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Acolyte - Heal (Wis) or Religion (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Adapt - Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Aristocrat - Knowledge (nobility) or Insight (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Artisan - Appraise (Int) or Craft (any) (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Charlatan - Bluff (Cha) or Sleight of Hand (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Clerk - Diplomacy (Cha) or Intuition (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Criminal - Bluff (Cha) or Stealth (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Entertainer - Acrobatics (Dex) or Perform (Cha) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Farmer - Knowledge (nature) or Handle Animal (Cha) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Folk Hero - Handling Animal (Cha) or Survival (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Gladiator - Acrobatics (Dex) or Perform (Cha) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Herbalist - Craft (alchemy) or Heal (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Hermit - Heal (Wis) or Knowledge (religion) (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Hunter - Knowledge (nature) (Int) or Survival (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Merchant - Appraise (Int) or Diplomacy (Cha) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Miner - Appraise (Int) or Perception (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Noble - Knowledge (history) or (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class
Outlander - Athletics (Str), Survival (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Rancher Handle Animal (Cha) or Ride (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Renegade - Bluff (Cha) or Stealth as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Sage - Knowledge (any one) (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Sailor - Athletics (Str) or Perception (Wis) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Scribe - Linguistics (Int) or Knowledge (history) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Soldier - Athletics (Str) or Intimidation (Cha) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Squire - Knowledge (history) (Int) or Knowledge (nobility) (Int) as class skills (focus if already a class
Spy - Bluff (Cha) or Stealth (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Urchin - Sleight of Hand (Dex) or Stealth (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).
Woodcutter - Athletics (Str) or Rope Use (Dex) as class skills (focus if already a class skill).

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