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The connection between the ideas of French Philosophers and the revolution was indirect

and remote. The philosophers did not preach revolution rather they undermined the faith of
people in the old order. Discuss.

1. Introduction (0.5 page)

2. Revolution at the backdrop of Enlightenment in Europe (0.5 page)

What was enlightenment in Europe?
Era of rationality and reason over dogma in Western Europe
Scientific development under newton, Social of john Locke
5 basic ideas
Reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty

3. French Intellectuals and what they preached (2 pages)

I. Baron De Montesquieu (0.75 page)

a) Separation of Powers
3 organs executive, legislative, judicial
b) Constitutional Monarchy
Preaches liberty
c) Classification of States
France in his classification was a dictatorship

II. Jean Jacques Rousseau (0.75 page)

a) Freedom and Equality of Men
“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”
b) Social Contract
General will of the people, sovereignty belonged to people

III. Voltaire (0.5 page)

Examined conditions of society
Attacked Catholic Church as parasite to society, demolished its holiness
But advocated tolerance, famous quote
“I don’t agree with a word you say but I shall defend to death your right to say it”

4. Connection between the Philosophers and the Revolution (2 pages)

I. Declaration of Rights of Man

Rousseau’s ideals of equality and liberty

II. Active role of Women

Steps were taken towards equality and thus true essence of general will
III. Establishment of Convention with King
King was the executive, convention as legislative
Constitutional monarchy

IV. Committee of Public Safety as Executive Authority

The body was made executive, convention remained legislative
Separation of powers even in Reign of Terror. If it was not the case
Robespierre could not be executed

V. Church Reforms
Lands were taken, Clergy forced to take oath, Church made part of State
Voltaire’s ideas of stripping off Church’s privileges

VI. Directory and Council of 500

Directory as executive, council as legislative

VII. Expansion of Suffrage

Was mostly based on wealth and involved bourgeoisie but idea was there of a
general will.

5. Events of Revolution and contrast with Philosophers (0.75 page)

I. Storming the bastille
II. Execution of the King
III. Reign of Terror
IV. White terror of Bourgeoisie

These were the major political development and no philosopher preached this. Rousseau is
blamed for Robespierre actions of violence and terror. JM Thompson argues that Robespierre
failed to understand him and the elements of terror were simply him and the Jacobins.
Lefebvre argues that the only thing Robespierre owes to Rousseau is the excellent use of French
Democracy and the conditions of Robespierre upbringing that matched with works of
6. Conclusion (0.5 page)

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