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1 Centre of mass of a body or a system of particles is the point at which the whole mass of the body or system is supposed to be concentrated and moves as if the whole external force is applied at that point. ‘The motion of centre of mass of a body represents the motion of the whole body. Two particles of masses m, and m, are separated by a distance ‘d’, Ifx, and x, are the distances of their centre of mass from m, and m,, then My, = MX, m,d d tm X= em, b) The centre of mass of heavier and lighter mass system lies nearer to the heavier mass . c) Number of particles lying along the x-axis. Particles of masses m,, mz, m, are at distances x, Xp X, from the origin, the distance of centre of mass from the origin. +m,X, _ myx, +mMyxy HMGXs + Xem my +m) +My 4o.bMy 4d) Number of particles lying in a plane. Particles of masses m,, m,, mg, are lying in xy plane at positions (X,,9,), (Xp¥p)s (Xp¥g)~ ., then the position co-ordinates of their centre of mass. MjXp + MgXQ terse AMX Xom ~ m,+mp +. a MY + MY? +. MAY y Yem = mj, +m +. ©)Particles distributed in space. If (x,y 42h (Xp¥o%p)one are the position co ordinates of particles of ma: the position co-ordinates of their centre of mass are +M,2y mz, +myZ, + Zem my; +m) +... f) In Vector notation. +m, If Ee,6, - particles of masses m,, m,, m, ...... then the position vector of their centre of mass is MT HME gtintMn hy Tem = MyM Ho My g) Relative to centre of mass : . are the position vectors of my emg t+ where m,, m, +m, => m, have position vectors»... Telative to centre of masse. Algebraic sum of the moments of masses of a system about its centre of mass is always zero. h) Incase of continuous distribution of mass to locate the centre of mass we use. 1 1, at \ Kan = 940% IM Yon = OY OM Zoy= G2 M 4, Locating centre of mass can be done in following ways. a) Method of symmetry Ex: I) For a circular hoop the centre of mass lies at its centre. Il) For a homogencous sphere, centre of mass lies at its geometric centre, because of its symmetry the sum of moments of mass about its centre is zero ie., Srdm=0 III) For an equilateral traingle the centre of mass is at its centroid. IV) If two circular discs of radii r, and r, of same material are kept in contact then the distance of centre of mass of system from centre of a dise of radius r, is given by mx, +M)x, +......+M)X, Xom = . my +Mp+......+M, Yen =A AY +t My m, +m) +......+M, V) If two spheres of radii r, and r, of same material are kept in contact, then the distance of centre of mass of the system from centre of a sphere of radius ‘r,’ is given by +5) Xoog = Ren VI) If two thin uniform rods of lengths L, and L, of same material are joined to form ‘T’ shape 's shown in the figure, then the distance of centre of mass of the system from centre of mass of first rod of length L, is given by <= — x. = v2 “" 2(L, + L,) VII) If two cylinders of lengths L, and L,, radii r, and r, made up of same material are kept in contact as shown in the figure, then distance of centre of mass of the system from the centre of first cylinder is given by VIII) Ifa wire of length ‘/’ is bent in the form acircular ring then the shift in center of mass is re. 2p IX) Ifa uniform rod of length L is bent at the mid point so that the two halves are inclined by an angle gq with each other then the shift in L center of mass, X= 4 Cos X) Distance of centre of mass of'a uniform cone of height ‘h’ and base radius R, from the vertex 3h on the line of symmetry is =. b) Method of decomposition Some of the surfaces can be divided into singular parts whose centre of mass can be found by the method of symmetry. » x| 10] vol i Dea] 00 0 "2030 C. Pappus theorems law The volume ‘V’ generated as a result of the revolution of a closed plane area about an axis (such that every point moves perpendicular to the plane) equals to the area S of the palne times the circumference (2x x,) of the circle described by the centre of mass of the plane.i.e., V=S 2nx, Ex: Distance of centre of mass of a semi circular 4r °” 3p plate from its center is |x 2" Jaw: ‘The surface area $ generated by revolution of a plane curved line about an axis such that every point moves perpendicular to the line of the curve is equal to the product of length of the line and the distance through which the centre of mass moves. Ex : The distance of centre of mass of a wire bent into the form of a half circle of radius R | 2R from its center is X_ = 5. Position of centre of mass of a body a) depends on shape of the body. b) depends on distribution of mass for a given shape of the body. ©) coincides with centre of gravity of the body if the body is in uniform gravitational field. 