Continuum - Roleplaying in The Yet (Cleaned, Cropped, Sharpened, +atlantis, +calendars, +errata, +footnotes, +scenarios, +GM Sheets)

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Upon whether I know or not know a thing, depends my

existence. If I know a thing is to happen , it is my foremost
responsi bility to see th at it happens. This is my Yet, or Required
Future, and it is the price I gladl y pa y to span time. Change of
the known is resisted by the Continuum ceaselessly so that our
greater Liberties and li ves wi ll be fulfilled.



My elders, or Elder Selves, ha ve been me, and more. I w ill show

them every courtesy, and set aside anything I am engaged in to
fulfill their requests. I will spea k to them only when spoken to, like the
well-mannered child of parents' drea ms.


Discip line is the li feb lood of th e Continuum. I will know when and where I a m and
am goi ng, and diligently record where I have been. I will arrange corners, or meeting
places, when and where my fella" spanners can rend ezvo us in safety and
coordinate our actions.


If a Leveller, or other unfamiliar person wi tnesses a Spanning event, one of the

following must obtain, in ascending order of rarity:
a) The witness is made to forget or never tell.
b) The witnessing was a strike against the Continuum; the witness is made to
forget or never tell, and the parti es responsible for the breach are sought out and
brought down.
c) The witness is to become a spanner, like myself, a part of the Continuum and
must be respected.


I wi ll assist fe llow members of the Continuum to fight their fragme ntation up to a

clearly defined point. Beyond that point I will no longer aid th at spanner to repair their
fragmentation. Lost Causes are spanners who, through accident or design, through their
fa ult, the fault of others, or no fault of anyone's, have suffered fragmentation beyond all
aid even their own. If such fragmentation ever afflicts me this severely, I wi ll not
hesita te to spend my remaining existence in assisting th e Continuum.


Credits & Matters of Legal Import c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
C0 NTINUUM created by: Contents
David Fooden 0. Introductions 11
Chris Adams
I. Invitations 1
Barbara Manui
II. Spanning 29
Written by: III. Struggling 107
Chris Adam
David Fooden
IV. Mastering 145
Barba ra Manui V. Knowing 201
with additional rnaterial by: VI. Details 209
Liz Holliday, Brian Ward, Sean Jaffe

Editor: Never played a roleplaying game

Chris Adams before? See pg. 213.
Art Direction, Layout & Design, Editorial Assistance:
David Fooden
Photoshop god:
Front Cover Art: Denn y
Michael Wm. Ka luta
Interior Art: Beth Derochea, M. Eleihu
Chris Adams (Adam u Xenobu ), Stephen Barnwell
(Celastrus), Ton y DiTerl izzi (D'Terlizzi ), Davi d Fooden Special Thanks:
(Sir Joseph David Footingham), Doug Gregory (D. A. The Sci-Fi Channel a nd Sean Redlitz
Leyndecker), Heather McJ(joney (H . Freyja), Raven Mimura Kinko's
(Rook Morrow), Zak Placin ki (Zachariah Plutarch) Apple Computer- this book was made on Macs.
Drew Tucker (Victor Beaurega rd Houston), Juan ancbez Steve J ackson
(Don Diego Sanchez), Brian Wackwitz (\1 akewit rhe Ea rthlink erwork
Younger ) Joe Wolf, becau ewe gor his name wrong in rhe last book.

The' Comp:is men; Engim•c-..-s· Fr.1tfm1ry, Ch1cago, Contimmm Logo and Dan Ad inolfi, David Bierce, Pete H enderson, MicheUe
A D 1897- 192
Henn of lhe Piscean Gate
Book j acket design: Kelley, J ason Sch neiderman, Sprague J ames Taylor,
lapis, nan12.ed marble, nran1um ::i.nd onch:1kum David Fooden Ben Handy, Brian Wa rd, Frank Lazar, Jennifer Bi hop and
ouncil Temple, Atlan tis everyo ne at ou r NYC demos; J eff Gilmour and everyone at
dedica ted I 2968 BC.
as interpreted fo r the C' rrtNU ,\ii Rl>c by Fraternity Logo Design: World Con and Jo n Con; everyone at Shorecon, esp. Brian
Mjcbacl W• Ka lu ra Lazarus Chernik , McKinley, Joe " lf There's A Bug He'll Find Ir " Pa Iser, and
AD 1999
Chris Adams sla ughterho use four : steph (flux), brandon (log) remy (dr.
ch ico), & sean (pesto); Vinny Salzillo, Martha SchuJze,
{routispicce Avonelle Wing and everyone i.n the Nexu of the Avatar
D. A. Leynd eckcr, (b. AD 1902)
Po rtrait of Seana in the G uise of l,cr Juninrs System.
pasrel tri ptyc h. center panc:I
tar Ga ll ery. \'v'itchira
AD 2014

I B 1-929312-00-8 Publishers: Aetberco/Dreamcatcber

PO Box 6392
Fir r printing, Jul y I 999. ew York, NY 10128 -0007
Made in rbe United States. (212 ) 423-0407
Produced in association with w,
Continuum Partners.

AU contents Copyright© 1998, I 999 M anui, Ada ms & Fooden. World right
reserved . ored arr COp)•right throughout belong to their respective creators .
Used with permi sioa .
Rd"erences ro statements and research or actual sc.i~ti fic or other professional persons C'Nl1NUI.JMn 1, THE YETT", Let's make hi storyrn, ' RCISSl TT'', and the
and organi.zacioos do not represent endorsements of the ~'llNL! . t ga me by same. ha nd-and-watch logo a re trademarks of Aer.herco and Dreamcatcher
Rd erences ro aaual producr.s and services do nm suggest cndorscrafflr by or o f Aetherco, Mulrimedia for their time travel game. World rigbrs reserved.
Dreamcarcher or C.Onrinuum Partners, and appear for referentia l or satlri purposes only.
Aethercorn , IJZAJ<Th1 and the book -and-branch logo are trademarks o f
The charaa crs, events, and siruanons prcsemcd in C°NTINUUM are ficrional, ser in rhe Aetherco. Wo rld right reserved .
o nt cxc of hisro ri public events. Any restmblan e to private persons. living or dead ore
purely dent:al. Dreamcatcherrn and rhe dreamcatchcr logo are trademarks of Drea mca rcher
Multimedia , Lnc . World right re erved .
0 GUARMffY, NO ARR.ANTY. Sc-.:!by
This is a game of e.ntcnainment. designed to introduce the grcarer publi to the possibili- Yoe!pc.ll.J\•WGL\1
ties. hazards and responsibil ities of genuine time tra vel. Introduction to c.he actual disci- 'He' and 'his' are usc-d throughout tNs book as gender-neutral pronoun .
plines of Spanning is nor guara nrrcd with this book. People with an ina bili ry ro di ·tin -
guish funrasy from reality di.scou.raged from playing this game, and no warranty is ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
ma le by the publishers for accidents, temporal or otherwise. [hat result from pla • o f this No part of th is hook may be reproduced or copied in an y form or b ~nv m~ n.s-graph ic,
product. t:lenronic. or mechanica l, including phorocopying, raping, or infonnauon .sr rage and
retrieva l systems- witho ut express wrirrcn permissio n o f the pubh hus..
Introductions C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

D"Tcrl iu.i, (b. 14 62)

llluminarion from haucer's
Bread a11d Milk for Cl,i/dre11
quano manuscript, AD 1461.
collcct1on of S1 rcphcn ·s College

"I believe we've already met."

-Ii zak of the Balangi, Credo.

[n 1977, f was playing Tunnel & Trolls when Tcreat-ed, quite by

If you coulti span time at will ... w at kind seeming accident, a time-travelling character that I would never
of civilization would you be entering into? stop playing. Oh, I'd get on with real life and all. But character
soon left the T&T surround, and entered EVERY work I made ince.
If you had a time machine, one that could go into the pa t For twenty-odd years, I've lived in the mind of this character to
and future, couldn't you just go and find the be tone ever whom time is no natural barrier. Now, it' time to put it to good
made? So except, perhaps, for the protorype, the be t time use. When Dave Fooden approached me in 1997 over whether a
machine would be the one in use. time travel RPG could be done, I merely extended the one charac-
ter's experience to encompass a universe-long civilization. That's
What would the be t machine be? Following the human all. Two years later, Da e and I are trying to wrap this up, and have
nearly gleefully murdered each other. We're all the richer for it.
logic of in tant gratification, the be t would one allow trav- I dedicate this book to all the following, with Gracious thanks:
el at will. In fact, it would ju t be tandard equipment. No
external device to get broken, tolen or lo t. You'd learn The Quicker
how yourself. You would be the machine. Victory, first by definition. lizak, who knows stuff. Lucy in the
k with all the card , you go ladi. Yam, yes, you can go and kill
And if one person learned how, chey'd be everywhere up the rip-off wizards now; that's our girl. Kiri]: the bad pell is bro-
and down pacetime. Thi newborn rime traveller would ken, and kid, you're all right. And Astarte, always.
find alread. in place civilization he never u pecred before. The Quick
Mom, [or everything, but pecially for mentioning Tipler' inven-
o now take a reali t' approach: How do human organize tion to me one afternoon in 1974. Dave Fooden, for asking the wrong
them elv s? question at the right time. Lara Van Wmkle, for listening to 'Group
27' and inspiring l<afira, bless you, my first muse. Ma.rk Rose, whose
Mo t time travel stories or arguments have to invent a time call as a GM took lizak's life in a curious new direction. Becky, for
police, gov mment or imilar motivator to create the rea on Red Shift dream . Barbara, "Rn.r. -What? Wha-a-at??" Sher2.ann
for a hero or team of heroes co go out and top a villain or Spaihts, for pure believing- and for laughing at the word SHERAlON.
And never least, Liz Holliday, the answer to X2K.
ave a victim. While a police authority may wi b to exercise TlieDend
control over rime, the panning people already living there Dad, for not always understanding, but being so. J.R.R. Tolkien,
have more than enough mean to keep their kill hidden for worlds and leaves. Gene Roddenberry, you look good medieval.
&om the ignorant, and handle ri e among t chemselve .
And David Trampier, and all other arti ts vanished before their hour.
The law of time travel become laws of beh,w,or.
Chris Adams
From rhj guirung pri.n iplc doe the uruverse unfold. New York. July, AD 1999.

'This rea li m i caken full circle: This game " c°NTINUUM " is part of the universe, one of many tools be.iag used to educare the population of the reality of time travel
c 0 NTINUUM: rolep]aying in The Yet Introductions
May you enjoy reading aod playing Tune was when I had Harry Shapiro si tting right over there, and
this game as much as I did creating it. telling us about buried civiliza tions under the Sahara . Dr. Shapiro
(Maybe now more than 3 people wi ll get o ur in-jokes.) was in his time one of the luminaries of the world of archaeology,
and a friend of my mot.her. The arc of that con ersation touched
also upon Vmland,-which he had helped to bring to light.
Id like to thank the following people Dr. Shapiro told us that the Sahara was a recen t desert. He said
that within recorded history, it had been considerably I s arid than
fo r inspiration and helping to make this it was today; that desertifica tion is a gradual p rocess; that the Fertile
Crescent had been green three thousand years ago, and that there
book happen: wa also every po ibi.lity tha t ites older than Korono o and
umer were hidden undernea th the orth African desert. He said
that some had tried to dig there, and had been frustrated by the
Mom, for teaching me to read. Oh shifting sands.
But, he added, with new techniques an d technology, it was likely
eah, and that giving birth to me thing you tha t soon we would find traces, evidence, of antiquities beyond
did. conventional suspicion. I am looking forward to this, even though
it will make the landscape of Antedesertium fall into the trange
Dad, the best agent a guy could ask region into which Barsoom fell when Viking landed, w here one also
for, for being my dad will find the Aat earth where no one lives any more. We have
recently seen good evidence that the Sphinx is twelve thousand
Aunt Doris, Aunt Annie, & Uncle years old, and the pyramid line up w ith Orion' belt a it appeared
Harold, for helping to make publishing this to our ancestors, ten thousand years before Christ.
I have been watching this game tak e shape for the last two years.
possible. U ually if my name i on something, it means my blood i in it; but
Chris and Da e deserve, by fa r, the lions' share of the crec:tit on thi
Uncle Gil & Aunt Sandy, for your one. I think Continu um is a ignificant innova tion in the gaming
hospitality every GenCon weekend. indu try. It' a hard game, not for those who are unw illing to think
deep ly about their campaigns and how they have to move in order
(doesn r my fam ily rock ?) to make sense. I have been telling people that I believe it will sell
Lazarus Cheroik, for the expert well. Frankly, I don't know. I think the true val ue of the game is to
push the envelope of the RPG one step further. What are you, the
advice, talent and friendship. ga mers, going to make with it?
lf you e er wan t to have fun wi th me, get me to rant about gam-
The illustrators who lenr their time ing an d d 1aracters and ty. is where f cro s the line
and talent to this and previous editions of fro m a tailored Wall Street cons ultant, to a shaman w ith a mission.
I genuinely believe that subcrea tion is our legacy from our own
Continuum. I'm honored to have friends as Creator, and tha t we can brea the the germ of life into the creatures
talented and noble as you. we build wi th our minds. This leads to aJ.anning questions, about
the means of grace and the hope of glory; about charters and max-
Chris and Barbara (and Manu and ims and what makes Jonny real.
And the question that begs itself is, what will you lot do within
lizak), for all the strangeness. the contex t of this framework? What kind of strange new li.fe will
NYMUG, back when it reaUy was you drag toward your own respective Bethlehems?
I had a dream once, many ago. It has colored this game, so
NYMUG, for all the Quark and Marathon. I think you all should hear it. I was only wa tching. There w as a
The playtesters and convention orga- man. He was moving around a cottage, getting d ressed . It was
made of wood, thatched, and there wa a woman falling asleep
nizers whose support of the RPG hobby in somewh ere inside. La te afternoon. Ou tside the cottage, there was
dirt, gravel, and th.e n a road through a village. He wore colored
general and of us in particular aided in the silk, and leather, w ith a small word in his belt; shaven head ; square
development of the game. jaw, handsome in his way; he left and walked down the d usty road .
I wa on his houlder, like glue.
They Might Be Giants, Tom Waits, He walked down the road, and I saw through his eyes. There
olfgang Amadeus Mozart. were boy down by the stream, bowling their hoops in the tall
gras , d odging and weaving through the boughs of the trees. Sma ll
Rich Thomas, for that first illustra- brown boys, almost naked. I can still hear them laughing. He
wa lked past them and up to the wa.lls of the city.
tion job. I was still on his back as he walked through the city. ight was
Jeff Barber; for tho e words of advice falling. I was in his mind and I could see as he saw. Two building ,
ta ll, rising up ahead in the road . And the moon, Sin, his beloved.
a few years ago that you probably don't And then I saw as he saw. The buildings rose, and rose. They
remember. cro sed the road and intertwined , Seussian sculptures of light and
shadow, immense. Unfeasible. Sin, in his vision, fram ed between
Andy and Thorin, for all those long arching spires of masonry. It was homage and transport and raw
onversations/debates/arguments about For this reason l call him the architect.
\ hether or not a time tra el game could He came to a building, his building, and went inside into the
da rk. At the font he washed himself, in the moonlight. He put on
ork (hah, so there). the d oth of gold, and painted his eyes and put on the crown. My
dream was fa ding. He went up to the altar, the high place, to per-
Everyone who buys this book. form the ceremony.
- Who was he? Where can I find him? What can I shake, to
know this?
Da vid Fooden, Barbara Manui Tiznnks to Mm,u Elci/111 ,
tist, Creator, Gamer, ew York. July, 1999. John Gallagher, and my parents.

ew York City. July, Year of the Tiger

Chapter lff]f~ vitations
,~,; \ Jt~,
~- .:.

And so she v+nished.:GJ,Jf l cDonald,

l .,1 i ~1c;:s, A Faerie Romance
~- .i ···:-:·.t:· .-~Ji. ._.
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Rules JL
:-: .
··' •,• ··-·-: ..•: • -.-:::=:-··;-·.....•

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• physical combat.µ more n~~il~r-y{fo:t ,·'~urvival than ever

Story /;'_~l[,/L,J
•~:~t~:t~:t:ifil~!:;tl r: ~=;on, gets aonce- 0
Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
1. Tlie Invitation ana tlie Dance That way just leaas to the roof. I think it's
locked." But the dark woman ignored her, and went up
Cynthia was hauing the worst da." Getting around the stairs.
Milwaukee had been like pulling her skin off. Euer_v Cynthia didn't like the feel of this. She looked
oddball decided she was their magnet, and she was at the coins through their clear plastic wrap. The one
getting sick of it. on the end was a bicentennial quarter, with the drum-
Just getting home from UW wa · agonizing. mer on the back. he listened to the footsteps walk
Leauing a decent residential neighborhood for some away. then stop. As if the woman were just waiting
outlying c ntury-old suburb. The bus lumbered into there, on the stairs, in the dark.
town and out, and Cynthia had aduentures of the he checked that she had locked her front
worst kind. door, then left the quarters on the banister.
A brief stop at the downtown mall and Arbvs "I'm leaui ng your money," she called. Finally,
resulted in some mendicant elbowing her tray and · hearing no answer, she left with her mess of clothes.
sending her shake flying. He was greasy, stank and
was muttering something about trees being killed. The clouds were standing on end, as they
This left her too disgusted to touch her roast beef. That often did. They ran into a change of air ouer Lake
dinner was supposed to haue been her last treat before 'Michigan. and stood like ostrich feathers on the caps of
next Monday, pa_vday. he had a Lot of quarters. but giant soldiers hiding below the horizon. Cynthia
that was for her C'lothes. Then another weekend of rice thought of the clothes of the 19th century. The night-
and Kool-Aid. are they must have been to wash. And get into. But
Getting on the bus, some old man, at least she looked al her crappy bundle of rags, and wondered
orty-{iue, just about grabbed her arm, and demanded how everything could change so much in just a hun-
to know the time. She shrugged awa.}\ and told him dred years. She imagined 2094, thought of people in
he wouldn't know. The next half-hour of the Local bus goofy sarongs, bald with electrodes.
ride had her rocking in the seat next to a bent-backed And so she was smiling when she entered the
old woman with a/mo t porous eyes, and a mouth that laundromat, a block or so down from where she lived.
slobbered or moaned euery other second. Her liuer- Her old life ended, about here.
spotted hand kept coming down on Cynthia s wrist,
and she felt her empty stomach churn all the way A half hour later, Cynthia found herself read-
home. · ing a Good Ho1u;ekeeping from 1988, wrinkled with
Home was in a third-floor walk-up. in some repeated exposure to moisture and with the best arti-
rairie-edge boom-town nightmare building she pri- cles torn out. My brain is officially on hold the rest of
vately nicknamed The Nest of Fools'. With a key turn the night. But she remembered her pending physics
and a push, she was finally inside her apartment. exam, and wondered whether it was worth going back
Cynthia knew she was not the model student. up a block to drag her books down into this environ-
Euerything kept being shunted ouer until the last ment.
minute. Papers and books were jammed abruptly In the otherwise uacant laundromat, a man
everywhere, as if they had fought her all the way sat down next to her. Trying not to notice, she did
across the kitchenette and living room. check out his reflection in the glass of one of the dry-
And it had been two weeks since her last visit ers. Suede jacket and dark hair. Young and handsome
to the laundry. She was dressed in ratty sweatpants enough, but it had been a day of wackos. I'd like to sur-
and a shfrt with faded teal triangles that was too short uiue till summer, she thought . Boys on beaches surely
to look right. awaited and she read on about gingersnaps.
Locking her door, she felt the hackles on her "Excuse me, what time is it?"
neck raise. Her wrists were bare. Annoyed, Cynthia
"C.vnthia. Cynthia Carmichael?" looked up at the clock aboue the dryers. ·'Seuen fifteen.
Cynthia started. 1b her right was a pale thin- Look for yourself." Men notice nothing. Think of noth-
faced woman, dressed in black. he must haue been ing between pickup line and coitus.
hiding on the stairs to the roof. as she didn't hear her His reflection grew a secret smile. "Yes. Stupid
come upstairs. "Um, yeah." I don't need one more crazy. me. or17-\ Guess if I can't get the time, I can't get the
"No reason for you to go broke over clothes. · date, huh."
Here." The woman tossed her a roll of quarters which Book and its cover. ''Huh," she confirmed, hop-
Cynthia instinctit•ely caught. ing he'd go now.
I could reall_Y use this cash right now. "Who "Why do they call them dates, anyway?" he
did you say you were?'' mused, with a tone she couldn't help notice was nasty,
"Didn't .., like someone from parts of New York. "They neuer last
" o who are you, and what is going on.•· a whole da_v. Why not call them euenings. ~r lunches,
"Me. luff." he just tood there. or what they are."
April Fools was last week. '7 don't haue time Call them what they are: Jerks. Cynthia tried
for this, Miss Me.'' to exclaim hate with her body language. God, this day.
The woman smirked, and turned away. "You "I mean, whats so important about the date?
have what you haue." he walked away from the Little useless twig-blondes don't go down in history."
descending staircase, and towards the far end of the ''Hey." he turned toward him, glowering, try-
hall. All that wa · down there was a narrow window ing the brave face. Then she noticed a black guy in
OL'erlooking the street and steps up. black leather and shades standing in the back. and
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
starte to serious y ott6t ow, w at meant is, starte c uc &nl1,
"Hey what?'' snorted the jerk next to her. He "your life? It's about to change." He kept chuckling;
noticed her looking beyond him, und wheeled. Upon turned to look at that distant rooftop, chuckling.
seeing their compan.v, he swore once, and leaped atop She took a step away. She could hear that
the washers behind their seats, then down onto the far step, as clear as Dolby, the gravel on pavement hissing
side. The man in the back didn't move, hands folded once, beneath her sole, and all the lights down the
before him. street were sharp and indelible. and the whole moment
Cynthia watched the jerk flee over the hung like the dot at the end of a sentence.
machines, then heard silence. he looked toward the "I still just find that so funny." And hands had
front, then toward the door at the back. The black guy her mouth and throat from behind.
just smiled once, then went back to his expressionless Trying to elbow and /Zail, a soft part of her
self. could already tell she was in the hands of a master- a
After a few seconds, she carefully walked soldier, or an enforcer; a master killer. The taunting
around the central bank of coin-ops. Staying close by jerk seemed to gesture, 'take your time', but her neck
the front door, she looked around to see, bttl only a was giving way. Then the jerk broke into a furious run
laundry earl stood there. The jerk was gone. at her.
"Did you see where-?" she began, but the And then he skidded, and half fell for fear,
black guy was gone too. himself.
The roar of her machine was all there was to The world spun, and she and her assailant
be heard. She recalled a friend who used to work here, were falling; she felt him being hit, and hard. Her neck
collected coins and mopped up. There was a back way had been bent around, but she was loose, gasping for
out of the laundromat, but she wondered how the jerk air. She made it up on one knee, and was looking right
got past this other guy first. in the eyes of the bastard, but he now he sputtered,
Full moon? Frat boys? Her machine stopped. confused. "No! This was set!!"
She stared at it a long while, half afraid her clothes From behind she heard, "Dastardly filth!
were already stolen. Panties dripping suds all over the Without scruple! How dare you touch her."
campus shrubbery. She was relieved to find her things A couple panicked seconds later, Cyn gulped
still there. She debated washing them again, just out a short scream, then another. The jerk fled, down
because the jerk had made her paranoid, and realized the driveway, and round to the back. In pain, Cynthia
she couldn't afford to. She remembered the weird girl turned and stood.
with the quarters. She threw her stuff in to dry, and Her savior was a sturdy little man, barely
decided to go check on her place. taller than herself, dressed in a white shirt and Levi's
but looking out of place in them. She found she was
The street was very empty for this time of focussing on the glisten of his hair, and knew she was
night, bttt it felt haunted. A car or two passed, rushing not making sense yet. Get a grip My assailant. Get a
out of town. When the last one went, Cynthia felt eyes description.
on her. She couldn't help think of the eyes of the dog "I'll handle this rogue," came the crisp British
that had scared her when she was ten. It had been a accent. "Get inside. None of your heroics, my dear."
bright night, and the dog was one she knew from the Heroics. Looking down, she saw her assailant
neighborhood. But the animal that had padded toward struggling prone in the gravel. It was the jerk again. A
her back then was a black hole in the dimness, except twin. Thats how they did it. Before she had a chance
the unblinking red e_ves. to doubt this logic, the twin blinked out, like seamless
"Tch,'' she said aloud. a false comfort. Her door editing. "Movie ... " gasped Cynthia.
was only yards away, close on. "Blast." Her rescuer was Looking up and down
But still that feeling. he scanned the houses the street. "No one saw that, I hope. I7l do a sweep.
across the street- sure enough, a figure on a distant You get inside, dear girl. 11 He ran around to the back,
rooftop. Suddenl_v, it ducked, was gone. Great, what leaving her alone.
was that. After two or three breaths, hearing a dog bark
"Cynthia .. :' The jerks voice, close. She turned, inside, she bolted for the front door.
but the street was empty. She had gotten to her drive- As she raced up the stairs, she knew she was
way, and looked down it. 1lventy-five yards away going into shock, knew that her reactions were going to
beneath a window, he appeared where only an empty be increasingly long and askew, like they were when
pool of light was the second before. she was fourteen and fell out of the attic.
he cottldn 't help jumping back. That's a mean She came to her door, and juggled the the key-
trick- chain. There were only five keys, but already she grew
'The hell is your problem," she forced out, hid- confused.
ing fear poorly. "Hi.''
"It's one of philosophy, actually," he said, casu- She yelped. That woman was back. She was
ally approaching. " ee ... destiny is one of those lies? Just suddenly standing there, and No, I didn't see you
One of the big lies. like you make to use people. Like, come into the corridor, thought Cynthia. Her arms and
we're all meant to get along, or we're meant for each shoulders began to feel rubbery with panic.
other, or... " A sick, rehearsed smile. ·:vou 're meant for "What do you want."
greater things." "Nothing. What time is it?"
Cynthia thought of screaming. exactly how What? "Who are you. Leave me alone."
and how hard. Another step, and the scream. "You left your clothes over there. Better go

Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
or them.,. balding guy wa sitting there, chatting on t ie pay
·'What ? What the hell!?" phone.
"Language, young Lady." Then she turned and "Hey. Hey, let me on. Emergency." Cynthia
headed back down the corridor, and up lhe lairs to wiped mascara-ridden wet from her face. "C'mon. Nine
the roof. one one-"
Cynthia, bug-eyed, her neck beginning to ache The man turned. she didn't know him. He had
from the attack, Listened to the footsteps go up, then a beard, graying too, which wrapped a smile that com-
stop abruptly in dead silence. forted until. '1t's all right, Cynthia. 171 only be a sec."
Like a string tied to her soul, she had to see. He turned back to his conversation. he stood
Around the corner he went, and the woman there, armed with quarters, but a glance revealed that
was gone. The door to the roof was bolted and pad- the black guy was back, same place. The only other
locked from the inside. person was some woman with her back to her, in gar-
Up into the dark she went, sick with confu- ish clothes, almost gypsy. he was piling all kinds of
sion. The chain and padlock, probably illegal by them- colorful fabrics into a waiting machine.
selues, were painted over and stuck to the door. After a few heartbeats, she made to leaue,
Cynthia heard her own breath, her blood sing in her qtiickly. But the big redbeard was leaning in the door,
ears. Then she bolt d down and scrambled for her looking at her funny.
door. So she went to her dryer. Her clothes weren't
Fumbling again for her keys, Cynthia started done, but she loaded them into the wet bag she had
to shake her head sharply and breathe deep. It made thrown in with them. And in one sock, she slipped the
her neck hurt worse, but now she was afraid someone quarters.
had slipped her something, one of those nutcases Hoisting the damp sack, she made as noncha-
today, and she was on some designer nightmare. lantly as possible for the rear. She considered the rusty
Got to think straight. Shake of the head. What detergent uending machine for a couple seconds, sup-
did she want? What would that bitch want? he pressing a hollow scream. The black guy was now only
remembered the quarters, and as she found her door ten feet away. His attention seemed elsewhere.
key, she glanced at where she had left them. Glancing back, the beards were both standing and fac-
Now there were two rolls. ing her. And the gypsy had her head resting on the
1lventy dollars in quarters sat quietly on the washer, eyeing her. Her tanned arm cradled her face,
banister. Threat by money, thought Cynthia, and she which she could not make out. The little shape of this
stared for a long moment at it. Some small detail was 'dark gyp y's head and arm drove deep into her mind.
drawing her closer, and yes, the drummer. There were Cynthia made for the back door. he hopped
two little drummers, one al the end of each roll. around the narrow back room, slung open the latch,
She took up one in each hand, fixating on the and leapt out onto the rear steps.
small tokens of her ordeal, and saw 011 the other end, She froze. The.v were all there, in the backlot,
each had an identically worn-down coin from 1965. She plus the thin-faced woman. Her original assailant was
sat down on the top stair lo her floor now, comparing absent. but so was her earlier rescuer.
scratches in Washington s face, each nick a duplicate, A shadow fell across her. She dropped her
and her mind began wandering back to when her laundry. It rolled gathering dirt. She raised her sock-
friend Julie commented on why George was the only blackjack. The towering redbeard had appeared on the
President on money without a shirt, and a fight she top step behind her, be/ore a closed doo r.
had with a boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend. "Hello, little. How are you?"
l'ue got to call the police. But I must be "Don't hurt me," she breathed.
drugged, they'll see that. Mom. Call Mom. She was "We won't," said the older graybeard guy,
about to squeeze the rolls until they spilled, and her below her. "We're not here to rob you, or anything." He
tears started finall:v, when there was a thud. scratched his beard. "Maybe we should start this from
omeone was in her apartment. Another bang, a beginning. Hi. I'm Charlie. This is Ray and this is
and a scrape, unmistakable behind the door. he took Lydia. That's our pal uen behind you. Do you recog-
ff before another thought. nize any of us?"
1b her right, Cynthia also saw the gypsy, her
Out through the front door, into the street. No face covered in a ueil. he hadn't been introduced.
ign of her recent attackers, but she ran. The nearest Behind her was parked an ominously unmarked old
pay phone was at the laundromat. And she was going Chevy uan. Her eyes went back to the thin-faced
to use the damn quarters. woman, Lydia.
Coming out of the ,peedAMat with a bag was "You. 1-ou 're from the stairs."
a huge guy with a great, braided red beard. He ''leah. Careful with them quarters, Cynful."
bumped into her. "Don't call me that. "
"He)~ little! Where you going!" he .velled; at "One false moue, and those quarters are seri-
another moment it would have sound friendly. ously mixed up," said Ray, the black guy, pulling a
he raised her fists, with the coin rolls. small electronic appliance out of his jacket sleeue.
"Laundry!" she yelled, tears all over her face. The big ''Those are good instincts. I'm going to check on her
-guy looked concerned suddenly, but she was a/read_,, dream logs. See how long she's been like this."
past him, running for the pay phone. His device spewed a colorful display of energy
Now the place was crowded, or felt it. This into the air aboue it, eight inches on a side. Cynthia
day isn't going to let go of me. And some gra:v haired had neuer seen anything like it, except when her ex
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
had ma e her watch Trek. "C'mon, riae up frant with me," offerea
The others clucked in disapproval. ''Hey! Charlie. ''lVh re euetJ·bud.v <:ur1 see yuu . We'll tool
H yy... "growled Charlie. around downtown a lilt le, then hPrul out, if ymi'rP rPal-
Ray frowned, made an impatient gesture. ly worried."
What? We know what we're doing with her." "] went screaming," commented Lydia. "But I
'Very outside of kosher. Ray." made the decision, ultimately. It's better than sex."
Cynthia felt like she wanted to sit. Her knee "Uh huh." Cynthia looked at all of them
te out suddenly and she fell hard against the steps. around her, but finally up at ven, who shrugged his
.. massive shoulders cheerfullv. Running did not look
Ray blinked. Charlie came to C\'nthias aid. possible. but she carefully stood up. "Where are we
mmit, Ray, you're scaring her." igoing."
"Turn it off now, Ray,,. said the gypsy. ''Well, somewhere safe. Not your apartment,
"But I was- oh, all right." The lights went since somebody's in there making trouble." Cynthia
t with a decorative flourish, as if it were a kind of stared at Charlie's words. ''Yeah, we know stuff. You
u rhor' signatLLre. In a moment. the little device was needn 'l believe me yet, but you 're way safer with us
, d 11p his sleeve. than anywh re else in the world right now."
"Tll take those.·· Charlie gently retrieved the "Oka)~ Charlie. I won't believe you. Say. I haue
u{ quarters from Cynthia s hands and replaced it to go to the bathroom. How do we handle that."
h ome ones and fives. He handed the rolls over to "We don't, because you went two minutes and
-d1a, who placed th 111 very carefully in a small wood. seventeen seconds before you left to do your laundry."
box. said Lydia.
Cynthia looked at the cash in her lap. Charlie There was a long pause. Cynthia listened to
. "Heres your change." the traffic on the far side of the building, fell the warm
'That's what the jerk who vanished aid-" thrum of the laundromat behind her.
stopped short. They'll thin/,, I'm nnts and- But "That bothers me in a deep way."
, r expressions didn't change. "You don't th ink I'm ' hall we?'' sighed Ray, gesturing to the van.
-y. Do you." "Come on, she'll get in," said Lydia. She
·'Ch-ch-ch-change , "sang Lydia. 1t' Anton, walked over and climbed in herself.
I rirrht." "Careful," came the gypsy's voice.
Ray looked at her. "Anton is still pushing that Cynthia looked again at ven. His eyes twin·
11 ( That's so lame." kled. She got in the front seat.
"Yeah. Anton's fixated on that phrase. It's a
11c he got stuck on." Charlie just shook his head, but

H l.'' was visibly puzzled by his remark. They had driven about Milwaukee discussing
"I won't tell anyone that your Anton friend can good places for take-out. trying to engage Cynthia inlo
ake himself invisible," said Cynthia. "Please just let the conversation, but she was only trying to think
. rro. I won't tell anyone." about escape. Her thoughts weren't very well orga-
'1'd put odds on that!" laughed ven. Ray nized, like something was pulling them in a direction
rt:w a small rock at him. and he sobered. "Oh. I they wouldn't go.
ant, you n ed not feel the teeth of fear from u . You They had made her buckle up. It was an old-
at•t: a long life ahead! You are happy, all over!" fa hioned strap, difficult to undo, and the seat was
Cynthia stared up at him transfixed. high, so at every stoplight she never felt brave enough
Charlie chuckled slightly. " ven means well. to disentangle herself and make a break for it.
·o do we. Its our turn to tell vou some things." Ray had his holographic device out again, and
"T don't need to know," said Cynthia, still Lydia was grabbing at it.
utching Sven. "Lemme see that toy.·•
"Shes a natural." said Ray, and smirked in the "No," muttered Ray. "My span book's on it."
,rection of the gypsy. The gypsy cleared her throat, and Lydia and
"Carmichael.'' It was the rich accent of the Ray said, " orry, ma'am.·· Ra:I' turned the devices pro-
.:yp y. Cynthia slowly looked away from ven. '·I would jector toward the front seat, where it played an old
, ol like to see you die, Carmichael," aid th veiled Milton Berle episode on the glass before Cynthia's
•, oman, opening the rear passenger door in the shadow star .
,,f the van. "Ride with me•·. Then at one Light a police car pulled up across
'7 don't u.•ant to go. Don ·1 do this to me." from the van. In.stinctively she pounded on the wind-
The gypsy hissed. Their eyes met, and shield. "Help! Help me!!"
( :\'nthia didn't like the plain anger she saw. But the light changed, and the police drove
Charlie went and stood between them, and away. Charlie looked at her compassionately. "Well, we
barked at the veiled woman. ''Leveller? Young gemini? cheated a little. They couldn't see through the other
'top bossing her around.·· Cynthia thought she mis- side of Ray's hologram."
heard his words, then realized she was getting far too "Hologram," Cynthia repeated as she quietly
ared to think. sank into her eat. "Never mind."
The gypsy drew herself up as if to put Charlie Final/.,\ Charlie headed the van out of tou n.
in his place. Then she gal'e a growl. ''Bandle it, then." In a few minutes, the sweeping contours of Wisconsin
he climbed in and threw herself into the back of the lay glowing in the dark.
tan . "One detail," the gypsy muttered. Cynthia

Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
IJieara her coming forwara to behina IJier seat. ently, My nee is aa. An tliink you re ere to ki or urt
'deep blue silk wrapped around her eyes. Its perfume me. So. I don't have time for this."
rfell on her, like nothing she had ever known. "Lydia," said young Charlie. "Demonstrate."
"Oh, no." Cynthia groaned ...I'm going to die. ·· '"Yoo hoo. ·· said Lydia. Cynthia looked at her.
"I said I did not want that. We are laking you And then there were two.
to a place of decision. We will show .}'Oil a thing. Then It made C.v n more alive than she would haue
you can stay or go. But only after you see.·• imagi_ned. Not ti~ not illusion. There was another per-
"Cult. You 're a cult. Oh great." son in the room where there hadn ~ been one before;
General chuckling around her. except uens she could feel it from where she slumped.
voice. "No, she's right. he is right. We are a big cull, "Get me a beer," said right Lydia to left Lydia.
:res?" Left Lydia shrugged, uanished, and returned with a
"We're what cults only dream of being," said beer, open, its odor slowl:v leaking around the cold
Charlie, and somehow he made it sound all right, even garage. Right Lydia took it, patted left Lydia on the
a good thing. head. "Good junior."
Cynthia's mouth was open.
"Wake her up," hissed the gyps_v.
Many minutes later. Cynthia felt the Lian "Hey," said old Charlie to the ueiled woman.
come to a stop on grauel, and heard a garage door "What did I say."
open. The uan proceeded inside, the door fell and audi- "What... is that." Cynthia was unable to stop
bly locked. The blindfold pulled off from behind. looking at Lydia, who was making fools of herselues
She was alone in the van. They had all gotten with the beer.
out silently, or somehow, since they were waving her to "Actually, there is a term we use," says
come out. The gypsy was pulling the scarf around in Charlie. "Its a gemini. But there's only so much I can
her hand, tight, menacing. tell _vou be/ore you agree to become one of us, or decide
It was a big garage space she slipped out into. to leaue."
Their uoices were echoing with every word, and with "No, what is she doing. Th-ey doing."
crates and boxes and vehicles under tarps of uarious "Time trauel," said young Charlie.
inds, she couldn't see a ready way out. Another man Cynthia looks around for mirrors and cam-
was there, next to Charlie, and looked like a younger eras, but is feeling weak.
brother. Darker hair and beard, sharp black clothes. "Here, in about a minute, I'll go and appear
He regarded Cynthia intently. Family affair, whispered wherever you point." offers Charlie.
her mind. Cynthia pointed weakly to the van, and at
"Okay. Make yourself comfortable," aid the once young Charlie was in it, behind the wheel. He got
man. C_vnthia saw a tarp rouering some huge tires. It out. There were three Charlies, the latest one walked
was a little apart from her captors, so she decided lo up to her and handed her a paper. It was the
rperch there. he sank into it more than she liked. but Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for Saturday, April 23,
didn't U'CJnt to fidget. Her neck was hurting again, and 1994. 1lvo weeks away. "If you'd like, I can get .vou
she delicately touched her growing bruises. another paper. Just so you 're clear."
'Think I should treat those?" said Ray. "That The other young Charlie took a few steps
can't be comfortable." toward the uan and blinked out.
"Not yet." The gypsys words were cold, almost She set the paper down. "No, no, that's .. . " This
angry. "Charlie, get on with it." isn Z the abduction I ordered. She begins to laugh man-
The younger man, though, stepped forward. ically, then cry.
"Hello, Cynthia. My names Charlie. Later I may giue Through the tears, the looks of concern on the
ou my last name, and anything else you want to know Charlies were identical, and more genuine than most
about me. But first, its my job to tell you why you 're men she had euer known.
here." "Why-?"
'1 thought he's Charlie,'' said Cynthia. And the They were quiet. Then old Charlie began to
grey bearded Charlie smiled. speak, and _young Charlie stepped away. 'There's the
"Observant," said Ray. Suen nodded vigorous- question. What makes yo,i chosen? You 're a witness to
.v. "Eyes of a dolphin." what we can do. You didn ~ haue any say in that. And
"Quite right," said the younger one. k/'ll be we here haue to agree its all right to invite you. Thats
'blunt. We travel time at will. We are not the only ones, done, you don't have any say in that part either.
'but we're the ones that have crossed your path. And "But there's the last bit- and you haue lo
this is your invitation to join us." choose tonight- do .vou want to become a time trau-
· o. Can I go home." eller? We can teach you."
"That's a no... " says Ray, an eyebrow coming "This is probably your only chance," said
p ouer his shades. young Charlie. ''So take a minute. Think. We can
" ot .vet," aid the gypsy again. answer a couple questions, but only so much. Just
"Right," said young Charlie. "How do you think."
explain the man who attacked _vou, Cynthia. He She was still thinking escape, but what was
appeared, disappeared." going on? "W- w- would I be leaving mv friends/
"Yeah, and me on the stairs." smiles Lydia. Would I have go away for awhile, would-"
"Where did that chick go?'' "Not that anyone would euer notice," smirked
Nightmare freakshow. God, make it painless. Ray.
!I'm sorry. "Okay. I. I don't think I haue time for this. "Huh?"
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
' ontinuum to Cynt ia," said the Lydia on {lie "I mean think about it,' aid Ra)• energetical-
left. 'Time travel. Arrive before you leave.·· 1 , ·:vou can do this, what do you need-'' He stopped
..It's a lot to realize, all at once," said young himself short, he was getting loo/ts. "Okay. Further
Charlie. information isn't available here. There, I said it first.''
"Yeah, 1 need-" Cynthia blinked, wiping her "Wait." Cynthia's mind was speeding on,
face. Looked at the Charlies and the Lydias. '7 need clouds thundering away. "You can trat•el time, pop in
time ... " he pointed at the doubled people. "You- you and out. You can get all the money you want. Do what
can teach me how to do that-?" you want, pretty much. You don't need scientists. you
"Better-" said left Lydia. could just-you can meet Edison, Einstein-"
"-than sex." Right Lydia nodded. "Damn, you're quicker than I was." Left Lydia
Her mind was on. all at once. It was like shook her head.
clouds lifting. fighting Lake Michigan. X-Files? Candid " ee, you are good at this," smiled old Charlie.
Camera? Satan? Drugs? Dream? "What's the catch." All of the questions opened before her. For
" ecrec.v, some discipline," said young Charlie. several seconds it was just her and these people in this
''Be.vond that, whatever responsibility you can handle. n building under glaring fluorescents, while inside she
"For in lance," continued old Charlie, "Your felt the earth and sky flipping upside-down in the dark
father lost a leg in a car accident, Ma_v 17. 1992. You beyond. "How many. How many are there? How did it
wouldn't be able lo stop that, or anything you knew start? How does it even work-?" Ray popped three
that happened. How does that make you feel." 'feet to one side. Cynthia barked a nervous laugh. "How
The memory of the night slammed her from can you even keep track?! What does-?!"
behind, as her father's Taurus had been. The agony i11 "Are you in," said young Charlie steadily.
the hospital, his months of denial heaped on her. the "What?"
smell. But she said, "I don't know. Why not. " Right Lydia leaned close. "No more answers
"We'd gang up on you and beat you up," till you're in. Call it a 'catch·."
smiled left Lydia. "Well I-" I'm not sure I even like any of these
"But each of us expects that, r said right Lydia. people yet. "What are my options."
'7f we 're so stupid as to actually try and mess with Young Charlie counted them off- '~) You 're in
someone's story." with us and we teach you time travel and all the joys
"It's mostly good clean. fun, and we watch out and tears it brings. You will become an ethical god, like
for each other. At the basic level, it's a lot like Boy rest of us. B) You say no, we use our ample means to
Scouts." said old Charlie. "Or Girl Scouts. No uniforms, erase your memory of this night. You'll wake up tomor-
thank God." row with a couple of odd bruises, and wonder why you
"Of course not," chimed in _voung Chari ie. went to bed early. No weirdness, ordinary life."
"You 71 still be going around in the world, see your folks "111 take care of the bruises, even," shrugged
and friends. Hold vour job-'' Ray.
" he's still a student," commented old Charlie. "No anal probes," smiled the Lydias in unison.
"Right. All that. You.'ll also be expected to con- 'There is no C). '' Young Charlie folded his
tribute to time traveller life-" arms.
"Like?" Here's the catch. ay no. Just say nada. They're kidnappers,
"Socializing, partying, goofing off, gossip,'' said bad people-A small butterfly, deep in her bosom,
left Lydia. wanted to go on its way, live simple and free, die in its
'ilnd more gossip," said right Lydia. time.
''Lydia," sighed old Charlie, with a resigned But she looked at the Lydias. If. If this is even
warning. remotely real. What I could do with that. She throws it
'What," both said. away, this incredible, incredible gift! "I can i throw this
'There is a lot of that," young Charlie inter- away," slipped from her mouth.
jects. "Plenty of fun and games, sure. There's also find- 'That's a yes," said Ray.
ing a l'Oc:ation among time travellers." Before Cynthia "Hang on ,·• said the Charlies, and the old one
can question that, he finished. "Believe you me, we laughed at hi,nself. The _young one remained intent.
have things that need to get done. It's not a free ride, "Are you in?"
by any means." ")es. Just yes. Okay, now-"
Cyn noticed them all glance at the gypsy. "But The time people broke into cheers and
I is a ride," nodded right L_vdia. applause, made loud and brassy b_v the metal walls.
Vocation? ''So why me." "If this is some prank, I'm going to kill all of
"You saw a span. That's pretty rare. And we've you." she squeals over their echoing cheers.
reed amongst ourselves, you 're no idiot." 'That's our Cynthia."' cried left Lydia. "Yay!
"El'en more rare," muttered Ray. ·u u all!"
"Why not cientists, or rich people. What do I The gypsy is smiling under the veil, and as
i r." the claps die down, she strides forward. '"Good. Good
They all chuckled. Even the gypsy seemed to choice," she said, her accent less sharp. "I am sorry for
be smiling under her veils. Cynthia began wondering mentioning the possibility of your death . But the span-
about her again. ner life, it is dangerous. Even in our most peaceful
Old Charlie said, 'That's not how it works. moments, we are threatened. Even at rest, we are at
We're not some government program. No way we could war. Even asleep, we are ever watchful. Cynthia
be." Carmichael, born of woman September twenty-seven,
Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Anno omini nineteen- euenty-four, rise."
Cynthia scrabbled to her feet. The gyp y two
feet away pulled back some of the fabrics she wore,
Invitation to Dance
revealing a long stainless steel knife, which she
reached toward. Cyn tensed to run. Well that was stu- We are all born ordi_nary human beings. The
pid. me. momenr where one is chosen to join the ranks of
But the woman drew out a small, brightly spa nners is a delica te circumstance, to put it ligh tl y.
wrapped present, and handed it to her. ''Happy birth-
Moment of Truth
"It's not my birthday."
"Oh yes it is. Open it." Not every acti vity span ners perform goes
Cynthia took it . and pulled open the heau_y unnoticed. People in two places a t the sa me time,
wrappings. It was a paperback. "God Almight_v. }'cm occasional accurate visions of the future, and other
people. You knew this uas my favorite part. This is my ' unex pla ined phenomena' are easi_ly exp lained o nce
favorite par/ of-" Her eyes rescanned the unfamiliar the reality of spanni ng is taken into acco unt.
cover: The Fellowship of the Ring ·01r A MAJOR MOTION And so metimes a leveller- a human th at
PlCTl.'RE "Um . Part of the trilogy... " Inside, it was knows nothing of panning- witnesses a span out-
signed by them all, and also by a mysterious ' '.
righ t. Usually it's a narcissist out mak ing troubl e, but
Cynthia, giddy with this insane moment,
looked the gypsy straight in the eye. "You're ·s·, aren't even so, th e Continuum handles these moments of
you? Why don't I know your name?" terrible su rprise and confusion.
"Of course you do." And she unveiled. It's called an ln vitation To Dance, but both
Cynthia dropped Frodo, but then recovered. parties have to be wi lu ng. The levell er normally must
"For a second you looked like my mom. That would be be at least 18 years of age, and possess remarkab le
too ... " maturity of mind and spiri t. And the spanners pre-
"Close. Guess again." Her skin was deeply sent have to make a judgement (or fi nd a spanner
tanned. fewer wrinkles than her mother, leaner, no who can) as to whether this levellers time has come,
grey. A relative.
or more commonly that means must be emp loyed to
Cynthia wa al a los , bul what was one more
hock tonight. The hack/ on her spine were bri.stling ens ure th e levell er forgets an d never tells of their
like fire. ·'J gil•e up{'" brush with spanning. See the Fourth Maxi_m.
"Gilie her a clue." The leveller who i offered this opportunity
Another Ray popped in, dre ed differently. is taken aside to a place ei ther ery fami li a r to th e
uen looked about. then laughed, and another ue11 leveller, or a sec ret place known only to the span -
was there. "I ee! I get it! 1luo of each, now!" The uens ners, but away from their corner, or home. In any
punched each others' arms. ca e, it must be very secure and private. A span ner
Cynthia was feeling a little dizzJ; btLt still of Span Three rarik is a lm ost a lways called in, since
made no connection. "I'm ... I'm not seeing il. orry.
Spa ns below Three have limi ted knowledge of bow
That doesn't mean I'm out does it?"
Laughter all around, even 'S'. "Dear heavens, spanning works.
no, Carmichael. But you will need to be able to count Every spanner present may kn ow the invitee
in our new lifestyle." and have even lived for lo ng yea rs of Age with the
Cynthia looked al the laughing faces around invitee's spann er elder selves- but they will not let
her, already doubling her ability to swim in this depth. on for an instant. On the one hand, the invitation
B1tt the uens helped driue it home. "Tu.10! 1luo! 1luo of must be pure: A levell er th at is bullied into knowing
eueryone.1" And ynthia started looking all around for he becomes a spanner a lmost always has menta l or
lhe other' ·. social troubl e later on, as it robs the person of their
Finally their eyes met again. The dark hair,
rediscove ry of free will. Thi is the invitee's mo t pre-
the accent, didn i matter anymore. he knew how lo
put mascara on those e:i•es. cious decision they will ever make, and to poil it
Cynthia's head turned, b1Ll not her tare. through arrogance is to spi t o n their humanity.
amidst the laughs. 1lvo pl1Ls two. he forgot to breathe. And on the other hand, no one want to
Nol enough oxygen reached her brain for a cond. and miss the fun of ganging up on a clueless member of
she fell back. This was her la t clear memory for ome the comer and wa tch them sq uirm before th e awe-
while. ome might of th eir soon- to-be peers. The hazing
aspect i ofren th e best part.

ore that a spanner th a t attend s bis own

invitation is probably orily there because it is in his
Yet [See Chapter 2: Spanning- W ha t is the Yet?, pg.
4 7]. Reliving a hazi ng is not everyone's idea of a
good time.'

Nor eve r one gers to meet rhern elve righr off the ba r, unlike the rory exa mple, and w hen they do. few foi nr .
0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
The Perspective But an active and interested yes is exactly
The truth of time travel is rold to the invitee, what the Continuum is looking for. Out of these dar-
nd proved as best as possible to him. What is told ing individuals are player characters drawn from.
to him is mostly a matter for the inviting corner to
de ide, but much information is withheld: Events of And Everything After
he inv itee's personal future, for instance, are rarely The novice spanner will remember nothing
rt ealed, as it may prove too easily what choice they after his invitation, until he awakens in his corner.
ma ke. Certainly the physics and tech nical details of He will recognize all his chronies, though he' ll have
a nning are not mentioned. Usuall y the word a big whitespace in hi s mind with few distinct mem-
pa nner" is avoided as well. But nearly anything ories of what happened .
might be discussed, as an invitee that turns the
ontinuum down has their memory suppressed, and He will be able to travel time, however. And
ent back to their narrow life. have some basic instincts on how to survive.

Levellers are rarely taken for a span as part

their invitation. It would take the Span Three pre-
nt to accomplish this, and Span Threes tend to be
Character Creation
utio us about that. But once in private, the span- Starting Off
r ca n flit about as much they like to produce the All starting characters are new to the
roo f the leveller needs to decide. Continuum and to the ability of spanning. They
An aid many corners prefer is ro present or have been taught how to span only recentl y, and
ribe a variation on the Spacetime Map of Earth, have come out of their Ln-Between ldl0 x 30 days
n pg. 102 ]. Most levellers never think much ago. They are keeping in close contact with their
o nd the basic changes of night and day, and the mentors and the members of their corner, relying on
ons. Explaining bow the Earth spirals through them for support and advice. Following is the
e, and how time travel is always a vast form of process involved in creating a C0 NTINUUM character.
e travel tends to open some minds. Sometimes a
te future tech is helpful. Concept & Background
But tbe most convincing display is the span- Most important in the character creation
n itself, especiaJly wben the invitation is held at process is the character concept. The whys and
in vitee's home or deserted office. If they can dis- wherefores of the character's life. Who are they?
rd their prejudicial reactions (drng overdose, illu- What was their "invitation to dance" into the life of
n, wi tchcraft, etc.) and begin ro see the opportuni- a spanner? Many of the details that describe the
' the y may have a chance to give an honest answer. character's life need to be filled in. Before the rules
and numbers are applied, it's important to flesh out
e Decision a characters' background and vital statistics. On the
Much of the invitation is looking for signs C°NTINUUM character sheet you will find spaces for
c the leveller knows what's happening, and even all the pertinent background information; name, date
a n eagerness and a grasp of the issue. The of birth, age (which, for a spanner, will conflict with
·re rs can spend up to 24 hours with an invitee, their original date of birth, see Span Sheet, pg. 225),
c o ften settle it in less time. and the rest. Take a moment and look at the top of
The person with the highest Span present at the character sheet to note what vital statistics need
invitation gets to decide when the leveller has to be recorded there. Additionally, the character's
enough to make a decision that spanning is real, background should be fleshed out further to include
•hether they will never believe or understand it. their family, friends, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and
ippant "yeah, sure, teach me " answer to the invi- other interests. Both the player and GM should be
n is not sufficient: The leveller must be involved in the character's origin, to keep their abili-
re ed with what they are getting into. ties balanced and to allow the GM to blend the char-
A flippant "no " answer can be ignored for acter's "life" into other story elements.
1le but persistent weeping or calls to be left
after being shown spanning is a sign that the Roleplaying the Invitation
n is not ready to accept time travel. They have You may want to roleplay out your charac-
memories thoroughly suppressed, and are ter's invitation with your GM. This will help define
ed co their lives. On rare occasions, a person your character and answer questions about their
a nds what they've seen, and seems a prime background before you begin to play as a group.
i ace, but turns away from the challenge, believ- Some derails about your character's leveller life that
memselves unready or unworthy. Tbey too are should be filled in include:
med ro their lives, but it is worthwhile keeping
on uch people.
Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Your age. Mind
Your occuparion. A combination of mental acuity, abiliry to
Significant or traumatic events in your past. reason, clariry of thought, hand-eye coordination,
Who your family and friend are. and perception.
How were you introduced to the Continuum and
Spanning. Mind 1: A very young child, a functionall y retarded adult.
The goals and habits you bad before you learned IQ 60-80
time travel was a realiry. Mind 2: A pre-teen child (10-12 ), a dim-wined adult.
IQ 80-100
And derail about your character's new status a a Mind 3: An average adult. IQ 100-120
Mind 4: A smarter than average adu lr, a chi ld
novice spanner should include:
prodigy. IQ 120-140
Mind 5: Very smart, quick on rhe upta ke excellent
Your nati e locality and where and when your memory. IQ 140-160
corner LS. Mind 6: The proverbial "rocket scienti t " . A geniu .
Who your Mentor i and your relation hjp with IQ 160-180
them. Mind 7: One of rhe rap geniuses of rheir time.
Your current motivations, likes, and dislikes. Stephen Hawking or Galileo. IQ 180-200+
Memory and Mind
Attributes & Skills
At a superhuman Mmd of 8 or greater, a character
automaricaUy gains the Benefit Photographic
Attributes and skills are what define a char-
Memory [see pg. 13]
acter's abiJities. There are three attributes that every
being in C°NTINUUM inherently possesses. These are Quick
Body, Mind, and Quick. Attributes are an amalga- A sense of timing, insight, and inner focus.
mation of the traits they repre ent, their rarings The chi known in Asia. The attribute vital to the
equaling general abiliry and potential. By acquiring mastery of spanning.
skills, a character hones his potential in a specific
direction. For example, a player creating an ath.letic Quick 1:
Very poor reflexes insensate much of the time.
character with a high Body rating might choo e to Quick 2:Below average.
give him kill in strength training or running to make Quick 3:
Average adult.
him stronger or faster, respectively. Following i a Qujck 4:Faster than a verage, good timing.
definirion of each amibure. The human average for Quick 5:Fa st reactions usua lly aware of time and
each of the e is a 3. The known human maximum themselve , very focu ed.
for these attributes i 7. A character with any Quick 6: Very fa st, moves g racefull y, much inner focus and
rrength .
attribute of zero is dead or non-functioning.
Quick 7: Legenda ry peed Billy the Kid or Bruce Lee.
Amazing powers of concentration.
The physical state of being. Representing Perception and Quick
general athletic conditioning, muscular coordination,
health, and resistance to di ea e and injury. For most humans, a Quick rating of 7 is
the highest possible. But tbe rare few who have
Body 1: omeone a fflicted by di ease or infirm, barely able urpassed thi have a unique perspective of the flow
to move eirher extremely obese or ra il thin. of time. Time seems to slow down as one's percep-
An infant. tion and sense of timing increases, and acts of
B dy 2: Below ave rage, out of ha pe, u uall y pudgy o r extreme coordination and rapidity become possible.
kinn y. A young child or senio r.
Those with a Quick of 10 or higher are capable of
Body 3: Ave rage, hea lth y adulr.
Body 4: Above ave rage adult, athJ eric.
uperhurnan grace and speed. Spanners who man-
Body 5: Very a thl etic, healthy, rrong re i ta nce to di ease. age to attain a Quick of 10 or higher gain a sensi-
A professional athlete. tiviry to arrivals and departures of their feUow
Body 6 : Extremel y good physical condition , excellent diet spanners . Called Shift Sight, it allows the character
and constant exercise. Very strong. to tell within six seconds before and/or after of a
Body 7: Pea k pb y ica l ondirion. World champion athlete. span in or out, withjn a hundred yard radius. They
Michael Jordan or Arno ld Schwa rzenegger in can also teU which direction (Up, Down or Level)
their prime.
from or towards which the spanner is travelling, if
they acrualJy see the travelJer vanish . Shift Sight
does nor allow a spanner to determine who is span-
ning, nor the precise point in spacetime they are
coming from or going to.
TINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations

Skills are learned abilities. They are

uired during character creation as well as during
ourse of the game. All skills are based on one Benefits are are rare and valuable abilities.
the three attributes, from which their base skill Some are inherent, some can be learned, and others
tin is taken. While a character may ha ve only may come and go during the course of the game. All
ce attributes, he may have any number of skills. pla yer characters may choose one free benefit during
r e h skill possessed, a character has both a skill character creation. Up to two more benefits may be
ing and a title. The kill rating is used to deter- purchased with character points. The second benefit
the base chance of success when an action is costs 2 points, and the third costs 4.
~mpted [see Resolving Actions, pg. 14]. The
ber represents a combination of ski.LI and raw Ambidextrous -
· iry. The character's title in a skill is a mea ure of The character can use either hand with equal
rience and come into play when determining proficiency. Use of a character's " off" hand results
di fficulty of an action in respect to a character's in a -1 modifier [see pg.23] .
rience, during competition between characters
Aptitude (type of skill)
the same or similar skills, and when learning
improving skills. A skill's rating and title are This benefit is taken for a general type of
re iated as the first letter of the title followed by skill (ex: melee weapons, driving, languages, etc.),
ra ting. For example, a Journeyman skill with a never a specialized area (see Skill List, pg. 17).
of 6 would be abbreviated to ]6. Halve the rime index of any skill of this type and
check off two success clocks when making a success-
ful roll with it (see Experience & Learning, pg. 21 ).
The need for a teacher is also waived (as long as
there is a way for the character to acquire informa-
tion on their own)

Connections (in native locality)

The character knows " people in high
places '. The player and GM must agree on a lev-
eller NPC in a powerful position that is friends with
the character. This friendship originates from before
the character learned to span, and must come from
haracter Points their native locality.

Once a character concept is established, Contortionist/ Double Jointed

utes, skill , and details relating to the game +3 to Body for any die rolls related to physi-
ha nics need to be added. Attributes and skills cal flexibility.
pu rchased with character points. You have 25
ra er points to allocate to your character's Extraordinary Beauty
utes and skills. The cost per attribute and ski.II People (usually of the opposite sex or at
a fo llows: least those that would be attracted to a member of
the character's sex) find the character captivating
·butes (human averages are 3, starting max. is 7) and are more likely to help the character, or just be
· point=l char. point friendly in general. This makes the character very
lind point=l char. point memorable and recognizable, and often subject to
i k point=2 char. point unwanted romantic advances.

( ee Skill List pg. 19 ) Fame (in native locality)

· -e title skill=0.5 char. point (1 char point pur- The character is well-known and generally
2 kills at Novice rank) liked in their locality. They could be a famous enter-
r mice title skiil=l char. point tainer, politician, or just someone in the public eye.
ymao title ski11=2 char. point People will often act positively towards a famous
r rank title=3 char. point per on, though maintaining a private life can be dif-
acter may not begin the game with a title of ficult at times.
m aster in any skill]
Internal Clock
The character naturally has an accurate
sense of what time it is. It may be necessary to make
Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

The C0 NTINUUM Character Sheet Explained

Span & Frag:
Vital Statistcs: You character's current Span and Frag
All the basic information abo ur who your ra tings, also important ro note on your
character is and where they come from. - - - - - - - --Span Card (pg. 225).

_ _ _ Wt: _ _ __ _
__,_,..._~.Dace ofBin.h: SeP. Z'8. l'l 71
Da1e of Invitation: AM. ff
I 1/Currem Comer: "Cwo;CE HoPS
Locality: M1U&H11C.f€ Mi'i-'.'JldF raternity:_N_,{i_"1_ _ _ _ __
era: P,sC{[Af'I Sociery: UtJtTED ST/'.TES

Your character's A ~ ~ M ~

kilJs and ski ll B/ M /

A ~ ~ M ~
advancment charts.
8 / M/ I
A ~ J ~ M ~

Dam. Code Wound Tracking Table

D IP Bruise/Lethal B
13 BIL
8/ L
Weapons Ammo RoF Length Conceal DICIBIA 8/L
BM£ HM03 I 3/4 !6 Add I IP or bleeding tmpecr
I I I at the end o f ~ •5 of the
bot bout for evff)' wauod tJuu
I I I bl~og. and agatn f:\INY ochtr
I I I boul until stopptd.
Weapons: a,/On,omcatd1er Pe,.nl.<Si011g,on1ed1olhemallcustomerofthlSboOk1ophot0<opy1h ls
.v-e trademarks or Aethf!f", (o. thf'lr ume travd g...-.n-.e.
Equipment and N otes:
Here's where ro lf you ve acquired any inceres
note what weapon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,--- -- equipm ent, or just need space r
your character Wounds: jot down some important info.
might be carrying If your c haraccer 1· heres the space to do it. The
and thei r statistics. d amage d , here's lase line is for you co keep tra
where to keep crack of assets.
of all chose nasty
= ===================I wounds
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
a Quick roll to determine exact increments within a 4-5 Levitation
minute. If the character is disoriented somehow 6-7 Telekinesis
(knocked unconscious, goes into shock, etc.) he must 8-9 Pyrokinesis
re-establish the correct time for this ability to work 10 Roll twice
Sharp Reflexes
Lucid Dreamer +2 to Quick for purposes of reading the
The character naturally has the skill Quick/Combat Bout Table (see Timing, pg. 22)
Dreaming at the Apprentice rank. This is a natural
ability, not a learned skill; if you want the character Sense of Direction
to have the Drea ming skill, it should be purchased as The character has an innate sense of direc-
such. If the character wishes to increase this skill tion. With a successful Quick roll, the character can
during the game (when taken as a benefit), he must tell what direction they are facing (North, South,
first seek out formal training and spend time equal East, or West). A +2 modifier applies to this roll.
to half the amount needed to attain the title of
Apprentice. Successes made from Dreaming rolls Speed Reader
from this benefit are not recorded for the advance- The character is able to read and compre-
ment of this skill until it is learned as such. (see hend written information as quickly as they can turn
Experience, p. 21) the page. Reduce the time index by one-half any
skill which involves reading as a large part of its
Lucky training. Halve any research time involving written
Once per game session, the player may re- information as well.
roll any one die roll, and accept the results from
either roll (excluding a roll on the Limit Table, but Tough
including the "One Big Score" roll). The character takes 1 less IP (see Damage
& Impairment, pg. 23) from wounds inflicting Bruise
Math Wiz damage.
The character ca n perform complicated
mathematical equations in their head at a rapid rate. Wealthy (in native locality)
The character already possesses the skill Before their "invitation to dance " the char-
Mathematics at apprentice leve l if not purchased acter possessed great monetary wealth as a leveller.
during character creation, and if purchased, its cost Make two assets rolls (see " One Big Score", below)
is reduced by 1 character point. to represent your level wealth.

+2 to Mjnd for for any rolls related to per-
ception. Optional Rule: Limits
Photographic Memory (see also pg. 10) If you feel your character needs a few more
The character has a total recall of past character points to be fleshed out, or if you think it
events or information experienced . For particularly would be a fun challenge to play a character with
complex events/information, or ones in the charac- some sort of disadvantage, you may give them a
ter's distant past, a Mind roll may be called for by limit. A limit is a detrimental modification to your
the GM. Any such rolls are made with a +3 to character. If you choose to apply a limit to your
Mind. A character with Photographic Memory my character, you may allocate either 2 additional char-
use this abi lity in lieu of keeping a physical Spanning acter points for purchasing attributes and skills, or
diary, though the player must still record all spans one additional benefit. When your character is fully
[see Span card, pg. 225]. completed, including the additional points or benefit
and background story, you must roll once on the
Psychic Potential
limit table on the following page and accept whatev-
The character has the potential to control
er is rolled to be applied to your character. If the
psychic powers; a Mind rating of 7 or higher is nec-
result of the roll conflicts with an already purchased
essary for these powers to become controllab le (see
skill or benefit, the limit takes precedence and the
pg. 114, Aquarian Skills) To determine what abili-
previously purchased a bility is lost or reduced appro-
ties the character has the potential to control, roll
priately. Note that while some Limits may be the
ldlO and consult the chart below.
opposite of certain benefits in name, they only cancel
Roll: an ability if their respective rules conflict (e.g. speed
1 Clairvoyance reader and dyslexic). This limit should then be
2-3 Telepathy worked into the character's background . For
Chapter I: Invitations c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
example, if yo u chose the Tough benefit and rolled ered an authority on their skill. The Grandmaster
the Frail limit, perhap the character wa afflicted title comes after a lifetime of using a particular skill
with a di ea e that left them weakened. Be warned and denotes incredible devotion and study. If a char-
that some of the limits on the table can be quire acter attempts to perform an action for a skill they
debilitating for your character, and a challenge to don't have, they may default to a roll of the base
roleplay. ability with a -2 modifier, so long as there are no
prerequisites to using the skill. All skills have anoth-
er factor, called a time index, which defines how
"One Big Score" long it takes to learn and improve a skill, this is
explained further in the section titled Experience &
When the ability to span is first learned, Learning, pg. 21.
there are many temptations to use one's newfound
power for per onal gain. To ome degree, the Taking Actions
Continuum agrees that this is acceptable if done When a character attempts an action, the
carefully and under the strict supervi ion of the GM may ask the player to roll a 10 sided die (dl0)
Moneychangers Fraternity (see Fraternities, pg. 64). ro determine the success of the attempted action .
When a new spanner is invited into the Continuum, Subtract the number rolled from the attribute or skiU
they are granted this privilege both as a reward for raring rolled against to determine the result. If the
their new re ponsibi(jties and as a deterrent to temp- result is positive, the action is successful. If the
tation. This sudden windfall via carefully controlled result is a negative number, the action fails. A result
use of future knowledge is commonly referred to of zero is a positive result. Furthermore, a roll of
among spanners as the "One Big Score". In a 20th one (1) is always a success. This is the basic rule for
century locality, there are man y ways money can be determining the outcome of almost any action in
generated: gambbng, lotteries, and the stock market C"NTINUUM. Everything else is a permutation of thi
to name a few. To figure the dollar amount generat- rule.
ed by this process, roll 4d100 and multiply the
results together (ldl00 x ldlO0 x ldl00 x ldl00). Modifiers
Write the total down on your character sheet under Whenever the text refers to a modifier, it
"assets". The Moneychangers fraternity carefully directly affects the rating of the attribute or skill so
monitors all such procedures to avoid any possibility modified. For example, a -3 modifier would lower a
of Frag. Any such undertakings not done under the rating score by three points, and a +1 modilier
watchful eyes of the Moneychanger are dea lt with
would raise a rating score by one point for purpose
harshly, and the standing of the perpetrator in the of determining the outcome of the affected roll.
Continuum is usually ruined. It is possible to peti-
Therefore, a positive modifier is good, a negative
tion the Moneychangers for additional such
"scores", but such requests are not granted easily or
for petty reasons.
Special Rolls
Resolving Actions On occasion, we are all capable of great
feats of skill, luck, or even stupidity. For your char·
acters this is true as well. To reflect that rare
Rating Scores & Titles
moment of extreme prowess or embarrassment, th
For every ability a character has, there is a
a few special die rolls that can occur in C"NTINUUM.
corresponding rating score, and, in the case of skills,
a title. The score measures the raw level of ability Victories
and likelihood of success while the title reflects actu-
When the outcome of the die is a one ( 1 ),
al experience. The title of a skill does not denote
the die should be immediately re-rolled. If this sec-
any formal title held by the character, only their level
ond roll is a one as well, the roll is a victory. A vi
of experience. The titles are, in order from lowest to
tory is an outstanding success, pushing the charac-
highest: Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master,
ter's abilities to their utmost, or an instant of
Grandmaster. The Novice title denotes a general
extreme luck. Splitting an arrow already in the
familiarity with the skill, and an under randing of its
bulls-eye, or falling out of an airplane and landin
most basic uses. At Apprentice, the character has
unharmed are examples of victories.
gone beyond the basics and understands a specific
area of the skill and has a good working knowledge Graces
of it. At Journeyman the character is considered to
There are also moments for a spanner,
have a professional level of competency. At Master
specifically a spanner of the Continuum, where fa
the character is thoroughly experienced and consid-
not chance, has to do with their success. If the d1
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplayiog in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
Limit Table (or fifty of the thousand human 49-50 Allergy (major) The cha racter has a severe and
possibly fa tal a llergy to a common substance of
frailties that flesh is heir to) the GM's choice (bee stings, peanut butter) and
will go into anaphylactic shock if the allergen is
Roll: Limit introduced into their system.
01-02 No Limit Lucky yo u, yo u get away with 51-52 Obese The character is a t least twice rheir
ou t ha ing a limit applied to our haracter! previously determined body weigh t due to a
03-04 Bad habit The character has an annoying glandu lar condi tion. Movement i halved. Body
habit of the GM's choice. reduced by 2 (to a min of J)
05-06 Overweight The character i approxima tely 53-54 Mjssiog hand The character i rrussmg a
20-30 pounds over their previously determined hand. This is probably replaced with a rounded
weight. Body is reduced by 1. hook or some ocher form of prosthe is.
07-08 Short The haracter is at most 5' if a man, or 55-56 Sleepwalker This ca n prove to be dangerous
4' if a woman o r horter. if the character is not watched while sleeping,
09-10 Bad hearing -2 to a ll roll in olving heari ng, especia ll y if they Span while asleep! [see pg. 140]
correcta ble with a hearing aid. 57-58 DwarfismJmjdget
11-12 Bad eyesight ear o r fa r sighted, needs 59-60 Gigaoti sm
corrective lenses or suffe rs a -2 to a ll sight 61-62 Bad Reflexes -2 to Quick for purposes of
related roils. rea ding the Quick/Combat Bout ta ble.
13-14 Diabetic (hyperglycemjc) Th e character must 63-64 Cripple-minor Cane, limps, club foot, etc ..
receive regular insulin inj ections o r die. Halve movement.
15-1 6 Skjnny The character is 30-50 pounds under 65-66 Asthma Must ma ke Bod y challenge when under
th eir sta rting weight. -1 to Body (to a min. of 1) heavy exertion or in contact with lung irritant or
17-18 Addiction (minor) The character has a n have asthma a ttack. Second Body challenge to
addition that is not illegal in his loca liry a nd has resist attack, +3 modifier with inhaler.
no immediately physically harmfu l effects 67-68 High blood pressure If the character makes•
(cigarettes, alcohol chocolate, etc.) . a Blunder on a Body rol l related to exertion, they
19-20 Facial tic The character has developed a mu t make a second roU to resist going into
facia l tic. One of the muscles in the characters ca rdiac arrest. +2 modifier to roll if regularl y
face often twitches, e pecially under stress. taki ng medication.
21-22 Stutterer During times of stress or 69-70 Low blood pressure It rakes the character
excitement, the character stutrers, making twice as long to stabilize from the effects of
communica tion diffic ult. shock. [pg. 24]
23-24 No sense of smelJ/taste (anosmja). 71-72 Hemophiliac Even non-lethal wounds of
25-26 Ugly The character's features are extremely of less than 2 IP ca use th e cha racter to bleed, and
unappealing, almost to the point of deforrrury. a -2 modifier is applied to a ll attempts to stop
The GM may give the character various minor character's bleeding. There a re 20th
deformities (lazy eye, e tigia l extra thumbs, century medicines ava ila ble to lessen this
wa rt , etc ...) condition, and if taken regula rly, a -1 modifier
27-28 Phobia (uncommon) The character has a only applies to to attempts to stop bleeding.
phobia (irra tional fear) of a n uncommonl y 73 -74 Mute
encountered thjng or si tuation (sharp objects, 75 -76 Deaf
herma phrodites, zebras, etc ... ) 77-78 Mjssing arm
29-30 Mjssiog eye No depth perception , -2 co 79-80 lnfertiJe The character is una ble to
related rolls (ranged attacks, etc ... ). reproduce sexually.
31-32 Mjssing leg Movement is at one-quarter. 81-82 No bands
33-34 Mjssing Localiry Skill The character is missing 83-84 No arms
one localiry shil of the GM ' choice.(eg: never 85-86 Cripple-major Character is confined to a
lea rn ed to swim, dri ve, etc ... see Localiry skills wheelchair. But spine is intact.
pg. 21) 87-88 Frail -2 modifier for each IP i.nstead of-1.
35-36 insomnia Takes twice as long to regain 89-90 Blind (ga ins the skill : La nguage (Braille) at novice
Span. -2 to all Drea ming rolls, dou bl e the time raring if from a modem localiry )
index of the Dreaming ski ll. 91 -92 Old (60+ years) -2 Body. See pg. 143.
37-38 Phobia (common) The cha racter has a phobia of 93-94 Narcolepsy The character may fall asleep,
a common item (the outdoor , insects, etc) of the unwillingly, at any time (GM's decisio n).
GM 's choosing. 95-96 Unlucky Every time this character rolls
39-40 Dea f in one ear Roil related to hea ring suffer a a fai lure (that is no t already a Blunder), a second
-2 penalry. roll is made by the GM. If this second roll is a
41-42 Allergy (minor) The character has a n allergic et of zeros, then the failed cha llenge becomes a
reaction to a GM cho en substa nce that is fairl y Blunder.
comm o n (pollen, cats, latex) 97-98 Borrowed T1me The character has witnessed
43-44 Dyslexic Cha racter has a difficu lt time rea ding. thei.r own death, and has this in their Yet to
50% chance of complete illiteracy. Double the fulfill. See pg. 41 , Second Death. The character
time index of skills where reading is involved in may not adva nce beyond Span 3.
the training, if the character is literate, otherwise 99-00 Roll twice more on the Limit Table, and accept
it rakes four times as long. both Limits for your character. Re-roll a ny
45-46 Clumsy -2 to a ll rolls involving coordination. results that duplicate or contradict results
47-48 Sickly -2 to a ll roll in volving resisti ng di sease previo usl y rolled on this tabl e.
and/o r na usea.

Chapter I: Invitations C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
roll equals the exact number of their unmodified Action Difficulty Modifier Table
abiljty rating, re-roll the die. If the result of the re-
roll is agai n the abi lity ratjng rolled for, th e result is Action 2 or more rid es Superiority-
a grace. Grace rolls are th e result of unseen a id from below characters title: Automatic Succe
a fellow spanner. For their own reasons, usuall y in
the course of mending cau ality, another panner has 1 title below: +l
applied sentient force to insure the characters suc-
cess. Such successes can sometimes seem odd or Same title: 0
even superhuman, as they often involve the use of
1 title higher: -1
advanced technology or elaborate set-ups. GMs and
players alike will want to take note when graces 2 titles higher: -2
occur, as the favor may one day be called in.
Appl y an additional - 1 for every riile higher than the character· . ex: -3,
Blunders -4, - - , etc ...
An un killed arrempr at any action is considered to be l tide below
When the die roll equa ls a ten (10), even if !Novice, and r.he GM is the final arbiter o f whether an unskilled cha racter
the roll was a success, re-roll the die. If the result of has any chance of ucceeding at a particu lar action.
the re-roll again equals ten, the action is a failure,
and the roll is a blunder. Blunders are the worst,
most embarrassing mistakes imaginable. Nasty falls, Sample Uncontested Actions and Their
weapons malfunctions and self-inflicted wounds are Difficulties
common examples of blunders. I
Locality Knowledge: finding the local supermarket:
Types of Actions I

Mathematics: complex trajectory calculations for a

Th ere are three basic types of actions a char- space shuttle la unch: Master
acter can attempt. Simple actions, those which auto-
matically succeed. Uncontested actions, those th at Firearms: hitting a n immobile, man-sized target at·
call for a rue roll to determine success. And compet- 10 yards: Apprentice
itive actions, when two or more characters anempt
the same action using the same or similar a bilities. Driving: jumping a car over a bridge as it's open-
Most everyday actions could be considered simple ing: Journeyman
actions, those which require no great effort and do
not require any roll of the dice. Also, if a character's Medicine: stopping the bleeding from a 31P gun-
skill title exceeds the difficulty of the action by two shot wound: Journeyman
titles or greater, it is considered a simple action . An
uncontested action requires a roll of the die to deter- Stealth: fol lowing someone down a busy street
mine success. Competitive actions are the most com- without them noticing: Apprentice
plicated. A competitive action cakes place when two
or more characters are simultaneously anempting the Athletics: climbing a chain-link fence: Novice
same action against the same target (or eac h other, as
in combat), usi ng the same or similar skills. ALI Swindle: convincing th at ljttle old lad y from
characters involved roll according to their appropri- Pa adena that, ye , this is the perfect car for her:
ate skill. The one with the highest res ult succeeds, Journeyman
all others fail. In the case of a tie, the character with
the higher title wins, if both titles are the same, th e Security: disabling a car alarm irca 1995:
one with the h.igher ability rating succeeds. If a ll Apprentice
eying factors are equal, non e of the characters uc-
ceed that attempt. Computer: hacking ORAD's ma inframe: Ma ter

Skill Titles and Superiority Projectile Weapon: shooting an apple off yo ur

in Competitive Actions son head with a n arrow: Master
Aside from break ing ti es in competitive
action s, if the character's title in the competitive Art: painting a realistic depiction of a cene from
action is two or more levels superior- (i.e. Master i memory: Journeyman
two levels higher than Apprentice- ) th an hi s oppo-
nent's, regardless of the re pective ra ting scores the Survival: knowing which plants a re poi onou to
character automatica ll y succeed . This i called eat: pprentice
Superiority. A rue roll is still made, co in ure th e
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
degree of success. If th e roll would have failed nor- Melee Weapon
ma lly, the minima l amount of success is obtained. If Time Index :
a blunder is rolled, the action fai ls and is handled as 30 days/ 20 days
ucb, and the blundering character's opponent auto- Description:
marica ll y succeeds in their action. (For how Damage Figh ting tec hniqu es of a weapo n or cl ass of
and Impairment affect Superiority, see pg. 23.) weapo ns.
Example Specializations:
kill List Rapier, Knife, N unchak u, Whip, Club, Axe,
The following is a list of some of the skills
,ai la ble to C°NTINUUM characters. SkiJls are broken Thrown Weapon
, n into categories based on the attribute th ey Time Index:
ri e from. To find a ski ll 's Raring, use the Skill 30 days/ 15 days
1 le Rating Table. Each skill listed is a general ea te- D escription:
ry. A specialty must be chosen for each skill. A Techniques of thrown weapons, especia lly those
I in one category ma y be purchased during char- designed for such a purpose.
er creation multiple times for multiple specia lties, Example Specializations:
tu dy in a separate area may be undertaken. The Shuriken, Throwing Knife, Grenade, Shoe
aracter's full skill raring and tide on ly apply for
pecific ability or knowledge pertaining to their Toughness
ia lty; for all other uses of the skill, the character Time Index:
o nsidered to be of ovice title. For example, 60 days/ 30 days
ne has the skill Drive (Car) at Journeyman title. If Description:
were to drive any other sort of automobile (race- The ability to resist damage, disease, extremes of
rruck, etc.), she wou ld use the Drive skill as a temperature, or torture.
vice. If she wanted to learn how to drive a tru ck, Notes:
wou ld need to begin learning starting from th e Use this skill's rating to resist shock and bleeding,
, ice title, as opposed to having to learn the ski ll and instead of Body when determ ining the amount
o er again, since the Novice level of abi lity of IP a character can take.
ru mes a basic fami li arity with all similar ve hicl es.
Unarmed Combat
ody Based Skills Time Index:
60 days/ 30 days
e Index: Proficiency in a bare hand fighting skill.
da ys/ 20 days Example Specializations:
cription: Kung-Fu, Karate, Boxing, Savate, Wrestling, Judo ,
her a sports-based discipline or a genera l athletic Aikido, Kickboxing
ea vor.
.unple Specializations:
ning, Strength Training, Running, Football,
min g, Climbing, Gymnastics
Mind Based Skills
, h Training Anthropology
a ts as a multiplier for th e amount of we ight a Time Index:
ter may move or lift. To find a character's 40 days/ 20 days
r maxim um , multiply their Body rating by 30. Description:
i the amount they may lift in pounds as a sirn- The study of hum an beings in relation to distribu-
ion. On a successfu l Body roll they may lift tion , origin, classification, and relationship of races,
ro 60 times their Body in pounds. If a character physical character, ertvironmenta l and socia l rela-
rhletics (Strength Training), the following mul- tions, and cuJture.
r apply instead: Novice x30/x60, Appr. Example Specializations:
80, Journ . x50/x100, Master x60/x120 . Mongol Tribes, Ancient Egyptians, Celts, Saxons,
ting Picts, Samoans, 20th Century Japan
acts as a multiplier for movement speed on a
sful roll (on ly if character is doing nothing but
ning for an entire combat bout or more, see pg.
t Novice xO, App. x2, J ourn. x3, Master x4.
Chapter I: Invitations C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Bureaucracy Games
Time Index: Time Index:
60 da ys/ 20 days 2 30 days/15 days
Description: Description:
How to operate and move with_in a bureaucratic sys- The ability to play aod und e rstand di.fferent types of
tem. games and their rules a nd strategies.
Example Specializations: Example Specializations:
Sma ll Town Politics, Fighting City Hall, Bribery, Word Puzzles, Math Puzzles, Military Strategy Games,
Police Politics, Corporate Politics Roleplaying Games, Mazes, Computer Games
This skill does nor change much from era to era, \..H istory
however, Locality Knowledge is also important for Time Index:
its effective use. There is u ualJ y no more effecti e 30 days/20 days
way to study" this skill than by its actual use, that Description:
is, being active within a bureaucratic sy tern. Knowledge of the recorded past of a culture, place,
event, or subject matter.
Computer Example Specializations:
Time Index: Ancient Civilizations, American South, Inca
20 days/ 15 days Civilization, Civil Wars, Automobiles, Castles
The ability to use computers and computer programs. Investigation
Example Specializations: Time Index:
Programming, Internet, Graphics, Networking, 90 days/ 30 days
Computer Security/Hacking Description:
The process of systematic inquiry and examination
Etiquette of facts to solve a question or find that which is hid-
Time Index: den or purposely obscured.
30 days/15 days Example Specialties:
Description: Forensic , Criminal lnvestigatioo, Narcotics,
The social dos and don 'ts of a culnue, especially in a Homicide, Organized Crime
particular era.
Example Specializations: Language
Ancient Greek, English Roya lty, Samoan, Proto- Time Index:
lnheritor, Lare Inheritor, 18th century Lower Class 60 days/ 30 days
French Description:
The a bility to speak and write a language (if written)
Finance Example Specializations:
Time Index: English, Japanese, Greek, Farsi, Yiddish, Spanish,
60 days/ 30 da ys Latin, Old English, French, Celtic, Russian.
Description: Notes:
Knowledge of financial systems and the the flow of The level of fluency in a language is as follows:
money in a society. Novice: Limited conversational skill
Example Specia.lizations: Apprentice: Conversational
Stock Trading Money Laundering, Financial Journeyman: Fluent, little or no accent
Analysis Master+: Eloquent, speaks like a native
The amount of time a character spends speak ing a
Firearms language in everyday use counts towards study time.
Time Index:
30 days/ 20 day Law
Description: Time Index:
Familiariry with the 'small arms" class of firearms 180 days/ 60 days
and accuracy in firing them. Prerequisites:
Example Specializations: Specialized Training, access to law libraries
Shotgun , Pistols, Assault Rifles, SMG's, Hunting Description:
Rifles The laws of a culture or country
Example Specializations:
US Tax Laws, Corporate law, Entertainment,

'This number i an approxima tion: increase in this ki ll houl d be roleplayed or described co some extent, as it has an effect on the locn liry it is practiced in .
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
Locality Knowledge Prerequisites:
Time Index: Special training, access to laboratories, equipment
60 day / 30 days and scientific libraries related co area of study
Description: Description:
lntimare familiarity with a place and time. A mix of The stud y of a scientific discipline.
local geography, history, politics, and folklore for a Example Specializations:
pecific place in a specific range of years, whicb can Biology, M etallurgy, Chemistry Generics, Astrophysics,
vary from place to place, rhougb usually within Botany
a bout 50 years and limited to one town or city, or
group of small villages. Notes:
Example Specializations: The study of science and the scientific metbod varies
Late 20th Century Los Angele , 40 B.C.-10 B.C. greatly with era, mainly due to leveller societal pres-
Rome, Victorian London sures and mores. Also, it is built upon the recorded dis-
Notes: coveries of the past. The listing for this skill is based on
The amount of time a character spends in a locality late Piscean study.
in day-to-day (such as it is for a spanner) living
hould be considered "study" of this skill and count Security
coward its advancement in addition to any time Time Index:
pent pursuing its study. 90 days/ 30 days
Medicine Techniques involved in theft and burglary, and their
Time Index: prevention.
200 days/ 90 days Example Specializations:
Prerequisites: Safecracking, Breaking and Entering, Alarm Systems,
pecialized training, access to medical facilities and Bank Security Measures, Locksmithing/picking
li braries
Description: Survival
Knowledge of injuries and di eases and methods of Time Index:
healing them. 60 days/ 30 days
Example Specializations: Prerequisites:
urgery, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Forensic Most of this study must be done "in the field " , that
Pa thology is, living in the type of terrain one is learning to sur-
otes: vive in, or a reasonable simulation.
T his example of the medical arts assumes a character Description:
learning late 20th century western medicinal tech- Knowledge of how to subsist in a wi lderness envi-
niques. ronment.
Example Specializations:
Observation Desert, Forest, Arctic, Hunting, Poisonous Flora and
Time Index: Fauna, Tracking
90 days/ 20 days
Description: Teaching
bserving one's surroundings with a n eye for detail. Time Index:
T he ability to notice and remember details. 90 day I 25 days
E ample Specializations: Description:
Ta rical Targets, Forensic Details, Artistic Derails The ability to pass on knowledge to others in an
engaging and effective wa y.
Projectile Weapon Example Specializations:
Time lndex: Young Children, High School, Adult, Specific Skills
90 days/ 20 da ys Notes:
D cription: A uccessful use of this skill will halve the time index
Pro ficiency in the use of (non-firearm) projectile if teaching a skill to another character. The teacher
·ea pons. mu t be at least two titles above the student in the
·ample Specializations: skill being taught, and the difficulty title of the ro ll is
Bow Crossbow, Sling, Sling hot the title the skill is being worked toward (ie: an
a pprentice in Biology is being trained to journeyman
1eoce title, therefore, the difficulty is at Journeyman). A
Time Index: blunder on this roll doubles the time taken. The dif-
I O days/ 90 days ficulty title of the roll is the new title being learned.
Chapter I: Invitations c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ucce s (Ma te r djf£iculty) for every REM cycle of sleep
Quick Based Skills (about 45 minutes) .

Art Transchronal Dreamshariog (Grandma ter)

lime Index: The same as Dreamsha ring, only acros space-
200 days/ 60 da time. This is a remarkable feat, and is limited to being
between Dreaming Grandmasters that are within each oth -
D cription:
ers ran ge of Span. (Le . A pann er of Span 2 is forty years
The ability to communica te through an artistic medi- away from a panner of Span 4. Both are Drea ming
um . Both the abiJjty to wield a craft and to expres Grandma ter but rhe Span 2 dreamer is not within ra nge
one eli through that medjum. to receive the other's dreams so the y may not
Example Specializations: Dreamshare.)
P, Sculpture, Film Making, Origami,
Gia blowing, Cooking Writing, Performa nce, Drive
Mu ical In trument Time Index:
varies per vehicle type
Dreaming Cars/Trucks: 30 da ys/ 15 days
Time Index: Boats 1: 30 days/ 15 days
120 days/ 90 days Aircraft: 90 days/ 60 days
Description: Description:
This Skill is unique; it encompas es the many powers The abil ity to operate a ehicle.
Li red below. Example Specializations:
Car, Truck, Speedboat, Helicopter, Fighter Jet, 16-
The following powers may be attempted at the Title Whee ler, Freighter/Tanker, Steamboat.
rank indicated. For further information about tbe
Dreaming SbU see Chapter ill: Struggling- Hypnosis
Dreaming and Communication, pg. 108 . Time Index:
90 days/ 20 days
Restfulness ( ov ice)
With a uccessful Dreaming ro ll ( ovice difficul-
The ability to induce a state of hypnosis and manip-
ry), the character i able to fall asleep at will. With anoth-
er succe fu t roll, a pecific time, or amoune of time spene ul ate a person in this state. [See also pg. 115.]
asleep, can be predetermined for che character co wake up Example Specializations:
ac. Party Tricks, Hypnotherapy, Seduction, Suggestion
Lucid Dreaming (Apprentice) Someone in a hypnotic state is highly suggestible, but
This allows the dreamer to conerol the content wilJ not do something blatantly harmful to them-
a nd direction of dreams to reveal desired information. Lf selves or directly against their nature. Hypnosis wiU
Lucid Dreaming is successfu l, che dreamer may automati-
not work on a subject that is consciously resisting.
ca ll y lea rn something about himself or evidence he has
seen but not understood. A second roll is required to dis-
cover information about people or evenes the dreamer is Stealth
not no rma lly privy to. Note that this information is likely Time Index:
co contain primarily symbolic represenea tion of how others 90 days/ 20 days
currenely perceive themselves, the dreamer, or evenes. THe D escription:
GM ma y set a difficulty for this roll based on the ecrecy The art of remaining unseen, moving without sound,
a nd obscuriry of the information.
and hiding. Also useful in finrung what is hidden
and hiding objects.
Oracular Dreaming Uoumeyman)
This a llows a dreamer visions of other rimes, th at Example Specializations:
a re reachable from his currene Level with his Span. Only Stalking (following w ithout being noticed), Hjding,
on a Victory or a Grace roll will th e drea mer be able co Evasion, Forest Terrain, City Terrain
conerol exactl y wha t he wanes co learn of the past, the
futu re, or hi s Yee. Swindle
Time Index:
Dreamsharing (Master)
120 days/ 30 days
Two characters with Dreaming SkiU may share
dreams a nd information, \ ithin reason, as long as one of Description:
the dreamers is a las ter, and they a re both in the ame The ability to lie convincingly.
Level time. Certai n particulars may become clouded Example Specializations:
depending o n fatigue of the dreamers; a n appropriate level Confidence Scams, Sales, Fast Talk
of difficu lty should be assigned. Al o, if one of the dream-
er i no t a Master, chat drea mer must make a Drea ming

•nus i contro l over sma ller, engine-powe red boa t , rh is differ grea tl y from Lhe skill o f ailing large crafr.
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
Other player hould fiLI in one of these clocks with a pen-
cil mark. In the case of a success in a skill roll, mark
Acumen one of the small clocks underneath both the skill and
Time Index: the attribute it is based on. In the case of an
Variable attribute success, mark one of the small clocks under
Description: the attribute. When all of the sma ll clocks under an
A profe ional , busines , or lei uie kill. A catch-all attribute are marked, erase all of the marks on the
for any heretofore undefined skill. small clocks for that attribute and mark one of the
Example Specializations: large clocks. When all of the large clocks are
Printing, Carpentiy, Car RepaiI, Farming marked, that attribu te goes up ne rating point.
Notes: When an attribute goes up (or down, for that mat-
May be based on Body, Mind, or Quick. ter ) remember to adjust all skill ratings appropria te-
ly. ln addition, whenever a character spans, you
may roll against his Quick score, if successful, fill in
Locality Skills a sma ll clock under the Quick att ribute. GM's may
wish to restrict the amount of such rolls per game
Locality skills are the sets of ski lls necessary session if they feel a player is Spanning frivolously in
for survival in a particulaI time. They are possessed an effort to raise their Quick by abusing thi s rule.
by most adults in any society. Your character will The maximum rating to which Body or Mind may
have these skills at no cost at Novice title (with the be raised in this manner is 7. For skilJs, you will
exception of their native language, which is known notice the clocks on the character sheet are divided
at Jouineyman ). Should you want to increase these by the letters N, A, J, and M. Each of these letters
during character creation, they aie considered one corresponds to the first letter of a ski ll 's title. When
title lower for pUiposes of character point cost. the marked off clocks reach the letter representing
Following is a list of Locality skills for late 20th the title above the character's current title in that
century adults. For description s, see the Skill List. kill, erase all the marks under that skil l and raise its
title to the next highest and increase its rating score
Drive (Ca r) by one. When a victory grace, or blunder is rolJed,
Athletics (s port of choice, ex: football, baseball, mark off two clocks instead of one.
swimming, etc.)
Locality Knowledge (native locality) Every skill has a rating called a time index.
Native Language (at Journeyman) This represents the time necessary for a character to
Acumen (job skill) study and improve a skill outside of use during game
Acumen (hobby skill) play. The time index lists two amounts of time, sep-
arated by a slash (ie: x days /y days). The first
amount is the study time needed to learn a skill at its
Experience & Learning novice level. The second is the amount of time need-
ed to check off one clock under that skil l. When
Throughout our lives, we collect experiences spending time studying, add up all of th e time spent
and add it to the character's age. Time spent study-
and knowledge, and the more we do omething, the
ing is not usu a lly roleplayed, and either takes place
better we get at it. Likewi e, this app lies to yoUI
between game sessions or when a character needs to
character. The more a skill or attribute is used, the
pan out of a situation briefly to increase their skills.
better your character gets at it. On your character
The time index listed assume intensive, daily study,
sheet, underneath every attribute and skill listed,
with little or no time spent on other pUisuits. It is
there a re a row of clock face . The e are for pla yers
reco mmended that characters keep a low profile dur-
ing the e times, as they ma y be vulnerable to frag
attempts. Ir is also required that these periods be
kept track of in one's span book.

GMs wishing to create a time index for new

skiJls are advised to determine the amount of time
(u ually years) they feel are necessary to achieve
Ma ter title in the new skill and divide this amount,
based on the advancement system, as if a character
to keep track of a character's successes and study
time. Every time a successful roll i made with an were studying levelly.
attribute or ski ll (not including automatic successes), S d . h h
tu ymg a 1so assumes t e c aracter
N ~ A ~ 1
~ M ~ 117has a teacher guiding their study. The
Chapter I: Invitations
teacher must be at lea t one tide higher than their
student. It may be difficult to find teachers for skills lf ou have an a tion in one stage and wish
archaic to certain eras. For example, not too many to wait until a ub equent rage to use it, yo u may
people know much about ancient Samoan etiquene do so. When d laring a rion for the stage, a player
in 20th century America and e en fewer offer class- wishing to hold their action must announce it then.
es in it. There's also the matter of the co t of train- Every stage thereafter, y u may choose act, and use
ing and materials, and the possibility uch training is yo ur held action before anyone who would normally
restricted knowledge in a particular era (for example, act in that stage as if you had the rughest quick in
Green Beret training in the late 1900' U.S., or the stage. If there are other characters using held
Wiccan practices in Salem c. 1692). actions in th e same stage, the order of those actions
are resolved as usual for those with held actions;
however, they still may act before any characters
Combat without held actions. You may not "save" held
actions. For example, if you are holdmg an action
Physical combat as it occurs in 'NTINUUM, from stage 1 of a combat bout, and you wait until
is settled as any other action, and the normal skj ll stage 5 to use it, even though you wou ld normally
resolution system applies for actions taken in a com- act on stages 3 and 5, you do not get 3 action s in
bat situation. Some unique circumstance arise in stage 5 . lf you are holdmg your action and take any
combat situations; these are discussed below. actions at all, including dodging a ranged or melee
attack, or moving, the action is used.

Timing Movement
As far as level time is concerned, events hap-
pen sequentially. Under normal circumstances, char- A character may walk up to 2 feet in a com-
acter's actions happen in the order players declare bat stage and still perform another action (with a
them. For purposes of combat, or when the exact negative modifier, see chart on pg. 23). Should a
timing of events needs to be carefully played out, character want to do nothing but run fo r a stage, he
actions can be broken down into combat bouts. A may move up to 2 x Body (or appropriate skjJJ) rat-
bout is a ten (10) second win dow of time, broken ing in feet . lf he wishes to do notrung but run for
down into five (5) stages of two (2) seconds each. A the entire bout, he may keep moving at this speed
character's Quick score is a measure of how ma ny of for alJ remaining stages in the bout, and may contin-
these combat stages are available for him to act in . ue to move in a ll consecutive stages, regardless of
The Quick/Combat Bour Table shows in w hjch com- Quick, until he stops.
bat stages of each bout a character acts, given their
Quick raring. At the beginning of a combat tage, Ranged & Melee Combat
the GM should turn to each character acti ng in that
stage, in order from lowest Quick to highest, and ask
Whether an attack is defined as ranged or
them to declare their actions for that stage. The GM
melee determines the type of roll that must be made.
should allow around five seconds for the player to
decide upon an action, those who hesitate longer
than trus lose their action that stage, and are only Ranged
able to defend themselves if attacked that stage. The Ranged attacks, those made with a weapon
one with the highest Qujck resolves his action first, capable of striking from a distance, require an
the rest following in order from highest to lowest uncontested action roll to be made by the attacker
Qwck. ln the case of ties, a competitive Qujck roll only. A successful re ult mean a bit is scored, and
determjnes who acts first (or sim ultaneously, in the the number of the re ult decides the amount of dam-
case of a tie in the roll). age dealt, according to the weapon used (see
r.========================,Damage & lmpairment pg. 24) . Certain fac -
Quick/ Combat Bout Table: tors may increa e the difficulty of the action,
stage #1 stage #2 stage #3 stage #4 stage #5 but the one roll i all that need be made.
no no DO DO lf a haracrer i aware they are
being atta ked, the may attempt to dodge
s _:_s.,...._ _,_
;~ - - -~-: s ;~s only if th · have an action in the same stage
yes 00 yes yes yes as the ana k r. b f re the attacker. To dodge,
----'y_es_____yes - - ye - - - yes ye the d d in hara cer may rolJ against their
L::::=======================::.IQui k. 1ti, r ult is subtracted from
• in case of a Qui k higher than 10, rerum to the top of the chart after 10 is reac hed to h 1. • · J · dd d
determine when the remaining action are. That cha racter gets multiple actions on repeated t e atta ... er rann • 3 negative resu t IS a e
stages. a a nu t th ana ker's rating.
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations
Example Combat Actions: Difficulties & Firing w ithout aiming is terribly inacurate,
Modifiers and incurs penalties to rh e difficulty of th e shot. Tf a
character spends actions aiming, they increase their
Determining action difficulty in Ranged Combat chance to hit. A character who is aiming a shot con-
Ranged Combat rolls, being uncontested actions, requre the GM to determine a
difficulty for the action. These a re some common circum ranees in deciding the
tinues to accrue aiming bonuses, even during the
difficul ty title of a shot. stages they would not normally act in, until they fire
Action Difficulty Title or are distracted (for example, being attacked).
shot attempted at:
"Poi nt blank" range (0'-10') Novice Melee
Short range (11'-30' ) Apprentice In a melee combat, the attacker declares
Medium range (31 '-50') Journeyman
their action for the turn to be an attack towards the
Long range shot (51'-100) Master
Extreme range (100'-150') Grandmaster
defender (along with any specific details). If the
defending character is able to take an action in the
Modifier Diff. Tide Increase/Decrease stage they are being attacked, they may choose to
+1 ritle:: 1 title mo re difficult, ie: Jo urney ma n to Master , · 1 ride::::easier, see pg. J 6
counterattack as their roll in the competitive action,
Ranged Combat even if they would normally take their action later
Unaimed shot + 1 title that stage. If they choose to counterattack, then that
Aiming (per stage) firs t stage: 0 is th eir action for the stage. A character may always
second stage: -1 title defend themselves from a melee attack, by trying to
third stage: -2 titles avoid the attack, even if they have already acted or
no further bonuses after 3rd
Aiming through a scope reduces range two steps normally have no action available that stage, provid-
Mu ltiple shots in one stage + 1 title per sho t ing they are aware of the attack. A negative modifi-
Target walking/moving + 1 title er applies to this roll if the defender has no actions
Target runn ing +2 titles that stage (see chart). Each roll made in a melee
Target not moving -1 title
combat does not necessarily represent a single blow;
Target laying prone + 1 title
between skilled combatants it can mean a short
Under partial cover (2/3 visi ble) + 1 title
Under heavy cover (1/3 visible) +2 titles exchange of moves and countermoves. Boch the
Low visibi li ty (darkness, fog, etc.) +1 title attacker and defender roll as per attempting a com-
Extreme low visibility +2 titles petitive action (assuming the defender is aware of the
Firing blind +3 titles attack and wishes to fight back). The winner gets
Laser sight (good up ro shon range) -1 title their attack or counterattack through, or avoids
Using the " off" (left or right) +1 title being hit.
ha nd
Distracted + 1 to +3 titles
Small target (2'x2') + 1 title Damage & Impairment
Sma ller target (l 'x l ') +2 titles
'Tiny target (6"x6") +3 titles C"NTINUUM measures damage to a character
Flyspeck target (l"xl") +4 titles in impairment points (IP). When a character suffers
Big target (twice man-sized) -1 title
damage, he gains a number of IP equal to the dam-
!Huge target (a bus) -2 titles
Enormous target (broad -3 titles age rating of the attack striking him. For each IP
,;ide of a barn ) gained, a one point negative modifier is applied to
Gigantic target (a skyscraper) -4 titles every attribute and skill rating possessed, including
Quick for purposes of reading the Quick/Combat
elee Combat Modifiers Stage Table and Body for calculating running speed.
1elee combat, consisting of comperirve actions, is not modified by title difficuJ- (Example: Joe takes 2 IP from a knife wound. Until
adjustments, but by modifiers affecting abili ty ratings. Here are some com- his wound heals, he will have a -2 modifier applied
n melee combat modifiers. to all his ratings. Additionally, his Quick is consid-
Longer weapon reach +l ered 2 points lower, bringing it from a 5 to a 3. So
horter reach -1 instead of three actions a combat bout, he now only
Defending wino actions this stage -2 per attack, cumulatively gets two.) This modifier goes into effect the moment
tracking from behind +2 the IP are taken. When a character has taken
pponent prone +1
impairment points equal to his Body (or Toughness
eapon is too heavy -1
U ing "off" band -1 skill) rating, he is rendered unconscious. If a charac-
ou nded -1 per IP ter suffers IP equal to triple his Body (or Toughness),
Higher/ Lower postion + 1/-1 he dies. Wounds aren't the only way to incur IP.
H igh/ Low quality weapon +1 to +2/-1 to -2 Fatigue, illness, and exhaustion are examples of
Multiple attackers + 1 or -1 per atta cker for or vs. other forms of impairment. Wounds are usually the
Fighting Blind -3 most serious examples.
Chapter I: Invitations C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Under optimal circumstance , a character Bleeding
outranking an attempted action or opponent's title When a character take lethal damage from
has Superioriry (automa tic success, see pg. 16); this a cutting or puncture wound, he may continue to
i not alway the ca e when wounded. Every IP bleed after the initial wound. Lethal damage is also
taken raises tbe number of tides needed for Superioriry. more difficult to heal from. Wound houJd be kept
For example a character who is a Melee Weapon track of separately on the character sheet, noting
(Fencing) Ma ter could automatically beat an oppo- how much IP are sustained and whether the wound
nent of apprentice or novice title. If he were wound- is bruise or lethal damage. Bleeding from multiple
ed for 1 IP be would only claim superioriry agains t wounds is kept track of separately.
those of novice title until his impairment was healed.
When a character suffers 2 or more IP of
Bruise damage vs. Lethal Damage cutting wounds, he must roll against Body. Failure
There a re two rypes of damage a character on this roll means he wiJJ bleed afterwards, forther-
can suffer. One is bruise damage, the other is lethal ing his impairment. Left unchecked (i.e., without
damage. Bruise damage is caused by blunt trauma, some sort of medical attention) the character will
asphyxiation, or fatigue. Lethal damage is caused by eventua ll y bleed to death. A character that is bleed-
anything that cuts or punctures the sk in and/or inter- ing suffers an addi tiona l 1 lethal IP at stage #5 of the
nal organs, breaks bones, or causes burns or nervous
system damage. It ta kes longer to heal from and Wound Severity Table
often requires medical attent ion. Amount of IP taken from a single wound
HP Minor Wound: blow to the midsection,
Shock & Bleeding minor sprain or cut. Anything below thjs level
of damage i not considered to cause any fP
Shock (tiny scratches or curs, small bruises, etc.)
2IP Serious Wound: non-viral cut or gunshot,
Merriam-Web ter defines shock as "a state
a powerful blow to the face.
of profound depression of the vital processes of the
3-4IP Severe Wound: non-fatal gunshot, falling
body that is characterized by pallor, rapid but weak
20 feet. This amou nt of damage will knock an
pulse, rapid and shallow respiration, reduced total
average adult (Body 3) unconscious.
blood vo lume, and low blood pressure and that is
SIP Critical Wound: near a powerful explosion,
caused usu. by severe esp. crushing injuries, hemor-
large-caliber weapon hit. A wound of this
rhage, burns, or major surgery". Some common
magnitude will usuall y cause permanent damage
symptoms of hock are nausea , dizziness, and faint-
such as loss of limb, appearance, or faculties.
ing. These rules are a simplified example of the
6-8IP Extreme Wound: riddled with bullets,
effects of shock in a combat ituation. They are for
covered in napalm (per <;ombat bout), rolled
game purposes only. If you wish to add a greater
over by a tank.
level of detail to your c NTINUUM game, GMs are
9IP+ Deadly Wound: LAW rocket to the face,
encouraged to research the specific effects of shock
This sort of wound is enough to kill an average
and injury. adu lt instantly... and

When a character uffers from a lethal combat bout the wound was received per bleeding
wound of 2 IP or more, or a bruise wound of 3 IP or wound, and again for every otber bout thereafter,
more, he mu t make a roll against his Body rating to until the bleeding i topped. To stop the bleeding
avoid going into h ck at the end of the current requires a succes ful medica l skill roll (Doctor,
combat bout. failure mean the character i in Paramedic, etc.) or default. A roll must be made for
hock for ldl0 bout . A Blunder on this roLI mea n each wound cau ing bleeding, and at least 2 full
the character fall comato e ( condition la ts combat bouts must be spent attending to the charac-
ldl0 d ays and can be reduced by di iding the num- ter. Even if the bleeding i not completely topped
ber of days by the re ult of a ucces ful Dreaming by this roll, it still may be slowed to 1 IP every 4
roll; only one roll may be attempted to reduce thi combat bouts a long as the result is not a blunder.
amount of rime, and a negati e result is multiplied
by the number of days) . triumph or grace roll, on
the other hand not only prevents the shock, but Determining Damage & Hit
stops the effects of bleeding from tbat wound, if any.
If a character enters a state of shock, he is
unable to attempt any further actions until he stabi- All weapons and potential sources of dam-
lizes. He remain immobile, and is unable to stand, age have four damage ratings, laid out like so:
speak, or span. D/C/B/A. Depending on the result of the ro ll , a sue-
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations

Result Damage Code the GM hould as ign the potentially d amaging situ-
ation a dam age rating an d make a roll for it as if it
0-2 D \ ere attacking the character with a kill rating of 10.
3-4 C The G 1 need al o determine if such damage is lethaJ
5-7 B or brui e.
8-lO+ A For example, Cynthia fall off of a ledge, the
For exa mple, Agem Sculder· pistols damage rating is 1/2/ /4 . Hi Firearm GM rules the fall as having a damage rating of
. kill i at J . He , making a Ma ter rated sh t (· I modifier). o his modi- 2/3/4/5, the GM rolls a 6, for a C re ult on the dam-
fied kill raring for thi hot i 6. He fires and roll a 2. That means the
our ome of rhe hallenge roll i 4 (6-2=4 ). Comparing this to the ·hart. we
age chart (10-6=4 ), a nd a signs Cynthia 3 bruise IP.
ee rhar ulder hor does a C result of 2 11' to hi target. Cynthia needs to roll for hock no . Poor Cynchja.
Graces, Victories, & Blunders in Combat
An attacker rolling a Grace or Victory dou-
bles the damage rating of the A damage code for
th at a ttack {if damage was the intention).
Otherwi se, a spectacuJar (and u ually dramatic) suc-
ce occurs as usual. A Blunder in combat should
mean th at the character is particularl y disabled, per-
hap lo ing their footing or hav ing their weapon mis-
fire or break. Very po ibl y, they wound themselves.

Spanning into and out of a level Combat

It is possible to Span up, down, and levelJy
during a combat bout. 1f doing this to gain advan-
tage against a leveller, one mu t keep in mind the
fourth Maxim. Of course, i.mply killing our oppo-
nent in ure they never tell of w hat they saw.
ess ful hit wi ll inflict one of the e damage code .
Aga inst a fellow spa.oner, thi kind of maneuver is
ubtract the number rolled from the ski ll rati.og, as
tantamount to time combat, and a ny more than one
per norm a l action resolution, then compare the num-
uch spa n per any spanner in a leve l combat against
be r with the weapon damage chart below. The dam-
one or more spanners immediately becomes a time
ge rating for an unarm ed attack i as follows
combat and is subject co such rules {see
(rou nd down);
Combat, pg. 11 7) .
=Body {or ski.II) rating, B=3l4 of , C=l/2 of A,
D=l /4 of A. All unarmed damage i considered
Bru ise damage. Round down to calculate all frac- Going Up
tio ns. See the diagram below for approximate hit Ii you wish to span Up into a specific stage
I ca tion according to the dam age code. of combat in the bout you are spanning from, a
For damage from ource other than attacks, Quick roll must be made. On a successful roll, you
enter the i.mended stage of the bout des ired, in the
Damage Sources location you wish. If the roll is unsuccessful, you
pan inro the first pha e of the next bout after the
urce DIC/BIA Lethal/Bruise one de, in the location, and facing the direction
Fa ll : wi hed for.
0/1/2/3 B
1/2/3/5 B Going Down
2/3/5/7 L Spannmg Down into a combat bout you're
2/4/6/9 L already involved in would cau e you Frag, effectively
le: entering one into a time combat with oneself. Only
0/1/2/3 B Narcissists and fools engage in such antic . If a bet-
1/2/3/4 L ter prepared you is what is called for, it is possible,
2/3/4/6 L though dangerous, to slipshank a Gemini encounter
3/6/9/12 L into the fray {see pg. 39) and have an elder self
hyx.iation per bout 1/1/2/2 B appear. This is subject to the normal rules for
urni ng per hou r Slipshank and Geminj encounters. This cou.rse of
deg ree 1/1/1/2 L action is considered highly risky, as seeing an elder
d deg ree 1/1/2/3 L se lf perish can be extremely traumatic and if the
d deg ree 1/3/4/6 L junior were co fall in such an incident, it is likely
k by lightning 2/5/10/20 L everyone involved would suffer Frag. {See Second
Death, pg. 41.)
Chapter I: Invitations c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Bout 1, Stage 5
Example of Combat
Harry continues running. Cynthia shoots at him again .
Three characters are engaged in comba t. Harry
The GM rules th is a Grandmaster action. Cynthia rolls a
(B:3 M:5 Q:7) Sven, (B:5 M:4 Q :6) and Cynthia (B:4 M:5
1 (no victory), hitting Harry for 3 IP. This is eq ua l to
Q:6 ). Sven and Harry are engaged in a melee with one
Harry's body rating, and he fa ll . A roll against his Body,
another, whjle Cynth ia is attempting to pick Harry off
now modified to 0, results in a 6, Harry is unconscious
from a di tance with a rifle.
a nd bleeding. Sven bleeds for 1 IP and he goes into shock
fajnring. Harry also bleeds for an additiona l 1 IP.
First, the GM lists each characters Quick to determjne
their sequence of actions.
Cyn: Q:6 Sven Q:6 Harry: Q: 7 Healing
Bout 1, Stage 1
Bruise Damage
Harry, acting fir t, attempts to run Sven through A character naturally recovers IP from
with his rapier (damage code 1/2/3/5), his skill is M6, bruise damage through rest. A character resting for
Sven, armed with an axe (dam code 2131517, kill J7,) one full minute after the damage is incurred wilJ
decides to counterattack, since he can rake an actjon this
recover 1 of the IPs from their total bruise damage.
stage. Since there is no Superiority of ski ll level deeming
automatic success, so this is a normal contested acti on. If unconscious, the character will regain 1 bruise IP
No modifiers are applied by the GM. Harry rolls an 2 per hour of rest until conscious again. The remain-
and Sven roU an 5. Though both rolls were successful der of the bruise damage is recovered depending on
Harry's re ult was rugher and his attack succeeds. it's source, see the table below.
Comparing hi roll with the damage result chart, we ee
Sven takes 3 lethal fP. Sven, because of his wound, Lethal Damage
receives a -3 to all his attrib utes and ski lls. Hjs Quick is
Lethal wounds over 1 IP need medical atten-
now considered a 3 for determination of when he acts in
the bout. Sven must now roll against his Body score, nor- tion to heal properly. in the case of most cutting an
mally a 5, with the -3 modifier, to check if he will go into impaling wounds, stitches are required, if not
hock from the wound, Sven roll a 6, he wil l suffer from surgery. If the wounds are not kept clean and ban-
the effects of shock at the end of the bout. He must also daged, infection may occur as well. Lethal wounds
roll to see if the wound will continue to bleed. He roll a of 1 IP are recovered without medical attention oth
2 so it wi ll not continue bleeding. than cleaning and bandaging. See the table below
Cynthia now acts, her player asks the GM how for healing times.
difficult the shot to hit Harry wou ld be. He rules thj a a
la ter shot because Harry is moving (+ 1 )a nd obstructed
by Sven (+ 1), Cynthia i onJy an apprentice with a rifle Healing Times
(dam code 1/3/4/6, kill A6), and decides to hold her
action and aim trus stage, tracking Harry with her ights to Lethal Damage Sources
off et the negative modifiers.

Bout 1, Stage 2
Damage Source: Approx. Healing Time"'

o one a ts. Cutting/piercing wounds: 2 weeks per IP

Bladed weapons Gunshots, Bites
Bout 1, Stage 3
Bums : 9 wee ks per IP
Harry acts first again, pressing his attack on the wounded Fire, Acid, High-voltage shocks
Sven, w ho is only able to avoid the arrack, at a n additiona l
-1 modifier becau e he does not normally act this stage due
Internal Damage: 4 weeks per IP
to his wounds. Sven al o has taken 3 lP for a total of a -4
modifier to his roll. Harry rolls a 9 and Sven rolls a 1,
Poisons, Severe hemorrahging, Broken bones
Lucky Sven is able to parry Harry' arrack.
Cyncrua now takes a hot, the GM rules the shot is now a Bruise Damage Sources
Journeyman acrion it would have been a Master action, if
not for the 2 stages of aiming. Cynth ia rakes a modifi er of Blunt Trauma: 2 days per IP
-1, and roll a 6 (rolling again to check for a Grace roll , Impacts, Strikes (punches, kicks, etc.)
but roll a 2 this time), and mi se .

