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[Did Mordenkainen ever visit any other published setting?]

Metamorphosis Alpha's Starship Warden and Rob's campaign world. [EGG]

I've played all the demi-human races, so I've had characters in most classes, but as multi-classes ones. I had a
great half-orc cleric/assassin, but he got wasted at third level or so. I did have a monk character for a short
time too. Never played a paladin.

I have played a straight barbarian PC but no cavalier or thief-acrobat. By the time those classes got solidified,
I had precious little gaming time...

You should see my Metamorphosis Alpha PCs--all either PSH or human mutant. the one with triple life
leech is great fun when his "brothers" (Ernie's and Luke's similar PCs) are with him. there aren't even any
vermin alive in an area after that trio hes been operating [EGG]

For about six months the typical number of players in an adventure session in my basement was 18-22
persons packed in. That was when I asked Rob Kuntz to serve as my co-DM. Getting marching order was
very important. Of course most activity was dungeon crawling, so actions were just done in order around
the table. Be ready or lose your chance! Stick with the party or else something very nasty is likely to befall
your character away from the group. The sessions were fun but somewhat chaotic, lacked most roleplay, and
surely didn't allow for a lot of one-on-one time player and DM. [EGG]

[was there ever a Greyhawkian "Atlantis"? I don't recall reading about any sunken continents in the gazateer
but could certainly be wrong about that.]

Such a place might have existed to the east of Oerik in the area that Francois Marcela Froideval had created
for his campaign. I seem to recall him mentioning it, but it's been about 25 years... [EGG]

I have run little WoG-based games since 1986. when i do run OAD&D sessions based on Oerth i use the
original maps done by Darlene and the books from the boxed World of Greyhawk set, along with such
material as I have that i created specifically for my own campaign that might apply.

A cut-off at 1985 suffices quite well from my POV

Actually, there are some things in 2E that aren't bad to add to your OAD&D campaign, IMO.

Canon can be over-rated. If something outside such bounds makes your game better, then use it. [EGG]

Len ran his own campaign, and I played in it only a handful of times well over 25 years ago, the last time c,
1983 when Len and a friend came to visit me at my house. Rob and I ran games only on Oerik and didn't
worry about what Len was doing, or Francois for that matter. I planned to pick up all the salient matters
later--sometime in 1986-8 when i could get to a revision of the AD&D game and the expansion of the WoG
setting... [EGG]
I also reviewed and approved as "official" all of Len's WoG material for publication. [EGG]

The drow being shunted to the underground was the last straw in their becoming truly wicked, hating all
those who dwell above. If you consider the sorts of creatures that walk the streets of Erelheicindlu, that's
plain ;0 [EGG]

Robilar was never anything other than a fighter. [EGG]

The gnome illusionist/thief is named Snurri "Sharpnose." He had a good deal of enjoyment swiping the gains
pocked by a halfling magic-user/thief played by my youngest son Alex. (Durned if I can recall Alex's PC's
name, and he isn't here to ask. Probably the character sheet is lost after several years of non-use.) [EGG]

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