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Name: M Badar Ashraf Rana

I’d: F2019019039

Topic : Analytical Report

Submitted To : Mam Shumaila Ahmad

Date: 21 June,2020

Effects of Democracy or Dictator ship in the progression of a Country

Table of Contents:

1:Introduction 4:Why Democracy been 7: References

unsuccessful in Pakistan
2:History of Democracy and 5:Summary
Dictator ship in Pakistan

3:Development in the era of 6: Conclusion

Democracy and Dictator ship

What is Democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing
legislation. Who people are and how authority is shared among them are core issues for democratic
theory ,Development and Constitution Or A government in which the supreme power is vested in the
people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving
periodically held free elections

What is Dictator ship ?

A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by a single leader or group of leaders and little or
no toleration for political pluralism or independent programs or media.

• History of Democracy and Dictator ship in Pakistan

When Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947, it was clear that the democratic system in
Pakistan would be strengthened. Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah while
addressing the first Constitutional Assembly of Pakistan said” “Democracy is in the blood of the
Muslims ,who look upon complete equality of mankind and believe in Fraternity, Equality and

After the independence Liaquat Ali Khan became the first Prime Minister and Quaid -Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor General of Pakistan. Pakistan consisted of two
wings ,East Pakistan and West Pakistan .The Liaquat Ali Khan government along with all
subsequent governments during the first decade after independence faced serious problems both in
east and west Pakistan. The Indo-Pakistan war of 1947 began to take place in Kashmir region in
1947 Both Liaquat Ali Khan and Mr Jinnah were determined to stop the riots and refugee problems
and to set up an affective administrative system for a country. Liaquat Ali Khan did the ground
breaking work for the foreign policy of Pakistan while taking initiatives towards the formulation of the
He presented the objective resolution ,a prelude to future Constitution ,in the legislative Assembly
The house passed it on 12 March 1949 .Both United States and Soviet Union sent invitation to
Liaquat Ali Khan However Mr Khan choose to pay a goodwill visit to United States first . This was
perceived as a rebuff to Moscow and has been traced to profound adverse consequences. Liaquat
Ali Khan had wanted Pakistan to remain neutral in the cold war as declared three days after
Pakistan Independence when he declared that Pakistan would take no side in the conflict of
ideologies between the nation . Liaquat Ali Khan later tried to visit Soviet Union but the dates for
good will visit were not materialized by the Soviet Union.(First Cabinet 1947)

The same year Quaid -e-Azam declared Urdu as national language of Pakistan. It sparked protests
in East Pakistan where Bengali was spoken by most of the population .In East Pakistan the Bengali
language movement reached it’s peak on 21 February 1952 when the police and soldiers opened
fire on students near the Dhaka Medical College protesting for Bengali to receive equal status with
Urdu. Several protestors were killed and the movement gained further support throughout East
Pakistan Later the Government agreed to provide equal status to Bengali as a state language of
Pakistan a right later codified in the 1956 Constitution.

During Liaquat Ali Khan tenure India and Pakistan agreed to resolve the dispute of Kashmir in a
peaceful manner through the effort of United Nations .This agreement was termed as “Karachi
Agreement” and a cease-fire was affected in Kashmir on January 1 ,1949. It was decided that a
free and impartial plebiscite would be held under the supervision of the United Nations.
In 1948 Quaid-e-Azam died and a major problem of religious minorities flared during late 1949 and
early 1950 .People of Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan began to attack the minorities in West Pakistan
which later slipped to India . Mr Khan meet Indian Prime Minister to sing the Liaquat Nehru pact in
1950.The pact was an effort to improve relations and reduce tensions between India and Pakistan
and to protect the religious minorities on both sides of the border

(Liaquat Nehru Pact 1950)

Pakistan had just become stable that on October 26,1951 Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan
was martyred during a rally in Rawalpindi. After the death of Liaquat Ali Khan Pakistan lost its great
political leadership and political instability began to arise in the country .From 1951 to 1958 the six
Prime Minister of Pakistan was replaced ,which led to political instability in the country .

