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Brief Communication

Arterial Blood Gas as a Prognostic Indicator in Patients with

Sayan Mukherjee, Suvrajyoti Das, Sudipta Mukherjee1, Pralay Shankar Ghosh1, Sanjay Bhattacharya
Departments of Microbiology and 1Critical Care Medicine, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Abnormal arterial blood gas (ABG) among patients with sepsis is an important prognostic indicator. All‑cause mortality was the highest among
patients with respiratory acidosis (4/9 = 44.4%), followed by those having metabolic acidosis (3/8 = 37.5%). Median length of hospital and
intensive care unit stay was 15.75 days and 6.25 days for those with abnormal ABG and 11 and 3.5 days among those with normal ABG.
Median health‑care expenditure at the time of discharge or death of the patient was the highest in patients with respiratory acidosis ($14,473)
and least in patients with normal ABG ($3,384) (average expenditure among patients with abnormal ABG was [$10,059]).

Keywords: Arterial blood gas, health‑care expenditure, hospital stay, mortality, sepsis

Introduction level >2 mmol/L in the absence of hypovolemia. Definition of

sepsis (used as inclusion criteria) was the third international
Patients with sepsis  (i.e., infection with organ dysfunction)
consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock; performance
and cardiorespiratory failure are at the risk of metabolic
of at least one ABG in the patient and age >18 years.[2] The
complications, which could be detected through arterial blood
exclusion criteria were: pediatric patients  (≤18  years) and
gas (ABG) analysis.[1] The objective of this study was to
those not fulfilling clinical definition of sepsis as per the
review: (a) the profile of metabolic abnormalities detected by
international criteria. The criteria of taking blood culture
ABG in patients with clinically suspected sepsis, (b) Correlate
were: (a) Axillary temperature ≥38.4°C (101°F), (b) diagnosis
ABG profiles with patient outcomes such as mortality, length
of sepsis and (c) suspected central line associated blood stream
of the hospital stay and length of the intensive care unit (ICU)
infection  (CLABSI) or secondary blood stream infection.
stay, (c) correlate ABG with microbiology of positive blood
Blood culture was taken using BactALERT system from
cultures, (d) correlate ABG with organ failures in sepsis and
Biomerieux, USA. ABG was performed using a GEM Premier
(e) correlate ABG with health‑care cost.
3500 analyzer (Instrumentation Laboratory, Barcelona, Spain).

Materials and Methods Results

The present study was conducted in the ICU, high‑dependency
During the study period, 230  patients were admitted to
unit and surgical ward of an oncology hospital in Eastern
the ICU, HDU, surgical ward. Thirty‑six patients met
India. The study duration was 40 days during the month of
May and June 2019. Patients with sepsis were identified as
those with suspected infection with at least 2 of the following Address for correspondence: Dr. Sanjay Bhattacharya,
clinical criteria from a quick sequential organ failure Department of Microbiology, Tata Medical Center, 14, Major Arterial Road
(EW), Newtown, Kolkata ‑ 700 160, West Bengal, India.
assessment (qSOFA) scoring system: Respiratory rate of 22/ E‑mail: drsanjay1970@hotmail.com
min or greater, altered mentation or systolic blood pressure of
100 mmHg or less. Patients with septic shock were clinically Received: 17-12-2019 Revised: 01-07-2020 
identified by a vasopressor requirement to maintain a mean Accepted: 25-07-2020 Published Online: 04-11-2020
arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or greater and serum lactate
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Access this article online Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
Quick Response Code: remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit
Website: is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
www.ijmm.org For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com

DOI: How to cite this article: Mukherjee S, Das S, Mukherjee S, Ghosh PS,
10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_19_478 Bhattacharya S. Arterial blood gas as a prognostic indicator in patients with
sepsis. Indian J Med Microbiol 2020;38:457-60.

