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It is unethical to submit excessive third party material in the

business ethic assingment.

usiness Ethic

Prepared For: Dr. Jens Mueller

Prepared by : Thilakawardana Shalika - 20120457
Word count:1750

Table of content

Introduction ……………………………………………………… 2, 3

Ethics ……………………………………………………………...4

Ethical Issues in academic writing ………………………………..4, 5

Corporate Social Responsibilities …………………………………6

Pyramid of CSR …………………………………………………...6, 7

Corporate Social Responsibilities in an Ethical Assignment………8

Conclusion …………………………………………………………9, 10

Reference ………………………………………………………….11

I really glad to see the topic of business ethics assignment which is given to me for

resubmission. It creates me for good thoughtful ideas and a chance to learn what I did

wrong with my previous assignment when using the third parties materials. I was

experienced in using excessive third party material in a business ethic assignment that

clearly stated that no third party material is submitted. I have been used excessive website

ideas in that I did not present it myself. It leads to being unethical by not giving proper

reference in business ethic assignment.

The chosen website has given good excellent example related to the Assignment topic in

the module of business ethics. Those examples were really helped me to implement my

own ideas paralleled sequences. To me it shows this is the way to implement and enhance

the quality of the assignment. With mind of that I have been lost the uniqueness of the

assignment since it has used excessive third party material sources.

I agreed that stealing of others ideas is clearly immoral. But it seems to me I have learnt a

lot from those ideas by applying to relevant examples to business ethics theories. I think

the issue with in my assignment I was unable to present my point of view with the

information I have gathered. I was not much tricky when presenting the ideas in proper

ways. I wanted to exhibit more working examples with relevant situation in to the related

to assignment topic. It makes sense to the learning theories.

I extract whole ideas its combine with theories to achieve higher grade in the business

ethics module. But it put me in to the real aggressive situation than I was expected. Poor

presenting of referring source, non-acknowledgement of resource which used and high

capacity of web resource usage leads me to unethical assignment.

I was unable to submit sufficient evidence for the usage of third party material in open

source document due to poor referencing pattern. I got hard time proving that what I

wanted to do with in such an excessive third party material usage. In generally, I respect

the others ideas and I could not present it in acceptable way as it is. I would have to be

more creative and responsible when using the open source document in an assignment. In

this resubmission topic gave me good thoughtful ideas to revise the experience with my

excessive usage of third party material in business ethic assignment and clarification to

that how it was lead to in an unethical assignment.

The concept of ethics simply can describe as honesty and fairness. In the concept of

ethics its include social responsibilities as well as environmental responsibilities .when

ethics applies to the personal life then it can be introduce as believe and values among the

individual about right and wrong. Ethics has based on different concept such as morality,

code of conduct, judgment, rules and policy. In the ethics it is important to understand to

me role of ethics in academic writing and assignments.

Ethical Issues in academic Writing

There are number of ethical issues to learn when it does arise with academic writing.

Licensed document, patent, copyrighting act and much more legitimate procedure are

recognized to avoid unethical and illegal duplicate work. There is range of ethical and

illegal activities in the business world. It is not only limited to profit or non-profit

organization. It may affect each and every individuals life cycle in different ways and


Ethical issues are a change identical situation to or incident to the person to select from

deferent actions, which help to decide as right or wrong. To evaluate the ethics of

decision it is better to judge it in client’s point of view. Ethical issues are very complex as

it seems too easy to find out solution.

When Ethics comes with my assignment I was not comfortable doing assignment without

research and referencing. I used to be learning by seeking third party material on open

source. At some point, my view that I have to do seem each and every assignment

together the information according the question asked. I am not in high confidence with

what I already know those assignment questions and whether it will be sufficient to

achieve high marks.

When looking in to the ethical issues in my business ethic assignment it is about I have

used excessive third party material without giving proper referencing in that I have been

used third party material in not because of to breach the policy and rules of honesty but

because to improve the quality and standard of the content.

