Difference Biotechnology

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Innate immuni1 y refers to Ad apli \'e immunit y refe rs to

a naturally occ urring an acqui red immun it y.
imm unit y by the genetic med iated by T ce ll s and B
cons titu e nt s and the c ell s a nd c harac te rized by a n
physio logy of a person immun o log ica l me mory
• • • • • ■ •••••••• ■ ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Kn own as natural Kno w n as ac quired
immu nity immunit y
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Generates a non-specific Ge nerates a s pe c iri c
imm une response immun e respu nse

•••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••
A lways prese nt in the Generated in res po nse
body to ex pos ure to an
ex tern al fa cto r
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••
Generates a rapiJ Del aye d 5-6 days
res ponse
• ■ ••••••• ■ •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Plasma proteins. phagocytes, Hum o ral a nd ce ll -
physical and chemical mediated immunit y are
barriers are the componen 1s th e co mpon ent s
• • • • • ■ •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
T empera ture, pH. sk in . Ly mph nod es. s pl ee n.
and mucous membranes and ly mphoid ti ss ues
are th e barriers are th e barri e rs
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Does not develop memory Devel ops memory cell s
ce ll s
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••
Possesses a less diversity Possesses a hi gher di ve rsit y

•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Less potent Exhibi1 s a higher po tency

•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Does not produce allergic Deve lops allergic reactions:
reactions immediate and delayed
hypersen siti vity
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••
Ex: Redness and swelling Ex: Vacci nati on aga inst a
caused by the white blood viru s
cells around a wo und
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Artificial Immune System

Characteristics Natural Artificial

Immune Immune
System Syst e m

Definition A biological Computing

organism's system based off
defense of the various
mechanism principles,
against invading processes and
objects from its theories of the
environment or natural immune
against harmful system
bodies within

Alternative The first Field of study

definition subsystem of the linking
immune system immunology and
of a vertebrate computer
organism, also engineering also
called the innate variously called
immune system. Immunity-Based
It is "natural" in Systems,
that it is present Immunological
at birth as Computation, etc.
opposed to the
immune system
which develops
after exposure to
a foreign object

Function Protection Comput ational

against disease problem solving

Field of study Immunology, Artificial Immune

under biology Systems (AIS),
under artificial

Kind of system A biological A computer

system, system,
structural and procedural and
organizational methodological

Significant Complex, High parallel

aspect evolutionary and intelligence
adaptive enabling
task execution

Significant Capable of Capable of

capability recogniti-o n of all learning, memory
objects within and associative
the body and retrieval
categorize as self
or nonself

~ Between.net
0 Natural 011d artificial immune
systems are interrelated terms
fram different but also
interrelated fields of study,
0 Natural immune systems are
biological systems with strUctu.res
011d pracesses that a.ct as the
defense mech011isms of org011isms
09ainst foreign and harmful
0 Artificial immune systems are
computer systems with rules 011d
pracedu.res based fram the
principles of natural immune
systems that enable computational
prablem solving,
M o noc lo n a l an tib o di es re fer Po lyclo nal an tibodi es re fer
to a ho mogeneo us to a mi xt ure of
popu lati on o f antibodi es th at i m munog l obul i n mo
are produced by a s ing le are secreted -a-.,o- -,--
clone of plas ma B ce ll s parti cu lar anti g
• • ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • ■ • • • • ■ • ••
Produ ced by th e sam e
c lo ne of pl as ma B ce lls
Produced by di ffere nt
c lo nes of pl as ma B ce ll s

I ■ ]

Producti o n requires
hybridoma ce ll lines hybrido rn a ce -18:ti
Prod uc ti o n does r
• • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • •
A ho moge neous ant ibod y

•••••••••••••••••••• •
populati on
I A heterogeneo us
anti body pop ul ati o n

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Interact with a part ic ul ar
epitope on the anti gen
• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
I Interact wit h d ifferent
epitopes o n the same ant ige n

• ■ ■
P rodu cti o n is ex pe ns ive

■ • ■ • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • •
I Produ cuon is nm ex pensive

• ■ ■
Skil ls are req uired to
ha ndl e th e tec hn o logy
■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ • • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■
I Fewer s k ill s are requ ired
fo r th e prod uct ion

