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1) Run HWID6 to get HWID.

TXT and send it to me I will give you back

2) Put license JPRO_21_11_km.lic nearby KM
3) Install JPRO 2021 v1.1
4) Run HWID6 to get HWID.TXT for PC you want to install JPRO and
Use KM to make license jpro21_11.lic
5) Copy files (_JPRO_start.exe, JPRO-Activator.exe, phf.dll and lic file
jpro21_11.lic) into JPRO folder
6) Frist Run JPRO when it shows register windows just close program
7) Run JPRO_Activator.exe with admin rights and press “Activate”
Add Inbound and outbound rules for Fleets.exe into firewall to
block it internet activity (make sure your firewall enabled )
8) Always run _JPRO_start.exe (with admin rights) to start JPRO
9) For the first time run and then every 90 days after this you must
have internet connection, so that the Volvo module can connect
to the server and get the necessary information to work correctly.
But don’t unblock Fleets.exe in firewall
If JPRO requires reactivation after 5-6 days:
1) uninstall JPRO
2) delete folders 
c:\ProgramData\Noregon\JPRO Fleets\
c:\Program Files (x86)\Noregon\JPRO Diagnostics\
3) check that hosts files does not contain any strings with * NOREG
4) install and activate JPRO again
For advanced users:
At your own risk, you can try the hidden features that are present
in JPRO. To do this, you need to:
1) Open Fleets.exe.config
2) In the appSettings section, add a key-value pair for the features
you want to enable

List of features:
Feature Default value, if not exists in
config file
AMPLIMonitoringIntervalMs 500
DataUpdateCheckDays 5
UseExperimentalFeatures False
AlphaBidirTestsEnabled False
FaultRequestFrequency 10000
DataRequestFrequency 500
MedDutyStepPause 0
MedDutyStepTimeout 500
FTLogSizeInMB -1
ETLogSizeInMB -1
HideAnnoyingDialogs False
BetaBidirTestsEnabled False
IsParser False
GridRefreshRate 500
DisplayEcuType False
CumminsDebug False
DefaultRequestRate 10000
Debug_RipLogFile False
DisableFaultSuppression False
KDPRefreshRate 500
DisplayModelId False
ReadFaultsWithAmpli True
ExpirationWarningDays 30
ShowJadeFeature False
MaxAppRunTimeMin 1440, Max 1440
SuppressNSJavaErrors True
DevNextStep False
EnableAutoDisconnect True
MaxRecordTimeMin 60
PreTriggerTimeSec 0
MaxUploadFiles 50
MaxUploadTime 0
LogFileUploadPeriodInMinutes 60

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