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Introduction & a little bit about me: 

Hi, I’m Mewie and this is ​MY​ in-depth guide to the way I play Aurelion Sol. I currently have around 
600-700k mastery on Aurelion, and still on-going as I love this champion very much and don’t see 
myself stopping anytime soon. I am currently Diamond 2 on the EUW server under the in game name 
‘mewie uwu’ or you can find me on my smurf under ‘Mewrelion’. Sadly, this season I didn’t get enough 
time to climb higher than Diamond 2 as I started my climb in September 2019, however I am happy with 
this and hopefully aiming for Masters in S10. This guide will include builds, in-depth matchup analysis, 
summoner choice, skills and tips/tricks. Enjoy. 


Why should you play Aurelion Sol?  

1. Aurelion Sol is by far the coolest looking champion in the game, along with Kindred. I love 
dragons and anyone who knows me knows how much I do too. The main reason I got into 
Aurelion is for his actual design as well as being a Star dragon, which is probably the best thing 
Riot ever created in terms of a champion.  
2. Aurelion Sol is a unique champion with a unique kit. A lot of people struggle to play Aurelion Sol 
as his kit is by far one of the most unique kits in the game, it isn’t as easy as people say it is as it 
requires time and effort to understand the way he works, believe it or not.  
3. Low playrate. One tricking or maining Aurelion Sol has the perk of a low playrate which means 
the chances of him being taken from you is quite low compared to other champions. Unless 
you’re in Diamond, as that’s where most Aurelion Sol mains are, then there is a less chance. 
However even then, a low pick rate means you will get him probably 95% of your games. 
4. He’s fun. Who wouldn’t have fun flying around the map, being annoying, being a jungler as well 
as the mid laner and booping people with your stars?  


Summoner spells 

These are the Summoners I recommend and will explain each and every one of them and what scenarios 
you can take them. Personally, I only use Ignite/Flash or Exhaust/Flash, I don’t really use barrier but I 
will explain the usage of it when necessary.  
Ignite​: Ignite is a good spell for early kill pressure. Matchups such as Zed, Akali, Fizz, or Diana, these are 
matchups that you can bully early and maybe even secure a kill on with the use of ignite.  
Flash​: This summoner is compulsory, I don’t know what else to explain on this one because if you aren’t 
taking flash then you are trolling your team and your game, gg.  
Cleanse​: I take this when there is hard double crowd control on Mid/Jungle. Say for example Lissandra 
mid and Elise Jungle, that would be a good time to take Cleanse.  
Exhaust​: I personally take this into the Zed matchup only. Zed is simply my kryptonite and I just have a 
bad time against him. I use exhaust to prevent him killing me at 6 or anytime before as I never seem to 
be lucky or play well enough to secure a kill on him early with ignite. I like to play this matchup safe 
which is why exhaust is my summoner. Exhaust can be fine into champions you struggle with such as 
any assassin with a gap closer if you want to play it safe. E.g. Akali, Katarina, Zed, Ahri. It is down to you 
and whether you’re comfortable or not.  
Barrier​:​ I don’t take barrier because I feel like I don’t need it. However barrier can be useful with 
matchups such as Fizz as exhaust can sometimes be unreliable. However this Summoner spell comes 
down to you and what you prefer to take as a defensive summoner. You may not even want to take this 
at all. :)  
My advice​: Take what Summoner spell you believe will help you the most. Don’t take ignite just because 
majority of who play Aurelion take it. A good player will adapt to their matchups and take the 
Summoner spell necessary. 

Rune Pages 
There are quite a lot of runes you can play on Aurelion Sol. I will not be going through all of them as this 
will take too long. I will be going over the rune pages I use and why. Some may not agree and some will 
agree, it all comes down to playstyle and what you feel works for you.  
Rune page 1:​ ​Conqueror 

This is my first rune page. Before I dive in, ​Inspiration ​can be changed to ​Sorcery ​or ​Domination ​tree. 
Again, this comes down to preference. If you do change to the ​Sorcery ​or ​Domination ​then ​Taste of 
Blood​ and ​Relentless Hunter/Ravenous Hunter​ can be substituted for ​Domination ​tree. If S​ orcery​, then 
Manaflow Band/Celerity​ will be your option. Again, this is my preference.  

Rune Page 2:​ ​Electrocute 

Second rune page being ​Electocute ​is also a good page to take if you like being aggressive on our Star 
Forger. Once again ​Inspiration ​can be substituted to ​Resolve​, ​Sorcery​, and ​Precision​. If going for the 
Resolve ​tree: ​Bone Plating and Overgrowth ​are your way to go. With ​Sorcery ​you can do ​Manaflow 
Band/Celerity,​ or you can do Celerity/Waterwalking. With Precision, which is not highly recommended, 
but you can, would be ​Presence of Mind/Triumph.  
A lot of these secondary pages can be changed to fit your playstyle as I have written for both of these 
pages that secondary pages can be changed. This depends on what you want, and I include these because 
I like to transition depending on matchups. Below I will explain runes further as to why I believe these 
runes are the way to go.  
Honorable mention: ​Phase Rush ​/ ​Resolve 
Probably the best rune now, take this over ​Electrocute ​/ ​Conqueror ​in my opinion, but it all comes down 
to playstyle. The other two still work.  

Runes Explained: In-depth 

Precision tree​: 

Conqueror: Conqueror ​has been broken for some time and is undoubtedly the strongest rune 
in the game. Aurelion Sol works well with the new ​conqueror ​because of his W and how fast it procs. 
Aurelion Sol can proc ​conqueror ​in seconds within a teamfight or even 1v1. Sustain on this rune is 
disgusting and with the added adaptive damage you are going to dish out a lot of constant damage to 
multiple enemies quickly. ​Conqueror ​is not an aggressive rune, but more for team fighting and later 
stages of the game. If you are an ​Electrocute ​Aurelion player then I suggest trying a few normal games 
to feel ​conqueror ​out as I had to adapt as it didn’t feel the same as ​Electrocute​. As of the nerfs on 9.24, as 
a lot of people have been asking, it’s still a fine rune to take :).  

​Presence of Mind (POM): POM ​is a great rune to take on Aurelion Sol as you do use a lot of 
mana in teamfights and lane phase when shoving waves. Restoring mana after every kill is a great 
addition to Aurelion as it can be the difference between being able to shove that extra wave out after 
solo killing, preventing enemy exp/gold and not being able to do so. Small things like this can matter a 
lot, as well as this rune. Restoring mana in long lasting teamfights is also a benefit for you to trade 
longer as your W is high mana cost.  

