Internet Privacy Lesson Plan

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Lesson plan on Internet Privacy: 2-3 Classes

Supplies and Equipment: Projector, computers, digital work sheets on Google Docs

Teaching Procedure:
A. Introduction (ACTIVATE)

i. Teacher asks students about the types of social media accounts students
have. (e.g. Put up your hand if you have an Instagram account, now put
up your hand if you have a snapchat account…)
ii. Teacher asks students to quietly reflect on the content that they regularly
post on social media, as well as if they had ever posted something
embarrassing or that they regret (think from “think-pair-share”)
iii. Teacher initiates Think-Pair-Share and asks students to turn to their desk
partner and discuss some reasons why people would regret posting
something online (not necessarily their own experience if they don’t
want to share)

2. Presentation of concepts/introductory activities (ACQUIRE)

a. Hand out critical reflection worksheets.
b. Students fill in a 3-point approach worksheet on the following terms:
i. Privacy
ii. Digital Footprint
iii. Online Content
iv. Harassment
v. Provocative
vi. Online Predator
vii. Hacker
They may use an online dictionary for assistance if needed.

B. Instruction/Demonstration
Direct students to look at the following articles from TeensHealth to help them answer their
Online Safety
Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation

Ask students to answer the questions with 3 examples and reasons why for each question
What things should I not post/share? Why?
Who shouldn't I interact/share with? Why?
(Optional: teacher completes one example with students)
C. Work Period (APPLY)
1. Students follow instructions to answer questions. Students are given the option to work in
pairs but must find 5 examples and reasons instead of 3.
2. After students’ complete questions, they are to play game “Interland” - an online
adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four
challenging games. Certificate is awarded for completion of each section.

D. Evaluation (ASSESS)
Teacher reviews work though observational assessment
1. Students have all 4 certificates from “Interland” game (which includes “of assessment”
quizzes to complete). Screenshots of certificates shown to teacher.
2. Students have completed 3-point approach showing that they understand and can explain
the terms in a variety of ways.
3. Students can give examples and explain importance of internet privacy through
answering given questions.

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