First Martial law (1958 to 1969)

On the night of 7 October 1958 the Constitution was suspended by a Presidential proclamation .The
ministers were dismissed and legislatures dissolved and political parties were banned. The
Commander in Chief of the army , General Muhammad Ayub Khan was appointed Chief Martial Law
administrator .The proclamation dwelt at length on the chaotic state of the country wide spread
corruption, irresponsible conduct of services and disorderly finance . Another announcement started
that the object of this take over to “clear the messes” and prepare the country for more practicable
form of government .Three weeks experience of the new government shows however that Iskandar
Mirza was still playing and trying to use the same weapons against his new colleagues that he had
so successfully used against the politicians . He was made to vacate office on 27 October 1958 and
the Chief Martial Law administrator Ayub Khan became the President of Pakistan.
Ayub Khan ten year rule was disastrous for democracy in Pakistan . Ayub Khan hated both
Democracy and politicians He made the remarks in an interview with an American journalist shortly
after taking office He said that politicians were returning to the country so he had to take power to
save the country .He was the first Dictator to say that the people were not aware enough to be given
the right to vote. His hated of democracy and politicians was so great that he enacted laws to
disqualify 7000 politicians for 7 years. Disqualified politicians include former prime minister Hussain
Shaheed Suhrawardy and Feroz Khan Allegations of corruption and anti nationalism were made to
disqualify them. After disqualifying politicians Ayub Khan drafted a Constitution of his choice and
announced elections in 1965 under this Constitution. Ayub Khan himself entered the fray to become
the presidential candidate No politicians had come on the field to compete with Ayub Khan because
many politicians had been disqualified on various charges The opposition was badly divided at that
time Opposition nominates Fatima Jinnah as presidential candidate against Ayub Khan .General
Ayub Khan was Afraid of Fatima Jinnah It was obvious that Fatima Jinnah was welcomed in both
East and West Pakistan . Ayub Khan called the sister of the founder of Pakistan an Indian agent and
a traitor .These elections were held in 1965 and as a result of open rigging Ayub Khan was elected
as a President of Pakistan. The people of Pakistan rose up against Ayub Khan for rigging the
elections against Fatima Jinnah and started a movement against Ayub Khan As a result he had to
resign from his post in 1969 .

In March 25 ,1969 President Ayub Khan abrogated the Constitution of 1962 and handed over power
to the Army Commander-in- Chief General Yahya Khan .Yahya Khan rule was the darkest period in
the history of Pakistan in which East Pakistan separated from Pakistan and became Bangladesh .
General elections were held in Pakistan on 7 December 1970 . They were the first general Elections
in Pakistan .Voting took place in 300 parliamentary constituencies of Pakistan to elect members of
National Assembly of Pakistan . The Elections were a fierce contest between two social democratic
parties Pakistan People’s Party and Awami League. The Awami League won landslide victory by
winning an absolute majority of 160 seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan .The PPP won only
81 seats in the National Assembly . The Assembly was initially not inaugurated as President Yahya
Khan and PPP did not want a party from East Pakistan which soon escalated into a civil war that led
to the formation of Bangladesh. The Assembly was eventually opened when President Yahya
Khan resigned a few days later and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took over the charge of first Civilian Marshall
Law Administrator.

Second Democratic Era (1971 to 1977)

