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Neural Mechanisms of Autonomic,

Affective, and Cognitive Integration
Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, University College
London (UCL) Autonomic Unit, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,
University College London Hospitals, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL, Queen
Square, London WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom

Influential theoretical models propose a central role for afferent information from the
body in the expression of emotional feeling states. Feedback representations of changing
states of bodily arousal influence learning and facilitate concurrent and prospective decision-
making. Functional neuroimaging studies have increased understanding of brain mecha-
nisms that generate changes in autonomic arousal during behavior and those which respond
to internal feedback signals to influence subjective feeling states. In particular, anterior
cingulate cortex is implicated in generating autonomic changes, while insula and orbitofron-
tal cortices may be specialized in mapping visceral responses. Independently, ventromedial
prefrontal cortex is recognized to support processes of internal (self-) reference that predom-
inate in states of rest and disengagement and which putatively serve as a benchmark for
dynamic interactions with the environment. Lesion data further highlight the integrated role
of these cortical regions in autonomic and motivational control. In computational models of
control, forward (efference copies) and inverse models are proposed to enable prediction and
correction of action and, by extension, the interpretation of the behavior of others. It is
hypothesized that the neural substrate for these processes during motivational and affective
behavior lies within the interactions of anterior cingulate, insula, and orbitofrontal cortices.
Generation of visceral autonomic correlates of control reinforce experiential engagement in
simulatory models and underpin concepts such as somatic markers to bridge the dualistic
divide. J. Comp. Neurol. 493:154 –166, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: autonomic; arousal; cognition; emotion; neuroimaging

States of bodily excitement distinguish “passion” from such as language, conscious reasoning, and subjective
“cold reason.” Shivering with fear, flushing with anger or feeling. Human physiologists have also applied functional
embarrassment, and quickening of heart during anxiety neuroimaging to whole-brain, systems-level examination
or love represent the peripheral bodily expression of sub- of processes such as motor control, and the encoding and
jective emotional experience. Nevertheless, some pretty representation of visual, auditory, and somatosensory (in-
dry cognitive processes can also evoke changes in periph- cluding pain) sensations. Such neuroimaging studies com-
eral arousal that reveal changes in attention, expectation, plement animal investigations by allowing mechanistic
and effort to the psychophysiologist. Functional neuroim- processes to be explored in relation to motivational chal-
aging, initially with positron emission tomography (PET), lenges, with an additional parallel subjective account.
has revolutionized human cognitive neuroscience. More
recently, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
enables neural activity to be measured (albeit indirectly) Grant sponsor: Wellcome Trust.
across whole brain simultaneously; at the temporal reso- *Correspondence to: Hugo D. Critchley, Wellcome Department of Imag-
lution of many thought processes; and with a spatial res- ing Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, UCL Autonomic Unit, National
Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCLH, Institute of Cognitive
olution approximating the size of functional neuronal Neuroscience, UCL, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK. E-mail:
modules (suggested by electrophysiology and cytoarchitec-
tonics) (Frackowiak et al., 2003). Importantly, these tech- Received 29 March 2005; Revised 17 June 2005; Accepted 20 June 2005
niques enable psychologists to probe workings of the hu- DOI 10.1002/cne.20749
man mind in search of correlates of human phenomena Published online in Wiley InterScience (