6. There may or may not be any mass at centre of, mass. Ex uniform ring Centre of mass may be within or outside the material of body. a) Fora circular disc the centre of mass is at its geometric centre where there is mass. b) Fora triangular plane lamina, the centre of mass is the point of intersection of the medians of the triangle. 10. Vee 13. 14. If Dx,,Dx, are shift in position of 1° and 2"! particle then shift in centre of mass along x - axis is given by m, +m, + when shifted along + ve x ~ direction and — when shifted along — ve x - direction simillary along y - axis _ =mDy, = mDy. Dyn = f Ya, Ue,Ba nen Yo ate the velocities of particles of masses .m,, m,, m, the velocity of their centre of mass. ., then Jem = MAME M, VotMy Vat " m,+m,+m, + M Vou = Pit Po+..u-+ Pq be total momentum of the system is the product of mass of the whole system and the velocity of the centre of mass. If two particles of masses m, and m, are moving with velocities y, and V2 at right angles to each other, then the magnitude of velocity of their If 4,,4,,4,> jy are the accelerations of particles of masses m,, m,, m......, then the accelaration of their centre of mass is dono Mim, at tm, de a My +My tee FM, my + m+ my + ....m,=M, total mass of the M, a.= system, then m, 4, +m,3, +. Fit Pot et Fa = Fox DIM aem = Fess Centre of mass can be accelerated only by a net external force. Internal forces cannot accelerate the centre of mass or change the state of centre of mass. In the absence of external forces, a) the centre of mass of a system i: centre of mass is initially at re b) if the centre of mass of a system is moving with constant velocity, it continues to move with the same velocity. at rest if the 15. Shift in centre of mass when a small portion of mass is removed from a uniform body is Mera (Mor = Meenoves) 16. Out of a uniform circular disc of radius R, if a circular sheet of radius ‘r’ is removed then the centre of mass of remaining part shifts by a rd distance =5—> Ror? Xin = where d is the distance of the © centre of the smaller part from the centre of the original dise (i) If circular portion is removed from the edge oie Rer| then, shift is maximum and |. (ii) If a circular portion of diameter R is removed from a uniform circular plate of radius R, from. one edge then shift in the center of mass x ok sin = G ) If the centre of removed plate and the original plate coincide then shift is zero. 17. Out of a uniform solid sphere of radius R, if a sphere of radius r is removed then the centre of rd mass of the remaining part shifts by v5, where d is the distance of the smaller sphere from the centre of the original sphere (j) If spherical portion is removed from the edge then, shift is maximum and 7 r “Rerek Gi) If a spherical portion of diameter R is removed from a uniform sphere of radius R, from one edge then shift in the center of mass R = 18, When a triangular portion is removed from one edge of a square plate of side ‘a’ as shown in the figure then shift in centre of mass is given by 0s goed Xie Raise = i in = 19, When a triangular plate is removed from one edge of a rectangular plate of length a and breadth b as shown in the figure then shift in centre of mass is given by Xwin = = —_— i 9 20. When a shell in flight explodes, a) The acceleration of centre of mass before and immediately after explosion is a, = g downward. b) The centre of mass of all the fragments will continue to move along the same trajectory as Jong as all the fragments are still in space. c) If all the fragments reach the ground simultaneously, the centre of mass will complete the original trajectory. d) If some of the fragments reach the ground earlier than the other fragments, the acceleration of centre of mass changes . When a person initially at rest in a boat at rest in still water, walks on a boat. Centre of mass of person + boat system is not displaced. a) If the man walks a distance L on the boat, the boat is displaced in the opposite direction relative to shore or water by