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Philippine Christian University

Sampaloc 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite 4114

S.Y. 2022-2023


QUARTER 1 - WEEK 1 (SEPTEMBER 12-16, 2022)



Man is said to be the highest form of God’s creation. He is remarkably different from other creations as he
possesses an exceptional intellect and communication ability. He is capable of communicating what he wants,
feels, perceives and desires through some intellectual processes. In this modern world, he needs to
communicate so he can fulfill certain functions like informing, motivating, persuading, instructing, controlling,
coordinating and the like, in order to survive in this very challenging and demanding place he lives in. To attain
good relationships with the people around him; to be successful in whatever endeavors he will engage in; to
convey his thoughts and feelings; and to realize what God wants him to be, he has to communicate effectively.
But for him to do this, he has to make himself knowledgeable about the various definitions of communication
as well as its nature. The word communication absolutely varies in meaning depending on the perceptions of
the individual. This lesson will discuss the different definitions of communication based on several sources.


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Explain nature, process and functions of communication.

2. Define the concept of communication and its function.
3. Construct one paragraph explaining the function of communication reflected on the video given; and
4. Value the importance of communication in everyday life.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
You may copy and paste the link then enter to the search engine to play video/s:

Test Yourself

DIRECTIONS: Tick the column that determines how often you practice the statements say. Do this as objectively
as possible. Bear in mind that there is no wrong answer.
Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
1. I communicate to convey my messages and express my
2. I describe communication as process.
3. I understand that communication can be expressed in
words and/or in actions.
4. I can distinguish the features of the communication.
5. I effectively convey a message both in words and actions.
6. I can effectively express my ideas using words.
7. I can express myself confidently using words and/or
8. I can explain the cause of communication breakdown.
9. I use strategies to avoid communication breakdown.
10. I know the meaning of communication.

Scoring Score Level of Proficiency

Usually – 3 points 28 – 30 Advanced
Sometimes – 2 points 25 – 27 Proficient
Seldom – 1 point 23 – 24 Approaching Proficiency
Never - 0 21 – 22 Developing
20 and below Beginning

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Study these terms

Communicare – Latin word which means “to impart”

Knowledge – Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or
education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Language – The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of

the use of words in a structured and conventional way.

Interest – The feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly

engaged by something.

Experience – Practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or

participation in events or in a particular activity.

Culture – The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation,
people, or other social group.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.


The word communication is from the Latin word “communicare” which means “to impart”. Communication is
defined as an act or process of imparting and sharing information between people in order to express desires,
needs, aspirations, dreams, goals, ideas, thoughts, and all various kinds of information. Humans are creative
beings, and they know how to communicate in various and creative ways like using verbal, non-verbal,
linguistic, or non-linguistic cues.

Below is a list of definitions and concepts of communication from varied sources:

Schramm states communication is “a tool that makes societies possible and distinguishes humans from
other societies.”
Berelson and Steiner define communication as “the transmission of information, ideas, and emotions,
skills through the use of symbols, words, pictures, figures and graphs.
Rogers states that “communication is the process of transmitting ideas, information, and attitudes from
the source to a receiver for the purpose of influencing with intent.”
Kar visions communication as “all those planned or unplanned processes through which one person
influences the behavior of others.”

The following definitions when put together comprehensively suggest that communication can be defined as:
“a process of transmitting ideas, information, attitudes by the use of symbols, words, pictures, figures from the
source (who is the originator of the message) to a receiver, for the purpose of influencing with intent.”
Therefore, communication is considered as a process through which senders and receivers of messages interact
in a given social context.


1. Communication is a process.
Communication as a process means it is a step-by-step activity and it is essentially a two-way
process that involves the active participation of both the sender and receiver. It is the act or process
of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your
ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.

