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EaD Comprehensive Lesson Plans

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NAME OF TEACHER: ………………………………………………… WEEK ENDING……27-01-2023……………


DURATION: ………………………………………………………….... REFERENCE…MATHS SYLLABUS(CRDD,2007), MATHS FOR JHS ……

FORM……………..BASIC 9…………… WEEK…………3………..



MONDAY Topic; By the end of the Introduction Chart, Pictures Exercise;

Application of Sets lesson the Pupil will be Review Pupils Power point 1. 150 college
able to; knowledge on the Presentation. freshmen were
Sub-Topic; previous lesson. interviewed.
Two set problems. Find the universal set 85 were registered
9:15AM - of two sets Activities for a Math class,
10:25AM 1. Demonstrate 70 were registered
70min RPK finding the for an English class,
Pupils were taught universal set 50 were registered
lessons on set of of two sets for both Math and
Venn diagram union and intersection are the set
numbers in basic 8. of numbers. English.
2. Guide pupils notations used to describe set relationships.  a) How many
to represent signed up only for a
two sets on a  The union of the set of even Math Class?
Venn b) How many
Diagram numbers EEE={2,4,6,8,102, 4, 6, 8, signed up only for
3. Assist Pupils an English Class?
to use Venn 102,4,6,8,10} and odd c) How many
Diagram to signed up for Math
find the numbers OOO={1,3,5,7,91, 3, 5, 7,
union and or English?
intersection 91,3,5,7,9} is the set E∪OE\cup d) How many
of sets of signed up neither
numbers. OE∪O ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,101, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, for Math nor
Closure English?
Through questions 7, 8, 9, 101,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.
2. 100 students
and answers, conclu The symbol ∪\cup∪ represents the union of sets. were interviewed.
28 took PE, 31 took
For the two sets AAA and BBB, A∪BA\cup BA∪B is
BIO, 42 took ENG, 9
pronounced AAA union BBB. took PE and BIO, 10
took PE and ENG, 6
To calculate the union of two or more sets, we
took BIO and ENG,
combine the elements within each set. Duplicated 4 took all three
values must only be counted once.
a) How many
 The intersection of the set of odd students took none
of the three
numbers OOO={1,3,5,7,91, 3, 5, 7, subjects?
b) How many
91,3,5,7,9} and the set of prime students took PE
but not BIO or
numbers PPP={2,3,5,7,112, 3, 5, 7, ENG?
c) How many
112,3,5,7,11} is the set O∩PO\cap students took BIO
and PE but not
PO∩P ={3,5,73, 5, 73,5,7}. ENG?
The symbol ∩ represents the intersection of sets.
For the two sets AAA and BBB, A∩BA\cap BA∩B is
pronounced AAA intersection BBB.
To calculate the intersection of two or more sets,
we calculate the number of values that are
contained within both / all of the sets only.

The complement of a set (or the absolute

complement of a set) is the values that are not
contained in the set.
For example,

The complement of the set of positive numbers is

the set of negative numbers and 000 (as 000 is
neither positive or negative).
The symbol ‘ represents the complement of a set.

A’A’A’ is the complement to the set AAA and is

known as a disjoint set because an item in the
set AAA cannot also be in the set A’.A’.A’.

TUESDAY Topic; Objective Introduction Exercise;

Application of Sets By the end of the Discuss with pupils Number of Subsets of a given Set: 1. If A {1,
lesson the Pupil will be the concept of 3, 5},
Sub-Topic; able to; Subset. If a set contains ‘n’ elements, then the number of then
subsets of the set is 2nn. write all
10:50AM – Subset. find and write the Activities the
12:00PM number 1. Demonstrate possible
70min of subsets in a set with finding the subsets
up to 5 elements subset of Number of Proper Subsets of the Set:
of A.
two or more Find
If a set contains ‘n’ elements, then the number of
RPK sets of
Pupils were taught numbers. proper subsets of the set is 2nn - 1. their
lessons on set of 2. Assist Pupils numbers
numbers in basic 8. to find the  If A = {p, q} the proper subsets of A are [{ }, {p}, 2. If the
number of {q}] number
subsets in a of
set ⇒ Number of proper subsets of A are 3 = 222 - 1 =
with one 4-1
in a set
element In general, number of proper subsets of a given
is 2, find
3. Pupils in set = 2mm - 1, where m is the number of
elements. the
small groups
to find the
number of A subset which is not a proper subset is called as subsets
subsets in a improper subset.
with two proper
Null Set is a Subset or Proper Subset subsets.
Pupils brainstorm to Null set is a proper subset for any set which
find subsets of two contains at least one element.
or more sets of
numbers. For example, let us consider the set A = {1}.

It has two subsets. They are { } and {1}.

Here, null set is proper subset of A. Because null

set is not equal to A.

Subsets of Null Set

Let us consider null set or empty set given blow.

{  }

FRIDAY Topic; Objective Introduction The rule for the number of subsets in a set; Exercise;
Application of Sets By the end of the Assist Pupils to  If a set has “n” elements, then the number of 1. Find the
lesson the Pupil will be identify the rule used subset of the given set is 2n and the number of number of
Sub-Topic; able to; for finding the proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2 n-1 subsets of
9:15AM – The rule for the number of subsets in the set { 9,
10:25AM number of subsets find the rule for the a set. The subsets of A ={ 1 2 3? 10, 11}
70mins in a set number of subsets in a ϕ,{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,3} and {1,2,3} 2. Find the
set Activities number of
1. Demonstrate The given set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} contains 5 elements. subsets of
RPK how to find So, it has 25 = 32 subsets in all and 31 proper the set {m,
Pupils were taught the number subsets. a, t, h}
lessons on set of of subsets in
numbers in basic 8. a set using
the rule.
2. Assist Pupils
to deduce
the pattern
made by the
number of
subsets in
sets with
number of
Through questions
and answers,
conclude the lesson.

Name of Teacher: School: District:

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