a distance mL 21. ~M+m (m = mass of man, M = mass of boat) b) distance walked by the man relative to shore or water is (L-x) If two masses starting from rest move under mutual force of attraction towards each other, then they meet at their centre of mass. a) in the above case, v,,, =Oand a. =0 b) If the two particles are m, and m, and their 22. velocities are y, and vy, , then my =— o) If the t two particles have accelerations a; and , , then a,,, = 0 So, m,a, =-mya, d) Ifs, and s, are the distances travelled before they meet density of a rod oflen + Bx, determine the p mass. (where x isthe ends) Sol. Let the X-axis be along the length of the rod with origin at one of its end as shown in figure. As the rod into along x-axis, $0, y..,=Oand 2,,,=0ie., centre of mass will be on the rod Now consider an element of rod of length dx at a distance x from the origin, mass of this element frum fr(avprjar rete [(aeanyar L(3A+2BL) 3(2A+ BL) Note :(i) If the rod is of uniform density then A=constant & B =0 thenx,=L/2 (ii) Ifthe density of rod varies linearly with x, then 4 =Bxand A=0 then x,,,=2L/3 (vii) Circular are (viii) Sector of a circular plate _ 2Rsind “30 Note : Here @ isinradians. Example : Firing a Bullet from a Gun : <—_yv M. m Gun If the bullet is the system, the force exerted by trigger will be external and so the linear momentum of the bullet will change from 0 to my. Thisis not the violation of the law of conservation of linear ‘momentum as linear momentum is conserved only in the absence of external force . Ifthe bullet and gun is the system, then the force exerted by trigger will be internal so. total momentum of the system p, = Pp, = Pg = ) constant... Now, as initially both bullet and gun are at rest so by + PB, =O. From this it is evident that : Po = — Pp, if bullet acquires forward momentum, the gun will acquire equal and opposite (backward) momentum. vie, V= From (i) mii + MV if the bullet moves forward, the gun ‘recoils’ or ‘kicks backwards’. Heavier the gun lesser will be the recoil velocity V. Kinetic energy K = Sy and |P,| Kinetic energy of gun K,, a "2M" Kinetic energy of bullet K, =. Kee ™ c-:M>>m). 2m’ K, M Example : Block-Bullet System : (a) When bullet remains embedded in the block “sh=L-Leos0.. cosa 1-4-5 0 cos"( Conserving momentum of bullet and block mv+0=(M+m)V Velocity of block V = wom i) Byconservation of mechanical energy 3(u +m)V? =(M +m) gh= V = J2gh ....ii) Fromegn. (i) and eqn. (ii) om? 2h Speed of butler v=(MtmIV2eh yar m Maximum height gained by block 2 my? ho—=—" 2g 2¢(M +m) If bullet emerges out of the block lL) m M m Fromeqn. (i) & eqn. (ii) m(v=y,)= M f2gh => h= 2 oo P Kinetic energy KE =~ and Conserving momentum By Om Example : Explosion of a Bomb at rest B+ By + P,=0> p, =-(P,+ B,)> pee +P? lal KE, im or the kinetic energy of as BL By two blocks will not be equal but in the inverse . = ae a ratio of their masses and so lighter block will Angle made by , with p, = +0 have greater kinetic energy. Initially kinetic energy of the blocks is zero (as. both are at rest) but after some time kinetic energy of the blocks is not zero (as both are in motion). So, kinetic energy is not constant but changes. Here during the motion of the blocks KE is converted into elastic potential energy ofthe spring and vice-versa but total mechanical energy of the system remain constant. Kinetic energy + Potential energy = Mechanical Energy- Constant as of masses 2 kg ching towards eacl Energy released in explosion of Lim/s?and 2 2 2 horizontal =K,-Ket Pt ge A ey Be ion of centre of mass 2 Angle made by , with P. = +0 Pu : . 2m 2m, 2m, 2m Im, My Soh. The acceleration of centre of mass of the system. Esample: Motion of Two Masses Connected mim, _ [d+ md + mad, 4 Pa +a ponEne . _ m,+m, mom, +m, Consider two blocks, resting on a frictionless surface and connected by a massless spring as Since , and @, are anti-parallel, so shown in figure. If the spring is stretched (or compressed) and then released from rest, gamez mised _((2)00)-(4V2)|_,, , om, +m, 244 the direction of acceleration is along in the direction of a,. Since ma,>m,a of centre of mas of mass M is placed ; eae of mass 10Mas: Then F,,, =0 so p, = p,+ p, = =constant ace trial However, initially both the blocks were at rest so, from rest. BtP,=0 It isclear that : }, = —P,, ie., at any instant the two blocks will have