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Acid Base Imbalances + ABGs II

Pathophysiology Course

Respiratory Acidosis & Alkalosis - Causes

O2 in CO2 out
Recall the patho & memory tricks
- Carbon Dioxide CO2
- Think “Carbon diACID” since it pushes the body into acidosis.
Hypoventilation (low & slow breathing) = HIGHER CO2
Hyperventilation (fast breathing) = Lower CO2

Over 7.45 pH

Under 7.35 pH Respiratory Acidosis = Low & Slow RR

Sleep apnea
Head trauma “knocked out”
Respiratory Alkalosis = Fast RR Post-operative
Drugs = CNS depressants
Panic Attack • Opioid overdose NCLEX TIP
Key Manifestations • Alcohol intoxication
• Benzodiazepines (Diazepam)
• Low PaCO2 Pneumonia
• Low HCO3 COPD or Asthma attack
Compensation: Key Manifestations
• Kidneys excrete LESS H+ • Mental Status changes
& reabsorb LESS HCO3 • Elevated PaCO2
• Elevated HCO3
• Kidneys excrete H+ (acid)
& retain HCO3 (base)

Top Missed Exam Question

The nurse expects which client
to be in respiratory acidosis?
MEMORY TRICKS 1. Morphine overdose
2. Panic attack

Respiratory ACIDosis Respiratory ALKalosis

3. Sleep apnea
Respiratory ACIDosis
Low & Slow RR Fast RR
5. Asthma attack
6. Alcohol intoxication

alk alk alk



Common NCLEX question

CO2 How does the nurse expect the client to

show compensation for the following
Snoring & Think of a person ABG values?
Ph 7.20, PaO2 82 mm Hg, PaCO2 37 mm

hypoventilation panting like a dog

Hg, HCO3 15 mEq/L
(metabolic acidosis)

sounds like (hyperventilation), 4

6 7 8 9
1. Decreased respiratory rate

2. Increased respiratory rate



it sounds like

13 14
0 1

3. Increased renal retention of H+…

“ALK, alk, alk-alosis” Acidotic

7.35 pH
NORMAL pH Alkalotic
4. Decreased renal excretion of HCO3

7.45 pH

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