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Recognition is the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged by the higher institution or government about the independence or freedom

of a territory in accordance to the fact as a response to the claim of the people of one territory to be free.

It is important because the new state come into existence and posses the four characteristic mentioned in Montevideo convention such as, permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and a capacity to enter into relation with other states. Therefore in a modern politics, recognition is necessarily needs to avoid any kind of invasion against any recognized state. Form of government or state governance, refers to the set of political institutions by which a government of a state is organized in order to exert its power over a house in a congress Forms of government Republic: president, and vice-president Parliamentary; presidential or semi-presidential

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Autocracy (totalitarianism or authoritarianism), oligarchy, or democracy Elective or hereditary Direct or indirect elections (electoral colleges, etc.) Secular, state religion with religious toleration, theocratic Republic or monarchy Constitutional monarchy or absolute monarchy Majority government or coalition government Single-member district or proportional representation Party system: Non-partisan, single-party; dominant-party; two-party; multi-party Separation of powers (executive, legislative, or judicial) or no separation of powers Parliamentary, presidential, or semi-presidential

a little read: ... WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF RECOGNITION IN THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEM "The international community is not a static body. New states come into existence. Revolutions occur and new governments establish themselves. Territorial changes take place. Of these changes the members of the international community have the choice of approving or disapproving".1 "Recognition is the process whereby a state acknowledges its approval of the change that has occurred".2 The legal relationship between states in international law which is an important requirement of statehood raises the question of recognition. The state to be recognized must possess four characteristics mentioned in the Montevideo Convention: - "a permanent population; a defined territory; a Government; and a capacity to enter into relations with other states".3 However, the Council of the EC adopted on 16 December 1991 the Guidelines
on the Recognition of New State

The Writs of Amparo and Habeas Data are prerogative writs to supplement the inefficacy of Philippine habeas corpus (Rule 102, Revised Rules of Court). Amparo means protection, while habeas data is access to information. Both writs were conceived to solve the extensive Philippine extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances since 1999.

SECTION 1. Petition. The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity. The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof. SECTION. 2. Who May File. The petition may be filed by the aggrieved party or by any qualified person or entity in the following order: (a) Any member of the immediate family, namely: the spouse, children and parents of the aggrieved party; (b) Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or (c) Any concerned citizen, organization, association or institution, if there is no known member of the immediate family or relative of the aggrieved party. The filing of a petition by the aggrieved party suspends the right of all other authorized parties to file similar petitions. Likewise, the filing of the petition by an authorized party on behalf of the aggrieved party suspends the right of all others, observing the order established herein. The writ of amparo is an order issued by a court to protect the constitutional rights of a person. The word amparo comes from the Spanish verb amparar, meaning to protect. Former Supreme Court chief justice Artemio Panganiban said in an interview that the writ of amparo has been used in totalitarian countries to protect the rights of victims of disappearances. In the Philippines, relatives of missing persons usually file a petition for habeas corpus to compel the state to produce persons thought to be victims of forced disappearances. But Chief Justice Reynato Puno said recently that petitions for habeas corpus usually end up with state agents simply denying they had the missing person in their custody. Panganiban explained that the writ of amparo would compel state agents to look for the missing person. And if the court were to find that the officials did not exert enough effort in finding the person, it could hold them liable, Panganiban added.

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