• ■
P rodu ction ta kes so me time
• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
I Prod ucti on takes less Li me

■ ■ ■ ■ •
Possess less cross

■ ■ •
reacti vity
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • • •

Possess comparati ve ly
high cross reac tivity

Used as th erapeutic dru gs

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Ad vantages inc lude i111111rn1al

••• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■•

e inc lude hi euh
suppl y, hi gh specific it y, and affi nity, to lerance of mrnor
high reproducibility c hanges. and more robus t
V 1s11 W\\ w pe<l1 a.1 co m
• Inexpensive lo produce • Constant and renewable source

• High affinity • Consistency between lots
w • Recognize multiple epitopes (generally • Less background relative to polyclonal
~ provides more robust detection} antibodies
z • Polyclonal antibodies are often preferred • Homogeneity ensures reproducible results
for detection of denatured proteins • Specificity of monoclonal antibodies make
• Higher tolerance for differences in them extremely efficient for binding of antigen
antigen (i.e. glycosylation of proteins) within a mixture of related molecules

• Prone to botch to botch variability • Monoclonal antibodies may be too specific

• They produce large amounts of non- (e.g. less likely to detect across a range of
specific antibodies which con result in a species)
background signal in some applications • Cover only one epitope
• Multiple epitopes make it important to
check for cross reactivity

T cells originate in the B cells originate and

bone marrow and mature mature in the bone
in the thymus marrow
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Mature cells occur Mature cells occur
inside the lymph nodes outside the lymph nodes
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Bear TC R receptor Bear BCR receptor
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Recognize vira l antigens Recognize antigens on
on the outside of the Lhe surface of the
infected cells bacteria and viruses
1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ••••••••••••••••••••
Have longer lifespans Have shorter lifespans
•••••• ■ ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Lack surface antigens Have s.urfoce antigens
Secrete lymphokines
Secrete antibodies
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Involved in the ce ll * I nvolved in humornl or
mediated immuni ty (CMI) antibody-mediated
immunity (A M I )
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
80% of 1hc blood 20'7c- or the blood
lymphocytes are T ce lls lymphocytes arc B cells
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Have three types: helper T Have two types : plasma
ce lls. cytotoxic T cells. and cells and memory cells
suppressor T cell s
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Move lO the site of Docs nm move to the
infection site of infection
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
Act against tumor cells Do not act against tumor
or transplants cells or transplants

Have an inhibilOry effect
Do 1101 have any inhibitory
on the immune system effect on the immune system
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••
Defend agai nst pathogens Defend against bacteria
includ ing viruses, protists, and viruses in the
and fung i that enter the bloodstream or lymph
ce lls in the body
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moral immunity re fers Cell mediated immunity
a component of th refers to the other
plivc immunity wh ere component of the :H..l:1ptiivc
ells sccrele a111ibod ies. immunity. which is
,,vhich circulate in thee mediated hy the ucti\'atcd.
blood as a soluble' prmcrn antigcn •spccific T cells

~··················· ................... .
;\1ediated by B cells Mediated by" cells

Mediated hy T cells. B ~1cdialcd hy helper T cells.

cells. and macrophages cy101oxic T cells. natural
killer cells. and macrophages

Acts on 1n1rncellular
microhcs such as viruses.
bactcri.a. and r.ara.,itcs and
tumor cell-,
Involves BCR rcccp1or:-. ,1,HUGdki$,;;11.m1;.,
Igo . 11$. CNO. CD2 1. and CD2. CD3. CD-I. CD8.
Fe rcccplo~ arc lhc CD28 . .and intcgrins arc lhL~

