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Perfectly Knot

Copyright © 2022 by Jenn D. Young and Aspen Black

Editing by Bookish Author Services

Proofreading by Julie Kramer
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
Fallen Angel - Three Days Grace
Heavy Beauty - Scarlet Dorn
Remedy - Adele
Second Chance - Shinedown
Broken - Seether ft. Amy Lee
Fall Into Me - Forest Blakk
Venom - Noctura
I’ll Follow You - Shinedown
mother tongue - Bring Me The Horizon
1. Alena
2. Alena
3. Alena
4. Alena
5. Alena
6. Alena
7. Simon
8. Alena
9. Alena
10. Alena
11. Simon
12. Alena
13. Julian
14. Alena
15. Julian
16. Alena
17. Alena
18. Elias
19. Xavier
20. Alena
21. Alena
22. Julian
23. Alena
24. Alena
25. Alena
26. Elias
27. Alena
28. Alena
29. Alena
30. Alena
31. Alena
32. Simon

About the Author

Also by Jenn D. Young
Also by Aspen Black

I stared in the mirror. My hair looked lackluster in the yellow tinged hotel bathroom lights. The
bags under my eyes couldn’t be covered up, even with makeup. The scar under my eye stood out,
stark against my pale skin.
Shaking my head, I finished brushing my teeth. No use dwelling on what I couldn’t change. After
rinsing my mouth out, I did my hair, pulling it up on top of my head, hiding the amount that I actually
had with a perfect bun. Light makeup completed the look. I could hide my scars with the makeup,
Today was the start of my new life. I wouldn’t screw it up by letting my mind wander to the past.
No use crying over spilt milk, right? Maybe if I said that enough times, I’d actually believe it.
I would be safe here. I was officially twenty-five and didn’t require a guardian. This state was
one of the few places that allowed omegas to have jobs and be independent. I’d run away here
specifically for that purpose.
Or that’s what the organization that helped me escape had told me. My mind still whirled with the
information that there were actually alphas and betas that wanted to help abused omegas.
My first alarm went off on my phone, announcing that I didn’t have long before it would be time to
leave the hotel room to go to my new job. That put a little more pep into my step. My phone sat on top
of the basic nightstand that stood next to the queen-sized bed. I grabbed it, placed it in my bag before
sitting to put on my new heels.
It probably wasn’t a good idea to wear new shoes to the first day of my new job, but I didn’t
really have much of a choice. The only other pair of shoes I had were my ratty sneakers that were
being held together by duct tape. I still had to buy heat suppressants soon. Hopefully, I’ll be paid from
this new job sooner rather than later. The heat suppressants weren’t cheap, and I would have to
budget carefully.
Starting over hadn’t been easy. Over the years, I had squirreled away a meager amount of savings.
Either from odd jobs, or taken from Dylan’s wallet when he wouldn’t notice. The rescue organization
helped to a certain extent, but they had limited resources and couldn’t pay for everything.
I didn’t want to use the money up more than I needed to because I still needed to get paid. The
hotel was cheap, thankfully, and I got a discount because I said no to cleaning services. With that
thought, I stood, wobbly at first, swung my bag over my shoulder, took in a deep breath, and left the
The bus was on schedule, thankfully, so I arrived at my destination with fifteen minutes to spare.
As I stepped off the last step of the vehicle, I looked up. And up. It was the biggest building in the city
with seventy floors, its stark lines and architecture a marvel. My breath caught for a second. This was
where I was going to be working. As one of several first-floor receptionists.
Knight Development Corp, or KDC, was the largest real estate investment firm on the west coast.
They rented out half of their floors to other businesses and used the top floors for theirs.
Four childhood friends started, and still ran, the company. Three alphas and a beta. It was nearly
unheard of for a beta to be in charge of such a large company even when accompanied by alphas, but
the business worked well.
They were one of the leading companies in the area, providing well for their employees. I still
couldn’t believe I’d scored a job here.
As I stepped through the revolving door, the air conditioning slapped me in the face. My heels
made a soft echo on the floor as I approached the welcome desk. A kind older man who was a beta
sat there with a large smile.
“Welcome! How may I be of assistance today?” His voice cracked slightly.
“Hi, I’m starting work here today for KDC. I’m supposed to report to the HR department first?” I
dug through my bag for my wallet to show my ID. The ID with a false last name that they’d provided
to me after escaping Dylan.
I swallowed and put a firm stop to that line of thinking. I needed to focus on my blessings and
enjoying my new job and freedom.
The man took my ID, and checked something on his computer before handing it back to me.
“You’re exactly right.” He opened a drawer, pulled out a temporary badge that he handed over to me.
“You’ll need to clip that somewhere visible until we can get you your permanent badge. HR is on the
sixty-fifth floor. I’ve sent a message to let them know you’re here. Take the elevators that are straight
ahead.” He pointed the way for me. “Good luck today!”
Clipping on the badge to the top of my shirt, I waved to him as I rushed over to the elevators.
There was a small line to get onto the next one, so I waited patiently. I still had some time before I
was late. I just hoped the elevators weren’t slow.
There were eight elevators, four on each side of the hallway. When one opened, it filled up with
people before I could get on. The second one that opened next, I was right in front, pressing the sixty-
fifth floor before being pushed to the back of the square elevator. Thankfully, even though it looked
like a lot of people, there were only three stops before my floor. I clutched the strap of my bag until I
was the last one on the elevator.
As I arrived on the floor, I took a deep breath before stepping out onto the floor. It opened up to an
office that had glass doors. A woman was waiting at the doors as I arrived. She was short but had the
commanding presence of an alpha. She pushed her glasses up her nose as she viewed me.
Walking up to her, I bit my lower lip and lowered my head on instinct. “Yes, that’s me.” I
recognized an alpha when I saw one. Don’t think I’d ever get used to not cowering before an alpha.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Sora. Come on in.” She stepped back, letting me walk into the office. She
had a floral scent around her that tickled my nose, but wasn’t unpleasant.
The color scheme of the floor was silver and chrome as I followed Sora through the hallways to a
large office in the back. Sora gestured for me to sit at one of the comfortable-looking chairs across
from hers.
“Please have a seat.” She sat in her chair, pulling out a folder from one of her drawers. “You have
a great resume.”
I beamed. I was proud of my work history, it’s how I could run away with confidence knowing I’d
be able to get a job. Thankfully, it was one thing I was allowed to do, even if they were part-time
positions. “Thank you.”
Of course, I’d been aided by the kind person who was my coach as I escaped. Through a network
of omega friendly businesses, they were able to provide me with a resume–although decidedly
embellished, and a small stipend for some clothes until I could buy new ones.
The interview was done via their computers, and the kind woman who I spoke with had been
beyond patient and understanding. KDC didn’t know the full extent of my background, but just enough
that they allowed my background and reference checks to pass through the system.
She looked at my resume. “I have some forms for you to fill out. Did you bring your ID?”
I pulled it out from my purse for the second time today, handing it over to her as she passed me a
few papers which I picked up, and a pen to fill it out with.
“Now, you’ll be working at reception on the first floor.” She turned in her seat to a small scanner
on the other side of her desk. “You’ll check people into the building, handle incoming mail before the
mailroom comes for it, answer phones, and general labor as needed.”
I nodded as I filled out the first form. “Yes, ma’am. I’m prepared.”
“I have no doubt.” She handed me my ID back. “I’ll have security get you your badge by the end
of business today hopefully. You’ll train for this week with Gladys downstairs.”
I’d just finished filling out the legal documents when there was a knock on Sora’s door and a
breathtaking man stuck his head in.
“Sora, do you have those reports I asked…” His deep voice trailed off as our eyes met. My heart
skipped a beat. The beta was tall, much taller than my barely five-foot-three. He was lean, like most
betas, without the massive bulk belonging to alphas. Dark hair brushed over the tops of his broad
shoulders, but it was his deep green eyes with flecks of gold that made me stop breathing slightly.
“Ah. Julian, yes.” Sora looked up at him. “I emailed you the report about twenty minutes ago.”
The man kept my gaze. “Ah. Great. Sorry to disturb you Ms…” He cleared his throat.
“Alena,” I replied softly, unable to stop my name from spilling out of my mouth.
“Thank you, Alena.” His tongue came out to lick his lower lip before he nodded and disappeared.
The way he said my name made a shiver run down my spine.
I could breathe a little better after he left, but my heart still raced in my chest. Shaking my head, I
went back to paying attention to Sora, trying desperately to put the beta out of my mind.
But of course I failed.
Once I reached the private elevator, I slumped against the cool metal walls and sucked in a harsh
breath. I clutched a hand to my chest as my mind was still back in Sora’s office. That new omega
employee had the most gorgeous gray eyes I’d ever seen. Something in me had snapped. It took all of
my concentration to remain calm and leave the office.
There was something about the curvy omega that had my senses firing on all cylinders. I’d only
gotten a quick glance at her, but my mouth watered. If I was acting like this with just a gaze, how
would I react being closer?
The elevator arrived on the seventieth floor and I marched out onto the private floor where my
pack and I worked together. I went straight to my office, sitting down in my chair while rubbing my
“Sir?” My secretary, Rayna, appeared in the doorway. “You’re back early.”
Taking a deep inhale, I focused.
“I forgot something.” Unlocking my computer, I pulled up my email. “Rayna, are the others here?”
“Yes, sir.” The young beta brushed some hair behind her ear. “Would you like me to get them
I pulled up the email from Sora with the report I’d been looking for. My fingers twitched on top of
the keyboard as a thought went through my head. “Yes. Tell them to meet me in the conference room.”
The idea would either work out very well, or bite me in the ass. I emailed Sora quickly.
Rayna nodded before rushing off to get my friends and business partners. She’d been with me for
almost three years. A talented beta with a no-nonsense attitude, she fit in perfectly on this floor. She
was never anything more than a sister to all of us, none of our tastes mingling enough for even an
experimental night between the sheets.
Now Alena…
Something about that omega called to me. If I was an alpha, I’d be purring. There was pain hidden
in those big gray eyes and I wanted to help her. I didn’t miss the slight silver lines on the right side of
her face, despite the amount of makeup she applied to hide it.
Someone had hurt this omega, and I would make it my mission to protect her and find those that
wronged her. Now I just had to get the others on board too.
Who was I kidding? They would get a lingering sniff of her scent and act even more protective
than I was. Alphas in every sense of the word. Xavier, Elias, and Simon would be all over her.
“Yo, we’re all in the conference room.” I looked up as Xavier stood in the doorway. “You coming
to your own meeting?”
“Right.” I hadn’t been paying attention to the time and had gotten distracted by the email I was
drafting to Sora.
Standing, I followed Xavier out to the large conference room in the middle of the floor. Elias and
Simon were already there sitting as they talked. We all wore suits, the alphas just made theirs look
smaller because of the muscles. I was muscular, but not as much as my friends. I swam while they
lifted weights and bulked up.
“What’s up, Julian? This is rather sudden.” Simon didn’t wait for me to be sitting before he asked
the question. His crisp British accent was straight to the point. Knowing him, he had about four
projects going at once and needed to get back to them before they collapsed.
Xavier closed the door to the room before sitting down next to me.
“This doesn’t really have anything specific to do with work.” I didn’t know how to begin.
“Julian, we’re all pretty busy, please don’t tell me you called us to a meeting about something
unrelated.” Elias tapped his fingers on the table.
“Okay, it has something to do with work and not.” Damn, I was messing this up.
“Okay. Just tell us.” Xavier demanded from his seat next to me. That damn alpha never had any
chill. Straight to the point and don’t sugar coat it. That was Xavier.
“We have a new employee that I want to bring up here as our only secretary.” There. I said it.
They just stared at me before Elias laughed, breaking the silence. “You want us all to share one
secretary? How would that work? What about the current girls? Why?”
That last question was the biggest one. I took a deep breath. “This new employee is an omega I’m
drawn to.”
They all stared at me silently for several moments. We’d grown up together knowing that we’d be
a pack when we found an omega that was just for us. We’d been so busy over the past few years to not
really care about that, but it had always been on my mind.
“I guess we should listen to him. What do we do with our current secretaries?” Elias grumbled.
He wasn’t good with change, but the idea of an omega interested him.
“They just get reassigned to a different floor. We won’t change their earnings so there are no hard
feelings.” Simon spoke before I could, his British accent crisp and to the point now that they knew
why I wanted to do this. He ran a hand through his light brown hair before looking at me. “You’re
serious about this?”
I nodded. I might not be an alpha, drawn to her perfume, but I could recognize the signs of
someone meant to be ours.
Elias stood. “You have my vote.”
It was good to be boss.

T he rest of the day flew by. I spent most of it in HR, watching corporate videos about sexual
harassment and bullying. Sora said everyone employed had to go through the torture, so I didn’t
feel so awkward about it.
The last hour I spent down on the first floor. I received my login information, so I set up my desk
so that it was comfortable for me.​ It felt incredible to have a workspace of my own. My trainer,
Gladys, was a wonderful older beta with graying hair and a warm smile for everyone.
By the time five rolled around, I was exhausted with information overload. I was ready to curl up
in my bed at the hotel and sleep. I still hadn’t gotten the badge that would show me as an employee, so
they said to keep the temporary one until security was able to get me my real one.
I also couldn’t stop thinking about that man, Julian. He had the prettiest and kindest eyes. Sora
said he was the director of Human Resources and her boss.
“See you tomorrow, Alena!” Gladys waved to me as she stepped around her desk.
“Bye!” I returned the smile as I grabbed my purse and phone. I had some time before my bus
arrived, so I stayed behind the desk. There was an employee handbook that I could read to pass the
time. At least I only had to take one bus back to the hotel instead of two like in the morning.
I tapped my finger on the mouse as I looked at the screen. This omega had secrets. The first being she
gave us a fake name, or at least a secondary name. She hid it well, or whoever had helped her with
her new identity had.
I looked up at my friends who stood together in front of my computer, waiting for my go ahead.
Sometimes being a brilliant hacker had its drawbacks and other times it came in handy. Like now.
“She has a hidden past. She comes from Society but is staying at a rinky dink extended stay hotel.”
I picked up a pen, twirling it between my fingers. I wasn’t a stranger to hidden pasts. My own could
put hers to shame, and I didn’t even know the full story.
Omegas of Society were treated like property, rather than people. How she got to be here,
working for KDC and on her own, would be a mystery I needed to solve.
“I noticed some scarring on her face that she was covering up with makeup.” Julian crossed his
arms. “It’s rare for an omega to be let out on their own from Society.”
Simon cursed under his breath. If anyone knew the workings of being part of the Society, it would
be him. I still wanted to murder his father for what he put Simon through.
I rubbed my hands across my thighs, suddenly itching for one of my knives. Just looking into the
omega set my instincts on fire. I hadn’t even met the woman yet, and I wanted to protect her.
Women, omegas especially, were to be cherished and loved. Not treated like property or
bargaining chips. Except with the laws most states had in place, omegas were under a guardian’s
thumb until they were twenty-five. Essentially, they had no rights.
I stood, locking my computer. “Look, everything I found points to her needing some help from her
past. Even if she doesn’t turn out to be the one, we can at least help her.” I walked around my desk.
“Can we head home now? I agree we need to meet with this omega tomorrow at least. I’d like to
check with Sora too, ask her if she knows anything about how this omega came to apply with us.”
It was well known that we were an alpha run company—well, three alphas and a beta—that
protected and hired omegas from all walks of life. We gave them a generous health insurance
package, and time off for any heats, or fully covered the top of the line suppressants. If they had a
mate, or mates, we respected their privacy and never touched them.
Scent was a powerful driver in our world, and we maintained all boundaries for alphas, betas,
and omegas alike.
Any person who tried to harm an omega on our property or under our watch became close
personal friends with my knives.
Elias was the first to move toward our private elevator. It was one of the things I’d insisted on
having put in when we built this building. I had no patience with waiting with others. Hell, I had no
patience period.
It was close to five thirty by the time we stepped out onto the first floor. People moved out of the
way as we strode forward. Three overbearing alphas tended to do that. Even other alphas usually
gave us a wide berth.
When I went through the main area, her perfume hit me like a truck to the face. I almost stumbled.
The scent was heavenly, making my mouth water and my cock harden within an instant.
Looking at the others, I wasn’t the only one in the same situation. Julian looked at us all with wide
eyes as a soft growl left my throat and the rumble stayed within my chest.
The perfume was soft, much like the omega it came from, with hints of honeydew, vanilla, and
cherries. I fucking loved cherries.
My eyes zeroed in on her at her desk, where she sat reading a book. Her heart-shaped face, round
cheeks, blonde hair, all of it made me want to jump over the desk and take her right there in front of
everyone. To brand her with my knot. Mark her as mine for all to see.
My gaze stopped on the scars on her face that Julian had said were there and a hiss slipped from
me after my growl. Whoever had done that would pay. No one would hurt this sweet omega on my
I stepped toward her just as the others did. Elias and Simon purred softly.
That’s when she looked up, as if sensing us. Her innocent gray eyes widened as she took the four
of us in. When we got closer, her perfume intensified and arousal scented the air. I had to hold back
my groan. Her body knew that her alphas were coming for her. How was she in heat and not reacting?
But what happened next left me in shock. She scrambled from her desk, clutching her purse to her
very generous chest. What would it be like to hold those in my hands as she rode my cock? I could
easily see myself with my cock between them as she darted out that perfect pink tongue to take my
Alena took one last look at us as we approached her and bolted for the doors as if there were
helldogs on her heels. She tripped a few times, nearly falling before catching herself. I moved to
catch her, comfort her, but Julian held out his arms, stopping the three of us.
“She’s obviously terrified. We’re going to need to approach this differently .” The beta spoke
nonchalantly, but I could tell he was just as worried about Alena as the rest of us.
“She’s in heat.” Simon spoke between clenched teeth. “She needs us.” We could scent it in the air.
Fuck, if other alphas got a whiff of that scent, they wouldn’t care if she was terrified or not.
“We have her address. We’ll follow the bus to make sure she’s okay and meet her there.” Elias,
always in charge, briskly started striding toward the revolving doors. “Let’s go.”
I could barely function. I wanted to wrap myself up in her perfume, bury my face in her pussy and
have her ride my cock until she couldn’t function any longer. I had to take a deep breath. Not now.
Obviously it would happen, she was ours, but for now she needed us cool headed.
As soon as the alpha’s scent reached me, my pussy flooded with slick. It was an instant reaction and
I’d frozen in place. There was a flash and I couldn’t think for several moments. Heat filled me as my
eyes landed on the three alphas across the lobby and my stomach cramped. Julian was with them as
well. I could feel my slick move down my thighs, and I had to clench them tightly together.
Three very large alphas were coming for me. One was tall with copper hair, one had tattoos with
black hair, while the other had short hair. That’s all I could see as I couldn’t focus because their
scents wrapped around me, making me whimper softly.
No. I was starting over. That meant no alphas. I grabbed my purse and ran. My heels slid, and I
almost fell a few times, but I managed to keep myself upright.
As I ran out the door, I took a deep breath. A sudden cramp made me whimper.
The bus arrived just as I got to the stop. I thanked whatever god there was and climbed the steps. I
moved to the back of the bus, trying to breathe deeply. Thankfully, there were no alphas on the bus. I
counted down the minutes as the bus made its way through the streets. I clung to my purse, rocking
back and forth trying to ease the cramps building.
I bit my lip as a wave of arousal hit me over and over again. My panties were soaked with my
slick by the time my stop came. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed as I moved to my room as
quickly as I could without running. I’d just opened the door when someone behind me pushed me
gently into the room.
Squeaking, I turned around holding up my purse to hit the person when I froze. It was Julian and
the alphas. Their scents bombarded me. The smell of smoky woods, crisp sea air, and fresh cut grass
assaulted my senses. I backed up into the room, the back of my knees hitting the bed, and I fell
I couldn’t draw enough oxygen into my lungs as I started to hyperventilate. The panic attack hit me
out of nowhere and drew me down into its clutches. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. I’d just
started over. My new job was going to be amazing and now I would have to run because I’d gone into
Focus. Now wasn’t the time to panic. Controlled breathing. That’s what I was supposed to do,
right? In for four seconds, hold, then release for four seconds. Although it was not helping.
“Shh. Alena, we’re not here to hurt you.” Julian held up his hands. “We just want to help. Do you
have an emergency suppressant?” His kindness shot another zing of arousal through me.
The alpha with black hair and tattoos moaned softly. Oh gods, he was so manly and gorgeous it
made me want to cry.
I shook my head. “No! My heat isn’t due for weeks.” I sobbed. I needed relief, I felt like I was
burning from the inside out. If I didn’t get some sort of ease from the ache, I might die. And I wasn’t
even being overdramatic.
I’d never experienced a heat as powerful as this before. Was it because of them?
Oh, who was I kidding? Of course it was because of them.
The man with copper hair stepped forward. “I’m Simon, love, let us help you. We won’t knot you,
but there are other ways to help ease the heat. Just until we can get you something to help.” His voice
was soft and soothing. He was the one who smelled like fresh sea air.
“We just want you to be alright.” He unbuttoned his jacket slowly. “Let us take care of you, love.”
His sexy accent made the slick run faster. I had always been a sucker for a guy with an accent.
The one with brown hair, who smelled like freshly cut grass and was the tallest one of them,
stepped forward. “I’m Elias. I guarantee that we won’t harm you, little one.” He paused, his gaze
going back toward Julian. “Go get a dose of emergency suppressants. You’re the only one that’s
actually going to be able to leave.”
His low, rumbling voice made another wave of arousal cramp my lower belly and I curled into a
ball with a cry of pain.
“Shit,” the gruff, tattooed one snarled. “Now, Julian.” He took a step closer to me as Julian darted
out the door with a nod. “Alena.” His use of my name made tears stream down my face. They were all
so kind. I didn't deserve their kindness.
No. I wanted their cocks. Their knots.
No! I had to keep my mind off them naked.
“I’m Xavier. We would never hurt you. Let us just ease the ache until Julian can come back,
otherwise shit’s gonna get real complicated.”
Elias bit out a curse and ran his hand through his hair. “We have to get her scent under control or
every alpha in a ten-mile radius will fight us.”
Simon placed a knee down on the edge of the bed, his rich emerald gaze never lifting from mine.
“We need your permission, Alena. No knotting. No penetration. Just easing you. This decision has to
be yours. We can stand guard and fight anyone that comes here, or we can make you come with our
mouths. The choice is completely yours.”
His words penetrated the haze of arousal and I couldn’t do anything but blink up at him. He was
offering me a choice? They all were?
I’d never been around alphas that gave their omegas a choice. It was a foreign concept to me. In
Society, omegas were submissive to all of their alpha’s demands. You didn’t question it. And they
certainly never gave you any semblance of choice.
Simon must have seen the confusion lingering on my face. “This isn’t Society, love. No one will
force you and we’ll kill anyone who would force their will on an omega.”
Xavier stepped forward, a growl echoing in his massive chest. “I have a penchant for knives, and
their favorite target is rapists and abusers.”
The heat curled in my belly, and a fresh gush of slick distracted me from all other thoughts.
Although Xavier was scary as fuck, his rumbled growls and dark eyes made me feel safe.
Unlike Dylan.
I bit back a scream, a habit from my past I couldn’t quite break. If I made any sounds louder than a
whimper, he would have gagged me.
“Hey,” Elias cooed as he sat down on the bed. “Don’t retreat into your past. Stay here with us. I
know you don’t know us, but let your instincts guide you. Do they tell you ​we’ll harm you?”
I shook my head, thrashing back and forth on the pillow. “Please help me.” My hair came undone
from its bun.
Their responding growls made me whimper.
Simon’s fingers hesitated as he hovered above my leg. “Are you giving us permission to ease
you? We’ll keep our clothes on and it will only be about you.”
I nodded, my throat unable to form the words past the need blazing inside of me.
Elias smoothed my damp hair away from my face, his crystal blue eyes sparking to life as he
hovered over me. His lips pressed into my forehead, and I could feel the purr rumbling in his chest.
“You honor us, omega, with your body. We will honor and protect you always.”
I was too lost in the need consuming me to understand and fully grasp his words. I uncurled my
body and spread my legs for them. My fingers reached up and threaded through Elias’ dark strands as
I pressed my lips to his.
He responded immediately, his tongue parting my lips and sweeping inside my mouth. He took his
time, savoring and tasting me as I did the same to him.
Xavier and Simon each ran a hand up my leg and parted me further. “Oh, fuck, her slick is the
most intoxicating thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. I’m going to be addicted to her.” Xavier took a
deep inhale.
Simon let out a chuckle that ended on a groan. “Just imagine her taste.”
I pulled back from Elias’ kiss to see Xavier push Simon away and grasp the top of my skirt. “I’m
going to be the first one to taste you, princess.”
A cry caught in my throat as he removed my clothing easily and buried his face between my legs.
I’d never experienced this sensation before. It was more exquisite than anything I could ever have
His growls reverberated through me as his tongue lapped up every drop of my slick. He used the
tip of one finger to circle over my clit, drawing out my pleasure as the pain from the cramps eased.
I clutched at his dark hair, my hips bucking to the point I was practically riding his face. I couldn’t
even feel embarrassment at this point, I was lost to my need and the wicked way his tongue and
fingers played my body like he was a master musician and I was his favorite instrument.
“Xav–” I threw my head back, his name a hoarse shout from my aching throat. Elias and Simon
had moved to remove my shirt and bra, each taking a nipple into their mouth.
Black spots danced over my vision as the climax built from deep within, threatening to take me
over completely as they all pleasured me.
“That’s it, princess,” Xavier purred against my pussy. “Come for us and give us all your slick.”
My body obeyed his command, and I fell over the cliff into the most tortuous ecstasy I’d ever
experienced in my life.
As I came down from the high of the orgasm, my need didn’t ease, but they stroked me through it.
Calming me with their growls and the rumbling in their chest.
Alpha purrs, I realized. I’d never been soothed by a purr before. It was almost as pleasurable as
the orgasms.
Each took turns licking me, lapping at my slick and telling me I was the best thing they’d ever
Julian strode through the door, and I reached out for him as he approached. I whimpered, Elias
easing back the sinful strokes of his tongue.
“Shhh, baby girl.” He flattened a hand against my belly. “Let's get you your shot and then we’ll
have a rational discussion in the morning.”
The needle pricked my skin, followed by the heat easing within seconds. They must have gotten
the good stuff. Not the cheapest shit I would have gotten that probably still would have left me in pain
for a day or two.
As I floated away, all four loomed over me with rapture etched in their handsome faces. “Sleep,
little one. Know that we won’t let anything harm you ever again.”
I curled onto my side with a smile stretched over my face as sleep claimed me.

