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Hitler’s Expansionist Policy Weaknesses of LON/Policies of Appeasement Key points

Event (Date) General Information Cause Impact

German Rearmament The Nazis started a ● Hitler wants to restore 1. By the start of
and Conscription secret rearmament and the pride of Germany, WWII, Germany
(1933 onwards) conscription programme after the humiliation had a strong,
from 1933-1934, and of the Treaty of war-ready
announced its official Versailles. military.
remilitarisation ● Germany withdraws 2. Hitler no longer
programme in March from the Geneva feels a need to
1935, of which point in Disarmament nor complies
time they have already Conference & the with the terms
majorly exceeded the LON. of the Treaty of
terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

Remilitarisation of Rhineland had been ● At the time, France 1. The success of

Rhineland demilitarised under the was about to hold the operation
(7th March 1936) conditions of the Treaty of elections, and no made Hitler
Versailles. German troops politician wanted to gain confidence
were ordered to enter and respond as they did and become
remilitarise Rhineland. not want to be seen even bolder in
The LON condemned as aggressive. his plans and
Hitler’s actions but did not ● The LON was demands.
carry out any follow up. distracted by the 2. The lack of
Abyssinian Crisis, intervention
and thus did nothing boosts Hitler’s
but condemn Hitler’s confidence that
actions. the LON would
not take action
against him.

Spanish Civil War (July Hitler sends in German ● Hitler disguised his 1. Hitler was able
1936-1937) support to aid the intentions by claiming to effectively
Spanish Nationalist that this was a battle test out his
forces, both to distract against communism military
Britain and France from in Spain. strength.
his plans to expand into ● This created a 2. The lack of
Eastern Europe, & to test narrative that the intervention
his army and air force. Western powers strengthened
could trust Hitler, as Hitler’s view
both Britain and that Britain,
France were against France & the
communism. LON were
● This was also a weak.
reason they did not 3. Which served to
interfere with Hitler’s boost his
actions, along with confidence and
their desire to avoid aggression.
conflict with
● The LON did not take
any action against
Germany for its
intervention in Spain.

Anschluss (March Germany and Austria ● Germany pushed for 1. Though this
1938) form a political union. the union of both was against the
countries, by terms of the
persuading then Treaty of
Austrian Chancellor, Versailles,
Kurt Schuschnigg that Britain and
the union would end France once
demonstrations and again did not
riots in Austria. interfere, further
● Schuschnigg boosting Hitler’s
unwillingly calls for a confidence and
plebiscite (vote), for aggression.
which Hitler sends 2. Austria’s
troops into Austria, resources of
supposedly to ensure gold and iron
order during voting. ore, as well its
● With a 99.75% army and
majority, Anschluss is weapons, were
supported by the now at Hitler’s
Austrian population, & disposal.
Germany and Austria
finally unite without
any conflict.

Invasion of With accordance to the ● Hitler set his sights on 1. Having gained
Czechoslovakia appeasement policy, Czechoslovakia, as control of
(March 1939) Britain and France allow the population of Sudetenland,
Germany to gain control Sudetenland was Hitler set his
of Sudetenland (within largely German. sights on
Czechoslovakia) ● Despite the Czechs occupying the
having a capable whole of
army and willingness Czechoslovakia
to fight, as well as . (they do on 15
Britain, France and March 1939)
the Soviet Union’s 2. British Prime
promise to support Minister Neville
them, they ultimately Chamberlain
gave up Sudetenland realised that
to Germany under the Hitler cannot be
policy of trusted.
appeasement. 3. Britain and
● Hitler and Mussolini, France warn
& the British and HItler that they
French leaders, would wage war
signed the Munich against
Agreement in Germany if he
September 1938, invaded Poland.
officially giving control 4. It was made
of Sudetenland to clear that
Germany. appeasement
had failed,
Britain prepared
for war.

Nazi-Soviet Non- Hitler proposes this pact, ● Germany and the 1. Germany and
Aggression Pact (23rd in hopes that it would aid Soviet Union sign the the Soviet
August 1939) him in the invasion of pact, set to last 10 Union form a
Poland without having to years, which states temporary
engage the Soviet Union that they would not alliance.
aggressively. engage each other 2. Britain and
militarily, but rather in Poland sign a
a peaceful manner mutual defense
treaty .

Invasion of Poland (1st Germany invades Poland, ● Polish leaders refute 1. Tensions
September 1939) despite warnings by Hitler’s demands for between
Britain and France, Danzig and a railroad Germany and
effectively triggering the through the Polish Poland
start of WWII Corridor, connecting intensify.
Germany and East 2. Britain and
Prussia. France declared
● Britain and France war on
attempt to negotiate Germany on 3rd
Danzig with September
Germany. 1939.
● These negotiations
do not go as Hitler
had hoped, leading
him to forcefully
invade Poland.


INFERENCE: P From Source _, it can be inferred that ____.

E vidence from source
E xplanation (link to point)
INFERENCE W PURPOSE: From Source _, it can be inferred that
The purpose of this source is to ____(VAMI).
This can be seen as ___(Evidence with
reference to Provenance).
This suggests that ___(Explanation)


Sources _ and _ agree on/differ in saying that
Source _ says that _____(Evidence), which
shows that ____ (Explanation).
Similarly/However, Source _ says that
___(Evidence), which suggests that

However, Sources _ and _ agree on/differ in
saying that ____(POC).
Source _ says that _____(Evidence), which
shows that ____ (Explanation).
Similarly/However, Source _ says that
___(Evidence), which suggests that

P ATQ: Source _ says that ____.
E vidence from the source
E xplain what the evidence suggests (link to

Evaluate Reliability:
Source _ is reliable and can be trusted as
On the other hand, Source B may not be
trustworthy as


P Source _ supports/challenges the claim
because _____.
E vidence from the source
E xplain how this supports/challenges the
Evaluate Reliability×2 using:
❏ Contextual Knowledge
❏ Provenance+Purpose


1. PURPOSE should always include:

Intended Action

ie. The purpose of this source was to convince(V) the German population(A) that war
was the best alternative to restore Germany’s pride(M), so that they would support the
Nazi’s decision to wage war(I). This can be seen as the source states that
____(Evidence). This suggests that ____(Explanation).

2. *Evidence should be DIRECTLY QUOTED, with quotation marks. (X Paraphrase etc.)

3. All Points should have further elaboration (BECAUSE)

ie. This source is reliable/supports the claim BECAUSE ____.

4. Contextual Knowledge must be specific in facts & dates.

5. Identify question types and list out general format before attempting paper.

6. Try to spend no more than 8 minutes on each question.

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