momentum equal in magnitude but opposite indirection (though they have different values of momentum at different positions). As momentum, -/-2.2m—4 Find the distance moved by the bigger block at the instant when the smaller block reaches the ground. “Theses tiactecunn meeinoipte dieidinns As the sumof mass moments about centre of mass with lighter block moving faster. iszer0 Le. EmXjq = 0. P. p=mi,my¥, +m, M (2.2-x)=10Mx=> x=0.2m. Collision is the interaction between two (or) more particles where exchange of momentum takes place. Incase of collisions as the impulsive force acting during collision is internal, the total momentum of system always remains conserved. In acollision, "total energy” is also conserved. If the velocities of the colliding particles are along the same line before and after the collision then the collision is said to be one dimensional collision. Inacollision, ifthe motion of colliding particles before and after the collision are not along the initial line of motion, then the collision is said to be oblique collision. Inelastic collision both the total momentum and KE are conserved before and after the collision. Tn inelastic coll conserved. jon only momentum is If velocity of separation along the line of impact just after collision becomes zero then the collision is perfectly inelastic. The line passing through the common normal to the surfaces in contact during impact is called line of impact. The force during collision acts, along this line on both the bodies. . fu, and u, are the velocities of m, and m, before collision and v, and v, are their velocities after collision, then for elastic collision. dine? ttn mvi+d 2 2° 2 2 and m,u,+m,u,=m,v,+m,v, . In one dimensional elastic collision, the coefficient of restitution e = 1 . In one dimensional elastic collision, relative velocity of separation after collision is equal to the relative velocity of approach before collision. ie (v,-v)=(u,-u) . In One dimensional elastic collison, formulas for final velocities. . In one dimensional elastic collision, ifm, = m, = mthen v, = u,and v, =u, ie., the particles mutually exchange their velocities. 15. 20. 21, In one dimensional elastic collision if m, is at rest before collision (u,=0) then Vv, =|——— (a 2m, mmm, . If m, is at rest and kinetic energy of m, before collision with m, is E, then kinetic energies of m, and m, after collision are -m,) 4m,m,E, K, (22) B, K,=™m m+m, (m, +m, . In the above case, fraction of KE retained by _ (m,—m,\" m, is [ m, +m, Fraction of KE transferred by m, to m, (or) 4m,m, fraction of KE gained by m, is (m,+m,)° . In the above case if the target particle is massive and at rest (m, >> m, & u, =0) then m, rebounds with almost the same speed it had before collision, and the target particle continues to remain at rest V, ~-u,and V, = 0 . If target particle is very light (m, >> m,) and initially at rest (u, = 0), then V, =u, and V, ~2u, ‘Transfer of K.E in a head - on elastic collision is maximum (100%) when m, = m, and m, is initially at rest. Coefficient of restitution relative velocity of separation afier collision along the line of impact relative velocity of approach before collision along the line of impact vy uj-u, u,, u,are the components of the velocities of m, and m, before collision along the line of impact and v,,v, are the components of the velocities of m, and m, after collision along the line of impact. 22. The value of coefficient of restitution (e) is independent of masses and velocities of the colliding bodies. It depends on their materials. 23. e has no units and no dimensions. 24. For a pertectly elastic collision, e = 1 For a perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0 For other collisions, e lies between 0 and 1 25. Ifa body falls from a height ‘h’ and strikes the level ground with velocity 'V' in time 't seconds and rebounds with velocity V, upto a height h, in time t, seconds. The coefficient of restitution is given by e=+ one (or)e= For a perfectly elastic collision, H, = H For a perfectly inelastic collision, H, = 0 For other collisions, H, < H For any collision, H, cannot be greater than h 26. A small metal sphere falls freely from a height “H’ upon a fixed horizontal plane. If ¢ is the coefficient of restitution, then a) the height to which it rebounds after n collisions is H, = e* H b) the velocity with which it rebounds from the ground after n collision is v, =e°v. Where v is the velocity of the sphere just before first collision. ©) the total distance travelled by it before it stops rebounding is, a=n( 25) -¢ d) the total time taken by it to come to rest is, [2H ( +s) g \I-e Note : In the above discussion the net displacement of the body = h In the above discussion average speed = Total time (2H lte g LI-e In the above discussion average velocity = Net displacement H Total time Hf i+e g LI-e 27. In one dimensional semi elastic (or) inelastic collisions, Linear momentum is conserved but kinetic energy of the system is not conserved. 