​Legend: Tenacity: ​Aurelion struggles against crowd control, but as of many champions. 
Having extra tenacity is always good for Aurelion as it can be the difference between getting that 
ultimate off or not. As the other two runes ​Alacrity ​and ​Blood Line​ are useless, this one would be the 
way to go. Less crowd control, less dying. :)  

Last Stand: Last Stand ​is a good rune to take as dishing out more damage when low as cut 
down will be of no use as you are building a lot of health on Sol, ​Coup de grace​ is not as good as it used to 
be and with ​Last Stand’s​ buff - it is much better than the other two.  

Domination tree​:  

Electrocute: ​Good rune for the aggressive playstyle. It procs very easily with three hits of W 
and is good poke and harassment during the lane phase. ​Electrocute ​is not the best late game rune as it 
does fall off in comparison to ​Conqueror​. However, getting leads is a bit easier with ​Electrocute ​as you 
will have more burst to kill enemies early. If you are aggressive you can take ​Electrocute​. Overall reason: 

Taste of blood: ​Not really much to say on this as it’s used for sustain, and sustain is always 
cool! On top of that it is probably the best option out of the three.  

Eyeball Collection: ​Who doesn’t want extra ap/adaptive for each takedown they land? And 
then extra penetration once they’ve completed the eyeball collection?! 

Relentless Hunter: ​I really really really like ​Relentless ​because of movespeed, and nothing is 
more awesome than having movespeed on Aurelion Sol. It helps so much with roaming. However some 
Aurelion Sol players choose to go with ​Ravenous Hunter​ (healing) to provide more sustain which can 
work too.  
Inspiration tree​:  

Biscuit Delivery: ​Great for lane sustain 

and survivability, and early game trading. 

Time Warp Tonic: ​Survivability and 

lane sustain. Synergises well with your corrupting 

There are two main builds that I go on Aurelion Sol, and this is dependent on what rune I am using. In 
this section I will go through what I build and other items that work as well. This is preference so do 
what you feel is right for you when playing Sol.  
- Build 1 w/ ​Conqueror ​-> Corruption start, Rylai, Sorc/Merc/Tabi, Mask/Morello, Zhonya, 
Rabadon, Situational (In order) . 
With ​Conqueror ​I feel that Rylai rush is much better because of ​Presence of Mind (PoM), ​it allows you to 
not really have mana problems if you manage your mana correctly. On top of that I feel it’s more of a 
spike than RoA as RoA scales over time, and I like to do as much as I can earlier to gain a lead to end 
games quicker. However, RoA can still be built with ​Conqueror, ​as it’s down to you what you prefer. Try 
both builds and see how you feel! 
- Build 2 w/ ​Electrocute​ -> Corruption start, RoA, Sorc/Merc/Tabi, Mask/Morello, Zhonya, 
Rabadon, Situational (In order) . 
With ​Electrocute​ I feel like RoA is a bit better in regards to this rune setup as I’ve ran into multiple 
mana problems and having to beg junglers for blue buffs (imagine begging your jungler in solo q 
hehelmaolol). But anyway, I've had to back way more with Rylai rush here as mana issues are more likely 
with this build. It can still work, but my reasoning is for extra mana as it doesn’t have ​Presence of Mind 
to help. As you can see I don’t build Rylai unless necessary within this build, but as a situational item if 
I’m vs champions with high mobility, movement or dashes etc. Yasuo, Zed, Udyr etc.  


Item explanation 
Here I will provide an explanation on itemisation and why you should build these items. Most of the 
explanations are pretty self explanatory and doesn’t take an expert to explain but I will include them 

​Corruption potion ​- Standard start for Aurelion Sol, as he does have high mana costs it’s a good 
item for mana-pool champions. It offers sustain and survivability within the lane phase and some 
trading potential with the small tick damage.  

Doran’s Ring - ​Another standard item you can start on Aurelion Sol. Pretty strong as well as 
offers mana sustain, HP and AP. Offers a bit more damage earlier but also 625 HP at level 1 is pretty 
bonkers. On top of this getting ​Ruby Crystal​ and being level 4 grants you 1005 HP with ​Overgrowth ​if 
running ​Resolve ​second. Also fine item to start, comes down to preference, feel free to experiment.  

Dark Seal - Snowball item, is also a pretty good buy when using ​Corruption pot​ just because of 
the extra 25% from potions. If this is fully stacked and your team is winning or you are winning insanely 
hard, feel free to upgrade into the ​Mejai’s ​if you feel like you can keep those stacks!  

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter -​ Do I really need to explain this item? One of Aurelion Sol’s core items 
as it synergises with the W very well. Rylai doesn’t necessarily need to be built every game unless doing 
Rylai rush. On top of this, if you are new at Aurelion, this could be a handy item to getting used to 
hitting stars.  

Rod of Ages - ​Another core item on Aurelion for some people, great scaling item once it hits the 
10 stacks. Provides mana, hp, ap and everything Aurelion needs. If you feel like your game will be a long 
one, then ​RoA ​could be a great buy as it scales nicely into the late. Can also be a nice item to start off 
with if Asol is new to you. Comes down to preference but have explained my part on ​RoA ​and R
​ ylai​.  

Morello​ - ​Standard mage item, great for Aurelion, provides health and magic penetration with 
grievous wounds. Morello is a great buy in this meta with ​Conqueror ​being a thing so prevention in 
healing is always a great buy. Make sure to buy this if vs champions like Vlad/Soraka. If there aren’t any 
heavy healing champions I usually prefer to go ​Liandry​. However you can still go this item but go 
oblivion orb then a different item such as Zhonya’s, and complete ​Morello ​later.  

Liandry Torment - ​I love Liandry, I think it’s such a great mage item. It works well with 
Aurelion’s kit as the unique passive of increasing damage per second. With each star hitting multiple 
targets in a fight, it triggers pretty quickly and dishes out nice burn damage, whilst doubling when 
hitting q on targets. It’s a great item vs tanks as well and offers health and AP, both beneficial to Sol. 

