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To ensure Effectiveness and Efficiency as a Public Servant, I would like to adopt the

concept of “Reinventing Government”. The first critical notes explained the importance
of figuring out the purpose. It stresses emphasis that if the organization is unclear about
its goals or might have multiple conflicting purposes it cannot achieved the highest
performance in terms of delivery of public service. It always begins in defining
organizations goals, which is likely similar if you want to measure the effectivity and
efficiency of any public officials or ordinary government employee. the purpose and
individual’s role and assigned responsibility should equate with the organizations said
goal. Obtaining a clear picture or clarity of purpose in any system of public
administration is the fundamental Core Strategy underline by the author.

To supply added description and to further elaborate measurements of efficiency and

effectivity, a comparative overview I would like to share between public organizations
versus private organizations.

Among the two sectors who is more efficient? The public sectors or the private sectors?
mostly respondents will express impression that public sectors are inefficient. Well, the
defense is easily accepted because private groups are those who exemplified with
outstanding achievements compared to those belong in the public sectors. In contrast
with public organizations, mostly they focus and take advantage in winning the
sympathy of the public to extend or remain in Government’s post.

Another example of contrast between public organizations against the private sectors
are the following: Public sectors goal is primarily Serve the citizens and protect the
public welfare where in contrast with private groups is to maximize the investment’s
profit. Public sectors are more rigid due to process of decision making and
implementation unlike in the private sectors, opt to be more flexible, easier to manage
because decision is taken by a single leader. (Mihaiu, et al, 2010 pp.133).

The efficiency has a direct relationship between the input and output between private
sectors and public groups.
The efficiency of public service in related between economic efficiency affecting the
environment. The challenge in measuring the efficiency and effectivity given by public
servants is caused by inability to quantify the effects (outputs).

The effectiveness given by the ratio of the result obtained of program to achieved. Peter
Drucker said that there is no efficiency without effectiveness because it is more
important to do well what you have proposed that to do something else that was not
necessarily concerned (Drucker,2001, pp.147). The relationship between efficiency and
effectiveness is that of the whole part to the whole, the effectiveness is necessary
condition to achieving efficiency. Cited (Mihaiu, et al, 2010 pp.136).

According to Reyes (1994) There are four reasons why reform efforts in the country
have failed. These are (1) the lack of sufficient and uncompromising political will to
implement reforms;(2) complex web of rules in the administration of justice (3) the
absence of well-defined standards and monitoring system that will undertake
surveillances of bureaucratic activities performance (4) the lack of focus in the direction
and target of program reforms.

The above concluding statements specifically the three and four props that efficiency
and effectiveness is not fully strengthen to evaluate individual performance of
government employees.

Although National Government seeks initiatives such as enactment of Republic Act

No.6713 “Known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials”, the
presence of “Local Government Code of 1991”, adjacent with Government initiative
program for Improved Transparency, and Good Governance Initiatives. A uniformed
standard metrics for all government employees in all sectors is essential and must have
created a well-defined standard that will be used as guiding metrics of employee’s
performance to accurately measure efficiency and effectivity of public services applied.
Mihaiu, D.M, Opreana A, Cristescu M.P, (January 2010) Article in Romanian Journal
of Economic Forecasting: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Performance of the Public
Sector. Efficiency_Effectiveness_and_Performance_of_the_Pu.pdf (pp.133

D. Osborne (January ,2007) “Reinventing Government: What a difference a Strategy

Makes. (pp.2-4)
W. L Cabo, (1998) “Theory and Practice of Public Administration” University of the
Philippines. (pp.150-151)

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