Corporate Social Responsibilities
Simply Cooperate Social responsibilities can be identified as increasing the positive

effect to the society while decreasing the negative effect on it.

Pyramid of CSR





(Pyramid Taken By Lecture Notes)

Ethical and social responsibilities involve protecting the standards, rules, value of an

organization. As an example when look in to the tertiary institute it is especially focused

on the overall performance of students with the company mission and objective. If

Profitable or non-profitable tertiary institute mainly focused on the quality of their

outcome then it would be an aspect to produce ethically good cooperate citizen to the


As I have mentioned my one of previous paragraph honesty and fairness is the basic

component of the ethics. Those components are direct to the most correct solution in

ethical way to the decision maker. In the mean while theory of the ethical action it is

expected not harm for any person who wants to come in correct path. Foundation of

cooperate social responsible pyramid is economic responsibilities. A business is deal with

stakeholders and sharing their economical responsibilities among inside and outside

parties such as the employees, customers, government and investors.

A organization create profit adding value to their product or service. Transparency in an

organization is on of important item under the economic responsibilities. It lets customer

and employees to see its practice and benefits. Therefore direct stakeholders can make

decision on a company. Applying the same financial criteria to all of its stake holders is

called nondiscrimination. Sustainability can enhance by improving the strategies and

operation of business organization expands their secure level in the company’s future.

Corporate Social Responsibilities in
an Ethical Assignment
In the assignment dishonesty was the biggest problem with my business ethic assignment.

High percent of coping document from the internet become an ethical issue. This is an

unacceptable behavior to the institute code and policy. It is comes under the breaching

the policy of the Auckland institute of studies and it leads to poor quality of the student

performance as well. Therefore I have to explain the details answer in my side to

disciplinary committee with supportive evidence. This down ward trend might lead today

student to be tomorrow unethical business leaders.

When deciding the ethical issues in a case it is important to identify the problem or

opportunities for the required person from among the alternative suggestion. It will be

helped to evaluate the problem more accurately as right or wrong. Nowadays ethical

issues are more complex than the earlier.

I would like to express the ideas in my point of view by using the application of theories

which describe in open sources. In my pervious business ethics assignment I have done

mistakes by taking each and every line of some example from websites without

acknowledging it. I have taken those examples with the object of the adding value to my

research and improving quality of the assignment. But it was leads to me for the

unethical assignment due to excessiveusage of third party material in open source and

ignorance of the original authors in the reference list.

Still I am odd to use the third party materials to enhance the quality of my research in

open source. I was referring to get more ideas with different sources without changing

the original work. It is a question to me and now has to concern how much changes

would be needed when referring the original source. Even when considering legal point

of view it is not allowed to use third party materials in without acknowledgement or

license. In other hand moral point of view also it is unethical to use third party material in

an assignment without acknowledging the original source and the Author.

Senior disciplinary committee made a judgment about my assignment and it help me to

clarify all the mistakes which I have done with ignorance. I must be responsible each and

every word I used in my assignment and it should protect the uniqueness of the

assignment by limiting the third party material usage. I attended the seminars and

workshop conducted by the institute and it was great to me get the ideas about avoiding

plagiarism. It help me to understand even which type of plagiarism I have done with my

business ethics assignment. After attending the workshop I got to know it is called

patchwork plagiarism.

I really happy with my business ethic resubmission topic, which makes me to do

conversation inside mind logically and ethically. It helps me to resolve the problems with

my excessive third party material usage and referencing. Assignment rewriting line per

line is clearly known as plagiarism. No any issues with that but if someone try to learn

through open source or try to add values by doing improvement or inspiration at that time

there is drought whether is breaching the policy of copywriting or not ? I really like to

realize the idea my point of view and I could not see any issues with that. Any how I

understood plagiarism is a big deal with the assignment and there are harmful penalties

applied for the person who aware about the usage of excessive third party material in

their assignment.

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Lecture notes provided by e learning

Trevino.K.L., Nelson.A.K., managing business ethics: john willy and sons ,inc,(2011)

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