Zhonya’s Hourglass - ​Can be a good second item if vs Zed/heavy AD or if really needed. Zhonya 
will always be a great item to buy on any mage. It’s good vs full ad comps and in general. Multiple 
outplay potential with it’s active. Good item overall giving stats that are useful. 

Rabadon’s Deathcap - ​Normal mage item, provides a lot of damage. Some games on Aurelion 
you won’t need to build it, but I usually always make room for it as the damage on it feels amazing. 
Comes down to if you feel you need it or not, most of the time you won’t, but is preference.  

Banshee Veil - ​Can be good if you’re behind as a second item if it’s required, or vs a heavy ap 
composition. The spell shield it gives can be nice and can save you sometimes, but overall bought if vs a 
lot of ap or behind your enemy laner.  

Void Staff ​- Standard mage item vs tanks or any built MR on the enemy side. Gives penetration 
and magic damage which is great when enemy is building MR/tanks.  

Sorcerer boots ​- Basic explanation? Penetration and move speed if required against enemy.  

Ninja Tabi - ​Vs Zed or Yasuo this is a pretty good buy or vs multiple AD champions. Can come 
down to preference as you can still go Sorcerer boots as well but I highly recommend Tabi when vs 
Yasuo or Zed as they are sucky sucky matchups.  

Mercury Treads - ​Vs heavy AP or heavy crowd control comps this comes in very handy, 
especially if going ​Conqueror, ​the tenacity stacks up and can be the difference of you getting out a 
crowd control chain or not. :D 

Swifties boots - ​Pretty good buy if you are roaming a lot, and impacting the map. Doesn’t seem 
to be commonly bought on Aurelion but can still be a viable option if you are roaming a lot in your 


Abilities & Kit  

Aurelion has a unique kit that isn’t similar to a lot of other mages. His playstyle is quite different so for 
new players this can feel quite clunky. However, the only thing I will say when picking up/playing 
Aurelion Sol is to give it time and practise. I promise you that your time and effort with this champion 
will be rewarded as I managed to get out of Platinum into higher Diamond by playing this champion. If I 

can do it, you can do it! Remember: ​TIME & EFFORT IS KEY. 

★ Passive​: ​Centre of the Universe​ - Three stars constantly orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic 
damage and applying spell effects to enemies they strike. 
★ Skill 1​ (Q): S​ tarsurge​ ​- Aurelion Sol fires the core of a newborn star in a target direction that 
explodes—dealing damage and stunning all nearby enemies—upon reactivation or once it 
travels beyond his stars’ maximum orbital range. Aurelion Sol can travel alongside Starsurge, 
and by keeping it close he’ll nurture it, growing it in size so that it damages and stuns a wider 
area when it explodes. 
​ elestial Expansion​ ​- When Aurelion Sol pushes his stars out to the Outer Limit, they 
★ Skill 2​ (W) C
gain increased damage and rotate at a high, but decaying speed. After 3 seconds or if Aurelion 
Sol reactivates it early, the stars will retract and grant Aurelion Sol 40% movement speed, 
decaying over 1.5 seconds. 
★ Skill 3​ ​(E) ​Comet of Legend ​- Aurelion Sol takes flight over terrain, no longer gaining velocity 
stacks for movement speed, but can now take flight across the map. When taking damage, 
Comet of Legend will go on a small cooldown.  
★ Skill 4​ (R) Ultimate:​ Voice of Light​ - Aurelion Sol shoots out a long wave of starfire in a target 
direction that damages and slows all struck enemies. Nearby enemies caught in the blast are 
also knocked back to Aurelion Sol’s outer ring. 


Here I will explain the matchups briefly in mid lane for Aurelion Sol. These matchups will be from how I 
have experienced it as it’s hard not to. Other people may have difficulties with different matchups than I 
do. For example, I may find Zed really difficult, but another Aurelion player may find it easier. It comes 
down to how well you can play matchups, and I will do my best in explaining how it is and what you 
could do to prevent dying to your enemy laner. Obviously you are playing a roaming champion so a lot of 
advice will be based off that as that is what you’ve chosen Aurelion Sol really for, but I am aware that not 
all games this is doable. After, I will include a gameplay section which involves wave management, as 
good wave management can win lanes. I will colour code each matchup with difficulty. ​Red ​= Hard. 
Yellow ​= Medium/Ok/Skill. ​Green ​= It's a fine matchup! 
Without further adieu: 

Aatrox​ - Aatrox isn’t played mid often or if picked at all but I think Aurelion really struggles in 
this matchup. Usually you can’t really walk up to him because he just does his combo Aatrox stuff. It’s 
hard to roam in this matchup because of kill pressure he has on you. My advice on this matchup is to 
just try and play it back and try and get some poke damage where you can. Build some armor early as 
this will help with survivability and I wouldn’t try and shove into him. When he backs, obviously shove 
and try and get a roam off to create a lead, usually when you finish Rylai, assuming you go the 
Conqueror ​build, you can actually try solo kill. You just need to wait out the combo and try and 
bait/sidestep the W.  

Ahri​ - Skill matchup without a doubt. You can shove early into Ahri but do be careful of her 
charm, especially if you are positioning on the side of the lane as you expose yourself to an easier charm 
that way. You can punish Ahri really hard if she misses her charm and be forceful of a trade. A lot of 
Ahri’s throw their charms randomly to try and get a sneaky hit, but if you manage to sidestep it then try 
and all in, but be mindful of the jungler. At 6 it really comes down to if she hits the charm or not. Yes, 
she has 3 dashes but it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t hit charm. You shouldn’t get solo killed with the 
health you have. (You better be building Rylai or RoA!) If Ahri enters your inner core then try and kite 
her near tower and use ultimate to knock her into tower if possible, if not just away from you. Just keep 

in mind there is no point ulting her away on her first dash, as she will just come back with the last two. 
The matchup takes time and practise but it’s a very doable matchup, just watch out for the ​CHARM! 

