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I’m living in Nha Trang city, which is the well-known beach city in my country. There are tons of
town-house complexes and high rises are built to accommodate a tidal wave of tourists. It is
never boring to live here as the city provides a wide array of entertainment options.

You see, as a beach city, there are either tourist attraction or other places of interest such as
shopping malls, restaurants and resorts. This is also a real paradise for people to enjoy their life
and relax.

Definitely. I love my city. It is a stunning city that u can easily find where to go and what to do.
The people here are really hospitality who are willing to give others a hand when needed.

It is neither small or big. Actually, it depends on what city u compare it with. I would say it is big
enough to provide city dwellers with all necessary facilities.

I have been living there since i was born. At times i leave the city just for a while when i go on
holidays or some events.

I am not quite sure about that idea. I wanna study abroad and dreaming of a high-flying career
so i think i cannot still living there for a long time. However, during my retirement, i will get
back to my hometown to settle down for good.

Oh-no. . I wanna study abroad and dreaming of a high-flying career. So i dont want to live in the
countryside. Besides, i am a very active and sociable person, so i think i will be bored to the life
in the countryside.

I guess that the most striking difference is that in the countryside there isnt much traffic even
rush hours. Again, as there are fewer vehicle emitting exhaust fumes, so the air is fresher.
However, there may be a number of people who wont appreciate these benefits as there arent
many opportunities for professional growth and the choice of facilities is limited.

As far as i am concerned, people who live in countryside tend to get together such as playing
football or chatting with their neighbors over the fence. This is because the children are not
glued to their devices, they usually have active pastime and or explore the surroundings.

Well, i would say that it has undergone sweeping changes cause those who havent been there
for a long time can hardly recognise it. First of all, the general quality of the city landscape has
improved, so it is more stunning now. It has turned into a remarkable tourist attraction with a
lot of buildings and entertainment complexes.

Yes, i do like it. It is so fascinating when drawing sth in particular. It always calms my mind and
help me relax myself. Plus, it is a great way to fight boredom.
I love to draw everyting i see. These can be people, animals, food or animation. It really brings
me joy.

I am sure it is, but only if u are positive and have the confidence or willingness to learn. One
more thing that makes it really easy, to my mind, is taking a drawing cause or u can watch some
painting lesssons on youtube. And of course, practice makes perfect.

Well, not to much and not too little, i would say. For exp, i know that there are many different
paintings styles and techniques that paintings can be created.

Totally, i can say that i took time to do it every single day in my childhood, practicing hard and
enjoy doing it.

Definitely, i do. I enjoy visiting museum and art gallery because they are a great way to spend
time with friends and family learning sth new about different time periods and discussing
thoughts or opinions with each other.

Oh, i use a mirror almost everyday. For instance, one of the first thing i do in the morning is lôk
in the mirror. It is not because i enjoy looking at myself, it is just simply unavoidable. I go to the
bathroom, i look up, and here i am. I also use it while i am driving my bike.

Personally, there is no point using charging room mirrors. i need to look at the mirror tho find
the perfect clothes which fit me. Prevent me from buying the wrong clothes.

I believe that its main function is to let u compare what u look like to what u think u should look
like and make appropriate changes if necessary. Oh i nearly forgot to say that mirrors are vital
for safe driving as they allow u to observe what it is happening around.

Sure. I bought a mirror to place on my desk to look at myself everytime i want. Of course i also
bought one to hang on the wall in the bathroom so that i could look at myself while i brushing
my teeth or doing hair.

Oh yeah, but only if they were so stunning or bizarre that captured my attention or if they
happened right before i woke up.

well, i guess they will. Dreams can affect our behaviour and mood for the following day. They
can serve as a guide to our emotions that we sometime cant express. So, yeah, they definitely
have an influence on our life.

Of course. I find it fascinating. It is really interesting for me to ferret other’s dreams out as well
as get a deeper perspective of their personality. What’s more, listening to other’s dreams is
often enjoyable cause dreams can be pretty amusing at times.
Well, i’m not sure i would like to get deep knowledge of dreams, but i would definitely like to
know what dreams are and why we have them, what they mean, what purpose they serve and
if we can control them or not.

Actually a little. As i was a little girl, i wrote some letters for my dad to share sth about my life
with him because he studied abroad and he didnt stay with me.

To my mind, i prefer to write electric letters. As it is convenient for me to safe my time and the
recievers can see it immediately.

I guess the main difference between them is that letters are written by hand and emails are
typed on a computer. What is more, letters require our undivided attention and show how
much we care while emails are easy to use and can be delivered around the world at once.

I generally write about sh that occupies or moves me, about the changes that are happening
around my life, about recent events. From time to time i also write about sth i dont have
enough courage to face.

For me, it is, unfortunately. The first reason for that is my very poor imagination and the second
fact is the that is hard for me to focus on writing to let ideas come.

I reckon that the hardest letters are the ones rejected. Some one or stating that a family
member or close friend has died. It is also really hard to write the kind of letters and letters in
which u say gudbye to someone u dont want to leave.