28. In above collisions, there is loss of kinetic energy from the system in the form of heat, sound, light ete., 29, 31) 32. a5. 36. aa. In one dimensional semi elastic collision relative velocity of seperation = e x realtive velocity of approach ie, = e(u-t,) Formulas for final velocities in case of one dimensional semi elastic collision are (m-em,) _( 1+e ) ace —|m. “nem, J" — ? (m,-em, Ite a (aoatee (atm) Loss in Kinetic energy of the system in one dimensional semi elastic collision is mm, AE, ; [22+] [1-e"] [u,- In one dimensional Perfectly inelastic collision the two particles stick together after the collision and move with common velocity . . For a perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0 ‘The formula for common velocity of compound body after perfectly inelastic collision is mu, +m,u; v= m,+m, The loss of kinetic energy in a perfectly inelastic collision (e = 0) is given by 1| mm, 2 AE, ==| = —u,) Hf Boe) Ina perfectly inelastic collision, the ratio of loss of energy of the system and its initial energy, if u, is zero, is given by E, m,+m, Inaperfectly inelastic collision, the ratio of final energy to initial energy of the system, if u, is zero, is given by m, <(m, +m,) >E, 7,+T, = 400+ 200 = 600N .....(i) » n tes 4, M. A B hea For the motion of the block 2¢-T = 2a 400N Rotational equilibrium: Applying the condition about A, we get T, LF, =0= 400(1/4)-200(1/2)+7, =0 7, =200N From equation (i) Forthe motion of the pulley ¢ = 7R = lar T, =400N Ta Ta g 14 about an edge. oR 10 10 F + 145 oll om 2x 0.2k10.2 Sol. When the block is about to topple the normal reaction N shifts to the edge through O. FBD during toppling Talking torque about O ves over two p the figure. The p horizontal A and Hare 50 ly. Pulley A is cceleration of 0.8 an angular veloci not slide on either (a) Find the acceleration of a point C on the belt and angular acceleration of the pulley B. (b) How long does it take for the pulley B to acquire an angular velocity of 10 rad/s ? s Sol. Since the belt does not slide on the pulleys, magnitudes of velocity and acceleration of any point on thebelt are same as that of any point on the periphery of either of the two pulleys. G,=GxF de = 4,7, = Aghy Substituting r, = 0.5m,r, = 0.8m and a, = 0.8 rad/s, we have dp = 0.4m/s? and 1, = 0.8m and 4 = de Oyr, AE = A882 05 rag? ON o,-0 + 0= 0, t+ at>t=—2— a, Substituting @).=0,@,=10 rad/s and Gt, = 0.5 rad/s*, we have t = 20s figure, the blocks and m, and m,(m, acceleration a. and some mass. The pulley. Find the angular accelration of inertia of pulley) mgs m8 T,-mg =ma wee() mg -T,=m,a (2) Total torque = Ja (7,-1,)R=la 3) a=aR (4) By Eq. (1), (2) (3) and (4) ‘A and B are moment of inerti: ©, whileB isstat aclutch they mo ‘o’ then find p% Sol. Initial angular momentumof cylinder = J rotating Initial angular momentum of particle =mvR A Before 1, stationary ab yy a )" I, j ¥ é (pe m Before collision the total angular momentum [> L,=lo+mvR Both are Rotating After collision the total angular momentum L,=(1+mR*)o' L,= 1, > (1+mR*)o'= lo+ mR, Sol. Thephenomenon occurs in the absense of extemal torque, so applying law of COAM, we have ._lo+mvR New angular velocity "=" "== Le, (I-41 1 Oro (Oy T+mR AsO 4 = (I, 1p) = p= = | Note : Initial kinetic energy of the system ach of mass ‘m’ is Io, ==10*+=m". neti a" ae z/o'+5mv*. Final kinetic energy of the of radius R. The ; ao asis ‘T’ and itis system = (7 +R’) co” with an angular Sea carries thred stops then calcu iowa in the fl pe. ity of B in the if it is released shown in the figure’ SF 0/3 €/3 6/3 cccetmaien Stace “So ce AB Sef l4gf 2g 10gé SS alee offo;e oe 7 7 7 7 Sol. Applying law of conservation of mechenical energy Loss in gravitational PE. = Gainin