After the resignation of Yahya Khan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the first Marshall Law administrator
of Pakistan. When Zulifkar Ali Bhutto took over the charge of the country Pakistan faced many
difficulties both internally and externally .In the 1971 war India captured 93000 thousand troops and
5000 sq mi of Pakistan .There was a lot of pressure on the government of Pakistan to release them
By July 1972 Mr Bhutto recovered 93000 prisoners of war and 5000 sq mi of Indian held territory
after signing the Simla agreement. He strengthened relations with China and Saudi Arabia
recognised Bangladesh and hosted the second Organization of the Islamic conference in Lahore in
1974 .In 1973 Parliament unanimously approve a new Constitution of Pakistan which he appointed
Fazal Ilahi Chaudhary President and switched to the newly empowered office of Prime Minister He
also played an integral role in initiating the country's nuclear program However Bhutto nationalization
of much of Pakistan fledgling industries , health care and educational institutions led to economic
Despite Civil disorder the PPP won parliamentary elections in 1977 by a wide margin However the
opposition alleged widespread vote rigging and violence escalated across the country On 5 July in
the same year Mr Bhutto was deposed in a military coup by his appointed army chief Zia ul Haq
before being controversially tried and executed by the supreme court of Pakistan in 1979 for
authorising the murder of a political opponent .Once again the democratic government was dismiss
from the country and for the third time martial law was imposed in the country.

Second Martial Law (1977 to 1988)

In 1977 , General Zia-Ul-Haq dismissed Zulifkar Ali Bhutto dissolved National Assembly and
imposed Martial Law in the country . General Zia-Ul-Haq played a major role in the Soviet Afghan
war. Backed by the United States and Saudi Arabia . Zia-Ul-Haq systematically coordinated the
Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviet occupation throughout the 1980s On the foreign front Zia-Ul-
Haq improves relations with China and United States , increasing the role of Pakistan in Islamic
World while relations with India worsened amid the Siachen conflict and accusation that Pakistan
was aiding the Khalistan movement. Domestically he escalated Pakistan atomic bomb project and
instituted industrialization helping Pakistan economy become the fastest growing in South Asia and
GDP growth was the highest in the country history

He was killed along with several of his top military officials and two American diplomats in a mysterious
plane crash near Bahawalpur on 17 August 1988 .With this accident the ten year rule of Zia-Ul-Haq came
to an end.

Third Democratic Era (1988 to 1999)

Democracy returned again in 1988 after the general Elections which were held after the death of
President General Zia-Ul-Haq . Benazir Bhutto daughter of Zulifkar Ali Bhutto assumed the office of PM
She was dismissed in 1990 succeeded by an administration led by Nawaz Sharif As a result of 1993
election Benazir Bhutto came back to power and became the Prime Minister of Pakistan She again as
dismissed in 1996 and Nawaz Sharif again took on the office of PM .In 1999 General Pervez Musharraf
dismissed Nawaz Sharif government and imposed Martial Law in the country

Third Martial Law (1999 to 2008)

In 1999 General Pervez Musharraf dismissed Nawaz Sharif government and in the country Pervez
Musharraf tenure was very important for Pakistan both internally and externally. When the United
States invaded Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks Pakistan decided to side with the United States which
had a direct impact on Pakistan . Pakistan provided access to US forces to Afghanistan and handed over
its airbases to the United States In return the United States economic and defense assistance to Pakistan
As a result of supporting the United States in the war with Afghanistan, Pakistan itself became a victim
of terrorism and instability in the country reached it’s peak.
Fighting broke out between India and Pakistan at Kargil in 1999 and relations between India and
Pakistan since the attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001 But Pakistan President General Pervez
Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee took steps to improve relations.

In the fall of 2007 Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto returned to the country and started campaigning
for the 2008 Elections. At the end of December 2007 Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at a political rally
in Rawalpindi an act that stunned Pakistanis and set off riots and rampages in different part of the
country. In the 2008 general elections, the people of Pakistan rejected Pervez Musharraf and his party,
and the PPP won the largest number of seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan..