This article presents an overview of autonomic mecha- Homoeostatic autonomic control is supported by a func-
nisms and an interpretation of neuroimaging studies that tional organization of sympathetic and parasympathetic
link generation and feedback of autonomic nervous re- nuclei within hypothalamus, pons, and medulla. Sympa-
sponses to central processing, particularly in relation to thetic nuclei hypothalamus interact with homeostatic
emotion. (e.g., thermoregulatory centers) and in dorsal pons regions
lie in close proximity to ascending neuromodulator path-
ways (dopamine, 5HT, acetylcholine, and noradrenaline)
EFFERENT AND AFFERENT implicated in cortical arousal and motivational signaling.
MECHANISMS Interactions between medullary, pontine, and hypotha-
lamic centers may support the generation of autonomic
A hierarchy of homeostatic mechanisms is responsible response patterns evoked differentially across physiologi-
for regulating functions within and across bodily systems. cal or behavioral challenges (Saper, 2002). Noradrenergic
At the organ level, coordinated control is mediated pri- projections to thalamus and cortex of locus coeruleus nor-
marily by neural and humoral pathways. At the top of the adrenergic cell group of (A6 and A4) are further implicated
hierarchy is the adaptive control of behavior within the in mediating central arousal and alertness, enhancing
environment. Internal bodily changes serve to motivate attention, and the sensory processing of environmental
behavior, signaling physical needs such as hunger. Prepa- challenges including novel stimuli (Aston-Jones et al.,
ratory bodily responses, for example, states of readiness 1991). The locus coeruleus and caudal noradrenergic cell
evoked by threat, are shaped by experience and when groups in the lateral tegmentum influence efferent sym-
evoked serve to guide future behaviors. pathetic drive via brainstem and descending spinal pro-
The autonomic nervous system represents the principal jections (Svensson, 1987). Similarly, within the brainstem
regulatory route of internal bodily functions. Sympathetic efferent parasympathetic centers (nucleus ambiguus and
and parasympathetic autonomic axes provide neural in- dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, Edinger-Westphal nu-
put into every major bodily system (Brading, 1999). Their cleus and salivatory nucleus) interconnect with nucleus of
interaction enables continuous control of “vegetative” pro- the solitary tract in which afferent visceral information
cesses and the dynamic modification of bodily state in relayed is represented (e.g., Davidson and Koss, 1975;
response to environmental challenges. Sympathetic activ- Willette et al., 1984; Blessing, 1997; Bennarroch, 1997;
ity facilitates motor action, increasing cardiac output, by Collins, 1999; Spyer, 1999). Animal and human experi-
dilating vessels of the musculature and reducing blood ments have demonstrated descending influences from pre-
supply to the gut. In contrast, parasympathetic activity frontal and limbic cortices (cingulate, medial temporal,
promotes recuperative functions effecting heart rate re- and insula) and amygdala on autonomic control mediated
duction, lowering of blood pressure, and slowing of gut by hypothalamic and brainstem centers (Pool and Ranso-
motility. Bodily states of arousal associated with survival hoff, 1949; Kaada, 1951; Gelsema et al., 1989; Neafsey,
(e.g., fight and flight responses) are typically character- 1990; Fish et al., 1993; Oppenheimer et al., 1992; Mangina
ized by increased sympathetic activity and, usually, de- and Buezeron-Mangina, 1996; Asahina et al., 2003).
creased parasympathetic activity (Cannon, 1929; see also Afferent information from the body is essential for co-
Porges, 1995; Morrison, 2001). A subset of autonomic ordinated regulation of functions. Brainstem autonomic
arousal responses have developed into potent social cues centers require feedback from the periphery to maintain
that can betray an individual’s motivational state (Dar- homeostasis and monitor the general integrity of the body.
win, 1898; Ekman et al., 1983). This afferent interoceptive information also provides cor-
Peripheral sympathetic drive originates in brainstem poreal drive for motivational behaviors. It conveys basic
nuclei whose neurons project ipsilaterally down interme- states such as hunger and thirst and sensations of comfort
diolateral columns of thoracolumbar spinal cord to syn- and discomfort. Moreover, where autonomic arousal oc-
apse at preganglionic sympathetic neurons in spinal seg- curs in anticipation of behavioral responses, feedback of
ments T1–L2. (These neurons relay cholinergically at bodily changes reinforces stimulus processing to influence
ganglia located in bilateral paravertebral chains with (un- behavioral judgments, implicitly or explicitly (Damasio et
myelinated) postganglionic nerves terminating at the ef- al., 1991; Damasio, 1994; Bechara et al., 1997). Central
fector organ.) Sympathetic terminal synapses are typi- representation of these internal motivational signals is
cally noradrenergic and may respond to circulating (tonic) hypothesized as the origin of emotional feeling states
levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. However, sympa- (Lange, 1885; James, 1894; Damasio, 1994, 1999).
thetic endings at eccrine sweat glands and arterioles Interoceptive information from bodily organs is con-
within the skeletomusculature are largely cholinergic. veyed centrally by humoral, spinal, and vagal pathways.
Parasympathetic efferents originate in brainstem in the Central chemoreceptors, including those in the hypothal-
motor nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X (vagus) amus, directly monitor the internal milieu. Studies of
and also from sacral spinal segments. Preganglionic fibers afferent neural pathways have highlighted the role of thin
travel to ganglia at the effector organ, where short post- fibers conveying information from many sensory receptor
ganglionic fibers innervate target tissues. Acetylcholine is subtypes to the spinal cord and along the vagus. It is
the neurotransmitter at both parasympathetic ganglionic argued on the basis of neuroanatomical studies (Craig,
and effector synapses. Most peripheral bodily organs re- 2003, 2003) that the Lamina 1 spinothalamocortical path-
ceive their parasympathetic innervation via the vagus way is especially dedicated to conveying interoceptive in-
nerve. Parasympathetic fibers within oculomotor (III), fa- formation, converging within the diencephalon with affer-
cial (VII), and glossopharyngeal (IX) cranial nerves medi- ent information carried by cranial nerves, including the
ate pupil and salivary gland responses, and sacral para- vagus nerve. This stream of interoceptive information
sympathetic fibers innervate distal gastrointestinal and then projects to viscerosensory cortex in mid-insula
urogenital systems (Langley, 1898; Brading, 1999). (Cechetto and Saper, 1987) and onto right anterior insula

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of neuroanatomical pathways in late cortex. This specialized route is highlighted using a thicker line.
interoception and afferent visceral control. From Craig (2003). Affer- NTS, nucleus of solitary tract; A1, catecholaminergic cell group of
ent thin fibers traveling in Lamina 1 of the spinal cord and the vagus ventrolateral medulla; PB, parabrachial nucleus. Thalamic nuclei:
nerve convey interoceptive and motivationally salient information to MD, mediodorsal; VMb, basal ventromedial; VMpo, parvocellular ven-
the brain. In primates, a pontine relay is bypassed via an evolution- troposterormedial; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; PAG, periaqueduc-
arily specialized thalamocortical pathway to interoceptive cortices tal gray; RVLM, ventrolateral medulla; VMM, ventromedial medulla;
that terminates in right anterior insula (which projects further into ANS, peripheral autonomic nervous system.
orbitofrontal cortex). There is an accessory branch to anterior cingu-