Akali​ - Annoying matchup get me out of the game. I hate this champion, she’s just annoying. 
Only thing I will say about this matchup is to respect her because she does so much damage and has too 
much mobility for you to even try and fight her. Before level 3 you can harass her and shove her in, 
throwing some auto attacks and try and punish as much as possible. Usually you can outpush Akali so 
easily if she isn’t trying to constantly walk up and kill you. If you can, shove the wave and if the wave is 
ever frozen up near her tower, just ask jungler to help unfreeze because it’s either that or you’re 
probably gonna die anyway whether it be jungler gank or her killing you. A cool thing to do vs Akali is 
ulting her into tower after she uses her ultimate which will allow her to take turret shots and she has a 2 
second wait before she can dash again. I wouldn’t try to fight her until you get Rylai, and practised the 
matchup a little. If you understand Akali’s cooldowns, you’ll be able to punish her more, so try and learn 
these as it will benefit you so much. When she E’s onto you early, just Q her. ​I can’t stress enough how 
important it is to hold your Q in this matchup​. Don’t use it to clear waves unless she’s elsewhere or 
you’re way under turret. The matchup takes practise but a good Akali can mess you about. Have patience 
and ask jungler to assist. (hopefully lul) 

Anivia​ - Pretty standard matchup, not much description needed here, punish her pre 6 by 
shoving lane and looking for roams/skirmishes, she won’t be able to follow without losing exp/gold. Just 
always care of the Q E combo, especially if running ​Electrocute​, it hurts. At 6 do be careful of her 
stun/wall/R bs, if the player is that sort of Anivia. Anivia may try and match your shoves whilst denying 
your push with her Q, so be mindful of that. If she whiffs her Q you can try and punish her. A tip vs 
anivia is to wait her ultimate, then go for a Q as any crowd control cancels her ultimate. Not much else 
to be said. 

Annie​ - Easy matchup, wish she was picked more often. Her auto attacks early can be annoying 
though as it’s pretty much global auto so that’s fun. Just shove her in all game, can try to go for the kill 
at first item or if stun is down but mindful of jungler/wave. If she’s holding stun she’s probably setting 
something up whether it be flash combo or jungler gank, just respect the stun and stay back till she is 
forced into using it on a minion.  

Azir​ - Annoying matchup because of constant poke, can be hard to push wave early on so 
you’re forced to stay back and let him shove. Once you get higher level you can try and contest as 
cooldown is a lot lower. Just respect the poke and stay back for the first few levels, or until first item. 
Azir can be hard to kill because of his combo dash thingy where he gains a shield. Usually it’s a farm lane 
but luckily enough Azir is barely picked so you don’t need to worry too much about this matchup. 

Brand​ ​- ​Easy matchup really, should be able to shove waves easily as hell and roam and do the 
stuff you’re meant to do. Go Aurelion airlines all over the map in this matchup. Just be watchful of his 
combo at 6. You can probably solo kill him at first item or level 7-9 with lower cd on W. Also easily 
bullied when shoving, just watch for spells. On top of that he’s 99% played in support so you don’t really 
need to worry too much if he’s picked. Even then, it’s a nice easy matchup so have fun if you’re matched 
with him. 

Cassiopeia ​- I label this as easy because I’ve never had problems with Cassio. You outpush her 
really well, she runs out of mana so quickly at early so you can punish her with auto’s and W. At 6, lucky 
enough for you, you don’t need to be facing her when w is active, only when casting R, so if you can play 
around that then you will be absolutely fine. Usually just do your thing as Cassio is kinda slow in 
comparison to Aurelion, so go roam and fly.  

Cho-Gath​ - I find Cho easy. He can be annoying to kill because of sustain but I do think you 
aren’t really supposed to go for a solo kill here. Again, it’s the push and roam matchup. Pray he isn’t 
playing Glacial Augment and doesn’t hit his Q because it can mean trouble if he’s above 6. However I 
don’t think you should be getting solo killed by a Cho because of the pushing power you have, and range. 
He doesn’t exactly have any gap closers to get onto you.  

Corki ​- Can be annoying if he constantly auto’s and dashes into your inner limit, but I don’t see 
that ever. Corki can match your push early on because of your longer cooldowns, and will try to play 
aggressive usually. However when you get to level 6 you will outpush him, so try to do that and create a 
lead from elsewhere on the map. When he buys sheen, do respect him.  

Diana​ - I am labelling this as red because of her rework. Diana before was a fine matchup, but 
with the changes to her E and R, it makes it difficult. You need to either shove the wave in and try 
punish with autos, and W with corruption, or zone her out the wave completely, denying her farm. You 
also need to be aware of what abilities she starts, and step back at 2 if she started Q because some 
Diana’s will take Q level 1, and E level 2 and try and jump on you. If this is the case, you need to play it 
back and wait for jungler because there isn’t much you can actually do unless she misses her Q, then you 
can step up and punish. Pre 6 that’s all you really want to do, play around her Q cooldown is vital. When 
she hits 6 she unlocks her ultimate, and you need to be aware of this. As we all know, Diana does stupid 
damage so it’s basically playing against the old Diana at 6, you want to take the same precautions and be 
aware of cooldowns. Asking the jungler to assist and hopefully getting a few ganks will help so much, 
because usually they are extremely aggressive because what solo q assassin player isn’t aggressive into 

Ekko​ - Honestly, Ekko matchup comes down to your knowledge on the matchup. It’s not as bad 
as you think and when you play against this champion a lot, you will get better at it. Same with any 
matchup! At level 1 you can really punish him with shoving and autoing under turret, standard stuff. 
Once Ekko hit’s level 2, usually they take E second. They will probably then try and dive onto you 
irregardless of the wave, and run off. Now, I see so many Aurelion’s just walk away and not trade. If 
Ekko does this, you can actually trade back so much better because you are ranged. Pop a corruption, 
stun him as he’s on top of you, pop W and he will continue to run backwards as you auto and hit W 
constantly. If he walks back in as you pop W, then you retract for the movespeed and use your passive 
and autos and kite. I promise, 90% of the time you will outrade, and if he’s greedy you’ll first blood. At 6 
it can be annoying, because of his ultimate. Haha JuSt RewInD Xd. There’s not really any point in looking 
for a solo kill here unless he messes up and you can punish. However you can do the same thing if he E’s 

on top of you. Try not to get stunned by his W, if he disappears from lane just walk back a little as some 
Ekko’s like to walk out of vision and W for whatever reason. Pepegas. The matchup comes with 
experience so the more you play it, you’ll understand.  

