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By the time I wrote the G and D series modules, the group of players I DMed for had altered considerably
from that of the early 70s, although Ernie and Rob and Terry Kuntz were still there. The adventures in the
two series were indeed a part of the overall campaign, and a number of the PCs involved belonged to TSR
employees, including Tim Kask and James Ward. We played in the TSR building a good deal after regular
working hours.

The successful handling of the G and D series didn't really have any impact on the campaign, save to beef up
the PCs. When the lads managed to penetrate all the way to the Vault of the Drow it was most disheartening
to me. They took one look around and made haste to get away, so they never did much in the way of
wreaking havoc down there, let alone run into Lolth or the Elder Elemental God. [EGG]

[You have played with François Marcela Froideval, right ? Is it true that L'Empire de Lynn located on Oerth ?]

Yes, and yes. His area of Oerth was located to the west, and it included the island of Mephreton. [EGG]

Mordenkainen is Neutral, although he tends to prefer Good over Evil, Chaos over Law. [EGG]

Brian blume made uo the artifacts with the name "Vecna." All after that was devised by who knows which
persons. [EGG]

[Is Graz the father of Iuz?]

I hardly think so. [EGG]

[Was Orcus the father of IUZ in your campaign? (If not, who?)]

No. The parentage of Iuz was not discussed [EGG]


We never got into any large-scale PC force vs. PC force battles in the campaign. however, Rob was the DM
for some of Mordenkainen's roving forays with several thousands of troops, even city siege attacke. He
winged such, as we both had considerable experience with large-scale military miniatures battles. That's
what I did when a large PC force met a large NPC one opposed to it. [EGG]

Robilar, Terik, and Erac's Cousin became Lawful Evil. Mordenkainen as Neutral had no reason to assail them
as long as they didn't cross the line with him. The other PCs of Good alignment in the game were quite
lacking the power to take out those three characters. [EGG]

[Where did Rary come from?]

Seriously, that was a weak PC created by Brian Blume, a magic-user that was dropped when he became 3rd
level, Medium Rary--and yes, I am being serious. [EGG]
I can elaborate to the extent that they are all PCs of mine. Sigby Grigbyson is the correct name, and the main
dwarf is Zigby. You left out Slidell of Fax and Curley Greenleaf. All the "by" suffix names were forced on my
by DM Rob Kuntz because i had so many PCs he thought they should be identifiable. [EGG]

[What did you think about Robilard and Rary turning evil and all that?]

Balderdash made up by someone other than the creators of those PCs, so I think nothing of it at all. [EGG]

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