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Bengkel IBSE Peringkat Negeri 2018


Topic Why IBSE?

Synopsis This session will take two hours of power points presentation, groups activities,video
analysis and discussion.
 What does inquiry-based science education mean for students and
 Why IBSE?
 Challenges to current practice
Learning 1. Encourage reflection on teaching practices (such as working with inquiry or
outcomes investigative working methods)
2. Provide direct experience of inquiry from video analysis
3. Show the benefits of learning by inquiry
Duration 2 hours
Resources Power point slides, video
Training Group activities
methods Discussion
Video analysis

Title Activities Remarks

As-Syahid Imam Hasan Al-Banna,
- Divide groups accordingly. pelopor usrah abad moden telah
Aktiviti 1: Sesi - Taaruf session with group menggariskan usrah ini terbahagi kepada
Taaruf (20 minutes) members. 3 rukun iaitu:
( 10 minutes - Timing taken)
- Present to class the Rukun 1 - Ta'aruf (berkenal-kenalan)
techniques used in the taaruf Rukun 2 - Tafahum (faham-memahami)
session and reflection. Rukun 3 - Takaful (tolong-menolong)
(10 minutes)
Petikan ayat Al-Quran di dalam Surah Al-
Hujurat ayat ke 13. Ianya bermaksud:
"Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami
telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki
dan perempuan, dan Kami telah
menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa
dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu
- teachers show creativity in choosing
the relevant techniques and
meaningful for taaruf session.

Activity 2 : Word
Generate a word cloud  reflection on teachers’ current
individually based on your practice of teaching science
Cloud and Mind map
current teaching practice and  understanding IBSE
through group discussion  Challenges to current practice
generate the mind map.
Group Activity (30
minutes) Begin to generate the word
cloud by listing out keywords
about IBSE on a mahjong paper

Bengkel IBSE Peringkat Negeri 2018

from your current teaching until

you can think on no new words.

Mention key-words or small

phrases which you associate
with Inquiry-based science
Then consider how these words
can be linked together to make a
mind map.
Explaination and Discussion
Activity 3: Power point Presentation
 Elements Of Inquiry
Introduction to IBSE  Why Inquiry?
(60 minutes)  What Is Inquiry To Teachers And
 Challenges To Current Practice
 What Needs To Change?

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