M y alarm went off in the morning and I groaned. I was so sore. As I stretched, I realized I was
naked on top of the sheets. Last night came flooding back to me in a rush.
My early heat. The three alphas who took care of me. My face flashed as I sat up. That
had all really happened. I swung my feet to the ground when my hotel door opened.
I squeaked as Julian walked in carrying coffee and a bag of pastries. He paused for a second,
looking over my body before I squeaked again and dove under the covers.
Oh god, it had all really happened. I’d let the alphas pleasure me through my surprise heat. I
buried my face in the pillow with a moan of despair. There was a dip in the bed as Julian sat on the
corner of it.
“It’s just me, Alena.” His voice and presence was a soothing balm. I heard him set down the
things in his hands on the small desk right across from the bed. His hand wrapped around my ankle
gently. “The others had to go into work for an emergency meeting and they didn’t want to overwhelm
you.” He squeezed my ankle. “Will you come out of there? At least your head so we can talk?”
Amusement laced his soothing tone.
I took a deep breath before removing the sheet from my head, my messy hair falling around my
face, the bun long gone. “Hi.”
Julian’s smile took up his entire face. It was so warm that it made my toes curl. “Hi there.”
I cleared my throat. “Um, so, yesterday…”
“Yesterday happened.” He bent down, took one of the coffees and held it out to me. “I promise I
won’t bite. Well, not yet anyway, and I know you’ll love it when I do.”
A snort fell from my lips at his attempt at a joke. Sitting up, I wrapped the sheet around my chest
and took the offered coffee. “Thank you.” I looked down at it, feeling some security when my hair fell
forward, creating a wall between us.
“You’re feeling alright?” Julian picked up his coffee and sipped it as I looked at him through the
strands of hair.
“Yes.” Surprisingly, for the first time after a heat, I felt amazing. Just sore. I felt my face flood
again. They’d eaten my pussy like it’d been their last meal. “I need to thank you guys.”
Julian choked on his coffee with a laugh. His green eyes were bright in the sunlight coming
through the window. “You really don’t. I can guarantee you that this was our pleasure to take care of
you in your hour of need. Plus, this was mostly their fault, right? They triggered your heat to come
I sipped the coffee, humming in pleasure at the sweet concoction. “I think so.” My voice was soft
as I looked down again. “It’s never been that intense before.”
“The guys will be happy to hear that.” There was a little sarcasm in his reply. “It’ll make them
puff out their chests a little more after last night. Alphas.” He chuckled again. “Alena, I want you to
know this doesn’t affect your employment with us. In fact, I’d wanted to talk to you yesterday before
all of this happened.”
He set his coffee down and picked up the bag of pastries. “We want you to come work for us on
the seventieth floor. I knew I wanted you on our floor when I first laid eyes on you.”
I clutched the cup to my chest as I pushed my hair back from my face. “What?”
Julian touched my ankle again, sending a soft shiver up my spine. “I knew you’d be special to us
the second I saw you. We’ve been waiting a long time for you. I know this is fast and we’re willing to
wait as long as it takes, but please say yes. It’ll come with a big raise because you’ll be doing a lot
more work.”
He was so earnest, I didn’t know what to say to him.
“Even if you don’t agree right away to be ours, we want to help you.” His hand moved from my
ankle again to rub the back of his neck. “I’ll be honest. Xavier looked into you. He’s kind of a god at
hacking. He found out you were hiding from someone. Whatever it may be, and you don’t have to tell
us right away, we want to protect you. Will you let us? Please?” The last was said rushed, as if he
were afraid of what I’d thought.
My hands shook slightly. They knew I was from Society. That I was on the run. Yet they still
wanted me to work for them? I couldn’t think of the other implications right then. I had to leave. I
couldn’t stay here. If they found out about me, others could too.
Julian sat up straight. “Alena.” He leaned forward to cup my face. “Deep breath, baby girl. We’re
not going to let anyone have you. You’re safe here, whether you take us or not.”
“But you don’t know me!” I put the coffee down on the nightstand and covered his hands with
mine on my cheeks. “I’m broken.”
All the makeup had to be gone from my face, exposing my scars. Plus, they had to see at least
some of the marks on my thighs, breasts, and stomach.
“Oh, baby girl.” Julian crawled onto the bed, pulling me into his arms as he laid back, putting my
head on his chest. His calming nature helped to soothe my nerves. His lips touched my forehead, and I
How long had it been that someone had touched me with anything but malice? Too long.
I looked up at him. I couldn’t really believe this. I’d always been told who I would be with, not
given a choice. Now I had that choice.
“I’ll work for you.” I even surprised myself with my answer.
I couldn’t believe she’d agreed so readily. I was ecstatic. Taking a large bite of the donut I’d picked
up on the way back to her hotel room, I glanced around. Alena was taking a shower, so I was waiting
patiently for her. I’d already let Sora know that she’d be late because she was with me. The woman
hadn’t even batted an eyelash. One of the many reasons I’d hired her.
I’d texted the guys to let them know she'd agreed to become our secretary. They were informing
their secretaries of their moves before I brought Alena back to the office. Rayna would stay as my
secretary for a few weeks so that she could train Alena and get her caught up. After that, I would
transfer her to be Sora’s secretary. If anyone could deal with the prickly woman, it would be Rayna.
The shower turned off, and I gulped. I’d gotten to see her luscious body last night, but hadn’t
gotten to really admire it without feeling like a creeper. She was all soft curves and a cute stomach. I
wanted to hug her but resisted. She was already feeling overwhelmed. I was lucky she let me hold her
briefly on the bed when she’d been upset.
Now, she was naked, and still in the bathroom. With only a thin wooden door separating us. I was
jealous of the guys because they’d gotten to taste her. They’d all looked triumphant after she’d passed
out with a smile on her face. The scent of her slick had been thick in the air, and all of us had to
excuse ourselves at various moments of the night to take care of business.
“Um.” Alena stuck her head out of the bathroom. “Could you close your eyes, please?”
I couldn’t stop my own grin from going across my face as I closed my eyes for her. Her beauty
was burned into my retinas, but I had a feeling it was too soon to tell her that. I could hear her moving
through the room, the sound of clothing being picked up and put on. I was tempted to peek, but I
couldn’t do that to her. She trusted me and I wasn’t going to waste that trust.
“Do you remember who was here last night?” I fumbled slightly, looking for my coffee, finding it
and taking a sip.
There was a pause in the shuffling sound. “I remember everything.” The shy reply made me grin
even more. “Xavier, Simon, and Elias are the alphas who helped me through the heat and you, Julian,
brought the emergency suppressant. Thank you for that.” Her voice was closer now. I didn’t jump
when her soft fingers brushed my cheek, I just turned my head into her hand.
“It was my pleasure. I can’t have you in pain, now can I?” My lips brushed her palm and I swear
she took in a sharp breath.
“I got you a cronut, I hope you like them.” I changed the subject so as not to scare her off. Her
hand left my face and I could hear her finish dressing.
“I’ve actually never had one before.” There was a sound of a zipper. “Okay, you can open your
eyes, Julian.”
Hearing my name on her lips was like a blessing as I looked at her. She wore a cute business suit
with a skirt that reached her knees. Her calves were shapely and the temptation to run my hand up her
leg was almost too much to bear. She’d put her hair back up into a bun. I don’t think the others
realized how long her hair was last night.
“You’re in for a treat.” I held up the bag. “You can eat on the way to work.” I wasn’t going to
broach the idea of her leaving the hotel for now. I’d learned from the front desk with some light
flirting that she’d paid for two more weeks. I had that long to convince her to come move in with us.
As did the others.
Xavier would probably just try to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to the house.
We had to get her out of this place. It was going to be a protection nightmare. In a less desirable
part of town, they designed the motel for extended stays, but it was definitely not secure enough for
our omega.
Damn it. I was already thinking of her as ours. Who was I kidding? The alphas were already
thinking the same thing. Hell, Simon had already ordered tons of new bedding and other soft materials
for her to use when she nested. I was sure Xavier was already assigning a security detail, although I
guessed it would probably be one of us watching her until she agreed to move in with us.
“Oh!” She glanced at the clock on the table next to her bed. “I’m going to be late!”
“No, I let Sora know ​you were running errands with me. You’ll be just fine.” I winked. “It pays to
be the boss sometimes.”
She giggled, and it was music to my ears. Another first I got to experience alone. The guys would
be so jealous. Ha.
I stood, throwing out my now cold coffee in the basket bin and held out my arm to her. “Shall
I watched a war go on in her eyes before a stubborn streak appeared and she placed her hand in
the crook of my arm. I grinned down at her in delight. “We’ll stop for more coffee on the way.”

W hen we got outside of the hotel, I was surprised to see a car waiting with a driver at the
backseat door. The man wore a uniform with a hat, just like the drivers you see on
television sometimes. He opened the back door for us, and patiently waited for us to climb
inside. The door closed softly behind us, and he retreated to the driver's side.
“You have a driver?” I couldn’t contain my question and glanced at Julian. I knew they were rich.
Heck, they were probably the richest men on the coast, but I hadn’t thought about how much that
Julian laughed softly as he buckled in and I followed suit. My feet were killing me. Running
yesterday in the new heels had not been my smartest move, but I’d survive. I hid my wince as my raw
foot rubbed against the shoe’s material.
“It’s easier to have a driver with how much traveling we actually each do.” Julian placed his hand
next to mine. Not quite touching, but if I moved just a little, our fingers would touch. “Charles, if you
could please go through the drive thru for more coffee.”
Charles, the driver, nodded in the rear view mirror and started the car.
I sank into the cushioned seats of the car and marveled at how soft they were. I didn’t even know
what kind of car this was, but I wanted one. My family may have been Society, but we weren’t this
well off.
Stop it, Alena. Don’t think about them or that life. It’s the past.
I turned to talk to Julian and found him watching me with a soft expression. A blush formed in my
cheeks. I was thankful for my makeup covering up most of it.
“So, you’re the director of HR?” I cleared my throat.
He nodded. “Yes. I’m more of a people person than the others, so it was a natural selection for
me. Elias is the CEO, Simon the CFO, and Xavier is the chief tech. We built this company from the
ground up. We started in a one room office ten years ago and now we’re here.” He moved his hand to
cover mine. “You’re going to be busy. We each had our own secretary and you’ll be taking over for
all of them. My current secretary, Rayna, will train you for a few weeks so you won’t just be thrown
into the deep end with no life preserver.”
“The other secretaries, you’re not firing them, are you? Just because of me?” I took my hand from
his. They couldn’t be that heartless.
Julian shook his head. “No. No, of course not. They’ll just be moved to different areas that need
help. That’s all. They aren’t losing their jobs. Most likely they’ll be less stressed. The alphas aren’t
always the easiest to deal with or work for. But I know you’ll be able to handle them. We’re actually
pretty easy to work for, other than the growling from the guys. Well, Xavier mostly.” He held out his
hand again to me.
I eyed it, speculating, but took it hesitantly. He twined our fingers together. He winked at me. I
looked out the window as we moved through traffic. The stop for coffee was quick, and the driver
handed it back to us. He’d ordered one for himself as well when Julian told him to. By the time we
got to work, I was wired with caffeine. The cronut had been really tasty, and I thanked Julian for it.
Julian helped me out of the car when we stopped in front of the building. I followed him in.
“I’ll be giving you access to our personal elevator.” I followed Julian through the hallway to the
private elevator. It was much bigger than the other ones. Julian had to swipe his badge to get it to
As we rode it up to the top floor, it was quiet. I felt comfortable with Julian.
“Um. Julian?” We were just passing the fortieth floor.
“Yes, baby girl?” He turned to me with a soft gaze.
I swallowed. “Could you close your eyes and bend forward?”
He did so immediately. “Alright.”
I let out my breath and pressed my lips to his gently. It was only fair he got a kiss when his friends
got to do so much more last night.
He kissed me back without pause, his tongue sweeping into my mouth. I clutched his shirt as he
deepened the kiss.
When his lips left mine, a moan of protest bubbled out of me. He pressed a soft kiss to my
forehead before straightening.
“What was that for?”
I blinked before releasing his shirt. “I thought it was only fair.”
The elevator stopped, and the door opened. I smoothed my suit down without looking at him
because I knew my face was red.
“If only I could hold the elevator here.” Julian sighed before stepping out with me following.
“That was the best kiss I’ve had in a long time. I need a cold shower.”
I paused before looking up at him, and his eyes were filled with joy and amusement. I giggled at
his joke. It didn’t last long as we stepped into the open floor.
There was a desk in the middle of the large hallway that felt like a gate. I assumed that would be
where I would be working.
“Looks like the guys already started moving things around. Good.” Julian nodded his head.
“That’s going to be your desk.”
We stopped in front of it, and I took it in. The desk was big, but sleek looking. It had hidden
drawers that I couldn’t wait to play around with. There was a phone, a headset, and a computer as
well as a printer and scanner.
“Ah. Rayna!” Julian called out. “Come meet Alena.”
I glanced up as a woman came around the corner. She was beautiful with long hair, down to her
waist. Her brown eyes were professional but warm as she approached.
“Hello. I’m Rayna.” She held out her hand to me and we shook. “It’s nice to meet you. Finally,
someone who can make this big lout actually care about something besides work.” Her tone was
teasing as she looked at Julian. “I’ve been working for years for him and the other three and they’ve
never seemed interested in anything except the next deal.”
“We’re not that bad, Rayna.” Julian chuckled and placed his hand on the middle of my back.
Rayna just looked at him before turning her attention back to me. “So the others moved their desks
already. I’ll be sharing yours for the next few weeks, I just need to get an extra chair for myself. I was
on my way to do that. I’ll see you in a bit.” She walked over to the elevator that we hadn’t ridden up
on. I assumed that was the public ones.
I watched her walk away before turning back to Julian. “I like her. Are you sure you don’t want to
keep her as your secretary?”
He laughed. “Positive. It’s time that she does something new. She’s like our little sister. I want to
see her doing something she loves instead of just working for me for the rest of her life.”
That was really sweet. I followed him through the rest of the floor. When we passed a conference
room that was glass on all sides, I could see the three alphas in a discussion, pointing at laptops.
Xavier looked bored, while Simon and Elias looked furious.
“Uh oh.” Julian mumbled. “The deal must not be going well. We’re trying to buy up some real
estate in Dubai, but the owner is being prickly.”
“Dubai?” That was a strange place to purchase land, wasn’t it?
“Yes. Dubai is the next market that we plan to hit. They’re known for their outstanding
architecture and we want to be there.” Julian knocked on a glass door, not caring that Simon and Elias
glared at him. At least they glared until they saw me.
All three alphas stood, closing their laptops. I took a deep breath. Hopefully, the suppressant
would keep working, as I was about to be bombarded with their scents again.
I followed Julian into the room, fidgeting with my jacket as those scents wrapped around me like
a gentle blanket. As they approached, I let out my breath. I could feel my slick flooding my pussy, but
I couldn’t keep that controlled yet.
Elias reached me first. “Hello, Alena.” His smile was soft as he took my hand to kiss it. “You
look magnificent today.”
“Oh, shut up.” Xavier pushed Elias to the side, and I found myself in his arms in a hug that lifted
me up in the air. “Mmm. You smell so good.” Xavier had his nose in my neck. “I can’t wait to have a
repeat of last night.”
“Dude.” Julian scowled at Xavier. “Put her down. You’re gonna scare her, you dolt.”
Xavier grumbled but did as the beta said and Simon took his place. He didn’t touch me, just
smiled down at me. I had to tip my head back to look up at all of them.
“May I?” Simon gestured to my hand, and I nodded. He took it in his and squeezed gently. “You
look beautiful and smell just as divine.”
My face flooded again. What was with these guys and their compliments? Why did I react the way
I did?
“We didn’t hurt you last night, did we?” Simon pulled me closer and his accent had my slick
almost running down my thighs and I watched as all three of them moaned as my arousal flooded the
They each took a step closer before Julian cleared his throat. “As much fun as this could be, you
three are in the middle of a meeting.”
“Damn it, Julian.” Xavier growled low. “Stop being reasonable, would ya?”
I giggled. It was like Julian had to wrangle them in like children. Julian smiled at me, winking.
“Let us take you to dinner.” Elias took my other hand, pulling it up to his mouth again and kissing
my fingertips. “Please. We really all need to talk and it would be nice to get out of the house for
pleasure for once.”
My senses were going into overload with their scents flooding me. Could I even survive working
here everyday like this? I would have to. I’d agreed, hadn’t I?
“Dinner?” I was a little dazed with all four of them surrounding me.
“Dinner, little one.” Elias chuckled softly. “Let us treat you to some good food and conversation?”
I wouldn’t mind that. They’d already proven I could trust their words.
“Okay. Dinner.” I squeaked as Elias pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.
“Perfect. Now we just need to get through the rest of the day.” He stepped back, moving back to
the table.
Simon squeezed my hand again before following Elias. Xavier grinned at me, scowled at Julian
and followed his friends back to their computers. Julian was chuckling softly under his breath. There
was something between him and Xavier.
“Let’s finish up the tour, shall we?” Julian offered his arm to me again, and I took it gratefully. I
was shaking only a little after no longer being surrounded.
The rest of the office was pretty self explanatory. I doubted I’d get lost. Each of them had a huge
office in each corner of the floor. I’d definitely get my steps in when I needed to deliver messages to
“You won’t be too overrun, especially once Rayna shows you the ropes.” Julian led me back to
my desk. “We only get escalated issues from downstairs. Otherwise we handle the major purchases
that are in the multi-millions and above.”
I couldn’t even imagine that much money. I’d never been allowed to handle any money growing
up. I’d managed to save what I had by basically stealing from his wallet when he’d leave it lying
“Alright, here’s Rayna.” Julian pulled out my chair for me and I sat after thanking him. “I’ll leave
you in her capable hands.”
Rayna walked over with a stack of paperwork in her arms; she’d already gotten a second chair
while we were going through our tour of the floor. She nodded to Julian as he walked off, leaving us
alone. She faced me with her lips pressed together.
“They all seem infatuated with you.” She was pretty blunt.
I cleared my throat. “I don’t know about that.”
“I do.” She snorted and sat next to me. “Let’s get started.”
Rayna was kind and patient as she taught me the ropes. She was extremely smart, and I felt
comfortable with her. I hoped we would be friends after spending a few hours together.
The day passed by quickly. I didn’t even realize it was quitting time until Rayne stood up.
“Alright. That’s enough for today. I’m outta here. I’ll see you tomorrow and we will continue
where we left off, yeah?” She smiled at me before leaving.
I looked around. I wasn’t sure when we were supposed to go to dinner, so I continued organizing
their schedules on the computer. I also took my shoes off since no one was around. My feet felt
instantly better not being confined within the heels.
I was so distracted when the four men came over to the desk that at first I didn’t notice them.
“Are you ready, love?” Simon’s voice whispered in my ear, causing me to jump and clutch my
chest, jerking away as flashbacks came back.
“Woah.” Elias held up his hands as I looked at them with fear in my eyes. “We didn’t mean to
startle you, little one.” He knelt in front of me, taking one of my hands. “You alright? Breathe, we’re
here with you and will protect you.”
I had to remember that I wasn’t back home. I was in a place with people around that wouldn’t
punish me for not immediately responding right away.
“I’m sorry!” I glanced at all of them, ignoring how the scars on my face throbbed with the
reminder that I didn’t react quick enough in the past. “I’m ready.”
Elias’ brows furrowed as he looked at me before glancing down and noticing my feet out of their
heels. “What..?” He reached down to gently touch my right foot and pulled it up. “Alena, your feet are
covered in blisters.”
I glanced down at the foot in question, finally noticing that they were pretty bad. I knew they hurt,
but I hadn’t realized they’d be so bad. “It’s the new shoes.”
Simon cursed softly before kneeling next to Elias and took hold of my left foot. I was blushing
“It’s really not that big of a deal.” I attempted to pull my feet from their grasps, but they wouldn’t
“Are you kidding? These look painful!” Xavier leaned forward to look down at them. “Julian?”
Julian looked as well and I could feel my mortification rising, along with the heat covering my
“Let’s take her home and call a doctor.” Julian pulled out his phone, stepping away.
“What?” Now I was getting confused as Simon and Elias stood, towering over me but not making
me feel like I was going to be punished. I didn’t want them to fret over me. This was probably one of
the least painful injuries I’ve ever sustained.
“We’re taking you home.” Elias bent, scooped me up into his arms as if I weighed nothing, and
stood straight.
My arms went around his neck as a small meep left my lips. “I can walk! Put me down, I’m much
too heavy for this.”
Elias just raised an eyebrow at me. “Does it seem like I’m straining to hold you?”
I shook my head silently.
“Just trust me, little one. You weigh less than Simon’s scrawny ass.” He smirked as Simon hit him
on the back.
The scent of fresh cut grass surrounded me and I found myself nuzzling my face into his neck to get
more of the smell. A soft groan escaped from him as we moved toward the private elevator with the
others behind us.
“Little one, if you keep doing that, I won’t be responsible for what I do as we ride the elevator
down.” Elias whispered into my ear and I froze.
My whole body went rigid, and I dared not to move. Elias laughed softly.
“Don’t worry. I can control myself.” He brushed his lips against my cheek. “Besides, our first
time will be in a bed where I can look at all of you and take my time, instead of a boxed elevator.”
I looked up at him. I didn’t feel pressured. In fact, I felt safe as the others crowded into the
elevator with us.
“The doctor will meet us at the house.” Julian hung up his phone as he pressed the button for the
first floor.
“Charles is waiting outside with the limo.” Xavier looked up from his phone that he’d been
texting on. “Should we stop and pick up food?”
“I’ll make dinner.” Simon spoke softly. His gaze met mine, and I fought the urge to brush some of
his copper hair out of his eyes.
“Ah. That reminds me.” Julian patted his pockets before pulling out a badge with my name on it.
“Your work badge, milady.” He handed it to me with a flourishing bow. “You’ll have access to the
entire building.”
I took the badge shyly. “The whole building? Isn’t that a little overkill?”
“No. We want you to have the same access as we all have.” Elias squeezed me gently. “What’s
ours is yours.”
“We need to talk about that.” I held the badge to my chest. “What do you mean what’s yours is
mine? I’m nobody.”
Not to mention this is going way too fast.
“The hell you say! Don’t you ever let me hear you utter those words again,” Xavier blurted out
and before I knew what was happening, he took me from Elias and held me tight against his chest.
Then he was kissing me.
It took my brain a few seconds to process what was happening. I clutched his shoulders as his
tongue plunged into my mouth, dominating my tongue with his. A whimper left me as I felt my back
pushed against the wall.
How were these alpha men taking control of every situation and I was alright with it? The smell
of smoked wood filtered through my brain and slick flooded my pussy. There was a round of growls
from the other men in the elevator.
“Xavier.” Julian’s voice, slightly strained, filtered through my haze of pleasure as Xavier’s mouth
moved to my neck. “We’re almost to the ground floor. Give her to me.”
Xavier growled roughly at that and his lips sealed over mine again before he was pulled back
with a scoff by Julian. I found myself, yet again, moved to another set of arms. This time Julian looked
down at me with amusement.
“You’re trouble, aren’t you?” He kissed the tip of my nose.
“Damn it, I wasn’t done,” Xavier hissed, but Julian just looked at him with a raised brow. The
other two just laughed at how desperate he sounded.
The elevator door opened, and we were walking out into the hallway. I knew my face was on fire,
but I couldn’t control it. I’d let Xavier kiss me and I’d wanted to keep going. I buried my face in
Julian’s shoulder.
I didn’t look up until we were in the car. It really was a limo. Instead of setting me down in one of
the cushioned seats, Julian just placed me into his lap with my feet in Simon’s lap.
Simon gently rubbed my feet, avoiding the blisters. “Oh, love, why didn’t you say anything? You
were running around all day on these.” His fingers brushed my ankles and a shot of pleasure ran
through me.
“Just touching her is like heaven.” Elias whispered from across from us. “I call next.”
Xavier nodded. “Ditto.”
I laughed. “I’m not a puppy!”
All four of them looked at me seriously. “No, baby girl. You are not a puppy. You’re our omega.”
Julian pressed his lips to mine before I could reply to that.