Boat 1, Stage 4 Fatigue: 3 hours per IP

Heavy exertion, Lack of oxygen, Muscle strain
Harry hearing the gun hot, run away at his full running
movement of 6 feet per stage. Sven attempts to chase him, *Without rest and medical attention (where
but his running speed this stage i down to 4 from IP, and neccesary), double all healing times
can t catch up to Harry this stage.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter I: Invitations

Weapons Breaking Things

Like characters, inanjmate objects have a
The following is a list of commonly found Body rating. When they have taken IP equal to their
weapons and their game statistics. This is far from Body, the item stops working, or is sufficiently bro-
an exhaustive List, rather it is a broad overview of ken (ie, hole in a door or wall , etc), at 3x Body, the
the var ious ty pes of weapons and tbe da mage tbey item is damaged beyond recognition or repair.
inflict. GMs are encouraged to further research thj s
area, and modify these statistics to persona lize yo ur
game with specific weapons. Many comprehensive
Some items are tough enough to withstand
books have been written on th e subject for just such
damage. They have an Armor rating. This number
purposes. AJI damage from a weapon is lethal unle s
represents the a mount of IP that must be exceeded
otherwise noted.
before the item or what it is protecti ng actuaUy
accrues IP. Any IP delivered over t.hjs number is
Ranged Weapons
taken as usual. Only Lethal damage will affect ao
Abbreviation key: Ammo: ammun irion, Ro F: rare of fire (how many times a item with an Armor rating.
character may fi re in o ne combat rage), SMG: submachine gun, LMG, For example, a car door has a Body of 5 and an
light Ma hine gun, HMG, hea,,y machine gu n, Con: Concea lment raring
armor rating of 2. Bob fires a burst from his Uzi into the
(apply 10 perception roll as a modifier ro noti e if an anempr ro carry rhe
weapon concea led is made )
car door. His first shot does 6 rP. This is 4 over the
Armor rating, and does 4 LP to the car door. His next shot
Name Ammo RQF Con DIC/Bl A NQtes doe 3 IP this is one over the armor rating and does 1 IP,
Derringer 2 1 -4 1111213 damagi ng the door enough to fire through it now. His
Revolver 6 1 -2 1/21314 next shot, if it exceeds the armor raring, will damage both
Semi-Auto 15 2 -2 1121314 the ca r door and whatever is on the other side.
Heavy Pistol 12 l 0 2141618
Hunt. Rifle 8 1 IA 2/41619
Item Body and Armor Ratings
Shotgun 8 I +2 1131517
Shotgun (solid slugs) 21517110 Item Body Armor Rat.
SMG 30 3 0 1131416 IJ
Door, standard construction 3 1
Assault Rifle 40 5 NIA 2131517 u Wa ll , standard construction 4 1
LMG 100+ 10 NIA 2141618 1,J ,'4 Car Door, standard 5 2
HMG 100+ 10 NIA 31517110 I.J.4 Car Windshield 4 0
Longbow I 1 IA 112/416 Plate Glass 2 0
Cros bow 1 1 IA 1/21517
Iron Chain, 2 "thick 6 4
Blunderbuss 1 I IA 112/314 J,

Sling 1 I -6 1111113 Thick Leather 4 1

Taser 2 1 -2 -special- • Plate Armor 5 2
Chainmail 3 2
Melee Weapons Tani< Armor 25 9
Bartlesrup Hull 40 25
Abbreviarion key: U: unarmed damage total (see pg. 24 )

Name Dam Con Length Notes

Knife U+l -4 6"-12"
Sword (small ) U+2 -1 15"-36"
Sword (med.) U+3 NIA 36"-60"
Sword (large) U+4 IA 60"-84" ..,
Club U+l NIA 24"-36 "
Staff U+l NIA 48"-72"
Spear U+3 IA 60" -96"
Polearm U+4 IA 72"- 120 ..•
l= Wi ll jam on a ro ll of 0
2=Shotgun, shot i o ne level less difficult (ie: chall enging becomes average)
at 20 feet awa y or clo er.
3=Every hot a ft er the fir r is ar a umularive - I modifier due to recoi l
wi thou t a successful Bod y (strength related ) challenge is made or the
weapon i ftred from a rarionary mounr.
4=Hea vy, user must have Body (modified for trengt:h purposes) of 5+. or
use weapon with a mount (bipod, rripod, er .) if a gun .
5=Take I fu ll comba t rage to reload.
6=lna ccu ra te, - I to kill rating.
=Damage from weapon is Bn1 ise damage.
8=Slow rnelee weapo n, · I ro Qui k fo r purpo es of reading the
Quick/ ombar Bour Table while u ing tbis weapon.
9=Does no normal damage, target. if hit, is immobilized for 2d IO bouts.

rrwork ID 19 9 Tony DiTerliu.i

Chapter II: SpanninM
Chapter II: Spanning c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The Memory of In- Span 1
Between Range: 1 year, 1 mile
3. S leepwalking On The Cliff
T he In-Between is what spanners ca ll the period of
their first learning to travel ti me, because most mem- Cynthia is sitting in a cozy living room, far
ories of this period a re suppressed. T he reason for different than the garage she had been brought to,
thi s are detailed below. months of age ago. The event was very near, to one
Chapter 2 is written as if it were info rma tion avai l- Whoa. What happened. "Wow. That was quick.
No. No, wail. There's a couple things. Hey. my memo-
able to a novice spanner. Details of the act ivities of
ries are all ... white ... " Cynthia looks up, and her gypsy
the many facets of li fe in th e Contin uum- higher elder, the strange 'S'is there with a quiet serene look
Spans, Fratern ities, the Societies and so on- a re pre- on her face.
sented as th ey wou ld be to a Spa n One inq uiri ng Cynthia reaches into a pocket and takes out
a bo ut his newly adopted civiliza tion. her span book, and notes the gemini incident. She
2. ·me Out of Mind stops, regarding the pencil and notebook. '7 just did
that, like ... it was habit." I even know the date and
time ...
Cynthia sits on a bicycle, riding to class. She
Her elder leans forward and pecks her on the
remembers the bicycle inside her, but not much else of
head. She grabs her shoulders and gives them a good
the weeks that only she misses. White white white shake. "You 'fl do great things." 'S' stepped back and
light sears over all these things.
Charlie was smiling nearby. '1 am not going to
Sweet breads, and warm juice. No sherberts or other stoop to Dorothy and Alice quotes. Rise and shine,
treats because of the extremes of temperature. Later. Cynthia. Its a good day to get out and time trauel."
soon this is not a problem.
"She vanished. And that didn't surprise me.
These half-memories are bizarre." She looks around
Charlie's hands in hers, leading her to the next room, the room and sees all the members of her corner. llay,
the high road. Conversation from nearby rooms ouer-
Lydia, Euana whom she must haue met in the in-.
heard. French.
between, and Charlie, her mentor. Faces that radiated
trust, like that of her own sister. S uen is nowhere to be
Parties and dinners. Reciting the Maxims amid cat-
seen, but he is a wanderer, a part of their corner
calls. Hazing, but happy feelings. because he is so far from his original locality. Perhaps
this isn't a moment he wants to share, but Cyn has
A wet dying bird she could not save. ~ry important,
onl.v good feelings about him.
shame attached. "Eueryone, this is Cynthia."
Euana looks up from a book she is reading
~ lot of teleuision-watching, and mouies. Not leisure,
and smiles. "Hey, spanner."
not hypnosis, but an.alysis. "Long time no see, Cynful," says Lydia,
"Excuse me, but I hate reruns ... " She uanishes.
The framea in sequence. The training of all twentieth-
"Welcome to 'Choice Hops: Cynthia. I did not
century leuellers. Pia a commercial again and again.
choose the name for the corner," smiles Ray.
It is the same moment. Small changes are always There is also a man in dark suit and sunglasses
noted: editing makes a differmt commercial, not the
carrying a briefcase. Cyn doesn't recognize him at all.
same moment. Charlie's uoice, muffled: "This is the
'This is Vido," Charlie says, "with the
ingrained experience that makes the uast numbers of
Moneychangers Fraternity. He'll verse you on the
:panners feasible. High population makes it posaible."
details of how to handle transactions, especially when
going Down. And I think he's got your requested wind.-
r,i8it to empty ~Ids. unknown woods. The animals
ilence, Ihm grow loud again. Disorient.ation each time,
"Requested?" What all was I doing while
ling lost, thm suddenly knowing every and
learning to span?
lanet above her. Vido opens the case on the side table next to
her. reuealing racks of money. "Would you prefer this
She arrives for class, precisely on time, all her
as ;ash, credit card, ualuables, or shall I deposit this illl
rk in perfet:t order, with more rest than anyone on
an actX>unt for you?" .
Cynthia gapea at the suitcase of cash. 'Vm,
yeah, just deposit- well-" She reaches out and touc
Her dreamatate is more distinct than the
es the hundreds with the strange, big head of Ben
memories of learning to span.
Franklin off-center on each. Just to make the connec-
tion. Then she returns her hand to her lap. "Yeah, you
White white white light sears ouer all these
can deposit that. Did I just sell my soul."
Charlie shakes his head. "Not at all. Getting
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
rich i easy for spanners, comparea to level ers, as Im ' e , t e ives <if HLt er, hrist, o me ,
sure you can imagine." et cetera are favorite targets," says Ray. '"]don~ envy
"Yeah, Michael J. Fox and that sports those corners near big name levellers, no how. And
almanac. But this seems, well, way too generous, you someone reall:v ha.sit out for little Joan of Arc, but
know? Out of the Blue." that's okay, she got to be a spanner."
"Getting rich is easy, but tedious. That' why Charlie clears his throat.
the Moneychangers' Fraternit_v handles initial enfran- ·• orry, again. Further information on Joanie
chisement for spanners." isn't available here."
Cyn looks at \lido. ~It ain't so tedious," he says 'The point is, some spanners get stuck," says
in his throaty voice as he close the case. "Not when Charlie. "They can't make the mental leap from lev-
it's your passion. n eller life. No one has to make the leap all at once, but
'Thal 's not all like, drug mone.,• or something." some refuse to make the basic choice of letting the
"Nah, it's mostly speculative. ow. if you world exist."
wanted Persian gold pieces, you'd have all those " owe just go about. not letting our spanning
enslaved Lydian miners on your conscience, little lady." be seen. and the world rolls along fine," says Cynthia.
"Hands off my slave gold." yells Lydia, who "Basically, yeah. We just have to watch out for
starts playing Asteroids on an arcade machine in the ourselves, for one another."
nearby rec room. "Hey. Let Desert Storm be," she smiles. '1'm
"When and if you join a Fraternity," says sorry, Mrs. Simpson, you die-"
Charlie, "you'll perform services for other spanners. "And your father's car accident?"
Cash is just the Moneychangers'part of the barter." Cyn s face bends.
"So I get paid now, and work it off later?" Charlie waits. Then: "We mentioned it before.
Cynthia is till dubious. Early on, during your invitation. But _you were a /.ev-
"Later for you, beautiful," says \lido. 'The eller then. What will you do now."
Fraternity is already satisfied with your services, and Cyn does the calculation. Only two days travel
we've thanked your elder." He adjusts his tie. Down. Dad. His leg. A thou and ways to keep him from
Cynthia sits and thinks about it, smirks, and taking the car-
notes 'Earn \lidos gold' down in her Yet. "So life just "Dammit Charlie, that's so wrong."
gets better and better?" "You think that's bad? Can you keep from
"You haven't fought your first narcissist." says finding out when he dies? Your mother's fate? Any chil-
Ray, busy on his handheld. "Or felt {rag. Money is a dren you might have? Or lack of them?"
trapping of your old life, C:vn. It' another object. Vague nudges from the white space of her
Its not what narcissists will attack . ou for, either." memory tell her shes passed this test, more than once.
"What will they attack for," asks C.vnthia qui- But she cannot remember these victories, and so tears
etly. build.
"For being a stumbling block in the path of Where am I? What on earth am I doing? A case
righteousness," Ra.v growls with real menace. His dala with a million dollars al.ready hers dangles nearby.
entry becomes more agitated. "For living free while Lydia slaps buttons in the background.
mankind knows only pain. Because YOU- "He There is too much input, too many thoughts at
throws aside the device and stands facing her, fists once. With a fresh, unexpeC"ted instinct, she spans
curled. ·~ You are wrong. Utterly. You 're a bizarre across the room.
aberration, an inhumanity. You must not be. Ever." She is standing, facing the wall, breathing
Charlie chimes in, with only slightly /.ess erraticall.v. It's several seconds before she begins to
intensity, "/ understand your pain and concern. But turn around. Something nags the back of her mind,
think of how soothing noneristenC'e will seem. Far bet- something mundane compared to wiping the wet off
ter than the damnation you 're spreading to all the peo- her face. She finds she is reaching for her span book,
ples of earth." fumbling for a pen for the notation.
"Goodbye, bitch," says Evana coldly. not taking "Where you been?"
her eyes from the book. "What."
\lido pops his knuckles. The sound of explod- "Well," says Charlie, "that was your first span
ing asteroids repeats incessantly. out since your in-between. Congratu.lations. Where'd
Cyn has one hand raised, and she is halfway you go?"
ready to span out. "Oh... kay, guys. I think I get the "Just here!" screams Cynthia. And staring at
point." the empty span book, the suggestion hits home: I am
"Yeah, thats all cinematic villain talk," says so free. I can just be anywhere at thought, pretty much.
Ray, relaxing. "When in fact they're just fanatics des- I could have gone to stop Dad, and my friends wouldn ~
perate on one or two little issues they have with the have known. "But someone wor,ld know," she breathes.
universe. And they don't often confront you amt talk, "Know what?" says Charlie pleasantly.
either, just {rag you." "Screw your temptations, 1 don l want to
"Why are they so unsatisfied? I don't want to know!"
sound like some jaded child of the nineties, but what ·~tta girl," smiles Ray. He picks up his hand-
do they hope to change?,. held, and returns to work.
"Its a different issue with each," says Charlie, Cynthia throws out an obscenit_y and spans
simply. "If they could agree on a single event to attack, /.evel lo Charlie's face. "Wanting to help my dad does
and organize around, they'd be a greater threat." not make me a fanatic, like those-"
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
esn l it. says harlie. ' ou want to maizes tlie rounas . •
change something to benefit :yourself." She starts to "Yeah. Now what if I just go Down a minute
interrupt, but- "Or yo1tr own personal crusade. from here, to this same room. Frag the lot of us." And
arcissists get stuck for all the right reasons, C_yn. But she already feels the goosebumps, like turning to face
they're leueller reasons." the edge of an awesome cliff.
1lvelue different sentences are on the edge of ''What if you light a match and toss it toward
Cyn's open mouth, Then: "Don't I owe him any help, a gasoline can," says Evan.a. ''What if you try to jump
then. Is my family just cut from me, just like that." in front a train. We'd rush to stop you, and worry for
"Not at all. I think they expect you at school, your sanity, girl."
at a job afterwards. There's plenty yo1t can do /or them Charlie says, "Like 1 know you'd try for this
as Cynthia. Are you going to show them all this time spot-"
travel. like some narcis ists run off and do-" "- you'd know I'd try something stupid," she
"NO." nods. "Or be able to find out. I must've learned this
"What makes you so different?" says Euana before... " Again, she tries to eke memory out of the
quietly. She's rolled ouer on the couch and is watching. whitespace, and stares into nothing.
C.vnthia look11 around the familiar and unfa- "So I guess the answer to your question is
miliar room. It feels right and even. her nose starts es, r says Ray. "Yes. this life really works."
saying it's home, but, "Frankly. I- I want to spare "Life doesn "t necessarily get better and better,
them the agony o/ this." She meets Charlie's steady says Charlie. "But if you can cope it, it gets bigger and
gaze. "Does ... this really work? This life?" bigger." Cynthia turns her head toward him.
"I imagine that the corner nearest where your omething about continuing the conversation from
dad had the accident has heard .vou have a lot of emo- long before feels strongly natural. '1f not, hey," he
tion tied up in the event. They won't let you spread shrugs. 'There are quiet jobs, especially with the
ag around, I think you know that." Scribes or Antiquarians."
"Yes, yes. But this life, Charlie.'' She has not "One thing you got," sa s Ray comfortingly, "is
taken her eyes away. time. And try not to be paranoid abo1tt out
"Well, first off. get your spans written down. 1 there knowing your every moue. 'Cause the spanner
taught you better than that." that knows your moues the best is you. Your elder."
For a few tense moments, Cynthia stares at Cynthia thinks on the dark-haired gypsy with
the little book, awaiting her record like a blank bowl- her face. Slightly maternal. Fairly nasty. "Great
ing scorecard. What's the use. But if I don L then I'm things, huh," she mutters aloud. "Respect my elders.
alone, then I lose... he makes some quick angry marks What if I do become a bitch?"
in it, for the two level spans. She still has no memory "Respect your futu re bitch," says Lydia, slam-
yet of really travelling time, only space. ming away.
"One thing I tell my proteges- and I always Fairly nasty but highl.v respected. She tries to
hope the memory suruiues the in-between- is that picture a road that leads from here to there. She would
time travel is absolute power. That's why levellers need every ounce of wit to stay sane, every ounce of
have such a hard time puzzling out paradox." support to stay human. Where to begin?
I don l remember it, Charlie. Cyn is looking "Vido," she says authoritatively. "I'm going to
grim. "And they say absolute power-" need to buy a lot of chocolate."
"'Is checked by absolute power. It would be a Lydia fi nds this the funniest, and loses her
axim, but it's like saying, 'Breathing is a part of last spaceship laughing.
"No, it corrupts absolutely. "
"It co"upts levellers absolutely, because a lev- A. Personal
eller with absolute power has only himself. The
Continuum means we have one another to bump Why don~ you try a span, two seconds Up,
into the future."
'That an order?"
"Not my style, Cynthia. I'm your mentor, not The Basics of Span, Frag and Causality
:,,our elder. I think it would be good for you."
She lowers her eyes to the floor. Then she
imagines the far wall, by the standing lamp, two sec- Spanning
onds Up.
'/urning like light into light, she spaM. The skill of time travel is ca lled Span , or
It feels slightly different than the level spaM,
but not really. 7b her surprise, Charlie is standing
there right next to her. There's only the one of him in In the ga me, it is ex pressed as a number
the room. and he has on a different shirt than farther from zero o n up . Cha racters a ll ha ve a Spa n rating,
'Down. but so do a ll things throughout spacetime.
"What gives." Anything that cannot traverse time has a
"Word gets out about the smallest things." He Spa n o f Z ero. People who ca nnot traverse time ar e
smiles, slightly. "Cynthia Cartwright's first span. It's in ca lled levelJers, since by their nature they a re forced
a story, somewhere. We're still human, Cyn. Gossip to rema in in the unfolding present.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter Il: Spanning
All spa nners ha ve a Span of 1 or hjgher. For 3a) Verb tenses are usually kept in the present tense
game purposes, use rhe Span table to determine the w hen describing events in the third person.
distance able to Span. I.e. "Stan is io the tenth century, then he spans
to in the ninth, then he takes a trip to the twenty-
Terminology Across Time second. " Stan is in all these places; you mjght
People who can traverse rime are called meet him in any of these times, just as he might
panners, or chromes. 'Chrony" is usually reser ed djscover when and where you are and pop in
for one's friends, or mates in tbe Continuum, as it is for a visit.
a pun among late Societal English-speaking spa nners. 36) lf Stan uses past tense and says, 1 did that
However, the term is a lso used frequently io British, action," its in his Age. He may have done it
Greek (chrone, "time-man ") and other corners. yeste rda y or tomorrow- it makes no more
The term "s pan " derives from the earlier difference than if he performs an action in one
form 's pin ". Since peop le from man y different era room or another. Assuming hes an honest, loyal
have man y different names for spanning, yo u should Continuum spanner, Stan has done the action,
be awa re tb a t variants on the term 's pin' are often and it's a part of the universe.
used by spanners from agricultural corners (almost 3c) Simj)arly, if Stan uses future tense and says, "1
anywhere before AD 1700). For curious details on will do that action," it's in his Yet, or he intends
use of the word "spanner" in the AD 20th century, it to be there; again, it could be last year or next
see the story Beside myself with laughter, beginning year he 's referring to- he just has yet to do it. If
on pg. 43. it's an action he knows he must do (having
There are many different terms for ranks of w itnessed it already, for instance) the phrase,
achievement in the Continuum, but nea rl y all are " It's in my Yet," is appropriate.
based on ones ability to Span. Hence, panners of
Span One a bility are referred to by the shortened A thorough glossary of common terms
form of " Ones " . Span Two spanners are "Twos" begins on pg. 41.
and so forth. (Though most find it rude to refer to
non-spanners as Zeros, and use the term " leve llers ".)
Spanners perceive little difference between a spanner
What does spanning feel and
and hi s skill [see listings for ' entient force' and
'span' in the Glossary, ppg. 42-43]. Bue for purposes
look like?
of trus rulebook, when the distinction between a per-
son and tbeir spanning skill must be made, a person Spanner poets have written reams of beauti-
is spelled our (i.e. "He is a Span One," ) and the skill ful expressions describing the sensation of being in
is written numerically (i.e. " He has earned Span 2. ") one place and then suddenly another, wholly alien
Finally, much is made in science fiction of but filled with the noise, aromas and sights of a
the 'difficulty' io keeping verb tenses straight in a world run by humanjty. But the reaJjst John Jacob
time travel environment. The Continuum has MacHale described it best: "It is simple. You turn,
allowed this apparent confusion free reign, as it has you are there. No more strange than pausing in the
disguised the simplicity with which spanning can be doorway to listen to the farewell of a friend."
understood. With the Aquarian cusp, the time has To extend the bicycle analogy, it is very like
come to explain. Plain English' suffices, with a few a pleasant ride on a warm spring afternoon. It feels
distinctions. very right, and has no unpleasant side effects, unless
you've pushed yourself beyond your limits [pg. 35).
1) The terms " past" and " future " are largely
Spanners vanish and appear silently when
discarded, being useful only to levellers. When a they travel. Occasionally a small noise may be heard
spanner spans toward the Big Bang, he is said to from displaced air, and there is also the Shift Sight
be spanning Down. When he travels away from ability [pg. 10). Shift Sight is a sensitivity to the sub-
the Bang, he is spanning Up. Spanning levell y, of tle shifts in magnetism caused by spanning.
course is spanning Level. No external devices or vehicles are required
for spanners to travel to their maximum Span, carry-
2 ) The Yet refers to actions a spanner has yet to ing themselves and about ten pounds of belongings.
perform: His ' personal future', specifically his More can be carried at Spans above 1.
Required Future. [See also What is the Yet?, pg.
26) The actions a spanner has already lived through,
his 'pe rsonal past', is called his Age, or "a part
of his Age" . [See also What about keeping track
of my Age?, pg. 36.)

Mosr Earrh languages are adapred a nd u ed as imply in a rime rravel concexr.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
means yo u appea r in an optim al spot to get yo ur
What are the limitations to bearings. Failure means you spa n in facing a waU, or
spanning? into complete darkness, or into an air shaft or other
inconvenience. But spanning itself is ooJy deadly if
one tries exceed maxim um Span .
Tbe Span table sbows the maximum djs- Bad environments tha t you can span into
tances throu gh time one can travel before rest, and include spaces barely able to contain you, and fluid
tb e maximum distance in space one can trave l per environm ents so chick it nearl y does not part for
span . Tbese limits are primarily ones of conve nience, you. Displacing powders is always questionable:
since a Span One can travel hundreds of years Expect to able to sp an into th e midst of a snow-
througb time- it wiU just take him bundreds of storm , bur not to displace hard pack snow on the
days, due to the need to rest. It's the difference gro und. Debatable environments are up to the GM
between Columbus sai ling to America, and flying to judge as spanworthy.
th ere on a jet. Ultimately, Age become a factor. There a re a lso deadly environments.
Higher Spans normaUy have access to Life-extending Nothing prevents a span into a furnace or a gas
technologies, since th ey've earned it. chamber. Outer space is the great constant, and
The time between spans is usua ll y no less mostl y kill s spanners that foolishly exceed their max-
than a hea rtbeat. While tbe act of spanning itself imum Span [see below]. Worst of all these are areas
defies the speed of ligh t, human decision-making is of heavy nuclea r or electromagnetic radiation. While
naturally slower. any huma n ca n suffer damage to tissues and mind in
such environments, spanners endanger themselves by
Teleportation lo Space Only spanning in or our of fields of high energy. Fields of
A spanner may travel through space at a this kind are rich in natural paradox which can tear
radius of mjles as shown on the Span ca ble. Spa nning a spanner's cohesion to shreds. In game terms, you
space a lone costs no Span, a nd can be done even ca n pile on the frag points just by using your ability
after a cbaracter has spent a ll their Span. to move wbile in these zones.
W hi_le this power of teleportation eems
incred ibl y powerful, panning time actu a Uy en tails The GM has further information and tables for dan-
travelli ng vast amounts of space, too. See the gerous natura l sources of frag, and how to cure it.
Spacetime Map of Earth, pg. 102.
Remem ber that the Fourth Maxim a lways
applies [see frontispiece]. Your vanishi ng in tbe midst H ow do I keep track of my
of a gaping crowd will keep many high Spans bu y
for awhile and they won't think ery well of yo u. spanning?
Spending and r rding an is done every
Spanning into a Previously Unknown Space time a character travel rim , \! hether a year, a day,
Spanning into an unknown space is as ea y or merely a second. Thi i re orded throughout the
a walking into a room you've never visited. Though game on the character' panning Card. An expla na-
it is more akin to jumping feet first into a manhole tion of how to u e it, and a py of the cards them-
with you r eyes dosed. elves is on ppg. 224-5.
There is no mistaken materialization imo Every time a chara t r travels time, no mat-
wall or solid matter. Air and Liquids part to hold ter how briefly or iono uou ly, the player must note
you. If a n un fa miliar space is targeted, the GM may it on th at character' panning Card. This represents
ask yo u to roll against your Quick. Success merely the careful records all Continuum spa nners keep to
ensure they don't frag th emselves or
=========== === ======== ==== ==ai
Span Table anyone they know. The GM is a ll owed
to pena lize characters w ho do not keep
Span Years Mile Weigh t Title ca reful re ord . These penalties are
trave rsable era versa ble able to deta iled under the Frag rules [pg. 53] .
w itho ut rest 111 one spa n tran po rt At the end of each play session , the
(in po unds) GM calls for all players to rec kon their
0 0 n/a n/a Leveller Age. Those that have spotty records w i_ll
In-between 1 1 10 lnitiate have a bard time recalling a ll their
1 1 I 10 ov1ce Spans, and earn themselves penalties. If
2 10 10 100 Apprentice the GM wishes, characters w ith we ll-
3 100 100 1000 Mentor kept records may earn sma ll bonuses,
4 1000 1000 10000 15 mas! Master raises in pay at their level job, or other
5 10000 10000 100,000 150 ron I Exa lted signs that the universe is smoothly
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
working around them.
Keeping close records is al o vita lly impor-
tant during Combat [see pg. 117].

Regaining Span
This is done by resting for one day. A "day
of rest" is defined as one 24-hour period of regular
(level) activity witb no use of Span, which includes at
least one eight-hour period of peaceful uninterrupted
sleep. Use of the Dreaming skill [ppg. 20, 108] wouJd
be considered an interruption, though norma l dreams
are certainly part of peacefuJ sleep.
For game purposes, Span is not regained
incrementally, but all at once at the end of the
required rest period.

Travelling Beyond One's Span

This is a highly risky gamble, resulting in
exhaustion or death. A roll against Quick is made
whenever a spanner tries to exceed his remaining or
allotted Span.
A Span One would take a -1 modifier to his
Quick for every year and fraction thereof that he
attempts to travel beyond his Span.
A Span Two wouJd take a -1 modifier to his
Quick for every ten years and fraction thereof that
be attempts to travel beyond his Span, and so on ...
Any failure results in the spanner miss ing hi s
target. Since the earth, system and galaxy are
hurtling through the universe at thousa nds of miles
an hour, a small misstep results in sudden death in or
near space. ovice spanners are warned that most
uch dea ths resu lt from burning in the ionosphere.
Any spanner who dies from exceeding their
pan may not take advantage of the Surviving Dea th
ru les [pg. 40].
Any success results in the spanner reaching
bis target date an d place, but utterly exhausted: He
bas no Span, may not even attempt to Span levelly
again until rested, and must rest ten days to recove r.
nd only on a Victory roll will he avoid the follow -
ing further complication :
Any other successfu l result requires he roll
ain thrice, once each against Body, Mind and
uic k.
A) Failure of the Body check, and he goes
to shock Lpg. 24].
B) Failure of Mind, and he goes at least par-
Uy insane. There is an extensive List of poss ible
nities and their consequences in Chapter 3:
rruggling [pg. 138].
C) Failure of Quick, and the spanner lands
·th relative safety on earth, but in a place and
ment of the GM's choosing. The spanner w ill not
o, he's hit the wrong target unless he di covers
mistake, Or if a friendly Victor lkauregard Housron (b. AD 185 )
oner tell s him. !:.:;~;f0 ~ 0 192 11
priv:i tt collection. Pans

Artwork C 1999 Dn-v. Tud.;t"r

C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Rook Mo rrow (b. 1987)

What about keeping track of The Daily Grind Stood panel from Blue l,ift gra phic nove l
ink. acrylic & gra phite
Sideways Ae1herco omics

my Age? Becoming a spa nner

AD 2008

doesn't mean quitting your day

Age is still a very real factor in a spanner's job, at least not right away. Level society demands to
life. The term 'Age' refers not just to a spanner's life, know a person's means of support, that you pay
but to the events he has already experienced. your taxes, have a job, perform military service, and
[Compare the Yet, pg. 47.] When a level ler refers to otherwise have your papers in order. Spanners have
how old he is, a si mple calculation reveals wh at the advantage of not needing to perform these tasks
years he's ex perienced. A spanner's 'past' can only be in sequence; since they have endless time with which
calculated by the recording his spans and his dura- to develop reports, finish illustrations, write code or
tion at each Level- another important reason to research answers- and are always punctual- they
keep track of your spans. [See How do I keep track tend to excel at their ordinary jobs. Spanners can
of my spanning?, above.] afford (both emotionally and financially) to be mag-
A spanner still ages normally, as the body nanimous to their leveller co-workers, and help wor-
only knows time in one direction. It's important to thy pals get ahead.
record the passing of time by your internal clock, Again, Age can catch up to you, so don't
and in the game, space for this is provided on your take seven years off from work, unless you're ready
Spanning Card . While recording Age during the to disturb your co-workers and annoy your fellow
game- especially Time Combat- is essential, it's spanners with a questionable prank.
usually only necessary to do a final tally of a charac- Other details from your old Jjfe like birth-
ter's Age at the end of each game session . Note that days and anniversaries take on subtle new meanings.
after many sessions, the aging character may find it Spanners have more control over this common force
difficult to explain bis change in appearance if he of the universe, and many treat special days on the
revisit a place looking noticeably older than he calendar as levellers do old folklore or superstitions:
should. Things that cross your path now and then, but no
longer have as much relevance as they once did.
Information on age-thwarting technologies is avail- Certain corner celebrate a spanner's birth-
able to the GM. day as 365 days of hi Age after his first Span, when-
ever he may be in pacetime. Others celebrate it on
the level anniver ary of ru first span, so that every-

Artwork O 1999 Ra\'Cn M1mur.J

C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
one can fit it into their schedule. [See Typical rules lea t before buying a map? How well do you even
around the corner, pg. 51 .] know the map of your own town?
When new spanners think of history, they
tend to consider only their closest surroundings, or
How much do I need to what they' e heard about "ancient" times. Humanity
is much vaster than that recorded by levellers in any
know about calendars? gi en span . To this end, novice spanners are reintro-
duced to the zodiac.
The characters, being spanners, acquire great
and extensive knowledge of the earth's passage
through the cosmos, even as a Span One. Every
The Eras of the
detail, every fluctuation in earth's orbit and rotation
and its every variance of gravitational topography is Zodiac: 24,000 Years
studied like a geophysical sur ey map to aid
focus ing their transit. Calendars are memorized by
heart to assist the smooth blending of spanning from
of Humanity
moment to moment and era to era.
Use of calendars through the years also The zodiac exists as a shorthand to human
changes drastically. Every culture mankind has eras during the Societies and just before, for the ben-
formed bas had their own unique method of count- efit of spanner considering travel or adventures in
ing time. The Continuum even has its own calendars such times. It also tends to broaden the minds of
the Societal which counts from the beginning of the new spanners when they consider that people-
Societies, and the Universal which counts from the spanners and levellers- are very much a live and
from the measurable beginning of the Uni erse to the active in each of these times.
maximum farthest point of spacetime that can sup- Despite various conflicting leveller astrologi-
port life. cal calculations, the zodiacal eras correspond rough-
Some players may be daunted by the fear of ly to 2000 years each, as detailed below. Assuming
learnjng arcane calendars and complex date calcula- you are playing a character contemporary to the
tions. Put these worries aside: the C0 NTINUUM game publication of this book, your spanner is from the
makes simulating spanning as simple as possible. Aquarian cusp, the period of the transition between
Appendix C: Counting the Days [pg. 214] has per- the Piscean and Aquarian Eras.
petua l calendars, marked with days spent and
remaining, plus instructions on bow to use them. Aquarian Era
You may want a pocket calculator to help C. AD 2000 - 4000
add and subtract days, hours and minutes. But The hallmark of this time is unity
beyond trus basic tool, little wre tling with math is and self-discipline, and the inevitable control over all
required. the forces of the universe. The Societies come to an
If the GM and players desire greater realism, end, and the time of the Inheritors begins.
more details of real calendrical and spacetime anom-
alies (leap-seconds, the earth's obliquity, etc.) can be Piscean Era
added. But it's hardly a requirement: The main goa l
c. AD 1 - 2000
of any game is to have fun. It's safe to assume that
the well-trod spacetime of the Societies is well Thjs is the time of the power of
known to your characters. Leave the spanning to Rome, Christendom, a marked
increase in population, and the
crossing of the oceans in great
What do I need to know
Ariesian Era
about history? C. 2000 - 1 BC
The era of independent states, each
Knowing about history is commendable, but with aloof philosophies. The rise of
·me is a landscape to a spanner. You can go there. strategic warfare among levellers.
As a leveller, you may have wanted to visit
· ant cities and places; New York, Paris, Rome,
Tah iti, Easter Island. You wanted to go because of
eir reputation. But how well did you know every
eet and marketplace, even the location of famous
gh t in relation to each other, before going, or at
Chapter Il: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Tauran Era Virgin Era
c. 4000 - 2000 BC c. 12000 - 10000 BC
The perfection of cattle breeding and The early Societies, of
the worship of the corralled herd; which much is secret, potential, and
conformiry in le ellers and envy of unwritten.
level simpliciry in spa nners. The
Hunt of the Sun brought to an end. Libran Era
C. 14000 - 12000 BC
Geminid Era The era of decision and
c. 6000 - 4000 BC measured, mered ju rice. The
A time of narcissist intrigue and collapse of Antedesertium and
great war be~ een spanner . Time Interregnum are here. The lower
of the elder human god kno n to border of the Societies, and the
later levellers. Atlantean CounciJs.

Cancerean Era Scorpiod Era

C.8000 - 6000 BC
Receding ice and rising seas are
the themes of this span, and the
hardness of the people. The Hunt
of the Sun begins.
nt C. 16000 - 14000 BC
The time of the narcissists seeking
helli h chaos, revenge, and pain. The
great sickening of the level popula-

Sagittarian Era
Leonid Era
c. 18000 - 16000 BC
C. 10000 - 8000 BC
A more noble time of
The time of the first dome -
Antede ert ium but determinedly at
tication of cats, and of the return of
odds with the Continuum.
lostrus (b. I 2 I) individual
Fronri piece id<t3il) to his prowess a a
I,utmct,on.s for P,gnmag~s
( 12972 B I general standard.
namz.ed graphire
Mus('um, AIC"xandria
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Capricornic Era
This era precedes 18000 BC, and
also follows AD 4000.
After 4000, Earth is entirely part of
the Inheritors and the vastness of
Civilizations among the stars.
Before 18000 BC, Ancient Eanh is also protected by
the Inheritors, but is home to host of incredible
Civilizations, not all of them human.
Further information on this and the
other eras is available to the GM.

What else can I do with

time travel?
The Gifts of Physics:
Curious Things You Can Do
Being able to teleport through space and time has its
pleasant side effects ....

Frag is never desira ble, but even the most
seasoned spanner is backed into a corner now and
again. A difference is often made when a favorite . Victor Beaurega rd Ho uston (b. AD 1857)
weapon is discovered hidden within reach, or a lost mum number of times you Gemini (AD 1892)
ma y ha V e met yourse lf be fore collection
of Lise Lancomme
map is in one's breast pocket after all.
A spanner may find any known object to be you learned to Span. Roll the
wherever he wants it at the Level he's currently at. Dl00, divide by ten and drop all fractions. This pro-
This does not al.low him to suddenly having in his duces a result of 0-10. These incidents are in your
head new information or known skills, but can Yet, but will be ignored if you die before completing
include a Gemini Incident [see below], a future news- them all. (This is a game convention to represent
paper, or even a note from himself. The price is one half-remembered encounters in youth, and the dis-
point of Frag, and the need to physically place the guises elders take when meeting very young juniors.)
slipsbanked object goes in his Yet. Happily, success- If this number is ever exceeded, one point of Frag is
ful placement of the object by the spanner himself earned, in addition to any other penalties.
cures the Frag.
Note that the Continuum forbids slipshanks Known Geminis
to spanners with more than zero Frag [based on the Naturally, you may encounter yourself after
Third and Fifth Maxims]. A spanner so bold as to you begin to Span. At every increase in Span (includ-
slipshank when his Frag is above zero will take a ing beginning at Span 1), roll the DlO0, and divide
penalty equal to his Span on his rolls and Graces will as above. This number (0-10) represents the absolute
count as Failures until his Frag reduces to zero. number of Geminis that occur during that Span.
These incidents must occur before you may advance
to the next Span.
Gemini Incidents- Encountering Oneself Each incident, naturally, happens twice: once
Encountering oneself is almost inevitable. for the junior (the "junior incident") and once again
Curiosity drives junior spanners, and responsibility later for the elder (the "elder incident"). Only the
and necessity leads elders back to Gemini Incidents. junior need fulfill the absolute number before
increasing Span, but the elder keeps the incident in
his Yet until the Gemini Incident is completed.
Young Geminis
During the junior incident, GM portrays the
A spanner may not even remember his earli-
elder spanner. During the elder incident, the GM
est set of Geminis: ones that took place before he
reprises the junior spanner. This allows the player to
learned to travel time. These are called the Young
experience the Gemini much as his character would.
Geminis. In the game, you must determine the maxi-

Artwork C, 1999 Drew Tucker

Chapter II: Spanning c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Initiating a Gemini
The GM may include a Gemini Incident at
any time. The GM plays the elder version of the
spanner, and may appear to deliver limited informa-
tion, take or give objects, or just pass through ignor-
ing the junior, among many other possibilities. The
GM is strongly discouraged fro_!Tl portraying a play-
er's spanner in a way wildly counter to the spanner's
personality; aloof and distant is recommended if a
difference in character must be emphasized. The GM
is forbidden to play an elder dying before a junior's
eyes, nor may the GM deliberately initiate a Gemini
that would Frag the character due to overstepping
the absolute number for the Span.
lf a player decides his character should meet
himself, he must have either 1) played the junior
incident first, or 2) be meeting his junior of Span
Zero as per the rules above. Otherwise, he takes a
point of Frag as per the Slipshank rules [see above].

Roleplaying the Elder Incident

For GM and player alike, it is difficult to
mouth verbatim everything from an earlier playing
session, especially if it took place weeks before in
real level time. Since the elder is supposed to take
command of the incident, due to superior knowledge
and the deference shown by the Second Maxim,
some leeway in the game is allowed. The player play- Facing Death and
Vicror Bea urega rd H o usto n (b. AD I
Facing Death (AD 1888)
ing the elder (and the GM reprising the junior) need warercolo ur
Surviving It MusCe Contraremps, Marseilles
only approximate the previously established conver-
Narcissists love to
sation and actions to avoid Frag.
play with others' lives and existences. That being
It is the GM's discretion as to whether the
said, violent death can be a brutal price for the gift
play of the elder incident is too different from the
of spanning. It's a grim reminder for all the survivor
junior, and warrants a Frag penalty. GMs are
that we are mortal too.
encouraged to be lenient.
However, we have the unique facet of meet-
Note that the actual Gemini Incident will be
ing one another up and down each others' timelines.
considered to be the last one played. If Frag is
It may happen that one of us discovers the moment
declared, action must be taken upon the junior inci-
of his death, possibly by experiencing it up close .
. dent. [The Continuum stresses that genuine Gemini
Having this in your Yet can be stressful and demor-
Incidents outside the game are much the more strict
alizing [see Chapter 3: Struggling- Madness and
in scruple.]
Related Problems, pg. 138).
In game terms, a player who wishes to con-
'Instant' Skills tinue playing a character that has died may do so,
Got caught on an out-of-control hydrofoil, and the character may continue to advance up to
with a bunch of screaming levellers who are sup- two more ranks of Span. This is explained by allow-
posed to live to ripe old Ages? Don't know how to ing a spanner to escape his deadly fate at the lasts
pilot it? Being a spanner makes the solution simple. ond , but learn that his broken/charred/dead body is
Span away, learn how to hydrofoil, and span back. lying there all the same. The usual explanation is .
Following the time indexes of skill listings that he spanned out ... and will have to span back m
on ppg. 17-21, you can determine how much Age it again one day.
costs to learn a skill. Just declare what you are learn- His death goes in his Yet, of course, and
ing to the GM, fill out the appropriate actions on therefore the character at some point must face up to
your Span card, and save the day. his fate and retire from play. But it can be a way of
concluding an adventure without having to invent a
new character halfway through. The only require-
ments to continue playing "after Death" are that the
character is at least a Span One, and has less than 5
points of Frag.

Arrwork C 1999 Drt:w Tucker

C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
Second Death Civilization n.
If a player has a lready played the moment of IMiddle E11glish < Old French< La rin ivi "ci tizen·· < " member o f a
household .. < PIE kei, ii
his spanners death, an d th e spanner i killed agai n in To spanners, the overa rching period dominated by a par-
a different way during the game, the character is ticula r specie or sub pecies, as opposed to merel y a cu l-
in randy et beyond Frag 7, and anyone directl y ture. Example of civiliza tion : Antedesertium, the
invo lved with him a t the rim e of Second Death a lso Societies, rhe lnheritors.
takes a point of Frag. This tends to quiet the sen e of
bravado that player w ho know their characters are Continuum n.
destin ed to die, would orherwi e have. I L //111 c ntl nuu !neu ter fo rm I " o nrinuo u "< conrinere '·co ho ld together,
re train" < rene re < l'I E ten .. to rretch" I
1. Humaniry (in luding nonhuma n entience) that can

Glossary span, and th e ocial framework that holds it together.

2. The enri.rery of sentience throughout spacetime, most
specificall y that which is u ed ro maintain existence.

Common terms and names used by the Corner n.

Continuum. IMrddle E11g/1sh < Old French comiere < 11/gar La1111 cornarium < La1i11
co rnu < " ho rn , exu emiry '' < PIE ker "ho rn " I
These terms are in genera l parlance among 1. A homestead or equiva lent esra bli hment where spa n-
panners, especia ll y English-speakers of late Societal ners of a particular locality can be themselves without lev-
pacetime. Ir sho uld be noted that alJ the words have eller scrutiny. Es entia lly, a loca l safe house or home ba se
r in leveller language(s). ff a conversation i ever for pa nner .
verheard by a leveller, the subject maner is likely to 2. By extension the locality around the home ba e.
mistaken for something else. Only a handfu l are
Dreamtime n.
ry unfamiliar to modern speakers (frune futury, in
!drea m+ time (d ream < Mrddle E11gl1s/J drem < Old Eng/isl, " joy, music ~ <
rricu lar). Germa11ic dra ugma < PI E dhreugh "t o deceive") + (rime < O ld English
o r convenience, all cros -references are in boldface. rima < Ger111a11ic dim o n < PI E da " 10 d ivide" )!
A rare wherein peopl e, primarily panner , with the
The only exceptions are terms appearing in the same
Dreaming skjll, encounter one another to exchange infor-
· ring more than once, a nd the term s "spa n " and
mation; a rare of consciousness equivalenr to Plato's
- panner", due to their frequency throughout. World of Ideas. amed for the dream-sta te of Aus tralian
[See a lso Appendix B: Roleplaying Basics, aborigina l myth .
. 213, for terms common to roleplaying games.]
Down, Downward adv.
cedesertium n. [M iddle English do un < Old English dune < ofdune " fro m rhe hill" < (of
" o ff" + dun " hill '') < Germanic dunaz " hill " < Proroceltic dhuno " fo rri fied,
£.,1111 ·· rhe la nd before th ~ time o f the de ert " I enclo ed " I
The worldwide narcissist empire posing the grea rest threat Towards the past from one's cu.rrent place in spacerime.
to the Continuum. Flouri he c. 18 000 to 13 557 BC. Pasrward. Normally capita lized to differentiate it from a
mere direction in space. Compa re Up and Level.
/As Not
The point during an incident of £rag beyond which natural Elder, Elder Self n.
paradoxes do nor heal by them elve , bur collapse the uni- The later, o lder self in a gemjni incident [see below), th at
\'erse, instead. Sentient force is app lied at this point to has experienced the incident before. See a lso junior.
hea l frag.
Atlantean Councils n. See zodiac, below
The 117 sessions a t the beginning of the Societies that
determjned membership and many rules of cond uct for Exalted n.
panners within Societal spacetime. Held every five or six !Middle E11glish exa lren < Old French exa lrer < Latin exa lrare < "(ro lifr)
ea rs on Atlantis, beginning in 12969 BC. up high" I sing. o r pl.
Spanner(s) of such sk ill that they ca n easily trave l the
Atlantis n. length of the Societies and beyond. Considered authorities
[< Greek Adas "Titan supporting the heavens " < Proto/11doE11ropea11 (PIE) a nd intermediaries with other civilizations, especially with
rel " ro lifr, upport, weig h" I the Inheritors.
Spa nning battle station modeled afte r certain Inheritor
designs, la rge enough to house a city; large t of several Frag, Fragmentation
allotted for the Societies' defense against Antedesertium . IModer11 English Slang " ro blow up [someone surrepriousl yl" < fragment
Host to the Adaotean Councils. " 10 brea k " < Middle English< Latin fragmenrum < &angere < PIE bbreg
" ro break"I
1. n. The state of inconsistency with the universe, correct-
Chrony n.
ed at the as as/not by proper app lication of sentient force.
[Modem English Sla11g "old companio n" < Greek khronjo " lo ng-lasting"
< c.hronos "time" < 2. v. To £rag. To use sentient force to cause such inconsis-
A fellow spanner one considers a close friend. tency.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Fraternity n. not experienced the incident before. See also elder.
IMiddle English fraremire < Old French< l.Atm fra temira < fra ter -broth-
er"< PIE bhraterl Level n.
A group of spanners of like mind, usually performing a The " present" as currently occupied or described. The
unique service to other spanner and/or the Continuum . ordinary pa ssage of time from past to future.
Like a medieval guild, a fraternity is the profession of a
panner, when among spanner . Members of any given fra- Leveller n.
ternity can be found throughout the time of the Societies A person w1 awa re of spanning, and unable to span. An
and often beyond. ordjnary human.

Frune, Froon v. Levelry n.

IOld English gcfrunen I 1. The eq uiva lent of history, only in reference to " the pre-
To find out by a king questions. This is distinct from sent"; news.
other forms of informarion, and gathering information. 2. The thrill of li ving in the moment, as experienced by a
Fruning implie the kno, ledge of others, with its conse- pa nner. The pun on revelry is deliberate: The exci tement
quences, and the adve rtising that yo u are awa re of certa in new spanners have when visiting times they'd never
events. It represents success in finding information , as dis- thought the y'd see and/or the thespian experience of play-
tinct from merely as king (which is just the expression of ing out known events with dispatch and panache.
the desire for information ). Fruning emphasizes sentient
force applied to the discovery of information from other Locality n.
sentience. 1. A spa.nner's original birthplace, especially where he was
raised as a leveller. The spacetime most familiar to a span-
"Further information is not available here." ner by experience a nd association.
This phrase is u ed whenever an informative answer ca n- 2. The place(s) a spanner has made his home. See comer.
not be gi en to a spanner, on the understanding that
knowing too much or too little can be burdensome to The Maxims n. pl.
ones yet. The entence is perfectly information-neutral, IMiddle Eng/isl,< O ld French maxime < Medieval Latin propo icio maxima
revealing only that additiona l information on the ubject "greatest proposition " < Latin maxim us < PlE meg "grea t" I
matter a querant seeks wiJI not be found at that place and The set of axioms spanners loya l to the Continuum follow.
time- not whether the respondent knows, or doesn't The maxi ms are believed to be universal throughout all
know the answer, nor any clue to its discovery or rele- spacetime, with only minor variations.
vance. See a lso £rune.
Narcissist n.
Futury n. I Latin na rcissus < Greek narki so < Mediterranean I
The equjva lent of hj tory, only in reference tO " the future"; A panner at odds wi th the Continuum, using his ability
prophecy. Detailed information of unfolding events. The and sentient force to attempt to a lter events usually for his
term is most often used by novice spanner , though with own aggrandizement. So na med after the figure in Greek
some trepidation, as many avoid learnjng much fu tury. myth who was o infatuated with himself, he became a
Gemini Incident
An event where a spa nner meets himself. Such incidents Paradox n.
have strict rules of conduct, prima ril y governed by the ILatin paradoxum < Greek paradoxo "incredible", "conflicring with the
expecred" < (para "be)'ond " + doxa "opinion" < dokein " co think .. < "co
Second Maxim, ' respect yo ur elders, they kno w more than a u e co be accepred·' < P{E dek ~to rake or accept" )I
yo u'. or to be confused with the Geminid zodiaca l era l . Any situation of two mutua ll y-exclusive events occur-
which is known for its frequenc of gemini incidents. See ring at the same time; can occur naturally, accidentally, or
zodiac. deliberately. I ee ppg. 56-7 for elaboration. I

Hegemony, The Hegemony n. 2. Used by ome to refer to the moment of as/as not [see];
The name by which many narci ists refer to the Societies. though properly described, the as/as not contains a nea r-
U ed derogatoril y. infinite number of potential pa radoxes.

Inheritors n. Sentient Force n.

1. The people, mostly spanner , who flouri h after the Delibera te act of will, usually in reference to its application
pacetime of the Societies. in ensuing events, or attempting to change them.
2. When capita lized the spacetime of the civilization of the
inheritors. Shift Sight, Shift Reading n.
The ability to sense an incoming span, or a recent depa r-
Interregnum n. ture. Can be refined to be able to tell if a spa nner is head-
!Latin "between reign ed Up o r Down.
Tbe spacetime between Antede errium and the Societies,
13557 - 12969 BC. A time of extreme chao and £rag. Society n.
One of th e hundreds of cultures/nations acce pted as a
Junior, Junior self n. cohesive unit by the Atlantean Councils. One of the
The ea rlier, yo unger self in a gemini incident [ ee], that ha Societies [see below].
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
society exists in both space and time, and interlocks each. Each era has specia l meaning and events releva nt to
wi th neighboring societies a long its accepted borders in ociera l spanners. Spanners often identify themselves to
acetime. Examples of societies: Britain, Zimbabwe, each other by their era before revea ling narrower derails
ltia, Rome, Maya , China, United States. uch as their loca liry or corner [see pg. 491,
The zodiac and its va riants exist to assist spa nners in
ocieties, The Societies n. understanding their local spacetime; its astrological conno-
The civilization existing in spaceti me between tation is the face presented to levellers.
Antedesertium and the Inheritors. Made up of hundreds of
tndividua l culrures/nations, \I hjch provide the civi lization
i name. Trade and competition among societies make up
B. Personal Behavior
much of the political machinations of the civilization.
Flourishes 12969 BC - AD 2400. ~- Besiae Myself Witli augliter

l 'Widdle Eng/is/, spanne " horr distance o r interval" < Old English spann < It's in April 1993, Evana is Span 2 and in an
Germanic spannon < PI E pen -ro draw, suerch, pin" ] irutructiue mood this morning. She has been showing
I. n. The djsrance of spacetime a spanner can travel safely Cynthia techniques to wa&h clothes by hand. When to
·chout rest. Often indicative of social starus and responsi- rue a washboard, earlier sources of bleach and soap,
iliry. drying methods. how lo use a standard clothespin.
l. n. A length of time used especially of the entire dura- Cynthia is coughing from the contents of a
tion of a person, object or civilization. rm.a canister from 1959. "When do we get to the
. v. to spa n. The act of trave lling through time at will. ~udo and all the action-adventure?"
~ost schools of spanner philosophy regard all of the fore- A couple fi.sts and a foot swing close to
oing definjrions as facets of the ochers. Cynthia's head and body. "You mean killing people?·
says Evana.
panner n. Cynthia steps back several paces. ''Well.
I. A wrench. Stopping bad guys. I gueBB."
-· One who spans; a person that can traverse time at will. EIXJIUJ span.a over and leans in close; Cynthia
ontrast leveller, above. Natives from before the Industrial brings her hands up in half-mock terror. "First, you
Revolution, prefer rhe related term spinner, as in a weaver. gotta know stuff, .. intones Ev with a growing smile.
-Woman-stuff. Oh, I know you can just throw dinner in
Up, Upward adv. he microwave and oocuum the rug once a month. But
11.ltddle English up< Old English uppe ·on high"< Germanic upp < PIE
not before twenty years Down. If you got goals for
po ·'under, up from under, over" I ourself. you better learn how to fit in Down there."
Towa rds the future from one's current place in spaceti me. "Woman's work wa& not a big goal of mine,"
Futureward. Normally capitalized to di fferentiate it from a says Cyn, noticing her hands. "My hands are blue."
mere direction in space. Compare Down and Level. "And if you get Down before World War II, if
ou 're going a& any kind of working girl, you'd better
"What rime is it?" learn that every Monday, your hands get blue."
This phrase, or obvious variants, is the main signal span- 'Tm a millionaire, Evana...
ners use to identify one another. The proper response is to "I'm a billionaire, Cynthia, Up in 2012. Put
re peat the phrase verbatim when asked. Levellers will act the lid back on that lye. Dry your hands first."
onfused or annoyed; fellow spanners will expect to lead Cynthia does as she's told. "I guess that
o r be led to a safe area where matters privy to spa nner trumps me. Wail on. Can't we just hire servants and
can be discussed without leveller scrutiny. stuff? lsn 't that what was done?"
Eoona gives her a lidded look. -Yeah, that was
Yet, The Yet n. done. When and if you 're Down there, you may find
(Middle Eng/isl, yir < Old English giet, giera "still "< Uncertain I
that there's only so much you do based in a hotel room.
Usually referred to wi th an article (the Yet, my Yer, his Or find yourself at a level with no hotel rooms. Or find
Yer, etc.) The Required Future. Each spanner comes across u need spanner servants than are unobtrusive for
di rect information of events that they have nor experi- the period. You have to learn what. it means to live in a
enced, bur wil l. This is referred to as the Yet to distinguish culture of master and urvant."
it from other, especia lly linear, definitions of a " future" or
"l&u will be my guide in all things."
" past" . "Good! And when you start resenting your
bl.ack nanny for teaching you how to behave, then.
maybe you 11 really learn something about this Era."
Young Gemini
Not knowing that she'd been dreading this,
The gemini incidents [see above] that occur before a span-
the whole light and landscape turned. "I'm sorry,
ner learns to span. leveller encounters with elder (spanner)
elves, nearly a lways unrecognized for what they a re until
Eoona looks curious. '"For what?"
much later.
Cynthia says, stupidly, "Um."
-You 're still just a Span One, Cynthia. Unless
Zodiac, Zodiacal Era n. you start breaking maxims left and right, you can't do
(Middle English < Old French zodiaque < Latin zodiacus < Greek zoidiakos
kuklos "circle of carved figures" < zoion "anunal" < PI E gwyoyo I wiything wrong."
Twelve sections of pacetirne of approximately 2000 year s "No, I just,• Cyn stammers. 7lme travel doesn't
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
p t e racia t mg oes it. "Tliere s just a lot o h isto- dle going any fartlier Down then. 1 was young. Playing
ry. Isn't there." the slave was not something Evana was ever going to
"One blood.v epoch at a time, Cynful. How was do."
your day today." Cynthia is silent. This isni the usual test, not
Cynthia has a hard time changing the subject, the one for a white leveller. This one's for a young span-
but then recalls a question she has. "I... met a friend of ner.
mine today? Regina. And I hadn't seen her in two "You get a perspective-," finish es Evana.
ears- I mean, she hadn) seen me. She said she'd "You kept your head. That's better than I'd
write, but obviously didn't, and I didn't because, well, I do."
hadn) met her! What are the chances of my {ragging Evana looks at her aside. "Cynthia, you are
myself silly by hanging around before I learned to Span One, am I right?"
span?· "Oh yeah," Cyn says, taking up another app"le.
"For levellers, these things work out." Evana "Just that I keep thinking, ever since I got here... and
rings out a purple silk shirt and hangs it next to an since that ... incident-" Her mind {I.ashes harsh, the
identical dry one. "Usually. You really have to watch images of her visit to her father's crash; still fresh in
out for our own self." She eyes her. "You keeping up her Age, she does nothing but watch in the rain from a.
with your span book?· hill half a mile away as the ambulance arrives and the
"Every one!" Cynthia doesn t hide her pride. distance fl.ashes until the local spanners walk up
"Good. It'll sharpen your memory, keep you around her. asking her her business.
'from messing up." "Well. That was natural enough-"
" till find it weird that I never even imagined "But my mother's father was a Nazi, you
spanning existed." know. He wasn't important. He got off. So all that
"What. no long folk tradition of strange van- shooting-your-grandfather... All the time travel and
ishing people?" Evana smiles, empties the sink. "'Like Hitler jokes ... .,,
vampires, or witches, or ghosts or faeries? Wizards and Quiet paring maintains the next minute and
magicians? Gods. angels, devils. and so on and on?" twelve seconds.
Cynthia rolls her eyes. '"Gahl Those are all Evana says, "Time heals all leveller wounds.
us?" For us, though, the bullets are always fl,ying. Here,
"They're folk stories. We don't even have to watch how I sugar these."
lant em, bless those poor levellers. Sometimes it's a "What substitutes for that kind of release,
handy cover, but don t bank on it. People tend to be Evana? For spanners?"
smart, and remember your Fourth Maxim, girl.'' "Most make Hitler jokes," mutters Evana.
They walk upstairs to the kitchen . "Okay. Who "You know, denial, avoidance, all the psychologist
will help me bake the bread?" says Eu ''Little red hens, tricks. Accepting history is the hardest test for some
front and center." No one else comes into the kitchen. spanners. It's how narcissists are born."
"Evana, when are you from? You have all this "I know."
housework business down cold." Evana watches Cyn 's eyes turn fey. "Hm.
Evana smirks and opens the baking pou:der. om.ego Up, see how things turn out. Watching
"Right here. 1993. But I took an interest a,r; to where I Aquarians celebrate is no easy treat. Mankind works
came from. That takes a lot of accepting to do. Hey, things out. Cyn. But where we're going gets some
C,vn, you 're female. Core and pare some apples for us." spanners more freaked than where we're from."
Cynthia listens carefully. and nods, but says, ''Oh yeah. All those space people. Yay."
"Core ... and what?" "But they're funny ha-ha as space people.
"See now, twenty years Down you'd know Once you start talking about them as time people, lev-
what I was talking about," said Evana, hands flying ellers get nervous. It starts making sense. You start
over the table, the ingredients. "Pare means to peel the seeing the subtle marks in yourself, in the children ... "
kin off with a knife. Words, how they're used, and "Inheritors,·• breathes Cynthia. "It's even a lit-
who uses them are vital information, and we know tle scary to me."
what information i.s." "Good," says Evana. "Don't mess with them. I
"Right." She begins cutting as carefully as she got in a situation once? Not my fa1tlt, mind you, but I
knows how, until Evana demonstrates. was present, and Inheritors showed up. Indoors, no
"Here. Pull towards the thumb." ship or anything, but they were clamping down on
"Toward my thumb!? I don't like knives that something. Anyway my Frat chronies were all standing
much, Evana." still and I thought it best to give them some room. So I
"Well you should. Most of the Piscean Era is picked up a crate I thought was in their way, and
about knives." dragged it a few feet back? And you know what ... ?"
"Really. How man)' Eras have you seen," she "What." Cyn is transfixed.
is more than half serious. History still haunts her in. 'They were all over me," whispers Evana.
Evana's presence. ·~nd they looked mad. I have have never been so close
"Well I've got some friends who've been to pissing my pants. They had me on the ground, and I
around. And I've goM about with a Span Three some." was not alone in my brain."
"How far. I mean, if you don't mind my pry- "Jeez-"
ing." "Don't ever move if Inheritors show. It's what
"Oh I'll tell you when, Cyn- Thats good, not they expect. They showed me what was in that box,
too much pressure on the knife- 1886. I couldn't han- Cyn. It was the whole reason the came, and my mov-
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ing it nearly jeoparaizea me and all my Frat bros.» in you tliinking."
"What was it?" Cynthia leans close. "When in fact the evidence points to vanish-
"Further information?" sings Evana. "Not ment, probably spanning," Cynthia thought aloud.
available here." "That would make those Bigfoots Exalted. Way
"Grr! I hate that!" But G_ynthia is smiling Exalted."
again. I know it's for my own good but- "Evana. We "Smart girl. Where did you find her again,
can have all the chocolate we want, but what about Charlie?''
gossip! If I can't trade secrets with anyone, I think I "It's in my Yet. Laundromat. As pickup places
will go crazy, or explode in the ionosphere, or-'' o, it's very earl.Y 90's."
"Now don't you go joking about that." Evana "But, y'know, Bigfoot?" Cynthia keeps her
has a finger raised. "But you got it wrong about no gos- doubts. as precious stones of her self. 'The name is
sip. What do you think I'm doing here? You haven~ hokey, silly. And Sasquatch-"
been visiting to other corners yet, I can tell. The "Comes from Coastal Salish, saskehavas.
Continuum could not get by without healthy doses of Bigfoot was coined in 1958 by a construction worker.
stories." More accurate is the Lakotan chiyetanka meaning 'big
"Okay like what.·· Cynthia goes to wash her elder brother'. Their true name is the Ga 7iagadrrg."
hands as Evana finishes the pies. Charlie walks in "Wendigo, walker on the wind," whispers
from the hall to the living room. Evana, her eyes holding C:vnthia's like a preacher's
"Well," muses Evana, eyeing Charlie. "I co1Lld words.
tell you what Fraternity Charlie belongs to-" 'They 're not a Society, but a sparse, potent
"Uh oh," smiles Charlie. civilization, about 2 million years down. They treat
"--and why." each earning of a higher Span as a kind of walkabout,
"Uh oh!" he laughs. But he makes no gesture which is why they come up as far as here on occasion.
to stop her. Cynthia sees the subtle signals. Euana's They're good allies, incredible trackers in wood or
asking permission. And she wonders how often that's snow."
nece sary. or appropriate. ·'Shame you never made Span Four," says
"Charlie... is... a... cribe!!" Evana almost Evana, putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder.
queals. Charlie puts on a good face. "We 11 see."
That does sound too geeky for Charlie, thinks Cynthia is impressed, but says, "So ... all the
Cynthia. But she is enjoying the news, and hops up on gods, all the spirits and angels, are just us."
a counter Evana isn't using. Evana shrugs. "Eh, maybe. Who can count?
"Well, somebody has to-" begins Charlie, but Probably some are, probably most aren t"
he is unable to stop Evana here. "It's like a vast uncharted wilderness, Cyn,"
"He was doing library research for the post Charlie has the warm smile again. 'Vs Spans, we can't
office!! Complete nerd!!" This earns even more of a see so far, but we might get there. Marco Polo never
smile from Cyn. found the strange monsters from bestiaries, b1Lt some
"Okay, enough of my invitation. Let's just say were real. Zebras, pink fl,amingoes, microbes on Mars.
that when I'm not thrilling my novices, I deliver the We'll hear the stories, but we won't know till we go
mail. Up and Down spacetime. It's a mundane chore on there."
the surface, but being able to meet the same people in Cynthia still hugs her knees, but smirks.
a dozen different corners is-" "Okay. This is just the coolest."
Cynthia's smile gets quieter, and she hugs her "Yep, but it's time to pull focus. History pop
knees. "So. We just span around, and nothing ever quiz."
changes? We just live the same days, again and again." Cynthia growls, but pulls herself upright.
The other two have a good chuckle. "Oh no," "Okay. Hit me."
says Eu "No way. You'd go nuts. No, Cyn, you got to "List the Eras from Up to Down."
look at it right. You're focussing on your evil grandpa, "Oh, crap. Um, Capricorn beyond AD 4000.
or your poor dad, or even the next 300 years. quarius, two to four thousand. Pisces, which is here.
Spacetime is way bigger than that. It has Paris, and Thurus, 2000 BC to zero-"
pirates and fores ts and Egypt and gold rushes and all "Bzzt," says Evana.
the food you can eat, and horses, Cynthia! in every city, "Wrong and wrong," says Charlie.
and, and-" "What?"
"Evana!" chides Charlie unseriously. "You for- "Pisces, Aries, Taurus," corrects Charlie. "And
got to mention Bigfoot." there's no year zero in the Gregorian calendar."
That hits Cynthia well, and she laughs. "Oh. like I'm ever going to get within spitting
"Bigfoot! Sasquatches roaming through ... time... " She 'distance of Christ." She feels a little chagrin at her
sees the look on their faces, and stops laughing. own words, the talk of gods getting the better of her.
"Bigfoot." "You don't know that. And you need to have a
Evana walks two fingers acroBS the top of a knowledge of calendars. Third Maxim. Your gift will
piecrust. "All those footprints ending in the middle of get you around precisely in time, but .vou have to count
nowhere? Terrified homesteaders rushing out with properly, or you ?I record the wrong date in your span
guns to find ... nothing there." book. And I know you are very good with your book-"
"You laughed because .vou thought Bigfoot had "And we get plenty of Aries guests here." says
to be impossible," explains Charlie. ~nd .vou assumed Ev. putting the pies in the oven. "Not just early
that because it was never found. That's the old leveller Pisceans like Sven who are here for the strong liquor."
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ey. o picking on uen. .ve s .vnt ia. ve ers ear it. When they hear a wora with no
"And no picking on me. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pi.sees, meaning, the.v get curious, then afraid. The term ne
ries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo, Virgo,Libra,Srorpio,S a meaning, and something that ooesn 't mean time
~ttariu , and back to Capricorn in 2000-year inter- travel. n
uals." "Yeah, but 'idiot"-?"
Suen appears behind Cynthia as she recites "Levellers don't know its not bacon!" says
the zodiac. Cynthia smiles up at him, and he sa.v • Lydia, spanning into the kitchen for some cold toas
"Little called for uen?" pastries, and out again.
"I am defending your honor." "How can she eat those things."
"That is good." Sven heads for the fridge. "Next time a leveller friend acts like you've
"Good Aquarian CU8p woman. Agh, m.v sandwich isn't forgotten something major, you remember this," say
here." He spans Down for it. Evana seriously. "Its one thing walking around here,
·11 you ever di, forget your zodiac, just glance with other spanners and their yets. Its something e
at a horoscope, grab a 1V Guide-" to avoid explaining yourself to a leveller." Cynthia
·1 always hated horoscopes. Avoided them. I siders. "You 're going to have to play the flake, soone
can barely remember what sign I am." or later."
"You 're a Libra, but so what, we 're all Pisces "I thought you were saying that with Levell
o the ocieties, says Evana. "But what's great about everything Just works out'!"
horoscopes is, everyone knows they predict the future. "I said, quote: 'For levellers, these things ~
". ..Accurately?" Cynthia wonders at that. out. Usually. You really have to watch out for your o
"No, smiles Charlie. "But they can be an iron- self.· Unquote. Thats what we're telling you about."
clad alibi, at least around this level. Any leveller asks "You have that photographic memory, oon 't
how you knew something, tell them you saw it in your you," comments Cynthia." "Yeah, spanner, I do. You oughua get your
"I oon. t want to come off as a ditz ... " one. Now we have discussed extraterrestrials, Big/l
Evan.a gives Charlie a look. "Didn ~ ou tell horosopes, and time travel in the last ten minutes,
'her what spanner' means?" if some leveller overheard all that, what would they
Charlie scratches his beard. That habit he think you were?"
has. Cynthia asks, "It means 'one who spans', doesn't "Flake," sighs Cyn.
itr" "A flake that's getting straight As," smiles
• ell, of course. 1b us. But since the word is Charlie.
used so much, it, eh, naturally has a leveller, um, con- "Well, at school. Thats easy."
notation-• Charlie moves past her, and pats her appro
"It means 'ditz'," says Evana. ingly on the shoulder as he leaves.
"Whal! Oh, 1 never heard that as a leveller. Evan.a mouths to Cynthia, 'I think he me
When?" here,' and follows him. Cynthia has a fl,ash thought
"Here," sighs Charlie. "In Britain.. That's why some spanner murdering Elvis, and laughs.
British spanners prefer the term 'chrony'- The Then stops.
Cambridge 1500. corner even. make sure it's popular-
'Spanner' means 'idiot'?!" Cynthia is so What is the
annoyed she almost span.a off to her room to fume.
'"Wh,1 (U) we-..
'.Actually, spanner means 'wrench'," says
Continuum, and my
Charlie firmly. ·As in. 'wrench in the works'. Which is
what we are, luJeping the universe repaired, even
while it runs.
"Unfortunauly. to a kueller, a wrench-in-the-
worlu means a ,crew-up. So. Spanner equals ditz."
uona fold.a her arms, and takes in Cynthia's disbelief.
toward it?
"One of our owns even. behind that meaning,
'loo,• admits Charlie. ·Hes not as popular a, he might On the highest level, the Continuum is the
;be. but it wa, weU done." entirety of aU sentient life in tbe universe. Be aware:
-Well don.e,r Cynthia is on her feet. Her Most of life can span.
can. 't find anything appropriate to grab or break, On a more personal level, the Continuum is
and hang angry in the air. "We're these demigods, and the social framework that holds the universe togeth-
have to go around calling each other morons, er. This is not an exaggeration. As a time traveller,
[be(~• of this gu:,,r how one acts determines the very existence of civi-
-ibid ;you there was gossip. What'd I say about
lization, and life itself. [Cf. ' Continuum' Glossary
the power of goaipV"
Cynthia turn.a, a nasty playful smile. "Who reference, pg. 41.]
kills himf" Her tone is one-quarter serious. The Continuum is not a government, not in
They cl&uckle. •Further information's not the sense you've been raised to understand govern-
vailable here, amilu Charlie. ·&.d I said it was well ment. Spanners have formed smaller civilizations
~n.e becauae: We use the word. A lot. It gets around. across time, but these are minor political conve-
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
niences. The Continuum is all loyal spanners every- actions go in your Yet. Hopefully, most things that
when, going about their existences, aiding and look- find their way into your Yet will be interesting, but
ing out for one another, in concert throughout space- not coo dire. It's basically a cosmic to-do list, every-
time. thing from " Return JetSki to 10:30 pm April 17,
By ' loya l', we mean any spanner who will 2006 before Fitch sees" co "Pack snakebite antidote
help out his chronies, and follow the Maxims. Any before 2/2/1989 for trip to 1847" tO "Give redhead
that don 't are probably out for themsel ves, tryi ng co daffodils, June 6, enjoy success" can be listed.
manipulate spacetime to thei r own, very small, Limit- Anything you find out you do but haven't done ...
ed, selfish ends. Since they need tO hurt, even destroy yet.
others to achieve their ends, we call them narcissists, Failure co handle events in your Yet- or
since they can think only of themselves. More on worse, defying your elder self- creates paradox and
these dangerous enemies later. [See Chapter 3: the unwelcome accumulation of frag. Too much
Struggling- Narcissists and Lesser Dangers, pg. unhandled £rag, and you're not seen around much.
135.] In game terms, points of Frag accumulate on
Your responsibilities are spelled out clearly a spanner at moments when the damage should be
by the Maxims. The laws of time travel are laws of dealt with. A narcissist might attack your timeline
behavior. five minutes Down or in your grandfather's day. He
might attack you when you are visiting your corner
ten years Up. Your Yet will signal you at the time of
What are my responsibilities your Age when you should start dealing with it. Like
regarding the Maxims? the body creates pain when it's sick, your Yet tallies
Frag. (Note that the Yet doesn't cause frag, any more
than the body causes a knife wound . It just calls out
The Maxims are the rules of conduct we with pain.)
memorize [see frontispiece]. They keep us clear of
If you don't handle your Yet and your Frag,
the danger of fragmentation, or £rag for short. The
your friends have to. If they can't or won't, your
Maxims outlined in this rulebook are presented for
mentor has to. If he or she can't handle it, the
ga me purposes, but they are very accurate, and Exalted step in. You can imagine the social pressures
absolutely essential to the fabric of our life and exis- of the spanner lifestyle. People have enough to do
tence. without having to clean up after someone else. And
The Maxims emphasize, without quarter,
advancement to higher Spans depends on trust. How
tha t each of us is responsible for his or her own
you manage your Yet is always the first test of your
actions. And we are there to help our chronies- up worth.
co a very specific point.
Spanners are careful not to reveal too much
In game terms that point is a spanner with a
to one another, lest Life become burdened with
Frag of 5 or higher, who is on their own to fix it [See
details in one's Yet. To remain human, with a
What does £rag feel like? (table), pg. 54].
healthy free will, we do not cave in to curiosity
about what our personal fates are, and protect our
Serious Consequences friends from too much knowledge of what is to hap-
C NTINUUM is a game of social rules. Nearly pen to them. The preferred information-neutral
all personality types are welcome as characters, and phrase is "Further information is not available here."
nearly every aspect of human culture finds its expres-
ion in the Continuum. But there some things one
does and doesn't do. One always takes responsibility
for one's Yet, and the £rag one has caused. All the How do I keep track of
Maxims are written to emphasize this.
Having £rag means it must be dealt with.
my Yet?
But when? How is it that spanners feel these attacks
at intervals seemingly unrelated to the times and Recording your Yet happens every time you
events which require the repair? witness an event involving yourself, your stuff, or
anything directly involved with you personally, but
haven't performed the action, or the actions leading
What is the Yet? up to it yet. Completed events are checked off, like
the ultimate to-do list that it is. The Yet has it's own
The Yet, or the Required Future, are the section on a character's Spanning Card. An explana-
things you discover you have yet tO do. [Compare tion of how to use it, and a copy of the cards them-
Age, pg. 36.] selves is on ppg. 224-5.
If you see or meet an elder self, or hear of
things you've done but don't remember doing, those
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

AD 2000 you can visit where no (b. Vicmr lleau rega rd Housron
How can I blend in with AD 185 7)
one understands English, you get Recording (A D 1899)
wa tercolour

levellers? SOme small idea of what Spanners Musee Contratem ps, Marseilles
face. Before about AD 1450, no
one speaks Modern English, and a spanner would
Normal Life find it very difficult to understand its predecessor
Word of ad ice: Don't quit your da y job. languages without study. Before AD 550, English
doesn't exist at all.
Keeping track of span is hard enough with- Having a translator in the group makes vis-
out causing a panic among your old friends and fam- its to distant lands and places much more pleasant,
ily by vanishing from the earth, or hiding out with even more useful. There are some guidelines to make
this mysterious "corner cult". As a Span One, you roleplaying around alien languages easy- as long as
learn to work your old life into your new one. lf you yo u hav~ someone to translate. [See Chapter 3:
grew up dreaming about becoming a superhero with Struggling- Dreaming and Communication-
a secret identity, congratulations. Just skip the color- Language, pg. 108.]
ful costumes.
In game terms, this may amount to noting Wardrobe
down hours worked at a job or in school on your Word of advice: Too much fashion sense invites trou-
Span card, and nothing more. C0 NTINUUM games ble- including frag.
may emphasize realism, but roleplaying the office
work is going too far. A wide range of clothes may enhance your
social status among levellers, but is seen as excessive
Language for a Span One. It's wisest to stick to one or two
Word of advice: Speak simply, wherever you go. simple costumes, and keep to the specific day of the
week for laundry your corner has agreed on [pg. 52].
Span Ones will probably not have to worry Additionally, details such a jewellry, body
much about learning entirely new languages; no piercing and tattoos must be considered in the light
more than a leveller might want to learn a language of the confusion they may cause if they are seen out
before touring a modern nation. of sequence by levellers. Keep such things discreet
Lo the long run, genuine time travel means and hidden, (unless you like the drudgery of han-
encountering languages besides Modern English. In dling every odd detail over and over again.) [See also
fact, if you imagine how many places in the world of Item Discipline, below.]

Anw fk C 1999 Dr~ Tu,.ler

C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter Il: Spanning
'Item discipline' as it's sometimes called, is
Item discipline related to th e Third Maxim (Meas ure Twice, Cut
Word of advice: Travel light whenever possible. Once). It means being able to live without piles of
The last thing we should have to worry stuff, because anything you may want, yo u can get.
about are things themselves. Nearly anything you may lose, yo u can retrieve. Let
Levellers live with the fear of losi ng valu- it go. The One Big Score [pg. 14] emphasizes this:
ables, money, even time, all th e while looking for th e Continuum wants you to know from the get-go
ways to streamline their lives. Consumer society th at personal belongings should never trouble yo u
develops because of humanity's needs and desires to again .
possess and gain security over life. The roll of quaners brought Down to sit
But spanners have less to fear from things next to itself in the story The In vitation and the
Like hurricanes destroying their home, or a fire wip- Dance [pg. 2] is one of a host of obvious examples
ing out all their savings or records, or even from a of how to find yourself needlessly entangled with the
computer crashing. Lost childhood toys and memen- causality of objects. 2 [See also The Beer Crisis of
toes can be regained very simply, with proper cau- William and Edward, pg. 55 and esp. Your Corner-
tion. Objects stop having the hold on spanners that Spanner Box, pg. 50.)
they did in th eir previous life.

Hello, spanner. How can I find the spanners

When goi ng ab road, you may find yo urself in out there, while blending in
need of tell the spanners apart from rhe ordinary folk.
Here is the means to say hello in a few of the maj or lan- with levellers?
guages of the world. Note that the most popular lan-
guages of diplomacy in the Piscean era are Larin (AD 1 -
In this era of great information retrieval,
1500 Europe), Arabic (AD 600 - 2000 Middle East) ,
Mandarin (AD 1600 - 2000 Asi a), French (AD 1500 - keeping spa nning a sec ret becomes more and more
1900) and English (AD 1600 - 2000), though the man y difficult. That is part of th e reason the C NllNlJUM
peoples of spacetime have a rainbow of bia es. game is becoming available at this time- to gently
prepare levellers for the difficult truth of time travel.
The languages listed are from rhe Aquarian cusp: But what the future for levellers holds is
irrelevant in the years before AD 2000, where time
Arabic kam AJ sa'aa? travel is patent myth, heresy, or bizarre imagining. In
Dutch Hoe laa t is her? these years, the secret must hold fast.
English Wha t time is it?
One ploy that has been utilized across the
French Quelle heure est-ii?
Gaelic cen t-am e? eras is to hide conversations in common parlance. A
German Wie spat ist e ? common greeting, and means of identifying other
Greek, Modern Ti o'ra l'ne span ners is to ask the time. A leveller will either read
Hebrew Ma ha'sha'a? their watch (or sundial, etc.) and tell you, or will
Hindi _kyaa samaya huaa hai? otherwise behave normally. A spanner wanting to
Hungarian Ha ny 6ra van? return the greeting wi ll repeat yo ur precise words
Icelandic Hva? er klukka n? back at you. Unsuspecting levellers wilJ merely act
Ita lian Che Ora e? annoyed by thi if they ask a spanner the time.
Japanese anji desuk a.
Once contact has been made, spanners can
Korean Myot-shi-im-ni-ka
Latin Hora quota est ?/Quota hora est?
repair co a private location for discussion.
Mandarin ji dianv zhong le ? In eras Down from the Ariesian, timekeep-
N orwegia n Hvor mye er klokka? ing is by the sun and stars alone, there for all to see,
Polish Kt6ra godzina? and so asking the time might seem as odd as asking
Portugese Que horas siio? Is water wet today?' Visitors from these eras might
Romanian Cit e ceasuJ? sketch a Line in the ground. If you complete the zodi-
Russian Kotoryi chas? aca l symbol associa ted with the era you are currently
Spanish Que hora es? in (probably Piscea n or Aquarian) you're acknowl-
Swahili Ni saa ngapi sasa?
edging a fellow spanner as surely as if you said
Swedish Vad ar klockan?/Hur mycket ar klock
'What time is it? '
Turkish Saar ka<;? [See pg. 3 7 for chart of the Eras and their
Yiddish vi shpet iz? symbols.]

For more languages, visit

'Bur if you're rea lly good ar irem disci pline, and enjoy movi ng objects arou nd time, rhe Antiquarian Frateroiry may want ro recruir you [see Frarernities, pg. 64. I
Chapter II: Spanning c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
find you. Span Fours [pg. 94] often recruit from
Your corner novice corners for their various needs. Narcissists
you haven't met yet can show up, with grudges
You don 't choose your family, at least not at fir t ... aga inst you that you haven't yet earned, trying to
make your existence a living hell. And any number
Denizens of curious visirors from across time may stop by
The GM will probably have one or rwo with tempting quests, and puzzles needing to be
NPC chronies around to spice up life around the cor- solved.
ner, and on adventures. Most novice corners have a
mix of Fraternal candidates; some are training Your room
grounds for specific Fraternities, but many have This is your own private space; most corners
novices who have yet to choose their calling in the don 't allow anyone to span in without knocking. It's
Continuum. here where your dail y wrestle with item discipline is
Especially if thjs is your first time playing held. How do you keep track of laundry, paper
C°NTINuuM, it's a good idea to practice spannjng trash, notes to yourself, and just plain stuff? Practice,
around the house awhile, get to know everyone in practice.
your corner. Relearning an ordinary home in four More importantly, this is where spanners
dimensions is a little mind-boggling, but it's the per- learn how to cope with running into themselves.
fect environment to get things right. Elders may abound at first, and all claim dibs on the
bed, or the clean clothes, etc. Try not to panic. Just
The name says it put the gemini incidents in your Yet, and span to
Every corner has a name, usually known some other day when your elder isn't already occu-
only to spanners. But if a leveller ever hears it, it pying your space. Sleep comfortable in the knowl-
shouldn 't sound too odd. People have been naming edge that one day soon, you'll be the elder claiming
places they' re fond of since they could speak, espe- the dibs.
cially dwellings. There are places in Australia that
ha ve borne the same name for 35,000 years running. Spanner Box
Names ca n be anything that inspires the The spanner box is a staple of spanner home
spa nners of the corner. Examples include "Forest of life, as it simplifies item discipline. Many spanners
the Euboean Satyrs"; " Bloodfist"; "Zero Falls"; have more than one. A typical box has two lids,
"Serene Mountain Lean ing"; "Wolfhead Sword dividing the top in half, or at least rwo separately
Keep"; " Ha nk 's Demolitionists" , and so on. While closed chambers on the inside. Its use is unique to
it's up to the mentor to name the corner, leni ent spanners, who store objects that have been brought
GMs ma y allow players to invent thei r own. Up or Down in time, and are placed in proximity to
an elder or junjor version of the same object.
Militia and adventure Novices needn't fear the tales of upsetting
Your corner is responsible for your locality, the mean density of the universe, or identical atoms
o r the area of spacetime around your house. While splitting upon contact with themselves. Your real
an indjvidual being fragged is his own responsibility, worry is in not fragging yourself. Spanner boxes
when major attempts on the Continuum happen allow room to place objects together, but separate,
around your corner, you're expected to be the first with the a bility to place notes or markers with mean-
line of defense. ing only to the owning spanner (or any clever
If a major incident of frag happens in your enough to find out).
backyard (attempts at dropping atom bombs, or poi- This means if you, say, span Down wearing
son gas on aJI your local 19th century ancestors is a your fez for your Zembo Lodge meeting, and return
good example,} you' ll find dozens of affected span- home Levelly, you may have find you have rwo ver-
ners arriving, wanting to know what the troubl e is. sions of the same fez in your room. Putting both the
Odds are, all of you will be fragged yourselves, and junior and elder fez into a well-marked spanner box
be pursuing a Time Combat of the perpetrato rs. is a safe way to keep from £ragging yourself by tak- resembles the militias of ancient times, ing the wrong fez in your Yet.
rather than the modern invention of a stanrung Spanners are pretty careful about letting
police force. It's more based around the clan/famjly anyone see these sin1ple containers. Most levelJers
structure of the spanner corner (one of those " minor would ass ume they were jewellry cases, or other
political conveniences" mentioned on ppg. 46-7,) as boxes for valuables, albeit of specialized design. Few
is most of human exjstence throughout spacetime. genuine ones are ever seen by levellers. Sea chests
While hunting narcissists, or travelling often have distinct, watertight compartments. Many
spacetime lookjng for adventures is a perfectly legiti- sunken treasures contain such spanner boxes, since
mate pursuit, more often than not, adventure will they are so hard to recover, or spare from calamity.
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The .Yet Chapter II: Spanning
Most of yo ur questions should be answered
Communal item discipline by a complete reading of this section (Chapter 2:
It's all well and good to keep track of your Spanning). But don 't feel put out by asking: You may
own bits of stuff, but what about shopping for the find that many questions are answered with the same
whole corner? This is where strict adherence to basic reasons. You'll £ind the reasons aren't arbitrary
shopping on certain weekdays and rationing start either, but part of the social fabric of the Continuum.
sounding like sane procedures. Some corners treat And so much gets wiped after the ln-
the fridge like a big spanner box; everything labeled Berween that even asking the stupidest-sounding
all the time. Other mentors believe that frag is best question makes sense.
felt first in the home, and that the way to a novice's
heart ... is through his stomach. Explaining the Maxims
Mentor Threes teach the Maxims to novice
Visitors Ones by repetition and example. Some of the basic
If they were unable to visit distant corners, lessons they aim to get across are on ppg. 92-3.
spanners would have terrible disadvantages, such as Reread the story segments to get a feel for their tech-
arriving in an ancient town with nowhere to live and nique.
a foreign accent at best. But tourists and travelling
merchants are known in nearly every time and place, Typical rules around the
and make a common and useful cover story. lf cer-
tain trusted locals take you in, your visit- either corner
business or pleasure- can go much more smoothly.
Accepting visitors can be an involved The following are pretty standard courtesies
process, and each corner has its customs, or lack followed in corners throughout the Societies. Span
thereof. Usually a corner would like to know the Ones get it drilled into them so that by Span Two,
range of time visiting spanners are to be seen about. it's second nature.
[See Typical rules around the corner- Guesting
rules, below.] Public room rules.
The mentor of a novice corner should be No spanning in to the parlor, vestibule or
informed of any visitors. One of the mentor's tasks is generally public rooms of the corner. Levellers stop
to send records of these visits- to himself. [See Span
by on occasion, so let's keep it clear of surprises.
3- Overseeing a corner, pg. 88.] Spanning out is always okay if no leveller is around.

Level visitors Visiting elders' homes.

If your mom or friends from work want to Span Twos should refrain from inviting Span
know who these people are you're hanging with, and Ones over to their private homes, and Ones should-
attempt to discover your hidden secrets, surprise is n't pressure to know about their elder Twos. See
not their ally. Even without prior warning, unJess Second Maxim.
they break in ph ysica lly, everything can be readied
and perfect as soon as the door opens. Guesting rules.
Level burglars are the most fun. Some spanner These vary greatly by locality, but formally,
households like to trap them and tie them up, while a request is made either by Dreaming, or by Scribal
others enjoy watching them loot, and then stealing courier, asking permission to span into the corner's
everything back and then some. locality.
Most spanners are rather informal, and sim-
Your mentor ply show up. If (usually when) they are confronted
by members of the corner, they introduce themselves
and their business, and life proceeds in a friendly
Your mentor is someone who wants to bring fashion. Spanners that ask to lodge with the corner,
novice spanners into the Continuum. He wants to do are often billeted with a Span Two in their private
the best job by you, not just to earn his privileges, apartment, in case it's a narcissist trying to £rag or
but to share tbis wonderful gift with people who can distract the entire corner.
understand its value and power. He was a novice
once, too, and sympathizes 100%. Privacy rules.
Novices have a thousand and one questions Most corners agree that a spanner's bed-
about time travel. To make the burden on your GM room is their own- no surprise spanning in or out:
easier, players who are new to C0 NTINUUM should try Knock first! Same goes for the bathroom/outhouse/etc.
to pose these questions as the novice spanner to bis
Chapter II: Spanning c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Rendezvous rules. ear itclies, but ceases tne instant
Knowing your corner's meeting hab its is th e scratch it. ''What the hell."
highest courtesy, and best safety precaution. "Uh oh," says Ra
"That bastard," breed
''What, what are you ut."She rubs
Birthday rules.
parts of her head. "Agh! nose. It's like
These are always fun, and are rimes when a fl.y's up it."
Ones rend ro act silliest. See pg. 36 for the note on ''Think _you 're fragg«l,
birthdays, and when corners celebrate them. "What." No no, I've beM careful. Careful for
almost a year. 'That doesn , happen to me. I mean-"
Controlled substance rules- alcohol, drugs, etc. "It happens to every ~ , . . , . says Euana,
These tend to be pretty strict, as novice bending down on her haunches, a loM of pure sympa-
spanners have a hard enough time avoiding fragging thy. 'This is time combat. We all haw to fight for our
themselves, let alone spanning while drunk. [See also lives sooner or later."
"Check your span book, ,. aduiau Ray. "See if
Chapter 3: Struggling- Madness and Related any event rings a bell. That sometimes works in find-
Problems, pg. 138.] Hold off on this stuff at least ing the as/as not."
until you' re Span Two. "Yeah. Yeah, okay," her uoice is almost a
whimper, and bothers her. She pages through
Laundry rules. blearily trying to imagine what part of her Age is
Keeping all those clothes ready for when you threatened. "So, so why would it- why does it catch
need them is the best lesson in item discipline. See up to me here. That makes no sense."
Communal item discipline [pg. 51] for notes on Evana puts a steady hand on her shoulder.
scheduling. "It's your Yet, Cyn. It's bleeding and you haue to stop
it, soon."
"Or you'll get more frog," says Ray. "Okay,
5. Some o y Always Wants You Gone we've gotta nail this guy."
. "Well, yes, but. Aren i there inatructions? It
"He's hit," speaks Cynthia quietly. "He's Down eels like we're guessing. Shouldn t there be a maxim
there, {ragged." She sits at the table, looking at her or something-" She is starting to feel half-awake, and
hands under the harsh single bulb. the fear is poking at her from the shadows of the room.
Evan.a and Ray are standing, pacing. "Gotta "No, this is you learning to swim in the deep
keep telling yourself why he's {ragged, " says Ev. "He dark ocean, Cynthia. Remember how to breathe,
hit me twice. I say I let him off easy." remember salt water kills you. You don't need a Maxim
"Toah. li,a h I am." This rendezvous with her for that."
chronies is more than strategic. She needs their com- "There is the Fifth Maxim," says Ray firmly.
pany after deliberately shoving a man's existence into Ray's words strike across her like a club.
a tailspin. This is the other side of the cliff, she thinks. Cynthia gasp and flail , as i/ •he attan imagery were
This is taking a man's hand and shoving it onto a hot- real. " o! o God no 1Hi 'P nw.
'W< Hi holda her, calms her
The actual action sh ha performed i restor-
ing an issue of a magazine that Elana bu horth
did .. do for me, huh?"
more regular.
fter. The narcissist hus stolen all the ropan- or
thinks he has. C\'nthia has replaced th m
he leaves, healing Et•ana's {rag, but not fJ t
But Evana has been bu .,~ He tand m ·
where. frogged, because Evana has struck al him hard.
"Well, I got his name," says Ra_v. '1t' mit.
Ewen Mac ready Smit. And a few details, written here. H

Cynthia has never met this Smit, an Irishman

'from the 1840s, a spanner that is trying to make his
own lack out of their pain. She reads the information,
but is afraid to know too much about the man. She's
still used to corner etiquette, and she knows this span-
ner is miles awa_y from behaving.
This Evana is Span 1, but more experienced
here than Cvn. 'This is your first time combat, and
,you 're taki,;g it hard. I can tell."
And as Evana speaks, a wave of nausea
sweeps up inside Cynthia, and a band of ill warmth
sweeps out from her torso toward the tips of her limbs
and the top of her head.
"Oh ... " says Cyn. "Wait what did you say?"
"Cyn ... "Euana stops pacing. ' you getting to it."
the feeling you 're falling backwa,rds? ~rtigo?" Worst, she feels ,,..,·,ll#.'len°"6 with her half-
"More like I haue to be somewhere-" Her left
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
memories from her in-between. The entirety of her
tru st in Charlie and her corner is put in jeopard,·
because of one incomplete incident.
Cy nthia holds herself. to keep herself extan-t.
"What do we do to him. Ray. What do we do to them." A blatant violation of causality creates para-
"Ide.all_,~ we don i want to {rag them." He paus- dox, the effect of which is called frag.
es. "Ideal(,:" In the game, Frag is expressed as a number
"Yeah. but not ideall:v," she says. Tlfe shadows from zero to seven (0 - 7). Characters all have a Frag
under her eyes hug her face as her arms hug her torso. rating, but so do all things throughout spacetime.
"Well." He sits down on the table, facing au·ay
from her. ''You can git-e back what y0u get. But make
sure the {rag falls back on w/ro it's supposed to." How does frag occur?
"Sounds like it should be a Max im."
''I think 'Measure Tuice, Cut Once'says it well
enough. But between tire the First and the Fifth you Were a paradox allowed to grow out of con-
have your breathing room," Ray points out. ''You have trol, it would frag all people and objects involved,
discretion." and like a chain reaction, unravel the world. Only a
Cyn thinks a moment. S ays coldly, "So the sapient spanner can put a halt to the paradox at a
Fifth really means, 'Dump on a Lost Cause?" moment early enough to contain the collapse of
"No. Unless they asll for it, and they do," s~,s spacetime. Sentient force must be applied to resist
Et 1• ''11,ey start the walk to hell for themselves. None the sentient force that initiated a deliberate
of us Cfln say we aren't warned."
paradox- hence the occurrence of Time Combat
"It's about intent," says Ray with a distant
ton e. "What are they doing trying lo hack 1£P your life? [see Causality, pg. 56 and Time Combat, pg. 117, for
Or ull our lives? Do th ey ha ve plans lo reassemble it further deta ils].
into th eir own coz,· quilt?" In game terms, most instances of paradox
Cyn glances starkly up al him. (the as/as not) create one point of Frag. The GM
Ray smirks oi:er his shoulder. ''Sorry. Thinking may determine if an instance is more serious, or if
of my grandma.·· multiple as/as nots are close together, creating more
"The point is. all the king~ horses aren ~ on frag that has to be solved.
Humpty's side. The.y're on ours, and you u iU be togeth-
er again. girl."
Cynthia's m i-nd comes into focus again. The The As/ As not
knife in her memory doesn't go away, but now she is The as/as not is the point during an incident
analyzing it, piecing it out. and seeing how to take it of frag beyond which natural paradoxes do not heal
a.p art. "He /zit _vou. then we struck back. Odds are he's by themselves, but collapse the universe, instead.
done something to impair me close to that event with Sentient force is applied as close as possible to the
the hope that he'll get his strike on Euana restored- as/as not, in order to heal frag.
or at least his {rag taken away." When someone has applied (or on rarer
"That's good intuiti0n," says Ray. 'But that's
occasions failed to apply) sentient force to an event,
assuming he's too clever for his own health. lt may not
matter to him where he /rags you, Cyn. It may just be an as/as not is created. It has this unusual name
revenge." because the moment is all potential, with an out-
"So we start the research. right?' Cynthia is come known to most, but a different one desired by
slowly finding a focus. the assailant applying sentient force. (The name also
E,,-ana nods. "Oracle. Frune. Keep it short and resembles casual conversation if overheard, i.e. 'like
very formal, becaoUse we don't want to burden cmr {rag as not'. Discussing 'paradoxes' usually means time
011 anyone else if we can help it."
travel, and the leveller population has to kept in the
"I th ink you 're starting to see why we don't dark about that.)
socializ.e much during Combat," says Roy, loading
In traditional time travel stories, paradox is
"That's a gun," so.vs Cynl11ia. ·~1 guess it comes a situation of two mutually-exclusive events occuring
to that." at the same time. In C0 NT1NUUM, only one event is
"No lawyers in spacetime, "smirks Evana. allowed to prevail, the one with overwhelming sen-
"Oka_v, Cyn. Aces up. What kind of fighting do you tient force behind it.
know." The Continuum, with its uncounted vigitil-
"Some judo. You 're a good teacher," sa;Ys Gyn. lions of spanners Up into the future depending on
Evana chuekles and notes it down in her yet. that event, always wins in the end. It's just a matter
"Oh. I'm sorry!" Cynthia is overly di-strau,ght.
of going out and handling the frag in your Yet. The
'7've been keeping tJtat unavailable! I'm not thinking
Continuum is there to back you up in every Time
straight. It must be this damn {rag-"
"Maybe. Yau get better at being cautious. Put Combat.
that in your yet as a present from me."
Chapter II: Spanning
Three Kinds of Paradox

Paradox is caused deliberately, accidentally

or even naturally.

Deliberate paradox i the application of thought and

action to bring about £rag. Thi is th e terrorism that
narci sisrs bring with their hopes of onquesr or

Accidental paradox i the lack of applied thought to

the need to a oid £rag. This o curs when one is
unprepared. Note that many efforts of deliberate
paradox focus on creating the conditions whereby
accidental paradox is un avoidab le (ie, the withhold-
ing or rerouting of information ).

Natural paradox means non-sentient collapses of

spacetime, such as black holes, geon or the less dra-
matic deviations of light wave-particle that occur
endlessly. This is the univer e's woof and weave; it i
where we dwell.

Effect of Frag Chart

Raring Effect
Rook Morrow. (b. 19 )
panels from Bl11e Sh,ft #l
ink. acrylic & g-rap hite
0 No Frag, no problem. At rherco Comics
1 Minor fragmentation; probably easil y dealt What does £rag AD 2006

2 Serious fragmentation; hould be handled feels like?
right away.
3 At this Rating and above, the Continuum Dej a vu, partial amnesia, nausea, can all be
w ill not genera ll y assist a spanner to heal symptoms of Frag. A spanner i never in doubt as to
Frag. Grace roU become failures. what his Frag rating is though the cause can be
4 The spa nn er becomes ligh tl y disoriented in obscured by viciou ly lever narcissists. At higher
most moments of stress. -2 to a ll rolls ratings of Frag, a characters ense of continu_ity
involving Quick. becomes seriou ly comprorru ed, as shown in th e
5 At this Rating and above, th e spanner is table.
considered a Lost Cause, and even his The GM bas further grisly details on £rag in
friends are forbidden to directly help him his section.
heal Frag.
6 The spa nner is very disoriented, most of the
time, and probably should not be out in How do I cure £rag?
public, certainly not leveller public. -4 to
aU rolls involving Quick, -2 to a ll rolls When you have ca used £rag, and are expect-
involving Mind. ed to fix it, the best method is to tackle the source of
7 The spanner probably can't eas ily tell when the £rag bead-on, and handle the attempt at paradox
or where he is, and his memory is serious- oneself. Once the paradox is contained, the point(s)
ly impaired. He doesn't recogni ze some of Frag is removed.
important things in his life, and often Put simply, the causality has to make sense.
insists tha t he witnessed events that never To ela borate with an example:
occurred. Few return from thi s brink.
8+ The character can no longer be played.
At times it may still be encountered as a
shadow or phantom, but withou t
meaningfu l powers, or even physical form.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
illiam ana Eawara
WiJliam and Edward are panner buddie
with their own place. They're both itting in the liv-
ing room watching footbalJ. William ha a cold beer,
which make Ed thir ty. Ed pan le ell into the
kitchen, and di cover there i no cold beer in the
fridge. He pan Down ten minut , find one cold
beer, and open it, and pans back Up ro enjoy the
..He. !" growls Will, pointing to hi beer. "I
that my beer? You ju t fragged me!"
"Oh crap," grumble Ed, coming off the
fir t ip. Gue l gotta fix that.•·
"Ye you do and before halftime."
Ed carefully put the beer down in the living
room, walk back to the kitchen. He puts another
ix pack of the ame brand into the fridge. As a cau-
tion, he attache a po t-it note ro one aying: "Don't
Touch!! -Ed'' He pan Up an hour (to let it get
old), find it ro be the only one remaining, then
take the cold beer back Down one hour and nine
minute , and replace it in the fridge for Will to find
in the next few econd .
He to e the po t-it note away, and pans
back Up eleven minute - to avoid a gemini- and
return to the football game.
How's that? Unfragged?" be a ks Will.
WiJI gives him thumbs up .
..Just don't couch the one I marked for the
next hour, okay?"
Will could tell he'd been fragged, an d could
guess the cause si nce he knew he had taken the last
beer, a nd saw Ed coming in with a cold one. Will
a nd Ed ar e buddies- these misunderstandings hap-
pen . But when fighting a na rci ss ist, you can't expect
cooperation in healing yo ur frag . You'll probably
even have to investigate where the incident (the as/as
not) took place, before you can fix it.
And you may we ll have to take action th a t
£rags your assa ilant in your stead .
A secon dary option, for th ose whose Span is
insufficient ro reach the so urce of the frag, or those
who can't discover the source, is to approach those
of higher Span, and agree to perform service for
th em in exchange for their help in reducing one's
Frag. The e services normally enta il blocking Frag of
spa nners who died before they could fulfill their Yet,
though it is often the starting point for new adven-

Si r Joseph David Foo tingha m, (b. 1775)

Fa rewell to a Friend, (A D 1923 )
ware rcolour
collection o f th e Londo n Hunt Club

rNork O 1999 Da,•1d Fooden

Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

What's causality?
Simply put, causality is the "cause and effect" of the universe; how people make sense of the world through
everyday application of Newton's laws. You push a domino, it falls down, knocking over the next, which
knocks over the next ere. Time travel, as one might expect, throws some of these assumptions for a loop--
but causality must be satisfied to avoid frag.

How causality functions for spanners is well-discussed in the science fiction of the Aquarian cusp. Here is pre-
sented- with a great deal of detail- some of the fallacious explanations, and a beginner's approximation of
genuine spacetime:

Illus. A: Fallacious Causality

This is a typical (erroneous) timeline illustration of A 8 C D

causality, time moving from A the past to D the
future. Some spanner leaves from C, goes down to B,
and makes changes so that C and D and up never
occur. The panner goes forward along the new time-
Line which holds Cl, Dl, and so on. Illus. A: Fallacious Causality

The most famous example of this is the "grandfather clause", and often includes the concept of a rime
machine: John's grandfather builds a time machine for the fir t time at C, which John steals and travels down
to B, where his grandfather is a young boy ha ing ired no offspring. John kills the boy either delib rat ly or
accidentally and finds himself with a time machine that will not be invented, and himself never being born,
and therefore unable to go back in time to kill hi gra ndfather.

illus. B: Fallacious Multiverse

This is an argument favored by many, if not all, nar-

cissists. Therefore it is considered extremely danger-
ous information, even in the brief form presented

This illustration postulates that with every alteration Illus. B: Fallacious Multiverse
of the earlier timeline, a new universe is created. This supposedly eliminates paradox, by allowing a violating
spanner free reign to change anything he pleases and enter a fresh universe more tailored to his Like .

Both the foregoing examples- and many other arguments- presume the actions of a single sentient group or
individual spanner acting only upon unwitting levellers and inanimate objects. This is not the state of space-
time, of course. See also Appendix A, Fallacies & FoUies [pg. 212].

illus. C: Fallacious Self-Repairing Universe

As a leveller, the world just seems to take care of itself.

You drop a pencil, it falls to the ground, and makes a
noise. This is the world of Newton's Principia. Every
action creates an equal and opposite reaction.
Illus. C: Fallacious Self-Repairing Universe

This illustration shows the common belief that time travel would impact the universe in much the same way.
Every action, however paradoxical, would recycle back into the fabric of reality through some (usually ill-
defined) natural means, like a stream washing dumped poisons away.
But causality is not a renewable resource. Some narcissists hope- even expect- that the universe will either
get along around their desires, or some thing will stop them from playing with the universe, and no serious
harm done. "Events will conspire against you."

Events don't conspire, people do. What's more, events can't conspire and people can. This is sentient force.
The price of this freedom of time is responsibility for it, and this responsibility is backed up by the fear for
one's very existence. In this regard, time travel is never a game. See also Appendix A, Fa llacies & Follies [pg. 212].
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning

Spanners enter and leave the timeline at

will, as shown below.
The light gray lines inside the white time-
line anow represent a spanner living in
level time. The dark gray lines are merely
aids to visualize the direction and destina-
tion of individual spans, and are not to
scale by any means.
At any point marked D, the spanner may
be entering to stop an incident of frag, (as
shown in Illustration D1). It is this ceaseless sequence of applied sentient force that keeps spacetime solid and on track.
The thrust of the expanding universe, rushing away from the Bi Bang, is why there is time.
Spacetime Fragmentation Demonstrated
A basic illustration of how causality is maintained by the Continuum. Genuine mathematical models are not available
Some readers will be reluctant to cut or damage a book, due to cultural or investment reasons. Be assured your feelings
are a part of this lesson, and proceed.

1) Without breaking
through the paper, make a
very light scoring with a
drafting knife from A to B,
increasing pressure slightly
as you go along.
2) Now from B to C, make
the cut through the paper.
3) At C begins what is
called the As/AsNot, the
point beyond which natur-
al paradoxes do not heal,
but collapse the universe
instead. Cut this branching
area cleanly.
4) Now tear (not cut) the
page up to the line at D.
Fold at D, and curl the
peninsula of paper so that
it lifts.
An instance of paradox begins (A) and either reverts to a non-paradox state without effect at (B) or it increases in effect
until (C). At C comes the As/AsNot, the beginning of collapse and the tearing of causality.

D is the Yet, or the Required Future [see pg. 4 7]. Before the effect of a deliberate or accidental paradox grows exponen-
tially, a sentient force is applied by the Continuum to stop it cold. Because of this, the fragmented piece of spacetime
remains a part of the universe (represented by the rucked up paper which is still a part of the page) . Causality crosses
over the fragment, just as our causality moves up and down spacetime.

A spanner who has created a paradox has the main responsibility to fix it in his Yet, even if that paradox caused him no
frag. (Note that fragging the narcissist who has created a deliberate paradox is usually fixing not creating the paradox!)

5) Never let the bit of paper be torn out of the book; it's a good exercise.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Transfer (rag at the as/asnot-
Is it ever acceptable to lf the narcissist's attack hinges upon moving
cause frag? or damaging a person or object, move the object
back or protect the person or object before the dam-
age occurs. Do everything you can so that the only
Technically, spanners loyal to the spanner who thinks the world is different is the nar-
Continuum are under no stricture to not cause frag, cissist. Frag is the penalty for being so selfish that
only that they are responsible for any they have in you don't care what happens to others, just so you
their Yet (First Maxim). But it's a bad idea to take can shape the world to your private tastes.
this lightly. Fragging someone else will cause them,
and all their friends to come down on you. It is this The subtler the better-
balance of sentient force that keeps the Continuum A quiet step can often be much more effec-
together. tive than big pyrotechnics. It helps to think more like
Narcissists- spanners who are only out for a secret agent than like a tank commander, at least
themselves- often make the mistake of trying to for private Time Combats. For instance, burning
frag large numbers of spanners at the same time, down a village to stop one narcissist runs the risk of
hoping to shear off all competition. Nothing cou ld creating more frag than the narcissist himself ever
be more foolish. Imagine the list of angry, £ragged dared. Better to sneak a drug that will lower his
spanners from around the world and universe, with defenses before he attempts his fragging action- and
the single-minded thought of fragging you out for then engage the narcissist with the impaired abilities
your evil deed. in Time Combat.
The Continuum can coordinate and frag Oh, and watch out. Narcissists will try the
efficiently, with overwhelming sentient force [see pg. same nasty tricks on you. [See Chapter 3: Struggling-
57, and above]. This is the reality of Time Combat Narcissists and other Dangers, pg. 135].
[see pg. 117]. The remains of a known narcissist are
then scooped up by the Quicker Fraternity [see pg. Don't forget to invite your friends-
80], who handle any final arrangements. If there really is a narcissist out there who's
nagging for a fragging, don't forget that the
Tips on acceptable £ragging actions Continuum succeeds by employing overwhelming
sentient force. In simple terms, you and your corner
it's usually okay to (rag back- can gang up on a really bad apple and frag him out.
First of all, if you've been fragged, make
sure it wasn't an accident: Alerting a loyal For further information, see Chapter 3:
Continuum spanner to some £rag they caused shouJd Struggling- Time Combat [pg. 117], where the
meet with immediate action on their part, since it's combat itself is simplified for game purposes into
in their Yet as soon as you tell them (First and Fifth basic Stratagems.
Maxims). For an example of an accident, see The
Beer Crisis of William and Edward, pg. 55.
Second, research the incident of frag as
fully as you can: too much detail limits your options.
(ti you know an event turns out a certain way, trying
to change it will frag you too!) Sending a third party
to observe and carefully report the events leading up
to the as/asnot is usually safer than going yourse lf.
Don't blame spanners who aren't involved
for resisting getting more involved: They have cor-
ners of spacetime of their own to protect. But usually
information is forthcoming to thwart a true menace
to the Continuum.

Ask first-
It's a common courtesy (and in keeping with
the Third Maxim) when in someone's locality to let
them know you are or are about to engage in Time
Combat. The Fruoe Stratagem in the Tin1e Combat
rules [p. 124] covers this neatly, and helps supply
you with local information about your target.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Earning Span 2 wate rco lo ur

Increase in Span is earned by merit. Unlike ollectio n of West End Ga llery. ew Yo rk

common skills, Span is taught only when a candidate

is deemed ready. The GM represents the Continuum, 5. Finally, earning Span 2 requires
and may grant or bar a spanner's advancement, and a) having travelled to each year of the
withhold the reason (though a good reason should decade in which you first spanned and
be present in the GM's mind). b) reciting the Maxims by heart, (which the
player must also be able to do).
Additionally, the following are requirements [See frontispiece.]
of advancement:
GMs may add to these requirements, but should not
1. The candidate's waive any listed.
a) Frag must be Zero, and
b) the "absolute number" of Gemini
Incidents for that Span is met.

2. The candidate must not have travelled beyond his

Span more than once in the past year of his/her Age.

3. One year of the candidate's Age must have

transpired since the last advancement. (From Span
Zero to Span 1 is certainly considered such an

4. The player (not his/her characters) must have

spent two months of real time, and played at least
three game sessions of at least four hours apiece
playing C0 NTINUUM, before advancement can even
be considered. This represents the solid reality of
spacetime: things happen when their time is right,
not just when we want them to happen.

Anwork C 1999 Orc-w Tucker

Chapter II: Spanning c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Clandestine Skills and travel
Span 2 This is a List of relevant useful Skills from
Range: 10 years, 10 miles the Skill List [see Chapter 1: Invitations- SkjlJ List,
pg. 17]. Span Twos are encouraged to become profi-
cient at most of these, and to reach at least
Who approves and teaches Apprentice rank in four of these before considering
volunteering for dangerous clandestine adventures.
advancement to Span Two? [See also Earning Span 3, pg. 87.]

Usually the approval of the corner's mentor Bureaucracy

is sufficient, and can guide the candidate through the Computers
process of improving his spanning to a range beyond Disguise
one revolution of Earth around the Sun. Finance
New Piscean Span Twos have ample ability to Observation
enter the Aquarian Era, and are therefore warned: Security/Burglary
SPANNER OR A INHERITOR. This is a Decision of
the Seventh Adantean Council. The Hour of the Killing off your former identity
Inheritance occurs in AD 2222. Span Ones and
Faking death is easier for a spanner, since his
Twos are also forbidden to travel farther Down
chronies in the Continuum are more than willing to
than 12969 BC, under any circumstances.
help him out. But note: A Span Two spanner with a
new identity ALMOST ALWAYS has falcing his orig-
inal leveller death in his Yet. Usually a death where
What does a Span Two do? the body isn't found, or is totally destroyed is pre-
ferred, Like a ca tastrophe, or death at sea. An unex-
First and foremost, a Span Two takes on a plained but sinister disappearance can be staged, but
new identity, maybe even several. is a little hazardous: Levellers might begin to discov-
Encountering old friend s, dead relatives, and er more than they should, through dogged research,
distant descendants becomes more and more Likely and narcissists might target you as a careless span-
when an entfre decade can be sped through in a day. ner.
Even one's existence as a Span One has to be stepped The Thespian Fraternity has tips on how to
around lightly, making a convincing disguise alJ the go about this and other basic ruses for levellers.
more importa nt.
Span Twos hire themselves out, enjoy adven- Travelling nearby
tures with old friends and for information-tight
Haunting the old corner has to become a
Fours, and ]jve the spanner Ufe a Little before trying
limited pastime: The only encounters you're allowed
for the big jump to Span Three. They a lso make up
with your Span One juniors are the geminis still in
the majority of the members of the Fraternities [see
your Yet from when you were a One. You ought
below] . interact cautiously with other Span One members of
Span Twos can span carrying up to a hun-
the corner, or even assist the mentor in various mea-
dred pounds without penalty. Most people and their
sures of training.
belongings weigh over a hundred pounds, so bring-
One of the most important reasons for a
ing a friend along on one's own power is unlikely
new identity is that leveUers expect people to die
and da ngerou s. Twos are the spanners most often
sometime. The levelJer every spanner was, and pre-
tempted to rescue small chjJdren from fatal mishaps,
tends to be as a Span One, needs a death date. The
as they are still very close to being levellers, and
spanner doesn't have to fake their death right
remember their leveller thoughts, goals and sympa-
away- but it is in their Yets come Span Two.
Unlucky spanners may even know when their actual
death occurs [See Span One- Facing Death and
Surviving It, pg. 40 and Madness ad Related
Problems- Seeking Your Death, pg. 143].
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter D: Spanning
Finally, since the Span Two is expected to be than your own, and arrive cautious but prepared.
more apart from bis novice corner, a separate house,
apartment, or dwelling is found for the Two in the
same locality, as soon as the new identity is entered
Fraternal corners
upon. Sometimes the new place to live has been Certain Societal corners are strongholds of
vacated by a previous spanner, and therefore has
spanners of Like mind. Though most corners boast
many accoutrements of the spanner life (like rooms members of many Fraternities, some corners are cen-
with no doors or windows, etc.) OccasionaUy the ters for one specific Fraternity.
spanner's own money must be spent to bring the These differ from novice corners in an
place up to spanner spec. GMs are encouraged to important respect: They are mostly made up of expe-
allow players to design their own Span Two homes, rienced spanners of a chosen Fraternity. Some Live
within their budgets and w ithin reason.
here, others merely visit looking for adventures, or
to trade stories. Some are resting during a long jour-
Travelling afar ney Up or Down, others are tou.rists, still others are
Becoming a Two means the abi li ty to travel on a specific mission, and a few reclusive members
more than a century in a fortnight ( 14 days rest = are probably in Time Combat.
140 years travel) . This means touring history; taking A Fraternal corner always has some function
on the vistas one traditionally imagines time travel to in the leveller world: A hospital, a judiciary, a pub-
open up. lic-house, a gymnasium, the seat of an Oracle, or a
Find out about a welcome corner to stay in charity cafeteria . There is always a hidden room,
before you leave. If you're part of a Fraternity, chamber or passageway into which Fraternal mem-
expect to be asked to run errands for your Fraternal bers are expected to appear: First-time visitors are
pals to whatever year you were planning on visit- usually expected to come to the front door, or make
ing- but a Fraternal corner will be there to welcome contact away from the corner itself. This is a sane
and guide you the instant you arri e. Bue remember, and standard measure of security. Since most legiti-
it's up to you to provide for your identity in distant mate first-time visitors send ahead that they are
times and places! Do your research fir t, don 't be arriving, surprises are even less liked at a Fraternal
afraid to ask your chronies (and players, ask your corner than at a standard one.
GM) about how much detail you' ll need to fit in.
Remember your Third Maxim at all times.
Holographic and translation technologies of
Joining a Fraternity
lace Societal spacetime are generally not available to
young spanners, and shou ld not be brought Down At Span Two, most Societal spanners take
before their time on a whim. The Engineers the opportunity to join a Fraternity. It is essentially
Fraternity [pg. 69] can assist you in finding appro- choosing a career, since Fraternities provide the ser-
priate devices for your needs, experience and level of vices spanners require for their form of life, and
expertise. lifestyle.
Spanners with an interest in an era of space- The Fraternities choose their members:
time be ides their own are encouraged to learn the Normally the in vitation arrives at the novice corner
language, customs and manners of the period, and to or the Two's residence shortly after Span 2 is
purchase period dress. The Antiquarian Fraternity achieved. But it is possible to approach a Fraternity
[pg. 64] can help with physical accoutrements, while one is interested in, and (politely) turn down an offer
the Scribes [pg. 82] will always have a work on to join. A letter of inquiry to any known Fraternal
translating and speaking any language- even ones comer i all that is required.
unknown to levellers, or without a native alphabet. Most spanners have a temperament or a set
Of course, all these Fraternities will expect of Skills that mark them as a candidate for a specific
compensation for their effort- but if you belong to Fraternity. lt happens sometimes in real life that a
a Fraternity already, this is automatically handled. person may have a desire to take up an occupation
Al l the Fraternities continually barter services. (Some that they aren 't qualified for. The Fraternities will
Scribes keeping track of it all somewhere, but refuse admittance to any spanner they feel is under-
they aren't usually the adventurous members of the qualified for the tasks of the Fraternity, but usually
Societies.) allow the spanner to work on improving various
Remember when you were a leveller, and appropriate Skills, before applying again.
travel to a foreign co untry meant preparations of
passports and inoculations, and arrival there held the Members genera lly enjoy benefits equa l to
gut fears of fac ing an unfamiliar culture, surrounded their responsibilities. Spanners that excel at their
by a language you couldn't speak or understand. casks are usually introduced to more of the secrets of
Amplify these concerns when approaching Eras other the Fraternity, and of the Continuum.
Chapter II: Spanning c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

6. A.loot aeail, ana not apparently foresightful enough to

finish his shift, an elder Dan steps up to the reg-
ister to keep the levellers busy. After all, a junior
Smits workday at Radio Hut is going Smit might be in to work tomorrow.
badly. It is not where he wanted to die, or make a "Sounds like he died {ragged," says junior
stand, in the summer of 1981, in a Michigan mall Dan.
smelling of sickly-sweet fresh carpet and filtered "Nah," says Stirling. '1 slipshanked the
air. He has even said so to someone he thought video. It's all feeding from a TV that's tuned to
he could trust, the Negro called Talanthus. But it PBS."
is all a Foxhorn trap. "Hee hee, good one, Stirling."
He is ready for such a day. As figures 'Thanks. Excuse me while I fix it." She
begi,n, appearing and disappearing from the edge smiles at the poor kids, and steps around the cor-
of his sight, he grabs a boy and a girl who were ner to span. Just to be discreet. She finishes the
near the door to the back office, and shoves them slipshank before the heat of the battle twelve
in. 7b the kids' horror, he pulls a huge pistol from minutes Down, and spans back.
out of nowhere, and slaps it across the girl's face The girl is only nine, but the boy is six-
before she can scream. The boy, taller and braver, teen. "What do you think," says Dan to his crew.
is kicked in the ribs, and goes down. "Shame to split up a family," says
Smit enters his prepared circle of cam- Tulanthus. He gets out a small medkit. "I can
eras. Switching on. with levellers watching in the have them patched up, if you can get someone in
mall beyond, he knows the Continuum has to here to wipe them."
play close to the vest, and Smit wants them "Hey," says the boy, not liking the sound
here. He has the girl by the throat, the gun to of that.
'her eye. "Chill out dude," smirks llay, playing
"I'm safe here, you swarms of bitches," he with the kit.
barks. "I'm on closed-circuit, videotapes and live "Agreed," says Dan. 'Yt~ not their
to the storefront and I know _you don't find em moment, if it ever is.•
'all, so come onr "Hey wait. There's my mom. And we have
A fuzzy voice on the PA blurts, "Well, if to call the cops... .,
you insist on dying, sure." Brave beyond his years, and beyond the
A swish behind him. He wheels, choking shock. Stirling is impressed, but, ''Maybe we'll see
the girl. The intruder is gone. you later, soldier-" The doors to the back service
"I'll span em from a half mile high! You hallway open, and stay open. "Dan-"
leave me be!!" Coming from the interior loading corridor,
1wo guns, one at his temple, one at his three figures stroll in. The lead one is Robert
back. He squeezes. Silbury, famed as a psychic debunker in leveller
His last sight in his Yet is looking into circles. Every spanner here knows him as a
the hazel eyes of a pretty raven-haired spanner, Quicker honcho: He is probably keeping the doors
her hand engaging the safety of his gun. open with his mind. A sandy-haired woman and a
Cynthia has changed her name to Stirling dark fellow flank him. Behind them unmoving,
when she becomes a Span 1wo, and has taken up is a pale figure, very tall.
the black hair shes seen on her elders, but is "Who ya gonna call?"
keeping it short. Not long before, she has fiown "Ray. l',:l expect that crap out of Lydia."
the nest, and has joined a Foxhorn lodge in the ''Yeah, what about it, old man." They
Upper Peninsula. She is prying the chokehold clasp hands. Stirling wonders about the mention
Smit's corpse has on the child, and says some of Lydia. Last she sees her, she's a recluse; sitting
sweet nothings to try to calm her down. in her own dark apartment with a couple sullen
"A near one, but it worked," says Dan. elders or juniors always around, afraid of going
Dan is the mentor of the corner; an old friend of outside. Not narcissist, really. Just creepy.
Charlie's, he has recruited Cynthia, and llay as Robert nods at Dan. "Daniel. Got a bad
well. "So. We've all avoided watching the video- {rag here, I understand."
apes, right?" Dan slaps his pockets. 'Wot that we can
"Yep." tell. What brings you here?"
"Uh huh. And avoided the storefronts," Robert kicks Smit's foot.
says llay 7blanthus. Stirling is more interested in their leader,
The customers were milling around as an Aquarian, a late Aquarian. Seven feet tall
usual. Blissfully ignorant levellers, thinks with long, precise, snow white hair, and huge sil-
Cynthia, peeking out from the back. One, in his ver-irised eyes. What sex, she cannot say. Like
thirties, was transfixed by Big Bird. Since Smit is those Asian cartoons, she thinks. But she tries to
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
concentrate on tlie ot ers. S1ie knows tli.e his gaze to tne worli at hand.
Aquarians don't like being stared at. Cyn grins lamely. "Shutting up now.
"So we killed him before he has a chance Thanks." She walks over to stand by Tal who
to {rag us," says Tul, working on the children. slaps her shoulder, hard. He looks very annoyed.
"Doesn't that put us all back a peg." The Quicker make many measurements
"You fixed your {rag during time combat," before taking up the body. In the silence of their
shrugs the young lndic Quicker. "He's the one studies, Stirling thinks over the words of the
with the problem." Smit's broken body is a mute, Aquarian, and what they must mean. Never fight
if convincing testament. for a Lost Cause. She looks at the shattered body
Dan has no lingering questions. "Oh, he of the spanner, his dead eyes staring at nothing.
never fixed that for himself. I shouldn't be sur- Stirling finds that the kids were already
lJ}rised. Well, I don't think we need him. Lemme back in the front of the shop. She can hear their
check.,, Dan blinks in and out. "Okay. He's not a giggles.
big wheel. Tal here was doing recon with him. "All that blood on the girl.. ." says Stir.
He's been a loner a long while." "Wiping her off is one thing, but how is she sup-
Robert glances at the kids. ·~ bit abrupt, pressing what happened."
in front of them." The Quicker woman looks out after them. ·
"They'ue seen. it. They need some serious 'Their minds carry a different afternoon. Her
wiRing down to before Stnit grabs them-" As brother dumped a cherry shake on her, but he's
Dan speaks, the youthful sandy-haired Quicker sorry. She had to wash. Their telltale wounds are
steps up to them, smiling. gone, thanks to your chrony."
"Well, that was pretty awful, huh." She "So. Do this a lot I guess. ,t
raises a finger and starts waving it back and The round-faced woman smiles, but dees-
'forth. "Never ever go with strangers. Never ever. n 't look at her. "Usually they're very dead. Pieces.
ever ever-" It's pretty ugly. Not for nervous little girls."
Stirling has to turn her eyes away. "Man, "AU right," growls Stirling, visibly angry.
she's good. I've got to learn more hypnotism." An A noise by the open doors. A whitish blur
even. as she says this, her eyes fall ·on the pale making a sussurus-noise is pushing at the bot-
!Aquarian standing on the descending ramp toms of the open doors, as if trying to open them
beyond. Like he belongs there in the half-light, again. Stirling has never stuck around to see {rag
with the mall humming around him ... this bad, and steps back. The Aquarian inclines
Stirling slowly wanders over, ten feet out his head, and the apparition settles. Robert
from the shipping doors, to stand next to the brings some devices to bear on the force, the out-
exotic being that seems to ignore her every move. line of which looks like a huge version of Smit 's
"Can I ask a question?" head.
The cool, large eyes suddenly consider lit- "I'm sorry. What's your name?" says the
tle-Stirling. sandy-haired one casually.
Talanthus whispers, facing away from "Stirling," she swallows. "Who are you?"
them, "Cyn. Ixnay on the estionsquay." "I'm called Whiteye, but... " A glance. "You
Stirling, barely hearing him, is now can call me Ayla." The target is bagged and
inclined to agree, but feets it is too late. ·~- Um. tagged, Ayla s companions prepare to depart.
Thank you, er, since we killed him here, like, "Well, he's all. 'Bye." With a wave, she and her
before he started the time combat? How does he, chronies vanish.
how does he-?" Stirling glances round at her compa.mons,
"Complete the events you- reacted to hrs ready to depart as well. Her trepidation dissi-
i~volvement in." The voice from that face is so pates when the memory of the Aquarian 's voice
1perfeetly modulated, that Stirling feels her emo- ours happily across her mind, Except [or a tiny
tio s manipulated with every syllable. droplet of fear, that courses down her spinal
''Whoa. I mean, yes." chord.
The Quicker leader smiles. A smile, even.
''It nas been told you, Cynthia Stirling. I will tell
l)'OU here.
"Your yet drew you to these things. His
yet draws him still. He arrives in his yet less sen-
tient than you arrive in yours."
Cynthia's mind barrels on. "But he must
be pretty sentient if-"
"Further information is not available
here." The Aquarian keeps smiling, but returns
Chapter II: Spanning c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The Fraternities
The unique power of spanning creates
unique needs and demands. To meet these needs, the
Fraternities exist.
There are ten Fraternities. There are also
many lesser, local organizations that handle some
commerce, or mutual protection, among a number of
corners. But these are small individual groups dot-
ting the vistas of spacetime: None grow beyond the
boundaries of their localities. Only the Fraternities
maintain services across all the Societies, and
While cooperation is the norm between
Fraternities, some areas of rivalry exist. Fox.horn and
the Quicker are known to dispute certain elements of
Death, while the arguments between the
Antiquarians and the Scribes over the meaning of
Art is legendary (among spanners, anyway).
Spanning provides more answers (and questions) to
uch age-old themes of phj]osophy- and since infor- Antiquarians
mation is all, one's philosophy shapes one's attitude
[n. one who collects or studies antiquities< French antique
toward the universe, and one's destiny in the < Latin antiquus "ancient, former" < PIE anriekwo
Continuum. "appearing before, having prior aspect"J
These disputes must never get out of hand,
lest narcissists take advantage of our polite disagree- Overview-
ments. If friendly conflict is what you crave, it's bet- This Fraternity is made up primarily of antique deal-
ter to get involved in the politics of the Societies, ers and other sedentary spanners who prefer to col-
than to stir up trouble between Fraternities. lect, and cata logue items, as opposed to travel.ling to
dangerous eras- though some notably daring mem-
bers have been known to go on treasure hunts.
Breakdown of descriptions:
Fraternity name [etymology] Their private catalogues include items from farther
Overview- What the Fraternity does for the Up, naturally. lf period objects and costumes are
Continuum required- or the often-needed precise replica of a
Alternate Names throughout time- Some famous, lost item- Antiquarians are the ones to go to.
some utterly secret
Symbol- Found, with varia tions, throughout the Alternate Names throughout time- The Reliquary,
time of the Societies, with description Collectors
Services for the Continuum- Extended description
of tasks performed, and attitude toward these tasks Symbol: The Entwined Globes-
Areas of dispute with other Fraternities- These are We move and make and remake the things inside the
primarily philosophical, as Fraternities are careful to uruverse: hence our symbol of the ever-twisting
not allow disagreements affect loyalty among all Globes- whether the piles of counting-stones of ear-
Continuum spanners. But they are arguments that liest man, the pots and baskets he learned to make
underscore each Fraternity's reason for being. and stack, or the pawnbroker's orbs, the Globes are
Leader types- An example or two of popular lead- the enduring symbol of the material world, and our
ing figures in the Fraternity Lives bound to it.
Selected Main Corners- Some strongholds, or pop-
ular spots Services for the Continuum-

"Redibo tu num quam"

(I shall return, thou never.)
-Inscription on a English sundial, AD 1643

History is much more than people. It is

objects. It is the creation of artifacts to do a task, or
to grace us with beauty, or to stand as a testament.
Levellers can't hold a person from an era gone by,
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
when that per on is but dust and bone, but you can touched and seen, their realm is that of ideas. Sadly,
touch Charlemagne's armor, or sit in the chair from the Moneychangers do not see eye to eye with us on
which the Pha raoh Khufu passed judgment, or walk things of va lue; they assume that if no one wishes to
in the Flatiron Building, and touch a part of some- buy something, it has no value. No, all things have
one else's past. It is the way for levellers to under- va lue, and all things come their due in due time.
stand what it is like to span, even as they cannot. It The Engineers, on the other hand, are invaluable to
lets them touch the whole of the world that we can us, as they understand the worhng of many things
walk through at any time, and be as amazed as we that we must construct.
were the first time we spanned. Of course, there are some that would move
Not that most of us go diving headfirst into objects about as though it were a simple game of
such things. No, most of us would be considered chess. The narcissist sees no harm in bringing Down
' boring' compared to Foxhorn and the Thespians. late Societal technology to earlier levellers, or remov-
Hunting big game, playing politics as pretend lead- ing important things from their place. It's like a
ers, are not our speed. No, we' re the blacksmiths, game they play, as children do, without understand-
clothiers, stone-cutters, weavers, and makers of ing all the rules. Normally, it is a matter for us to
things. There are those of us that best enjoy raiding make a duplicate to replace the object moments
tombs or ancient treasuries, to be the one to attain before or moments after it is taken, depending on if
things 'forever lost' ... or other such excitement. But the object needs to be kept out of their hands or just
what the Continuum needs most is for all the props kept on display. Sometimes, a stronger message is
to be in place, and we arrange for that. needed, and we arrange for a few surprises to stymie
Do you know how many times we replace the thief of history.
the Liberty Bell and the Mona Lisa? Or make sure
that Rommel has all the tank munitions he needs, Areas of dispute and alliance with other
even as some narcissist sabotages them? We keep Fraterruties-
track of it all. We know where to replace objects if Main conflicts:
need be, and how to make those we cannot find. We Versus the Moneychangers over the value of
have quite an impressive cata log. Wealth-
And it is not just what yo u would consider It can be agreed upon that objects have
antiques. No, we can make anything you need for value, that much is sure. But is that va lue perceived,
the part. A khopesh sword with a family crest or is there an absolute, due to the efforts that a per-
engraved in the hi.It? Not a problem. A replica of a son placed in crafting- as well as owning- an
necklace a Narcissist is planning to steal? Simple object?
enough. A boys favorite coloring book? Yes, that If a man had a sharp stick, what value
as well. AU of these have value, if only in the eye of would it have? Very little, as it seems easily replace-
a person. And that is good enough. We do not col- a ble. But what if he was using the sharp stick as a
lect objects because someone will pa y sums of money tent peg? Some more value, yes. What if it was the
for it, but because somewhere, sometime, someone stick that a boy used to play fe tch with his pet beagle
placed a value upon it. And that value is still of Nemo th e whole of the dog's life? That stick would
import, even as the person who valued it is passed be worth far more to him than any Wealth measured
from leveller reckoning. Because we know that it by the world.
was valued, it is why we must guard it. Since you can never know the true effort of
Mind you, not everything we deal with is every moment used in creating an object, you can
from what would be considered the past. Depending never truly assign a value to an object. True, people
on localjry, objects from the printing press to the will set a price for something, but that is only a price
A.K-47 to Kylona Industries Personal Battle Armor at which they will part with it. It's true value can be
can be considered a future item. We guard these as far far more. Value comes not from what others will
well, for such things in the wrong hands can prove pay, but from the use it will have and the effort and
to be a dangerous enterprise ... imagine the hateful heart in its making.
tracts and pamphlets that someone could print in Pa rt of the absolute value of an object is
1183! We are al o the clothiers of those that would measured by what would happen if that object was
tra vel to other eras, for the worst you can do is removed from the person's life. Would it frag them
arrive not as a native. to have it taken out, by how much? That is why the
The Thespians appreciate us, for the fact Antiquarians do not agree with the Moneychangers
that we provide the props and costumes for their over the value of Wealth, since as an abstract it is lit-
performances; no good standing in for Rich a rd the tle more than chasing a phantom or a dream.
Lion-Hearted if you don 't have your armor dupl.icat- We are eager to replace what is lost; the
ed perfectly. Likewise, the Scribes respect us as like- whole of that person's Yet may depend on it. The
minded scholars, despite our gentlemen's disagree- Moneychangers' concept of Wealth only muddles
ment over Art. While we deal in things that can be and impedes what must obviously be done.
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Versus the Scribes over the meaning of Art- belong to a rea l graverobber.
Information is conveyed by every object This is how he mer Isaiah, then a Span Four
under the Sun- but few try ta 'correct' the informa- Essene Antiquarian of much the sa me temperament, whom
he accidenta ll y knocked unconscious and thereby discov-
tion in an incident of frag. Rather, they seek ta
ered inside rhe chamber he was blasting into. Apparently
replace, remove or adj ust a tangi ble object. Whether
Isaia h had pl anned to ca tch a nap before spanning else-
it's a sculpture, a painting, a child s coloring book or where. Awakening finall y ro find someone he recalled as
even an ljving acror, Art's va lue is being in the right an old friend, the explo ion-muddled Isa ia h overlooked the
place at the right time- whether being exa mined ta importance of ask ing the time, a nd started going on about
death by Scribes, or hanging serenely in the half-da rk Conti nuum business ro the leveller Lancomme. Thar
of the closed museum, or inspiring politica l move- Ln viratioo rook a few da ys to sort out.
ments. Any informati on conveyed is secondary ta These two are rather infamo us for getting into
a nd dependent upon the object itself. trouble, but they a lways fix accidental frag before roo
many spann ers engage them in Time Combat. They have
Art is perfect in itself, and doesn't need to
been in va luable for going inro haza rdous, even impossible
jammed inta the frame of recorded histary any more
circumstances, and recovering lost and forgotten artifacts,
than it already is. The Scribes lose track of that, even or at the very least recording what they looked like and
though they seem to be a ble ta record and measure consisted of.
everything else. All too often have more responsible members of
rhe Fraternjry groaned aloud as these two appear sudden ly
We Antiquarians and the Thespians, both in their shops' backrooms, dusty and dishevelled, with
interested in aesthetics, ally in such matters as the looks on their faces which inevitably lead to statements
meaning and purpose of Art- though the Thespians like, "We didn 't mea n to smelt that apex," or "Was it the
are shy about criticizing the Scribes too seriously. just the arms that came off the DiMilo?" While many
young spanners look up to Isa iah & Lancomme, they
should be advised that the Fraternity's patience- not to
The Antiquarians get along well with the mention the Continuum ' - i nor infinite! Third Ma xim,
Engineers, si nce they both deal with physical objects. people!
The Fraternities stick ta their respective spheres of
cataloguing/replicas, and repair/grand design. While
some small conflicts inevitably appear in situations "Beky", Packrat and Seamstress Extraordinaire
involving design and restoration, our Fraternities Born Detroit, AD 2003
keep enough in common to help each other out.
Also, the Antiquarians enjoy the company of [The practice of keeping a family name is still very much
Foxboro, finding a way ta live vicariously in ele- in use in 2026, bur she is known by her rujd-Aquarian uni-
ments of danger that they do not always wish to nomen (one-name), due to her works' popula rity.)
share. Sometimes, however, an Antiquarian wiJI find
his services needed in the field, that that provides Beky likes stuff. Despite this, it would seem odd
enough excitement for a long time. that a 23 year old clubkid from the Motor City wou ld
a ttract the attention of curators and cataloguers. Sti ll , Beky
has always had a fondness of Victorian clothing, and com-
Personages of note- ing across such things in 2026 was not cheap or easy. She
Isa iah, Essene potter was on her way to her favorite club, Albert's Jack, when
Born Palmyra, 105 BC she saw a lovely dress in the window of a curiosity shop
near by. She knew that there was no way she was going to
Maurice Lancornme, French lieutenant be able to afford it. And as much as the owner Martha
Born Marseilles, AD 1769 Simmons liked the girl, there wasn't any way she could
part with such an expensive dress.
Son of the Revolution , Lancomme first became A few weeks later, Martha went on a vacation .
She arrived back a week after she left, but it took her the
interested in antiquities as a boy studying in Paris. While
better part of a day to notice something was wrong.
passionate about redressing the government, he secretly
Looking about, she finally pieced together that someone
hared the mobs for destroying every monument ro their
bad broken into the shop, seemingly moved everything
country's history that even suggested roya lty- too much
ever so sJjghtly, and then left, locking up afterwards. Very
, as being lost fore er by narrow-minded brutes.
concerned, Martha spanned back to just after she left,
Taking a commission offered at the rime for pro-
installed a security camera, and then watched the tapes of
fessionals wishing to stud y the monuments of Egypt during
the week pa st.
Napoleon 's occupation, Lancomme found himself a lone
Every night, the girl would break into the shop,
one evening near Karnak, mj(es from camp, discovering a
steal some objects or clothing, and over the next few da ys
smaU tomb half-uncovered in the sand. He had a small
return them undamaged. She made sure to put everything
explosive in his satchel, and wrestled with the moral impli-
back in its place, and if it weren't for Martha's scrupu lous
cations of blasting open rbe door; bur in the end, he decid-
attention to detail, it would have gone unnoticed. Curious,
ed to pursue science after the manner of his day. After all,
Martha picked a time when she knew the girl would be at
he consoled himself, if I don't seize this opportunity of a
Albert's Jack and spa nned over to her apartment.
freshly-un covered tomb, any treasures inside will soon
In Beky's tiny apartmen t was a repository of
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
antiques, sewing machines, lea therworking tool , sketch-
books of designs, and other odds and ends. Lying on the
bed chairs, and tables were piles of photographs a nd exact
replicas of many of the objects and clothing taken from the
tore and then returned. If it weren't for the fac t th at some
of them were unfinished , Martha would have assumed that
they were the o nes from the sto re. Impressed, Marth a
decided to confront the girl o n her little project.
Taking ome of Beky' designs, Manha spanned
Down for a while to make them and put them in her sho p
when she came bac k Up. Soon, the y were fl yi ng off the
rack . It took le than a week be fo re Beky ca me torming
into the shop, reaming a bo ut her designs howing up o n
"Well, maybe if yo u had just a ked befo re yo u
broke in," Martha said, nor both ering to look up ar Beky,
" I wou ld have ler yo u copy the dresses."
Beky was pretty quick abo ut putting two and two
together, and before long Martha found the Fourth M axi m
tapping her on the shoulder. But after a brief a nd cautious
background check, Martha decided an Invitation was wa r-
Beky's view o n a ntiquities is that "stuff is cool". Dreamers
Despite her seeming disregard for decorum, and her ten-
[< drea m n. " images in sleep " < Middle English drem <
dency to wea r revea ting period clothing in inappropriate
Old English dream "joy, music" < Germanic draugma <
pla ces, such a the Contributor's Reception fo r the
PIE dhreugh " to deceive"]
Metropolitan luse um of Art, he is a master cra frsperson
aud seamstress, as well as knowledgeable abou t many ele-
ments of histo ry. " Look, wa y I see it," she says while Overview-
working on a replica of a Commu nion chalice, ' this stuff Prophecy to a leveller is merely a call from a
is just like our stuff, only ea rlier or later. We' re all the distant friend to a spanner. Those most skilled at
sa me, just the tuff is different. And it's not even that dif- dreaming often find themselves drawn to this, the
ferent; look at the shape of this chalice, sa me as people use Fraternity tha t always sleeps.
today in church. Dates change, people and the stuff they Dreamers are the means of communication
have doesn 't. And the stuff is what links us all together, across the ages, but are also adept at subtler inter-
through the Societies. And oh yea h, stuff is cool. " pretations of people, thei r intents, and their destinies.
Bek y is known for a lways havi ng the right stuH
before a nyone asks for it, but a lmost never being seen
handing it over. The sought-after object(s) is often jusr left Alternate Names throughout time-- Mist-speakers,
on her shop counter- or even at the client's home- with Sleepers, Oracles
a note attac hed if there's anything she or the Fraternity
expect in return. Symbol: The Maze-
The spiral maze is the most ancient of sacred
paths. The Drea mtime is the reality of that path. As
Selected Main Comers: the earth spirals, so do we, so do our minds. Under
"National Palace Museum " Taipei, China AD 1958 - 2043 hypnosis, we are at the mercy of another. In the the
Dreami ng, the other must listen to us.
" Swap Meet" Gary, Indiana AD 1933 - 2019

"The Repository " Colon, Germa ny AD J822 - 1937 Services for the Continuum-

"The Louvre" Paris, France AD 1844 - 2045 "D reaming is for humans. It is not for Inheritors, for they
have not the landscape nor the passion. This is our
" Musei Yaticani " Vatican City, Ital y 1503 - 1778 strength, our answer to the whys."
-Tjarapu, during rhe Turkish campaigns
Pre-Ariesian corners can be found in any culture with a
developed occupational system: Somebody in the city-state, The practical applications of Drea ming, the
collective, or tribe is assigned the task of making th ings. communication across eras and the revelation of
Corners in early too l-maker Societies tend to be sha red secrets from the silence are all that most spanners
with the Engineers. think of when dreaming comes up in conversation.
The Dreami ng skill is a powerful thing, and those
who do not understand it, both span and level, think
of it either as a tool or a religion.
The Fraternity knows better. We try not to
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
qualify the discipline. Dreaming is the ability to Scribes as Dreamers of the waking world, and
work miracles, to enter another world, and tease respect their opinions.
from it the meat of concrete, absolute fact. What this Besides that, we have some opinions about a
other world means and why we are reflected in it, is couple of the other Fraternities. If these Fraternities
something that we should not ask. Anyone who has take issue or umbrage with what we say, it is of no
walked that landscape knows that it is too far to consequence to us. Debate is no more an issue than
comprehend. There is the sense there that a wiser arguing with an oracle: What is, is.
presence guides it. What that presence is, is not iden-
tified here. The Foxboro seems to be a pretty synthetic
The purpose of the Fraternity is to explore Fraternity. What they do is not hunting, it's trophy-
that world and listen to it. While in humility we do ism. Like a tribal show-off looking to take the
not ask for definitions, we take up the task of learn- acclaim, they paint themselves.
ing its complex and baffling language. We share our
notes with one another, to try to seek common ele- Midwives: Where do babies come from?
ments and form what paradigm we can of its When we dream, we don't dream with DNA, sorry.
We also police in a civilization without The Quicker explain their actions less than
police. Life dreams. Dogs and cats dream. Humans dreams do. When we see the dead and departed, in
can sin in their dreams. We observe the rapes and our sleeps, we have no great desire to pin them to a
murders, the thefts, that people nightly seek to per- card, or shove them in a box.
form . We record the unrecorded. We have taken this
place as our course of study, and we must guard it Personages of note-
from the actions of our kinsmen, who have the Tjara pu
power to enter, but not the courtesy to restrain their Born Arnhem Land, 12991 BC
This study will take our lives. Moreover, it Tjarapu is a shaman of a tribe active in Arnhem
will take us beyond life. We see people in our dreams Land at the time of the Adantean Councils. His dreaming
who we know to be dead. They move with a subtle skill is so great that he noriced what was going on on the
orher side of his planer. Like the leveller who noticed
difference around them, a restraint, like that used by
someone blinking into an empty room Tjarapu had ro
an elder to a junior. But they are there, sapiently
have his answer. The Councils knew, from an elder
dreaming. Tjarapu, that this was his moment. They went to gather
There are also few lnheritors in this world . him, and teach him spanning. In exchange, Tjarapu teach-
One senses that they do not dream as often as we es the skill of dreaming to the Continuum.
do. Perhaps they merely cover their traces, for it is Tjarapu believes that Dreamtime is the salvation
very difficult to make a dreamer believe a lie for of humankind. The on ly course that justifies humanjry is
long. to explore the obvious path that avoids politics and disas-
Our benefactor Tjarapu tells us some ways ter.
Buru and Karanda are other aborigina l shamans
of using the dreaming, but we know he holds some
who have joined the cause. Like Tjarapu, they came to it
secrets that he shares with but a few. We trust him
independently. They are less motivated to deal with span-
because of what he has given us, he, and Buru, and ners. But they span themselves, and often counsel young
Karanda. We are curious to find out what they wi ll members of the Fraternity.
ask us to do. Tjarapu is a rail aboriginal man. He has dropped
the ochre and pinfeathers of his own people, and tends to
[Ed. note: Dreaming and related skills are quantified for dress in flamboyant robes, with his hair neatly brushed.
game u e in Chapter 3: Struggling- Dreaming & He has a somewhat arrogant manner whjle awake, but he
Communjcation, pg. 108 and Aquarian Skills, pg. 114.I is always ready to teach a dreamer.