© 2020 Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 457
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Mukherjee, et al.: ABG in sepsis

the inclusion criteria for sepsis  (15.7%)  [Figure  1]. The 30‑day all‑cause mortality in patients not included in the study
median age of the patients (n = 36) was 58.5 years (range: cohort (n = 194) during the same period was 5/194 (2.6%).
19–79  years). The male‑to‑female ratio of the study cohort
was 1:1. Thirteen patients had hematological malignancy Discussion
and 22 had solid‑organ neoplasm, and one had a benign
disease. Clinical diagnosis of the study patients included five ABG is an important investigation providing information about
patients with community‑acquired respiratory tract infection; blood pH (normal value 7.35–7.45), partial pressure of oxygen
four with hospital acquired respiratory tract infection, two (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (normal value PaO2: 75–100 mm Hg,
had urosepsis, six had surgical site infection, three patients PaCO2: 35–45 mm Hg), bicarbonate (HCO3) (normal value:
had CLABSI, and four had non‑CLABSI. Blood stream HCO3: 22–26 mEq/L), lactate (normal value: 0.5–2 mEq/L),
infection included three patients with Escherichia coli base excess (normal value −2 to +2 mEq/L), and haemoglobin
bacteremia (sensitive strain), one patient each with Pseudomonas or haematocrit.[3] In a Swedish study, it was reported that
aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and Burkholderia gladioli the presence of metabolic alkalosis was independently
bacteraemia (sensitive strain), one patient with Elizabethkingia associated with an increased ICU length of stay.[4] A study
meningoseptica bacteraemia  (resistant isolate), and four from India reported metabolic acidosis to be associated with
cases of Carbapenem‑resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae higher mortality in the ICU.[5] In an Australian study, blood
bacteraemia (including one colistin‑resistant isolate). One third lactate was found to be the strongest predictor for mortality
of the patients (12/36: 33.3%) were either infected or colonised in the multivariate analysis.[6] However, ABG as a test is not
with carbapenem‑resistant Enterobacteriaceae/Acinetobacter/ readily available in many centres, especially in low‑  and
Pseudomonas aeuruginosa  (K. pneumoniae being the most middle‑income countries, either due to resource constraints
predominant with 10/36 patients infected or colonised with or inadequacy of appropriately trained and qualified medical
this pathogen). personnel to perform and interpret the test. In our setting, the
average cost of an ABG was Rs. 895 INR ($13 USD).
The median number of ABG performed in the study
cohort (n = 36) was 5.5 (range: 1–29; interquartile range [IQR]: The ABG report not only helps in classifying patients based on
2.75–10.5). There were 78 instances of organ failures observed metabolic abnormalities but also helps in clinical monitoring;
in the study cohort. This included 26  (33.3%) instances of decide on specific interventions such as intubation, intravenous
circulatory failure, 22 respiratory failure (28.2%), 19 instances fluid infusion, vasopressor administration or hemodialysis.
of renal failure (24.4%) and 11 hepatic failure (14.1%). The Management of sepsis requires a bundle of interventions
length of hospital stay of the study patients was between 5 and which includes taking blood cultures, administration of
57 days (IQR: 9–21.5). The median length of ICU stay was antibiotics/intravenous fluid/oxygen and testing for blood
5 days (IQR: 3–7.25). The all‑cause 30‑day mortality of the lactate. Although blood lactate is usually estimated by
total study cohort (n = 36) was 7/36 (19.4%) [Table 1]. The performing an ABG, ABG per se is not part of the surviving

Figure 1: Consort diagram and the profile of the patients with sepsis. Note: Thirty-six patients >18 years of age met the inclusion criteria for sepsis

458 Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology  ¦  Volume 38  ¦  Issue 3 & 4  ¦  July-December 2020
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Mukherjee, et al.: ABG in sepsis