“N o, baby girl. You are not a puppy. You’re our omega.”

Julian’s lips were soft and reminded me of cotton candy as the kiss deepened. My arms
went around his neck and I gave a soft moan as his fingers ran along my back. I could feel him
hardening underneath me and I couldn’t help but wiggle in his lap as my slick built.
Julian pulled back, rested his forehead on mine and laughed. “You’re a minx, baby girl.”
“What did you mean when you said ‘our omega’?” I glanced at all of them.
“I have a feeling you know.” Elias met my gaze. “You’re the one we’ve been searching for. The
one whose perfume sets our blood afire. Our perfect match.”
I shivered, my fingers clutching Julian’s shirt. There was no way any of that was true. I was a
nobody. I didn’t say it out loud this time, so as not to upset Xavier. I was an omega who was trained
from birth to only be seen when necessary and never heard.
“No matter how long it takes, we’ll convince you.” Elias dipped his head so that I would look at
him again. “We’re patient and in the meantime, we’ll take care of you and protect you.”
I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever shown any kind of care like they had. Even my own
family had always been more concerned about what the Society deemed appropriate than my
happiness. I was just a tool to be used.
“Alena, look.” Julian nudged me gently. “We’re almost home.”
I looked out the window, my eyes widening, most likely comically. What we were pulling up to
was not a house, it was a mansion with columns that reached up into the sky it seemed like. Elegant,
yet modern. It had the perfect mixture of old and new with its stunning windows and manicured
There was even a garden that lined the perimeter filled with calla lilies and roses. My favorite
flowers. Tears threatened to gather in my eyes, before I blinked rapidly to keep them at bay.
Charles pulled in front of the entrance, stopping the limo.
The guys didn’t wait for him to open their doors and piled out. Julian passed me to Simon as soon
as he was out of the car. I wasn’t even able to put my feet on the ground. Now all four of them had
held me like a bride and hadn’t blinked once.
Simon moved toward the front door with Elias in the lead. They walked right in. Julian was on the
phone again. I could hear him asking someone if they were close.
“Mary?” Elias called out as we all stepped inside.
A round woman in her later years appeared. “Yes, sir?”
“This is Alena. She’s our omega and will be staying with us for a little while. Can you please get
her room prepared?” Elias didn’t even blink as he said that. They were serious about thinking I was
​meant to be theirs. “Alena, this is Mary. She’s been our head housekeeper since we first moved in.”
I nodded at the older beta woman shyly. She gave me a welcoming grin and clapped her hands
together. “Oh, I’m so excited to hear it. I’ll get the room ready straight away.” She turned around,
moving up the curved staircase with a skip in her step.
“Doctor Murphy is pulling in.” Julian moved to the left of the door. “Let’s set him up in the formal
living room.”
Elias followed Julian into a large room filled with large couches and chairs that faced each other
with a coffee table in the middle of the room. Elias set me down on one of the overstuffed chairs,
setting my feet up on an ottoman. I folded my hands in my lap, unsure what to say or do.
“You don’t have to do this.” I looked up at him as he bent to cover my lap in a soft throw blanket.
“It’s just a few blisters.”
“Princess, you must be looking at different feet, because what we’re seeing is raw and painful
looking. Why didn’t you wear different shoes?” Xavier crossed his arms over his chest as he sat
down on the couch across from me. I wasn’t able to answer him.
“I didn’t have any other shoes for work.” My gaze dropped to my lap as I wrung my hands
together. The shoes were the cheapest nice shoes I could find on the clearance rack, which meant they
weren’t quite the right size or fit for my feet. Probably explained the blisters.
Elias finished tucking in the blanket and moved to stand behind my chair while the other two
spread out in the room.
“We’re in here, Doctor Murphy!” Julian called over his shoulder when there was the sound of the
door opening. “Remember guys, he’s here to help her, not take her away.”
There were grumbles as an older alpha man walked into the room wearing a white lab coat. He
had graying hair that was slicked back and a kind smile. “Ah, hello boys.” He nodded to each of them
as he approached me. He was carrying a large briefcase that he set down on the floor as he took a
seat on the oversized ottoman that my feet were currently resting on. “Hello, my dear. I’m Doctor
Murphy. I heard you have some injured feet.”
When he reached out gently to take hold of my left foot, Elias let out a possessive growl, and his
hand clutched the top of the chair I was sitting in. I reached up and touched his hand gently.
“I’m okay, Elias.” I kept my voice soft. He brought his attention back down to me and his facial
expression smoothed out. It turned downright tender. As if I were the world, and all his dreams were
reflected down at me.
“I know. Sorry, doctor.” He glanced at Doctor Murphy, who just waved it off.
“Hazards of being an alpha doctor, my boy.” The older man laughed softly as he viewed my feet
methodically. He gave a low whistle as he looked at my right foot's heel. “Well, my dear, you
certainly did a number on these.”
He bent to his case, opening it. He dug through it for several long moments before pulling out a
tube of ointment. “You’re going to need to stay off your feet as often as possible. No regular shoes for
at least a month. Slippers will be your best friend right now.”
He handed the ointment to Elias. “Apply this three times a day. I won’t apply it myself because I
know how overprotective you alphas are of your omega.” The doctor grinned and winked at me.
“Wrap up her feet with soft socks, preferably fuzzy socks, I’m sure, and in a week or two her feet
will be a hundred percent.” He smiled warmly as he stood. “I’ll bill you as normal.”
Simon shook his hand and walked him out of the room. “Thank you, doctor.” Simon glanced over
his shoulder. “I’ll grab some socks and slippers.”
I forced myself to remain calm as I took a deep breath in and out. Taking the stairs two at a time, I
focused on my task of taking care of Alena.
The moment Doctor Murphy said she needed slippers and fuzzy socks, I pulled my phone out and
typed out a quick text to Charles. He was already on his way to the store to get what I requested.
Our poor omega.
Typical Society bastards treating their Omega’s like they were property instead of the strong and
capable women they are.
Memories assaulted me, threatening to take me back into the past. But I couldn’t drown in them
right now.
I had to focus on Alena. She needed me. Needed us.
Stories about my past were bound to come up once she learned my last name.
Yet another thing to worry about. We had to show her that we are her mates. The alphas and beta
she is destined to be with.
Then the past could be erased.
I jerked open my door and made my way into my closet. ”I know it’s here somewhere. Ah!”
I pulled out the pair of pink socks that were given to me as a gag gift by Julian. Meant to be
flamingos, they were trimmed in a lighter pink fluff and had black dots for eyes and even a beak
popping out of the toes.
They were horrendous, but they’d do the trick for now until Charles could return. When Alena fell
asleep, I’d go out and select more for her myself. I had to make sure they were the softest and most
Only the best for our omega.
Never again would she be treated as less. As if she were property.
When I returned to the living room, Elias had applied the ointment and wrapped the wounds in a
soft gauze. Doc also gave us instructions to change the dressings and carefully wash them each day.
I’m sure there would be a fight over who got to do that each day. Maybe we needed to come up
with a system. Draw straws or some shit like that. I’d discuss it with Elias and the others once we got
Alena settled.
“Found them.” I smiled at Alena as I knelt at her feet beside Elias. “Charles is out for some better
ones, but I want your feet covered and protected before then.”
Her brows drew together, her confusion one of the most adorable things I’d ever witnessed in my
life. “Are those…” she paused before her eyes widened. “Flamingos?”
Her eyes brightened, and she practically bounced on the couch. “I love flamingos. They’re my
favorite animal.”
Her smile was infectious and soon, all of us were grinning like loons.
Even Xavier. That was only a tad bit creepy. Usually he only smiled when there was blood and
carnage involved.
“I shall make sure to order lots of flamingo items for your room.” I gently took her foot from Elias
and eased the socks on. I managed to only make her wince once, although she hid it well.
Just another thing to blame the damn Society for.
Letting out a sigh, I lifted her legs and sat down on the couch with them on top of my thighs.
“Sweetheart. You don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to, but I need to know. Do you feel
safe with us? Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?”
Alena shook her head rapidly. “No. You guys actually make me feel really safe.”
“We know you come from Society.” I licked my lips, unsure of how to follow that up. I knew I
needed to tread carefully, but we needed to know more about her. I craved to help her through every
nightmare, and be her light in the darkness. She just needed to open up to us. “But know that we have
a top of the line security system and no one will ever get to you while you’re with us.”
She nodded, her thumb coming up to rub one of the smaller scars just about her lips. “I’m—“ she
hesitated, panic gripping her face that was bright just moments ago.
Damn it. I knew I should have waited. I deserved a nice slap across the face for pushing her and
asking the question.
Julian knelt on the floor and took one of her hands into his. “No, baby girl. You don’t need to tell
us anything right now. Just know you’re safe. We aren’t going to pressure you into anything right now.
We just want you safe.”
Murmurs of agreement echoed from the rest of us. “Are you hungry, love? What kind of food do
you like? I'm an excellent cook.” I flashed her a bright smile, hoping I could lighten the mood once
“I’m not picky,” she replied, shrugging.
“Nope.” I shook my head leaning forward to boop her nose. “I want to know what your favorite
meal is. Mexican? Italian? A nice juicy burger and chips?”
“They’re fries,” Xavier muttered as he rolled his eyes. “You’ve been in the US way too long to
still be calling them chips.”
“You can take the boy out of England, but you can never take the England out of the boy.” I subtly
lifted my hand and gave him a one-finger salute.
Alena giggled, the sound like music to my ears. “You guys are ridiculous.”
“We’re growing on you, admit it.” Julian winked at her.
Red crept into her cheeks and she nodded before she turned her gaze to me. “Chicken fettuccine
“I knew you were perfect for us.” I grasped her free hand and brought it to my lips. “That just so
happens to be my specialty and an ultimate house favorite. Elias, take my spot and keep her feet
elevated and warm and I’ll go make dinner.”
I stood up, and Elias sat, taking my place. A smile danced over my lips as I leaned down and
kissed Alena’s cheek before retreating to the kitchen. “Don’t worry, love. Take all the time you need.
We’ll still be here when you’re ready to tell us.” I gave her upper arm a squeeze before leaving her in
three sets of very capable hands.

D inner was not what I expected. I expected to sit down and eat pasta.
What I did not expect was the desperate need to change my underwear.
Because watching Simon cook was a thing of beauty.
The guys had plopped me down in a cushioned barstool with a high back, my feet on a pillow on
another stool. Simon kept a close eye on me, coming over to feed me small bites every so often.
He’d ditched his tie before he unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves, revealing powerful forearms.
He worked in the kitchen as if he were dancing. His large hands worked with impressive skills to
prepare everything for the chicken fettuccine.
Simon even prepared the Alfredo sauce from scratch.
Oh man, I was a goner.
I bit down on my bottom lip, watching the muscles in his arms flex as he diced up some parsley to
throw into the sauce.
“Sweetheart?” Simon asked, the one word sending another wave of warmth through my body.
“Alena, are you alright?”
“Huh?” My eyes widened, and I met his gaze as heat flushed over my cheeks. “What was the
A knowing smirk tilted the corners of his lips. “You like to watch me cook. Good to know, love.”
When he finished, he placed the various dishes around the table and scooped me up to set me
down at an elegant mahogany table just off the kitchen.
“Thank you.” I beamed up at him. “This looks—“ I was cut off by the loud grumble that echoed
from my stomach.
“Oh! Sorry.”
“Someone is hungry,” Julian teased as he sank down into the chair beside me.
The others filed in, and soon plates were filled and conversation flowed freely.
The guys were close and made jokes at each other’s expense. I had felt so relaxed and at home for
the first time in my life I’d been sad when dinner was over.
Julian brought me up to a large room with a princess canopy bed that made me gasp.
“Oh! It’s beautiful!” I looked around the room happily. “Are you sure I can stay here?”
Julian ran his hand down my back. “This is your room. We’ve just been waiting for you to take it.”
He pressed his lips to my forehead. “I brought in a pair of Elias’ shorts, Xavier’s shirt, and one of my
pillows for you. Kinda figured you enjoyed Simon’s flamingo socks. No need to thank me, but I gave
those to him as a gag gift for Christmas.” Julian cupped my cheek. “Do you need help changing?”
Blushing, I shook my head. “No. Thank you for bringing me these things for bedtime.” Now I
wouldn’t have to sleep in my clothes.
Julian kissed me gently before standing. “Alright. Get some sleep, baby girl. We’ll figure out what
we’re doing tomorrow.” He closed the door behind him.
Undressing wasn’t hard; I avoided standing as best as I could. Now, pulling on the shorts took a
little finagling, but I managed it. The shirt smelled like Xavier, and the scent of smoked wood made
me relax. I hugged the pillow to my chest as I looked at the fuzzy socks and smiled as I settled into the
bed after taking my hair down, falling asleep.
“You useless piece of trash.” Dylan snarled as he backhanded me across the face, making me
fall to the ground with a cry. “I told you not to speak tonight.”
Tears fell down my face as he yanked my hair back, making me cry out. Pain exploded in my
scalp where he clutched me. Tears burned in my eyes, threatening to fall as I fought against him.
“I’m—s—sorry,” I stuttered, trying anything to make the pain stop.
“You should know better,” Dylan hissed in my ear. “I’m going to brand you to remind you who
your master is. Maybe then you’ll learn to obey my orders when I give them.”
I woke with a cry, my body shaking. The white hot pain of the brand on my hip echoing through my
memories. “No! Don’t!” Tears fell from my eyes. I touched my hair, feeling the scar on my scalp
where Dylan had yanked out my hair in fistfuls. I couldn’t get the man and his evil laughter out of my
“Alena?” Elias surged into the room, his voice frantic as he called for me. He wore a pair of tight
boxers and nothing else.
I wish I could say I enjoyed the view, but I was too caught up in my night terror. He climbed into
the bed, pulling me up against his chest.
“Shh, little one. I’m here.” He purred softly in my ear as I sobbed into his chest. His skin vibrated
beneath my touch. Dylan’s laughter was still in my head and the echoes of pain made my body jerk. I
tried to focus on his purr and let it replace the memories.
“Oh, my little one, what can I do?”
My fingers curled into his pecs. “Make me forget, Elias. I want to forget his cruel touch. I want to
be cared for. Please take me.”
Loved. I wanted to be loved by someone. But I couldn’t say that part aloud.
“Little one, I won’t take advantage of you.” His fingers ghosted over the bare skin of my shoulder
where the shirt slipped down.
My eyes fluttered shut as a fresh wave of tears cascaded down my cheeks. He didn’t want me. Not
like this. Not when I wasn’t in heat.
Disgusted with myself, I tried to roll away from him, but he held me close. “Alena, look at me.”
I swallowed then tilted my neck back to peer up at him. “I’m s—s–s–s–” No. Not again. I worked
so hard to get rid of that damn stutter.
Elias placed a gentle finger over my lips. “No apologizing.” He moved and cupped my cheek.
“Trust me, if you knew how difficult it is for me to not accept your offer, you’d understand. It’s very
hard.” His eyebrows arched and his gaze dropped to where his impressive erection was tenting the
I pushed my face back against his skin, trying to hide again. If I was a stronger woman, I would
have been able to pull away from him.
“What else can I do, little one? Can I hold you until you fall asleep again?”
I shook my head, knowing I’d never be able to sleep after that nightmare.
I just wanted the memory of Dylan’s cruel touch replaced by a loving one. I curled against him,
not meeting his gaze again as my body stiffened. Despite his words and the evidence of his desire, my
mind still fought back against me. Dylan’s voice rang through my head, taunting me. Telling me I was
worthless and nothing.
Ugly and scarred. Not worth a knot. A soft sniffle escaped me, a couple stray tears leaking from
my eyes to fall onto Elias’ chest before I could stop them.
The rumble beneath my cheek intensified. “Please don’t cry, little one. It’s breaking my heart.”
His hand stroked up and down my back and the crying stopped. But I ached. It wasn’t as intense as
when I went into heat, but the feeling of emptiness remained.
I didn’t know if it was my body or soul that was empty, but both cried out for these men. Needed
these men like I needed air to breathe. I let out a deep sigh, unable to stop my body from rubbing
against him as his scent invaded my nostrils.
“On your back, spread your legs for me,” Elias rumbled, easing away from me to allow my body
to comply with his order. The heat burning in his eyes as I met his gaze made desire sparked to life
within me. These men were slowly rekindling things I’d long since thought dead.
My feet planted on the mattress and I started to push down the shorts, but Elias stopped me. “Stop
putting pressure on your feet.” He grasped each ankle and placed them on his shoulders. “Much
better,” he said with a wink.
“Elias,” I gasped as he maneuvered me to drag the shorts down my legs. A growl reverberated
around me as he saw I wasn’t wearing anything beneath. No use getting my panties any dirtier when I
had a perfectly good pair of shorts.
“Your scent drives me to the brink of madness.” His nose ran down the length of my thigh before
he kissed a path back up to my knee. “I’ll make you come tonight. It’ll help you sleep. I won’t ask
anything more of you.”
“I’m the one asking you.” The husky quality of my voice startled me as I spoke.
Elias shook his head, a twinkle lighting up his beautiful eyes. “May I make you come with my
mouth, little one?”
My eyes narrowed, the lust in my blood making me shake with need. “Yes, please stop dragging
your feet on this one. I need you now.”
“Demanding little minx.” He nibbled the inside of my thigh. “Your wish is my command.”
I threw my head back and moaned as his mouth sealed over my pussy. Two fingers spread me
wide, and he drew his teeth over my pulsing clit before he soothed the ache with his tongue.
Fresh slick gathered and Elias groaned as he lapped it up.
“I could survive on just your cunt for sustenance. It’s like liquid ambrosia.” His words set me on
fire just as much as his tongue, teeth, and lips did.
He teased me, driving me to just the edge of oblivion before pulling back.
I raked my fingers through his hair. “Please Elias. I need to come.”
The need pulsing through my core made my tongue loosen and words spill out. “Never thought it
would feel this good. Oh gods, Elias. Please.”
Elias thrust one finger inside me, curling it just enough to hit that magical spot. “Now, little one.
Come for me.” He drew my clit into his mouth and sucked.
Spots danced before my eyes as my mouth parted in a silent scream. He drew every ounce of
pleasure from my body until it left me rambling incoherent mess.
Elias pulled away, placed one last kiss on my thigh before drawing the hem of the shirt down to
cover me.
“Stay please?” I muttered, my eyelids surprisingly heavy.
“Wouldn’t even dream of leaving you, little one.” He drew me into his arms and kissed the top of
my head. “Thank you for placing your trust in us. Despite your past, you’ve opened yourself for us and
we will treasure that until the end of our days.”

T he next morning I woke up alone. I could still smell Elias on the sheets and was very relaxed.
My feet were still sore but felt better than they were yesterday. I swung my legs over the side
of the bed and gingerly made my way to the attached bathroom. I was only in the room for a
few minutes. When I came back into the bedroom, Xavier was lounging on the bed.
“Why didn’t you tell us you needed to use the bathroom?” He stood, walking over to me. He
picked me up without another word and took me back to the bed.
“I’m not an invalid.” I curled into his arms, I felt so safe with them. I nuzzled his neck, breathing
in the smoky woods.
“Mmm. Your perfume is so addicting.” Xavier returned my nuzzle and kissed my neck. “We know
you can take care of yourself, but we want to do it.”
They kept saying that to me. When would I believe it without second guessing them?
“Stop thinking so hard.” Xavier set me on the bed. “We went to your hotel last night and got your
clothes, but we aren’t happy with the selection.”
I froze. “What’s wrong with my clothes? I don’t have many, but they're just fine.”
Xavier shook his head. “That’s just it. You should have so much more. So we’re taking today off
and going shopping.”
My shoulders relaxed somewhat. They weren’t mad that I didn’t have the right clothes, they were
just concerned. “I don’t need more.”
Xavier leaned forward, caging me between his arms. “We know that. Still going shopping. You
can go with us and help or stay here. But I’m warning you that if you’re not there, there’s no telling
what kind of clothes you’ll get.” He grinned wickedly.
“Now you’re being a bully.” I laughed. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh darling, I’m partial to lace. I would get all the lacey things just to tear them off of you.”
Xavier purred deep in his chest and I felt an answering purr in mine. “Every color of the rainbow.
Multiple sets. That way you would never miss the ones that I ripped from your body and kept for your
tantalizing scent.”
These men were dangerous for a whole other reason.
I blushed and breathed in a bit more when he stood up. “Now, what do you want to wear today?”
He pulled up my suitcase that had been on the floor and I hadn’t seen.
They really had gotten my clothes.
“I can pick out my own clothes.” I laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
“That’s no fun.” Xavier pouted but handed me the suitcase. “Call out if you need me.” He kissed
me gently. “Elias was one lucky bastard last night.” He winked and left the room.
I got dressed quickly into casual clothes. I decided on a dress that went down to my knees.
The door opened, but it was Julian who walked in. He smiled at me and butterflies fluttered in my
stomach. “Good morning, baby girl.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Simon went out last night and got
you some more fuzzy socks and some slippers.” He held up another pair of socks that were flamingos
again. I couldn’t stop my grin. They were so cute!
“Now, let me change out the bandages and we’ll go downstairs for some breakfast, alright?”
Julian set the socks aside and gently took my feet in hand.
“You guys don’t need to carry me everywhere, you know. I can walk.” The doctor had said to stay
off my feet but hadn’t said I couldn’t walk.
“I know. We want to, but Mary made the argument for you this very morning. She got a wheelchair
instead for when we go out shopping today.” Julian removed the socks and bandages slowly,
I’d have to thank Mary when I saw her. She’d just saved me from overwhelming embarrassment. I
knew that the guys meant well, but I wasn’t an invalid. I had to show them that they didn’t need to do
everything for me.
“I can do this, you know.”
“I know, but taking care of you makes us feel good.” Julian put the ointment on my feet gently.
“They’re looking even better than yesterday. Just a couple of days and you’ll be good as new.”
A couple of days with these men would be paradise. I’d enjoy it while I could. Because I knew
better than to hope it would last longer. The fates were never so kind to me.
“There.” Julian smiled at me and set my feet down after putting on the new fuzzy socks. “Now,
let’s go down to breakfast. Simon made pancakes.” He reached out for me and I met him halfway.
When he picked me up, I hugged him around the neck and buried my face in his shoulder.
“Thank you, Julian. For everything.” No one had ever shown me such kindness as these men.
He tightened his hold on me, hugging me back just as tightly as I clung to him. “You’re welcome,
baby girl.”
He took us into the kitchen, bypassing the formal dining room. The others were already seated
around the kitchen table when we entered. Julian sat me between Simon and Elias before moving
himself to sit next to Xavier. There were pancake stacks in front of everyone with fruit all around the
table. I eyed the watermelon excitedly.
“It smells heavenly, Simon.” I looked over to him and grinned. “That’s a lot of pancakes.”
He returned my grin and piled my plate up with pancakes. “We’re large men, love. This is just
first breakfast.”
I burst out laughing and saw that there was strawberry syrup and grabbed that. As I prepared my
breakfast, including grabbing a few slices of watermelon, the guys just watched me with smiles. My
stomach gave a hungry grumble as I took my first bite.
“Oh, these are good!” I finally looked up at them, blushing at their attention. “What?”
“Nothing, baby girl.” Julian gently spoke. “It’s just nice to see you smiling.”
I shook my head at them as I ate. It was nice and comfortable. If only it could be like this every
day. I glanced at each of them as they talked. According to them, it could be. Could I trust them that
much? Could I believe it were true?
“Why aren’t you all part of Society?” The question popped out before I could stop it.
They all froze before looking at Simon. I looked at the British alpha curiously. He wiped his
mouth with a napkin before meeting my gaze.
“I was part of Society growing up in England.” He cleared his throat, his eyes stormy. This was
obviously hard for him.
“You don’t have to say anything.” I touched his hand gently.
He shook his head. “How can we expect you to trust us with your secrets if we don’t share ours?”
Simon turned his hand and threaded our fingers together. “You more than likely can relate to my story
more than anyone else at this table.”
I probably could. Being part of Society stripped you of being an individual. Alphas were treated
better than omegas, but they still had the expectations of their families. To carry on the family
business. Produce heirs. Adhere to all of Society’s rules.
“I came to the states during high school to get a better education at one of the most elite private
schools in the world. That’s when I met these three idiots.” Simon laughed softly as a chorus of ‘heys’
went around the table. “They became my pack. When school finished, my father wanted me to return
to England, but I’d found freedom here. I’d discovered what it meant to have your own life thanks to
Elias’ parents.”