and orbitofrontal cortices. This neuroanatomical arrange- the bodily response processing of stimuli would be devoid
ment has been proposed to be evolutionarily specialized in of emotional color. Thus, sadness arises from crying, fear
primates, bypassing an obligatory pontine (parabrachial) from running away. Lange emphasized internal arousal
relay to enable cortical representation of motivationally responses, particularly those mediated autonomically as
important visceral and somatosensory information (Fig. the basis of emotional feeling (Lange, 1885; James, 1894).
1). This representation maps visceral sensations of auto- The James-Lange theory of emotion generates a number
nomic responses and is further enriched by other salient of predictions: First, emotive stimuli generate bodily re-
sensations including metaboreception, pain, itch, temper- sponses automatically, even without awareness. Second,
ature, and sensual touch (Craig, 2003). Differences thus different emotions are associated with different bodily
exist between primate and nonprimate species in finer responses. Third, sensitivity to internal bodily changes is
organization of afferent streams for visceral and motiva- important in determining the intensity of, and individual
tionally salient information such as pain. However, both differences in, emotional experience. It is the second point
cranial nerves and spinal cord (via collaterals) synapse in that has generated perhaps the most controversy, since it
parabrachial nucleus in the dorsal pons and are relayed was central to Walter Cannon’s (1927) argument against a
topographically via ventroposterior medial parvicellular peripheral theory of emotion: Bodily arousal responses
(VPpc) thalamic nucleus to insula cortex, the putative site (particularly sympathetic) are too stereotyped and undif-
of viscerosensory awareness (Saper, 2002). ferentiated to account for the wealth of different emotional
experiences; emotions arise from appraisal of emotional
stimuli, not from bodily feedback. Psychologists have ad-
THEORIES OF EMOTION hered to the “Cannon-ical” heuristic that autonomic
Changes in internal bodily arousal are considered ob- arousal is a unitary phenomenon of sympathetic activa-
jective indicators of emotional processing. Darwin (1898) tion (and parasympathetic withdrawal). Evidence mounts
drew attention to evolutionary homology of bodily reac- for the presence of discrete autonomic response patterns
tions to specific emotional challenges across species, de- even within the sympathetic and parasympathetic axes
tailing somatic and visceral components of affective ex- (Porges, 1995; Morrison, 2001) where sympathetic re-
pressions. At the same time, peripheral theories of sponses accompanying defensive behavior, thermal, met-
emotion developed that emphasized an obligatory associ- abolic, and sensory challenges can be distinguished and
ation of emotions with bodily responses. The James-Lange differentially elicited (Saper, 2002). Emotion-specific
theory, in particular, argued that changes in bodily re- bodily reactions, such as facial reddening with rage, have
sponses are necessary for emotional experience; without long been noted and periodically detailed (Darwin, 1898;

Ekman et al., 1983). Yet there is still controversy regard- Generation of autonomic arousal during
ing the usefulness to psychophysiology of emotion-specific volitional behaviors
bodily arousal states. Human psychologists tend to em-
brace a two-stage empirical view of Schachter and Singer One way of mapping autonomic control centers using
(1962) that changes in peripheral arousal can engender functional imaging is to test where changes in signal cor-
“emotionality” and determines its intensity, but the actual relate with fluctuations in an autonomic measure. One
quality of the emotion (e.g., anger or elation) is ultimately such imaging study examined brain correlates of changes
determined by cognitive context. Moreover, the general in sympathetic skin response (electrodermal arousal)
validity of the James-Lange theory needs to be qualified in evoked during performance of a gambling task (Critchley
the face of subjective phenomenological accounts from pa- et al., 2000a). The use of a gambling task was predicated
tients with, for example, pathological laughter and (Par- on the work of Damasio and colleagues on “somatic mark-
vizi et al., 2001) who provide instances where emotional ers.” The task elicited dynamic changes in skin conduc-
feelings uncouple from peripheral physiological expres- tance as a consequence of decision-making, winning and
sion. Similarly, the debate continues whether people with losing (Damasio et al., 1991; Bechara et al., 1996, 1997).
acquired or constitutional insensitivity to bodily response Unknown to the subject in the scanner, the pattern of wins
(e.g., patients with high spinal cord transection) show and losses was predetermined, allowing for these motiva-
emotional blunting (Cobos et al., 2002). In parallel, a tional aspects of the task, and much of the associated
motor/mimicry argument (e.g., Dimberg et al., 2000) sug- cognitive processing, to be accounted for in the analyses
gests that the automatic induction by emotive stimuli of (and partialed out). The electrodermal measure of sympa-
somatomotor responses, such as emotional facial expres- thetic arousal correlated with activity enhancement in
sions, generates feedback information (from facial mus- cortical regions, including bilateral ventromedial prefron-
cles) to enhance subjective emotion feelings and even to tal cortices and right anterior insula (Fig. 2). Time-related
permit interpretation of how other people feel emotionally. analyses of discrete sympathetic skin responses impli-
Peripheral models of emotion, incorporating both auto- cated these brain regions in both generation and feedback
nomic and somatomotor components, have gained renewed representation of transient autonomic arousal.
exposure through the empirical findings and theoretical Other groups report similar findings, associating changes
propositions of Antonio Damasio and co-workers in Iowa. in electrodermal arousal with activity enhancement in ven-
This research group examined why people with ventral or tral and medial prefrontal cortices and adjacent subgenual
orbital prefrontal damage (like Phineas Gage [Harlow, anterior cingulate cortex (e.g., Williams et al., 2000; Patter-
1891]) may exhibit profound impairments of social and emo- son et al., 2002), consistent with the observed effects of
tional behavior, while overtly retaining an ability to reason lesions (Tranel, 2000) and with neuroanatomical predictions
rationally. It was observed that these patients made unwise (Price, 2005). In addition, electrodermal-related enhance-
decisions (in a gambling task) and failed to curb risk-taking ment of activity within dorsal anterior cingulate cortex were
behavior despite repeated experience of negative outcomes. reported in an early PET study (Fredrikson et al., 1998) in a
Parallel observations in frontal lobe patients suggested a region proposed by others (Paus et al., 1998) to represent a
deficit in curbing ongoing behavior and activate intentional nonspecific response to task demand. In our gambling task
markers (Shallice and Burgess, 1991). A concurrent finding study (Critchley et al., 2000), stimulus-driven activity was
of the Iowa group was that orbitofrontal lesion patients had masked from the analysis to deconfound pure “autonomic-
blunted autonomic arousal responses when taking risks. The related” activity from direct task-induced effects. As a con-
somatic marker hypothesis was formulated, which empha- sequence, we did not report an association between dorsal
sized bodily feedback as a guiding influence on motivational supragenual anterior cingulate activity and electrodermal
decision-making (colloquially expressed as “gut-feelings”) arousal.
and underpinning emotional and social behavior (Damasio It should be noted that dorsal anterior cingulate cortex,
et al., 1991; Bechara et al., 1996, 1997; Damasio, 1994). above the corpus callosum, has gained a special signifi-
Damasio (1999) extended these concepts to propose a theory cance among cognitive neuropsychologists, particularly
of consciousness in which dynamic representations of self neuroimagers. Almost every task that contrasts an atten-
arise hierarchically from a core representation of bodily state tional or cognitively demanding condition with a less de-
to be ordered within environmental and prospective con- manding “control” condition elicits activity enhancement
texts. within dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and, equally nota-
bly, deactivation of subgenual anterior cingulate regions
(Paus et al., 1998; Raichle et al., 2001; Gusnard and
NEUROIMAGING INVESTIGATIONS Raichle, 2001). As a consequence, dorsal “cognitive” ante-
Theoretical associations between autonomic response rior cingulate has been variously proposed to be a center of
and social/emotional behavior has driven a program of (external) attentional processes, the seat of consciousness,
collaborative research between the Wellcome Department or a critical center of executive control (e.g., Posner and
of Imaging Neuroscience and the Autonomic Unit, Insti- Peterson 1990; Frith, 2001; Cohen and Huston, 1994).
tute of Neurology, UCL, London, UK. This work combined More pragmatically, and perhaps more consistent with
functional neuroimaging and psychophysiological subject lesion data, Paus et al. (1998) highlighted an association
monitoring with studies on neurological patients to pro- between dorsal anterior cingulate activity (in 107 PET
vide functional neuroanatomical insights into interactions studies) and task difficulty. A feature of cognitive effort is
between cognition, emotion, and autonomic responses. that it evokes autonomic arousal: Mental stress is a potent
Much of the focus has been to disentangle and dissect the challenge for enhancing peripheral sympathetic activity
components of Jamesian emotion, i.e., the central gener- and as a “pressor task” is used in diagnostic evaluation of
ation and feedback representation of autonomic bodily autonomic integrity (along with cold pressor challenge,
responses. isometric exercise, hyperventilation) (Mathias, 2000).