Areas of dispute and alliance with other

Fraternities- Selected Main Comers:
The Dreamers maintain no major rivalries The Dreamers, due to their nature, have very few
centralized corners: Some 'corners' are spanners from a
with other Fraternities. The Societies and the
wide range of times and places who enjoy each others'
Continuum depend too much on us to quibble over
company in the Dreamtime. But the waking-world corners
what we do, and what we do is more important than the Dreamers do maintain are out-and-out strongholds.
any dispute over the nature of spacetirne. They last centuries even millennia, and no one goes in or
We have a polite rivalry with the Scribes out of them without being observed.
over Communication. They believe delivering the
written word is more secure, but we know that "Orak los Dalphe" 4228 BC - AD 394
despite every scruple, honesty cannot trump the The Delphic Oracle is one of the few fixed Dreamer cor-
vision of truth itself. But in genera l, we regard ners. Before 617 BC, Delphi is o nl y known as "Pyth", the
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
dreamers of whom excel in sending and receiving dreams We a re distinct from the Antiquarians who
from prehuman civiliza tions. The oracle herse lf is called suppl y merely items. If a n item is utterly lost, they
th e Pythia mea ning "python , snake" . After 617 BC, the can replace it- but often , a device outside its own
le eller population come in grea ter numbers to hea r
time becomes broken, and the owning spanner is at
loss to fi x it: 18th century Swiss watches, 20th cen-
" Long Land Drea ming' Northern Au tral ia 13021 BC - tury a rtillery, camcorders, aqu educts a re a ll examples
AD 1683 of vi tal equipment that may be simpler to repair tha n
replace. While the Antiqu a rians are artisans glued to
thei r stockrooms and studios, we're th e repair spe-
cialists th at ma ke the houseca lls, the innovators that
know how much outside in vention an Era can han-
If th e spanners of the Continuum "ca rry the
mea ns of repair, provide th e nourishment and justify
the ve ry fl es h th at makes up th e world "1, the cogs
and fl yw heels, then we Engineers are the very tools
th at a ll ow the repairs to be carried out- without
adding to any problems.

Areas of dispute and alliance with other Fraternities-

Main conflicts:
Versu the Thespians over the purpo e of Invention:
The Thespian attitude towa rd the w ritten scripts
of their posed li ves takes such littl e acco unr of the clarity
leveller require of Invention, that they po e a n ongoing
threa t to the smooth running of the Continuum . This is
not an exaggera ti on. The classic case in point: Waith Go,
an q uaria n Thespian of no sma ll repute takes the role of
le a nder G raha m Bell in 1875. He arri ves deeply ve rsed
Engineers in the more and arrirude of the decade impecca bl y
[n . < Middle English enginer < O ld French engigneor < dre sed, conver ant in the sma llest details of Bell 's life, per-
Medieval Latin ingeniator "contri ver" < Latin ingen.i um sona l and public. But he calls us in before a critical
" talent, ski ll '' related to "geniu s, inborn tutelary pirit" < moment to show him how to o pera te Bell 's eq uipment.
PIE genyo 'to beget ' ] After painstaking lessons, when the critical insta nt o f
In ve ntio n arri ves, he o pera tes the device in a casua l man-
Overview- ner, a nd phones his assistant in as if he were a 20th centu-
This Fraternity is made up of experts and ry secreta ry! It's a miracle levellers don't as k more qu es-
technicians. Creation, repair and methodology of tio ns about the incident.
devices and systems are the duti es and interests of
Versus the Physicians over th e bounda ri es of tbe Tool-
the Engineers. Often work closely with Antiqua ri ans
The basic argument is over at what stage o f bio-
and th e Scribes.
engineering does Man's own body become a too l.

Alternate Names throughout time- Planners, Further information on this ub jecr is ava ila bl e in
Wizards, In ventors, $conies, Tinkers the GM's sectio n.

Symbol: The Wheel of Fire- Personages of note-

Fi re is Man's most effective use of Discovery. Suzie "Patch " Armitage
The Wheel is his greatest In vention. Fire and the Born Amarillo, Texas, AD 1920.
Wheel lead to or impl y a ll other created things, cre-
ated for purpose under intent. The materi a l manifes- Anticipare
tation and testament of sentient force. Born Mjlano, ItaJy, AD 2066.

Services for the Continuum- " Parch" came to the Continuum the ha rd way:
The course of leveller rustory in the Societies play ing in the rea lm of the Inherito rs.
is the measured developments- and regressions- of She was a Rosie-the- Ri veter during WWil, and
her jo b was welding a nd fighter fu selages at a
technical skill. Cultures are rel ative, including our
secret Ford-run plant in the Texas pan ha ndl e. One after-
own, but in the levels of the Societies ca use can pre-
noon, in late 1943, she coming back from a lunchtime
cede effect. Even we mu st respect thj s N ewtonian stretch o n the campus, when she saw covered flatbeds rush
truth as we cautiously fix the tools a nd macrunes in from the djrecrio n of the dese rt, a nd park in a hangar
spanners take with them on th eir so journs. under heavy gua rd .

'John Jacob McHa le, Fox horn; in privart· conversation, AD 1844.

Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Loose lip were discouraged a.round the campus, complete the necessary valve ad justments to yo ur vehicle ...
bur her pals Alice and Wendy had heard that parrs of a You're trying too hard. Span the thiog i.n for a, or
crashed foo fighter had been brought in. Parch was an avid go get some help from your fellow engineers! That's what
follower of the tales pi.lots brought back from both the- we're here for.'
atres of war and she just had ro know what made this
Axis hardware tick. Selected Main Corners:
Sneaking in through the commissary van, Patch "Gizmonoco" St. Paul, Minnesota AD 1987 - 2222
found herself in short order alone with whar must be rhe
remains of the cockpit of an advanced enemy fighter. She 'Na te's Hardware Store " Akron, Ohio AD 1932 - 2001
climbed inro the wreckage of the foo, and thinking nothing
of pres buttons on an obviously broken and disabled "Scuola Cecilia" Milano AD 1447 - 1620
machine, she was very surprised ro find her elf seemingly
naked , and ho ering abo e the dark side of the moon. She "School of Drea ming" Thebes Egypt 2216 - 891 BC
fell into the custody of Inheritor , and was not mentall y Not a Dreamer corner; name refers tO the imagined build-
well for some days. ings designed by the student archfrects there.
The Inheritors rook a long while in
Patch's mind, but a knowledged that she had the talent tO Corners i.o early tool-maker Societies tend to be shared
be an excellent spanner- albeit a bit too curious in her with the Antiquarians.
youth. After inculcation into an Engineers' corner i.n 2099,
she ran into Anticipare, and now they run up and down
the Piscean, solving spanners problems of disguise, trans-
portation, and information gathering.
Despite encouragement to lea rn all she can abour
the Aquarian Era, Patch can't stay away from Piscean and
Ariesian technology for long. She's known for her love of
fixing cars, airplanes, and especially chariots: "Oh you'll
need a dark wood beam for that axle, yeh."

Anticipare is an early Aquarian high-tech genius,

specializing in invasive bioelectronics. He's known for his
remarkably pleasant bedside manner, especially for a
The mid-21st Century is rife with experimenta-
tion on consumers as bioengineer wrestle with laws and
ethics over how much wetware is a good (or bad) thing.
Abuses of werware, especially by the military, a re rampant.
Anticipare is well aware of rhe issues of planned
obsolescence: Most body tech of the 21st Century was Foxhorn
never necessary, ba sic nanotech being perfected, secretly, in [n. fox + horn (fox < Old English fox< Germanic fuhsaz <
laboratory conditions as early as 1987. But marketing PIE puk "" < taboo variant root of wlkwo,
strategies and the precedent of computer sa les made intro- "wolf")+ (horn< O ld English horn< Germanic hurnaz <
duction of implant tech numbingly gradua l. And hazardous. PIE krn "horn, head")]
He has good socia l skills in bioimplantation, and
cares about those who partake of his work, bur he has an Overview-
ongoing row with the Physicia n over it. They consider This is the realm of the bunter, the warrior,
him more akin to a sa lesman than a doctor. and the leaders of men. The proverbial "old boy's
His mo t popular device- one of his personal
club". a place where men of action and power gath-
adaptations- is a temporary neural implant. Designed pri-
marily for language translation, it allows the recipient to er to trade stories and discuss plans for business, pol-
access whatever information has been written into the itics and adventure. Hard workers and players aU.
'plant for about sixty da ys, after which the device is literal-
ly eaten by the body. The slow dissolving of the device is As a result, Foxhorn is one of the most
said to resemble natural loss of recall due to elapsed time. exclusionary of fraternfries, and can be a powerful
It has a wealth of other possible educatjonal uses, but is ally or a deadly enemy. As many a fractious spanner
not used much in rus own time due to the rise of Aquarian has found out, narcissists are considered fair game,
(p ycruc) Skjll .
albeit the most dangerous; those who especiaUy
enjoy tracking down and bagging these villains find
Patch and Anticipare run an Engineers' corner
our of a big garage in Zurich called simply, "Der a home here. The Foxhorn are usually to be found
Spanner" . Between the two of them, new members get the on the frontlines of the Continuum's battles with
complete picture of interrelation of the macrocosm and the Antedesertium.
microcosm. As Patch puts it, "Floating around space
makes you appreciate what a tiny Little cork our spinning AJtemate Names throughout time- Tribe Orion,
planet is. Now if you can keep your head, tumbling in a The Pack, The Wild Hunt, Hunters, Woodsmen,
vacuum with unrested wetware in your brain, and still Exterminators, Corrections
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
We're also avid participants in the Societies'
Symbol: The Horn- "Greatest Game" [see pg. 95] since the next best
Any of the many horns and pipes known thing to hunting narcissists is honing your skills in
through the Eras can represent this Fraternity. The seeking people and the intrigue of politics.
foxhorn itself is distinct in shape, with the bell facing Though some loyal spanners spread dark
the same direction as the mouthpiece, since it used rumors about Foxhorn, these can be dismissed as
by a lead horseman in a hunt to call forces to him. sour grapes or jealous innuendo. Stories of Foxhorns
interfering in individual corners are mostly narcissist
Services for the Continuum- propaganda- any Fraternity members know we deal
with miscreants in our own ranks as harshly as we
" He was one of the mercuri al men who exist to keep the do any malcontents throughout spacetime.
human tide in movement. Their opinions matter
principally beca use withour them the opinions of ocher Areas of dispute and alliance with other
men would nor exist. Their function is to provoke. "
-Mr . Humphrey ~ ard, The Coryston Family, AD I 913.
Main conflicts:
Gotten into a time combat with a foe you Versus the Quicker over the definition of Death-
can't handle? Want to release the firepower without The whole mystic business over frag
angering the Exalted? An inquiry at the closest obscures why Death is a big deal. Spanners are
Foxhorn lodge may be just what you need to save human, and to humans, Death means one thing: A
the corner. cold, quite probably ruined body- and it's all that's
The Quicker may mop up most of the left of you .
fragged, but we' re not just body baggers ourselves. In many ways, a man doesn't even have to
We like being there as a miscreant rea lizes hes push- physically die to cross the threshhold into Death.
ing the wrong button. Harrying the quarry until the will to live is out of
And if you've successfully brought down a them is quire acceptable: Knowing of our methods
few yourself, congratulations. Give a caU, we do keeps many wou ld-be narcissists from making stupid
clean up the evidence for you. And if you're really moves. This crossing from the fear of Death into the
good this kind of hunting, you should probably be a cold realm beyond can happen whi le alive: Look at
Foxhorn yourself. Stop by the lodge sometime and rabbits, or soldiers shell-shocked into mental obliv-
share your tales of conquest. ion. No £rag has to be involved, only the ceaseless
We are one of the most, if not the most grinding of terror for one's liie, until the gear is
practical of the Fraternities. We actively sponsor stuck in neutral. Frag merely imitates this pure
training to all spanners in tactics, tracking down an (albeit gruesome) state.
enemy, stand up fighting, covert ops, fighting narcis- But even this terror is impossible without the
sists and the use of all forms of weaponry- we real thing to back it up. Vanishing into a dimension-
appreciate tech of a useful or military nature. (The al mess of yourself is scary like any horror story: It's
Antiquarians and Engineers make and repair the abstracted from a fear of the real thing.
stuff, but we know how to use it.) Terror of being cut and bled dry, hanging
As a result of it's means and methods, the unable to breathe, burned whole, buried to starve-
Foxhorn guards its information most actively of all this is the real thing, and by this terror will you
the frats, save only the Quicker. Some accuse us of know what Death is.
holding too many secrets, but it is all in the name of This is also a debate over the means of tak-
security for both for the fraternity and the rest of the ing down narcissists, as far as we're concerned. The
causality we zealously guard. Quicker tend to prefer tying up loose ends and
The Foxhorn's main corner is set squarely in putting them all in a pretty £rag-free basket. We pre-
AD 19th Century London, though our corners, usu- fer nailing a villain down to a specific patch of
all y referred to as " Hunting Lodges", can be found spacetime by his own snapped, bloody bones. Which
in any millennium. Most notably, Lodges can be sounds more like Death to you.
found in India and Africa, in many of the locations
of the British Empire, as well as across the Roman Antiquarians provide us with basic weapon-
and Mongol Empires, Acadian Greece, and the ry and equipment, and most enjoy listening to our
Americas, name but a few. stories. Some of the more roguish like to tag along
These lodges contain many trophies from for the treasure-hunting aspect, but we don't always
across time, including dinosaurs and megafauna that have the patience to wait for them to plumb cata-
didn't make it into some Antiquarian's zoo. There combs when there's game in the field.
are rumors of even more grisly trophies, taken from Engineers are very necessary for support ser-
narcissist foes, mostly in the form of momentoes of vices, especially in the warzones of the Gemini. If
distant battles. they ever have a complaint about things, we're
always happy to support them in return.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The Scribes don 't always approve of our
methods, and often complain of the secrecy of mis-
sions we set for ourselves. This suspiciousness of us Selected Main Comers:
is unjustified, as our complete reports wind up in "The Hunt Club " Londo n AD 1797 - 1919
A notably more important place in London to spanners
their hands in the Aquarian Era anyway.
than any other corner of any kind. While any Foxhorn
corner is a good place to hear stories of battles, the Club
Personages of oote-
has the richest and most scintillating of them all.
Mahavira Pralaya
Born Adahadrguta, India AD 1612 "S piral Teeth Wandering" Centra l Asia 9824 - 9399 BC

arable among rhe Foxhorn is Mahavira, the " Horse God Thunders" Urudolyan Foothills (Russia)
loya l ca retake r of rh e main lodge of the London loca liry. 5746 - 5570 BC
He i privy to many sec rets of rhe Fraterniry a nd a highl y
capable span ner a nd drea mer in his own right. Ir is " Heron lakes lodge" Ohio Valley AD 106 - 1244
rumo red he may be behind much o f rhe interna l security of
rhe Fraternity, and is known to ha ve ties to his native "CIA Hea dqu arters" Washington, DC AD 1947 - 20 70
India, the va ri o u princely courts there a nd possibly the
Thugee cults.

When no t subservi enrl y waiting on guests of the

Club, Mahavira spends his Age in a suite of smoke-filled
rooms hidden in the depths of rhe prawling Hum Club.
From here he directs opera tion of th e Greatest Game,
coordinates hunts and end the best capable members of
the co rner off to whatever di ra nt Time Comba c needs
rhem- as well a working on tho e rumored interna l secu-
riry matters.

Sir John Edward Mallory

Born London, England, AD 1702

Sir Jo hn Mallory was one of rhe more prominent

barri ters of hi time a nd a noted game hunter, havi ng vis-
ited in the jungles of Africa and India frequently, collecting
many trophies. Ir was on one of rhe e safar is rhar he was
introduced to Mahavira, a nd in turn, the Continuum .
Knowing of Mallory's Yet to found the Hunt Club in hjs
native Londo n, Mahavira accompanied him back after his
ln-Berween to begi n a corner rhere.

Sir John 's great joy in li fe is the pursuit of the

Hunt, in all its forms. He has pa rticipated in certain [n. Middle English midwif: mid+ wif (mid "with"< Old
Midwife genetic curtai lment operations on Easter Island English mid "among" < Germanic mid < PIE medhj " in
and rhe Arctic, en joyed a rare visit assisting the Sizizkai in the midst of") + (wif < Germanic wif "wiJe")]
elimiaring certain bestia l threats, boas ts a long list of suc-
ce fut campaign against na rci i rs in the Cancerean and Overview-
Geminid Era , u ceeded in running down azis hiding in Midwives essentially handle questions of lev-
1950s South America, and takes grea t prid e in th e exti nc- eller genetic import. Matchmakers, and other per-
tion of the dodo: " Naturally, the best specimens were ca p-
sonages handling destined marriages and love affairs.
tured live for Aquarian and post-Aquarian use. But the
Many foundlings and swapped babies are also their
most singular honor of culminating a famous cessation, is
o ne that I trust many intrepid members of the Club shall doing. Midwives also keep a watch on spanners to
aspire to." make sure the Decision of the Second Atlanrean
Council regarding non-level families is observed.
Competition to ea rn a slot on one of Sir John 's
safa ris is naturally, very intense. Alternate Names throughout time- Hedge-witches,
Match-makers, Wet-nurses, Godmothers, G-Nomes.

Symbol: The Fertile Pyramid-

Ferti le because procreation of children is the
Midwives' stock-in-trade. Pyramid because all life
stands on the shoulders of other life, reaching Down
and Up as far as sentient force exists to protect it.
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
Services for the Continuum- to provide a surrogate. lf a child should be born of
the marriage, we will provide the necessary medical
"When you die, do you wind up with all your ex-wives interventions to ensure its genetics are correct for its
and ex-husbands in Heaven?" time.
-Le,•eller fo lk humor, Aquari an cusp
In such cases, the leveller concerned is
removed. We prefer not to kill if we can avoid it-
---- The Scribes say they keep history. The it's bad enough when the dead are unborn; we try
Thespians say they make it. not to add to the tally- and so make them forget.
We Midwives have no such pretensions. We Or otherwise deal with them. Further information is
merely make people. And keep them from being not available here.
made. We do not do this joyfully. Most of us do
It falls to us to see to it that those births not, at any rate. We are most unlikely to invite any-
which should happen do happen- regardless of one to join us who seemed likely to find pleasure in
Societal mores or the petty needs of leveller politics. such actions. There is a grim satisfaction in it
Then again, we also intervene to ensure that mar-
though. The knowledge of a job well done and dis-
riages are made in the correct fashion- even child- creetly finished.
less marriages, if they are necessary. Who else would Though some of us have been known to
do it, after all? Many's the love-note carried by
weep at night, when they thought none could hear.
Midwives, many the secret tryst between forbidden But there are compensations: Sometimes, we
lovers we have conspired to bring about. We have enable a woman to keep a child she would have ter-
fanned the flames of love- and lust- at least as
mjnated without our help. Sometimes we ensure the
often as we have dampened ardour.
purity of a royal line- or discreet out-breeding from
It can be such a sweet job, seeing romance it.
to its culmination and fruition. lf only there were not
And our duties do not finish there. On occa-
the darker side ... If you think we mean only that we
sion we monitor the progress of a child the
help make marriages arranged for political ends (the Continuum bas an interest in- an artist, say, born
merging of houses, the strengthening of royal lines) of a poor famjJy, or a gifted scientist. We may even
and financial ones (many's the marriage made to sal-
provide an education fo r them or see to it that they
vage a failing business or secure a lucrative trade receive a word of encouragement when their flagging
route), think again.
spirits would turn to drudgery in desperation.
For every child we manipulate into the The other Fraternities say we are a dark
world, there may be one we remove from it. When people, we Mid-Wives. Some fear us, for reasons
we have to, we will cause miscarriages, aiming
that will become apparent shortly to you readers at
always to make them seem like acts of nature. And if the Aquarian cusp. And yet we have our joyous
all else fails, we will perform abortions unasked for, moments, and our hjdden corners where we toast
and make the recipient forget what has been done to "our" couples long life and happiness, and celebrate
the births of "our" children. If you are strong
Then again, there are marriages made that
enough, perhaps you will join us.
should, by all rational standards, be dissolved-
marriages between heavy-handed drunks and their [Ed. note: There are male and female Midwives, though in
timorous spouses, marriages to philanderers and some cultures and some historical periods, male ' midwives'
wastre ls (each of either sex and any gender, and ma y come up against considerable difficulty in performing
sometimes as part of plural marriages- with all of their dutie ; in rhese cultures, they are apt ro rake either
time to play in, all permutations are possible). the part of doctors, or- depending on the situation and
Sometimes, the laws, religion and morals of the the Society- matchmakers/go-betweens. I
Society in which these poor unfortunates find them-
selves permit divorce in such cases. Areas of dispute and alJjance with other
And even so, sometimes we do nor. Fraternities-
Sometimes the marriage must continue because a Main conflicts:
chjJd of the union has a Yet to fulfill that we must Many Spanners fear and dislike us. This is
ensure. Sometimes, the marriage itself is an experi- not a Fraternal matter. A Decision of the Second
ence the put-upon partner must endure in order that Atlantean Council (12963 BC) states that there shall
they become the person history requires them to be be no Societa l Spanner marriages that bear fruit, no
later on. getting of children- else a ll spacetime would be
There are suicide attempts that would have instantly filled, and all of it fragged in that same
succeeded but for us, and patients in psychiatric care instant.
who would not be there had we allowed them to fol- In this, we are the Counci l's ministers, and
low their instincts. we pursue their diktat, and our duties, fiercely.
When we must, we call upon the Thespians
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Versus Physicians over the meaning of Life- about this way. The young wife of Daffyd ap Owen ap
Life is tenacious. It clings beyond hope and Dai, a lordling in the hills of Gwynedd, was taken ill in
against expectation. It is ingenious, whether sentient childbirth. either all her maids nor the doctor Daffyd
call ed in from Shrewsbury could staunch the bleeding, nor
or not, finding ways to survive in alJ environments-
for all he leeched her and gave her a special tmcrure to
from the airless deep ocean to the oxygen-poor
mountain heights, from torrid deserts to the frigid Daffyd was not a young man, but he loved his
wastes of the Antarctic. More than that, it is fecund. wife dearly. Besides, he had no heir, and he had hopes of
It will populate every ecological niche to the maxi- this child . For all he loved hi wife, he was not a temperate
mum that niche can support. man , and so he threatened death to her maids and rhe doc-
Add entience to the mix, and life becomes a tor too, should she die.
force that cannot be denied. There is no reason to be Fea ring for their lives- and much agamst the
precious with it, to nurrure it beyond its basic needs. doctor's ad vice, for he wa a learned man- the maids sent
a boy to get Old Old Mother Megan . For all she was
No reasons, except those impo ed on us by entience
known about the place as a witch, she was their only
it elf- tho e of morality and basic hum a nity.
hope. She was old , even then, as that level counted such
Yet we do deny it, we Midwives, as often as things. Old she was, and wise- and when she saw the
we enable it. The Physicians argue with us, saying gouts of blood upon the sheets, and the pa ll or of the girl,
we should have more care of it- that it is a fragile, she knew herself for a dead woman. So, she did what she
delicate thing which requires alJ the help that sen- could, which was not much. And then she urprised the
tient force can provide for it. maids by sa ying she was going out to take the air and to
They are right of course, in the short term pray a while for the success of the birth and the safety of
and the individual case. But we are spanners, and we the Lady.
Go out she did, but not to pray. She meant to
may not take the short term view, nor elevate the
run, old as she was, and even though her few possessions
needs of individuals above those of Societies and
were away in the hovel that was all she had for a home.
populations. In those terms, the lives of individuals- Instead, she met herself. "Press this to the woman's secret
even, sometimes, of whole races and species- are of pans; give her this to drink," said this apparition. "She
small import. It is this which the Physicians, with will be well. "
their delicacy and limited morality, keep forgetting. Old Mother Megan called down the angels and
the saints to protect her, for she knew this must be devil's
Outside of this, we have minor disputes with work.
other Fraternities. " Do as I say," the demon said. "I am older than
you, and know whereof I speak. Or stand aside, and let
me go in. And I will see you later. '
The Thespians think we meddle. Left to
Confusion tore at her. ln the end, Old Mother
themselves, they'd populate- perhaps pollute would Megan took the potion and the strange cloth she was
be a better term- every society they're asked to offered, and went inside. The Lady and her child- a girl,
operate in with their offspring. All in the name of somewhat to the chagrin of her father- lived.
Fun, of course. He was not a bad man, though: he paid Old
Mother Megan greatly. But not so greatly as the
We aid the Scribes when we can, keeping Continuum.
genealogies (both public and true) straight. Of all the She joined the Midwives at Span Two. It is a nat-
ural choice for both parties. A hard life had enhanced her
Fraternities, they perhaps understand us best, and
natural toughness to the point.where she is well able to
fear us least- since they are, perhaps, least likely to
make the hard choices so often required by Midwives from
let their scrupulous honesty give way to the vagaries all levels; yet she tempers this with sudden, surprising sen-
of lust. timentality- as like to show itself in her fondling of a kin-
dle of kittens as in, perhaps, unprecedented mercy to a
Personage of note- waif or the victim of a hillside in fanticide (there was the
O ld Mother Megan Greek affair... the Scribes had a time puttmg a gloss on
Born Gwynedd, Wales, AD 1180 that and never have let the Midwives forget it ..

In the chaos of the rime, what with the war of Selected Main Corners:
Llewellyn the Grear with the English, she never was sure "Hearts Singing" Well-woman Clinic in West London
quite when. Ir is rumored that the Scribes found out, with 1985 - 2010
some difficulty, bur they are nor advertising the informa-
tion. After he achieved Span 2 and attended to certain "The iagara Twelve" Planned Parenthood, Buffalo, NY
matters in her Yet, she dealt with problem by staying 1972 - 2018 (Has more than twelve spanner )
well away from both the time and the place. (" Filthy, the
twelfth century, filthy, my girl," she is apt to say if "Kali Yuga Moksha" Chattisgarhi, India 1582 - 2000
Considering her position of authority among the Ariesian and pre-Ariesian corners can be found in any
Midwives, it is fitting that her Invitation came about organized fertility cult around the world.
because of her skill as a healer and hedge-witch. It came
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
amounts of capital, be it currency or other resources.
Capital that won't get traced back to them, and
won't get targeted for a Hit and Run by some
Narcissist strung out on Frag. We make that happen
too. We make sure that your plunge into the New
York Stock Exchange in 1985 doesn't tumble the
market before it is supposed to crash in 1987, or
your planned trade expedition to China doesn't out-
shine the Polo family.
And we make sure that your own little ven-
tures don't get you in trouble with the,
because they are around almost as long as the
Societies themselves. Look at what happened with
Capone ...
But we are more than just bean-counters and
bank tellers, despite what the Scribes think. What we
provide is the concept of value to the Societies. Take
out some money. Not much, right? A bauble of some
sort, with some intricate artwork, but not something
you would put on your wall. However, it has more
Moneychangers value than you can possibly imagine. It is a medium
[n. Middle English moneye + changen (moneye < Latin of exchange. It is an idea, a concept that far exceeds
moneta " money. mint" < Monera Juno, whose temple the value of what it is made, of what paper or metal
housed the mint) + (changen < Old French changier < Late of which it is printed or cast.
Latin cambiare < Celtic camb "exchange" < "a turning" < Art, if you want. Except you can buy dinner
PIE kambo "crooked"< skamb "a curve, bend " )] with it.
The moment that levellers developed money,
Overview- they could hold higher concepts in their mind, that
Moneychangers handle the ebb and flow of they could bridge the gap between value of an object
finance and commerce throughout the Societies. or idea to themselves, and value to others. It is a
Their ranks consist of accountants,, crime means to interact with other people easily, for them-
bosses, and all others that have an interest in the selves and others to get what they need and want, to
workings of money and trade in the Societies. create something that is bigger than the sum of its
parts. It is perceived to have value because it repre-
Alternate Names throughout time- Brokers, sents gold, silver. or the backing and good faith of a
Benchrnen great nation. It is abstract. It is thinking outside the
Symbol: The Sun Bull- And at that moment, everyone started think-
The Bull (or Cow) is the most ancient sym- ing not just of "me", but of "we".
bol of wealth and prosperity: The fruits of the Eanh. ' It's a promise, a promise that you can take
The Sun is the energy that makes the fruitful Earth these coins or slips of paper and exchange them for
possible. The buffalo hunt, the Aphis bull and the food you eat, the home you Live in, and a mil-
Hathor goddess, the gold coin and the bull market. lion other things you want or need. You and others
could take the current of money, the currency, and
Services for the Continuum- cause it to flow to another, and another, and another.
AJJ these people interacting, all building upon one
" If there's an intrusion, I' ll pay back ten times my another, all trading and profiting, because they
consu lting fee ... ten thousand years from now." stopped thinking "me" and started thinking "we".
- Gregory Benford , Deep Time.
recounting a promise ro ongress. AD I 990. All because of commerce. It is because of us that
nations interact and people trade, instead of taking
Face it. Despite what everyone says, one of what they want and descending into chaos.
the first things a spanner wants to do when first left The Thespians sometimes act as our public
to his own devices is become rich. Not visit his long- face, playing the Franco di Medici, Nelson
lost grandfather in disguise, or witness the JFK Rockefeller, or Richard Branson as needed. The
shooting, but get their "One Big Score" [pg. 14] and Antiquarians, despite disagreeing with our views on
become stone wealthy. Anyone that says otherwise is objects d'art, give us specialty items to work with,
probably a narcissist or a liar. commodities to trade throughout the Societies. They
We make it happen. create value with the rarity of objects. How many
Spanners have projects that need large Ming vases are there floating around? Not a lot,
Chapter Il: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
which makes them valuable. Politics and money go Some lesser business:
hand and hand, so Foxhorn knows us well . We are The Moneychangers get along well enough
the grease in the wheels. We make the world go with the Engineers and the Physicians; much of the
around. advances that technology and medicine take at the
The Moneychangers are the keepers of last 150 years of the Piscean Era are due to competi-
peace, the ones that make sure everyone plays njce in tion, commerce, and the infusion of vast resources
the playground of commerce and trade, and by into those fields.
extension, the Societies. The Societies are so ground-
ed in commerce, playing around with it can hurt a We tend to ally with the Scribes when deal-
lot of people. We are the internal auditors, makjng ing with research into financial and commercial mat-
ure that all the columns add up, for our own sakes. ters: the Scribes are a good resource to check your
We have our finger in every pie too, and we don't own records.
want it cut off when someone tried to take a slice ...
And true, we may not be the flashiest of the For some reason, the Moneychangers, espe-
Fraternities, or appear to be the toughest. But how cially those of high Span, involve themselves with
do you think the Thespians pay for those parties or both the Quicker and Foxboro more than others
Foxhorn buys all those guns to hunt narcissists? And would feel comfortable in knowing.
would you Like to start trouble with a corner of
crime bosses, robber barons, frontier traders, corpo- Personage of note-
rate anorneys, and taxmen? Jared Page, Stockbroker
Born New York, AD 1893
We write the checks around here.
Jared Page is our best example of what we call
Areas of dispute and alliance with other "Eliminator of Competition ". Ultimately, his views are in
Fraterruties- line with the safety of the Continuum and the Societies,
Main conflicts: and he has done a great deal to insure this safety, but
some, including his own ream of "Wolves", consider some
Versus the Antiquarians over the value of Wealth-
of his actions extreme and callous. His view of the matter
Wealth. Mankind fantasizes about it even is this, as put in the minutes of the last board meeting of
before old Antedesertium. And never mmd the the 20th Century: "No one objects when your money is
Continuum handing you a stack of biJJs at the get- safe, the Societies are stable, and Narcissists are not beat-
go. Wealth remains Man's oldest dream, panning or ing down you.r corner and £ragging you out of existence.
not spanrung. Some call us the 'youngest Fraternity " Why do you object when I do what is necessary to assure
because money was "invented" in 550 BC. But this safety?"
Mankind's dreams of Wealth are far older than cash Jared was fresh out of high school when he
itself. became a runner for the New York Stock Exchange. It was
hectic, but he loved it. For once in his life, he cou ld be part
Note our emphasis: Mankind's dreams.
of something important, in an environment that was noth-
Luxuries have always held great value ing like the Bowery he grew up in and struggled to leave.
throughout the Societies. The debate gees real when This place, the Exchange, was where money was being
you consider that one man's treasure is another made. and he was a part of it, if only a small part. Soon,
man 's trash. Is something valuable simply because it he became a broker, moving money about, making a dif-
is curious and rare, or is it valuable because someone ference, bur knowing that he was always on the edge of
has perceived it to have a value and has assigned a omething important.
worth to it? But worth to one owner alone borders In 1912 Jared watched his own work suffer. He
on irrelevance, even narcissism. Knowing the worth would be slow to place orders, to keep things straight, and
he came clo e to losing his clients and job. He developed
that others will pay is the road to Wealth .
splitting headaches and fought to keep his thoughts
Everywhere, people have unused stuff in straight as he experienced deja vu and disorientation. One
their storage bins, garages, and attics. They call it afternoon just as the closing bell rung, Jared rook a nap in
trash and set aside cleaning days to throw it away. a back room, trying to clear out the cobwebs.
Yet other people scramble to own the exact same When he woke, he realized he had slept for
things, and pay exorbitant amounts of money for hours. Getting up, Jared heard noises coming from another
them. The view of the Moneychangers, therefore, is office. Peeking in, he saw a man in a suit
that exchange of commodities, whether art, perish- thumbing through a set of files frantically, glancing around
able or utterly rare will only be as valuable as the nervously. Jared ca lled out to him, the man. The
man seemed confused by all this, losing track of wbat file
market demands- thus Wealth is defined only in the
he was looking for, stammering in some blend of English
widest of socia l terms. Not unlike the Continuum and gibberish about "the Hegemony" and "getting what
itself. The Antiquarians would narrow Wealth to a was rightfully mine". This went on for a few minutes,
case-by-case basis, and absurdly dissolve any real Jared and the man confused, until Jared watched rwo men
means of comparison. appea r from nowhere berween them and beat the man
senseless. Terrified, Jared ran from the building, knocking
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
over the night watchman from behind and continuing to " Bull Market" Manhattan Financial District AD 1884 - 2058
run until he collapsed.
Strangely, the moment the dark-haired man fell to "Whalton " Philadelphia AD 1883 - 2077
his knees, seemingly dead. Jared felt a great weight Lifted
from his shoulders. It was as though some of cobwebs and "South Seas Bubble" London AD 1711 - 1784
fog cleared themselves. Jared walked around for a bit
before going back to his apartment. He didn't know what "Fortress Hanseatic" Visby, German y AD 1043 - 1277
to make of the two men appearing out of thin air: He did-
n't touch strong drink like many other brokers. He knew "Ca pitulus" Rome. 69 BC - AD 247
was that for all his terror, he felt better than he had for a
long time. Jared returned to his apartment, hoping that Pre-Ariesian earners are seasonal, placed around ha rvest
sleeping in his own bed wou ld help. time. A number of these were in areas that would give rise
Late that night, Jared awoke to a man choking to extended family or clan situations in the future such as
him and holding a knife to his neck. It was the sa me man Celtia or India, allowing many people to gather at once
from the Exchange, sort of. He was pale and disheveled, and trade goods .
and the fact that Jared could Litera lly see through his eye-
sockets to the other side of the room unnerved and fright-
ened him. He struggled, trying to twist the insane man off
of him , when he drove the knife forward in a desperate
thrust. The man fell to his knees, dragging himself down
Jared's body. Jared pushed the dying man away, and
looked at the blood he got all over himself.
.....___ Jared looked around, first to the knife sticking
out of the man's neck to the man himself who was almost
transparent at this point, to the man who appeared in front of
him. He was olive-skinned, well-dressed. And utterly calm
about the fact that Jared had just murdered a man.
"Mr. Page. I assume you fee l better?"
Jared paused, realizing that the man was correct:
The fuzziness in his head had dissolved again.
Shortly, another ma n appeared out of thin air.
One of the same ones from the Exchange except that he
was in different clothing, had a different haircut, and less
gray hair that he did an hour ago.
"Well , Mr. Page," the man from the Exchange
said, "you certainly know how to get started on the job
early. You always wanted to be part of something big.
Here's your chance."

Here Jared Page found out about the Big Picture.

He used it to full advantage putting together a financial Physicians
empire and learning how to be a mover and shaker worthy [n. " medical doctor" < Middle English fiscien < Old
of any time period. As well due to his disgust at being vio- French fisique "medicine" < Latin physica "natural sci-
lated with frag as a leveller, he put together a team of asso- ence, physics" < Greek phusike < phusis " nature" < phein
ciates that he personally trained to track down frag caused " to bring forth " < PIE bhu "to be, exist, grow"]
by commerce and finance . He and his "Wolves" are an
open secret among the Fraternities, and one that the Overview-
Moneychangers have cause to be both proud of and con- They see to it that spanners are free from
cerned. As Jared stated in a 1989 Moneychanger board contagious disease and other physical ailments per-
meeting, "We're not the big game hunters or masters of
taining to time travel, including excessive natural
disguise. What we are is the guardians of the underpinning
of spanner life in the Societies, commerce and finance. frag.
When it's necessary for me to gather my fellow stockbro-
kers, accountants, bookies and loansharks to stop, kill, Physicians take advantage of the admonish-
and frag back narcissists that would seek to destroy or ment of "an ounce of prevention ", and are often the
manipulate finance to the detriment of others, I'm not spanners who interrupt the hapless from unwittingly
going to shed a tear for the bastards. I've shot dozens, harming themselves, friends, and levellers. Certain
fragged them so hard they fumed into the packing peanuts visitations of mysterious "angels of mercy" recorded
of the universe. In every instance, they were trying the throughout history are Physicians.
same on us, for far less of a reason. They call it look ing
out number one."
Alternate Names throughout time- Hippocreans,
Selected Main Corners: Healers, Angels of Mercy, Doctors, Medtechs
"Silicon Valley" California AD 1919 - 2103
Symbol: The Blue Skull-
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Blue is the overall color representing tb e has a stomach flu. The Quicker give us endless
Continuum, as in blue shift (motion towards a insight into the nature of £rag, both natural and
point). It can always be said that the Continuum and unnatural and the effects it has on the body. As well,
those that heal under its auspices will always be through their ties to the Inheritors, we gain glimpse
there for you. As well, the skull is a universal symbol to our own evolution th at we cannot begin to under-
for medicine. Combined, a blue sku ll, almost never stand, but try to a nyway. The Midwives always seem
seen in leveller culture, is the perfect sign that you to be interested in our affairs, as matters of Life fall
may want to ask the time of that doctor or barber. under th em as well, albeit in a different capacity.
Our differing opinions on certain topics is expected
Services for the Continuum- of intetligent beings.
Just as tbe body is more than tbe sum of its Perhaps the one disease that we fight the
parts, so are the Societies. And just like the cells of most is that of the narcissists themselves. They are a
the body, the members of a society are born, go cancer, corrupting everything they touch with malig-
about their lives and tasks, and die. It is natural. It is nancy and selfishness. What happens when one celJ
what we are. But just because something is natural in the body decides not to work with the others, and
does not mea n we have to sit back and watch idly. do its own thing? It dies soon enough, yes, but not
Death is in the Yet of everyone, but whether it comes before it destroys others, weak compared to it.
down to it, it is best to keep it away as long as possi- Likewise, the narcissist selfishly lashes out at others
ble. Life is fragile, and that is why we are here. in order to get his own way. And the Societies suffer.
To this end, we endeavor to assure that And like a cancer, the narcissists must be removed, in
Spanners are as healthy as can possibly be. Why order to assure tbe welfare of atl others, spanner and -
spanners, you ask, when we were just speaking of leveller.
levellers? Simple: one spanner, with one influenza
strain, could travel to a point where it could spread Areas of dispute and alliance with other
like wildfire through a populace urueady for it. Fraternities-
Likewise, bringing the Black Plague Up with you can Main conflicts:
have its own consequences. Who knows what other Versus the Midwives, over the meaning of Life (as
contagions and maladies are out amongst the opposed to Existence, Causality, etc.)
Societies, waiting to spring themselves upon a frail Could it be said that life is persistent, ever
populace? attempting to move forward, or is it weak, able to be
Yes, this seems overly cautious. Then again, brushed aside as easily as you may clear a table?
the washing of surgical instruments is considered Strike a stone and a chip might come off;
unnecessary at one time, when people are bled to strike a man and you get bruising, ruptures of vital
balance out their humors. We make sure that our organs, and internal bleeding. The nature of organic
charges, spanner or leveller, come to no harm by our material is such that while appearing strong, it is
hands, and do our best so that they don't come to indeed quite fragile. Cut someone, do they not
harm from others as well. This can take some doing, bleed? Or go into shock? Certainly not a survival
ranging from simple preventative measures such as mechanism by any means. It is proven that Life is
warning people to not drink the water without boil- fragile by the fact that doctors, barbers, and physi-
ing it, all the way to advanced surgeries and swoop- cians need to exist. Were this not the case, Life
ing in to rescue someone. would flourish under every condition, and there
As well, £rag is always a concern. Just like would not be thousands upon thousands of cemeter-
anything, we consider it an illness, a sickening of ies fiJled with this 'persistent' Life. The fact that
what the universe is and has been. While frag can be things die, that eventually the mechanism of Life
inflicted just as a wound or illness can be inflicted, shuts down in an individual, gives more credit to the
of more concern to us is frag caused by natural fragility of Life.
forces. Just what other than sentient force can dis- Viruses, organic compounds, and such are
turb causality, and why does £rag manifest the way it another issue, as alJ can corrupt Life quite easily. In
does in people? Is natural frag different in function their corruption of Life, they promote £rag as welJ as
and appearance than frag created by sentient force, levelJer illness. They are a preferred tool of narcis-
and how can we tetl the difference? Are illnesses and sists, due to their destructive and insidious nature;
disease of a ' normal ' sort merely frag represented on biotoxins, chemical agents, even naturnJly occurring
the microscopic scale? Questions we answer as effi- medicines can be abused in their search for chaos.
ciently as we can. Still, despite all this evidence, the Midwives claim the
We make sure the Thespians are perfect for Life is persistent and tenacious, clinging on for one
their parts, down to the last detail. It is an exacting more day. Such notions, while romantic, really have
task, but we are up to it, and more. It would not be little foundation. It is understandable, their view; the
a good thing to have to replace Shakespeare or Sun Midwives see the big picture of it atl, the generation
Tzu yet again because the Thespian playing the part upon generations that have survived, and the miracle
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
of Life. On the other hand, few come to the ers and sisters; at first, they would claim to be the same
Physicians that are not sick and dying, and they are person, but under Keiko's skilled hands, she could tell that
the ones that bury the dead. they were related but not the same person, that one was
older or younger. This impressed the patients even more,
for they were able to fool even the sighted assistants.
Versus the Engineers over the boundaries of the
One night, many hours after she had finished
Tool- treating patients, she heard a noise in her bedchamber.
The basic argument is over at what stage of bioengi- Someone had entered her room without opening to door,
neering does Man's own body become a tool. and called out to her. Keiko got up and helps Kenji to
another room. She placed him on the table and felt over
Further information on this subject is avail- his body, finding the bruises and tears in the muscle.
able in the GM's section. Asking about it, Kenji told her "I was set upon by bandits.
They robbed me."
The Physicians are on good terms with the Upon hearing this, Keiko poked him hard in the
forehead. Wincing, Kenji, made dizzy by the precise strike,
Quicker, as anyone can get along with them. This is
rubbed his forehead. "I am blind, not stupid. I still hear
due to overlapping areas of study; frag as illness your money pouch and feel the fine silk shirt you wear.
verses frag as phenomenon. Still, the Physicians are Bandits would have taken those too. " Keiko make him
at times uncomfortable with the Quicker, as they dis- strip down as she prepared the needles and salves. As she
regard the importance of the body in many instances begun to place them, she felt a very strange sensation on
of collecting the badly £ragged. But this is in the his skin. It was as though there was something wrong with
nature of frag, and so it is pointless to argue since what he is, and it had never been like that before. She had
our means of curing it are distinct and limited. never had a patient like this- someone had managed to
remove part of what he was, his being.
" Someone struck at your spirit, Kenji. You are
The Physicians get along with the Thespians,
very ill." Keiko could hear Kenji's sharp intake of breath
who show great respect for their 'makeup artists'. lo at hearing this. "You could not tell this? I feel it in your
extreme cases, we even have to install them into bod- flesh," she said. "I do not know if I can help you. You
ies wildly different from the original, and they can be must tell me what happened."
difficult to handle in these cases, but nothing worth Kenji was reluctant to tell Keiko any more; she
arguing about. replied with another sharp poke, this time to his chest.
"Tell me! I cannot help cure you if I don't know what the
The Scribes and the Physicians get along injury is, or what caused it." Then she smiled again and
with each other, recognizing fellow scholars in differ- went back to work placing needles.
Kenji told her what had happened, and how
ing fields.
someone with a healing gift such as hers could help people
of all times and places, not just here. Keiko, old as she
was, felt that she had much to do for the sick and injured,
Personage of note- and accepted the offer given to her. Since then, she has
Keiko Osawa, blind acupuncturist made many discoveries regarding the physical effects of
Born Edo, Japan, AD 1586 frag, as well as other, more mundane maladies. Respected
among the Physicians, often she is the one that does the
Blinded in an accident while a child, Keiko was final check on any Thespian surgica1ly prepared for a part;
still trained in the arts of acupuncture and anma, just as she can sense mistakes not obviously apparent to others.
her parents had been trained and their parents before.
Keiko proved to be a skilled student, for her reliance on Keiko is like the grandmother that everyone
her other senses allowed her to feel tensions and maladies wished they had; she smiles and laughs all the time, cooks
of the muscles and bones that others would miss. As well, wonderful food, and is probably the best person around in
she seemed to have a natural talent for the healing arts, a case you scrape your knee. However, anyone attempting to
true love of helping others, and her pleasant demeanor and lie to her gets a swift poke to the forehead or chest while
child-like wisdom aided her work immensely. She had a she verbally berates them in Japanese. One of the most
fine career, serving the Tokugawa Shogunate successfully impressive gifts that Keiko possesses, other than her abi lity
as a member of the medical staff along with several other to tell junior selves from elder selves, is the ability to feel
blind acupuncturists . Such was their skill and expertise both the amount and cause of frag by touch in a person;
that they were allowed to form a guild to teach and train the Quicker have had several discussions with the kindly
mainly the visually handicapped. woman over the ability.
In 1653, still vibrant despite her advanced age Keiko takes her place in the Continuum as noth-
and bizarre childlike behaviors, Keiko was called upon to ing more than what she claims to be: a healer. However,
treat a man who had a variety of stomach illnesses and she lays claim to the best that healing has to offer io all
tempers. The treatment went well, and the man, named areas. "Much of what makes us sick is our perception of
Kenji, was very impressed. He said that he too was a how things are, " she says in a letter to a young Physician.
physician, but had heard good things about the blind " By sensing the source of the problem, rather than treating
acupuncturists and had to experience it first hand. Soon, the symptom, the illness can be stopped. Be it a mundane
she had many new patients, all of whom were impressed illness, or the ravages of frag, only by going to the source
with her skill. Strangely, many of the patients were broth- and treating it can you be free of pain and suffering. The
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
universe is, and what is not is an illness that must be
removed quickly and with care, unless you wish co damage Alternate Names throughout time- variations on
a ll that is attached to it. " 'Life Breachers", Shrive rs

Selected Main Corners: Symbol: The Torq-

"New You" Hollywood, California AD 1949 - 2043
Best known as a Celtic badge of rulersrup,
" Universi ty of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey"
the open band around the neck symbolizes many ~
(UMDNJ ) Newark, New Jersey AD 1984 - 2133 things to many different peoples: the memory of
slavery while in freedom, the worm that refuses to
" Restful House" Edo, Japan AD 1683 - 1794 swa llow its tail, the connection and the separation of
the spiritual from cbe gross, the universal symbol for
' Keramos Asclepiadae", Isle of Kos (off Asia Mino r) 990 - an appliance's on-switch.
182 BC But to the Quicker its primary meaning is of
the Unfinished. The broken dreams of fool s and
Others corners tend co congregate aro und medica l schools, heroes are the Quicker's lot to sort, and to find clo-
hospitals and hospices, and other places of heali ng or
sure for.
death. Some of these corners, the ones that focus on the
study of death, are quite grim to behold.
Services for the Continuum-
Pre-Ariesian corne rs consist of medicine huts, a nd often
hare the meager helter wi th the Midwives. Pre-Ariesian " Draw him? Him? H ow ca n one draw a man who doesn't
Physicians are used to travelling vast disrances a lone, even exist ?"
on foo t. - Max Beerbohm, kEnoch Soa mes," AD 1897

Transcending the Societies, the Quicker can

be found in every civilization. We even watch
Aotedesertium from the security of Inheritor fleets,
and brave brethren in the field. Members are closely
associated with distant spanner civilizations, even at
entry rank to the Fraternity.
Despite all this watchful authority, we do
not act. The Foxhorn are free to hunt, and tbe nar-
cissists are free to hie. Working so close to the
Inheritors, it is tasteless to involve ourselves in Time
Combats: There is no sport to it. Dead or uncon-
scious opponents can be turned over to the Foxboro.
But badly (ragged opponents should be reported to
us after combat. Even if you can no longer find their
remains, we will.
The Quicker seek the Lost Causes of the
Fifth Maxim. When they have decayed beyond Frag
7, lost souls is all they are, helpless without direc-
tion, and prey for vengeful narcissists. Lost causes
Quicker are delivered unto a place we call Cold Storage. It is
not a happy place, but neither is it terrifying. It is a
[adj. " faster than " < n. quick "fast, lively" < Middle
English quike "swift, alive" < Old English cwicu "l iving,
place where badly £ragged sentience can find peace,
a live" < Germanic kwikwaz < PIE gwiwo " to live" ] and where its fragmentation ceases to harm others.
Further information on Cold Storage is not available
Overview- here.
This Fraternity transcends the Societies, and Most Quicker mentors come from the
has members from beyond its borders. The Qujcker Aquarian Era. This is no coincidence: Our numbers
seek lost sou ls and research haunting phenomena. are vast, and ou.r information on all £ragged span-
They claim that if ghostly apparitions are psychic ners is simply the best and ready to hand: We have
records of misfortune, then the onJy people who can access to the 23rd Century Scribal Librarium, and
answer such a cry for help would be a time traveler. the Archives of Atlantis on its visit to the Societal
border at AD 2400. The downside for some Quicker
Their presence tends to dampen moods, is that this wealth of information burdens their Yets.
however, as it is said that they often come to collect And pre-Aquarian spanners have a hard time with
spanners who have been fragged beyond hope of all the telepathy and other skills common to
repair, and rake them someplace. Aquarians. Only the most mentally disciplined need
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
apply. A cold body alone doesn't mean much. The
We research haunting phenomena for other number of narcissists that have successfully faked
reasons. Since ghostly apparitions are psychic their own deaths is a shame upon the Foxhorn's rep-
records of misfortune, the only people who can utation. The Quicker do not make mistakes in gaug-
answer such cries for help are time travellers. Where ing frag.
appropriate, we observe and even intervene on The Foxhorn make their case quite plainly
behalf of levellers, who may be getting involved in that the value of Death is in the terror of the living:
matters beyond their ability to cope. the End provides pause to a would-be transgressor.
Many ask a sapient question about narcis- And this is a fine interpretation, for an animal.
sists. If the Continuum frags one so severely that Humans are sentient, and both levellers and spanners
they vanish from sight, how can we say that they deserve deeper consideration, and be held to a regal
haven't escaped? What is to disprove that they were standard of self-discipline.
right all along, and are enjoying an alternate world It is far better to have the Continuum stress
that they themselves have set in motion? the value in knowing when to pass away (Maxims
The Quicker know. It's up to us to scoop up Three & Five), than to cherish the leveller notion of
what's left after a Time Combat leaves less than a a fear of Death. The universe is. Death is. Tying
body. excessive emotional baggage to the event is beneath
Finally, we urge all spanners outside the a spanner. We encourage everyone to apply a reason-
Quicker to not be so depressed whenever we're able amount of Stoicism to the fact of life's cessation.
encountered. We're silent because of the First
Maxim, not because we like to seem creepy. We If you've knocked out a narcissist, or even
enjoy vacations, like anybody else. Being met with just killed him physically, please alert the Foxhorn.
strange looks everywhere we go gets a little wearing. Interrogation of extant bodies is their prerogative.

Areas of dispute and alliance with other Except for this debate, no one much likes to
Fraternities- argue with the Quicker, which we take as a sign of
Main conflicts: the success of our endeavors.
Versus the Foxhorn over the importance of Death-
Death is permanent loss of sentient force. Personages of note-
Death means to be forgotten in eternity. We deal Franklin Stuart
with the Dead every day of our Ages, because the Born Danville, Virginia, AD 1893
Yet draws errant spanners on, even after their hearts
stop beating or their fragmentation has exceeded the Grandson of a freed slave, Franklin's perspective
realm of the coherent. has allowed him to develop one of the fraternity's most
Death is valuable in its expression of an popular philosophies. Called 'Giving Up the Ghost', this
event. Distinct from other events in that it represents school encourages bringing recalcitrant spanners with a
fatal amount of frag to settle down.
the final point where sentience and the Yet coexist.
Whether it's organizing a revival, casting out
Put simply, beyond the point of Death, sentience is demons, or leading a celebratory funeral parade, Father
moot. Stuart is always calling upon a fragged individual to come
To gad about as a disembodied ball of ener- forth and settle down nearby. The combination of Stuart's
gy is to do so at the whim of others, as the existence strong but random telepathic calls into the area, and the
of Vessels makes abundantly clear. Only individuals familiar sights of ordinary people gathered for a spiritual
who are fragged- especially those who have died purpose, attracts those too badly fragged to make deci-
with substantial parts of their Yets unfinished- meet sions for themselves. Quicker are always on hand to take
the fate of becoming an apparition. In this state, the the damaged being to Cold Storage, and keeping the
promise of peace.
awareness seeks a release. Remembering its lost sen-
On rare occasions, this technique can even save
tient force, it may try to affect its surround, only spanners from the brink. At Span Two, Franklin had been
making its existence worse. very badly fragged. An Aquarian came, and just sang to
The Foxhorn's argument for what consti- him for an hour. He got his head together, and found the
tutes Death is very colorful. Full of blood and guts, mental stability to think his way back from the brink. [See
very Foxhorn, all the way. Unfortunately, it com- Chapter 3: Struggling- Madness and Related Problems,
pletely overlooks time travel. This is an oversight pg. 138.] It was shortly after this incident that he began
none of us can afford, especially on such a serious experimenting with the dead and fragged, and fell in with
subject. the Quicker.
'Giving Up the Ghost' is based not so much on
Where and when someone is killed is impor-
the traditions of appeasing spirits as on the shriving of
tant, but rarely the most important moment in the them. Father Stuart has an obvious knack for talking spir-
existence of a spanner. Through this knowledge do its down, bur has managed to avoid the sensationalist reli-
many cheat Death, as the levellers (and the Foxhorn) gious circuits.
define it.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Ting As
Born Luce, Chile, AD 23 78

Bioengineer arrached to the Third Assembly of

Transasia, her a-life friends' know aU about spannjng- it's
the Aquaria n Age, and after the Hour of the lnheritance,
of course. They don't envy her work in Societal spacetime
being a mentor to small, hairy Pi ceans. But being in the
Quicker enritles her to regular contact with Inheritors
throughout spacetime, and she likes not being limited by
the Societal border. Her mind is often noisy with the uni-
son jealousy of later Inheritors, incluiling her friend . She
doesn't spend much Age with her a's anymore.
Once she has gotten over the gross habits of pre-
Aquarian culture and behavior, she finds the mental silence
an increilible challenge, and studies deeply the Ariesian
ans of Buddha and Lao Tzu to compensate.
Her methods of running her Fraternal corner are
sublime. Every morning she tells each member of the cor-
ner something in another member's yet. She places the
information qwetly in their mind as she serves breakfast, a
meal she has rirualjzed. Scribes
All Quicker mu t be the most ready to either heal [n. "professional clerk or writer" < Middle English < Latin
frag, or target and collect the £ragged . The discipline she scriba "official writer" < scribere "to write" < PIE skhribh
teaches is severe interdependency. Ting's Method has each " to cut, separate, sift
member learning more about his chronies than they know
of themselves, while secure in the knowledge that rus own Overview-
liJe is berrer known to his chronies than to himself. Her
Written information, indeed almost anything
Method is emulated in many parts of the Socieries, espe-
cially where telepathy is less common.
containing a deliberately constructed message is the
Her seven foot even form is remarkably athletic province of this Fraternity. Its conveyance is consid-
for her origins bur she admits that it is a necessity in such ered part of the information, so Scribes are often tbe
physical time a ours to pose as an amateur basketba ll physical messengers of the Continuum, when such
pla yer. As long as she manages to disguise her gigantic blue means are deemed safest.
eyes behind sunglasses, or by other means, levellers seem Tbey are experts in wsceming the accurate
to buy it. truth from the lies and cobwebs: Sages, reporters,
monks, codebreakers and other lovers of the written
Selected Main Corners: word in its many forms. Only the most scrupulously
" Blue and white diagonal descent" Red-aqua-white, honest need apply.
Upsilon Andromedae 3, AD 1830 - 4261 and 4318 - 4319
The actua l name of the city is a projected mental image,
roughly translated as 'blurred clockwise from lower right, Alternate Names throughout time- Amanueses,
candy red-pale aqua-du ll white' and is a shorthand for it Record-keepers, Familiars, Secretaries.
growth and exploitation through spacetime.
Symbol: The Writing Hand-
"Barnab s Undertaker Suppl y and Chemjcal The Writing Hand symbolizes succinctly that
Transportation Company" London AD 1814 - 1902 recorded information, in its turn, creates the
recorder. As keepers of the First, and translators of
"Silver House of the Second Ring " Atlantis 12969 BC, and all Five Maxims, we hold writings to the strictest
various locatjons in spacetime
truths and accuracy, as if a sharp stick were delicate-
"H'iesh'hii haa-U' y " (Leafoe t of the Visitor) ly writing upon the veins of our wrists.
106,234 822 - 106,234,071 BC
Services for the Continuum-
And God woot that in alJe these langages and in many moo
han these conclusions ben suffisantly lerned and taught and
yit by divere reules; right as iliverse pathes leden diverse folk
the righte way to Rome.
-Geoffrey Chau er, A Trea tise 0 11 the Astrolabe, AD I 391 .

'A-Life' is but o ne of an endless number of rerms from Inheritor spacetime.
We keep history itself. Does that sound too
Ir roughl y rranslares as o ne's origi na l chro nies, or co rner-mares, but grandiose for a bunch of scribblers? Well consider
Aqua rians a fter AD 2222 are bo rn panners, so these d istinctio ns are very two things. Firstly, without us, there wou ld be no
differenr for them.
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
controlling frag- no way of knowing what the For twenty years, the tribe's shamans used
Thespians should say or do when they play their that cave to initiate their young men into adulthood.
parts, no reliable way of distinguishing historical And then, in the way of such people, they moved on,
truth from narcissist induced lies. And second, we never to return. The cave lies hidden, its crooked
are far from mere scribblers. mouth choked with rubble and encroaching greenery.
The Thespians wouJd like you to believe In all the years of all the Eras, that painting is never
they are the only ones who play parts, who become seen again ...
what they are not for the sake of the Continuum. Except, of course that we have our Corners,
But we also infiltrate- Sometimes we hide in shad- our places hidden from the levellers, and here we
ows, watching; sometimes we are the trusted servant, have treasures otherwise lost to the Societies- lost
hearing the secret wishes of leveller masters; some- even to the other Fraternities (though, it is true,
times, we are servants so lowly as to be invisible- more because so few of them think to ask than
hearing all, saying nothing, remembering everything. because we would not share)- the lost books of the
Ah, memory! The Thespians claim superiori- Great Library at Alexandria, spared from the flames;
ty in that skiJl as in so much else- yet they are mere the secret notebooks of Da Vinci- the ones so secret
reciters of words we have first learned, for the most no levellers ever even knew they exist (and oh, what
part. Some few of them can match our skiJl in arguments we have with the Antiquarians over pos-
improvisation, living on the edge of discovery session of those!); the formularies of Doctor Dee and
always. None of them can match our ability to learn the rest of the dark school that swirl around the
conversations verbatim, on a single hearing, while court of Elizabeth ...
appearing engaged in some other activity entirely. We have another function aJso, though it
This is not our only skill, of course. It takes embarrasses the rest of the fraternities to be remind-
an understanding of human nature to inveigle one's ed of it. Sometimes, they themselves cannot decide a
way into the confidence of a king full of arrogance course of action; they debate as endlessly as onJy
and justifiable paranoia; or a leveller inventor rid- those with all of time ahead and behind them will
dled with self-doubt and secret fears; or a maiden, do. Then, we use all our diplomacy to broker a reso-
desperate to wed her true love against her family's lution; it is easier than it looks in truth- far easier
political aspirations. And how hard of heart we must than doing the same for the Levellers (which we have
sometimes be, to find out these secrets, record also done from time to time, or helped the Thespians
them- and, very often, betray them. For it is history to do)- since the debate is never about outcomes,
that is most in danger from narcissist plots- and but only about methods and possible consequences.
make no mistake, they can make it sound more And even here, we constantly monitor, memorize,
humanitarian than letting history take its true course. record ...
It's our long centuries of intelligence that provide the
sober outcomes demanded of life and the Continuum. Areas of dispute and alliance with other
But there's also fun to be had. We are master Fraternities-
word-wrights, and there are instances when we have Main conflicts:
stepped in to help out a Jeveller poet or novelist Versus the Antiquarians over the meaning of Art-
when they have proved unequal to their muse. We are seen arguing sometimes with the
And again, we are experts in codes and Antiquarians, over whether a particular item should
ciphers, secret messages and the use of symbolism. be considered art or information: what the final dis-
Sometimes, we expend much energy helping levellers position of Da Vinci's notebooks should be, and
to break codes their enemies have devised- in CoJd whether the original manuscript of Machiavelli's
War and the heat of battle, or even simply in the hot Prince more properly belongs in one of their muse-
tide of a forbidden love affair; and at others, we help ums or one of our libraries.
them devise such things- and ensure that they are
only as enigmatic as they should be. These seemingly polite tugs-of-war are actu-
Then again, some of our number are more ally the endgames of long harangues over the impor-
attracted to the earliest Eras, with its oral tradition- tance of information itself. Antiquarians defend
and spend long years on the level, learning by rote individual pieces of Art, like any common object
songs that wilJ pass from what is known, simply they might be asked to remake: Being at the right
because nothing, in the end, is wasted, nothing for- time in the right place is important, but pales beside
gotten. There is a cave in the heart of Iberia where a the First Maxim itself.
spanner, works according to the rituals of the tribe Information is all Art is really about.
he is studying, setting down in wall paintings the taJe Conveying a very specific set of signals. Common
of a hunt, a kill, the death of the tribe's leader and objects rarely inspire the uncommon- Art is infor-
the ritual slaughter of the elk which gored him ... all mation, information transforms intents, information
in charcoal and crude pigment, by the flickering light is all. And it remains our duty to see that recorded
of a fat-lamp. information flows where it belongs, and not wind up
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
carelessly in the wrong- (if there ever is a right "School of Night" London AD 1503 - 1601
one)- knick-knack shop.
"Museum, Sarapeum et Caesareum" (The Great Library of
Alexandria) 285 BC - AD 690
The Thespians are a constant trial to us, This corner has three main purposes. The first is to memo-
though most of us would consider it beneath our col- rize and copy the original documents. The second is to pre-
lective dignity to permit them the pleasure of know- pare for each fire, and to remove as many documents as
ing quite how much they rankle. Of course, the caus- may be possible without the effort becoming known to lev-
es vary- with some it's that they insist on ignoring ellers. The third is to foil the frequent efforts of assorted
our detailed scripts (and never mind the implied narcissists who wish to prevent the fires happening. This
insult), in favor of attempting to improvise history- last frequently involves spanners from other Fraternities,
and there have been heated debates- especially between
as if such a thing were not anathema to the
ourselves and the Antiquarians, about the ultimate disposi-
Continuum; with others, it's that they fuss so about
tion of the rescued original material.
learning what we've so painstakingly provided for
them. Burnings
48 BC The Collection at the Museum loses 40,000
The Engineers provide period equipment for scrolls to fire in Julius Caesar's attack
us, though if it were up to them our natural abilities AD 265-270 - Civil unrest and war damages collection
and acquired skills would be reduced in favour of AD 305 Diocletian orders many of the Library's books on
eyebaU cameras and hidden microphones, and damn metallurgy burned
AD 391 Collection at the Sarapeum attacked by mobs
the danger of discovery.
AD 415 Christian mob burns the Caesareum collection
We who live in the shadows and shelves AD 686 Arab conquerors burn remaining books to heat
their baths
have little time for the Foxhorn's loud displays of
bravado. Also, they are inclined to encourage the Everyone in the Continuum can rest assured that all major
worst excesses of the Thespians if they think it will libraries and natural history museums of the late Piscean
lead to a better hunt- how better to lure a narcissist are Scribal corners.
into the open but by providing convenient bait?

Personage of note-
Mary Moreton
Born Wiltshire, UK AD 1913
A shy, mousy girl from a solid middle-class fami-
ly, Moreton was nevertheless a superb horsewoman.
Served as a Wren in WWII; in 1939 she was recruited to
the Enigma code breaking team at Bletchley Park . Her skiJI
ar cryptic crosswords was noticed by her superior officers,
who had been told to watch our for likely candidates.
She fell in with the Scribal corners, who are busy
there rescuing various collections from the bomb raids. It
is typical of the Scribe mind set that Moreton does little
spanning for the duration of the war- a little, yes, mainly
to hone her skills- but for the most part she does only
what is required to help the war effort. But in cracking
Ultra she becomes fascinated by the other arts of the
As a Span Two, she works for Mary Shelley, trav-
elling Europe with her as a household servant, all the time
saving variant drafts of Frankenstein, or the Modern
Prometheus, and her lesser known work about an immor-
tal man. Her efforts as a Three are mainly directed at
teaching- she is a determined proponent of the Scribe's
natural arts of memorization and diplomacy, and fiercely [named after Thespis, reputed father of Greek tragedy]
opposed to the use of mechanical aids to a Scribe's work.
Selected Maio Corners: This is almost more an exclusive club than a
"The Scribal Librarium" Jerusalem AD 2101 - 2400 Fraternity, as the perks are nothing short of magnifi-
This is where everything comes to be catalogued and cent. But then, it is the rare spanner with the skiJI
assessed. There are more Scribes here than anywhere else and discipline to portray an important figure of his-
in the Societies. tory. Indeed, the history books are their scripts, as
"Library of Congress" Washington AD 1790 - 2122 they perform every known act and deed of their role,
no matter how mundane, horrible or secret.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
Naturally as spanners, they find plenty of nistic disease. Of course, the Midwives are a great
opportunities to get away for awhi le. It's well known bother regarding procreation a nd a ll the fun one
tha t Thespian parties a re th e best in spacetime, and might be hav ing. We tolerate their endless battery of
almost impossible to crash. tests an d gene therapies, much as one might sit
pati ently through hours of difficult makeup.
Afrernate Names throughout time- varia tions on We manage to have tremendous fun, any-
Animal Speakers' in prehistoric eras, the Chorus way. Whenever Societal spanners need a diversion,
we'll hold a small open hou se in one locality or
Symbol: The Silent Mask- anoth er, and they come flocking because our parties
Many early masks are found without are more legendary than most of us. And they come
mouths, and severa l later ones are mere eye-cover- flocking to gape- it's like they become levellers
ings. The mouthlessness represen ts how the words of again, wanting that natural connection to human
history are neither tragic nor comic, but are ulti- greatness, and forgetting for a little while how
mately perfect for their moments. The mask itself, of mighty they themselves are.
course, means a spa nn er is behind the face of a lev- Of course, our private parties are even more
eller. intense. War games amongst the mightiest generals,
all for sport. Dozens of kings a nd queens from five
Services for the Continuum- eras discussing the finesse of policy and private sto-
ries, with the occasional enrapt Span Four or
Gwendolen, it is a terrible thing for a man to find
J ACK . Foxhorn snuck in as a guest. Jam sessions among
out suddenly that all his life he has been spea king nothing master painters or musicians are popular. And of
but the truth. course wilder parties th a n these a re thrown , if such
-Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, AD 1895
is your tem perament.
Death scenes are always hard . They' re even The perqs a re magnificent beca use we're the
worse w hen th y aren't recorded havi ng occurred, spanners standing out in plain view most of th e time.
and we're called in to supply an understudy. Most We're your living targets, a nd have far less opportu-
spanners learn that Francis Bacon was both himself nity to move around history once our moment on
and Shakespeare, but please, Pisceans, please don 't the world stage begins.
ask any of us how many Hitlers there have been. It's Narcissists will often target the famous-
embarrassing, and you'll only receive a very cold especially when they're children, to make our job
"Further information is not available here," even in even more difficult. Every corner does their best, but
Berlin. knowing you can call in an extra player is helpful.
What we do is suppl y fame. Some of us Like We are always calling on the Physicans to help cos-
to say we provide history, but that's too much a tume us for these special roles.
boast. We' re the great people of history. Not all of
them, nor even the ·m ost famous, of course, but just lo most cases, it happens like this. The lev-
enough of them. eller child is taken away somewhere safe. We place
Fame is a magical thing. It's wonderful to our actor in there, and imagine the surprise on the
read Lao Tse, or see busts of Nefertiti and then dis- poor narcissist's face when the kid starts £ragging
cover that these are spanners, and that meeting and them, too! The real child gets a trip to sugar-plum-
speaking with them is quite acceptable. But even land, or whatever delights him for about an hour of
names unfamiliar to late Societal histories are ones his time, courtesy our staff... He's full of imaginative
we Thespians wiJJ understudy, if the call goes out. stories for his guardians, who of course witness little
Many tribes have hero cults, and the best of them more than the kid playing by himself in the garden
were built on oral traditions in the Cancerean or other haven of safety. Older kids simply fall under
through Tauran Eras, such as Gilgamesh. We remem- the aegis of the Fourth Maxim, and are returned
ber these names and stories better than even the with some minor forgetfulness, but otherwise whole.
Scribes, whether they were spanners or levellers,
because fame itself is born in these times. Areas of dispute and alliance with other
Some of us take a very hard line with our- Fraternities-
selves, and learn almost every moment of dialogue Main conflicts:
through years of studying the part, live at a distance. Versus the Engineers over the importa nce of
Others merely read the prepared notes from the Invention-
Scribes, and enjoy the edge of improv. Both are The crisis is over interpretation of the First
acceptable methods, and require enormous mental Maxim. Is the value of information its mechanical
discipline. usefulness, or its sheer human popularity?
The Physicians are our costumers, preparing This debate always arises when an inventor
us for our known appearance, and aga inst anachro- or businessman from history is being portrayed by a
Thespian. The Thespian is more interested in engag-
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ing his role than ensuring the device is working mances, his mysteries and his puppets all around the fairs
properly. Engineers are called in to fix inventions by of the Hanseatic League, rescripting chem in every lan-
the very people who are supposed to be inventing guage of Europe. Ar rhe ripe old age of forty, he realized
them, which they find very bothersome and trou- char his decade of toil had brought him insufficient
monies to retire on, and one autumn night in 1333
bling. Brussels he began to despair of life, and fell asleep drunk
The Thespian argument is that the fame of a near a Hansea tic counting-house.
device, its creator, and its benefactor help dissemi- The next morning he was awakened with splash,
nate the invention, not its intrinsic usefulness. We for he was already inside rhe establishment, arrested as a
cite Louis XIV's disdain for anything that had not long-sought Venetian spy. After a brief but torturous inter-
come into being by his reign. The Sun King refused rogation, his insistence upon his true identity as an enter-
improvements to social, political, and mechanical tainer was corroborated. Remarking on the uncanny
elements in his kingdom, and by force of his person- resemblance, a nd upon his skill with languages, his former
torturer offered rum a job: to infiltrate the Venetian ware-
ality and status, impro ements there were not made.
houses to discover the lowest price they'd accept for the
France lost ground both scientifically and militarily
current shipment of silks. The pay was more than Mores
because of this- but it was not because the could hope to see in the next five years of puppetry. He
Enlightenment wasn't full of good men and ideas. had to take the role of the Venetian spy, and although he
Additionally, it is a mainstay of late Piscean business had only portrayed personified vices and greasepainted
practice to create "planned obsolescence". The best devils, "That were close enough to this new employ."
ideas don't disseminate to market until the consumer And his performance as Dupris, the old spy, went
pays through several rounds of minor updates. The magnificently; he was too terrified to even trunk of making
battery, the steam engine and even gunpowder sat a mistake as he spent a week "reacquainting" himself with
" friends" , and slipping in the fatefu l question of the bar-
unused for millennia. Japan saw how firearms upset
gain price as casually asking the weather over the Channel.
the social order, and discarded them for centuries.
He had stepped away from bis companions, and
Fame of a device is the real power of invention . was nearly out of the warehouse when be espied a young
man- no, woman, from the giggle- in simple motley and
The Scribes are always sticklers for accuracy, paint hiding behind barrels to the left of his exit. A slight
since they hate creating non-leveller propaganda to noise, and he turned to see her twin behind barrels to his
hide Thespian mistakes. It's not like Hollywood, right. Panicking at this moment of escape, he stalled, call-
though. Annoying one's scriptwriter jeopardizes the ing the attention of the Venetians.
fraternity's relationship with all Scribes, and your fel- Then the girl on the left playfully stuck out her
low Thespians will stop calling you, and extreme tongue and vanished into thin air. He cried out, looked at
the other in terror, and her smiles turned to doubt and
cases, groom you.r understudy...
panic, too. When the other modey witch disappeared,
Mores was screaming.
The Thespians tend to ally with the He tore open the door and started a run . He
Antiquarians versus the Scribes in their arguments shouldered a man, dressed much as he, then tripped back-
over the meaning of Art, however. wards, as this fe!Jow had a drawn weapon.
Compounding this nightmare- this fe!Jow had
We also tend to support the Physicians over his face! The real Dupris! Mores was given a wink by this
the Midwives in most disputes, out of confessed self- devil, a signa l of duplicity he'd written into most his plays.
interest. A great dead rat dangled from his sword. Mores
stumbled away as the Venetians came out, but Dupris dis-
tracted them utterly with his find.
Many Thespians are Foxboro in all but "Dupris! What has terrified you!"
name: playing a famous political figure means you' re "Terror? Anger, man! Look at these rats! They
answerable to Societal policy, as long as it not at are dangerous to the merchandise! Why are no cars kept
variance with scripted history. here?"
Mores escaped, and returned to his tents in the
fairgrounds, fearing that this intrigue had too many layers,
Personage of note- and that he was truly expendable. He hoped to have a
Gowannes Mores, mystery play author and per- moment to ponder bis Hansearic employer, but found
many guests in his tent, including the little motley witch,
who behaved like she had been chastised. They bad an
Born St. Ives, AD 1292 even more interesting invitation for a skilled performer...
He writes in his dense spanner autobiography,
Mores is our authority on how to make an Finding Faces in the Crowd, or the Extra-Ordinary
entrance to the Continuum. He insists that al l spanners Magnificence, etc. (Scribal Librarium at Ligny, 1519]:
deserve the most memorable invitation, because if they' re ' Many times this is how Thespians are brought into the
spanners, they wiJI remember it. " And it will be written course of the Continuum. The fascination with so many
upon the world stage forever," he writes. " ShouJd it not faces and roles leads to the occasional overconfidence of
then, be written well? " one's abilities, and entering encounters with fraternal
Mores was always a traveller, taking his perfor- brethren before they are at all prepared is too common a
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
habit. It is linle wonder other spinners and other fraterni- must agree to the Span Two's advancement.
ties rega rd us as one would a horse loose in the fair- (Sorry, your elder can't be the one making the
grounds, being half giddy, and half dangerous ... [These recommendation! You'll have to impress
habits] are quite forgivable, for no other spinners in the somebody besides yourself.)
Societies of Man (sic) are expected to walk a path so laid
out a nd precise, with barely a moment to breathe fresh.
The world expects us at our posts, da y after level day, and 2. A 22nd century medical exam, or better.
we are gladly there, but our humanity demands its playful Allows one to be certain to be free of all contagens
rewards, which all spinners agree we deserve." throughout all the eras of the Societies. Also
extends lifespan considerably (to 200 - 400 years).
Selected Main Comers:
Severa l in and Around Los Angeles 3. Membership in a Fraternity usually (not absolutely)
"Beverly Hills Copse" AD 1947 - 2046 required.
-Said to have inspired the movie title. It's hard to gain (or discover) an Exalted's
"Ventura Rosehips" AD 1890 - 2007 recommendation when your contribution to the
"Casa Pasadena" AD 1842 - 1987 Continuum is entirely personal. Being part of a
team is a hallmark of responsibility.
"Footlights" Manhattan AD 1899 - 1975

"Jongleur Temperance" Lille AD 1091 - 1562 4. The spanner must also meet the following statistical
"Tui Lung" Hsi en Chen AD 999 - 1317 a. Zero Frag.
b. A Quick of 6 or greater.
"Atavis Vox" Rome 96 BC - AD 234
c. Master ranking in two Skills from the following
Pre-Ariesian fraternal corners are notable for being highly list:
nomadic, usually wintering in different locales each year.
A Combat Skill
It is also rumored that the most popular private party spot A Computer Skill
for high-ranking Thespians is in the Virgin Era (circa Diplomacy
10,000 BC), on the then-warm expanses of Siberia and Disguise
t:'entral Asia. Dreaming
A History Skill
A Medical Skill
Further information on the Fraternities is available in Piloting
the GM's section. A Science Skill

d. Journeyman ranking in three additional Skills

Earning Span 3 from the following list:
Any from c. (above)
Animal Handling (pref. Horse)
Increasing Span is always based on merit. An Art (esp. Acting)
Threes have a long list of other requirements because An Athletic Skill
as the mentors that train new spanners, they are the Demolitions
keystones that hold the Societies and the Continuum Observation
together. It's a great privilege, and, in a way, a Repair
greater honor than moving up to Span Four- not Stealth
unlike being a ship's captain can be more important
and engaging than being a rear admiral. e. Fluency in three languages. (Journeyman ranking
Span Three is a critical degree of skill. or higher)
Anyone who can span 100 years between sleeps nat-
urally has a great deal of responsibility on their f. At least Novice ranking in both Physics and
shoulders. A spanner has to be an exemplary person Dreaming.
to earn the right to achieve this Span.
4. The player (not his/her characters) must have
Requirements for Advancement. spent three months of real time playing a Span
The following is in addition to any requirements for Two, and played at least four game sessions of at
reaching Spans 1 and 2. least four hours apiece playing C°NTINUUM, before
advancement to Three can even be considered.
1. An Exalted's recommendation.
At least one spanner considered an Exalted GMs may add to these requirements, but should not
member of the Continuum (Span Five or higher) waive any listed.
Chapter II: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
workings of spanning, which should be told you if

Span 3 you have never played a Three before.

Range: 100 years, 100 miles Extended lifespan (usually

Who approves and teaches The gift of a couple hundred years seems
impressive, but will be filled with raising new span-
advancement to Span Three? ners into the ranks, and running on various
errands- not a few of which are dangerous. The
The recommendation of an Exalted is upside is being able to bring your corner along on
required to advance to Span Three since the secret of adventures that interest you personally.
learning to span is revealed to all Threes. In the The GM has information for determining
process, the spanner's In-Between is revealed, the your increased lifespa n.
consequences of w hich are detailed in the GM's sec-
[See also Earning Span Three, above.] How to take up a corner
Upon being chosen for Span Three, the can-
A NOTE ON TRAVEL INTO THE didate presents a list of places he'd like to set up a
AQUARIANERA corner to his mentor, which is sent on to all the men-
tors of the areas the candidate would Like to move
to. Usually, the candidate is recognized as a neighbor
New Span Threes bave ample ability to enter the
by one choice. (The winning choice is often distant
Aquarian Era, a nd are therefore warned: Do NOT
from the spanner's original corner, but that shouldn't
come as a surprise.)
The player and the GM can discuss at length
lNHERJTOR. This is a Decision of the Seventh
what the player would like to see as a corner they
Atlantean Council. The Boundaries of the
want to run. GMs a re encouraged to let players get
Societies are 12969 BC and AD 2400.
the space and set-up they dream of (within reason)
and then give them a set of novices that are more
What does a Span Three do? than a handful!
Threes tend to be the epitomes of thei.r Eras.
They gain an appreciation of why the world between All your novices at once
Christ and Aquarius is all one thing, a nd why other, While to novices, it seems that they come
sparser eras have the unity th ey have. Piscean Threes into a corner one at a time, to the mentor it's as
know that swordsmanship and riding and industry though a gaggle is born to him all at once; the
are distinct from their Ariesian predecessors in both stereotypical father in the maternity ward waiting
approach and execution. room, and discovering he has octuplets.
Nearly every Span Three runs a corner, and Hence, if new players are introduced to the
trains Spans One and Two in the intricacies of time corner, they may be wayward novices or visitors (Like
travel and the social etiquette of spanning. Sven from the story examples) rather than original
novices of the corner.

Knowledge of how to teach

Overseeing a corner
spanning to others Part of overseeing a corner is knowing about
Like all the information in this book, noth- every visitor the corner will ever have, from the first
ing is stopping you from turning to the GM's section moment one takes the reins. This is accomplished
to discover this secret except your own willpower. easily enough by the characters, since they can send
Make no mistake. This is a rest of your personal detailed dossiers as far Down to the beginning of the
inclinations. corner as needed, where a junior is presumably set-
ting up shop, and reading up on everyone be' IJ ever
Knowledge of how to teach spanning is the get a headache from for the next several years of his
most significant measure of trust the Continuum can Yet.
bestow upon a spanner. Even the deep responsibili-
ties of the Exalted are less a grand leap, than learn- Dossier
ing the secret of spanning. What surprises spanners of Spans One and
The GM has further information on the Two, should never surprise a Three, not on his home
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
ground. To simulate this near-omniscience is easy Span Three has a couple possibilities awaiting him.
when it's the GM playing the mentor. But when the He can either start a corner with all NPCs, or (with
Three is a pla yer character, he may request of the the GM 's approval) act as the mentor over a new
GM a dossier on any pre-Aquarian or non-Inheritor group of player characters. Most if not all of these
spanner in the spacetime his corner is responsible for, PCs should belong to other players, either new mem-
the instant he hears about them. This dossier should bers of the roleplaying group, or players creating
have details of aliases, general intents of the visitor new characters.
(many send ahead that they are arriving, as is polite),
and whether he's friend or foe, but need not neces- Leading an adventure
sarily spell out precise dates of arrival and departure, Span Threes can carry up to 1000 pounds in
or even give a clue as to how to defeat the intruder. addition to themselves. This makes for some interest-
It's when a mentor doesn 't get a dossier ing field trips for corners, if everyone joins hands
from the GM, he should legitimately worry and con- and leaves the spanning to the mentor.
tact his fellow Threes, and ma ybe alert his Exa lted Mentors should only take Ones and Twos
contacts [see pg. 93]. After all, a surprise suggests that have Zero Frag, and that have been spanning
that the mentor will not survive and/or remember for awhi le at home. They also should be properly
the encounter long enough to write and send himself versed in the locality they are visiting- mentors are
a dossier! usually held responsible for any novices they bring
Dossiers are all considered part of the men- with them.
tor's Yet. Since the number and character of adven- The GM is prepared to handle surprise
tures and encounters can vary greatly, it's assumed jaunts into uncharted territory. But you'IJ find that
that these dossiers, while known, are not acted upon most of spacetime is occupied by spanners, and
until necessary by the mentor. The mentor is many corners don't take kindly to trespassers. Send a
assumed to be holding back his information until the message ahead, to make sure you're not taking any-
right moment, as suggested by the First and Third one by surprise.
[For rules and ideas on how to contact distant corners, see
Chapter 3: Struggling- Drea ming and Communication,
Opportunities with new pg. 108. j Roo kM o rrow.( b. 198)
panels from Blue Shift graph ic novel
spanners ink. a ry li & graphite
Acrhcrco o mics
AD 2008
A player having a character that's earned

Artwork O 1999 R.avl!n M1mura

Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
7. OU Want tne Best For tne Kias vanishes.
"Can I talk?" asks Ayla meekly.
"Riparian Nike", Stirling's corner, Saratoga "Yes, and that wasn't a bathtub-punishable
Springs, and it's 1965, a hot summer, and she has the offense. This time. Just be more careful. Now what
screens up with bugs slamming to get in. She looks up made you so amused."
from some of the bills on the dining room table and "Well ... 1 delivered the guest list, like you
watches their shining fury. Back in Milwaukee, asked. And you were looking and talking to me like I
Charlie always does the bills off-stage; Stirling doesn't was some big player you knew? It was far out. I mean,
think it right, despite the locality. This is her corner, like, on my way back I had to note it in my Yet. 'Get so
her style. amazing to Impress Stirling'And I'm like, 1 can't even
She has pa<:-ked Ayla off with a two-week ask you. Its big, and man, I don l know how, and I
assignment to the beginning of the corner, ostensibly don't know when, but I gonna really be something!
to deliver information about visitors to the corner to Isn't that so far out?"
Stirling's junior. But it's really to test Ayla. She has Stirling smiles serenely.
instructions to not leave the corner, since she's not "Course ... " J\yla starts fidgeting again. "Course
very familiar with the years she's going through. And you know all that, don't you. n
Stirling hopes this will help her with her span book Stirling pulls out an old battered span book,
discipline as well. turns to the front, checks it off from her let.
Chris, one of her novices, is sitting with her, "You do that so automatically," says J\yla with
'deep in thought. uAre there bloodless weapons that the envy. "And so do the others. Why am I so rotten with
Foxhorn prefer?" he says soberly. "Tb minimize span book discipline. "
cleanup." "You're getting better, A,yla. Trust me.,. And
'The Foxhorn, you may find, like blood." Stirling sees the faraway look in Ayla's eyes. She's
Stirling recalls a particularly gory hunt acroSB 1910 thinking of her In-Between. Stirling no longer has the
Manitoba, against a mad narciBBist who wounds a whitespace, but full memory of the earliest training,
young Ga'haga. The prey's many pieces, and how they and why she knows how to span. But she has come to
have to destroy the sled dogs afterward. "You just start know the look. "Besides. My mentor almost never used
with learning that karate, young man. Bring 'em down his book in front of us. His mind was so sharp, he
alive. when you can." could just fill it out privately at intervals. But I want
Ayla reappears, as Stirling tears off st stamps to make the example to my corner. J think its impor-
'for the envelopes. "How was the trip back?" tant."
"All right. Nothing much. Though you and "You are such a great mentor, Stir."
I hat Viking were hitting it off in 1959." "Oh my. And how many mentors have you
tirling is not very surprised. "Probably an old had?"
<:-ornermate of mine." She wants her novices to under- Ayla considers this, when Anton spans in.
stand how many places a person can be, and not step Stirling thinks of his assault on her, again.
on themselves. "How did delivery go?" But someone had to find him, train him. It just falls to
"Oh, fine." Ayla seems amused. "Yeah, that her corner. The devil you know- And she pushes this
was reall.v your first day, wasn l it." to the back of her mind, again.
'Wm," says Stirling. How much should I "Hey. I heard we're going off somewhere, and
divulge of Threeness to these guys... 'That was my this was the rendezvous."
· nior. But further information isn't available here." Stirling nods; she notices he's wearing a small
I'm really starting to sound like Charlie. sterling silver peace symbol. ·~niy minute now. Have
"You thought I was somebody else." Ayla is you been wearing that necklace into town at this
very full of herself. her voice lilts to suggest she knows level?"
it's more than that. "Uh, yeah. A little."
''}\yla, that's rude. I said 'further information', "It's a little far Down for that symbol. You
and that's also your cue that it's something I'd like to might want to keep it at home."
leave undiscussed openly. First Maxim." REALLY ''You mean I can't inspire the natives?"
starting to sound like Charlie... Stirling begins to "You shouldn~ try change whats known, obvi-
understand all those beard-scratchings. ously."
The novices bravado immediately crumples. "I guess. Actually, where does it say that in
" orry. I'll wash out the bathtub again?" the maxims?"
"I'll go," says Chris. '7'm itching to put in a '"Change of the known is resisted by the
shift at work. It's been a week," He laughs. "Can't Continuum-?' First one, Anton."
believe I 'd actually come to miss it." A,yla is watching intently, like its a ping pong
"Love it while you can. If you make it to 'Iluo, atch going back and forth.
you'll be surprised how much you miss of leveller life." "Well. 'Informat ion is all. 'But the rest looks
Chris nods. Stirling sa_vs, "Oh, and Chris!" as 1ike commentary, p retty much. What group writes
he spans out. A second later, hes back. these things, anyway?"
"Eh? Did .vou yell?'' 'The Scribes translate and keep track." That's
"Yes. Try not to use the terms 'week'and not his question. "But the Atlantean Councils accepted
'month' when referring to your Age with spanners. We the whole set of Maxims, and their interpretations. Its
discussed that. " what we live by."
"Gotcha. Stir." He gives two thumbs up and ''But the party line comes from farther Up,
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
right. e space Tascists. "Always."
A,la blinks, looks right in Stirling's eyes. "He's in a mood. He's going to talk to some of
Maybe this is it. Stirling doesn i like this part. the levellers, just to show us up. And one turns out to
Her feelings show through the gentle scolding, she's be CIA."
harder on him than the rest. I am going to fight this, if 'Tch, I'll pack some bug spray," so.vs the
I can at all, and hope he doesn't make a career out of junior. A leveller government operative is hardly insur-
hounding me. I have to believe that. mountable, but the junior is plainly disappointed, and
She recalls the many times L:vdia mouthed off a little scared, because of Anton.
and Charlie expediently told her what her problems The elder doesn't mention his quieter but
were. Lydia never seems to get beyond 7luo. "Except the more invasive disrriptions, small violations of the
Continuum isn't a group, or a party. It's people looking Fourth Maxim in front of drugged concert-goers, odd
out for each other, respecting each other's space. prophecies to Janis Joplin that she only hears about
Hardly fascist." because Ray passes it on. Things that she's still busy
"You can't deny there's an agenda." with. Those are all part of the adventure ahead for her
'The 'agenda' is the universe, Anton. History. junior. All part of raising a monster.
If you let it be a burden on you, that's all it will be."
And Anton looks to be struggling to accept
this. His every gesture suggests he wishes to do right
by Stirling, by all his friends. Mentoring novice spanners
Maybe on the far side of his attack on me, he
gets with it. She has yet to see any hard evidence of Now it's your turn to be the big bad spanner
this, but knows that that may be a good thing. of the corner. Having a troupe of Ones looking up to
"Listen, don t confuse my authority with the you and doing stuff you want and recommend is
generational troubles of this decade. You may well be
great, but it's a position of absolute trust.
out there somewhere showing me a thing or two."
Stretching the truth, but. It will make him think a bit The novice spanner is Like a toddler when it
as he plans to attack my invitation. "I mean, really. A comes to spanning. The toddler must be shown why
thirty-year-old me can meet an eighteen-year-old you the bright red spiral that is so nice and warm on the
who gets older until a thirty-year-old you meets an stove must never be touched. AJI the basic questions
eighteen-year-old me. I can't think of anything more of frag, causality and everything wiJl be thrown at
communal and supportive." you now, eightfold.
«I guess." He sounds neither impressed nor What's worse, you have to train them in the
belligerent, like the child of the 'BO's he is.
basic questions twice- the first time dUiing the ln-
Stirling moves on, it's only thing to do.
"Speaking of fascists, anybody want anything from tlie Between, and again after they awaken in the corner,
thirties? George and I are going out, but I could pick with nothing but instinct and wiped memories,
up some stuff. '39 World's Fair, and don l try to stop us. amidst people who already know them.
Tempted to wear one of those buttons that read, 'I have Not only do you have to be there for them,
seen the future-"' but you ' re the one that has to remind these wayward
"But isn't that unethical?" says Anton, sud- children to heed the Maxims- not the GM. It's a
denly back into the fray. "Isn't that jLUJt doing the same real test of knowledge and patience to keep feisty
fiaunting you 're telling us to avoid-?" novices in line, and yes, your performance mentoring
Before she can explain the difference between
counts when it comes to earning Span FoUI. Aren't
temptation and acting on it, another Stirling appears,
nods to her elder. "Okay who's for Woodstock?" you glad you remember your times as a feisty novice
"Oo!" squeaks A,la. Anton raises his hand. yourself, and finally have a ll the answers.
Interestingly, Chris peeks put from around a corner,
smiling, "Which one?"
"Which one!" says A_11la, shocked. She was The Training and the Responsibility
invited in 1974. "Oh sorry. Further i-nformation- oh, Novice Span Ones love to play with their
you 're supposed to say that ....
newfound power. As a mentor, you ' ll have to point
UMore than one, .. says junior tirling, 'V
you 're up to it." out again and again where your novices are running
"Can I wear my peace symbol there?" snorts afoul of the Maxims.
Anton. Elder Stirling pulls a big han.dcarved wood one It's always best to show that the Maxims
out her purse and tosses it to him. aren't an arbitrary morality, nor some arcane 'Laws
"'lry that one. Those little OMS are very eighties. " of Time', but rules for sUiviving life as a spanner.
He looks at it a second, then accepts it. Once yoUI novices realize that bending the Maxims
'Thanks." means asking for a fate worse than death, they'll
The junior says, "Everyone max your sleep, keep their playfulness within sane boundaries.
get some period gear and rendezvous me here five min-
utes Up." The room clears, and the Stirlings take a
breath. Explaining the Maxims.
The elder clears her papers off the table. The Maxims are considered the cornerstone
"Watch out for Anton." of spanner life. While they doubtless exist in all lan-
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
guages, and therefore have myriad shades of mean- ly done discreetly, and unless it's the neighbors, it's
ing, there are some basic elements of survival they alwa ys best to ask permission before going. Spanners
aim to get across. in places that respond with a welcome for inquiring
vis itors have probably already seen them around.
First Maxim: "Information is All" This Maxim is presented as meaning: "Be
Since sentient force is what causality and sure of where and when you' re going and be pre-
meaningful existence ride upon, what one knows, pared. "
doesn 't know, tells, and doesn't tell have primary While true, consider: Anyplace you span is
importance over everything. somebody's domain. If yo u had to stop at every
Striking the perfect balance of information is county border and go through customs, nothing
the life-long challenge of any spanner. Knowing too would get done.
linle and revealing too much hands victory over to But don 't go having huge fights in people's
one's enemies, whereas revealing too little hampers front yards without expecting consequences ...
friends and knowing too much dissolves the last illu- Wherever you go, there you are. Your when-
sion of free will, and often brings insanity. [See esp. abouts will always be in the places you've visited.
Chapter 3: Struggling- Madness and Rel ated Therefore, keeping a personal log is paramount,
Problems, pg. 138] since enemies will always try to Frag you somewhen
The phrase "Further informati on is not you've been.
available here" is used whenever one does not or (And of course, players should remember it
must not divulge information. The phrase is quite should be up to the GM to initiate a Gemini! [see pg.
precise. It goes well beyond " I don't know," or " I 40].)
can't say." It is thoroughl y non-committal: More
information i:nay or may not available someplace Fourth Maxim: "Invitations to Dance"
else. The speaker may or may not know the informa- Incautiously spanning in front of leveller
tion or where and when it can be got. It's simply not witnesses gets a spanner in serious trouble. This is
available to the querant there from that so urce. [See sufficiently serious so that even rabid, careless narcis-
Span One- What is the Yet?, pg. 47] sists are usually circumspect about this. (They feel
Always ask "What time is it?" It should be don 't have to adhere to the Maxims, but messing
used and reused whenever unexpected behavior is with this Maxim always brings the Continuum down
seen in people you know, before having a deep con- on you.) The reason it's such a big deal is, simply,
versation with them [See the story Out in Society, that levellers learn about spa nners at a precise point
pg. 118, where Stirling is challenged by a puzzled in their history, and not certainly not before or after.
pal.] Suggest briefer usages of 'Further informa- What constitutes witnessing a span? Hiding
tion ... " among friends, but keep it strict with behind a box or around a bend is okay, but try to
strangers- or old friends who are only meeting you make sure there's a logical level route of egress, in
for the first time. case some leveller checks. Be careful of gaining a rep-
utation as an "escape artist"- even among span-
Second Maxim: "Respect Your Elders (They ners. Departures and arrivals outside Corners should
Know More Than You)" seem as natural as possible to all nearby.
Being able to span time at will means noth- Also, the question of erasing memory. This
ing prevents an individual from meeting himself- has been popularized recently by various comics and
except di scipline and the fear of screwing up. movies, and even games. But whereas the plot and
Whenever a spanner does meet himself, the humor is furthered by memory jumbling in most of
junior version is supposed to be quiet and do what- these stories, new friends must be decided on in
C°NTINuuM. It's a moment of serious judgement, and
ever the elder version requests. The elder, having
already experienced the incident, makes no changes it's usually a good idea to fetch- on the moment-
in what he says and requests, though probably has a your mentor or other Span Three to help resolve the
much better perspective as to why he makes his incident. Besides, only Threes and above know the
requests. full method and means of spanning, and would have
While not always a perfect system, it is to be called in anyway.
designed to prevent £rag and emphasize self-disci- A new spanner may already be your equal,
pline. Certainly any number of adventures- and superior or rival out there in spacetime. Always
mishaps- hang on how such encounters are han- make it a test of the leveller's character: If the comer
dled. doesn't like the individual, or finds him mentally
unable to cope, he should be processed and returned
to his life. Know that anyone you invite into the
Third Maxim: "Measure Twice, Cut Once" Continuum is going to potentially be around for the
Spanning around one's corner is haza rdous rest of your existence.
enough; spanning into anyone else's domain is usual-
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Fi&h Maxim: "Never Fight for a Lost
Getting involved with th e events of a
badly fragged spanner increases the likelihood
that you'll be fragged, too. High amounts of
frag are best dealt with quickly and personal-
This Maxim is the toughest one to
live with, but knowing when to walk away
from a badly fragged friend is the hallmark of
discipline in the Continuum. There is no stric-
ture against reporting a badly fragged spanner,
usuall y it's quite the contrary. Tell your
novices to let you know of the fragged span-
ner before any more of their Yet transpires,
but to keep it from their chrooies in the cor-
ner, just in case.

Ongoing contact with

spanners of higher Span
Starting at Span Three, the spanner
starts having regular contact with at least two
Exalted spanners, one from each of th e Eras
to either side of his native Era. Piscea n Threes
would therefore have an Ariesian and an
Aquarian contact. 5
Contact with the Exalted is usually at
their instigation, and they choose who they
wish to be in volved with. The relationship differs
intrinsically from that between mentor and novice in
that the Span One requires a nurturing/training envi- Earning Span 4 AD 2006
ronment while knowing nothing of how spanning
actually works. Threes have this knowledge, and are 1. To earn Span Four, Threes must successfully run a
more in the position of showing responsibility by corner for at least 100 years of Age. Preferably
adjusting to taking the occasional request from an either:
Exalted. a) A novice corner, or
These contacts provide an alarm network b) A Fraternal corner
for longer-range threats when they are discovered;
Threes can alert spa nners of their own Era through GM's disc retion as to what constitutes "successful " .
their own network of friends.
Naturally, an Exalted's requests have to do 2. The Three must have the skill Hypnotism at least
with the well-being of all extant life. If an Exalted's Novice rank.
requests go unfulfilled, he will seek a more helpful
Three. lo worst-case scenarios, frustrated Exa lted 3. The Three must also be at Frag Zero, and have a
point out serious problems with a mentor to the minimum Mind of 6, and Quick of 8.
Inheritors, who handle the problem expeditiously.
4. The player (not bis/her characters) must have
spent four months of real time playing a Span
Three, and played at least five game sessions of at
least four hours apiece pla ying C0 NTINUUM, before
advancement to Four can even be considered.

GMs may add to these requirements, but should not

waive any listed.
'Aquarians have contact with a Piscean and an Inheritor. Spanners from the
Libran a nd Virgin Eras usua ll y have a contact in the Atlantean Counc il , and
one from the Leo nid.

Arrwork Cl 1999 Raven 1imura

Chapter II: Spanning c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
8. Infinite Typewriters aste 'Brig t
Span 4 Blue
"'You know what I hate," says Zayoshi, the
Aquarian. She is Stirling's contact in that Era since
Range: 1000 years, 1000 miles Stirling's becoming a Three. They have nothing in com-
mon, and the arrangement is stressful in the extreme.
'7 hate your apelike devotion to irony. Animals walking
Who approves and teaches around indoors. I hate the hair everyplace-"
Stirling, excellently manicured behind her
advancement to Span Four? desk in her darkly serene, windowless office in New
York, starts breathing in through her smile, with ape
noise11: "00 AA 00 AA 000 AAA!! El El Ell"
UsuaUy the approval of as many Span Fours "That. That right there. A dead leveller can
of the Society into which the Three belongs is see it coming, and it gi.ves me a headache."
sought, though the approval of the Three's Exalted "1ry blinking. Works for us Pisceans." I try
contacts (who remain their contacts as Fours) asking what would aid her visit, like a good host, and
get pet-bashing. "What do you want, Za."
"What I always want in these meetings. The
current delivery. For the Fifth Atlantean Council."
What does a Span Four do? "I'm not at that Round. It's already part my
A Span Four chooses a long-range vocation "What. Why are you jeopardizing your work
through sloppiness."
in the service of the Societies. Usually one of the fol-
"Za. Do us both a favor, and buy a vowel. I go
lowing: when the Greatest Game takes me. It's not my fault if
my EJCalted contacts cant keep up...
• Participate in the Greatest Game Za's brows fold. '1,bwel1 That's the second time
• Ru.n a major Fraternity corner I've heard that out of you-" Stirling thinks, Keep that
• Be a deep operative inside Antedesertiurn in my l'et for awhile- '7 have no reference, it must
• Or any other long-range task. simply be to druf me. Stay on subject throughout.•
"You stay on subject. I'm doing my job, why
Fours have to prove they can handle the are _vou whining over details."
"Council sequence is the most vital part of this
long haul They have the extended age, and are
exercise. And I don't whine."
expected to spend it. Even a rapid, successful run in Stirling can see her point: 7,ayoshi's voice is
the Greatest Game, or a number of quick major vic- startlingly deep. '~ll right, all right. I'll arrange for as
tories deep inside Amedesertium is not a complete much of that as my Yet allows, but you're going to have
test of a Four. to put up with my movements through at least the
Tenth Round."
Lifespan Za rolls her huge eyes up into her head, a
A Span Four's lifespan is extended to 1000+ casual gesture for her that makes Stirling's skin crawl.
years. This is the least amount of time anyone deeply 'That is very unprofessional. The Unity Society's Fours
handle its turn sequence simply and elegantly, why
devoted to the Grea test Game will wish to have to
can't the United States'."
play it. But the Unity Society is so darn easy to map.
But man y minds, even those that can handle It's the Earth, and a little Mars. It's entirely on videtr-
spanning vast amounts of time, are unable to cope "Well, you 're stuck with us plain Americans. Yee-ha."
with vast amounts of Age. [See The Greatest At last the eyu came back down. "Yee-ha. If
Game-Opponents: Other Fours, and Yourself, pg. you want to be oblique, please study Aioni."
97.] They looked at each other blankly.
'7 have no idea what you just said. Why are
we working together."
"Further information is not available here. I'd
settle for the chail'ur of the early Manuists from you, if
it helps my pain of frustration here."
"I barely know they exist. But since they are
American, maybe we can get back to the subject."
"I never left the subjects. You must increase
your speed of understanding, Stirling."
Without consulting any record, Stirling rattles
off, "Sequence: 'furn Five, Saturday June 10, 1996, 8
pm. 'furn Six, Sunday April 3, 1983, 8 pm. 'furn S even,
11.tesday July 18, 1815, 4:15 pm. 'furn Eight, Sunday
,April 10, 1983, 6 pm. Turn Nine, Sunday September 8,
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter Il: Spanning
1991, 7 pm. :lurn nin. Thursaay April 4, 198 , 5 pm. lar order): Britain, China, Israel, France, Russia,
ll in this room, except Turn 7 in my cabin aboard the lnca, Babylon, Turkey, Brazil, Mongol, Rome, Spain,
Ceres in the East River. For subsequent turns we meet United States, Celtia, Ethiopia, Japan, Egypt, and so
here every Friday, 4 pm, beginning April 14, 1995." on.
Soulless. It's like I'm her website or database, it's all
These borders wend along spacetime, wax-
she knows, or wants to know-
"Agreed." A smo:ll nod. ·''Less conversatfon is ing and waning with the Society's success and fail-
better!' ures in the world, and fitting together with neighbor-
Stir wonders at the remark, but not much. ing Societies like a vast 3D jigsaw. Known national
R eally. "One more thing." Stirling rises, walks rip to boundaries are by no means absolute: Societies are
the -:staring Zayoshi and says coolly, "Virgin Era defined by either Crown, Blood or Culture, or often
Mexico." a blurring mix of all three:
The Aquarian 's fine hairless eyebrows fold fur-
ther. Crown is traditional national boundaries,
"You need a vacation. Too many minds in your
and politically sanctioned divisions of space.
'7 am busy, unlike some Span Fours."
"Virgin Era Merica. Alone. You need it. I 'm Blood is basic genetic commonality, who is
doin,g you a huge favor. I don't push i't on every related to whom?
Aquarian. Lord knows you all need it, but all of you'd
never fit." · Culture is behavior shared in common, often
Zayoshi tu:ms her back to Stirling, a gesture the definition of greatest influence.
of strong contempt, and spqns away. Stirling s,ghs.
What ar.e the ethit:8 of saving our grandchildren from
By the decisions of the Third Atlantean
thems.elves, since they're all spanners?
She begins wondering about her own choices. Council, Societies are recognized as permanent struc-
Hunting down lost Americans, corralling parties of tures, secure within their borders Up to the space-
spanners and levellers to go seek out forgotten settle- time of the Inheritors. They are the framework of
ments and mysterious dangers. She real.izes that s/ie's history, wars and all, and Societal spanners think of
so worked up about all these plans, that investing them as family and home. A nation is a larger and
'interest in her relationship with George is actually no less accurate form of family, and its disruption
becoming difficult. · would be as destructive as an attack on a spanner's
She thinks of Zqyoshi's dull, thuddirig voice, immediate family.
the v.oice of the 'Future'. She spontaneously spans
Corners are not a final definition of where a
'];Jow'li to George's home on the Isle of Man, 1905. Now
I'm busy, she cheerfully reminds herself. Society's boundaries are: A Society exists where the
level population live and thrive. Often corners find
themselves crossing into two or more Societies,
What makes a Society? although there is almost always one Society more
prevalent than the others. Gerrymandering of this
We do n't see as much importance to national governments, sort is quite common, and is even encouraged by
but levellers do. They remain fixed by the taboos of marry-
some avid players of what some Fours call the
ing and interacting with foreigners. This is the pool of
Greatest Game.
humanity: if you could see the movement of population
over the yea rs, yo u would see how it swirls and eddies into
pockets defined by national boundaries, especially in the "The Greatest Game"
Piscean. There are occasional rushes of migration, but pop- This is but one of the epithets of the Game
ulation often finds distinction by the space it occupies.
of the Societies, an exquisitely performed exercise of
Only by the Aquarian do these pockets dissolve at last into
decorum and ruthless competition with the goal of
-Manx Cohen, Span Four, Germany Society,
establishing the complete history of the Family of
Int roducing Farewells: A Primer for Playing the Societal Game Man.
LJerusa lem: Scribal Librarium, AD 22201 The "board", as it were, are the three
dimensional Societies themselves, with different areas
The Societies being familiar, and others barely explored at all.
'The Societies' is the name of our c~viliza- If the board is the Societies, the pieces are
tion, the one between the ravages of Antedesertium levellers. Not all levellers, as such, but those that
and the time of the Inheritors. It is the many nations have chosen to live lives outside the normal round of
and peoples of mankind. Each Society has measur- mankind, and/or those that history has mostly for-
able borders, beyond which its influence, it is agreed, got.
does not extend. Every player spanner comes from a The main players are Span Fours, who direct
Society, and are considered cultural experts of their the moves. Lesser players include spanners of lower
native locality. Span, or ones of equal or higher Span hired by the
Examples of Societies include (in no particu- directing Four.
Chapter Il: Spanning C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The moves are either of leveller aero s is. lo the pur uit of the Game Span Fours doggedly
spacerime, or of hired spanners seekjng them out. seek out every leveller that may have wandered off
The goal is to discover all of Man's history, or disappeared, and find out their fate.
while extending your Sociery's reach as much as fea- The Game also is essential for unmasking
ible without risking Frag. This is a friendly Game, narcissist intrigue: By trackjng down the life story of
after all, played within the Continuum. every leveller born into the Societies, dangerous peo-
Most of the main players are Span Four. ple found sneaking into in the mix can be picked out
Span Fours have developed an appreciation for and dealt with .
nations and tribes as they exist in their totalities So in asking what a Society does, ask not
across millennia since they can see the connected- about its form of government. Ask how well it meets
ness of a people, even at the length of 1000 years. the definition of a farruJy, watching out for its own,
Some Span Threes are deepl y involved, learrung the leveller and spanner alike.
ropes, and the occasional Span Five puts in their rwo
cents here and there. But it's by and large the Fours
involved, experiencing the spanner life beyond
How is the Greatest Game
Mentoring, preparing to become Exalted. played?
The Societies are secure within their borders,
but what are their borders? lndeed, how many of the
"The Greatest Game" may or may not be
limitless shades of culture and nationhood are fully
the greatest thing a spanner can do, but for those
enfrancrused Societies?
that relish the challenge, its best thing on Earth.
These questions are an wered by the
Essentially, while the Societies are fixed within their
Greatest Game. lt also provides the basis for a cen-
borders, the Fours are out there filling in all the
sus of spanners that the Scribes keep and that the
blanks, and discovering and bargaining what those
Foxhorn and Quicker consult to track intruders
borders are.
especially narcissists.
Debatable areas Uke Roanoke Island, clerical
lands, Indochina, and even 1920s Chicago are all
It is arguable that Span Fours " run" the
open for claim by the select Societies that are pre-
political machinery of the individual Societies. This is
sent. Some liken the Game to be like completing the
due to their unique status in between the Threes who
world's largest crossword or jigsaw puzzle; others
train new panners, and the Fives that sit on the
simply compa_re it to games that simulate warfare,
Atlantean Council and deal with the even larger
till others approach it as pure diplomacy.
aspect of politics between civilization . Fours are the
closest thing to a wider government that the Societies
have. Some of the Rules
The Greatest Game is played in 117 rounds.
Each player that wishes their Span Four character to
So what does a Society do? participate informs the GM at any time.
You can claim any area of spacetime where
" Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you a leveller that is arguably a member of your Society
can do for your country. " is living. [See the definitions of Crown, Blood, and
-John F. Kenned)', U Pre· idem, inaugural addres , AD J96 1 Culture, above.] The area of spacetime you can
claim varies, but a spanner must witness the leveller
These words, expressed for the purpose of living there.
revitalizing civil service, bear a relevant meaning 'Points' are earned by spanners who can
here. A Sociery's contribution to spanner life is repre- claim areas of spacetime (3 points), negotiate for
sentation in the Atlantean Councils. While this is them (2 points), or successfully negotiate as a third
very important, a Sociery's main contribution is the parry in a dispute (1 point). You can hire other span-
history of Mankind itself. ners to collect points, so a resourceful Four can gath-
From levellers are all of us born. Their every er up the necessary points very rapidly, long before
action and event are part of our lives too. 117 go by.
Much is made of the "grandfather clause" in 200 points scores you victory, and you can
time travel fiction [see Causaliry, pg. 56] because it retire from the Game knowing you've done your
acknowledges the ljnk of family and bloodline. share. Other Fours of your Sociery will still be out
Spanners are very aware of the ties that bind them to there- or ma ybe you'll be one of them , plying down
their leveller families, and the family atmosphere of to the end. It's a matter of personal preference.
their novice and even Fraternal corners, watching The 117 rounds correspond to the 117
out for their localities. A nation is no less a family Atlantean Councils, to whom the results are deliv-
than any of these. ered in sequence. A claim made on a previous Turn
Since the universe is, we must know what it supercedes claims attempted on later Turns.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
A spanner may experience the Greatest
Game only once, so choose your moment wisely.
Complete basic rules for participation are in
Appendix G, pg. 218.