Table 1: Arterial blood gas profile and clinical outcomes of sepsis patients according to the arterial blood gas performed
at the time of intensive care unit admission
n Mortality Hospital stay ICU stay Blood culture positivity Organ failure Healthcare expenditure: INR (USD)
Metabolic 8 3 Median: 14.5 Median: 3.5 2 Circulatory: 7 Median: rs. 537,074 ($7837)
acidosis Minimum: 8 Minimum: 1 Respiratory: 5 Minimum: 133,398 ($ 1947)
Maximum: 44 Maximum: 14 Renal: 5 Maximum: 1,631,147 ($23,802)
Hepatic: 3
Metabolic 1 0 Median: 29 Median: 9 0 Circulatory: 0 Median: 841,533 ($ 12,280)
alkalosis Minimum: 29 Minimum: 9 Respiratory: 1 Minimum: 841,533 ($ 12,280)
Maximum: 29 Maximum: 9 Renal: 1 Maximum: 841,533 ($ 12,280)
Hepatic: 0
Respiratory 9 4 Median: 17 Median: 13 6 Circulatory: 8 Median: 991,821 ($ 14,473)
acidosis Minimum: 5 Minimum: 5 Respiratory: 8 Minimum: 104,988 ($ 1532)
Maximum: 57 Maximum: 19 Renal: 7 Maximum: 1,894,031 ($ 27,638)
Hepatic: 5
Respiratory 10 0 Median: 12.5 Median: 3 3 Circulatory: 8 Median: 396,553 ($ 5787)
alkalosis Minimum: 6 Minimum: 2 Respiratory: 5 Minimum: 116,135 ($ 1695)
Maximum: 42 Maximum: 6 Renal: 5 Maximum: 890,188 ($ 12,990)
Hepatic: 2
Normal 8 0 Median: 11 Median: 3.5 0 Circulatory: 3 Median: 231,914 ($ 3384)
ABG Minimum: 7 Minimum: 0 Respiratory: 3 Minimum: 130,100 ($ 1898)
Maximum: 13 Maximum: 6 Renal: 1 Maximum: 667,545 ($ 9741)
Hepatic: 1
INR: Indian rupees; USD: United states dollars, ICU: Intensive care unit, ABG: Arterial blood gas

sepsis care bundles. However, the results of ABG are often a than systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria (crude
major determinant with regard to specific interventions and AUROC, 0.589) or qSOFA  (crude AUROC, 0.607).[7] In a
identifying possible source of the clinical problem. In our study, study from Brazil, the relative risk of death, ICU, and MV
we found blood lactate to be elevated at presentation to the ICU need related to qSOFA at admission were 1.83, 0.98 and
in 24 patients (24/36 = 67%). Respiratory alkalosis was found 1.60, respectively, and its sensitivity was 56.8% for death,
to be the most common ABG abnormality, and Gram‑negative 41.4% for ICU need and 53.6% for MV.[8] In another study
blood stream infection was the most common cause of sepsis. from Switzerland, the sensitivity of qSOFA was reported to
In our study, respiratory acidosis was found to be the most be 31.2% for ICU admission, 30.5% for ICU stay of ≥3 days
severe ABG abnormality in terms ICU stay, health‑care cost, and 60.0% for mortality at 48 h.[9] Because of the limitations
blood culture positivity and all‑cause mortality rate. of the clinical scoring systems such as SOFA and qSOFA and
the need of metabolic parameter data for clinical management,
ABG is required for:  (a) To detect tissue hypoperfusion
ABG analysis has become the standard of care in septic
which is defined as lactate concentration ≥4 mmol/L; (b) To
measure blood lactate concentration and targeting resuscitation
to normalise lactate;  (c) To detect acidosis or academia
resulting from tissue hypoperfusion academia for which fluids, Conclusion
vasopressor, HCO3 therapy may be required; (d) To measure In conclusion, this small pilot study indicates the value of
hypoxemia and detect severe refractory hypoxemia which may ABG as a cost effective and rapid  (~5  min from sample
need mechanical ventilation  (MV); and  (e) Monitor HCO3 collection to reporting) diagnostic, monitoring and prognostic
level in pH imbalance and HCO3 therapy. Other causes of tool in the clinical management of patients with sepsis. In
abnormal ABG were clinically excluded using history, physical resource‑constrained settings, it is an important clinical
examination and other investigations (electrocardiogram and investigation worth considering for installation at all levels
echocardiography for the heart, chest X‑ray or computed of health care which manages patients with sepsis, since it
tomography scan changes for the chest, etc.). requires significantly less infrastructure  (space, manpower,
consumables and overheads) and provides rapid results
Quick SOFA is a clinical scoring system based on the
enabling lifesaving supportive care.
measurement of blood pressure, respiratory rate and
sensorium. ABG analysis gives a more detailed result about Acknowledgments
metabolic and respiratory parameters of a patient qSOFA. This study was conducted as part of the Molecular Medical
In a study from Australia, SOFA demonstrated significantly Microbiology integrated MSc‑PhD Program which Tata
greater discrimination for in‑hospital mortality  (crude area Medical Center and Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
under the receiver operator characteristic [AUROC], 0.753) are jointly conducting.

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