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Beware of Non-Evidence-Based Treatments

All parents want their children to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, as parents of children
with autism strive to help their children they can fall victim to duplicitous claims that encourage them
to try unsafe, expensive and ineffective non-evidence-based treatments. Before beginning any
treatment, parents should question whether there is a coherent scientific rationale behind it, and think
critically about its associated risks and benefits. They should also ask their healthcare practitioner
whether the treatment has been proven effective and safe in objective scientific studies, and whether
those studies have been published in well-established, highly reputable, peer-reviewed medical

It is important to remember that anyone can start a journal or post a study on the Internet to tout the
efficacy of dangerous or useless interventions. Healthcare fraud is a huge business in the US, and
parents of children with autism are often targeted. Fringe treatment providers prey on desperation
and fear, and deceive parents with numerous unfounded claims.

To be considered evidence-based, a treatment must be thoroughly investigated in multiple well-

designed scientific studies and show measurable, sustained improvements in targeted areas. A study’s
design largely depends on its focus and purpose, but there are some characteristics that well-designed
studies tend to have. These include but are not limited to:

-Use of well-matched comparison groups – participants receiving the new intervention should be
compared to a group of participants receiving a standard community intervention, and/or a group
receiving no intervention. The comparison groups should match the ‘new treatment group’ in average
age, gender distribution, diagnosis, level of functioning, and any other potentially confounding

-Random assignment of participants to treatment/comparison groups.

-Pre- and post-test design – performance on a given test is measured before and after the
intervention to measure change.

-Use of representative samples – study participants should be representative of the target population.
That is, a study testing an intervention for toddlers with ASD and average IQs should not use a
sample of autistic school-aged children with an uncharacteristically high rate of mental retardation.

-‘Blinding’ of individuals involved in the experiment – where appropriate, investigators and participants
should not know group assignments (e.g., placebo v. medication) in order to prevent biases during
data collection.
-Use of adequately large samples based on past research and statistical analysis.

Below is an overview of commonly discussed treatments that currently are not scientifically validated:

Biomedical Non-Evidence-Based Treatments

Chelation: Chelation therapy involves administering chemicals designed to bind to heavy metals and
eliminate them from the body. Chelating agents have a legitimate use in the treatment of poisoning
from lead, mercury and other metals. There is no evidence that supports chelation as a safe treatment
alternative because autism is not caused by metal poisoning. In 2005, a child with autism died from
chelation therapy, when the chelating agent bonded with calcium in his body and caused his heart to
stop. No paper published in the peer-reviewed literature has reported abnormal levels of mercury in
individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Moreover, symptoms of mercury poisoning are unlike
symptoms of autism, making chelation an impractical way to improve symptoms.

Lupron Therapy: Lupron is a testosterone-inhibiting drug used in the treatment of precocious

puberty (which is rare) and prostate cancer, as well as for the “chemical castration” of sex offenders.
Its use for autism is based on the hypothesis that testosterone magnifies the toxic effects of mercury
(see above). There is no evidence that Lupron is safe or effective for the treatment of autism. In
addition, it can have harmful side effects including hives, difficulty breathing/ swallowing, numbness,
tingling, weakness, painful or difficult urination, blood in the urine, bone pain, testicular pain and

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): HBOT has been proven effective for treatment of gangrene,
carbon monoxide poisoning, “the bends” and various other conditions related to oxygen in blood.
There is no evidence to support ASD as an insufficiency of oxygen in the blood. Evidence also fails to
support HBOT as safe or effective for the treatment of autism. Furthermore, the benefits of hyperbaric
oxygen delivered in a soft-shelled chamber are no different than with a less expensive oxygen tent, or
nasal cannula.

Gluten Free-Casein Free (GFCF) Diet: Those who promote gluten (protein found in wheat, rye, and
barley products) and casein (protein found in dairy products) free diets claim that children with autism
have “leaky guts” that allow opioids to escape into the bloodstream and then travel to the brain and
cause autistic behaviors. There is no evidence for this claim, and studies have found that compared to
typically developing children, children with autism have no more opioids in their blood. Furthermore,
children on the GFCF diet have been found to have lower bone density than controls, which could lead
to osteoporosis. A large-scale study of the safety and efficacy of the GFCF diet indicated that children
on the diet had similar outcomes to those who were not on the diet.

Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy for autism is illegal in the United States, but that hasn’t
stopped some from offering this as a treatment for autism in Costa Rica, China, and other countries.
There is no evidence that the treatment is safe or effective for autism, and no guarantee that the stem
cells used in these countries are even human.

