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Question: What is meant by Appeasement?

Discuss the pros and cons of Policy of

Appeasement as well.

1. Introduction (0.5 page)

2. Meaning of Appeasement (0.5 page)
3. Appeasement of 1930s (1 page)
I. German re-armament
II. German occupation of Rhineland MAP
III. Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia
IV. Spanish Civil war

4. Why did Appeasement take place (1 page)

I. Avoid war
II. Weak leaguer of Nations
III. Lack of preparations
IV. Economic interests
V. Sympathies for Germany
VI. Italian friends over Africa

5. Positives of Appeasement (1 page)

I. Delay of War
The policy of Appeasement successfully delayed the war for a few years.
II. Pause to Hitler’s advancement
It momentarily stopped Hitler's advancing when the policy was enacted.
III. Gave Britain and Allies time to prepare
The Allied countries were still weakened from WWI and appeasement postponed the next war
so countries like England and France could become empowered again.
IV. A new British Prime Minister
After seeing Chamberlain's poor governing and use of the Appeasement policy, the people
would elect a new Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. He opposed appeasement and would
strengthen the British morale.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
― Winston S. Churchill

6. Negatives of Appeasement ( 1 page)

I. Postponing not a solution
Appeasement was not a solution to the brewing war and helped to cause rather than prevent

“You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not
gain lasting peace that way.” ~ Anthony Eden
II. Hitler’s confidence on the rise
Appeasing Hitler would not last long and would only delay him from conquering new territory
for his Reich. It also strengthened the German nationalism and Hitler's morale to continue his
aggression over Europe.
III. German re-armament and military expansion
Countries like Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Poland were now under Hitler control. The land
occupied by these countries would be used for German military bases and concentration
IV. Appearing as weak
Chamberlains usage of appeasement did not settle well with a majority of Britain, criticizing his
decision. Many assumed the prime minister was cowardly, fearing Hitler, knowing the War that
was bound to occur. 

7. Critical Analysis ( 1 page)

o Failed to prevent war

“Chamberlain’s visit to Hitler today may bring things to a head or may result in a temporary
postponement of what looks to me like an inevitable conflict within the next five years.” ~
Franklin D. Roosevelt

o Destroyed balance of power: Germany way too strong now

o Western powers were fooled to believe Fascism was against communism but
also when motives were clear, should have abandoned.
o Did appeasement lead to ww2?
No it was the treaty of Versailles for Germany, Italy
Washington conference for Japan

8. Conclusion (0.5 page)

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