Communication is a dynamic process which is

influenced by the communicator’s mood and
thinking. It is a complex process too. By
complex process, it means, one message may
be interpreted in many ways by different
people. In the sample image, a teacher
explains a lesson in a class of 20 students.
There may also be 20 different understanding
of the lesson. That is why there is a need to
seek for clarification called feedback.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
2. Communication is much more of an ART than a science. There is no right or wrong way to
communicate – no set of absolute rules to be followed but there are underlying principles to guide
us into effective communication.
3. Communication has a sender and receiver. Communication occurs between two or more people
acting as the speaker or the receiver of the message. In other words, it is a two-way process of
reaching mutual understanding, in which participants do not only exchange (encode-decode)
information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general,
communication is a means of connecting people or places.
4. Communication is verbal or non-verbal. Communication can be expressed through written or
spoken words (verbal) or actions (non-verbal) of both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the
same time. Communication is not all about sending or receiving facts in words. It does involve ideas
and emotions that are expressed through signs, symbols and gestures.

Non-Verbal 65%
Verbal 35% Facial gestures
Voice inflections
Movement of body
Body Posture
Eye Contact

5. Communication is inevitable. Inevitability means communication is taking place even when

someone does not want or intend to communicate. This “does not want to communicate” feeling
of someone actually does communicate something. What does this mean? It simply means that
you cannot avoid communicating. Why?

The truth is, we are communicating constantly because

even when you do not want to communicate, you are
communicating! Isn’t that ironic? Yes, you are sending a
message by the way you smile, or frown, sit or move or by
the way you walk or dress up yourself and by your actions.
And even when you are sleeping in class, you are
communicating that you are either bored or sick or
whatever your reasons be! This notion tells us that
communication is everywhere. Thus, it is impossible to
not communicate. The dark clouds, the deep blue sea, the
howling dogs, your empty room or even the silence of the
night, these are all communicating and telling us
something. Try discovering that yourself.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
6. Communication is irreversible. This means that what you have said can never be unsaid.
Irreversibility happens the very minute you click the “OK” button for a comment or post on your
social media and that it would be too late to take it back when a lot of people have already reacted,
and commented to it.

The same thing when you perhaps throw a hurting or

offensive word to your enemy because of your anger. You can
later be sorry for what you have said but once the damage
has already been done, it can never be undone. You may ask
for forgiveness, or say you did not mean what you said but it
takes time for another person to heal and forget. That person
may forgive you for what you have said but the effect of what
you have said is lasting. This characteristic of communication
implies that as senders of message, we must be careful and
choose the appropriate words to say.

7. Communication is unrepeatable. Unrepeatability means that an act of communication can never

be duplicated. We may say the same thing over and over again but the effect of what you said the
second or third or fourth time will not be the same as the first time you said it. Even if we intend
to say the same thing again which is possible but the idea here is, the outer world has changed by
the second utterance. The listeners may be different, our mood may be different, or our
relationship might be in a different place. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
One of the best examples is at home when you hear your mother or sister rants about your laziness.
The first time you heard it, your reaction would have been bad. You probably cried or stayed in
your bedroom for the whole day. But when you heard it the second time or the third, there is that
different effect. You probably wouldn’t react to it at all, or perhaps just laugh it out! The sure thing
is, you cannot duplicate an act of communication.


1. Knowledge
2. Language
3. Interest
4. Experience
5. Culture
DIAGRAM 1: The Natural Flow of the Communication Process

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics or
process. These elements are the following:

1. Speaker/Sender – the source of information or message.

2. Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions.
3. Encoding – the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the
speaker understands.
4. Channel – the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal,
in which the encoded message is conveyed.
5. Decoding – the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
6. Receiver – the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message.
7. Feedback – the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
8. Context – the environment where communication takes place.
9. Barrier/Noise – the factors that affect the flow of communication.

DIAGRAM 2: The Daphne and Rico friendship and love story

Process of Communication Example

The speaker generates an idea. Daphne loves Rico, her suitor, as a friend.
↓ ↓
The speaker encodes an idea or converts the She thinks of how to tell him using their native language.
idea into words or actions. ↓

The speaker transmits or sends out a message. She tells him, “Rico, I love you as a friend.”
↓ ↓
The receiver gets the message. Rico hears what Daphne says.
↓ ↓
The receiver decodes or interprets the message He tries to analyze what she means based on the
based on the context. content and their relationship, and he is heartbroken.
↓ ↓
The receiver sends or provides feedback. He frowns and does not say something, because he is in

Basically, there are five functions of communication. These are control, social interaction,
motivation, emotional expression, and information dissemination.

• Regulation/Control – Communication functions to

regulate/control behavior.

