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As a conclusion, ethical codes relevant to the field of information are the main resources of

development of the social media ethics; rules of netiquette; as well as the bodies of self-net,
such as the voluntary associations of providers or representatives of online media. Only
thanks to the further development of these establishments the efficient and autonomous
form of self-government and self-regulation of the Internet will be possible. Thus, the
development of ethics for the social media is not just a theoretical exercise, but, it is a
practical task, assuming responsibility and active participation of both individuals and
society.The dilemma of whether the use of social media should be restricted and controlled
has become a complex issue in the modern world. While there are those who think it should
be free, others think it should be controlled and restricted for ethical purposes. It is possible
to provide ethical theories supporting both sides. However, in my opinion I believe that it is
good to restrict and control the use of social media as one way of bringing to end the many
ethical issues associated with the practice. The essay has covered various ethical issues in
social media.It identifies the need and various advantages of social media and the
associated social issues that arise due to the nature of the social media content. The study
indicates that although social media can be beneficial in the field of marketing, socialization,
and government relations, people with evil intents to further their interests can also use it
maliciously.In addition, it provides information about some of the methods that can be used
in social media to ensure its ethical and legal use. There is a need for user to ensure that
they circumspect the content they post on social media. This is because once the
information has left their premises; they have little control over it and may be detrimental
to their personal or organizational reputations.

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