Fig. 2. Activity covarying with skin conductance during a gam- continuously recorded in each subject during the study. The continu-
bling task. From Critchley et al. (2000a). A: On repeated trials sub- ous trace (black line was used as a covariate of interest to determine
jects were selected between pairs of playing cards, resulting in imme- regional brain correlates of electrodermal activity). Subsequent anal-
diate feedback of consequent financial gain or loss and the change in yses also examined activity relating to the timing and amplitude of
cumulative winnings. The visual display on typical trial before re- individual peaks in skin conductance. D: Activity correlating signifi-
sponse selection is illustrated. B: Unaware to the subjects, wins and cantly across the group of subjects with changes in peripheral elec-
losses were predetermined by a random binomial walk function (il- trodermal activity was observed in right anterior insula, extending
lustrated which enabled activity relating to positive and negative into orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral ventromedial prefrontal cortices,
feedback and cumulative gains to be partialed out of the analyses). and “attentional” areas of right parietal and extrastriate visual
C: Electrodermal activity (EDA, sympathetic skin conductance) was cortices.

One way of deconfounding brain activity associated with evoked changes in mean arterial blood pressure, a mea-
autonomic arousal from activity merely associated with sure of sympathetic cardiovascular arousal. These find-
task performance is to test for activity shared across dif- ings were replicated in a PET study of healthy older (mean
ferent autonomic pressor tasks. This experiment was con- age 65 years) control subjects (Critchley et al., 2001a), and
ducted using isometric exercise and mental arithmetic in also extended in an fMRI study: Subjects performed rep-
a PET study of men (mean age 35 years). Task selection etitions of two different sequences of an isometric hand-
was motivated by the prediction that activity cognitive/ grip exercise and a cognitive task (n-back) at two levels of
speech regions can be dissociated neuroanatomically from difficulty. ECG was recorded simultaneously with the
motor regions and the remaining shared activity would be fMRI data acquisition. An electrocardiographic (ECG)-
observed in regions representing effort and autonomic derived measure of sympathetic influence on heart rate
control (Critchley et al., 2000b). Activity in dorsal anterior (power in the 0.04 – 0.15 Hz “low-frequency” range) corre-
cingulate cortex and brainstem (dorsal pons) showed lated significantly with dorsal anterior cingulate activity
effort-related activity independently of task modality. (Critchley et al., 2003).
Moreover, the magnitude of evoked responses was used as These studies argue for a direct involvement of dorsal
a regressor of interest to increase sensitivity in identifying anterior cingulate cortex in the control of autonomic
autonomic control centers. Most strikingly, right dorsal arousal during volitional behaviors, including effortful
anterior cingulate activity correlated in both tasks with cognitive processing. Work in our own laboratory and else-