T alking about the past always made my mood plummet, but she needed to know. Her hand in
mine helped.
“When my father demanded I return, I ignored him.” I took a sip of water. “He didn’t like
that one bit. He sent a bodyguard to retrieve me and he wasn’t gentle.”
Her gasp was soft, and she squeezed my hand tightly. I offered her a soft smile.
“These idiots followed as soon as they figured out that I’d been kidnapped.”
“You mean your saviors.” Elias joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“We bribed the kitchen staff to let us into his house late at night.” Xavier cut into his pancakes.
“All we had to do was flirt a little–Well, Julian did– and offered a little money and the staff turned on
his family. They didn’t like his dick of a father any more than the rest of us.”
I shook my head. “They found me in the basement. My father had taken to beating me when I
refused to do what he wanted. I was supposed to marry an omega of my father’s choice, but I refused.
I wasn’t going to marry for money, not to mention Bridget was abused by her family for years. Father
hadn’t been happy with me.”
I looked down at our hands together, but she surprised me with what she did next. She climbed
into my lap without prompting and hugged me. I could feel tears form but I fought them back. “Oh,
“I know what you’ve gone through and I’m so sorry. Family shouldn’t treat family that way. No
one should.” She whispered softly into my neck and the implications of what she’d gone through made
me growl softly. Echoing growls echoed around the room. Even Julian growled, and the beta never
reacted badly.
“These idiots rescued me in the middle of the night like I was a damsel in distress.” Trying to
lighten the mood, I ran my hands soothing down her back. “We made it back to the states and Elias’
parents took care of my father trying to send people after me. I’ve not gone back since. We arranged
for Bridget to be rescued from her family so she wouldn’t be punished for our failed engagement.”
Gods, I couldn’t even imagine the torment Bridget would have faced if she stayed in England.
She turned to look at Elias. “I like your parents.”
Elias threw his head back and laughed. “My parents are so lovey dovey it’s disgusting sometimes.
I’m sure they’re going to be thrilled when they finally get to meet you. We’re going to have our hands
full when Mom gets to see you. Dad and Papa will have to fight to pull her away. My mom is an
omega with two mates. Not all that uncommon these days.” He shook his head. “We may not be part of
Society, but we still have our own power.”
I tilted Alena’s face up with a finger under her chin. “We all have dark pasts, well, except Elias,
but you can trust us. We’ve grown from our experiences and will never allow you to be hurt ever
“And if anyone tries, they’ll answer for it.” Xavier’s rough voice made her laugh softly. He
produced a knife from out of nowhere and twirled it between his fingers.
“With your knives?”
“With my knives, princess.” He swore it as a promise. Xavier winked, continuing to fiddle with
the switchblade.
Her body relaxed even more into my hold, despite Xavier and his creepy knives, and my hands
moved to her waist. She was quiet for several minutes before shifting slightly.
“I was engaged. My parents arranged it when I turned thirteen. When I turned eighteen, they gave
me to him until our wedding.”
Her voice was so soft we had to lean forward to hear her. “Dylan is a very overbearing alpha. He
had to have everything precise. He got violent when things weren’t just right. I was his possession,
not his fiance. I wasn’t allowed to talk in public. My family connections made me useful to him.”
She shuddered against me and I held her tighter, smoothing her hair gently. “My scars are from
him and his tantrums when he would punish me.” She whispered even softer now. “He used to yank
my hair out in rages.”
Xavier abruptly stood up, his chair making a loud noise in the quiet kitchen. He clenched his fists
at his side.
“Sit down, Xavier. Being upset now won’t help, and will just upset her more.” Julian took
Xavier’s fist in his hand and pulled him back down to sit. I could see him stroking his thigh. “He can’t
hurt her anymore now that she’s with us.”
Alena looked up at me with big eyes. “I ran away with money I stole from him over time. Then I
came here, all the way across the nation, so that he’d never find me again. Didn’t think I would ever
find a pack that would actually accept me for me.”
I cupped her cheek in my palm, and she closed her eyes, leaning into it. “You're ours and we will
lay down our lives for you.”
Her eyelashes fluttered before opening again and meeting my look. “I’m starting to believe you.”
I wiped at my eyes, the tears having fallen quietly. I shifted, intending to go back to my seat, but
Simon held me still in his lap, I didn’t fight him. It felt good to be in his arms, the scent of sea air a
soothing balm on my nerves. It was nice knowing that I wasn’t the only one who’d suffered at the
hands of the Society, horrible as that thought was.
“We should finish breakfast.” I tried to smile, but it came out watery.
Simon pulled my plate in front of him, next to his plate, and handed me my fork. It looked like he
was keeping me in his lap to finish eating, too. I gave him a grateful smile and started in on my
pancakes again. They were so fluffy and rich with butter.
I didn’t notice the others not eating until I was almost done. I looked at them. “You’re making me
feel self-conscious if I’m the only one eating.”
That got a laugh out of them, and they moved to finish their own plates. We ate quietly. The only
sounds were the clink of forks on the plates.
“Man, I’m stuffed.” Julian stretched his arms over his head. “That was great, Simon. Thank you.”
Simon nodded. “Always, mate.”
I grinned. “English people really say mate?”
Simon looked at me and laughed. “This one does.”
“Now, why don’t we get going?” Xavier stood moving to stand in front of me. “Mary put the
wheelchair in the limo’s trunk, so we can head straight out.” He held out his arms to me with a
questioning look.
I didn’t hesitate this time. I held out my own arms to him and he looked relieved as he picked me
up from Simon’s lap. His lips pressed against my forehead. “Where are we going shopping?”
“The mall.” Xavier, the man of many words.
I giggled at my thought and I just shook my head when the others looked at me quizzically.
“It shouldn’t be very busy at this time of day.” Julian walked next to Xavier. “That way you’re not
so overwhelmed when we go shopping in multiple stores.”
“That sounds exhausting.”
Elias snorted. “It is, but when Simon and Julian go shopping, they really go shopping.”
As we moved from the kitchen to the front of the house, I saw Mary sweeping a hallway. She
looked up with a smile and her eyes met mine.
“Oh! Thank you, Mary!” I didn’t get to say anything more before we were walking through the
door. Simon said goodbye to her.
Charles was there standing at the door. He looked straight ahead as he opened the back for us to
climb into the car. Elias took me from Xavier as he settled. I squirmed until I was off his lap and
sitting next to him. I could sit on my own, giving them a little scoff when they raised their brows at
“I’ve never been to a mall before, is it indoors?” I fidgeted with my hands.
“It’s inside. It’s huge.” Julian leaned forward from around Xavier to look at me. “We’ll eat in the
food court, too when we’re done.”
That sounded like a lot of fun to me. “Chinese?”
They all smiled. Julian laughed.
“Chinese it is!”
Julian wasn’t kidding when he’d said it was huge. I watched in awe as we pulled into one of the
many parking lots. Charles parked us at the third entrance into the mall instead of one of the many
large department stores.
Simon hopped out of the limo quickly, grabbing the wheelchair out of the trunk and had it ready by
the time the rest of us got out of the car. Julian helped me into the chair, making sure I was
comfortable before Elias started pushing it. There were a lot of people coming out of the entrance as
we walked inside.
I raised an eyebrow at Julian, and he shrugged. So much for not being busy, but I didn’t mind.
There was so much to see and do here. The chill in the air from the air conditioning made
goosebumps erupt over my skin.
I didn’t know where we were going, but the guys were confident as they strode along. I could tell
they were used to the attention that they brought themselves by just being in a group. Women, and even
some men, watched them walk by with heated gazes.
We stopped in front of a store that catered to larger women and I was thankful that they’d not gone
into a regular store, since some stores didn’t even carry plus sized clothing.
“Welcome! Is there anything we can help you with today?” The employee that came forward gave
us each a welcoming smile before focusing on me.
“We need a whole new wardrobe.” Simon stepped forward and handed her a credit card.
Her eyes lit up, and she gestured for us to follow us. “Come with me. I’ll get you set up in the
back and we can go shopping!”
So we did. The girl's name was Terra, and she reminded me of a pixie the way she flew about the
store. I told her my measurements, and she went looking for things that would fit me. Julian went with
her. Xavier went to the lingerie area and kept giving me heated looks out of the corner of his eyes.
“Is anyone going to stop Xavier? I have a feeling if he picks out anything, it’ll be uncomfortable
and not functional at all.” Amusement laced my tone.
Elias bent forward and whispered in my ear, making me shudder, slick flooding my pussy. “You
won’t have to worry if they’re uncomfortable or functional for long because they’ll be ripped off
within moments.”
I laughed breathlessly, trying to press my thighs together to relieve the ache. “What’s the point of
having underwear then?”
“Yes, what is the point?” Simon wickedly licked his lips as his gaze trailed down the length of my
I’d set myself up for that one as my face flooded red.
“Here’s the first haul.” Terra appeared, holding a ton of clothes in her arms followed by Julian
with the same overloaded armful. “Why don’t we go through what you like and don’t like?”
We spent the rest of the time at the store going through the clothes. Some I didn’t like instantly. I
went toward the bigger, looser options, while the guys voiced their opinions about some tight fitting
options. I felt awkward about letting them pay for my clothes, but I knew if I fought them on it, I’d
lose, so I’d decided to enjoy the experience.
I let them pick a few things that I never would have picked, but it made them happy when they
looked at the clothing, I couldn’t say no.
When Terra moved to the lingerie section, I begged them to go. “Please. I can pick out my own
Julian was the one to move the alphas out of the store. “We’ll be outside.” He gave me a
reassuring smile as they left and I could breathe again.
“They’re crazy about you.” Terra made the comment as she brought over some underwear. “That’s
easy to tell from watching them watch you.”
I blushed and dipped my head. “I’m lucky.” We spent the next twenty minutes going over what
type of lingerie I was comfortable with and picking out several pairs. I even got a lacey pair just for
Xavier, not sure if I’d ever have the confidence to show him directly, but I was hopeful I would.
Terra put the lingerie in a bag before calling the men back into the store. Xavier looked like he
wanted to ask about the underwear, but he glanced at Julian and his shoulders slumped in defeat. I
couldn't contain my giggle at that.
“Can we have these delivered?” Simon was at the register. “I’ll be more than happy to pay extra
for it.”
Terra had to get her manager, who agreed when Simon offered an outrageous amount. I tried to
object but they all just scoffed at me.
When we left, Terra was moving the many bags of clothing to the back. I had to admit that many
bags would be hard to carry around.
We went to other stores to window shop. I knew they did that for me. I found a few stuffed
animals that I couldn’t help but hug. That’s all I had to do for Simon to buy them for me.
“Simon, I just hugged them!”
“So you like them enough to hug. We need to fill your nest with things that make you happy, this is
a good start.” Simon chuckled, basically ignoring my protests.
My nest. I’d never had one before. I looked down. “Could we have some fairy lights?”
Xavier cursed softly and jogged away in the store. I looked up, confused.
“You just asked us for something you want.” Elias kissed me gently. “That’s Xavier’s way of
being excited to get you what you want.”
I melted into the chair as I fought to keep my slick from becoming overbearing. Elias moaned
behind me.
I hid a smile behind my hand. I loved hearing them get frustrated because of me. Me!
When we got to the food court, my nose was assaulted with so many delicious smelling foods, my
stomach grumbled again for the second time today.
We waited in line with others at a popular Chinese chain. The men ordered a ton of food, making
me think my eyes were bigger than my stomach by the time we sat around a table.
“This is almost like a date, isn’t it?” I looked as we ate delicious food.
Elias stopped eating before looking at me. “Little one, this is not a date. When we take you on a
date, you’ll know.”
Simon brushed back some hair that had fallen in front of my face and kissed my cheek. “But this is
a good trial run, isn’t it?”
These guys were going to make me come undone.

S everal days later I was back to work, able to walk again. Julian had thrown out the heels and
they’d gotten me comfortable slip-ons to wear. I was working at my desk with Rayna.
“You’re doing great. You won’t need any more training after this week.” She printed off
some paperwork that needed to be signed by Elias.
“Where did they move you to?” I checked Xavier’s schedule and sent him a quick message over
the computer that he had a meeting in ten minutes.
“I’m going down to HR.” Rayna tapped the papers on the desk. “Sora could use the help.” Her
voice went up at Sora’s name and I glanced at her, noticing her slight blush.
“Have you worked with her before?” My lips twitched.
“Once. A while ago.” She stood, not meeting my gaze. “I’ll be right back.” She walked away
quickly, and I giggled. There was more going on there than Rayna would tell me. That was interesting.
The computer dinged. Xavier had sent a message back asking me to bring him a report that I’d
emailed to him earlier but he wanted it printed out.
I shook my head. He was such a weird guy sometimes. It was probably just his excuse to make me
come in and see him.
“Xavier,” Alena knocked and poked her head through my door. Her long hair spilled over her
shoulders. Damn, I was glad as fuck we’d finally convinced her to wear her hair down. She was
breathtaking. The dark strands framed her face perfectly, the light from above glimmering, bathing her
in a bright halo-like glow.
“Here’s that report you wanted.” She waved a file at me and stepped toward my desk.
“Thank you, princess.” My voice was husky and dark. The report was a complete ruse. I just
wanted to get her in my office to fill it with the rich aroma of her slick. Gods, she was driving me
crazy with her scent.
Because Alena was always wet for us. It permeated the air. It was embedded in my nostrils.
Seared like a brand on my brain. It haunted my dreams, making me wake up hard with my hand
wrapped around my cock, seeking any kind of relief I could get.
But I wanted more. I always wanted more.
“Are you ready for that meeting that’s happening in a few minutes?” She stepped in further to my
I groaned, tilting my head back. It was a bloody finance meeting. There was nothing there for me
to discuss. I shouldn’t even have to go, but Elias insisted because I was part of the team. “No. It’s
going to be boring.”
She giggled softly. “You still have to do it.”
Her scent reached me and I groaned again, but this time for her. “Close the door, would you?”
She blinked but didn’t ask why. She was such a good omega. I pushed back from the desk and
patted my lap, needing to feel her skin against mine. “Come sit?”
Crimson spread over her cheeks, as her scent flooded my nose. A moan escaped my lips before I
could stop it. She sat in my lap, leaning against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, burying my
nose in her neck.
“God, you smell so fucking good.” My hands moved under her dress, but she grabbed my hand.
“Wait. Xavier.” She whispered softly. “I want to do something different.”
I paused, pulling my hands back. “Oh, what would that be, princess?”
Alena’s cheeks flushed a brilliant red, and she sucked in a harsh breath. “I don’t know how good
I’ll be, but I want to suck your cock.”
Oh fuck. That was the last thing I expected to come out of her perfect mouth.
“I want to make you feel good like you did for me when I was in heat.” She shifted on my lap,
nuzzling her nose along my neck. “I’ve only done it a couple times, and I wasn’t that good, but I want
to get better.”
Her innocence was going to be my undoing.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that, Princess. I enjoy bringing you pleasure.” I didn’t
recognize the sound of my own voice as I spoke.
Nodding, she slipped down to kneel between my legs. “Please, Xavier.”
“Fuck, Alena. You’re going to kill me.” Her hands rested on my thighs just above my knees. My
cock jerked, biting against my zipper as the scent of her slick intensified.
“Tell me if I’m doing anything wrong, okay?” She blinked up at me, the trust shining in her eyes
making an uncomfortable ache blossom in my chest.
I pinched her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “I already know this is going to be the best
fucking blow job of my life because it’s you. You’re utterly fucking perfect and I’m dying to have
those beautiful lips wrapped around my dick.”
My thumb glided over her bottom lip, and her tongue darted out. She took my thumb into her
mouth, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked the digit slowly. She tasted me, taking her time as she
drew back.
“Fucking hell, Alena. Death of me. I swear.”
She giggled, the sound was the sweetest symphony in my ears. Her small hands glided up my
thighs and fumbled with my belt buckle.
I spread my legs wider and arched my hips to allow her better access.
After a moment, she got it undone and popped the button open. The zipper slid down, and I
breathed a sigh of relief at the small amount of freedom.
She caressed my shaft through my tight black boxer briefs and a growl rumbled in my chest.
I shifted and allowed her to drag my pants and underwear down enough for my cock to spring
“Damn, that’s big,” Alena remarked absently as she eyed my dick before wrapping a hand around
the base.
I chuckled. “Thank you for the compliment, Princess.” I smoothed her hair back over her shoulder
and she froze. Her eyes widened, and she swallowed sharply. Fuck, I was going to ruin this. I had to
rein myself in.
“Could you please not pull my hair?”
A snarl curled my lips at the thought of her limp dick of an ex and how he hurt her. I forced my
face to return to normal, not wanting her to think I was snarling about her request.
I leaned forward and tilted her chin up, ignoring my cock which screamed in protest when her
hand fell away. “Never, Alena. I will never hurt you. I promise I won’t touch your hair.”
Kissing her softly on the lips, then pulling away, I felt the heavy breath leave her lungs.
“Don’t deserve you guys,” she whispered, probably thinking I couldn’t hear her.
“Never say that again, Princess or I’ll spank that ass red.” Probably not the best thing to say right
now, but judging by the way her scent intensified, she was onboard with the idea.
All rational thoughts left my brain as she leaned forward and gave me a tentative lick right across
my slit.
My head fell back against my chair as she explored my length with her tongue before taking me
into her mouth. My hands clenched into fists on the arms of my chair, the plastic and metal groaning
under my strength.
I wanted to touch her. To feel her skin beneath my fingers, but she wanted to explore and fuck if I
was going to be the asshole who ruined that.
Up and down her hot mouth glided over me, her tongue teasing and stroking as she went. Her
small hands curled on the tops of my tights.
“Baby. Yes, just like that.” My hips gave an involuntary jerk before I forced myself to remain still.
She was new at this. She didn’t need me shoving my dick down her throat.
The glorious humming around my shaft matched the purr echoing from my chest as she sucked me
off like a champ.
“You’re too good at this, baby girl. Fuck, I’m coming. You need to let up.”
But of course she didn’t. She wrapped a hand around my base and jerked me in perfect timing to
her mouth bobbing up and down.
With a long groan, I spilled myself into her mouth. My gaze was laser focused on Alena as she
savored the taste of me, swallowing it and licking me clean.
“That was yummy. I think I like doing that with you.” The minx smiled as her tongue darted out to
lick at her swollen lips. “Now, it’s time for your meeting.”
She rose, kissing my lips before turning on her heel to walk out.
All I could do was stare at her perfect ass as she left me utterly dazed and dumbstruck.
I smoothed my dress down as I sat back down at my desk. I couldn’t believe how bold I’d just been.
Xavier had seemed happy as he started the meeting, so I’d accomplished my goal. I giggled to
myself. I never thought I could actually enjoy sexual acts, but it was natural with them. They made me
feel whole. Desired. Like I was actually an omega of worth.
The phone rang, and I looked around to find Rayna was nowhere to be seen. I picked up the
receiver as my brow furrowed.
“KDC executive office, this is Alena.”
The phone clicked as the person on the other end hung up. I looked at the phone in confusion. That
was weird.
I hung up the phone and went back to the computer. I was looking at Elias’ schedule and noticed
that he and the others had blocked off Friday but not why.
I made a mental note to ask them at dinner. I was still staying with them, but I needed to ask them
about going back to my hotel, which only had a few prepaid days left.
I couldn’t assume that they would let me stay there forever. I needed to find a place to live.
Hopefully, my first couple checks would be enough for a deposit and rent. With the raise they’d given
me for this position, it was looking like it would be.
The public elevators dinged a few hours later, and I looked up as three women stepped out of one
and headed straight toward me. I could feel malice rolling off them.
The middle woman was tall with blonde hair and breathtaking. The other two were just as
beautiful. Omegas. A chill ran down my spine and I fought the urge to drop my gaze.
“Hello.” I offered a smile. “How can I help you?”
The middle one stepped up and placed her hands on my desk. “You took our jobs.” She hissed.
I flinched as she banged her hands on the desk. Breathe, Alena. Just breathe. Don’t panic.
“Only reason they gave you this job is to get you into bed. They’ll get tired of you soon and kick
you to the curb like the trash you are.”
My mouth opened in shock. “Excuse me?”
“Yes.” Elias came around the corner, his expression stern. This was the angriest I’d ever seen the
normally stoic alpha. “Excuse me, ladies? Please, repeat what you just said.” His eyes were deadly.
The three women backed up, looking at each other. The leader cleared her throat. “Elias, I..”
“No. You’re fired. All three of you. Get off this floor, and out of this building.” Elias moved to my
desk, picked up the phone and dialed security. “Yes, I need a security escort sent up to this floor
“Elias, wait, you can’t fire us! We’ve been through so much together!” The blonde stepped
forward again, reaching for Elias, and I growled before I could think about it.
“Don’t touch him!”
Elias looked at me with amusement and pride before speaking to the women. “You should have
just accepted your new assignments. Instead, you’re being fired for violating our no bullying policy.
Now, security will escort you as you remove your belongings, and leave the building.”