rotational K.E. ie, Sol. The phenomenon occurs in the absense of extemal torque, so applying law of COAM, we have - 6. (2 1,,0-mvR = (Ig, +mk?)o'= o' = fam me +e (2) omer $) om(24) sare eo 3 3 fe t yp = ot, = 2 [208 - [S86 3 Vie V7 14. ROLLING MOTION When a body performs translatory motion as well as rotatory motion combinedly then it is said to undergo roling motion. The velocity ofthe centre of mass represents linear motion while angular velocity about the centroidal axis represents rotatory motion. Total energy in rolling = Translatory kinetic energy +Rotatory kinetic energy Rolling without slipping (Pure rolling) Yow Ifthe velocity of the point of contact of the rolling body with the surface is zero then it is known as pure rolling. Contact point Ifa bodyis performing rolling then the velocity of any point of the body with respect to the surface is givenby # oR~«--> Pure rotation Vy =Vey + OR You + Vou = 2¥eu oR v, 3 = Vey t= Vey +h = Hy, ‘ 2 ¥, cM 2 2 cM B Vo = Voy + O= Voy oR v% = Voy —— = Voy — p= Yow om 4 4 Ve = Voy — OR = Voy — Vou Pure translational Avoy F Et B Pure rotational A oR oR (/ E “\ oR > R on B Rolling without slipping A Vou +OR = Woy vy B Yew ~OR =0 Pure Translatory motion + Pure Rotatory Motion =Rolling motion For pure rolling motion of the above mentioned body, we have ¥4 = Wey vp =V2¥ ey vp = V2 cy v,=0 Te as Vex y -Centre of mass cm % Surface Velocity at a point on the rim of a rolling * sphere leer” P R, v, = Vv? + Ria? + 2vReocos 8 For purerolling y= Reo = Vi? 40? +217 c080 = V2? + 2" cos ; 6 = 2v? (140s) = 2veos ) since 1+ cos @ = 2cos* Ng = 20008 2 Rolling Kinetic Energy Rolling body Surface Rolling Kinetic Energy mda? obo alma pial ym em] 7 2 Lf Ke Rolling Kinetic Energy © 3 I+ E, ze ‘wanstarion > Eroeation 15. ROLLING MOTION ON AN INCLINED PLANE A body of mass M and radius R is rolling down a plane inclined at an angle @ with the horizontal. ‘The body rolls without slipping. Thecentre of mass of the body moves in a straight line. External forces acting on the body are: Weight Mg of the body vertically downwards through its center of mass. The normal reaction N of the inclined plane. The frictional force f acting upwards and parallel to the inclined plane. For linear motion Mgsin0- f = Ma: For angular motion 7 = fR = la From the condition for pure rolling - gsino- =a {2 \-u{ a=aR= Mg sind-f u( =| u() Mg sind (+5) e But f < Mg cos => =>f- < Mg cos Mgsin0 R tan@ Rolling Motion on an inclined plane (i) Velocity at the bottom of the inclined plane Applying Conservation of mechanical energy principle Rolling body gh = “ny? +4 re? 2 2 mgh = Sm" vmx | } meh =! mv*( 14% gh=5 Fe) h=ssin0 (2) from (1) & (2) Rotting = When the body slides Velocity when the body slides Vsiting = ¥2gh =\2gssind SVs > Vp (ii) Acceleration of the body v =u? +2as Co 7 =2as 2es si 2gssin® a= _ K When body slides > Acceleration when the body slides d, = gsinO => a, > a, (iii) Time taken by the rolling body to reach the bottom Time of descent when the body slides |, - | 2s__ [2h _ 1 pan ‘"Ygsind Vgsin?@ sind Vg 50, t, >t, Note : If different bodies are allowed to roll down ‘onan inclined plane then the body with K @ east Pe willreach first (i maximum willreach last K Gi) equal “a willreach together. (iv) Change in kinetic energy due to rolling v, > v Fromthe figured, <0, <8, a,t >t, =yy When abody performs pure rolling then its motion, is pure rotatory about an axis passing through the point of contact, parallel to the surface and perpendicular to the direction of motion. It is, known as the instantaneous axis of rotation. When a ring, disc, hollow sphere and a solid sphere roll on the same inclined plane then Vp Vp > Vy > Ve dg > Ap > Gy > Ay ly Sty willreach togetehr ‘of mass M and radi ‘on asmooth hori inclined #/4g). Compute the ‘and comment on its ()-- Sol. The total kinetic energy of the body E=E, +E, 1 [1+(1/Mr?)] fas v= ro} When it rolls up on an irregular inclined plane of height = (3»* /4g), its KE is fully converted into PE, so by conservation of mechanical energy 3 ae | which on simplification gives I= (1/2) Mr. Thisresult clearly indicates that the body ‘seithera disc or a cylinder. mtal force F acts Sol. For linear motion F - f = Ma and for rotational motion ¢ = Ja 22a 2 5 = 5 “Pa feof or 2F 2F fas suMg =< uMe so 7 F<

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