where further highlighted a role for anterior cingulate tex when they performed the effortful pressor tasks. Dorsal
cortex in the integration of cognitive processes (including anterior cingulate is active when healthy subjects generate
anticipation and appraisal) with autonomic arousal, in- autonomic arousal with volitional behavior (Critchley et al.,
dexed by electrodermal, cardiovascular, or pupillary mea- 2000b). We therefore observed even greater activity within
sures (Critchley et al., 2001b, 2005a,b) (Fig. 3). Further the same region when no autonomic activity was generated
evidence of a dynamic integration of autonomic and cog- in PAF, suggesting that the system to generate autonomic
nitive processes comes from biofeedback studies (Critchley arousal works harder in the absence of negative feedback
et al., 2001c) in which the subject volitionally changes from the periphery. Evidence from the cingulate lesion and
their state of autonomic arousal, facilitated by a visual PAF patient studies converge with neuroimaging evidence to
display. Unfortunately, these neuroimaging studies do not suggest that dorsal anterior cingulate cortex is involved in
address causality, i.e., whether the activity in anterior generating integrated states of autonomic arousal during
cingulate and related regions is involved, generates and/or effortful volitional behavior.
represents the peripheral autonomic response, or even, It should be fully acknowledged that anterior cingulate
indeed, whether observed activity contributes to cognitive is not alone in generating behaviorally integrated bodily
or autonomic functioning. responses. A wealth of animal data supports a fundamen-
tal role for the amygdala, particularly the central nucleus,
Patient studies in the production of autonomic arousal in response to
Autonomic control was studied in three patients who emotive stimuli, particularly threat stimuli (LeDoux,
had acquired lesions involving dorsal anterior cingulate 1992, 1996). This observation is corroborated by human
cortex. On tests of low-level autonomic control, the pa- lesion data (Bechara et al., 1995; Tranel, 2000; Asahina et
tients performed within the normal range. However, each al., 2003). Interestingly, enhanced dorsal anterior cingu-
demonstrated blunted autonomic response to effortful cog- late and amygdala activity often cohere in situations
nitive work (mental arithmetic stress task). The patients where autonomic arousal is generated by emotional stim-
also showed abnormalities in cardiovascular responses uli (e.g., Büchel et al., 1998; Critchley et al., 2005a).
generated during physical effort, although in one case this This account of (dorsal) anterior cingulate as a genera-
was hyperreactive. These observations were consistent tor of behaviorally integrated autonomic responses is a
with other evidence suggesting that normal “cognitively simplification. Patterns of autonomic response within and
driven” autonomic responsivity requires the integrity of across sympathetic, parasympathetic and humoral axes
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (Tranel, 2000). A parsi- are differentially generated in different behavioral con-
monious interpretation is that dorsal anterior cingulate texts (Ekman et al., 1983; Porges, 1985; Morrison, 2001;
region contributes to efferent generation of peripheral au- Saper, 2002). Variation in the loci of anterior cingulate
tonomic response (Critchley et al., 2004). Notably, it was activity across studies possibly point to organ or pattern
shown that the patients did not demonstrate significant specificity across subregions (Critchley, 2004) and may be
deficits on attentional executive or general neuropsycho- observed in even different control phases of the same
logical tasks (including arithmetic). The cognitive conse- process, e.g., micturition (Blok et al., 1997). Pairing of
quences of anterior cingulate lesions remain rather equiv- dorsal anterior cingulate with transient sympathetic
ocal, with a number of case reports of intact general arousal responses (Fig. 3) contrasts with a suggestion that
neuropsychological and executive function in the presence subgenual cingulate preferentially relates to parasympa-
of large anterior dorsal cingulate lesions (Cohen et al., thetic efferent responses, consistent with a putative tonic
1999; Swick and Turken, 2002; Stemmer et al., 2004; antisympathetic role (Nagai et al., 2004). Moreover, en-
Fellows and Farah 2005). gagement of anterior cingulate (and amygdala) during
Further insight into central autonomic control centers has largely volitional behaviors may provide top-down inte-
been achieved by examining consequences of peripheral dis- grative control over first-order centers regulating efferent
ruption of autonomic response. Patients with pure auto- autonomic response, including hypothalamus, periaque-
nomic failure (PAF) are unable to generate autonomic ductal gray, rostral medullary raphe, and ventrolateral
arousal as a consequence of circumscribed peripheral dener- medulla (Saper, 2002).
vation of the autonomic nervous system (Mathias, 2000).
PAF is not associated with central degeneration or cognitive
Afferent representations of autonomic
impairment, and therefore represents a powerful lesion def- response
icit model to examine the consequences of a failure in inte- As described above, afferent feedback from the body is
grated feedback of autonomic arousal (the word integrated central to influential peripheral theories of emotion and
acknowledges the fact that changes in bodily state, including their extension into accounts of motivational behavior and
labile blood pressure, do occur in PAF patients, but these are even self-awareness (Lange, 1885; James, 1894; Damasio,
not the consequence of central autonomic drive). PAF pa- 1994, 1999). Identifying the brain substrates for represen-
tients participated in a PET study of effortful isometric ex- tations of internal visceral signals is therefore an inter-
ercise and mental arithmetic (as above, Critchley et al., esting neuroscientific goal. A number of neuroimaging
2001a). Consistent with diagnosis, the PAF patients did not studies have examined the effects of visceral stimulation
increase heart rate or blood pressure with the effortful men- or challenge on central brain activity. One early example
tal arithmetic or exercise tasks. Compared to matched con- is the study of Rosen et al. (1996) who demonstrated
trols, PAF patients nevertheless showed a general (across subcortical activation associated with ECG indicators of
pressor and control tasks) hyperactivity within dorsal pons. silent cardiac ischemia and recruitment of cortical brain
This was interpreted as a correlate of perturbation within centers when the patient was aware of their angina. Other
homeostatic, first-order representations of autonomic con- groups have focused on central correlates of direct visceral
trol. Importantly, compared to controls, the PAF patients stimulation (e.g., Aziz et al., 2000; Athwal et al., 2001;
demonstrated hyperactivity of dorsal anterior cingulate cor- Hobday et al., 2001). These studies have been comple-