Fi​zz ​- Gonna label as yellow and red. This is because Fizz can be an okay matchup but can also 
be a nightmare. A good Fizz who knows Aurelion will mess you up, but that’s not really likely because 
who knows Aurelion in lower elo. Higher can be different.. Unless you’re like d2+, you don’t need to 
worry. I understand that Fizz can be a nightmare because of his E but there’s a way you can play around 
him. You have to shove waves entirely before he hits 6. A lot of Fizz will Q onto you, then E away. You 
can actually punish him here by autos, Q and W, standard. Since Q can be detonated on top of you now, it 
makes it useful for this matchup. When he hits 6 there is a way you can avoid being all inned. There’s a 
trick that not a lot of Aurelion’s know. As Fizz usually always engages with just R to surprise you, if you 
keep appropriate distance you can actually use your E to get out of it, denying his entire all in. Try it. All 
I will say is respect him when he is 6 and try to get him to use his ultimate whilst you keep distance, 
because it should work out if you don’t overstep. Try and get roams off or a lead for other lanes before 
he hits 6 as this can be the difference.  

Galio​ - Push and roam matchup, literally. Pretty sure Galio has no idea what to do in this 
matchup unless receiving a gank. Can be annoying to solo kill because of the tankiness but usually you’ll 
find yourself being able to shove vs this champ. Galio players aren’t usually aggressive so you should be 
fine in this matchup. He isn’t very popular in mid anyway, and if he’s picked he’s usually picked to 
counter your roams at 6. When you get first item you can usually solo kill him as you’ll have enough 
damage. Just be careful of the dash and taunt, if he draws in too close you can use ultimate to push him 
into tower.  

Gangplank ​- ResidentSleeper matchup because of oranges, cures your stun and just runs away. 
Just push and roam in this matchup, play with jungler and look for skirmishes. When he’s 6 he will 

usually just use ultimate and shove your lane for tower. Be aware of when he’s 6 when you are roaming. 
Not much to say in this matchup as it’s pretty simple, he doesn’t have much kill pressure in this lane.  

Garen​ - Can be so annoying. Garen tends to zone you out because of running up to you with Q. 
Not much you can do but stand back and let him do what he needs to do. Rylai is super good into this 
matchup because if his Q runs out then you just punish him entirely. However until then, you will most 
likely be zoned out. Hope for a gank as it’s quite hard to push into Garen usually.  

Heimerdinger​ - It’s a fine matchup but again, annoying. Farm lane, you get out pushed early 
because of the longer W cooldown. RIP old Asol W. You need to respect the push until you gain levels to 
match or even first item. Hard to roam into Heimer because you will lose a lot of gold and exp from 
waves and he will usually get plating. Be wary of this and decide appropriately when to roam. I.E he 
backing. :)  

Irelia​ - Interesting matchup really. I’ve been beaten and solo killed Irelia. Rylai again, super 
good into this matchup because if she misses stun then you can usually punish. If she just Q’s into you, 
usually you can use ultimate to push her back into your tower as usually you will be zoned. Irelia players 
are usually quite aggressive because they think they are TFBlade V2 so they will try anything fancy to 
land a kill. Usually they outplay themselves so play on the cooldowns, get Tabi and Rylai and punish her 
when she fails her E.  

Karma​ - Easy matchup but sometimes Karma players can be really annoying with their Q. A 
lot of them will just walk up to you and Mantra Q or W. If this is the case there isn’t much you can do but 
stun her and trade or walk back because of set up for gank. Most of the time you can shove and roam as 
Karma’s waveclear isn’t exactly top tier and she won’t be able to contest.  

Karthus​ - Same as Cassio really except the R lol. Shove and roam just try to sidestep Q’s unless 
he focuses minions. Not much to say here, Karthus is a jungler now really but occasionally picked mid. 
Try and go for a solo kill when you get first item if you want to, or just roam.  

​Kassadin ​- Should be permanently banned or deleted from the game. This champion is my 
biggest kryptonite in the entire game, above Zed. I solo kill this champion multiple times early because 
of how weak he is, but does it matter? No because he gets 6 and Kassadin gets kills everywhere else later 
anyways. This matchup isn’t as bad as before because of the change to W with crowd control not 
cancelling the W. However when he gets 6 he just becomes unkillable because of his R. Either he will get 
away or he will just R to you and you won’t deal enough damage early because of how good he is against 
mages. Before 6 you need to deny farm or push him into tower and look for roams to create a lead. 
Punish with Corruption Potion autos, throwing stuns and W under his tower if you can. Beg your jungler 
to help shut him down because you will be in trouble if he gets a few kills earlier on. If you’re also 
playing against a jungler with a lot of crowd control then you need to be wary because they have a 
Kassadin, and they want him ahead, so setting up vision in this matchup is important. Kassadin 
outscales Aurelion hard so if you don’t end the game before 16 you may struggle. My advice? Ban him, 
honestly, a good Kass who understands his power is beyond annoying.  

​Katarina ​- Skill matchup, need to play around daggers. All comes down to your knowledge of 
Katarina and cooldowns. You can punish her before 3 easily by shoving and harassing. Try to look for 
some roams to create lead. When she gets 6 it all comes down to skill. Try and hold either your Q or R to 
deny her ultimate as soon as she casts. Hard to give a description of this matchup but it’s one of those 
matchups where you need practise. If she’s ahead, respect her because she will one shot you once she 
gets the gunblade.  

Kayle​ - Weak early game champion, harass her. Shove and roam, the usual. Not really much 
else to say about this matchup.  

LeBl​anc​ - Can be annoying for the first few levels but once you get some HP/resistances she 
will struggle to one shot you unless you misplay. You can try to shove her in at level 1 but once she gets 
her W it gets trickier. If she blows it then go for either the trade or the push. When roaming just be wary 
that LeBlanc can follow decently. Solo killing LeBlanc is quite hard because of her mobility, as well as 
ganking her. LeBlanc falls off so either wait for lane phase to be over or try to respect her. If you solo kill 
her it’s because she messed up and you played on her mistake usually. Hard to solo kill a good LeBlanc. 
Once 6 respect her a little more because of the recast of her possible W, can be annoying to duel against. 

Lissandra​ - Easy matchup, you outrange her hard, just shove and roam. Care for the all in as 
usually it’s setups for the jungler. Lissandra doesn’t really solo kill as she’s too good for setting ganks 
for the enemy jungler. 

