Employee Health and Safety

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Health - The protection of the bodies and minds of people from illness resulting from the
materials, processes or procedures used in the workplace.

Health refers to the general state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Safety - The protection of people from physical injury.

Welfare - The provision of facilities to maintain the health and well-being of individuals at the

Health and Safety at Workplace

Employers have an obligation to ensure the safety and health of their employees by preventing
their exposure to occupational risks, and thus avoiding the occurrence of occupational accidents
and diseases, which are very expensive and have severe direct and indirect effects on the life of
workers. To achieve such goal employers have to implement safety and health measures based
on risk assessment.

Employee health

Physical Health- More related to human body rather than to human mind or emotions. It is
bodily well-being of the employee. It is the state where physical diseases do not exist within the

Mental Health - More related to human mind and emotions rather than to human body. It is
psychological well-being of the employee. It is a state where mental diseases do not exist within
the employees.

Safety - Safety refers to protection of physical health of people. It is the protection of

employees’ dangers and risks due to the employment.

Objectives of Occupational Health and safety

To maintain and promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of workers.

To become familiar to occupational environment of physical and mental needs of workers.

Protecting workers' health against hazards at work.

Minimizing the consequences of occupational hazards, accidents and injuries, and occupational
and work-related diseases.

To achieve maximum human efficiency and machine efficiency. To reduce sick absenteeism.
What are Hazards?

A hazard is a source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill
health, or a combination of these, i.e. anything presents in the workplace that has the potential to
cause an injury to workers, either a work accident or an occupational disease.

Examples of hazards that can lead to work/occupational accidents

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