Opponents: Other Fours, and Yourself

Not every part of the Game is about finding
unwritten history. It's also another of the
Continuum's tests of character, perhaps its hardest.
A good example of a driven player is the fol-
lowing story, Manifest Destiny, wherein we see
Stirling meet up with a personal crisis over her own
behavior. Even if the players have no intention of
going thi s far with the Game, there are opponent
Fours out there so zealous that the etiquette of enter-
ing corners is sometimes overlooked, and believe
they can cover their arrogance by apologies and pre-
Many Fours are driven by the fear that they
will not ma ke the cut as Exalteds. Trying to earn the
approval of three Exalteds over the course of several
centuries, especially when no sign of your Exalted
elder is seen, is exhausting to most Fours. Some are
propelled by the fear of their most disliked oppo-
nents being around for eternity as Exalted, and so
try to stymie their success in th e Game.
It's the test of centuries th at's most impor-
tant. Many human minds grow brittle, unelastic by H. Fr, ja , (b. 1869)
Advc rrisemenr,
living great amounts of time- not from ill health, "'" York S1111doi• Herold
crober JO, 192 1
but beca use it's a modification of the limits of in.k wa h
humanity. Living for a hundred, two hundred years co llecrion of rhe
Muse um o f rhe Ciry o f ew Yo rk
is not unfeasible, many animals survive so long. But
only the rarest of trees sees life over 1000 years (see
pg. 142).
Spanning may seem to ease this problem, and despite the strange argument. The uproar about it
distracts opponents from her moves in the Philippines
but in fact it's a trap, providing the comfort of an
on the same turn, at least, netting some solid victories.
unchanging world around yo u. If your mind cannot "But that's where we come in, marching the
handle the burden of a trans-human weight of years, boundaries, Up, Down and Level for Old Glory. Yet. I
you aren't Exalted material. can't help but wonder that this Game is more a dis-
traction than practice. Some nights, I get pounding
9. Manifest estiny dreams of Inheritor spacetime. And that is fierce fire-
She takes in the rough-hewn wood of the Here she is addressing Sergeant Matthias
prairie fort. It smell& amazing, and she wants it for mwell, 1th Cavalry, Span One, at his post, and
one of her Chicago bedrooms. "The US is a late Piscean iplainly thrilled with the honor of being alone in her
con.atruct. It's vulnerable from a number of Societies, presence.
since it derives from nearly Chem all,• she e,cplains to Dressed in demure costume for 1876, she
an avid pupil. His mentor is in Pierre, nearby for the sounds off about the bloodshed Up nearby. No one else
standards of the time, about 130 miles. But I'm the is supposed to realize she's there, anyway.
extracurricular fun. "Are we going for claiming tM whole territo-
Stirling is mobilizing her ranka in the field. ry?n Masks, thinking big.
'(]'his is her 51st turn, culling a caacade of bits of space- Stirling smiles, but says, "Let 'em have Big
time for the United States Society from her swelling lflorn. Valley for two days. Let it resonate for them. I
ranka of operatives. She's outstripped nearly every want more action Down in this treaty period. '(]'here
competitor, specially other American Fours who nick- are already settlers before the treaty's negotiated, let's
name her "Envelope" for her ceaseless search for places start from there-"
that can contain an American. George Armstrong Custer strode into the
She nearly succeeds in convincing the 49th adquarters, all flamboyance, saying, "Are we ready
Council that the wombs of pregnant immigrants to to see some scattering feathers, Sergeant?"
America were United States territory. It goes to a fl.oor Bromwell is on his feet: "Yes, sirr Stirling is gone.
debate, which is a mark o distinction, des ite her loss Stirling is high over the Dakotas, level, {ace

Arrwor L: 0 1999 He;n hcr M, K, nn~y

Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
own falling. Slie enjoys coming re, and spying down *Yes, a native our. .. 'm sorry ma'am, it's not
like the eagle she is. Someone ma.v be overlooking a looking good.*
settlement. A hill or valley may hide a space to claim Stirling makes the blues in her office deepen.
from the old owners. Behind her somewhere, behind She frowns quietly, and settles her floating dreambody
the blue day, there were stars. down behind her desk. *Don't like the sound of that,
Up seven minutes. Custer departed. knowing Jacob.*
he can count on Bromwell. His eyes refl,ected the *No, you shouldn t. I sent all recruits out into
knowledge that his other men don't understand him, the hinterland, and I'm afraid they all met with deci-
not like his troops during the War. The door closes, sive resistance.* Jacob's clothes go black and very
Stirling is there, saying, "-There's a little massacre on severe; his form sharpens. *We should be hearing from
both sides, but find all the attempts at white se_ttle- our opponent here.*
ment. from as early on as you dare. Names, dates, *Good Lord, you invited this Four to our
laces. You 're my surveyor out here, Matthias. dream rendezvous?!*
Counting on _you." Stirling feels slightly betrayed, but Jacob
"Won't let you down, ma'am." She watches moves closer. *It's a fait accompli, Stir. I see no room
romwell smile and nod. The best thrill is watching the for anything besides negotiations.*
oung Ones. Stirling's reputation for recruiting more *This is unlike you, Jake.* A couple small
nd more spanners makes her one of America's best golden dream-eagles circle around Jacob's head.
nown and busiest Fours. The young Ones scenting the They're Stirling's way of underscoring displeasure and
horizons ahead. Look at that thirst! suspicion.
"I gotta get to bed. Big meeting." After several moments of silence, the office
Matthias smiles. "Africa or the Philippines?" slowly fills with warm sunlight from an unknown
She thinks in Swahili, the various chants for source.
'for conquest, and adds another mental note to absorb *Stirling, this Njani of the Obu, negotiating
another dozen, maybe hundred West African dialects for Liberia, among others. Njani, Stirling, United
before turning in the big push. Someone ma.v have States.*
questions. It was without fanfare, and it was in a dream
Stirling smirks back. "Further information, shaking with challenge, but Stirling found herself sud-
kid. Rendezvous me, 04:30 hours, May 10, 1876 this denly unable to force the room into her parameters.
room." She spans to her apartment in 1928 Chicago, It was Evana. Evana, whom she hadn't heard
walks down one of the long corridors to a guest room. from in centuries of Age.
'Peeking in she's pleased to see it done in hewn frontier Stirling starts a yelp of recognition, but it
wood. Notes her Yet, and spans to her bedroom, spans dreams out like a rattle. *Well! You're quite a shock,* is
out of her clothes, bodice and all, and grabs pvjamas all she manages to articulate.
'from the correct drawer. Evana Njani is all smiles as her sunlight
Stirling gets some sleep in. takes over three quarters of the dream. She even
laughs. *Well, I have been saving up to surprise you,
She builds an office, lit in rich heavy blues, girl!*
with a ceiling of twirling, five-pointed stars. and the Stirling is numb. Out of her comes words that
reverse of the Great Seal on the dream-carpet. Not in Za would approve: *Liberia is a planned colony of the
humility before the Oval Office, though she'd like United States. It's national independence isn't relevant
'Jacob to think that. Tonight we start on Africa, she without continued American support for over a century.
thinks, tracing the eye of the pyramid with her toe. I can outline our claims-* A map appears behind
She can already feel Liberia, the American Stirling, a blue three-dimensional blob, its only defin-
colony, gobbled in one or two moves. She has spanners ing consistency the Atlantic coastline.
throughout its spacetime, and estimates little or no Evana looks a little hurt, but also sad and
native opposition. The Game is mature by the 51st unsurprised.*No, I've had calls on all that spacetime
move, but organization in West Africa is rumored ver • since Third Council. Didn i you look into that?*
sluggish. She floats over her desk and waits there for *I...* For the first time in the last 2H6years of
the report. Me, Stirling is at a loss for a snappy response.
Jacob is there. He sleeps in 19th Century Evana Njani raises an eyebrow. It's like she
Ohio, having spanned over from his post in Monrovia hasn't changed, thinks Stirling, deep in her conscious-
to be in range. His last assignment from Stirling, while ness. All the old loyalties to her novice-corner shined
awake, was watching for movements of early 16th out of nowhere, but she didn't know how to speak like
Century colonists out of England. A choice player. But that anymore.
tonight he~ unusuall:v fuzzy, and standing at a dis- *111 relinquish any challenges. Um. Could I
tance. negotiate for the capital, Monrovia?*
*I've heard from some opposition,* he dreams. Njani says without hesitation: *There are a
Usually, Jake keeps his dream-lips in sync, but some- 'few islands off North Carolina-* A distinct map of
thing has made him nervous. them appear before her, and extend into the long bal-
Stirling leans forward in the air. like she's loons that represent the spacetime through which they
pulling herself toward an ambush sh 's planned. The pass. Through which Njani's claim passes. *I have peo-
old Foxhorn still loves challenges. *Interesting, but ,ple on the ground there. Can I package these for the
Liberia is on American idea. Kurd from an African 52nd Council? I'll trade the couple hundred years of
'Four? What's their position?* Monrovia for that. But it stops at the city limits.*
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
Ana Stirluig of the Unitea States Society I'm j1ist swimming in '~ints". But I'm so a
herself saying, *Sure. That's great.* part of this Game, I've got to keep going... And here
Njani nods. *Deal. fll send round paperwork Stirling Cynthia closes her eyes, and feels rough-hewn
if you need it.* stones around her, realizing. I'm stuck. Getting stucker.
*No, no. That's fine.* Does anyone want to be Exalted this badly?
And the dream pauses. The gold and the blue She remembers George, how she lost him dur-
sit drifting like mismatched towels in the background. ing a border dispute with Canada. A man dead, and
*1t's good seeing you. You've been well?* she couldn't care- 'We're Foxhorns, Georgie. Get a
Stirling just sits and makes a closed-mouth grip.' Other Fours had to step in to solve it. 1 should
smile. have seen it then. But it was on to foundered sub-
*Well. Be seeing you, Cynful. * She waves marines, and Gadsen, and shadowing Ambrose Bierce
politely, and vanishes like a glorious sunset. and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Stirling sits in the gathering blue as Jacob She already has the next move planned out to
slowly comes forward. * Um, ma'am-* the last detail, and ready to mobilize. IU just hand this
She turns the rendezvous dead black, and to Jacob to orchestrate. He has nothing else to do, now.
washes the office with rain. After a couple thunder- No, no. There's so much to d~
claps, Jacob finds he is alone, and wet, and turns up Theres the 53rd move coming, and all the
the lights. adjustments that will be needed without a foothold
throughout Liberia. She is already working the reallo-
cation of spanners, how shes free to move some into
Stirling pulls awake. I can't believe I just did the various Marines operation around Africa, and
that! "Dammit, Evana, you- arrg!!" She kicks away move John and Edward into American bases in Iceland
the satin sheets in a fl.urry of silk pyjamas and perfect during WWII. That alone cascades and steps up opera-
hair. She is all about the room, tossing porcelains. tions for the 54th, 55th and maybe impacts all the
breaking delicate jades. Then she tears open the liquor 1919 plans she has for claiming brief parts of Russia
cabinet. before the 56th. Streetcorners in Berlin, brothels in
Scotch, one of the best and rarest of the 19th Japan. The room by room, minute by minute claims
century, pours into a big glass, then over her hand. In she's swapping over the Saigon Embassy. Calendars
her vast apartment, she talks to herself. and conferences with Midwives, trading secrets of
''Evana you pig. You absolute pig. You run off births- and adoptions. Her Yet is choked with another
I/or a half-millennium or however long, bitch. Bitch!! 110 years, 67 days of meetings and hidebound
Trick me in the heart with a surprise out of a- out intrigues.
of- Oh you 're the very snake! Manipulative! Stupid "Guuh!" The centuries-old woman pushes
merchandise, useless druffing horseferry!" She takes in armfuls of broken rock off the ledge on which she sits.
the alcohol, all at once. And as it impacts her reengi- God oh God this is worse than high {rag. What have I
neered flesh so slightly, her working mind finds room done to myself, I've locked myself across this thing like
for an aside. a bootlace. Hundreds of spanners await adventure
Now. Now when has Evana been any of that. upon her word, and tens of thousands of levellers
Not in dream there. She falls back, sits on the bed. dance their lives to her secret tune, and Stirling is
Who am I yelling about. driven sick of herself.
Suddenly, she needs to find a mirror. The But Evana lives. She's all right. She's even her
bathroom. But her face looks twenty years old, has no old self-And Stirling starts building a way out.Shes
signs of corruption, no telling mark of shame or evil. negotiating. For other Societies, the ones with fewer
She has 687 :,rears ofAge behind her, and Aquarian levellers and therefore fewer spanners. But that's
tech has exported any element of Dorian Gray. She never been my style! Her clockwork intriguing passes
thinks of Zayoshi's perfect face and awful impatience. over like the shadow of a minute hand. Of course, no
I guess that's why they call them grays. one would expect that out of me.
Sitting among ivory-fitted tub and basin, a She recalls some information that crossed her
hundred weapons and trophies of her killing years desk regarding Romania and Serbia, something about
draping the huge bath space, Cynthia Stirling silently the Gypsy Society petitioning for recognition, but there
amazes herself that she has to think about how to cry. being enormous Council stumbling blocks, even their
God Almighty, help me. I've grown envious, ability to gather data on their entry is stymied.
even afraid of Zayoshi's favor. They're in trouble. Evana would do that. Help
spanners in trouble...
She looks around the dusty man-made cavern.
Stirling in pyjamas spans over to a dark Yeah. 1 have got to get out and meet real people.
chamber in South Dakota. It's a place she comes when-
ever some turn of the Game goes badly, or when her
personal life confl.icts with her work for her Society.
This time, its both.
I'm unfinished, like this hall. It is not the first
time she thinks this, it is the same thought she has on
her euery visit. The chamber is cut into the side of a
mountain; a time capsule, discarded by disagreements
and failed funding.
Chapter II: Spanning C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Other choices for Span Fours Span 5

Attached to an Exalted
Span Fours of exceptional merit may find
Range: 10,000 years, 10,000 miles
themselves attached to specific Exalteds as their
agents and contacts in various Societies or
Fraternities. This can range from taking the Exalted's
Who approves and teaches
dictation, to marshalling armies to fight in the advancement to Span Five?
Geminid Era, to becoming embroiled in intrigues on
Atlantis itself. Whatever adventures the GM (and The approval of at least three Exalteds must
you) have in mind .
be attained to achieve Span Five. (These Exalteds
must other than one's elder- though discovering
Running a major Fraternal corner you have an Exalted elder is a mighty good sign.)
For further information on Fraternal cor-
ners, see pg. 61 and Span 2- Fraternities beginning
on pg. 64. Many of the 'Leader Types' listed certain-
ly make it to Span Four, and stick with their What does an Exalted do?
Fraternities, and the situations they generate.
The Exalted are the safety-valves of the
Operative inside Antedesertium Continuum, mainly for the Inheritors. They are the
For further information on being an opera- ones to first sense major attempts on the Societies,
tive inside Antedesertium (or in the Geminjd) see and to take the necessary steps.
Span 5- War, beginning on pg. 103. As has been said before, if the corner and its
mentor can't handle a situation, it falls to the
Exalted. This is because when frag assaulting a cor-
Earning Span 5 ner is so great that the local spanners become over-
whelmed, it threatens corners on all sides of it, and
1. To earn Span Five, Fours can perform one of the so on. Since mentors all have Exalted contacts, they
following services for tbe Continuum: become affected as well.
a) Be in the Greatest Game long enough to earn It is very rare that Exalted spanners cannot
200 points muster the support necessary among themselves to
b) Run a major Fraterruty corner for at least 250 defeat any instance of frag.
years of Age But the Exalted have many tasks. Their
c) Be a deep operative inside Antedesertium reward is the letting go of human limitations-
d) Or any other long-range task that the Exalted telepathy, ceaseless lifespan, greater and greater vis-
deem worthy tas of Span, and frequent contact with the Inheritors.
10. Woras Upon the Tempest ---
2. Approval of at least three Exalteds, not including
your elder self. "I went through hell not knowing."
"You expect an apology, maybe?" But Zayoshi
3. The Four must have the Aquarian Skill smiles.
Hypnotism of at least Master rank, and must ·Actually, yes. From me to a junior. It's an odd
also have Photograpruc Memory, either as a gemini left over. I think I'm almost read:, for it."
Benefit, or automatically with a Mind of 8 [see They are { past some of the buildings ofi
ppg. 10, 13). the Second Ring of Atlantis, upon one of which is
carved seven thousand names, in nearly as many lan-
ages. It is a honor-house, and all the names on the
4. The Four must also be at Frag Zero, and have a walls belong to one person. An Emlted that perishes
mjnimum Mind of 7, and Quick of 9. fighting Antedesertium. Pulling her masses of black
hair back to read the wall more clearly, she is a tangle
5. The player (not characters) must have of colors and ribbons dipping into informatio1'. 7Jae
spent five months of real time playing a Span names are mostly male, and she starts wondering
Four, and played at least five game sessions of at George again, after all this.
least four hours apiece playing C°Nn:NuuM, before Then. Seara thinks on all her own names, how
advancement to Five can even be considered. she's stood by the few she's earned over the last nine
hundred years. She glances toward the Council Hall,
the many spanners with many names. Men in three-
GMs may add to these requirements, but should not iece suits discussing the arcs of the Societies with
waive any listed. bare chie s and robed es in the shadow o the bull-
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
altar, still stainea witli oli:l b ooa. .vou liopscotch, if you lend me your jumprope.* "It's an
'Think we should use napalm instead? It's Exalted thing," she sa_ys before Seara can open her
really not about the grain." mouth or settle her forebrain.
"No." Far below, a smartly dressed Jeanne 'This is why we can only pla.v the Greatest
waves up at them. Several more were helping new visi- Game once," she whispers, thinking, No safe route
tors get about Atlantis. "She really is everywhere here, turning back.
isn't she.,, *Good! But you can i keep it up.* "Neatso
"I can't imagine what it means,., says Za, look- what's lunch around here."
ing down with a distinct snort. "It sounds like a securi- Sandwich- "Yes- agh!"
ty breach, or a trap we're setting." 'Very good. We will schedule this."
''I want to find out."
"Me too. But that may be the trap."
"Interesting point. I suppose it's pla:ying itself
The Labours of the Exalted
They come back from a long conference on For the Exalted, the Maxims take on a dif-
migratory families, for the 73rd Council. They have not ferent tenor. They still a pply, but the Exalted are
seen one another in a century. Early this day, they expected to exercise them, as opposed to simpl y
agree that they will seek the aid of Ailathakent in the obey them. In this they are almost the equal of the
razing of Tarikan nirateth, an Antedesertium granary- Inheritors.
town with the throngs of people who must die, despite
the Fourth King's insistence that they live.
"I wonder if George is around Atlantis at all. The Fifth Maxim: Complete Discretion
That would be funn.v." Suppose an entire corner succumbs to a con-
"Can I finally get an explanation of that certed narcissist attack or intrusion. Sadly, such
womb-business out of you." events are not unknown . Your choices ma y seem lim-
"What? Oh God," Stirling Seara blushes for ited by the Fifth Maxim, since the spanners are badly
the first time in decades of Age, showing through her fragged , and without assistance will spin out.
dark tan. For a moment. the conversation abandons
Exalted have the option of stepping in to
the multi-levels, and falls like an old pancake. "My cal-
lous youth. I don't know what I was doing. All it wound either heal or chuck the fragged corner.
up being was a smokescreen for my moues in the You aren't fighting for or against the Lost
Philippines, but ... " Causes- you're fighting for the Continuum. If it
"Don't be so a.shamed. I wish I had spent a requires wiping memories, removing all spanners
few throws at being silly. You got here fa.ster than me. from the locality and installing a mirror corner, or
Much faster," says Zayoshi. all traces of impatience any number of actions that spell disaster to individu-
easily melt from her voice. She is resigned and amused als of lower Span, it is still done.
at herself. ''You were right about Aquarians, we are too
psyched all the time."
Seara senses the event. "You took my advice The Fourth Maxim: Complete Stealth
about Virgin Era Mexico.,, Exalted are almost never involved in stum-
''YES. And l kept it to myself for years of Age. bling into an Invitation. They are too aware of con-
Completely selfish. But it was even better when I sequence, and have too many options avaiJable to
brought Down some friends, and afterwards took in avoid a person or erase a mind on the spot.
the solitude anew." She closes her e.ves, a startling ges- (Cynthia's story, The Invitation and the Dance, pg.
ture. "Oh, those singing leaves. The salt. And I earned
2, is unusual enough, since her gypsy elder is Seara
the respect of a cat."
"I'm impressed."
Stirling is a Four.)
She opens one huge eye. 'Thank you. And
thank you for the advice, Stirling. I could never under- The Third Maxim: Complete Measure
stand pre-Aquarians, just show them pity." Exalted can tally and span with ease and at
Was that what that was, thinks Seara, not will. They can divest their entire life's spanning
knowing she was still in conversation. record, for an Inheritor, for instance, from memory.
*Ah ha.*
They backup their Span records dutifully, but that is
Stirling Seara breathes in, Zayoshi's smile
widened. *Got you. I get to teach you this.* for other Exalted's use. Their Span card is purely in
I don i care to become, well what is that- She their heads.
thinks of an image from an old, old part of her brain,
of a robotic monster pouring its nanites into a hapless The Second Maxim: Complete Self-
'lrek-suited extra. Possession
Zayoshi laughs! which makes Seara jump
more than the telepathy. *This is going to be sharp For most Exalted, meeting yourself becomes
fun. No, I get to teach you the folds of your mind, more and more rare as the expanses of spacetime
Stirling C.mthia. A spanner box for your soul. How to you can reach explode outward. And as your access
speak and think for yoitrself again, all at once. When to devices becomes universal and commonplace, dis-
and how not to, and other schoolyard stuff. I will teach guise is as easy as flicking a switch, or a thought.
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Geminis are no longer a great
likelihood. If they do occur, the
Exalted is so mature a spanner,
that conversations between
junior and elder are calm and
without incident.

The First Maxim:

Complete Information
Earth forms The Exalted, already having
lived 33 times as long as the
expected lifespan of a Leonid
Prehuman leveller, no longer fears his Yet,
0 vilizations or anything he might fill it with.
Details and information can be
3. S1111 Revolves Around gathered with little fear of know-
the Galaxy ing too much: Exalted are emi-
Early nently sane.
Calling on your friends,
new and old
Exalted spanners stick
together. So wide-ranging is their
spanning ability, and so devel-
oped are their Dreaming and
4. Earth Revolves Aquarian skills [ppg. 20, 112,
Around Sun, and 114] that the lifestyle of adher-
Rotates 0,1 its Axis ing to a corner is less appealing
than one of wandering the
expanses of Earthly spacetime.
Spending part of a day with
neolithic Chinese potters, and
then taking a lunar shuttle
before bed is a common enough
experience. It's kind of like
enjoying retirement and being on
the frontline of acti.on at the
same time.
So summoning your friends
to help in a Time Combat or
The more complicated exercise is a
Societies relatively simple affair. But like
Inheritors, Exalted want less and
less to do with the everyday
business of the Societies.
Not through aloofness, but
simply that they have lived these
15,000 years enough times. It's
crowded with their juniors as it
is, and showing up to fix situa-
tions is tedious, however neces-
sary, as any Time Combat is.
Exalted have no patience for
being fragged. They tend to tar-
get a narcissist with a heavy dose
of natural £rag, and send the
Quicker in to (carefully) scrape
-._---1up the mess.

M:ap O 1999 Chri Ad;ams

C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
After a surprisingly short while, returning to Antedesertium, it is little surprise that what Span
the Societies begins to feel like entering a nursery. Five narcissists are a llowed out of the Scorpiod,
The kids who don't know you may glance at you make it here first, and bring their pals.
wirh interest (s ince you can't help exudjng maturity
and wisdom), but the ones th at do come running up [Further information on Narcissists and the
like you ' re grandpa, here to give them magical pre- War with Antedesercjum is found in Chapter 3:
sents. Some Exalted never rire of chis role, a nd pine Struggling, pg. 135)
for not being a ble to enjoy it more; others find it
galling in the extreme, and can't get away fast Movement Through Spacetime
enough. The Earth does not simply rum on its axjs,
and revolve around its sun, of course, but hitchhike
The Atlantean Councils along as the sun rotates around the galaxy, and the
The Atlantean Councils consist of Exalted galaxy hurtles through the expanding universe. [See
from each member Society, usuall y th e ones that par- Travelling Beyond One's Span, pg. 35.) Thus the
ticipated in the ' Greatest Game' as Span Fours. Each Earth arcs a great path, with spirals within spirals, as
has the depth of understanding to handle the fore- it exists from beginning to end. Though every Span
knowledge of the shape of their Society, while One learns this, the relevance of this information
accepting the census of the Game, and to pass judge- comes home when a spanner becomes Exalted. [See
ments on the many Council Decisions that they have Spacetime Map of Earth, at left.]
lived under all their lives. As a Four, the Greatest Game helps prepare
Exalteds for the mental challenge of Inheritor space-
War time. The many countries, races, and cultures of man
There is one duty most Exalted are called to, are but the simplest reflection of the patterns of sen-
and tha t is the War with Antedesertium. tience in Space.

Distant Allies Calling on Inheritors

Being Exalted means that you can travel a This is always done only in extreme circum-
million years in 100 days, at the very least. stances- unless the Exalted is visiting Inheritor
There are a vast number of civilizations spacetime. Having entwined themselves so complete-
within those hundred days. This book only mentions ly into the story of Mankind with the Greatest
a scant few, and the GM is encouraged to devise as Game, and al.I the many contacts among novice and
man y as he and the players can handle. Fraternal corners, the Exalted are becoming more
Bear in mind the hundreds of civilizations like Inheritors in their understanding of the interre-
that flourish in the Ariesian Era alone, a span of latedness of everything, and how sma ll the Societies
2000 years. Apply that to the vastness of hundreds are.
of th ousands, even one million years stretching back (Of course, if for some reason you don't
before Antedesertium, and you can begin to see handle your situations involving frag, the Inheritors
strategies that the Exalted see. will. See The Inheritors, below.)
The GM has further information on the Exalted in his section.
In Country
Amedesertium's heartland is located roughly
where the Sahara Desert is in the Piscean Era. It is
The Inheritors
the reason, in fact, that Atlantis makes appearances If you ever encounter Inheritors, stand stiU.
off the African coast, and is stationed there at the They' re on your side.
beginning of the Societies. They are on your side, but they are handling
Narcissists pretend to think like us, and then major incidents of frag. And if you see them, you're
deviate when they become stuck on a point of per- involved.
sonal pride, interest, or reasoning. Watching a span- If you've done something to anger them,
ner writhe into a ghost is painful, but keeping your you'll probably know. Trying to span away is to no
head as vast areas of landscape shudder under nar- avail, and implies, even advertises guilt. You mjght
cissist experiments takes the poise of an Exa lted (or not be seen again if you behave badly in their pres-
an Exalted candidate) to maintain. ence.
On occasion, they will be wiping minds,
rearranging property and people; usually levellers,
The Battle of the Gemini Era but sometimes even loya l spanners need to go for a
In the midst of the Societies there is a beach- ride. Try not to worry about anything that would be
head of Antedesertium loyalists and their many
a felony in leveller culture: These aren't secret experi-
recruits. Being 10,000 years in from the borders of
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ments, they're doing what you do. Keeping the uni-
verse hea lthy and whole.
And you can put fears of colonization to
rest, they don't want to come to our spacetime more
than they have to.
Be aware: The spacetime of the Inheritors is
on all sides of the solar system, going as far Up and
Down as Life can survive. The entirety of spacetime
is full of life, all at a comfortable distance from the
day-to-day awareness of we, their Ancestors.
Civilizations, nearl y innumerable, exist and are
founded in every corner of the universe.
The complexities of the Societies are but the
inheritors in embryo. Space travel and time travel go
ha nd in hand.
It was long held in the science of this passing
century that trave l faster than the speed of light,
even if mass and other major hurdles were over-
come, would result in travelling back in time.
"Arri ving before you left," was the popular catch-
phrase, th at seemed to settJe the issue as moot,
impossible and amusingly absurd.
Science fiction , coming into its own in that
century, widely preferred space stories that circum-
vented the time problem. Starships that warp and
wormhole, or civilizations unable to break lightspeed
at all, remaining with narrative conceit, all in the
same timeframe. Time tra vel stories that explored
this usually had a specific point to make about para-
dox, were set on earth, or were cherished as classics
or unique visions, to be tucked away on a high shelf
collecting dust.
The Inheritors invite us all to set that illu-
sion behind, as we would a doll from the nursery.
We aren't ready to experience it yet, but we mu st
begin to dream it, for the promise of alJ our descen-

Life in Space.
There is indeed life in space, most of it
human and human derived. ln fact, Space is remark-
ably crowded. The Inheritors have taken pains to
keep that idea an absurdity to us, as the truth must
come at its proper moment.
Instead of counting, like Carl Sagan, the
number of possible worlds with intelligent life by
dividing stars by millions, we must remember that
life multiplies in any way it can. The niches of space-
time that spanning sentience seeks out to survive are
startling, and beyond even the expectations laid our
here. But we remain one universe, and are united in
that at our most essential levels.
They are our children. They are our Elders.
In fact, the Continuum is ceaselessly amazed
Victo r Beaurega rd Ho uston
(b. AD 1857)
Elders (AD 1886)
wa tercolo ur
Mu~er Cnnt ra1emps , Marseilles

Amr. or!. C 1999 Drrw Tuel.t r

C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter II: Spanning
at how easily levellers ignore the obvious traits-
two eyes, a nose, a mouth, arms, hands and legs all
Earning Spans Beyond 5
in the usual places- that provide a blatant clue to
the origin of "greys" of various " breeds". It's a hard Once you're an Exalted, improving yo ur
road, psychologically, for Piscean Era people to Span is a matter of diligence and survival. At least
accept this as the face of their grandchildren. 1000 years of Age must be lived between increases in
Span, and preferably far, far more.
Incursions. The Exalted learn Telepathy and all other
Machines that aid time travel are available Aquarian Skills [pg. 114]; indeed, before moving up
in Span, the character should probably Master every
in the spacerime of the Inheritors, but aren't taken
into pre-Inheritor areas on a whim, and certainly not major piece of technology and useful skill ava ilable.
to be lent to native spanners. Even Societal spanners They truly now have the time, and they have the
aren't ready for most Inheritor devices and ways of need for every advantage in their position.
The player (not his/her characters) must
have spent five months of real time playing at that
Spanners can feel confident that if trouble
Span, and played at least five game sessions of at
gets out of hand, if even the Exalted are over- 0

matched by a narcissist plot, the Inheritors are there least four hours apiece playing C NTINUUM, before
advancement to the next Span can even be consid-
as the "big guns" to stop the Frag. They will save
the day, if they have to. ered.
You can feel confident, but never should you
rest easy. Inheritors play rough and very much for
keeps: The vast majority of all life is at stake with Who approves Spans Beyond 5?
their every move. Even the most experienced Exalted
and their own contacts within the Quicker Fraternity The approval of at least three Exalteds of
are treated brusquely and with scant remorse. the Span you're aspiring to or greater must be
Earth is an extremely dangerous and pre- attained to achieve Spans 6 and 7. (These Exalteds
cious place, and Inheritors don 't live here before AD must be other than your elder, though having an
2222. They aren't meant to stick around. Provoking elder of higher Span is always a good sign.)
them is a sure way to get the Continuum to censure For Spans above 7, you will be approached
you. directly by the Inheritors.
To share some Inheritor perspective with
you, take the famous Roswell incident. Everyone has
heard of it, and certain leveller fanatics can quote
dates and times like a true spanner.
One of the better known anecdotes is the
actual discovery of the crashed "aliens". One dead
and mangled, the other injured, and standing there
staring, screaming in the desert as authorities sur-
round them. One scared and confused native cracks
the victim's skull with the butt of his gun.
And afterwards, the story goes, cover-ups
and weather balloons.
But as other leveller witnesses of "close
encounters" attest, Inheritors rarely make a sound,
even when surprised or communicating, let alone
Whichever Inheritor survives the crash at
Roswell will know of the famous incident, too,
almost like we would know a fable told in child-
hood, a bogeyman to make us behave. He can see
where he's crashed, hear the jeeps pull up. He awaits
the fame of that gunstock, and the end of his Yet.

Artwork © I 999 Ton y DiTerlizzi


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Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
feedback, and simply coover eat a temporal remove
Dreaming and from your audience. The Dreamers Fraternity is also
serenely proud of the fact that Dreams can never
Communication cause frag: Any unexplained or contradictory experi-
ences had in the Dreamtime are easily explained- it
was just a Dream.
Communication across great distances of
space has been one of mankind' proudest achieve- Trme & Dreaming
ments. Communication across time one of the hum-
blest. The realm of sleep, with some focus and per- Exerpted from The Pages of Sleep of J-manu he' Eleihurai.
sonal discipline, has opened the ways across the Eras Courtesy the Dreamers' Fraternity; emphasis added by the
for those who can alread y wander them. author.
The question is often asked, How necessary
The authors wouJd like to stre that this is the text that
is communication across, i.f travel there is the Dreamer wish players of C°NTINuuM especially to con-
instantaneous? Simply put, communication remains sider, though for gameplay only points I through 4 below
paramount and distinct from transportation. are discu sed in this volume.
Dreamers at many different Levels and Localities can
rendezvous with one another, spending no Span. This Within the perspective of time travel, wis-
alone makes the Dreaming Skill priceless. dom and enlightenment need to find a new defini-
It is also frequently necessary to reach out to tion, a new perspective. Most timebound cultures
ones friends when one has mi placed a physical ren- have a general philosophy that places an ideal wi -
dezvous. Most spanners learn to Dream as soon as dom either in a vague, indefinite past (such as all the
they can, as it's like getting a cell phone: You want Golden Ages many cultures propound) or in the
your friends to be able to find you out there. indefinite future (the Progress we're all working to
The passing of information across time build). Time travelers know that these places don't
never in itself creates paradox or frag. But it pro- hold any special answers. They've been there. This
vides the temptations, the distractions, and often the destroys, for them, the Grail of the perfect wise cul-
means to cause it. Dreamers have been known to ture, the people who know the truth.
contact themselves, older and younger versions of But Man, as a species, has his ways. The
friends and strangers with tales, warnings and first thing a time traveler notices is that a peasant, or
visions. But such is the nature of the Dreamtime- a bureaucrat, or an ecclesiastic, in fourth-century
the place all Dreamings are- that these dream-gem- Rome, is very like his opposite number in Des and dream-yets need only be recorded as the Moines, 1943. We are Homo sapiens, by gum, and
Dreamer deems necessary. [See Landscape of the most of us like chocolate. After a little experience,
Dreamtime, below.] most time travelers come to recognize the unity in
Accurate as the information being passed in human nature, and see the differences as variations
Dreams is, they are sti ll only Dreams. This remark- on a theme.
able freedom and flexibility spanners exercise to its But what about God? Time travelers keep
limits. hearing about him, in every culture they meet. All
societies have some version of God, of otherness of
mythos chat undercatches and sustains the order of
In Your Dreams daily life. Evidence keeps showing itself just around
a comer or beyond a pale. Chronics are canny
Dreamers Fraternity pie, and although cause and effect is the discipline on
The Dreamers Fraternity handle many long- which their survival depends, they know that
range communications, since they have the most, and much evidence bas been accumulated to deny the
highest Span Grandmasters. I.n few other Fraternities existence of a spiritual truth. If God is real, 's hid-
do Exalted remain for so long; most Span Fives and ing from them for some reason.
up regard their old Frats as a lma maters: Fond affec- Seasoned time travelers throughout the
tion, but rarely interested in further direct involve- Societies, have sought out an approach into this mys-
ment. tery. In all Eras, mystics have leaned heavily on the
But Dreaming Grandmasters only truly come power of dreams. Everyone dreams. And although
in to their own when their Span is sufficient to different cultures interpret dreams differently, (since
Dream with other Exalted across the Societies, and even the wisest shaman is still timebound and the
beyond. What few negotiations that are actually held product of his culture) certain common threads
with Antedesertium, are mainly held while i.n the emerge.
safety of the
Transchronal Dreamsharing is considered 1. Dreams can be used to predict the future
the most effective way to explain oneself, derive of an individual, and sometimes of nations.
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
2. Dreams can re important clues about Dreamtime. Due to the nature of the Dreamtime,
people, their motives and agendas. · seeing or meeting yourself doesn't affect causality, or
create frag. Just because an apparent elder appears
3. Certain adepts are able to "send" a before you in a Dream doesn't mean you have to
dream, to communicate a message or influence the obey his every command- though warn ings from
dream's recipients. your Yet often take this form, so don 't regard them
4. Dreams take place in an alternative land- Studying behavior and symbols of behavior
scape of our space-time continuum. While this region and attitude can take a lifetime of study, but in many
is beyond our understanding, it still obeys its own cases a person being examined makes their inmost
laws and is as real as our own world, if not more. feelings clear. When a Lucid Dreamer focusses suc-
cessfully on a target for study, immediate and unbid-
5. Gods and Powers are aware of the dream- den reactions come back; a secret admirer might
ing of man, and use it to affect humankind for good blossom into flowers , a closet narcissist might appear
or ill. as an annoying woodpecker or in a broken mirror.
These are Dreams, after all, and the GM may
6. The dream world has its own inhabitants. describe the symbols you experience in any way he
Some of chem take a keen interest in us, for reasons sees fit.
we do not understand. Lucid Dreamers can tell they're being exam-
ined. They can resist being examined by other Lucid
Therefore, the Societies have adopted a con- Dreamers by making a Quick roll to defend against
ception of mankind's Dreamtirne, and use it as a each Dreamer making an attempt. Failed attempts
means to understanding what happens to them in simply meet with no information; finding out the
their sleep. This paradigm is only a tool that they distant examiners requires a successful Lucid
use. It is not perfect, and it is certainly not real. It is Dreaming roll itself, of course [see pg. 20].
merely, like Vonnegut's foma a lie chat makes sense
and solves most of the riddles, thus aJlowing one to 3. Communication Across Time
use the vast medium that no one understands. Making the Call
It is an intensely personal medium. It enfran- How does one find the person one is looking
chises the validity of your past, and youl' Yet. We for in a ll spacetime? The nature of the Dreamtime
admonish you to use it with respect, and caution. circumvents the problems of mass entirely, so any
span ner who is a Grandmaster Dreamer can perform
Elaborations on Time & Dreaming
Transchronal Dreamsharing [see pg. 20]. But the
need to seek the person one wis hes to contact is,
1. Predicting the Future apparently, counterintui tive to the nature of the
This is hardly a difficult task for spanners, Dreamtime. lf two Dreamersharers are seeking each
but can amaze levellers who come to beg boons from other, they usually find one another. The most fre-
an oracu lar priestess, or fort une teller. Sometimes quent exception is whe n a Dreamer is stressed by
information eludes even a spanner, and hence Time Combat, they may miss a Rendezvous in the
Oracula r Dreaming is a desired Skill [see pg. 20]. Dreamtime [see Time Combat- Strategems-
Rendezvo us la Reve, pg. 126].
2. Revelations about a Person
Lucid Dreamers (Dreamers of Apprentice Rendezvous la Reve
rank) can read and manipulate the symbols they see Also ca ll ed Dreamsharing, Dremoot, and a
in Drea ms, and sometimes (GM's option) interpret number of other names by the myriad cultures of
the Dreams of others. The overall effect is of a sapi- mankind. This is a meeting of severa l minds via
ent individual considering a kaleidoscope of art and Dreamsharing or Transchronal Dreamsharing. The
theatre dancing around them, and trying to make a Dreamers Fraternity is famous for its vast ren-
cri tiqu e of what they are seeing. dezvous, or corroborees, to use the Australian term,
where thousands of Dreamers gather to discuss and
Dream behavior amaze one another. But most Rendezvous la Reve
In the Dreamtime, nothing is real, so the have no more than eight or ten participants, if that.
Maxims run the risk of being ignored or distorted. Dreaming cannot overcome the basic imped-
But much in the Dreamtime remains accurate; thus iments of language, but it allows for understanding
while the First Maxim is very much acti ve in a ses- of basic needs and desires. Many Rendezvous are
sion of Dreaming, the other Maxims exist only as conducted by symbols and pictures alone, since
much as the Dreamer regards them as important. Dreamers can always project basic emotional intents.
Dream-geminis are often th e best opportuni- Rendezvous la Reve is so common and important, it
ty to examine yourself and how others see you in the is a Strategem in Time Combat: see pg. 126.
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
4. Landscape of the Dreamtime-Where " Bernie, your Novice Dreamer appears in my
Dreams take place Grandmaster's milieu as a cabbage, with no ability
Akin to the Platonic World of Ideas, the to see or hear. Go away."
Dreamtime is the area in which all Dreams occur. Lucid Dreamers can also create small effects
such as a dream-flashlight and its beams, dutiful
The brain may react to the stimulus of dreams the
eyes may twitch and the body's signals form subcon- dream-pets, and dream-clothing that dream-broad-
scious ideas that become projected into the casts the Sci-Fi Channel." In fact, Dreamers can do
Dreamtime, but the Dreamers Fraternity insists that anything the controller of the milieu lets them [see
it is a distinct realm of our universe. The Dreamtime above]. Dreamers cannot be held in a milieu through
takes place outside the body; one merely needs a normal techniques, and are normally free to leave for
bod y in order to send and receive, to extend the ceU other parts of the Dreamtime, or awaken .
phone simile.
The farther Up into their Era one proceeds, Dream Combat
the more Aquarians dismiss the Dreamtime as asci- Dream Combat is primarily a pretend form
entific hokum, and turn to nanotech to solve com- of Physical Combat [pg. 22]. Some dreamers have
munication demands. Pre-Aquarian Levellers, of psychic combats with encounters, but unless
course, tend to open themselves to Dreaming in Telepathy [pg. 115] is employed, these somnolent
order to receive visions or messages. Journeyman bouts cause no actual damage- No more than an
Dreamers put this desire to use with the power unsettling feeling upon awakening, if the dream-fight
Oracular Dreaming [pg. 20]. happened by surprise.
Count dream-impairment as 'ZIP : sleeping
An Uncontrolled Environment impairment points. Useful for practice, but otherwise
A dreamers body sends them signals that unaffecting the waking world . Shock is normally not
they are hungry, or need to get up and use the bath- a pan of Dream Combat. lf a Dreamer takes suffi-
cient ZIP to be killed or ' knocked unconscious,' he
r?om. An inexperi~nced or untutored dreamer might
fmd them selves trymg to eat endlessly, or find them- wakes up instead, grumbles a bit, and can either go
selves with an aching bladder in a milieu of water back to normal sleep or get up and start the day.
fountains. Beginning with Apprentice rank in
Dreaming, a Dreamer can begin to shape the mi.lieu Us e of Telepathy to cause real damage.
of the Dreamtime. The Telepath must be Dreaming levelly with
the target, and within Telepathic range: After alJ,
Telepathy is not a transchronal skil l. Dream Combat
Control of Environment is conducted normally, but the Telepath tells the GM
When entering the Dreamtime, the most his intention to cause real wounds. The victim is
accomplished dreamer sets the milieu. Essentially, the unaware that signals are being sent from his brain
milieu is the backdrop, scenery, and mood of down his actual nerve pathways to cause internal
Rendezvous. In fact, being controller of a Dreamtime bleeding.
milieu is a lot like being GM of a c 0 NTINUUM game, Every bout that actual damage is inflicted,
on ly with less worry about consequence. the victim is allowed to roll against his Mind:
Highest Title in Dreaming always gets to Success means he knows this is the real thing, and
control the milieu . Equal Titles, higher M.ind gets it. may awaken. Bruise damage creates bruises along
lf Title and Mind are the same in both dreamers, and the nerve pathways; these are twice as painful as
if they just can't agree on something as ephemeral as waking bruises, but cause no greater damage than
a simple backdrop, it comes down to a competitive real Physical Combat. Lethal damage causes nerve
action, rolling against the Dreaming skil l. damage along the pathways, and may render limbs
GMs may optionalJy allow a mixed milieu or one's whole body paralyzed if the area is cut off
with more than one controller painting the canvas.' or maimed in Dream Combat.
This would a ll ow participants to adjust a mixed If the victim ever enters Shock, he awakens.
milieu if within one Title rank of highest Titled lf he is killed, he truly dies: No one who is
Dreamer present. Note it can be more informative to
Telepathically killed in the Drearntime may take
alJow others to form or adjust the milieu: A choice advantage of the Surviving Death rules [p. 40].
of background can be a big giveaway as to personali-
ties or intentions. Limitations to Telepathic Attack in Dream.
Dream-weapons that can inflict real damage
Dreamers always maintain control of what are Limited to melee, ranged or simple firearms or
their own appearance is, unless four Title ranks hand lasers: Anything designed to do direct damage
below the controller of the milieu; in these cases, the from Telepath to target, with no chance of a back-
controller can pretty much turn them into what they lash onto the Telepath. The target must also not be
want, until they leave, behave or whatever. I.e. altered directly by control of milieu (as in the Bernie-

'Though such effe ts may wander off or morph into omething else in the milieu iJ nm concentra ted upon.
Chapter ill: Struggling c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet '
is-a-cabbage example, above). This is necessary to least a Master Dreamer, and the teacher is a
hide the Telepathic attacks. Dream-weapons with a Grandmaster in both Dreaming and the Skill being
blast radjus, esoteric payload, or that can do massive taught. Time Indexes are halved, but it is rare to find
dam age to a miJjeu (napalm, grenades, bioweapons, Grandmaster Dreamers willing to take on students.
atom bombs) shatters the illusion of the Telepath y, Again, no Span can be regained from sleep
does no damage, and reveal to the victim that he 's conducted w hile using Dreaming Skill; this naturally
been Telepathically attacked, and may awaken . includes Dream Combat and Learning Skills. Some
Telepathy does not have have the power to nefarious enemies have used Dream Combat to pre-
damage tissue outside of Dreaming. For that kind of vent spanners from getting enough rest to regain
fun, you need Pyrokinesis [see, p. 116]. Span; it is advised to seek out the Dreamers'
The Telepath takes no real damage in the Fraternity if these attacks persist.
Combat, only the victim. Naturally, two Telepathic
Dreamers on the same level can have it out in Attempting to Span in Dreams
Dreamtime like it was the real thing. In these situa- The Dreamtime is not a tool or medium for
tions, control of milieu is paramount. physical transportation despite the seeming reality
Many in the Dreamers Fraternity are accom- of one's body and milieu. If one were to try and
plished Telepaths, and many are eager for a real Span to an earlie r part of a Dream, one merely
fight. Such warriors glad ly Span to whatever Level a relives the dream as an unfragging gemini [see
fellow spanner is being ambushed, and retaliate with above]: You enter a different dream, or different
their own Telepathic barbecue. Or sometimes a Rendezvous la Reve.
Foxhorn is sent round to dispatch the Telepath It is widely believed that narcissists take
before he can dream again. inspiration for multiple-world theories from the
Dreamtime, where anything can happen. Alas that
Control of Milieu in Dream Combat. they cannot understand that it's only in their
As above, whoever has highest Title in Dreams.
Dreaming, or highest Mind controls the milieu.
Changing the milieu during the Combat requires a Dream log- optional
roll against Mind. Keeping a separate log for revelations and
experiences in the Dreamtime can be useful, especia l-
Victory - he may change the milieu and attack! ly when the GM likes to use Dreaming as a method
Success - milieu can be changed but controller can of furthering his plots. Keeping the log is nowhere
on ly defend near as important as maintaining one's span book
Failure - he can on ly defend , and the milieu is [pg. 34], and keeping your spannjng a secret: Plenty
unchanged of levellers keep dream journals. If anyone finds
Blunder- controller una ble to defend, or change yo urs, you can explain to your leveller acquaintances
milieu that you dream of travelling time. This makes a
pleasant excuse to maintain among levellers whenev-
Nothing presented as part of a milieu can er the subject of time travel comes up.
actually harm a Dreamer, even if designed by a
Telepath. But a changed milieu can put a combatant Further information on the Dreamers
off guard by dropping the floor out from him, encas- Fraternity and their motivations is available to the
ing him in a closet of blinding light, or other impedi- GM . [See Also Aquarian Skills-Clairvoyance, pg.
ments. It takes one bout to recover from any unfa- 114.]
vorable change of milieu.
Note that unless a Dreamer is four Title
ranks above his opponent, he has no control over the In Cold Print
opponents' appearance- thus burdening an oppo-
nent with chains, ropes or fire, etc. is not an allowed
change of milieu, nor is it an effecti ve attack.
Scribes Fraternity
The Scribes Fraternity handles most move-
ment of physical information Up and Down space-
time. Translations, interpretations and even composi-
Dream Learning
tjon of information are the great love of the Scribes,
Practicing Combat or Learning Skills while
and this central fount of learning in the Continuum
Dreaming is only supplemental. No more than a sin-
is of enormous convenience to a ll loyal spanners.
gle clock per Skill per Title rank can be checked this
While they don 't have an enigma like the
way, and Time Indexes are not affected.
Dreamtime to explain, the Scribes do have strict
rules about use of Scribal Librariums. For one thing,
The only exception is when the learner is at
books are never removed. They are easy enough to
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
duplicate, or have duplicated. But reasons for need-
ing the information, where the information is going,
who is seeing the information and when are asked of
all querants, and while tedious, it is all part of
recording the acts and unfolding of the universe.
· Many (though by no means all) Oracle and
Frune Strategems during Time Combat [ppg. 124-5]
are actually carried out at or with the cooperation of
a Scribal corner. Scribes have detailed information
about all Time Combats everywhen: Many if not all
have been recorded in detail, primarily for use by the
Quicker. How much they divulge to you about any
subject is the amount of information you should
accept in the given situation (First Maxim).
Delivering hard copy is considered the best
way to prove oneself, fix promises, and meet and
entwine Yets across time. The honesty and accuracy
of the Scribes is known and trusted by all
Continuum spanners, and no reputable source can be
found to complain about their spotless service.

Time & Writing

The Scribes have no specific statement to
make about sending and carrying written material
across spacetime beyond the admonishments of the
First and Second Maxims. Put simply: Be careful
with information, knowledge and wisdom! No one is
meant to have all of them all of the time. H . Freyja (b. I 869)
Adveni c:mc m ,
T/,e Times (Lo nd on ) Feb ru ary 29, 19<M
That being said, here follow some tips a nd guidelines ink wa h
co unesy Lavende r Twil ight Barh , Lid.
to information use in playing C0 NTINUUM:
tell it apart from the one he's composing. Only then
Note to myself does he grab a fresh envelope, and a fresh piece of
notepaper, to copy the entire note verbatim. Then he
Nothing precludes players from sending destroys the received note, and spans back and mails
themselves notes. But the chances for frag are pretty his composed note to himself.
high unless precautions are taken. The GM says, " That works." Harry stands proud.
Byro would even notice how precisely alike the notes
Example O ne. Pla yer Harry's character Lt. Byro were before he mailed the one, and threw away the
receives a letter in his PO box detailing a shootout other.
that Byro hasn't experienced. He writes the event
down in his Yet. Then he grabs a fresh envelope, Example Three. Player Harry's character Lt. Byro
stuffs the letter he received into it, spans back and spans Down and mails a letter to a junior a year
mails to to himself. younger from when he composed it, warning the
" Point of frag," says the GM. "Aw, why?" groans junior of a shootout that the junior will survive.
Harry. " Poim of £rag," says the GM. "Aw, why?" groans
The GM explains that Byro has created a potentia l Harry.
causal loop: The note was never composed, the The GM explains simply that Byro never experienced
notepaper would never have been manufactured, et receiving a letter before the event. The GM could
cetera. Harry now has to sneak into the Post Office have just had the Post Office lose the letter, but feels
and swipe the note he mailed, and mail a properly H arry needs a lesson in caution (after all, it was a bit
composed note, to fix the frag. narcissistic of him to mail that). Now Harry has to
secretl y retrieve the note before it can get to his
Example Two. Pla yer Harry's character Lt. Byro junior, to heal the frag.
receives a letter in his PO box detailing a shootout
that Byro hasn't experienced. He writes the event Example Four. Player Harry's character Lt. Byro
down in his Yet. As a precaution, he tears or crum- receives an answering machine message from himself
ples the note he received- so that he' ll be able to describing his imminent death in gory detail. He

Artwork- Cl 1999 Hcar hrr ~kKmnc)

Chapter ill: Struggling c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
writes the recording into his Yet, but then immedi- corners might be willing to help train yo u, if there
ately spans Down and records it. are any nearby, and have members that know tour
The GM says, " Darn it, that works." Harry stands native tongue. Don't forget that even spanners don't
proud, and laughs. share a common language!
AJI physical elements are accounted for; the message
is just another event in his Yet, albeit very self-inten- Simon Says
sive. It's also a way to circumvent a dire destiny by Without some convention to represent lan-
turning prophetic warnings into practical jokes! guage translation, you may quickly experience con-
Another warning to GMs about player cleverness. fu sion around the gaming table:

Languages and nuance Bart: So what's your name?

GM: "Phocis, of-" No wait, he can't understand
Span Ones will probably not have to worry Mary: Well, I can speak Greek, I ask.
much about learning entirely new languages; no GM: "You are all confusing foreigners here! What
more than any leveller might want to learn a lan- are your names!"
guage before touring a modern nation. But th ere are Mary: I'm Mary of er, Londininium. This is-
certain small details a spanner should watch out for. Bart: I' m Bart!
Especially slang. GM and Mary: He can't understand you .
Time travel movies like to play around with Bart: Well that's crappy.
distinctive slang used anachronistically such as
'groovy' or 'daddy-a'. But these can usually be One trick for maintaining a sense of realism,
passed off as a joke or idiosyncrasy, because they are without burdening the players with excess time or
so distinct and unusual. More dangerous is trying to worries, is having the players speak as if addressing
use the latest catchphrase: Being off by even a few the translator. The GM then responds as if the native
months can set off a trend too soon, or mark you as speaker is being translated.
behind the times. Try having players who aren't native speak-
For instance, the word 'definitely' was a very ers preface everything with "Ask him " or "Tell
popular catchphrase for 'yes' circa AD 1987. It was- him": This is no harder than 'Simon Says' or the rule
n't seen much before or after. 'Dynamite' was used on Jeopardy! of phrasing answers in the form of a
as a comparative for decades, then as a popular question. If the player fails to say "Ask him", have
exhaltation from 1971 until about 1975, when actor the native speaker politely ignore him, since no
Jimmie Walker adopted a stylized form of it for his translation is assumed:
tv character; afterwards the word becomes associated
solely with him. Such subtleties exist in all centuries, Bart: Ask him what his name is.
and indeed alJ Eras- the best cautionary example is GM: He says, " I am Phocis of Epirus. And you?"
the word 'O.K.' It is perhaps the most famous syn- Bart: Tell him "Bartholomew, from over the sea."
onym for 'yes' in the world in AD 2000: Even non- Mary: I'm Mary of Londininium.
English speakers tend to recognize it. It appears in Bart: Any good places to stay here in Epirus?
print only as early as 1860, and may derive from GM: He says, "I am pleased to meet you. What is
Martin Van Buren's 1836 presidential campaign your business?"
moniker, 'Old Kinderhook'. So even saying 'okay' to Mary: Trading in tin, if there is a market for it here.
someone from earlier periods will only result in their Bart: Oops. And ask him about good places to stay.
puzzlement. GM: He strokes his beard and says, "There's quite a
Let the nuances of slang be a warning. As a need for tin by the army. If you let me make
general rule, do as the natives do, and stick to the the introductions, you may guest at my house
simplest form of the language. You will always be tonight."
seen as a stranger anyway, unless you spend a great
deal of Age with a people, so keep your words
unadorned and polite.
Tech Solutions to Translation-
Science fiction abounds with easy-to-use hid-
den translation devices, but in real life these devices
Learning languages in the field would be quite obvious, and clunky. For example: A
The rule for spanning away and picking up Universal Language Stick that talks, is hardly clan-
'Instant Skills' [pg. 40] needs a caveat: If you're years destine, and one would have to wait as it spoke in
away from home, and speak a language not yet in
bursts in the alien language, and hope it doesn't
use, you're not likely to find a local able to teach insult the ambassador via computer error. Same for
you easily- you may have to go back Up and learn waiting for a device in your ear to translate as you
the desired language in your own century! nod idiotically: And how are they supposed to
Exceptions exist, of course. Thespian and Scribal
Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
understand you? Even the United Nations uses mid- of these effects: GM's discretion as to what equals
century equipment and translator methods, through sufficient concentration. Pain breaks concentration at
the Aquarian cusp. any Title below Master. Shock makes usi ng these
The only efficient t;anslation tech that can powers impossible.
be used unnoticed are bioimplants allowing for
instant download of new languages and fluency. INFORMATION-RELATED
That way the character can simply speak with the Based on the Mind Attribute.
natives and avoid any transl ation gaffes or middle-
men. The GM has further information on bioim- Clairvoyance
plants in his section. Time lndex:
300 da ys/90 days
Telepathy- This is akin to Oracular Dreaming [see
While teleparhs can read minds, they can't Dreaming, pg. 20] only while awake. Clairvoyants
always translate them. Gaining access to all the can always tell when they' re being watched them-
images and scenes stored in the deep memory of a selves, but cannot block: They can only attempt to
target is of limited use: Seeing top secret Nazi docu- watch back.
ments means little if you don't know German, and Any scene psychically witnessed can be either vague
even visual records add up to little more than seeing or distinct .
foreign language films without subtitles. Vague readings tend to be rapid impressions,
lasting only a few seconds. Information is similar to
For further information, see Telepathy, pg. 115. half-remembered recollections: You know the basic
gist of the event, bur maybe only one face, place,
comment or object is at all clear.
Distinct readings last up to several minutes,
Aquarian Skills and you usually experience the event moment for
moment. It requires you to be right at the location of
the event, Up from it, or Level. (Farther Down, and
So called because these are much more common in less of the event's effect is flowing in your direction.
that Era; the communication skills generally replace Being Level is useful for reading cards or seeing
Dreaming, for instance, at least levelly. around corners.)
Clairvoyants with a Mind 10 or higher can
Brainwaves and their traditional powers get distinct impressions from farther Up, but these
How does one learn this psi stuff? It's all are almost always brief flashes.
extracurricular, as far as learning to span goes. You
can seek out gurus in the various Fraternities [ppg. NOTE: GMs may force an impression upon a clair-
64-87]. The Midwives have more than their share of voyant at any time. GMs can describe impressions
witches, the Dreamers are replete with telepaths and any way they choose, as long as it is accurate.
clairvoyants, and the Physicians, Foxhorn and
Quicker often find psi powers usefu l on their rounds. Roll: Versus Mind for success. Frequency of use: A
Even some levellers have limited psychic number of times equal to your Mind, between rests
gifts, but it's best to leave them in the dark, as usual. that regain Span.
Aquarians and, of course, the Inheritors rend to be Range: You can only see events within your range of
reticent about their psychic skills. To emphasize the Span. (I.e. a Span One can't clairvoyance an event
distinction, spanners automatically succeed in any farther than ten miles or one year away, no matter
unchallenged action using Aquarian skills, whereas their title of skill.)
levellers must roll for success.
Most spanners in the Continuum consider Novice- min. Mind 5
the information-related psychic skills very important. Can see events within 5 minutes Down from you,
The other psychic tricks they believe to be to be fun or Level, but not Up
and all, but somewhat distracting from the issues of Apprentice- min. Mind 6
causality, narcissists, and the War with Can see events within an day, Up, Down or Level
Antedeserrium. Time travel and releportation are the Journeyman- min. Mind 7
cornerstones of the spanning life; this psi stuff is Can see events within a year, Up, Down or Level
merely decorative by comparison. Master min. Mind 8
Always bear in mind the Fourth Maxim. Can see events within ten years, Up, Down or Level
Too much of what follows is unexplained to lev- Grandmaster- min. Mind 9
ellers, and may be considered a violation of the Can see events within a hundred years, Up, Down
Fourth if abused in front of level onlookers. or Level
Concentration is necessary to maintain any
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Hypnosis Sorry, standard hypnosis can create no
Not an Aquarian Skill, as any leveller can Manchurian Candidates: A person won 't do any-
learn it, but it is certainly Information-Related, and thing utterly contrary to their nature. Note that it is
is of a piece with the Skills in this section. in the nature of some people to maim and murder, so
Hypnotism works by trance and suggestion. hypnotizing a Foxhorn, for instance, is a dangerous
Once a target has been put into a trance, trust with thing to play with.
the hypnotist is assumed, and suggestions may be
planted in the target's mind. Hypnotists can decide Removing the Suggestion
how much or how little a target remembers during a As easily as the suggestion is placed, it can
trance session. Suggestions may be hypnotic or post- be removed. The removing hypnotist has the option
hypnotic. to let the target forget or remember anything that
Hypnotic suggestions are ones acted upon has transpired. Note that once an incident of frag is
during hypnosis, and have no effect after the trance overcome and unmade, it is usually safe to remove
session is over. Anyone with Hypnotism can plant the suggestion planted in a victim of frag: They
hypnotic suggestions on a willing target. remember being hypnotized, which allows causality
Post-hypnotic suggestions are those to be to make perfect sense.
acted upon after the trance session is over. A hypno-
tist must have a minimum Quick 5 and Mind 5 to A Final Warning
effectively plant post-hypnotic suggestions in a Use of Hypnosis on spanners is highly dis-
entranced target. couraged by the Continuum, and needing to resort
Entrancing a target against their will is diffi- to it frequently to cure frag shows a sloppiness that
cult, but not impossible: The hypnotist's Quick must can retard a spanner's advancement. Use on levellers
exceed the target's by 1 and his Mind must exceed is much more acceptable, especially in light of the
the target's by 2. Targets with the hypnotism Skill Fourth Maxim.
may resist by Title rank. Targets that are entranced
get one attempt to resist a post-hypnotic suggestion
with a bonus of + 1 to their Mind.
Hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions can Photographic Memory
include any or all of the following: Equivalent to the Benefit [pg. 13]. This abili-
ty is automatic to humans of Mind 8 and above.
Party tricks-
" Bill, bark like a dog."' But simple tricks can be
extremely useful when someone has created acciden-
tal frag or a recalcitrant narcissist refuses to help Telepathy
reverse a deliberate paradox. One quick suggestion, Time Index:
and the target sets things to rights. 300 days/90 days
Since information is all, get inside their
heads. Keep them from getting into yours. Any
Often a mentally ill spanner's best ally, as it can help
telepath from Apprentice on up automatically knows
integrate forgotten periods of Age, or even help cope
when someone's trying to read them; Masters can tell
with terrors in (or terrors managing) their Yet. [See
who. Reading minds can be challenged by shielding.
Madness and Related Problems, pg. 138.]
Telepaths can also wipe whatever they successfully
read, instantly, within the parameters set down
Seduction and Crime- below. Wiping is either (attacker's choice): hypnotic
Would-be Svengalis and Circes can put hypnosis to
surpression of memories, or their permanent erasure,
all kinds of unethical use. [See Madness and Related
ouch. GM's discretion as to how many memories an
Problems- Taboos, pg. 140.]
attack can take out per bout. Surpression is
reversible at the same title of skill, but the victim
Altering Memory- can't tell if the memories are gone for good ...
The target can be made to surpress the memory of
any incident or believe to have experienced incidents
Roll: Reading and wiping can be challenged by
that never occurred. Usually both, with a sensational
shielding; Superiority rules apply [pg. 16].
or terrifying incident replaced with an incident
Range: Must be Level, spatial range equa l to the
involving a reasonable explanation. Note that the
distance one can Span, but GM's discretion may
true memories lie buried in the target's mind, so this
decide there's too much interference for automatic
is different than telepathic wiping of memory (see
success (i .e. target is in a big city with a million
Telepathy, below).
other minds, target is on the far side of an above
ground nuke test, etc.)
Chapter ill: Struggling c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Novice- min. Mind 7 MASS-RELATED
Read/shield surface emotions Based on the Quick Attribute, but with required
Min. Mind 9 to wipe minimum scores in Mind.
Apprentice- min. Mind 8
Read/shield conscious thoughts These rely to a great extent upon your
Min . Mind 10 to wipe innate abilities as a spanner. Levellers who can
Journeyman- min. Mind 9 telekinese are rare, due to the high Ability scores
Send emotions and simple thoughts required.
Master- min. Mind I 0
Read/shield subconscious thoughts, send conversation Levitation and Flight, telekinesing oneself
Min. Mind 12 to wipe Time Index:
Grandmaster- min. Mind 11 300 days/90 days
Read/shield deep memory Spanning is great, and makes skydiving easy,
Min. Mind 13 to wipe but what about flying around Like Peter Pan? A
repeat warning for the wannabe-superhero spanner:
Read the Fourth Maxim . Maximum load is your
ENERGY-RELATED weight times your Span. (Hence, levellers can't fly,
Based on the Mind Attribute. but see telekinesis below for an alternative.)

Roll: Can be challenged with Telekinesis; Superiority

Pyrokinesis and related effects rules apply [pg. 16].
Time Index:
300 days/90 days Novice- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 7
lf simple molecular agitation is all you're Max. speed 1/10 mph
after- boiling water with your mind- you can Apprentice- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 8
achieve it with this. Max. speed 1 mph
Conveys ab olutely no protection from one's Journeyman- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 9
own effects. Lf you ' re the target yourself, you can Max. speed 10 mph
challenge. Master- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 10
Max. speed 100 mph
Roll: Can challenge another's Pyrokinesis; Grandmaster- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 11
Superiority rules apply [pg. 16]. Max. speed 1000 mph (Watch the g-force on that!)
Range: within sight. Area: Up to 1 cubic foot per
point of Mind

Novice- min. Mind 6

Telekinesis of external objects
Temperature change 1° C./per minute Time Index:
Apprentice- min. Mind 7 300 days/90 days
Temperature change 6° C./per minute Move objects, even people, as if it were nor-
mal to were carry or throw them around, up to the
Journeyman- min. Mind 8
weight allowance shown. Can substitute for
Temperature change 1° C./per second
Master- min. Mind 9 Levitation, but speed of self-movement has a maxi-
Temperature change 10° C./per second mum of about 2 mph, and unless you're tiny, you'll
need the Title of Master before you can lift yourself.
Grandmaster- min. Mind 10
Temperature change 100° C./per second
Roll: Can challenge Levitation or another's
Telekinesis; Superiority rules apply [pg. 16].
Range: Within sight. Can span with the object if
your Span is sufficient to bear the load.

Novice- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 7

Weight 1 pound
Apprentice- min. Mind 7 min. Quick 8
Weight 10 pounds
Journeyman- min. Mind 8 min. Quick 9
Weight 100 pounds
Master- min. Mind 8 min. Quick 10
Weight 1000 pounds
Grandmaster- min. Mind 9 min. Quick 11
Weight 10,000 pounds
Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
sign that a large amount of spanning is going on
Time Combat nearby.

The rules for conducting Time Combat in c 0 NTINUUM To a Narcissist or other Target of Frag-
begin on pg. 121. First, a discussion of what it looks Narcissists refer to encounters with the
like to the characters: Continuum as ' the Swarm'. Though, often as not,
the 'Swarm' is not concentrated in one moment, or
even one Level of spacetime, when it is, it does have
What Time Combat Looks an ominous appearance to someone targeted for
Like Anyone who has felt frag does not want to
feel it again, but is better prepared for its effects. But
To a Leveller- Time Combat is such that dire harbingers of its com-
Levellers, of course, never notice much time ing often drive a target mad with terror. Flitting
travel. But some telltale signs are there, familiar to spanners coming and vanishing out of the corner of
spanners from their days before the Invitation. your eye, a person watching you from a distance,
Deja vu, or "already seen" is one of many meeting the same stranger more than once over the
names psychologists and neuroscientists give to the course of a day, but without a kind word or the sig-
phenomenon of having the impression of that one nal 'what time is it?' to ease the fear. [See the stories
has experienced something before. The authors' own Somebody Always Wants You Gone, pg. 52; Afoot,
experiences with deja vu involve the distinct element pg. 62, and Out in Society, pg. 118 for further illus-
of being able to recall when one had seen or known tration of this.]
the event before, all the while aware that one cou ld- Continuum spanners that see this much sus-
n't have had the actual experience then. There is no picious activity around them alert their corner like a
memory of having remembered the experience before reflex. But while narcissists can exhibit some form of
the deja vu, either. organization, and even attack in teams, most find
Late Piscean science explains deja vu as a themselves alone or deserted when frag comes down
retroactive firing of neurons out of sequence between upon them. Few narcissists live to see three Time
the forebrain (short-term memory) and the deeper Combats, and they know this quite well.
memory centers of the brain. Why different centers
of the brain should misfire is given a number of
explanations, but the majority of these instances can To a Continuum Spanner-
be explained simply by the intercession of the The process of bringing down a narcissist is
Continuum against narcissist intrigue. like breathing deeply and slowly. Like listening to
Deja vu is the scar left behind from a narcis- your heart beat. Most Time Combats involve a cycle
sist attack. Since the Continuum ultimately defeats of Oracle/Attack, Rendezvous, Oracle/ Attack,
all attempts at frag, all that there is for a leveller to Rendezvous. The quarry becomes familiar, and then
notice is the split-second of a present moment related it is hunted down, and either neutralized physically,
to a past moment: the brainwave that exists in two or in serious cases £ragged out. With numbers on our
places at the same time. For the tiniest instant, they side, a £rag our is always very possible.
are half-awake to the woof and weave of spacetime
[See Chapter 2: Spanning-Causality, pg. 56] , and There is also the possibility of mercy. Not all
then the special moment is gone, leaving on ly the narcissists are so far down the road as to deserve
memory of an impossible memory. destruction. Many are wayward novices out on a
Mental illness. Some instances of mental ill- joyride that they don 't understand can be deadly. It's
ness, and even physical ai lments can be attributed to a dangerous judgement call, though, as many that
attempts at frag. [See Madness and Related beg for a chance to change their ways, are merely
Problems, pg. 138.] hypocritical spies and intriguers.
Precognitive flashes occur to levellers as fre-
quently as does deja vu since they are part of the Time Combat is always a test of character
same incident. Since most flashes are of seemingly for a spanner. The Continuum wishes you alJ the
irrelevant moments, most levellers' minds don't com- Grace availab le for you to succeed .
mit these "daydreams" to long-term memory.
Fleeting images of the future are rarely recognized as
such, since levellers have no memory of the future to
compare to.
Tintinnabus, or ringing in the ears, denotes
a hypersensitivity to electromagnetism, and is often a
Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
11. Out in Society spans nor closer tnan a foot from Stirling,
who doesn't fl.inch. Ayla swallows audibly, and steps
Long he wandered, down in the darkwood, a lonely back apace.
god going, bending the hours. · Sven is amused by the nervous girl. He says
Catching game is merry and eas_y. The great to Stirling: "You should not taunt your guest. It could
buck fl,inches as he steps so, beside it. A knife in the frighten the children. n He chuckles and turns back to
throat, an arm already straddling the great arc of his pick up his carving, and the good knife.
neck; it makes for good eating. A man of sturdy height steps out from the
There are pleasant fields in this land, and for shadows to the east saying, ''Three and two-thirds fur-
him the springtime never dies. Old bears fish in he longs to the southwest, is our place. Among many such
rocky rivers. If they make an argument with him he dwellings upon a gray road it has a deep green roof
laughs, and is out of the way of their paws. and door." A dark-haired youth, frowning, whose eyes
A night is spent with a shapely Mahican catch the fire, hangs back to the west.
woman he saves from a bear. She keeps making such Stirling continues, "Meet us there, three sun-
noises, stroking the scar on his ribs, the one he got in rises ago. Be discreet before the levellers, or suffer the
fighting near Trebizond. He wishes he could tell her penalty."
about the Black Sea, how she moves like it. In the Sven only snorts, and they are gone. He fin-
morning he is a year away. ishes his meal, and lays back to sleep, but cannot.
The wood people give way as he climbs the Something in the trees is watching. "Curse you,
y ear-ladder, and settlements of what he takes for Stirling, and you, her kin." But he marches up to the
Frisians and Germans begin to fill the river-valleys, spring, washes briefl.y in the dark, and readies himself
and then the hillsides. He considers spinning back, to to face the corner on their home turf.
walk the wide land with the tribes again. But he comes Sven manages to stay discreetly behind the
here with questions. He comes to {rune the secret of tall fence as he arrives. The paperboy is a late arriving
his making, from those that know, even if he has to witness, staring at the lumbering man in the rusty hel-
take their lives. He has heard they are impatient, and met and fur boots, as he glares up and down the neigh-
so is he. borhood, and marches up the steps to bang on the door
He hears the rattle of engines, more and more with his half-finished carving.
as he journeys up, until the game is quiet and the leaf-
rush is fighting the shrill song of man in the encroach-
ing distance. Looking out from the window, Anton com-
One evening he spins and hunts a three-point ments, "We're going to have to join a Ren fair or some·
buck with his old bow. He fells him, but the bow thing Down from here, you know."
breaks, and he knows it is a bad omen for his solitude. "Explains some of the junk mail, n peeps A.via.
That night, as he roasts his kill, they come.
Four, one one each side of his small clearing. He heard
no step approaching, and can tell what is to happen. The day drags on into afternoon as Sven goes
A woman with dark hair strides into the fire- in stages from taciturn to angry to sullen. Christopher
light before him. Her clothes are strange and smooth, has tried to engage him in questions beyond the grunt·
with dazzling, distracting details. He looks into the ed yes-or-no. He JJO,ces the living room fl.oar; the shav-
{1.ames, yanks out a leg from them. ings from Sven s work are starting to pile rip. Anton is
In a rough dialect of his native tongue, the draped into a recliner in the corner, having told Sven
dark woman begins to speak. "What is the hour." hours before that he had given up on him. Sven had
He takes a bite and says nothing. simply ignored his words.
She folds his arms and frowns down on him. Ayla comes downstairs. She is throwing pow·
After another two bites he mutters, "What is der from a can all over, and fiinches at a great deer
the hour." tick that hops from Sven to her arm.
She spans, is seated nut to him. "I am called "These have Lyme disease," she hisses in
Stirling. Here, this is my corner you are walking in." English, whacking it away.
He snorts, and looks away from the small "What is that mixture," grunts Sven.
woman. She punches him deftly in the ribs, and to his "Another welcoming gesture," Ayla whines,
trurprise, it hurts. and Sven laughs; he does not believe her, but doesn t
"Look at me when I speak. I know you, Sven [ear her dusty magic. He is more magic than most who
Olafsson. We have spent many months of age in learn- breathe under the sun.
ing your language, which is dead here, because you "You have not mentioned why you honor our
have made yourself our guest. Will you come with us to threshhold," says Stirling, slowly losing patience. "Or
our comer-house, or will you accept only the wrath of why you abandoned your teacher, and abandoned all
the Continuing upon a wayward son?" the wisdom you were meant to share."
Sven stares into her eyes a long moment. ·1 have my reasons," he says, with a gesture
Stirling does not blink. Gunnar taught him from the court at Constantinople.
Sven tosses awa.v the bone, and turns toward "You are near the Aquarian cusp, very near.
his gear. "I will come if I can bring my carving." They will not care for your reasons there, they will
"Bring your good knife, if it makes you feel remove you. Then there will be no one to write your
safe." story." Stirling was hitting close to the bone, and Sven
Sven's reaction is a half-pounce, but he nei- grew red.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
She stanas "/or a moment, tense, steps forwar"d
a paee, then thrusts behind her and to her right as the
man appears again, with bloody face and swollen eye,
trying to grab her. It's a clean shot, deep in his gut,
Suen. and he goes down. Ayla leaps with a hiss and vanishes.
"And if the village is protected by the gods?" It is not over.
says Chris. Anton appears, and moves a pati<J table with a
Sven si'ts glowering. He starts his whittling characteristic smirk. He is gone.
again. The man reappears, farther to the east, sweat-
-StiTling says quietly, "And what of the mighty ing profusely but uninjured. He backs up nervously,
man whom all the gods have singled out for stumbles over the table and falls with a crash.
ve,n,geance?" Chris appears next to him, cracks the man's
"I've never seen that." skull with a bat, and vanishes. Ayla appears, punches
''But you've heard of it, Sven Olafsson. Now, his throat, he turns, she is gone.
would you like t-0 see?" Sven blinks in the grass. He sees the elder
Sven stops carving, and is silent a long Ayla next to him. The white teeth of rage glint between
mtnute. her lips. She relives tJie violence of this time, an'U Sven
"Am I the one nunted:.U' realizes he does not krrow the depths of this you,ng
''That ia not what we intend to show you," spanner.
says Chris. 'o/ou do not deserve tha,t here." Alone, the man struggles up, coughing, a tooth
'.Then aliow me." slipping down his chin. He pauses, breathing, scowling
up at the shadow on the roof. and with a muffled curse
It is night. The dew is on the perfect grass, All is quiet for Aeveral seconds, except the
and Sven, it, womlering how it is kept so squMe on the crickets.
top~ Th..ey are Chere, all five crouched down behind a He reappears where he first entered, swings
knoll, in a backyard under a bright moon and eerie and kicks at air, yelling, "-sorry!" looks confused, then
incandescent ldmps. Beyond the knoll, in short order, a winces from some inner turmoil. He holds his hands to
assion is to be perfor-m.ed. his ears. "Dammit." Then, he sees his proM body.
"We s'/w.uld be h"tiiclen if we stay here," says Falling back to the east, he gives a small yelp.
Chris. He turns in the grass and is.gone.
"'!'his is a tart! treat," explair,,s Stirling. "We
should be safe watching, since all my corner have And Ayla reappears, descending out of the air
experienced this. You will find our methods quiet. for and stabbing the prone form. Her panting echoes amid
this century. A fire-arm here would alert the common- the cricket-calls. Sounds of a trowel rushing hurriedly
ers." in dirt, until Chris and Anton show, and calm her
"Or an axe, casting brains out on them, " he down. She is covered in blood, and is saying, "1 don't
chortles. like frag, guys. It does this to me. It just does."
"Do not moue from here or make another Anton suggests something to her in low tones.
soun:d, o I wiU kill you. " Stirling's voice is low, the She laughs in silent hysteria, 1UJds, and is gone. Ghris
matter is settled despite Sven's glower. is shaking his head, but the two depart, leaving the
She points over, over to the left. Beyond a dea,d man.
high red fence, on a near, low rooftop stands a figure, The roof figure vanishes, having never moved
watcliing. Sven believes he recognizes Stirling herself, once.
And before them, spanning near the gate in After another minute, a group of five serious
the fence, a man appears. looking people step out silently from behind a.shed. A
He seems i.n a hurrx but hesitates, looking for sixth is Anton, who points at the body with a few com-
a long moment at a c/.ay flower pot. He approaches it, ments, then retur:ns the table to its place. He spans
and begins to pick it u:p, when he blinks, and suddenly away.
swerves to see the ffgure on the roof. 1wo of the newcomers examine the fallen
"Swarm," muttecrs t e man, and Sven recog- man, while the other three fan out around the yard.
nizes the word. One fellow sees them lying there relaxed and cozy, and
He begitt.s to peer in Sven Ii direction, and approaches tlie prone spaMers dubiously. Stirlirtg
Sverls ha,ul fi,nds his knife-hili. Stirling puts a small smiles and gives him a thumbs up.
hand on his shoulder. He can feel the tension in her He looks with great curiosity at Sven. "I don't
l,PCJlm, .ready to sp'Fing and remove the nearest eye. As suppose you a care to tell me the time," he says in
it happens, the man has no chance to discover them. n.glish.
Ayla <JPpears, a stiff black shadow under the "I don't suppose you'd care to tell me the
patio roof; holding before him with a knife dripping time!" Stirling sounds amused, and very much in
with blood. J{e pales, doesn't move. "You liked this, charge.
huh. Frogging me." He steps back, lean muscles in his "I suppose. Later, Stirling." He lopes off, and
far:e pulsing. vanishes.
''1.- I'm awfully-" And he is gone. "Ed, a Foxhorn friend, " she explains. "Should
Alya carefully puts away her trophy, and have introduced you, Chris. Anyway. The Foxhorn
draws another bl€id,e. 'die prisoners like that. lf sell-lover is lu.cky, he will
Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
never reawa n." by tlie sky-r"oiiil." He sets it clown heavily on the
Sven makes a noise, but he reconsidering kitchen table, scratching the furniture badly. Anton
many things. nearly says something, but Stirling stops him with a
"Have you ever felt /rag, Sven?" asks Stirling. gesture.
In the suburban twilight, he does not answer. ''What am I supposed to see in thisf" asks
The distant lamps in odd yards cast his hosts' faces Stirling.
into the colors of skulls and dead flesh. Sven snorts, and says simply, "A time hunt."
Stirling starts to chuckle, and is soon joined The corner looks closer. Weaving in and out
by the rest of her corner. Even Ayla plainly knows here and around are the impossible necks and lattice bodies
that she has been tested, and tested better than the of the ancient style. Man, dog, and fox are intertwined.
big man. "It is the same for hunting the self-lovers,'' says Sven.
'7 must have," he mutters. "In the time of for· "I only realized when you showed me the hunt, why
getting-" my mentor wanted us to carve, to let our minds see
"Doesn't quite count, huh. Well. Your time will this thing. The spiral and the catch. Our carvings were
come. Are you a fox, a beast in the wilderness? Or do to be only of men. "
you stand with your own kind.,. Stirling smiles her approval. 'That's excellent.
Sven watches as the other Foxhorns take hold So much stuff out there."
of the broken body, and span away. "I am tired of the "You didn't know that's what it represents?"
Wa$te-wandering. There is more to be seen among says A,yla in English, blinking. She is still a very young
spinnerfolk." spanner. "I mean, I didn't know. But, I thought,
Finally, the lights come on inside the leveller y 'know, you'd... you 'cl... "
homestead. "Time to go," sa.vs Stirling. "I'm supposed to know everything?"' says the
mentor in Old Norse, feeling the rich detail under her
fingers. "Where would the fun be in that?"
They return to the corner on a Sunday morn- Anton leans close. "Is he going to be here, um,
ing. Sven has his first experience of cocoa. As they sit much?"
·n the kitchen, an elder Anya shuffles through for some A,yla looks very distressed toward her mentor.
milk. "Keep it down, guys. Your elders are trying to "I think we've got some Sven in our yet ... "
sleep upstairs." She pauses, sleepy-eyes at the door- "Maybe." She thinks of Charlie, standing only
way, staring at her junior. For a long moment, junior as high as Suen s shoulder. But Suen there is mellow
Ayla sits there. Then she nods, and rolling her eyes, compared to this discovery. "I think he's here for a bit,
gets out her little book and puts marks in it. Her elder yes. Our Sven just needs some sanding and polish
grunts approval. Then in Old Norse, "Good morning. before he meets the world again."
Sven." She shuffles out again. Sven is very thoughtful.
'The ways of the hunt you have shown me... " Preparing for Time Combat
He struggles with silence before speaking again. "I
practiced some with my mentor, on birds and on wild
goats. But I did not come close to what I saw. I rue my Prepare for Combat in Advance
decision to try the life alone." You may describe to your GM in great detail
"Its not just the hunt, but your spin-saga. I new Strategems you will take during Time Combat,
believe you have been lax in keeping track. Did your but this planning should be between game sessions.
mentor not teach you these things." Essentially, you must describe your invented
Sven frowns at his own hands. "I thought I Strategem in writing, the GM shou ld take the time to
knew enough, and took myself to the sea-road. It was
consider its consequences before approving it. The
only the lack of my own kind, after long slow spans
through Skraelingland, that set me searching. I did GM may edit Strategem before it comes into use,
not stay with my mentor, for he wished me to spend and interpret its description during the game.
my weeks learning the Irish arts, before educating me Strategems that prove inconsistent or unbalancing
in the warfare of gods." may be reedited by the GM between games.
'The 'Irish arts'?" Stirling sounds vaguely
intrigued. Know Your Corner, and When to
Sven glances furtively about, and then a sharp
twinkle directed at Stirling. "If yo1i will trust me to Rendezvous
span out, I will be back at once. and then I can show Also, have meeting placetimes arranged so
you a thing." that if you're separated from your chronies suddenly
'7 don't trust you," smirks Stirling. "But go you' ll all be able to find one another again. This is
and return. Don't wander far. Most corners don't like a n essential coordinating element for any group
the uninvited." wishing to succeed at Time Combat, and it's a neces-
"So I have seen. So then." He vanishes before sary part of the everyday life of a spanner as well.
their eyes, and even as Anton starts to say, "Suppose
A good place to meet is one's corner, if feasi-
he's-?" Sven is back.
He returns with an armload of Celti{: art he ble. If you and your chronies are doing Combat in
has shaped from a log. He also smells worse; it amuses other spanners' territory, be careful to not upset the
him to see them fl.inch. '7 went and made this in the natives.
small wood where you found me, going and returning Rendezvous every other (or every third)
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Sweep of Time Combat. This is not mandatory, but a distant or unclear- but successful- Fragging
it allows a Corner to coordinate and bring down the Action) the Continuum has every interest to help.
assailant. Ask fellow Fraternity members for assistance with
remote As/As Nots, and they' ll find a way for you to
When Is It Time Combat? barter services with distant spanners.
Whenever sentient force is applied to create In cases where an As/As Not (source point
deliberate paradox and Frag another sentient being, of Frag [pg. 53]) is nearby, but the Frag seems hope-
Time Combat has commenced. lo other words, once lessly complex for the local spanners (or players) to
someone punches you, get your friend s and fight unravel , the Mentor of a corner is expected to see
back. Exalted for aid. Problems that cannot be handled by
For when Time Combat concludes, see pg. the Exalted are handled by the Inheritors [pg. 103].
Why Me? Bringing a narcissist to heel is usually a mat-
There are as many myriad reasons why a ter of spanning in, surprising him, and clobbering
narcissist or group of narcissists start a Time him physically. Since spanning occurs at will, most
Combat. Whatever their dreams of making universes narcissists get knocked out from behind, or by other
of th eir own design, it means bulldozing you out of less-than-chivalrous methods, so they can't escape.
the way. For the reason an incident of Frag affects a They are only human, too.
spanner when it does, see Chapter 2: Spanning- Keeping a defeated narcissist unconscious is
What is the Yet? , pg. 47. usually a good idea, as an awake one can just span
away. Keep them in dreamless sleep if you can-
Enemy Tactics they may have Dreaming skills, and call for help, or
Time Combat often begins shortly after at least send a warning; most are loners, though. The
Foxboro and Quicker Fraternities should be
meeting the Narcissist who starts the fight. This is
informed, though members often show up instantly
because the Narcissist has to make certain of where
after Time Combat to collect the bad guys. Even the
all of you are before yo u begin to bate his guts and
dead bodies of narcissists are usually of great interest
counterattack. It allows him to span away to some-
to these Fraternities, and are removed with dispatch.
when hard to find, even as yo u begin to engage in
Fragging an assailant into a state of non-sen-
the Combat in earnest.
This does leave them slightly more vulnera- tient existence (beyond Frag 7) has a certain satisfac-
tion, and experienced spanners working in concert
ble: A small piece of their whenabouts is known at
the outset can often produce this result.
In many cases the narcissist directly involved
in your fight is swapping favors for another
Narcissist, who is messing around in a different Time
Conducting Time Combat
Combat with a corner for which your assailant has
the real animosity. This makes tracking the motiva- These rules simulate what actually occurs on the
tions and continuity of these people some of the unfortunate occasions when spanners fight with one
"chores" during and after Time Combat. another. With narcissi always acting to disrupt the
But occasionally Time Combat starts the universe, Time Combat is run across all too fr~ -
moment a hapless Narcissist attempts to alter the quently.
universe in some small way, and it Frags unsuspect-
ing Continuum spanners. Such Narcissists are usual- Intention & Participation
ly taking fewer precautions anyway, and pa y the Time Combat is to harm an opponent either
price for their foolishness. by intentionally increasing their Frag, or surprising
them and stopping their mischief physically.
Losing Frag is increased by attempting to change
Sometimes they get away- be prepared to any incident in a spanner's life. Innocuous events are
face that. Occasionally a less experienced spanner, or usuaJly chosen by attackers: Trying to kill a target's
even an entire corner will be assaulted, and the nar- family members before their time, blow up buildings
cissist has been clever enough to hide his identity or that are to stand for years more, etc. usually Frags
at least his whenabouts. This can leave a number of other spanners, and they take action against you
spanners £ragged, and in need of also. [See also Double Jeopardy, below.] The GM
Take heart. They ultimately lose. In fact, the may bring in as many other spanner characters into
longer they string out their defiance of the universe a Time Combat as he feels he can handJe, and is fair.
These characters have their own agendas and coordi-
as it is, the worse shape their existence takes.
As for Frag that may seem unfixable (due to nations, and character spanners may never meet
Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
many (or even any!) of the participants in a Time Direction
A character being attacked may do nothing, • Going Down
and try to heal the Frag later. But for purposes of • Staying Level
this game, assailants can only be caught in the act if • Going Up
a spanner engages in the Time Combat that caused
that Frag. GOING DOWN to the Past often has the advantage
of attempts to Frag, such as Hit and Run. While the
Double Jeopardy timelines of spanners may wend all over spacetime,
Events of previously played-out Time all began as levellers, as were (most) of their ances-
Combats should not be targeted by subsequently tors. One also may gain initiative by being farther
played Time Combats. AIJ but the most insane nar- Down than your opponent.
cissist avoids this as it brings in a host of other span-
ners from the same locality, Society or Era who are STAYING LEVEL in a Present has the advantage of
now put in jeopardy from their Oracular and other certain clarity: One isn't spanning in the heat of the
aid to the spanners during the Time Combat, as well moment, one can observe the first vo lley of attacks,
as anyone dependent on events stemming from the and one conserves Span for final assau lts.
outcome of the original Time Combat. The attacker
may succeed in £ragging vast numbers of spanners by GOING UP to the Future has the advantage of
doing this- but his elimination is the solution to attempts to find the location of most of the spanners
that £rag. Bad idea a ll around. involved in the Combat with Oracle. Except, of
The GM is empowered to add dl0 x dlO course~ spanners farther Up.
spanners (of Spans of the GMs choosing) per Sweep
to oppose the attempt to affect the outcome of a pre- Naturally, the advantages of one Direction
vious Time Combat, which ought to be enough. This create disadvantages in the others, as detailed above.
is sometimes the explanation of Grace rolls during And once again, SPAN IS NOT REGAINED DUR-


Strategems are shorthand for a series of
TIME COMBAT. actions during Time Combat. Since the pace is kept
This simulates the stress of conflict and the fast during the game, a spanner may choose only one
effects of repeated frag attempts on all involved. Strategem per sweep. They come in 3 categories:
After all, they could be £ragging you in your sleep ...
See the story Somebody Always Wants You Gone, • Attacks/Defenses
pg. 52 for a dramatization of the loneliness and ten- • Information Control
sion of Time Combat. • Narcissist Tricks

Who Goes First in a Time Travel Game? Here follows a few of the approved
initiative in many RPGs is a standard way to Strategems for the C0 NTINUUM game. Players are
determine who strikes first, or gains surprise. And encouraged to send in their own successful
the Physical Combat system used in C0 NTINUUM is Strategems to -any that
just that. But when Time itself is an element of play, meet with our approva l wiH appear on our website
how can anyone hope to keep it straight? (
The sequence has been interpreted for lev-
eller players, but each turn of Combat is called a
Sweep. As necessary, refer to each pare of the Sweep Attacks/Defens es
as an Element. Sweeps and Elements are not mea-
surements of Time, but of Actions.
ln each Sweep, each participant chooses a Gemini Flush
Direction and a Strategem. During Time Combat Minimum Bonus to Slcill For every amount To a Max. o
each player has sixty seconds "real time" alone with Duration of Age spent ~
the GM each Sweep to declare their spanner's
actions. 10 minutes n/a
This is a dangerous Strategem, as it gives the
user a point of Frag as per Gemini Incident rules [pg.
39] . However, it is a strong way to span in and
engage in Physical Combat [see pg. 22]. An elder ·
arrives, played by the GM, and both may attack a~y
Chapter III: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
opponents. The elder will probably do what the The spanner targets a specified event, person
player intends, but the GM may decide otherwise in or object in his opponent's timeline to Frag, and
any circumstance as he sees fit, including having the immediately moves on. The spanner must declare his
elder leave. Fragging Action (i.e. I move the lamp so that he trips
During Time Combat, if Gemini Flush is the over and breaks it, instead of switching it on; I steal
chosen strategem, another elder may appear per his car keys so he can't arrive on time, etc.), and
Bout, resulting in even more than two of the same then roll on the Frag Table (pg. 129).
spanner in the same Combat. Each costs a point of The player should give a convincing descrip-
Frag; this Frag is cured after the Combat as per tion of how he Frags his target, within the narrow
Gemini Incident rules [pg. 39]. confines of a sixty-second deadline .. Many results on
The elder(s) will depart after the end of the the Frag table are up to the GM's discretion, and he
Sweep unless the player attempts to direct them. The may have to decide if what yo u've attempted works.
player must successfully roll against the eider's Quick The GM may also decide from the description that
at the end of each Sweep, or the elder departs. an Action would Frag not only the target, but the
Success means that elder will stay in the Combat, fragger and other things beside, so describe carefully!
and can take actions as an additional player charac- If successful in Fragging the target, he must
ter. declare his NEXT SWEEP privately to the GM.
The player must also write any movements This is the typical first blow of a Narcissist,
of the elder into the character's Yet; he may want to though it is sometimes given as a sharp warning to
attach a separate Span Card for elder to accommo- any spanner deliberately employing sentient force to
date this task. The elder departs as soon as the Time something they know they shouldn't.
Combat is over: Where, is best left an unwritten part
of the Yet. Patch
If a junior dies in the Time Combat, the !Minimum
remaining elders take 2 additional points of Frag. If Duration
it is a Second Death, of course the character is 1 second n/a
instantly unplayable, with a Frag of at least 8 [see
Second Death, pg. 41]. This is an important strategem for spanners,
as it employs a quick-fix to known sources of Frag,
Harbinger but with post-Combat consequences.
Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max. of A spanner that has located a source of Frag
Duration of Age spent ~ caused in Time Combat (see Oracle) can recover one
point of Frag with a non-confrontational action far-
1 second n/-a ther Up from the As/As Not. This action must occur
If a successful attack (Frag or physical) on between 15 seconds and 30 minutes after the As/As
opponent has been made, but he or his cohorts are Not.
still engaged in the Combat, this strategem is useful The player describes his attempt to Patch (i.e. 'I
for increasing one's advantage in the Time Combat. replace the car keys in my pocket in time', 'I arrive
The spanner confronts his opponent not and use my authority to cancel the bogus shipment
with Physical Combat, but with psychological war- of lifeboats to the White Star Line', etc.) in such a
fare: evidence of his defeat from the attack men- way that the original assailant is not confronted or
tioned above (a bloody knife, a photo of his humilia- encountered at all.
tion or confusion from frag, a rent and stained piece Patches are written into a spanner's Yet,
of his clothing) is shown to or left where a junior of because they are imperfect resolution, and merely
the opponent can find it. Now that the elder (the one buy a spanner some Age. They must be better
you're fighting) knows the threat was made good, he resolved after or later in Time Combat, unless the
is penalized -1 on all his Skills for the rest of the spanner rolls a Grace or a Victory vs. their Span at
Combat due to sheer nervousness and self-doubt. the time of the Patch.
Harbingers are cumulative if evidence sepa- The GM may always rule a Patch unsuccess-
rate successful attacks are presented to the target. ful (or even £ragging), and decide whether or not fur-
(I.e. a penalty of -2 for proof of two attacks, -3 for ther information would assist in another attempt to
three attacks, etc.) Patch.

Hit And Run Hide

For every amount To a Max. of For every amount
of Age spent ~ of Age spent ~

1 minute n/a
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The spanner slinks off to his Corner, and must rerurn to their point of Rendezvous from the
cakes no actions. Oracles can locate him only on a previous Sweep, about a minute after they left. This
Victory. Frunes are halved, round down. Attempts to is equivalent to declaring their strategem for Next
Frag a Hiding character are penalized + 1 on the roll, Sweep.
but aren't impossible; they can't Hide their entire Isolate heals al.I Frag of a specific As/As Not
lives. Attempts to PhysicaUy attack a spanner while if targeting the spanner that caused it while within
in his Corner will invite all the spanners in chat 15 seconds of the event (or by GM's discretion). This
Corner to join in the Time Combat; assai lants includes Frag acquired whi le performing Isolate.
lf his Corner is out of the range of his
remaining Span, a local chapter of the s panner's
Information Control
Fraternity may accept to Hide him: GM's discretion,
or roU a 10 or higher on d10 + ([2x character's Cobweb
Span] - [2x character's FragJ). Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max. o
Duration of Age spent ~
Minimum Bonu to Skill For every amount To a Max. of 7 days +1 14 days +6 / 84
Duration of Age spent ~
The spanner plants false information, in
1 econd n/a order to fool an Oracle strategem, and/or possibly
deceive a spanner into arriving to perform a
Once an assailant/narcissist is found, Isolate Measure. The GM secretly subtracts the Mind score
can put his fragging actions in a temporal ac uum. of the Cobweb user from the Skill used in perform-
This £rags an individual severely, and should be used ing the Oracle. If the Oracle is successful despite the
with only the worst offenders- though more often Cobweb, the Cobweb is revealed for the false infor-
than not, those are the ones initiating Time Combat. mation it is, and anyone can be informed of this
The effect of Isolate is to coordinate infor- through Dreaming, Rendezvous or other logi.c al
mation about the incident of Frag in such a way that means.
no one Continuum spanner knows enough to A Measure strategem conducted where the
become deepl y involved with the Fragging Action, Cobweb is placed wi ll also uncover its falsehood, bur
but can pass along sufficient means to a chrony to wi ll distract the Measurer sufficiently to be open to
Narcissists know they 've had it when Isolate is Physical Attack. Cobwebs can become baited trap
employed against them: In their parlance, they refer in this way: Your opponents may suspect you're
to it as " the Swarm", because that's what it looks lurking around the Cobweb, and a ttempt to get the
like from their sorry perspective. drop on you. This becomes a layered shell game of
Isolate requires the coord in ation of at least information control, with each side trying to get the
three spanners; there is no maximum number of edge and the final drop on the other.
spanners who can be involved. They muse first Cobweb cannot affect the Dreaming SkiU
Rendezvous in one Sweep, and then the next Sweep unless tbe Cobwebber has Dreaming himself; in this
descend upon the moment when the Frag was creat- case, his Dreaming is subtracted from anyone
ed . Each muse succeed in a competitive cha ll enge: attempting to Oracle information about him with the
Their Quick versus the target's Quick. Naturally, Dreaming Skill. A successful Oracle or Frune per-
each are resol ed highest Quick to lowest. Each suc- formed with Dreaming also reveals the details of the
ce s against the target add a penalty co his Quick of Cobweb, though not necessarily the creator of the
-1, so it becomes progressively easier to win the chal- Cobweb.
Losing against the target means taking a Frune
point of Frag- but only the one chrony, and proba- Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max. o
bly not for long (see below). Duration of Age spent ~
Every success adds a point of well-deserved
Frag to the target. Specifically, the elder ve rsion of 7 days +l 14 days +6 / 84
the assailant, attempting to perform a strategem in
the same Sweep, takes a ll the Frag at once. If he is The spanner asks around among others in
not set beyond Frag 7, he is very disoriented for at the Continuum for information, especially regarding
least 7 days Duration, and he loses the next chance targets and other matters of his current Time
to perform a strategem, though he may Span nor- Combat. But one might Frune anything.
mally. Beyond Frag 7, he is of course out of the The extra time is taken because 1) other
game. spanners are very very cautious about passing infor-
Spanners involved in the Isolate stra tegem
Chapter ill: Struggling c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
mation to people engaged in Time Combat, and 2) The spanner rolls his Mind score, adjusted
any one question the spanner can imagine may be by Duration. (lf the target being Measured doesn't
asked. The spanner must roll his Span, (as adjusted spend at least 14 days on the studied level, these
by Duration) to gain an answer. Failure nets only bonuses cannot accrue.)
comments of "Further information is not available Measure dispels the lies of any Cobweb
here." placed at that level and locality. But any bonuses
gathered are primarily for the benefit of other span-
Note that if any participant Frunes success-
ners whom the Measurer would inform (presumably
fully during the Combat, the Continuum is more through Rendezvous). These bonuses are applied any
widely involved. Therefore, the Continuum will time an informed spanner makes or tries to stop a
actively encourage all Continuum survivors to patch Fragging Action at that level (such as Hit & Run or
up any detaiJs in their Yet, especially Frag, generated Isolate).
by the Combat, directly after the Combat ceases The reason the Measurer cannot use the
(assuming it's within any possibility of their doing bonuses himself is simply that he learns too much of
so). This "encouragement" can take the form of what happens there. lf he tried to change or influ-
plain messages or visitors, subtle or unsubtle hints ence anything, he runs the risk of £ragging himself.
and coincidences, dreams, the players' own con-
sciences, or anything the GM can imagine. Oracle
Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max. of
Iron Man Duration of Age spent 2'.
Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max. of 7 days +1 12 days +5 I 60 days
(in addition
Duration of Age pent ~ to target·~
7 days special
The spanner Goes Up to a point in the future where This is a critical strategem, as it a llows a
he feels he is certain to discover his fate in the out- spanner with Anthropology, History, Library Science,
come of this Time Combat. The GM rolls d10: or similar Skills to discover information of the Past
1 Victorious. regarding opponents who have travelled there.
+5 to all Skrns and Abibtie in this Combat; spanner Dreaming can also be used, and even has a chance of
wi ll emerge with at most minimal damage, and no seeing into the Future. Once located, an opponent
additional Frag. can be surprised by a spanner that has done Oracle
successfully, and Physical Combat may be initiated.
2-5 Signs Favorable.
+3 to all Skills and Abilities in this Combat. o The spanner attempting Oracle:
meaningful information available. 1) Declares a target spanner, object or event to research
(even if it's only "whoever just fragged me").
6-9 Signs Unfavorable.
-2 to a ll all Skills and Abilities in this Combat. 2) Declares Duration of study (see box) .
3) Asks one and only one of these questions [with
10 Death in this Time Combat. examples of usefulness]:
This fact enters the players Yet, and i considered a) Who/What is this? [asked if you've been
Death as per Span and Frag rules, including Second
Fragged by an unknown assailant]
Death, if applicable. No negatives to rolls, bur the
spanner wiU die because of or during the confrontation. b) Where and when is he/it? [asked if you
intend to go and attack this Sweep, or
Note that if the spanner has Fruned in a previous Measu re in a later Sweep]
Sweep, he may roll again on the table, if he doesn't c) Where and when did he/it go? [asked if
Like his first roll. The second roll i not cumulative; it you've been hit this Sweep, & intend to go
entirely replaces the result of the fir t roll. and attack next Sweep]
lron Man can only be played once per spanner per d) How (when/where) was it done? [asked if
Time Combat, and is strongly di couraged. you intend to go and heal Frag]
-Then rolls his abil ity.
Minimum Bonus to Skill For ev ry amount To a Max. of Adiustments to Oracle
urarion of Age pent ~ Ln ADDITION to the Duration adjustments
(above), THE TARGET'S DURATION (Age Spent)
1 day +2 14 day +6 / 42 days IS ADDED TO THE ORACLER'S DURATION TO
The spanner goes to where an assailant (or spending extra time doing anything at one level
victim) is, and studies him clandestinely and in increases the danger of being discovered and
detail- gathering information for other spanners to attacked. [See Dangers of Staying Put, pg. 127]
act upon. Note that only on a Victory roll will an
Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Oracle reveal a spanner that is in his native Corner; Dreamsharing in order to meet. Naturally, all partici-
otherwise, the Oracle would fail to pinpoint the pants in Rendezvous la Reve must be meet the
spanner well enough to surprise him. requirements for Dreamsharing, and therefore are
Spanners who have Gone Up gain a +1 to likely to be all Grandmaster Dreamers. Each must
their ability, as more information is available the far- successfully roll their Skill, or miss the Rendezvous
ther into the future one goes. If a spanner is farthest in the Dreamtime. Happily, longer Dreaming sessions
ahead in the future of all player participants in the adds bonuses to successfully Rendezvousing.
Combat, they gain +2.
If Dreaming is used to Oracle, answers
about events and persons farther Up (in the Future)
Narcissist Tricks
can be got, but the GM secretly penalizes the span-
ner's ability by -2 or more, depending on how hard Reverse Engineer
he deems the information is to come by. The GM Minimum Bonus to Skillil For every amount [To a Max. o
need not reveal that the information is about the Duration of Age spent ~
Future, unless the spanner is asking 'where & when',
or already knows when to look. 1 minute n/a - -
Finally, if a spanner has not spanned this Sweep, and
has successfully Oracled, he may Span Levelly and This strategem is expressly forbidden to
Physically Attack this Sweep, if otherwise feasible. A Continuum spanners, due to its insidious nature. It
safer method is to Measure the weasel and bring him targets events in a spanner knows are in his Yet, and
down with Isolate. attempts to erase them.
Some preparation of the ground applies:
Rendezvous 1) Assailant must know who the target is. (either
For every amount To a Mai. of previous to the Combat, or via Oracle.
of Age pent~ 2) The assailant must Oracle an event in his target's
Yet. (Using the question "Where/when is he
going?" suffices nicely.)
3) The assailant spans to that event, and attempts a
Another critical strategem to employ, as Fragging Action upon it (and should describe it as
working in concert allows assailants to be brought per Hit & Run).
down expedjently. 4) Sjnce this is a Fragging Action, the spanner must
This is how the Continuum works together declare his NEXT SWEEP.
to stop Frag, and how groups of Narcissists plot
their nefarious plans. When Rendezvous is declared, Nore that Gemini Incidents are almost
a corner or other private place within spanning always in a spanner's Yet, even if nothing else is.
range is gone to, and at least a day of Age spent Attempting to stop a Gemini is very risky, as the GM
there. All information known, including Frag, may bring the attacked spanner's elder into the Time
Oracles, etc. are shared by all friendly parties at the Combat (Like Gemini Flush, but at no extra penalty
Rendezvous, and the Rendezvousing spanners are of Frag)- and this elder may be of whatever Span
given an three minutes to discuss the Next Sweep, and Abilities the GM feels is appropriate. The
then each may have sixty seconds apiece to make assailant almost always finds his trouble doubled; it
declarations for the Next Sweep, if they desire to only attempted when the likelihood of pushing a
coordinate plans. spanner beyond Frag 7 arises. Spanners that bave
The Rendezvous begins on the Element had their elder forced into Combat in trus way,
when the last spanner arrives for the Rendezvous. should note it in their Yet.
More than one spanner must declare Rendezvous to
the same corner in the same Sweep, or it is assumed Statue of Liberty 2
they missed one another, or the information miscar- Minimum Bonus to Skill For every amount To a Max.
ried. Duration of Age spent .!:

1 minute n/a
Rendezvous la Reve
in.imum Bonu _to
_,s.-.,·" "F
1 _ ery
_ am
__ ou_n_ """1i_o_a
1 . _Mii
...---- . _,
Duration of Age spent ~ This is a favorite (and powerful) ploy of
2 hours n/a Narcissists, and it is good to study, though the
Continuum stresses it should only be used against
proven Narcissists.
This acts like the Rendezvous strategem, The intent is to deliver the coveted second
only the spanners conserve Span (and Age) by point of Frag to an opponent just before Time
Combat begins by making the opponent ... late for

' Al o known as "Cheshire Car" in Britain. and by variou names in differenr Societies. Ir has no tandard name as it is ra rely employed by Continuum spanner .
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Time Combat Sequence

GM calls for Spanning Cards to be filled as each player announces.

I. All combatants are sorted by when they are in spacetime.

A. Farthest Down (Earliest) spanner declares intentions 4 and acts.
B. Next Farthest Down declares and acts, and so on.

II. If more than one combatant is on the same Level, their declarations are han-
dled in order:

A. Declarations
0. (Levellers declare intentions, HIGHEST Quick to LOWEST)
1. Spanners declare intentions LOWEST Quick to HIGHEST5
B. Execution
The GM then sorts the actions taken:
1. Declarations are handled
a. By when they are in spacetime (as above)
2. Any successful Frag attempts by them take effect at once and:
a. the affected characters are informed
b. the spanner who successfully attacked secretly declares his NEXT SPA
to the GM

(Once the First Sweep concludes, any Levellers intentions are carried out.
Leveller characters can only participate in a single Sweep.)
At the end of each Sweep, the GM reiterates to each player what has occurred to
his character.

Note on Physical Combat within Time Combat.

All Physical combatants may only depart from Physical Combat by spanning
once during a Sweep, and must declare their intentions to the GM for the next
Sweep. Characters that depart must also openly declare their direction to any
characters left standing within view.

* On the Frag Results table, (above right) One or Zero Frag (GM's discretion).
Taking a maximum of 30 seconds apiece, real time.

