CWTS Reflection Paper

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College of Education

"The Role of NSTP students in the Health and Social Protocols during this time of

Sanchez, Jamielle V. May 16, 2021

BSEd English 1-A Mr. Rommel Gaña

It's easy to feel powerless as we watch the corona virus pandemic unfold on a global
scale. You can make a difference no matter who you are or what your situation is. Even if you're
stuck at home, there are always plenty of ways to help, such as contributing money or supplies,
volunteering virtually, and keeping an eye on people who may need assistance. You should still
do anything to assist others. And by assisting others, you will be assisting yourself. Volunteering
has been shown to make people happier and healthier. It's a great way to strengthen your group
bonds and remind you that we're all working towards a common goal, especially now that most
of us are separated from others or limited to communicating with only those in our household.
Finding ways to support others during COVID-19 can help you cope with your anxiety and
stress, improve your mood, and give you a sense of purpose during this trying period. Reaching
out to those you meet is the simplest way to give back. A friendly text or video call may help
neighbors, families, coworkers, and relatives alike. While it may seem to be a small gesture,
don't underestimate the value of checking in on others. Begin with those who are currently
feeling insecure. This may be an elderly neighbor who is isolated from their social circle or an
acquaintance who struggles with anxiety and depression. One of the best ways to be of support is
to have a touchstone for others during this difficult period. It will also help to calm your nerves
and give you an emotional boost. Another way to help if you're young and safe is to run errands
for others who are at higher risk of serious illness. Consider the elderly, disabled, or housebound
people in your social circle. Check to see if they need assistance with groceries or medications.
To keep a safe distance, you can leave bags outside their door. Local social media groups or
sites, such as Facebook or Next door, will help you connect with people in your area who are in
As a NSTP student there are so many ways on how to help our society. Make a donation,
many people do not have spare funds at this time, if you are one of the fortunate ones who does,
consider contributing to a charity that is helping people affected by the pandemic. Hospitals and
community centers, as well as national and local charities that offer shelter, financial aid, or
food, are all possibilities. Provide mental health support, Volunteers are needed to answer texts
from people in need for mental health helplines like Crisis Text Line. A spike in messages
expressing concern about the corona virus has been confirmed by the helpline. Helping someone
else with their worries will make you feel less alone and reduce your own stress levels. Lastly,
practice social distancing and self-care Don't underestimate the impact that merely following
public health recommendations can have. You can make a significant difference in your
community simply by remaining at home as much as possible and practicing social distancing
when you do go out. You will reduce the chances of contracting the corona virus by staying safe
and avoiding high-risk behaviors. As a result, less people may become ill, reducing the burden
on the health-care system. Taking care of yourself is also the only thing you can do. Put your
own mask on first, literally and figuratively, before you support someone else.
Pandemic gave us a lot of challenges. All we need is to respect ourselves and our health
workers. Cooperate with our government and trust our Almighty.

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