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CLASA a XI-a, SECŢIUNEA A (1-3 ore)
2 Februarie 2020


1.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (10 x 1p = 10 p)

Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory (1) .........(just begin) a protest
outside the factory in Brook Road. It (2) ............ (reveal) last week that production at the factory, where over
3,000 local people (3)................. (employ), (4)............ (transfer) to the existing Magnet plant in Luton next
month. Actually only a few new jobs (5)....... (expect) to be created. 'Why
(6)......... (we/not/inform) when they decided to do that? We were only told about this two days ago,' said Marjory
Calder, representing the workforce. 'It's about time companies such as this (7) ........ (start) thinking about how
local communities (8)........ (affect) by their policies. Most of us here own our houses. How are we going to keep
paying the mortgage and find a job? I wish I (9) ...... (know).' Reg Reynolds, Director of Magnet was asked what
was being done to help those who have been made redundant. He revealed the company (10) ......... ( promise) a
government loan to keep the factory open, but that at the last minute the government decided not to provide the
loan after all.

2. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. (10 x 1p =10 p)

Close circuit television cameras are increasingly becoming a fact of 1BUILD

life in modern Britain. They can be seen in office (1) ...., shopping 2 RESIDENT
centres, banks, (2) ....., areas and even parks, and it is estimated that 3 AMAZE
the average Britain is filmed an (3)....200 times a day. It is believed 4 REDUCE
that CCTV leads to a (4) certain types of crime, such as car theft, 5 ROB
(5).... and street violence . Its supporters defend it as an (6)....way of 6 EFFECT
improving security in town centres, and of helping to bring (7) 7 CRIME
justice. Civil liberties groups, who object to the (8)....of CCTV 8 PRESENT
CAMERAS, feel that they constitute a serious (9).... of privacy and 9 INVADE
say that there is little (10) ....that they reduce offending 10 EVIDENT

3.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between 3 and 6 words. ( 10 x 2p = 20 p)

1.Judy has been involved in court case before TIME

This is ........................................ been involved in a court case.
2."It's none of your business who I go out with!" Audrey shouted at her mother. CONCERN
3.Sandra was about to shut the shop when customers walked in POINT
Sandra .................................... the shop when customers walked in.
4.Reynolds has been told that you were rude to a client ATTENTION
It has ..........................that you were rude to a client.
5.Elizabeth completely ignored the fact that she was unsuitable for the job. NOTICE
Elizabeth .............................. that she was unsuitable for the job.
6.I had just arrived home when the lights went off. SOONER
No ......................the lights went off
7.We don't seem to like the same things anymore. COMMON
We don't seem to ................................. anymore.
8.It wasn't until I got in the car that I realized my purse was missing. DID
Only after I ............................realize my purse was missing.

9.I have reached the station on time because he helped me. FOR
But .................................have reached the station on time.
10.I prefer reading books to watching movies. RATHER
........................... than watch movies.

Reading comprehension. Read the text below and choose the best variant A,B, C, or D (10 p)

During a recent game between two of Brazil’s biggest football teams, the country’s top striker head-butted an
oponent and was sent off. 'Idiot', he shouted at the referee. 'Just what you would expect from a woman'. It was this
comment rather than his aggression to his opponent that really landed him in trouble.
He was punished for this by being banned for the next four matches. The target of his venom, Gisele Fabio, has
become the most high-profile woman in Brazilian football.

Times are changing in British football too. Not long ago the manager of a Scottish team was forced to resign after
criticizing the country’s first woman referee by saying: 'I knew it wasn’t going to be our day when I found out we
had a woman running the line. She should be at home making the tea or the dinner for her man after he has been
to the football. This is a professional man’s game. An attitude like this may have been relatively common a few
generations ago, but over the last decade or two the vast majority of men have changed their view of the place a
woman should have in society.