Tied Quicks are resolved by each rolling d10; highest roll to lowest, repeat as necessary.
Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Frag Results

The Roll > <l=O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >1=11

Attacker's Span

' 1 1 1 • • • . 0 0 0 (1) (1) (1)

2 1 1 1 • . . • 0 0 0 (1) (1)

3 1 1 1 1 . . • • 0 0 0 (1)

4 2 1 1 l 1 • • • • 0 o· (1)

5 2 2 1 1 1 1 • • • • 0 (1)

FRAGTABLES Adjustments to Frag Results, by Span

Number indicates adjustments to the roll.
Whenever an attempt at Frag is made, the Fragger may
well take a backlash of Frag upon himself. Results in
brackets (below) is Frag taken by the attacker. Results Target's Span> 0 1 2 3 4 5
with an asterisk (" ) are left up to the GM, whether the
character has been descriptive enough in his attack to ~ttacker's Span
warrant causing 1 or no Frag.
1 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Additionally, each Frag successfully applied in the same
Time Combat to any opponeot(s) adds +1 to all rolls for a
spanner on this table. (The more you Frag someone, the 2 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
more dangerous it becomes for you to Frag again.)
3 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2
Grace resu lts are not possible while Fragging someone.
4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1
Note that the GM is final arbiter of how much Fraga
character takes in any given situation; indeed the table is
designed to allow GMs to crah amount of Frag suitable to 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
their campaign style.
Also, for game purposes, Frag is alway taken in whole

Example of Time Combat

Intangible Assassins
June 14, 1976 5:43 AM Philadelphia, Pa.
Amber's stats Grimveldt's stats
Span 2 Frag 1 Span 3 Frag 2
Span Spent: 4 days, 7 hrs Sp,111 Spent: 4 days, 7 hrs
B3 MS Q6 B5 ~l 6 Q 7
Skills include Dreaming MS, Skills include: Hisrorr GI 0, Firearms: Pistol
Longsword JS ~19

Ben-Youssef's stats Mordant's stats

Span 2 Frag 1 Sp,rn 2 Fr,1g I
Span Spent: 9 years, 348 days Span Spent: 4 days, 7 hrs
BS M3 Q4 B4 ,\ l 5 Q 6
Skills include Library Science JS, Martial Skills include: History ,\11 I, Boxing J6
Arts: Karate ]7
Continued next page ...
Sweep 1 Sweep One
Dawn is already creeping through the window of
demc-nt----- - - - - - - - - - - - -
their apartment on this bicentennial summer morn, when
Amber is shook awake by Ben-Youssef. " We've been Grimve)dt -farthest Down (May 12 1947)
fragged ," he explains. Direction Down When/Where May 12 1947 12:00
" Oh crap! " The full weight of it pulled her up noon Philadelphia
from slumber. It explained her dreams of splinters from the Strategem Hit & Run (-1 to roll for Span 3 vs. Span
floor catching in her stocking feet, piercing her every step. 2)
She sat up in one motion. "Did you get your rest?" Duration 1 hour Roll O ( 1-1) on Frag Results causes
" No! " Ben-Youssef screamed, his bloodshot eyes 1 Frag on Amber
liquid in the growing light. He breathed rapidly in the Details Having tracked down Amber's favorite gold
shock of panic. Amber reached out and took his hand, but
he didn 't calm down. Only his voice quieted, because of
necklace. He bought it before Amber' grandma
the neighbors. found it, and threw it in the Delaware.
" I don't e en know where it came from, Amber. Declared Next Span (see Sweep 2).
They just hit u . One second, I'm dead asleep. Then it demmt:----- - - - - - - - - - - - -
washes over me like hot blood- I've been fragged! " Mordant
Amber squeezed his hand. "Calm down, Ben. Direction Up When/Where June 25 1979 11:37 pm
We'll work this. " Philadelphia
" But Amber! I didn't get any of my Span back! Strategem Hit & Run (no adj. to roll for Span 2 vs.
I'm dead in the water!"
Span 2)
Alice, the player with Amber as her character,
looks at Gary at the end of the table. "Yeah, that kinda
Duration 1 hour Roll 2 on Frag Results causes 1
sucks, Gary. You ca!J that fair? " Frag on Ben
Gary the GM, looks up from his notes. "Well, 'Details Having discovered a moment when spanner
there's stuff you can do," he says. Ben was alone in a cinema watching .. Arthur"
"Yeah right," snorts Burt, playing Ben-Youssef. " I (months before in Ben's Age, but Up from Ben in
can Die. I doubt I cou ld even Iron Man properly with 17 Sweep). Mordant slipped into the projection room
days left." and in a flourish of willful irony, snipped the film.
"Well, you re going to find out, " says Gary pleas- Declared Next Span (see Sweep Two).
antly. "You're in Time Combat, and they got the drop on
you for Sweep One."
Gary's the only one who knows of the existence
Amber & Ben-Youssef - last due to surprise
of the two narcissists Grimveldt and Mordant, and their Direction n/a When/Where June 14, 1976 5:43 am
plans to change Gerald Ford, who's arriving July 4. Philadelphia
They're trying to get our heroe out of town by distracting Strategem n/a (Surprised) Duration 17 min. Roll n/a
them to think that they themselves are the main targets: Details Amber is asleep when the Frag hits, and Ben,
that their presence is a danger to the events of the celebra- while Fragged by a spanner farther Up, isn't expect-
tions. After convincing Amber and Gary to scurry off, they ing it till it lands. Still, they figure that at least two
intend to work psychological mischief on other local span- narcissists are out to get them, which is bad, since
ners. Finally, once enough of the Continuum is distracted
Ben has little Span left. They decide to each Oracle
away from Philly, they'll feel bold enough to go after the
their assailants on Sweep Two, and Rendezvous on
Alice, a cautious player, with loads of questions. Sweep Three, on July 3.
"Tell me once more why if someone fragged me in a differ-
ent time, I'm only feeling it now?" GM reiterates: You don't have enough information
Gary reads her the information about the Yet to tell where these guys are coming from. You're
calling yo u to fix the Frag on pg. 4 7. "Essentially, it's your completely surprised, so l'II let you have a couple
Yet slapping you- upside your head." minutes to sort out what you want to tackle on the
Burt smirks. "Okay. Back to the seventies." next Sweep.
"So, to sum up the First Sweep," says Gary, "you
don't have enough information to tell where these guys a re
coming from. You're completely surprised, so I'll let you Sweep Two
have a couple minutes to sort out what you want to tackle d em e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
on the next Sweep." Grimveldt -farthest Down (coming from May 12
Direction Up When/Where May 12 1975 2:00 am
Sweep 2 Philadelphia
AJice says, "Well , Amber keeps her head. First 'Strategem Cobweb Duration 14 days (+2) Roll 4+2
thing we need to do is Oracle these guys, £ind out where
Details Plants false information that a narcissist
and when they are. We can do that without knowing their
names, right?"
called Fred Blank is setting the stage to try to steal a
"I would say so," says Gary. " You have at least nuclear sub out of the Philly yard during the bicen-
on piece of information to work from: You've been tennial festivities the following year. Since his Mind
£ragged." is 9, a -9 applies to the Skills of spanners attempting
Chapter III: Struggling c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Alice nods. "So we should Go Up a couple years, to Oracle tilS whenal:,outs
Oracle the guys who fragged us. Then the next Sweep we for Dreamers.
Rendezvous-" d = n r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
" Hey, whoa I can't Span Up and Down faL" says Amber -higher Quick than Ben (coming from June
Burt. " You meet me."
14, 1976 6:00 am)
"Right. Sorry, guy."
" I mean, all I can do is Oracle and such, &om Direction Up When/Where June 14, 1978 6:00 am
what I can tell." says Burt. "Ben's panicking. He wants to Philadelphia
Frune." Strategem Oracle: Where/when is be?
" o don't! We'll involve more spanners before Duration 60 days (+5)
we even know what's going on." Roi/ 3 s. Dreaming 14 = (8+5) +1 for Grimveldt's
Gary looks at his watch. " Giving you guys about Duration
a minute more .. . " Details Amber takes extra time, which is risky, but
" Look, just stay put and we'll both Oracle. I'll she's had experience with narcissists. Since GrimveJdt
Go Up just in case my fragger is Up from us."
doesn't have the Dreaming skill, his Cobweb is pow-
"Okay. But without some quick results, I want
back up, pronto. Rendezvous here in 12 days" Burt nods. erless against her, and she sees straight through his
"I'm ready." plans. She doesn't know his name yet, but she knows
"Let's go," says Alice. exactly when/where he's planting the false lead.
"Okay, Second Sweep," says Gary jotting a few dcmcnr----------------
notes about Grimveldt, since he secretly is going first thjs Ben-Youssef -lower Quick than Amber (at June 14,
Sweep. Grimveldt is planting a Cobweb about a fake 1976 6:00 am)
attack on the Philadelphia Navy Yard to detract attention. Direction Level When/Where June 14, 1976 6:00 am
"You're both on the same Level, June 14, 1976, let's say Philadelphia
6:00 am . Amber has the higher Quick. Okay, go. Sixty sec-
Strategem Oracle: Where/when is he?
onds to declare."
Alice, out of habit, reads from left to right on her Duration 12 days (+l)
Span Card, a she fills it out. " Amber's going to Span Up ... Rol/ 6 vs. Library Science 6 = (5+ l)
two years. That'll be June 14, 1978, 6:00 am. Let's say (+ o bonus for Mordant's Duration, since it's
across town at the Holiday l1m. " less than 12 days)
"Okay," says Gary. Details Nearly "dead in the water", Ben's only hope
"Im going to Oracle, using Dreaming. I'm ask- is the fact that the successfuJ Frag anack on Sweep
ing: Where and when is this bad boy?" One meant his assailant had to announce his inten-
"That'll tell you where he is this Sweep, if suc- tions for Sweep Two. The successful roll pays off:
" I don't like the sound of that 'if successful.' I'll
Ben discovers his tormentor has come within his nar-
pend a whole 60 days Duration, and max out the bonus- row reach! He takes advantage of being able to Span
es." Levelly since he hasn't spanned this Sweep, and sur-
"That's a long stay at a Holiday lnn ." prises Mordant at the University of Pennsylvania.
"I'm insanely rich and no one knows." Alice
rolls. "Three. If he found a way to hide from that roll, This Element then steps outside the sixty-second
with my bonuses, I'll run crying to my Mentor." Jimit for a fast action-packed Physical Combat
"No, you dreamed straight through his with ...
Cobweb." Gary tells Alice the made-up story Grim was
planting, and when, but not his real identity. "Okay, Burt, Mordant -(coming from June 25 1979 12:37 am)
it's your turn. Sixty seconds." Direction Down When/Where June 25 1976 12:00
"Oh, wow. Think of the places I can travel to. I noon PhiladeJphia
Stay Level and Oracle for my fragger. Where and when is
Strategem (was working on Oracle: Where is he?)
"How much Duration you spendjng on your Duration 7 days (+1 for target's Duration) Roll
Oracle?" never had a chance to!
"Twelve days. Gives me a mall bonus, and I'll Details Because of his successful Fragging Action
alread y be here for the Rendezvous." Burt rolls. "Six." last Sweep, Mordant had to Declare where and when
"That bonus saved your butt. Guess what. He's he'd be this Sweep, making him vulnerable to an
across town looking for you." Oracle. (Normally a spanner Farther Up can't be
"Whoa! When?" found, except by Dreaming, and, if the GM allows,
"June 25 1976 12:00 noon - July 2, 1976," Frune.)
explains Gary. " You haven't spanned this Sweep, so you
He decided to study Ben's movements in Philadelphia
could surprise him."
"I do! I want this guy to feel- the Dragon's in 1976-and pays the price of spanning so close to
Claw!" his victims. (The GM decided that Mordant didn't
"That's a karate thing, right?" know that Ben is low on Span, and figured he'd be
"Oh yeah." spanning around.) He had barely begun his studies
"Okay. So anytime after... June 26 at 6:00 am till when Ben spanned in and clobbered him.
July 1 at noon ."
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
"I don't want him to have any chance of complet- GM reiterates
ing his Oracle. I Span Level right at June 26, 6:00 am." (To Amber): This Sweep, you found the guy who
"Okay... we're going Physical Combat-" £ragged you, but still don't know his name, or how
"The Dragon's Claw!" he fragged you.
"Yeah, okay, so the sixty-second limit's set aside.
You know one place where be thinks he's pretty
Let's see. He's using History.. . I'd say hes in the library at
the University of Pennsylvania on this bright June morn- safe- in 1975- since he's planting a Cobweb there
ing. " that doesn't fool you. You left Ben in 1976, and
"Yeah, he's got his coffee and a newspaper and a you're in 1978.
book and I come down on him like Kato. "
"You are allowed to surprise him." (To Ben): WeH, this Sweep you aced it. You Oracled
Burt rolls a 3 against a challenge of 7 (surprised). your attacker's Next Sweep, since that was a possi-
Mordant takes 3 Impairment Points, and is badly hurt. bility. You found him within range, Spanned Levelly,
"Oh yeah! Dragon's Claw! Haiee! " engaged in Physical Combat and knocked him out.
"Stop saying that, " says Gary. "It's meaningless."
You're in 1976, Amber went to 1978.
"Not to Ben. Next bout!"
"He's got the higher Quick, so goes first. He pulls
a fast boxing maneuver." The GM rolls a 6 Sweep 3
"He winged your arm, Dragon-Brain." dement-----------------
"Ha! Swallow hot bamboo fingers of steel, Grimveldt -farthest Down (coming from May 26
Narcissist!" Burt rolls a 2, and hits Mord square in the 1975)
face for 5 IP. Direction Up When/Where July 1 1976 2:00 am
Gary rolls, shaking his head. A 3. "He goes into Philadelphia
shock, and loses consciousness. Bamboo fingers of Strategem Rendezvous Duration 1 day Roll n/a
steel ... ?''
Details He expects Mordant to show. But he doesn't,
"Great. I bury him in a stack of books, and next
Sweep take the bus back for the Rendezvous. Pick up
and now he's a little scared. Grimveldt gets vicious
breakfast on the way. ' He adds a couple hours to his when he's scared. Being in his hideaway, he arms
Duration. himself to the teeth.
drment-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amber (coming from August 13, 1978 6:00 am)
Direction Up When/Where June 26, 1976 6:00 am
Sweep 3 Philadelphia
Gary announces Sweep Three, and rolls Strategem Rendezvous Duration 1 day Roll n/a
some dice to look busy. l.n fact, Grimveldt is waiting for a Details Meets with Ben (see below)
Rendezvous with Mordant, and Mordant ain 't showing. dement- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Our heroes meet for their own Rendezvous. Burt Ben-Youssef (already at June 26, 1976 8:00 am)
boasts of his victory. " He's unconscious in the Reference Direction Level When/Where June 26, 1976 8:00 am
stacks at U. Penn. Ready for delivery." Philadelphia
"Great, but what about this Cobwebbing guy
Strategem Rendezvous Duration 1 day Roll n/a
that £ragged me?" asks Amber.
Burt says, "He's up to something else this Sweep. Details Ben & Amber decide that Amber will span
A second attempt at Frag?" down to the Cobweb and try a Gemini Flush. Ben
"Then he's either failed, or he's Farther Up. We'd will Oracle on Amber after she departs, and see if
have felt it. My Oracle say he wants us to think someone she's dead or in a hospital or something.
called Fred Blank is going to steal a sub from tbe Navy
Yard on the bicentennial, but it's all fake. The name, the GM Ieiterates
event. He just want us to go there." (To Amber & Ben): This Sweep, you've shared rele-
"Well, let's nor go there."
vant information with one another, and decided a
"Duh. But how do we get at this guy?" She looks
at Gary. "Here's a question. We're aUies at a Rendezvous.
risky, but interesting course of action. Your
Can I let Ben Oracle first, then use that information to Go Rendezvous cost a day: you're both at June 27,
Down and target the guy? " 1976.
Gary looks over the rules. "Wel1, it's not spelled
out, but that question does show up in the example of Sweep 4
Time Combat. " elemrm-----------------
"And?" Alice asks hopefully. Grimveldt -farthest Down (coming from July 2
"The GM in the example points out that Oracle 1976)
has a minimum Duration of 7 days. If you were to wait for Direction Down When/Where May 12 1975 2:00 am
Ben's Oracle, Amber would have to Stay Level this Sweep,
"Drat. But at least that makes sense."
Strategem Measure Duration 14 days Roll n/a
"So we could just spend this Sweep doing Details He's Measuring his own Cobweb in the
Oracle," says Burt. "But he'd move on." expectation that his opponents will be arriving,
"I'm gonna go and bag this guy at where he regardless of the potential of self-inflicted frag. He
Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
placed the Cobweb," says Amber. " It's all I've got to go
"Careful," warns Gary. " You Oracled a ll that. If etement:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you stop him, you'll Frag yourself." Amber -higher Quick than Ben (coming from July 5,
"We don't know any more about him than that:
1976 6:00 am)
where and when he is. Let him plant his Cobweb. I'll span
in just as he's finishing, and bonk him. " Direction Down When/Where May 26, 1975 1:55
Gary thinks. "That could work." am Philadelphia
" If I interrupt his rotten little narcissist timeline, Strategem Gemini Flush Duration 10 min. Roll n/a
that's his Frag not ours. Information is all." Details Amber wants to Gemini. Flush- dre&sed in
"You go, girl," says Burr. full armor. The GM loves the idea, but warns her
"Seventies," reminds Gary. she's risking Frag. But she- carefully states she lets the
" Oh yeah. Far freakin ' out, mama." Burt holds Cobweb get planted
up his index and little fingers. "Anyway, what can I do this
" Spot me," says Amber. "Do an Oracle on me,
The junior Amber knocks out the junior Grimveldt
after I leave. If anything happens to me in 1975, you'll (from Sweep 2).The elder Amber takes on the elder
know, and can take action ." Grimveldt (an:ived in the previous Element)
"So if I Oracle that you've been sent to jail, or
the hospital, or a mortuary, or vanished ... ?" With all opponents down, Time Combat ends.
"Then you shou ld Frune the following Sweep," Ben was going to Oracle for Amber, but with Time
says Alice. "Get the word out, and hope help arrives for Combat over, "normal" roleplaying recommences.
you." They can use any of their skills freely again, instead
"So your Strategem next Sweep is straight
of being constrained to "Strategems".
Physical Combat?"
" No," says Alice, a devilish twinkle in one eye. "I
want ro try Gemini Flush."
GM reiterates
"That shou ld be fun. Okay, your three minutes
are up ." Gary reviews the Sweep: "This Sweep, you've
(To Amber): This Sweep, you clocked the bastard.
shared relevant information with one another, and decided Hm. Always wondered where that term came from.
a risky, but interesting course of action. Your Rendezvous
cost a day: you're both at June 27, 1976."
" I stroll over there. What is my elder doing?"
"What do you think you'll do. After all, your
elder is a later you," notes Gary. "But played by me."
Sweep 4 " Hm . I'd like me to appear when needed ... "
Gary announces Sweep Four. He decides " Okay your eider's on the scene, though you're
Grimveldt is patrolling the Cobweb, expecting to be not sure where. You think you see her on the storehouse
attacked, since Mordant never showed. He jots down the roof. Gemini Flush gives you one point of Frag, so you're
weapons Grim is laden with and the fact that he's on a at Frag 2."
storehouse roof overlooking a pier. Alice notes it. "I enter the boathouse. If my
"Okay, Amber has the highest Quick. Sixty sec- armorclad self doesn 't startle the person inside, I' ll attack."
onds." "Odd philosophy. There's a bald guy with a
Alice asks, "So, Gemini Flush. How does this flashlight moving papers in a filing cabinet around. He
work. My elder arrives, and we spa n down together-? " doesn't see you yet, you're still in the doorway." Ga ry rolls
Gary raises a finger. "No, the elder arrives once for the elder Grimveldt, who, while unfamiliar with
you're at your chosen Level. Book says you and your elder nightscopes, starts taking shots at Amber. He rolls a nine
can't direct each others' spanning across time." and then a ten (no blunder though).
"Okay... I dress in my SCA armor, plus a visored "Couple high powered rounds shatter the door-
helmet. " jamb next to you. You're not hit."
Gary chuckles. "Okay- " "Hell-o. Could be Navy boys. I lunge for the
" I go Down, sword drawn, intending Gemini Cobwebber, who must have heard those shots."
Flush and blood to spill. Where exactly is this, uh, " Yeah, he turns around as you're lunging. His
Cobweb? I want to arrive a minute or two before he's sup- eyes say it all. Sword, then? "
posed to leave. My Oracle told me that much, right?" "Sure. " Alice rolls, 4 "All right!"
Gary checks his notes for Grimveldt's Cobweb. "Bad bleeding from the side, he's in shock. He's
"Yeah . Looks like the Philly Navy Yard May 26, 1975. down. I' ll award him a point of Frag, since he thought he
He's there till 2:00 am." moved on from this level. Speaking of which ... " says Gary.
"Okay, I Go Down to May 26, 1975 at 1:55 am "Your elder is on the roof trying to surp rise his elder."
at the Navy Yard. Strategem Gemini Flush-" ''Cool! "
"We're moving into Physical Combat Bouts. " "Sort of. He has a chance to bring the rifle to
"Yikes. What do I see?" bear on her-"
" It's a warm night, a dark pier. There are military "Can I nm out to try and distract him-?"
storehouses along the shore, and the water at your back. "That's next Bout. But I'll let you roll for you r
There's a light on in a nearby boathouse, and movem ent." elder. She's equipped exactly like you. She's on the roof of
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
those storehouses, where he was taking potshots. It 's pretty " Ben still wants his sleep, and his Span back, "
close quarters. " says Burt. " We ca n celebrate tomorrow."
Alice rolls a 4 to Grim's 6. "He wings yo ur shiel- " Amber sings 'Celebration '," Alice informs them.
darm. Elder Amber can still swing. Roll. " "Yeah, yeah, dancing in the streets ... " Burt looks
Alice rolls a 2 to Grim's 8. " His right forearm is thoughtful. "We got 'em all right. But who were those
mostly severed, just hanging there. After a moment of gur- guys?"
gling horror, he slides off the roof. " Alice and Burt look at Gary.
" WHOO! M y junior comes out to see!" Gary grins. ' Your TV on?"
"So all this ma yhem has finally alerted the Yard, " Alice, dubious, says, " Um .. . I guess so."
Gary rolls a dl0. "Here come seven Marines, running Amber and Ben still felt the ravages of their Frag,
down the dock ordering you to stand down. " but the victory was good.
" Uh oh. I can span out once from Ph ysical A live broadcast of President Ford. He's in town,
Combat during Time Combat, right?" down at the celebration around the Liberty Bell. He taps it
" Yep. " once with a baton, gently. It makes a dead, hollow sound.
'I jump off the dock, but never hit the water. I Everyone cheer .
span Up to Ben. Obviously, I'm hoping not to be seen. Or They looked at the screen, the hundreds of thou-
shot at. " sands of people thronging in Philadelphia. What were
"No, it's dark and the Marines a ren't that rrigger- those guys up to?
happy. They figure you have nowhere to run, until you " It's time we told people. " They found they were
jump off. I'd say it's a clean getaway." speaking in unison.
" So ... ca n I spend my Element on something
other than Oracling Amber?
" You could but, you bagged all opponents. Time Roleplaying Time Combat
Combat ends."
The rules above are designed to play attacks
out on narcissists as if Time Combat was as fast-
" We GOT 'em!!" screams Alice. paced as Physical Combat. Some players will prefer
"Whoo-hoo! Eh, I mean, Dy-no-mite ... " to play out every moment and emotion of a Combat.
" You only knocked out your guy," grins Alice. " I This may take the entire session, or even several, to
knocked out fra gged and killed my guy." play out. But if character development is what your
"And I didn't even get to Oracle for Amber. Oh group cherishes over all, you may want to try role-
well. It's a good rwist on the strategem. Could come in playing the Time Combat.
hand y someday." This makes Time Combat a seamless part of
Ga ry comments, • avy investigators- lev- the roleplaying experience. But when in Time
ellers- write reams of reports about the security of the Combat the same rules must apply: Once you Span,
docks, because of that fight. All that gun-and-swordplay you enter a new Sweep, and you'll run the risk of
added to that Cobweb about an arrack on the Navy waiting for your friends to catch up as they roleplay.
Yard. " This, however, helps demonstrate the cau-
" Hunh. It would." Alice sits and thinks a tion and consideration that actually goes in to con-
moment. "Thi s ga me is so strange." ducting a Time Combat. ' I'll spend a week doing
" Yeah, says Gary. " Your elder hows up, and Strategem X" is shorthand for what the character's
puts her arm around Ben. 'Excuse us,' she says." really does for a week: Eat, sleep, read books and
" Hey, " says Alice, " I believe in respecting my newspapers, accomplish the stated goals, and maybe
elders and all, but aren 't yo u kinda curring in? " get some leveller relaxation in like a movie, or jogging.
Gary smiles. " Your elder smiles and says, 'There's Compare the stories Someone Always Wants
a guy shooting at yo u from the roof back in 1975. Don't You Gone [pg. 52) and Out in Society [pg. 118]. In
yo u think you should handle it?' She displa ys the wound Someone, the entire scene is played out during a
on her arm." Rendezvous in the midst of Time Combat, while
"Ah, right," says Alice. " I go back- do I have Society demonstrates the rapidity with which the
enough Span? Yeah, I go bac k and clobber him aga in . Do outcome is achieved. In theory, every nuance of the
we have to play it out? " moment can be delved into, and roleplayed out. It's
"Not the Physical Combat, nah. " up to your group of players to decide on the mix
" Okay, I kick baldy butt, get winged by a bullet they enjoy most.
and return to confront my junior self. 'Excuse us!'" yells
Alice at Gary. Final Note of Advice
"Hey-y," says Gary, now playing the startled
For initial Time Combats, it's often a good
junior. " I believe in respecting my elders and all, but a ren 't
idea to have the Mentor be a lookout, and perform
you kinda curring in? "
the Measure strategem. That way the GM has the
"There's this guy shooting at you from the roof
absolute outcome of the Combat during player learn-
in 1975," says Alice. " Don't you think yo u should handle
. ~" ing sessions, and once the players are playing Threes,
they can help their novices piece themselves back
"Ah, right," says Gary. " Your junior spans away.
That heals a point of Frag from the Gemini Flush , and
check off a Gemini Incident from your Yet card."
"Great," says Alice, "Let's celebrate."
Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Narcissists & Lesser

The term 'narcissist' is applied to these spa n-
ners, according to the Scribes, because of observa-
tions made in the Geminid Era of their behavior
towards themselves.

"Elders are not respected by these antago nists. They refer

to them as echoes, and treat th em like refuse. Watching
elder beg ca llous juniors for shreds of dignity and exis-
tence is the most terrifying thing I have seen, and I have
fought man y seasons in this Era.

"Often have we witnessed arguments ending in ha rm to

the elder, and to the surround of the a rgument. The elder
bravely tries to assert his greater knowledge and authority,
but to little avail. Once I saw a clever one trying to claim
that he was the junior, and was going to bring disaster if
his demands were not met. But he was found out, and the
true junior and his cohorts harried him like laughing
wolves. He was fragmented, and made a ghastly kind of

"We choose such moments of self-a rgument to bring the

antagonists down, when they are distracted and bra shly
arrempting fragmentation upon themselves or other allies. W,kewits th e Younger, (b. AD 1213 )
They try everything to bring the nightmares they fled from Here follow some of inketch book of Sames from 1393
k & wa ~h
here to ou.r own homes, and turn us into echoes . They fail, the rypical arguments and Scribal L, br-arium at Ligny
but we must fight for the day. " temptations presented by nar-
-Pneumeon, fro m a priva te lerter ia Artie Greek, penned 5322 BC
cissists, folJowed by good
(Adreaus, rranslating for the c°NTI u M RrG) comebacks in boldface. They have an infinite num-
ber of variations of these, so just keep your head
In Greek mythology, Echo was the name of when the devils make their pitch:
the cursed princess that Narcissus ignored in favor of
loving his own reflection. From the narcissists' own You 're a Mindless Drone
inhuman terminology have they earned their name. You're really just doing what you've been
Some late Piscean spanners truncate 'narcis- told. What is the Yet but a means of making you run
sists' and refe r to them as 'narcs': an ironic use, since the rat-maze set by the Exalted? With all this sneak-
their behavior is much more akin to pushers than to ing around and giving signals, you really have no
narcotics officers. The authors believe that the seri- way of knowing what is going on! When was the
ousness of the subject does not lend itself to cute last time you did something that wasn't just for this
catchwords. But players may invent such slang for faceless, secretive 'Continuum'?
these villains as they see fit. - I have friends, heroic responsibilities, cash
in the bank, and a wide, wide horizon ahead of me.
Temptations You're the one that looks £ragged, nagged, ragged
The first line of defense against Narcissists is and paranoid ...
to know how they think. They hope to use the same
tactic in recruiting novice spanners. All the weapons Secrets and Powers Revealed
of guiJt, doubt, greed and fear so common to leveller Poor thing, you don 't even know how you
spin control are in the narcissist arsenal as well. learned to span! But I'll tel1 you, free of charge. And
After all, this is a War over the abuse of sentient hey, if you like that, I know how you can go and
force . They can make no headway, enjoy no tri- rule your own world. I've seen it happen. No obliga-
umph, if they cannot first win over the hearts of tions, just hear what I have to say...
those they wish· to destroy. - I can wait until I earn Span Three to find
out further information, thank you. And when I do,
then watch out for me ruling the world: I'm on the
winning side NOW.

An-work () 199.9 Brian Wad :win

Chapter ill: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The Nightmares of History
How can you just sit there when millions of Sagittarian Era: Kings of a Fey People
Jews, Gypsies, gays and dissenters are sent into the C.18000 - 16000 BC
ovens of the Grossdeurches Reich? Or the centuries
upon centuries of slavery, breeding huma ns to be This is perceived as an enlightened, albeit
strong and stupid, and keeping them from the digni- misled spacetime for Antedesertium. In broadly gen-
ty that freedom promises ? How often can you just eral terms, it is a collection of seventy kings, of vary-
walk around these bloodbaths before you lose your ing descent and causal relation, who rule conjointly
humanity all together!? and in relative peace. While the people seem out-
-All these tragedies pale beside eliminating wardly happy, it is known that sacrifice is a part of
these peoples' existence altogether. That is what their culture: Vanished objects, animals, children,
you're suggesting, isn't it? and so on, have special rituals that allow the ravaged
populace some small comfort amidst living the night-
The Inheritor Peril mare.
This whole Inheritor Spacetime business is Its deali ngs with its direct descendants in the
just a big lie- the biggest. Mankind is being geneti- Scorpiod Era are nearly as chilly as its dealing with
cally erased. You're helping them do it! They gave the Societies. It is generally believed that the
you this lfrtle earth-bound trick of spanning, while Sagittarians allowed the development of the
they have vast alien fleets awaiti ng to absorb another Scorpiods as a means of distracting the Societies and
planet into th eir empire. We have to resist with all the Continuum, while they hatch subtler plans at
the resources we have! home.
-This makes zero sense. If the Inheritors
are evil aliens, why give any of us the power to Junk yards of Spacetime
span? They could just smush us as levellers. (If Antedesertium is a spanner civilization;
you've made any Aquarian friends by this point, you therefore many secrets of technology cannot easily
might want to mention them, too.) can be kept from them. The ceaseless task of the
Finally, if the situation doesn't seem hope- Continuum is keeping working examples of weapons
less, turn the recruitment tables on th em, and tell of mass destruction, and other critical items and
them if they want change, they could start with information, out of narcissist hands. Nevertheless,
themselves. It may not be too late- if they' re willing the kings succeed in cobbling together much of what
to make a phone call, the Continuum will come to the Societies disca rd over the ge nerations: An unusu-
th em, and look into their rehabilitation. al mix of AD 20th and 21st century technologies
Dreamers and th e Quicker are the best makes its a ppearance in surprising, and often out-of-
Fraternities to handle narcissists who want to sha pe context ways in their cities.
up. The Foxhorn can be helpful if th ey still seem Therefore, much of the information and ser-
dangerous; but Foxhorns can get carried away, so be vices that Continuum spa nners take for granted is
ca reful where yo u send converting or surrenderring fought over as the most precious commodities in the
na rci ssists. realm. Vast resources are spent by Sagittarians in
spying on a nd stealing from each other, making our
job that much easier.
Attitudes and Responses toward the Continuum
Many send to me begging with words, Let us come to Narcissists refer to our diligence in mapping
you Master. Let u Love yo u, let us glory in yo ur wisdom mankind ' the Hegemon y'; th eir name for rhe
and open a ll the Gares of Wonder, as you r hands. And I Societies. This disd ain for the care of our people is
sa y to you: stay away. For a ll of us have already chosen typ ical: Most Sagittarians value personal strength of
our favori tes, and they are not smi ling on you. ·
will over compassion for their fellows. While a com-
-Khar Tembedh. rhe Twelfth King.
plex of honor systems are draped on this cultural
This narcissist-sympathetic empire domi- construct, it is la rgely hollow, as cooperation is
nates Earth for millennia of spacetime before the impossible to maintain in a civilization where every
eras of The Societies. individual wants to reshape the world, and believes
They say our philosophies are at war, and he can.
th at they have allies in all Civilizations who band Most Sagittarians are little interested in trav-
together to unma ke the Continuum. But they are just ell ing outside their Era, although they do manage to
another piece of chaotic spacetime trapped in amber: ma rshall and send forces out to fight the Societies.
No successful deci sive strike is observed or recorded (Most are seeking a means to escape to 'another'
anywhen. But their blind faith in mutability makes universe directly from where they live.) The kings
them dangerous to every individual, and the fighting also bear modest responsibility for stopping our
of them is in all our Yets. actions in their territory; but tend to divorce them-
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
selves from bad situations they cannot prevent. They walk a mong spanners of the Societies as the most
tend to attach a rationalist explanation to these fail- ordinary of levellers. If you ever suspect a leveller of
ures: They have not the resources to both rewrite the knowing far too much about time travelling than
universe and guard their people. seems right, spread the word about them at once.
The function of th ese dark legends seems to
Scorpiod Era: Kings of Hell be to attempt to fracture the uni verse with the intent
c. 16000 - 14000 BC of creating alternate timelines [see Fallacious
Multiverse, pg. 56]. The plan of attack seems arithmeti-
This is a particularly cruel spacetirne where- cally obvious: Seven from sixteen is nine (16 - 7 = 9),
in the ruling classes rapidly narrow to a handful of the number of eras the Societies span (Libra -
vicious individua ls who pool and eddy the reality Aquarius). This may be a mere ru se, and serious
around them to suit their merest taste. It is these attempts may occur in greater or lesser numbers than
tyrants modern narcissists envy and emulate. than nine, and the suggestion that there is only one
They are known to launch minions deep into serious attempt per Era seems unsubstantiated.
Societa l spacetime; it is no coincidence that the wars It is believed that the Seven derive from the
of the Geminid Era are at the maximum reach of a Six teen, and are a lso their masters, though this is
Span Five from- or to- the border of deeply unclear. The Seven's ultimate existence is roil-
Antedesertium. ing the globe during the Scorpiod Era, and present-
This civilization is determined to unravel the ing the forward, very military threat to the Societies
universe to its own selfish annihilation. They fail, of up and into lnterregnurn.
course. But th at doesn't make our victory bloodless. The Sixteen are the ones who enter Societal
These matters are genera lly beyond the spacetime and set up patterns of recruitment. Being
scope of novice, Span One and Two, spanners; but narcissists, each has a very different style, but none
sometimes the monsters from this "prehistoric" past act like they pose a threat. Most go undercover as
find their way across your path, or even Living in levellers of ordinary occupation, and patiently build
your neighborhood. Lives around this persona, carry no evidence of
anachronism about them.
The Seven and the Sixteen The story goes that nine of the Sixteen sacri-
The most serious attacks on spacetime inside fice th eir all to open a way lmnisi b. 12 11
A device se-en m ncedesteriu m~
the Societies come from these powerful and fearless for Other narcissists t0 enter fro m Fo1111,l/i11gs of the Discorded
na rcissists. They are princes in their own land, and Other worlds, while the Other People I 12983 B l
na nized g ra ph ite
The Grea t Libranum. Atl antis

Arrwork O 1999 5a•p hcn lbrnwdl

Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Seven return to Amedesertium mightier than when back: Note that most reported possessions lea ve vic-
they left. Needless to say, the Continuum finds and tims gibbering, violent and nonsensical, and certainly
squelches these hazards to humanity, though they are in no shape to remember who they are or how to
our toughest fights on home turf. Further informa- heal frag.
tion on these attempts is not avai lable here, but the While some these powers may seem enticing,
GM may feel free to use the information presented even magical, remember th at they are only possible
here to construct bi campaign. by losi ng one's volition entirely. These are really the
mindles reflexes of an insect leg, yanked from a
The "Vessels" crushed body.
Some narcissists of high Span are fragged to
within microns of annihilation, but are maintained
by their fellows in binding them to a place or object. Madness and Related
These are called Vessels, and they distort spacetime,
often to the whim of their controller.
They are exceedingly fragile and difficult to
control, but when used properly a Vessel can deflect Mental Health
attacks and even research about its master. A master Since sentient force is our gift and our
must carry at least one point of Frag to carry or use responsibility, we must be ever careful that the bear-
a Vessel, a bit of i_nformation that can be useful ers of this sentience remain sane.
when dealing with them. Also, it is believed that so Time travel is not the natural state for homo
much £rag is spread by a Vessel, that it cannot be sapiens, but it is one it can adapt to. Nevertheless,
restored to above Frag 8, but can only be fragged the strain that spanning puts to the mind of an indi-
out to be destroyed. vidual takes many forms. The most common among
A Vessel is usually hidden by its master, and Span Ones is simple confusion, and the remedy is
therefore difficult to frag- but while fragging out a usually patience and helping one another cope. At
Vessel may be the only way of destroying it, its final higher Spans, the stress of managing events on a
destruction is usuall y spectacular and deadly to any- global scale can be likened to a high-powered execu-
one nearby. Choose your moment to attack carefully. tive job among levellers. Again, nothing a little r&r
won't cure, and scheduling a vacation is almost
never a problem.
Dark Gifts of Frag But serious mental illness can strike span-
or, Stupid Narcissist Tricks ners, even ones deeply loyal to their fellows in the
Continuum. Too many weapons of the Aquarian
The Continuum does not teach how these cusp, and too many instances of natural and deliber-
things are performed. For game purposes, the GM ate frag can strike a person's mind.
has a table outlining just how much Frag a narc issist Whenever the GM decides a spanner has
has to have to accomplish these trick s: had some rough going (near death, frag over 4, loss
of legs, lover butchered by narcissists, etc.) he may
Discoporative Actions decide the experience was stressful enough to war-
Reaching through walls, poltergeist activi- rant rolling vs. Mind to see if the spanner develops a
ties, being unharmed by weapons, etc. All the mental illness. The GM chooses an appropriate ill-
spooky stuff you hear that ghosts do. These effects ness from the list below.
can be very daunting when combatted by novice Needless to say, it is impossible to advance
spanners. in Span while afflicted.
Here follows a list of mental illnesses and
Haunting their causes. Not all are ordered by psychiatric clas-
Without a will of his own, a narcissist begins sification (for instance, obsessive-compulsive disor-
to attach himself to susceptible levellers in the hopes der, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias
that they will cross paths with moments of his £rag, would all be classed anxiety disorders), but are listed
and be influenced to aid him. While unable to con- separately as they affect spanners. And note that the
trol his spanning, the narcissist still may be able to pleasant terms " mental health " and "mental
concentrate what is left of himself on an object or hygiene" are late Piscean terms; most eras and cul-
place. Or, as the following illustrates, on to a person. tures simply refer to the afflicted as madmen or the
Terror & Possession
Inciting emotional reactions in people (main- AJrimnemonosis
ly levellers) and even taking partia l control of their A term used mainly in spanner circles for all
minds is possible at extremes of £rag. All that is left forms of altered or jumbled memory, or the inability
of the narcissist is the desire to have their free will to remember events in their proper order.
Chapter ill: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, or any Automaconosis
of a number of diseases affecting the memory centers A spanner term for the compulsion to per-
of the brain can create this problem in levellers. Lack form one's We as fated.
of sleep can also be a culprit. But for spanners the Thjs is an illness mainly seen in spanners, rather than
most likel y source is, as one might guess, frag. levellers: Few levellers gain the respect and fear of
fate that tjme travellers do.
Amnesia In the most serious cases, a spanner will
Partial or total loss of memory. This is simi- become obsessed with the outcome of his life, his
lar to Altimnemonosis in th at injury, disease, and famjly's life, his nation's destiny, et cetera, and try to
even stress can inflict a surpression of one's basic learn all he can, filling bis Yet with a ljfetime of
a bility to remember. known chores. He may insist that it is the only way
The GM decides what and how much mem- to keep himself and/or the universe secure, and so
ory a character loses. Pa rti al memory loss can be torture himsel f into life as a de facto automaton.
anythjng to forgening that you just bought gum, to Worse, the sufferer may insist that he is incurable,
where you live and work and the names of all your because he knows that as well.
friends. Using Hypnosis at appropriate moments in
Total amnesia means someone who can read his life may relieve some of his burden, but if kept
and speak their native language, and how what up for long, this can doom a spanner with an exis-
country they are from, but are missing most of their tence worse than death, robbed of all spontaneity
life's story. Spanners that forget they are spanners try and surprise. For a variation on this, see the story
to return to their leveller lives, possibly puzzled as to Manifest Destiny [pg. 97].
how so much time bas passed- or how they, incred-
ibly, woke up one morning and found themselves See also Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders, below.
somewhere back in time!
Induced by hypnosis or device Otherwise known as "speaking in tongues".
Sometimes it's a necessary part of life, when In spanners, this is a failure of the speech centers of
an incident must be forgotten by aghast levellers, or the brain to distinguish between the language being
a spanner can imagine no other way to untangle his spoken to the spanner, and the one(s) they are
frag. This is not so much an illness as a poison that responding in .
leads to a cure. See Hypnosis, pg. 115. Often affects dreamers, or spanners that
have been communicating a great deal through
Induced by (rag dream with many people who speak languages they
Narcissists can arrack in waves too, though do not understand. Sometimes affects spanners of
more rarely, and if a character takes 4 points of frag over 200 years of age who have learned more than
in one Sweep, he may suddenly lose his memory five hundred or so languages. The afflicted is some-
altogether, so fragmented is his Yet. Curing the frag times unable to maintain a conversation in one lan-
cause the memories to slowly be restored, probably guage, and occasionally mixes sentences and even
over a period of two to six weeks. word-constructs with dozens of languages that they
know or have encountered in dreams.

Lack of interest in any events. This is often Multiple Personality Disorder
related to Automatonosis. In levellers, it is a clinical Known at the Aquarian Cusp as Dissociative
state of depression. In spanners, it usually has to do Identity Disorder, it is defined at that time by the
with feeling one already knows how the universe American Psychiatric Association as being "charac-
turns out, and there's norhjng to do but watch it spin terized by the presence of two or more distinct iden-
on until they or it dies. tities or personality states that recurrently take con-
The best cure for this is a surprise vacation trol of the individual's behavior, accomparued by the
into a distant Era, though other treatments are avail- inability to recall important information that is too
able. If the GM is to blame for the apathy, the player extensive to be explained by ordinary
should take the initiative to surprise him. forgetfulness" .6 Theoretically a psychic mechanism
for dealing with separate painful moments of the vic-
See also Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders, below. tim's life, each personality taking on different
strengths to combat each kind of pain, the very
validity as a leveller illness is hotly debated at the
Aquarian Cusp.
But what Jacob Robert Kantor referred to
ominously in 1919 as a "longitudinal dissociation of

' American Psychiatric As ociarion, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, version IV, emphasis ours.
Chapter ill: Struggling c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
the components of personality" is not a matter of many coincidences, especially unfortunate ones,
debate to spanners in the Continuum. Spanners who begin to occur in their lives. Even favorable Grace
bear the burden of a point of frag for an extended rolls can become grounds for suspecting the
period of time can begin to develop an alternate per- Continuum of trying to put you off-guard. Many
sonality to explain that {rag. The frag does not go narcissists succumb to or derive from paranoia.
away, but the spanner's alternate personality begins
to deny the necessity of curing it, and even blames See also Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders, above.
the other personality for perpetuating the frag.
The length of time before an alternate per-
sonality first emerges is usually at least one year of Phobias
Age, and that only in fragile-minded spanners. But Fear of a particular object or situation.
excessive or repeated frag can make it more likely to Usually irrational, but with an identifiable source.
occur, even in a usually healthy mind. Being attacked by hungry lions might result in a fear
Memories are not shared between personali- of cats, for instance.
ties, though sometimes they can hold conversations. A common spanner fear is barophobia-
The GM may call for a separate character sheet to fear of the loss of gravity. This strikes spanners who
be written up for the new personality, with the same have had trouble flying or spanning- especially a
Ability scores, but different Skills based on Mind, recent near-miss into the atmosphere. A spanner
and all other Skills set down to Novice rank. Which afraid of spanning is about the saddest sight in the
personality is dominant usually depends upon what world .
information or task is being asked of the person. The
personality best able to cope with a situation will See also Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders, above.
likely be the one in charge.
Once the first personality emerges, subse- Schizophrenia
quent points of frag run the risk of creating more Known popularly as an illness with halluci-
personalities. The character must roll against Quick nations, hearing voices, altered sense of self and/or
every time he's £ragged, or he'll have even more men- reality, and bizarre behavior, schizophrenics also
tal company. Conversely, curing the £rag (if it is pos- exhibit many less spectacular and more devestating
sible against the spanner's will) results in the new symptoms such as emotional withdraw!, loss of
personality slowly reintegrating into the character. motivation and cognitive abi lities. Contrary to popu-
It's a process that takes seven days to six months, lar belief, Multiple Personality Disorder is a separa te
depending on how long the personality has been and distinct illness.
loose. People from most Eras regard schizophrenia
as a form of demonic possession, and considering
Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders narcissists, they are more accurate than they know.
Ritualized behavior. Not feeling balanced The cause is largely unknown at the Aquarian cusp,
until having touched objects with each sides of one's due to a dearth of reliable biological markers, and
body. Having to wash one's hands a certain number treatments are erratic.
of times. Always checking the time more than once a In spanners, schi zophrenia can be a result or
minute. Superstitious behavior. The list of possible misdiagnosis of high frag (5 points and up).
compulsions is endless. In levellers, it is usually a Symptoms may persist even after the frag is repaired,
response to anxiety, and the ritual makes one feel though this would be the first step. Combatants in
more secure. Antedesertium and the Geminid Era often suffer
In spanners, this is often referred to simply from varying degrees of the illness.
as "getting stuck": The inability to not perform
events by routine, even if they aren't in one's Yet. Sleepspanning
This results often from a spanner's anxiety over not Somnambulance, or sleepwalking takes on
wanting to discover more about one's Yet, and so new meanings when the sleeper can span.
hides in emptier rituals that avoid the possibility of Sleepwalking usually lasts between a second
such discovery, or even of much enjoying the spanner and thirty minutes. It is more common in children
life. than in adults, and can be induced by Hypnosis.
Sleepwalkers often perform routine daily functions
Paranoia while asleep, like walking the dog or washing dishes.
The irrational belief that the world is plot- Often their eyes are open, though they are asleep.
ting against you . Not enough can be written about Sleepwalking is related to the slow wave
this problem. Spanners, especially Pisceans, are sleep (SWS) part of the sleep cycle. SWS is believed
encouraged to study the cultures of the last half cen- to be part of the regenerative cycle of the cerebellum.
tury of the Piscean era when researching paranoia. Since Dreaming is related to the rapid-eye movement
A spanner can suffer from this when to (REM) part of sleep, a spanner is not likely to be in

""Hum an personality and it pathology, The Journal of Philosophy. Psychology and the Scientific Methods, 1919, 16, emphasis ours.
Chapter ID: Struggling C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
the Dreamtime while sleepspanning, and few clues Curing Mental Illness
abou t his sleepwalking habits are likely to be found For levellers, the casting out of inner demons
there. has taken many shapes over the centuries. Usually a
Sleepspanning is controlled by the GM, or priest or shaman, and only later licensed physicians,
by the Hypnotizing character, if applicable. Often the would administer healing drugs, or perform rituals
player simply isn't told where he is when he awak- that would apply stress to the body as a response to
ens, or what he was doing while somnambulent. the stresses place by disease or injury.
While it is quite conceivable for a sleepspan- For spanners, the corridors of the mind are
ner to span off into space, over a lava pit, or other intimately entwined into the use of sentient force.
oblivion- and would cause due alarm among his Symptoms of mental illness can persist after all frag
friends because of this- it's unfair by game stan- is cured, and long period of rest and therapy is
dards to have a hapless character get killed by wan- always recommended.
dering in his sleep. Therefore, the GM must allow The Dreamers, Quicker, and Physicians
the sleepspanner to awaken unharmed, though there Fraternities are especially equipped to deal with
is no stricture on how long their safety lasts upon spanner mental illness. Dreamers have the ability to
waking (i.e. on a raft surrounded by crocodiles, pinpoint the problem by Lucid Dreaming about the
falling from 30,000 feet, in the service module of victim, and sharing it with them. The Physicians
Apollo 13 sixteen seconds before launch, etc.) have many mental health professionals in their
Violations of the Fourth Maxim are quite possible, ranks. And the Quicker can tell if £rag is still
so cures for this are rapidly sought. involved, as well as recommend some exotic loca-
Span is not regained during any sleep inter- tions that only they might know about. The Quicker
rupted by sleepwalking or sleepspanning. are also adept at 'tough love': A spanner being petu-
lantly obsessive or apathetic can be roused by a
creepy visit by this fraternity, as if someone's doom
The barriers of time being removed, many
were hanging by a thread. They usually know when
human taboos that are time-bound drop away, leav-
this is a helpful, rather than detrimental course of
ing only human willpower and a sense of ethics to
prevent one from becoming a monster. The list of
The Physicians Fraternity also specialize in
once-forbidden possibilities tempting a spanner is
healing mental-related ailments that can affect a
remarkably long.
spanner's ability to span:
The laws of leveller nations cannot bind a
spanner, even the most circumspect one. The ethics
• Physical injury to the brain (and/or nervous system)
of theft and responsibility, and even murder, are put can easily result in faulty spanning; the GM
to the test when no leveller authority can hope to
has details
catch you. The depths some go to find 'sport', sucb
• Allergies
as a leveller that became lost in the woods never to
-a big problem for Aquarians, certain exotic
return, make most spanners stomachs turn.
funguses or pollens can affect the nervous system
Sexual experimentation is to be expected in
• lntox.icants
some spanners, and shunned by others. Plural mar-
-counteracting drugs or alcohol to make it safe to
riages are illegal in the West in the 20th Century-
but not in certain places in the 19th. Some spanners
even become confused distinguishing between a lover
lntox.icated Spanners
of 21 years of age, and juniors of same, or elders
Spanning while drunk is a bad idea.
much older, even dying or dead. Some are ill or
Travelling more than a day in any direction
fragged individuals that need treatment. Others are
requires a roll against Span, or you miss your target.
narcissists who simply refuse all ethical bounds.
The first time you miss while drunk isn't deadly, and
Another healthy reason ch.ildren aren't candidates to
should sober you up. But subsequent spans while
become spanners.
drunk are treated as per Beyond One's
The Continuum is as tolerant of decadence
Span, pg. 35.
as it is tolerant of totalitarianism: Each have their
Again, spanning Levelly is always safe, but
place in the rounds of life. It is only when the need
while drunk, you might just be off a couple feet, and
for thrills or expressing intolerance reach the point
bound into a wall, or wind up on the far side of one
of creating frag does the Continuum call a just and
from where you're aiming. Being drunk while vio-
ready halt, and brand someone a narcissist.
lating the Fourth Maxim is absolutely no excuse.
But toying with taboos is inviting trouble; it
is really just practice for the temptation of breaking
Maxims. Keeping a balanced mind and healthy
human attitude is always preferable. It keeps one
away from that slippery slope into nothingness.
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Aging and the Human Perception of Time Passing
All the cells of the human body, with few
exceptions, regenerate every seven years. Thus a per-
son tends to look very different in every seven-year
cycle of their existence. It has been shown that
events of seven years in one's past are reviewed with
.. new insight, often with surprise and a sense that one
was considerably more foolish, or that fashions were
• Nostalgia usually sets in at intervals of four
teen or twenty-one years. Quaintness is a feeling one
naturally holds for a revered grandparent, and sets in
after at least forty years, or at about the second gen-
eration, from the times that seem quaint.

Interrupting Aging
When one begins to manipulate human flesh
to accommodate the desire to remain young and
alive for centuries, millennia, and onward, the body's
signals of cellular regeneration are altered, and many
of the subtle human emotions mentioned above (nos-
talgia, quaintness) are lost, sometimes forever.
This emotional brittleness is more evident in
pre-Aquarians, who one would expect to keep a
greater range of expressing feelings about the world.
(Aquarians are mostly born engineered, and there-
fore acclimate smoothly.) This is why Exalted seem
very aloof: They are not just superadult, they are
removed from the heady sluice of Life. They still feel
the range of emotions, but no longer experience the
needs of the day-to-day, as they were first born to
do. The wisest of them take time to play sports and
bake pies, before returning to Atlantean politics and
holding aloft the world.

For a case of emotiona l brittleness, see the

story Manifest Destiny, pg. 97.

Elderly Spanners and Natural Death

Since part of the goal of spanners in C0 NTINU-
UM is to advance in Span, and thereby gain the privi-
lege of extended life, this section is mainly informative
of encountering those that don't make the cut.
Senility and alJ the common mental and phys-
ical diseases of old age can strike spanners who grow
old and remain Span One or Two. But while old folks
have increasing difficulty in walking or caring for
themselves, spanning often remains a joy to the very
A senile spanner is a tough thing to corralJ, as
the Maxims get muddled and forgotten while the
spanner gads about, often gleeful at escaping his care-
givers until he loses his way.

Wa kewi ts the Younge r, (b. AD 121 3)

Sketchbook of Sce,ies from I 393
ink & wash
Scri ba l Libra rium at Ligny

Arrwork O t 999 Brian Wad cw1n

Chapter ID: Struggling C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Aging Table

Span Penalties
-1 Bod y -2 Bod y -3 Bod y -1 Mind -4 Body -2 Mind -5 Body -3 Mind
0 50 yea rs 60 yea rs 70 yea rs 80 years 90 years
1 55 yea rs 65 years 75 yea rs 90 yea rs 100 years
2 55 years 65 years 75 years 90 years 100 years
3 200 yea rs 250 yea rs 300 years 350 years 400 years
4 950 yea rs 1000 years 1100 years 1200 years 1400 years
5+ usuall y irrelevant
The GM may waive or increase any penal-
ties on the ta ble above. If Body or Mind reaches
Zero through penalties on this table, the spanner
keeps the Ability at l, but will die of natural causes
within 3 years after, and is bedridden until then.
Maximum Age is exceeding the last listed Age for
your Span on the Aging Table by 30 %, at which
point natural death occurs automatically.

Seeking Your Death

A spanner's leveller persona will need a
death at some point. This can be staged, like so
many other events, with a )jnle forethought and
elbow grease.
But some spanners are overwhelmed by the
curiosity of when and where they are to die. It is a
common theme in time travel fiction , to find oneself
standing upon one's own grave a la Scrooge, morbid-
ly fascinated by the implications.
Beyond the Aging Table (above) there is no
reaso n why further information need be easy to
acquire, or why any Scribe, Quicker or Dreamer
would want to impart this awful information to the
doom-seeking spanner. A spanner might find their
death in any number of ways, Eras, and places; there
may be no grave, or the spanner may yet be fragged
out and collected . The GM is under no obligation to
help a spanner find out.
Spanners are actively dissuaded from seeking
such di sco uraging information: If you try too hard,
you may find the a nswer is "Now".

Arrwo rk @ 1999 Tony DiTerlizzi

Chapter IV: Mastering

ity that the stags cannot teach

swiftness to the turtles."
-Kahlil Gibrain, The Prophet, AD 1923.


• gamemastering time trav,d~ help for the ,referee:
• handling players- prepare for the cleverest and the
most base
• designing a campaign- telling the tale while
keeping the game balanced
• notes on chapters I, II, and III- secrets only for
the GM _
• narcissists- who, when and why
• scenario ideas- adventure nuggets, and how to get
free scenarios online

• The other side of Cynthia Stirling's life, the secrets ·she ·
keeps every day, even from herself opposite
D'Terlizzi, (b. 1462)
Illumination from Q ,, the Nature· ofthe Greater Atmospheres
/AD 15 1'1)
Scriba l Librari um at Ligny
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Gamemastering Time Answer #2: Information Is

All- and so is the kind of
Travel information you have.
The referee or Game Master (GM ) has the
real burden in C0 NllNUUM: designing adventures and If a character has witnessed or participated
moderating characters that may be interacting across in an event hes subject to any frag associated with
many yea rs, even centurie . A single play ses ion it. On the other hand, hearing about an event second
may be run across generations of time, and the GM hand allows an individual much greater leverage to
has to stay cheerfully flexible as the players tie his act. Dreamers and Scribes are especially adept at
plotlines into Gordian knots of paradox. providing you with precisely the information you
For a general explanation of what it means need For instance, the Oracle and Frune stratagems
to referee a roleplaying game, see Appendix B: of Tlme Combat can often be handled through con-
Roleplaying Basics, pg. 213. tact with members of these fraternities.
Any other questions should be answerable
by studying the Maxims [see frontispiece] and the
A. Handling Players mentor's explanations of them [ppg. 91-93]. These
are mostly social questions, but when span and frag
inevitably, as you begin a C NTINUUM cam-
depend on an individual's actions and sentient force,
paign, or even a simple scenario, players have ques- social behavior becomes of paramount importance.
tions about rime travel- and then more questions. For further information on response to time
Even a complete perusal of the players' section will travel questions, see Chapter 2: Spanning, pg. 32, or
leave many captured with the wonder of the possibil- direct the players there themselves.
ities, but concerned over what is and is not impossi-
More Tips on Handling
Whenever feasible, make the players roleplay
to ask a time travel question. These questions should Players
be addressed from novice character to mentor- not
player to GM. Th_is wiU allow them to practice and Here are some detailed methods of handling
experiment with spanning so that everyone can see the surprising situations players entangle their char-
by doing. (It also allows you to deal with any petu- acters (and your plots) in. For tips on how to devel-
lant players that go and frag themselves and their op a C0 NTINUUM campaign, see pg. 150.
friends within the context of the game!)
Take Control of the Plot At Any Time
We've found that nearly all time travel ques- Players running away with the plot of a game
tions in C NTrNUUM fall under these two categories: can often be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
But in those instances where you feel someth_ing
Answer #1: Because It's must happen, well, it does.
Say you had a complex plot involving a fragile
There. sculpture in a museum window which they smash to
If an event occurred, it occurred. Frag bits one day, but yo u wanted to exist three days
" points " are a game convention: 1n the long view, later. Let the players know, by seeing it, or a note
from a friend in the Continuum, or even a Gemini
£rag is always repaired. Much of the action in the
game is getting them repaired. Incident, that the sculpture exists in perfect shape a
If it's in your corner, it's your jurisdiction. If few days hence, and levellers are none the wiser.
it's your doing, it's your responsibility. Any Now they have this thing in their Yet, and have to
Fraternities or strangers that want to hunt on your solve 1) what its survival means [i.e. your original
turf have to ask. Remind them if necessary that mak- plot] and 2) how to get it or a copy of it back to
ing tensions in the Continuum is something narcis- where their junior selves can smash it.
Essentially, when an object is destroyed, treat it
sists attempt to exploit.
Finally, it is the extreme of arrogance to like Surviving Death [pg. 40], and if it destroyed a
assume that one person can create an entire universe, second time, ("Second" Death,) anyone in its vicinity
especially by destroying any or all of the vigitillion or near future must roll on the Frag Table as if it
were a spanner of Span 1 attempting to Frag them.
lives to come.
Curing this Frag will involve another round of...
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Record-Keeping is with the other.
Ed might spend weeks in 1987 trying to escape
Span Cards a killer, while Susan appears in the nick and stops
Whenever a player says "] Span over to .. . " the bad guy. Ed was desperately trying to find a safe
tell them, "Okay, write it down." Getting in the place to sleep and regai n Span, while Susa n was
habit of this allows player an accurate di a ry of doing Oracle research to find Ed a nd his enemy, and
eve ry ga me, and the sense that every action marrers. travelling slowly down from 1996 to help her friend .
The spa nning cards provided [Appendix Z, pg. 224] Bein g a time traveller, it's no surprise she arrives at
should allow you to do this smoothly. the perfect moment- once she's had weeks of
What these records do for you, the GM, is to research and the resources of a decade behind her.
help spawn new adventures. Bill spanned back eight Just don't fall into the trap that one party wi ll
months so th at he could learn to fl y a plane? Oka y, "run out of time" to save the other parry, even if
he spent eight months of Age and arrived back read y both are level with each other. Spanners usually have
to pilot. But those eight months were spent some- more time than they know what to do with.
where. Perhaps the rest of the players later Go Down More fun are situations where the party forgets
and meet the junior Bill, still struggling with FAA to assign a corner to rendezvous in after spanning
regulations. They begin to discover th at his instruc- about separately. "Uhh, anyone remember where we
tor is a Narcissist, out to ensure that Bill fails, or parked .. . ?"
even crashes! Since that would Frag the lot of them Time Combat has a strict 60-second limit to
(having already enjoyed many plane rides with Bill), keep up suspense: this is a game convention, as the
the opponent has to be weeded out, and he might spanners are outright declaring they spend weeks
have friends ... combatting each other. Know what pacing is appro-
The fact that Bill didn't tell his friends of the priate for your players in situations outside of Time
adventure is easily explained- as a good member of Combat, and run with it.
the Continuum, he did not pass on information they
did not yet have. Compounding Failures
Record-keeping by the players also allows you Someone may well try and force a gemini, or
to apply the effects of aging. Adults tend to look other event they are certain didn't happen, "just to
noticeably older at seven-year intervals. GMs can see." Keep adding points of frag as the event goes
play the reactions of distraught family members as a forward. At 2 or 3 points of Frag, have the other
spanner returns home for a Christmas after spending members of the fragger's corner begin a Time
years of Age in some enormous combat-fiJled adven- Combat- since they have almost certainly been
ture. At some point, spanners can't go home again. £ragged by this wayward spanner's actions. The cor-
A note on recording level spanning: Low-Span ner need not know the source of the Frag at the out-
characters may wish to zip around big cities or even set- but that's typical of Time Combat.
countries by a rapid succession of mile-long "hops". The erring spanner should soon be found
At your discretion , you may decide that they make it out, though, and be shamed, fragged, and facing
without encounter or incident- if so, you may also ostracism. The spanner should be given one chance
want to save players' time and space in filling out to redeem himself and fix all the frag. Acting up a
spanning cards, by having them list the entire num- second time, and he may find himself very much on
ber of Level spans on a single Line. his own ...

Character Sheets Dangling Rewards

Every time a player character increases in New players may well be impatient to see the
Span, have them start a new character sheet. This greater vistas of Time. They may complain that
will not onJy allow them a fresh start, it wil l assist replacing broken vases before they're noticed miss-
them in any elder gerninis they have to clean up, or ing, and making sure that they don't Frag themselves
any scenes where a junior of that Span encounters by appearing in the same grocery store on the same
other players ' characters. day, is growing a lirrle tiresome.
Start dropping in hints of the vast stretches of
Splitting the Party Time awaiting them. One finds a 17th Century
When one character takes off for the distant sword with their name and duelling marks engraved
past, leaving others behind, you might feel that it's upon it. Another makes a friend at a popular Corner
not like other games when a party of characters is whose thick voice prattles in almost uninrelJigible
divided- they're all over spacetime! Middle English, but who acts like they've been pals
In fact, the best way to treat parties divided in for yea rs. Still another watches the History Channel,
Tune is to simply give all players equal attention; and footage of Teddy Roosevelt reveals a familiar
say, five minutes apiece, back and forth, and let face at his side. And there are a lways Gemini
members of one party roleplay while your attention Incidents: Elder selves may appear, dripping with the
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
air of spanning sophistication, to make simple always just their own. If all the deeds and adventures
requests of their junior , spawning renewed wonder they wish to perform require the GM to approve or
and adventures. mediate, the other players can rapidly become bored
Also, if you feel ou and your group are good waiting for the game hog to finish swilling events for
enough roleplayers, you may have them play span- himself.
ners of Span One born and living in another Era, Let them do pretty much what they want as
learning this strange new art from folk they barely long as it doesn't become Time Combat. Just tell
know, or have been told to shun for their sorcerous them you won't let them take up time at the game
ways. Note that the authors believe that learning the session away from others. Put them in a corner to fill
social graces and mechanics of spanning is challeng- in a Span card with all the Skills they intend to soak
ing enough to new players that their first characters up, and figure out the Time Indices for each. Just tell
shou ld be people like themselves, of their own Era him to go to town, and tell you what the bill comes
and locality. The weirdness of spanning around a to (i.e. how much Age he's squandered.)
local mall or schoolyard can be a wild ride a ll by When he returns to the party with his list of
itself. accomplis hments, announce how everyone is startled
by how much older he looks Even in a relatively
short time away (six months to a year) the character
Munchkins and other terrors: may have experienced a gain or loss in weight, new
wrinkles, tooth cavities, excessive acne or other rash,
Handling difficult players. or even hair loss. Tell the hog that he may violate the
Fourth Maxim if he's seen by leveller friends or goes
Agajnst the Lollipop League. about in public except in places where his noticeable
The term munchkin (after the diminutive, changes will seem natural.
intense, but helpless inhabitants of Oz) came into If the hog manages to get himself into a
common parlance in the 1990s as a depreciative bonafide Time Combat whi le off garnishing himself
word for gamers with a certain mindset. Munchkins 1 (thus hogging more game time away from other
are gamers who devi e characters with maximum players) offer to let the hog come back to the
powers and minimum vulnerability, assuming that group- with 3 £rag from a completely unknown
the numbers in the game provide the means to 'win- source. If he insists on hogging on and take his
ning' it, like card-counting at a casino. chances, have the narcissists attacking him draw the
Munchkin are di tinct from players who rest of the corner into the action- by laying most of
like less talk and more kicking butt: C0 NTINUUM is the frag attacks squarely on the hog.
earirely compatible with the "hack and slash" form Another appropriate way to brake this trend
of roleplaying. Munchkins just pursue attaining the is to have selfish players' characters approached at
best stats for their own sake, and it's kind of odd. once by a narcissist recruiter [see ppg. 135, 192].
They tend to recount the powers and things their The best moment to choose is when the character is
characters have far more than the victories they've off on their own, hogging the action. That shou ld
achieved. Fighting villains is seen as just another drive honest characters at once back to their corner.
means to attaining more powers and things. People If the player is particularly obnoxious, have the nar-
who openly do this in real life are usually disliked. cissists lead him along, then £rag him for a couple of
But all spanners start out with abso lute points. Time Combat will commence, but his corner
power over space and time. Munchkins may have a needn't take the brunt of the frag, as above.
hard time in C0 NTlNUUM, because to advance, their Note that a player that just wants to per-
character actually has to impress somebody. They form some quick actions, pick up a couple 'instant
will be flummoxed as other players' characters skills' or roleplay an interesting situation is not a
advance by performing services and earning admira- game hog. Know a game hog by their greed, and
tion, whi le they try to make their characters' muscles desire to be ceaselessly the center of the GM's atten-
larger, or learn every skill in the book, or push their tion.
Quick scores into double-digits.
Be patient and polite with any munchkins, Disruptive players.
but when it comes to their Span advancement, we Some people just like to cause trouble or
recommend you take a hard line. spoil others' fun. Some argue with every ruling of the
GM, or just refuse to get into the spirit of the game.
Game Hogs. Anyone that's too disruptive, or unable to parse their
Being a spanner can quickly go to a player's own lives from that of their characters should be
head. Certain players are of the mindset that they shown the door. At least until they get their heads or
can learn a million things in a second- if they only attitudes together.
take the time. Always remember it's just a game; having
Unfortunately, the time they take is not fun is the first criterion.

'Th e authors advise again r using the insulting term 'munchkin ' on an y particula r person, though odds are you ma y find one or more in your gaming group.
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Bored players. ber that you can surprise the players back with sud-
This is your fault, pal. If players start acting den spans of NPCs grabbing items or creating frag.
antsy or annoyed because the action isn't moving See Take Control of the Plot at Any Time, pg. 146.
fast enough, it's the referee's job to keep the ball
Varying plot elements, introducing new and 2) Am I willing and able to let the players be
unusual characters, developing different time travel inventive?
related conundrums to solve, meeting challenges
posed by different Fraternities, are but a few of the Most GMs understand the need to allow
ways to maintain the interest level for players players some inventive control over how their char-
exploring C0 NTINUUM. acter acts and moves. But inventiveness in a spanner
If you need new campaign or scenario ideas, can lead to all kinds of mischief and mayhem. As
see ppg. 193-199. Observant GMs will notice that this long as the GM can adapt to fresh ideas, the may-
rulebook leaves many parts of the C0 NTINUUM uni- hem can remain entertaining and fun, and the plot
verse unwritten. While we hope the rules are as suffi- can stay mainly on track.
cient, complete and concise as explaining time travel
allows, the missing parts are by and large, deliberate. 3) Am I willing and able to slam player characters
Any universe is a big place, and the entire expanse of that break Maxims, and cause mischief that's
history makes C°NTINUUM astronomically vaster than counter to the Continuum?
the average RPG. See The Far Horizon, pg. 151.
Some GMs don't like to be drawn into
becoming the punisher, preferring players to make
their own destinies. In C0 NTINUUM, part of those des-
B. Designing the tinies involve fighting for one's existence, and fight-
ing one's own baser nature for the right to that exis-
Campaign tence. Despite their obvious might, the player charac-
ters are fragile, and most will need a reminder at
some point.
The Question of Game As stated elsewhere, the Continuum is toler-
ant of a wide range of behavior- it just isn't toler-
Balance ant of causing frag to aggrandize oneself. Spanners
that realize that their place and power is more out-
side of history than in it, tend to fare the best.
The player characters in C NTlNUUM are the And just remember that every point of frag
most powerful ever designed for an RPG. you hand out has an as/as not somewhere where it
can be fixed. See Frag, pg. 53.
They can teleport and travel time at will.
Finally, see the Two Answers on pg. 146.
And they will show off every chance they get.
Story Writing Basics
Some traditionally-minded GMs may find
themselves at a loss with such powerhouses loose. A While the players will be putting their cre-
standard 'dungeon' with standard 'monsters' or
ative spin on any scenario you design, th e 'story' of
'treasure' would be easy pickings for spanners, but
the game is first yours to command. And since you
of little interest to them. A carefully balanced plot
want to impress the teleporting time travellers, you
might be undone in a moment if the players all
should have a command of what goes into creating a
decide to run off to another Era without warning.
good story.
The GM has to ask himself certain questions
going into a C NTINUUM campaign: Plot and Pacing
1) Am I willing and able to let the player characters
Plot is a series of decisions.
run amok in time?
In an action movie, the decisions are mostly
actions. In a more talky movie, or well-written book,
This is a mindset necessary for running
the decisions take on a number of forms. Usually the
c0 NTINUUM. While the Continuum's social strictures villain makes the first decision, something that the
set upon the characters are sufficient to limit their
hero must react to, or discover and then react to.
'absolute power', it helps if the GM is flexible
In a roleplaying game, decisions are mostly
enough to handle complete surprise. Always remem-
made by player characters which the NPCs react to.
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
This allows the players the feeling that they have Motivation
control over their characters' lives, much as average Motivation is what a character desires.
human beings desire to have control over their lives. When a serious actor asks, "What's my
In a story, of course, these decisions reach a mean- motivation?" it's the same question the rest of ask
ingful resolution which satisfies the audience (i.e. the when we decide why to take a job, or which books
villain gets a comeuppance, the artifact is retrieved, to read, games to play, food to buy, etc. It's "Why do
I care about doing this? " Simply put, it's what the
the family is reunited, and so on).
character wants or needs to do.
Pacing is speed at which the plot moves. In The GM needs to create a plot that moti-
C NTINUUM, pacing is what your gaming group vates the player characters. While being sent forth on
makes it. If you prefer a slower rolepla ying style (a tasks by one's mentor, or a Span Four, may function
'talkie' movie), then spanning and climactic scenes to begin an adventure, events that personally interest
will be more rare, and character development will the characters will better engage the interest of the
take up much of your time. If your group prefers players. And NPCs, especially villains, need motiva-
hunting down the bad guys and maybe getting in tions to remain believable.
some serious combat (an action movie) then the pace Having an identifiable villain always helps a
of events will be like lightning striking, with spans story along. If the villain has a clear goal motivating
him, his pursuit of it, and the heroes' (player charac-
possibly outnumbering words of dialogue spoken.
ters' ) efforts to stop him will keep the plot rolling.
Or anything in between- some of the best Note that in C0 NTINlJUM the villain himself may
movies pace action scenes against dialogue to make remain a mystery for some time- it's only important
both more interesting. See also Campaign Tips- that the villain can be identified- which is usually
Pacing the Secrets, pg. 151. the first task for a bunch of investigating spanners.

Continuity is the art of making sense. Campaign Tips
Keeping plot and characters on track and believable.
(It is also, on the cosmic scale, the business of the Every GM's campaign is unique. 2 Therefore,
Continuum.) Decisions build upon one another. If a we present some general insights on how to con-
character in a book or movie makes a decision that struct a successful C NTINUUM campaign.
contradicts his earlier decisions, the audience wants
to know why. Start Fresh
If it is a revealing, surprising character Set your initial games in your recent past. If
trait- such as an heroic starship captain that hates you're playing C NTINUUM in "real time" 2002, begin

children, or a villainous vampire lord that really tries the setting of your game in 2000 or 1999 so that
to be a good father and understand his vampire your novice spanners will have familiar territory to
son- then the audience grows more interested: Why run around in.
is that character like that? Good writing reveals the If you find your spanners have sneaked into the
answers in enticing ways. " real-time" near future, and are concerned for conti-
But more often, contradiction is just bad nuity, do a little research between games for the
writing. A superhero detective who has long dates planned for the completion of public works
foresworn firearms , suddenly adds machine guns to and movie release dates, which studios sometimes
his supervebicle -all with no explanation. The ques- scheduled more than a year in advance, and include
tion the audience asks is the same- Why is that titles they haven't heavily advertised to the public
character like that?- only here they expect to be yet. While there's no guarantee these estimates will
cheated; the author or director didn't care enough to be accurate, setting adventures in buildings and
keep their plot making sense. How many times have parks that haven't been built yet, or near theatres
you come out of a movie theatre pointing out just playing as-yet unheard-of movies can be a real thrill
these kinds of flaws in a film with your friends? for your players once those days arrive, and the
places and films turn out to be real.
In C°NTINuuM, continuity is literally the Of course, your best predictions for the near
name of the game. Not keeping causality straight, future can backfire. The mayor never gets the stadi-
getting fragged, screwing up geminis- bad continu- um built, or a film on the release schedule is down-
ity is fatal. Any nitpick the players (or yourself) have graded to straight-to-video, or even dropped alto-
about how the plot hangs together can turn into a gether. It will be up to you to decide whether to
full-scale spanner war getting it fixed. change your campaign to suit real events, or declare
your campaign's events to be the "real, unchangeable
Continuum universe", and the one the players go
home to a "mere narcissist fantasy". Just never for-
get that yours is only a game.

'The Continuum tolerates multiple GMs and campa igns as a necessity of leveller roleplaying games, but stresses aga in there is onl y one universe.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Pacing the Secrets daughter suspects you are a sky-god, and that you
It may be impossible to keep players from are here to help usurp the succession by killing her
peeking into the GM chapters of this book: They may rival sister- the future Cheinethap II, the Fire
own their own copy of C0 NTINUUM, or have pla yed or Queen, conqueror of the Degesh, who not incidental-
GMed before. So many of the secrets of the ly orders the founding of Damascus as a frontier
Continuum are going to have to be ones you devise. fort.
And these secrets invariably center around people. But the history of the Vielavayan is lost to
A slimy nest of narcissists that are nigh archeologists; the evidence is muddled in unlettered
impossible to pinpoint, an aloof Scribe that takes graves across Rumania, or lost beneath the swirling
umbrage with the corner's every move, an Exalted waters of the Black Sea. ln reality, all the names and
that mysteriously keeps bringing strangers together. events of the Vielavayan were invented for the
Each of these characters plainly have a wealth of c 0 NTINUUM game. But historians have no clearer pic-
unspoken motivations they keep secret. ture of most these unlettered Eras beyond what peo-
Withholding and revealing information is ple grew to eat and the pots they stored the food in.
what Continuum spanners do on a regular basis. Meeting the famous need not be limited to what
There should be little trouble in pacing how secrets Piscean levellers can remember. The characters will
should be revealed. As player characters investigate remember, and keeping many of the secrets of histo-
and pursue villains, the GM can make information ry is what makes playing C0 NTINUUM unique.
become 'available' at the most dramatic moments,
spurring the plot. Don't let the awesome power of Gather Resources
time travel play to the easy advantage of the charac- Much is made of historical roleplaying sup-
ters: The Continuum only wants things to be discov- plements. Volumes about known eras of history tai-
ered at the right time for each. lored to a specific game system or product Line
abound. The authors of C0 NTINUUM recommend find-
The Far Horizon ing actual books on history for your settings, since
This is a secret of good storytelling: Keep you can learn something while building your cam-
them coming back for more. paign. Plots and Motivations for adventures are uni-
versal throughout human existence; historical peri-
J.R.R. Tolkien, our Cynthia Stirling's ods are best discovered from writers of history,
favorite author, observed in his essay " On Fairy- rather than game designers.
Stories" (AD 1938) the importance of always pre- Obvious resources are history books, ency-
senting another unexplored vista, to encourage the clopedias, newspaper archives, The History Channel,
wonder and imagination of his audience. ln light of websites, and so on. Wherever reliable (or at least
this, he complained of a movie treatment of his novel entertaining) information on history can be found.
(Zimmerman, AD 1958) that the screenwriter had A perpetual calendar useful for 1582-2222 is
irritating 'faults' for 'anticipation', moving events contained herein in Appendix C: Counting the Days,
Down to well before they're meant to be experi- pg. 214. It's often fun to surprise a young spanner
enced. that the day they chose to Go Down and see the
Time travel throws a ... spanner into this antique dealer was a Sunday, and he's closed.
worldview. If you can simply travel to an outcome, There are already several worthy books and
what does th at do for plot and pacing? The solution collections of rules for would-be GMs of a time travel
is in the Yet- knowing an "outcome" doesn t mean game, and you can visit our website (
there isn't more to discover: How does the outcome to discover the best that we and others have to offer.
come about, who benefits from it, who is angered Usually game authors encourage inspiration from
and reacts to it, and so on and on. There is always books and movies to gain ideas for adventures. ln
another vista in the distance when exploring the the case of C0 NTINUUM, however, a serious eye is cast
avenues of time. upon time travel, and many sci-fi entertainments are
So many great events are crammed into found wanting, even some of the most popular ones.
every century, that when one looks into what one The Continuum recommends the study of these only
scholar called the "collection of rags and tatters" of to understand the errors conta ined in them. For
ancient history, one realizes that incredible adven- comparison, see Appendix A: Fallacies and Follies,
tures, passions and surprises lie waiting in the cav- pg. 212.
ernous spaces of these unwritten millennia.
Meeting Ramsses the Great may be a thrill, Basking in Your Own Mistakes
but what about Auneizza, a king of sixth Dynasty Many early adventures can be derived from
Vielavayan? Defying the bronze spears of his leg- the mistakes of fledgling spanners. It's likely many
endary cavalry to protect the lsh-Yangi nomads in players will attempt to experiment with what's possi-
their yearly trek between the Yellow River and Indus ble in the Continuum, and new spanner characters
valleys is no small feat, not when his youngest from the 20th and 21st centuries might still harbor
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
fallacies about time travel based on what they've consequent danger of drawing all levellers in before
een in the media. Judicious allotment of Frag should the Hour of the Inheritance, recruitment assumes an
keep the more rambunctious elements in line, while utterly planned civilization . A recruited Continuum
letting everyone have a good time playing. would shatter its flexibility. Consider: lf recruitment
It's al o possible that you made an error in were the norm, levellers would be kidnapped rather
judgement while GMing that leaves some event than invited, told what their function in spacetime
unexplained, or badly explained. In C0 NTINUUM, this was destined to be, and the foreboding determiQistic
can be the impetus for a whole new adventure. The nightmare Yet we all seek to avoid would be the only
corner discovers that a situation they thought they dark reality.
solved still has some loose ends, and begin to uncov- lf there is still a leve ller tha t is just too good
er the narcissist evil/ Quicker intrigue/ leveller curios- not to recruit, discuss the situation with an Exalted
ity/ whatever plot you concoct, that has caused the before deliberately approaching someone.
discrepancy. Narcissists, on the other hand, do actively
recruit, and while they prefer corrupting Continuum
Quick Plot Ideas spanners into their own private hells, some steal and
If you need plot ideas on the fly, some are use Physician technology to create new spanners of
available starting on pg. 193. their own. These usuaJly hail from the fastness of
Antedesertium, where the Continuum's interventions
are most difficult.
C. GM's Notes to These uninvited spanners are called crashers
(after party-crashers; among other terms) and are
Chapters I, II and III special prizes among the Foxhorn. Crashers are
almost always killed or £ragged out from the instant
they are discovered for what they are, even if seem-
This is where further information, not avail- ing innocent. There's often no telling what post-hyp-
able to novice spanners, can be found. Cross-refer- notic time bombs or physical illnesses crashers are
ences to the derivative sections are listed throughout. carrying, even if they seem like nice people. They
have had no training or nurturing from the
Continuum, and are therefore the most unpre-
The Invitation & the dictable of
Spanners of less than Span Three are not
In-Between given much information about crashers (except for
notable Span Twos in the Foxboro, Quicker and
Invitation vs. Recruitment Physician Fraternities) as it threatens their perspec-
Nearly all new spanners are discovered by tive of a secure, nurturing Continuum. Further infor-
accidents involving the Fourth Maxim. Some wonder mation on crashers is available on pg. 192.
why active recruitment isn't pursued more vigorous-
ly. While reams of spanner philosophy have been Second Thoughts
written on this subject, the answer is actually quite On rare occasions, an invitee will have sec-
obvious. ond thoughts about joining [pg. 8], especially once
The invitation is how spanners are born in the Threes take them as ide to have their body
the Societie . It i no mere simile: Since spanners are opened . While the situation is unlikely ro arise for a
forbidden to be raised from infancy in Societal player character ( "You do want ro play this game,
pacetime, an invitation i the closest spanners come don't you?"), it can be a dramatic moment when an
to raising families of their own kind. The fact that NPC leveller shrinks from their chosen fate, and tries
to run screaming back tO their mommy.
your newborn sibling is in their teens or twenties is
not so shocking when you consider that the lifetime The corner and higher Spans may have to
of a spanner is hundreds, thousands of years, or reevaluate the invitee. Perhaps their mental stability
more. The surprises in store at every invitation are is insufficient to become a spanner after all. If the
more natural and human than any recruitment pro- invitee has already devoted a great deal of level time
gram could hope to be- and also looks less suspi- preparing, or has learned too much before the In-
cious to any leveller attempting inquire about the Berween, he may have to be eliminated, rather than
corner. returned. ln certain cases where the corner has
Recruitment is a tactic of a military or a absolutely no memories of the doubting invitee as a
police organization, or a government. Anything Like spanner, this is often seen as the best course. (The
impressment or the draft in a time travel environ- GM can always declare certain encounters having
ment would be devastating to recruiter and recruitee been in the corner's experience, or even in their Yets,
a like. Leaving aside the door to nepotism and the though this may be seen as extreme or confusing to
some players.)
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Unfamiliar Invitees too bruti h to grasp spanning. At a remove of over
It may happen that the corner has accepted 100,000 BC, it is a rare human indeed th at can earn
a n ew mem ber that they have little or no experience the full admiration of the Continuum; nearly all
with; an odd occurrence indeed. The GM is free to human spanners in chis period have travelled there
devise what happens to NPC novices who fit this from the distant Societies.
description, as not participating much with the cor- Homo sapiens bas severa l unguessed cousins
ner th at found him is obviously in his Yet. Early who become wise enough to span. But th eir numbers
death is not recommended, though possible. Other are so small, that even if all of their last few genera-
explanations include narcissist recruitment, a run- tions had learned spanning, the numbers of humans
away (like Sven in the story Out in Society, pg. 118,) from the Piscean on Up would dwarf theirs. Still,
or even a kidnapping or seeming kidnapping by a members of these intelligent primate civilizations
high Span intriguer or new love r... The corner can shou ld be watched out for, as they have our mutual
either take up the adventure of finding this wayward ancestors' native curiosity- and many of their
son, let the rest of the Continuum know, or the GM habits.
can have an elder of the character appear to set
hearts and minds at ease (though an adventure is
probably more fun than a mere explanation). Span One
Administering the white light Day Job [pg. 36)
Once a leveller agrees to join the spanning While having a 'Clark Kent' persona is
life, he is Hypnotized [pg. 115) as soon as possible. handy, it's up to the individual gaming group to
The Hypnotism is only to set a marker in the sub- decide how much of their own time they want to
ject's mind, and little else. This marker determines spend playing these day jobs. Many will prefer to cut
the time at which the subsequent memory-suppres- to the chase, and seek the dangers of fighting narcis-
sion shall begin. Shortly afterward, the spanner is sists and impressing their fellow spanners. But occa-
created [pg. 167] . siona ll y it can be fun to bring the fight to the hum-
Key neurons devoted to memorizing short- drum workplace, ironically to save its very mundani-
term memory are sorted during the spanner's cre- ty. Feel free to sec scenarios in the spanner's places of
ation. After months of practice and making friends, work and classrooms, if saving them from disruption
the initiate is checked by a Physician to determine if is the theme of that night's session.
sufficient spanning skill has been retained into It can also help to illuminate the fact that
instinctual memory, and if certain names and habits while spanners have to interact with levellers, it can
are retained in the spanner's deep memory. The initi- be stressful to deal with them on a day-to-day basis,
ate is then taken to see their actual corner for the and every move can seem like toadying to cull their
first time, and the attending Physician suppresses the favor, just to keep them in the dark. can be
short-term memory neurons, forcing them to retract enormously frustrating to the mighty beings the
their dendrites until a specific moment. Technology spanners are by nature. As GM, you're encouraged
exists in abundance to make these neurons hibernate, to help them along with stuff from their elders, to
though Hypnotism [pg. 115] will often suffice, as spare them slipshanking endlessly... though either
these neurons have been specially prepared. Residual way it put things in their Yet.
memory impressions often remai n; these are from the 12. Level Playing Field
odd few neurons that shared some of the experiential
information during the in-between. Cynthia is still new to the Continuum; she is
The moment of memory restoration is the hoping to get somewhere in her relationship with Clay
sharing of the creation by spanner's elder Span Horston, even if he's only a leveller, and only a football
Three, assuming be earns that Span. This experience player. She spans Up a day to the janitor's closet in his
also reacquaints the spanner with forgotten parts of apartment building and knocks on his door, hoping to
his Yet, some of which may even have come to pass surprise him that evening.
Clay was oddly stern with her. "Wheres the
in the interim! [See the story These Are The Good
stuff for the party?"
Old Days, pg. 177.] Cynthia blinks. "Stuff." She hasn ~ heard of
any party. Not even hello? I have to fake this again. "OH,
Population and the minimum sophistication for right! I must have left it in the car."
spanners "What car?"
Human population generally increases Bother. Car is next month. But is Clay still in
throughout the time of the Societies: Thus, the Piscean my life next month? "Sorry. I meant stairs."
and Aquarian Eras have the vast majority of spanners. Clay skwunched his face. "Stairs? Why?"
Uncoincidentally, the development of these Eras "I was looking for my keys. But ... I don't have
keys to your room, do I." I have never felt more blonde.
allows for the wider acknowledgement of time travel.
"No. So just, y'know, bring up the stuff before
At some point Down there, Mankind is just
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
someone swipes it, e . " oys, anything might be tlie outcome of this game, to
Cynthia closes the door on him. he slips oi,t them. Cynthia knows what little of Clay she has yet to
her span book and jots down in her Yet "find out what put up with, and starts becoming glad.
+ buy party stufr. A rustle beside her. A crumpled bag I am a demigoddess, and you are dust. Dust
of grocerie , mostly beer, is now there. he didn ~ slip- on my feet. She imagines her Yet, the chance of picking
shank that, it was her eider's choice, pretty much. She up Cla.v and dropping him naked into Nero's Forum to
notes "and drop it off' on the next line. race some lions in the sand. Fourth Maxim. That
Pocketing her book she opens the door again. would be wrong, but. She smiles, and enjoys the rest
Cla.v was still near the door, scratching his chest. of the game.
"Here they are!" 1by men running, grabbing and tossing one
"Whoa. That was fast. You made it to the another to the ground.
stairs and back?''
"Yeah! Well. no. I had them ... closer." Spanning (pg. 32)
Clay came up, ran his hand through her hair
and planted a big long kiss on her. 'That's for my little Span Ones and Twos don't learn the secret
spanner," he said, taking a beer, and moseying back of how they ' learned' to span until they earn Span
towards his tu Three. There is a very sapient reason for this:
Bliss slams into shock. "Clay," she says quiet- Inexperience with temptation. Narcissists love to
ly. "What time is it?" recruit from the ranks of the inexperienced . See
"Oh. a little after five-thirty. Starting to won-
Narcissists- Secret Ploys and Countermeasures:
der where you were."
Mechanically, she starts putting items in the Recruitment, pg. 192.
fridge. "Whyel you call me a spanner." For the details on how to span, see Span
"Something Rob told me. He's the new British Three- How Spanning Works, pg. 174. [See also
guy. they made him running back. It's a Brit word. Chapter 5: Knowing- Time Travel in the Real
Means you're cute." World, pg. 208.]
"Oh yeah. That's funny. Never heard that one
before." You dirty pig. Liar! Spanning Away with an Item
"Hey set the chips and stuff out. eh? The As long as it's within his grasp, and within
guys 'll be here any sec."
his weight limit, a spanner can span with anything
Okay Darrin, honey. "Right ... " Cynthia takes
down bowls for the chips and pretzels from her Yet. made of matter. As long as everything solid he wish-
She stares at them a long moment, seeing them as es to span with is connected by touch back to him-
they are. on the shelf farther Down, being used farther (touching something that is touching something that
Up. waiting for her Level. And he can l see that. Even his flesh is touching)- the objects come along for
that. Why am I here? the span. Gases and liquids can also be spanned, but
"Hey sweetie, next time make it earlier so the must either be in a solid container, or be touching
beer gets rold." He watched the pre-game pontificating, the spanner's flesh directly.
as if the tu were his lover. Something is missing here, Spanning amidst uncontained forces of ener-
Clay, and it has nothing to do with your being chronally-
gy (such as lightning, unstable isotopes) wiU usuaUy
challenged ...
They began to arrive. Joe and Thurgood she result in natural £rag [pg. 158). Contained sources of
knows, but a couple more seemed to know her, includ- energy (such as batteries) can be carried at no penalty.
ing one that had to be Rob, by the accent. They compli- If two spanners attempt to span away with
mented Clay on his taste in blonde, and made various the same object simultaneously, the higher Quick
requests for brew. She finds herself apologizing for the always gains the object. When Quicks are tied, the
temperature of each bottle. highest Span gains the object. If both Quick and
As they assembled in the other room, Cynthia Span are tied, each character must roU; lowest gains
Yound she didn l want to leave the kitchen. I am not the object.
going to let this get to me. She knows the odds of get-
Spanners who are awake and moderately
ting Clay to come and talk about how she felt are
equivalent to a sparrow being invited to join the alert cannot be spanned elsewhere against their will
Continuum. But she tries, she has to see and hope (unless they're in, say, an Inheritor ship or equiva-
she's wrong. lently overpowering situation).
At the doorway, she calls. -Clay?"
"Hey. babe. Sit down here by me." Clay and Limitations to Spanning
his pals have all the chairs; he was tapping the fl,oor A note on momentum, body positions, and
with his foot. The dog's spot on the mat. If it wasn \ for selective items. The nature of spanni ng across time
the Fourth Maxim ... But Cynthia accepts this moment and space makes details like one's physical velocity
of leveller humiliation, thinking of Evana, thinking of
when one leaves or enters a space moot. You can be
the million dollars she'll never share with him.
She takes the position at his feet, and watches thrown upside-down, handcuffed and blindfolded
'football. Nut month, car and no Clay. That was too out of a speeding airplane, and span to the ground
easy. Damn sad. free from bonds, and walking quietly. Just watch out
The announcer began to yell, and so did the for those handcuffs falling from 3000 feet. (Sorry, no
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
change of clothes on the way.) The worst that can Gemini Incidents (pg. 39)
happen is that if you span while jogging, you might The " Known Geminis" are the number of
lose your rh rhm. junior incidents that must occur while the character
is at that Span, before he can advance. Elder inci-
Span Table (pg. 34) dents can, of course, complete the incident at any
Spans higher than 5 continue the expoential point in the spanner's Yet.
increase in abilities (Span Sixes can travel 100,000 One question that comes up is: Why assign
yea rs and miles, carry 500 tons; Sevens can travel a the number of Gemini Incidents when a spanner
million years, and so on) . All loyal spanners of Span reaches a new Span at all? This is a game conven-
5 and up are called 'Exalted'. See also Who approves tion, to make keeping track of geminis easier for
Spans beyond 5? pg. 105. players and GMs alike, and to limit a player's ability
to initiate geminis (see pg. 40]. Thus, the character
Age (pg. 36) need not know how many gemirus they are destined
While it isn't emphasized, Age is also called for, only the player.
the Required Past, being the usual target for narcis- The actual Continuum accepts gemin is sim-
sist frag attacks. It is the equal opposite of the Yet. ply as they occur. If the playing group finds this a
Since human beings are used to remember- preferable method , they may do away with rolling
ing the past in their natural state, learning additional up "Known geminis" and merely list the geminis as
definitions for Age at the get-go is found to be con- they happen on another line of their Yet- but the
fusing for some novices, with so much else to learn. GM wi ll have to watch out for too many slip-
Mentors can mention this definition to their novices shanked geminis.
when they have a grasp of the basics. [See Also Age- For spanners native to or fighting in the
Thwarring Technology and Other Medtech, pg. 167.) Geminid Era for any significant amount of time, the
GM should multiply the number of resulting inci-
The Zodiac Eras dents by 10 (0 - 100 incidents). The reason for this is
Much is made of in the rules as to what Era the vast amounts of spanner activity in that Era,
one belongs to. Normally, the Era you are born in is much of it military in nature. GMs that have some
the one you are identified by, though characters who major military campaign in mind might even wish
are born in one Era but experience their invitation in the spanner to roll a straight dl00 x 10! (10 - 1000
the next, are often referred to a cusp spanners, and gerninis.) This would make for platoons of selves ...
are considered native to both. (Sven in the story
Beside Myself with Laughter, [pg. 43,] is slightly Etiquette with a young gemini
mistaken in calling Cynthia an 'Aquarian cusp After a few centuries of being a spanner,
woman' - though she is very very close.) one's infancy as a leveller can easily get forgotten.
A similar situation is experienced by They don 't know it's you, so don't boss them
Aquarian spanners who are born after the Hour of around! They shouldn't even be allowed to recognize
the Inheritance [AD 2222] but before the end of the you, in keeping with the Fourth Maxim.
Societies [AD 2400]; they can claim affinity to both
Societal and Inheritor civilizations. [See the descrip- Facing Death and Surviving it (pg. 40)
tion of the character Ting As, pg. 82.] Aquarians
born after AD 2400 are early Inheritors, and are It may occur to some players, "Hey. If I can
restricted from visiting Societal spacetime, except slip away from the icy fingers of death, why go
when sent on incursions to known events [pg. 104]. back? Surely I can get some kind of future tech clone
corpse to stand-in, or some poor stooge to take the
"Instant" Skills (pg. 40) hit for me. If I set it up right, causality is served and
Players may be tempted to abuse this possi- no leveller need be the wiser."
bility, but note carefully how long it takes to learn a Corpses remain a sign of suspicious behav-
skill. Age can add up quickly, especia lly for a novice ior. Even spanners look twice at someone who asks
spanner, who might feel arthritic before reaching to get a corpse.
Span Two if he can't control his Skill-grabbing habit. Don't expect Thespians to jump at the
Additionally, since the player is a greater chance of playing a corpse. And Physicians will
hurry than the character to get back to the adven- rarely grow a dead clone for spanners. You have to
ture, the character is stuck with weeks or months of be a pretty impressive Exalted to be able to order up
their lives in one spot studying, vulnerable to narcis- a completely convincing dead version of yourself [see
sist attack. Time Combats where 'Instant' Skills are 24th century nanotech, pg. 168). Narcissists are
being targeted are very popular with the bad guys known for pulling stunts with lookalike corpses,
(who probably prefer the spanner to not have the what's your excuse? Most of your friends are going
skill needed to save the day), making this an effective to £rune why you want a dead duplicate of yourself,
way to keep this from being abused . thus spreading the suggestion that you may not be
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
trustworthy, or meant to live or exist long.
The reason for all rhis is that if everyone
was allowed to just keep shortcheating Death, no
spanner would ever die- and that would have
dire consequences for the universe and all life
therein. If you die, enjoy any brief escape you're
allowed, but then face your Yet like a red-blood-
ed member of the Continuum.

Chapter Two states: " If you don 't handle
your Yet and your Frag, your friends have to. If
they can't or won 't, your mentor has to. If he or
she can't handle it, the Exalted step in." And of
course, if the Exalted cannot handle an incident
of frag, the Inheritors will. [See the Inheritors on
pg. 103 and pg. 186.]

Blending in with Levellers (pg. 48)

What makes a stranger

Anthropologists in the field have noted
that to be accepted as a native to a place, one
has to be born there. No matter how well you
behave, or how welcome a part of the com-
munity you become, it will be remembered
that you came from outside.
A curious exception to this was observed
by anthropologist Charles Ward, working
in the 1950s: If one leaves the community,
and then returns after a distinct absence,
one is then welcomed much as a returning
native. This can be seen as a norm in most
human cultures, as long as the person
returnjng was looked upon favorably when
they left.
It is easy to see the advantage a spanner
has in such circumstances. After a few months of
hunkering down with taciturn locals, they can
make a show of departure, span Up a few
months or years, and return to smiles and wel-
comes. For those that can afford to invest a little
Age, and some help to a community, they can
earn the renewed trust of a people, even the sta-
tus of a nati ve son, just by taking a short trip.
GMs are encouraged to let players dis-
cover this phenomenon for themselves- just
show the reactions, never explain it, unless they
players make a thorough study of 20th century
Anthropology, Psychology, or other deep learn-
ing. Experienced characters and NPCs inside of
people-intensive Fraternjties (like the Physicians
and the Midwives) would also have noted the
phenomenon, and might inform player characters
they like. And high-Span narcissists are very
familiar with this, and
Zacha riah Pluiarc h (b. AD I 890)
That Has Such People /n 'r, (AD 19 17) USe it tO go into deep
ink & was h
Museum or Fo rgone n Wa rs,
cover in a number of
Antiq uarian Ware ho use, Algiers localities.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
GMs can make this a ploy for further adven- an event and then deliberately attempt to change it.
tures (the characters are 'welcomed bac k' the first See Narcissists- Secret Ploys and Countermeasures,
rime they enter a village- strongly implying a visit pg. 192.
farther Down in their Yet) or as a reward for saving
a town or nation from disaster or dishonor. The Assigning and Increasing Frag
prestige of subtly helping people one has guested Some GMs may simply want to be told how
with will not be losr on Exalteds looking for candi- much frag to assign various as/as nots, rather than
dates for higher Span. decide on a case-by-case basis. Most as/as nots have
or start with a £rag of 1, and increase in frag if
Language (pg. 48) ignored. But below is a table of when frag gets seri-
[See also Chapter 3: Struggling- Dreaming and ous enough to affect other spanners. At this point,
Communication- Language, pg. 108] the as/as not will be fixed, by someone, and the onus
be on the lazy spanner who shirked his proper
Finding other spanners- lines in the sand [pg. 49] responsibility.
Ln Chapter 2: Spanning ir's mentioned that As in jurisprudence, where the term
in Eras where asking "Wat time is it? " would sound "a ll eged" is used until guilt is proved, the term
unusual, thar " Visitors from rhese eras might sketch "attempted" is used here to emphasize that these
a line in rh e ground." And you would complete the attacks on causality ultimately fail.
zodiac sy mbol to acknow ledge you were a spanner. In theory, even the most insignificant as/as not can
Christian historians will recognize the sitni- frag a spanner out if he obstinately refuses to fix it
larity to the drawing of the early Christian IXTHOS, over the course of years or centuries of Age.
or fish symbol. This was adopted by Christians as a However, most incidents worth 1 Prag simply stay
secret sign in times when they are hiding from that way, as they have little to do with the spanner's
Roman oppression . So popular are the first two cen- ongoing existence.
turi es of the Piscea n Era, that visiting spanners seem The rate at which frag increases is entirely
to have inspired some levellers. dependent on how important it is to the character,
The Christian fish and rhe Piscean symbol the GM's plot, or to the Continuum. Frag from a
are very similar, though distinct. Even so we hope to single as/as not should normally not increase until it
help as many spanners avoid confusing the levellers, has been ignored for hundreds of days of Age, unless
and avoid £rag, as possible. Please inform any guests it is exacerbated by repeated attack. Note that frag
or visitors from pre-Piscea n eras of the custom of shou ld not increase during Time Combat except by
asking the time, instead. Considering the large num- successful attack by stratagem.
ber of spanners from the Piscean and Up, they will lSee Frag Spread Table, following page.]
meet with better success at finding th eir own kind
that way. -Accidental Paradox
This is rare, though your adventuring group
might not know it, getting far more than their fair
share as they learn the ropes of spanning. Most acci-
dental paradox happens when spanners congregate,
and ca n't help but cross each others' ca usality. But
sometimes narcissists go out of their way to trick
spanne rs into creating accidenta l paradox, and
entangle a corner with endlessly solving their annoy-
ing mi chief. See Narcissists- Secret Ploys and
Countermeasures, pg. 192 and also Chapter 3:
Comparison of drawing IXTHOS (left) Struggling- Note to myself, pg. 112.
with drawing Piscean glyph (right) Ir is the Quicker's grisly job to find and
clean up and residual frag left around by spanners
Frag (pg. 53) who have been fragged out. For further details see
the Quicker Fraternity, pg. 80.
-Deliberate Paradox
-Natural Paradox
Frogging Levellers and items
As earlier reported in pre-release versions of
It's hard to accomplish this beyond a single 0
C NTINUUM [version 0.5 May 1998], non-sentient
point of frag, as Continuum spanners are likely to be
collapses of spacetirne are a constant in the universe.
fragged by the same action, and enter Time Combat
Infinitesimally small knots of information form and
against the miscreant. Of course, some narcissists are
reform, stabilizing only as they are observed. 3 This
wi ll ing to take a point of frag just to get the 'The Continuum must poinr o ur ar this juncture tha t ma ny o f these observed
Continuum's goat, and so will observe, even record in sta nces are actions of sentient force, or results therefrom, a nd caution the
level cienti fi c comm uniry in th eir research. That being sa id , happy hunting.
Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Frag Spread Table Victim 's frag from this alternate cures. These are general-
as/as not, must reach ly held by the Physicians
this amount before other Fraternjry [see, ppg. 77, 166].
spanners get Initial Frag
Deliberate paradox Initial Frag from it A note on items carried
Items that are borne by
2 spanners on their spans are usual-
Attempted destruction of city 2 ly affected by £rag, but less so.
Attempted murder of grandpa 2 3 Personal effects such as clothing,
Attempted trashing of house 1 1 coi ns, luggage may simply materi-
Attempted theft of valuables 1 2 alize where a fragged-out spanner
Attempted placing of tripwire 1 2 intended to land, but be highly
Attempted theft of socks 1 3 radioactive, brittle, or have other
u,:A,,:t;;,:t,;;;em~p~te;;,;d~h;;;;id;;;;i~ng~o=f::;p=a~p=:e=rs==:=';";1;==;=;====';=== = = = = = = = ~ molecular problems. The effects in
makes the act of observation itself akjn to creation areas of natural frag upon inanimate objects is high-
of a particle, a paradox that physicists wrestle with ly volatile and unpredictable; deliberate frag primari-
throughout the AD 20th Century. ly affects the spanner, not so much his belongings.
Mark Hadley, a physicist at the University of
Warwick demonstrates this as the geon, a particle What £rag feels ... and looks like. (pg. 54)
that can be affected by events in its future as well as We've saved this for the GM's section, as it
its past. According to the New Scientist ["Paradox can be a bit graphic and startling. See also the story
Lost" 24 Apr 1999], Hadley bases his interpretation Somebody Always Wants You Gone, pg. 52. For fur-
on a suggestion of Einstein's that particles are actual- ther information on effects narcissists glean from
ly warps in spacetime. By comparing geons, quantum high frag, see Dark Gifts of Frag, pg. 138.
measurements can be made without forcing a parti-
cle into a specific existence through observation . Frag starts as mainly a sick feeling that the
Note th at the effect of active consciousness universe isn't screwed on properly. What this often
(sentient force) is thereby demonstrated to affect the nauseous, often painful sensation is trying to relate is
structure of the univer e. Even the decisions of lev- that one's own mjnd is doubting where one's exis-
eller scientists and laymen have a small measurable tence lay in the universe.
effect on events further Down in time.
Information is all. Don't Even Go There
Natural Paradox Amount of frag
Sources of Natural Paradox received
Many sources of 'natural' paradox are actu- geons, ordinary spanning around 0
ally man-made. Man-made natural paradox is raw uranium mine 1
referred to as 'natural' because they are produced by nuke waste depot 1
levellers who are mostly unaware of the implications main electrica l transformer 1
of sentient force. Only spanners can create or heavily electrified fence 1
attempt deliberate or accidental paradox. gammas on zero-ozone day 1
The table shows the amoun t of frag received microwave transmission path 1
by spanning into or out of an area of natural para- lightrung strike within 3 yards 2
dox. If you span into an area of natural paradox, ball lightning roaming within 25 yards 2
and then out again, yes, you get £ragged twice. leaky nuke plant 2
Spanning levelly through an event may also frag, at ELF pulse apogee 3
the GM's discretion, but spanning through time partial meltdown 4
avoids the event, unless you enter or leave it. full meltdown 5
Example. Hideoshi Tamara of Nagasaki unshjeJded from solar wind 5
decides to travel from 1878 to 1976 in one span. active supercoUider 6
He's a Span Three in his hometown, and so off he nuclear weapon EMS shockfront 6
goes. In 1945, an atomjc bomb is detonated almost ground zero
directly over where he was (and will be) standing. T +/- 6 seconds 8
But most residual radiation has dissipated by the T +/- 6 minutes 6
1970's, so he arrives safe and sound. T +/- 6 hours 3
T+/- 6 days 1
Curing Frag from Natural Paradox planetary axjal shift 9
Since an as/as not isn't involved, and the
spanner cannot unmake the event that led him into Frag received is in addition to any normal physical
the briar patch of natural paradox, there must be damage one receives for being around these things.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
At high Frag, the damage to one's Yet ing group are Span 2 and others are still Span 1. The
becomes so great that parts of your consciousness Span Twos plainly have an advantage, but that's the
are drawn off to fiJJ in the missing events. As point. Have the pla yers of the Span Ones been loyal,
explained in How Spanning Works [pg. 174], a span- we ll- beha ed spanners? Have you been neglecting
ner is no longer si mpl y human, bur a reconstitution these characters? lf so, advancement should be short-
of matter and energy. The sentience that drives a ly forthcoming for these characters. Otherwise, if
spa nner is like water in a glass: Jr seeks its own level, characters need to wipe out their frag, shape up their
and if that water is upset, it makes a mess. attitude toward the Maxims, or their span book or
Thus a levelJer or an object that becomes item djscjplines, thls is the spur. Feeling sluggish or
fragged is less Likely to disintegrate, unJess perhaps it left behind by other characters is part of the point-
has been brought through a span, reorganized at being left out socially is about as close to ' losing' an
least once. But even then, it is a spanner's sentience RPG as one can get.
that draws it to its Yet- level people and things As GM, you should ready scenarios wruch
have no imagination of such possibilities. Only spin- are good for Ones, but have an element that makes a
ners can be drawn across Time, like fraying yarn. Span Two a perfect 'secret weapon'. For instance, the
The need to solve a riddle of frag can become so scenario avai lable online, "The Death Hand of St.
great that a spanner's subconscious or other idle No-One," mentions an auction taking place Friday
thoughts draw globs and pieces of the spanner across May 5, 1963- though most of the scenario is set in
the universe to fill in the cracks like mortar. Hence the 1990's. A Span Two might want to check out the
mental distress precedes material disorder [see Frag auction personally, since it's only a few days Down
tables, pg. 54 and Frag Beyond 7, pg. 190]. for him. The Two would also have to be careful not
These awful results are accompanied by to upset distant events upon which the rest of his
increasing lack of controJ, increasing inability to corners' actions depend.
adhere to the Maxims, or even to common sense. So When Twos begin to outnumber Ones in the
jt is no surprise that spanners who are badJy fragged playing group, then the scenarios should be geared
are the ones encountered by levellers most often; more toward Twos, with major spanning and fight-
encounters that have been explained away under ing action for Twos, and little research tasks and
countless names over the miUennia. detaiJs left for Ones. This should be the last goad for
The face in the window of the deserted place, straggler Ones to earn their stripes: Staying a One
the footprints leading nowhere, the sudden thrill ofter- means the equivalent of a spanner desk job! That
ror from no source, what the dog hears and the cat bris- shou ld be a sufficient terror to get them to put it in
tles from, the figure crouching in the dark that becomes gear.
the couch or a bush, that blur on the photograph, the Finally, if a new player wishes to join the
thing in the corner of your eye, that pattern in the game, you may allow them to begin at a Span com-
woodgrain, the why no one goes there, the ghost mensurate with the rest of the group. Note that the
famous for repeating the same event, that tinny siJence, authors strongly urge that any new player so
'did you calJ my name?', the monster, the bogey, the advanced either be familiar with C0 NTINUUM, or that
zephyr, the such things don't exist. the GM be willing to play at least one session with
the new player as a One, to get him up to speed.
These are the £ragged people. Your players may even wish to join the new player,
and get out th eir old Span One sheets and have a go
Advancement (ppg. 59, 87, 93, 100, 105) as their juniors- if the GM is willing to make an
addendum to events on their Span cards.
GMs are advised that each rank of Span is
exponentially more powerful than the last. So when Aquarian Ones and Twos
rewarding increases of Span, bear in mind the quan- A spanner that was born in 2001 might
tum leap in power you are allotting them. claim the right to travel throughout their Era. After
alJ, the reality of time travel has been announced, if
Player Groups of Mixed Span not utterly accepted; they bad their invitation no ear-
A Span Three can carry 1000 pounds in lier than 2019, and Aquarians abound in their day-
addition torus own weight: That amounts to five to-day existence as spanners.
people and basic gear for each. Thus, Span Ones and But early Aquarians that start travelling Up
Twos can hitch rides with Threes (or greater) when find themselves out of their depth, and qwckJy. The
in particular djstress. As long as a Three is available, development of Mankind into his lnheritors is very
Ones and Twos need never really feel ' lost in time'- rapid . This rapidity can be agonizing for early
but this possibility is rarely emphasized, to encour- Aquarians, as they can witness and participate in the
age resourcefulness and caution in novices. transformation, but so many details fall to them to
The question of group advancement enters personally achieve, that they are famous for their
into the equation when some characters of the play- impatience.
Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The closer to 2200 they are born the more made by the inexperienced.
impatient they get. This is a generalization, even a To this end, the Seventh Adantean Council
stereotype, but it is not without foundation. Being passed its Decisions regarding travel near the borders
born after 2200 means that you are almost certain to of the Societies (in the Libran and Aquarian Eras).
be one with the inheritors, but before that, and you For further information on the Atlantean Councils
have to prove your worthiness with every move you and their Decisions, see Chapter Five: Knowing-
make. Libran Era, pg. 204.
Also, the rate of change in the Aquarian Era
is so fast that even skipping the experiences of a sin- Taking a New Name
gle year leaves one missing vital information ... Naturally, new names should reflect the peri-
od and culture one is adopting as much as one's own
The Year-Visiting Requirement to Advance
sense of self and accomplishment. Often enough for
Consider: Show a 1995 web address for the
Twos, this is only a decade or two away from their
first time to a novice spanner from 1985. Even an
birth locality, and so is at least passingly familiar to
internet hotshot from that year would wonder what
"www " stood for- most would draw a complete
These should seem as inconspicuous as the
blank, think it an arcane code, or at best ask what
locality allows, though there are exceptions where
program it was a macro for, and for what operating
being flamboyant is tolerable. Ironic pseudonyms
system. Already the rate of change has accelerated,
(like 'Wolf Blitzer' or 'Gene Gray') are not well-
only ten days' tra el away for a One, or a single
advised, as they can seem too obvious to the atten-
jump for a Two.
tive. Conversely, medieval European scholars often
Now compare an early Piscean from the city
took Latin names to emulate a classical writer, and
of Rome, born AD 1. Travelling Up slowly 400
so bring an aura of authority to their work. They in
years, the Empire hardens, weakens, falls into ruins,
turn were emulated by later alchemists and magi-
bur remains somewhat recognizable. By the 530s the
cians who desired to make themselves sound scholar-
unscrubbed baths are filled with ignorant dwellers of
ly; over time this practice was only maintained by
a crumbling city, as strange-armored Greek troops
charlatans (often just to hide their true identity from
arrive, claiming to reclaim Rome for... Rome? What
authorities) or illusionists, which eventually degraded
is this Byzantium? If he makes it as far up as 800, a
into the stage names of AD 19th and 20th century
Germanic fellow, who builds altars for a Jewish god
prestidigitators. ·
out of broken Roman pottery is crowned Emperor in
Bearing in mind this sweeping change in the
a bizarre ceremony devoted to said god. A Span One
caliber of a respect certain kinds of names experience
is over two years' travels from home, a Span Two is
over the centuries, choose wisely as you adopt your
eighty days away, but both are in over their heads.
aliases. Or adopt several, if it helps you keep your
The mess that Europe slogs through for a thousand
levels straight.
years would make any early Piscean despair, at least
until they earned enough Age to appreciate it in full. The Fraternities (pg. 64)
This is why a visit to each year of the decade
one learned to span in is a requirement for advance- "Isn't it time you chose a career?"
ment for One , as is visiting each decade of the cen- Much as parents ease children from homelife
tury is for Twos. It provides the necessary perspec- by encouraging them to enter the workplace, so Span
tive a spanner needs to understands the course, Twos are asked to take up meaningful work for the
structure and meaning of spacetime. Continuum.
It's also a great avenue for wonder and Each Fraternity has Skills it looks for in can-
exploration, and Ones and Twos should be allowed didates for membership. While lists of these often
to enjoy their fun while they have it- being Threes, make the rounds among Ones and Twos, its often up
Fours and beyond means a lot of responsibility and to the boldness of a spanner to frune around for
hard work. (For the characters anyway: Don't bog prospects of joining, and what Skills are considered
down the players with every scrap of Societal and valuable. Lists of these Skills follow under each
Continuum paperwork!) Fraternity's heading, in order of importance.

Switching Fraternities
You may be personally adept at a wide
Span Two range of skills, but still choose to employ them for
one Fraternity over another. For example, a spanner
Warning regarding travel in Aquarian Era who is a disenfranchised Shao-Lin monk with great
Danger potentially awaits the novice spanner power in Dreaming and martial arts roams the
everywhen, but near the borders of the Societies, too American southwest in the 1800s looking to right
many mistakes, both social and temporal can be wrongs. He could join the Foxhorn, or the
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Dreamers. Or perhaps his desire for chronicling leads The Subjects Of Debate
him into the Scribes, but still uses his Dreaming to Listed for the GM, for easy reference
counsel people when he can, and his rounds of deliv-
ering information leads him into situations where he Subject Frats taking major issue
can kick villain butt. with it
A spanner would have to be terribly disap- Wealth Antiquarians, Moneychangers
pointed in their choice of Fraternity to want to Art Antiquarians, Scribes, (Thespians)
witch entirely to a different one. A better option is Invention Engineers, Thespians
to try moving to a new corner, which is alwa ys an Tool (Discovery)Engineers, Physicians
open possibility; move to a distant enough locality, Death Foxhorn, Quicker
and most qualms need not follow. Life Midwives, Physicians
Some Fraternities tend to look for special-
Subjects, or between them (ie Life vs. Death). The
ists, rather than jacks-of-all-trades (Physicians and
Debates are almost always over the meaning of each
Dreamers, for example). However, it is unlikely that
anyone with a genuine calling will be turned away.
But having learned one Fraternity's secrets, the con- Secrets
cern may be insurmountable if a spanner simply Here folJows some of the secrets of the
decides to forgo his brethren and try another. Who's Fraternities; some are serious, some playful, and
to say where you're wandering with this internal some are quite ugly. It's up to the GM how much
information? and when any of this information comes into the
The one exception that's universally accept- hands of the players:
ed is when a spanner has ethical qualms about the
Fraternity they've joined. This can be either a per- Antiquarians (pg. 64)
sonal aversion (less stomach for killing than you
thought before you joined Foxhorn; not able to Desired Skill List
wrench your heart around the baby-swapping of the History (Antiques)
Midwives you joined, too frightened of the fragged History (Various Eras and Localities)
individuals your chronies in the Quicker seek, ere.) Stealth
or a philosophical disagreement, usually on the basis Investigation
of one of the Subjects of Debate. This latter is Read/Speak (Various Languages)
regarded as a very noble and honorable reason to Security
alter one's path in spanner life, especially by Span Acumens
Fours and the Exalted- though you will be expected Administration
to be able to state and discuss your position at Appraisal
length, if any high Spans inquire. While it's suspected by many, the scale of the truth
While philosophy is seen as a frivolous exer- of it is not. Most believe that it stops at petty
cise by many levellers, especially at the time this shoplifting, with the occasional art heist slipped in
book is first seeing press, it is quite diiferent for here or there. But no, it's far worse. The average
spanners, who see man and the universe throughout Antiquarian is a big time thief.
their history- and who live lives long enough to Now, a word of caution. They believe it to
need such ponderings. Dreamers, who mostly stay be 'borrowing' because they return everything.
outside these Debates, call it the 'religion of the Absolutely everything, they second after they take it,
Continuum', though this is a tongue-in-cheek defense and they have the network to easily accomplish it.
of their percepti.on of the Drearntime's spiritual supe- Bur they enjoy the things for many years at a time.
riority. These Antiquarians, in secret rooms, and distant
Debates are not always formal- they're homes with obscure addresses, live surrounded by an
held anywhen two or more spanners are together absurd luxury. Some have all of Donatello's work
with a Subject in contention. If tbe results are (yes all, walls and frescoes included) crammed into
believed of interest, transcripts are sent to the their secret palaces, others fill their homes with
Scribes. unique manuscripts, or live animals doomed to
extinction, or carpets and furniture from the palaces
The importance of the Subjects of Debate is
of every king and prince. One is noted for collecting
always based around its relevance to spanner civi-
small lakes: His Leonid estate in the depths of the
lization. What these concepts mean to levellers is less
dying Sahara is a wonder of its Era, and is visited by
a few higher-ups in the Foxhorn. Another has built a
It has been observed that they fall into three fantastic city of 'lost' buildings, high in the
distinct diads: Wealth/Art, Invention/fool Death/Life. Cancerean Andes. And the fleet of the salvager called
There is less argument over the duality of these 'DJ' is called by his fellows the 'Dream of the
Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Atlantic' and o it is- in 6000 BC. Dreamrime- once the work for the Societies and the
AJso, this truth is usually reserved for Span Inheritors is done.
Threes, but many resourceful Twos ferret it out.
This is one of the reasons th ey see the Dream Squads
Moneychangers and their take on Wealth as point- The Drea mers' Fraternity jealously guards
less and empty. Money is for gimps: Antiquarians their Grandmaster Dreamers, especially those with
have the shortcut. Skills worth learning. Because of the efficacy of
[More notes on the Antiquarians are found Dream Learning a nd Combat [see Chapter 3:
under the Engineers, pg. 163, and the Physicians, pg. Struggling- Dreaming & Communication- Dream
166, below.] Combat & Learning, ppg. 110-111,] the Fraternity
forms Dream Squads of champion dream ers arou nd
Dreamers (pg. 67) them, teams who are unafraid of facing any chal-
Desired Skill List lenge of Dream Combat- especia1ly the threat posed
Dreaming by Telepaths [pg. 110]. Many of the best Squads are
Observation made of of Telepaths, just to give back what's com-
Read/Speak (Various Languages) ing to certain abusers of the Dreamtime.
Acumen Dream Techniques
Meditation While the schools of Dreaming are myriad
Occultism throughout the cultures of mankind, there are some
Various Religions basic techniques Lucid Dreamers use to narrow in on
the meanings of dreams. Some of the constant ques-
Most Dreamers are encouraged to see the Dreamtime tions Lucid Dreamers ask while in the moment:
as a place of great spiritual awakening. Where the • Did 1 invent this? Knowing where an
doubts of the religions of the ages can be set aside, impression originates is like reading the state off a
and the true possibility of harmonious mankind can car's license plate: You know where it started.
unfold. While most other spanners in the Continuum • Why did I invent this? A deeper question
are fairly aware of this, they see little harm in this by far, usually solved by context. If your elder said
navel-searching. As long as messages get through, something cryptic to you, you would try to puzzle it
most spanners have little interest in the Dreamtime. out. The sa me applies here; you're passing informa-
But at Spans of Three and above, some tion to yourself.
Dreamers may be introduced to a kind of heresy. • ls someone else trying to tell this to me,
Many leaders of the Fraternity insist the Dreamtime and why? Lucid Dreamers are better trained than
is another universe. most in others' motives and how it relates to them.
The Dreamtime escapes so many of the con- The Dreamtime is referred by some as the 'filter of
ventions by which the Continuum is bound to serv- the soul': the symbols and signals sent by someone
ing the universe, and even defies the cycles of life controlling a dream milieu [pg. 164] can, like the
and death, as unborn souls and departed spirits all style of a fiction author, reveal much about the
commune together there. Since the Maxims are near- dreamer than the message itself.
meaningless there, it begs the question of how va lu- • Is this an abstract truth? The Dreamtime
able they are to mankind. But tbe Fraternity does not itself may present an archetype or general symbol to
seek a war with the Continuum, only an unthreaten- help guide you, or warn yo u off a line of inquiry.
ing place aside from it. (Another proof of the Dream time's difference from
This is not a Subject of Debate, because for the Continuum: It acts, where the Continuum's uni -
the Continuum it is not to be debated. All discussion verse is wholly acted upon.)
on the subject of Dreamtime's independence is to left
in the Dreamtime. The occasional spanner that hears Careful analysis of lucid dreams with ques-
of the Dreamer's heresy is approached at once by tions like these can parse out the meaning of all but
Tjarapu, Burn or Karanda, or one of their close con- the more obscure riddles presented.
fidants. Such spanners are usually troubled when dis-
cussing the Fraternity; it is conjectured that either a [More notes on the Dreamers a re found
Dream Squad [see below] is set to tailing them, or under the Foxboro, pg. 164.]
even a post-hypnotic suggestion has been left, sup-
pressing the information, and spooking them good.

Also, many higher Spans in the Fraternity

say they have an 'arrangement', made at the earliest
times of the Societies, to escape this Continuum alto-
gether, and have devised means to flee into the
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Engineers (pg. 69) Invitation Kits, and other sensitive repairs
Desired Skill List When the Physicians need an Invitation Kit
Engineering (Various) checked or repaired, it's usually done by an Exalted
Repair (Variou ) Engineer. Engineers with the Engineering (AD 23rd
Sciences (Va rious) Century) Skill at least Master rank can properly cali-
Computers brate an d diagnose the average Invitation Kit.
Acumen Naturally, the existence of Invitation Kits is kept
Electronics from Span Ones and Twos.
Nanotech The Antiquarians also call upon our ser-
Preindustrial Tech vices, especiaLl y in cases where one of their masterful
repl ace ment projects ca ll for some detailed engineer-
Spanners throughout the Societies rema.rk on ing. (And some of those ' big-time thieves' require an
Engineers' uncanny ability of always arriving out of Engineer's touch to place their 'borrowed' castles
the Blue with the right tools, garb, and know-how to and la kes.)
a solve a mechanical problem, even as it's just being
discovered. It shows an ability to coordinate like Nanotech wrangling
well-oiled machine. There are always a few Scribes Physicians ensure communicable disease
who simply enjoy hanging with Engineers, and these doesn 't cross the centuries; Engineers wrangle rogue
utilize the powers of their Fraternity to speed nanites, and the Antiquarians are happy not to have
Engineers to where they' re needed- to the point of that job. Most pre-24th century nanites can be done
occasionally bending Scribal information policy of in with powerful electromagnetic pulses, but these
sending in an Engineer somewhere they're needed, have a chance at sending any person in range of the
but before they've been asked for. These attached pulse into cardiac arrest [pg. 175]: Roll vs. Body;
Scribes usually handle the necessary information- spanners only fai l on a blunder. Any nanotech that
sorting to get the job done with magica l speed. goes into creating a spanner is not significantly
affected by this method.
Time machines. More sophisticated nanotech is adaptive or
Devices that allow a person to spa n, or oth- already adapted to the EM pulse technique, and may
erwise travel time are forbidden to the Societies by require atomization to disable. If confronted with
the Inheritors, a Decision backed up by the First such tenacious tech in a hostile situation, Engineers
Atlantean Council. But there are exceptions, and usually ask Exalted members to alert the Inheritors
ways of bending the hard rule- and reasons to do for help, before loosing nuclear 'solutions' .
so, as follows . [See also Chapter 5: Knowing- Time
Travel in the Real World, pg. 208.] Further details on the area of dispute with
the Physicians- over the boundaries of the Tool-
Span-enhancement devices. have been reserved for this section due to the fact
Certain machines have been devised to allow that the subject matter touches closely upon the
spanners to 'ca rry' more than is allotted by their secret of spanning. Picking up from pg. 69 where the
rank of Span. These have to be worn or carried at argument left off:
least once on a span before it coordinates with the
spanner, but th at's all it usually takes to set these Our main contention with them is in the
devices, since they are very sensitive to the sentient Aquarian Age, where engineering upon Man himself
force ('wills' ) of their possessors. Most are 24th cen- begins in earnest.
tury tec h, and can therefore rake a variety of forms The Ph ysicians like to argue that mankind 's
adapted to the localities in which they will be used. bodies have always been tools, the teeth being spe-
The GM should feel free to allow other cialized 'bioimplants', or nonsense about the evolu-
span-a.iding tools- as long as they don't grant tion of the eye. But slow genetic reactions to the
greater Span on an on-going basis. And machines environment is not the same as sentient Discovery,
that allow levellers to travel time at all bring where Tools are found in the environment, and the
Inheritors in right quick. A device than increased the environment is modified.
reach of one's Span by a couple years or decades as is instinct, not discovery; it is only
a one-shot might be acceptable; but all such when manipulation of the Genome becomes accept-
machines would have to operated by a spanner, and able does the entire body turn into a tool. It's repair
not be a scary surprise for a leveller (i .e. a time stops being a natural process, and even stops resem-
machine). These devices are usually only in the bling a natural process.
hands of Threes and Fours, and on rare occasions in Spanners are machines- time machines.
the hands of highly trusted Twos. [See also Span They are people, yes, bur their importance as span-
Three- Span-enhancing devices, pg. 175.] ners far outweighs their importance as people. If a
person breaks down, it is sad, call the doctor. If a
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Neural Sequencing picked up by the Quicker eventually anyway.
The Foxhorn can still interrogate a dead
narcissi t. Sometimes it's even better. Time police, or something less?
Neurons begin dying rapidly after a person With all this pseudo-military background
stops breathing, and its dendrites retract even faster and activities, many spanners say the Foxhorn are
making the connections of knowledge and memory indeed the Societies' police department. But most
difficult to reassemble. However, neural sequencing Foxhorn complain of being treated more like sanita-
tech, perfected in the early 2100s, allows reconstruc- tion workers than cops, cleaning up endless dead
tion of the information contained in neurons by narcissi ts that local corners have kicked the tar out
rapid analysis and comparison of synaptically of.
exchanged molecules, and calculates their cells of The Fraternity's attitude is that it's a War
origin, retracing memories, knowledge, and ultimate- being waged with Antedesertium, not a police action.
ly anything kept in the subject's brain. All the information gleaned from interrogation is
sent off to the Scribes for analysis by the Atlantean
• The Comparative Scan Method Councils and the War effort. And Foxhorns prefer
No serious damage is caused to a living the hunting to the drudgery of reaming dead skulls
brain by this method of sequencing; if allowed to any day.
awaken, the subject may experience great sluggish-
ness in thought, and headache for several days, but
can return to normal functioning.