O nce security escorted the three women away from our sight, I turned to Elias. “What was their
problem?” My legs wobbled as I fought to control the frantic beating of my heart. I hated
conflict. Even if I had snapped at them, I despised the threat of violence that hung in the air.
Elias guided me to a chair and knelt in front of me. “They were jealous, little one. No one has
ever garnered our attention like you have.” He took my hand, running his thumb across my knuckles.
“But what was that growl?” He laughed softly, his eyes flooding with heat and pride.
I blushed, looking down. I was starting to relax. “It just came out. I don’t know what came over
me. I normally hate conflict of any kind.”
Elias shook his head with a smile. “You were jealous.”
I frowned. “I…” He had a point. I was jealous. Elias was mine. They were all mine. “I guess I
Elias leaned forward, kissing me gently as his hand cupped my face. I melted. His scent of fresh
cut grass made me want to bury my face in his chest.
“You guys have it bad.” Rayna’s voice interrupted us, making me pull apart from Elias with a
Elias sighed before standing straight, a smirk tilting one corner of his lips. “Rayna, you always
have such timing.”
She laughed. “Always have.” She brushed her hair back from her face. “Don’t you have a phone
call that you have to make?”
Elias glanced at his watch and cursed. “Fuck. You’re right.” He kissed me roughly before
returning to his office.
“I heard from Glenn in security what happened. You alright?” Rayna sat next to me, genuine
concern etched in her features.
“I was just shocked. What did they expect to happen?” I shook my head. “I may be the reason they
were transferred, but it's not like they had a pay cut.”
Rayna laughed. “Have you seen your bosses? Those women were hounding to get in their pants
for years.” She placed her hand over mine, a soft smile transforming her face as she turned serious.
“I’m glad you came here. Those boys have made work their life. They needed a woman who would
make them start living. Now, they’ve found her.”
Tears filled my eyes. I was just a mess today. Rayna was acting like a friend and I hoped it was
“They make me feel things I’ve never felt.” She squeezed my hand. “I want to believe that what
they are saying is real. But I’ve been hurt before. I just don’t know what to think sometimes.”
“Believe them. I’ve never seen them act the way they are now. You’re it for them.” She stood and
grinned. “Now, let’s go get the supplies for the month restocked.”
Laughing weakly, I followed behind.
Later that night I was putting together my nest. Xavier had given me more fairy lights that I was
hanging up on the bed frame. Even if I was only here for a little while, it was nice to have a nest. I’d
gotten huge pillows from around the house, taken a few knick-knacks from the men’s rooms when they
weren’t around, and I kept the clothes that they’d given me that first night.
I finally felt like I was really an omega. I didn’t want to think any more about leaving. I just
wanted to live in this moment and relax in my luxurious pile of blankets, pillows, and clothes that
smelled of each of the guys.
I’d become friendly with Mary over the last couple of days. I liked her. She gave off a motherly
vibe that made me relaxed anytime we talked. She’d worked for the guys since they first bought the
“Alena, dinner is being served.” She knocked on the door. “Get down off the bed before one of
the men sees you!” Mary scoffed at me gently. “Make them do that. They would fight over who gets to
do it for you.”
Laughing, I climbed back down off the bed. I’d just finished hanging up the lights. “Sorry, Mary, I
was just excited.”
She shook a finger at me with a smile. “Just be careful, my dear. Now, get downstairs for dinner.
I’m off for the night.”
I followed her out of the room and down the hall. She waved at me as I walked to the kitchen and
she left out the door.
The guys were already sitting at the table when I got into the kitchen. Simon had made spaghetti
and meatballs. It looked and smelled delicious.
“There she is.” Simon grinned at me, standing to help me into my chair, pushing it in. “I hope
you’re ready for some more pasta.”
“I could eat pasta every day.” Giggling, I grabbed my fork. “Although, I should probably cut back
or I’ll gain fifty pounds.”
Xavier growled, pinning me with his intense black stare. “Eat as much and as often as you want,
Princess. We don’t care how much weight you gain. You’ll need the energy and strength to keep up
with us. Now, I don’t want to hear anything about restricting your food ever again.”
There was an awkward silence suspended in the air before Julian cleared his throat. “So, how is
your nest building going?” Much better topic. Leave it to Julian to defuse Xavier by shifting the
I beamed at all of them, happy for the shift in mood. “It’s great. Thank you for letting me go crazy
with it.” I took a couple small bites of pasta before looking down shyly. “Maybe I could show you
I hoped that they wanted to see it. Maybe they’d even snuggle with me. Oh, that would be
amazing. Their scents would be even stronger and it would be my perfect safe haven.
Four pairs of eyes looked at me. Simon took my hand briefly. “We’d love that, love.”
“Before we do that.” Julian took a sip of wine. “Let’s ask her.”
I looked between them, with my brow furrowed in confusion. “Ask me what?”
“Tomorrow, if you noticed it on our schedules, we blacked it out to have the day off.” Elias
“I just assumed you had some kind of meeting.”
Xavier shook his head. “We want to take you out on a real date.”
“There’s a carnival downtown. We’d like you to accompany us as our date..” Simon finished.
They all looked at me inquiringly. A touch of apprehension darkened their eyes. Almost as if they
were… nervous?
How could they be nervous? They were insane to think I wouldn’t say yes immediately. They had
to know I wanted them all desperately. Every time I even walked into a room with one of them, I
immediately became aroused. But more than that, they made my heart beat faster. My brain flooded
with endorphins.
I couldn’t say that I loved them quite yet, but I was falling hard and fast.
“Really? A group date?” I clutched my fork. “Yes!”

“W hich one?” I asked myself as I stood over the different dresses. It was almost time for our
date. “This one is cute, but this one is functional.” I bit my lip as I flipped through the
clothing. I wanted to look cute for the date.
I really wanted to make the guys want me. I wanted to drive them crazy during this date.
With that thought I grabbed the dress that Julian had picked out for me. It was skintight and
stopped just above the knees. It was a bright red that I never would have chosen for myself. I was
tempted to wear shorts, but decided not to.
I quickly dressed when I noticed the time. With some light makeup I was ready. I decided to put
my hair in a braid, knowing they liked to see it down, but I needed to have it somewhat tamed or it
would drive me insane. I was working on getting over my fears of having it pulled, but I knew it
would take time.
“Alena! Time to get going, princess!” Xavier’s voice carried through the door, and a shiver ran
down my spine. I don’t think I would ever get over how their voices affected me.
I hurriedly made my way downstairs. The guys were at the bottom of the staircase as I made my
way down. Julian was the first to notice me and his eyes widened before a big smile etched across
his face.
“Wow.” His voice was awed.
The alphas turned as one, and Elias whistled.
“Wow is right.” Simon stepped forward as I met them at the bottom of the staircase. He took my
hand and pulled it through his arm. “You’re beautiful.”
I squeezed his arm and smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
“Gorgeous, more like.” Elias took my other hand and kissed it.
“Let’s skip the carnival.” Xavier’s eyes were burning my body. “I vote we go upstairs and roll
around in her beautiful nest.”
Julian suddenly reached out and grabbed the middle of Xavier’s chest, twisting. Xavier yelped at
the titty twister and gave a deadly glare at Julian.
“Julian!” Xavier growled and pushed him against the wall. “You’ll pay for that.”
Julian just stared up at him with a smirk, then blew him a kiss. “You liked it.”
That was a turn on I hadn’t known I was into. Were Julian and Xavier intimate with each other?
Oh, that would be a sight. I bit my lip just thinking about it. The alphas groaned as my slick scented
the air. I blushed and squeezed Simon’s arm.
“Guys.” I blushed, looking around at them.
“We should head out.” Simon pulled me along. “We have a date to get to.”
Alena hadn’t stopped smiling since we arrived at the carnival earlier in the day. She was switching
up who she held hands with.
Currently, she was walking with Xavier as we moved through vendor booths. She hadn’t found
anything she really wanted, not that she’d tell us, but I hadn’t seen the spark in her eyes that lit up
when she wanted something.
“Want to share a funnel cake?” Simon suggested as we ended our tour of the booths.
“Oh, I’ve heard of those. Yes!” Alena’s excitement was contagious. I noticed none of us could
stop smiling.
It was my turn as I took her free hand in mine, but Xavier didn’t let go of her other one. He just
shrugged at me and continued walking. I scoffed but didn’t say anything. Alena didn’t seem to mind.
“Are we going to go on some of the rides?” She was eyeing the Ferris wheel in the distance.
Elias laughed. “You guys are. I’ll be safely on the ground.”
She raised a brow at Elias. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to ride the Ferris wheel?”
Elias didn’t even bat an eyelash. “Terrified.”
Alena giggled and stepped up to Elias and hugged him, letting go of my hand. I couldn’t even be
annoyed he got a hug because Elias really was terrified of amusement park rides but never told
anyone. Even the small admission to Alena, said in what she thought was jest, was more than he’d
done in years.
Elias hugged her back, kissing her passionately while we watched. Xavier had to adjust himself
and I chuckled low. Boy needed to cool his jets, or he was going to scare her with his dominating
“How about we get that funnel cake?” Simon cleared his throat. “We should get out of the middle
of the walkway.”
Elias pulled back, grinning at us. “Alright, let’s get some delicious funnel cake.”
We walked to one of the many food trucks to wait in line. Alena was glowing as she talked to us.
It was amazing to see how much she’d grown over the past couple of weeks. When we’d first met
her, she’d been a scared woman, afraid of her own shadow. Now she fit with us as if she’d always
been there.
We ordered one funnel cake to share between us, since we would be going for dinner later. We let
Alena have the first taste. It might have been a mistake because the second the powdered sugar hit her
tongue she let out a moan that had all of us instantly hard and ready.
She licked her lips innocently and blinked at us. “It’s so good.” She held out a piece to me and I
leaned forward, taking it with my mouth, licking her fingers in the process.
“Delicious. So is the funnel cake.”
She blushed a bright red before offering the others pieces. Simon eyed me with respect and a grin.
He nudged me. “Good job.” He whispered in my ear with a chuckle.
The funnel cake was demolished within minutes as we all shared it. I noticed that Alena was
being very careful not to get anything on her dress.
“Ferris wheel now?” She went back to looking excited.
“Let’s go.” Xavier was gruff and took her hand again, leading her through the crowd. His big
frame was easy to follow since most got out of his way, especially when he scowled.
“I’ll wait here.” Elias stopped at the line to the Ferris wheel. “You have fun, little one.”
“Are you sure?” She looked conflicted, but Elias pushed her gently toward me.
“Go on.” He grinned. “I’ll just need you to hold my hand again when you get off of it.”
“Deal!” She laughed as the rest of us followed the line. She leaned into Xavier’s chest as we
waited. I knew that her feet were healed but wondered if they were bothering her. She’d been on them
for most of the day.
When it was our turn to get onto the ferris wheel, we let her on first before crowding around her.
She clutched my hand to her chest as it started moving. She turned her head to look out over the
railing and her breath caught.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Yes, it is.” I watched her instead of the background.

A fter riding the Ferris wheel, the guys were ready to go to dinner. I was ready for real food as
well. I didn’t want to ride any of the other rides. It was when we’d almost left the carnival
grounds that I saw it.
A huge flamingo stuffed animal that could be used as a pillow. It was at one of the game stalls, the
one where a ball was thrown to knock down heavy bottles. I hadn’t realized I’d started moving
toward the stall until I was standing right in front of it.
It would be the perfect addition to the little nest I created.
“Hello!” The guy manning the booth grinned at me, missing a middle tooth. “Care to give it a try?
Three dollars for two balls.”
“We’ll take six balls.” Elias spoke solemnly at my side. Xavier snickered softly at the word
‘balls’ but got elbowed by Simon for it.
Elias handed over the money, and each alpha lined up to start throwing the balls at the bottles.
Julian stood next to me watching quietly. They wouldn’t budge.
“Again.” Elias slapped down a twenty on the booth.
It was obvious the game was rigged as they each continued to throw a ball, manage to hit the
bottles, but nothing moved. Julian stayed quiet the whole time and watched with his eyes narrowed at
the scene before him. I could practically see the wheels turning in his mind as he worked out exactly
what to do to knock the bottles down.
When Elias went to slap another twenty down, I grabbed his arm. “No more, Elias. It’s rigged. I
don’t want you wasting your money. It’s just a stuffed animal.” One that I fell in love with, but that
wasn’t the point.
“Here, let me try.” Julian set down three dollars. “This will be the last try, okay?” He winked at
Xavier scoffed. “There’s no way to make those bottles fall.”
Julian just smiled at him before picking up one of the balls, tossing it in the air once before
looking at it curiously. He took a step away from the stall before turning and throwing the ball with a
grunt as hard as he could. It hit the dead center of the bottles and they fell onto the floor with a loud
Xavier’s mouth dropped, and Julian smirked at him. “What were you saying?” He pointed to the
flamingo. “I’ll take that, my good man.” He spoke to the attendant, who looked impressed as he
handed over the big stuffed bird. Julian turned to me and bowed, holding out the flamingo.
“Thank you, Julian!” I couldn’t stop my giggle of happiness as I hugged the stuffed animal to me. It
was almost as tall as I was.
“You’re very welcome, baby girl.” Julian grinned as he took the bird from me after I’d hugged it
for several moments. “Let me carry this, so you don’t trip.”
Elias and Simon laughed as we walked away. Xavier looked like he was pouting as Julian looked
smugly down at his prize. When we got to the car, they had to put it in the trunk with two of them
pushing it down.
As we got into the limo, I buckled up and looked at all of them. I thought it was time to ask them.
“Could we have dinner at home?”
They all stiffened. “Home?”
I nodded. “It’s our home, right? Then maybe after dinner you can come visit my nest?” My chest
rose and fell, trying to gather enough oxygen to fill my starving cells. I wanted more, I wanted them to
be mine, I was ready. Ready to feel them inside me. Inside my nest.
Gods, it was crazy, but I knew in my heart they were mine. It wouldn’t be an easy road to get over
my past, but they’d shown me what it’s like to be in a relationship. A real relationship.
I squeaked when Simon unbuckled the seat belt and launched himself at me, caging me against the
cushion as he looked down at me.
“You said it. You can’t take it back. It’s your home now, too.”
His lips slammed down on mine and I let out a little whimper as he held my neck with a hand. His
hum was soft as his tongue took control. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying how he took
my mouth as his possession.
It was funny, a few weeks ago, that mere thought would have made me run, but now I was ready to
be theirs. I became so wet that my slick soaked my panties within minutes.
Elias cleared his throat. “Simon, let’s get home and up to her nest before we go further.”
Simon growled low before jerking his head back. He was breathing rapidly as he looked down at
me wildly. “You’re ours, love.”
Warmth flooded my chest and belly watching Simon hover over Alena while he claimed she was
ours. Just hearing her say home when referring to our house made the butterflies take flight in my
She was ours. There was not a single doubt in my head about it. We’d been patient. Not pushing
her. Letting her get used to our presence and getting to know us. But we were hungry alphas. We
wanted to claim our omega. Make her ours in every way.
I growled, the interior of the car filling with tension as everyone stilled. “Simon, sit your ass back
down and get your seatbelt on. You can wait until we get home.”
Simon rolled his eyes, giving Alena one last kiss before sinking back down into his seat.
Placing my hand on Alena’s thigh, I bent low and spoke into her ear. “Alena. We’d be honored to
join you in your nest.” She shivered as my lips brushed over the shell of her ear. “Are you ready to
take the next step?”
My cock ached against my fly as a myriad of wicked things floated through my brain.
But I didn’t want to push her.
“If you aren’t, we can wait, little one.” I tangled our fingers together and gave her a reassuring
squeeze. “This is all on your terms. Your timeline.”
Julian took her other hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. “Nothing before you’re
Alena nibbled on her bottom lip as a delicate flush spread across her cheeks. Her dark eyes were
wide as they danced over my face. “I’m ready. I don’t want to wait anymore.”
Xavier growled. “Do you know how much it’s taking me not to drop to my knees and feast on your
cunt right now?”
The potent fragrance of her slick intensified, and a growl rose in my throat. I leaned in and ran my
nose along the smooth column of her throat. “Fuck, little one. You smell like peaches and sunshine.”
“Fuck it.” Xavier ripped off his seatbelt and fell to his knees between Alena’s spread thighs. “We
have fifteen minutes until we get home. Let’s see how many orgasms I can give you.”
Xavier grasped the slit in her dress and wrenched it apart. Alena’s gasps filled the interior of the
limo and I had to squeeze my cock through my pants just to keep from embarrassing myself.
“Xavier!” Alena speared her fingers through his thick dark locks as he bent and pushed her
panties to the side to devour her slick.
My eyes met Julian’s from across Alena’s writhing body. A wicked grin tilted the corners of his
lips as we both zeroed in on the same thought. I cupped the weight of Alena’s breast in one of my
hands, Julian repeating the action on her other.
We worked in tandem to slide the straps of her dress and bra from her shoulders. Then yanked the
fabric down to expose her nipples.
Her gasps intensified as she bucked her hips and arched her back into our touch. I flicked my gaze
up to catch her eye just as they rolled back and her head fell against the plush cushions of the seat.
Incoherent words fell from her lips, a combination of our names as three mouths continued to feast
upon her body. Her slick flowed freely, the scent so potent that it would be embedded in my nostrils
for eternity.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“That’s it, Princess. Give me more,” Xavier rasped as he thrust two fingers inside of her. My hand
splayed out over her belly, trying to keep her still as he heightened her pleasure.
“Oh my god,” she cried out as tears streamed down her cheeks. One orgasm blurred into two, then
three. Xavier was working his teeth, tongue, lips and fingers over her pussy, desperate for a fourth
when the car slowed down.
Charles would have heard the sounds of our passion, and left us to our privacy until we were able
to leave the car.
“Good girl,” I murmured as my lips trailed up her neck. “You love getting your pussy eaten while
we devour these perfect tits? Such a good girl. So fucking perfect.”
Fresh tears streamed down Alena’s face, and I paused. Pinching her chin gently, I turned her
toward me. “Little one, is this alright? We can stop now and not touch you the rest of the night.”
Her eyes snapped open and her fingers curled in the fabric of my shirt. “That’s not what I want.”
Xavier rose fully onto his knees and wiped his mouth with the back of one hand. His dark eyes
were bright with lust, and a smile danced along his lips.
I don’t know if I’d ever seen Xavier so happy when he wasn’t playing with his knives. Even then
it was a cold and sinister glee that sprouted to life in him. This was warm. Potent. Beautiful.
All because of our perfectly imperfect omega.
“I’m glad to hear that, Princess, because I’m starving for more of your delicious slick.” Xavier’s
hands caressed up and down her thighs, eliciting a shiver from Alena with each motion.
“But,” I tucked a curl behind her ear and wiped away her tears with my thumb. “We aren’t
pressuring you. This is only what you want.”
Her brow furrowed as confusion tinged her expression. “Do you not want to take the next step?”
The question was muttered so low, I could barely hear it. It was as if all the oxygen was sucked
out of the car and I couldn’t breathe.
Had I not shown her how much we wanted her? Fucking hell, I was such an idiot at times.
“Alena, I hope we haven’t given you that impression. I can speak for all of us when I say that it’s
literally driving us mad not to claim you and make you ours in every way.” I pressed my forehead to
hers, letting her feel the sincerity in my words.
“Elias,” she choked out. “I’m sorry. No, you haven’t made me feel that way. I just can’t help the
stupid voice in the back of my head telling me I’m not good enough for you guys.”
A chorus of growls echoed around us. “Absolutely not,” Simon growled.
“Baby girl, no,” Julian cooed. “If anyone isn’t good enough, it’s us for you.”
Alena shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, but Xavier cut her off with a finger over her
lips. “No, Princess. No more talk of worth or listening to those voices. Listen to our voices. We
promise never to lie to you. Every word we utter is the truth of our hearts, and you are the sunshine
that entered our world of eternal night. Because of you, we can finally feel the sunshine on our faces
and really experience life and love.”
Xavier’s words cut through me like a hot knife through butter. Piercing my soul and spreading me
wide open for them to see every part of me. Vulnerable.
Laid open and bare before them.
Simon cleared his throat, cutting through the tension. “How about we go inside where we can be
more comfortable?”
I nodded, thankful for the small moment to breathe.
Elias and Julian arranged the top half of my dress back to cover my breasts, as Xavier tried to
secure my skirt down. The way he tore it made it pretty much impossible.
“Do you want to change and meet us downstairs for dinner first?” Simon asked, his smooth accent
washing over me, calming my nerves and focusing me back to the present.
The guys had given me unimaginable pleasure, but I had only been with one man. And they
weren’t pleasant experiences.
What if I didn’t live up to their expectations? Gah, I was such a sap. Why was I thinking this way?
These men had shown me a whole other world of possibilities and love.
They were patient and kind. Loving and protective. Everything that an omega could ever want in a
mate circle.
“Hey,” Elias whispered softly and cupped my cheek in his palm. “How about I carry you upstairs
so you can get changed or take a quick shower, Simon will get started on dinner and Julian will bring
your flamingo up?”
“Good idea.” A small smile tilted my lips as I nodded.
“Men, you have your assignments.” Elias opened the limo door and climbed to his feet before
reaching back in to secure me in his arms.
The rest of the guys followed out the other door, Julian and Xavier reaching the trunk to retrieve
my beautiful flamingo.
“This thing seems even bigger now,” Xavier grumbled as he took it into his arms.
Julian growled and snatched it away from him. “I get to carry it. I won it for her, not you.”
“You’re going to pay for that, little beta.” Xavier’s eyes narrowed and a deep growl filled the air.
“Psht,” Julian scoffed. “I’d like to see you try.”
Xavier lunged for Julian, his eyes shining with amusement as he fought to control the smile on his
face. Julian held the flamingo up to shield himself as Xavier crashed into him.
“No! Not Pinky!” I giggled at their antics and reached out for my flamingo.
Julian and Xavier turned to me with huge grins on their ridiculously handsome faces. “His name is
“Her name is Pinky,” I insisted.
Elias’ chest shook against me as his laughter spilled out. He kissed the top of my head and swept
me up through the front door. “You’re utterly adorable, little mate.”
As we ascended the stairs, I sank into Elias’s embrace. My heart fluttered in my chest, quickly
syncing into rhythm with the beat under my palm.
Julian rushed past us as we stepped onto the landing, opening the door to my little oasis.
“You can put me down, Elias.” I scraped my nails along the back of his neck and through a few of
the shaggy strands of his dark hair. “Hmm. I think you need a haircut.”
Elias chuckled as he carried me into the bathroom and set me down on the counter next to the sink.
He bent low, his hot breath fanning over the nape of my neck. “I think I like it a little long so you can
sink your fingers into it while I’m eating that perfect pussy of yours.”
His words made my thighs clench as a hot wave of arousal assaulted me. I’d just come a handful
of times in the last hour and I still couldn’t get enough of these guys. I loved running my hands through
his hair, even tugging on it a little.
But the memories still remained.
I tucked my chin down and my shoulders slumped.
Elias paused, his hand reaching out and cupping my cheek. “Hey, don’t pull away. I’ll try to cool
it on the sexual talk. I can’t help telling you how much I desire you. And not just your body.” His lips
brushed over my forehead in the barest of kisses. “Your mind, your heart, your spirit. Everything in
you calls to me.”
Tears burned in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his middle. He returned my embrace and
drew my head against his chest. “I would say something right now but I have a feeling you’d tell
Xavier, and I’d be in trouble.”
His chest rumbled beneath me as he laughed. “You’re probably right. Knowing him he’s probably
in your room with Julian and listening to our conversation.”
“Don’t you dare talk down about yourself, Princess,” Xavier growled. I lifted my head from
Elias’s shoulder to peer around at him as he leaned against the doorway.
“That's why I didn’t say it.” Unable to resist the urge, I stuck my tongue out at Xavier.
A rare smile graced his lips. “Next time be ready for the tickle monster. Once you’re more
comfortable with us, I’ll give you a nice swat on the behind.” Heat turned his eyes into molten
obsidian as his tongue darted out to moisten his lips.
“You guys are horrible.” I giggled as I shook my head. I don’t know how they managed it, but any
time I was feeling down or retreated into myself, they managed to bring me back to the present with a
“You know you love us,” Julian said with a wink as he came to stand behind Xavier. “Guys, let’s
leave her to get cleaned up. Come downstairs when you’re ready. No rush.”
They filed out of the bathroom, leaving me with a smile to reflect on what Julian just said. Loved
them? I know it was a figure of speech, but damn, the word made me rub my chest.
It was too soon for love.
But I knew it could turn into that quickly.
Now, the problem was, I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

