Interview Preparation Document

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As discussed, we have question which we suggest you ask the hiring manager

Your opening statement should be:

Hello <”hiring manager’s name”>, I am very happy that you have scheduled time with me on your
Calendar as I am excited about the role of “---- Role” with “---- client name”. While, I do have many
questions about this role and how it contributes to the objectives of your team, I was first curious as
to what you saw in my resume that prompted you to schedule this call?

My next suggestion is that you should always lead with qualifying questions, you should begin with, Can
you please tell me more about the history and scope of the job that may not be written in the job

Your next question should be, Can you please tell me what results you did expect from the person in this
job the first 30-60-90 Days?

Next question should be, What skills, experiences and work attributes are you hoping to find in the ideal

Next question should be, What impact does it have on your group if this position goes unfilled?

An important point to keep in mind is when the manager says what he needs or asks direct questions
or technical questions, always respond with a behavioral experience relevant to what the manager is
looking for. For e.g, you can say that, “When I was at <xyz>, we had a similar situation and What I did
was X and the result was Y, is this the type of experience you are looking for in this job?

Once the client says yes, respond with, it appears my experience may meet the needs you have in this
job. Since I assume this is the first step in the process, I’d like to suggest we meet in person. I have time
this week or early next week to you meet you. I have my calendar open if you’d like to give me a time.”

If you are able to follow all that I suggested, I am sure you will see yourself progressing to the next step
in the process.

If you have any additional questions, please free to ask and if not, I wish you all the best for your phone

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