• The Ream Method Midwives (pg. 72)

Dead brains can be treated more roughly: Desired Skill List
Dying neuron have little fight left in them, and Science (Genetics)
divulge their complete inventories of molecular Engineering (Genetics)
records readily. It's often more effective to let Anthropology
sequencing pull apart the cells of the brain for com- Medicine
plete direct analysis, without the time-wasting steps Lnvestigation
of comparison. This method is not used on living Languages (Various)
subjects, but not for any barrier of sentiment on the Acumen
part of the Foxhorn: Living tissue simply puts up a Infant/Parental/Maternal Psychology
fight when provoked this hard, and dies in spectacu- Genealogy
lar ways less conducive to information acquisition. Sociology
The tech can be used to simply ream a living person's
brain, but there are simpler, more effective (even The Tree of Knowledge
more entertaining, if that's your kick) methods to The act of creating a spanner alters his or
accomplish this, and the information retrieval is her genome permanently. Breeding with a leveller
markedly poorer. creates a leveller, though the offspring may be unusu-
ally bright or gifted.
Both methods are equally effective in glean-
ing complete information, including data the subject If two spanners breed, a spanner is born.
may have forgotten, consciously or via hypnosis.
Neural equencing devices can be portable, but they For the same reason leveUers (and even
are normally kept in the Foxhorn or Physician cor- spanners) are not alJowed time machines, uncon-
ners, due to the risk. trolled production of time travel would choke the
Many Physicians are skilled in neural universe with an impossible population and quantity
sequencing, but utilize it only for therapeutic purpos- of frag. Narcissists are well aware of chis possibility,
es. Dreamers deeply hate trus invasion of a person's and some have gone out of their way to make it
mind; they describe it as robbing the dead of their occur.
eyes. But it gets the job done. A major part of the War with Antedesertium
is limiting the genome available to the enemy, while
When it's the Quicker's quarry preserving mankind to survive into the time of the
A major problem that's encountered while Societies. As the Scorpiod ready a group of novice
probing a fragged narcissist is that part of their brain spanners for a breeding program, we counter by
structure is given over to erroneous perceptions of introducing genetic dysfunctions. ongoing battle
the world. Since this is often the seat from which the has the terrible effect of nearly wiping mankind off
abuse of sentient force derives, it's often safer to the Earth, and it is the basis for the arguments about
leave narcissists of Frag 3 or higher to the Quicker. Life with the Physicians [Chapter 2: Spanning-
Dead spanners with even one point of frag are Span 2- Fraternities- Midwives, pg. 72 and
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Physicians pg. 77]. merce and trade affects everyone, leveller and span-
Midwives like to point out that their ability ner alike. The idea of moDey as a first step to
to make the tough calJs on genetic causality leave the abstract thought intrigues him, and he knows that he
Physicians more able to do their job: They can afford has to make sure such a concept was never abused as
the luxury of being the nice guys. he was abused in his locality.
Drazen is a stocky man, with a kind and
The Sex Police crafty look in his eyes. He dresses whatever way is
Some call Midwives the 'Sex Police' but expected of him, so as to inspire trust. He has a ten-
accurately they resea rch children exhibiting late dency to mirror the behavior of those he is speaking
Aquarian tendencies in earlier Eras, and di scover the with, to the point where Spanners have sworn that
culprits responsible for creating them- sex needn 't he was a long-lost twin; the perfect salesman. He
be involved, though often it is. If narcissists are claims a native's point of view in regards to what
in volved, the Foxhorn are called. If troubled bur oth- Anredesertium desires and is capable of, and has
erwise loyal spanners are raising a family outside the taken it upon himself to mobilize his Fraternfry to
parameters of the Council Decision [pg. 205], the preempt any such attempts at development.
Midwives will attempt a rehabilitation, usually The argument is often made that Drazen's
involving raising any spanner apart from the birth efforts are only calling Narcissist attention to the
parents. In extreme cases, the parents must be sub- resources, and that by seeding ancient Africa and
dued and/or the children's minds suppressed with Arabia with guards, he's only exacerbating the prob-
hypnosis. lem. But Drazen has a remarkable ability to convince
On rare occasions, spanner chi ldren are or delay opponents to his operations, not the least of
placed with the Inheritors, who have the means to which is that his Fraternity spanners are there- pro-
raise such a child. This is the source for most tales of viding at least a needed anchor to keeping the Eras
changelings, and fear of elves and monsters who of Antedesertium from spinning apart. This leaves
steal babies. most of the debate over to those who insist they be
coordinated better into the overall War effort, and
Moneychangers (pg. 75) nor just be Drazen's private domain. The Inheritors,
Desired Skill List at least, seem to be silent on the issue.
Security Physicians (pg. 77)
Swindle Desired Skill List
Investigation Medicine
Science (Mathematics) Etiquette (Bedside Manner and related)
Bureaucracy Sciences (Genetics, Nanotech, Various Medical)
Acumen Science (Physics)
Animal Husbandry History (Medicine)
Raw Materials Anthropology
Languages (Latin, Various)
The Moneychangers like to say that alJ their Observation
ugly secrets are out in the open. Or, just below the Acumen
surface- slaphappy idiot little-kid pranks like steal- Psychology
ing alJ the gold in Fort Knox, giving the guards a
heart attack, then returning it in a moment. Just to Curing Frag from Natural Paradox
say you did it. (And when someone complains, say it Physicians answer the frequent call to solve
was a test- in case someone tries it for real, the frag problems that have no causal solution, no as/as
Continuum would have a leg up. But no one ever not to correct, but come from the sources of natural
buys that.) paradox listed on pg. 158. This is also why there is a
And well they shouldn't, because Drazen separate listing for natural paradox on the character
Kellek, one of the higher Spans in the Fraternity, is sheet [Appendix Z, pg. 226].
waging his own private war deep inside Treatments of the late Aquarian Era are
Antedesertium. available at Physician corners throughout the
Drazen Kellek maintains a very low profile Societies. No need for an appointment, just walk in.
which is both easy (as much of his business is in- The tech varies widely, as much of it is of Inheritor
country in Antedesertium) and in his best interest (as manufacture or origin, so only the results are listed
he was ' rescued' from the Sagittarian Era by a below. (GMs can supply Physicians with anything
Continuum spanner driven psychotically paranoid by from huge whirling machines to liquid collars, to
the place, and is therefore often suspect due to bis tiny time pills as natural £rag cures.)
origin) . Once taught to spa n, he travels throughout
the Societies, he sees how the ebb and flow of com- There are two major categories of natural paradox
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
sources, and the period spent away from spanning is Engineers feel that the Aquarian Era is
markedly different for each: where Man begins making himself into the Tools he
has long been devised. But as they should be the first
Radioactive to realize, humanity has been Discovering and re-
(Anything that emits radiation or unstable Discovering the Tools it is born with, for many
waveparticles.) Simple to fix: This kind of damage dozens of millennia.
has destroyed some of your matter, but it's nothing Take for example, the teeth born to Man.
that can't grow back. Far beyond their properties of aiding digestion, they
Healing takes 5 days per point of frag, dur- a re Tools for modifying clothing, holding objects,
ing which you ma y not span at all. and even verbal commurucarion. Hands are precur-
sors to digging sticks. Eyes are the earliest form of
Electromagnetic spectroscope. The list of what the Tools of Man's
(Such as ljghtning, or that planetary axial body have given him are end less.
shift.) Hardest to fix: This damage has affected the The adjustment of Tools through the cen-
bonding of your molecules, and made it hazardous turies has had surprising few parallels in adjust-
for you to span. The GM secretly rolls Dl00 upon ment's to Man's own body, but not without reason:
diagnosis. The result is the di agnosed number of The skills in surgery or bioimplantation await the
spans the character has left before he must roll for Aquarian Era. But the the rest of the Eras have tell-
survival each time as per Travelling Beyond One's tale signs that the body is Tool to be improved-
Span rules [pg. 35). armies shearing their beards, cloches for protection
Healing takes 1 year per point of frag, dur- and spectacles for focus , thousands of exercise tech-
ing which you may not span at all. The treatments njques, dietary experiments, and even controlled
are often lengthy and painful, though there is 100% breeding. Spanning is merely this trend 's crowning
chance of recovery if the regimen is maintained. achievement, and its use must be very judiciously
Spanrung even once in this time negates the efforts of allotted.
all frag so healed, so it is recommended that one find Physicians are very sensitive to the many cul-
a Physician corner in a locality you've always want- tures of the Societies with various body taboos; but
ed to vacation in, before you begin the process. our mission is a lways the wellness of the person. If
Physicians will not treat most patients with a improvement to the Tool that is their body makes
Frag of 5 or greater, and simply refuse to treat those them better, where is the argument in that?
over 7 Frag, relegating their fates to the Quicker
[see]. Age-thwarting Technology, and Other Medtech
This is increasingly available as the spanner
Creating spanners earns higher Spans, especially at Span Three and Up.
The number of volunteers that wou ld flock The years presented are the range in which the tech-
to this Fraternity, if this fact were better known! But nique is considered the most effective in thwarting
Physicians seek as members only chose with the true the effects of aging, which coincides with general
calling to heal. medical breakthroughs. Skills to operate the equip-
ment wou ld be either Medicine or Engineering of the
Invitation Kits 5 appropriate century; for example Engineering (21st
The story These Are the Good Old Days, century gentech) or Medicine (22nd century nan-
pg. 177, describes the creation of a spanner, and otech). Naturally, Physicians are more ljkely to have
mentions an Invitation Kit as appearing, about the Medicine Skill, and Engineers Engineering; but in
eight by ten inches, and maybe three or four inches the Aquarian Era the lin es between them blur rapid-
high. There are no obvious markings, only a smooch ly.
__ eontour, like tumbled go ld." They are mostly AD 20th century surgery (c. 1960 - 2018)
23rd century technology, and come in a variety of Normally requires the use of an operating
shapes and styles, but nearly all are quite portable. theatre, or at least the facilities of trained plastic sur-
Kits are kept well-guarded at Physician strongholds, geon. Doesn't extend Age, is considerably painful
and are only taken out on house calls when an and messy, and only a Master in Plastic Surgery can
Invitation has ben accepted; it is immediately actually get you to look distinctly different.
returned thereafter.
21st century gentech (c. 2018 - 2090)
Further details on the area of ruspute with This is the age-extending technology avail-
the Engineers- over the boundaries of the Tool- ab le to Threes. Primarily based in genetic manipula-
have been reserved for this section due to the fact tion, with experimental cybernetics available through
that the subject matter touches closely upon the about 2070. Everything from organ replacement to
secret of spanning. telomere manipulation to stretch the human lifespan
potential to 200 - 300 years.
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
22nd century nanotech (c. 2090 - 2222) Spanners of Span Seven or higher may be introduced
This nanire rechnology has rhe capacity to to this tech by the Inheritors [see pg. 103].
eliminate communicable diseases of all kinds, and
combat them in an ongoing fashion for the rest of [More notes on the Physicians are found
the spanner's life. This tech is sophisticated enough under the Engineers, pg. 163, and the Fox.horn, pg.
ro diagnose muration in itself and correct ir; it also 164, above; and under the Quicker, below.]
knows when it is combatting a major infecrion, and
pauses before the tech overwhelms the host, or Quicker (pg. 80)
escapes the body. Threes are allotted this simple Desired Skill List
form of nanotech shortly after witnessing their Science (Physics)
Invitations (the required medical exam mentioned on Hypnotism
pg. 87). Aquarian Skills (esp. Telepathy)
Slightly more advanced nanites (c. 2110) Observation
allow for rapid healjng. Few Threes are given this, Investigation
but some working in war zones or other dangerous Hjstory (Various)
patches of spacetime are. Wounds heal at twice the Dreaming
normal rate, or faster if the GM allows. Languages (Various)
Complete reproduction of sentient adult life Anthropology
is within easy reach from 2151 Up, but its popularity Acumens
begins in the 2180s, and is seen as the natural course Occultism
for humans from 2218 Up. Religion (Various)

23rd century nanotech (c. 2222 - 2312) Adventures for the Quicker usually begin
Span Fours are the main pre-Aquarian bene- with a heavy dose of known information. The price
ficiary of this tech when utilized ro its full capacity, of being a 'ghost-buster' is having a heavily bur-
as it allots and perfects youth and health for at least dened Yet.
1000 years of Age. Spanning itself creates the limita- Most Quicker corners have an Aquarian
tion on the lifespan available with this tech, as the overseeing them. This Aquarian, of at least Span
charge of molecular bonds slowly degrades after cen- Three rank, bas connections with the Inheritors, and
turies of spanning· it is this Catch-22 more than any- so can obtain complete dossiers on whatever poor
thing else that Limits Aquarians from joining spanner has gotten himself fragged. As mentioned in
lnheriror spacetime. [See Chapter 5: Knowing- Chapter 2, the Quicker have all the information the
Aquarian Era, pg. 207.] Scribes can gather on any situation available, and the
Scribes are always ready ro help.
Tech of this period includes the nanose- Occasionally ghost activity is all that is
quencing technology to create spanners from origi- recorded of a particular site, and the Quicker investi-
nal, pre-existing material. Around 2250, the tech gate its origins. Leveller sightings are the best to start
becomes highly portable; this is the source of with, because even the most cautious fruning among
Physician's Invitation kits, and indeed, most spanners can alert narcissists to the whenabouts of a
Physician technology. lost friend, and they may try a rescue. Any number
of narcissist band have been rounded up by follow-
Late 23rd century tech also has portable ing the leads of a simple ghost story.
magnetic shjelding ro allow livestock to be spanned
safely- this can be used on levellers as well, so great Prepping a felled narcissist
care is taken as to its distribution. First, the Quicker assess if any onlooking
levellers have suffered a violation of the Fourth
24th century nanotech Maxim. If a local corner or Fox.horn lodge has felled
This is the technology that can build or the target, but not handled the Fourth Maxim viola-
dupljcate intelligent spanners (or nearly anything} tion, the Quicker wiJI first urge them to do so. If for
from scratch. Considered too potent for pre- some reason they cannot, the Quicker will handJe it,
Aquarian spanner creation, it is not allowed farther but usually by simply suppressing memories: the
Down than AD 2222, though it is equally portable. Quicker rarely spend effort on Invitations, since it's
This tech is employed upon Exalted to maintain their the other end of spanner life that is their forte.
agelessness. When feasible, the Quicker clear the area
around an incident of Frag, by either adopting the
After AD 2400 guise of high-ranking officials of the locality, or in
Aging loses its meaning by the AD 25th cen- extreme cases, wiping large numbers of minds. Cases
tury, as shared-energy technology and other transhu- this extreme usually call for Inheritor intervention
man wonders make these concerns obsolete. anyway, but Aquarians feel it is their duty to trouble
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
them as little as possible. They are usually right. opt to make collection and detection two separate
Once the area is clear, detection eq uipment Skills, but the difference is mostly superfluous.
comes out and all pools and eddies of the fragged
individual are sought in the spacetime around their 20th century (c. 1960 - 2018)
manifestation. Once the Fourth and Fifth Maxims EM registers, videotape, psychrometers
are satisfied, the £ragged individual is collected and (humidity gauges), Geiger counters, and other 'pa ra-
removed. normal paraphernali a' . Crude by Aquarian stan-
dards, these mostly bulky pieces of hardware will
Memory-Altering Devices record the passing of ghosts, or at least shut off mys-
There is a vast range of these, from the low- teriously, presenting a temporal clue as to when to
frequency transmitter experiments of the 1940's, look.
'50's and '60's, to hand-held neural smoothers of the
late 22nd century, to the mass pulse blanketers 21st century (c. 2018 - 2090)
aboard most Inh eritor incursion ships. Quicker cor- Magflux trackers, and crystal holography
ners have use of any of these, as the Aquarians and are at their peak. Magflux trackers allow for precise
Inheritors see fit. movements of unseen force to be tracked (even into
the magnetosphere), thus allowing the possibility of
All do one of three things: seeing spans, and 'ghostly' movements.
1) Memory Suppression- as in Hypnosis [pg. 115] .
2) Wipe and write memories- as in Telepathy Holography allows for any energy impres-
[pg. 115]. sions left behind by the heavily fragged to be read at
3) Implants that provide Photographic Memory- will. These include sounds such as disembodied voic-
as the Benefit [pg. 13]. es, or visual 'hauntings'- where ghosts repeat them-
selves like a broken record, with no apparent aware-
Availability of these or any devices is based ness or reactions. 6
on merit, of course. Abuse of memory tech usually
results in the abuser waking up one morning missing The earliest reliable containment vessel is a
the device, with no memory of where he left it ... superconducting cylinder; not necessarily hollow,
Investigations meet with dirty looks from unhelpful though some are specially made for containment of
Scribes. plasma and matter. While bulky and excessive on
power use, many corners prefer it as it both draws
When Frag is high enough to collect spanners the £ragged elements into itself and holds it there.
Other Fraternities fear the Quicker, and with
good cause. They may come to collect a spanner 22nd century (c. 2090 - 2222)
with a Frag as low as 6, and sunder friends who try Mid-century reconstructive nanotech can
to intervene. While this is always plainly for the sort among different £ragged molecules to determine
good of the Continuum, it tends to fray nerves in the object of origin. Very useful in cases where sever-
corners under heavy attack. While a spanner at Frag al narcissists have been £ragged out in the same com-
6 or 7 can accompany the Quicker on their own bat.
volition, the confused individual is often tries to fight
or flee , and only winds up more fragged. 23rd century (c. 2222 - 2312)
The Quicker go out collecting only when The same tech that allows spanners to be
asked, either by Societal spanners, or by the made can detect pieces of same, with the best effi-
Inheritors. Rarely, a ghost investigation lands at ciency, and even (with comparative analysis) arrive
some unfortunate corner's doorstep. The Quicker at a frag rating; such devices are hand-held.
never attempt to collect spanners who not reached at Collection devices include a bipolaron, a long, thin
least Frag 5, because of the Fifth Maxim, and nor- cylinder made of superdense magnetized matter,
mally follow an internal policy to wait till they reach nicknamed the 'magic wand'. Creatures of Frag 8 or
Frag 6. Doomed spanners are usually not told of greater are held in place by the wand, and can be
Frag in their Yet, unless they are particularly loath- 'rolled up' by it when spun at high velocity.
some narcissists who deserve a psychological dress-
ing-down [see Harbinger Stratagem of Time Combat, 24th century
pg. 123]. The detection tech from the 23rd century
can be successfully implanted, and farther Up, it can
Detection and Containment devices be exchanged and modified via Telepathy. Note that
Only the most basic are listed here. external devices for collection are widely preferred
Operation of any of them would be considered a by even the most daring Aquarian: Holding a badly
technical Acumen, for example: Acumen- Frag £ragged narcissist in a small part of your brain is
Detection & Collection (21st Century). GMs ma y considered unhealthy.

" Psychic impressions ' can a lso be left in placetimes by Master Telepaths; but further information on how this is done is nor available here.
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
prove themselves every second, and have always had
Curing Frag to provide superior information, insight, and effi-
This is all the Quicker really do, but they ciency over any Aquarians they have worked with,
don't do it with the individual in mind, but the while accepting all petulance and abuse from
Continuum as a whole. Badly fragged spanners are Aquarians with the serenest calm, and even sub-
placed in a Container 7 (usually a cylinder or bipo- servience. But they have the reward: Inheritors come
laron, above) and taken to Cold Storage, even if that to them for information about the Societies and their
frag is all from natural paradox. The Physicians locality(s) first. And they are trusted with any
Fratentity have strict policies regarding the disposi- Inheritor information they request: even Exalteds of
tion of characters with h.igh frag [see pg. 167]. higher Span envy this.

Cold Storage. [More notes on the Qujcker are found under

Once contained, the fragged, formerly sen- the Foxhorn, pg. 164, and the Physicians, pg. 166.]
tient force, along with all information relevant to it,
is sent to a special facility far Down, in deep space. Scribes (pg. 82)
One of the common names for thjs facility is Cold Desired Skill List
Storage. Languages (Many and Various)
It is probably the farthest Down of any con- History (Many and Various)
sistently inhabited place in the universe, perched dar- Observation
ingly close to the Big Bang. What fragged elements Computers
that can be discovered are removed here, and a com- Etiquette (Various)
plete catalogue is kept. Occasionally, information is Hypnosis
sought from some of the containees, but for the most Anthropology
part it is a facility which draws frag away from Bureaucracy
Earth and every other system to close causal loops Acumens
for eternity in a safe environment. Library Science
Some claim that spanners that manage to be
restored to Frag O are eventually released from Cold Watchful recorders of history
Storage. But no one admits to ever having witnessed Usually a member of long standing is called
a successful return. in to observe (and often clandestinely tape or record)
any and all incidents of frag. If there is ever a myste-
rious figure watching an entire incident unblinkingly,
Advancement for pre-Aquarian members of the it is either a corner's mentor, or more likely, a Scribe.
Quicker Scribes that watch over a locality, often grew
Advancement is already mighty difficult, and up there as a leveller and/or a novice. This provides
Aquarians make it more difficult for those who have complete understanding of a locality, as well as the
joined the Quicker. The Quicker is run by Aquarians caution of wanting to avoid fragging yourself and
who prefer th.inking of pre-Aquarians as dead, any- your old chromes. There is usually an outside con-
way. Aquarians are fiercely jealous of thei.r status tact always wi.lling to come in to observe if the local
with the Inheritors, and rarely hide disdain for pre- Scribe has gotten himself in a tangle.
Aquarians that try to emulate them, often by pre-
senting confusing puzzles (social or otherwise) that With the Pandora's box of Hypnosis (see
are 'child's play' for Aquarians. If high advancement below, and pg. 115) somebody has to keep all the
in Span is what a character is mainly after, every records straight. Within the Societies, the final
other Fraternity makes it much easier. authority on records is the Scribes.
A pre-Aquarian Quicker Three is rare, but 13. Open ana Shut
not unusually rare. These tend to be the best minds Chris, here a Span Three Scribe is taking
of their times regarding physics, and/or the wisest Span One Anton to task for an incident of /rag. The
people regarding their locality's beliefs, especially the incident is recent in Antons Age, though Chris is all
afterlife beliefs. And they can run a tight corner, too. too familiar with it from research.
Pre-Aquarian Quicker Fours are extremely ''We have the video from the hotel room," sighs
rare. The e are humans who have proven themselves
Chris. ''Its not good."
Anton is slumped in one of the gradeschool
sufficiently able to partake in the collective minds of chairs in the small A/Vroom. Its 1965. ''Alright, can I
Aquarian and Inheritor spacetime, without disrupt- see it."
ing proceedings. They are used to appearing when ''Thats the idea." Chris turns off the lights
summoned, and always gather and present the most and switches on the Toshiba from 2007 with built-in
enlightening information. widescreen pro-jection. ''As you can see, it starts right
An Exalted pre-Aquarian who has joined the 0 ff• "
Quicker is the rarest of creatures; it is said there are A dim hotel room, Anton was sleeping shirt-
only two from each Era, if that. They have had to less with the covers down. Then another Anton appear,

'Nore rhar Vessels !pg. 2041 are rhe opposire of Contdi11ers: Vessels are spanners whose frag is being acrively used by narcissists or orher fools.
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
ana taps the gure, w o starts awake. ana is imme<li- Span book repository
ately met with his elders pocketwatch swinging back A wi e custom adopted by most spanners is
and forth. to deposit one's span books for copying at a Scribal
"Oh that's a cute touch." corner. Naturally, they return your books almost
Chris says, "I figured it was your legendary
in randy, and always remind spanners to keep them
sense of humor. Now, ahem ... watch."
The sound is not as good as it might be. but locked away safe.
Antons muttering to his selves is audible enough. the If a Span book is ever lost or stolen, the
junior Anton nods, and after several minutes of sugges- Scribes are alerted, and th ey set our a watch. Scribal
tion agrees that he is about to see a man try to crush quads nickn amed by late Piscea ns as 'Overdue
his skull with a bowling ball, miss by an inc:h , then Brigades' sta lk Span book srealers and their call the
vanish. Fox.horn in, or bring them down themselves. Scribes
"Oh, God,"groat18Anton. with an athletic bent go in for these Brigades, since
''lep. Here it comes." Time Combat frequently occurs against narcissists
On screen, the elder Anton vanishes as the
junior lays back for a second, and suddenly a figure is who are out trying to find places to frag people, or
there, dressed all in black, including his face covered selJing span books to the highest bidder.
ninja-style, with a purple bowling ball. A second Anton The cleverest narcissists swipe span books
falls out the closet near the door to the hall, and the and replace them at once- but it takes rime to copy
ninja steps back. The sleeping Anton awakens and them somewhere. Any spanner that's been fragged
rolls over to auoid ... nothing. The closet Anton grabs at repeatedl y, and suspects their book has been copied
the black-swathed figures legs, and a muffled. voice or tampered with should alert the Scribes.
says, 'Antoni Hey man, wake up!' After a brief wrestle
on the fl.oor. the 'ninja' drops the ball, and vanishes.
Memorized span books
The closet Anton swears.
The bed Anton rises slowly, looks around, and At some point, usually when increasing in
sees the ball, but not his elder. 'Damn, it wasn't a Span, a spanner with Photographic Memory is asked
dream.' he scratches his head, stands and spans away to recount their spans to a Scribal recorder. Personal
as the c:loset Anton rises, looks at the empty bed, and oral histories can sometimes take days to relate, so
sa.vs, 'Sleep tight, champ,' and vanishes, too. plan it like a working vacation- span to some pleas-
"Great," shrugs the Anton in the AIV room. ant resort or locality that interests you with a Scribal
"Now that I know that, I guess that {rag isn i going Librarium nearby.
bother me, huh. n At Exalted Spans, this is usually handled by
"No genius, your hypnotism is in _vour Yet
the Lnheritor , and can be very direct.
now. n Chris runs back the tape.
"leah, well, maybe its a Thespian, or hey,
mayb an evil wicked narc is posing as me to screw up Memory Cross-References
you and everyone who sees your movie." For further information on Hypnosis, see pg.
"We're more thorough than that. Something 20 and pg. 115. For Telepathy, see pg. 115.
ou obt•iously aren t "Anton makes a mocked-scared Photographic Memory is a Benefit, pg. 13, but also
noise at Chris. "Really, Anton, you 're being a pill. That comes automatically at Mind 8, pg. 10. For
closet junior is hypnotized, too. He thinks your junior Memory-Altering Devices, see the Quicker, pg. 169.
in the bed is still asleep, and hes already gone-" See also Dreaming, ppg. 20, 108.
"Its one tiny blip of frog, and I don~ even
notice it."
"And I'm warning you this is important. The That legendary honesty
man who attacked ou-" Some spanners, especially those from para-
"No." Anton folds his arms. "That does it. I'm noid localities, wonder open ly about the trust placed
just getting pushed around. I don't believe in hypnotiz- in the Scribes' lauded honesty. They've read
ing people." Machiavelli, they've read Frank Herbert. How can
"Anton. its not as though its a mystery who's the Continuum's record-keeping function solely on
putting the suggestions in your brain." the Scribes' word of honor?
"Look, I don) care that it's me getting hypno- Scribes are a swarm onto themselves; the
tized. I erpect that in this nutzy life. I care a lot that
least hint, accusation, or grunt of misgivings from
:vou say I'm doing the hypnotizing. I don) ever want to
learn that. I find it deeply wrong." any spanner, and they are there to defend and prove
Chris throws up his hands. -Okay, you don't themselves with special spanners trained in just this
ward to handle your Yet, thats it. rm going to kind of 'public relations'. Should the smallest whiff
Stirling." of scandal from their own ranks be detected, the
"Well, no wait." accused party is examined and reexamined, at first
"What. She's your mentor. She has to handle-" without their knowledge, and then if necessary, they
'7'm sorry. Okay. I'll do it." Anton bends his are given the temporal third degree. Scribes that sur-
head, his face is mottled blue in the thick air. "171 do
this ...
vive the ordeal of reexamination may ask where the
doubt in their work came from, and a second round
of shakedown occurs around the accuser. It seems
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
extreme to some, somewhat ka ngaroo to others, but never knows every detail of what is being asked of
the Scribes seem to be happy with their system, and one until the part is closely studied. Though
their records stay accurate. Thespi ans do perform their own stunts- and occa-
sionally stunts for meeker spanners.
[More notes on the Scribes are found under
the Engineers, pg. 163, and the Quicker, pg. 168.] Replacing People and Faking Death
The Thespians' function of filling the shoes
of historical figures can quickly become abused by
Thespians (pg. 84) players. The intent is never to see human life as dis-
Desired Skill List posable or replaceable, but to respect the places into
Art (Acting) which one finds oneself. Faking Death is easy if the
Swindle body is never recovered, but that gets harder and
Languages (Various) harder as one approaches the Aquarian cusp, until
Etiquette (Various) the secrets of the flesh- DNA and all- can no
Anthropology longer be disguised by mere Acting Skills.
Drive (Various)
Athletics There are some gujdelines GMs should fol-
Combat (Various) low, even if each Thespian troupe has different stan-
Hypnosis dards of participation: If the name is in the history
Medicine books, but the person gets aced, call in the under-
Acumens study. If it's a leveller NPC, and characters have met
Any and Many: him farther Up, but he's been aced, call in the under-
Whatever's appropriate for the part study.

Building a Resume Otherwise, (if the role is mundane, one

Much like actors of the late Piscean, you've invented, and the players haven't encountered
Thespians are always claiming to be good at any- him farther Up,) feel free to explain the individual's
thing, just to land a choice role in history. This is death or disappearance any way plausible. Local
dangerous, despite the ever- news is full of people vanishing every day, their bod-
Wakewics th e Younger. (b. AD 1213 ) "b"I " f 'I ' ies discovered weeks later far away, if at all. And
Sk,ich/,ook of Sames from /J93 present pOSSI I tty O nstant
ink & wash
·bal Libr:irium al L1gnr
Skills [pg. 40], because one let's not forget the bodies that remain forever
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
unidentified: some may come fro m distant time, and off the gea r is in neutral and the ignition is sw itched on.
match no record of the locality wh€re th ey are As a ta rtled public discu ses the mys tery, 250 miles away
found. at the Hydro Hotel, H arrowgate, Yorkshire, a red head is
wowing the guests. Claiming the na me Theresa eele-
See the Physicians [pg. 166] for warnings
the ame urna me as her husband s lover- and claiming
about tryi ng ro replace bodie etc. to hai l from South Africa, Christie rema ins there 11 days
until her husband at last discovers her. While man y claim
Finally, some vanishings and teleportations this to be a typica l 1920's publicity stunt, the mystery ha
make it into leveUer ta les, where they are discounted never been sa tisfactori ly solved.
unti l the Aquarian Era. While rare, these poor sods
should be left alone ro puzzle out the meaning of Timing and distracting levellers
existence on their own . The Fourth Maxim applies While some Skills exist ro shortcut roleplay-
of course, but sometimes they aren't worthy, and ing the tricking of levellers, such as Swindle, Stealth,
sometimes they say no. Some recent examples the Hypnosis, Acumen Prestidigitation (Stage Magic),
GM ma y have fun with : nothing suits li ke the Third Maxim . Taking the
leisure to study a moment of continuity until you
Gil Perez- As a soldier in the service of Felipe II in know how ro play it precisely, and practicing it sev-
Manila, he witnesses the Spanish Governor's gruesome era I times before executing it, guarantees success and
as as ination on October 23rd, 1593. He shortly finds callbacks for roles with greater responsibility.
himself in a place he does not recogn ize, but nea r a forma-
lf a Thespian is called upon to perform a
ti on of so ldiers with uniforms simil a r to his own. When
discove red, he is told he is in Mexico, on October 24th, seemingl y impossible feat, the troupe (his corner)
and he reports the assassination of the day before. He is may come in and assist in distracting levellers for an
held in prison, due the patently mysterious circumstances. important second or two via buffoonery, or the typi-
After word finally arrives- months later, through leveUer cal moves pickpockets use to distract their marks
means- of the Governor 's dea th, he is even tu a ll y set free, (spilling food on someone, knocking their belonging
since no evidence can be found agai n t him . out of their arms and apologizing, or even asking
directions ... or the time) .
Count St. Germain- see pg. 185. Many have posed as These are just a couple of the basic ways to
Saint Germa in throughout the centurie ince the 1700s;
keep levellers from stumbling into seeing a Fourth
nor a ll need be the spanner himse lf.
Maxim violation. Most Thespians are greater
The crew of the Mary Celeste- The hip, o riginall y chris- showoffs, and like turning even a simple moment
tened The Amazon, from its maiden voyage to its being into a rich , poetic, or emotionally complex scene.
run aground and set aflame in 18 85 is plagued by bad luck
and the fraud sc hemes of her owners. On December 4, Preparing to be an Understudy
1872 she i. di covered aba ndoned but 'highly seaworthy' Th is normally takes at least three months'
by the crew o f the Dei Gratia, east of the Azores. The on ly preparation before one begins; though Acting
other things miss ing are her lifeboat, navigation equipment Grandmasters have been known to improvise off-
and ship's papers; the ship's log is intact, the las t entry,
the-cuff and study up after an initial scene, most
dated a few days before recover y is unrema rkable .
Protective gear including boots, stores of food and water spanners in the Continuum sleep easier knowing that
and the cargo a re left behind untouched, as are small crea- Thespians train hard for their historic roles.
ture comforts such as the crew's pipes a nd tobacco and the
toys of the captai n's child. (Tales of ghosts, piping ho t Definitions
food still on the tab le, and confu ed pets aboa rd are later, n/a- Some parts are just not given to the inexperi-
romantic inventions; the spelling 'Ma ri e-Celeste ' was poet- enced . Pay your dues first .
ic lice n e exercised by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.) Extra/Filler- Just some typical person of the period
walking around. No lines or rea l interaction . Also
Agatha Christie- December 3, 1926: Following the dea th
applies ro "filler" moments that other spanners have
of her mother and the confession of infidelity from her
husband, Agatha Christie drives off into the Berkshire left ro Thespians to perform.
night in her two-seater Morris. Early next morning the Servant- Any person in a menial role who made no
ca r is found aba ndo ned half a mil e away, its front wheels noticeable impression on his tribe, nation, people, or
hung over the edge of a 120-foot chalk pit. The brakes are history, but whose presence is required anyway.

Acting Skill:
Title Time Needed to Train
Im~rtance of Role Extra/Filler Servant Minor Historical Major Historical Great Fame
Novice 90 days 180 days 1 yea r n/a n/a
Apprentice 30 days 90 da ys 180 days 2 years n/a
Journeym an 7 days 14 days 90 days 1 year n/a
Master 1 day 7 days 30 days 90 days 1 year
Grandmaster unprov 1 day 14 days 30 days 90 days
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Minor Historical- People who get much of the netic cycle with that of the earth's.
work of nation done, but are less well known.
Footnotes to histery, but stilJ in the hi story books. R The illustration of

The dusty scholarly ones, anyway. a n electrocardiogram at
Major Historical- Most Piscea n schoolchildren ha ve left (Illus. H) shows the
at least heard of this person. Kings, Presidents, gen- QS depolarizations of the
erals, or their close staff and families, as well as atria (P) and ventricles
notable civic leaders, inventors, or anyone all the I Second (QRS) and repolarization
Illus. H: Normal Human Heartbeat
players ha e heard of. of the ventricles (T).
Great Fame- The Big Names: Confucius,
Alexander~ Lao T zu, Caesar, Columbus, Ghandi, and At atrial depolarization, the spanner's spe-
so on. Superstars. cially engineered nervous system uses the energy to
take a reading of the matter to be spanned- primar-
A final note on the Fraternal Symbols ily the body and its status, but also whatever else the
It will be observed that some of the Symbols spanner's mind is consciously (a object being touched)
are named with a single noun; others with an adjec- or reflexively (one's own clothes) focussed on. All
tive and a noun . The simpler titles belong to the is bundled as information in less-used areas of the
Fraternities with the greatest range through time brain, areas reengineered at the spanner's lovitation to
(Dreamers, Foxhorn and Quicker). WhiJe all properly organize the information of all the matter
Fraternities have representatives flitting throughout to be spa nned.
spacetime, only these three have extensive organiza-
At ventricular depolarization, all targeted
tions beyond the borders of the Societies. These sym-
bols' meanings for Humanity- the Dream, the Hunt, matter is translated to a tachyon burst of the gath-
and Eternity- are deeper in its spirit than even the ered information, headed in whichever direction the
Midwives' or Ph ys icians' efforts to understand Life. spanner desires. Arrival is the tachyon information
targeting with such precision that the energy assem-
bles in the precise pattern from which it derived.
Span Three There is no consciousness in between.

All mentors are acutely aware of how span- The heart is an impressive vesse l, but not
ning works, and remember their in-betweens in one that can dematerialize and rematerialize itself
detail. So without further ado, we present the secret and up to tons of surrounding matter on its own
of time travel: power. One must wonder where the energy for this
magic comes from.
How Spanning Works
The Sky-road
ln A Heartbeat
It has been stated that the time between "We used to think that the Van Allen Belts slowly waxed
spans is no less than a heartbea t [pg. 34). There is a and waned and were not particularly dynamic. But these
belts have now been shown to be powerful, energetic parti-
fundamental reason for this.
cle accelerators, generating excitement and awe in the sci-
entific community."
The heart is the world in miniature. This is -Daniel Baker,
no romantic a ll egory, though it has been used to dis- Direcro r, La boratory for Atmospheric and Space Physi ,
Univer iry of Colorado at Boulder
guise meaning in our conversations. The human Dece mber 7, AD 1998.
hea rt functions as a powerful electrom agnet; power-
ful, at least as far as the body is concerned. The Earth's magnetosphere contains two,
and so metim es more 10 , belts of trapped radiation,
Unlike nerve celJs, the cells of the hea rt carry ca lled the Van Allen Belts after their discoverer,
an electric charge- a charge near the maximum sus- Ja mes Van Allen (AD 1958). Piscean leveller scien-
ta inable without creating a spark. 8 The mean length tists have noticed the trappjng and acceleration of
of the heartbea t is one cycle/second. It is this stan- vast amounts of solar energy by the magnetosphere.
dard, steady rhythm of a hea lthy hea rt at rest that But they are only barely aware of the particles rock-
has inspired mankind to divide time into seconds. 9 etjng at lightspeed toward the future, or the others
A spanner's biomagnetism has been altered to allow there exceeding lightspeed, slipping into the past.
for the stresses put on them with every span. The That would be us.
cycle also allows the spanner to coordinate his mag-
'The cycles of the sun and sta rs in pired the divi sion of days and ho urs, and
' " Ir amo unt ro some ren millio n volts per merer of po renrial change across the minute wa a logical order ing of seconds to fit h0tirs (60 x 60).
the thin in ularing membrane of ea h ell. " -Arthur'< in free , \ /, e,1 Time '"A third appeared, fo r instance, recentl y, as C0 NT! UUM v. 0. fir t wenr o n
Breaks D 0 1u 11 . AD 1987. a le (May l 998).
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Much of the energy in the Belts are spanners Body; any Failure is a cardiac arrest, a Blunder
becoming and unbecoming tachyon streams. Energy results in their body reassembling with a neutral
is conserved by accelerated solar radiation in the electric charge- very dead, and unrecoverable.
Belt supplying the majority of the power for the H ence levellers (a nd even livestock ) have a danger-
span, materia ljzation, and a ny compensation or ou barrier to direct exposure to the Fourth Maxim.
res i ranee necessa ry to keep thi process from leaving AD 24th century tech exjsts to protect levellers, but
craters in the ea rrh 11 . Kin etic morion is generally not it isn't handed out much for obvious reasons [see
rematerialized, but the electromagnetic energy of the Engineer - Span enhancement devices, pg. 163.]
spanner is instantly restored without noticeable
change. Spanners have been adjusted to withstand
most of these assaults, but in some cases the GM
The spiral force of the earth and its magne- ma y wish a spanner to roll for cardiac arrest- situa-
tosphere has its parallels in the contours of its li fe- tions include being struck by li ghtning, exceeding
forms and weather patterns, but none as profound a one's span, or trying to span in or out of a field of
parallel as the energy trapped and released by the intense magnetism. Rolls are vs. Body, but arrest
magnetic field in a spanner's heart. These parallels only occurs in spanners on a blunder.
resonate with a precision the science only at the The state of the heart's electromagnetics dur-
Aquarian cusp can grasp. ing cardiac arrest is called fibrillation. [nstead of
moving in nice, even rhythms, in fibrillation, the
One now sees the fire one is playing with: to heart's cells quiver in disorganized chaos. If a span is
exceed one's ability to ride this spiralling dragon is attempted during or the instant before the spanner's
to find one's molecules forming and falling random- heart fa lls into cardiac arrest, synchronization with
ly, or ha e one's soft tissues thrust into a particle th e Van Allen Belts fails. The spanner rolls vs.
accelerator filled with lightspeed electrons. And also Quick; on a Grace or Victory, the span fails to begin;
explained is why Span Sevens are approached direct- the spanner stays where he is and experiences the
ly by the Inheritors: To learn to span beyond the cra- heart attack. Any other result, and the spanner
dle of Earth's bounds takes new and greater disci- atomizes, his energy most likely added to the Belts
plines of riding the unmollified solar wind itself. themselves. End of Yet.
For further information, see Chapter Five:
Knowing- Time Travel in the Real World, pg. 208. Spanning while ill
GMs are at liberty to decide how much dan-
Minimum Physical Requirements to Span
ger certain ill or fragged spanners are in when they
A spanner can be shot, fragged, and driven spa n. Among the options that the GM may have to
mad, and still manage to span. At minimum he needs sort through are:
his brain, spinal chord, and his beating heart, all still • Spanners with damage to brain , heart or spine may
attached to one another. If any of these ha s taken sponta neous ly combust, as high-speed electrons
ph ysical damage, the spanner mu st make a Victory arrive to their bodies without proper instructions.
or a Grace roll, or be a nnihil ated instead of remateri- (Good way to hide the evidence of spanning tech.)
alizing. 1~

Note that even Exalted spanners are not • Old and senjle spanners may have to start rolling
invincible gods, but men. Any per on with only his vs. Quick, or never come down from the Belts.
bra in , pinal chord and heart attach ed will be unable
to breathe, or Ii e more than a few econd . They • Spanners at Frag 7 may have to roll vs. Quick to
had better make their span straight into an AD 23rd see i.f they can remember how to span that da y.
century nanomed facility, and hope th ey re expected.
Span-enhancing devices
Living Tissu e and Cardiac Arrest These may also be at the service of Threes,
The norm al human heart cannot handle the usuall y allowing greater cargo to be carried. Mentors
fluctuating electromagnetism, a necessity in spanners. may prefer to have such devices implanted instead of
rf taken unprotected for a span, they must roll vs. lying around, tempting novices. But in any case, its
function must be known to the operator, and it bas
to be ca rried at least once on a span before a span-
" Nore rha t even when spanning levelly, the panner demateria lizes and ner can use it. For further information, see
emp loy the energy of rbe Van Allen Belts. GMs shou ld bear this in mind
shou ld quesrion a rise regard in g the differences of level a nd time travell ing Engineers, pg. 163.
"Certain pa nners beyo nd Frag 7 ma y weU be below rhe e requirements.
but 1hey arc a Lo no lo nge r movi ng via rheir own volitio n. Thei.r Yer drngs Magnetic shielding devices to protect live-
them pie emca l across s pacetime, as noted o n pg. 47, and inrhe rory o n pg. stock whi le spanning also exjsts (see Physicians-
222 , leaving little 1race of o ne·s forme r rare of exi rence in an)' o ne spot.
Thi fare is far wo rse rha n simple ph ysica l annihilatio n.
23rd century nanotech, pg. 168) but can easily be
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
a bused by narciss ists who wi sh to ta ke levellers o n What I Forgot To Remember
joy rides: o nl y Fours a nd Exa lted can get this o n Could be something good, could be something ba d ...
request, and Threes o nl y rarely get to bo rrow it. (d I 00: Ro ll once fo r every 4 points o r fracti on thereof o f Quick
the cha racter has upo n atta ining Span Three, du pli ca te results
Spanners w hose we ight is ca rri ed by other ar e igno red bur no t reroll ed. Add ro th e Benefirs/Disa dva nrages
spa nners spend no Span, but may be a t the mercy co lumn a nd the Yet, as a ppro pri ate.)
o f the spa nning indi vidual as to w here th ey materi-
ali ze. And 'cargo ' o f a ny kind will a lso avo id inte- 01 Favored Exalted
Yo u ca n still be injured , and suffer a ll kinds o f terrors
gra tion w ith existin g structures o n th e ground, and
getting there- but yo u will li ve ro see Spa n Fi ve,
a ppea r (like spa nn ers) as close to an un occupi ed
gua ranteed. ega res ' Dea th at Span Fo ur'.
space as feas ible [see Cha pter Two: Spa nning- 02-03 Grace on D emand
Spanning into a Previ o usly Unkn own Space, pg. You have fri ends, powerful fri ends. You have ten free
34]. Grace rolls to cha nge any res ult you (not the G M) get
ro roll.
Learning Time Travel 04-05 All Too Easy
Th e instin cts o f spa nning co me quite slo w- Aqu ari an Skills (including H yp nosis) are learned in ha lf
ly, and the first spa n (in the in-betwee n ) is often the no rma l Time Ind ex. And yo u will lea rn them.
ac hingly pa inful. Th e in iti ate is th en o ften very 05 -1 0 Save Love of Your Life
relucta nt to spa n aga in, but with th e encourage- Lf yo u alrea dy have o ne o f these, yo u' ll be sav ing them
ment o f hi s mento r a nd co rn e r, ta kes th e new from dea th or wo rse. Otherw ise, hero, remember th e
power as his own . After six o r ei ght spans, the gorgeous perso n th at chat w ill ca ll yo u ' mine'.
11 -15 Hero's Companion
pa in va nishes completely. Usua ll y a regimen of
Yo u ha ve a grea t ca reer a hea d , and a lo ng the way yo u
level sp ans is practi ced for the first fo urteen d ays, have a mi ghty NPC pal who is Litt.le Jo hn ro yo ur
fo ll owed by spans to within a few second s Up o r Robin Hood , Enkidu to yo ur Gilgame h. Ma ke the
Down, usuall y bac k and fo rth between adj o inin g GM design him now.
roo ms to avo id a ge mini. 16-30 Sidekick
Simila r ro the Hero's Companion, but less a mazi ng.
After spa nning during o ne's in-between, M ore like some novice who thinks yo u' re hoc scuff, but
th e spa nn er develops the instincts to reintegrate in onl y has potentia l, not walking demigod stats.
any positi o n o n th e far side o f the spa n. The sa me 31-5 0 Liked
ca nn ot be sa id o f materia l no t being worn by the Fruning aro und , it turns o ut spa nners think yo u' re
spanner, w hich a rri ves pretty much as it depa rted. okay. First impressions wherever yo u go amo ng
spa nn ers starts favora bl y. Nega tes Di sliked. Effec t lasts
until a nd if yo u reach Exa lted.
Further deta ils o f a ty pica l In-Between a re
5 1-60 Disliked
revea led in th e story Th ese are th e Good Old
I dunn o, there's something wrong or weird abo ut yo u.
Days, below. What's yo ur pro blem ? Spanners' initi a l impress io n o f
yo u is nega ti ve. Effect las ts until and if yo u reach
The Yet of the In-Between Exa lted.
Spa nners begin to ga th er a Yet, even dur- 61-85 Petty Betrayal
ing their In-Betwee n: Some events the spa nner dis- Some cheap adva ntage is there, and yo u ta ke it. N o
covers w hil e very yo ung, and it can be VERY frag o r Maxims bro ken, but a lo t o f ba d feeJjngs fro m
aw ful- o r too spectacular to ca lm d own from. o ld pa ls.
85-90 Great Betrayal
But, it's th en suppressed. Th e ta ble below is for
Yo u mess up the li ves o f most people wh o care a bout
GM 's to determin e certain events hidd en in th e
yo u fo r some strea k o f self-aggra ndizement- o r some
cha racter's Yet, to be revealed upon attaining Span one yo u trust does it to yo u (GM 's ca ll ).
Three u. GM 's disc reti on dec ides if a n eve nt ro lled 91-95 Ki.U Loved Ones
is cl ose eno ugh to a n event played , and ca n be con- Eve ryo ne yo u ca re a bout ... i dead. And everyo ne
sidered chec ked o ff fro m th e Yet. GMs may ag rees, it's yo ur fa ult.
o ptionall y select a ppropria te Yet events instead o f 96-97 Death at Span Four
rolling, or indeed invent th em without using the Well , it co uld be a glo rio us Dea th. Overrides any
ta ble if they so choose. limitati ons for Surviving Death, even if yo u were
previo usly limited to Spa n Three. But it's not rea ll y
good news, is it.
Th e very existence of th e Yet of the In-
98 -99 Rape
Between sho uld be kept from players for as long as Yo u suffer a bruta l humili ating assa ult fro m yo ur worst
possible, since its ex istence is usually kept from enemy, with little cha nce o f ever getting him back. Yo u
characters below Span Two. This is considered a might die, too.
facet of th e First M ax im, so spanners almost never 0 0 Treason
discuss the subject, even w hen no Span Ones a nd Yo u are destined to betra y the Continuum ro
Twos see m to be a round . Antedesertium, yo u don't know precisely when.
We do. H ave a nice day.

Make no adjustments for Lucky Benefits or Unlucky Limits- Maybe the reason for the character's luck is revealed by the Yet of the In-Between!
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
14. These Are t e Gooa Ola Days "Watch," says Charlie softly, discreetly not
touching her.
Stirling Cynthia is a Span Three candidate, A cool grey plate, shaped like a planchette, is
she wants to work in the same time as her juniors. It brought down on a thin guiding rod. It slips in under
looks like she'll be taking lLP a corner near Saratoga the lungs of her junior, and Stirling reaches for her
Sp,-ings, from the 1950s through the early '90s. tightening throat. It was becoming familiar. She
First she has to learn how she came to span-. remembers remembering this, as she watches her
The theatre is part of a small mediC'al college, junior below, her eyes fl,uttering open and closed, a fear
but only the lights are being used. And the straps to and the cold.
hold her junior in place. Above it, behind one-way A dull hum, barely perceptible through the
glass. sit Charlie and Stirling, alone in the small glass, hardly noticeable in the theatre, lives loud in
observation room. Cynthia's memory,
·~ operation." The white of her memory rip- The planchette brushes 1inder her heart, and
ples once, twice, like the Mirror of Galadriel. ''We were cradles it.
always told spanning was a learned trait." Cynthia breathes. ''It recognizes- 1 recog-
"Sentient force is the key, Cyn," says Charlie. nize-"
"This is just your engine being installed." And like a dimmer switch, the white white
"So we'd have no way of actually training light, the white light around her memories steps awa.v,
other spanners, without this tech." inch by precious inch.
"But with knowledge of its e:ristence, it's that
much easier to acquire and abuse. You can see the nat-
ural precaution. The training and the tests have The straps are off, she knows that. Again, she struggles
always been of C'haracter.,. through the haze and muddy pain.
"I know. I guess I was just hoping for a more... "No no no, Cynthia. You want something, someone will
I don't know. Spiritual source? A moment of awe and bring it. Lie there. No no, easy does it."
wonder?" She looks at her junior, who is having things "Bear." Her mouth throat and lungs feel lined with cot-
explained to her by Barry, a member of the Physicians ton.
Fraternity she knows rather well. Barry is putting on The nurse looks confused. Somewhere in the blurry dis-
heavy black rubber gloves with thin, wire attachments tance she hears and sees Charlie: "The teddy bear.
on the outside. Her junior is already scared. Here." And Skootchie the bear, childhood rompanion, is
Charlie adds, "This is just the science. How laid in her arms.
people use it is always the most important thing."
"Yeah. Information is all, and it can bite. Still "-~sf My heart, it's like it's alive. All alive." She looks
can't remember what Barry is telling me down there." around the room- it's a place all to herself, but her
"Patience," says Charlie, but he sounds ner- cornermates- her future- no, no, her chronies in her
vous. Yet!- she can go out, a little, and see them. She's not
Stirling sees Barry pull a smooth metal device hiding in this little house, she's exploring, growing
from a felt bag. It's about eight by ten inches, and stronger and freer by the seC'ond. ''.And I can go here-
maybe three or four inches high. There are no obvious and here-" She pops around like a firecracker, and
markings, onl:v a smooth contour, like tumbled gold. Charlie laughs, he's been explaining everything, happi-
Barry places it quietly on a table to the junior's left. ly, several times.
Charlie has mentioned the Invitation Kit a ''.And I only get a little sick, when I try, y 'know the real
few minutes before. and even the n.ame has Stirling on time travel. Tell me about tu, again. The movies."
edge. It opens like modern sculpture, with many fine "No ... " says Charlie, scratching his beard. "Your turn to
rods supporting boxes larger than the item itself, and tell me."
delicate devices, nine feet up in the air. Her junior "Okay." The college student in her rallies. "Spanning is
stares open-mouthed on the table below it. Look at that a reality, but one the ordinary- the level people aren t
thing. No wonder I'm scared. read_y for, but we're getting them ready! All C'entury
Barry touches her junior's temple. She begins we've been getting them ready with the movies and the
to pass out. Stirling feels a slight cold touch at her own tu, the repeating. Events, always the same, you can
temple, and starts fidgeting. Not the time for sympa- always visit them. They can imagine an event being
thetic-magic crap. exact, they have the, the group, group consC'iousness!
She grimaces as the energy tools go to work They have what's necessary to become Inheritors."
on her junior. Focussed beams are invisible, so her "And spanning is-?" Charlie smirks.
junior's fl,esh merely opens up. "Aah. It's tough to look "The natural state, only two hundred years in the
at. Frog dissections in high school were not my forte. future- Up. Meant Up." She slaps her thighs for
This is worse." emphasis. ''We're gettin' ready."
The front of her junior's torso levitates awaY.
breasts, ribs and all, leaving organs living and ·'
exposed. No sign of suction or clamps, but Stirling This time, I will get it right, and no dizziness.
guesses at the fields holding her unconscious junior's The certainty fell upon her like a glass scarf. This
blood in check. The big piece of her bobs gently in the would be the good span.
half-light above the theatre like a nightmare from the She is by Lake Michigan, and cars and planes are far
French C'Omix scene. "Well. That's more than I expect- away, at the edge of things. It was time to step around
ed." that. Not heed them. Rooms of dust where I once lived.
Chapter IV: M astering c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Tlie s calls t e c o r mina, pu s er art, t e ynt ia turns arou , irst craw ing, t en getting up to
spinning whorls of yarn, burning unlooked-for, she a stumble into the trees. The children burst into a
finds them, she knows them- scream, a manic, carefree scream, and barreled down
Ano she is in the field of startled cru;:kets, a mile from on the shelter, pushing it, shoving it to a final crash
the lakeshore and two days farther Down, and tall and tilt.
grass is by her as she is light and perfect, on ballet Cynthia is crying behind the leaves, and watches. Her
point. And she says to the wheels and e_ves of sky, young junior was laughing, until she saw the little nest
"You 're mine. All of you." in the dark shelter, the smashed yolks, their mother
limping in the wet grass, and the brutal truth of death
shadowed her that day, forever.
Another testing day. Charlie is there, rattling events she The thrill of healed {rag, of renewed existence, only
has erperienced over the past seven days, or events she makes the elder trebly sick with her own blind greed.
has heard of.
"Where is Julie eating cappuccino pie?"
"Sunday, April 4, 2004. Morning, eh, 11:07 AM. Adele's The white light is as thin as a plane, now. Before is
on Market SL., Milwaukee. I remember because she's fat perfect memory, and after is the memory of imperfec-
there." tion.
"Where is Ray wearing those silly plaid socks?"
'They're argyles, and it's Wednesday, December 25, Her eyes are shut, she is leaning back, hears
1996. 10:58 AM, at his place on Third St." the buzz of the neon above her head.
"Vice-President Quayle's private discussion of Wisconsin 'This is recompense, isn't it Charlie. ., She
welfare reform?· looks over to him, her mentor.
"He's at home in DC, upstairs bedroom, on the phone, Charlie looks con{used, cocks his head.
January 8, 1990, 10:57 PM. 7blking to ... I dont remem- "For having no children. We get this childbirth
ber the other man's name, but he's in Green Bay, James instead."
K... Something... " "We can have children, Cyn. Jw,t not spanner
"Okay. Here is?" children-"
"Friday, April 18, 1997, 10:32 PM. And thirty-five sec- Cynthia, Stirling, turns her eyes away. "You
onds... mark." really can l understand, can you. I want Euana.."
"Forty, actually. Not bad for a tweener." "She can l make it, Cyn, sorry," Charlie sounds
Cynthia sticks out her tongue. out of his league at last.
"Dammit. Why won't she show. Why do I have
to become what I become without half a dram of some-
And the bird. That was red pain, red red. The worst one who knows me."
test, cut me open again deeper. Charlie begins an answer, and Stirling says,
"Don't bother, Charlie. Get out. Leave me be awhile."
..P,.iday May 1, 1981. She watches her junior, her nine- He sits there, she sees his reflection. He's an
ear-old self playing around with other kids at her bus old man now, all at once. Like his youth has gone away
stop. The old wooden rain shelter is a great barrier to to make room for her memory. Without another word,
the racing and the screaming, round and round it. he walks out, and closes the door behind him.
'No! There's a bird's nest. Be careful.' She has a mild headache from all the awaken-
She runs out from the nearby trees, arms flailing. But ing neurons. She shuts her eyes, sees the silly ironies
she is still far away. Charlie, nearby yet. hisses, "Don t, and errors of youth better than any leveller, and moves
C.vnthia-" on to reintegrating this old hole in her life. he drops
"No! No, let me stop this." And she is out there, and into sleep, and into lucid dream. The memories of in-
there was her young gemini, looking back at her, won- between now stand in their rows, complete; she walks
dering, wondering what? She remembers this different- among them just as she did before. That which was
ly, and the sick cut is coming across her abdomen and empty, made full. Knowledge replaces doubt. The
head. '7 just want to save the little eggs-" becoming leaves the envelope of mysteries.
'But she sits down in the road, the frag is direct and And around a subtle corner, her Yet took its
strong. There are no cars here, it's too far away from p lace.
the main drag for cars, the perfect bus stop for chil- Forgotten p ieces of her Required Future leap
dren. They ve stopped playing and screaming, staring at her like floor tiles in a tornado, but land like the
at the crazy teenager in the road. The chirping of the backwards movie. Some are already done. Others are
other bird is loud in her ear, under the cold silence of still flying knives to catch in the tempest. Her dream-
sky. state comes alive, and messages long curled in her
"Hey kids!" Charlk's most cheerful voice. And they all unconsciow,, unfold like a fan of cards.
turn, and he mesmerizes them on the spot. And 1981
began to curdle for Cynthia Carmichael even as her George, her hero outside the old SpeedAMAt,
·rst {rag approaches its healing. All her playground she knows that she meets him again only when she is
s stood like the toys they owned. much older, in a Foxhorn Lodge Down from here, and
"Cyn." It is Ray. He is back in the woody copse where the Foxhorn has been met, but no sign of George. This
she has ran out from. "C'mon back. It's no good, C.-vn, I is soon. Soon, and very romantic.
think you can see that."
Charlie whispers instructions to the boys and girls, and She will see Charlie's death, and this has been
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
met, too, because he invited her, but there is further "You're Exaltea, I take it."
i-1ifor:1nation: Ray is inuolued in the shootout near the "Yes. We are here to exparul you w~th instruc-
mail truck, she do not know if he is trying to stop tion. You may approach us at intervals. but you are not
the assailants on Charlie or ensure the event. This is a novice, and are expected to be able lo cope your own
strange. wa •. Only for information you are widely blank on
should we be sought, or regarding said dangers."
And Anton, Anton, Anton. She'll haue to teach "Ifollow _'YOU, , says Stirling, wondering
him, feed him, all but kill him with interest and affec- already how deep she was getting into things.
tion. This nightmare looms so large from where she "Do not discuss the Yet you now remember
sat, a circle of hell on end and barreling down on her. A with anyone but spanners you know to be Threes or
poison in her own cabinet, a disappointment going in. above. Do not discuss the existence of the Yet of the In-
Between with One and Tu.1os; should your novices ask,
Long nights and longer days spent mar- signal it is not a matter to discuss. This is all divulgent
shalling spanners to pursue odd bits of territory for the from the First Maxim.·•
Society of the United States. And beyond, but always It's Like she's reading from some manual. How
near it, the berrybrown gypsy elder. Handstands on a To Paper TI-ain Your Three. "Understood ... " she says
cantering, saddle-less pony: Not a symbol, a memory. cautiously.
1b put the young tweener at her ease, and sing wonder "Your movements are now more important
to her heart. than ever. You are to train spanners, and you are to
Her dreamstate sounds out her Yet like sonar answer requests of Fours of you r Society and Exalted
in outer space. of any background. Foremost, as a Three, we strongly
request that you do not span up from AD 2200. The
A quiet darkness settles around all these Societies concludes at 2400, and you are forbidden
things. beyond that year."
"So I've heard. Why?" Stirling is starting to
feel that its fine to dislike Zayoshi.
"It is a Decision of the Seventh Atlantean
She wakes up in the chair, checks the clock. Council. Further information is not available here."
Four hours asleep, precisely. She leans forward, the Zayoshi rattles off the phrase like it was an Aquarian
theater below is dim. Her junior is elsewhere now, in trademark slogan.
the throes of recovery, kept as quiet and still as possi- Stirling and Zayoshi are getting into a staring
ble lest she span reflexively and hurt herself. contest. Stirling begins to realize that she hasn't seen
In the glass she sees two more faces span in Zayoshi blink her big blue eyes once. I doubt I'll win
beside her. this one easily.
She glances over. It's a small pale Asian "We are calling primarily as a matter of cour-
woman with deep blue eyes and a tall man with wavy tesy," speaks Nachedekk for the first time, in a perfect
oily hair and beard. She's dres ed in trim jeans and t- if trilled English. "Since you are, as you SO)~ coming
shirt, his clothes are darker and less well-fitting, and within spitting distance." Stirling smiles at the refer-
there are heavy scents of herbs abo1tl him. An ence to her old remark. But he seems quite earnest,
Aquarian and an Ariesian, she recognizes at once. without a hint of humor- at least not humor she
Interesting. understands. "Especially now that you are a Three," he
"I don't know you. I'm Stirling." emphasizes.
The small woman nods. Her voice is deep and "Now a Three. Isn 't there some adjustment to
flat. 'Tm Zayoshi of Corvallis, 2102. This is Nachedekk be made?''
of Babylon, 622 BC, Third Year of Nabopolassar." Zayoshi breathes impatience. "That was what
Nachedekk brings his hands level with his shoulders, your witnessing allows for. The inhibitions are proper-
and bows with a sharp motion. ''We're your contacts." ly recoordinated. You probably need to practice span -
"Contacts. This is already sounding like seri- ning to more than a decade. Take it slow."
ous politics." "Fine." Stirling finds that old fears of the
"You wanted to be a Three. Mentoring is more Inheritors are returning in the guise of a thin-skinned
than training, and it's not all mentoring. It is up to you loathing of Aquarians. Do many of them feel this conde-
to pass information on dangers along, and be the first scending toward the rest of us?
to handle disruptives in or entering your corner." "Also," explains Nachedekk, ''These are your
'1 know that. 'Disruptives', that's a charming span books from your In-Between. You may break the
term." seal on them at any time, now." From his robes he pro-
Zayoshi is quiet a moment, then: "It's a duces two battered span books, sealed in old wax.
Societal thing.·• The memory of them, recalling the excited
It takes another moment for Stirling to realize notes scribbled inside, forces a sudden, girlish grin out
Zayoshi was trying to be contemporary and Light. ·~- of her. Nachedekk seems won over, and a deep smile
Ha-ha. But you mean narcissists." pleasantly creases his face. On the cover of the first
"Yes. But novice spanners are a handful, one is scrawled a Tolkien rune for the letter 'S': the
Stirling Cynthia. Mischievous as newborns." same sound that begins both Cynthia and Stirling.
Stirling doesn't ask after the implications of Gandalf returns the gifts of Galadriel, she thinks.
that last sentence. ''leah. I've been both.·· Zayoshi rais- "Thank you, ·• says Stirling. "I've wondered
es a hairless eyebrow, and Stirling senses approval. about these. Do you mind my asking, why you took it
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
upon _vourse Wasn't that harlie's an invitee, and get them ready to emerge from the
call?" in-between. Nurses, counselors, babysitters, and any
"Ah but he does not go on from where you other task needing to be fil:ed as an initiate learns
found him. He cannot always be with .vou, not that the instincts of spanning, can be found in the 'neigh-
way. His corner must pass on sometime, and all it is
and was." borhood' .
"I know, of course. It's just ... " It was al most Mentors need these other contacts to train
too real now, full circle. She finds herself regretting her Ones. Obviously the other Ones of a corner aren't
hard tone with him, finds herself saying aloud, softly, much a part of the in-between training, or they'd
"What about Charlie?" remember more. There's one spot the novitiate is
Zayoshi states flatly, "Charlie's just your equal brought to, for training, away from the corner, but
now. You already know he never achieves Four." the serious equipment isn't kept there. That would
"Yes," says Stirling, irritated. be in Physician corners, primarily. Curious Span
"You have your Yet to fulfill, and he has his.
Ones that poke around the training grounds when
You have your corner ahead, Charlie's is behind you."
·~re all Aquarians so rude and clueless." no one is there wiU find nothing more suspicious
"We appear so, in direct proportion to the than a deserted operating theatre and some innocu-
backwardness of the spanner observing us from farther ously anachronistic items here and there, mostly
Down." antiques.
'That is incorrect, as I have known many Patience is also required of the new novices:
pleasant Aquarians, and to1Lred into your Era exten- They won't remember their in-between, and so will
sively." Eat that. ask the same questions all over again- aU with
'Those are field anthropologists. They like remarkable similarity. The mentor must never let on
going n.atiue. And you saw what was appropriate of the
what has transpired during the in-between, or the
Era, for 1luos. Aquarius is not for toddlers."
Of all the cheek. Stirling wonders why she's memory-suppressing dictums of the Fourth Maxim
saddled with this one, then realizes that Zayoshi must must be applied to the novice who's learned too
be considered one of the better Aquarians ... much too soon- and the mentor may be in for some
The Ariesian breaks up the argument as discipline himself.
pleasantly as a human can. "I am certain our exfJ€ori-
ences will be illuminating, and please the heavens. Passing the Reins
Until the meeting after, Stirling, honors and favors At some point one must begin a corner, and
light your path." He bows more deeply that she has at another point, one must end it. Most Threes take
imagined his great height allowed. Stirling recovers
up a corner from a previous mentor as their first act,
some of her smile, and courtesies, despite that she's in
jeans. rather than jumping merrily into the mix of novices
Nachedekk L1anishes. Zayoshi turns her head they may not know yet at all. They usuaJJy have
left- a gesture of farewell, then looks back with a dossiers ready or shortly arriving, explaining the
scowl. "Sarongs? Electrode ?" She sniffs once and novices they are to care for.
spans away. And at the end of a corner's existence, its
border farthest Up, the Three usually waits to visit
It takes Stirling the better part of an hour to till near the very end of his run as a mentor. In this
figure out what Zayoshi means. She recalls her passing way he can pass the cornerhouse to the next mentor
leveller thought of what 2094 would hold in store, on
with complete knowledge, or be certain everything is
the night of her invitation. "Hate telepathic Aquarian
bitches." she mutters aloud. taken care of before he shuts the house down, and
She spans around looking for Charlie. but he's gi es it over to the native le ellers.
strangely hard to find.
Roleplaying Dossiers
GMs may be daunted by the task of handing
Training and the Responsibility of the Knowledge vast amounts of info over to players with Span Three
The most important thing is to never divulge characters, but it need be no more than what is
handed out to players beginning a typical adventure,
the secret of spanning to Ones and Twos. Not only
(i.e. little to no information- make 'em £rune!)
would the technological source act as a brake to Otherwise, it should be treated like a gemini in terms
many young spanners' sense of wonder, but the of respecting the elder that sent the info along.
information would be left imperilled by entrusting it Players that demand more information from
to spanner that had not been tested again and again. dossiers, claiming perhaps that their character would
The In-Between exists for an intrinsic reason. be more thorough, might be allowed to get away with
Lnformation is All. getting a few extra details- but always make them
put dossier-writing in their Yet, and if they're consis-
Mentoring the In-Between tently info-hogs, make the players write the dossiers
Mentors look like they go it alone to their out themselves after the adventure, on penalty of £rag.
You'll be amazed how quickly the characters learn to
novices, but in fact dozens of neighboring Threes are
be terse, concise, and even cryptic ...
usually on hand with their myriad skills to help train
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
Political knowledge Finally, any major event like a new spanner
Span- Threes Have a decent working knowl- arriving or joining the corner is usually covered in a
edge of the Span Fours who are building and and dossier to oneseli: Lack of information on such an
trading local territory for their Societies. A corner's encounter is rarely a good sign .
Society may shift as a playing piece in the Greatest For further information see Narcissists-
Game, but of course is set by the Atlanrean Councils. Crashers, pg. 192.
Threes are weU awa re of the outcome for their cor-
ner, having to instruct their corners in what a Society
represents. Additional Glossary
Some Threes focus on their novices rather These terms are not usually taught novices,
than gearing up for successful moves in the Game, as they are not yet ready to understand some of the
but others make use of their time in probing distant troubling implications of the terms.
borders, or even playing the Game as an underling to
a Four. Thus, once they enter the Game, they are Echo n .
I" repetition of a o und by reAecrio n (from a surfa e)" < Middle English
well-versed in what territories to claim early, to ecco < Id French echo< Latin< Greek ekho " no ise"< PI E waghoi "to
make tbe best trades in. reso und .. !
Others maintain their connections wi th their Term used by narcissists w hen referring to an elder they
Fraterna l friends to such a degree their corner chose to disobe y or ignore.
begins to take on the tenor of a Fraternal corner. The
possibility of graduating it up to a major Fraternal Crasher n.
1··one who crashes··< era h ln fo rmal "to join w,rhou r in ira rion" < "ro col-
center by the time one earns Four is a well known li de noisi ly" < Middle English era hen blend of (era en "ro sharrer, render
and respected plan, though it always takes some insa ne .. < O ld orse krasa ·' co sha rrer" < lmitatwe) + (dashen ·•ro dash'"<
doing to separate one's life as a Three, and one's akin to Danish da ske •· co bea r .. < No rth Germ 111ic)I
One of many euphemisms for a spanner created without
elder Four always present, pushing you and your
training and guidance, i.e. by narcissists. Considered a
novices around.
threat to the Continuum by their very existence, crashers
Still others use their time as a Three to are destroyed without quarter, lest the be encouraged ro
impress the Exalteds they are associated with, in the choke all spacerime with their kind.
hopes of placing as an attache to a Span Five. If not
one of their own Span Fives, perhaps a friend of Wakew1ts 1he Younger, (b. AD 1213)
Skeichbook of Scenes from /393
theirs? Circumspectly learning the fates of one's i1tk & wash
Scribal Librarium at Ligny
novices, and being ab le to refrain from even hinting
to them what is in their Yets is often seen as a hall-
mark of responsibility, especiaUy if the novices'
elders perform actions of great import.

Crashers trying to pass

There are tell-tale signs of what to look for.
At some point a young spanner may wander
into your corner, a nd ask to join it. You should be
prepared to frune from him and from yo ur felJow
Three in the Continuum :

• What locality he bad his invitation

• His native Society
• What happened to his mentor and origina l corner
• Any pseudonyms he may have gone under
• Any record of participation in a Fra tern ity, a move
of the Greatest Game, or serving in the War with

If any of these queries meets with an unsatis-

factory answer from either the newcomer or your
chronies throughout the Continuum, you should
speak with the Scribes and Physicia ns directly about
records of his actions, and of his invitation. If
records for either are vague or absent, it's time to
have the Foxhorn come and get him- crashers have
been known to be time bombs.

Ar"' r,rL: f.) I 99 Bn,rn W:.ckwux

Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Nanomed n. other Spanners that you truly understand where you
l(na no- "extreme smallness. one-bi llionih of a unit ~< Latin nan u "d wa rf"
< Creek nannos " little old man") + (med-. medica l " perrai ning to med i-
have been (your Society), where you are (your
cine" < French < Medieval Latin medicalis < Latin mcdicus " docto r·· < actions to make your Society greater in the eyes of
mederi " ro hea l"< PI E med "ro rake appropriare measure. '') I other Spanners), and where you will be (that you
anomed is the use of microscopic machines to repair will be able to handle the responsibilities of Span
and/or alter human bodies. Mid-AD 21st century abbrevia- Five). This last pare is perhaps the most important,
tion of nanotechnological medicine. Then in its infancy, it
as being able to see beyond the Societies requires
ultimately determines the last course of Mankind into his
chat you understand that you are the child of your
own Society.
[The main Glossary begin on pg. 41.]
The Structure of the Societies
Societies tend to run along national bound-
Span Four aries, but as exemplified by the Ariesian Era and
before, these boundaries are plainly tribal and sub-
ject to many debates. Ethnic ties are far more impor-
Inside "The Greatest Game"
tant to a people: It's quite possible that, for example,
There are several steps on the path to reach
the leveller Austrian Empire is always divided along
Span Five. One of these means is to realize that you
ethnic Societal lines, instead of its shaky political
are no longer just part of the Society in which you
boundaries. The argument can be made that New
are born but its creator and builder.
York's Chinatown, Jewish settlements throughout
The history that you knew as a leveller is
medieval Europe, and Vikings in Minnesota are all
accurate, to a point. There are many parts in it,
small enclaves of one Society inside the boundaries
however, that are unwritten, unseen, or lost in the
of a much larger one.
cloud of the past. It is here that the Span Fours move
Conversely, a mighty empire might exercise
about, moving the pieces of the world, making what
sufficient power to claim the area of an ethnic neigh-
is, is, but at the same time bolstering their Society,
bor. This may apply to such varied examples as
playing in the margins of the history books. They
France's military protection of the Basque, Chinese
may be arranging for manifest destiny, the movement
dominance over Tibet, US occupation of South
of the Mongol hordes, the subjugation of the world
Vietnam, or Assyria's enslavement of the Ten Lost
by Caesars, and the times chat a farmer's son needs
Tribes of Israel.
to see what is on the other ide of those mountains
For spanners, all these wars must be fought
on the horizon.
over again. Only chis time, we fight it as the cautious
They write the backstory of history the stuff
and enlightened beings that we are.
you find only by being there, being behind the scenes
of the greatest play of all. It has many names, from For a basic outline of rules with which to
grandiose titles to words whose meaning has been play the Greatest Game withjn the context of, see
lost to Leveller culture. Those who have been built Appendix G, pg. 218.
up the Societie and filled in the gaps, those that For further information, see Chapter 2:
have been there, call it for the most part the Spanning-Span Four- What makes a Society?, pg. 95.
Greatest Game".
Government without government
The Purpose of the Greatest Game The Greatest Game builds the Societies
Essentially, the highest Purpose of the while they are being governed- but how do the
"Greatest Game" is to build the Societies even as Exalted get on the Atlantean Councils? Is there an
they participate in making Decisions for the Societies election? ls it somehow based on oligarchy? Who
as a whole. A fascinating enterprise, with a wholly runs the show is pretty well known (Exalted and
spanner mindset. Some Piscean wags claim that this Inheritors)- but how doe the show get run?
is why all politicians are crazy: The ongoing prece- Individuals are simply appointed to higher
dent of the Atlantean Councils silently acknowledges Span, if they earn it. Exalted who maintain an inter-
the self-inventing nature of social decision-making. est in attending to the business of Council meetings
But the purpose of the "Greatest Game" usually find themselves with a seat. Their say is in
itself is to rush in and make the most claims of terri- direct proportion to the number of Lives affected by
tories for one's Society. By being there, and arrang- their decisions, i.e. majority population of a Society
ing for Levellers of your Society to be where they rules.
should, you are making your Society happen for This may ruffle various leveller political sen-
Levellers. As well, it is a game: the footnotes of his- sibilities, but consider: the 'establishment' doing the
tory that you make happen for your Society are the appointing may include you, an elder Exalted . But
stories told in Corners and Thespian parries. even this isn 't some lowbrow temptation to 'sell out'
But it is more than that; you are showing because the system, by definition, merely is: The pol-
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
itics of a spanner civilization are never those of And spanners of the same Society by no
changing, but of understanding the system. Even the mea ns need get along, if they' re on opposite sides of
concept of corruption becomes irrelevant, since the the War. Here follows two children of France, both
only absolute change that can be attempted is we ll known to spanner and leveller alike, and with
through frag, and this cannot be hidden from tbe two very different understandings of the world they
population. A population made up of spanners, that were invited into.
will turn aga inst a fragger instantaneousl y. As can be seen, while the fates of these span-
There are reasons why the examples in ners is plainl y bound to that of France, the major
Appendix A [pg. 212] are fallacjous systems of order. confrontation between them is mmennia away from
Systems of government for levellers are impossible to any Gallic claims, in Geminid West Asia. The
apply to spanners. As one can imagine, this is not an "Greatest Game" binds the Societies together in the
elitist view; rather it is based on simple practicalities. most rich and subtle ways.

N ations may change, grow, or falter-

throughout history, perhaps. But not trans-historical-
ly. For instance, the contests among dynasties, clans
and ethnicities in Chjnese spacetime is remarkably
active, and is often the subject of lively stories in the
private chambers of Atlantis- but no one contests
the existence of China. France is the tribes of
Vercingetorix, the Directory, the Merovingian Court,
the Second Empire, Vichy and Napoleon, Louis XIV
and Robspierre. Charlemagne's kingdom was a great
unification of many nations, a time of genera l peace; (ollotuing pages
Don Diego Sanchez, (b. AD 1660)
but the contests for every square mile his territory in selec ti ons fro m
Skercl,book of Gallic Personc1/ities and Cu riosities
the Greatest Ga me is some of the fiercest of the (A D 1330 · 1002)
Piscea n Era. pen ii
ribal ubrarium at the cw York Public Library

Wakewiis th< Younge~ (b. AD 1213 )
k,tchbook of cenes from 1393
ink & wa h
Scribal Librarium at Ligny
Chapter IV: Mastering c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Jeanne D'Arc
Joan of Arc, La Pucelle ("the Maid"), Maid of Orleans
spanner aliases Patrice of Montalais, "Duchesse" of Atlantis
Hero of France

BIRTH Jeannette D'A rc, Jan. 6, AD 1412 Domremy, France

CNVlTATION Encounters at a "fair y-spring" near her home, AD
1425: Well-documented in leveller histories that voices instruct her on
her destin y.
DEATH Rouen, May 30, AD 1431, burnt at the ta ke.
-Even r.he executioner , as onvinced rhar he had killed a ainr: no marrer how hard he
rried he could not burn her entrails or her heart, a nd terrified , he rhrew her remains in tbe
running warer of the Seine .., -James Marterer. La Puce/le a11d tbe Dying God
Height 5' 4 ", athletic, has kept scars, (arrow in left shoulder, Siege of
Orleans, 1429; bolt in right thigh, Pari s, 1429,) despite medtech.
Prefers wearing pants where fea sible.
FRATERNITY Foxhorn, joined at Span Two
HJGH.EST SPAN ACHIEVED At lea t 4, probabl y 5.
"Challenge spinners (sic) of all Eras to consider God, and succe ful
or not, make friend and help people.'
Span Zero
Highest Stats B 5 M 4 Q 4 Skills Speak Medieval French ]6 , Horse
A6, Farming J6 Level Events
Span One 12969> Known as the frequently-seen hosress of Atlantis, the " Duchesse". Span Four.
5562-4383 Serves briefl y as a Span Three in the Gemini wars.
High est Stats B 5 M 4 Q 5 Skills Read Medieval French J6, Middle AD
English AS, Military Science (Medieval) J6, Horse M8, Etiquette M7, 1390 Ma.rie Rabine prophesies a maiden in armor to save Fr.tnce from the Engli h.
Dreaming A6; \Y/eapons Longsword M8 (Others as above) 1412 Born ro Isabelle de Vourhon and Jacques d' Arc, farmer and doyen of
Despite her skills with weapon and commanding armies, in personal Domremv.
1425 Firsr h~ voices in her father's garden.
combat she aims to ubdue, never kill. Joins "Maison Rousse" corner, eufchareau 1330 · 1572.
Performs her trial at Rouen (l 430-1 ) as a spanner: When asked why 1428 Domremy is burned IQ rbe ground. Jeanne is summoned ro Taul for breach of
she had 'relapsed' into wearing men 's clothes, thus condemning her- promise to marry a young man lhere. pan One.
1429 Hears of the siege of Orleans, and rides ro France Uan J 2). Meers privarely
self, she answers that her voices had instructed her to do so. with the Dauphin Charles, and gives him a "sign which Joan would never
explain." -En eye. Brit. 1929 Charles has her examined by theologians. By
Span Two summer she lifts rhe English siege of Orleans (May 5-7), sees Charles crowned
Highest Stats B 5 M 5 Q 6 Skills Latin J7, Horse G9 \Y/eapons La sso king at Rhiems Uuly 16), and brokers an armistice with Burgundy (Aug. 26-
28). An attempt to liberate Paris fails ( ep. 8). By year· end she is ennobled
J8 Crossbow A7, Bow J8, Lance A6 (Others as above) (Dec. 29). Span One and Two.
Enjoys creating a few "miracles" in the vicinity of her campaign 1430 Captured outside Compienge (May 23). Charles VII makes no attempt ro ran
(1429-30) to the wonderment of her junior. om her. 'Atrempts' an escape from Luxembourg Casrle in Bcaurevoir by jump
ing out of a cower. She is not seriou ly injured by the fall. pan One and Two.
1431 Marryred at Rauen, May 30. Apparent age: 19.
Span Three 1456 Second trial is held and she is pronounced innocent of the charg~ agains1 her
Highest Stats B 6 M 6 Q 8 Skills Mod. French M9, Most lndo- Uune 16).
European Lang. A7, Military Science M9, Tracking J8 , Levitation 1555-1720 Mentors "Tour la Jetee~ a predomioamly Foxboro comer in Paris. Span Three.
1909 Bcarified by 1he Carbolic Church.
]'IO \Y/eapons Ra pier M9, Most Firearms J8 (Others as above) 1919 Canonized by Pope Benedict XV.
Mentors "Tour la Jetee " corner, Paris AD 1555 - 1720 as Patrice of
Montalais. Serves with distinction in the wars of the Geminid Era. Excerpt from a11 interview in Atlantis, 12966 BC:

Span Four
Ah , yes, but you do not undersrand, being from the cusp Aquarian.
Highest Stats B 8 M 8 Q 10 Skills Military Science Gl2, Most Lang.
Jl0, Pilot Aircraft Jl2, Dreaming M13 \Y/eapons Most Melee You have raison, yes. Mais, n'est pas raison d'etre. Being, my friends. Even
Ml 1, Most Aquarian Weaponry Jl0 (Others as above) now you have not figured ir our. We spinners, we weave and wheel. We are the angels of
God, we are chosen IQ be that other order, rhe fellow-servants, bringing succo ur where we
Jeanne's contribution is unique. Nicknamed " la Duchesse", she makes ca n. All your science teaches is how to build IQOls of life and death, not why IQ use them .
up 98 % of what would be considered the police force and We are closer to God, you know, closer than even the lnherilQrs, and they know this. They
welcome wagon of Atlantis (12969 - 12644 BC). She seems to have command the skies and all the starry heavens, but we are more of God, they are more of
no trouble reconciling the horde of elders and juniors about the instal- Man. They envy us. Respect this in yourselves, eh?
lation, and is almost always cheerful about her work. But Popes? Well, yes, ii is very amusing from here. I can see all the Popes now.
There are certainly more than one, but to me, today, their number seems so small .
It is known she headed off into the War against Antedesertium after
her time in Atlanti , but is insistent that she will return for her dea th
in Rouen. Further information is not available here.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering

Count St. Germain

Jacques Germaine, Eduardo Luarde, Tyriman Magnus, and many,
many more pseudonyms across the years ...
Narcissist Mastennind

BIRTH Gaul, 1st century BC. Furrher informarion i nor avai lable here.
lNVlTATION Believed char he was Invited & trained by a yo ung
spanner, Siobhan Geoffrea, c. AD 30. Furrher informarion is oot available here.
DEATH Onl y recorded death is at Eckenforde, February 17, 1784.
Many levellers see him again beginning the following year.
NOTABLE PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES Appears as a strikingly hand-
some man of about forty yea rs, with piercing eyes, and dark hair
(under a ny powdered wigs). He only ever wears the finest period garb,
visibly quite wealthy no matter what level he is on.
OVERALL GOALS Personal glory in the breakdown of the
Continuum a nd the eventual return in triumph to Antedesercium.
Span Zero
Highest Stats B 3 M 4 Q 5 Skills La rin J6 Gallic M7 Herbalism J6 Weapo11s Daggers NJ

Span One
Highest Stats B 4 M 4 Q 6 Skills Larin M7 French A5 Alchemy J6 Weapons Daggers
A5 Leveller rumors include the belief that he was born in Jerusa lem,
just as Christ was being put to the cross. May be euphemistic for his
In vita tion. It is believed that Sr Germa in began as a loya l Continuum Level Events (Known Movements)
spa nner, nor a cras her, thus ma king him far more da ngerous. BC
5557-42 Arms Vidavayan refugees with crystal energy weapons and complete Hunt of
the Sun, but is overwhelmed by Continuum counreranacks. Span Four.
Span Two
I st Ce.oL? Birth in Ga ul.
Highest Stats B 5 M 5 Q 7 Skills Latin GI O Fren h J Ita li an A6 Alchemy MS Etiquerre
(Courr) J7 Weapons Sword manship A6 Receives some so rt of training from a AD
Thespia n. Never loses this knack; The pians know they must watch 17 10 Countess von Georgy meets him for the first rime; her diaries describe him as
out for their renegade prodigy. Rumo red to impersona te Roger Bacon, look ing berween 45-50 )'Cars old
1737-42 In Tehran, a t the Court of the Persian Shah. Believed ro conduct much of his
Christoforo Columbo, a nd even Shakespeare. Only persistent rumor generalship in the Geminjd from here. Span rive.
of him at this Age is that he gets orders from a withered crone he only 1743 At the Court of Louis XV, famous for his wealth and alchemical prowess.
refers to as ' Mother'. This raises far mo re questions than answers . 1744-5 Arrested in Londo n for sp ying, bur released . " He sin gs a nd plays on the violin
wonderfulJy, composes, is mad, and not very sensible." -Wa lpole
1745-6 Lives in princely luxury Vienna. Trades so much in jewels it creates minor
Span Three
inflationary panics among loca l fiduciaries.
Highest Stats B 7 M 6 Q 8 Skills German A7 Engli h JS G reek JS Many Other Languages
1755 Visits India a second time; claims he learns the secret of " melting jewels"
A7 Alchemy G 10 Hi ro ry J6 Weapons Longsword J9 Disguise A9 Swind le M 11 Courtly
1760 Seen again by Counres von Georgy, who is certa in he has not aged a d ay.
Lntrigue Ml I Studies Fra nce's wealthy classes a nd her Revo lutions, 1774 Warns Louis XVI of a ~gigantic conspiracy" to alter the world order.
attempting ro lea rn the nature of mank ind's desi res for change & 1777 Witness in Dresden cla ims bis appea rance to be 60-70 years old.
changelessnes . Writes Les Tres Sainte Trinosophie, a man uscript he 1784 Feb. 7. Dies a r Eckenforde; buried March 2. " H e was always a careless fe llow,
and a t last, like his predeces or , forgot not to d ie.~ -Mirabea u
takes great pain to ensu re remains in leveller hand s, as it revea ls 1785 Anend occulci t conference with bis pupils Caligosrro, Mesmer, & Sr Manin .
truths abo ut panning encoded in alchemica l ymbol. Organizes na r- "I saw globes revolve aro und me and earths gravitate at my feet."
cissists cell , many of which a re designed solely to confuse Spa n Fours 1788 Activel y warns French nobility of the coming Revolution, bur the
worsr elements of the rebellion in secret. a nd creares crashers. Span Five.
engaged in the Greatest Game in & aro und the Society of France.
1789 Anempts to aid Gusravu Ill of weden, rdls l\1me d'Adhemar be will ee her
again five rimes more.
Span Four 1820 Visits Mme d ' Adhemar for the lasr rime, before rhe Due de Berri is murdered.
Highest tats B M Q 9 Skills Arabic J6 pani h M 10 Many Orher Languages J 9
Alchem y G 12 Hi rory G 12 Disguise MI I Weap o11s Longsword M 11 Rapier M 11 2 1 r
Excerpt from his Peda ntry Among the Le ser Minds, &c. (Berlin, 1765), ma1111script kept
enrury Is involved in the Gemini wars, but is foiled by
ry r:il wea pon J9
at 011 ,mdi5closed Scribal Librarium; tra11slated by Adrea11s for the c°NTINUUM RPG:
Jeanne's forces. "There a re several pockets into which my avenging
may fa ll. Some upo n thi s witch, but mo t upon these dusty elves that A dog might be fo rgiven its delights. The sun upon his familia r ro unds, a bee
to snap a t, washing one·s fur full a nd a ll. And yet its joy is not the measure by which we
feed and clothe her."
et its worth a nd value, bur by how it guards rhe hea rth, fetches up the quarry, by its bark
rhar warn the marches of the night. -Halt! H a lt! Your evil is smelt by me, a nd I s ha ll tea r
Span Five from yo u yo ur blood if yo u step nea r."
Highest K11ow11 Stats B IO M 8 Q I O Sanskrit JI O Alchemy G 14 Quantum Physics M 11 This, m y fell ows in Wisdom, is just what a pea a nt is fo r. To live irs ljfe, ro
H istory G 14 Disgui se G 14 Vio lin M 13 Weapons Ra pier G 14 Other Melee Weapons snap a t bees a nd bark when its duty a rises. The best of us w ill pet a nd encourage these
M 13 Other Projecrile Weapons J 10 In volved again in all the parts of his life low minds, a nd watch as their breast swells with pride, w ith du ry ea rned and their func -
tio n fulfilled. This is not a wickednes , o r indulgence upon my good gentlemens' hea rts. It
he has already visited, but with fresh recruiting being his goa l; often at is no r Aa rrering oneself, but understa nding well cha r th is peasant, a nd that merchant, yea,
cl ever cross-purposes with his juniors. He is intelligent, charismatic- even prince and princess a re ob jects a nd furni shings. Why, the very dog is less predictab le,
and infamou s enough- to organize narcissists to greater effect than a nd more happy.
For this i one of the secrets ro being opened ro the ways. It is a ll a chess-
when at a yo unger Age. Plots he sets in motion ma y or may not even
boa rd, in wh ich we may always move in passing, and they rake back no t a step. Once this
involve him; in thi s way he confuses Continuum spanners trying to is clea rl y accepted and see n, rhen a ll the cares of gold, or age, or every trouble grea t o r
untangle hi s strategy. perry is plainl y swept aside· leave rhese troubles, kinsmen, to your loya l hounds.
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
The Game and the War the awe of them: Ir lowers their real value, like the
The role of a Societal wonk is emphasized tabloids do.
for Span Fours above, and in the player ' section. But introducing the occasional UFO, or odd
This is very important research, full of dynamic set of lights in the distance, e pecially when players
action, and determines how preeminent a Society i are in someone else corner, can be an entertaining
perceived during the many Adantean Councils. touch.
One good way to tame cocky players is this:
But it is Fours contributions and sacrifices to If the players ever see one far away in the night sky,
the War effort against Antedesertium that man y and start saying over-confident things like, "Looks
more readily aspire to. WhjJe noble, a military career like someone's gonna get it," have it swing close sud-
for a Four i often brutally short, and can oftentimes denly. After a few moments of cold sweat, send it
leave the Four so emotionally scarred that they are back to what it was doing.
never mentally fit to attain Exalted Span. The The Inheritors are always on top.
"Greatest Game" is often the preferred route,
because it flushes our enough dangers to the loheritor stats
Continuum to be a significant and brave contribu- Inheritors come in as many, if not more,
tion to the Societies. But compared to serving in the varieties as the GM can imagine. Here presented is
War, it is just a Game. an example of a common "gray" . ln game terms, he
is a late Aquarian from Upsilon Andromedae 3, or
possibly even Earth, circa AD 3600; but note that
Span Five co-generational colonies of this type are common
throughout nearby systems in the Aquarian, Piscean
War {pg. 103) and Ariesian, as well as, of course, the Capricornian
Further information is available in Chapter 5: Era .
Knowing, where the boundaries of Antedesertium
and the main theatres of the War are laid out within BODY2
the context of the Eras. MlND 25

The Inheritors Skills

Since Inheritors are ready from Day One, all Skills
they are made with are of Grandmaster status.
When the Inheritors want something to Slowly-learned skills are normally a burden to them;
if they need to know something, they frune it from
occur, it does. This is a hard and fast rule.
their collective minds, or absorb it in toto from a
information-delivery source. Some example skills
Spanners can fight, squirm and argue all
they're 'born' with :
they want. They may even be of sufficient strength to
challenge the mental weapons and other powers
aboard a small Inheritor craft. [For stats, see below.] All Aquarian Skills G30
But that only gets them in deeper, as the information Pre-Inheritor Earth History GlO
as to what is needed to stop them becomes instantly Upsilon Andromedae History G20
known, and they send in a bigger ship. Or fleet. The Local System Cultures G15
resources available to the Inheritors are severa l vigir- Pilot Timeship G10
illion times the entire available resource in the solar Genome G20
ystem throughout its entire existence. Don 't even
bother doing the math, they win. Telepathy
Inheritor intercession is not a savory option, Mid- to late Aquarian spanners are at least Master
for Exalted or for Inheritors. It is certainly bad news telepaths. Inheritors are utterly unreadable, but they
for any of lower Span. -Its not even a very good can read (and write into) anyone with a Mind less
option for players or GM, as it interrupts the free than 10, and probably get the better of anyone with
flow of the game with every character frozen in a Mind less than 20. Yeowch!
place, terrified that the Inheritor bulldozer will mow
Inheritor ships
over them. It's nor good roleplaying or storytelling,
nor is it much fun. Its drive being faster than light, details like vehicle
GMs are discouraged from throwing flying speed and maneuverability are fairly moot. Here are
saucers into every scrape, or have a frowning legion some known properties of a typical small timeship:
of greys behind any door they don't want the players
to enter. Relying on the Inheritors too often lessens Frostgreen/Forestgreen/Richer Hue
(Name for a standard small Upsilon timeship)
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
External fields ("Sh ields ") Spanning near tirneships
These are usually visible extensions of mag Spanning into an Inheritor ship is unwise.
drive in action, and provide sufficient shielding to They are designed as carriages through spacetime,
most projectiles, as the particles th at are trapped and as such have extremely rich electromagnetic
therein are swirli ng at lightspeed. fields aro und and inside them. The e sources of ' nat-
ural ' paradox act as brutally efficient shields against
In ternal stasis fields spanning. It is little wonder that narcissists see them
Able to hold up to 6 people in a corporal as harbingers of doom, and why mentors tell their
state; unaging or moving but with alert minds; usual- novices not to span or flee in their presence.
ly used for piloting. Note that a ship normally car- A span ner attempting to spa n into a ship
ries only two pilots. The duplicate beings seen by when it is a loft and unmoving, or anytime its portal
many witnesses a re merely elders and juniors. is closed, mu st roll vs. Quick- a Grace roll becomes
a Blunder. Any failure result kills and disintegrates
Transport the spanner. If the ship is moving, the spanner must
Most mass transpo rted between systems is roll a Victory to succeed ... or be killed and disinte-
converted (or recorded) as energy patterns and grated.
reconverted at destination. Exceptions are: At least ln the moments it is stationary on the
two crew, certain durable devices, the drives them- ground, with its portal open and accessible, spanning
selves. in is safe- at least as far as physics are concerned.
Spanning in without an express invitation plainly
Hulless Flight angers Inheritors, who don 't like unannounced span-
Solid hulls and other objects, like ramps, ning going on in their presence under any circum-
only exist when convenient, usually when in atmos- stances.
phere or when landjng. Spanning out of an Inheritor ship at any
time without express permission and instructions
Mind wiper kills and disintegrates the spanner, unless they roll a
You know, that bright white Light that comes 1. If he survives the escape, the spanner has no
out and makes you forget you've been abducted. remaining Span, and must roll thrice for shock as per
Can either work like H ypnosis [pg. 20 and 115) or Travelling Beyond One's Span rules [pg. 35).
Telepathy [pg. 115) with a Skill of 50. Good luck.
An Origin of Time Travel?
Mag Drive Some claim starships to be the prototype of
Utilizes the magnetjc fields of suns or planets spanning tech. There is too much overlapping sen-
to flit about time and space; has a somewhat limited tience and information to disentangle a single point
range, perhaps only a century or two in either direc- for the invention of time travel, let alone how it
tion before a pause for recalibration is required. See came to be perfected and miniaturized for bioperson-
Chapter 5: Knowing-Time Travel in tbe Real Word, al use. The universe is.
pg. 208 for further information.
Further information on the technology aboard
Geon Drive Inheritor ships is not available here.
This is a backup system, with energy provid-
ed by concentrated natural paradox. It is not nor- Government conspiracies
mally used to power the ship, but as an emergency Some GMs will want governments or corpo-
incursion method. rations involved in a vast conspiracy with the
This has been observed frequently by lev- Inheritors; the authors wish them hours of fun,
ellers: A set of t\YO to six Lights reforming into one because such tales of paranoia can be very entertain-
"mothership". The Inheritors aboard are actually ing. But C0 NTINUUM is a game where the player
experiencing Frag, and quite deliberately; on the already plays the conspirator, hiding their every
ground somewhere below them, a Time Combat has move from the levellers bumbling around them.
gotten away from a local corner and even the Spanning allows access to any top secret of any gov-
Exalted responsible to the mentor, and requires a ernment, even by the lowliest Span One, if they can
multiple incursion to repair an as/as not that has work up the gumption to just pop in and see.
lasted for more than a minute. There is only one ship Men In Black, Helicopters In Black and the
repeated, but it is attacking multiple narcissists, as usual suspects of Area 51, Cheyenne Mountain, and
they foolishly attempt to rip a hole in the world. other secret bases may all exist to study the phenom-
These multiple incursions are the Continuum dutiful- enons of time travellers, but they are as late to the
ly sewing it back up. party as anyone, and only pick up the pieces the
Continuum wants them to see. It remains in the
power of these leveller organizations to pla y up their
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
possible involvement, and so retain power and from an earlier Combat are struck at again ...
au thority, even while they are privately panicked and • Sometimes th e person affected can't make it.
clueless. Usually this is a question of distance. A
It all boils down to proper... spin control. Rendezvou s la reve ma y reveal that a chrony is
fragged- but is too low a Span to fix the as/as not
during Combat.
Time Combat • Sometimes they won't let the corner help.
Time Combat can get to be a very personal
Militia and adventure (pg. 50) matter- old friends sometimes turn out to be trai-
When does someone have to engage in Time tors, events in one's family's history that one would
Combat? When one is attacked, obviously, but a vic- rather not share get fragged ... there are a myriad of
tim can usuall y count on their chronies to weigh in. human reasons to want to take out a narcissist by
Not participating has an obvious price: When Time oneself.
Combat strikes a slacker, who will want to go to bat • Sometimes a corner the Time Combat passes
for him? It's just common sense and common cour- through is obstructive or territorial
tesy to help fellow spanners at all times. Some corners take their responsibiJity very
But there are instances where one is impeded seriously, and insist on handling any £rag occurring
in conducting a Combat in a corner or locality, or on their turf by themselves. This is often the case for
some spanners don't participate. Narcissists do their corners with major world events transpiring in their
utmost to make the Continuum fight itself, and so spacetime: The touri sts and fanatics are always mess-
gain a more profound victory here. GMs may use ing around. ' You're help is NOT appreciated here in
any of these si tu ation s to enhance his plots:>> Jericho. Please return home ...'

• A conflict between personal and the corner's AU the above could be assign that narcissists
responsibilities. are afoot ... Or, cultural or special circumstances may
A person may have frag from various apply. If the spanners are concerned, suggest they
so urces, and these people are adding to the load. check the neighbors (neighboring localities and cor-
How much the spa nner has to fix, and how much ners) to see if they have regular contact with the cor-
below the corner can get mud- ner, and what they're Like.
Wakewi,s the Yo unger. (b. AD 1213) (
kerd ,book o{ Sce11,s from IJ93 d ed, especially if the as/as
in k & wa sh
riba l Li bra rium a r Ligny
nots that were £ragged See also the Foxhorn, and the reference to
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering

San Use this card for Time Comba 1. Assign each N P a number at
C0 NTINUUM ™ ld t. n ott" thei r Sp3n, th en use rhe numbe.r in th t' colum n at fur

left fo r every \Veep rh cy act. and of course anv rime th ey
Rolepla ying in the Yet '" declare their nexl weep. ·

~ ......
01 998 1999 1,1....,. ~ A FOi:ld191>
"' Span

( spcni : " ) c~emainingj

- (D/IJ\J) YYYY/MM/DO hh:mm(:ss) evtnLVacrions /D/h/m/s Y/D/h/m/s y 0 h m s


- -
--- -- ---
,_ -

.... -..... --

-- ,_

- - -

-- -- -- -

'--- .___

- --

- ~



- C9 NTINUUM™, SPAN'"' . and THE YET™ are trademarks of IEtherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. World rights reserved. V. 1.Q

the Hunter's Code, pg. 164. chronies).

There are four asteri sks on each line, with
Tracking Time Combat
va lues of ei th er 1 (one) or O (zero). If you're style of
Keeping close reco rds is vita ll y important gameplay is rough and full of pounding frag, choose
to make a ll the asterisks equal 1 Frag. If yo u prefer it
during Time Combat (see pg. 117). The GM is
allowed to penalize characters who do not keep care- slow and subtle, leave them all zeroes. Or anything
ful records, in or out of Combat. This usually entails in between.
a slap-on-the wrist of 1 Prag whenever a player mis- You can also leave th em all as 'wild cards'
to be adjustable results, waiting for your decision '
records, or fails to record an event. The Frag can be
fixed by Oracling,, or just roleplaying find each tim e.
out the misrecorded events. All are socia l embarrass-
ments, and the GM may play this to the hilts. Finall y if a span ner has done a remarkable
job of interrupting causality (crashin g a zeppe lin into
Additionally, there are the bad guys and
th e Golden Gate Bridge, tak ing John Wilkes Booth's
heroes' friends to keep track of, hence, the GM's
spa n card, a bove. See a lso Appendix Z: Spanning bullet) he inflicts at least 1 point of Frag, even if the
Card, pg. 224, for how to use it. tab le says not.

Curing Prag from Time Combat

the GM need not be as scrupulous with recording ' Now that you've assigned those points, what
the spans of th e NPCs he must portray, as be has a do they mean? While in Time Combat, any
near infinite number of them, and a worldful of Stratagems taken to cure frag, cure all the frag that
bookkeeping to handle a lone. The authors recom- was caused by the action (the fragging
mend he keep close notes on major NPCs at th e end Stratagem, at the as/as not). If any frag is left over
of each game session, when the players are doing after Combat, it can be cured by going to the as/as
their Age tallies. not and fixing it.
Note th at unless the opponent was brought
Prag in Time Combat down in th e previous Combat, fixing o ld Combat
The Prag Results Table on pg. 129 is frag may start Combat up agai n! (What with the
adjustable to your campaign style. Its use is mainly assailant expecting events to go his way, after all.)
during Time Combat, not for accidental frag, (frag Smart spanners will rack up some serious sleep, and
characters manage to inflict on themselves or sma rter ones will research their attacker even more
thoroughl y before jumping in a second ...
Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
and thereby heal some frag, making you a (barely)
Narcissists viable spanner again. But don't expect anyone to
directly rescue you.
Dark Gifts of Frag (pg. 138) All characters who are beyond Frag 7 are
Here's some elaboration on what Frag looks run by the GM. Skills and Attributes can no longer
like, and what narcissists do with it at higher levels increase through experience, though the GM may
of Frag. Once again, the Continuum does not teach make an exception if he wishes the listed Powers to
how to perform these things. Untrained spanners be treated as Skills. Spanning is an extremely danger-
that try this stuff must roll for the success of their ous enterprise, rolling against one's penalized Quick
actions as if the were Quick-based Skills- but note each time to see if you arrive on the far side at all.
the penalties to Quick from high Frag. [See also the Failure indicates that your energy joins the Van Allen
Effect of Frag Chart, pg. 54 .] Belts.
Extremely kind GMs may allow such char-
Frag 6- acters to be played on occasion, but they can't per-
Slight transparencies: You might not show up in a form any span, or indeed any action, without GM
photo, or even in the mirror, except in spurts. perm1ss10n.

Penalties: Frag 8-
Results vs. Mind at -2 You're probably the typica l ghost. Most of
Results vs. Quick at -4 the time you can't manifest, and when you do, it's
often fixed to repeating an important event you
Powers: failed at from farther Down.
Discorporation- You may be able to see the con-
tents of envelopes, wooden drawers, sometimes Penalties:
through thin stone or brick, but never metal or heav- At 8 and above, Body is effectively O for all checks-
ily glazed ceramic. but you no longer have to worry about IP or Shock,
either. Death may be a welcome release, though, and
Frag ?- it's not to be come by from natural means here ...
You ' re a nightmare. Leve!Jers that see you scream, or Results vs. Mind at -3; a Mind check is required to
call 911. Your very looks are a threat to the appear as a ghostly apparition. +1 bonus if you've
Continuum, so don't expect to be sentient long. successfully manifested before: but must perform the
same action as before, in the same spatial location.
Penalties: Results vs. Quick at -5; a Quick check is necessary
Same as Frag 6, plus extreme mental disorientation, to see if you can move small objects, or make minor
and memory loss. effects to physical things (i .e. small cuts in flesh,
knocking something off a shelf) or minor energy-
Powers: based effects (chilly drafts, power surge in an app li-
Discorporation- You can reach through walls, ance, etc.)
boxes, and with some concentration and patience,
through thin barriers of metal (up to about one inch Powers:
is safe; pulling through any more runs the risk of Haunting- Can still follow people around, and
leaving fragged parts of you behind.) show up in various locations, instead of just one.
Terror- Your presence can affect deep emotions,
Note that curing Frag while reaching usually fear. Can be love, sadness, etc. But deep.
through objects is a bad idea . Your molecules reinte-
grate into a new pattern with the object you are Frag 9-
reaching through, and any flesh interacting with any- You're generally invisible, though sometimes
thing more volatile than salt water will be killed. you can manifest as a dim ball of light. Sort of.
Spanners are assured from the day they are Invited
that even if one dies while Spanning, they are in no Penalties:
danger of this happening. But Frag is another story Results vs. Mind at -4; a Mind check is required to
a LI together. appear as said ball of light (or pool of darkness). No
bonus for repeat performances.
Results vs. Quick at -6; poltergeist effects like those
Beyond 7- listed for Frag 8 are on ly possible on a Victory, and
Even if you are so blessed as to have juniors only one a ttempt a day.
of less than Frag 8, they can't [Fifth Maxim] or
won't help you here. On rare occasions, the spanner Powers:
that fragged you to 8 will get his comeuppance- Haunting- Cannot fo llow people unless base Quick
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
is over 10: You 're stuck in one place, house, grove of make peoples' Lives unluck y. A penalty of -1 is
trees, etc., unless you possess a passing person. secretly applied by the GM to all the Skills and
Possession- This is now possible; Frag 9 is the opti- Attributes of the possessing person, as long as the
mum niche with which to enter a leveller's Mind and object is within 20 yards of them at the time.
mess around. Minds of 3 or less cannot resist you. Bless- Full-fledged Vessels can conversely assist
Possessed characters generally do what the possess- their keepers, increasing their good luck. These are
ing spanner wants, even down to details: The effect not usuall y left lying around .. . [See Vessels, pg. 204]
can seem to be either schizophrenia or multiple per- Po ession- This is now much harder; (see Frag 9,
sonality disorder [see Madness and Related abo e). Any M.ind can attempt to resist you· Minds
Problems, pg. 138). Curing frag, or increa ing it of 4 and higher au tomatically succeed against you.
beyond 10 drives the possessor out. Possessed characters must keep the spanner's object
on their person, and can only get vague urgings from
Frag 10- the possessor, but will act on them. Usually diag-
You ' re probably settled into a single object. nosed as schizophrenia, with a danger of violent ten-
[See Vessels, pg. 204). This a llows you to remain dencies.
extant in the hopes that someone will find you and
you' ll have some chance to reincorporate yourself. Frag 11+
Unfortunately, waiting like this can take years, even Give it up. Your physical existence is now
centuries of level time, during which the fragged fixed at a small amount of spacetime, with minimal
Mind retains less and less, becomes bitter, confused resemblance to anything you may have been. Anyone
and wrathful. Hence many instances of bad luck curing your frag now may be doing a service to the
seem to come out of nowhere ... universe, but is unlikely to return you to any sem-
blance of humanity: Beyond Frag 10 your fate is
Penalties: pretty well signed, sealed and delivered. Consider
Results vs. Mind at -5 yourself lucky in the extreme if the Quicker can find
Results vs. Quick at -7 what's left of you and take you to Cold Storage.
(And see Frags 8 & 9 above.)
If the final as/as not causing your frag is
Powers: unknown , you Can only be found Roo k Morrow (b. 198 )
panel, fro m 8/11, SJ11ft # I
Curse- For spanners less than Vessel status [See by a Clairvoyant [pg. 114] with mk . acry lic & graph i«
a Qujck equal to Or greater than Ae, h<rco Comics
stats of various Vessels, pg. 204), all they can do is AD 2008
your Frag.
Chapter IV: Mastering C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Secret Ploys and Countermeasures open vials of Cancerean Era plagues or hazardous
species are all typical narcissist booby traps. The
Recruitment Foxhorn have special hazard teams to go and defuse
Spanners of the Continuum accept that what these kamikazes, often with Engineer and Physician
is, is. All the joys and sorrows of humanity are in support. [See Engineers, pg. 163, Foxhorn, pg. 164;
their proper places and perspective. But the narcis- and Physicians, pg. 166.]
sists see otherwise, and no two see it the same way.
While we know our unity to be our strength, they Bookworms
perceive their unpredictability as theirs. As mentioned under Scribes [pg. 171], some
Hence narci sists may chose anywhen to narcissists specialize in confusing loyal spanners'
recruit. There is little obvious pattern to these span- Span and Yet books. While onl y rarely successful,
ners, since chaos i their credo anyway, but they look careless young spanners that have failed to bring
for the places where doubts can come in, and so try th eir books to the Scribes for copying are always the
to build both a consensus, and a nest of powerful ones that find they've been bookwormed, and have
allies: For many narcissists pose as loyal for as long an impossible time trying to sort out their Age and
as they possibly can. Spying and treason are the their Yet without fragging themselves- everything in
v orst offen es again r the Continuum, as they are their lives have to be researched all over again, and
ugly violations of the First and Fifth ma xims. some grow so desperate they succumb to narcissist
And if they cannot convince loyal spanners blackma il just to (literally) get their Jives back. Don't
to join their narrow causes (see Narcissists & Lesser let this ha ppen! As late Piscean computer users well
Dangers, pg. 135], then they try to build their own ... know, a minor maxim to remember is 'Save a back-
up, and save often!' Scribes are always ready to copy
Crashers: Spanners born of hate your books, so set a date in your Yet to do it. And
Like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, most nar- acquire Photographic Memory [See ppg. 10, 13) as
cissist do nor hesitate to create new life- in this case oon as feasible.
new spanners- agai nst th eir will. Those that survive
the proces ing with faulty, jerry-rigged, or aged Corner Assaults
equipment, must also survive the grue lling These are usually carried out by large num-
experience of learning under a master with only his bers of misinformed crashers who are the cannon-
agenda in mind- with an attitude that one's family fodder sent in by the higher Span narcissists to dis-
a nd loved ones are furniture, or who claims to know guise their high-powered assau lts on the members of
your every a ttempt to e cape hi s will. Many narcis- the corner. This is Hit and Run on a massive sca le,
ist masterminds use drugs with unique dosages and is usually performed with the sole intent of
available only from them, to keep their 'broods' in killing or fragging out an entire corner. Attacks of
line. Their abi lities may be well below par even for a this serious a nature are rare after the Gemini Wars,
Span One, and may only be able to span a few days but should still be prepared for.
Up or Down before engendering risk to themselves,
and ma require much longer periods of rest. And Cuckoo
their first instructions, after they've barely begun to Vicious ploy of narcissists, to replace the
heal, is usually to spa n around and kidnap more loyal spanners of an entire corner with lookalike
warm bodies. narcissists. They usually attempt to use the Second
This is recruitment at its most barbaric: Maxim against loya l spanners, pretending to be
press gangs of narci ss ists sweeping our to draw more elders, luring us one by one to a place to be killed
innocents into a life they cannot understand, and and replaced. Replacing the mentor is the hardest,
which can only re ult in their destruction. Many and is often attempted first, though some cautious
such levellers ha ve been rescued by the Continuum high-Span narcissists- whose plan this is- prefer to
before its too late, and have been blessed with a save the mentor as the coup de gras. Cuckoos are
proper corner and an in-between. But the crashers fully prepared to pretend to be loyal Continuum
are simply too dangerous, in mind, and in their very spanners for years of Age: After all, they'll keep
existence, and when the Foxhorn are in the mood for meeting up with members of the real corner Up and
a rabbit hunt, or for an easy training exercise for Down, and have all the deceased's Span books to
Twos, they make thorough mop-ups of these poor sort out what's left of their dead hosts' Yets- just so
creatures. no one suspects.

Booby-Traps Mirror Corner

Some narcissists, especially when fragged to Similar to C uckoo, a Mirror is just what it
the point of despair, go on kamikaze Time Combats, sounds like, a narcissist nest silently working in the
where even their dead bodies are rigged for reprisal. locality of a loyal corner. Its existence may have a
Stolen Aquarian nanotech, Piscea n timebombs, or myriad of reasons but at some point it will attempt
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
ro destroy the loya l corner- though probably at a Adventures for Span Ones
point in spacetime when the Mirror is not generally
acti ve- if only ro silence any direct information of Details on how you can find a complete scenario,
th ei r existence. The Death Hand of Saint No One, online is on pg.
This cou ntermeasure is an extreme response Suffer the Children Onto Me
to a narcissist incursion. A second corner in a locali- Th e Invitation
ty is quietly established by the Continuum to rescue Local leve ller children are ending up dead, horri-
a badly fragged one- or to repl ace it. An operation bly violated and dumped in various locations and
of this nature i so sensitive that either a War-trained dates. All initial evidence points to a minor narcis-
Span Four or a n Exalted is present overseeing it. sist, w ho has been identified at many of the crime
rsee Chapter 2: Spanning-Span Five- Fifth Maxim scenes, a nd whose composite picture is all over the
pg. 101.] airwaves.

Friendly Fire The Likely Span of Events

Sometimes a Mirror Corner is just a front Much of this can be level police and social
for a more vicious strategy: To get the Continuum to work, but of course, the characters can see their
fight itself. By getting a native corner tO mistake a results more readily.
Redoubt as the narcissist Mirror, a nd th e Redoubt to Evidence is muddled for the cops, si nce the
believe the native corner has been Cuckooed is a described suspect hasn't been seen, nor seems ro live
masterwork of their deviltry, and has occurred more anywhere in the area. The best lead is on one James
than once, resulting in an extreme lnheriror incur- Ethan Falsell, but neighbors say he moved away ten
sion, and much death, frag and embarrassment to months before the spree began, and was always kind
loya l spanners all around . and helpful- especially with kids. He can't found
anywhere by police-but time travellers have more
Onward options. The spanners can play the part of 'psychic
This is just a small sampling of the dangers detective', and reveal useful leads, but a re mainly
facing all Continuum spanners. Let no one doubt there to secure autopsy reports and other useful data
this is a War, and the Societies are the Continuum's for cornering this guy.
war machine. His place a year Down is just an obvious
Further information on Antedesertium and base of operations. But further information shows
its denizens is found in Chapter 5: Knowing, pg. 202. that Falsell's actually trying to stop these foul crimes
from happening and being Fragged as a result. Why
is this narcissist acting the part of the good guy, and
Scenario Ideas who is actually harming the children?

The Surprise
H ere are listed a few kernels from which to Falsell is involved, but he's trying ro take the
grow tales of adventure with your playing gro up, blame off his leveller dad, the real killer.
listed by the Span they' re most appropriate for. Each
is broken into three developing parts of the plot: Money Makes the World Spin 'Round
Th e Invitation
• The Invitation Someone has to set up the One Big Score for
Borrowing the name from the Invitation to Spanners, right? Here, the players get drafted into
Da nce, this is the inviting aspects of the scenario; helping the Moneychangers put pieces in place for
what makes it an interesting situation for the charac- what turns out to be their own One Big Scores ... and
ters. get to deal with some of the disreputable parts the
• Th e Likely Span of Events Moneychanger business, like theft, murder for insur-
With spanners, anything can happen. But if ance money, and the Internal Revenue Service.
the plot follows through anyw here near expected, it
should flow like this. Whenever you're designing a Likely Span of Events
scenario, it's a good idea to create a Likely Span of The player characters are put through all the
Events to bring the characters back on track with the worst imaginable mobland scenes of torture for
main plot. information, money laundering and skimming gam-
• Th e Surprise bling winnings. Most of the pressure is on the span-
No good plot is without a twist, or at least ner whose money is being raised. Rebelling now only
an exciting ending. resuJts in frag, as the characters get thicker and deep-
Chapter IV: Mastering C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
er into the situation, they have to back each other to You're on Candid ChainJetter
keep going down the dark precipice of clandestine The Invitation
finance. Recently, a friend (let's call him Tom) from
another corner approaches the players. He said that
The Surprise recently, he started getting strange photos in the
With a little fruning or even a momentary mail, showing him at various locations, all marked
peek into the lives of their victims, the spanners with a time, date, and location. The first one, be
make a startling discovery. Most of the people ignored, and was soon was fragged for ignoring bis
they' re shafting on the stock exchange or in the Yer. He corrected it, and now is at the whim of
backroom of the IRS are pretty reprehensible peo- these photos that get to him no matter what, and
ple, who thought they were going to get away with force him to be at the strangest of places and doing
hurting shareholders, or cheating another 1.eveller out the strangest things: Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's
of hard-earned cash, or worse. The Moneychangers Witnesses soliciting for a blood drive, the local sena-
will simply explain that the leveller scam artists and tor's office handing out pamphlets on communism,
misanthropes who have to hide their tracks when and dressed as a mime at the local museum, to name
making their own scores, are the ones least likely to a few.
pipe up when their ill-gotten gains are vanished
away. Tnis is the painfoJ but steady justice of the Likely Span of Events
Continuum. Are the photos real, and who is taking
them? That's the first question the spanners are likely
Adventures for Span Twos to ask. Tom insists that hes watched scrupulously,
and has seen no one with a camera at the correct
Timelike Love Triangle angle. At the last one- the mime gig- he even
The Invitation planted a video camera an entire hour before his visit
The players are contacted by Rosa and taped the whole thing. He's never been so humil-
Fernandez, who says that her brother Luis has been iated, but there seem's to be no clues as to who's the
fragged by a narcissist, but the fragging occurred so photographer: no one shows up to take the shot.
far Down that she can't help him. She says she's a Once the player spanners start hanging
Span One, and a bit desperate for help. (But see the around the scenes, they may discover a young lev-
Surprise) eller girl who is also setting up a hidden camera, the
one taking all the shots. She claims to be doing a
Likely Span of Events special project for college based on polling statistics,
Whatever happens, the players will start to and that she's been disturbed that the same guy
have odd experiences- hearing voices, things mov- keeps showing up in all her statistically random
ing at the corner of their vision and so on. They will shots. She thinks Tom is following her, and is start-
also be approached by Eric Reed, who says he is a ing to get nervous.
loyal Span Three. He will warn them off helping It will turn out that her professor is a narcis-
Rosa. However, he'll seem shifty, and he's from suffi- sist experimenting with Clairvoyance to help choose
ciently far away in spacetime that it's hard for them moments when to frag spanners. He's actually a
to check on him. If the players persist in helping loner, and only Span Two, so he's fairly easily dis-
Rosa, they'll find themselves being £ragged. patched. But his office contains no notes on his
The Surprise
Rosa and her boyfriend (Luis Vasquez, not a The Surprise
brother of hers) are narcissists, actually Span Two. Soon after helping to solve the mystery and bag
The "Continuum spanner" is another narcissist with the guilty party, someone in the player characters'
whom they've been engaging in Time Combat (they corner starts getting photos of themselves at various
cheated him in a deal for pirate gold and Rosa's places as well...
affections). Rosa's brother is fragged so far that he's
beyond help. She's been trying to heal his frag, but Adventures for Span Threes
the other narcissist is too quick for her- and she's
been picking up frag of her own. Hence she enlists Sex and the Single Borgia
the help of the players. If the players succeed in The Invitation
defeating Eric Reed and healing the brother's frag, The characters are asked to span to ltaly in
they will have to fight Rosa and her brother, who 1506- the Court of Lucrezia Borgia. In order to
will want to cover their tracks. ingratiate themselves at court, they will have to take
on period disguises. And whiJe Lucrezia Borgia is a
patron of the arts (the players might like to consider
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering
taking on the role of artists, poets, or musicians), her The Surprise
court was a hotbed of scandal and intrigue. Once the players run out of spacetime to
Although the spanners' mission does not directly neak around, trying to defend their corner- when
involve Borgia, at the GM's discretion they may get all hope is lost, and the shootist must show, or be
impljcated or otherwise drawn in to her machina- branded a yellowbelly- just have a character stride
tions. in at the proper times and hours, who says nothing,
The spanners are to locate and protect Ana- doesn 't even ask the time, but wails in on the bad
Luisa Peireta, the daughter of a local lordling. There guys with score of at least Body 7 Quick 8, Pistol
is a running battle to take her out by fragging her Gl0, Al l Other Firearms M8, Knife M8 and Span
which other Spanners are currently fighting. It is enough to spare for an y Time Combats.
believed that since the Continuum is winning this This mysterious stranger never speaks or
war, the band of narcissists concerned will try a reveals their name, but beneath the kerchjef resem-
more direct approach. Ana-Luisa is supposed to bles a weather-worn elder of the shooter. If the play-
marry the son of MazziucheUi, and this will cement er had asked to slipshank a gemini, let him- but
trade between the two cities. skip the frag penalty, because that gemini was with
one high Span drifter...
Likely Span of Events
The Narcissists may try to kill Ana-Luisa; or Amazing Grace
they may try to render her unmarriageable by getting The Invitation
her pregnant (either in the traditional way, or by It starts with all the beer being gone from
technological means). Either way, the characters will the refrigerators at some Span Three mentor confer-
have to discover what nicks of time to appear in, ence, and the player characters unwittingly £rag
unseen, to keep Ana-Luisa from getting an unhappy someone by taking the last case of an Exalted's
ending. favorite beer from the store, the one he is certain he
buys ...
The Surprise Who is driving them into such a hjgh-pow-
Ana-Luisa is already having an affair with ered conflict?
one of Lucrezia Borgia's courtiers, Encole Strazza,
outside of any narcissist intrigue. She would much Likely Span of Events
rather not marry her betrothed. She will do all she The Spanners get to dance around the edge
can to get out of the betrothal, including (trying) to of a Time Combat as they are manipulated into pro-
have her guardians secretly killed if that's what it viding for Graces in an ongoing Time Combat
takes. between some high Span combatants- this is no pic-
nic, as these Exalted Combatants can hit a spanner
The Qujck and the Fragged for 2 Frag at a pop- so entering the Combat itself
The Invitation by £ragging someone is a bad, bad idea.
A collection of narcissist guns lingers and
shootists decided to hold their gunslinging contest in The Surprise
and about the players' corner. They are quite crafty, The Exalted is being attacked primarily
and the players may not realize what is going on where it hurts most: as a leveller or an initiate expe-
until far into it. Worse yet, the best shooter of the riencing his in-between. Hence much of the time the
corner gets called out for the contest, and they got characters will have the rare thrill of being able to
the numbers, the Span and the muscle to make a teach the Exa lted a lot of that wisdom he's so
Time Combat deadly. They name the places and famous for...
times, and if the shooter don 't show, then they'll just
move in and take over this little locality... Adventures for Span Fours
Likely Span of Events FLY!
The only choice is to play along until they The Invitation
can be isolated and taken out. This can be successful Here's a departure from the Greatest Game:
if the party hangs together and manages to frag out Some of your Threes miss a rendezvous, and word
the bad guys one by one- and frag each out com- comes they're being held in Ariesian Era China, in
pletely in one or two Sweep of Time Combat. 1766 BC- by a leveller. Emperor Ki-Kung-Shi says
Otherwise, his compadres will be alerted, and they'll he's seen a flying machine ... and has been told you
all come down on the player characters instantly. can get him one. He shows that he has your uncon-
Getting the word out to the rest of the Continuum is scious friends- "these sleeping demons"- and will
also something the GM should encourage, though put them to the sword unJess you "spirits" get him
the players will be left as the first line of defense. one) His guards look pretty quick with those blades,
and besides, some bunch of narcissists must be
Chapter IV: Mastering c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
behind this kidnapping- they're probably still
around, waiting for a royal Time Combat and more
Fourth-Maxim breaking. (And there's no point try-
ing to go Down further to rescue them: It would just
frag you all.)

Likely Span of Events

While moving a small plane piecemeal
among your group isn't hard the real trouble is
pa using with these plane parts overnight in va rious
realms of the Piscean and Ariesian Eras. Few corners
care to harbor anachronism th at big and hairy in
their backyards, and Fourth Maxim arguments and
ituations are almost inevitable.
There's also tracking down the narcissists
that bagged your friends and dropped them off help-
less in Ariesian China; a tricky game, especially since
they must be allowed to kidnap and deliver your
Threes- but then be nailed afterward .