Secretin Injections: Secretin is a hormone that controls digestion. It is currently prepared from pigs
as a synthetic human form is not available. The FDA has approved use of single doses of secretin in
diagnosing gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers or impaired pancreatic function in adults, but it
has not formally approved the hormone for autism treatment. No data exists on the safety or efficacy
of repeated doses of secretin or its use in children. In a report, the National Institutes of Child Health
and Human Development states that the efficacy of secretin in ASD treatment is currently unknown.

Antifungal Agent Therapy: Some people believe that bacteria in the gut cause autism, and since
antifungal medications can eliminate bacteria they believe they can simultaneously cure autism. There
is no evidence to support any antifungal agent as an autism cure. Importantly, treating children with
antifungal agents is potentially harmful; possible side effects include itching, irritation, burning,
diarrhea, stomach pain, and skin rashes. Some antifungal treatments, including Diflucan, Sporanox,
Lamisil, and Nizoral, are absorbed in the body and can impede liver functioning over time.

Vitamin Supplements: It is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. To achieve this goal,
healthcare providers may recommend nutritional supplements to people with and without autism. Use
of supplements can be problematic however, when they are misused in an attempt to cure an
individual of autism. There is no scientific evidence suggesting that vitamin supplements can cure
autism. Using supplements without consulting a healthcare provider can be dangerous. Some
supplements (e.g., vitamin A) can be toxic when taken in high doses for sustained periods; others
may not contain what they claim.

Raw Camel Milk: Raw camel milk has been alleged to cure autism-related ills with benefits ranging
from improved eye contact and motor skills to decreased inflammation. Although it may be nutritious,
there is no scientific research that upholds claims that raw camel milk is an autism “cure-all.”

Marijuana Therapy: Marijuana is an illicit drug whose use in ASD treatment is neither medically nor
scientifically supported for the core symptoms of autism. Reported short-term side effects of
marijuana use include distorted perception; impaired coordination; and impaired thinking, problem
solving, learning and memory. Long-term marijuana use has been associated with decreased learning
abilities, increased risk of respiratory diseases associated with smoking, and decreased
motivation. There are studies ongoing on specific chemical components called cannabinoids for
treatment of epilepsy.

Nicotine Patch Therapy: Research studies have uncovered abnormalities in nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors in the brains of people with autism, and some scientists have posited that core symptoms of
ASD could be attributed to these alterations. Some findings specifically indicate a shortage of these
receptors, leading some to believe that stimulating or increasing these receptors could eliminate ASD
symptoms. Proponents of nicotine patch use in individuals with ASD believe that the nicotine released
into the body from the patch activates and upregulates receptors, and thereby reduces ASD
symptoms. Despite having a rationale that is based on scientific findings, use of this treatment is not
supported by scientific evidence. No clinical trials have demonstrated that nicotine patches are safe or
effective in the treatment of ASD. Common side effects reported in clinical studies evaluating safety
and efficacy of the patches include skin irritation; sleep problems, including insomnia and nightmares;
headaches, indigestion, and nervousness.

Bleach Therapy: In bleach therapy, an individual with ASD is given a diluted form of bleach orally or
through an enema in an attempt to cure their symptoms. Bleach doses are given repeatedly;
supporters of this treatment have recommended that children drink the bleach mixture up to eight
times per day or receive an enema up to three times per week. The rationale for the treatment is that
bleach can eliminate bacteria, parasites, yeast, and heavy metals and consequently eliminate ASD
symptoms. This treatment has been widely denounced for the harm it can cause as well as its
complete lack of scientific basis. Ingesting bleach can lead to severe fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and
other complications.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: TMS is a procedure in which magnetic fields are used to
stimulate nerve cells in the brain to enhance or reduce certain functions. TMS is currently used to treat
mental illnesses, including depression and schizophrenia. The most commonly reported short-term
side effects include headaches and scalp discomfort. Therapeutic TMS is relatively new so long-term
side effects, if any, are unknown. Investigations into the efficacy of TMS in ASD treatment are
currently underway, but presently there is no evidence to support its use.

Psychological and Behavioral Non-Evidence-Based Treatments

Therapeutic Horseback Riding: Horseback-riding therapy for individuals with ASD aims to foster
motor, communication, and social skills, while improving responses to external stimuli. Although a few
studies touting the benefits of therapeutic riding have been published in peer-reviewed journals, they
are either mainly descriptive, involve small samples or rely on poor outcome measures, and thus
cannot support the therapy as a useful, evidence-based intervention.

Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: When undergoing dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT), an individual with

autism swims, touches, and interacts with dolphins. Alleged benefits of dolphin therapy include
improved emotional control and communication skills, as well as increased attention. Some
proponents also claim that the emotional experience created by DAT helps individuals become more
receptive to more conventional treatments. There is no scientific evidence suggesting that DAT is
efficacious in the long-term improvement of ASD symptoms. Moreover, DAT involves significant safety
risks given that dolphins are powerful animals that are capable of harming humans despite extensive

Prism Glasses: Prism glasses alter the visual perception of individuals with ASD and are thought to
improve behavior and challenging vision-related symptoms as a result. Supporters believe that some
individuals with ASD suffer from distorted perception and compensate using abnormal movements and
postures such as head tilting. Prism glasses aim to ameliorate perceptual distortions and aid visual
development. Their purported benefits extend to other areas, including spatial localization, visual
awareness, decrease in sensory seeking behaviors, organization, gait, eye contact, mood, facial
expressions, and fine and gross motor skills. Unfortunately these benefits have no scientific backing;
no studies with strong experimental designs have supported the use of this expensive therapy in
individuals with autism.

Holding Therapy: Holding therapy is based on the erroneous notion that autism is a disorder of
attachment caused by a parent’s failure to bond with their child. In a holding therapy session, a
caregiver physically restrains a child with autism in order to force eye contact and repair attachment.
This treatment has been deemed ineffective and dangerous. There is no scientific evidence suggesting
that holding therapy works and fatalities have resulted from its use.

The 5 Scariest Autism 'Treatments'

Emily Willingham

Autism invites its share of quacks. In fact, it might have more quacks in its
vicinity than a duck pond. After almost a decade of watching "cures" and
"treatments" come and go ... or stay and stay and stay, bafflingly ... I've
unconsciously created a list in my head, a la High Fidelity, of the Top 5
Scariest Autism Treatments Ever. And I don't even mean that tongue-in-cheek
for Halloween. I mean, these are dangerous in the "can kill you or cause
permanent harm" sense. Yet, they remain in use in some circles and flogged by
certain organizations who claim a commitment to curing or 'recovering'
children from autism. So, from my head to yours:
1. MMS. It stands for Miracle Mineral Solution, but it's
really bleach. I know because I tested it myself, destroying a
perfectly good cloth napkin in the process. Take a look at what
it does to cotton. Now imagine it on the inside of a child's mouth,
esophagus, stomach, or intestines--its peddlers encourage its
administration as an enema. Horrorshow. Yet not only do parents
try this bleach as a "treatment" for their children's autism, but also
a major autism conference actually featured a presenter flogging
this stuff, and the claim that it "recovered" 38 children in 20
months remains on the conference site as I type this.
2. Chemical castration. Burning off the lining of an autistic child's
intestines might seem pretty horrific, but it can pale in
comparison to the tragedy that is chemical castration to "treat"
autism. I have previously broken down the background of this
concept, introduced to the world of autism treatment by the now
notorious father-son team of the Geiers. These two, in a 20-year-
long run of damage, might now be reaching the end of their
particular race. The father has had his medical license stripped in
several states. That didn't stop the Geiers père et fils from recently
filing a patent for their chemical castration protocol.
3. Chelation. Chelation is the process of using a chemical to strip
metal from the blood. It's a good thing if you have mercury
poisoning, which autistic people do not have. Yet, the persistent
association in some circles between mercury (as a component of
the preservative thimerosal) and autism (a leap from MMR, which
never contained thimerosal in the US, to "all vaccines," most of
which also never did) means that many groups still flog chelation
as a treatment. It is not one. One of the metals in our bodies that
we need to live is calcium--for example, it keeps our hearts
beating--and at least one autistic child has died during a chelation
"treatment" because it wiped the child's blood of this life-
supporting ion. In the convoluted world of autism and vaccine
conspiracy thinking, chemical castration is something that
becomes necessary when chelation doesn't work. Yep. If dosing a
child with chemicals meant to strip metal from the blood fails to
cure autism, the problem is, so goes the idea, that superhigh
testosterone levels must be interfering. Hence, chemical castration
must then enter the picture to bring those levels down. There is
almost no doubt that some autistic children have had all three of
these things done to them: bleaching of their intestines, strafing of
their blood with chemical sponges for nonexistent heavy metals,
and, as a sort of coup d'grace against everything they are, chemical
4. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Also a favorite with many of the
alt-med-oriented autism organizations, this therapy has been
target of an FDA warning to consumers. The bottom line is, laying
down a lot of benjamins to subject an autistic child to 'oxygen
therapy' is a waste of money, a likely torture to the child,
and devoid of effectiveness.
5. Stem cells. Pro tip: If you have to travel outside the FDA purview
for a treatment (as people have done for cancer "therapy" outside
the US and also do for autism), you might want to think twice
about it, or more times if the second thought doesn't convince you
otherwise. There's not a strong rationale for using stem cells as
therapy for autism--what, exactly, would they be compensating for
that's not there?--and although one clinical trial for it is ongoing,
as I've written here, that trial is strongly redolent of "autism and
stem cells?! Why not?" And you might want to not go to
Panama or other places to do a trial on your own child. At least
wait for, I dunno, some science?

