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The campus is buzzing with excitement as usual hell lot of things are happening in very short time , we are about to set new time record this year. Lets go on a rollercoaster ride to witness what has been keeping MANAGE busy these days: The Orientation: 18th July was the day 58 fresh faces walked in and the ratio is improving its 5:2 now, well they all were alien to MANAGE but very quickly they are climbing the stairs to become MANAGEites. One night they found their door-bells ringing in the middle of the night & what followed was a series of introductions & lessons on punctuality, discipline & hard-work. To their surprise, these budding agribusiness managers found that given a challenge they could actually remain awake for the entire night to face it & overcome it. 24*7: The juniors were made to swim across the ocean of Docs, PPTs and Excel & all the efforts came up very well which is reflected by good presentations on the different sectors of agri-business even though they had to burn their midnight oil & comb the library for hours together to get the material of substance. Al-Interaction: The first interaction between gen X & gen Z held within a week . Its happy to see back our immediate alumni in MANAGE, we cherished and recall our golden days, they provide lotzz of gyaan to our new-born manageites(techno managers). Its Tea-Time: Tea time!!: The best way to stay awake in class room is to have a tea break, it has became a lifestyle of MANAGE. The tea-lounge continues to stand upto its reputation of being the coolest hangout place in MANAGE where along with the hot cup students get dissolved in discussions ranging from who general platitude to serious talks on the 2G spectrum scam, B-Plan contests & who among them is going to be the next CEO of a renowned firm. Not to forget the fun birthday parties and the entertaining 30 minutes before clock hits 12 in one line A lot can happen over tea lounge Committees-The Busy Bees - This rainy season all the committees are keeping busy with a number of activities & initiatives being on the pipeline for their college mates. The late night meetings & heated discussions witnessing bursts of new ideas revealing untresspassed horizons fill everyone with a desire to think different & be innovative.

Fun fact

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Sports committee- After a struggle of 1 month sports committee is able to purchase new sports material which made a face of all the students glowing with bright light. Mess committee- Food of MANAGE is like heaven but as human are prone to boredom mess committee are having a tough time to set the menu due to different advises and requirements. There is a change in menu just now and for a short period everyone is happy with the menu.

The Chapters The chapters held in four different corners of the country made the alumni forget their busy schedule for one day & share their experiences with their college mates amidst fanfare & jubiliation. The chapters ended successfully with the alumni enjoying the gastronomic goodies & promising to visit Hyderabad for the grand alumni meet. IBS: This is the day which no MANAGEites can ever forget the night of tag-line, taking wakawaka to new height and we celebrated our IBS anniversary this august and all the memories of that night just peeped in, not to mention laughter and leg pulling was commonplace and escape goats of the nights were CRs.

Gamers areas: Be it badminton, table tennis or squash we will rock everything. After afternoon academic sessions the priority sports is cricket near swimming pool and then by evening badminton fever is on every head after that the slots are for T.T and Billiards after summers the popularity of squash and long tennis is drastically reduced but as annual sports are approaching it is expected that these sports will not go unnoticed for long.

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