Lucian​ - Ugh. ADC mids. Annoying. Always hyper aggressive. Lucian early is hectic because 
he’s a good early game champion. I would recommend picking up ​Tabi ​and take ​Resolve ​vs this as he will 
outrade you early hard. You need to respect him as he will most likely always dash to you to get some 
autos. As you are a mage you will struggle to trade early into an early game ADC. Once you get first item, 
usually you can duel him because Tabi op and you should have some damage by then. When he does try 
to go for that poke, if he uses his dash first just throw your Q and try to walk away as healthy as 
possible. It’s a tricky matchup and until you lane vs a good Lucian, you’ll understand!  

Lux​ - Dodge the Q if you can, and you’ll be fine for this entire matchup! You can shove her 
easily throughout the entire lane phase. She will throw E’s constantly for poke or try and match the 
shove but usually you just win. If she uses ultimate on the wave, just respect it and let it push in and 
reset the wave. Usually you just roam or punish her when she blows Q. Lux shouldn’t be able to one shot 
you in lane phase because of the health you build. Unless you are taking multiple hits of E, then she will.  

Malzahar​ - Annoying for first few levels but similar to Heimerdinger, but for this one it’s 
when Malz gets his voidlings.  

Mordekaiser​ - Simple matchup if you don’t get caught with his grab. I recommend Phase 
Rush for this one matchup because if you do slip up, you’ll get out really easily. You can poke Morde and 
punish him insanely easy throughout lane phase. The only thing you need to be worried about is the 
grab. Normal shove and roam matchup, just be wary of the key ability.  

Morgana​ - ResidentSleeper. Black Shield prevents your entire kill pressure, goodluck killing a 
Morgana, unless she’s stupid. If you get hit by a bind you most likely die when she’s 6+. Try and shove 
her in as much as you can and just roam because there isn’t much you can do to her. Her wave clear gets 
stronger and she will shove faster later on as she gains levels into her W. Be wary that you aren’t over 
roaming as she will punish you for it.  

Nautilus​ - I would probably dodge if I’m vs Nautilus mid. It’s too hard. He’s too tanky, you 
won’t solo kill him. He does damage, he’s a dumb champion. You need to respect him at all points of the 
lane phase. It’s hard to roam vs him because when you try to shove he will just walk up to you. Stay back 
and farm unless you have a camping jungler.  

Neeko​ - Cool matchup! Another matchup where you need to be wary of one ability being her 
root. She does quite a bit of damage once she unlocks her ultimate. If you’re playing vs Glacial Augment 
then I pray for you because Augment isn’t fun. Neeko isn’t picked often so that’s a bonus. If you are vs 
Neeko, her waveclear isn’t as good as Aurelion so you can shove her in at all points usually.  

Noct​urne​ - I’ve played vs this matchup one time only, and went even. I dislike this matchup 
because it feels like Nocturne has no weaknesses in mid lane. He has crowd control, spell shield, a gap 
closer and sustain. Of course Aurelion will struggle in this matchup because you try and throw a Q and 
he spell shields it and continues to walk up to you pre 6, with a fear, forcing your flash. It’s another 

matchup you kind of need to respect. If you manage to get roams off and you’re both above level 6 then 
you need to understand that Nocturne will most likely follow you with ultimate. You can harass him 
very early level 1-2 but after he gets 3 it becomes a bit of a struggle. Respect him and don’t over step into 
your death or forcing your flash for no reason.  

Oria​nna​ - Usually a good matchup for Aurelion but I understand that a lot have said she can 
be really annoying because of constant poke which is why she is ​yellow​/​green​. If you are taking too 
much damage off of shoving, tone it down a notch. Orianna’s push isn’t exactly strong till she gets her 
first component of Luden’s, Lost Chapter. Until then, usually you can shove and roam and she won’t be 
able to follow well because Orianna is quite a slow mage. Later on with Health, she shouldn’t be able to 
solo kill you because of being too tanky. Orianna doesn’t really do too much damage until she gets the 

Pantheon​ - Annoying until 6 usually when you have health and items you should be fine. 
Pantheon does quite a bit of damage early as he is an early game champion. You need to respect him at 
the early stages of the game because he will do what he’s meant to do. If he manages to jump on you, 
throw a stun and walk back because you won’t be able to trade with him because of his E. When the E 
runs out and his W is on cooldown, you can go for a quick W trade with some auto’s as he won’t be able 
to trade back. After 6 care for his follows if you do manage to roam because he will try and answer it 
with his ultimate.  

Pyke​ - I haven’t actually played this matchup yet but I have seen other people play Pyke mid 
and I thought it would be worth talking about. I’d imagine it’d be annoying because of his mobility. So 
for this matchup all I will say is that he is a really good champion for setting up ganks so I would make 
sure you play around cooldowns. If he does manage to all in you with his Q and E, try and throw your 
stun and walk away. If you are 6, try and use your ultimate to push him into tower, if not away from you. 
I haven’t had experience here but this is probably the best I could say. Apologies :(.  

Qiyana​ - I actually have fun playing against Qiyana. I know a lot of people hate this champion 
because of her combo at 6 and how stupid she is with damage. Before 6 she can be bullied and harassed, 
even pushed out of lane. However before 6 it can be hard because if she does get onto you then you will 
struggle. You’ll have to throw a Q and walk away, but as she walks away, open W and throw auto’s 
because there is no other way she can get onto you. Her E is her only way of getting onto you, and I 
think understanding that in this matchup is important because she can be punished if she messes it up. 
At 6, if she tries to get onto you, just use ultimate straight away and try to reposition if you’re near a 
possible wall she will use ultimate on. It takes a good reaction time and is not always do able, I know. 
However if you do manage to do this then you’re gonna force a flash or a kill. (Pray their jungler isn’t 
around LUL). If you aren’t able to successfully do this then just respect her because she is a very strong 
laner when played correctly, and try and make sure you aren’t next to a possible easy ultimate from her. 

Quinn​ - Not much experience on this one, I would imagine it’s similar to Lucian but a little 
more easier as she doesn’t have a direct dash. Hard to talk about this matchup as I actually haven’t faced 
it on the new Aurelion. However I imagine shoving will be quite simple because if she does walk up to 
you, just throw a stun and move back a little. She won’t be able to get onto you properly at all. Build ​Tabi 
and take ​Resolve ​here definitely.  