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
• Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to
interact with others.

• Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages

people to live better.

• Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people’s

expression of their feelings and emotions.

• Information – Communication functions to convey


Activity # 1 (Written Work 1)

Name: _______________________________ Strand and Section: _______________

Date/ Week No. _______________________ Score: ________/30_______________

DIRECTIONS: Construct one paragraph explaining the function of communication reflected on the video given.
Explain your answer and use the template below to organize your answer. The paragraph must consist of five
sentences only.

Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGmHTbtPEac
Title of the Video
Communication Function

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Paragraph Rubric
Excellent Good Needs Improvement
Criteria Score
10-9 8-6 5-3
Paragraph follows the correct Paragraph is easy Paragraph is unorganized,
arrangement of ideas. It is easy to to understand and difficult to follow and
Organization understand, navigate and clear to neat. It is fairly easy navigate. It is not easy to
read. All ideas are relevant to the to navigate and understand.
discussed topic. clear to read.
The ideas presented are The ideas are The ideas are
comprehensively discussed. There is a minimally unsatisfactorily discussed,
deep understanding of the idea. The discussed, understood and reflective.
thoughts are reflective and understood and
convincing. Statements are supported reflective.
by sources.
Demonstrate command of the Only a few spelling Many spelling mistakes,
conversations of English mistakes. Good use vocabulary is below
Mechanics capitalization, spelling, correct of vocabulary, expected grade level.
punctuation and use of language. punctuation and Punctuation has hardly
language. been used or incorrect.

Antonino, M.T, M. (2016). ORAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT for Senior High School. Malabon City: MUTYA

Bernardo, R.B. (2016). Oral Communication. Manila: JFS Publishing Services.

Sipacio, P.J. F., Balgos, A.R. G. (2016). ORAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT for Senior High School: C AND E

Bandiala, D. M., Pamisa, D. A., Fontilar, M.A. L., Bandiala, X.A M., Antiporta, C. B., Niñeza, I. O. (2020). ORAL
COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT Senior High School, Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode

Management Adda, (2018, April 30). What is Communication, Meaning, Definition by Authors, Elements and
Types of Communication. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DHeRk4cwtY

Abduddayyaanfirfirey, (2017, August 04) Oral Communication: Is it still valid today? Retrieved from

Ravi Magazine, (2017, May 01) Oral Communication the Art of Asking Questions. Retrieved from

N. Sharon Hill and Kathryn M. Bartol, (2018, June 13) Five Ways to Improve Communication in Virtual Teams.
Retrieved from https://www.sloanreview.mit.edu

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.
Carol Mentis, (2015, December 8) Don’t Let a Lack of Digital Knowledge Hold Back Your Business. Retrieved
from https://www.claromentis.com

Yaroslav Berezanskyi, (2017 August 6) How to Change the Language on Android at Runtime and Don’t Go Mad.
Retrieved from https://www.proandroiddev.com

Key Differences. (2018, February 19) Verbal vs Non-verbal Communication: Differences between them with
examples & comparison chart. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akfatVK5h3Y

Fred Schuneman, (2020, April 28) 7 Key –Steps to Motivate and Inspire Your Team. Retrieved from

Personal Branding Blog, (2016, January 23) 6 Ways Hobbies Can Advance Your Career. Retrieved
from https://www.business2community.com/human-resources/6-ways-hobbies-can-advance-

Abdul Seez, (2018, March 02) The need to Evaluate your Experience. Retrieved from
https://medium.com/@abdulazeezidris28/the-need-to-evaluate your-experience-4ad042daddf

https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-say-sorry-for-something-you-feel-like-you-have-no-reason-to- say-sorry-for

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Jenny M. Lizano Jenny M. Lizano Mario S. Mecate, Ph.D.

Medelyn S. Seluzon Subject Lead Teacher- English 11 AVP for Basic Education/Principal
Emelyn S. Amor
Mica E. Andamo
Subject Teachers

Disclaimer: This module is adapted and modified from the source materials listed in the references list. This is an
exclusive property of Philippine Christian University-Dasmariñas SHS and is provided only to enrolled students for
their academic use. This module is provided for free by the school through softcopy and/or printed media.
Reproduction of this module without official permission is prohibited.

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