Fig. 3. Anterior cingulate activity associated with autonomic cular responses during volitional cognitive and motor behavior.
arousal. Significant correlations between activity in supragenual an- D: BOLD activity (fMRI) covarying with anticipatory skin conduc-
terior cingulate cortex and measures of autonomic arousal observed in tance (electrodermal activity in expectation of outcome, and also with
different neuroimaging experiments. A: Regional cerebral blood flow the risk associated with earlier choice. Subjects performed a gambling
(PET study) covarying with mean blood pressure evoked during ef- task and waited for the outcome to determine if the choice won or lost
fortful and effortless isometric exercise and mental arithmetic tasks (Critchley et al., 2002). E: BOLD activity (fMRI) predicting the heart
in a group of healthy volunteers; mean age 35 years (Critchley et al., rate response differentially evoked during processing of facial expres-
2000b). Activity is illustrated on a sagittal section of a template brain sions. Dorsal anterior cingulate and amygdala activity predicted the
scan. B: Regional cerebral blood flow (PET study covarying with mean magnitude of orienting heart rate change within and between differ-
blood pressure evoked during effortful and effortless isometric exer- ent emotion categories (Critchley et al., 2005a). F: BOLD activity
cise and mental arithmetic tasks in a group of healthy control sub- evoked during Stroop task performance that covaried with trial-by-
jects, mean age 65 years) (Critchley et al., 2001a). Patients with pure trial changes in pupil response (recovery from light reflex). Much of
autonomic failure, who did not generate a hypertensive response, the variability in pupil response was accounted for by errors. The
showed greater enhancement of anterior cingulate than controls dur- anterior extent of the highlighted clusters (centroid marked with
ing effortful tasks. C: BOLD activity (fMRI) covarying with power of continuous line cross, yellow on color figure) localizes activity attrib-
sympathetic influence on beat-to-beat heart rate evoked during effort- utable to pupil response, but not to error processing. Overlapping and
ful and effortless isometric exercise and mental arithmetic tasks more posterior (centroid marked with cross from dotted lines, green
(Critchley et al., 2003). Activity is illustrated on mean normalized, on color figure) localizes activity attributable to both the pupil re-
smoothed EPI brain scan. This study with A and B above implicated sponse and enhanced during error trials (Critchley et al., 2005b).
anterior cingulate in integrated generation of sympathetic cardiovas-

Fig. 4. Insula activity dependent on evoked autonomic response: stimuli, did not show this difference in right insula activity. Our
Fear conditioning in patients with pure autonomic failure. Healthy interpretation is that right insula activity is sensitive to feedback of
controls and patients with pure autonomic failure (PAF) were scanned autonomic arousal, absent in PAF patients. B: A second factor in the
during a fear conditioning experiment (Critchley et al., 2002). A: Pre- experiment was modulation of the subjects’ level of awareness of
sentation of one angry face was paired with an aversive burst of white threat CS⫹ stimulus. Backward masking enables subliminal presen-
noise on 50% of trials. Through conditioning, this face became a threat tation of stimuli. Flashing the CS⫹ for 35 msec, then replacing it with
(CS⫹), and evoked in the healthy controls an autonomic response, a neutral face (mask) for 45 msec activates amygdala (and autonomic
even when unpaired. In contrast, another angry face, which was never responses to threat), without the subject having seen (consciously) the
paired with an aversive noise (CS–) did not evoke an autonomic CS⫹. However, if a neutral face is presented before the CS⫹, the
response in healthy controls. Both PAF and control subjects showed subject is aware of the threat stimulus. In this experiment it was
reaction time differences between CS⫹ and CS– stimuli, indexing shown that activity within the same region of right insula (illustrated
learning of the conditioned association. In controls, activity in right on sections of template brain) was sensitive both to awareness of the
insula was enhanced to unpaired CS⫹ compared to CS– stimuli. PAF CS⫹ stimulus and to feedback of autonomic arousal.
subject, who did not generate an autonomic response to the CS⫹

mented closely by investigations with pain (e.g., Rainville, Fear conditioning has proven a useful experimental il-
2002). Together, these studies tend to reach a consensus lustration of some of the predictions of the James-Lange
in describing enhanced activity of bilateral anterior cin- theory of emotion. In Pavlovian fear conditioning, a pre-
gulate and (anterior and mid) insula cortices, often with viously neutral stimulus gains emotional salience, i.e.,
thalamus, associated with both visceral and painful stim- becomes threatening, through associative paring with an
ulation. It is noteworthy that the challenges themselves aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). The conditioned
probably provoke efferent autonomic arousal. threat stimulus predicts the bodily consequences of aver-
The study of PAF patients described above makes use of sive US and produces a similar behavioral/autonomic
the rare occurrence of an autonomic lesion-deficit model to arousal response, whether or not it is paired with the US.
address peripheral feedback-dependency of brain areas. It In an fMRI study of PAF patients, we tested the effect of
highlighted the sensitivity of brainstem (dorsal pons) and the uncoupling of peripheral autonomic response from the
anterior cingulate cortex activity to an absence of afferent emotional brain response during fear conditioning (Critch-
information concerning centrally generated autonomic re- ley et al., 2002). PAF and control subjects viewed one face
sponse. Nevertheless, simplistically the brain regions that (CS⫹) which was paired with an aversive white noise on
map changes in bodily state might be expected to show half of the trials. As a consequence, it became a threat
diminished activity when afferent information is absent. stimulus, in contrast to a face (CS–) that had never been
Interestingly, the same study reported reduced right mid- associated with the noise. While both patients and con-
insula activity in PAF patients (Critchley et al., 2001a). trols showed reaction-time evidence of fear conditioning,