Renekton​ - I played against this once and struggled. Renekton is a really strong laner and will 
do everything in his power to get onto you. He can easily go for the first blood due to be a strong early 
game dueler. Respect him in the early game, don’t try and duel him because he will just destroy you. 
Rylai again, is a pretty decent buy here because if you use ultimate straight away after his second dash, 
he doesn’t really have an answer to it to get back onto you. He will be forced into flashing or dying. Tabi 
is a great buy as it will hopefully prevent him from one shot, as well as having health. Respect him in the 
early until you get an item or a jungler gank. He’s hard to kill before then.  

Rumble​ - Easy matchup, just shove really. If he tries to get onto you just Q him. After 6 can be 
rough because of the ultimate but if you have to just use ultimate to get him away. It’s either that or 
you’re being ganked. Do your best to not get hit by the slow as it can be tough if he does manage to walk 

into you. Hold Q until necessary if that is the case. Should be able to solo kill when you get a few 

Ryze​ - I hate Ryze, he’s broken. Tanky mage that does damage and has a strong wave clear. 
It’s hard to talk about this matchup because it can go either way. He is one of the only mages I don’t like 
playing against. Usually you can kill him early when he just has tear, but his wave clear is usually too 
quick to try and harass him after level 2. Most of the time I try and keep it a farm lane and play around 
his mana pool as his mana is really bad early. When he has low mana I either will try and harass or 
shove the wave if there is a possible roam or skirmish. I think this matchup is all about playing around 
his mana in early because his cooldowns are non-existent. On top of that, later on he becomes too tanky 
with the health. Extended trades won’t happen either as he will most likely be running Phase Rush and 
just zoom zoom bye nerd out of lane.  

Swain​ - Same as Mordekaiser. Watch for the grab, read.  

Sylas​ - Can be annoying, especially with upcoming buffs coming to Sylas, it will increase pick 
rate, I think.. You can shove him in level 1-2 but once he gets 3 it’s going to be a struggle. Sylas players 
are usually so aggressive so he will try and get onto you when he can. With the magic shield he gains it’s 
hard to solo kill a Sylas unless he again, outplays himself. You will need to respect Sylas as he kind of 
wins most of the lane phase just because of gap closing and the magic shield he gains. If he does miss the 
chains then punish him for it. It’s important to also know that Sylas has pretty good pushing power with 
his passive after every ability, so if you are roaming then be watchful as you will lose platings and waves. 
This matchup comes with practise for sure.  

Syndra​ - It’s a good matchup usually, but she can match your push when she gets access to 
all 3 abilities. She has quite a lot of range and can be annoying with her Q pokes. My advice is to try and 
shove if you can but if you keep getting harassed, just farm it normally because it’s not worth taking 
free damage, never is. You can shove it for levels 1-2, but if she gets 3 and doesn’t contest push but 
rather blows all her abilities on you, and if she does miss, go for the push or harass her for it. I think 
Syndra’s E is the most dumbest hitbox/stun, I don’t know what it is but it seems impossible to sidestep. 

If you get hit by it then you’re gonna take a lot of damage. Build health into her and she shouldn’t be 
able to one shot you with her combo, unless you take a lot of Q’s. Gotta be happy feet.  

Talon​ - Respect him at all levels because he will just jump on you at any point he has. He’s 
hard to solo kill. Stay back once he gets the level two power spike because he will just kill you. I 
recommend armor and ​resolve ​in this matchup, just because it’s one of those matchups where you just 
need to be like… “ok I can’t do much here but play on his mistakes” kind of matchups.  

Tristana​ - Another annoying matchup, just jumps into you level 2 and all ins. Does a lot of 
damage, respect her as Trist will never be able to freeze vs you because of her passive. Let the wave 
come to you and when you get a bit of armor/damage, then you can try to fight her. Usually the first 
item is when you can take trades.  

Twisted Fate​ - Easy matchup, can’t really shove as well as you until he gets levels, might be 
worth taking ​cleanse ​because of stun card and if enemy jungler has any sort of crowd control. Try to 
roam as much as you can before 6 because he will contest.  

Veigar​ - Shove shove roam roam. If he’s running Glacial Augment then have fun because the 
box, when you have no flash, and you’re being ganked is a bye bye Aurelion unless you use ultimate and 
Q, and hopefully getting out. I recommend mercury’s treads here because it lowers stun by a large 
margin stacked with your tenacity.  

Vel’Koz​ - Happy feet, if you can sidestep skillshots you should be fine. His knockup is the 
scarier one. Try not to take much poke when shoving. As he gains levels he will be able to contest 
shoving so be mindful of when roaming after shoving.  

Viktor​ - Good matchup, I don’t usually look for all ins vs Viktor though. It’s either a farm lane 
or I shove him in. He can contest when he gains levels. Try to get roams off as he has no way of getting 
onto you really.  

Vladimir​ - You outrange him and you can shove him in 24/7. Do it, and when you get that first 
item you can try for a trade/all in. Please take ignite into this, it will help you so much.  

Xerath​ - Happy feet, similar to Vel’Koz.  

Yasuo​ - Yeah this matchup is a struggle. You kind of just need to stay back until you get 
tabi/armor and some damage because he will just E into you all the time and windwall your Q. However 
you can detonate it instantly and usually Yasuo’s won’t have the reaction time to windwall it, then you 
can walk away safely. Let him shove you in and try to get a jungler gank before 6 to get a lead. After 6, 
Yasuo’s tend to play aggressive towards your tower. I’m going to insert this clip of something that you 
could possibly do to kill him, they will never expect it.
Just respect him in the early stages, and try to play on his mistakes, he won’t know what’s happening. 

Zed​ - Ever since Aurelion’s rework I’ve struggled hard into Zed, usually when he’s picked I 
just dodge because there’s something about this champion that I don’t like anymore. I used to find this 
matchup fun but now I just struggle. When he gets 6 is when I get really scared. However, the key to Zed 
is understanding his ultimate, when he uses his ultimate, he always lands behind you so you can try and 
Q R him either into tower or away from you. You can shove him in early levels but for some reason when 
he gets dirk he just one shots you anyway. I’m not sure I may be bad into Zed, but my advice not being 
biased, is to shove and harass early and try and create the lead through roaming. At 6 just be wary of the 
ultimate and remember he appears behind you after cast. If he’s good, he will press R again and go back 
to his first shadow. That’s when you kind of just accept you got outplayed and either die or forced out of 

lane/flash. This matchup takes a lot of time and practise so don’t give up, like me. You can take exhaust 
into this matchup if you feel like you’ll struggle.  