Democratic Era (2008 to 2018)

Pakistan Peoples Party came to power as a result of 2008 elections Yousaf Raza Gilani became the Prime
Minister of Pakistan and Asif Ali Zardari became the President of Pakistan Terrorism was on the rise in
the country during the PPP regime and the country also faced many difficulties at the economic level.
During the PPP regime the 18 amendment was made in the Constitution which gave a lot of power to the
provinces Article 6 was included in the Constitution under which those who violated the country’s
Constitution will be prosecuted for serious treason . The PPP was the first political party to complete its
five-year term, but even under the PPP government, the prime minister failed to complete his five-year

In 2013 elections were held in the country in 2013 which brought PML-N to power and Nawaz Sharif was
elected as a Prime Minister of the country for the third time. When PML-N came to power, terrorism was
on the rise in the country, so the country's political and military leadership decided to launch an
operation against terrorism, which was named Zarb-e- Azb Under this operation, operations were carried
out against terrorists in North Waziristan in which Pakistan achieved significant success. In 2015,
Pakistan and China signed an agreement called CPEC under which China announced an investment of 60
billion dollars in Pakistan, which would be a great beneficial for Pakistan economy.
• Development in the Era of Democracy and Dictator ship
After Independence Pakistan faced many difficulties at the economic level . India withheld
Pakistan share of assets amounting to Rs. 750 million. After the establishment of Pakistan, a
large number of refugees migrated from India to Pakistan .Resettlement of refugees was a major
challenge for the government of Pakistan. In order to solve the economic problems , Pakistan
immediately sought to establish good relations with the world powers. In 1950 Pakistan prime
minister Liaquat Ali Khan visited the United States where he was warmly welcomed .During
Liaquat Ali Khan's visit the United States announced economic and defense assistance to
Pakistan .From 1951 to 1958 Pakistan GDP growth rate was 3.03 percent

Economic Development in the Era of Ayub Khan (1958 to 1969 )

Military takeover by General Ayub Khan in October 1958 brought about a new era for
development in Pakistan Economic and social reforms were high on Ayub Khan agenda .These
reforms included economic planning and providing basic needs such as food to the overall public
of Pakistan. It was the time when Pakistan first got an automobile industry a cement industry
and few other heavy manufacturing industries Under Ayub Khan's rule, Pakistan's industrial
growth rate was 9%, compared to today's China. The unemployment rate was 3%, the lowest in
Pakistan's history. In the era of Ayub Khan Tarbela and Mangla dams were built in the country
which a still providing cheep electricity Under Ayub Khan era Islamabad was made the new
capital of Pakistan From 1958 to 1969 the GDP growth of Pakistan was 5.84 percent and
Pakistan became economically stable If we look at the rule of Ayub Khan, it is clear that during
the rule of Ayub Khan, Pakistan developed economically, but at the same time, Pakistan's
dependence on US aid also increased.

Economic Development in the era of Yahya Khan (1969 to 1971)

In 1969 Ayub Khan resigned and General Yahya Khan becomes the President of Pakistan. When
General Yahya Khan became the President of Pakistan, Pakistan was facing many difficulties
both internally and externally The first general Elections were held in the country in 1970 in
which the PPP from West Pakistan and the Awami League from East Pakistan won the majority
Disagreement arose over the transfer of Power on December 16 1971 the country was annexed
and Bangladesh came into being .After the fall of Dhaka, Pakistan faced economic difficulties for
a very long time. From 1969 to 1971 the GDP growth of Pakistan was 5.51 percent .

Development in the Democratic Era of Zulifkar Ali Bhutto (1971 to 1977)

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto becomes Pakistan's first civilian martial law administrator after Yahya Khan's
resignation. When Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took over the running of the country, Pakistan was divided
and Pakistan was facing many economic problems. Zulifkar Ali Bhutto started nationalization
program of Industries , financial institution including banks and insurance companies and rise
husking units . Bhutto was founder of Pakistan atomic bomb program due to his aggressive
leadership he is often known as father of nuclear deterrence . Due to his period as prime minister
a number of land reforms were introduced .Major heavy mechanical , chemical and Electrical
Engineering industries were immediately nationalized by Bhutto and all of the industries came
under direct control of government . Banking reforms were introduced to provide more
opportunities to small farmers .Mr Bhutto government gave a right of a passport to every citizen
of Pakistan and faciliated millions of skilled and non skilled Pakistanis to seek employment in the
middle eastern countries .
The labor policy was among one of the most important cornerstone of Bhutto government
shortly after assuming control the government imposed some conditions on the dismissal of
workers . During his period in office the government carried out seven major amendments to the
1973 Constitution From 1971 to 1977 the GDP growth of Pakistan was 4.42 percent During the
rule of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, there was economic development in Pakistan but at the same time
foreign investment in Pakistan stopped due to the nationalization of big industries.