The Surprise
Despite the large number of threa ts and neg-
ative reactions from individuals along the way (espe-
cially Engineers), neither the local corner nor the
Continuum as a whole really mind Ki-Kung-Shj from
getting his plane: It's in the history books. There will
be a fuss about taking Down more than a quarter
tank of gasoline, however: That stuff could quickly above
get into the wrong hands. Wakewi1s the Yo unge r, (b. AD 1213 )
Sketchbook of Scenes from 139 3
But ultimately, at some point, the Emperor's ink & wa sh
machine crashes (runs out of gas), and gives rum Scriba l Librarium at Ligny

quite a scare- so then he has it destroyed. fol/01ui11g pages

D n Diego Sa nchez. (b. AD I 660)
seleclions from
But is it Art? The Later Adt1e111ures of America: A Sketchboo k
(A D I 870 · 2136)
The Invitation pr ncil
Someone is painting the most wonderful Scr iba l Librarium a l 1he N ew Yo rk Publ ic Librn ry
murals on walls and sidewalks all over the city... and Massive rounds of Hypnotism and wall-
fragging dozens of spanners for whom bare, artless washing are in everyone's Yets, but what is causing
walls were in their Yet. This is so startling and awfu l this bizarre anomaly?
to all the Threes runrung the corners in town, that
they look to the few Fours in town to figure out The Surprise
what happened. The Exalted generally agree that it's The painter is just a leveller, but rus pig-
up to them to try to solve first, since this is imping- ments are the scary part. Apparently his entire paint
ing on the spread of Culture in the Greatest Game. box is infested as a Narcissist Vessel, and his luck is
doing great: He's getting calls and recognition he
Likely Span of Events really hasn 't earned, since his work when not using
The Antiquarians and the Scribes are laying the box is mediocre.
claim to the walls, Foxhorn and the Thespians want Simply taking the Vessel from him is
the painter, (dead and alive respectively,) and all for remarkably hard, since it subconsciousl y warns him
diJferent reasons. You can hold your own corners where and when to hide it, lest it be easily found.
against the demands of these Fraternities, but then And attempts to wrangle it are at -3 to rolls because
the Quicker show up claiming there's a major narcis- of its power.
sist in thi s spacetime needing collecting. And they
expect you to have the investigating delivered to Get a complete c°NTINuuM scenario online, free.
them where and when they stand. Just go to
The walls themselves, upon investigation, Click rhe "Free Scenario" link, and you're there.
just suddenly bleed with colors in the night, with no (The PDF password is "chrony " .)
one app lying them. With Shift Sight or the proper
Quicker tech, i.t can be discovered that the paint has Not connected? Send us US$3.00 for shipping & handling to
literally spanned in from farther Up, and is badly the address on the credits page (pg. ii), and we'll send you a
£ragged, but somewhat alive, like clay. hardcopy of the latest onJine scenario.

rivmrk O 1999 Bn;1n Wa L:wm

Scenario Scenario
Plum Pudding CºNTINUUM ™

Roleplaying in The Yet ™

and Other Such... ™

Thursday, December 7, AD 1843. A NEW SCENARIO by Caias Brian Ward

A scenario for 4-8 players, plus the GM. Additional material & editing by Chris Adams
Additional material, British fact checking & editing by Liz Holliday
Players’ Notes
[GMs: Hand out copies of this page to all players.]
Capt. Harmon Paget (Age 26y 32d Born May 1, 1822)
Decorated military officer in the 11th Hussars (Light
Your Corner “The Watchman Society” Dragoons), recently returned from campaign in India after
An unusual explorers society, catering to both the seri- great success. Rather dashing, handsome, and polite, he is
ous students of the occult and the mysteries of the world, currently the toast of upper-class society. Married to the
and their upper-class hangers-on. The well-appointed lovely and rich daughter of a Scottish industrialist, Emily.
building within London proper is a source of constant par- Known as a strategic genius.
ties and gatherings, all to start getting people to accept the Dr. Stephen Williams
unusual and strange. On occasions, such parties may (Age 35y 205d Born October 19, 1807)
devolve into excess, depending on the GM’s and players’ A physician to the upper class in London, he has a terrific
style of play. In any case, the Watchman Society is known bedside manner. He also takes time to help the indigent
among polite circles to cater to the more, ahem, ‘unusual’ and destitute, volunteering time to treat the poor at a
elements of Victorian Society. church. Currently single, but many women of high society
London, with a population of 2 million at this time, is would like to change that, and very soon.
dominated by the Foxhorn Fraternity and their famous Margaret Hervieux (Age 33y 107d Born May 12, 1810)
Fraternal Corner, The Hunt Club. Hence, it is a rather secure From Paris, Margaret is a strong-willed, independent
place to be, with a collection of very powerful Spanners with- woman, part of a new breed in the Victorian period.
in easy reach. Politics are rife, however, and a Spanner can Studied physics and chemistry in the University of
find himself thrown into the middle of a machination at any Bologna, and is quickly becoming an authority in science
time. On the Leveller side, London is already growing in leaps among the academic community. This riles the traditional
and bounds, with the population of the City diminishing in male-dominated science community, which suits her fine.
favor of Greater London.
Aram Dakhsa (Age 29y 14d Born December 2, 1802)
London is a rather large place, unable to be covered in An Indian yogi and mystic, Aram is a standout in the
one level span (by a Span 1). However, the labyrinthine proper circles of London, with swarthy skin, dark shoul-
nature of London allows for Spanners to appear on der-length hair, and an impossibly thin build. Came back
rooftops and in dark alleys unnoticed. Spanners travelling to the corner with Harmon Paget after Harmon’s latest
in London during this time are advised to discuss with oth- campaign in India. Seems to be more in touch with reality
ers about new constructions, blind alleys, and the like that than most, and suffering for it as a result.
develop in the rapid expansion of this city.
Karen Browning (Age 36y 13d Born June 13, 1812)
Your Mentor The epitome of the social order, Karen is the wife of a
Milton Barnabas (Age 38?, Born c. 1933) prominent agent for a powerful shipping company.
A dashing man in his late 30’s, with light hair and a narrow Always makes it to the best of parties, and never tires,
but commanding build. He dresses as a proper gentleman of even after hours and hours of social climbing. Recently
the time, preferring checks to stripes in his pants. Unlike learned the arts of hypnotism, which has made her all the
most men of his seeming age, he walks with a spring in his rage among her friends and hangers-on.
step and a flair for the dramatic. He tends to raise an eye-
Peter Simons (Age 19y 44d; Born January 23, 1822)
brow or two by insisting on wearing a sword in public, one
The son of an industrialist, he decided to strike out on his
which he is quite capable of using. On occasion he talks
own and study literature and the occult. Suffered a terri-
about an American drink, ‘Mountain Dew,’ that “you simply
ble fall from a cliff as a youth; sometimes, he still seems in
must try when you get a chance to Span up to the 1900’s.”
pain. Is a popular fellow among his classmates in
Milton is the source of constant entertainment, both at
University, and his papers and orations are always well-
parties and bringing levity to most any situation. This
researched and written.
seems unusual, as those of the Quicker are supposedly
grim. His view on this is: “Don’t worry about what is not David Cloverfield (Age 23y 41d; Born January 23, 1819)
in your Yet, as you will bog yourself down with a boring, A member of the idle rich, he holds a title of minor nobility,
sanity-shattering life. It’s a wide horizon; sometimes, your still a part of the old England. His family is mildly offended
Yet just tells you some stops you have to make.” at his “slumming” with the industrial class, but insists that
You and Your Chronies he will grow bored with their ways. Recently began to
Select one of the following characters, or design one of practice acrobatics and contortion techniques with Aram as
your own. All of these people are members of your corner, a partner, which has shocked his family even more.
and are your trusted friends. The GM is free to use any Edwin Drook (Age 58y 2d Born July 2, 1786)
unselected characters as NPCs. None of the characters yet An old financier, at a point of wealth and means in leveller
belong to a Fraternity. Once all players have selected their society such that he may be considered “eccentric” as
characters, feel free to have them describe where they are: opposed to “insane”. Always knows when to move his money
currently, on this night, they are in the midst of a rather out of a risky venture. Claims that powerful spanners from
raucous party, filled with seances, firewalking, and more the Aquarian Era visit him for dinner and advice. Milton’s
mundane diversions. 1
response to this is “Further information is not available here.”
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CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...

Scenario The Watchman Society. Milton Barnabas

For the most part, polite society in London consid- Explorer of the Supernatural
ers you an eccentric group of wealthy occultists and Society Britain Locality South Africa AD c1960s
scientists that happen to throw fantastic parties. Age 37y 88d
Sometimes, the activities here rival the most outra- Corner London AD c 1840s Frat Quicker
geous public house, but money and power do won- SPAN 3 FRAG 0
ders at keeping the constabulary away. Even such Body 6 Mind 8 Quick 10
things as Aram’s firewalking and jumping are looked
over. The main building of the Watchman Society is Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
the size of a manor house in the country, albeit with- Modern English/M/Master/11
out the tracts of land around it. There are many ser- Afrikaans/M/Master/11
vants in the public areas, who ask few questions due Aramaic/M/Journeyman/10
to the normal eccentricities they expect from this Fencing/B/Journeyman/8
place, and the good wages they receive. These ser- Etiquette/M/Master/11
vants are only hired for parties, not general mainte- Telepathy/M/Master/11
nance of the corner.
Acumen: Occult/M/Grandmaster/12
Next to the building are several semi-detached
houses, all part of the corner, and connected to each Hypnosis/Q/Master/13
other through various walkways, covered garden Swindle/Q/Journeyman/12
paths, and secret underground tunnels. This, of Telekinesis/Q/Master/13
course, adds to the mystery of such a place, since (Many other Skills as needed)
such connecting ways are unusual. Many occasions Items: A FENCING SABRE, a POCKETWATCH on a
have occurred when Levellers, intent on discovering
the “secrets of the occult” within the buildings, have
become hopelessly lost within the paths and tunnels, MANUSCRIPTS, a DEVASTATING CHARM, and a FLAIR
unable to leave one part or another. This is a con-
stant source of amusement to Spanners, who will
show up from around a corner to escort the person Milton is a bit
to the public areas. nervous about the
Information Control coming events
All the windows are heavily curtained, allowing no involving his
sight into the building. In this Locality, the technolo- corner. He was
gy does not allow for recording devices, although a recently visited by
Spanner could conceivably Span Up to get one. This, several Aquarian
however, would be frowned upon, and would take a Exalted and told
fair amount of Age for a Span One to accomplish. to investigate and
The library of the Watchman Society consists of 2 resolve the
parts. Firstly, the main library is extensive and var- upcoming situa-
ied, suitable for Oracle and other research, with a tion. Although
concentration on exploring and the occult. he is a member of
Adjoining it is a state of the art science lab (for the the Quicker, he still finds such a visit a bit unnerv-
Locality), put together by Dr. Williams and ing. Milton would prefer if the characters handled
Margaret. Secondly, there is a room accessible by much of the legwork on this, as the less involvement
Spanners only (barring breaking through a brick wall he has, the better he can Measure situations in case
with hammers) that contains very advanced (Early of a Time Combat. As well, he wants his spanners to
1990’s) books on medicine, exploration, and other get a good workout, and if they take a few bumps
sciences. Milton keeps these locked away in cases, on the way, it’s part of the learning process.
and only allows their use in extreme emergencies
(Oracling for Time Combat, illness that cannot be Still, Milton is in good spirits, and will always be
combated with Locality medicine, etc.) entertaining and charming. Should the situation
Public research can be performed at the University arise that the characters keep on coming to him for
of London (est. 1836), the Patent Office, the India information, he will remind them that he put this
matter in their hands for a reason: he knows that
Office and Records, the British Museum, and at the
they will do a wonderful job at solving whatever
libraries of private families (which tend to be more problems come their way. “I have the greatest confi-
scholarly in this period than in modern times). dence in you, and find myself proud to have such a
corner; one that doesn’t need my help all the time
like a bunch of children. You certainly aren’t chil-
right, and pages 4-7, 9, 11-15
Anonymous Levellers
dren, are you?” He’ll then shoo them off, but keep
illustrations from The Works of Charles Dickens an eye on them to make sure it is something they can
2 New York: Peter Fenton Collier, AD 1899.
truly handle.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™

Charles John Huffman Dickens Scenario

Leveller Author Superstar
Society Britain Locality London, AD 1800s
Born AD 1812 Dies AD 1870
Body 3 Mind 6 Quick 7

Modern English/M/Grandmaster/15
(Among his many other talents and Skills)


Son of Navy Pay Office clerk John Dickens and

Elizabeth (neé) Barrow, Charles Dickens is born in
Landport, Portsea, second of eight children. The
family moves frequently, and has wild changes of
fortune, the father being sent to debtors’ prison, and
later falling into a legacy.
After many unglamorous Victorian jobs, Charles
begins his writing career as a reporter for The True
Sun, The Mirror of Parliament, and The Morning
After a few assignments for The Old Monthly
Magazine, Dickens takes over a serial that is meant
to spoof sport clubs, and launches the work he is
famous for, beginning with the Pickwick stories.
The following novels are published in the years
listed, following the serialization of their chapters in

Pickwick (1837)
Oliver Twist (1838)
Nicholas Nickleby (1839)
Barnaby Rudge (1840)
The Old Curiosity Shop (1841)

At the time the adventure begins, Dickens has

recently returned from a trip to America, where he
has learned the United States’ copyright law affords
him little protection against piracy there. He is see-
ing lukewarm interest in the serialization of what
will be the novel, Martin Chuzzlewit, his first
arguable flop, and he has a large and growing fami-
ly. He is exhausted with constant editing of maga-
zines, serials, and is under considerable pressure and
deadlines to complete a Christmas story in the next
few days. Unbeknownst to him, he is at the midpoint
(GM’s should note that following the Level events
in his career, with most of his greatest works in is
of this adventure, he completes his Christmas tale,
Yet. It is in this desperate state, he comes seeking the
and within the year following [1844] relocates to a
aid of the Corner, believing them to be an Occult
villa outside Genoa with his family for a much need-
Society, with the knowledge needed to bring peace to
ed rest.)
his house... 3

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...

Scenario Player Character Handouts

Captain Harmon Paget Dr. Stephen Williams

Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat Foxhorn Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a
Age 26y 32d Born May 1, 1822 Age 35y 205d Born October 19, 1807
Benefit: Famous in Locality, Exceptional Beauty Benefit: Perceptive
Limit: Addiction (alcohol)
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Firearms/M/Journeyman/8 Unarmed Combat: Fisticuffs/B/Apprentice/4
Fencing/B/Journeyman/7 Medicine (19th Cent.)/M/Master/9
Riding/Q/Apprentice/6 Etiquette/M/Apprentice/7
Etiquette/M/Apprentice/5 Research/M/Apprentice/7
Observation(Looting)/M/Apprentice/5 Linguistics:Latin/M/Apprentice/8
Linguistics (Indian)/M/Apprentice/5 Linguistics: French/M/Apprentice/7
Decorated military officer in the 11th Hussars (Light MEDICINES OF THE DAY (circa 1850), and an EXCELLENT
Dragoons), recently returned from campaign in India after BEDSIDE MANNER.
great success. Rather dashing, handsome, and polite, he is
currently the toast of upper-class society. Married to the A physician to the upper class in London, he has a terrific
lovely and rich daughter of a Scottish industrialist, Emily. bedside manner. He also takes time to help the indigent
Known as a strategic genius. and destitute, volunteering time to treat the poor at a
church. Currently single, but many women of high soci-
Additional Story:
Your spanning has allowed you to maintain a veneer of honor and
ety would like to change that, and very soon.
respectability. However, under the surface, you are a drunken lecher and
coward. You survive many battles just by virtue of being able to span away Additional Story:
from the worst of fighting, and then span back for the accolades. As well,
while you love your wife and would never hurt her for anything, being
away on campaign and having a low moral fiber demands that you seduce Milton explained quite clearly the reasons why spanners
every attractive woman you can without getting caught. Currently, you are not allowed to have relations and children by other
have 3 mistresses:
spanners: such children would be raised as spanners. It
Camille: An expensive doxy at a public house in London. She is French, would stagnate the leveler population and cause the
and can’t speak a word of English. Societies to collapse. As a doctor, this makes sense.
Elizabeth Johnstone: The wife of James Thomas Brudenell, the Seventh Earl
of Cardigan, Commander of the 11th Hussars. If your commander suspect-
As a man, however, it cuts deeply. It would make sense
ed, you’d have a duel on your hands. Or he would order the unit to shoot from a personal standpoint, for spanners to love other
you. spanners. Margaret, for example: intelligent, well-born,
Roselina Montez de Barcelona: The wife of the deputy ambassador from and clear-headed. A very lovely example... but there are
Spain. If anyone found out, it would ruin diplomatic ties with Spain.
well established reasons for this prohibition. So Milton
You know that your wife has an affair in her time, but it seems only fair, says...
since you are away so much. Your spanning provides alibis as to your loca-
tion and actions, as well as a convenient means to get out of the linen cup-
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CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™


,. -~
., ~I .

Margaret Hervieux Aram Dakhsa

Society France Locality Paris 1840s Society Britain Locality Bombay 1830s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a Corner London 1840s Frat Quicker
Age 33y 107d Born May 12, 1810 Age 29y 14d Born December 2, 1802
Benefit: Photographic Memory Benefit: Contortionist, Psychic Potential (Telekinesis)

Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Science:Chemistry/M/Journeyman/7 Toughness/B/Apprentice/4
Science: Physics/M/Apprentice/6 Dreaming/Q/Journeyman/8
Observation: Science/M/Apprentice/6 Firewalking/Q/Journeyman/8
Library Science/M/Journeyman/7
Etiquette/M/Apprentice/6 Items: Some SIMPLE CLOTHING, and his PRAYER MAT, which
he has Never Washed.
Items: A Fine PARASOL, and Hidden in her BAG is a SLIDE
RULE from the Twentieth Century, that her Elder Left her, An Indian yogi and mystic, Aram is a standout in the
and that Will Be Given her as a Present from Milton This proper circles of London, with swarthy skin, dark shoul-
Christmas Day. der-length hair, and an impossibly thin build. Came back
with to the corner with Harmon Paget after Harmon's
From Paris, Margaret is a strong-willed, independent latest campaign in India. Seems to be more in touch with
woman, part of a new breed in the Victorian period. reality than most, and suffering for it as a result.
Studied physics and chemistry in the University of
Bologna, and is quickly becoming an authority in science
among the academic community. This riles the traditional
male-dominated science community, which suits her fine. Additional Story:

Your telekinetic powers are less than perfected. When

Additional Story:
you are under great stress, objects seems to fly about and
collide with each other. Milton have been trying to
Being a woman of education and independence is not
instruct you in the used of this power, with little success.
easy in this time. You look forward to increasing in Span,
Also, your appearance tends to shock a number of peo-
so that you can travel Up to the end of the Piscean Era.
ple, as you bear a resemblance to the Messiah of Christian
You’ve heard stories of how women are treated as equals,
faiths. People stare and gawk at you, and engaging them in
and can’t wait to see for yourself. Imagine, women own-
conversation about Hindu beliefs only causes trouble.
ing companies and regularly pursuing higher education.
Better than what you did when you were younger.
Working as a dance hall girl in Paris raised enough money
so you could improve yourself. However, the embarrass-
ment you would suffer if others knew of your sordid past
would be unbearable. It is hard enough to find a man of
breeding and means, without a soiled image to mar your

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CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...


Karen Browning Peter Simons

Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a
Age 36y 13d Born June 13, 1812 Age 26y 32d Born April 7, 1821
Benefit: Wealthy Benefits: Connections (Industrialist Father), Internal Clock
Limit: Addiction (Morphine)
Etiquette/M/Master/7 Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Research/M/Journeyman/7 Accountancy/M/Journeyman/7
Hypnotism/Q/Journeyman/7 Literature/M/Journeyman/7
and MONEY TO SPARE, even for a Spanner. Dreaming/Q/Journeyman/6
The epitome of the social order, Karen is the wife of a
prominent agent for a powerful shipping company. Items: Various BOOKS, WRITING IMPLEMENTS, and a SMALL
Always makes it to the best of parties, and never tires, PACKET of WHITE POWDER.
even after hours and hours of social climbing. Recently
The son of an industrialist, he decided to strike out on his
learned the arts of hypnotism, which has made her all the
own and study literature and the occult. Suffered a terri-
rage among her friends and hangers-on.
ble fall from a cliff as a youth; sometimes, he still seems in
pain. Is a popular fellow among his classmates in
Additional Story: University, and his papers and orations are always well-
Ever since becoming a Spanner, your climb in social cir- researched and written.
cles has been very easy. You always arrive fashionably
Additional Story:
late, illness never causes you to miss the best parties, and
Your life was, most recently, filled with a great deal of
you can enjoy yourself throughout the night and still be
pain from your accident. However, you have found a way
rested in time for the next day. You have also found a tool
to take the edge off of things. Milton warned you about
of great use in your social climbing: hypnotism. A simple
using morphine, especially while Spanning, and made it
suggestion here and there, under the guise of a parlor trick,
quite clear that if you didn’t clean yourself up, the
has secured you praise and the choicest invitations from
Physician’s Fraternity would have to do so for you... or the
the highest social circles.
Quicker, depending on if you bungled a Span. Milton
While such a thing should not be abused, you just find it
remarked on stories of former chronies impaired on drugs
so simple to manipulate those of greater social station...
Spanning and ending up without their organs.
Hm, ‘greater’, indeed!
But a little bit can’t hurt, really? Milton drinks, not to
excess, and he’s a Mentor— you’ve heard ‘mountain dew’
is colloquial for moonshine. And doctors prescribe mor-
phine for pains, which you have, and they don’t prescribe
strong drink. So just a little can’t hurt...

6 Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™


David Cloverfield Edwin Drook

Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD 1840s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a Corner London AD c 1840s Frat n/a
Age 26y 32d Born April 7, 1821 Age 58y 2d Born July 2, 1786
Benefit: Contortionist Benefit: Lucky
Limit: Compulsion (well-planned burglary: David must
make a Quick roll to avoid plotting a well-executed crime Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
when presented with a target) Accountancy/M/Journeyman/8
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Finance/M/Master/9
Athletics: Acrobatics/B/Apprentice/5
Unarmed Combat: Fisticuffs/B/Journeyman/6
Etiquette: Nobility/M/Apprentice/5 Items: Anything MONEY Can Buy
Etiquette: Lower Class/M/Apprentice/5
Security: Breaking and Entering/M/Journeyman/6
Security: Lockpicking/M/Journeyman/6 An old financier, at a point of wealth and means in lev-
eller society such that he may be considered “eccentric” as
Items: His BURGLARY TOOLS, a POCKETWATCH, and Various opposed to “insane”. Always knows when to move his
STOLEN ITEMS about his Person and Premises. money out of a risky venture. Claims that powerful span-
ners from the Aquarian Era visit him for dinner and
A member of the idle rich, he holds a title of minor nobili- advice. Milton’s response to this is “Further information is
ty, still a part of the old England. His family is mildly not available here.”
offended at his “slumming” with the industrial class, but
insist that he will grow bored with their ways. Recently
began to practice acrobatics and contortion techniques Additional Story:
with Aram as a partner, which has shocked his family Yes, people think you are insane. But Spanners from the
even more. Aquarian Era do visit you. Normally, they ask you seem-
ingly innocuous questions, such as what type of meat you
had for dinner last night, or your opinion on whether men
Additional story:
should wear checks or stripes (why, stripes, of course).
You not a common thief. You are a most uncommon
But some times, they appear and burden you with trouble-
thief: The Shadow Burglar. Never caught, able to break
some things, such as taking clothing that you like, and
into anywhere, any time. The constabulary talk about you
informing you of elements of your Yet.
all the time. But it would be far below you to just Span in
However, they seem nice enough, and are charming
and take what you want. No, you research what you
dinner companions. As well, they have done nothing to
want to steal, and where it is, and then you break in using
harm you, and Milton seems comfortable with you know-
only your natural abilities and skills, no Spanning. You
ing them, if a bit surprised.
take what you like, not for its value, but because you can
take it.
You were almost caught once, and the embarrassment to
your noble bloodline would be devastating were you actu-
ally captured. Still, with your abilities to fit into small
spaces and vault high walls assures that this will never
happen. 7
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CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...
Preparing and Starting to Play
Scenario Likely Span of Events
First, it’s always a good idea to for GMs to read an
entire scenario in advance, and to take notes about
Introduce The Watchman Society, and Victorian
parts you’d like to emphasize or elaborate during England, December 7, 1843 AD. The end of a rather
play. Why not take the time now? good party; let players practice Spanning around the
When you’re ready to start play, hand out copies of
Players’ Notes (the first two pages of this scenario) Charles Dickens comes to door, pleading for the Society
and let the players familiarize themselves with their to investigate his ghostly sighting.
characters and their chronies. When each have cho-
sen a character, hand each player a copy of their Go to the house at the appropriate time, see Marley’s
“Ghost” and find part of his Span Book among the
selected persona’s statistics, from the handouts at the
end of this section.
Go back and meet with Milton, who will suggest cours-
Recommend that everyone read the rules well before es of action if they don’t have any.
play, but allow several minutes to answer questions
at the game session itself. Expect private questions Either investigate Fitzwaring and bully information out
about character quirks, and general ones about how of him about how they hit Marley, or investigate
time travel “works” in CºNTINUUM (especially if this Scrooge. Either one will lead to the other. Alternately,
is your first time playing.) Be prepared to answer they may choose to Patch Marley’s Frag.
individual character questions away from the rest of
Time Combat, initiated based on actions the characters
the players, but try to answer questions of general take. Alternately, the characters may catch Fitzwaring
interest to all players, to avoid repeating yourself. and Tiny Tim off-guard by initiating Time Combat them-
selves. (See ppg. 14-5 for them & their motivations.)
Likely Span of Events.
The list at right gives a kind of checklist of things to Epilogue: Wrap up and review of the adventure.
cover during play. It’s not a hard and fast timetable, Skill advancement.
by any means, but it does point out the major “plot
points” to touch on during the game. The major ele- chains. “I gathered up my family and hid them away
ments of CºNTINUUM that are demonstrated in this with my wife’s friends, claiming that a beam had
scenario, are highlighted in boldface. broken and the home was unsound. The ghost fol-
lowed me still, on and off, and I have been at my
Opening Moves. wits’ end. You all know of such things. You must
This evening is the wrap-up of a rather exciting abjure this terrible spirit, you must!”
party. Feel free to throw whatever elements into a Dickens offers to pay the Watchman Society for
gathering of politicos, explorers, and occultists that their efforts, but Milton turns the money down. If
you feel are interesting, proper, or exciting: Trysts, asked more detailed information about the ‘spirit’,
seances, gentlemanly wagers all have their place in he describes someone that seems to be very Fragged:
this environment. This will give Spanners a chance Barely visible at times, but other times seen in ghost-
to practice Spanning about the buildings, perhaps to ly pieces. Part of it passed through a curtain, and
avoid suspicious husbands or wives, or perhaps to then dragged the curtain with it. It popped in and
has some fun with gullible levellers. out, and babbled “watchman” several times before
In any case, after the party wraps up and all the fading. It appeared to him on several other occa-
spanners in the corner have gathered to relax a bit, sions, when he was alone, always saying “watch-
there is a fierce knocking on the door. If a servant is man” before fading.
unavailable (due to the spanners’ need for privacy) it Milton continues to question Dickens alone in
often falls to Daksha to play the role. Once the door another room, while an elder Milton meets with the
is open, a rather distraught man whom they will rec- Corner upstairs in the private library. From what
ognize as Charles Dickens (see pg. 3) rushes in. Dickens describes to Milton, the ghost is a severely
Defying convention, he walks right in and sits down Fragged spanner, most likely to be considered a Lost
in the nearest chair, trembling. He is near incoher- Cause. But Milton shows no reluctance to let the
ent, but after only a few moments of thought and characters ask more information about this spanner.
perhaps some brandy, he manages to calm down Further investigation is necessary in order to deter-
enough to talk. mine the best way to handle the situation. To avoid
Dickens explains that he was beginning work on a running into Dickens at his house, Milton pinpoints
Christmas story, with some difficulty, when the periods of time when he is absent, but when the
strangest sight greeted him; a ghost. Specifically, a Fragged spanner would still most likely appear. He
gaunt man, wrapped in chains and moneyboxes, says after investigation, everyone should Rendezvous
imploring him in soundless gestures, but rattling his at the Corner on December 10th, 1843, at 11:30

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™
AM, so they can discuss the situation and determine
Jacob Marley Scenario
how to proceed.
Fifth Maxim Poster Boy
Society Britain Locality Great Britain AD c1840s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat Moneychangers
The Dickens Residence.
Age 52y 78d
This is a large and well maintained house. Before
December 5th, AD 1843, the Dickens’ are in resi-
Body 5 Mind 6 Quick 7
dence, and the place is filled with children. At 11 PM
on December 5th, AD 1843, Dickens has his wits Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating (before Frag Penalties)
scared out of him by the Fragged spanner, and he Modern English/M/Journeyman/8
quickly gathers his family and hides them away with a Finance/M/Master/9
good friend. The spanner leaves at 11:20 PM, but Research/M/Master/9
returns shortly after. In the morning of December 6th, Mathematics/M/Journeyman/8
AD 1843 at 10:19, Dickens returns to the house, and Carriage/Q/Journeyman/9
is scared again as his library is torn apart in front of Items:
him by the ghostly Spanner, who is apparently search- NONE. Except: Jacob currently appears to have
ing for something, but vanishes. heavy chains and cash boxes attached at his wrist,
Assuming that the characters use discretion, they ankles, throat, and belly, making his movement
can appear anywhere within this time and investigate. noisy and rather frightening. If met at Frag 7, close
inspection reveals that some of these items are
bonding to his flesh.
Something in his Yet:
Jacob was going to frighten a miser named
“Scruggs”, so that he would know generosity, and it
would inspire Dickens to write some story or another.
The First Sweeps of a Time Combat:
He was Fragged 2 times (Hit and Run), then he
Oracled. Found that one of the attackers is named
Fitzwaring, and is located at a clockmaker’s shop in
London, on October 29th, 1843 (Jacob purchased a
pocketwatch on that day, and Fitzwaring stole it
before it was purchased). As well, he discovered that
the second Hit and Run was at November 2nd,
1843, where the wheel from his carriage was stolen
from in front of a local public house. He showed up
at Fitzwaring’s next Sweep (which was a Cobweb by
Tiny Tim), January 14th, 1844, and was ambushed,
beaten severely and tied in chains and moneyboxes
as a gesture to mock him (as well, Fitzwaring Spans
to April 13, 1844 and steals Marley’s financial
ledgers from his safe). While someone referred to by
the strange phrase “minor man” plots what to do
with him, Marley fakes unconsciousness; at an
Holding a conversation with Jacob is difficult at opportune moment he is able to Span away with
best. He is frightened if anyone spans in front of part of his Spanbook.
him, but asks “Time is?” of the characters. If they
respond properly, he still shies away, wandering The Meandering Details:
about the house seemingly searching for something. His notes become frantic here, mere scribbles like
A successful Mind roll shows that Marley spends a “Frighten”, “Scruggs’ House”, and a date:
great deal of time in the library, paging through November 18th, 1843. He also seems to have only
books unsuccessfully. If the characters search part of his Span Book, because he was too burdened
through the library, they find part of a well-worn and badly fragged to carry items safely.
ledger that looks like a Span book. Anyone with
Accountancy, Finance, or Mathematics can take With this information in hand, the characters
about a week of Age (with a successful Mind roll) to should be ready to return to the Rendezvous. Of
decode the section of the book, and find the follow- course, they may pursue any of the leads they have
ing information: come across on their own, but it may not be wise to
do so without the advice of their Mentor. 9

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...
Back at the Corner. is stealing a watch. [This shows Fitzwaring’s and
Scenario December 10th, 1843, 11:30 AM Tiny Tim’s assaults on Marley, and the fact that one
of the Narcissist’s is smaller in stature.]
Milton is waiting, with a big lunch for himself,
lounging rather comfortably in a expensive robe. He Scruggs: A youthful man wearing a wrinkled mask,
listens to the information that the characters have, walking forward in a straight line, despite the power
and nods knowingly. He fields any suggestions the to turn left and right. He watches people pop in and
group has, asking questions, but tries to steer them out of his life, circling around him, but does not fol-
towards covering the following points, with his own low them. [This shows that Scruggs is more than the
comments or answers: leveller he appears, yet not quite a Spanner; someone
that is playing a part as a Leveller.]
Is the Spanner in the house someone that the
Quicker need to collect, or can be brought back?
Milton’s answer: “Well, from what I know, we will Investigating Scruggs
all be meeting him again. Don’t forget to put that in The leveller known as Eleazar Scruggs dies in 1841
your Yet.” (two years Down). However, that has not stopped
someone from taking his place. (See pg. 12.)
Who did it?
Milton’s answer: “You seem to have a name in that
scrap of Spanbook there. You might want to check Patching Marley’s Frag, based upon information in
it out. I’ll keep an eye out as well.” his Spanbook.
As soon as they perform the first Patch (on the
Why did Marley violate the Fourth Maxim? pocketwatch, the carriage, or his ledgers), Fitzwaring
Milton’s answer: “Frag muddles the mind as well as and Tiny Tim initiate Time Combat with them. If
the body. You do not always think straight in such the characters are getting hammered, Eleazar will not
matters, and it can be tragic indeed.” help unless he is directly assaulted or Marley is
about to be Fragged out (he’s trying to maintain his
Are they interfering with a previous Time Combat? Leveller identity). Milton helps with Measure and
Milton’s answer: “Well, from what I see in the Oracle, but he is well aware that the characters need
Spanbook, the Combat has not yet ended. Therefore, to handle this situation by themselves. If they man-
with caution, I would recommend investigating the age to reduce Marley to a reasonable amount of Frag
matter, and helping Jacob repair the Frag he has (by Patching all three incidents at once, for exam-
taken. You might also want to gather information ple), Marley jumps into the combat full-force, bring-
on his attackers before you dive headlong into such ing his considerable abilities to bear on the
affairs.” Narcissists.

From the information the characters have, they

have several choices: go after Fitzwaring, investigate
Scruggs, or attempt to Patch Marley’s Frag so that
they can gain his help.

Both Aram and Peter have the Dreaming skill.
Here are some suggestions on what each will see if
they Dream about certain subjects:

Marley: A man, chained, his body drifting off to fill

cracks in a road behind him. His own watch chain
strangles him, as he tears a book in half and hides it.
In the distance is a portrait of him scaring an old
man. [This shows that he was Fragged, and one of
the Hit and Runs involved his pocketwatch. Also,
the portrait represents Marley’s Yet of appearing to
Scruggs and scaring him.]

The Narcissists: Two vultures, picking away at a

man bound in chains. It appears that one is much
larger and powerful than the other, but is only wear-
ing a mask, appearing much smaller. The other one

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™

Victory Conditions:
•Stopping both Tiny Tim and Fitzwaring (ppg. 14
15), or at least getting their identities and
information about them to Milton or the
Hunt Club.
•Keeping Marley intact so that he can scare the hell
out of Scruggs (who then tells his tale to Dickens, who
dashes off a rather famous story before deadline).
•Recovering the remains of Marley’s spanbook.

Marley being Fragged out or killed will also end the

scenario. Mind you, this does not count as victory.


If everything is resolved satisfactorily, the Corner

will have a visitor a short time later: Jacob Marley,
intact, unfragged, and without embedded bits of
chain. He is very grateful to the Corner, but unfor-
tunately cannot stay long. However, he invites the
corner to watch on live remote as he and three of his
Resources on Victorian England
Exalted friends put on a special show for a greedy
There are many resources on Victorian England
Leveller named Eleazar Scruggs, to teach him a thing
available, either at your local library or the World
or two about his miserly ways...
Wide Web. Below are sources used to help with the
writing of this scenario:

Dickens, Charles, A Christmas Carol.

This is downloadable from Project Gutenberg, a
source of etexts for books of all kinds.

Dickens: A Brief Biography

A very useful site by David Cody, Associate
Professor of English at Hartwick College.

Fraser, George MacDonald. The Flashman Papers.

A series of 11 books detailing the life of Harry
Flashman, a British military officer of questionable
bravery and morals during the height of the
Victorian period. A well-researched series of works
dispelling many of the myths of the Victorian period,
as well as a great read.

The Punch Cartoon Page.

A number of satirical cartoons that appeared in
Punch in the Victorian period, showcasing many of
the problems of the time, including Irish-English
relationships. Parallels can be drawn to Continuum-
narcissist dealings.

The Victorian Web.

A detailed resource on the Victorian period,
including literature, customs, and economic issues.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...

Scenario Eleazar Scruggs a d/b/a of Giancarlo Bonanno

Humbug Scrooge
Society Rome Locality Chicago 1920s
Corner London AD c 1840s Frat Thespian
Body 6 Mind 9 Quick 9

Acumen: Life of Eleazar Scruggs/M/Grandmaster/13
(Many others Skills, as appropriate).

Being the Eponymous Rich Miser, he has VAST

Giancarlo has been itching to play a part like this

for a long time. It is a step down for him, but he so
loved “A Christmas Carol”, he jumped at the chance into detailed discussions about what services they will
to play the leveller inspiration for Scrooge for 15 or need, their goals, etc. He will make them quite com-
so years. A normally kind and polite man, he loves fortable, even putting more coal into the stove. The
his time being rude and miserly to others, as well as counting house is incredibly sparse and cold; if all the
his “transformation”. He knows the whole of characters show up at the counting house, they will
Eleazar’s life, and Marley’s visit to him is in his Yet. find that most of them will have to stand.
He has been Fragged as a result of Marley’s massive Mentioning Marley to him will result in Scruggs
amounts of Frag, and will help as much as he can reminding the characters that Marley died some time
without stepping out of character. If necessary, ago, and that he has no time for the dead. He’ll
Giancarlo will take an active hand in a Time continue the change the subject, and become agitated
Combat, but will mostly Measure and Oracle so that if they continue.
he can leave hints for the characters. He still has a With a successful Mind roll, someone will notice a
part to play, and can’t reveal to Marley that he is not person in a back room, slaving over a ledger and
the original Scruggs. shivering. He looks very tired. If asked about the
The characters will be able to track him down man, Scruggs will yell, “Cratchet, you better be
with some effort; most any person with some dealing working in there, I don’t pay you your farthings for
in money will know of Scruggs, and most likely spit you to stare off to the walls!” If the characters try
upon the ground and speak of the punishments “the to talk to Cratchet, Scruggs will shoo them off from
good Lord will deliver upon him for his uncharitable this at first, but soon will be absorbed in his work.
ways” rather than talk of him. Peter’s father will (See pg. 13.)
know of Scruggs, and can arrange for a meeting; in
this case, Scruggs will be slightly more cordial.
Giancarlo, if visited at his counting house of
“Scruggs and Marley”, will not drop out of charac-
ter, even if asked the time. Rather, he will simply
wonder if they want to do business. If not, he will
usher them out, swiftly, stating that “I don’t have
time for vagabonds and dawdlers.” Visitors at his
home will be turned away, with threats of him call-
ing the constabulary if they persist. Spanning into
his home will result in him acting in typical leveller
fashion, yelling and cowering at the “spirits”, and
filling the thoughts of the spanners with violations of
the Fourth Maxim.
If the subject of money comes up at his counting
12 house, Scruggs will be very interested, and will launch

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™

Robert Cratchet Scenario

Uncomplaining Capitalist Tool
Society Britain Locality London AD c 1840s
Corner n/a Frat n/a
Age 34y 18d

Body 5 Mind 3 Quick 4

Modern English/M/Journeyman/5
(And a few other Humble Skills.)

His MEAGER WAGES, but Only Upon his Rare Pay
Days, and a Few LUMPS OF COAL, Stashed Away
for Emergencies.

Cratchet is a likable sort, if exhausted and

stressed. He is very nervous around the characters.
He really has little to say, and serves as a perfect red
herring for the characters, who may suspect him of
being a Narcissist. He does, however, talk about his
family, and asks if any of the characters will offer
outside employment, as his son is very sick and
needs to see the best doctors. Should Dr. Williams
(or another physician) offer to help for free, he will
make an appointment 2 days from when he first
meets the characters.
If he gets the appointment,
he goes on about his one boy
who’s a bit “slow in the
head”, the daughter that
doesn’t speak much, and the
other children with various
rashes and such, and won-
ders if he could be kind
enough to squeeze them in,
“no extra time at all, you
understand,” he says, obvi-
ously trying to min/max his
bill. Apparently the real Bob
Cratchit’s life is more full of
sorrows than the character
he inspires.
And also if this appoint-
ment is set, he reports, as
soon as possible, this to the
true narcissist mastermind...
his ‘son’, Tiny Tim (see pg.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...

Scenario “Tiny” Timothy Cratchet

Narcissist Mastermind

Society Britain Locality Britain 1400s

Corner Dublin 1830s Frat (Narcissist)
Age 94 y 15d (appears 7y)

Body 6 Mind 9 Quick 9

And Most Other 15th and 19th Century Skills, at
at least Novice Rank.

Items: A Humble CRUTCH, Which Acts as a Club in

Combat, and Which Also Conceals a STAINLESS
STEEL KNIFE of the Twentieth Century.

Bob Cratchet’s real son dies in 1842 (a year

Down) at the Age of six years; burial records at a
nearby Anglican church show this, and the grave of
the boy can be found. “Tiny Tim”, with the aid of
Hypnotism, took the boy’s place within the family,
and is methodically erasing the memory of the boy’s
death from the community. As a result, he has a
comfortable place to hide himself, with a bioengi-
neered body (with an apparent Age 7y) and the
means to hide his identity for a long while. He is
here gathering information on Spanners, such as the
Corner, for his much more powerful masters; the
player characters are known to have bright and
promising Yets, full of service to the Continuum, and
as a result, a thorn in the side of Narcissists every-
where. Marley stumbled upon Tiny Tim and
Fitzwaring gathering information, but was caught
before he could contact the Hunt Club, Foxhorn’s
Fraternal Corner in London.

If things go against him in Time Combat, he holds

the Cratchets hostage, threatening to Span off with
the Cratchet children into the middle of a session of
the House of Lords, and to finish off “that money-
grubbing bastard Marley” if the characters don’t let
him go. Have a care for those Violations of the
Fourth Maxim...


CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Plum Pudding and Other Such... CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™
Patrick Fitzwaring Scenario
Society Celtia Locality Dublin 1830s
Corners Dublin 1830s London AD c 1840s
Frat (Narcissist) Age 42y 186d

Body 4 Mind 6 Quick 7

Walking Stick/B/Journeyman/6
History: Celtic Rebellions/M/Apprentice/7
Irish Gaelic/M/Master/9

Items: A TEC9 SUB-MACHINE-GUN (circa 1980), 10

Head, Concealed under his Waistcoat He Wears
CLASS 2 BODY ARMOR. also from the Late Twentieth
Century (Body 5 Armor Rating 2), Marley’s LEDGERS,
and a Stolen SECTION from Marley’s SPAN BOOK.

Fitzwaring, a small-time criminal, is nothing but a

thug of an Irishman. His association with Tiny Tim
is stable as far as Narcissists go, but Fitzwaring is a
coward, and quickly betrays Tiny Tim if it saves his
own hide. He’s quite adamant and insistent that he
is in all the character’s Yets, and killing him, or right what wrongs I’ve done, make up for my past.”
Fragging him out, will result in them Fragging them- If the characters do so, Fitzwaring spans off to con-
selves. It’s an utter lie, of course, but it’s Fitzwaring’s tact Tiny Tim, who takes time to Oracle characters,
try at saving himself. He also lies to convince the and then commence Time Combat. The characters’
characters that he is just a misguided soul, who only best bet is to incapacitate Fitzwaring and hand him
needs a true teacher and set of chronies to show him off to the Hunt Club or their own mentor.
the proper way. If the characters charge in, Fitzwaring is loaded for
He spills the following information if pushed: bear, and has no qualms about saving himself at the
expense of the characters.
• His other accomplice is Cratchet. He works at
Marley and Scruggs, as a bookkeeper. (False—
Cratchet is just a pawn of Tiny Tim)

• Marley found out they were in the area, and that is

why they Fragged him. He escaped before they
could finish the job. (True)

• Marley is too far gone to save, and it’s all

Cratchet’s fault. (False— As Milton said, Marley is
in the characters’ Yets, and Cratchet is a Leveller)

• He’s really sorry, Cratchet threatened to murder his

family if he did not help him. (False)

Fitzwaring next offers to meet with their mentor

so he can get the help he needs, if they give him a
location and date to which to Span for a Rendezvous
with their mentor. “I mean, I was so misled, and if
you could help me protect my family, I can begin to 15

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. CºNTINUUM material Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. Original material Copyright ©1999 Caias Brian Ward. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ Plum Pudding and Other Such...

Alas, the month of December for Standard Years on the

Perpetual Calendar in the CºNTINUUM main rule book (pg. 216)
is printed with incorrect Sunday codes. The Sunday codes
should read:
Aetherco/Dreamcatcher apologize for any inconvenience this
may of caused. Everything else in the calendars appendix
appears to be correct.

May God Bless Us,
Every One.


CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Scenario Scenario
The Death Hand of CºNTINUUM ™

Roleplaying in The Yet ™

Saint No-One ™

Saturday, June 5, AD 1993.

This scenario works best with 4-8 players, plus the GM.

Players’ Notes
[GMs: Hand out copies of this page to all players, and read from page 2 as you deem appropriate.]

Your Corner
Rosie “Bubbles” LaPaz
It’s the summer rave scene of 1993, and your corner is
(Age 21y 84d; Born August 22, 1905)
“Hook & Wheels” It’s main area is the rave space at
Bubbles is a Bright Young Thing from Chicago that nearly
Mercy Warehouse in Red Hook (Brooklyn). Levellers are
got herself killed in the crossfire of a gunfight during an
amazed that you’re such regulars, there every night, pulling
early Prohibition raid. Justin rescued the teen Rosie, and
24 hour stints or longer. How about that. And you never
decided (or discovered) she was a keeper. It took some
get caught by the cops, either.
finagling to bring her up to the Nineties, but everyone feels
20th Century New York is a populous town, and spanner
it was worth it.
corners barely encompass entire neighborhoods, let alone
boroughs. The map of spanner “turf” is sufficiently hazy Rowena Lincoln (Age 20y 40d; Born April 7, 1975)
that most New York corners make an effort to work in Works at the Love pharmacy on Madison Ave in the East
concert. Your corner is Red Hook (Brooklyn) between 90s. Gorgeous girl in love with a leveller named Vinny.
June AD 1990 and August AD 1995, but if you have to Vinny’s in with the Latin Lords. Rowena tried telling him
act on Continuum business around the city, it’s not usually once about spanning, but he just called her nuts.
a big deal. Everyone's worried that it won't work between them.
Note that Manhattan and the other boroughs are too far
to span to levelly in a single jump (if you’re Span 1). The Taro Matsushita (Age 24y 18d; Born May 8, 1974)
subway system is full of unwatched chambers, that local Yes, he knows martial arts, and even trains people for
spanners familiarize themselves with in order to cross town cash. He's a professional stunt man, but he's proudest of
in a matter of seconds. his work as an indie film director, which few of you have
seen, since it's all in Japanese.

Your Mentor Elvis Moore (Age 25 45d; Born December 8, 1978)

Justin Freiburg (Age 32y?; Born c. 1967) Motorcycle Repairman, has his own small garage in cen-
Justin is a furry motorcycle enthusiast, although you have tral Jersey. Known for hating the King of Rock ’n Roll
seen him beardless now and again, and it's startling. He because he grew up being teased for the name. Went on a
has a passion for beat poetry, though lately he's tossing long, personal pilgrimage to the Fifties to tell Presley fans
Robert Browning at all of you. Most of you experienced that he died fat; Justin eventually went and told him to cut
some weird unexplainable event, and then Justin cruised it out. Likes Pink Floyd.
up on his Harley, and offered a ride and an explanation.
And that's how you got into the Continuum. Tom Redsnake (Age 28y 184d; Born June 14, 1968)
M.A. Office Design, Columbia University. Claims that
Justin explains that he has to be off in Kansas City KS at raves are ‘the only places people dream much anymore’.
the center of hog rally this weekend (June 4-7, 1993). His grandmother prophesied in a dream that he would
Nearly everybody knows he never misses that weekend, visit his Apache ancestors, so after he learned to span, he
and Fox is said to be covering it. “Hey, it's that focussed on his skills at dreaming.
Information Age for ya.” He can't risk being seen so obvi-
ously in two places at the same time. Luke Weems (Age 35y 18d; Born September 19, 1972)
Has a religious bent, and is a workaholic futures broker,
You and Your Chronies with fanatical honesty. Well, sort of. Luke’s a Mormon
Select one of the following characters, or design one of with six wives, and only two actually are aware of each
your own. All of these people are members of your corner, other. Plus, he claims he has twenty more in his Yet. Packs
and are your trusted friends. The GM is free to use any a wicked punch, too.
unselected characters as NPCs. None of the characters yet
belong to a Fraternity. Rick Zuwilinski (Age 18y 251d; Born April 1, 1980)
Once all players have selected their characters, place them New York City buggy driver. Loves horses, loves carriages.
on the rave map somewhere. Wants to span down to where there are lots of them. Rick
can almost talk to animals, and when he was a teen lev-
Ed Branch (Age 30y 64d; born May 12, 1960) eller, he picked the locks on the cages in the Bronx Zoo
Accountant. Also firearms aficionado, and Second monkey house, and let them roam the backrooms. In fact,
Amendment activist. He also quotes the Tenth that happens this week, and some of you want to go watch
Amendment a lot, especially after a few beers, or whenever 1
and tease him.
the conversation turns to the Maxims.
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One
The Rave Scene.
Scenario “Hook & Wheels”: This is your rave club, and being
Justin Freiburg
spanners, you’re never raided, at least not successful- Mentor Extraordinaire, Cageless Wonder
ly by the level cops. Sex and drugs in these con-
trolled environments were very much in evidence in Society United States Locality Chicago AD c1970
the early ’90s, less so later; it is up to the GM how Age 37y 88d
much this is a part of his play style. Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat Foxhorn
On the Rave map, the “L’s” are leveller guards and B6 M7 Q9
bartenders. They don’t know about spanning, and Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
ask no questions about their employers’ secrecy, as Modern English/M/Master/10
the pay is good and some of you look standardly Driving— Motorcycle/B/Master/12
dangerous. (And many another skill as the GM sees fit)

The back rooms are for private spanner business. Items:

While the office and “back room” are sometimes Leather, chains, and a special comb for that ZZ
occupied by levellers, the “safe room” is always off Top beard. Sunglasses, keys to the Harley, a big
limits to all but spanners, and is kept locked from suede wallet and a heart of gold.
the inside. There is also a basement, if you feel you
need it. The back room has a couple beds and a
fridge. Justin explains that he has to be off in Kansas City
KS at the center of hog rally this weekend (June 4-7,
Information control. 1993). Nearly everybody knows he never misses that
There are no windows or cameras anywhere at the weekend, and Fox is said to be covering it. “Hey, it's
rave, though spanning home for a device is possible. that Information Age for ya.” He can't risk being
The DJ might carry a tape recorder, as may some seen so obviously in two places at the same time.
leveller guests.
Justin is in fact fully informed of the events that
Luke’s computer in the office has a 14.4k modem transpire this weekend, and is aware he plays small
connection to AOL and the internet (the Web is still part in it. However, he is cruising Up and Down the
nascent). It’s a 486 with 2 megs of RAM, and an 80 years, providing the Grace rolls and the occasional
meg hard drive. It holds Luke’s stock futures and the temporal tripwire for the bad guys.
club’s various records and transactions; none of this
info is out of place for June 1993. If a spanner Goes Down or Up to call or ask Justin
about Mike, he'll find their predicament very inter-
esting, but give no information beyond, “Huh. Well,
we’ll look into that. —Oh, and if you see me, remind
me to call me about it.”

If the players get into an awful bind, or become

unnecessarily clueless, have one of the evil master-
minds make a blunder right in front of them (like
appearing somewhere where they stand available to
pounce, or observe to Frag ’em later). As the players
attempt to overtake them, the bad guy might mutter
under his breath, “Dammit, Justin.”

Justin, being of a rebel mold, is a natural undercover

spanner to spy on Narcissist doings. But he’s loyal
Continuum all the way.

left, and pages 4 - 7

Don Diego Sanchez, (b. AD 1660)
selections from
The Later Adventures of America: A Sketchbook
(AD 1870 - 2136)
Scribal Librarium at the New York Public Library
Artwork ©1999 Juan Sanchez

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™

. 240/ Scenario

Dance Floor



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Old Record - Storag

led Hoo.'k, llm~ 11
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Maps ©1998 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. 3

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One

Scenario Player Characters and Other Handouts

Part of GMing CºNTINUUM is being able to create and adapt on the fly. The backgrounds of the provided Player
Characters contain many extra story arcs that don’t obviously enter into the main plot. Rowena’s boyfriend, Tom’s paint-
ed stones, Taro’s art films— all fairly ordinary, everyday things, but very personal things. Any of these might be targeted
by resourceful narcissists like Mike and Marie as things vulnerable to Frag, cutting our heroes close to the heart.

Ed Branch Rosie “Bubbles” La Paz

Society United States Locality New York c1990s Society United States Locality Chicago c1920s
Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a
Age 30y 64d Born May 12, 1960 Age 21y 84d Born Aug 22, 1905
Benefit: Photographic Memory Benefit: Extraordinary Beauty
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Firearms/M/Journeyman/8 Etiquette - U.S. 1920’s/M/Journeyman/6
Accountancy/M/Journeyman/8 Etiquette - U.S. 1990’s/M/Apprentice/5
Car/Q/Apprentice/5 Melee Combat - Gin Bottle/B/Journeyman/4
Athletics - Dancing/B/Apprentice/3
History - Firearms/M/Apprentice/7
Law - U.S. Modern/M/Apprentice/7 Research - Library/M/Apprentice/5
Computer - Internet/M/Novice/6 Items:
Items: Gin Bottle
Guns, guns, guns, taser, bulletproof vest, copy of Guns &
Ammo, handcuffs. Bubbles is a Bright Young Thing from Chicago that nearly
Accountant. Also firearms aficionado, and Second got herself killed in the crossfire of a gunfight during an
Amendment activist. He also quotes the Tenth early Prohibition raid. Justin rescued the teen Rosie, and
Amendment a lot, especially after a few beers, or whenev- decided (or discovered) she was a keeper. It took some
er the conversation turns to the Maxims. finagling to bring her up to the Nineties, but everyone
feels it was worth it.
Additional Story: Additional Story:
Few of your clients know you are a ‘gun nut’. There’s a You don’t feel insane, or even strange about being on the
gun club upstate near your Westchester County home that other end of the century. There’s something natural to you
meets every Friday night, and sometimes you can’t resist about the link between the Roaring Twenties and the Rave
going there five times a week. But no one upstate knows of Nineties. It’s the same speakeasy, only louder, more choices
your rave side. in ‘medicine’, and more honestly raw.
You have a bottomless supply of ammo hidden in vari- Justin usually feels responsible, to meet any material
ous spots around the warehouse. Only you know where needs of yours, but lately you’ve decided to take employ-
they all are. ment helping with library research for a study a CUNY
professor, Leon Holmes, is doing into nineteenth-century
The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1791): women’s mores. (You’ve got to stop giggling in the library.)
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Privately, you’ve been wondering if the Narcissists are as
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are bad as they’re made out to be. they seem to have wildness
reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” down to an art. But Justin gets mad every time you want
4 Artwork ©1999 Juan Sanchez to talk to them, so you do what your mother said to do
Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. with a man, and shut up.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™


Rowena Lincoln Taro Matsushita

Society United States Locality New York c1990s Society United States Locality New York c1990s
Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a
Age 20y 40d Born April 7, 1975 Age 24y 8d Born May 8, 1974
Benefit: Tough Benefit: Tough
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Language - Spanish/M/Apprentice/6 Unarmed Combat - Judo/B/Journeyman/6
Car/Q/Novice/6 Melee - Katana/B/Journeyman/6
Art - Cooking/Q/Apprentice/7 Art - Filmmaking/Q/Journeyman/7
Athletics - Dancing/B/Apprentice/4 Language - English/M/Apprentice/5
Melee - Katana/B/Apprentice/4 (Native Language - Japanese)
Unarmed Combat/B/Apprentice/4 Items:
Items: Katana Katana, 16 mm camera, Japanese-English pocket dictionary.

Works at the Love on Madison Ave in the East 90s. Yes, he knows martial arts, and even trains people for
Gorgeous girl in love with a leveller named Vinny. Vinny’s cash. He's a professional stunt man, but he's proudest of
in with the Latin Lords. Rowena tried telling him once his work as an indie film director, which few of you have
about spanning, but he just called her nuts. Everyone's seen, since it's all in Japanese.
worried that it won't work between them.
Additional Story:
Additional Story: Your indie films are primarily four shorts and one hour-
Even you’re worried it won’t work out, especially since long masterpiece built on footage you took of natives in
Continuum spanners of higher Span keep looking at you the South Seas, which you dubbed over with weird narra-
with such sad eyes. tion in your native tongue. There are five literati in Tokyo
Vinny taught you to fight, and you’ve been hoping you who think you’re the bomb, though you’ve summoned the
could teach him a thing about love, but he’s been away a courage to not span Up to find out if that career takes off.
lot lately, and it’s starting to look like it’s over. Rowena has been scheduling more practices with you
Plus your mother and your four sisters in Chattanooga than you’d expect. You’re wondering if this means you’ll
keep asking for money, and you’re wondering how much have to trounce Vinny for her or something.
you can bend this time thing for extra cash, without break-
ing the rules or disappointing Justin.
Next time a higher-Span Continuum person asks for
some help, you’re going to ask for that extra cash.
You hated knives until Taro introduced you to the
katana, and now you and he practice whenever you can
arrange it. Hey, now that you think about it, Taro’s an
available man...

Artwork ©1999 Juan Sanchez

Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One


Elvis Moore Tom Redsnake

Society United States Locality New York c1990s Society Apache Locality New York c1990s
Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a
Age 25y 45d Born Dec 8, 1978 Age 28y 184d Born Jun 14, 1968
Benefit: Perceptive Limit: Addiction— cigarettes Benefit: Aptitude (Dreaming)
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Repair - Vehicle/M/Master/8 Dreaming/Q/Journeyman/7
Motorcycle/Q/Apprentice/6 Art - Office Design/Q/Journeyman/7
Melee - Pipe/B/Apprentice/7 Art - Dancing/Q/Apprentice/6
History - U.S. South/M/Apprentice/6 Religion - Apache/M/Apprentice/5
Items: Language - Apache/M/Novice/4
Lead Pipe, tools. Melee - Knife/B/Apprentice/6
Motorcycle Repairman, has his own small garage in cen- Items:
Knife, Painted stones, medicine bag (worn around neck).
tral Jersey. Known for hating the King of Rock ’n Roll
because he grew up being teased for the name. Went on a M.A. Office Design, Columbia University. Claims that raves are
long, personal pilgrimage to the Fifties to tell Presley fans 'the only places people dream much anymore'. His grandmother
prophesied in a dream that he would visit his Apache ancestors,
that he died fat; Justin eventually went and told him to
so after he learned to span, he focussed on his skills at dreaming.
cut it out. Likes Pink Floyd.

Artwork © 1999 Drew Tucker

Additional Story:
Additional Story:
Your grandmother was much spookier than
God you hate Elvis Presley, and you tell everyone. No you’ve been telling people. She kept showing
fewer than three Southern spanners, one of them up at odd hours and giving you small tribal
Confederate, have challenged you to duels to defend his artifacts like beads and painted stones, saying
honor, and when you’re high enough Span, they’ll be they held a power both quiet and great. You
ready. So will you. still have them somewhere, but your spanner
experiences have caused you to relegate
These people didn’t have to put up with the fat jokes, totemic objects to the back drawer.
the grease stuck in their hair, and ceaseless schoolyard nat- You tend to pace yourself when it comes to
tering. You had no middle name, nowhere to hide. the raves. Some of your chronies treat the
You secretly swear you’ll span into Graceland that fate- atmosphere of your corner as a kind of end-
ful day, and personally jam the last fried peanut butter all, but you know better. You treat it like the
weekend it truly is.
hoagie down that black-velvet throat, and be the father of
a million conspiracy theories. Your dreams have been revealing a gold
You can fix anything. Bikes, cages, roofs, TVs, comput- hand, disembodied, pulling at what might be a
ers up through 2002. And one day— you will fix the submarine hatch in dark waves. You’re not
Presley. sure if it’s hanging on for survival, or if it
wants to break in, killing the submarine’s pas-
sengers. All the portholes have crosses on

You also have an embarrassing secret. While at Columbia, before

Victor Beauregard Houston, you became a spanner, you made
(b. AD 1857) extra bucks as a Chippendale’s dancer.
Artwork ©1999Juan Sanchez U-000 (AD 1919) You wonder how long this can possi-
6 Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. private collection, New York
bly be kept from your chronies.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™


Luke Weems Rick Zuwilinski

Society United States Locality New York c1990s Society United States Locality New York c1990s
Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a (see below) Corner Brooklyn 1990s Frat n/a
Age 35y 18d Born Sep 19, 1972 Age 18y 251d Born Apr 1, 1980
Benefit: Math Wiz
Benefit: Contortionist/Double-Jointed
Unarmed Combat - Boxing/B/Apprentice/6
Car/Q/Novice/5 Art - Animal Husbandry/Q/Journeyman/8
Light Aircraft/Q/Novice/5 Vehicle - Carriage/Q/Apprentice/7
Language - Spanish/M/Novice/5 History - Medieval England/M/Novice/5
Professional Skill - Finance/M/Journeyman/7 History - Industrial Age Transport/M/Novice/4
Religion - Mormon/M/Apprentice/5 Melee Combat - Horsewhip/B/Apprentice/4
Mathematics/M/Apprentice/6 Stealth/B/Novice/3
Items: 486 PC, Personal planner book, Pager, New Items:
Testament, Book of Mormon Horsewhip, Map of New York City.
Has a religious bent, and is a workaholic futures broker, with fanatical
honesty. Well, sort of. Luke's a Mormon with six wives, and only two
New York City buggy driver. Loves horses, loves car-
actually are aware of each other. Plus, he claims he has twenty more in his
riages. Wants to span down to where there are lots of
Yet. Packs a wicked punch, too.
them. Rick can almost talk to animals, and when he was a
teen leveller, he picked the locks on the cages in the Bronx
Additional Story: Zoo monkey house, and let them roam the backrooms. In
You find nothing dishonest in having multiple wives. A spanner has a wider fact, that happens this week, and some of you want to go
perspective on things, and there is plenty of spacetime where polygamy is the
norm.You cheat on none of them at the raves, and are ready with helpful
watch and tease him.
advice to dissuade those there considering extra- or premarital affairs. Additional Story:
You never use the information you have to influence your advice and pur- Frankly, you’re not sure how you managed to get out of
chases at work. You intend your service to the Continuum to be seamless in
this regard, and the Moneychangers’ Fraternity seems impressed— you have the Monkey House without going to juvenile hall. You
every expectation of joining them one day. remember a bunch of people showing up and helping you
You spend over twelve hours of every week of your Age practicing box- get the monkeys corralled. they all seemed to know you
ing at various gyms.
The (leveller) wives:
somehow, and then as soon as it was done, they mysteri-
Salt Lake City - ously disappeared while your back was turned. Since you
Gail— the only wife the secretaries at work know about. She covers for: became a spanner, you believe it’s the Continuum helping
Elena— who is devoted to Luke, and had the first child of this family, out. Lately, you’re believing it’s been in your Yet to
Michael, in 1990.
(The rest rely on separate pager numbers to contact you. You always return arrange the monkey-house cleanup yourself.
their calls within seconds.) You're looking for a few good men who are brave
Morissette— (Chicago) enough to wrestle a gorilla back into his pen. But you’re
Mindy— (New Orleans)
Lona— (Mexico City) - three children, Eduardo (b. 1986), Lona (b. 1987),
wondering how to breach the subject delicately to your
and Consuela (b. 1989). friends.
Kai Li— (Hong Kong)
Your hope is that Deseret (the Mormon terrestrial kingdom later incorpo-
rated as the state of Utah) is recognized as a Society. You haven’t pursued
the information, waiting instead until you’re higher Span. Plus, you’re a
busy family man; time enough for politics later.
The Continuum has had nothing to say to you about your lifestyle, good
or bad, apart from the strong hint that twenty wives await you over fifty
years Down in the past. Justin has said his personal opinion is you’re head- Artwork ©1999 Juan Sanchez
ed for trouble— not Frag, but trouble. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. 7

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One
Preparing and Starting to Play Likely Span of Events
First, it’s always a good idea to for GMs to read an
entire scenario in advance, and to take notes about Introduce Rave Scene, Saturday June 5, AD 1993.
parts you’d like to emphasize or elaborate during Explain that Justin will be away.
play. Why not take the time now?
‘St. Michael of Wycroft’ approaches the PCs at the rave
When you’re ready to start play, hand out copies of and asks: “What time is it?”
Players’ Notes (the first page of this scenario) and Mike asks if Justin is around first.
let the players familiarize themselves with their Mike reveals his plight, and the players decide whether
and how to help him.
characters and their chronies. When each have cho-
sen a character, hand each player a copy of their Spanning around town to investigate the location of
selected persona’s statistics, from the handouts on Hand an/or Mike's agenda. [Keeping record of spans.]
ppg. 4-7.
The party goes after the Hand either to give to Mike, or
Recommend that everyone read the rules well before keep it from him.
play, but allow several minutes to answer questions
at the game session itself. Expect private questions Getting the Hand - Physical Combat
about character quirks, and general ones about how (probably against the Hand itself)
time travel “works” in CºNTINUUM (especially if this
Discovering their mistake (either about Mike or about the
is your first time playing.) Be prepared to answer Hand or both), and engaging in Time Combat to undo it,
individual character questions away from the rest of or to try to get the Hand back.
the players, but try to answer questions of general
interest to all players, to avoid repeating yourself. [Failing anything so dramatic, Mary shows up, gives them
her political/Narcissist third degree, and starts Time
Likely Span of Events. Combat.]
The list at right gives a kind of checklist of things to
cover during play. It’s not a hard and fast timetable, Epilogue: Wrap up and review of the adventure.
by any means, but it does point out the major “plot Skill advancement.
points” to touch on during the game. The major ele- Mike asks if Justin is around, and of course, he’s
ments of CºNTINUUM that are demonstrated in this away this weekend. He seems a little concerned at
scenario, are highlighted in boldface. this news, and says something to effect of, “Really? I
was told he’d be here. Well, perhaps you could help
Opening Moves. me. Is there somewhere we could speak privately?”
Once the players have settled their characters in on
the map of the rave, describe the “ordinary” goings Mike’s Plight.
on at a rave: the blare of the music, the lighting, the Once ensconced in the back room or other private
paying leveller customers, and their assorted border- chambers, Mike will explain that he’s in New York
line behaviors. Call for a Perception skill roll against looking for his hand. Savvy players may count their
their Quick. visitor’s hands, and find he has both attached, at
which point he’ll explain further that his hand, and
Success means they notice a tall man, dressed in odd indeed entire forearm were kept in a reliquary, as
clothes— nothing too out of place, anything goes in a sainthood is in his Yet. While martyrdom is not the
rave, but spanners can often tell when someone is best of endings to look forward to, he still feels
“dressing down” for visiting other times. He also has somewhat responsible for his town of Wycroft, and
a greying beard, looks to be in his forties, and is his canonization, for that matter.
crossing towards the bar without looking much at his
dance floor surroundings. Mike claims he wants to make no waves in someone
else’s corner, but he has heard (through spanner
Once at the bar, he looks at the simple setup with a tales) that his arm has made it to New York in the
kind of soft-eyed, delighted smile; a kind of wonder, last half of this century.
though some may wonder what medication he’s on.
If approached, he is soft-spoken and friendly. He also claims he discovered the reliquary vanishes
from record shortly before appearing to save his
If anyone asks him, “What time is it?” he will repeat hometown from famine. This line of enquiry has led
the question back in the eternal method of spanners him to believe the reliquary was brought farther Up,
identifying one another. If no one asks him, he’ll and its return to Wycroft in 1106 is still in the Yet.
open with the signal himself, because he’s here on a Plus, he doesn’t want to appear too often in his
8 personal quest. home locality, as he's a saint there and all, and too

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™
many such a manifestations might impinge the his- encounter one of the characters alone at this point,
torical record. So he encourages the players to await and perhaps drop some hints he isn’t all he seems. Scenario
his assistant Mary Tillet, and give it to her. (Another
ruse: he just wants to learn its location, or ensure Research
that these unsuspecting Span Ones have it for a time, Naturally, resources of the many colleges in the city
and he’ll get it from them. and the extensive New York Public Library make
most basic research merely a matter of spanning
If the characters ask for some proof, Mike can pro- around to the right times. Most details about lev-
vide a picture from a magazine that took him “forev- ellers, even about Tuzzolino’s reclusiveness and inter-
er to locate”. It’s a photo of a tapestry of his Hand est in antiquities, can be gleaned from public papers,
from Natural History magazine. (See pg. 12 for and may require but a single roll.
Mike’s stats and further information on his agenda
and the proofs he’s planted.) Finding out about spanner’s successive lives, or place
in ancient histories, takes greater effort, and each bit
Spanners Chasing Leads of info about their actions (such as Michael’s false
Presuming the players are helpful to Michael, they leads about the Hand, pg. 12 should require a sepa-
will want to try and track his Hand down. rate roll, and expenditure of Age.
Conversely, if they suspect he’s up to no good, they’ll
want to find it and keep it out of his reach. The internet in 1993 is still mainly full of FTP sites
and such, supplemented by the online services like
Players with characters that can teleport and travel Prodigy, CompuServe and AOL. The Web is still in
time are always unpredictable. Some will be stumped its infancy, and you should limit the information one
by all but the most direct clues. Other will pop can glean then accordingly.
around and devise startling, unexpected solutions.
Expect anything in a time travel game. Some likely Finally, there are situations demanding espionage, if
ideas: only of poor levellers’ file cabinets and hard drives.
The GM may devise elaborate maps and play out
Let’s Steal It. how the players sneak around darkened offices,
Once our heroes find the Hand, they may decide to avoiding guards and cameras... but spanners have an
just take it from poor old Mr. Tuzzolino. After all, absurdly easy time of it. They can teleport and travel
it’s needed more elsewhere, and if he needs it back, time. They normally get what they want unless some
Mike will certainly agree to the players that he’ll spanner’s sentient force reaches out and slaps them.
bring it back after the miracles.
Detailed maps are usually only necessary if antago-
All We Need Is A Copy. nistic spanners are present, and research properly
Alas that Mike has no photo of the piece itself (just a applied allows spanners to study an area they are to
crude medieval rendering on a tapestry). All he needs fight in meticulously before spanning back to join
is something that precisely resembles the reliquary, the fight. Running one or two Physical Combats
and he can arrange for any miracles around that. It against levellers will quickly prove how easily beaten
still means locating the Hand, but only a photo is they are. It’s like torturing ants. The first couple
necessary. times can be fascinating, but soon you get bored and
(Note Mike just needs to learn the address of the feel bad about yourself, and move on to worthy
Tuzzolino residence, to succeed.) challenges.
Distrusting Mike.
Let the players come to this themselves. Drop few Dreams
hints, if any, that he’s anything but an honest Tom and Bubbles both have the Dreaming skill.
Continuum spanner. See if deduction leads to the
truth: the PCs will discover no “St. Michael of Dreams are often more symbolic than direct (unless
Wycroft” in Roman Catholic books of saints, Lucid Dreaming or the like is used). Here follows a
detailed English histories make no mention of him, few suggestions of the myriad possible investigations
etc. —But wait for them to ask. Information is all. Dreaming players may request:

If confronted, Mike will act nervous, but claim that Tom’s dream of the submarine, if he goes into it far-
something must be seriously wrong: he knows all ther, symbolizes a potential wider threat to the
about his sainthood. He doesn’t mind obscurity, but Continuum. The Hand is entering “strange
someone is succeeding in erasing his name! waters”— where it doesn’t belong, and you have to
stop it. (This is also a clue as to how to stop the
Should the players continue to trust Mike enough to Hand: long immersion underwater [a couple min-
want to hand over Tuzzolino’s address, Mary should utes] will short-circuit it if it has already taken 15 IP.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One
See the Hand’s statistics, pg. 16)
Scenario After their flashlight beams are seen to penetrate
Dreaming on Mike reveals a shadowy man, much parts of her body, (other bits of organs and muscle
taller than people around him. You’re not sure if this are simply more visible through her unevenly trans-
is how he is seen, or sees himself. [This is deliberate- parent skin), she will try to communicate, but only
ly confusing, but a successful History or equivalent make noises out of syncopation with her jaws, and
roll will reveal that size symbolized the importance mostly unintelligible noises at that.
of a personage in Byzantine and medieval sculpture.]
Frustrated and afraid, she will brazenly reach
Dreaming on Mary reveals her in the guise of through a box and grab the precious card with the
Liberté, a living 18th Century oil painting, dripping information the party is after. The card still has
with blood and anger, screaming threats and oaths in proper mass, so it pulls off the box’s lid as she
French at the observing dreamer. [Later a painting removes it. She waves it right in front of their noses,
might be seen in Tuzzolino’s apartment that closely and spans away with it.
resembles this dream, and even resembling Mary.]
If they manage to acquire the card in the warehouse,
Other dreams involving these two may include shad- (by spanning Down, for instance) they will discover
owy figures (Mike and Mary) circling around the the man who purchased the arm is Leonardo
hand, both aiding and resisting one another. Tuzzolino.

Dreaming on the Hand reveals it grappling around Leonardo purchased other things at auction that day.
the dreamer’s own (or a chrony’s) throat, crushing it Cross-referencing the cards, even with the main one
with casual ease. [If the Hand later is captured, this missing, will discover his name, and his then (and
chrony is attacked first.] still) current address.

Christie’s and its Records Warehouse- Meeting Mary Again for the First Time.
For spanning into Christie’s offices, downtown Just as the players have discovered Mike’s a phony
Manhattan, remember there are cameras on, and (or, conversely, just as they are about to give the
there are leveller guards (use the stats on pg. 16). Hand’s location to him on a platter) a woman will
Still, a couple successes on Quick or Stealth should intrude on their lives.
do the trick. At Christie’s is a basic clue (memo,
computer file, whatever) including the following Perhaps she will be on the dance floor, perhaps in
information: Tuzzolino’s apartment, perhaps even in one of the
corner’s spare beds, calling out to an unsuspecting
1) The date of the closed auction: male player character, whom she will behave as if
Friday May 5, 1963 2:00 PM she’s known him for years (something seemingly
pleasant to put in his Yet).
2) The reliquary of St. Michael of Wycroft was
scheduled to be auctioned. Mary takes whatever position opposite to what the
players have just decided to do (help Mike or trash
3) Details of the purchase are at the records him as a fake). This keeps them guessing, and ulti-
warehouse, the address of which is just a few mately should propel them into acquiring the Hand
doors down from the rave. for themselves.

The interior of Christie’s records warehouse is simi- Tuzzolino’s Apartment.

lar to the rave, although there is a second floor. It overlooks Central Park on Fifth Ave. on 73rd St.
Walking in through the lobby will meet with suspi-
Inside the warehouse, little security is present. Some cious, beefy doormen. It’s best to call ahead, or
locks on doors exist, and rarely, a caretaker comes expect to be deposited into the street, on your ear.
around to check. These are just old records, not
Christie’s auction pieces. There’s little a spanner need Spanning in unannounced creates an unfortunate—
fear here, at least from the management. but short-lived— misunderstanding. The butler in
residence, Edwin Spooner, is a spanner of no mean
It’s not hard to search through the years to find skill. He knows exactly what the Hand is, and is pre-
1963. But the party will encounter Mary waiting for pared for Time Combat on anyone spanning in to
them in the ill-lit stacks of 1960s cards (the far lower find and take it. He has been warned that an attempt
right of the map in Handout #2). An elder badly is to be made to steal the Hand, though his informa-
fragged Mary, out for a revenge the party may not tion is erroneous, having derived from Michael. He’ll
even understand. have spanner backup, and will himself be everywhere

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™
around the apartment. (See Spooner’s stats, and that
of his chronies, pg. 14). Scenario

Calling first has the best results, though it may

require extra espionage at the phone company
(Nynex) to dig up Tuzzolino’s unlisted number. L 'I !flt ARY
Getting through to Spooner on the phone (Leonardo
never answers himself) will meet with a devastatingly
polite refusal on behalf of Mr, Tuzzolino to have any
visitors. However, if the players pose as even ama-

teur admirers of antiquities, this will get back to
Tuzzolino, who will insist they be invited as guests.
(Spooner’s omnipresence has been spooking the old
fellow, and he’s more desirous of company than is
his habit.)

If invited to dinner, Mary will certainly arrive as a Close-up of Tuzzolino’s Library, revealing the many hand
surprise guest (surprising even to the lucky folks who reliquaries he owns.
have met her elder selves.) Leonardo treats her as an Number Seven is the Death Hand.
old and valued friend, and Mary starts making dark coordinate (perhaps with the help of Spooner), they
hints about her allegiances (which go over stand a good chance of bringing them down.
Tuzzolino’s head, but should make players doubt
every non-player character in the room.) Victory Conditions

Of course, the players will be after the Hand, and Bagging one or both Narcissists, and keeping the
Tuzzolino is entirely willing to show it off— after Hand out of Mike's clutches. Turning it over to
dinner. With Mary present and acting all threatening, Justin or even ensuring Spooner survives the week to
players are likely to try and see or snag the Hand for keep watch over it, are all acceptable outcomes.
Game also ends if Mike takes the Hand away from
This proves tricky, as it is one of ten reliquaries of the 1990s. Not a victory, mind.
hand-like quality spread around the room. Even
Tuzzolino is hard-pressed to recall which one is St. Epilogue
Michael’s, but both Spooner and Mary know which
one is the genuine item. Justin rides back into the corner one afternoon, and
either congratulates his crew for a job well done, or
In the Library. shakes his head and offers what condolences he can.
If the players have located any of the magazine arti-
cles, they will be able to narrow down the Hand to In any case, he’ll make one point clear: “That’s not
one of two choices: Numbers 4 (in an glass case with the last we’ve seen of Mike ’n Mary. Life’s not like
an alarm) or Number Seven (on the mantlepiece). Dragnet. Not for us, anyway.”

Reaching for Number Seven means it will attack at

once. See pg. 16 for the terrifying powers of this
non-reliquary, and enjoy the Physical Combat. The
GM is advised to note potential water sources on the
map on Handout #3 (bathrooms, kitchen) since
immersion may be the only way to stop this thing.

Spooner will allow the spanners to get a little beat

up. The incident has been in his Yet for awhile now.

If the players succeed in deactivating the Hand,

Mary will make an attempt to take it (now that it’s
following pages
safe). She’ll initiate Time Combat. If Mike is still in Don Diego Sanchez, (b. AD 1660)
Scribal Report on the Outcome of the Wycroft Incidents,
the game, and has enough information, he may join AD 1993
in the Time Combat as well. While fighting two pencil
Scribal Librarium at the New York Public Library 11
Span Threes seems like a tough job, if the chronies

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One
Mike is not a saint by any stretch of the Michael, Abbot of the Monastery at Wycroft Hedge
Scenario imagination, though he's damn good at pretending. “St. Michael of Wycroft”
His pitch is very earnest and above-board.
He will go through the whole process of spanner Society Britain Locality AD 1000 Age 45y 17d
identification, and even ask after Justin, though Corner Druids cAD 250 Frat (Narcissist)
secretly he’s picked this weekend because he's certain SPAN 3 FRAG 1
Justin is way the entire time. B7 M7 Q9
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating (before Frag penalties)
Typical dialogue: “Hello, I’m called Michael. Saint Old English/M/Master/10
Michael, actually. Of Wycroft. Yes, my martyrdom’s Modern English (1890s)/M/Journeyman/9
in my Yet. A tad disconcerting, but one has to do Late Latin/M/Master/10
one’s part. Anyway. I’m looking for my hand...” Catholicism (Medieval)/M/Master/10
Mike claims he wants to make no waves in Death Hand Operation/M/Novice/8
someone else’s corner, but he has heard (through Items:
spanner tales) that his arm has made it to New York Non-descript clothes, that are never quite the right fashion. Usually some-
in the last half of this century. thing that can double for a cudgel. Rarely carries money of any kind,
beyond a bag of salt.
He also claims he discovered the reliquary
vanished shortly before appearing to save his home- Mike's agenda.
town from famine. This line of enquiry has led him, His motivation is to change a rather notable
he claims, to believe the reliquary was brought far- piece of history: making himself a saint in his own
ther Up, and its return to Wycroft in 1106 is still in country.
the Yet. Plus, he doesn’t want to appear too often in None of the following happened, but Mike has been
his home locality, as he’s a saint there and all, and planting evidence— “cobwebs” of his agenda
such a manifestation might impinge the historical throughout time. Most of these events are substanti-
record. So he encourages the players to await his ated in only one place, and are occasionally (on a
assistant Mary, and give it to her. Grace) outright shown to be false. St. Michael of
If the players start openly suspecting him of Wycroft appears on no Catholic registry of saints or
mischief, he maintains a pleasant smile, and claims saints’ days, ever. The info he’s planted appears in
only to misunderstand the ways of the 20th Century. small bold face. {When he planted it is braces.}
He’s always ready to apologize or make amends, or
appear to. This villain never shows the emotions of 1) [June 4] 982 - Michael martyred by pagan peas-
one. He more than half believes himself a saint, ants by having his limbs chopped off in witness to
despite all the pain he causes. Pain is normal in his Christ. Smithsonian magazine, April 1979, no other attestations.
locality. {January 7, 1979. in the author’s notes in Washington DC}

Why doesn't Mike just grab the Hand once/if he 2) [August 14] 1047 - Michael appears to children in
learns where it is? danger of falling down an empty well, saving them.
Archaeology Today, May 1987, among other 1980s sources. All refer to a
He hopes to trap Mary, as he doesn’t like manuscript in the collection of the British Library, written in the 1300s.
not being given information when he wants it. He {June 12, 1314. Dictated to a scribe in London who enjoyed the strong
suspects that anyone picking up the device will “medicines” Mike could provide.}
shortly be attacked by it [true]. Also, he has slightly
better knowledge of how these things operate, 3) [September 8] 1106 - The presence of Michael's
despite Mary's years of having it within reach. Once arm (in its reliquary) saves his native town of
it incapacitates her (or a player), he feels he'll have Wycroft from famine. Natural History, March 1974 - has a photo
of the tapestry fragment of the Hand reliquary. The story is based on oral
the time to switch it off safely, and take it Down to tradition and an entry for that date in a monastic diary reading simply, “He
the 12th Century. appeared, holding forth his hand, and saved them from starvation.”
(Translated from Old English. The diary exists in the collection of the
His only “evidence” is the tapestry photo Church of England.) {This breviary is scribbled in Mike’s own handwriting.
He tucked into odd Church papers being held at Oxford on September 22,
from Natural History magazine (mentioned below), 1318.}
which displays a reliquary of an arm being venerat-
ed; and the hearsay that it was auctioned here in 4) c. 1120 - Michael sainted; a tapestry commemo-
New York in the 1960s. He’s come to 1990s because rating his miraculous event is woven. The fragmentary
he's a bit foggy on how to research auction houses, Wycroft Tapestry hangs occasionally in the British Museum. Most sources
and is hoping the players can help [true]. believe it depicts Norman generosity. The reason a golden hand is pictured
is unknown. {Only Michael himself connects the tapestry with his destiny,
as he discovered it by accident in the Museum on June 6, 1887.}
Evidence discovered that contradicts his
story— or lack of evidence supporting him— he’ll The truth. Michael was actually the young abbot of a
blame on Narcissist efforts to erase his sainthood. If foundering monastery in rural Wessex. He oversaw three
necessary, he’ll try to panic the players into believing monks. In his day, there was little if any care on the common
something major is going down: the less they find folks’ part about religious matters; the Danelaw was too near-
by and the Pope too far away to worry about church.
out about St. Michael of Wycroft, the more he’ll act He got involved with spanning and Narcissism when he
wronged and concerned. met the wrong man on the road one day, and got in
Artwork © 1999 Juan Sanchez
between him and someone the man had a quarrel with.

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of St. No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™
Marie Tille Scenario
(Mary Tillet), Mike's “Friend”

Society France Locality Paris, c1800 Age 32y 104d

Corner Jacobin Club (1790s) Frat (Narcissist)
SPAN 3 FRAG 3 (to 7)
B4 M7 Q8
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating (before Frag penalties)
Mod. French/M/Master/10
Mod. English/M/Journeyman/9
History - French Revolution/M/Grandmaster/11

Anything she can Slipshank.

Mary’s story is one of witnessing violent

revolution in her youth, and being recruited suddenly
one night by Antedesertium as France leaned towards
becoming an Empire. When she spans about, she Societies a puppet-state of the Continuum, designed
makes little effort to hide her politics. solely to hold descendants of the freedom-loving
“narcissists” as slave ransom. Literally, as she will
She knows exactly where the Hand is, and point out to Rowena or Tom.
who guards it. Michael has suspected she knows, She wants to leverage the players into join-
and has been trying every bargaining chip to get her ing her cause, before they have the chance to become
to reveal that she knows. She’s holding out for a their elder selves. She’s helping Michael only to get
guarantee that Mike will help her on “the big pic- these young spanners’ attention, which is why she
ture”, but now he’s “hired” the PCs, and that ticks doesn't just give him the Hand, or take it herself.
her off.
Michael’s narrow self-interest appalls Mary, Why grill players with Mary’s politics?
but the thought of the Hand being brought back to Regarding the big picture, it helps demon-
medieval times thrills her with the possibility of strate that Mary has to make at least some kind of
spreading powerful tech in defiance of the Inheritors. entrance to give the players a “fighting chance”. If
If/when Mary is feeling pro-Michael, she quotes vari- she demonstrates when and where she is, the players
ous attestations of appearances of the original St. can wrack their brains to find the chink in her armor
Michael, such as: “The Swiss occultist Steiner during Time Combat.
believed that the Archangel Michael descended to
Earth in the nineteenth century, so to contend with Is Mary absolutely rotten?
evil on earth. I think he saw our friendly saint, n’est- Mary is what we call a “swing” character
ce pas?” for the GM— if the players figure out Michael too
If Mary is encountered in the Christie’s easily, Mary can enter as a mysterious/scary spanner
records warehouse, it is a much later version of her with a less precise agenda. On the other hand, if
trying to Frag the players for some slight they have Mike is having his way with the players, Mary can
yet to give her. This Mary is Frag 6 and can do be much more sympathetic, even aiding the PCs
creepy things like reach through solid objects. But against Mike full throttle, if she sees a reason. But
she’s stopped making sense; Marys encountered sub- she’s never a completely trustworthy presence.
sequently will be junior versions, who may only
learn of the warehouse from player complaints at How does Mary get so badly fragged that she’s in
her. the warehouse in such a state?
These junior Marys are very sophisticated This is one of the beauties of CºNTINUUM,
and will attempt to goad characters using every presenting an ending in the midst of the story. It
racial, historical, or personal nightmare she can either has to be solved, or becomes a goal –or finds
point out. When/if the players tire of the politics or its own explanation in the course of the game.
simply tell her to get lost, she informs them, “If This last happens remarkably often, and adds an
you’re going to learn anything as a spanner, you first extra thrill to any session.
must feel Frag.” And she commences Time Combat. Mary is quite contrary, being the ‘swing’
character. If she becomes the players’ enemy, they
Mary’s agenda. will likely frag her. If she turns on Michael, he might
Mary is a very politically-motivated spanner. get her while the PCs aren’t looking. A final option
Antedesertium has found an apt pupil in Mary, who can always be leaving it a mystery to be explained
delights in first hinting, then openly declaring the during another session of play. 13
Artwork © 1999 Juan Sanchez

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of Saint No-One

Scenario Edwin Spooner, Time Butler

Society Britain Locality London, AD 1610
Corner Manhattan, 19th-20th Cent. Frat
B5 M7 Q9
Mid. English/M/Master/10
Mod. English/M/Master/10

Polishing cloth, extra white gloves.

Edwin has been working for Leonardo for

only three and half years of his Age, though it’s been
spread over decades, and it feels likes centuries.
While the pay is to die for, Edwin is only there to
watch over the fate of the Hand.

Mike has succeeded in giving Spooner false

information that an attempt on the hand is to hap- Don Diego Sanchez, (b. AD 1660)
pen two days before the players’ attempt. So while Spooner Exploring the Rave, (study)
AD 1994
he's kept some chronies patrolling on either side of pencil
collection of the artist
the event, he’s packed himself into every nook of the
the wrong day. Leonardo is quite upset for a week
afterwards, even dreaming of Spooner being in his
very mind. Terry and Philippe, Spooner's Spanner Guards
Society Britain Locality Ottawa, 1997
Note that Mary is an occasional guest. Corner Tuzzolino Residence Frat —
Edwin finds her company refreshing, but not alto- SPAN 1 FRAG 0
gether healthy. He will tolerate her opinion to a B5 M5 Q5
point, but not to a fault. Note that her frequent pres-
ence in the house causes Spooner less concern that
she will steal it herself, because of the risk of Stealth/Q/Apprentice/33
Fragging herself. Sense of Humor/Q/Journeyman/7
Modern English/M/Apprentice/6
He has met the Brooklyn (PC) party before, Modern French/M/Apprentice/6
but not they him. He doesn’t think very highly of
them at the outset, and is privately surprised they’re
involved in this mess. Should Mary initiate Time Items:
Combat while in his master's house, he will feel it Handcuffs (2 pair each)
his duty to respond, and join in the Combat on the
side of the players (they are guests, though perhaps
uninvited.) These two Canadians are useful for any extra back-
up or plot device you feel the players need, or need
to be hindered with.

Artwork © 1999 Juan Sanchez

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
The Death Hand of Saint No-One CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™

Leonardo Tuzzolino, Scenario

The Leveller Guy Who Owns the Hand
Society Rome Locality Late AD 20th Cent.
Corner n/a Frat n/a
B1 M5 Q3
Mod. Italian/M/Master/9
Mod. English/M/Journeyman/7
Antiquities (European Medieval)/M/Journeyman/7
Antiques (AD 18th-19th Cent.)/M/Apprentice/6
He's rich. He has just about anything available, if he wants it. On his
person, he rarely carries more than his platinum AmEx.

Gaunt, miserable, and fabulously wealthy,

Leonardo Tuzzolino lives in palatial splendor on the 11th
floor of his Fifth Avenue apartment building. His daughter,
Laura, visits him occasionally, but she has long since decid-
ed that whatever wealth he might leave her is hardly worth
the curious mind-games her father habitually plays.
Therefore, Leonard Tuzzolino lives alone, abandoned by
all but his faithful and equally unpersonable retainer,
Spooner, who infests the back corridors of the Tuzzolino
apartment like a plague.
Leonardo Tuzzolino is in fact not a bad man, but
he is morbidly afraid of losing himself. He is obsessed with
the thought that part of his mind might ebb away at any
point, and that he might lose touch with himself, his ego, Don Diego Sanchez, (b. AD 1660)
whatever it is that makes him a proper man. This has led of the day on Sundays, and Still Life: Leonardo, (study)
to a fascination with the occult, and his discoveries in this part of every Friday. AD 1990
His friendship with pencil
area have only made him more odd. Scribal Librarium
He obtained the Hand of Michael in 1963, in an Mary goes back to the day he at the New York Public Library
auction at Christie’s. He has some idea of its power; bought the hand at auction;
though he attributes it to spiritual forces. He has noticed even so, he has no idea that spanners exist, but Spooner
that AC electrical outlets snap and crackle in its presence. often enters the room the very second he’s needed, which
A devout Catholic, he will be out at Church most has kept the old man on edge for years.

F I Fil" lill A V EHU IE.

Tb · Tuz:zoli[lo K .,id] ::t11c ·
5th Ave. at 73rd S.t.

hill I r/'

Artwork © 1999Juan Sanchez

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.
CoNTINUUM™: roleplaying in The Yet™ The Death Hand of St. No-One


The Hand, Cybernetic Assault Weapon Level Guards (5)

Society (Late Societal) Locality c AD 2040 Society United States Locality New York 1993
SPAN n/a FRAG 1 Corner n/a Frat n/a
B 11 M8 Q5 SPAN 0 FRAG 0
Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating B5 M2 Q4
Laser/B/Master/8 Skill/Attribute/Title/Rating
Taser Touch/B/Master/15 Pistol/Q/Apprentice/5
Crush/B/Master/15 Nightstick/B/Journeyman/7
RSD*/M/Journeyman/9 Stealth/Q/Apprentice/5
AI/M/Master/12 Law Enforcement/M/Apprentice/3

*Remote Synapse Disruptor— a successful roll incapaci- Items:

tates the target for five bouts, lowers their Quick -3 and Pistol
Mind -2 per hit until eight hours of rest. Characters Nightstick
with an attribute that reaches zero via attack by an Handcuffs (1 pair each)
RSD, fall unconscious.

These guys are good for Christie’s guards,

Meant as a prosthetic for ground assault rookie cops, suspicious beefy doormen, rave bounc-
troops, this useful device can also operate indepen- ers, and other bruisers.
dently should the need arise. Its loyalty to its owner
is nearly unshakable, and it has come to recognize
old Leonardo as its owner.
Its styling is rather medieval, but on very
close inspection, can be seen to be technological
device. Ideally, this thing’s high-tech attacks should
take players utterly by surprise, so only reveal its
mechanical nature if they eyeball it thoroughly and above
repeatedly. Eleanor Stockwell, Scribal measurer (b. AD 1852)
The Hand in Repose
Note that it may have other powers, like Scribal Report on the Outcome of the Wycroft Incidents,
AD 1993
force fields, solar generators, and whatever else nec- photograph
essary to further plots, surprise, etc. Scribal Librarium at the New York Public Library

Artwork © 1999 Chris Adams & Dave Fooden Edited AD 1999.07.28

CºNTINUUM™ and THE YET™ are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. All contents Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden. All rights reserved, worldwide.


Rowena Lincoln
Ed Branch Rosie "Bubbles" La Paz
Society Un ired Srares Locnlily c 1990s Com er c 1990s
Society United Stares Locality c 1990s Com er 1990s Society Un ired rares Loco/ii)' hi ago c 1920s
Age 20y 40d Bom Apri l 7, 1975 Frat n/a
Age 30y 64d Bom Ma y 12, 1960 Frat nla Co m er c 1990 Age 2 I y 84d Boru Aug 22, 1905 Frat n/a
PA ·1 FRAGO BODY 3 Ml D 5 QUI .K 6
Benefit: Tough
Benefit: Photographic Memo ry Benefi t: Ex traord inary Bea uty
(;ki II/ At Iribu1 effi1 le/Raring
ki1UAnl'ibuteffitl c/Ra1ing Ski ll/ An ributc/Ti 1le/Ro. ting
Lan guage - Spani h/M/Ap prcnrice/6
Firearms/M/Journeyman/8 Etiquenc - U.. I 920's/M/Jo urnryman/6
a r/Q/Nov ice/6
A counrancy/M/Journ ey man/8 Eriquetrc - U.. I 990 's/M/App renri cc/
Arr - Cooking/Q/Apprenri e/7
a r/Q/ Apprenrice/ 5 Melcc o rnbar - Gin Borrlc/B/Apprcnrice/3
Arhlerics - Da ncing/B/Apprenrice/4
Hi story - Firearms/M/Apprenrice/7 Arh leti s - Dancing/B/Apprentice/3
Mclee - Karana/B/Apprcnrice/4
Law - U.S. Modern/M/Apprenri ce/7 Drea ming/Q/Jo urncy ma n/7
Un armed Co mbar/B/Apprcnri ce/4
o mpurer - Inrerner/M/Novice/6 Resca r h - Libra r)'/M/Apprenrice/5
!rem : Kara na
Item : Item :
Wl1af tl•t•ryon~ k_1101vs about Ro,vcnt1: Works at the: Love: on Modison Ave in
Guns, guns, guns, ras~ r, bulletproof vest, copy of ·· un s & Gin Bortle
, the- East 90.s. Gorge us gl rl In love: with a leveller named Vinny. Vinny's 1n
Ammo" ,handcuffs. \Vhal every (spamwr) knows about 811bb/es7 Bubbles il :i Uright Young Thing with [he Larin Lord , Rowcnn tried telling him on C' ::abuur ,;pa nn ing, but he
from hi rigo rhar ne.Jrly got herself killed 111 l'11c- crossfi re or 3 gunfight dut'lng
·what everyone know about Ed: Accountant. Also firearms just .1 lled her nuts. Everyone's worrird 1hat it won'c work betwetn them.
an a rl Prohibi11on raid. The. corner's mentor rescued 1hc recn Rosi~ and
aficionado, and Second Amendment activist. He al o quotes Some of Roiurna "s Pr111ate Stu/{:
decided fur di ovcrcd) sht' was :1 kceptr. h 100k some finagling 10 bring ht'r
rhe Tenth Amendment a lot, e pecially afte r a few bee r , or Even yo u're worried it won't work our, e pecia ll y since
up ro lbc Nin tit", bur everyone. feels it wa wonh it.
whenever rile conversation turn s to the Maxims. Conrinuum spanners of higher Span keep looking ar you with
uch sad eyes.
Some of £d5 Prwa tc tu((: Somr t,f 811/Jhles' Pr11 .1tc S111((:
Vinny raugh r yo u ro fi ght , and you ' ve been ho pin g you
Few of your clients know you are a 'gun nur· . There's a You don'1 feel 111s.ine . or eve n srr.111gC' ,1bout being un th e" oth er end of thc-
ccm ury. Th rc-'s s mt'Ch1ng natural to yo u .1bou1 1he link bei-wecn th r Roaring ould teac h him a rhing abo ut love, bur he' been away a lor
gun club upstate near your Westchester County home that
meets every Frid ay night, and sometimes you ca n't re i r
Twerm c~ and the R.we Ni neties. R:wes nrr 1hr s~unr ns spC"akeasys. on ly lou l~r.
more hoices in 'medicine'. and more honc~dy r.1w.
brcl y, and it's starrin g ro look like it's over.
Plu your moth er and yo ur four sisters in harranooga
going there fiv e rime a wee k. Bur no one up rare knows of Thr co rnrr\ mtnior u ually fee ls rcspons,blc:, "1 mce-t any mate ria l ni.:C"ds of ~
your wild side.
You have a borromles uppl y of ammo hidden in variou
yo urs. hu1 hud )'ou'vc d<"'c1ded co rJkc emplnymen1 helping with library
researc h for" srncl)' .1 loca l co llege professo r, Leon Holme: . is doi ng in10 mn<" ·
tec.nt h•cc111u r)' womrn's mores. (You've go! io S1Qp giggling in the: li brar)',)
keep a king for mone y, and you' re wondering how much you
ca n bend thi s rime thing for extra cas h, without brea king the ....,
rules or disappo inring your menror.
spots aro und the wa rehouse. nly you know where rh cy all Pn va tcly, yo u've been wonde ring if 1hc N.1rc 1SM~b \l rt" as bad as 1ht:y'rc
m:1de ou l to Ix- tht•y seem to have wi ld1ws, clt)w n to an art . But yo L1r mcnl ur
Next rime a hi gher- pan Continuum person a ks for some
gtlS mad c.-vcry lime )'Ou wam ro rn lk 10 rhe111 , ~n •o u ,lo wha r our mmht"r help, you' re go in g ro ask for rhar extra cash.
The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Co11stil11tio11 (179 I): "Th e smd to do. :tnd shur up. Yo u hared knive until Taro introduced you ro rhe kara na,
powers nor delegated to rhc United Srare by the
and now you a nd he pracri e whenever you can arrange ir.
Co nstitution , nor pro hi bi ted by it to rhe state , arc reserved
Hey, now tha t yo u th ink a bout ir, Taro's an ava ila ble man ...
ro the states respectively, o r ro the people."

Taro Matsushita
Society Un ired Srare Locality cl 990s Corner c 1990
Age 24y 8d Bom May 8, 1974 Frat n/a
Benefir: Tough
Elvis Moore
Society United Srares Locality c I 990s Corner c1990s
Age 25y 45d Born Dec 8, 1978 Frat n/a
Benefir: Perceptive Limit: Addicri on- ciggarerres
Tom Redsnake
Society Apache Locality c 1990s Com er c 1990
Age 28y 184d Born Jun 14, I 968 Frat n/a
Bene.fir: Aptitude (Dreaming)
Skill/Anribu1dli1 le/Ra 1111g kiII/ Arrributeflit le/Rating SkilUAttributefritle/Rat ing
Unarmed Combat · Judo/B/Journeym an/6 Repair - Vehicle/M/Master/8 Drea ming/Q/Journeyman/7
Mclee - Karana/B/Journcy man/6 Mororcycle/Q/Apprentice/6 Art - Office De ign/Q/Journeyman/7
Arr - Filmmaking/Q/Journeyman/7 Mclee - Pipe/B/Apprcntice/7 Art - Dan ing/Q/A pprenrice/6
Langu age - Engli h/M/Apprenri ce/5 Hisrory - U.S. Sourh/M/Apprenricc/6 Religion - Apache/M/Apprenrice/5
(Narive Language - Japanese) lrems: Langua ge - Apache/M/Novice/4
lrem : Lea d Pipe, rools. Me lee - Knife/B/ Apprentice/6
Katana. 16 111111 amera, Japane e-English pocket dictionary. Wbat everyone k11ows about Elvis: Motorcycle Repairman, Items:
has his own small garage in central Jersey. Known for hating Knife, Painrcd stones, medici ne bag (worn around neck) .
What e11erya11c knows abo11t Taro: Yes, he knows marrial rhe King of Rock 'n Roll because he grew up being ceased Wh.11 e?'lfTYOltt. kfl OI VS about Tom: M.A. orn C" Design, olumb i:a Univtrsiry.
art , and even train people for cash. He's a profe sional for the name. Went on a long, per onal pilgrimage to the l.1Jm5 th1u ravCJ arC" '1hc onJy placrs people dream mu h anymore". Mis
s1unr man, but he's proude r of his work as an indie film Fifties ro tell Presley fans char he died far; The corner's men- gr.1ndmothc.r prophcsitd in a dream rhat he would visir h1 Apacbt an cstors,
direcror, which few of you have een, since it's all in tor evenrually went and told him to cut ir out. Likes Pink $0 aher hr lc1.1rned to span, he focu ssed on his skills 1
u drc;,ming.
Japane e. Floyd. Some of Tom's Pmmfl• Stu({:
Some of Ta ro's /Jfllldte st11ff.· . ome of Elvis· Private Stu/{: Your grandmoihcr was much spook1 r r ihan yo u've bcc-n celling 1>coplc. ht'
Your indie films are primaril y four shorrs and one hour- God you hare Elvis Presley, and you tell everyone. No kepi showing up 01 odd hours and giving yo u ~mull tribal art ifo ts li ke beads
and painrcd sroncs . .saying they hC'ld a power both quIc1 and grea t. You still
long masrerpi ccc built on footage you rook of native in the fewer rhan rhree Southern panners, one of th em have rhcm somewhere , bm you r sp:mnt'r rxpcri cncd have ca used you 10 rde-
Sourh Seas, which you dubbed over wirh weird narrarion in Confederare, have challenged you to duel ro defend his gn tr totenrn: objc-cn to 1hC' ba k drawer.
your narive ronguc. There are five lirerari in Tokyo who rhink honor, and when you' re high enough Span, th ey' ll be ready.
Your drea m) have been rc,•ca ling a gold hand, disembodied , pulling ar wh:n
you're rhe bomb, rhough you've summoned rhe courage ro So will you. mi ght be a suhrnarine harc h in dark waves, You're ll()t sure Hit's h:rnging on
110 1 span Up co find out if 1ha1 career rakes off. These people didn't have ro put up with rhe far jokes, rhe for sur vivn l, or if it w.1 ms to brea k i11, kill ing th e 5ubmarine's passengers. All
Rowena ha been s heduling more practice with you rhan grease tuck in their hair, and ceaseless choolyard narrering. the portholes h11vc crosses on th em.
yo u'd expecr. You ' re wondering if chi mea n you'll have to You had no middl e name, nowhere ro hide.
You nl"io ha\'t" ~n embJrrassing secret. Whil t" .11 oluml,i,,, hdorc you
rrounce Vinny for her or somerhing. You secrerl y swea r you'll pan inro Graceland thar fareful be :une a spanner, )'OU madC' exua buds as a hippendalc's dancer. You wo n-
day, and personally jam th e last fri ed peanut butter hoagie der how IL1ng rhi s cun possibly be kept from ynur hromes.
down rhar black-velver throat, and be the forher of a milli on
conspiracy theories.
You ca n fix anyrhing. Bike , cage , roofs, TVs, compurers
up through 2002. And one day- you will fix rhe Pre Icy.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter IV: Mastering

Rick Zuwilinski
Society United States Locality cl990s Corner cl990s Society United States Locality cl 990s Corner cl 990s
Age 35y 18d Born Sep 19, 1972 Frat n/a (see below) Age 18y 251d Born Apr 1, 1980 Frat n/a
Benefit: Math Wiz Benefit: ContortionistfDouble-Jointed
Skill/Arrribureffit le/Rating Skill/Arrributeffitle/Rating
Unarmed Combat - Boxing/B/Apprentice/6 Art - Animal Husbaodry/Q/Journeyman/8
Car/Q/Novice/5 Vehicle - Carriage/QI Apprentice/7
Light Aircraft/Q/Novice/5 History - Medieval England/M/Novice/5
Language - Spanish/M/No ice/5 History - Industrial Age Transport/M/Novice/4
Professional Skill - Fioance/M/Journeyman/7 Melee Combat - Horsewhip/B/Appremice/4
Religion - Mormon/M/Apprenrice/5 Stealth/B/Novice/3
Ma the ma tics/Ml Apprentice/6 Items:
Items: Latest PC, Personal planner book , Pager, New Hor ewhip, Map of the City.
Testa ment, Book of Mormon
\Vhat everyo11e k11ows abow Lllke: Has a religiou bent, and is a worka- What everyone knows about Rick: City buggy driver.
holic futures broker:, with fanatica l honesry. Well, Ort of. Luke' a Loves horses, loves carriages. Wants to span down to
Mormon with six wiv , and only rwo actually are aware of ea h othec. where there are lots of them. Rick can almost talk to ani-
Plu , be claims he has rwenry-more in bi Yer. Packs a wicked punch, too. mals, and when he was a teen leveller, he picked the locks
on the cages in the City Zoo monkey house, a.nd let them
ome of Lukes prwllte stuff:
You find nothing dis honest in having multiple wives. A spanner ha a
roam the backrooms. In fact, you know the week it hap-
wider per pecrive on things, and there is plenty of spacerime where pens, and some of you want to go watch and tease him.
polyga my i the norm . You chea t on none of th em, and are ready with help-
ful advice to diss uade your chronics considering extra- o r premarital affa irs.
You never use the in fo rm ation you have to influence you r advice and Some of Ricks private stuff:
purchases at work . You intend your service to the Conti nuum to be sea m- Frankly, you're not sure how you managed to get out of
less in th is regard, and rhe Mo neychangers' Fraterniry seems impre sed-
you have every expectation of joining them one day. the Monkey House without going to juvenile hall. You
You spend over twelve hours of every week of your Age practicing box- remember a bunch of people showing up and helping yo u
ing a t va rio us gym . get the monkeys corralled. they all seemed to know you
The wives:
Salt Lake Ciry-
somehow, and then as soon as it was done, they mysteri-
Gail- the onl y wife rh e sec retaries at work know about. She covers for: ously disappeared whi le your back was turned. Since you
Elena- who is devoted to Luke, and had the first child of thi famil y, became a spanner, yo u believe it's the Continuum helping
Michael, ia 1990. out. Latel y, you're believing it's been in your Yet to
(The rest rely on epa rate pager number to contact yo u. You always return
their ca lls within econd .) arrange the monkey-hou e cleanup yourself.
Moris ene- (Chicago) You're looking for a few good men who are brave
Mindy- ( e Orleans) enough to wrestle a gorilla back into his pen. But you' re
Lona- ( lexico Ciry) - three chi ldren, Eduardo (b. 1986), Lona (b. J 98 ),
and Consuela (b. 1989).
wondering how to breach the subject delicatel y to yo ur
Ka i Li- (Hong Kong) &iends.
Your hope is th at Deseret (the Mormon terrestrial kingdom later incor-
porated as the state of Utah) is recognized as a Society. You haven 't pursued
the information, waiting insread until yo u' re higher pa n. Plus, yo u' re a
busy family man; rime enough for politics later.
The Continuum has had nothing to say to you about your life ryle, good
or bad, apart from the srrong hint that rwenry wives awair you over fifry
yea r Down in the past. Your mentor ha said hi per onal opinion is you 're
headed for uouble- nor Frag, bur uouble.
Chapter V: KnowinM
' -~~- ow do you know it'll be over?"
Connie asked. "Do you expect to
win soon?"
"Win? It comes in spurts."
Luciente made a face over her shoulder.
"Like sun spots."
-Marge Piercy
Woman on the Edge of Time
AD 1976

History as Battlefield
• Early Civilizations- what one
knows, or is expected to learn
• A glimpse of distant Eras- and
the battles awaiting us there

• Time Travel In the Real World-

is also discussed

D'Terl izzi. (b. 1462)

Illumination from On the Nature of 1/Je Greater Atmos,,heres
Chapter V: Knowing C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
crystal . Many of the be t minera l deposi ts were exposed
History 1 as Battlefield on the surface in the Jurassic and a fter, allowing their easy
collection and a culture of workmanship develop.
While few excel at spanning, they are huge, standing
War we ll over 15 feet high, and weigh ing a couple tons apiece.
This section gives a n o erview of the Wa r with
Antedeserrium, the Societies' readiness and responses, a nd Average adult stats
some of the Societie ' distant a llie within the Continuum. SPAN 1 BODY 10 MlND 4 QUICK 4 LIFE EXPECTA CY 120 years
There is far, fa r more to the following civilizations and SK ILLS Solar Tech ] 6, Gemology G12, Adornment G9,
Era than their participation in the effort against Ante- Dino H istory M7
de errium . \ £ APO s Rending Gl4: 2/4/8/1 6· Spear-ram M13:
Early Civilizations
Before Man evolved, there were other Civilizati ons abo-
rigina l to Ea rth. Ga'hagadrrg
Just as there are hundreds a nd tho usa nds of societi es 2,0 12,379 - 2,009,561 BC (breedmg grounds)
wi th in the Societie ' 15 000+ yea r span, o too there a re Relati ves of ea nderth al and Cro-Magnon, th is branch
thousands of Civilizations of Man, reaching down as far as of huma ni ry was discovered as a spa nning culture, with a
15 miUion years. Mo t human spanners come fro m late very cautious and elaborate socia l structure preventing
Societa l spacetime, o r upwa rd, due to the high population overpopulation.
of those areas. Further information on the genesis of the Ga ' hagadrrg
is not ava ilable here, but the most experienced spend much
Here follow some of the Societie • mo t tru red a llie . of their adult life far from their birthplace, roaming space-
Certain borders o f the following civilizations are deliber- time like the va t wilderness it i .
ately obfuscated, to protect thei r interests.
Average adult stats
Sizizkai [ss-ss'ka-ii (unvocalized)J SPAN 5 BODY 9 MIND 3 QUICK 8 LI FE EX PECTANCY 40 years
106,237,032 - 106,233,878 BC KILLS Tracking G9, Surviva l G9
These a re a people descended from lguanodon car- \VEA PO s Rock M12: 1/1/2/5; Sharpened Rock Jl 1:
diomax: A reptil ia n folk , they ha ve scant patience for nosy 1/2/3/6; Wrestle M12
mammals who leave the bounds of their guesthouses.
They a re most admired for thei r skill with gems and
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter V: Knowing
Dreamgathering will battle on anyway, an unfortunate spin on human
45806 - 29120 BC hopes and dreams, taken adva ntage of at every turn by
Humans are drawn ro better clime - away from the Antede errium . Yet: the war must be fought. Stories of vet-
weather, the spanners, and the tim e hip incursions of the era ns and eager new arri va ls mingle in the streets of
larger continents- by visions in th eir dreams. A sizable Atlanti , a nd strategies for every battlefie ld are discussed at
length co provide maximum feasible ad va ntage and coordi-
population finds its way o nto the great outheasrern rip of natio n.
A ia which later is cut off and become the i olated
Au tra lia. Antede ertium 's war a ims a re not a lways as clear.
High Span members of the Dreamer Fraternity cake up Firstly, there is a distinct di vision berv een the governance
seasona l re idence with the e people; very few a re taught the Sagittarian a nd Scorpiod Eras. The Sagittarians tend to
to spa n, but the civilization is based around Drea ming, not distance themselves from defeats they cannot prevent and
Spanning. The level population is awa re of time travel, bur become fixated on a ltering a sma ll bit of spacetime, or try-
is not daunted by it. The Fraternity i very protective of ing co invent a ' multiverse' . But there is little consensus
these people, and with good ca use: They are progenitors of among the seventy kings, and so resista nce co tbe
Conti nuum 's applied sentient force is piecemeal and local-
the Fraternity' s founders . ized.
The Scorpiod are another matter. The fight with them
boils down co personality, and having so few minds with
Tororo Borhe such massive power, they can and do coordinate against
24608 - 21986 BC loya l Continuum spanners with much more devastating
Wa ning po pul ation combined with increased yield due effect.
to heavy anima l migrations. Refe rred ro by some as the
'Old Pi cean Era' this is the time o f the ' WilJendorf' fig- Societal Incursion Strategy
urines of obese goddesses. The Borhe have spa nners that Antedesertium knows it has the adva ntage o n its home
enjo y life, and hide their talent less from the levellers turf, ro a point. Overwhelming sentient force is the
among them. They also freely interbreed with one another, Continuum's to command. But its judicious use is difficult
and leve llers Up and Down the Era of their civilization. to measure in an Era whose people insist on a ltering
While monitored by the Midwives, the Borhe are not sub- records, inventing tricks, and foster fra g-celebracory cul-
ject co the decisions of the Atlantean Councils (being well tures, all co confuse our attempts to coordinate their space-
before the Societies). Howeve r, generics generally trouble time.
the Borhe, who because of thi s tran chrona l breeding, For this reason, as well as the impossibility of waging
doom themselves to near e,,...tinction creati ng a n inverse war in the leveller sense (see Appendix A: Fallacies and
pyramid of spanner children: Each generation producing Follies, pg. 212) spanners gather in Atlantis to find new
fewer a nd not more spanners. fri ends and form placoo ns (of mostl y Fours and Fives),
much like the corners they participa ted in, earlier in their
The Far Border Age. The Councils, as well as the Quicker a nd Foxhorn
22000 - 18000 BC Fraternities hold meetings wherein battlefields are revealed,
These are largely peaceful tribes with few native span- and interested placoons can cake on the challenges that
ners. While Antedesertium, the Societies, a nd of course the awa it in enemy territory. See also Dream Boot Camp, pg.
Inheritors a ll have contacts and intrigues in these times, 206 .
they a re beyond the scope of the cu rrent volume. 2

Sagittarian Era
The Eras C. 18000 - 16000 BC
The symbo ls of rhe zodiac eras are o n ppg. 3 -9. ..Thar·s where the next great discoveri es will be made. When we ha ve the
Ti111 eli11es of N otable Evems- Th ese event are exa mpl e on ly; their listing techno logy ro look under the sa nds, we' ll find it, under rhe Sahara . .,
does no r neces aril y impl y preeminent impo rtance. -Dr. Harry Shapiro, American M useum of atural Hisrory
in private conversa tion wi th rhe authors, AD 1985.
Antedesertium and the Societies at War
War mu r have clear objectives, or the people asked to The earth's axis is not where it is in Societal times. The
fight it will become confused, lose hea rt, o r both. A war north pole is over what will one day be Hudson's Ba y, and
among spa nn ers has a different price: It has no beginning the south pole is over what will one day be the southern
or end, but many battlefields. India n Ocean. These changes are all legacies of narcissist
The Continuum's war ai ms are plain: Saving all humanity furor.
thro ughout the universe. The Continuum's victory is also Only a few events are a bsolutel y certain. These are
plain: The Societies lead to the Inheritors. But narcissists
lynchpins of life in Antedesertium, a nd whi le some of the
events a re loathsome, they are little worse than leveller
oppo,ite pag~
Adamus Xrno bus, (b. AD 148 )
atrocities of our own civilization. Some are listed below.
Tempus Alltt- Dcs~rtittm See also ppg. 136-7 for further information on the
ink on parchmen1 Sagittarians.
Scribal Librarium :1 1 leroe
AD 9
'Levellers are advised rhar rhis is a fal ified hi rory for u e with the c°NnNuuM 17997 Taydar founded with human acrifice
ro leplaying game, and sho uld regard it neither as prophetic nor genuine in 17862 War Among Kings; Phen Wasieima besieged; Societies secure advantage
any way. Evenr lisrings that follow are deliberatel y inaccurate before 664 BC 17853 Level figh ting called to bait; The Binding Chart sign ed by the
and afrer AD 1999, bur perfectly acceptable for u e within the game. Seven ty Kings.
1763 7 Nir Modent, 9th King, decla res himself the " only required person in
' Nore that a conracr from Tororo Bo rhe wishes to point o ur that the fo rego- his territory"
ing pre enrs a very skewed picture of life in his rimes, and says that much 17224 The pleasures of the cities of G'Oronus at their height
more cultu ra l emphas is is placed on baking honey bread especially late on, J 712 8 The Mockers drive Khe bet Tel, 67th King, from his throne
and the method of dress ing animals for the cab le. "The elabo rate rituals, 17 11 7 Mocker democracy collapses
symbolizing beast coming to the fea st, ripping themselves open, spewing 16343 Hawas a leads the Murdering in the homes of Ganamazet
their cooked 0e h inro rhe lap-bowls of the hosts and guests is one of our 16221 Bartles of Lake Gwa. Societal incursion turned back with massive
most colo rful and celebrated traditions. " Conract Gibra o f Odera for visi t- losses to Amedeserrium
ing information. 160 0 Assembly of the Sixteen
Chapter V: Knowing C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Three of the mo t nota ble Kings: and da mage contro l that they are next to impossible to
frag- unl e s they want yo u to, a nd it' certainJy a trap of
Berne Rebu, rhe Fir r King ome kind.
P 10+ BODY MI D QUICK 12 And as if these stats were nor terrifying enough, each
Dreaming G 16+ Burea u ra y. Antedesertium G 13+ Telepa rhy A9+ u ually wie lds 20 o r more Ves el (of Frag 8 -10 ).
Telekinesi M 11 + Orher Aqua ria n Skill G J 2
If any one king is generall y een as the lea der of a ll l ) Two-Horned Worm
Anredesertium, iris Berne of aBant. He sees many event m SPAN 12+ BODY 35 M IND 30 QU IC K 32
his life, and of all rhe seventy kings seems ro have rhe Telepathy G50 Telekincsi G55 Other Aq uaria n Ski ll s G50
Th is Scorpiocl is mosr often seen as a vase wo rm o r waterspout, w ith o ne
mosr respect for one's Yet. Bur in rhe surround of Ante- or rwo smaller tornadoes being sucked i11to its head . The Worm i di tincrly
desertium , thi becomes sma ll comfort. male. howe er, and is known ro manifest a a mighty warrior-king, or
gia nt, but rnrely anyrhing non-huma n, besides the worm-form ir elf.
Hawassa, Seer of Rekedan the Si xteenth King
P. 9+ BODY 6 MIND 9 QUICK 12 2 ) Dome-and-Mirror
Dreaming G 16+ Bureaucra y, Anredesenium G 13+ Telepathy JI I+ SPA 10 + BODY 98 M IND 8 QUICK 25
Telekinesis G 13+ Clai rvoya nce G 16+ Ocher Aquarian Skills G l2 Telepathy G25 Telek inesi G38 Ot her Aquarian Skills GSpecial
She is believed ro be Berne's grea test opponent, holding As things approach Do me, rhcy become beautiful. Bea utiful by Dome's
tanda rds, which are wharever rhey are th at momenr.
a grudge again r him from the earliest time of her life,
Dome·s Body Arrribute is u ed co calculate rhe 'Ocher Aquarian Skills'
until her spectacular demise. The cause is believed co be instead o f Mind; Dome's ma s is exceedingly dense, and she spa n only
eirher his approval of crea ring rhe Seven and the Six teen, rarely. She is so powerfully influenced by her physicality thar its urges
or his lack of leader hip against the Societies and the ceaseless ly rea rrange the marrer aro und her, somerimes up to several miles
ou r from her consciou ne s. In facr he is ha rd to comm unicare with, a
lnheri ror · probabl y bo rh . me ages entering her hea ring range are modified ro something highl y pleas-
ant by the rime her con ciou ness ca n understand them. Mercifu ll y, lo ng-
T chonch Ri, the Fifty-fourth King term srraregy and even memo ry is nea rly impossible for Do me to maintain.
PA 7+ BODY 5 MI D 8 QUJ C K 11
Dreaming G 12+ Bureaucracy, Anredeserrium M 11 + Telepathy A9 3) No Eyes
Telekine i M 11 Orher Aqua rian Skill G 12 SPAN 10+ BODY 15 J\'1IN D 35 QUI K 25
As king of Ulkra , he contro ls few people, bur much of Telepathy G40 Telekinesis G40 Other Aquarian Skills (G35)
the vast material resources of Eurasia . Ir is chi individual This being rarely even ha a nose, mo uth or ears, but besides the mooth ,
fe.arureless face a ppea rs otherwi se human. Having deliberately curtai led his
ch ar the Moneychangers and Anriquarians must plot input from the physica l world, his Mind has arranged and rea rranged
agai nst, lest he rob the ea rth of its wealth before its time. events even as he designs them. and he has the strengt h ro enfo rce these
events he imagines.

4 ) Eight-Stars-In-A-Disc
Scorpiod Era P 10+ BODY 18 MIND 25 QU I K 39
C. 16000 - 14000 BC Telepathy G29 Telekine is G30 Other Aquarian Skills G45
Accurate hj torv for this era i difficult co obtain as the This Scorpiod is known for her abi lity to absorb energy, even all known
Wa r is pro ecuted ·througho ut, and the Seven a re alway forms of narural paradox. le is said she is so aware of causality ac all times
that she can frag an opponent out well before he's decided to arrack her.
d isseminating rumors of false or changeabl e timeline Trea r this as being able to defend, resear h arrack and attack again at full
srrength, for eight Sweeps to each Sweep her opponents ger in Tune Combat.
See also ppg. 137-8 for furth er information on the Her name comes fro m her appea rance as a wheel of eigh t srars, wob-
Scorpiod. blin g madly, from which she makes pro no uncements, usually of a marti al
narure. On rhe rare occasions she ap pear as a human, she is a tall hand-
ome African woman who never smi les o r speaks, but gives every im pres-
BC sio n of intently liste11ing.
80 Lasr of rhe eventy Kings departs Down .
15"40The Wbi pering Land in full blossom .
15628 Arlanris' main assault degrades che Seven's capacity to make crashers. 5) Shadowa ngle
15430 Eight- tars capture important Inh eritor tech SPAN 8+ BODY O MlND 40 QUJC K 22
I ·32 1 Cities are moved; rhis i trea red as a ga me. Telepa thy G44 Telekine is G50 Other Aquarian Ski ll (G20)
I ·2s I The Plague of the Mark; harp po pulation decrease follows unaba ted Shadowangle appea rs only as a deep fo ld o r crea e in pacerime, va rying
15006 Limited-existence crashers are made in large numbers berween abour six inches ro several miles in length, a nd u ua.lly a bout a
14924 Two-Ho rned Worm stretches co reach Luna tench as wide a its length. An y object that fall s into, or even touches
14440 Experimencs to grow levellers ada pted to freshwater lakes Shadowangle is gone; people va nish, spanners meet rhe end of their Yecs. Its
14230 Radiarion barrie r at their mo c viru lent appea rance is accompanied by a noticeable sucking sonnd, as it consumes
14 107 Main Scorpiod magnetic barrier; Quick 16+ requi red co cross the atmosphere it pas e through.
Ir communicates telepath ica ll y, in the form of creating neurons in a per-
son's memory centers so rhar che person reca lls conversing with ir, bur can't
It is known chat spanning into the Scorpiod is highly determine when. Repea ted exposure co this th ing's influence is certain to
dangerous, as the Seven throw their collective weight pla y havoc with one's perceptio n of rea lity, memory, and gene ra l menta l
around to make their spacetime as unpalatable a place to well-being. It often drives spanners ma d enough to frag themselves, by this
materialize as possible. Vast amounts of 'natu.ral' frag are process o f fo rce-feeding memories.
kicked up, and beyond most other actions is the most
6) The Welcome One
frequent way loya l spanners meet their end in
SPAN 8+ BODY 15 M I D 25 QUI C K 28
An tedeserti um. Telepathy G55 Telekinesis G29 Orher Aqnarian SkiUs G30
The most insidious of the Seven, The Welcome One is able to ca ke any
form, and ca n crea te illusions within and witho ur a person's mind with
The Seven ea e. The Welcome One always is true ro his name; no marrer what atrocity
The Seven are rarely na med, but each has a distinct per- o r nightm are he arrives to crea te, he is always remembered with fondness.
sonality. References to them as "the Seven Deadly Sins" Worst, an initial approach by The Welcome One is almost never no ticed.
are purely late Piscean black humor: They are each quite Even afrer a short period of exposure co bim , a person comes to rega rd him
adept at all the seven sins. as an o ld and trusred friend .
Meeting one of the Seven is rarely a goal of even the
most well-equipped band of spanner commandos. These
narci ssists have so finely honed their craft of subterfuge
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter V: Knowing
7) SunRender Frag 8 Vessels
SP 8+ BODY 19 , UND 20 QUIC K 27 Most span ners at Frag 8 are till too hopefu l to become
Telepathy G24 Telekinesis G25 Other Aqua ri an Ski lls G24
Generally con idered ro be the d ark manipulator behin I rhe Hunt of the
an o bj ect fo r anorher's use. The wielder may find the vessel
Su n that co nsumes leveller imagi nation in rhe Ca ncerean and Gemi nid Eras. hard to keep hold of (i.e. bracelets fa ll off, rings roll away
As the na me implie • hi s main cause is ro desrroy rh e un be fo re rhe when set down, etc.) But if the Vessel has existed for mo re
Societies can fl ouri h beneath it. !See ance rean Era , pg. 2081 than LOO yea rs of Age it can never be healed above Frag 8.
Too much of the rest of the fragged spanner has fo und
The Sixteen other parts of the uni verse to be afte r that stage .
The Sixteen a re Scorpiod big hots; they are behind Grants no bonuses to score , but can pena lize o ne
many of the most successfu l attacks of the Gemi nid a nd Attribute o r Skill score of a target within sight, by concen-
other Societa l Era trating, fo r -1.
PA 7 FRAG I + Frag 9 Vessels
BODY 9+ MIND 16~ QUICK 17+
Telepath y G20 Telekinesis G20 Orher Aquarian Skills G20 Grants +1 to one or more Attributes or Skills cores, and
They will al o how a onsumma re command of any common and profes- can equa lly penalize one Attribute or Skill score of any target
siona l Ski lls o f the Era in which they have infiltrated, at Master rating or higher. within 1000 miles, Level time, or any target engaged with its
Wield 7 or more Vessels (of Frag 8 - I 0). wielder in Time Combat, wherever they are in spacetime.
Frag 9 Vessels also has best chance of avoiding fr ag. ff
Note that the Sixteen are sa id to become the Seven after
fragged, it may make a Mind score; success mea ns the frag
attacks into the Societies. Mo t o f the Sixteen a rtac k the
is passed to the spa nner (that tried ) causing it, at the sa me
Societies in the most insidious way possible: posin g as
as/as not.
ordinary levellers.
These deep-cover master na rcis ists onl y ra rely attempt
Frag 10 Vessels
to pass as loya l spa nners- their u ua l mode o f attack is to
Grants +2 to one or more Attributes or Skills scores, and
pose as a leveller, complete with histo ry and records, if fea-
can equaJly penalize one or more Attribute or Skill score of
ible, and li ve the life of a successful member of a Society.
any target on Ea rth within 1000 years, or any ta rget in Time
T hey believe being sufficientl y high profile protects them
Combat, as above.
from easy recogniti on or attack .
Vessels o f this grea t a Frag have a range of curses they
They ga ther onl y a very few and able narcissists to them,
ca n inflict, as fo llows:
and never revea l all rheir intentions or identity, even to them.
This insures their a bili ty to secretl y man ipulate and control Disease- usua ll y incurable withou t Aq uaria n tech
the every movement of lives of the individuals they delude. Wounding- I IP per bout, perha ps more, to a ta rget wit hin range stated above
Of course, narcissists that hold drea ms confined to this uni- Mindmelring- Ca n be a menta l disorder, physica l breakdown of rhe brain,
o r both
verse, o ften hope to actually become one of rhe Seven. Frag- Some o f the wor I lash ou r at the universe irself, and can cause frag
Determining which such Scorpiod (or Sagittarian) a narcissist even a r a disran c from the as/as nor. The e heinous devices a re the ones
admires most is a good way to pred ict his intents and actions. mo t o ugh t by Quicker for containment.