only controls produced corresponding autonomic re- sequences of notes subtly changed in pitch. Attending
sponses to threat stimuli. Comparison of conditioning- interoceptively enhanced activity in a number of brain
related brain activity showed reduced activity of right regions, including anterior cingulate, somatomotor, and
mid-insula and right amygdala in PAF patients to threat anterior and mid-insula cortices. Individual differences in
stimuli that typically evoke autonomic responses in con- interoceptive sensitivity, predicted by feedback theories of
trols. This indicates sensitivity of both mid-insula cortex emotion to influence subjective emotional experience,
and amygdala, particularly on the right side, to afferent were used to examine brain regions supporting conscious
visceral representations of autonomic arousal engendered awareness of internal state. Notably, only activity in the
by emotion. Given the role of insula as viscerosensory right anterior insula cortex correlated with interoceptive
cortex (Saper, 2002; Craig, 2002, 2003), these observations awareness (performance accuracy on the task). Further-
further suggest a role for right insula in emotional repre- more, the activity with the right anterior insula (and in a
sentations, wherein “feelings” arising from representation parallel structural study, its gray matter volume) pre-
of bodily responses (Lange, 1885; James, 1894; Damasio, dicted general visceral sensitivity and subjective day-to-
1994) (Fig. 4a). day emotional experience, at least of anxiety symptoms.
A further level was incorporated into this experiment: These observations highlight the contribution of right
the automatic processing of emotional stimuli without anterior insula to emotional feeling states originating in
conscious awareness. The James-Lange theory of emotion representations of visceral arousal (Fig. 5). Similar neu-
predicts an automatic processing of emotive stimuli to roimaging findings are reported in a heartbeat counting
produce bodily responses which are subsequently inter- task (Pollatos et al., 2004) and the magnitude of a right
preted as emotions. The automaticity of emotional pro- frontal heartbeat-evoked electroencephalographic poten-
cessing has been demonstrated in behavioral (Öhman and tial has been shown to be dependent on interoceptive
Soares, 1993) and neuroimaging experiments (Morris et sensitivity (Pollatos and Schandry, 2004). Nevertheless,
al., 1998; Vuilleumier et al., 2002). Autonomic fear re- the link with emotion may preferentially be expressed in
sponses and neural activity in the amygdala showing fear- anxiety symptoms and may not be generalizable across all
processing can be elicited by stimuli rendered “unseen” by emotions. Thus, Saper (2002), reappraising the findings of
subliminal presentation by backward-masking (Öhman Penfield and others, agues against insula cortex as a (gen-
and Soares, 1993). Using this technique in our fear- eral) emotional integrator, attributing this function to me-
conditioning study of PAF patients, we observed activity dial temporal lobe structures, such as amygdala. It is
within right mid-insula that reflected both the mapping of noteworthy that in the context of threat processing both
internal arousal and conscious awareness of the emotional amygdala and insula were observed to be sensitive to
stimuli in contrast to amygdala. This observation extends interoceptive responses (Critchley et al., 2002b) and that
the proposal that right insula maps bodily arousal states anterior insula cortex projects into the medial system of
(Craig, 2002) to suggest that it does so contextually. A ventromedial prefrontal cortex that also receives efferent
brain region supporting conscious integration of internal inputs from medial temporal lobe regions (Ongur et al.,
arousal with appraisal of external emotional stimuli actu- 2003; Price, 2005).
ally fulfils predictions of the two-stage model of emotion Preliminary neuroimaging evidence from patients with
proposed by Schachter and Singer (1962) (Fig. 4b). spinal cord damage and patients with implanted vagal
A problem with experimental studies of neural sub- nerve stimulators for treatment of depression suggest par-
strates for interoceptive processing is that they are to tial segregation in cortical representations of visceral in-
some extent confounded by the stimulus. While awareness formation, with differential sensitivity in the right ante-
of an emotive stimulus may be modified by backward rior insula and orbitofrontal cortex (independent of insula)
masking, the stimulus is nevertheless processed and tem- to afferent inputs conveyed by spinal and vagus nerve
porally related to the generated internal response. Conse- pathways. Current and future work will validate these
quently, activity changes related to afferent autonomic early observations and determine the differential impact
response are difficult to dissociate using neuroimaging on emotional behavior of spinal and vagal sensory
from stimulus-induced changes. In an fMRI study, the streams.
widespread observation that attention enhances activity
within relevant sensory cortices (e.g., Chawla et al., 1999) CONTROL MODELS, ANTERIOR
provided an alternative means of probing interoceptive
representations, without confounding induced changes in
bodily response. The study represented collaboration with ANTERIOR INSULA
A. Öhman and S. Wiens in Stockholm and adapted a The argument presented suggests that integrated gen-
biofeedback task (Wiens et al., 2000). The task itself in- eration of peripheral autonomic responses may originate
volved playing back to the subject a series of tones, gen- in anterior cingulate cortex during a variety of volitional,
erated by the subject’s own heartbeat. A trial consisted of cognitive, and noncognitive behaviors. Similarly, evidence
a cue for the subject to attend introspectively to the timing from a variety of sources converges to suggest a represen-
of his/her heartbeat. Ten tones were then played, after tation of autonomic and visceral responses within anterior
which the subject had to judge if the tones were synchro- insula cortex, where, particularly on the right side, this
nous with their heartbeat or played back with a half- information is accessible to conscious awareness, influenc-
second delay (which occurred randomly on 50% of trials). ing emotional feelings. The coactivation of dorsal “sympa-
In our neuroimaging study (Critchley et al., 2004), we also thetic” cingulate with anterior and mid-insula cortices
included an “exteroceptive” condition to control for non- (bilaterally) is characteristic both of states of visceral
specific performance effects in the scanner, in which the arousal induced by pain, emotive stimuli (such as threat),
subjects were prompted at the start of each trial to attend and of states of behavioral and attentional engagement.
to the note quality and respond at the end if one of the Correspondingly, enhanced activity of dorsal anterior cin-