Economic Development in the Era of General Zia-Ul-Haq (1977 to 1988)

In 1958, General Zia-ul-Haq dismissed the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, dissolved the
National Assembly and imposed martial law in the country. Zia-ul-Haq's tenure was very
important for Pakistan's economy On the pressure of emergent commercial middle classes and
less as a policy prescription, general Zia started reversing the nationalization process initiated
by Mr Bhutto and three steel mill industries were returned to its previous owners in the first
phase. The investment climate for the private sector was improved by providing guarantees
against future nationalization. The industrial zone was established in the late 1970’s to attract
foreign investment, speed up flow of modern technology, provide more job opportunities, raise
skill and management standards and provide exporters a base for production in an
environment free from import duties but the results were however disappointing as exports
from the zone were relatively small. By the policy of keeping domestic wheat, rice and cotton
prices low, the government was able to benefit the urban consumers and the industrialists at
the cost of the agricultural producer. From 1977 to 1988 the GDP growth of Pakistan was
6.60 percent

Development in the Democratic Era (1988 to 1999)

Democracy returned again in 1988 after the general Elections which were held after the death
of General Zia-Ul-Haq . People’s Party back into the power politics this period lasting until 1999 .The
period of 1988 to 1999 the period of political and economic instability. During this period, four
elected governments were dismissed by the President on the charges of corruption The Seventh
Five-Year Plan was formulated during the Zia-ul-Haq period. But after his death, in 1988, the
newly elected government of Benazir Bhutto took over the charge and so the Seventh Five-Year
Plan has never been implemented. After the fall of Benazir’s government in 1990, Nawaz Sharif’s
government came into power. During his tenure, he introduced privatization, deregulation, and
economic reform aimed at reducing structural impediments to sound economic development. His
top priority was to denationalize some 115 public industrial enterprises, abolishing the
government's monopoly in the financial sector, and selling utilities to private interests. Although
the Nawaz Sharif government made considerable progress in liberalizing the economy, In 1993
the Nawaz Sharif government was dismissed by the President on the charges of corruption .
Benazir Bhutto once again became the prime minister of Pakistan In 1994, the Planning
Commission publish the Eighth Five-Year Plan to cover the period 1993 – 1998. In November
1996, once again, the PPP government was dismissed by the President on corruption
charges. The parliamentary election was held in 1997 and, once again, Mian Nawaz Sharif
elected as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The targets of Eighth Five-Year Plan were also not
well achieved. For example, the target of wheat was set at 18.3 million tons which could not be
achieved by 1996-97 when its actual production was 16.6 million tons. It was achieved in the last
year of the plan but it again slipped down to 17.8 million tons .From 1988 to 1999 the GDP growth
of Pakistan was 4.13 percent .

Economic Development in the Era of General Pervez Musharraf (1999 to 2007 )

In 12th October 1999, Gen. Pervez Musharraf imposed martial law in Pakistan and threw away
the Nawaz Sharif government it was the darkest day in the history of Democracy but if we
analyze the tenure in economic terms this Martial Law era embarked the achievements of many
milestone and excellent economic growth rate Karachi Stock Exchange was awarded as the best
performing Asian market and Pakistan was ranked third in banking profitability. Our large scale
manufacturing sector was at a 30 year high and the construction sector was at a 17 year high.
During the last authoritarian regime, large number of jobs were created. Information Technology
(IT), telecommunication and CNG sectors flourished in his era, creating 90,000 jobs in IT,
1.3million jobs in telecommunication and 45,000 jobs in the CNG sector. President Pervez
Musharraf’s policies focused on the social sector too. His government established 9 world class
engineering universities, 18 public sector universities and increased the literacy rate to 53%.
Poverty data shows a notable decrease of 10%. He encouraged and provided liberty to electronic
media and this sector became as independent as it was never before. From 1999 to 2007 the
GDP growth of Pakistan was 5.4 percent
Economic Development in the Era of Democratic Government ( 2008 to 2018)

