. It can happen through the acts of larceny,
embezzlement, skimming or fraudulent disbursements.
Lying to employees - One of the most common occurrences of dishonesty on the job involves
lying. Employees may lie to each other, to their superiors, or even to customers. A lot of damage
can occur when bosses lie to employees, as employees often tend to mimic the behavior of
those in charge, which creates an even bigger problem.
Violating company internet policies – Participant privacy, confidentiality and anonymity were
the most commonly reported ethical concerns. These concerns are applicable to internet
research across all disciplines, not just those involving families and children.

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