I focused on gathering the ingredients I needed to make teriyaki chicken and stir-fry, trying to keep
my mind from wandering to the woman upstairs that had turned my life upside down.
Not in a bad way. Quite the opposite. She’d been exactly what we all needed and at the
perfect time too. We’d been drifting further and further apart. Burying ourselves in work to hide the
fact we were discontent with our lives.
Knowing how she’d been treated in the past, we wanted to take things as slowly as possible.
Learn her reactions, predict her desires and fulfill every dream.
The nest she created in the spare bedroom upstairs made my chest ache. It was a thing of beauty.
All soft fabrics and pillows. Plus objects she’d taken from each of us.
She didn’t think we’d notice the small things go missing. But we did.
And none of us minded one bit.
In fact, Xavier started leaving little things lying around, hoping she’d take them back to her nest.
A handkerchief, a tie, a towel he’d used after he worked out.
The last one she’d taken almost in plain sight.
Scent was a powerful sense for us. Xavier’s scent was so concentrated on the towel that it
saturated her nest for a day after she confiscated it.
Of course Xavier had walked around with his head held a bit higher that day.
Good. Xavier needed something to smile about. Something to drive him other than a need for
blood and vengeance.
“What are we having for dinner?” Elias asked as he opened the fridge and retrieved a bottle of
“Teriyaki and stir-fry,” I answered absently, working on chopping my chicken while the wok
heated on the stove.
“I’m sure Alena will love that.” Out of the corner of my eye, I caught him draining half the bottle
before he moved to the bar. “Want a drink?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“I could use one too.” Xavier appeared like a silent shadow and pulled out one of the island
“Might as well make it four.” Julian joined Xavier, and we settled into silence, aside from the
sounds of Elias mixing drinks.
“Is she okay?” I asked as Elias set a glass of scotch down on the counter beside me.
“Yeah.” He took a small sip of his whiskey before running his hand through his dark hair. “She’s
understandably overwhelmed. But I know she cares about us. We’ve pretty much got her walls broken
down. Now we just have to show her we’ll never hurt her.”
“And that we’ll protect her from anyone that tries to hurt her or take her from us.” Xavier rubbed
his hands together before draining his vodka in one swift gulp.
“Only time will show her that.” I picked up a different knife and chopped the vegetables. “But we
need to keep showing her how much we care.”
“She’ll go into heat soon.” Elias refilled Xavier’s vodka before sitting down beside him.
I nodded, licking my lips and remembering the taste of her slick on my tongue. It had been the
sweetest thing I’d ever tasted, and I wanted more. Fuck, I was hard just thinking about her scent. Her
body beneath mine with her pupils blown as she takes my knot.
“We just have to keep doing what we’re doing.” Julian toyed with his glass, staring down at the
amber liquid as his brow furrowed in concentration. “I think she’s ready for the more physical part of
the relationship, but let’s see how dinner goes.”
“I get to eat her pussy next, I haven’t since her heat and I’m dying for a taste after Xavier
devoured her in the car.” I looked around at the three of them, each nodding with a knowing smile
plastered on their faces.
“Um,” Alena’s eyes went wide as she strode into the kitchen. Her hair was damp against her
shoulders and I thanked the gods above that she’d been comfortable enough with us to start wearing it
The moment her arousal intensified in the air, I knew she’d heard what I’d said.
I resisted the urge to smile, disguising it with a cough before tossing the chicken into the wok.
“Hey, baby girl.” Julian grinned at her and patted his leg. “Come sit with me.”
She tucked a wet strand of hair behind her ear and let Julian pull her onto his lap. “What’s for
Hm. So she wasn’t going to acknowledge the fact she heard me call dibs on her pussy next. Okay.
I could roll with that.
“Chicken teriyaki and stir-fry,” I answered simply, looking over my shoulder at her and giving her
a soft smile.
“Smells yummy.”
“You smell yummy,” Xavier rumbled as he bent close to Alena and kissed her temple.
“Xavier, behave.” Elias rose and retrieved a soda for Alena. He popped it open, and set it on the
She accepted it with a smile and took a small sip. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as a
light entered her eyes.
Relief. Followed by acceptance.
Then, finally, desire.
The intoxicating scent of her slick filled the air as she turned to Xavier and framed his face in her
small hands. “You smell even better,” she rasped, her voice husky with desire.
I don’t know what caused the change in her, but damn, I liked it.
Xavier looked ready to pounce, his dark eyes glowing in the dim light above the island. His low
growl filled the room, and it surprised me that he hadn’t thrown her over his shoulder and ran
“Xavier, no,” Elias rumbled, his alpha stronger than ours, and he showed it as the air pulsed with
his power. “She needs to eat first. We all do, so sit your ass back on your stool and stay there until
we’re finished eating.”
His nose furrowing in frustration, Xavier let out a huff of annoyance and pulled away from Alena.
“Baby girl, does this mean you still want to invite us into your nest after we eat?” Julian ran his
nose along her neck.
I groaned in frustration, turning back to cooking. “You guys need to cool it with getting her all hot
and bothered if you’d actually like me to prepare a meal.”
“I think Alena needs her own stool.” Elias rose and lifted her from Julian’s arms before settling
her down in his vacated seat. “There. Hands to yourself, gentlemen.”
“Speak for yourself,” Xavier grumbled, looking pointedly as Elias’s hands lingering on Alena’s
“Everyone, over there.” Alena giggled as she shooed them away from her.
“Good girl,” I winked at her over my shoulder and enjoyed the blush that crept up her face.
Good Gods above, I didn’t know how much more I could take from these guys. They made me feel
safe and secure. Loved. They made me laugh and forget all the troubles of the world.
When they started bantering as I sat on Julian’s lap, something clicked together in my brain. They
weren’t going anywhere. They wouldn’t have let me go back to that nasty hotel room after they
swooped me away from there.
And they sure as hell wouldn’t let anyone from my past come and take me away.
When I finally made sense of it, a sense of peace washed over me. It would still take time to get
over everything that had happened to me, but we could do anything together.
“What’s going through that head of yours?” Julian leaned forward with his chin on his palm. His
other hand was clenched into a fist that rested on top of his thigh. Almost as if he were fighting the
urge to reach out and touch me.
“Nothing.” I smiled, keeping my thoughts to myself for the time being. I wanted to show them
tonight that I was ready to take the next step in our relationship. We’d been messing around, but
tonight, I wanted them inside me. I wanted everything they could give me.
“If you think we don’t know what’s going through your head right now, you should think again.
Your scent gives you away.” Xavier tapped his nose as he licked his lips. He was a predator, with
darkness oozing from every pore, yet, I saw beneath the shadows he used as a shield.
“You’re not as tough as you make people think you are.” I closed my eyes and bit my lip, not
intending for that random thought to come out.
Elias, Simon, and Julian burst into laughter. “This is why you’re perfect for us, Alena.” Julian’s
eyes sparkled as he grasped my hand and brushed his lips over my knuckles.
His words made heat instantly rush to my cheeks. “Why is that?”
“Because you see Xavier as he really is, not the mask that he puts on to show the world.” Elias’s
words were haunted, sadness lingering in the way he spoke.
Xavier ran his fingers through his hair and remained silent. I watched him as he watched me. “I
love that you can see me for me, Princess. It doesn’t mean the darkness isn’t still there, but it’s not
fully consumed me, thanks to these three assholes. And now, I have even more reason to stay in the
The way his gaze never strayed from mine told me that reason was me.
“Okay, okay, enough with some of the sappy talk. It’s time to eat.” Simon placed a plate in front of
me piled high with vegetables, noodles, and chicken. I practically drooled as I leaned forward to
inhale the aroma of the delicious food.
“You’re an amazing chef, Simon. Thank you.” I beamed up at him. He returned my grin and kissed
me quickly on the lips as the guys rose to make their own plates.
Every meal, they always served me first. And gave me entirely more than my stomach could
handle, but whatever I didn’t eat, they always gobbled up.
“Why do you always serve me, but make them all get their own?” I asked before taking my first
bite of noodles. I moaned as the flavors exploded on my tongue. It should be illegal for a man to cook
this well.
“Because you’re the most important person in this house and you get the first plate. It is how it
should be in our circles,” Elias answered with a matter of fact tone as he stole Julian’s seat to sit
beside me. “Omegas are to be cherished and spoiled. They are the foundation of our culture and the
mothers of alphas. It is how it should be.”
“But it isn’t.” I frowned down at my plate of food, my stomach suddenly rolling in nauseous
“No.” Elias let out a harsh exhale. “But I would like it to be. It’s why we’ve worked so hard to
amass wealth. Wealth is power. Even in Society circles, the younger generation is opening their eyes
and is seeing the wrongness of how omegas have been treated. It’s a slow process, but the seeds have
been sown.”
I cocked my head to the side as I regarded him. “Do you know anything about Dreamscape?”
I hadn’t mentioned the name of the organization that helped me escape until now. By all accounts,
I should have never mentioned the name, but I needed to see if these four played any part in the group
or my escape.
Elias furrowed his brow as he shook his head. “What is Dreamscape?”
“That’s the group of people that helped me plan my escape. They provided some transportation,
and the new identity once I reached Washington. They even helped get me the interview for the front
desk receptionist.”
“Xavier?” Elias asked, but Xavier already was pulling his laptop out of his bag and typing away
furiously at the keys.
“Sending a note out to my contact to try to figure out who is behind this.” Xavier’s nose was
buried in his computer and I watched in fascination as his entire face changed. Gods, he was hot when
he was on a mission behind his screen.
“Please don’t do anything bad. They really helped me. If anything, you should send them more
money and resources so they can get even more omegas–”
“Baby girl.” Elias placed a finger over my lips. “That’s exactly what Xavier will do. Whenever
we find out about these types of organizations, we support them to the furthest extent possible.”
My heart settled back into my chest as I took a moment to breathe and let his words sink in. Not
that I really thought they would try to shut down something that helped omegas, but it was just a knee
jerk reaction.
“Finish eating, little one.” Simon leaned down and kissed my cheek before giving me a glass of
“Yes, listen to Simon.” Elias smiled, and turned to his own plate of food.
Julian looked over at Xavier and rolled his eyes. “He won’t eat now. When he’s on a mission,
nothing will stop him until he’s finished.”
“Not true,” Xavier commented, not taking his gaze from his screen. “As soon as Alena is done
eating and invites us into her nest, I’ll be the first one there.”
The room erupted into laughter and I couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on my face while I
When we finished and the dishes were done, we enjoyed some cookies as I tried to settle down
my rampant arousal. I knew they could smell it. Their gazes were intense as they regarded me. Even
Xavier kept sneaking glances over his laptop screen.
Abruptly I stood, the room going deathly silent as I sucked in a harsh breath. “I’m ready for you
guys to see my nest.”
Before I even finished the sentence, Xavier slammed his laptop closed and had me in his arms. He
ran upstairs and into the room with my nest.
I nuzzled his neck, savoring the scent and feel of his skin. Smoky woods. Wild and untamed just
like Xavier.
He set me down on my feet, and kissed me gently as the rest of the guys entered my space. I felt
suddenly nervous to have them in here. What if they didn’t like my nest? Or got mad at me for the
things I took from around the house?
“Don’t think right now, Princess,” Xavier murmured against my lips. “This is all as fast or as
slow as you like. If you just want one of us tonight, the rest will leave, or if you allow us to stay and
watch, we’d be just as happy with that.”
Somehow the thought of only one of them taking me while the others watched made my thighs
clench and my mind ease.
“Mmm, I think you like that idea. Have you got a little bit of voyeur in you, Princess?” Xavier’s
lips skated over my cheek before his tongue darted into my ear. “As long as it’s only us that get to see
your beautiful body, we don’t have a problem with it.”
He bit my earlobe and the spark of pain was like a lightning bolt of arousal shooting down my
“You love the thrill of the possibility of getting caught. Blowing me in my office. Letting us make
you come in the car.” He raked his teeth down my pulse as he whispered softly. “Fuck, Princess. It
turns me on so much. Makes my cock rock hard for you. One day I’ll give you my knot while I have
you bent over my desk with my hand over your mouth to keep you quiet.”
I don’t know why his words had such an effect on me. They were crude, but beautiful in Xavier’s
way. Wild. I wanted to be wild with him. With all of them.
“Please,” I pleaded as he cupped my ass and brought me against his hard body.
“Please what, baby girl?” Elias murmured as his body caged me in from behind. His large hands
roamed up my waist before he brushed my hair from my neck with exquisite tenderness. They knew
my issues with my hair and always handled it delicately.
“I want one of you to take me while the others watch.” There, I said it. It was my first step. Putting
a voice to the desires I’d never before experienced. Only with them had I finally awakened and felt
the need thrumming through my blood.
“Elias is our unofficial leader and alpha.” Simon approached as he licked his lips. “It’s always
been an understanding that when we find our omega that he gets to take her first. Is this acceptable to
Simon was so prim and proper as his emerald eyes glittered with pure lust. His question was as
calm as if he were asking my preference of breakfast, instead of who I’d be fucking first.
I was unable to hold back the snort of laughter that made me lean back into Elias’s front. “What’s
so funny, little one?” The humor was evident in his tone.
“We need to get Simon to loosen up a bit. That was rather stuffy, wasn’t it?” I asked with my best
British accent.
“You’re a little brat.” Elias settled his hands on my hips and slowly worked his fingers under the
waistband of my simple pajama pants.
A wicked thought entered my mind, and I turned to face him. My arms wrapped around his neck
and my fingers sank into his luxurious hair. I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his.
Elias responded with a growl. He took control of the kiss and wrapped an arm around my waist to
pull me fully against him.
The thick ridge of his erection dug into my lower belly and I threw myself further into the kiss.
Xavier’s lips trailed over my neck and collarbone as he ripped my tank top down the middle of my
back. He made quick work of unhooking my bra and guided my arms so he could pull it free.
“Fuck, your tits are perfection.” Xavier cupped both in his hands as his thumbs brushed back and
forth over my nipples.
I whimpered as Elias pulled away from our kiss to peer down at Xavier playing with my breasts.
“They are fucking perfection,” he growled and bend his head to take one nipple into his mouth as
Xavier held the weight for him.
“This is hot as fuck isn’t it, Simon?” Julian’s voice barely penetrated the haze of lust as Elias
moved to my other breast. Somehow between the two of them they managed to slide my pants and
panties down over my hips to pool on the floor around my feet.
“Our omega is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Simon’s voice was so filled with awe and
reverence I turned my head toward him and smiled warmly.
“You should move her onto the bed. That cunt is dying to be eaten.” Simon’s accent thickened with
his arousal and a fresh wave of slick leaked onto my thighs.
“You did say you got to go next.” Julian chuckled.
Xavier took a step back and away from me as Elias guided me to the bed. Simon and Julian
hovered nearby, both shirtless with the button of their pants undone.
I was surrounded by four completely and utterly perfect males. A small part of me still didn’t feel
worthy of the utter adoration they showed me.
Simon knelt on the bed before planting a palm beside my head. “I’ll show you how I let go and
loosen up another time, love. But for now I’ll have my dessert.”
He dropped back on his haunches and with a hand on each of my thighs, spread me wide open to
his hungry gaze. “Dripping for us. Look at all that gorgeous slick ready for us to eat.”
The light pressure of his fingertips trailed through my folds and I canted my hips, seeking
whatever friction I could find.
“Shh, little one. Let Simon enjoy you,” Elias murmured as he knelt on the bed beside my head.
They hadn’t entered my nest yet, taking up just the other half of the massive mattress. I knew I wanted
Elias to take me for the first time surrounded by the comfort and scents of my safe place.
All further thoughts flew from my mind as Simon’s tongue lapped at my entrance. My head flew
back into the soft comforter and I was a slave to the sensations of Simon and his magical mouth.
One finger circled around my entrance as he sucked gently on my clit. Teasing me. Drawing out
the anticipation of his penetration. “Such a good girl you are, Alena. So wet and responsive for us.”
Elias cupped my breasts and planted kisses along my neck and collarbone. I turned my head to see
Xavier and Julian eyeing me with their hungry gazes trailing over every inch of exposed skin. Both
were completely naked and stroking their thick shafts as their eyes burned with lust.
Simon thrust one finger, then two inside me with excruciating slowness. His tongue lazily lapped
at my clit, seeking to torture me with the smooth motion and lack of pressure.
“Simon,” I gasped and reached down to clutch his hair. I wiggled my hips, pushing my pussy into
his face to try and demand the friction I so desperately craved.
“Simon is in control of your pleasure right now, little one.” Elias nipped at my ear, the slight sting
making pleasure zing through me. “He wants to play with you. Draw out your orgasm so that when you
finally come, everything but us fades from your mind.”
He gently pulled my hand away from Simon’s hair and pressed it into his chest. “Now be a good
girl and enjoy us loving you.”
Simon’s mouth returned to my clit, and Elias returned to my nipples. I did my best to keep my
hands in place, riding the waves of sensations they elicited within me.
“We’re alway going to ensure your pleasure, Princess. Always and forever, you are ours.”
Xavier’s rich woodsy scent wafted through my senses and I reached my opposite hand out, seeking
his touch.
My other mates moved closer, my mind feeling more at ease with them all so close. I was
incoherent with pleasure, barely able to speak or think as mouths, fingers, teeth, and tongues assaulted
“Such a good girl.” Xavier bent and his lips caressed over mine, throwing yet another sensation
into the mix. My hips moved in time with their synchronized movements as I climbed to the edge of
the cliff.
But something held me back. Gods, I was so close, I just needed…
“Come for us, Alena,” Elias growled and his teeth bit down over my nipple. Simon curled his
fingers inside of me, hitting a spot I never even knew existed.
My back bowed and white hot lightning arced through every cell of my body, setting me on fire
with the most intense pleasure I’d ever experienced before in my life.
A chorus of their names, muttered over and over again left my lips as they pleasured me through
the climax, their movements calming as I floated back down to Earth.
My chest rose and fell with my frantic breathing, but Xavier and Elias each placed one of my
hands over their hearts.
“You ready for me, little one?” Elias smirked as my vision finally cleared enough for his face to
He’d dropped my hand, setting it gently on the bed beside my body. He was gloriously naked, his
muscles deep and defined. Abs that went on for days, and ended in a deep V toward his massive
His hand moved up and down in a lazy stroke, a bead of pre-cum shining at the tip of his slit. I
licked my lips, wanting desperately to lean forward and lap it up with my tongue.
“Do you want my cock?” His voice, so deep and rough, made fresh waves of desire thrum through
my veins.
“Yes,” I breathed out, my thoughts too chaotic still to say more than the one word.
A wicked smile spread over his face as he moved onto the bed and between my spread legs.
Simon moved to lean beside Xavier, and my eyes briefly trailed over the three of them, before my
attention settled back on Elias.
My brow furrowed, and I tilted my head back to see the mountain of comfort in the corner. I spun
over onto my belly and crawled forward toward my nest.
“Fuck, Alena, you’re going to kill me with that view of your ass wiggling in the air.” Elias’s palm
caressed the globes of my ass cheeks as he moved to follow me.
I lifted one of the blankets that I’d tossed over the strong string of fairy lights to reveal my corner
nest. Crawling forward, I moved some of the clothing articles away so we'd have enough room to lay
down. I turned around and rose onto my knees, anxiously waiting for Elias to join me in the space.
“Beautiful,” Elias breathed. He cupped my cheeks in his large palms and kissed my lips with the
lightest of pressure. “Thank you for welcoming me into your nest. It’s beautiful, just like the omega
that created it.
“I’ve never had a nest before now,” I whispered, hoping they’d understand the depth of emotions
that I had about finally having a space of my own.
Thanks to them.
“You’ll have as many of them as you want from now on. I’ll build you a whole addition to the
house and you can make it all your nest.” Elias settled his hands on my hips and ran the tip of his nose
along the column of my neck.
“I don’t need more than this. It’s perfect.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and arched into his
chest. My nipples pressed into his hard muscles, my body delighted by the differences in our bodies.
“Anything for you, little one.”
My fingers toyed with his hair, and I smiled. “Just you. All of you. That’s all I need.”
Then his lips crashed down on mine and I was swept up in the lustful haze once again.
With one arm pressed to the small of my back, he eased me down into the pile of soft blankets and
pillows. It was as if a cloud swallowed me and I giggled as Elias struggled to get settled on top of
“So many blankets.” He smiled warmly, hitching one of my legs high up on his torso. The other he
lifted to rest on his shoulder. “Are you comfortable, little one? Ready to take my cock?”
“Yes, please,” I moaned as he ran the head through my slick folds and pressed it into my clit. “I
need you.”
“You have me, Alena. Always and forever.” He slipped inside me and I gasped as the feeling of
fullness swept through me. He held still, one hand planted next to my head, as I grew accustomed to
his size. Fuck, he was huge. It felt so incredible. Perfect. Right.
I splayed my hands out on his chest and wiggled my hips, urging him to move. I rearranged my
legs to lock my ankles around his torso, desperate to make him thrust inside me.
“Fuck,” he growled as I tightened my hold on him and squeezed my muscles. “What did I tell you?
We set the pace, not you.” His voice took on a deep, almost inhuman quality as he drew his hips back
just the barest of inches and pushed forward.
Not enough. I needed more. I needed him to erase all the memories of the only other man to take
me. I wanted my mind to only be filled with him, and the rest of my mates.
“Please,” I whined, my nails curling into his pecs. “I need you,” I repeated, not caring if I was
whining. If he didn’t start thrusting soon, I might die of anticipation.
Yes, I was being overdramatic, but I didn’t care. I just needed Elias.
He groaned, throwing his head back as his hips started to move in slow, yet forceful thrusts. Yes,
this was it. Just what I needed.
My head rolled around in the soft bedding, loving the way his scent was beginning to permeate the
fabric. I wanted it to smell of all my mates and sex.
“Fuck, Alena, you’re so fucking perfect. I could die a happy man right now, buried deep in your
tight fucking cunt.”
And here I thought Xavier was the dirty talking one. Elias could go toe to toe with him.
I raked my nails down his chest, my hips rising to meet every one of his thrusts as they grew
frenzied and erratic. So close. I was getting so close.
Elias reached between our bodies and circled my clit with his thumb. “Come with me. Now.”
Just as with before, his words sent me over the edge. He pounded into me, his strokes swift and
brutal. With a guttural cry, he threw his head back as his body stiffened with his release. The base of
his shaft swelled with his knot, stretching me wide as I cried out with pleasure.
He hovered over me as the waves of his orgasm swept through him, his knot locking us together.
For the first time in my life, I felt complete. Like an omega who could have a man desire her enough
to knot her.
I cried out his name, my arms wrapped around his torso to dig into his back.
“Do you like my knot inside of you, omega?” He purred into my ear. Alternating kisses and nips
trailed down my neck, heightening every ounce of pleasure coursing through us.
“Yes,” I replied, tilting my head up to kiss him. He returned my kiss, our tongues lazily tangling
together as we both came down from the high.
Elias pressed his forehead to mine. “Fucking perfect. So fucking perfect.”
His knot deflated enough for him to pull out of me, and he collapsed onto the bed. A mixture of
slick and come trickled out of me, and I sighed. The scent would be nice added to my nest, but I’d
have to change the sheets because eww, sleeping in stickiness was not my idea of a nice nest.
“May we enter your nest, Princess?” Xavier asked, peeking around the sheet I’d moved earlier.
He held up a washcloth, which he handed to Elias.
I nodded, and my three other mates gently entered to lay on the bed around us. Elias gently
cleaned between my legs, adding just the right amount of pressure to have me squirming against him.
“Stop it,” I groaned, turning to bury myself against his side.
He chuckled and gave me one final stroke before tossing the soiled cloth across the room.
Wrapping his arms around me, he brought me closer to him.
Xavier spooned into me from behind and I yawned, suddenly feeling the day catching up with me.
“Sleep, Princess. We’ll be here when you wake.”
A smile spread over my lips as I faded away into sleep.