In 2008 Elections Asif Ali Zardari received the mandate by the people of Pakistan to form the
government. He was the first elected civilian president and his government is the first one in the
history of Pakistan to complete the constitutional tenure of 5-years and be replaced by a
democratically elected president, Mamnoon Hussain. Former President Pervez Musharraf left a
well decorated economy and it was a challenge for the newly elected government to keep the
flow of trends. During 2008-2013, Pakistani nation was buried under the foreign debt of $65
billion (2012) which was just $45 billion in previous government. Pakistan became the third
largest debt receiving country of the region during PPP period. It was because of significantly low
tax-to-GDP ratio, and ineffective tax policies. Out, of 190 million people only 1.8 million
people paid taxes. The unemployment rate declined rapidly from 7.8% in 2000-2001 to 5.1% in
2006-2007 but it started rising gradually through President Zardari’s regime and recorded at 6%
in 2012-2013. The period of 2008-2013 is considered as one of the worst
in terms of economic growth as Pakistan faced recessionary trends during these years. Bad
governance, corruption, ignoring tax-reforms and hence less capacity to generate revenues,
neglecting structural reforms are accounted in as the reasons behind the deplorable
performance of PPP government.
Nawaz Sharif Government (2013 to 2018)
PML-N government seems quiet committed for the revival of Pakistan’s economy. Efforts to
create an investment friendly atmosphere has been made in the last few years which exhibits the
results as well. Total investment was recorded at Rs.3276 billion in 2012-13 and it is increased to
Rs.3554 billion in 2013-14. Public investment raised to Rs.877 billion in 2013 as compared to
Rs.748 billion in the previous year. Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has also
launched a Youth Development Program in 2013 for the provision of skills training, education
and employment opportunities. The current government is efficiently supervising
CPEC projects creating about 700,000 jobs in the next fourteen year Hence, after great days of
struggle, Pakistan’s economy is back on the track of revival and macroeconomic indicators
are showing growth trends. The fate of Pakistan is about to change and the economy of Pakistan
may rank among the world’s top economies in the coming years. Nawaz Sharif’s government is
playing a vital role and making a satisfactory contribution on its behalf.
• Why Democracy been unsuccessful in Pakistan?
Democracy is a form of government in which supremacy of power is vested in the people of the voters
collectively, and it is administered by them or the officers appointed by them. The most difficult challenge
Pakistan has struggled to meet has been to establish a true democratic system, which could guarantee its
survival, stability and development. Unfortunately, the plant of democracy in Pakistan has not taken its roots
deep enough to make the country “a durable democratic state”, despite this fact that Pakistan blossomed in
the soil of democracy. Pakistan was conceived on the basis of Islam, which is democratic both in letter and
spirit. It is indeed very unfortunate and a sad testimony that the plant planted by Quaid-e-Azam and watered
by the blood of millions of Muslim men, women and children has not thrived in the country. In other words
we have not proved worthy of the freedom achieved after immense sacrifices and constant vigilance as the
price of liberty. After the sad demise of Quaid-e-Azam and Shaheed-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan, the spirit of
freedom movement died down and selfish interests and political intrigues dominated the national scene.
we see that the main causes of failure of democracy in Pakistan had been lack of regard for the country’s
constitution and misuse of powers. The country’s constitution have been ignored and tampered with time
and again Democracy can never exist without rule of law, justice, civil liberties and equality of opportunities.
Representative ruler ship could not uphold these values due to favoritism, nepotism and obstructing the
curse of law.
One of the reasons of constitution’s weakness in Pakistan is vast uneducated and uniformed electorate.
Aristotle has rightly remarked: “To neglect the education of the young ones, is to weaken the
constitution of the country” Democracy is a function of education. It can not be managed effectively and
justly without education of the voters and their high level of information. In conclusion, it can be analyzed
that it is not democracy that has failed but the politicians who have failed to run the country on correct
democratic principles of equality, justice and fraternity.