The list of the scary things people sell to parents to inflict on their autistic
children is much longer than this and includes things like camel's
milk, antifungals, marijuana, and dolphins. It's likely not a good idea to try
any of them at home ... or anywhere else.

[ETA: One person's "scary" can be another person's "that's not so bad," so feel
free to comment with your own additions.


Fake treatments that do not work

Sometimes a doctor may suggest medicines or special diets for other conditions that
affect autistic people.

But there are no "treatments" or "cures" for autism itself.

These things do not work and some can be harmful:

• special diets – such as gluten-free, casein-free or ketogenic diets

• vitamins, minerals and diet supplements
• bleaching – also called chlorine dioxide (CD) or Mineral Miracle Solution (MMS)
• GcMAF – an injection made from blood cells
• medicines – including medicines to help with memory, change hormone levels or
remove metal from the body (chelation)
• neurofeedback – where brain activity is checked (usually by placing sticky pads
on your head) and you're taught how to change it
• hyperbaric oxygen therapy – treatment with oxygen in a pressurised chamber

How to spot fake treatments

There are some warning signs that may suggest a treatment is fake:

• it claims to "cure" or help people "recover from" autism

• it claims to work in most people and have quick results
• personal "stories" are used to claim it works, rather than medical evidence
• words like "miracle", "faith" and "trust" are used
• it can be done by anyone without any training or qualifications
• it costs a lot of money

How to report fake treatments

You can help stop people selling dangerous treatments by reporting anything you think
might be fake.

For a product bought in England, Scotland or Wales, call the Citizens Advice consumer
helpline on 03454 04 05 06.

For a medicine you think might be fake, visit

For an advert for a fake treatment in the media, on a website or on social media, contact
the Advertising Standards Authority.

Be Aware of Potentially Dangerous Products and

Therapies that Claim to Treat Autism

FDA Cracks Down on False Claims

The Food and Drug Administration has warned and/or taken action against a number of
companies that have made improper claims about their products’ intended use as a
treatment or cure for autism or autism-related symptoms. Some of these so-called
therapies carry significant health risks. For example,

• “Chelation Therapies.” These products claim to cleanse the body of toxic

chemicals and heavy metals by binding to them and “removing” them from
circulation. They come in a number of forms, including sprays, suppositories,
capsules, liquid drops and clay baths. FDA-approved chelating agents are
approved for specific uses that do not include the treatment or cure of autism,
such as the treatment of lead poisoning and iron overload, and are available by
prescription only. FDA-approved prescription chelation therapy products should
only be used under professional supervision. Chelating important minerals
needed by the body can lead to serious and life-threatening outcomes.
• Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This involves breathing oxygen in a pressurized
chamber and has been cleared by FDA only for certain medical uses, such as
treating decompression sickness suffered by divers.
• Detoxifying Clay Baths. Added to bath water, these products claim to draw
out chemical toxins, pollutants and heavy metals from the body. They are
improperly advertised as offering “dramatic improvement” for autism symptoms.
• Various products, including raw camel milk, MMS (chlorine dioxide) and
essential oils. These products have been marketed as a treatment for autism or
autism-related symptoms, but have not been proven safe and effective for these
advertised uses.

FDA some quick tips to help you identify false or misleading claims.

• Be suspicious of products that claim to treat a wide range of diseases.

• Personal testimonials are no substitute for scientific evidence.
• Few diseases or conditions can be treated quickly, so be suspicious of any therapy
claimed as a “quick fix.”
• So-called “miracle cures,” which claim scientific breakthroughs or contain secret
ingredients, are likely a hoax.

• Dangerous Autism Treatments Exposed

• Dangerous DIY treatments for Autism

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