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Oo UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN1. UNITS WORKSHEET 1 Language focus 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to. © Ben__isn’t going to__see his friends tonight. (-) Mybrother_is going, +0 study at university next year (+) Mum and Dad or@ a Sing 4a book our holiday tomorrow. (+) We area $2 goto Clara's party next Saturday. (-) Brad and Julia ore _gaing_to get married next year. (+) Jack 120’ aang, fo finish his project now. (-) 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs in brackets. 0____will you help _(you / help) me with my homework at the weekend? sam_ <9me_ (not come) with us to the skate park. We_will Jaye (leave) at 10.00 am tomorrow. won't be. (not be) at football practice tomorrow. Uthink Lill ewe (have) a sandwich for lunch, Will Mens (Max / do) well in the competition next week? 3 Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (af) Will you be at school tomorrow? fe a. Yes, lam, 1 Are you going to play football, Ben? Ta b. Yes, she is 2 Are you and Paul going to organise a school party? e c.No, we aren't. 3 Will the weather be nice tomorrow? te d. Yes, they are. 4 Are your parents going to buy a new car? a e oft won' “2 jt 5 ls Maria going to do her Geography homework? a £.¥es, Twill. @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN1. UNITS. WORKSHEET 1 4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. OI think to see my cousin today. a. going b.todo Oo G@ileo 1 What time meet Mark? a. are you going b. you are going to are you going to 2A: Are you going to help me with my homework? 31'm sure you havea great time on holiday! a. going to will c.are going 4A: ls Nick going to visit ene ‘this year? es, : he will b. he does Beis 5 Chloe and Tom going to buy anything in town tomorrow. aren't b. don’t c. won't Vocabulary 5 Label the pictures. Is foggy. Its windy, It's rainy, I's snowy. Weiey-—Its sunny. ee $ieeS On'sicy 1 At 3 b's 6 Complete the words about animals. The first letter is there to help you. @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN1. UNITS WORKSHEET 1 ‘There is one space for each other letter in the word. © You can go skiing here in the winter. mountains 1 Thisisa place with lots of trees. f crest 2. Many wild animals live here. jungk _ 3 There aren’t many trees here because it's very dry. desert 4 This place is very near the sea. beach 5. You can walk up to the top of this to take some good photos, hill 7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. 0 It’softenicyin in Europe. © winter b summer © autumn 1 It’s not a good idea to go windsurfing when it’s a sunny b windy © stormy 2 There aren't many fish in the in our town. @river b hill © beach 3. Ona luxury city holiday, people usually stay in a wonderful a cabin b treehouse hotel 4 [want to go snowboarding inthe for my next holiday. 5 loften cycle to the top of the behind my house because there are great views. ators b lke Cnt 8 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. Last year, my family and 1° on holiday to Australia to see my cousins. It was a really 2 trip! we 2 three weeks there, and we saw so many different places. We 3 in a cabin in the trees. t was a very 4 place, so there were a lot of people there. We went to museums and restaurants, did some sport and saw lots of animals. But we had one problem —we forgot to summer clothes with us. It was boiling hot! ent visited chad ieusial — Domecne ctype Aaved bspent c passed 3amoved __bmade stayed 4apopular (benormous great @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN1. UNITS ‘WORKSHEET 1 same ae (Gt Reading 9 Read about a place to go on holiday. Ha ah Hil My name's Anna, and | want to tell you about my family holidays. Every summer, and sometimes in the winter, | go with my parents and two brothers to a holiday resort in the south of our country, near the sea and not very far from the mountains. The resort is very popular because it has beautiful landscapes, and there’s usually a lot to do And on the days when it's a bit rainy, we're happy to just sit and read or listen to music. Its the perfect place to go on holiday, There are many interesting places to visit in the town there. For anyone in your family that likes history, there are a lol of museums and ancient houses. When the weather is good, you can walk along the streets and enjoy the outdoor cafés. And you can buy anything you want at the new shopping centre — it's enormous! We usually stay in a hotel, but there are good hostels there, too, or cabins in the forest outside the town. In the winter, there are many places where you can go skiing, and in the summer there are excellent places to go cycling. I'm sure that anyone who goes there will have a brilliant holidavl Are the sentences True (7) or False (F)? 0 There are four people in Anna’s family. E 1 Alot of people like going to the same resort as Anna. 2. Anna doesn’t like days when there’s bad weather there. 3. Anna says the new shopping centre is quite small 4 There are places for visitors to stay in the forest, KH hR 5 Anna says there are things for visitors to do all year. oO UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN2. UNIT1 WORKSHEET 1 Language focus 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the present continuous. do. have--netplay nottisten shop watch 0 Areyouwotching (you) TV or can | switch it off? Mark_is shopping for his mum's birthday present. Ace Yau doing you) your homework right now? Can | watch TV? My classmates aren't la: ng football right now because the weather is very bad. Mum and Dad__acé ha vieg a day out in the city today. laura_ish't _ Jisheni,to you! Can you ask her the question again? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous. Masnotdoing _{not do) homework this evening because | don't have any. De jo, chedlyou / check) your emails before you go to school? Paul and Matthew are _playins, (play) tennis so they're not at home right now. elon ant {not eat) meat because I'm a vegetarian Emma_js .varehing (watch) her favourite TV show so don’t disturb her! Jack's always busy, so he_ doesn't see (not see) his friends every day. 0 1 2 3 a 5 0 Would / Do you like to go to the cinema tonight? 1A: What shall we do this afternoon — go shopping or stay at home? B: | prefer /'d prefer to stay at home — there's a good film on tv! don’t like / don’t want to go to the park again today - it’s boring! ’d love to go to the cinema, but | haven't got time enough / enough time. I wouldn't like / don’t like to be a teacher when | leave school. it’s hard work! Would you prefer / Do you prefer to have pizza or a burger for lunch today? 4 Complete the text with the words in the box. There is one more word than you need, dike prefer wouldn't ike- would’ enough went ‘wil My name's Karina, and my friend Jackie and | really @ shopping in the mall in our @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN2, UNIT1 WORKSHEET 1 town! | think Jackie + woul4 _like to go every weekend, but we don't have 2 ena money to do that. We need to go next Saturday because | need a new dress for a party. can get one online, | guess, but I'd 3 foto look in the shops in the mall, I've got some money from my birthday, but | don’t 4 wan¢+ _ to get anything expensive, and there’s a great shop in the mall that's very cheap! | wouldn't §_jLe. when to shop there all the time, but Ihaven’t got much money, it’s OK! @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN2. UNIT1 WORKSHEET 1 Vocabulary 5 Label the pictures. The first letter is there to help you. 5 0 sports shop 1 music shop 2 ne@wSoaen? 3 clathes shop 4 shoe shop _ 6 Complete the words to make the names of shops. The first letter is there to help you. There is one space for each other letter in the word. © Youcan buy food and household products ata supe rma You can buy something to wear at a cl othe < shop, You can buy dictionaries at a bg oleshop. You can buy laptops and printers at an e | You can buy medicines at the che. + You can buy swimsults and footballs at a sP. 0. 4. shop. &S shop, 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one more word than you need. sell borrow save buy spend ear- shop 0 Do teacher __-a lot of money in your country? 1 cant_hoccow your jacket? | haven't got mine and I'm really cold! 2 John tries to__soye _ €20 of his pocket money every month. He puts the money in the bank @ UGUR MIDDLE SCHOOL EYES OPEN2. UNIT1 WORKSHEET 1 3 Alice doesn’t__b.s, magazines because she never reads them. 4 Iwantto__

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