Alessandro Plakat

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Dr. Alessandro Canossa, associate professor at the Institute

of Visual Design (Royal Danish Academy), earlier assistant
professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, and asso-
ciate professor at Northeastern University in Boston.
But he has been straddling between the game industry and
academia for many years, he was in fact Senior User
Researcher and Data Scientist at Massive Entertainment
and is now a consultant on Data Insights for Ubisoft and
Czar of Player Experience at In his current research
he’s triangulating machine learning and data-driven insights
with surveys and lab observations to advance the field of
predictive behavioral analytics, as well as exploring more
human/visceral strategies for data visualization. He has
published more than 100 articles on peer-reviewed venues
as well as two milestones books with Springer Verlag and
Oxford University Press.

Exploring similarities and differences in playing behavior in 6: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France (characterized by high rating and
26 European and Asian countries empathy, and motivated by feeling of agency)
In spring 2022, Ubisoft launched a survey in Europe and Asia for active 7: China, Hong Kong (characterized by the highest spending, community,
players of Rainbow 6 Siege. The survey is comprised of four sections, sensitivity to stressors and lowest cheating and anger)
Demographics (age, gender), Playing habits (number of hours spent 8: Japan, South Korea, Thailand (characterized by the oldest population
playing per week, money spent on video games per month), Appreciation and lowest playtime)
(general rating of the game, maturity of the game) and Psychographics The results are visualized in the figure. What we foundis remarkable for
(motivation, presence, insights, community attitudes, and stressors). a number of reasons:
Our dataset consisted of 14361 total respondents from 26 countries. We - The algorithm was able to identify quite precise social and geographic
wanted to explore similarities and differences between the 26 countri- areas without knowing anything about the countries, for example it
es and opted for a data-driven approach using machine learning. We fed differentiated between northern and southern Europe (clusters 1 and 6),
the responses to the four sections of the survey to a Hierarchical Cluster as well as differentiating between 2 blocks in Eastern Europe (cluster 2
Analysis algorithm without specifying the countries to see which and 3).
groupings (clusters) would be identified. We chose Hierarchical Cluster - The algorithm spotted similarities that transcend geographic borders:
Analysis (Ward’s method) as it allowed us to compare similarity of Australia is in fact grouped with Great Britain (they share a language,
responses. significant history, political systems, jurisprudence, education struc-
The resulting 8 clusters are: ture, etc.) and Turkey is grouped with Malaysia and Indonesia (they are
1: Great Britain, Australia, Nederland, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria the world’s top three halal-economy exporters among the 57 countries
(characterized by the highest playtime and tendency to cheat) of the Muslim block).
2: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary (characterized by the youngest - The impact of culture (here operationalized as the country of origin) is
population as well as the lowest levels of closeness) often underplayed when discussing player communities in favor of
3: Russia, Ukraine (characterized by the highest levels of anger demographics, individual differences, or even psychographics. As this
management and lowest levels of empathy) research shows, it actually plays a much bigger role than previously
4: Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey (characterized by high sensitivity to understood, to the point that it might be possible to infer and predict
stressors and physical presence) the country based on playing habits and attitudes.
5: India, Philippines (characterized by high empathy and interdependen-
ce and lowest spending)

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