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Question: Discuss the general causes of the rise of dictatorship in Europe after

the First World War.

1. Introduction (0.5 page)

2. Political Context: Flawed Peace (0.5 page)

Treaties of peace after ww1 were only temporary
3. Dictatorship in Europe (1 page)
I. Revolutionary Russia: Lenin and Stalin
II. Italy Under Mussolini
III. Nazis in Germany
IV. Greece under Metaxas
V. Spain: Dictatorship of Miguel Pirmo
VI. Pitudski in Poland

4. Causes of Rise in Dictatorships (3-4 pages)

Explain each point
I. Treaty of Versailles was harsh and unjust:
Treaty of London: Italy to be given a new territory but not given
Germany: biased use of plebiscite and heavy reparations
II. Failure of Democratic Governments
Democratic governments had failed to resolve issue after WW1,
Social instability, economic crisis, loss of lives and rehab of those handicapped,
shortage of food, cloth etc.
III. Democratic Traditions on decline
Italy’s democratic government used coalitions to keep itself in power and small
groups came to power.
Duma under control of Tsar, Lenin created own Dictatorship
Germany, Hitler’s attempt at coup failed but gained support
“Dictatorship is power based directly upon force and unrestricted by law”-Lenin
IV. The Great Depression
Caused by liberal economic system. Explain a bit
“We are today in the middle of the greatest economic catastrophe—the greatest
catastrophe due almost entirely to economic causes—of the modern world”- JM
V. Fear of Communism
Hitler, Mussolini both launched militant movements against communism
VI. Failure of League of Nations
Could not prevent re-armament or enforce terms of various treaties to ensure
VII. Rise of Nationalism
Italy, Russia, Germany
VIII. Glorification of personal character
Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler. All used various mediums to promote self-character
IX. Role of Foreign Powers
US: isolated after the great depression
Britain: appeasement helped the dictators secure confidence
France: Locarno Treaty, gave Germany open end to eastern borders and more
confidence to dictators to promote their agendas
St Austen “It was the dividing line between years of peace and years of war”
X. Divided and polarized societies
Gave room for some “hero” to emerge
Russia: use Stephen J. Lee division chart
Italy and Germany: mention the parties and divide of Capitalists vs. socialists
XI. Hope of better future
Stalin: modernization
Mussolini: colonies
Hitler: restore pride and global dominance

5. Critical Analysis (0.5 page)

Many knew how to create a totalitarian state. M. Latey credits a lot to Napoleon
and his policies, who had set the groundwork for future dictates and monarchs.
He had also shown the path to power by helping struggling governments which
was exactly what Stalin did, served as a loyal officer before coming to power.

6. Conclusion (0.5 page)

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