Yeah, i love watching sports programs on tv cause it is a lot more comfortable than doing so at
a stadium. First of all, a cozy seat at home is much better than a cheap plastic seat at a stadium.
Plus, u dont have to hear crowds cheering to loud cause u can adjust the volumn on tv.

Well, i enjoy watching live sports games with my family as it brings us closer to each other.
Beside that, we have a really gud time together with food and entertainment all in 1 place.

Well, watching a game at home gives people more comfort as they dont have to queue for food
or buy tickets which cost a bit of money. I can easily pause the game and not miss out any of
the action. Watching a match at the stadium people can create long-lasting memories of fun
and entertainment. They will have chance to focus on everything that catches their attention as
they are not restricted to a particular view of the camera.

100% yes, i do as it is the only way for me to release stress and improve my general health.
What is more, it is my favourite way to make friends and enjoy social interaction.
Well, i guess yes as sport helps people stay in shape and in some cases even find a purpose in
life. Moreover, playing sports makes life more interesting and filled with positive emotions
cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine.

Of course. I am fond of playing badminton and swimming. It encourages interaction and these
are a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveble.

People in mu country are keen on football cause it has simple rules, can be played just with a
ball almost everywhere, is very entertaining to watch and play. Besides that, there are also a
lot of basketball and volleyball fans.

To tell the truth, i have a passion for it. At some point of my life, photography changed the way
i see the world around me. I mean i can see the details through my camera lens and see how
much beaty is all around u.

For me, photography is the best way to relieve stress. Once i start taking pictures, it is really
hard for me to stop. I will post them on insta to share to stories about them with my friends.

Well, i felt in love with photography when i joined fb. Everyday, my fb friend posted a lot of
stunning pictures and told about their stories. It maked me feel fascinated. One day, i asked
myself why i couldn take such pretty pictures. So now i am keen on photography.

To be honest, i usually store my photos on my smartphone ‘s gallery. There is a folder for each
year and event. I can see them anytime i want.

Honestly, i am a perfectionist, therefore i dont like to store any bad pictures. I will delete all of
them when i think it is not necessary to store.

Well, i go to the cenema everytime there is a new release that i love. For me, watching film on
the big screen and getting pulled into the sound and color in a way that cant be felt at home.

I guess yes. There are always a lot of people at the cinem. Cenemas are in great demand as they
let people focus on the movie and not get distracted, which people value. Moreover, It is a
good way to spend time out.

Personally, i am into watching films with my friends. As after watching it, we can talk about the
movie and enjoy it together. I think it is exciting.

Well, i guess action film for sure. They attract me with their non-stop motion, rhythm and
pacing. It makes me feel fascinated.

Yes, of course. I’d say that many as there is at least one street market in each neighborhood in
cities or towns. U see, street markets have always been central to the culture and economic
history of my country. So there are a lot of them everywhere.

I think people usually go to street markets in order to buy foods like fruits, vegetables, meat
and fish and even some antique stuff.

I think the difference thing between them is that supermarket are indoor shops while street
markets are located outdoors. Also the conditions inside supermarkets are more comfortable
so they sell goods more expensive than those of the street markets.

Actually, people tend to visit street markets as there is always a variety of products to
everyone’s liking and budget. Sometimes, such as on tet holiday or on some speacial occasions,
people will go to the supermarket to buy high-quality goods.

I do, but not very often. I dont like the crowded and noisy places. So i choose the supermarket
to go when i want to buy sth.

Oh, i vividly remember that it was the nokia. This was the cool modern device i had at that time.
i was very joyful when i used it.

Well, i think i use it all the time, for making and receiving calls, texting messages and sharing
news on social network sites. I also take photos by my phone and so yeah.

Recently, my parents bought a redmi for me. I think it is an excellent smartphone. It is a

touchscreen device which is thin and light and really high quality but cheap. Nothing to
complain about it.

Oh yeah, definitely i would. Just to be updated with technology and improve the functionality
of the phone. I am sure everyone would take a chance to get a significantly better phone at the
earliest opportunity and i am not exception.

To be honest, it has made my life much more convenient cause it provides me with an easy and
fast way of communication, enabling me to do various tasks all at the same time. it has given
me a chance to enjoy social media on the go, which is really cool.

Well, i start my day only after comleting my time plan. The first thing i do is identify my
priorities and assign time to any activity. I try to stick to the time boundaries by eliminating
activities that waste my time and prevent me from staying focused.

I guess i am, because i always meet my deadlines. At the beginning of each week, i make a list
of the tasks i need to accomplish and follow them to finish all the tasks.
Well, i think there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as all people are different and
the challenges they face while making plans. I guess the most difficult part of planing is
prioritizing among their available options. So it depends.

Personally, the latest plan i have made is to enter a university abroad. So i am currently learning
all the in4 about studying in different countries and trying to find the country i would like to
study in.

Oh, i often visit fb, which is a social netwỏking sites i love so much. It helps me to stay up-to-
date with news and current events. It also makes social connections and find funny and
entertaining content.


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