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)Does the SiSe o fall o the eCondmic 3oth Sat, zeally

make a
diResence to the Poosest of the bo? 8cou)
A) economic o t h i S the most fuoestul instsum ent fox
sCduCin9 ouesty and imPuing the uality of G n
devel NJ Caunti e . Conomie Jouoth can genesate my
Ciscles of
TmsPeity and ofostunity. A Succe S
Stul statH
6 Poesty aducto must have at its Cose
tDPromote sPid and suytained economie 3adoth.
The challenge
o Poicy is to Combtne 38dw th Phmot
Po Cu ey oith Polict ey that
allbs the Poos td osiarate
fully n the cPPDstunitie unleashed and So Contri bute
otothat 3sdtoth. This ncludes Poices to make labou
maskets uooskK bettes, semove gend es in
equalit and
incsea Se nan a inclwio0

uhuuse qmwth will need tobe bazed

on an
qlobali sed world that offers neuo OPPostunities
neu challen9as Nauw
but also
technoloa e oRfes Potenticl
but alsso mea Possibiüteg. utuse 3Doth uoll algo
to be envisvnmentally
Sutaina ble. TrPoved management
o water cand othes natural
the PaoPes ioShtuthon,
sesourles sequised.tothis
oLo th and envionmental Sustoirabr
may be Seen a Complenmanta, not Subsitutes
ohy Gmuoth should be at the hart of develofmenht
Corooth helpS Pecple moue out of Pbuesty
e XPesiance s of wide of
gang e
developinA ount
Coistently stroa eidence that saPid cnd Sustoiat
DLOth is the Sigle most imRbsta nt wa toreduce
The est matton om
cvss- County studi es is that lO7.
ncsease 10 a
ounts aveage inlome willsedu tha
ouesb sate by betuoee n 2o and 3o
The Central ola of
aaooth i n dyiving the speed at ohich
bues t deines is
Contismed b seasch on individua
lounties and groups of luntiey. fos e. A
u Coutres in the stusa o{
lqqos ound that oves the (ousSe
the de Ca de, Povesty Pell in the | of
Cout ie that <xRerena
Siaiant Jaow th and &ose the
thse e auntrle oth
loo or
staga nt asouoth. on aenage, 1/, ncseaxe in
es CafPi ta inome seduce
d Poves ty by /,.
Gdoth cseates iobs
CConomic uoth Jena ates sob oPfos tuities and heOce
Stongees demand fos
labous, he main
and often the
ase ok the ooS.
TCseayng empoame nt hay be e0
CSudl n
delueying highex guoth
Aha qlobal soong grooth in
aConomy oves the Pat loy e«u
the ma lovi y of the means that
wosld& upsKi ng
S no
age PoPulahon
mo CveCoronme
actors, Such ay louo in¥latn, £xfbst
On2totton and louo labous taces, helP tb
how mAch enplojmet is cseated b outh.
octossS, Such ay the balance of the elonomy betLeern
agsiculbuse, manutoctunn9 and Sesvices ase also
, Grouoth dhues human
2 Conomic gmot h is not ust
anodated oth xedutin
These is atso
cleas eyidence tos
ink betoe en a Positivee
eConomic Grouoth and broad es
hunman meanuse
doveloPmeit eConowc muthis not
undamentally about matenali sm. ANobel lou
Amaroa San has descsbed aCononui c xeate
gmoth au Cudal a
mea tox xfanduhg the
Substantive Fsee doma that Pafe
Uaulua. These Pee doms ase
shorngly adovatod wrth infnenes
In genesal
tivina standardS, Such as 38eates opPoa
Kos ople to be tunities
Come h0a lthiex, eat bettes and ve
2)Eight etentia ondithof fos stom
,Phsi Cal Copitol
CADuth sCquires inveatmet in
Phsi cal lopi tol such u
Plants, machineA, Kuo mateials
etc. thct ase
to pyducthon. central
and'investment at all SCalas geaui
Capitol. SigntHCant techno log S sea Rraniad
Cato qoeds Such a plant and ually embodied.n
ma chinesy that
ort aCounts s mova uP the helP tp
, Humon Coftal tochnolonco ladden.
mveytet in educoto and SKIlS can De
nNestrment 1n machinesy and Plantt io a 'mfdstant ag
TAvestment in 4his human Capitolis eAPeuallydelivaiung 3mwth.
a di sectly leads to imfoo ved
it uman develoPn ent as wetl
helPiNtu d e Do th
, The sula oP
The bUsnessS
ewonment needs to hae
ensuse that the Scfeqc s that
etusos investment
investment oill
will be lollecked
b mestoxs. but Col lollected
onal ntabitu Cospti on and chme
thrca ten Potenhl
the osR2cts setusns and uause da mee
of ooth.
N,Coettve as kels
Comtohthve masKets in the sene
h lonsu mexS
ComPetibon tyPicall ensusg
ase able to obtwn mo 8e
Pcosthan umder }vo ds at low
o helP tastes
monopol. Judiu ous of riJulatn use

ContPets hvve envimn
envivn men
macrv2tononic Stabilty
DVOstoY S. maKe decistons based on the rate of xetu
xeCu've and the thej ixftetF
isknes c' of +he
to nonC. envi yon
ment is
invostment. AA stahle
stab le Mao
wHh in vestment. cnmcial to xeduuüng the nskg ouak
N TnRastuctuye
TOVostorS need vool accem to
Cabouv nd saw ma teral S and
Kowledge, to iNPu ts of
o markets. The tmsfbrt
and lommu ni
ta hon inrastnucture aNe Cnutial in
insmah on
abot Pru onud MarKets aCD &
di seiNatr
acDis wide anta
U, OPennes to made and investmed a anta.

oPenne of a Counhs ve ds
MayKet s enables
faiitat techro lorj trom fes, vwth,
benehng Consume. incseosinouPe h thon ad
,incscae aci tutuna Producthuita
Loud-intome ounti es
tymcalla have lasge ofi tultiwa
SectosS. Phodu cHoyincscas e in
Sae as the aucultuna oten
cectalyt o rowth.
u t the
qlobc Pbuartemeszency
OsAani Sation Cannot be Solved ba one
O's evea a
Caalitton of
theis oon. o e
need the
ouexnentt on

ublc and thsd CcnCested ePtosts

Pfoats oof dute
sectors oosKing
osKina togethes

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