Annie Macintosh has been a referee for six years and is currently the highest level female official in Britain.
During her rise to this position, she has learnt to be tolerant of criticism, and not to become excited or get
offended by hurtful verbal attacks. She takes the comments with a pinch of salt. ‘He is entitled to say what he
likes. There is no point getting yourself all upset. From the experiences that I have had he is in the minority.’
You have to develop a thick skin as a female referee in the men’s game. In spite of all this, Macintosh says that
being a woman on the field can have its advantages too. Many men consider it wrong to use bad language in front
of women. ''Sometimes you get the odd idiot who shouts something, but usually they use less colourful language.
They behave better. One team coach told me he wanted me to referee another game at that club to improve the
players' behaviour. ''

The confusion, she adds, also has its comic moments. Fans have not updated their vocabulary to take account of
female officials. Macintosh says she finds it funniest when spectators finally become aware that she is a woman
and become tongue-tight. "A voice in the crowd will shout, "Oi, linesman, I mean lineswoman! Ermm, I mean
assistant referee!"

While it is unlikely that a woman footballer will have the physical strengths to compete at the top level in a men’s
team, there is no similar obstacle to women refereeing men’s football. In fact, the authorities running European
football are actively encouraging women referees, believing it helps increase women’s interest in football

In Brazil, Gisele Fabio says the path to becoming a referee has been about breaking down cultural rather than
legal barriers. "For as long as I’m aware there have been no rules against women refereeing the men’s game. It
was just that none did." Fabio agrees that footballers treat female referees differently. "In principal they treat you
with more respect. They are scared that you will give them a card more readily. This is an advantage for us." Most
impressively Fabio has been top of the referee rankings published by daily sports papers. "I think I was first
because I am a novelty. But I don’t think I am better than the others. My refereeing is the same".

1. The football player was punished because:

A he hit an opponent
B he was aggressive during the game
C he insulted the female referee
D he shouted loudly

2. What point is made to show that times are changing in British football?
A Managers who don't like women referees can lose their jobs
B Women are no longer expected to stay home
C Scotland now has a woman referee
D A man can not criticise a woman referee today

3. Which phrase best describes Macintosh’s reactions to the manager's words?

A Angry and hurt
B Sad and depressed
C Calm and confident
D Bitter and resentful

4. What does "in spite of all this", in line 54 suggest?

A although women referees are often criticised
B in spite of the fact that there are so few women referees
C even though men tend to behave better with a woman referee
D despite the difficulty of getting work as a woman referee

5. The comic aspect mentioned is based on

A the idea that fans are nervous of women referees
B the confusion men feel when they don’t know how to call a female official
C the embarrassment people experience when they see the official is a woman
D The fact that fans don’t have a big vocabulary

6. Why are women referees being encouraged?

A they have to face a lot of obstacles
B there is a shortage of men referees
C they don’t have to be as physically strong as men
D they will attract more women spectators

7. What does Gisele Fabio say about the barriers to women becoming referees?
A they may be connected with social attitudes not laws
B they do not exist in developed countries
C the legal barriers are being removed
D the women themselves have removed these barriers

8. According to Gisele Fabio,

A men referees do not deserve as much respect as women referees
B footballers think that women referees are stricter than men referees
C women usually make better referees than men
D She is at the top of the ratings because women referees are unusual

WRITING (50 p)

Write a 220-250 word pro-and against essay on the following topic: ‘Women and men should have equal
shares of representation in all fields of work.’

 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timp de lucru: 3 ore.


2 Februarie 2020




1.Correct verb form: 10 x 1p = 10 p

1-have just begun; 6-weren't we informed; started;

2-has been revealed; 7-started
3-are employed; 8-are going to be affected/ will be affected;
4-are going to be transferred/ are to be transferred; 9 – knew
5-are expected; 10-had been promised

2.Word formation: 10 x 1p = 10 p

1.buildings, 2 – residential, 3 – amazing, 4 – reduction, 5 – robbery, 6 – effective, 7 – criminals, 8 – presence, 9 –

invasion, 10 – evidence

3.Key word transformations 10 x 2p = 20 p

1) not the first time Judy has 6) sooner had I arrived home than
2) went out with was no concern 7) have anything in common
3) was on the point of shutting 8) I got in the car did I
4) been brought to Reynold's / his attention 9) for his help I would not
5) took no notice of the fact 10)I'd rather read books


Reading comprehension 10p

Answers 1-6 are worth 1 point
Answers 7-8 are worth 2 points

1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – C, 4 – A, 5 – B, 6 – D, 7 – A, 8 – B

For and against essay writing 50p

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