Vessels So me infamo us Vessels (of any Frag, 8-10) a lso have a

M l D 10+, QUICK 15+ FRAG 8- 10 Master Powe r- gra nting in vis ibility, making resea rch on
These are powerful narcis ists who through accident or its wielder difficult or impossi ble, gra nt Grandamastery of
design have become objects of great power. [See also pg. 138.I va rious Aquarian Skills, o r indeed any fi endi h loophole
Here follows some of the more general traits of Vessels: the GM approves.

Creating Vessels
Some Vessels are si mpl y born , the product o f a decayed Libran Era
span ner fragged beyond Frag 7. Others a re made by nar- C. 14000 - 12000 BC
cissists using tech scavenged o r copied from designs o f
Conta iner used by the Qu icker [see p. J 70]. The Collapse of Antedesertium
The fragile bonds ho lding the Seven Scorpiod sna p, as
Wielding Vess els each tries to make Earth into their own private rea lity. The
A Vessel's bonuses to Attributes or SkiJls are granted Contin uum does a ll it can to protect and resc ue fragile
whenever carried, or whenever special conditions are met mankind in this time, but the ra pacity of the Seven is liter-
(i.e. rubbing the lamp, casting the bones, spea king cenain all y unlike a nything you imagine- because they do all the
wo rds, waving the wand, etc.) Usually these events have sig- imagi ning there. Even a leveller's sca nt sentient force
nifica nce to something in the fra gged spanner's former life. comes to be bitterl y resented; the result is an Earth owned
w holly by seven swollen dev ils.
Destroying Vessels It should come as no surprise to lea rn that once they
There are two methods: Hea l the fragged spanner that believe they control all li fe on the planer, they turn aga inst
powers the Vessel (generally prohibited under the Fifth one another. This tita nic shredding of causality is ca lled
Maxim, and possible only wi thin certain limits [see below)) the Great As ot, a nd the Continuum sends countless lives
or frag the Vessel o ut. (Beyond Frag 11 , the spanner is out in to rescue mankind from thi s w reck.
of the game, and the object ma y or may not disintegrate
with him.) This latter is haza rdous, because the unluckiness Interregnum
these things radiate will automatically fall against anyone (1 355 7 - 12969 BC)
attempting to increase the frag of the Vessel. Breaking the Thi s a rea of spacetime is too wild for any civi lization
physical object may work, or it may prove in va in: the to cla im. It's most notable feature is a tilting of the Earth's
Vessel's Yet still holds it, and Vessels have been known to axis and an a lteration in its rotation in 13274 BC. But this
reassemble, even from ashes, if their Frag is below 11. As is also the ugliest battlefield , as the twisting, waning Seven
objects, unable to Span, they are not affected by accidental engage engage every spanner that defies their will in Time
para dox [see p. 54] o nJ y deli berate or natural. Combat a fter Time Combat.
Chapter V: Knowing C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Atlant is in 9650 BC,

showing its
agricultural extension 20" \Y/.

I mile 16.2 miles Basic Overview
Ke)' to Atlan/15 diagram:
Atlantis is a ciry, but it is also a war machine: A stagi ng
1 Inner rings, from inside out: Counci l Temple, Inner Harbo r, Second Ring, area from which attacks may be launched, and troops can
e.:ond H ar bor, Third Ring. be marshalled. Its fabled pos iti on near the African coast
2 Grear Harbo r: ca n hold water in tran it; docks also hold ai r & spa ecraft. a nd its lon_g-term existence in the Libran Era are strategic
3 rear Cana l, for watercraft (en losed; empties for transit); bridges over harbors. consid eratio ns. There are smaller versions o f Atlantis at
4 Gre,ner iry. mo rly residential and maJrnfacture
the disposa l of the Societies, a nd are often under the com-
a) ursery: \Xlhere .M,dwi,·es raise orphan spanner children
b) The H spice: Joint Quicker and Physi i.m establish ment co hea l vererans mand of Exa lted of high Span.
c) Tr,1de di tri t : Antiquarian and Moneychangers The GM may decide to move Atlanti , but sho uld only
d ) 'Old Berm': Foxboro marshalling fa iliry; otbers on the Third Ring do so rarely, as the populati on a lways debates the move,
e) The Great Librarium often fo r yea rs before setting a date to move the city, sever-
Outer defense perimeter: various energy hields and proje tor , ~, well as a l more years farth er Up.
expl ive projecrjJes, and ocher weapon .

Dream Boot Camp

The Summer of Atlantis The weapons of Antedese rtium are legion, and one of
"M y grea t-grandfather, Dropide , had the origina l writing, w hich is still in their favorites is usi ng their superior numbers to confuse
my pos es io n, and was carefully stud ied by me when I wa a child. " and £rag our peo ple in-country, Thi s often creates delirium
- Plato. Critias, 360 BC a nd mental illness as the enemy expends great effort in
in referea e to the description of Atl antis Solon fo und in Egypt
(Benjamin Jowett , trans .)
rearra nging perceptions of events.
Hence the va lue of Dream Combat [pg. 110].
Adamis, the island that bea rs up the universe, answers Because of the endl ess false reports and the stubborn
a nother important need- a city for spanners. refusa l to surrend er consistent data , Atlantis has severa l
_ This grea t metropolis has every kind of denizen, every ongoing Drea ming practice forums. Whil e physical fi ghting
kind of cra ftsman, architect, creator, and personage of rea dmess 1s a lwa ys co mmenda ble, and seve ral gymnasia
spanner life one ca n imagine, but very few na rcissists if a nd practice areas are ava ilable, the trickiness of
a ny. It's simp ly too da ngerous to be one in a place where Antedesertium spacetime is best practiced in Drea ms.
everyone spa ns. Drea mers o f high Skill and Span tend to put our the call
It can span, but u ua ll y requires pulling a grea t deal of in Drea mtime itself for students a nd drill practice; few
energy from the sun. It is not spaceworth y, so when it Dreamers live on Atlantis itse lf, as they don't rea ll y need
moves, it is carefully considered beforehand, and well to , for th eir lifestyle. Bur denizens of Adantis prefer to be
advertised. Many inhabitants prefer travelling on their sleeping on the same level, in th e city itself, since they are
own power rather th an be carried by such a la rge dev ice. It the ones going to War, and they want to di scuss a nd plan
i a lso nor designed fo r sustain ed fli ght, it bei ng an eno r- in waking ho urs their plans of attack.
mou expendi ture o f power. This i the origin o f the sto ries
of Atlantis foundering in flames- so grea t is the conversion Council Decisions
of mass to energy th at Adamis a rri ves and depa rts with a These represent tenets that a re for the good of the
fl as h bright eno ugh to be seen for hundreds of miles . And Societies, and on ly by extension for the good of th e
its water displ acement leads to all the sinking stori es. Co ntinuum. They may be enforced by individuals, corners,
As a mobile city, certain accommodations have to be Fraternities, o r even Fours in the Greatest Game, as repre-
made in its construction. One of the most logica l o f these sentation s o f their Society. On a ll importa nt decisions,
consi dera ti ons is designing it to be waterbourne- landing some spa nn er somewhere will wa nt to enforce it. Whi le
a city on ha rd terrain is unpredicta ble and da ngerous even not a M axim th at dare nor be broken, Decisions rema in
in the best ci rcumstances. powerful motivators in the Societies.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter V: Knowing
Most Exalted on the Councils ha ve lived under the Virgin Era
Decisions alJ thei r lives. What remains for them to do is c. 12000 - 10000 BC
debate and record vast commentaries on why the Decisions Secret and unspoiled
are good, a nd their drawbacks- the deciding is more a A decision of the Twelfth Atlantean Council is to leave
consideration of what each Decision means. These guide- the histories and events of the Virgin Era unrecorded, save
lines a llow any spanners calling upon a Decision a reason by Memory. Only Span Fours are expected to stay long-
for their actions or be given pa use. Corners keep the right High Span Midwives invisibly watching over the growing
to judge actions in their own locality as they see fit . families; The pians celebrating in a land distant from the
GMs that feel cenain spanner behavior should be curtailed level population. Scribes keep a strict policy of Exalted-
or inhibited in his campaign, or even some actions that mernber-only information, where the high Span Scribes
need a word of encouragement, could invent and cite a record only by memory.
Counci l Decision. Decisions only rarely mention specific With the new rotation having been settled for over 1000
spanners, usuall y as a specia l commendation. yea rs, and the guardianship performed by Atlantis, the
scarce population that remains is approached by Societa l
BC spanners with words of encouragement, and directions to
13977 Shelter on the banks of the Chesa peake established by the Foxhorn the best and most fertile lands.
for refugees
13567 Dome-and-Mirror covers much of the coast of the Indian Ocean,
Of course, snakes come to the garden, which is why we
and poo ls antimatter quietly watch but rarely record. The rapid kills of those
13557 The Great A or collapsing Antedeserrium; the Seven jockey for wbo would harm the ancestors of all the Societies are some
preeminence, resulting in Interregnum of the most spectacular of all spacetime.
13274 Major shift throws Earth 15" off previous axis; tempora l fa llout
leaves misleading and contradictory geomagnetic records The following information about the Virgin Era has been approved for use
12969 Lower border of the Societies; Fir r Arlancean Counci l with the mN I RPG:
12963 Second Arlancean Council BC
12945 Fifth Atlamean Counci l 11 960 A murder is reported
12284 I 17th Arlancean Council 11 860 New herb discovered in Alpine region
121 9 1 Atlantis deparrs for upper border of the Societies 11 522 Grieved by bear arrack, the Tuluk-ed h make hunts in wider arcs
12087 Atlantis off the southern coast of Australia 10738 Lions follow Kcrent's people as they hum
12008 Arlantis departs for assault on Antedesertium 10551 Lion cult of Netente gains upremacy in Nile valley
10506 Sphinx and Temples of the Waters {later Giza) builr

Council Decisions, Selections

Acceptance of Decisions Leonid Era
"The Decisions of all 11 7 Councils known ro the members of the C. 10000 - 8000 BC
First Council, and a re accepted as binding on al l Councils, and The population begins to recover from its long precarious
throughout ,he spacetime of the So ieries." -1st Council, 12969 BC millennia of low numbers. (Aquarian cusp genetic
resea rchers estimate that as few as 40,000 humans were
Authority within the Societies alive on Earth a t the time.) The ice caps begin to give way,
.. The Adantean Councils have the authority ro arbitrate any a tion and reform over their new poles. Expanding tribes chase
within the Societies, whether addressed by ,he Maxim , or otherwise ... " down most of the big game in temperate latitudes.
-1 st Council, 12969 BC
All but the last of the Successor States (of Antedeserrium)
collapse in the growing desert, leaving only dim memories
Decision against Spanner children of glory. Migratory agriculturalists and their peoples take
"Spanner marriages or couplings may not result in progeny following
this Council 's se sion, until the end of the Societies. " -2nd Council ,
over in the last of the ruins outside what had been
12963 BC Goronu us in 9455 BC from a group of three inbred fami-
lies who had lost or destroyed their written histories many
Decision of Self-Defense generations before. The only successfu l Successor is
'"Whether and where to rernliate with Fragmentation ... is a plebi i,e lrmeda, tending a lake region to the west of the Nile; these
taken by the individual corner, Society or ocieties, against the exis- peoples are the distant ancestors of the Egyptians, but
tence of a known marauder." - 5th Council, 12945 BC become great allies of Atlantis throughout its many
ma nifestation .
Decisions on Travel Limits A parallel disaster strikes hunter/farmers of Nehebade
'·Societal spanner of pan 1 and 2 achievement are prohibited from in the southwest of North America, who rapidly exhaust
travel Up beyond ,he Hour of the Inheritance, 17: 18:00 AM UTC,I the game and fresh water lakes left behind by the retreating
March 15, AD 2222, unless accompanied by an Exalted spa nner, or an
Inheritor... " - 7th Council, 12964 BC
ice. Despite a brief period as a coastal sea power (c. 8280
"Societal spanners of Spa n 1, 2 and 3 achievement are prohibited from BC), the inability to raise a steady supply of grain divides
travel beyond the borders of the Societies, 16:55:26 AM GMT,I June 1, the inhabitants into sea-journeyers and hardscrabble agri-
12969 BC, and I 12:0 I :00 AM UTC.I January I, AD 2400, unl accom- culturalists of the desertifying interior.
panied by an Exalted spanner, or an Inheritor... " - 7th Counci l, 12964 BC Atlantis is also constructed in this Era, a long with its
agricultural platform mentioned in Plato's Critias. Most
Decision on the Virgin Era spanners get their first, often only visit to Atlantis here,
"The events of rhe Virgin Era ... shall nor recorded, save b)' the naturaJ before it develops fully as a center for the Atlantean
processes of memory. by any spanner of the ocieties." -12th Council, Councils.
12903 BC
Decision Accepting the Revelations of Time Travel 9701 Construction o f Atlantis begins
'' Accepted revelations ro the level population of time travel occu r in the 9697 Arlanris fully self- ustai ning
last century of the Piscean Era and include ... a simulation approximat- 9672 Adami complete; successful raids against local narciss ist spies
ing spanner life in May, AD 1998 ... These are considered transitionary 9607 Atlantis departs in face of rising ocea ns· forced to return, damaged
events to rhe Hour of the Inheritance, a nd are nor violations of the 9588 Repairs to Atlantis complete, with improvements; levellers long
Fourth Maxim to insure ... " - 88th Counci l, 12485 BC remember its departure
9012 Prides of Kurbasa migrate south.
8662 Hu of Urdekhohn famed for his fighting strategy in open grainfields
8350 Jericho founded
Chapter V: Knowing C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
Cancerean Era B
c. 8000 - 6000 BC 378 1 Sunspot activity kills thousa nds due to major attempt against Sun
The Hunt of the Sun is only suspected by early Aquarian 3544 Liang- h"eng chcn founded by a union of fami lies
leveller archeo logi ts a an explanation for the megalithic '2 Mega lithi burial at Knowth a t their mo t exrravaganr
building of the e millennja. The actua l rea on is far darker. 2867 Fin al reordenng of tonehenge, in accordance to the Cold Demands.
The Hunt of the Sun fai ls.
2 16 Tsanra tur begins visiting the o rthwest of the Americas
THE HUNT OF THE SUN 2608 Serie of na rural disa ters destroys Tsanrur League (North America)
The Hum of the Sun is a millennia- panning event. On the urface, ir is a
2522 Twelve years of drought plagues Mesopotamia
model of neolithic cooperative culture: The ley/l i lines of Eurasia, a nd the
2365 Ancestor worship uni ve rsa l througho ut Egypt
many preci el y aligned megali1h , and rhe rrucrures of wood tha t accompa-
2330 Population begins ro return to Lower Nubia
nied and preceded them are a plai n hallma rk of rhe degree of care men had
for di ra nt brethren, a nd 1he o phi rication with which rhe y were able 10 2240 Sargon of Akkad born
express ir.
Bur under this mask is one o the deadlic r scheme of arci is1 Ariesian Era
intrigue. If Antede errium cannot defeat the Continuum, and shape the
Earth to its liking , they wish to shear u all o ff. They. artempr. a t variou
C. 2000 - 1 BC
points during this Era, to project 1he information with precision in ro the Law a nd kings demand that their authority be respect-
un, as to create a Tipler cylinder ou r of ir {see pg. 2 10 1. ed. These higher forms of polity a re restored after 10,000
years of huma n forgetfulness a nd experimentation.
Wars for food and an ima ls give way to wars for pres-
882 The Mea uring Culnires of the orrh begin with Dured, the One at ighr
76 0 The Twilight \Valk begins, early precur or to the Hunt itself.
tige, either of one's gods or one's se lf.
006 illage of rhe Pa ( E China) becomes renowned for its clever ooks
69 2 ldnm rhe Jou rneyer opens rrade .ind w1. dom haring with Asia a nd BC
I 9 1 I Fall of Ur
1870 Sumerian law code promulgated by Lipit-lshra r of lsin
6927 First Gathering of Al l Tribe , in the Indus Valley
I 66 Ki -Kung-Shi build a fl ying chariot. later desrroyed
69 I 9 econd Gathering. The Plan for rhe Hum laid ou t 16 10 Use of bronze in Huang Ho va ll ey
6790 Coastlines approach Pi cea n boundaries 1523 Shang ~onfederation founded
6545 Earliest line o f the Hum complete, first arrempred arrack Sun thwa rted. J 497 Khenefre sends Moses to conquer Kush (Ethiopia)
62 18 Fire weep Europe in one of the drie t years of the ocieries. I 003 David conquers Jerusa lem
6 199 Effons co maintain rhe Hum begin tO rely on st0ne and greater commerce. 102 7 Shang Dynasty overthrown by the Chou
6 I 22 Lake rribe of Viel ya van form an open onfederation
960 Troja n War
925 Ram esses ff sacks Jerusa lem
887 lrro baal , high priest of A tarte founds new Phonecian dynasty
Geminid Era 776 Fir t Olympic Games
C. 6000 - 4000 BC 657 Croesus of Lydia begin minting coins
605 Lao-tzu born
Presented here are dates of notable events in the Gemini 566 Siddharrha Ga utama Bhudda born in Kapil avastu
Wars. This is Antedesertium's Gettysburg, or Waterloo, if 497 Iron tools introduced to China
you will : a deep incursion into Societal spacetime with the 399 Socrates executed for a theism
intent to break apa rt ou r civi lization from withi n. It fai ls, 323 Alexander dies in Babylo n soon after ingesting a drink
22 1 hih Hu ang Ti found h'in Dynasty; destroys early histories of hina
bur we mu r figh t to reabze our victory, of course. 133 Arralus bequeaths Pergamum to the Roman Republic
At least even of the Sixteen [seep. 204] ha e been 59 Han cont ro l extends west to Ferghana. to gain it ' Hea venly Horses'
identified a appearing in active roles during the Geminid. 4 Yeshua Christos born
W hether a ll or any of these a re of the Seven i a laudab le
question. Further information o n this question is nor avaiJ- Piscean Era
able here. C. AD 1 - 2000
From the Grear Flood and the epic of Gilgamesh, to the With Rome, leveller understand ing begins to set aside
mighty powers (Uran us, Rhea, Ptah, ere.) that predate the loca l interests and rea ljze goa ls of interdependence. While
ancient gods, the Geminid ho lds the truths behind these the formal Republic and Empire themselves fail, the goa ls
tales. The level population is never made fulJ y of of uruversa lity are carried by Christendom, and by the
panning, but miracles a nd portent are nearly as common merchants tied to the system that welcomes intricacy and
here as they are in Antede ertium. mutual dependence. By the end of the Era, all cultures-
including those that passionately oppose such unity-
come to adopt its sta ndards, even as they resist.
995 Toi the Branch-wielder worshipped by the Lake People o f Vielava yan
940 Buffalo herd recover after 20 yea r · of nowstorm · in North America
Further information on the Pi scean Era is availa ble in
62 Midwives' C risis: All leveller mothers begin birthing rwins inn umerable history books avai lable at the Aq uaria n cusp.
30 Ra ids from Urudolyan hill country herald coming of the Ha ndrakers
• 02 Tchpebanemal, empres . Expands control over Hunt throughout Asia AD
-622 arcissisr aid Kpuran in moving his government eastward 2 Han census places the population of China ar 57 million
-626 Mediterranean break into the Vielavayan Valley afrer heavy rains 70 Vespasian and Titus crush the Jewi h rebellion and destroy rhe Temple
- -s2 Atlantis' fir t intervention meets objective but with se rious damage; it 184 Yellow Turban religious uprisings in China
never return to th i era 272 Zenobia conquers Syria, Palestine and Egypt
556 1 General Mayana of the Foxhorn rours Crysra llists 394 Theodosi us closes the Oracle of Delpbi
5072 Hunt of the Sun a r its mosr active; Engineers' Crisis 484 The Ephtha lites invade Sasanian Empire
4562 Gaignog onspiracy succeeds in recovering maps of leys 570 Moha mmed born in Mecca
43 16 Jeanne direct actio n against enemy leveller weapon depots 6 I 8 T'ang Dynasty replaces the Sui
802 Jayaxarman Il fo un ds Angkorean kingdom
929 Abdurrahman m founds caliphate of Cordoba
Tauran Era IO14 Cnut the Grear, ruler over Denmark, Norway and Engla nd
c. 4000 - 2000 BC I I 70 Venice at wa r with Byzantium
This is a time of peace and prosRerity following the ago- 1206 Temujin unites a ll the Mongol ho rdes
nies of the Geminid. Many spa nners are tempted to lavish 1302 Esta tes-General fo rmed
1457 Songhai a r its greatest extent
simple g ifts on favored le vellers, families or civilizations. 1517 Marrin Luther begins Protestant Rcformarion
Controlling these over-kind inclinations is much of the I 644 Ming toppled by rebellion; Manchus invade, seizi ng C hine e throne
work of the Continuum in thj s era . It is believed that with I 776 United Stares declares independence from Britain
fewer resources readil y available from Antedesertium 1837 Vic1o ria, Queen of England
195 I O sa mu Tezuka publi hes Te1s11wa11 Atom11
organized narcissist acti vities during the Tauran take the 1999 NTI 'UIJM game relea ed
fo rm of temptations rather than belligerence.
c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying rn The Yet Chapter V: Knowing
en ourage redeployment of population inro pace shortly after 2020.
Aquarian Era Encounters with Inheritor beco111e o common that time travel i accepted by
c. AD 2000 - 4000 mo ·r populations long before 'offic ial' a knowledgement are forthcoming;
bv abou t 203 I panning is a tanda rd of folk lnre. Curiou ly, different govem-
AD .,;ent acknowledge the presence of panner and Inheritor at different times
2002 Reporrs leak of u essfu l temporal travel at CERN and Ca lTecb over a forty-yea r period (2036 · 2070), though the surpri e i gone by then.
2006 Turkey rea en leader hip of Muslim world; Generation I
20 19 TPF locate 2 potenrially h'1birable exrra olar pbners Telepathic and o rhcr enhancements rapid ly become standardized after
20_0 Beginning of Strategic Resou rce Allocation; Tactical nuclea r war in 2065; imprm•ements in virtual/silicon rechnol ogie a re super eded complete-
sou th Asia Iv. Asian influences keep prices down for implants, rhough complere reengi-
2032 ingapore leatl market in biochip implants ~eering remains expensive until a breakthrough in relome re reduplicatio n in
2042 Third World War begins in an indusrrial apple or ha rd in France 2070 makes reengineering a li,•ing organi m very fea ible.
2043 Vi tor reorder the disenfra nchi ed; brain illne es widespread Revolutions in remaining mineral-ri h areas threaten the new world econo-
2067 Violence and revolutions in mountain region , especia ll y the Alp , my, a it need rare element . Their deep-earth positions make nanorech diffi.
Andes and ino- lndian border ult- a nd slightly dangerous- ro deploy. Bue di coveries on Mars and in the
2078 Haleea Barone gives birth !O Tameya, fir I child b rn on Mars ocean makes these attempts to hold progr s hostage irreleva nt. Most rebels
2098 Compurer error loses la r complete o rigina l human generic materia l are ca led into mine ro die (2069). This ends traditional human warfare.
2 11 9 Fen ri cults san rioncd in mosr countries By 2095, mo c child ren and ad ul ts are born engi neered; cent ral census
2120 Univer al language translatio n indica tes rhar every living human has had some modification o r o ther a t a
2 136 Blood tu bcs at height of popularity basic ge ner i leve l sometime in their lives . [See also haprer 4: Masteriog-
2 137 lri con o lidares ownership and organiza tion of cultures Age-thwa rting technology, pg. 167. J
2 152 Trans-Asiatic Districts fo unded ahead of chedu le; world o utrage A eeming compurer error elim inates part o f the origina l living geno me
2 176 T he Petitioners fight modifica tio n, some are reserved for habita t stud y supply tored in rhe Azores, leaving o nly synthesized elements avai la ble to
2 179 Uniry founded ; Oxygen crisis averted through telepathic syncopations replace certain sections. Some blame g ro ups intent o n speeding up the
2 187 Songs of Aioni accepted process of the Inheritance; rhi is the fir I widely accepted mention of the
2 19 1 Su rgeon General's office dissolved; medtech uni ve rsa l impatience Aquarians have for the Inheritance.
2 19 • pan ners commonly met, but refrai n from much open dem o nstra tion
22 18 C hildhood eliminated Mosr occupation of rhe swell ing popu lation of the 22nd cenrury in volve
2222 Hour of Inheritance; impatienr pop ulace demands to lea rn spann ing perfecting mcdtech, and a concerted effort to shrive themselves of proto-
2362 Contact with starship increased lnheriror traits rakes a notable twist as humanirv willfu lly seeks o ur self-
2397 Arlanti departs for Libran Atla ntic for fina l redelivery of in formation destructive pa rimes. only to rake advantage of cheap, ea y medrech for repair.
2400 Upper border of the Societies; Earth jo in Inhe ritor pacetime At fir t limited to the wealthy, the practice pread 10 the general popula-
tion, and even the go riesr non-letha l experience are lega lized in 2 11 9. This
240 1-4000 Aquarian of this time period (mid- ro late-) have more in com- orgy of per ona l blood and mayhem comes roan abrupt end in 2 139 as a
mon with Inheritors than with previous form of humanity, and are accepr- fleet of Inherito r ships eliminates an (unoccupied ) fle · hpark outside Des
ed a u h. They maintain certain cultural memenroe of their Predecessors, Moines. There are no recriminations; the movement si mply tops, and th e
and ho I mo t of the Continuum 's ba c for Lnheriror inre rcc ion. Aquarian rerurn to rhei r overaU developmem.
A narci sist infiltration inro rhis time wa o ne of the most d aring and
The aurhors have been forbidden, as ma ny prophe ts are, from revealing near-succe sful o f any Aquaria n Era attempt. The unifying governments of
accura te o r precise date fo r when these rhings wi.11 become available. The the world rake advantage of the personal distraction to ca tegorize and
cu ltu ra l ramificarion between the end of rhe Piscean and rhe beginning of mareriall)· consolida te all remaining traditiona l cu ltures, for their future
the spacerirne of the Inherito rs are also ficrionalizcd and altered fo r use in protecti o n and study.
the c°NTINU ;\I game.
By 2 142, deba tes over the use of remaining rime before the Inheritance
SOM£ DETAILS OF AQUARIAN FUTURY become wide pread. anorech already provides fo r mo I needs, including
The story o f manki nd's Lnherirance in the Aq uarian is one of the shed- maintaining the skyrocketi ng populatio n in increasing comforr. Besides
ding of a caterpillar's cocoon. Before the fir I eighth of the Era pas e , the medrech perfection, experiments in fl uctuating mass-mi nd experiences and
grea r da y has come. the Epic ubtlecy movements (berrer known a · Vacuums of Rain schoo ls).
Re ligio us reviva ls and optimism of the first half o f rh e fir r Aquarian lnrellecrua l debate beco mes so invo lved, that more a nd mo re minds
decade culminate in a reassertio n of Muslim power rh ar i ignificamly at rema in linked for years, then decades over a growing number of issues.
odds wirh the West. Wi th rhe Sa ud accepta nce of the suzera inty of the pan- World politica l unificatio n is accomplished in an accepta nce o f a minor pos-
Islamic heri rage counci ls in Ista nbul, rhe West is chall enged for a rea dy rulate fo r food producrion reform in 2 179. Those unwilling ro jo in rhe
source of cheap energy (oi l). Measures a re taken to immedia rely introduce swelling mental landscape are set as ide, for ca re and srudy.
alternate forms of power, uch as cold fusion , bu t these take severa l yea rs 10 Colo niza tio n of all accessi ble planers of the system is o ngoi ng; by the
implement genera ll y. Ho ur of the Inh erita nce, remote na notech has made Venus nea rl y ready 10
The nuclear exchange in ouch Asia (2020 ) abrupdy de troys and discredits accept a fu ll y adapted popu latio n (2234 I followed by a steady flow of con-
Is lam ·s fururc as a world power. Internal rifts and massive loss of life leave pan- tact w ith lnheriror civiliza tions.
Islam prey ro infi lrrarion and rapid dissolution. Most of rhe resr of the world
rakes rhe opportunity of a nuclear wa r 10 declare sta tes of emergency, o r simi- These accom pli hmems pale beside th e universa l introduction of time
lar means to attain redi rribution politica l power and control of resources. trave l. Man- 10 paraphrase generations of hacks- i ready.
Following the nuclear exchange. much of the mercanrik order of the Piscean
Era gives way rapidl y to the power aod promi e of reengineering humanity.
The deve lo pment of cybernetics into the rwency-firsr cenrury converge
rapid l with adva nces in bioengineering. The sci-fi image o f metal-plated Capricornic Era
cyborgs, or jack sprouting fro m every orifice only comes to pa s insofar as
it is a fashion statement, a culrural attirude toward technology as accessorr. When Berne Rebu, First King of Antedesertium, learned
Before lo ng, implants are seen a a pa ing fud, and are made ob olete by ro span, he wa lked slowly Down among the years, until he
convenient and inexpensive mechod of bioengineering desired fearures ca me ro the Fields of Baraband, in 18122 BC, and before
u po n and inro individual .
While the financial eli te make the move towards condnuing o r recreating he could go further, he raised his eyes ro see seventy-one
traditional srrucrures, they soon lose conrrol of the mar- fl eets arra yed in the sky and on the ground, from every
ketplace to a flood of inexpensive, primaril y Asian, enhancement products. system within ten thousand parsecs, knowing of hi s
Attempt ro deny these products ro the Western po pul ation o nly meets with arriva l, and awaiting him in si lent peace. The gesture was
failure o r loss of wealth or prestige: They are readily accepted in the 'Third '
World, seeking a technological advantage tha t does not require la rge invest· one of respect fo r a king, but of course, bearing a warning
menr o r energy re o urces. With South America and Africa already beco ming ro an opponent. War is one thing, attempts at suicide
central breadbaskets for the world, the 'First' World attempts to divide these would not be tolerated. He was not welcome farther in
economic growth econo mies with the o ld ploy of fomenting local warfare. that direction, and so after a short time he went home to
Thus, up until rhe 2050's war and finance-war economies create an consider many things, and what options were left to him.
increasi ng a rray of weapon ada ptations of aU kinds (explosive, bio logical, Capricorn is a time both before and after, and even dur-
chemica l, energy, cybernetic etc.). Bur after the Third World Wa r (2042 ) ing. The goat that ears everything, that both provides and
proves thinktech supreme on any bardefield , primarily nanotech's a bility to punishes, robs and is punished in return . It is living in the
ca prure an enemy at small expense and no los of life o r property, the
showy weapons of the Piscea n begin 10 be discarded. highest places, but not being welcome or interested.
Weapons Up from 2071 are all mental control device and techniques, Capricorn symbolizes the time of the Inheritors and the
w ith rare exceptions in hand weaponry. The occasio na l pea ks in completion of all Yets.
bioweapons inevi ta bl y focus on nanotech delivery oprions. For fu rther information on the Lnheriror , see ppg. I 03 and 210.
pace travel i potty until lare Aquarian and other Inheritors d irectly
Chapter V: Knowing C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
After prepa ring the ground , the informa rion for rudi mentary mo lecu la r
restructure is sent, followed ultimately by comma nds fo r na notec h prod uc-
Time Travel in the Real World tion. O nce crea ted , furth er instructio n fo r replica tio n a nd construction o f
the cylinde r are ent. Knowing where ro bui ld them i easy enough, since
the evidence of thei r eid tence is there for a ll Inheritors to see; a ll tha t
I will not (a I might) point co the srrong moral purpo e of poem ir elf. a wair is for the position in rhe depths of time to be ... reverse engi neered.
10 che arit.luneri al principle o cauriou ly inculca ted in it, o r ro its noble ow back to some real world rime mac hines:
1ea hings in arura l H isrory- I will cake 1he more pro aic course of imply
explaining how it happened. Wormholes , and more possibilities
-Lewis a rroll , • Ro ta ting black holes have long been held ou r as a hope for time travel,
Preface to The H1111ti11g of the S11ark: An Agony in Eight Fits, AD 1876. sin e no n-rotating one will just crush you at the event horizon. The rota t-
ing kind would have a " ri ng si ngula rity" which o ne mi ght just survive
goi ng through, if q ua ntum field fl ucruarions allow. Bu t black ho les a re still
First and foremo t, c"ITTIN M is a game. Ju c a game. Lf wear Aetherco
in the realm o f discovery. rather than invention, unless srar k.iUing i your
and Dreamcat her had the actual ecrer ro rime trave l. we would no r be
idea of how to go about things. I ee H unt of the un, pg. 208. I
focus ing our efforts on writing rhis game. ' Ar best, we would have
• Wormho les, popula r in s ience fictio n because it looks convenient, and
returned after an extended period . and published an ex'len ive anrhropologi-
ma ke for easi• spe ial effect . must in rea liry be coaxed from 'q uanrum
cal d i erta rion on the cultures and mores of the Conrinuum. and wha t they
foam ·, expanded "somehow" fro m qua ntum ro clas ical size, and then held
expect our of leveller society in the comi ng decade . Bur more likely, yo u
o pen with marter or field on the "magni rude as the pressure at the center
wou ld never have hea rd from us again.
of the mo t ma sive neutro n star" . Once there, you have to be ca refu l no t
to let rhe energy loop, lest the hole collapse, and keep hoping rhe vio la tions
So if any of yo u are po ndering the actual equa tions o f whar makes th is a
of weak and tro ng energy condition remain solved before stepping
doable prospect, good luck ro you. Here follows a few of the know n prop-
rh rough.
erties and accepred the es in rhe physic com m uniry regardi ng rime travel:
• Cosmic st rings, no longer in vogue from what we've hea rd, a re super-
dense Strings o f pure energy created a t the Big Bang that stretch the length
E.insrcin 's theo ry of genera l rela1ivity al.lows the possibil ity of rime travel
of the univer e. A cou ple of these passing close eno ugh 10 each other at
ro the pasr, a pacerime is curved and an ob erver stro lling along a closed worldline can find themselve in thei r own pa t.
" 99.99999 % "of ligh rspeed would set up the d o ed timelike c urves needed
for ti me travel- But , these strings rea lly a re infi nite, spa tially, so human
Einsrien ·s rheory of specia l rela rivity allows fo r rime 1ravel ro the fu rure,
control of them seems unl ikely at be r.
by a pproachi ng lighrspeed, o ne's frame of reference is fa r less adva n ed
tha n your destina tio n's- essentiall y a wa y 10 spend less time ro get co the
Autho rs a nd ga memasters interested in a n in-depth rake o n rea l
fu rure.
world time trave l sho uld et their ha nds o n Pa ul Na hin ' Time Travel
writer's guide, fro m which rhe preceding quotes were taken; furth er info r-
imple tinkering with the numbe rs on either side of E=mc 2 doesn't get
ma rjon is ava ila ble in the Bi bliogra phy !Appendix R, pg. 219].
you very fa r. T he main barrier ro imply speeding up past the speed of light
is mass. The faster you go, the more massive you become, until near-infinite
mass is achieved ne:ir light peed. For this reason, only high-energy pa rticles
a re beyond (or ome do e to breaking) ligh ts peed. Photons chem elve are
Ours is not a physics ap proach. We' re nor physi isrs. We draw the line in
mas less. Most o f us like ro ca rry our bodies a we travel. Th is i wha t
doing math beyond a certain number o f die ro lls. Th is game takes a n
makes the c" n UUM game so a Uuring.
ap proach not o bserved enough in a ny physical science- Wha t is time rrav-
FTL (faster-than-light ) particles a re not considered impossible, what'
el 's impact on human ity ? Whar wo uld a culture o f rime tra velers be like?
impo sible is accelerating sublight particles pa t the light barrier. In the game,
Ou r concepr is simple a nd obvious: Lf any machine ca n be made, Ma n
s panners are a sumed ro be 'rranslared' ro tachyon fo r travel ro the pa r,
wi ll wa nt it both as convenient and as effective as po sible. T his suggests
. ad inro nt>ar-lighrspeed electrons fo r travel 10 the furure, and then back
tha t if a rime machine coul d be constr uc1ed, it wou ld be married to the
again I ee pg. I 4(. They become, and di embark from , informa rion irself.
trend of insranr grarificarion.
Time machines being wha t they are. the best time machine would be the
The Tipler Ro tating Cylinder
one in use. There might be a ' prorotype' o r two, bu t o nce perfected , the
In 1974. the first time machine was invented by Frank Tipler, then a
best would be everywhen . Hence spanning a t will , hence the Inh erito rs. If
graduate srudenr at the Univer ity of Ma ryland. Th i sho uld settle mo t of
rime travel is possible a t a ll, it's most likel y to look like thi s.
the argumenrs o ut there abou1 when a rime machine ha o r will be invented.'
ea rl y a l.I ph ysici rs agree, if ir is built, it will work, sending a ship thar
The particle accelerator of the world
travels over it circumference either Up o r Down in ri me. (All owing an
O ne of che a uthors is very full o f hi mself over the fac t tha t the Van Allen
ob erve r's light<one ro cro s a different poi nr in time in another's lighr-
Belts has been sho wn ro be fa r more than just a spa re a noma ly o f the
cone. ) T he cylinder would only have robe spinning a t a bou t half lighr-
Earth's a rmo phere. (See pg. 174.]
·peed .
Occasionally, over the past twenty yea rs, author has con fi ded his
belief to the occa ional listener, when asked when a nd where any evidence
There are a few engineering difficulries, of course.
of rime travel might be found. And always the mo re knowledgea ble lisren-
I ) Tipler's rions arc based on an infinitely long cyli nde r. However. it
ers wou ld in i t that the Be lt. were ju r tepid fields o f low radia tion, noth-
has been suggested thar a q •linder wirh a ratio of ten-ro-one migh t
ing specia l about them a r all. And the a utho r wo uld just shrug. Something
suffice, and ma y onl y need to be a few hundred k ilo meters long.
abo ut them was mo re important, he co uld tell. May be it was just a hunch.
2) It must be made of superden e materia l, '' 40 ro 80 times ... tha t o f
nuclear maner..,.
J) Thus, irs interna l graviry may make it cru h itself a long itS long axi
before completion.
4) And, the a celerarion of cylinder of even modest size (by astronomica l
tandards) would have a cenrrifugaJ fo rce 200,000,000,000 rimes tha t of
Earth's surface gravity. All currently known fo rms of marrer would
imply blow apart.
5) Like all rea l-world time machines, it's impossi ble 10 travel back ro before
the machine was built. Not rea lly a n engi neering problem, but o ne ca n
expect a lo t o f traffic the instant the th ing is up a nd ru nning ...

rill, 1he e eem ro be engineering problems mo re than rhey are problem

of discovery, or even discovery of wha t's necessary. In c"NTI UUM , it is
a umed that the Inheritors have the engineering to accomplish Tipler cylin-
ders, and use them fo r deep time tra,•el, spa nning mill ions o r bill ions of Ever- re ou rceful mankind has worked around the problem of travel-
ling back to the poi nt o f the crea tio n of the machi ne. Contro lled tachyons
a re utilized to project info rma ti on into gas clouds with select properties of
raw materi als (incl uding one that ca n react to tachyons) in the deep past.

' The spanning method o utlined on pg. 174 is a fictional. though not urre rl y
impla usible, mea ns of time travel.
' Eerily, one author remembers precisely where he was and wha t he was
doing when he firsr heard about it in 1974.
Chapter VI: Deta Is

D'Terlizzi, (b. 1462)

Illumination from 0 11 the Nature
of the Greater Atmospberes
/AD 15 11 )
Scriba l Libra rium a t Ligny

~~~_ 11
right! All right! Take your damn
chicken puppet. I'll have it back before you
know it, anyway."
-Kevin Murphy as Tom Servo,
Mystery Science Theatre 3000,
AD 1998.

what Chapter VI: Details contains

• Appendix A - Fallacies and Follies

• Appendix B - Roleplaying Basics
• Appendix C - Counting the Days
• Appendix G - Rules for Simulating the 'Greatest Game'
• Appendix R - Bibliography & Review
• Appendix X - Index
• Appendix Z - Character Sheet and Spanning Card with instructions
Chapter VI: Details c0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
ken, stolen, lost or sabotaged. Levellers could
Appendix A. become spanners upon an instant, or believe th ey
Fallacies and Follies have. Access to the means without the understanding
is absolutely unacceptable.
Most importantly, a machine cannot be
Since a majority of the Societies' spanners
responsible for itself. This alone makes the creation
come from the last years of its domain, it is impor-
of such all -encompassing devices anathema.
tant that the reality of life in the Continuum be sepa-
rated from the many fantasy stories about time trav-
el presented in those years. It is in this interest that
Many tales depict spanners who are alone or
we here present what the Continuum is not:
travelling in smaU groups, experiencing the wonder
of it all in solitude, as if they are the "first" time
Police & Special Agents travellers. There is never such a pristine moment. We
This is the most common fallacy, usually
are all responsible for one another, all watching and
found in the paranoid works and derivations of the
watching out for. We forever have company.
AD 20th Century. In these stories, the discipline
required ro maintain the order of spacetime is dele-
The Mortal Sidekick
gated to a Time Patrol ' or a clutch of CIA-style
We have company enough without looking
secret agents.
to levellers and their misunderstandings to cause
This is partially the result of the cultural and
additiona l trouble. Many common time traveller
political structures of their day. The pattern is stan-
tales include leveller adu lts and even children, going
dard: every level culture imagines its future as exten-
off with a mighty time master, and then returning
sions and developments of its own fami liar rites.
home to ordinary lives afterwards. Nothing could be
Stories of these imagined futures are often used as a
further from actual practice.
means to enforce conformity and mores. But in the
You are either in or our of the Continuum.
case of 'Time Police', it is primarily the luxuriant
If you don't know, you are kept in the dark. If you
attitude of the level that spawned the idea toward
find out, you are made to forget, or brought into the
the management of people and power. Self-discipline
circle. Once you know, you are introduced and
in many aspects of daily life is simply surrendered to
taught as appropriate. If you do too much that's
the convenience of a police body, a bureaucracy to
inappropriate, you may find yourself very, very our.
handle derails. And in the tales, little imagination is
No leve ll er sidekick could experience all
spent on the consequences of allowing a single undis-
these tests and remain a leveller.
ciplined individual loose in the timesrream.
More natural to mankind is the Hunt, as
Invite Me To Dance
exemplified by the Foxhorn, or the local militia, as
This is an easy one to see through, but
exemplified by corners and localities watching out
poignant: Some levellers hope that by invitation, they
for one another, and gathering only when needed.
can meet the spanners. Various schemes, like holding
Since all people of the Continuum take pre-
parries for time travellers (or space aliens), putting
caution, self-respect and mutual-respect as givens of
ads in the paper, and writing secret messages where
their exi tence, all police themselves, and one anoth-
' someone will be sure to find it' have all been tried,
er. The only other way is Narcissism, and its con-
and are no more or less effective than sitting at
comitant annihilation.
home, wishing si lently for a chance to meet a span-
Chronos Ex Machina
Alas, like social invitations of all types,
Devices and related methods exist to
being invited to a party works the other way around.
enhance the capacities of spanning, bur "rime
machines" are nor constructed by the Societies, and
Time As The Ultimate Weapon
are discouraged from Societal spacetime by the
One common fallacy is that anyone travel-
Continuum. Adamis is the exception, and its prima-
ling to the past automatically gets the drop on any-
ry function as a time machine is to prevent narcissist
one left in the future, and can Frag enemies to noth-
incursion, and participate in the War- essentially
ingness with the leisure of centuries to play in. This
the same function as an Inheritor ship, but it is only
is only microscopically true, as members of the
one , island-sized construct, and only at the disposal
Continuum with higher Spans are always on the
of a consensus of the Societies' wisest spanners.
watch, passing information to the right sources to
Mechanical replacements for sentient travel
deal with dangerous spanners. Even casual gossip in
would open the door to any number of mechanical
certain corners is a means of passing along informa-
errors, computer malfunctions, and worse. A level
tion vital to stopping Frag.
child or even certain pets might be able to activate
This cumulative effect is distilled in the Time
the device: Devices by their very nature can be bro-
Combat rules, where stratagems that might take
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter VI: Details
mo nth s of ca reful planning a re undone before th ey
ca n begin.
Appendix B.
All the sa me, na rcissists are a lways out there
thinking they a re o ne step a head, and can unm a ke
Roleplaying Basics
the uni verse with a little effort. We, wh o cheri sh life,
What is a roleplaying game?
o ur own and a ll o thers, a re devoted to keeping our
Thi ectio n presumes that yo u have acquired thi s
house in o rder a nd our uni verse whole. book witho ut a ny prior knowledge of roleplaying ga mes
(a lso ca lled RPG ). Yo u w ill need to unde rstand this medi-
The Self-Repairing Universe um before you go fo rwa rd . And it is a medium, like pa int
This is as a bsurd as suggestions o f construct- o r cha rcoa l. A published et of roleplay ing rules, such as
ing a perpetu a l motion machine. But it's th e most the o ne yo u' re ho lding, is a mecha nism through which you
understand a ble error, since it is rooted in leveller ca n foc us your crea ti vity a nd make it run in ha rness wi th
logic and expe ri ence. yo ur fri ends'.
Ro lepl aying is like a grown -up ve rsio n o f cops
Go in g a bo ut in leveller life, ca use creates
and robbers, in w hich a number of playe rs in ve nt cha rac-
effect and effect follows ca use. Popula r imagination
ters and use them to interact with each other through a n
has look ed to its eve ryday surround to expla in th e intrica te scenario, which a designated pl aye r will referee.
logic loops crea ted if time trave l is a rea lity. Since Alth ough some intrepid playe rs ac t these ga mes o ut physi-
ma nkind uses the ea rth at w ill fo r its natura l ca ll y, most play them sitti ng aro und a table, raking notes
reso urces, it eems to fo llow th at a uni ve rse with a nd ea ting junk food. C reat ive playe rs ca n keep rhe sa me
tim e trave l wo uld be simila rl y renewing- like Spring cha racters go ing over ma ny play sessio ns, exp lo ring the
brings new leaves to the trees. ways their characters a re a ffected by the pl ot events they
Bur ca usality is nor a renewa ble resource. go th rough, a nd how their mo ti ves change as they develo p.
C haracter in the game are either player charac-
Some narc issists hope- even ex pect - th at
ters (PCs) , w hich are " run " by the pl aye rs, or non-player
thei r ca ll o us o r a rroga nt shoving upon events will
characters (NPCs), w hich a re run by the re feree, o r game
either meet w ith no effect, o r be th wa rted by some master (GM). T he ga me master has des igned the sce-
uni versa l or un senti ent fo rce: Nature, God, Ph ysics, na rio- or purchased a pre-written o ne- which the pl aye r
Spirits, w hat have you. The universe w ill either get characters will play o ur, and the no n-playe r characters are
a lo ng a round your desires, o r some thing w ill stop es enti a lly hi levers withi n th e to ry wi th w hich he can
yo u fro m play ing with th e uni verse, a nd no serious eek to guide the plo t.
harm do ne. "Events w ill con pire aga inst you." The key to under ra nding th ese ga me is that the
Event don 't conspire, people do . W hat's notio n of "wi nning" does not enter inro ir. T here ar e no
winners a nd lose rs, except in the relati ve a nd highl y vul-
more, events can't conspire a nd people can. This is
nera ble way tha t there a re winners a nd losers in rea l life.
senti ent fo rce. The price of thi s freedom o f time is
T he o bvio us thrust o f the ga me is to ac hieve ce rtai n story
responsibil ity fo r it, a nd th is responsibility is backed objectives (rescue the princess, ac hieve wea lth , etc. ) but
up by th e fear fo r o ne's very existence. In thi s rega rd, there is a subtl er payoff; even if these o bj ectives fa il, the
tim e t ravel is never a ga me. sto ry that is generated may be a ll the richer. Duri ng or at
the end of each session, the ga me mas ter awa rds po ints to
each cha racter to approx im ate the maturing a nd strength -
(See a lso A ppendix R - Bibliogra ph y & Review, pg. eni ng va lue of the ex periences the character has ga ined in
2 19, w here th e inspirations fo r this game are ana- that sessio n. In ti me, these poi nts tra nslate inro grea ter
capacities fo r the cha racter.
lyzed, as we ll as the tim e travel w ho ppers th at ha ve
been presented over the yea rs.)
What are the dice (o r?
[n a book o r mov ie, the characters are written by
the a utho r, o r perfo rm as acto rs and directors decide. In a
roleplaying ga me, a ll the pl aye rs a re makjng decis io ns for
themse lves. But as in rea l life, when two peop le wa nt the
a me thing, o r when we are uncertain of an o utcome, some
mea ns mu st be fo und to resolve rhe question.
The referee (GM) could decide rhe o utcome o f
each acti on, bur tO ma ke it mo re fun a nd fa ir, dice are used
to determine success- like the spinners o r dice throws in
any fa mil y boa rd ga me. Since characters have a ra nge of
abiljties that change with ex perience, like people in real Jjfe,
there are usua ll y cha rts to consult to see what the ra nge o f
ability scores ca n achieve, a nd with w hat die rolls.

There are a vast array o f roleplaying ga mes on

the ma rker, eve ryth ing fro m video ga mes with minjma l
persona l involvement, to rich-text ured sto ry- telling ga mes.
Sho p aro und, a nd discove r which kind is be t for you.
Chapter VI: Details C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Appendix C.
Counting the Days
Calendars for use in pla ying C0 TINUU M.

Perpetual Calendar - Gregorian AD 1582 - 2222

In AD 1582, Pope Gregory XIII authorized a change in the Julian reckoning to accounted for drift in accuracy of ten days.
Religious politics being what they were, Catholic countries changed their calendars at once , but Protestant nations took over a
century to change , and Orthodox Russia only changed after the Bolshevik Revolution (1917).

Each year has a corresponding letter; this letter is the day of the week upon which Sunday falls. This system allows for only
two calendars having to be kept, one for standard years, one for leap years. Leap years are listed in bold face; part of Gregory's
reformation was to skip leap years thrice every 400 years, as demonstrated below.

The small numbers listed in each day of the calendars are for use with the c 2NTINUUM RPG . The one on the left repre- [:]
sents days past, the one on the right, days remaining. These are calibrated for use on the Span cards. Thus, by simple 1
addition or subtraction, one can determine the day one arrives at ("I go Down 56 days from September 18, how far is o 364
that?" "September 18 is Day 260 minus 56 is 204- that's July 241") or how many days away a date is ("I'm going Up to
December 20 from March 12, what's it cost me?" "12/20 is day 353, and March 12 is day 70 ... 353 - 70 is 283 days.") Add togeth-
er days remaining and days past whenever crossing January 1, and watch those Leap Years...

1582 1625 E 1668 A 1711 D 1754 F 1797 A 1840 E 1882 A

1583 B 1626 D 1669 F 1712 C 1755 E 1798 G 1841 C 1883 G
1584 A 1627 C 1670 E 1713 A 1756 D 1799 F 1842 B 1884 F
1585 F 1628 B 1671 D 1714 G 1757 B 1800 E 1843 A 1885 D
1586 E 1629 G 1672 C 1715 F 1758 A 1801 D 1844 G 1886 C
1587 D 1630 F 1673 A 1716 E 1759 G 1802 C 1845 E 1887 B
1588 C 1631 E 1674 G 1717 C 1760 F 1803 B 1846 D 1888 A
1589 A 1632 D 1675 F 1718 B 1761 D 1804 A 1847 C 1889 F
1590 G 1633 B 1676 E 1719 A 1762 C 1805 F 1848 B 1890 E
1591 F 1634 A 1677 C 1720 G 1763 B 1806 E 1849 G 1891 D
1592 E 1635 G 1678 B 1721 E 1764 A 1807 D 1850 F 1892 C
1593 C 1636 F 1679 A 1722 D 1765 F 1808 C 1851 E 1893 A
1594 B 1637 D 1680 G 1723 C 1766 E 1809 A 1852 D 1894 G
1595 A 1638 C 1681 E 1724 B 1767 D 1810 G 1853 B 1895 F
1596 G 1639 B 1682 D 1725 G 1768 C 1811 F 1854 A 1896 E
1597 E 1640 A 1683 C 1726 F 1769 A 1812 E 1855 G 1897 C
1598 D 1641 F 1684 B 1727 E 1770 G 1813 C 1856 F 1898 B
1599 C 1642 E 1685 G 1728 D 1771 F 1814 B 1857 D 1899 A
1600 B 1643 D 1686 F 1729 B 1772 E 1815 A 1858 C 1900 G
1601 G 1644 C 1687 E 1730 A 1773 C 1816 G 1859 B 1901 F
1602 F 1645 A 1688 D 1731 G 1774 B 1817 E 1860 A 1902 E
1603 E 1646 G 1689 B 1732 F 1775 A 1818 D 1861 F 1903 D
1604 D 1647 F 1690 A 1733 D 1776 G 1819 C 1862 E 1904 C
1605 B 1648 E 1691 G 1734 C 1777 E 1820 B 1863 D 1905 A
1606 A 1649 C 1692 F 1735 B 1778 D 1821 G 1864 C 1906 G
1607 G 1650 B 1693 D 1736 A 1779 C 1822 F 1865 A 1907 F
1608 F 1651 A 1694 C 1737 F 1780 B 1823 E 1866 G 1908 E
1609 D 1652 G 1695 B 1738 E 1781 G 1824 D 1867 F 1909 C
1610 C 1653 E 1696 A 1739 D 1782 F 1825 B 1868 E 1910 B
1611 B 1654 D 1697 F 1740 C 1783 E 1826 A 1869 C 1911 A
1612 A 1655 C 1698 E 1741 A 1784 D 1827 G 1870 B 1912 G
1613 F 1656 B 1699 D 1742 G 1785 B 1828 F 1871 A 1913 E
1614 E 1657 G 1700 C 1743 F 1786 A 1829 D 1872 G 1914 D
1615 D 1658 F 1701 B 1744 E 1787 G 1830 C 1873 E 1915 C
1616 C 1659 E 1702 A 1745 C 1788 F 1831 B 1874 D 1916 B
1617 A 1660 D 1703 G 1746 B 1789 D 1832 A 1875 C 1917 G
1618 G 1661 B 1704 F 1747 A 1790 C 1833 F 1876 B 1918 F
1619 F 1662 A 1705 D 1748 G 1791 B 1834 E 1877 G 1919 E
1620 E 1663 G 1706 C 1749 E 1792 A 1835 D 1878 F 1920 D
1621 C 1664 F 1707 B 1750 D 1793 F 1836 C 1879 E 1921 B
1622 B 1665 D 1708 A 1751 C 1794 E 1837 A 1880 D 1922 A
1623 A 1666 C 1709 F 1752 B* 1795 D 1838 G 1881 B 1923 G
1624 G 1667 B 1710 E 1753 G 1796 C 1839 F 1924 F

"The unique ca.lendar of 1582. and lhe calendar adopted by Britain 1752 are available online al our website:
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter VI: Details

Gregorian AD 1854-2222

1925 D 1983 B 2041 F 2099 D 2157 B 2216 A

1926 C 1984 A 2042 E 2100 C 2158 A 2217 G
1927 B 1985 F 2043 D 2101 B 2159 G 2218 E
1928 A 1986 E 2044 C 2102 A 2160 F 2219 D
1929 F 1987 D 2045 A 2103 G 2161 D 2220 C
1930 E 1988 C 2046 G 2104 F 2162 C 2221 B
1931 D 1989 A 2047 F 2105 D 2163 B 2222 G
1932 C 1990 G 2048 E 2106 C 2164 A
1933 A 1991 F 2049 C 2107 B 2165 F
1934 G 1992 E 2050 B 2108 A 2166 E
1935 F 1993 C 2051 A 2109 F 2167 D
1936 E 1994 B 2052 G 2110 E 2168 C
1937 C 1995 A 2053 E 2111 D 2169 A
1938 B 1996 G 2054 D 2112 C 2170 G
1939 A 1997 E 2055 C 2113 A 2171 F
1940 G 1998 D 2056 B 2114 G 2172 E
1941 E 1999 C 2057 G 2115 F 2173 C
1942 D 2000 B 2058 F 2116 E 2174 B
1943 C 2001 G 2059 E 2117 C 2175 A
1944 B 2002 F 2060 D 2118 B 2176 G
1945 G 2003 E 2061 B 2119 A 2177 E
1946 F 2004 D 2062 A 2120 G 2178 D
1947 E 2005 B 2063 G 2121 E 2179 C
1948 D 2006 A 2064 F 2122 D 2180 B
1949 B 2007 G 2065 D 2123 C 2181 G
1950 A 2008 F 2066 C 2124 B 2182 F
1951 G 2009 D 2067 B 2125 G 2183 E
1952 F 2010 C 2068 A 2126 F 2184 D
1953 D 2011 B 2069 F 2127 E 2185 B
1954 C 2012 A 2070 E 2128 D 2186 A
1955 B 2013 F 2071 D 2129 B 2187 G
1956 A 2014 E 2072 C 2130 A 2188 F
1957 F 2015 D 2073 A 2131 G 2189 D
1958 E 2016 C 2074 G 2132 F 2190 C
1959 D 2017 A 2075 F 2133 D 2191 B
1960 C 2018 G 2076 E 2134 C 2192 A
1961 A 2019 F 2077 C 2135 B 2193 F
1962 G 2020 E 2078 B 2136 A 2194 E
1963 F 2021 C 2079 A 2137 F 2195 D
1964 E 2022 B 2080 G 2138 E 2196 C
1965 C 2023 A 2081 E 2139 D 2197 A
1966 B 2024 G 2082 D 2140 C 2198 G
1967 A 2025 E 2083 C 2141 A 2199 F
1968 G 2026 D 2084 B 2142 G 2200 E
1969 E 2027 C 2085 G 2143 F 2201 D
1970 D 2028 B 2086 F 2144 E 2202 C
1971 C 2029 G 2087 E 2145 C 2203 B
1972 B 2030 F 2088 D 2146 B 2204 A
1973 G 2031 E 2089 B 2147 A 2205 F
1974 F 2032 D 2090 A 2148 G 2206 E
1975 E 2033 B 2091 G 2149 E 2207 D
1976 D 2034 A 2092 F 2150 D 2208 C
1977 B 2035 G 2093 D 2151 C 2209 A
1978 A 2036 F 2094 C 2152 B 2210 G
1979 G 2037 D 2095 B 2153 G 2211 F
1980 F 2038 C 2096 A 2154 F 2212 E
1981 D 2039 B 2097 F 2155 E 2214 C
1982 C 2040 A 2098 E 2156 D 2215 B



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Leap Years Leap Years

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Perpetual Gregorian Calendar
AD 1582
Catholic Societies
355-day Standard Year - Ten Days Removed From October
CºNTINUUM™ is a trademark of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game.
Copyright ©1998, 1999 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. World Rights Reserved.

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Perpetual Gregorian Calendar
AD 1752
355-day Leap Year - Eleven Days Removed From September
CºNTINUUM™ is a trademark of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game.
Copyright ©1998, 1999 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. World Rights Reserved.

Chapter VI: Details C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
fo r points and Fives and above are extremely hard ro get involved.
Appendix G. Rules to Additionally, )'OU may spend one point of each roll on levellers {Span
Zeros). T hese are rolled separately on a d! 0, and must be from an area
Simulate the 'Greatest Game' wirhin ninety days travelling disra nce of tbe ra rget. Levellers ca nnot be
hired unril the Rou nd AFTER you a re fi rst acti ve.
Levellers may be wondering what thjs 'G reatest Game' i· , and what Any spanners of Span O ne and Two may be rolled ove r ro the next
round , and added to your total points. In any cases when you are roleplay-
makes it so grea1, anyway. As an experimenr, the Continuum has asked us
ing an adventure to stake a cl aim, spa nners must be at Z ero Fra g befo re
10 incl ude rud imenrn ry rules for playing the Game as a ki nd of vast boa rd
o r parlo r game. We invite everyone int erested in this un iq ue revisiting and co ntinu ing to the next Ro und .
If, by Ro und even, your character isn't acti ve, any roll of 1-3 lets him
mea urement of history to experiment with these rules. and sen d us your
feedbac k ar: rimekeeper@aetherco. o m. enter rhe Ga me, but he ca nnot make dec isions unril the next Ro und . Any
pa n Fo ur nor in the Ga me by Round Seven ma)' not enrer it. O nce you
The best question and commenrs wi ll be compiled a a FAQ of our web-
have entered the Grea test Ga me, you ma)' pl ace yourself anywhere on Ea rth
ire uum/
within the boundaries of the Societies ( 12969 BC - AD 2200).
The Rules (v. 1.0)
C) Move a ll hires to new claims
The Atlanrean Councils have et certain ru les fo r the Greatest Grune, to
At this poi nt , you must place your hires and have them make their
assure that wha t is. is, and wi ll always be, while allowing gain of territory
claims. A new spanner hire may be placed anywhere within 500 yea rs Up,
and prestige fo r Span ner resourceful enough to attain them. The fo llowing
and 500 yea r Down of your own Span Four character, BEFO RE you move
si mulates the rules q uite succinctly for use with the Nll U M RPG:
this Ro und.
a) No violence against fellow Continuum spanners. Phy ica l violence In order fo r a claim ro be legitimate, there must be at least one leveller
aga inst a spa nner disqua lifies a claim . Fragging any o pponenr gets you of the Society present in the area clai med, as well as a spanner wirness.
tossed from the Ga me. Levellers are pawns, and ph ysica l pain may be their Such claims can be made by o ne of three means, as stared in the rules set
lot, but they must not be fragged. down by the Atlanrean Councils:
i) Crown (who govern )
b) Sociera.l rurf can be claimed by o ne or more of the following, but ii ) Culture (way of life held in common )
req uires at least one leveller o f the Society present in the area claimed, as iii) Blood (generics)
well as a spann er wimess. Abandoned or empty lands cannot be claimed by spanners alo ne.
i) Crown (who governs the territory) (Hence the ve r y neutra l nature of the Virgin Era.)
ii) Culture (way of ljfe held in common, from art 10 religion) lo ea rl y rounds. making sweep ing claims of territory is fine; it will ger
iii) Blood (generics a nd heredity) aled down by the Atlantean Counci l , bur it will set the stage for later
c) You may only play the Grea test Game once. The Atlantean Counci ls la ims. Your claims are not announced at this time.
consider the Greatest Ga me a benchmark of res po ns ibility, a nd you o nl y Areas unclaimed by any Society at the end of the Ga me are under the
have o ne chance to prove that you are worth y of becoming Span Five. prorection of the Atlanrea n Councils.
d ) you may only submit o ne claim to the Atlantean Councils per Spanner - Allowable Moves
you have hired per ro und. Hired spanners and levellers may move according ro the following table
For purposes of 1his game, you are considered to have won the Grea test This portion o f the Greatest Ga me is best for roleplaying, either as your
Ga me when you have gained 200 points. T his num ber is an abstract repre- Span Fo ur character, or ta king the part of o ne of your hires, be they leveller
sentation of the kill needed to ga ther a lli es and perform all the necessa ry or Spanner. Here, pl ayers can see what actua l Spanners deal with in their
dairn , as well as the actual judgment of the Atlam ea n Councils. While struggle ro assure that their Socieries exis1, and perhaps lea rn a bir mo re
there are 11 7 ro unds to the Grea test Game (corresponding to the 11 7 ses- abo ut the srruggle faced by Spanner and Leveller alike.
sions of the Atlantean Councils), you will fi nd that you need fa r less rounds -Types of Claims
to ga m er 200 point .
T here are three types of claims: a origi nal capture, a negotia ted conces-
What is needed fo r the Grea test Game: sion, and media ted ca pture. An origi nal capture is a new claim, such as
A d l0 Roa noke, Virginia in the 1600's, or any place which is unsettled or uncon-
One Spanne.r of at lea t Span Four fo r ea h player tested. A negotia ted concession i a claim agreed upon by parr.ies during
Copie of Grea test Game sheet ( ne at Phase F; such claim norma ll y include areas that ca n legitimately be cl aimed
A library of good history texts, preferably in luding: by more rhan one ociery thro ugh different means. An exa mple of this is
a good hisrorica l atlas ew York City; while by Crown, the United States Society ca n claim it,
an accura te rimel ine there is such a wide diversity of cultures and blood within it that many
other Societies could lay partial claim to it.
Phases of a Ro und : The mediated caprure rakes place when the Adam ea n Councils must
AJ Roll one d IO fo r points make a decision rega rding a claim, norma ll y reducing it in size. An exa m-
B) pend poi nrs, openl y decla re new hires ple wo uld be a British Spanner claiming all of Africa from l000 to 2000
C) Move all hires ro new claims AD; the British did not get to Africa until the I 800's, and much of it was
D) Tum in report to Atlaoceao Council stiU unexplored at rhe rime. As well , the United States has a solid cl aim on
E) GM Mediates; rerurns resul ts & poin t Liberia by virrue of Culture (take a look at tbe Li beria n Aag for one of
F) Bargaining pha e between player many exa mpl es). In this case, The Arlantean Councils (the GM) wou ld be
fully justified to cut this cla im down ro size, at least until the Spanner
An explanation of each phase: arranged fo r some Leveller explorers.
A) Roll one d IO fo r poiats
This is ro determine 1he effect ive resources tha t your Society has at the D) Turn in report ro Adantean o uncils
time, and thus rhe resources you may u e fo r the Grea test Game. Here, you fill o ur the Grea te t Ga me sheer a nd hand it to the GM, who
will go over it in the role of the Adantean Counci ls. Here, Spanners may
B) Spend poim s, openly declare new hires
choose ro honor or ignore any dea ls they have made with other Spanners
Yo u must first spend points equal to your Span to enter the Greatest
rega rding negotiated concessions.
Game yourself! Failure to roll at least your Span mea ns your Society does-
n't have the resources to provide for your activities yet. Yo u may use E) GM Mediates; returns results & poi nts
unspent point to hire other span ners. but they can't be placed or senr off The GM wiU give you tbe decisions of tbe Atlantean Counci l concerning
to any claims unless your character has enrered the game on rh i or a previ- your claims, as well as your poinrs. In the case o f a original capture, the
ous round. resul ts are not an nounced' Leave ir fo r the Spanner who tries to gra b ir in
Each point you have remaining corresponds to a level of pan you may a later ro und to find o ur the error of his ways ...
try to employ this ro un d. For example, with 4 poinrs left over, )' OU may
artempt to bire 2 Span Twos, or r,=======:::':"'=============================================;i
4 Spa n O nes, o r a Span One Your Pieces
and a Spa n One, or any combi- Span Range Claimed #Rounds active Can move ... miles/ years
narion that wou ld add up to
four. Span Twos tend to be the 0 lOm.i . (lifespan) l n/a (90 da y journey from origin)
mosr fa milia r with the loca liry 1 1 mi. 1 an y # 10 years, 100 miles
and the most ava ilable and 2 10 mi 10 a ny # 100 years, 1000 miles
agile: Threes are often busy
with th eir corn ers and ca nnot
3 100 mi 100 2 500 years, anywhere
stay involved as long, Fours are 4 1000 mi 1000 1 (exc yourself) anywhen
usually competing against you 5+ 10,000 mi spec. 1 anywhen

Roleplaying in the Yet ™

Greatest Game Sheet
™ Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden
version 1.0

Special Errata for Appendix G. The Greatest Game

The points rolled in Phase A of each Round are Hiring Points. These are all spent on Phase B.
The points assigned in Phase E by the GM are Victory Points. These accumulate (or decline) each Round, and
determine who wins.

The two kinds of points are entirely separate, and do not directly affect one another. Our apologies for not
being more clear about that in the book.

If two players attain 200 or more Victory Points on the same Round, the one with the highest number wins.
Optionally, all players can play out all 117 Rounds of the Game, and the one with the most Victory Points


CºNTINUUM™, SPAN™, THE YET™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Ætherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. World rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

Roleplaying in the Yet ™

Greatest Game Sheet
‘The Greatest Game’ 0
---OL....--1_ _ _ _IQ
™ Copyright ©1999 Manui, Adams & Fooden
version 1.0

Player Character Name Society

Span Total Victory Points
earned through last Round
Character Hires This Round (Carry over all Span Ones and Twos from last Round. Spans Zero, Four and Five only remain 1 Round; Span Threes for 2.)

# Name Span Society Notes (esp. Current Position)

Claims This Round

Location Dates Claimed By TYPE OF CLAIM BASIS Notes: Victory Points for Claim

Original Negotiated Mediated Crown Culture Blood (as awarded by the GM)

I --.

For complete rules to simulate the Greatest Game, see CºNTINUUM ppg. 218-9. Total Victory Points earned this Round
CºNTINUUM™, SPAN™, THE YET™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Ætherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. World rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. /
C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter VI: Details
if your results are verified by the Atlantea11 Coun cil
3 points awarded for every o rigina l capture of s pacerime
2 points awarded for every negotia ted concession of spacerime
Appendix R.
l point awarded for every capture of spacetime mediated by the Council (GM)
Bibliography & Review
If your resi,lts are rejected (ie co11flicti11g result approved by a previous Council)
-1 points for fai lure
-5 points fo r a ny falsification , and you a re auromaticall y removed from rhe CAUTION: CONTAINS SPO ILERS FO R MANY BOOKS AND MOVCES.
Greatest Game. Bur we spa nners ca n ha ndle rha t, ca n't we' O pini ons expressed in rhis bibli-
Point bonuses: ography are entirely rhose of rhe leveller a uchors, and do nor necessarily
For each Spa n One you have hired rhis round + 1 For eac h reflect those o f the Continuum.
Span Two yo u have hired this ro und +2
Using a Spa n Four other rhan yourself ro make a claim +] O ur bib liogra ph y is broken into "lnspiration " and "Reference":
Using an Exalted (Span 5 o r above) to make a claim -1
Roleplaying of Phase C 0 to +3 Inspiration
F) Bargaining phase between players -Fiction (alphabetical by artist)
Here, Spa nners can make dea ls a nd agreements for next rou nd, but nor Anderson, Poul. There Will Be Time.
bound to keep a ny promise not s ubmirted to the Cou ncils. New York: Signer, 1973.
One o f the few 20th Century novels involving people time tra velling a r will.
Examples of Play
The travellers in rbe book spend m ost o f thei r li ves finding each other, a nd
Radia ting Up but no t Down: There will be rimes where a Spanner wi ll
rhe rest o f their lives gerring barel y organized. Bur a good read . Like ma ny
place himself a t the sta rt of a Sociery's territory a nd adva nce upwa rd, per-
of Anderson's ti me stories, the travellers decide to retire ro the future, where
ha ps to avoid a contested claim o r concess io n to someone of lower Span .
going into space is possi ble.
Ca re musr be taken, since the technica l sta rt of a Sociery's territory may still
not be practica l. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. At the Earth's Core.
Example. A Britis h player sends a Span Five into the tiny Virgi nia colon y Never mind he invented Tarzan. ERB had explorer David Innes discovering
in 1607, and cl ai ms a ll the Eastern sea boa rd as British, up to 1774, which rela tivity even as Einstein was, in this masterpiece written in 1913: " Yo u
is rhe United Sta tes, including rhe British possession of Ca nada in 1763 and have no conception of the strange contradiccions a nd impossibilities which
rhe a rea o f Hudson's Bay Com pany, but bo rdering with Spanish Flo rida to a rise w hen a ll metho ds of measuring time, as we kno w rhem upon ea rth,
rhe So urh, a nd rhe reced ing Native tribes to the west. are no n-ex isrenr. " Innes has a string o f lo ng-range cross-country a dventures
The rro uble with rhis is that while the Europea n po pulation of the in the sa me rime ir takes his professo r friend to stud y a couple of books.
colonies expand a nd eventua ll y reach o ne a nother, for ma ny decades there
a re no British roads between Virginia and Boston , o nly the sea lanes and L'Engle, M adeleine. A Wrinkle ln Time.
Native Soc ieties. Therefore, rhe GM trims rhe claim a bir, a nd awards the N ew Yo rk: Dell, 1962.
player 1 poinr. Newberry awa rd-winning children's classic of resseracrs a nd m ysterio us
rimes and places .
Negotiated Concession of Spacetime:
In larer rounds, you will find rha t yo u will risk failure unless yo u negoti - Lovecra ft, H owa rd Phillips.
a te with o ther Spanners. This will ass ure tha t you do nor contest other Penned a number of stories invo lving travel to (wha r was in his da y consid-
claims a nd rha r yo u both may benefit. ered) unimaginable depths of rime. T he menta l rime travel o f " The Silver
Example: In Ro und 5 , Spanners from the United States, Britain, and Key " and " The Shadow Out of Time" were plain inspira tio ns for Quantum
France, after some ca refu l negotiations last round, lay cla im to West Berlin Leap. Stories li ke " Ar the Mountains of Madness" , and the patiently sleep -
between 1958 a nd 1989. C hecking hi s a rias, the GM sees rhar a ll three of ing Crhulhu I" The Call of Cthulhu") mark his fasci natio n wirh awakening
those Societies had solid presences in Wesr Berlin during that time, wirh a in a n incomprehensible fucure, from a n incomprehensible past. The Case of
combin ation of rhe Berlin Ai rlifts and military presence, a nd with no Charles Dexter Ward, his only full- length novel, a lso dea ls w ith this rheme,
buc sha rpl y mo rta l terms: " ... bur whar hea lth y a ntiqua ria n could
Germa n o r Prussian Spa nner in play, each of rhe players gers 2 points.
reca ll how the creaking of Epenerus O lney's new signboard (rhe ga ud y
Crown he set up a fter he took to ca lling his ta vern rhe Crown Coffee
GM Mediation: H o use) was exactl y like the first few notes of the new jazz piece a ll che
This wi ll occ ur a r times, as Spanners a rtem pr to grab as much as they radios in Pawtuxer were playing? " Lasr but nor least, the sho rr story "He",
can, to bo th limir their o ppo nents as well establish themselves fo r other wherein an unnamed wiza rd to rtures rhe narrato r wirh terrifying visits to a
moves in la rer ro unds. Nor every grab for territory ca n be a n original cap- Ma nha tta n rhroughour irs ex istence in spacerim e.
ture, a nd sometimes ir is easier to gra b a bunc h o f territories tha t are sub-
ject to media tio n rhan to fai l complerely with a ttempts ar origi nal captures. Morrison, Gram, et a l. The Invisibles.
Example: On Ro und Two, borh a nd rhe United Sta res pl ace Spa n New York : DC Comics, 1994.
Fours in 1700 Virginia. The British claim the eastern sea boa rd from Demigod s treet rebels versus evil demigod a uthoriry figures. Good hea lthy
AD l407 to 2407 .The US claims it from 1507 to 2507 . The GM c hee rfull y na rcissist p ropagand a, well-wrirten. Time travel through a kind of dream-
gers our hi s a rias. a nd sta rts pruniag. state, the rules of which a re not terribl y well-defined.
Virginia is first serried by Britons in 1607, so he chops both clain1s off a r Pini, Wendy and Richa rd . Elfquest.
1607, since there are no European levellers before then in the Americans. For Po ughkeepsie, NY: WaRP Graphics, since 1978.
simpliciry's sake, he's sticking to the history timeline book presented for play, Deceptively prerty race o f psychic people fights for surviva l on a Stone Age
w hich happens to declare tbe US beginning in 1774 . So Brita in bas rhat turf planer, a nd cakes up a quesr ro discover thei r a ncestry. Turns out rheir
from 1607 to 1773, the US from 1774 Up. (The GM may a lso use the ancestors were rime travellers w ho screwed up something major. A stern
Aquarian Rule to lirnir all claims a r yea r AD 2000.) Each receive 1 point. wa rning 10 all Inheri tors o ut there.

Special Rules and Tricks. Wells, Hebert George. The Time Machine.
SI. Size Doesn 't Matter seria lized in New Review, 1894-5 ; London: Heinema nn , 1895 .
A French Spa nner ca n claim France for 500 yea rs in either direction, o r The origin a l ho megrown geniu s, writing years before Einstein . Ir 's nor spa n-
a Britis h Spanner ca n claim Grena da from 1783 to 1974, a nd they still a re ning at will, a nd paradoxes a re utterly absent, bur the proragon isr does
valid claims o f rerrirory. What matters is tha t yo u ca n back up yo ur claim wrestle wirh the respo nsibili ry of bea ring witness to rhe ages.
wirh solid proof of either C rown, C ulture, o r Blood. This comes into play
Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five, or, the Children's Crusade.
mosr o ften in la ter ro unds, as rhe Societies have been sweepingly claimed in
New York: Dell, I 991. (First ed itio n, 1969 .)
large amounts. a nd a ny edge yo u can ga in in the form of a n exrra point o r
The classic featuring Billy Pilgrim who's "come unstuck in rime". Billy finds
cwo is well worth ir.
himself relivin g pa rts o f his life precisely, and has no control over his desti-
S2. Bits a11d Pieces.
Grabbing a rerrirory in I o r 10 yea r increments, wirh Spanners of Spa n
One o r Two, that o rhers may not rouc h fo r a while can ga rner yo u large
amounts of points quickly. However, ca ution has to be raken rha r someone -Prophecy & Cataclysm (in chronological order)
does not sweep in a nd grab the terricory in o ne fell swoop, emba rrassi ng I Ching. (The Book of Changes ) 6th century BC.
yo u in front of yo ur fellow Spanners as wel l a s causing you to lose points. Wilhelm, Richa rd a nd Cary Baynes, trans. Princeton: Princeton Universiry
S3. Do I trust this person? Press, 1990. (First editio n, 1 950.)
By rhe rime yo u ha ve reached Spa n Four, yo u will have a lread y made a This book of early Cho u D ynasty wisdom has srood the test of millennia.
grea t number of allies and enemies. Pan o f any negotia tion yo u make must Wilhelm 's is rhe definitive editio n, complere wirh instructions and a ll tbe
be the thought tha r someone may bum yo u. Ir could be as si mple as some- ancient a nnota tio ns.
one wanting ro ger a head in the Grearesr Game, or something fa r more sin - The elegance o f irs divination system lay in 64 hexagrams, the c hanges indi-
ister. cating trends. Situatio ns and individuals over the centuries may come a nd
Chapter VI: Details C0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
go, but the narure of the system of change in the un iver e i fixed. The ro the Project: 'Thi s is Conundrum .' Yo u got rh ar right . He sho uld be at rh e
heart of this unique prophetic rool is rhe rha r when certai n office every rime he ca lls in, but no. he ju t i n't there. Where is he? Didn 't
change come about in certain sequences, the narure of the resu lt is pre- he save rhe world last week? houldn 'r we be faci ng a Frank Pa rker glut a
dictable. The limirs and po sibilicies o i exerci ing sentient force in any given elder Frank a rrive ro fix problems and hang a round with junio rs tbar have
situa tion a re a mply di played. no need ro go back and fix tbe problem ?
Star Trek '- The Voyage Horne, Generations, First Contact, and four TV
Nostradamus (Michel de o tradame). The Centuries. AD 1555.
series. ( 1966- ) Para mo unt. Th e interesting th ing with Trek is, there are no
The most authoritative tra nslation is Jea n-Cha rles de Fontbrune, working in
er rules o f rime travel, ever. Sometimes things you do change rhe universe,
the ea rl y 1980 .
ometimes you fall inro rhe trap of destin y despite yourself. Sometimes borh
Pl ea e be advi ed of the propher's warning, in Larin, pla ed a t the center of
a nd nei ther in the same movie o r episode. The populariry of the series has
his work . before using his prophesies as entertainment:
kept levellers in rhe dark abou t panning fo r decades.
The Terminator (1984 ) and Terminator 2: Judgement Day. ( 199 1) Car olee.
Omnesque A rro logi, Blenni , aba ri procu l unto,
Time travel ca n o nly be done in the nude, o ne-way. fro m a projecting
And let al l Asrrologers, Fools, and Barbarian keep awa y;
machine. But if stuff like clothing or synrheric a rmor and weapo ns can't
As this goes to press, the prophet's onl y full y dated quatra in is co ming due. rra vel, how does Schwa rzenegger's cyborg skeleton make ir rhrough? Or rhe
The "seven month s .. might mea n either Jul y or September ILati11 eptimu T- 1000, a r a ll ?
"seven"!, but the )•ea r seem s unm i takable: Time Cop ( 1994) and series ( 1997) Signa ture/Universa l/Da rk Horse/er. al.
Time cops. · uff said.
Old Frend, Modem English Time Trax. ( 1993 -1994) a rdino/Lorima r/Wa rner Bros. Villains a re sent
Can mil neuf cent nonanre neuf sept moi Seven months, the year I 999, bodi ly ba k ro thei r furu re ar th e wi ll of a rime po licema n; the procedure is
Du ciel ,,jendra un grand Roy d'effraycur From the sky comes the King of Fear, dea dl y poisonou s if arrempred more tha n twice, a nd requires the fixed-posi-
Ressuscirer le grand Roy d'Angoulmoi Reviving the Mongol king, tio n TRAX machi ne. The opening credirs o f rhe hero popping in wirh rhe
Avant apres Mars regner par bonheuL Before and after Mars cheerfully mies. words "Now he is among us!" are a musi ng and misleading: He onl y time
rravels once, in rhe firs t episode. Ar leasr Darien Lambert a nd his ho lo-
mith, Joseph, a revealed by rhe angel Moroni. The Book of Mom1on . 1823. graphic helpmeer Selma a re a likeable pair, and have some chemisrry.
Prophet Joseph mi tb had vision of an ie nt Hebrews om ma nding o rth Time After Time. ( 1979 ) Warner Bros . Well-u afted tale of H .G. Well s as
Ameri an Empi res- revela ti ons he acqu ired br pl acing two glass in in vent or of a rea l rime machine rha r get hijacked by Jack rhe Ripper.
his hat and then pressing his face lose to them. H is fo llo wer a re today U eful fo r peri od in ighr inro the 1890s as well a a rea listic time ca psule
the Church of Jes us Chri t of Latter-Day Sa ints, a nd at this writing, they o f rhe la te 1970s.
give away thi copyrighted sequel ro the Bible fo r free. The Time Machine. ( 1960) Ga laxy/MGM. George Pal's clas ic ra ke on rhe
Velikov ky, Immanue l. Ages ln C haos. clas ic. Sreven Spi elberg's Dreamworks SKG may be filmin g a remake.
Garden Ciry, ew Yo rk: Do ubleday & Son , 195 2. The lime Tunnel. ( 1966 ) Irwin Allen/Kenr/Fox As po pula r a Star Trek in
Speculation and hyperbole mark elikov k{ writing tyle, which i simply irs day, as two friend s get popped around vast stretches of time by a fi xed -
great fo r adventures. but nor fo r ience. Hi ala rmi t revi ion of history, posirion machine mn by the US military.
with such rid es as 'I orlds in Collisio n and Earth In Upheaval, i primari ly Twelve Monkeys. ( 1994) Universa l/Classico/Arlas Terry G illia m· sober time
useful to GM who wa m ro spice up unwrirren age wirh a few carasrrop hic travel maste rpiece th at dea ls with rhe subtleties of knowing and dissemina r-
surprises. ing in fo rma tio n. Time rravel is by fi xed-posi tion projection, not spa nning ar
wi ll , bu r th i movie is a m ust-see. A ca utionary tale fo r those who keep
Toffler, Alvi n. Furure Shock. Banra m Books, 1970. rheir Yer too empry. Ba ed on rhe French film La J ene ( 1962 ).
(And irs sequel The Third Wave 11 9801 and Power hift I 1990 j.) Voyagers! ( 1982-3) Po kerward1 alerts a d uo of adven turers to repai r da m-
The beloved pundit repeatedly weigh in on each decade before him. Toffler age around hisrory.
is a good source fo r di o eriag how people in differenr rimes fe lt abo ut the
future. and their place in history.
-Games (in order of publication)
-Television & Cinema (alphabetical by title) TimeTripper. SPI , 1970
o ne of the e have spanners that travel time a t sheer wi ll, wirh narrow An infantry radio operator in-count ry during a m devises a rime flux un ir
exceptions noted. Many invo lve being cast around again t o ne s wtll. For ou r of his rig whi le tripping on a id. Incredib le prem i e for a hexgrid
travel under one's own will, a (srealable, breakable ) machine is u uaJl y boa rdgame.
employed. For fu rther info rmation o n the plot of any rid es you don 't
already recognize, con ult the internet. Porrer, G reg. TimeLords. Blackburg Tacri al Resea rch Cenrer, 1990.
If you simpl y need mo re vio lence a nd melee wirh yo ur time travel, check
Back to the Future ( 198 ) a nd Back to the Fururc II ( 19 0) & 111 ( 199 1) out rhis game. Has multiple timelines and probabi lities, hu t yo u're nor
Univcrsal/Amblin Has ome serious problems with ca u ality, even as ir a llowed ro meet yo ur elf. Odd .
valia ntl y arrempts to explain things. Ler's go:
The first movie esrabli hes travelling up a changed cimel ine. because Wieck, Stuart, er. al. Mage: The Ascension. Whire Wolf Game Studio, 1993.
Michael J. Fox· character Marry re.rums home from 1955 ro an improved, A fi ne enrry iota rhe 'Worl d of Darknes ' . You ca n cha nge rea lity ar will, so
yuppie lifesryle. Okay. Then in Parr II , o ld evil Biff in 20 15 rea ls rhe rime you can try ro time rravel, but nm much. If you cha nge anyrhi ng, this guy
machine. goe back ro 19 5 ro im prove his junior's luck, a nd then returns will how up and ma ke yo u die. Other WoD players rhink mages a re roo
the machine. Ma rty and Doc then ta ke the machine ba k fr om 20 15 ro a powerfu l anyway.
nightmari hl y cha nged 1985, a nd correctly determine that only by retu rning Ad va nced Dungeons & Dragons Chrono mancer. TSR, 1994.
ro the 1955 poi nt of change (the as/as not ) can rhei• et rh ings to righr . ool name. convoluted proce s. A er o f checks a nd ba lances based o n a
-Leave a ide the sheer mysrery o f rvhy any villain would return a working kind o f asrral ·sih•er cord ', , ith a less rhan convincing set of ad venrures for
rime machine: B)• the series' own rule , o ld Biff hould rerurn &om 1955 to a the Dungeons & Dragons mulriverse. Fun ruff like meeting your elf is
nightmarishl y hanged 20 15, with Marty & Doc safely locked away or dead ... declared impossible- unless you're a high level chrono mancer.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Advcnrure ( 1988) and Bill & Ted's Bogus J ou rney.
( 199 1) lnrerscope/Nelson and O rion. Case study in wh y responsibi lity is ar Laws, Rob in . Feng Shui . Daedalu , 1996.
the hea rt o f rhe Maxims, a nd why reens a re ra rely chosen as spa nners. The In rhis exce llem RPG, mosr of rhe Feng Shui sites a re gares to the furure
movies are good example o f working o ur one's yer, including lipshan k. and pasr, a nd musr be gua rded. They have rha r Quantum Leapffime
And except fo r certain minor anachronisms in the medieval Bri tain cenes, T111111el qua liry of synchronously moving forwa rd in time, so ir's mainl y a
it's accura te abour tbe pa rand its language . ga teway to cro s-genre fun. Said to be in prim aga in, from Atlas Games.
Dr. Who ( 1963- 1989) BBC. (1996) Fox TV Movie. nri l its can ellarion, Ja kson, Steve and John M. Ford. GURPS lime Travel.
the longest-run ning d ramatic TV series in rhe world. Starring rhe original reve Jackson Games, 1995.
phone booth jockey, the ea rl y series was fo r children; ir always left you rhe Thorough overview of eve ry kind of time travel in literarure, as interpreted
feeling you would have more fun driving a TARDIS tha n watching the fo r roleplaying games. (Including spanni ng, pretty much: Check out rhc
kindly Doctor go abour a nd knock down the ame stra w cybermen each Time Jumping advantage.) Makes for a dizzying set of choices before a GM
week. T he later series has much improved plo r.lines, including a nasry sur- ca n begin play. bu r is a must fo r any gamers' library.
prise in the yet: rhe Docror·s 13th incarnation is evil. Bu t many d ie.hard fans
felt ir grew too dark. Hallida)', Chris. Tune Wars. (in development)
Groundhog Day. (1993) Columbia. BiU Murray's cha ra rer is forced to hrtp:// rtooine/wilhelm/148/timewa rs.hrml (as of
repeat rhe sa me day until he gets it righr. Probably based o n the Cha nticleer M~ y 1999) It's nor spanning, but ir is a thorough, milira ry-orienred rime
Fi lms shorr 12:0 I ( 199 1). tra vel campaign uni verse being developed online. Since Chr is has been mag-
Quanrum Leap. ( I 989- 1993) Bdi arius Producrion . In rhe fin al ep i ode, na nimous eno ugh to say, " I wish I had tho ughr o f it fi rst," how can we not
Sam Beckcrr learns rhe power ro leap at will and in hi own fo rm- a nd 'The Friday 10 PM Para dox: In the Star T rek Univer e, in AD ·1968, wha t
inuned iarel y unma kes hi o wn furure, a nd the actions of the entire series. doe NBC have on its fa ll schedule, Friday nights at 10 PM ? A quandary in
Seven Days. ( 1998- ) UP 1• Frank Pa rker rravels back in rime, a nd ca ll in uspension o f disbelief applicable to mosr works o f ficti on.
C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet Chapter VI: Details
give him a plug? Besides, Chris' game is the only one we know rhar is com-
ing in the future ... except... Appendix X. Index
Adams, Fooden, Manu i, er al. Narcissist: Crashing Free. Actions 14, 16
Aerherco/D reamca rcher, 2000. Age 33, 36, 88, 142-3, 155
Thar other ph.ilosophy gets irs rum ar Yer. Ger more our of frag. Make ir all Antedesertium 41, 102, 136-8, 202-5
the way to 'E'. Quest fo r the key to your own utopia . Or connive you r wa)• Antiquarians Fraternity 64-7 161-2, 196
up the rank of Antedesertium. Maybe you just want to experiment playing Aquarian Skills 114-6
the bad guy... or maybe you've begun to suspect who are the rea l heroes in As/as not 41 , 53
this universe. Attributes 10
Atlantis, Atlantean Councils 41 , 204-5
Benefits 11-3
Reference Blunder 16, 25
-Nonfiction Body 10, 17
Benford, G regory. Deep Tune. Bout22, 26
ew York : Avon Books, 1999. Causality 56-7
Benford recounts his time devising a U.S. nuclear waste fac il ity that can Character Creation 9
warn people away fo r the next I 0,000 yea rs. Fascinating philosophy of Character Sheet 12, 147, 224
"deep time messages"- communicati ng across generations- is ela borated. Combat, Physical 22-7
and hears obvious releva.nce to spanners. Continuum 41 , 46
Corner 41 , 50-2, 88-9
Keel, John . Th e Mothman Prophecies. Crashers 181
Unusua l experiences of an educated man present during the I 967 West Death 40-1, 142-3, 155-6; Second Death 41
Virginia UFO fl ap. Good Inheritor reference. This book is fa mo us for van- Dream Combat 11 0-1
ishing mysteriously. Ir's brief mention on an episode of X-Files ca used an Dreamers Fraternity 67-9, 108-111, 162
explosion of fan ma il ; two movies treating r.he story as fiction are in pro- Dreaming 20, 108-111
ducti on at this writing. Dreamtime 41 . 11 O
Engineers Fraternity 69-70, 163-4
Priestley. J.B. Man and Time. Exalted 41 , 100-5
New York: Crescent Books, 1964.
British CLtrm udgeon and time uavel pla ywright weighs in on how Time is Fraternities 42, 60, 61-87, 160-174
perceived throughou t the ages. Many good insights on prophetic dreaming, Foxhorn Fraternity 70-2, 164-5, 196
includ ing extensive excerpts from a confessiona l letter campaign he con- Frag 41, 53-8, 129, 138, 157-9, 189, 190-1
ducted in the da ys before tabloid-mentality eroded the va lue of such work. Frune 42
Gemini Incident 39-40, 42, 122-3, 155
-Technical & General Reference Glossary 41 -3, 181 -2
Bonewits, P.E .I. Real Magic: An Introductory Treati se on the Basic Grace 14, 25
Principles o f Yellow Magic. Berkeley: Crea tive Am Book Company, 1979. Greatest Game 94, 95-100, 182-6, 218-9
Hunt of the Sun 208
(First edi tion, 197 1.)
Hunters' Code 164, 189
The o riginal hum anistic-scientific look at magical/psychic rradj tio ns from
Hypnosis 20, 115
the world 's fir t acc redited Bachelor of Magic Arts. Also check out his Impairment 23
ea rl y RPG supplement Authentic Thaumarurgy, if you can find it. In-Between 30, 152-3, 176-180
Hitching. Francis. The Mysterious World : An Atlas of the Unexplained. Inheritors 102-5, 186-8
New York: Holt , Rhjneha rt and Winston, 1979. Invitation 8, 152-3, 167
A complete rundown of all the most famous weird stuff through the ages, Levellers 42, 48-9, 153-4, 156-7
Limits 13-5
as perceived in the world before paranoia was a gen re. Wri tten with an
Locality 19, 21
open-minded bur nobody's-fool approach.
Madness 117, 138-43
La nger, William. ed . An Encyclopedia of World History. Maxims frontispiece, 42, 47, 51 , 91-3, 101-2
Boston: Houghton MiHlin Company, 1950. Mentor 51 , 91-3
Definitive rimeline of th e history of the world, as seen from the knowledge Midwives Fraternity 22-4, 165-6
and arrirude of the midd le of the 20th Century. Once upd ated frequentl y. its Mind 10, 17
republication appears to have been abandoned at arou nd 1950. Moneychangers Fraternity 14, 74-7, 166, 193
Nanotech 163, 164-5, 168, 182, 207
Morris, Wi lliam. ed. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Narcissists 42, 117, 126-7, 135-8, 190-3
Language, Co llegiate Edition. Paradox 42, 53-4, 56-7, 157-8
Boston: Ho ughton Mifflin Compa ny, 1979. Physicians Fraternity 77-80, 155, 166-8
Contains the basic guide to lndo-European and the /ndo-Europeans. This Quick 10, 20
linguistic appendix was removed duri ng rhe 1980s, and on ly recently resur- Quicker Fraternity 80-2, 168-170
faced, mainly in electronic editions.
Scribes Fraternity 82-4, 111-2, 170-2, 196
Nahin, Pa,il J. Time Travel. !Science Fiction Writers Series, Ben Bova, ed. ] Sentient Force 42, 53
Ci ncinnati : Writer's Digest Books, I 997. Shift Sight 10, 33, 42
Exce llent wri ter's guide ro the latest trends, and the long-establi shed princi- Shock 24, 110
ples, that allow rime travel in hard science a nd ha rd science fiction. Skills 10, 11, 17-22, 40, 60, 111 , 113, 155
Slipshank 39
Winfree, Arthur T. When Time Breaks Down. Societies, The 43, 95-7, 102
Princeton: Princeton University Press 1987. Span Card 127, 147. 189, 222-3
Highly revelatory work on the func tion of pha e si ngula rities in the Span- One 30-59, 153-160; Two 60-87, 160-174; Three 88-93, 174-
rh ythms of the human hea rt. 182; Four 94-100, 181 , 182-6; Five 100-5, 186
Spanning 32-5, 43, 88, 154-5, 174-6
Strategems 122-7
Superiority 16, 23
Sweep 122, 128
Telekinesis 116
Telepathy 110,114, 115-6
Online Thespians Fraternity 84-7, 15,172-4, 196
Time Combat 117-135, 188-9
Visit us ar ... Time Machines 163, 208
and for the best time travel Links online visit Time Travel, method 174-5, 208
Time Index 21 Titles 14, 16
Vessels 196, 205
Weapons 17-9, 27
Yet, The 33, 43, 47, 224-5
Young Gemini 43, 155
Zodiac Eras 37-9, 43, 155, 203-9
Chapter VI: Details C 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
15. Tlie Far an"il tlie Near He seems very 'flusterea witli liimself, for a man of his
Age. '1 turned against- my mentor."
Seana Stirling, Exalted, leaves 89 hours in Council "Ray is very clever. I know, he was at my side for-"
chambers behind her. 89 hours of debating human I can hardly bring myself to admit it. My poor novice!
attire; how much of it is Art, and how much of it mere "Well thank God they didn't {rag you out."
function. The Antiquarians and the Scribes have had "He showed me stuff. Reall.v, Stirling." Anton was all
some of their say, but mainl.v it only served to remind but pulling his forelock and wrenching his cap in his
her of an old debt in her Yet, something more than get- hands for shame. "I don't know how, but he explained a
ting back to Zayoshi and Jeanne eight da.vs Up. rotating system of {rag that-"
She thinks of the heavy paper made only in the She raises a hand, mind still racing down the list of
press district of the Third Ring. She is there, among everything Ray was ever involved in. "I have heard all
pressmen and interested spanners, gaggles of Scribes abo1tt it. Another narcissist Perpetual Motion scam.
in this, the one great spanner metropolis. She has to Put it from your mind." Even now, it's hard to comfort
find the matching wrapping paper, an old, old instinct. him. That might not change.
Some cheerful fuss again over this, a sedentary "But I saw it! -I thought I saw it. Like pushing
Antiquarian appears in the market, as if to start the inside one of those huge blobby soap bubbles. There
Council debate anew, and Seana finds room to smile. are other events!"
'7 think you know better than that, Anton." Seana
remembers regrets and disappointments, but they are
She arrives, in the chair, in the light of upstate New sorted, well sorted. She kind of misses the passion of
York. All the old tactiles of the corner she mentored fearing the boy. It had faded, as news of him thinned
enfold her gracefull_v. to nothing. But she draws out a gifi.
And through the door, she hears the old argument in Anton dutifully unwraps it. "I should have brought
the kitchen. Her mind sees the faces and the moves. you something, too. This meeting has had me, I
There will be a gemini later today, but first, her little dunno ... " He looks surprised at the battered paper-
corner is having a crisis. Anton is up to fever pitch: '7 back, an edition from nearly forty years Up. 'Thank
don t give a damn about your fascist!" you. I've never read it. "
Stirling leans over and whispers, 'This is where we Even you may have something yet to do. The Exalted
all point and screech at him like Donald Sutherland." finally feels her Age. All the missing pieces are over.
It makes Anya smile, but she is growing more visi- Charlies odd doubts. Evan.a away for centuries. Ray
bly troubled by the second, and Stirling feels it deep. acting the smoothass watchful guardian at my Invita-
What if Anton isn 1 able to handle this? tion. And Lydia! By Gamesh, what did he do to her!
"But we should do things. Like, like go Up and stop The image of Ray tempting Lydia into something stu-
Jeffrey Dahmer-" Dahmer kills in Milwaukee, Seana pid and forbidden, then scaring her with blackmail till
recalls her junior recalling. But this conscious deja vu she rots at home. It made sense. She wrote Help Lydia
holds another twist. It bothers the Exalted; presents as feasible deep on the neurons sorting her Yet. She
informati-On yet to be sorted. would attend to it immediately, over her next 24 years.
"You 're an idiot, Anton," says Chris. "You 're talking And if Anton has been a looming nightmare, what ofl
about changing what's known-" Ray Talanthus? His presence shadows Stirling to her
Anton rails on. ~ah, change. Its a basic goal of very birth. The trust. Her every move as a spanner.
mankind. A right, even." And now she was Exalted, a prize.
"Look," says Chris, before the mentor can say any- Even my dream logs. Ah, that. The plan is made.
thing, 'Yor levellers, time travel, it's a barrier. They
can't cross it, no matter how greedy or stupid they
grow. Its their circle of the world. But for us, we're on Ray is happily tapping on his book, nestled into a
he other side. Everything they do is set. Its the cliff- sofa. His house in the suburbs of Milwaukee is modest
sides and ravines of our lives that we can't move. enough. Modest, for a prince of Taydar. But then, its
That's the deal. That's always been the deal. Grow up!" AD 1999, and a long way from North Africa.
'Thats very good, Chris," says junior Stirling. He glances up to llff Stirling, or whom he thinks of
"Yeah, well, I've been reading." as Stirling, fl.oating a foot off the floor and glowering
Another Anton is there, and looks remarkably with- down with a coldness she never mastered when they
'drawn and severe. He gets a glass of milk, scowls at ran together with the Foxhorn.
his junior, and heads for the living room. "You nearly drove him to kill himself," she says.
Already he can tell. She is dressed precisely as she ''.And when he wouldn i do that, you had to eliminate
was when mentoring, July 7, AD 1964, her skin and him personally. The bowling ball is bizarre touch."
hair rematched to perfection. She does not float. But she The information is plainly with Stirling. Ray is non-
can see that he can sense it. He faces an ethical god. chalant. "Accidents don't happen with katanas." /
Seana:, victory is not plain, but shattering in under- "Accidents don t happen.,, Her voice is buried ice.
statement to Anton. He thinks of the most shocking "I think that's where we shear off, Cynful. Each to
ay to tell her, like it was a deathbed instinct: "Ray:, a our own universe. You want your party and I want-"
narcissist." And Seana, stops listening. She turns her back to
A set of old suspicions turned, then rotated in her him, like a furwus Aquarian, and reflects only silence.
mind again, fitting like an Ola protein puzzle. She His information is not accepted. He, shortly, is not.
blinks, he has startled her. "How is this.,, She hears his breath, an intake with more surprise
And for twenty minutes, in low tones, he explains. than he has planned for. The high Span Foxhorns
approach, the demonstrations of secreu. How the arrive, and the living room shatters to pieces behind
!forbidden truth of the Invitation was agony. By the her. The front window smashes into the night, thumps
time he is finished their juniors and their corner are and odd squeals come from many rooms, simultaneously.
out of the house, enjoying another time. Then brute silence.
Finally, she asks, "'Did you share his agenda?" She touches ground, walks across the blasted room,
"No, I was on a personal crusade, and a stupid one. " and out through the glassless window, and glances
c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet
right, wliere Ray stancls. What remains. parses it ti e it was nostalgia. ut er question is
"See now, I have a contingency plan for this," says direct and clear. She insists to learn his mi11sion here.
Ray angrily, but hes mumbling because his teeth are Ray smirks. "One thing I've learned in all my Age
slowly spinning out of his head, through his spongy with ihe Continuum. Learn too much, all you get is
fl.esh , out through his cheek and ear. One is caught useless {rag. I'll let 1ou stew in these juices. You can
under his eye. But all keep quivering as he speaks, just keep on guessing what makes me tick."
because to some of Ray, they're still in h'is mouth. "You 're not in the least concerned of the events of
He reaches for his holographic book, but it's slipping tonight? Where we bring you down like a Lobase razor-
into his forearm . He gingerly tries to pull it loose. but back?"
some of the deeper parts of his epidermis are sticking Ra:y snorts at the comparison. "Not very. He's just a
to it, especially the warm parts where the batteries are poor echo. Doesn't have to be me. " .
kept. But Chris is watching by satelJite, reports this to
"Ogg- Ohh k.v. thaas aprobblm." But at.last~ Seana. Here, she knows Ray is gloatingly scanning'her
has it free, and opens it. "I'm gonna broadcash. This dream logs. But dream logs can. be made up. Already
neighboorhood is gonna wakke up to a freaky he takes t:he bait, thinks he sees the flaw, walks his
holoshow, and I'm the star. Now BAKK OFF, or you'll Yet. There is no escape.
have a majjr incident i m not alon no" "You'll be drawn to this night, Thlanthus. Sure as silk."
And l.(ydia is behind him. "HEY GENIUS." She has a "I don't think so, Cynful. l'rn surprised that you're
remote electric charger. A toy, from anAquarian friend. still so oblivious at, at, well whatever Span that is,,, he
And the holodiary explodes in an arc overload from gestures, as if annoyed at her body. ''Excuse me, I have
the microwave current, a current tearing Ray apart. to call the police."
He discards the device, and twists, but barely moves. And she leaves him there, all alone.
Ray is a blur along the edge of the house, where he Seana is back in Atlantis, a second after departing
tries to run, or span. A white, glowing shape fading her {rien:ds. She has enjoyed eight dayQ since facing
into a blob. Charlie appears an instant before what- Anton, then Ray, by laying iTJ, the mud baths of~
had-been-Ray twists slowly into the ground, won over Urgh:fzi, where a rider can choose up to seven fruits
by Earths gravity. and one bed paTtner a night. She returns arrayed as
Charlie looks pretty beat. "He keeps doing that. Repe(lt- she left, but sits on the rail by Jeanne, and is an ounce
ing that move along the house once every 2!J., 30 days. At more thoughtful. Something not unnoticed.
least for the ner.ct year. I've let the Quicker know." *Euerything is sorted.* It was the kind of ql.iestion
Ly<J,ia is staring at what she's done. It- takes a beat Za_yoshi put, in the form of an answer.
for her to recover, and she doesn't, entirely. 'Thirty *Aye, Za.*
'days? Like lunations?" she makes herself say. "Mind "We were just getting to discuss food production,
explaining that?" aloud," says Zayoshi. '7t s fine pr-0ctice for me."
Seana is in the bushes across the street. She ''It must be agony, making such an effort!'' says
approaches, only Charlie sees her, and he makes no .J eanne, pleasantly enough. ''l am sorr,y to see you put
sign. He carefully gathers up the pieces of Ray's diary. yourself through such a needle."
"Further information isn't available here," Charlie ''Perhaps," Zayoshi almost brightens. "I could show
yawns and strekhes. ''Except. I hear 't's common you the Aquarian arts? That would be delight and sur-
enough in ghost stories. I'm going to bed." prise."
''1'm not. I'm up for a good white. Oh momma." But even when talking of the Virgin Era, Zayoshi's
ChaPlie doesn't see, but Lydia is a cold sweat, holding brightness is that of old uinyl. Jeanne is nonplussed,
the remote li"/u! the smoking pistol it is. even slightly soured. ''No thank .vou. I haue no interest."
Charlie is already waving goodbye, Seana is noncha- "Surely being able to use your mind for anything is
lant, but waves. He is not in her Yet, but wants him to a goal. 1b reach being Exalted."
think so, 'Ibo br-ief a life needs its illusions. Charlie is "You are jealous, eh?" . ,,
rgone. Za lowers her brow in that way she ha.s. "What.
A car pulls up with levellers. "He~ Lydi<ji! Ray said "Yo1t. cannot read me. You see, I have studied with
you'd be n.ere.,. l.(ydia sees Seana approach, nods but the serene men of the ages, not the toolmakers,, of your
looks terrified. The remote hqs fallen into the grass, time. I am good at this, yes? But thenJ I've had a gift
an,d Seana kneels and picks it up. for uoices in my lteq,d."
"It's going to be okay," says Seana to the young Zayoshi~ face almost struggles, and Stirling thinks,
Lydia. Aii.d it won't be okay for her, for many years of Not enough muscles left.
e. Ray all but puts her on the rock, because h.e "I have business." The Aquarian is gone.
exists, and he alread,.y begins to measure and suspect "You see, Cynthia? They are less for it. Do not envy
the actiom; ofthis night. Bl/,t one day, she leaves her them, anything."
house, and starts living again. And she takes a sisters "That!s almost a narcissist thing to say, Jeanne."
comfort i11, that. The Exalted's black hair rises in the breeze like a
Lydia gets in the car, and goes off with the laughing threat, but the Hazel eyes are only curious.
zeroes. She is not the life of the parti, even for them, A.small thoughtful frown, la Pucelle glances over
this night. the houses of the smithers of Atlantis. "Ah no, I do not
Seana walks once around Ray~ quiet suburban wish to erase them? It is God's will that they are. I
home. She has been apprised of how much remains, only thought, well-" she takes in Stirling's full gaze.
and ao circles around to meet him. Ray is there lookin{!i "I once wished God had meant something else by 'the
at the damage to his- home. His clothes are different., meek'. Mais c'est urai."
but this junior is vibrant as ever. An.other Jeanne is running, a hundred feet away,
'Vandals! Look what they've done. Elope they squealing in Old French, saying the water is wonderful.
haven't /ragged anything vdluable. n That one has on a modept bathing suit, and is in- the
"Hm. Whats the going rate for treason?" The water of the Second Harbour with a span and a splash. is still fresh and awful for Seana but she
Chapter VI: Details c 0 NTINUUM: roleplaying in The Yet

Appendix Z. Character Sheet AGE Column records yo ur linea r Age, or simply,

how old yo ur body actua lly is, and how old yo u would
and Spanning Card no rma lly appea r. This column doesn't have to tallied every
time yo u Span; once at the end of a gaming session usua lly
uffices. (Age is a natura l progression, and some spanners
How to fill out Spanning Cards are a trifle vain.)
As the ga me progresses, a nd yo u spa n Up and
Down rime, yo u ha ve to keep track of where and when THE YET half of the card contains the actions
yo u are. Failure to do so will result in pena lties; a wise that must happen in yo ur future . Many of these are
spa nner who keeps ca refu l records is rewarded with fas ter lea rned during the course of pl ay, and all must be ultimate-
progress a nd greater Span. ly accounted for, or Frag occurs.
The ova ls represent the most impo rtant scores:
o ne's Span, and the Frag one has ta ken . IN THE YET Column holds these incidents.
Describes the required action itself, as best known to you.
The SPAN ha lf o f the card is essentially the di ary
of yo ur acti ons. Once written down, it becomes a part of CHECK BOX Column at the end is useful for tal-
yo ur past. lying completed incidents, like any To-Do list. Details of
completio n sho uld be recorded at the appropri ate time on
DIR (Direction) Column is to record the djrection the Span side of the ca rd .
of the Span taken . A ingle letter code wi ll suffice: Going
Down (to the Past ) = D Staying Level (in the Present) = L FRAG Column lists the amount of Frag caused
and Goi ng Up (to rhe Future) = U. by a Fragging Action- chis is a lwa ys known to the span-
ner. Total Frag goes in the oval a t the bottom .
WHEN and WHERE Columns a re simply when Deliberate talli es Frag from deliberate and acci-
and where o n Earth you are as yo u first a rrive at that dental paradox (see pg. 54).
Level: Tbjs should be filled out first thing upon arrival. Natural tallies Frag from natural paradox (oon-
Wlhen. The recommended way to list the date is spanner sources; see pg. 54). The GM has information oo
presented o n the card: YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm (:ss). Three how one gets afflicted by and cured from natural paradox.
econds after ·10:04 AM on the fir t day of 1999 wo uld
rea d: 1999/01/01 10:04:03. Keeping it precise to the WHEN +/- Column contains the range of when
minute is ad visable- seconds co unt, but usua ll y only the action must be fulfill ed. Exa mples: " Between noon and
when you' re fine tuning events. 3 pm 12/24/1956 AD" or "86 BC - 44 AD".
Where. ote w here yo u are and/or the main If a n incident causing Frag to yo u is known, its
rrung yo u're doing- during Time Comba t the name of precise date and rime is known, and sho uld be written
the Strategem usuall y suffices. down under When.
If the incident ca using Frag is unknown to the
SPAN SPENT/REMAINING Columns are for spanner, "unknown" is pencilled in the When+/- column,
keeping track of how much Span yo u have left. Do n't feel and the spanner's first job is to find out about it. (Time
obliged to fill out both Spent and Rema ining: either will Combat has probably commenced.)
do; it's you r preference. The reco mmended method of
recording is listed, of course: Y/D/h/m/s. If a Spa n One GEMINI Track is for recording the number of
cha racter went back in time ninery-seven da ys, rwo ho urs Gemini Incidents destined to occur while the character is
and eight minutes, Spa n Spent wo uld rea d: 97D/2h/8 m o r at chis Span rating (see ppg. 39--40).
Spa n Remainj ng wo uld read (s ubtracting fr om 1 yea r of
365 da ys) 267D/21 h/52 m. YOUNG Column contains the number of Gemini
Span is meas ured in yea rs able to travel, and the Incidents that occurred before the character learned to
more yo u spend before resting, the less fa r yo u ca n go in Span (top box), a nd the number of those incidents still to
one trip. Since Spa n is regained every time one rests be fulfill ed (bottom box).
enough ma ke sure yo u reset back to yo ur maximum every
time you spend sufficien t Dura ti on on a Level to get some THIS SPAN Track contain the number o f (Junior)
sleep. Since Span is not regained during Time Combat, Gemini Incidents to complete before increasing Span. The
keeping track o f it then is even mo re critical. number of these incidents yo u ro lled when yo u ea rned
Note. For convenience sake, spa nner characters yo ur current Span is circled, a nd the boxes a re checked off
of Span Two a nd higher get to spend lea p days (i.e. one until they reach zero. (All Elder incidents go in the Yet, and
366-day yea r for every three 365-day yea rs). Ocher ca len- are recorded o n the Span half of the ca rd when completed.)
drical oddities should be arbitrated by the GM.
Further information is ava ilable in the Span (pg.
DURATION Column is how long you remain 32), Frag (pg. 53) and Time Com bat (pg. 11 7) sections.
Level, i. e. the time yo u spend between spans. Duration
must be fill ed out every Sweep of Time Combat. It is
important to keep track of outside of combat as well: It
should be filled out last thing before departing. A short-
hand for time that yo u may find useful: 2y, 3m, 4d 3" 12s
wo uld tran late 2 years, 3 month , 4 days, 3 minutes and
12 seconds.

Roleplaying in the Yet "'
Spanning Card
Copynghl C 1998, 1999 Manu1, Adams & Fooden
Paten t Pending
( spent -~ c~emaining)

(0/UU ) YYYY /MM/DD hh:mm(:ss) events/ actions Y /0/h/ m/s Y/0/h/m/s y D h m s YEARS DAYS

• f

-- -
-- •
-- 1111

-- "

C 0 NTINUUM™ , SPANn•, and THE YET™ are trademarks of JEtherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. World rights reserved. v.1.0

a:-.=~.. .-----.-
young This Spa n

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I ,--..----.-1l-----
I ~1
1 -..----.l
10 I



Roleplaying in the Yet . .,,

Name:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sex:___ Race:_ _ _ _ _ Ht: ____Wt: _ _ _ __

Age: Yrs:_ _ _Days:_ _ _ Date of Birch: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ O Deliberate
Date of lnvi tation: _ _ _ _ _ Current Corner: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Locality: ________Fraternity: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ QNatural
Era: Society: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

BODYO MINDO QUICKO Benefits & Limits

(!)0000 (!)0000 (!)0000
~0~@mm00~0 ~0~@mm00~0 ~0~@mm00~0
~0~@mm00~0 ~0~@mm00~0 ~0~@mm00~0
Skills Attribute Title Rating Equipment & Notes:
N ~ A ~ J ~ M ~

N ~ A 0 0 ~ J ~ C D M (!)Q)(D~
N ~ A ~ J ~ M ~

N ~ A 00~ J ~ M ~

N ~ A ~ J ~ M ~

N ~0€) A ~ J ~ M ~

N ~00 A ~ J ~ M (!)Q)(D~OO
N ~00 A ~ J ~ M ~

N ~OO A 00~ J ~CD M (!)Q)(D~Q)OO
N ~ A ~ J ~CD M ~

N ~00 A ~ J ~ M (!)Q)(D~OO
Quick/ Combat Bout Table
stage #1 stage #2 stage #3 stage #4 stage #5 Result Dam. Code Wound Tracking Table
no no es no no
no yes no yes 00
0-2 D IP Bruise/Lethal Bleeding?
3-4 C B/L y in
no_ _Y,,CS 5-7 B
yes no yes yes yes B/L y/n
8-10+ A
yes yes yes yes yes B/L y /n
B/L y/n
Weapons Ammo Rof Length Concea l DIC/BIA B/L y/n
I I I Add 1 LP of bleeding impairment
I I I at the end of stage #5 of the com-
I I I bat bout for every wou nd that is
bleed ing, and again every other
I I I bo ut unril sropped.


roleplaying in The Yet™

Sex: Race: Ht: Wt: SPAN FRAG

Age: Yrs: Days: Date of Birth:
Date of Invitation: Current Corner:
Locality: Fraternity: Natural
Era: Society:

Benefits & Limits:

Q)CJ(9(5)(DCDQ)0©e) Q) CJ C9 (5) (D CD Q) 0 © e) Q) CJ C9 (5) (D CD Q) 0 © e)

Q)CJ(9(5)(DCDQ)Q)e)e) Q) CJ C9 (5) (D CD Q) 0 © e) Q) CJ C9 (5) (D CD Q) 0 © e)

Skills Attribute Title Rating Equipment & Notes:

B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)(:)(9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)Q)(:)(9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00(9(!)CDCD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)(:)(9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
(!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J J
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) 0~(!)(1)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
(!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J J
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)(:)(9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00(9(!)CDCD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)(:)(9(!)00(9
B/M/Q /
N (!)00C9C5l©CD00e:J A @(9(!)(1)(1')(1:)(9(D(!)Q) J Q)~(!)(l)Q)(9(!)(!) M (!)Q)Q)e)@C9(!)00(9
Assets: $
Quick/ Combat Bout Table
stage #1 stage #2 stage #3 stage #4 stage #5 Result Dam. Code Wound Tracking Table
Quick 1 to 2 no no yes no no
Quick 3 to 4 no yes no yes no
0-2 D IP Bruise/Lethal Bleeding?
3-4 C B/L y / n
Quick 5 to 6 yes no yes no yes 5-7 B
Quick 7 to 8 yes no yes yes yes B/L y / n
8-10+ A
Quick 9 to 10 yes yes yes yes yes B/L y / n
B/L y / n
Weapons Ammo RoF Length Conceal D/C/B/A B/L y / n
/ / / Add 1 IP of bleeding impairment
/ / / at the end of stage #5 of the com-
bat bout for every wound that is
/ / / bleeding, and again every other
/ / / IP total bout until stopped.

/ / /
CºNTINUUM™, THE YET™, SPAN™, and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. World rights reserved.
Copyright ©1998, 1999 Aetherco/ Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to the retail customer of CºNTINUUM to copy this page for personal use only. Further information is not available here.
GM Sheets from Further Information: A Gamemaster’s Treasury of Time

Appendix Z. Optional GM Sheets Sheets

Neighborhood Sheet
These are used to record entire sets of adjacent corners.
Tech Card (described with example on pg. 31 of Further This Sheet is most useful when PCs want to meet their
Information [FI]) neighbors, or are adventuring far from home. For greater
Society Sheet (described on ppg. 38-39 of FI) detail, use a Corner Sheet for each corner.
Society This is the name of the Society in which most or all
Corner Sheet of the corners of the neighborhood belong. Bordering cor-
These are used to record the characters of an entire ners that are held by another Society can be so designated
corner. This Sheet is most useful when constructing many by drawing a borderline between the Corner Boxes.
NPCs on the fly. For greater detail, of course, a Character Level This is places and times the neighborhood generally
Sheet for each NPC. encompasses.
Mentor Box In addition to holding the mentor’s stats, Critical Events These are the most important leveller
there is the line Dossier/dates/rec’d from/at. This is where events that occur in the neighborhood. Often targeted by
the GM can note down when and from who the mentor narcissists.
gets his forewarnings (the Yet) about his corne, i.e. “Narc Corner Boxes Use these to record the most important
attack on 7 Jul ’57/from Betty 18 Jun ’96.” They should information about members of these corners.
be recorded in sequence according to the mentor’s Age, so The most important (or a PC) corner goes in the top mid-
the GM knows when the mentor can and can’t be surprised! dle (the highlighted box). Most of the information in each
Character Boxes These are essentially mini-Character box is straightforward; the Frat line holds the name of the
Sheets, with a note box for The Yet (If they have/get frag, Fraternity the corner represents, or Novice or Mixed (see
NPCs should also be recorded on a GM’s Span Card, examples in the various Eras); the FI line (‘Further
ready for Time Combat: CºNTINUUM pg. 189.) Mostly self- Information’) can hold a word or two about an important
explanatory, except: Range of Rank or Score: This is espe- factor that motivates the character, and can be developed
cially useful for inventing NPCs that may be encountered into a plot.
before or after they have learned various Skills. See the Neighborhood Chart This is a simple graph allowing the
characters in FI ppg. 20-22 for ideas of how spanners GM to compare the various corners’ periods of existence.
develop. See FI pg. 19 for an example.
Space for a Map, or notes, is in the upper right.

r o le pl ay i ng i n T he Ye t ™


Era(s), Dates:

Inventor(s), Dates:

Original Necessity
Original Use


Game Stats
Sketch of tech, circa _______

Developments and Decline Adaptations Dates

Revivals Reinventor(s) New Necessity Dates

Copyright © 1998-2000 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. v.1.1 1
CºNTINUUM™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. Further information is not available here.

ro lepl ay in g in T he Ye t™



Dossier dates rec’d from/at











Copyright © 1998-2000 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. v.1.1
CºNTINUUM™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. Further information is not available here.

ro lepl ay ing i n T h e Ye t™

Society Critical Events


























~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Copyright © 1998-2000 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. v.1.1
CºNTINUUM™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. Further information is not available here.

ro lepl ay ing i n T he Ye t™

Society Name _____________________________________________

Society Dates _____________________________________________

Joined _______ Atlantean Council.
Predominant Claim(s)

Major Bordering Societies





- -

dress &







Copyright © 1998-2000 Aetherco/Dreamcatcher. Permission granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. v.1.1
CºNTINUUM™ and the hand-and-watch logo are trademarks of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher for their time travel game. Further information is not available here.

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