Fig. 5. Neural activity during interoceptive awareness. Healthy when attending to heartbeat timing was enhanced (relative to the
subjects were scanned while they performed a heartbeat detection exteroceptive “note” task) in bilateral insula, bilateral somatomotor,
task (adapted from that used in Wiens et al., 2001) in which they and anterior cingulate cortices. C: Only activity in right anterior
judged the timing of their own heartbeats to auditory tones (triggered insula correlated with conscious awareness of the timing of heart-
by their heartbeats). A: Subjects were cued to attend to their heart, beats, i.e., interoceptive sensitivity (performance accuracy on the
then a series of 10 tones would be played that were either synchro- task, relative to the control condition). Across subjects there were
nous with their finger pulse or delayed by 500 msec. They made the significant correlations between activity of right anterior cortex, in-
judgment at the end of each trial of 10 beats. In a control condition teroceptive sensitivity, and day-to-day experience of anxiety symp-
(“note”), subjects attended only to quality of the notes, identifying the toms, consistent with a proposal that right anterior insula is a sub-
presence of a subtle change in note pitch in the sequence. B: Activity strate for feeling states generated from afferent visceral responses.

gulate cortex predicts the occurrence of sympathetic monitoring actions and their consequences, notably, the
arousal responses, during both low-level visceral or motor occurrence of performance errors (Carter et al., 1999; Ull-
challenges (Hobday et al., 1998; Williamson et al., 2002) sperger et al., 2004). Similar to ideas regarding cognitive
and in many cognitive scenarios. The latter include mon- control are models of motor control and computational
itoring tasks such as error processing (Hajcak et al., 2005; learning. In these processes, internal models within the
Critchley et al., 2005b) or processing outcomes (Corricelli brain are proposed to predict of consequences of actions
et al., 2005), but also predictive, prospective, and simula- (Wolpert et al., 2003). In the motor system, forward mod-
tory situations, for example, anticipating the outcome of els describe a direct influence of a motor command (effer-
decisions (Critchley et al., 2002), during imagery of phys- ence copy) on central sensory representations; this copy of
ical effort (old exercise hypnosis), and in empathetic re- efferent signal enables the sensory system to anticipate
sponses (to another’s expected pain) (Singer et al., 2004) the pattern of musculoskeletal feedback that should result
(Fig. 6a). from the intended action. Mismatch between the simu-
Alternative accounts of activity in anterior cingulate lated (predicted) and actual sensory feedback (prediction
emphasize its role in cognitive control, i.e., processes error) drives a dynamic adjustment of subsequent motor
where behavior is interrupted or adjusted to orientate to commands.
salient occurrences and optimize performance. In this More generally the notion of a prediction error represents
role, regions of anterior cingulate cortex are implicated in a core concept within computational models of learning.

Fig. 6. Activity in regions including anterior insula and anterior experience of pain and empathetic emulation of pain experience) was
cingulate in empathetic anticipation of pain of another and in aversive observed in insula and anterior cingulate cortices (Singer et al., 2004).
prediction error. From Singer et al. (2004) and Seymour et al. (2004). B: Activity tracking learning associated with the anticipation of an
A: Subjects watched a video screen which displayed cues that indi- aversive event. Insula and cingulate activity is correlated with the
cated either that they would receive a painful shock, or that another temporal difference value generated by computational models of pre-
person (their partner) would experience a shock of the same pain dicting the occurrence of an aversive event (Seymour et al., 2004).
intensity. Activity common to both conditions (i.e., anticipation and

Many neuroscience studies have empirically demonstrated neuron” model of social cognition (Gallese et al., 2003) in
the instantiation of prediction error processes [for example fact proposes visceromotor activation in empathetic un-
description of functional neuroanatomical correlates of the derstanding of social emotions, drawing on impressive
Rescorla-Wagner proposal in which operant reinforcement neuroimaging and human single unit investigations of
learning represents an experience-dependent shift from low disgust perception and experience (Phillips et al., 1997;
to high predictive power (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972; Phillips et al., 2000; Krolak-Salmon et al., 2003).
O’Doherty et al., 2003)]. Neuromodulatory systems are im- While theoretically, there may be no obvious obligation
plicated in mediating prediction error signals, most notably for forward and inverse control processes to be physically
ascending mesolimbic dopaminergic projections are impli- embodied in autonomic responses, the observed expres-
cated in reward (appetitive) learning (Schultz et al., 2000; sion of cognitive “mind” processes in peripheral reactions
O’Doherty et al., 2003). In aversive learning, where stimuli is fundamental to psychophysiological science. As with
represent threats to body state, activity in right anterior emotional challenges, it is likely that the intensity of
insula activity tracks the phasic occurrence of prediction bodily response represents an important metric, reflecting
error (Seymour et al., 2004) (Fig. 6b). It is noteworthy that the salience of cognition, degree of empathetic or environ-
the same insula region, perhaps with adjacent orbitofrontal mental engagement, and so on. Moreover, the neural sub-
cortex is implicated in subjective feelings arising from inter- strates (including dorsal anterior cingulate, amygdala,
nal bodily responses (Craig, 2003 Critchley, 2004) and pro- and right anterior insula) that generate and map dynamic
spective, empathetic, external, counterfactual simulations of changes in bodily response (in coherence with concurrent
feelings. or anticipated behavioral responses to environmental
Simulatory “virtual” models of self represent mind-stuff challenges) are functionally interconnected with sub-
and are unconstrained by physical reality. Such a system genual cingulate and orbitomedial regions that have been
plausibly arises from action control systems including for- implicated in default resting states of brain activity (Gus-
ward and inverse models (an inverse model enables the nard and Raichle, 2001). The self-referential default state,
intended behavioral command to be inferred from conse- related psychophysiologically to tonic reduction in sympa-
quences at outcome) (Wolpert et al., 2003). Moreover, it is thetic activity (Nagai et al., 2004), may support the bench-
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