accessory reccplOrs

ID£itll)iffi41 1il[iJl•ISiiiYD
accessory receptor\

Antigtns are pmccssc<l an<l

ehJIW,!h b presentell by MHC complexes

Plasma B cell, s<-Crele ~ celh. secrete cytok1nes

em m1 ms,


Docs not ad on the tumor A,ts on tumor cells an<l

cdb and 1ransplant~
ALSO KNOWN AS Allergic, Immediate/ Cytotoxic/ Antibody- Immune-complex Delayed-type cell-
Anaphylactic mediated hypersensitivity mediated
hypersensitivity hypersensitivity hypersensitivity
IMMUNOGLOBULIN lgE lgM, lgG lgM, lgG T-cells
CAUSES Common allergens; - Interactions between - Viruses such as
plant pollen; antigen & antibody Hepatitis A,
Certain foods on cell membrane serum sickness &
(nuts, eggs, sea surfaces drug reactions
certain drugs
salicylates, local
Dust mites, etc.
PHASES Anaphylaxis Tuberculin-type
Atopy hypersensitivity;
EXAMPLES Blood transfusion Arthus reaction;
reaction; Serum sickness
Drug induced
TIME 15-30 mins; Varies from mins to 3-10 hours Days to weeks to
Occasionally It may hours manifest
take 10-12 hours
SYMPTOMS Skin rash; Redness or swelling Fever; Redness &
Tingling around due to tissue death Rash; hardness;
the mouth; Joint pain; Pain
Diarrhea Lymph node
Protein in the
CELLULAR Mast cells; T-lymphocytes; Platelets & Monocytes;
COMPONENTS Eosinophils Natural killer (NK) neutrophils Cytotoxic cells
DIAGNOSIS Skin test: Biopsies using Tissue biopsies Delayed
Puncture immunofluorescence cutaneous
intra dermal resistance;
Patch test for
TREATMENT Antihistamines; Anti-inflammatory; Anti- There is no cure;
lgG blocker; immunosuppressive inflammatory Treatment is
Epinephrine agents agents; aimed at
lmmunosuppress managing
ive drugs such as symptoms by
methotrexate/ avoiding
cyclosporine allergens;
Im mun osu ppressants:
The se are a structurally
lmm uno adju va nts : .. ln11nunostimulants: 1· functionally
The se agents are hete roge neo us gro up of
l-;f:!;Pff! r:i,1l.:Jffl£; 1U1::: ~ inherently nonspecific dru gs, which are often
I~ rt:' I tt:.[jf-J
in nature as they con com itantly
• ·--- --·- - l
env isag ed to enh anc e adm inistered in
bod y's com bina tion regimen s to
...... , • : .9; ~

resistance aga inst treat

infection. vari ous type s of orga n
tran spla nt rejection and
auto imm une
Dise ase s.

lmmunostimulants lmmuno
Spec,hc' i
•mmunost,mulants ,mmunost,mulants
1unosup ---~~.J
Activates the Che
immune system sY,Stem

Enhances lhe defense mechanism: ejaelk>n medecatlon In~-
used ,n treatment of cancers. treatment of I

1nrectton disorders
Characteristic Live Vaccine Killed Vaccine

Duration of immunity Longer Shorter

Effectiveness of protection Greater Lower
lmmunoglobulins (lg} produced lgA and lgG lgG
Cell-mediated immunity Yes Weakly or none
Interruption of transmission of More effective Less effective
virulent virus
Reversion to virulence Possible No
Stability at room temperature Low High
Excretion of vaccine virus and Possible No
transmission to nonimmune
Live Attenuated vs Inactivated vaccines
More Information Online ~\IIIW.OIFFE■ENCE8£TIIIEEN.CO&III

Live attenuated Inactivated vaccines are

vacc i n es are vaccines vaccines that contain
that contain w eakened killed or altered
or attenuated pathogens
patho gens

, l r■lt11Ut4E · Stimulate a strong and Stimulate a weaker

effective immune and less effective
response immune response

~ \P,Sr HoGert Pathogens are not

.. VIA 'B ILIT.V '
Pathogens are viable ··_

·, '

Live attenuated viral

1~Eli3§diJ{ij vaccines and live
attenuated bacterial

r . -.
om......·......~.. Mild adverse reactions
., '
are created such as .not:'f reated.typical:~
WiGii0sfil@ nasal congestion I

More prone to
immunization errors

Not recommended for i RecQcnm -octea fo

elderly people. immune- elderly P,9R.e~'imro.."
e ..:
defic ient people and in deficie_n_t_:cp eo·p_l~ -nC
pregnancy ~,r~gnan~ ~ _ _,

Mumps. rubella. yellow

fever. and some
i nfluenza vaccines

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