T he phone rang at the desk. “Hello, KDC executive offices, this is Alena. How can I help you?”
It was the Monday after our big date, and our weekend was spent lazing around in my nest.
I was deliciously sore. Elias was much larger than Dylan, not that I even liked to think about
that, but his knot had made it pretty much impossible for any of the others to fuck me.
But they’d been sure to bring me lots of pleasure with their mouths and fingers. Of course, I
repaid the favor. But mostly, we’d watched movies, slept, and ate entirely too much of Simon’s
delicious food.
I couldn’t stop smiling as I worked. My realizations over the weekend made my heart soar and the
pure happiness I felt shown on my face. Finally, I found a mate circle that cared about me. Cherished
They wanted me for me, not just because I was an omega. It might have started out that way, but as
our relationship grew deeper and evolved, they’d come to value me as a person and not just an
They cared about Alena the person. My thoughts, my needs, my desires. They soothed my fears,
calmed my nightmares, and looked at me as if I were their moon and stars.
“We have a man here at the front desk who is insisting on seeing Elias. Says that he’s his cousin.”
Gladys voice echoed through the phone.
“His cousin?” I wasn’t aware of any visits. There was nothing on Elias’ calendar. “Gladys, can
you ask him to take a seat? I’ll talk to Elias.”
“Can do.” She hung up with a song in her voice.
I liked the older woman. She was always so peppy. I shook my head.
Pushing my chair back, I walked over to Elias’ office. He was on the phone as I knocked softly.
He held up his finger, gesturing for me to come in. He patted his lap, and I didn’t hesitate to sit on it
this time. I leaned into his chest, breathing in his scent. I shifted, feeling a little bit of a cramp.
“Thank you.” Elias hung up the phone, and his hands rested on my waist. “Mmm. Hello, little one.
What can I do for you?”
I sighed happily as he nuzzled behind my ear. “There’s someone here saying they're your cousin.”
He froze, his body going rigid. “My cousin? Did you get a name?”
I shook my head. “No. I’m sorry, I should have.” Another cramp made me wince slightly. Maybe
I’d eaten something bad.
“No, little one, you’re fine. I’ll go see this cousin.” He kissed me gently.
His kisses made my head spin. It was like he was drinking me in as his lips played across mine.
Heat pooled in my belly as his hand ran along my stomach.
“Gods, you’re just addicting. Your scent drives me mad.” He pressed kisses down my neck.
“You’re doing great here. Don’t worry about that, okay?”
I blushed, smiling. “I am?” I enjoyed working here.
“You are. You combined our schedules into one program so we could see what the others had
going on. It was a brilliant move.” Elias squeezed my sides and stood up with me. “You’re in charge
of this floor.” He kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back shortly.”
I went back to my desk, fanning my face. Maybe they’d let me turn down the air conditioning later.
I took some sips of water as another cramp took over my body. Maybe some hot tea would help. I
stood and went to the mini kitchen on the back of the floor, but the tea box was empty.
Sighing, I grabbed the box and decided to restock it since it was in my hand. There were a few
other things that needed to be restocked anyway. The guys drank a lot of coffee and Gatorade. We
were also almost out of protein bars that they wolfed down like no one’s business.
I knocked on Julian’s door. “Julian, I’m going to restock some items, would you mind watching
the phone?”
Julian looked up from his computer and smiled. “Anything for you, baby girl.”
Blushing, I went to the elevator. The items for restock were in the first floor storage room. I
grabbed a small push cart that I could load up with the items and not have my arms overloaded. I used
the private elevator down to the first floor, waved to Gladys, and went to the back of the building to
the stockroom.
I was humming and loading up the cart in the room when someone came into the room.
The man was tall, and I didn’t recognize him. Granted, I didn’t recognize half the people here.
“Hello. Can I help you? Are you lost?” I looked up from being in front of the protein bars.
“I know who you are.” The man took a step into the room and closed the door. A sneer twisted his
upper lip, accentuating the long scar that ran from the corner of his mouth to just under his eye. Those
dark eyes glowed in the dim light as sinister energy rolled off him.
“I’m sorry?” My heart rate sped up. “If you’re lost, the reception is at the front of the building.”
“I’m not lost.” The man started walking toward me. His scent intensified as he moved closer, the
aroma of burning tires making my stomach roil.
I moved on instinct, passing the cart between us. I dropped the bars and gripped the cart. I forced
down my nerves and focused on my surroundings. “Stay back.”
He crowded my space, wedging me back against the supply closet despite the barrier between us.
His hand reached out to cup my cheek and I had no chance of escape. Bile rose in my throat as his
thumb brushed over my most vicious scar. “Dylan misses you.”
Ice crept through my veins at the mention of Dylan. I looked around, trying to find a way around
the man. I had to get out of here. I had to find a way to alert the guys and get help.
I couldn’t let Dylan take me back. Not after I’d finally found some semblance of happiness.
“I’ll get a big reward if I bring you back to him.” The man lunged at me.
I screamed, backpedaling, before slamming into the wall. The man’s hands wrapped around my
throat and he slammed me again. I couldn’t breathe. I formed my hands into claws and dug my nails
into his face. That made him cry out and drop me.
I scrambled around him but as I reached for the door, he grabbed me from behind by my hair and
pushed me onto the ground.
“No!” My jaw cracked on the ground. I cried in pain, flashbacks of my past flying before my eyes.
The man straddled me from behind just as the door burst open and Xavier and Elias came running
“You son of a bitch!” Xavier grabbed the man off me, dragging him back.
Elias bent and picked me up, gently cooing at me. “Little one, you’re okay.” I clung to him,
sobbing into his chest. He clutched me to him, cooing gently into my ear.
There was the sound of skin hitting skin, and the man grunted in pain. I looked up from Elias to
see Xavier standing over the man who attacked me, punching him over and over in the face.
Xavier’s face was wild, his eyes bright with fury as he bent down toward the man. He was
making good on his promise to destroy anyone who harmed me.
“No, don’t look.” Elias turned and took us out of the storeroom. “Julian is getting the car and
Simon is waiting for the police.”
I cried into his neck. “Please don’t bring me out in the front like this. And don’t let Xavier get in
I couldn’t have him in trouble with the police or even go to jail. That scumbag wasn’t worth it.
“No, of course not, little one. Xavier knows better.” Elias hummed under his breath softly. “I’ll
call Doctor Murphy to meet us at the house.”
I closed my eyes as my body shook. My hair ached and I couldn’t breathe properly without
sobbing in between. Elias whispered sweet nothings in my ear as he moved. I kept my eyes closed as
we moved out the back of the building.
“How is she?” Julian’s soft voice reached me and I whimpered.
“Shh, baby girl, it’s all right now.” Julian’s voice strained.
“No,” I choked out a self-deprecating laugh. “It’s not. He knows where I am. How did you know I
needed help?”
The sound of a car door opening made me open my eyes. The limo had pulled into the back and
Charles was there holding open the door.
The two got into the car with me. Elias wasn’t letting me go, and I was fine with that as the
cramps started again on top of the pain. I was in heat. No no no. It wasn’t that, was it? It was too
I snuggled further into Elias and let his warmth seep into me.
The limo started moving.
“When Elias took care of his cousin, he noticed that man wandering toward the back, he’d gone
past the check-in desks, acting like he worked for us, but he had no badge. I’d come down to see if
you needed any help with loading the cart, and uh–” Julian ducked his head, embarrassed. “–maybe to
get some private time for a few minutes.”
I couldn’t help but giggle. The sheepish look Julian gave me made me forget how badly I was
shaking. “You wanted to make out in the storeroom?”
Elias grinned at Julian. “It’s not a bad idea. It definitely has merit.”
I snorted, which hurt, but I only winced. “Maybe next time.”
I just kept causing so many problems. I looked down again and slumped further into Elias. “I have
to run.”
Elias tightened his arms around me. “No. Remember what we told you, little one? We’re family
now. We’ll protect you.”
“But Dylan…” I began, but Julian interrupted.
“Will regret the day he raised a hand to you.”
“Where are Simon and Xavier?” I was on edge thinking about Xavier. As much as I wanted that
man to pay for what he did to me, I also didn’t want Xavier to be arrested. Although, with the kind of
power the four had, they probably had the best lawyers available at the drop of a hat.
“They were talking to the police and making sure that asshole is put away for a long time.” Elias’
chest rumbled with a growl, the sound oddly comforting. “They’ll meet us at home soon. Simon drove
himself today, so Xavier will just catch a ride with him.”
We were quiet the rest of the way home. Julian kept a hand on my back as Elias continued to hold
me. When we were almost home, Julian pulled out his cell phone after it beeped with an incoming
text. The tone was the same one from the communicators in Star Trek.
A fact I’d teased him about, then told him I’d be down for a Next Generation marathon whenever
he wanted. Captain Picard was way better than Kirk.
When Julian agreed with that statement of fact, he somehow became even hotter.
I snapped back into focus when Julian’s voice filled the car. “Doctor Murphy made it to the house
already. Mary is setting him up in the formal living room.”
“The doctor must think I’m a klutz.” I tried to joke, but it came out flat. My jaw started to hurt, but
it was nothing compared to the cramps radiating through my middle.
“The doctor just cares that you’re healthy, like we do.” Julian gently took me from Elias as the
limo stopped. He held me as Elias got out of the car to turn around and pick me up.
He walked quickly up to the door, and Mary was there.
“Oh, my. Get her in here! I’ll make some tea for the dear.” She gestured for Elias to the formal
living room. “The doctor is ready for you.”
I moaned softly as another cramp hit me, this time making me want to curl up. “Oh no.” Heat
spread through me rapidly. There was no doubt in my mind now. Worst fucking timing ever.
Elias paused with Julian next to him. He sniffed around my neck and growled. “You’re in heat.”
“Perfect timing.” I dug my fingers into his arms, trying to fight back the need to launch myself into
his arms and demand he knot me immediately.
Julian took a step back from Elias, breaking our connection. “Elias, I think it’ll be safer for all of
us if I take her and watch over her as Doctor Murphy looks over her. You should head up to her nest.
Your pupils are blown, you’re going into the rut.”
I whimpered softly. Rut. Heat. Need. It was overwhelming and all-consuming. Worse than any
other heat I’d ever experienced. Even more so than last week. Damn it, shouldn’t the suppressants
have lasted longer?
Elias’ eyes were wild as he looked between us and the door to where the doctor was waiting for
“Elias. Let us make sure she’s alright first. Go.” Julian didn’t usually raise his voice, but this time
he did and it seemed to do the trick.
Elias nodded once and turned, leaving. I looked up at Julian.
“I’m sorry.” My voice was raspy and filled with gravel.
Julian looked down at me tenderly as he pressed his lips to my cheek. “No, no sorry. We knew
your heat was coming, the guys even commented that your scent was more powerful, although we all
thought we had a few more days. Let’s get you looked at first before we ease you through it, alright?”
The thought of them surrounding me, their cocks inside of me and knotting me, caused a moan to
burst from my lips and a fresh wave of slick dampened my panties. “Hurry.”
Doctor Murphy was professional as he could be with Julian hanging over his shoulder through the
exam. He breathed through his mouth as soon as I entered the room.
“I’ll be as quick as possible.” He promised Julian. He was not a stupid alpha. His touch was
gentle and never lingered as he looked at all the spots that I told him hurt. “This isn’t the first time
I’ve been around an omega that wasn’t my own in heat.” He chuckled lightly. “My own mate and
circle would chop off my dick if I ever did anything untoward.”
Untoward? Doc Murphy was really old-fashioned. I hadn’t heard that word since my grandfather
was alive.
He cleared his throat. “Your jaw is going to be tender for a bit, but mostly you’re just going to
deal with some bruising.” He sat back, removing his gloves and discarding them in the trash. “I can
give you a lotion to help speed up the healing process so you’re not bruised as long.”
He went through his case and handed a bottle to Julian. “She’s going to be tender, and she just
needs rest, but with her heat coming now, you’ll just have to remember to be as gentle as possible.
Unless you want to suppress her heat?”
I blushed at the implications of what he was saying to Julian. They both looked at me. It was my
decision, I realized.
“No. I don’t want to suppress this heat.” Another cramp wrecked me and I curled up with a
whimper. I just wanted my mates to ease me through it.
Julian just nodded and saw the good doctor out. “Be well, Alena. Let’s circle back up after your
heat and make sure your jaw is all healed, okay?”
I nodded, and tried to force a smile on my face, but the cramping made it impossible.
“Okay, baby girl.” Julian came back to me in a hurry. “Let’s get upstairs.” He had me in his arms
and basically ran to the stairs before I could agree. These men had made it a habit to pick me up all
the time and I couldn’t find it in me to care anymore. I needed them.
“Please.” I pressed my lips to his throat, my tongue darting out to taste his skin. “I need..”
“I know, baby girl.” We got to my room, and he walked in.
Elias stood, clad in just his tight boxer briefs, pacing along the floor with his hands clutched in his
hair. Simon and Xavier must have gotten home while I was with the doctor, as they were similarly
clad and pacing the same way Elias was.
I couldn’t enjoy the scene because another cramp made me cry out in Julian’s arm. I turned into
his chest, trying to muffle my cry, but it was no use.
“Damn. Her scent.” Simon moaned loudly, muttering more curses under his breath.
Elias watched as Julian laid me onto the bed and I looked up at them needy.
“Please!” My fingers curled in the blanket.
“Julian, you’ll need to get her ready for our knots.” Elias’ growl was rough. “I’ve told Mary to
take the next few days off. We’re on our own until she’s fully satisfied.”
Fully satisfied. Now that was something I could get behind. My vision started to go hazy as their
scents swirled around me.
Notes of smoky woods, fresh cut grass, and an ocean breeze mingled with Julian’s peppermint
aroma and sent me spiraling into a lustful trance.
“Need,” I growled, ripping at my clothes. The fabric was scratchy and heavy on my skin. I wanted
it off. I wanted skin on skin contact.
“Let me help.” Julian gently pushed my hands out of the way and quickly divested me of all my
I reached for him. My skin prickled with awareness of all four of them. They were mine. They
would fulfill me and ease this heat.
“Please,” I keened, arching into Julian as he settled over me. “Need you.”
I tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. Our tongues tangled together,
and I parted my legs eagerly for him. He may not be able to knot me, but I needed him first.
My hormones and instincts may be ruling me right now, but in the back of my mind, being in heat
with these guys still terrified me.
Because these next few days would be the best of my life, and if things didn’t work out, then
nothing would ever be as good as this moment.
“Make me forget, Julian,” I whispered desperately, my eyes burning with tears. “Make me feel
like this is forever.”

A s I settled between her legs, I brushed away her damp hair from her forehead and kissed her
gently. Being a beta, I wouldn’t fall into a full rut like the others might. It meant I would be
more level-headed, and see to things like getting food and staying hydrated. At least until they
settled a bit.
We’d never served an omega in heat before. We’d only heard the stories and second-hand
accounts from Elias. His mother was an omega who was part of a two alpha circle. They’d been sure
to explain to him how to care for an omega during her heat.
Something I was very thankful for now as our beautiful mate climbed toward the pinnacle of her
The guys shuffled onto the bed and crowded around Alena. I kissed down her neck to her
collarbone. “This is forever, baby girl. So the only thing we’ll make you forget is everyone who came
before us. It’s only the future now. The future we’ll create together.”
A lone tear slipped from her eye and cascaded down the side of her face. Xavier leaned forward
to trace the path with his tongue. “Forever, Princess.”
“Now, no more crying in sadness. The only tears I want to see in these eyes are those of
I kissed each of her eyes gently and then trailed my lips down her cheek, to her neck, and then her
breasts. She arched into my touch, her soft cries of pleasure like the sweetest symphony.
“Let me ease you the first time, Alena. Then the alphas will give you their knots.”
Fresh slick perfumed the air as I pressed my lips to hers. All thoughts of anything but this moment
floated away as our tongues tangled together.
I separated our bodies slightly to press my thumb against her clit. She cried out under my
attentions and my cock ached as I grabbed the base. “Next time, I’ll taste you, baby girl. Once our
alphas have knotted you, and you're dripping with slick and cum, I’ll lap up every drop.”
“Please.” It was a chant exploding from her lips, repeating over and over like a prayer.
The head of my cock slid through her slick, and I fought back the climax already building in my
balls. Not yet. Not until she clenched that tight pussy around my shaft and bathed me in her slick.
Alena’s nails bit into my chest as she cried out. “Now, Julian. Please.”
Without further hesitation, I thrust the length of my shaft deep inside, and shuddered under the
sheer pleasure rolling through my body.
She wrapped her legs around my hips, locking her ankles together at the small of my back. Her
head was thrown back, hair wild around the pillow like a dark halo. Her breasts bounced with each
firm thrust of my hips.
In that moment, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Utterly and completely perfect.
And I knew my life would never be the same again.
The heady scent of sweat, slick, and musk coated the air, making me fall further into ecstasy with
each piston of my hips.
Alena detonated around me, her scream echoing off the walls and filling my ears with the
exquisite sounds of carnal bliss.
My pace quickened. Sweat beaded along my forehead as I climbed toward my own release.
But not before she came again.
As if reading my mind, Simon and Elias each took a taut nipple into their mouths, while Xavier
reached between Alena and me to circle her clit. His rough hands grazed over my cock and it was too
much for me to handle.
Arching my back, I let out a guttural roar as I climaxed. Alena shuddered again, her muscles
strangling my cock and leaving me almost begging for mercy.
But it felt too fucking good.
Her hips still rocked against mine, begging me for more as her heat intensified. “Fuck, baby girl,”
I gasped out as I pressed a kiss to her forehead.
There weren’t many times I wished I was an alpha, but this was one of them. If I locked inside her
with a knot, she’d stay mine for just a little longer.
But the mind blowing pleasure, and the hungry looks on my mate circle’s faces, had me gently
releasing her legs and pulling out of her.
All three alphas snarled as a rush of slick, and my cum leaked out of her pussy. I just smiled.
Knowing I was the first to take her in heat.
“My turn.” Elias grinned with feral intensity as he took my place between Alena’s spread thighs.
Alena writhed beneath me as I planted one hand above her head to keep my full weight from her body.
Her pupils were blown, her irises looking completely black as she succumbed to her heat.
“Are you ready for me, my omega?” My lips brushed over her ear as I spoke, the slight contact
making a spark of electricity race through my blood.
“Please, Elias.” Her fingernails dug into my back, and a hiss escaped my lips at the mixture of
pleasure and pain.
“As you wish, little one.” In one swift motion, I thrust the length inside of her hot cunt. Even after
Julian had taken her, she was still so incredibly tight. She bathed my cock in her wet heat, making me
descend further into the rut.
“You want my knot?” I snarled, thrusting into her harder and faster, instinct guiding my every
Alena braced her feet on the mattress, lifting her hips to meet every one of my thrusts as her nails
continued to dig into my back. “Need you to knot me.”
I tilted her chin up to force her to meet my gaze. “You’re going to look into my eyes when you
come for me. I want to see your face. Every little change that takes over.”
Her mouth parted in a silent scream, her entire body trembling beneath me as she climbed higher
and higher toward another earth shattering orgasm.
“That’s it, omega. Come for me. Then I’ll mark you so you know that you are ours and we are
yours.” My voice was little more than a hoarse whisper, but she responded to my words with perfect
Eyes widening, then rolling into the back of her head, Alena climaxed around me. My knot
swelled, harder than I’d ever been before in my life as I worked it inside of her spasming pussy.
Pleasure consumed me, unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I may have knotted Alena
just days ago, but it was nothing compared to knotting while your omega was in heat. Every nerve
ending in my body came alive as my vision darkened.
My lips moved across her arched neck, my teeth finding the perfect space right along her pulse
point. Not all alphas marked their omega mates. It was only those that were truly bonded for life and
love that did so.
There was never any other option in my mind for Alena. She was ours. She would always be ours
and we would show her that every single day for the rest of her life.
Her screams of pleasure intensified as my teeth pierced her flesh, the walls of her pussy tightening
even further around my knot. I groaned as I released her from my hold. “Fuck, Alena. You’re so
fucking perfect. Made for us.”
She held me tightly to her, each of us riding through the aftershocks of pleasure as my knot
anchored me inside of her.
“Such a good girl for us,” Xavier murmured as he laid on his side on the bed, facing us. He
stroked her hair from her forehead and hummed softly. Xavier had never been more gentle than he
was with Alena. It was as if he were an entirely different person with her around.
Alena blinked up at me, smiled, and turned her head slightly to Xavier. I lifted more of my weight
from her, allowing her some movement as my knot made complete separation impossible.
Xavier trailed one hand down to stroke his cock, several drops of pre-cum beading at the slit. He
smeared them over the tips of his fingers, then brought them to Alena’s lips. She opened her mouth
and greedily sucked at the liquid, moaning around his fingers.
“So fucking perfect,” Xavier growled, drawing his fingers in and out of her mouth.
“Are you next?” I grinned at Xavier, who didn’t take his molten obsidian gaze from Alena.
“You okay with that, Simon?” I tilted my head the other way to see Simon sitting in the armchair
beside the bed, lazily running his hand up and down his erect cock.
A wicked grin spread over his lips. “You know how much I love watching.”
This was going to be such a fun night.

E lias bent and kissed me softly as he separated our bodies. I groaned against his lips at the loss
of his cock inside me.
“Shhhh, little one.” He spoke against my lips, continuing to brush the lightest of kisses over
my flesh. “You’ll get your next knot soon.”
The cramping in my belly had eased for now, but heat still consumed me. A red haze clouded my
vision as my body craved everything my mates had to give me.
I needed. Raw. Carnal. Filthy need had my body crying out for more when I’d already been fucked
by two of my mates.
The few heats I’d experienced prior to this couldn’t even hold a candle to what I was feeling now.
And who I was experiencing it with.
“Do you need a rest, Princess?” Xavier scooted closer to me and the tip of his tongue trailed over
my ear. The heat of his body and his warm breath washing over my skin sent goosebumps skittering
over my arms.
I could still taste the pre-cum he’d smeared over my lips. I’d sucked his fingers like they were his
cock and I couldn’t get enough of the flavor or heated look in his eyes.
“Need your knot.” In a move that I didn’t know I knew, I hooked one leg over his hips, and pushed
him flat on his back with my palms on his chest.
I grinned down at him in pure triumph as I shifted my hips to run my pussy along his straining
One dark eyebrow arched, and he clasped my hips in his huge palms. “Not what I was expecting,
Princess. You want to ride me?”
I nodded, and he urged me up a few inches to grasp his cock. His head slid through my wetness
and fresh slick coated him.
“So fucking wet for us,” he snarled as he jerked his hips upward to thrust the full length inside me.
I groaned and fell forward, my hair falling around our heads like a curtain.
“Ride, Princess.” Xavier guided my hips until I found the perfect rhythm. He thrust into me from
below, barely containing the raw power I knew he possessed.
Gently, he wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.
Two weeks ago, I would have never allowed anyone to touch me there, much less when my hair
was also down.
We rocked together, our pants and moans filling the air around us as everything intensified. My
heat had only just begun. Most lasted for days. I was going to be so sore after this, but it felt so
incredibly good.
Xavier gathered my hair and smoothed it over one shoulder, his gaze never leaving mine as he
moved with painstaking slowness. “Your hair is so beautiful and soft, Alena. You honor me by
allowing me to touch it.”
“Xavy,” I moaned, moving my hips faster, trying desperately to reach that ultimate high.
In an instant, Xavier flipped me on my back and knelt between my legs to thrust harder. “I know
what you need, Princess. Now come for me.” He shifted the angle of his hips just enough that he
brushed over my clit with every motion of his hips.
My hands reached back and clutched at the bars of the headboard, my mouth parted with no sound
emerging. My voice was already hoarse and raw. f
“Perfect. Fucking perfect,” Xavier growled, his cock thrusting into me, pushing me further up the
bed with each thrust.
White hot lighting arced through my body, from my pussy to the tips on my fingers and toes.
Xavier’s roar barely penetrated the intense haze as his knot swelled and he dropped a hand beside my
head to lean into me. His teeth pierced my neck on the opposite side of Elias, marking me and making
me his in every way.
I shuddered with each shift of his hips. He kissed me with ferocity and passion as we rode
through the waves of our shared orgasm. I tangled my fingers through his thick hair and kissed him
back like it was our first and last time all rolled into one.
Xavier drew back to catch his breath, pressing his forehead into mine. “I love you, Alena. We all
do. I hope you know that.”
Tears burned in my eyes at his confession and fell down my face unbidden. “I love you too, Xavy.
All of you.”
My dark angel smiled at the use of a shortened form of his name. “Thank you to whatever god is
out there for bringing you into our lives.”
He returned to kissing me, and I was swept up again in the passion of the moment as his knot
locked us together.
Watching Alena with the rest of my mates had my blood turning to liquid fire in my veins. I’d always
been a bit of a voyeur. Enjoying watching and savoring the anticipation of what would come next.
It was pure erotic torture to watch Alena. Yet, it was the hottest fucking thing in the world to me.
Just call me a masochist.
Xavier laid kisses all over her face, worshiping her. It made my heart sing to see him so happy.
After the horrors of his past, he deserved the happiness.
“Are you ready for Simon now, Princess?” Xavier whispered, then turned his head to wink at me.
Since when did Xavier wink?
My hand wrapped around my cock, slowly moving up and down as Alena turned her head my
way. Her eyes zeroed in on my hand and her nostrils flared in response. “Oh yes,” she breathed,
licking her lips.
Xavier pushed his torso up and gently pulled out of Alena. He rumbled his approval as his seed
and slick leaked from her entrance. “That’s the hottest fucking thing in the world, Princess. I will
never get tired of seeing that.”
He gathered some of the wetness and pressed it back inside of her, pumping his fingers gently in
and out.
Our mate arched her back, eager for the pleasure being offered. But it wasn’t enough. She needed
her last mate’s knot.
My knot.
“My turn.” My voice was deep, hoarse with lust as I lifted my hand to crook a finger at her.
“Come and sit on my lap and ride my cock.”
Alena eagerly complied, rolling off her mountain of nesting blankets to stand before me.
She stood before me, her pupils blown wide with lust, her hungry gaze raking over every inch of
my body.
I settled my hands on her generous hips before sweeping them up to cup her heavy breasts. I loved
her curves. So soft and perfect. A total contrast to our hardness.
Alena scooted closer and placed her knees outside my thighs. She hovered over me, wrapping a
hand around the base of my cock to notch it at the entrance to her sopping wet cunt.
As she sank down on me, my nails bit into the soft skin of her waist. Alena braced her hands on
my shoulders, whimpering as she sank down the last few inches to take me fully inside her.
I wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed her chest to mine. Skin to skin. Heart to heart. I
wanted every possible inch of her body connected to me.
“You know why I like going last?” I murmured as I traced a path up her neck with my tongue. I
shifted my hips and planted my feet firmly on the floor to thrust into her from below.
“Why?” she gasped out on a breathy moan. Her fingers slid up the back of my neck to tangle in my
I thrust into her again, savoring the feel of her wet heat surrounding my dick. “Because you’re so
hot and wet. Dripping down my cock and coating us both.”
Her head tilted back as she quickened her pace, riding me hard as I met her thrust for thrust.
“Simon,” she gasped out my name, and I took control of her movements. Her forehead pressed
into mine, our intense gazes locking together as we fought toward our climax.
Just as I approached the cliff, I bit down on her shoulder, giving her my mark. It sent us both
diving head first into oblivion. The swelling of my knot made spots dance in my vision.
I groaned out her name, my muscles tense as my release washed over me. I’d never knotted a
female before, and nothing could prepare me for the multitude of sensations that swept through every
fiber of my being.
It was complete and utter bliss.
“The next few days are going to be insane.” Xavier grinned as he sat on the side of the bed.
“Seriously.” Elias chuckled as he lounged in the middle of Alena’s nest.
I carefully ran my fingers through her damp hair, taking great care not to tug or pull at the strands.
“Is this okay?” I whispered in her ear.
She tilted her chin up and grinned at me. “I love it.”
An answering grin spread across my face.
“Good.” I kissed her on her lips. “How about a nice hot bath and I’ll wash your hair before round
Alena groaned, the sound sending vibrations through my cock. “Never had more than one round
Xavier trailed his fingertips up and down her back with a wolfish grin. “I’m looking forward to
all the rounds, Princess.”
So was I.

