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Introduction to CentOS

uname command, short for Unix Name, will print detailed

information about your Linux system
hostname will give you hostname.
hostname -i will give you ip of hostname.
pwd (to check the present directory)
ls (to view files in a directory)
ls -l (to view files and additional information about each file)
ls -a (will show you hidden files)
mkdir New (to make directory with name New)
cd New (to move inside directory New)
cd .. to go back to the parent directory (one step back in
cd - to go back to the parent directory (one step back in
cd will directly take you to the parent directory which is
[root@sandbox ~] in our case.
cd ../../.. or cd ../.. to go back three or two steps in directories
Note: There is difference between [root@sandbox ~] and [root@sandbox /]
[root@sandbox /] is starting point above [root@sandbox ~]

cd /root/One/Two to directly go from [root@sandbox /] to Two

[root@sandbox /] is starting point
[root@sandbox ~] is under [root@sandbox /]
One is inside [root@sandbox ~]
Two is inside One

clear to clear the current window

rmdir dir_name will remove the directory
rm file_name will remove the file.

cp file.txt /root/One/Two copy file from current directory into

Two directory
mv file.txt /root/Farhan/Qamar copy file from current
directory into Two directory
find /root/ -name one.txt to find file (one.txt) in directory root
and its subdirectories.
grep Ali first.txt to find word “Ali” in file first.txt.
Crtl + z to come out of any process/command.

cat one.txt to read contents of file one.txt

less one.txt to read the contents of file one.txt, press q after
head -n 5 one.txt to read top 5 lines of file one.txt
tail -n 7 one.txt to read last 7 lines of file one.txt

To create new file in linux.

touch /root/One/Two/new.txt
will create empty file new.txt in directory Two

To edit file in linux system.

vi one.txt
press Esc followed by i to enter in insert mode.

Do changes in the file.

Press Esc followed by :wq! to quit save and quit file.
Press Esc followed by :!q to exit without saving changes and
press Enter.
diff one.txt two.txt
To find difference between two files.

echo my name is Ali >>new.txt

to move some of the text “my name is Ali” in file new.txt

man head this will tell (help) about the command head similarly
about other commands.

Unix doesn't natively provide an undo feature.


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