Ziggs​ - Same as Xerath, really.  

Zilean​ - Shove and be careful of double bombs. Hard to kill after 6 because of ultimate and 
movement speed. Just shove and roam unless you can get an early kill on him.  

Zoe​ - Interesting matchup. Takes a lot of practise and skill in the Zoe matchup. Of course, the 
E, the ability everyone hates. But you need to realise that if she misses this spell, she has nothing. You 
can all in her. I haven’t seen a Zoe kill me without hitting E yet because of health and resistances. You 
should harass her if she misses the bubble. You can shove her in really hard too as Zoe is really bad with 
waveclear. You just need to be wary that she can get a free bubble if you position yourself at the side of 
the lane. You should try and roam when you can vs Zoe because staying in lane vs her can be scary, as 
she does have a lot of kill pressure. A good Zoe can mess you up if she understands, so if you are 
struggling, magic resist is your friend. Survive your lane and try to come back later.  


Gameplay tips - Things you should know 

So it’s important to understand that each game on the Rift is going to be different. You aren’t going to 
be able to do the same thing over and over, because if that was the case it’d be pretty boring right? Plus, 
your enemies would be super bad.  
When you lock Aurelion Sol, you want to obviously roam. There are going to be games where this won’t 
be able to happen. This can be for multiple reasons:  
★ Other lanes losing hard 
★ No way of ganking because of set ups 
★ Passive lanes 
★ Enemy warding 
★ Jungle pressure 
★ You’re shoved in  
★ Hard matchup 
★ You’re behind 
There’s so many reasons to why you can’t roam every game, and it’s just how it is. Some games you are 
going to lose and you need to understand that. You need to play in the situation you are in, and analyse 
what you can do in the scenario you are in. 
The standard situation is you shove and push your lane then go to look for any roam whether it be 
ganking a lane or helping your jungler in invading due to having lane pressure. It’s hard to describe 
what you do in each game only because of every game is different, you face a different player, and you 
have different matchups. Which is also something you need to understand. You need a different game 
plan each game as everything is different. If you’re also building the same thing game in and game out, 
then you’re doing something wrong, as different builds can actually help you win. E.g. You’re vs a heavy 
AP team and you go the standard build with no MR whatsoever, then you are kind of trolling.  
As Aurelion Sol it’s important to understand effective warding. Warding can be the difference of you 
dying or not, as well as an ally. As you are always trying to get that shove, you are exposing yourself to 
ganks when positioning to the side of either side brush. This makes it easily for a jungler to walk up and 
gank you. However, if you have effective warding or understand a bit of jungle pathing, you will die less. 
Below I have put images of effective warding spots for red/blue side.  

Red side 

Blue side 

Wave Management 
Effective wave management can win you lanes, but not guarantee you the game. Matchups such as Akali, 
Diana etc can be won through effective wave management. I’m still learning it myself but can do it from 
time to time. As I suck at describing wave management on paper I will use this video here.​ Credit goes to the owner of the video. 
Of course, as you are in the Mid lane, it’s too small of a lane to create a long-period freeze, and it will 
eventually break. Managing your passive and spacing also takes practise as Aurelion’s passive will screw 
up a wave. You need to be well away from the wave and ensure your passive is not hitting the wave 
whatsoever, and last hitting to at least maintain the freeze for a little while.  
Tips & Tricks  
Basic tip​:​ Q + E combo​ - A lot of people won’t expect it in lower elo. The way you do it is casting Q and 
following it and then E’ing as it gets further from you. It’s amazing for Baron or Drake pit as it can 
really turn around fights or even win them for you, or even change the game! I suggest watching a video 
on this: ​​ Credit to owner. 
Bit more advanced​: ​Sol Sec​ - Ulting them into tower, like the clip vs the Yasuo in the Yasuo matchup 
section. However you can be more fancier and use your flash to flash behind them and use your 
ultimate. Can be good if enemy laner is playing aggressive near your tower and you surprise them with 
the legendary Sol Sec! :D 
Basic tip​: ​Autoing whilst using W​ - A cool tip on Aurelion is that you can auto the enemy to help stay in 
your star range, I don’t advise doing it all the time because of side stepping abilities, but if you auto  
whilst your W is active, your stars should hit them all the time, but be wary when they throw skill shots 
Bit more advanced: ​Flash for star damage ​- You can flash for damage! If you flash the way your stars are 
rotating towards (as this depends on the side of the map you are (blue/red), you can flash right or left 
(depending on side again) for your star to instantly hit. Not very common but can be used for a clutch 
kill etc. Sometimes this can mess up if you flash upwards or downwards a little bit.  
Basic tip:​ R + Flash combo ​- If you press R and flash straight after you will cast ultimate further. E.g. Can 
be used to kill secure if enemy has managed to get away.  

Friendly tip: Make sure to practise these in practise tool if you’re unfamiliar as I’m sure you don’t wanna 
embarrass yourself in norms/ranked if it fails.  
★ Q + R​ combo, can also be reversed, if you press Q first and R after, it also works but more 
reliable to R first. Can be used for an instant stun for escape etc.  
★ Q + W + R​ combo, standard one shot combo.  


Credit & messages 

Please remember (Matchups)​:  
These are brief descriptions of matchups, and what I’ve experienced. I’m not the best writer when it 
comes to explaining so if there’s anything at all or you wish to have extra help and explanation on a 
matchup then don’t hesitate to contact me or message another higher elo Aurelion player. I’m sure they 
would be fine to help you out. 
Each person experiences matchups differently, you may not agree with my explanations or analysis’ but 
I ask kindly for no bashing as I worked really hard and put a lot of time and effort on this guide for 
anyone who plays Aurelion Sol. Remember time and effort and you will see results. :) 
Hi guys, thanks so much for reading or looking at the guide, it means so much to me! If there’s anything 
I’ve missed, then please let me know and I’ll add it as soon as possible.  
If anyone wants to get in contact with me then I have multiple ways here: 
Twitch​: ​​ I stream Aurelion Sol gameplay regularly! 
Instagram​: ​ 
Discord​: ᵐᵉʷ ♡#6969 (Copy and paste it), or I’m in the Aurelion Sol main Discord!  
I would love to help you guys further! Thanks so much for reading.  
All credits for images and videos go to the respectful creators, if content is yours and you don’t want it 
in this guide, please message me and it will be removed immediately.  

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