• Summary:
After the formation of Pakistan, the leadership of Pakistan decided that steps would be taken to
strengthen the democratic system in Pakistan. In 1951 , Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister
of Pakistan, was martyred. From 1951 to 1958 the six prime ministes of Pakistan was replaced
which led to political instability in the country . In 1958, Ayub Khan dismissed the democratic
government and imposed martial law in the country During the rule of Ayub Khan, there was
economic development in Pakistan but Pakistan became very weak democratically . In 1970 the
first general Elections were held in a country In which Sheikh Mujibur Rehman won in East
Pakistan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in West Pakistan Disputes arose between the President of
Pakistan Yahya Khan and the two political parties over the power struggle and a popular
uprising broke out in East Pakistan that led to the formation of Bangladesh In 1971, Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto became the first civilian martial law administrator of Pakistan As soon as Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto came to power, he nationalized the major industrial enterprises of the country Due to
which foreign investment in the country stopped In 1973,under the leadership of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto, the first complete constitution of Pakistan was drafted For the second time in 1977,
General Zia-ul-Haq dismissed the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and imposed martial law in
the country. The rule of General Zia-ul-Haq was economically better for Pakistan, but
democratically Pakistan's democratic institutions became very weak. After the martyrdom of
General Zia-ul-Haq in 1988, general elections were held in the country, as a result of which
Benazir Bhutto became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was dismissed in 1990 and Nawaz
Sharif became the prime minister of Pakistan Under Nawaz Sharif, there was some economic
development in Pakistan As a result of 1993 Elections Benazir Bhutto came back to power and
become the prime minister of Pakistan She again dismissed in 1996 and Nawaz Sharif again took
on the office of PM In just 10 years, the dismissal of four democratic governments has added to
Pakistan's economic woes . In October 1999, General Pervez Musharraf dismissed the Nawaz
Sharif government, dissolved the National Assembly and imposed martial law for the third time.
Musharraf's regime was economically viable for Pakistan but under Pervez Musharraf, terrorism
reached its peak in Pakistan and Pakistan has suffered internally Pakistan People’s Party came to
power as a result of 2008 Elections Terrorism was on the rise in the country during the PPP
regime and the country also faced many difficulties at the economic level .In 2013 Elections
Nawaz Sharif elected as a prime minister of Pakistan. Pakistan political and military leadership
decides to launch an operation against terrorism . In 2015 Pakistan and China signed an
agreement named as CPEC in which China announced an investment of 60 billion dollars in

If we look at the 70-year history of Pakistan, we find that Pakistan has been democratically
unstable from the beginning and the democratic forces have not tried to improve the democratic
system in Pakistan. No country in the world can develop without a strong democracy. One of the
major reasons for the failure of democracy in Pakistan is the excessive intervention of world
powers in Pakistan internal matters It is also a fact that economic growth in Pakistan has
increased under the rule of military generals On the contrary, the democratic government has
not been able to perform well in the economic field One of the main reasons for this is the
involvement of politicians in corruption Provincial politics has been going on in Pakistan for the
last three decades and no political party has gained popularity all over Pakistan. Due to which
the thinking of provincialism has flourished in the country and the country is politically
destabilized. In order to strengthen democracy, the youth and the educated class need to come
into politics Pakistan's development, prosperity and integrity are linked to democracy, so the
Constitution of Pakistan needs to be amended to strengthen the democratic system in the
country. We as a nation have made a lot of mistakes in the last70 years so we need to think
about the mistakes we made in the last 70 years and think about the next 70 years.

1: Introduction of Democracy and Dictator ship (
2: History of Democracy and Dictator ship in Pakistan (
3: Economic Development in the Era of Democracy and Dictator ship
4: Why Democracy been unsuccessful in Pakistan (

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