I riffled through the kitchen, gathering some simple sandwiches, fruit, snacks and drinks. We were
two days into Alena’s heat. A two-day marathon of sex and love, and I couldn’t be happier about
it. I was the one that had to remind the others to eat and drink, making sure they cleaned up.
Alena was starting to become more lucid, and she would need more sustenance so she didn’t
crash when the hormones left her body.
I was setting the tray of food up when Xavier walked in naked. I ran my eyes over his body in
He grunted, walked over to the coffee machine and turned it on. “Coffee first.”
I laughed softly and walked over, touching his arm. “How are you holding up?”
He grinned wickedly, with a bit of lingering exhaustion in his dark gaze. “Great. We’re taking care
of our omega.” He paused and his right arm went around my waist. “I haven’t taken care of you,
though, for a few days.” His purr had my cock hardening instantly.
“You’ve been busy.” I decided to pout just to see what he’d do. “I’ve been enjoying watching and
He laughed softly and pulled me close, our cocks rubbing against each other through the thin
fabric of my boxers. “I’ll have to make it up to you.” He kissed me roughly, and our tongues clashed
together in a familiar dance.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and he pushed me up against the counter top. “We
should do this while Alena watches. I think she’d love it.”
He hummed deeply. “That’s a great idea.” He stepped back, grabbed the tray that I had filled up,
took my hand, and led me upstairs. “Let’s give our omega a show while she takes a much needed
I had somewhat regained my awareness of everything around me. My body was still overly sensitive,
and I still wanted to fuck my males until we passed out from exhaustion, but I was able to enjoy some
food and drink, and chat before falling back under the spell.
Julian and Xavier returned, each carrying a tray filled with various snacks and drinks.
“Do I smell coffee?” I moaned as the rich aroma penetrated through the deep perfume of sex. I
could really use some coffee right about now.
Simon chuckled and pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder. “Your heat must be reaching its end if
you’re craving something other than our cocks.”
My eyebrows rose as I turned to look at him. “Don’t get me wrong, I still want your cocks, but I
could really use a hit of caffeine right about now.”
Elias groaned and rolled over to face me, his hair delightfully mussed around his head and the
sheet riding low on his hips. He grinned, scooting closer to me to nuzzle his nose against my neck.
One strong, powerful hand splayed out over my belly and rubbed in small circles. “Do you feel the
cramps anymore?”
I shook my head, savoring the feel of his powerful frame against me, but not consumed by it like I
was just a few hours ago. “A slight ache, nothing more.”
“Good news.” He kissed my forehead before running his fingers through his hair, seeking to tame
“Good luck with that,” I giggled. “I’m sure mine is even worse.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Beautiful as always, little one. Would you like me to get you a
brush? I can help you if you like?”
I blinked at him, my lips slightly parted as a trickle of confusion swept through me. “You want to
brush my hair?”
“Yes.” Elias nodded. “We want to help take care of you in all ways, not just sex. But I know that
you don’t like people touching your hair, so I wanted to ask first.”
The dreaded tears pricked the back of my eyes as I nodded at him, not trusting my voice to say the
words aloud.
He practically sprang from the bed, looking like a kid in a candy store as he rushed to the
“We’ll feed you while Elias brushes your hair.” Xavier folded the legs of the tray outward so it
rested above my legs. Julian did the same with his, although closer to Simon.
“Coffee?” I chirped, reaching for the steaming mug in front of me. It was a creamy light brown,
the perfect color for how I enjoyed my coffee with creamer.
“Careful, it’s hot.” Xavier took over Elias’ spot, and Julian sank on his lap.
Coffee forgotten for a moment, heat spread in my belly as I watched Julian and Xavier interact. I
knew there was something sexual between them!
I bit my lip, watching as Xavier caressed the outside of Julian’s thigh. Both were clad only in thin
basketball shorts.
Xavier caught me staring, giving me a wink. I really loved the playful side of him. The dark and
brooding Xavier was sexy as fuck, but when he smiled and winked, boy I was a goner.
“Do you like what you see, Princess?” He ran the tip of his nose up Julian’s cheek. “I think you’ve
gotten the hint that Julian and I like to play together. Would you like to watch?”
Julian’s brow furrowed, his green eyes darkening in the dim light. “It doesn’t bother you, does
it?” His voice was quiet, layered with a hesitation I hadn’t heard from him before.
“Absolutely not,” I blurted out, cringing at the way my voice echoed around the room. “No, it
doesn’t bother me. In fact, it’s hot as fuck. I had an inkling that you were intimate.”
“Told you.” Xavier nipped on Julian’s ear before he turned his molten obsidian gaze to me. “Eat
your breakfast, Princess. Then we’ll play.”
I ate quickly, taking several bites of the sandwich Julian prepared, and eating all the fruit salad.
“Done.” I took one last sip of coffee before trying to move the tray away. Simon grabbed it from
me and moved it to the other side of the room before I had the chance.
They really were too good to me.
I wiggled toward Julian and Xavier, rising to my knees before them and tugging them forward for
a kiss. My lips brushed over Xavier’s. Firm and dominant, his tongue swept into my mouth before he
guided me to Julian.
We kissed for an eternity, swapping partners in a triangle of kisses that left my toes curling and
fresh slick pooling between my thighs.
The burning need simmered to life as their hands slid over my body. I could feel the burning gaze
of Simon and Elias on me from the other side of the nest.
“How sore are you, Princess?” Xavier murmured huskily as he nibbled my earlobe. “I think your
poor sweet pussy needs a break from our knots.”
I whimpered, still desperately needing something despite my body being sore.
“She’s coming down from her heat. I could tell this morning.” Simon’s body heat pressed into my
back as his hands settled on my hips. “Why don’t we watch them while I take care of you?”
I sank back against Simon, letting my head fall against his shoulder. He wrapped both arms around
me, surrounding me in his intoxicating scent. “Good girl, love.”
Julian lifted himself off Xavier’s lap to kneel between his thighs and Simon set me next to Elias
before taking my other side. Both alphas slid their hands over my body as we watched the show.
“You’re so beautiful, little one,” Elias purred in my ear, his fingers sweeping up and down my
inner thigh. Each brush almost reached my pussy, but slid away just as quickly.
Teasing me. Taunting me. Driving me utterly insane until I wiggled and widened my thighs.
Grasping his wrist, I led him to where I wanted him to touch me.
The fringes of my heat must still be affecting me, because I’d never been so bold before. There
was something about these men and the lingering hormones singing through my bloodstream that made
me able to let go of all of my inhibitions.
“Greedy girl.” Elias teased his fingers along the seam of my pussy, continuing his erotic torture by
not touching me where I wanted him to.
Simon cupped one of my breasts and bent to wrap his lips around my nipple. He bit down,
eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips before grinning. “Watch Julian and Xavier, love, not us.”
Elias drew his hand away. “Or we stop touching.”
“That’s just plain mean.” I pouted, then let out a sigh to watch as Julian took Xavier’s cock deep
into the back of his throat.
“Watch.” Elias pressed his thumb against my clit. “I promise if you do, it’ll be worth it.”
I fisted Julian’s hair and guided his mouth as he swallowed my dick. Fuck, his mouth was sensational.
Different from Alena’s. Practiced. Knowing.
But his mouth wasn’t what I wanted right now.
My gaze locked with Alena’s. Lust shimmering in her dark depths. She licked her lips as the scent
of fresh slick tinged the air surrounding us.
I pulled Julian up, and he released my cock with an audible pop. “I was having fun.” The beta
smiled, knowing how annoyed I got at his ribbing.
“You’re going to have fun with my cock in your ass,” I growled as I pushed him back to the
mattress and rose to my feet.
Shucking my boxers across the room, I guided Julian into the position I wanted him. Feet flat on
the floor. Torso pressed into the mattress with his head facing Alena, Simon, and Elias.
Alena’s breathing accelerated as Simon played with her tits, and Elias stroked her pussy.
Definitely coming down off her heat. But oh what a wonderful heat it was.
And this would be the perfect end to it.
I reached into the drawer of the bedside table to grab the lube I’d stashed there earlier.
It helped to be prepared. I didn’t know if Alena was going to want us to take her ass or if I would
take Julian’s. Prepared was better than being caught with your pants down. So to speak.
The cool liquid trickled onto my fingers and I slowly worked them into Julian’s backside. Gods, it
felt like it had been too long since I played with my beta.
He was my way to lessen the darkness in my soul. Keep it at bay so it didn’t consume me. I owed
him so much. Owed my entire circle so much.
Now, we found our omega. It was perfect.
Julian moaned as I worked a second finger inside him. “Fuck me, Xavy. Now.”
Our beta liked a bite of pain with his pleasure. But he was going to get what I wanted to give him.
“Should I give it to him, Princess?” I ran a hand down Julian’s back, enjoying the shudder that the
small touch gave him.
Alena moaned as Simon bit down on her nipple and Elias pushed one finger inside her cunt.
“He’s been a good beta.” I hummed, licking my lips as I watched our omega’s pupils contract and
expand. “We should reward him.”
I brought my hand down on his taut ass, the slap zinging through the air and making a smile appear
on my face.
“Legs apart.” I kicked his feet out, widening his stance as I spread lube over my shaft. Julian
obeyed, groaning as I notched the head of my dick against his tight hole.
“Fuck,” we groaned in unison as I slowly pushed my cock in. I watched Alena, her mouth parted
as her gaze flickered from me to Julian.
“That’s so hot,” she breathed, her body quivering from Simon and Elias’ mouth and fingers. “Fuck
him, Xavy.”
“As you wish, Princess.” With one hand on the middle of Julian’s back, and the other holding his
hip, I thrust into him. He moaned beneath me, trying to break free of my hold, but not succeeding.
More slick poured into the air, making me snarl and thrust harder. My omega was aroused by this.
She loved everything we did with her. To her. But also how we played with each other.
I watched her as I worked my hips, the pleasure building and ramping up until my balls ached
with the need to come. I reached between our bodies to fist Julian’s cock, rock hard and leaking. My
other hand wrapped around his throat to lift his torso. “Now, beta. Let’s come and show our omega
how we like it.”
“Xavier,” he cried out, jerking in my palm as I fisted his shaft. I thrust twice more before groaning
out my own release. The stickiness of his spend leaked between my fingers and I pumped again,
teasing out the last drops.
Julian grunted his approval and collapsed onto braced forearms on the bed. I slowly pulled my
still half-hard cock from his body and took a step back to catch my breath.
Elias moved between Alena’s legs, a thigh braced on each of his shoulders as he lapped at her
slick. She moaned out her release, clutching Elias’ hair and riding his face.
This would go down in my memory as two of the greatest days I’d ever experienced.
When Alena came back down from her orgasmic high, those stormy gray eyes looked from Julian
to me. “We’re going to have to do that again, but with me on the end of that train because that was hot
as fuck.”
I chuckled and moved around the mattress to kiss her soundly. “Let me get cleaned up and then
we’ll nap again for a bit.”
Alena nodded, and I kissed her nose. “Good, Princess.”
She snuggled down against Simon with a sleepy smile tilting the corners of her perfect lips. I
don’t think I could ever get enough of her smile.

M y body was sore. Well fucked, and sated. Muscles I didn’t know existed ached, but I was so
happy I didn’t care. I was hugging Julian’s pillow that now smelled like all of us. I didn’t
know how many days had passed, but I finally felt like myself again.
The highlight of my heat was watching Xavier take Julian. I’d known that there’d been something
between them and was happy I was right. It’d been so hot to watch while Simon and Elias had
pleasured me to yet another orgasm.
Sitting up, I placed the pillow to the side and looked around me. The guys were sleeping, clearly
exhausted. That’s when the idea to cook something for them hit me. We’d all been surviving on
snacks, nothing substantial for the past couple of days.
Sneaking out of the bed took some time because each one was touching me. Julian woke up when I
made it out, but I’d kissed him and told him I’d be right back. He’d turned over and draped himself
over Xavier’s back.
God, Xavier’s back. He was covered head to toe in tattoos. I’d traced his chest tattoos for hours. I
couldn’t wait to use my tongue to get to know the rest of his body and artwork.
I found one of the guys' shirts on the floor and slipped it on. It barely covered my ass, but it would
do since Elias had said he gave housekeeping a few days off as they took care of me. The house was
quiet as I made my way to the kitchen. The fridge was stocked, so it wasn’t hard to choose what to
It was only a little after noon, but a steak sounded good with some fresh vegetables. I could make
that. There was a radio in the corner of the kitchen that I turned on low and was swaying my hips as I
started moving around the kitchen, prepping to cook.
The smell of cooked meat and fried vegetables started to fill the kitchen shortly after that must
have reached upstairs, because the guys started to file into the kitchen one by one.
Simon was the first down, still blinking owlishly awake. “Hello, love.” He smiled, his copper
hair shining in the afternoon light that filtered through the windows. “Can I help?”
I shook my head. “No, I’m actually almost done. It’s just a simple meal, but you guys must be
hungry.” I grinned at him. “Why don’t you grab some soda out of the fridge for everyone?”
He didn’t complain, grabbing several cold cans of Dr. Pepper. His stomach grumbled loudly,
making both of us laugh as the other three walked through the doorway.
“Hi guys.” I smiled happily at all of them. “Who's hungry?”
We set up at the kitchen table, digging in. I was the last to be done, the guys finishing theirs in
record time. I couldn’t help but feel proud that they liked what I’d cooked for them. Maybe I could do
it more often, maybe take some lessons from Simon.
“So we have a surprise for you.” Elias wiped his mouth with a napkin, setting down his fork.
“We’d been talking about it before your heat and now it seems like the perfect time.”
I blinked. “A surprise?”
“We have a few friends that own a western ranch resort in Montana. We want to take you for a
mini vacation.” Simon reached over the table to touch my hand. “How would you like to learn how to
ride a horse?”
Excitement raced through me. “Really? I’ve always wanted to meet a horse! Ever since I was a
child!” The idea of a ranch was intriguing. “What’s a western ranch resort?”
Simon chuckled. “They mainly do business with big corporation retreats. They teach people team
building, ride and take care of horses, there are spa options that you can take advantage of, and many
other things. We may even go on a cattle run.”
“A cattle run?” It sounded fun. “When do we leave?”
“In two days.” Xavier grunted softly as he took his last bite. “That was good. Thank you,
I looked at all of them fondly. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”
Elias stood and walked over to my chair, tipped my head back, and kissed me, his tongue twining
with mine for several minutes before letting me up for air. “We are the lucky ones.” He rubbed his
thumb along my lower lip. “You’ll like the resort. Our friend, Noah, runs it with two betas, James and
Lucas. We went to college with Noah and James.”
That meant they trusted these friends. “Wait. You said Montana?”
They blinked at me before nodding. “Does that mean we have to fly?”
Xavier laughed. “Yes. why? Are you afraid of flying?”
I blushed and looked down. “Maybe?”
Elias’ hand ran down my back, avoiding pulling my hair. “We have a private jet, sweetie. It won’t
be as bad as the commercial airplanes you may have ridden in before.”
I took a breath. I trusted the guys up to this point, what was another area of trust? I met Elias’ gaze.
“You promise?”
He leaned forward again, kissing me briefly. “Tell me, little one, do you want to join the mile high
club?” His velvety voice sent a shiver up my spine and I could feel slick building.
“You’re bad.” I giggled and pushed at his chest gently.
He winked wickedly before standing straight. “I’ll take that as a maybe.”
The rest of the guys laughed as I waved my hand in my face.

T he private jet that we were taking wasn’t as small as I thought it was going to be. It was roomy
inside with a bed in the back for longer flights. Elias hadn’t been kidding about joining the
mile high club. There was a pilot and co-pilot that I met before they disappeared behind the
cockpit door.
“Alena, stop pacing. Come sit down and strap in.” Julian sat on one couch and patted the seat next
to him. “You’re only going to notice when we go up. Otherwise, it’s just going to feel like we’re
I sat next to him, pressing close. “You promise?”
He smiled, bumping our foreheads together. “Promise.”
“Besides, once we’re up in the air, I’m taking you to try out the new bed.” Xavier was reading a
newspaper, and didn’t even look up from it as he spoke.
“Xavier!” Stuttering, I couldn’t help but laugh. He had a tiny smile as he flipped the page he’d
been reading.
“I’m going to distract you. Soon, flying will just be another time I get to fuck my beautiful omega.
You’ll crave it every time you even see a plane.” He smirked at me, then winked. Damn it, why did
they have to be so devastatingly handsome?
Julian just shook his head and pulled out his laptop. “I have some work to do, so you have fun.”
“Julian!” I laughed again. “You’re encouraging him!”
He laughed and shrugged. “It will relax you and make the time fly by for you.”
“We played rock paper scissors to see who would get to help you with it.” Elias crossed his right
leg over his left. “Xavier won this time, but he won’t win on the trip back.”
Xavier looked at me over the edge of his paper. “That’s what he thinks. I’m the rock paper
scissors champion. I’ll take my prize on the way back, too.”
Simon raised his hand in the air. “All those in favor of not letting Xavier participate next time we
play for lay, raise your hand.”
The other three guys all raised all their hands and Xavier cursed.
“Majority rules.” Simon smirked, shooting me a wink before opening his laptop.
I threw my head back in laughter. “You walked into that one, Xavier.”
He grumbled but grinned at me. I shifted under that stare, pressing my thighs together. His nostrils
flared as he scented the fresh slick and moaned.
“Better be careful, princess. I may not wait until we’re in the air.” His growl sent another wave of
need straight to my pussy.
“It’s not my fault you guys do this to me!” I looked to Julian for help but he just laughed, shaking
his head.
“Please strap in, folks, we’re headed to the runway.” The captain’s voice came over the stereo.
I clutched Julian’s knee as the plane began to move. He covered my hand with his. I closed my
eyes as the plane began to speed up, pressing me into the cushion of the couch. When it finally leveled
out, I could breathe again, not having realized that I’d been holding my breath.
As soon as the plane smoothed out, Xavier stood, placing his newspaper on the table next to the
chair. “Come on, omega. Let your alpha take you to new heights.”
I giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I took his hand after unbuckling myself. His
smoky woods scent wrapped around me as he pulled me toward the back of the plane.
“Enjoy your reports, boys.” Xavier looked over his shoulder at the other alphas and Julian.
As soon as the door was closed behind us, Xavier pressed my back to the wall and kissed the
daylights out of me.
Arousal bloomed in my core as I clutched to his hair. He cupped my ass and pressed me against
his prominent erection.
His lips left mine to caress along my cheek before he nibbled on my earlobe. “This is what you do
to me, Princess. I’m constantly hard for you. Wanting you every second of every day. You’re ours.”
“Yes,” I breathed out and boldly hopped a bit to wrap my legs around his hips. Xavier caught me,
supporting my weight with a hand beneath my ass. “Please make me forget that we’re twenty thousand
feet in the air before I have a panic attack.”
“My pleasure,” he growled and carried me to the bed. My back hit the mattress, and he made
quick work of removing my clothes.
Xavier sank back on his haunches and just stared at me. Without the blinding haze of my heat, I felt
more self-conscious under his intense gaze. I lifted my arms to cover my breasts, but he put a stop to
that real quick.
“Don’t hide from me, Princess. I love every inch of this luscious body and I’m going to show you
with my mouth, tongue, and cock, just how much I worship you.”
My eyes fluttered closed and tears burned behind my eyelids. Even gruff Xavier could speak such
beautiful words that burned me to my very soul.
He cupped my cheek. “Open your eyes. I want you to watch.” He kissed each of my eyes, the tip
of my nose, and my lips before trailing down my neck to suck on my nipples.
I knew he’d already seen the scars, but to feel his lips tracing each one was as if he were mending
me back together. The four men healed my soul and made me whole again.
“Xavier,” I cried out as his hand grazed up my thigh. His fingers slid between my folds, already
wet with slick.
His intense eyes peered up at me from around my nipple as one finger slowly sank inside my
pussy. Then a second. Oh gods. His thumb circled over my clit, and I threaded my fingers through his
hair and tugged.
I moaned his name over and over, the word like a prayer falling from my lips. He took me higher
and higher until the string snapped and I arched my back and my muscles tensed with the force of my
He stroked me through it, the climax blending into another one before he withdrew his fingers.
An arrogant smile spread over his face as he bent close to my ear. “And that was just my fingers,
Princess. I’m too impatient to get inside you or I’d give you a repeat performance from my talented
He unbuttoned and shoved his pants down enough to free his cock. I tore at the buttons of his shirt,
giving up with a grunt and ripping the material apart. Tiny objects went flying as I finally freed him
from the offending shirt.
“I think you owe me a new shirt now,” he chuckled and tossed the ruined clothing over his head.
My hands glided over his chest, tracing the lines of his tattoos before flicking his nipple piercings.
A low menacing growl reverberated in his chest. “You ready for me?” He slid the head of his
cock through my wetness, groaning as he sank inside. “Fuck, Princess. Even after taking all our knots
you’re still so fucking tight.”
Xavier braced a hand beside my head and laid his body more firmly over mine. I dug my hands
into the muscles of his back, my nails probably drawing blood but as he began to thrust in earnest, I
didn’t give two shits about that.
The slap of flesh on flesh filled the cabin, drowning out the low hum of the plane's engines as I
clung to Xavier for dear life.
I was falling headfirst over a cliff without a parachute, but Xavier was there to catch me. He
pressed a hand between our bodies to rub his thumb over my clit. “Come with me, Alena. Take us to
the stars.”
With a scream, I obeyed, my body shattering into a million pieces as he rode the wave with me.
A short time later, my breathing slowed, and Xavier drew me into his arms. “I don’t know if I’ll
ever get used to mind blowing orgasms,” I giggled, still high from the endorphins flooding my blood.
Xavier clutched me tighter to him, pressing a kiss into my damp hair and chuckled softly. “Mind
blowing orgasms are a definite perk, but the best part is getting to fall asleep with you in my arms.”
Such emotion laced his words, and I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “Xavier.” I cupped his
He laid his hand atop mine. “I’ve only ever known peace while sleeping with you or Julian
beside me. It keeps the nightmares at bay.” He sucked in a harsh breath. “That’s a conversation for
another time, but know that you are my safe haven, Alena. You.”
Tears fell down my cheeks as I snuggled closer, absorbing his warmth and giving him the comfort
I could.
In my heart, I knew without a doubt I was already head over heels in love with these men.
Every single broken, haunted inch of them.

A s the plane touched down, I couldn’t contain my excitement. “We’re here!”

After making love with Xavier, I’d changed clothes. He’d had to dig for a fresh shirt and I
wasn’t even sorry about it.
When we came out of the room, the other guys all clapped. My face was still red while Xavier
had taken a bow. I’d glared at all of them.
Julian had held his arms up and I’d gone over to sit next to him again, cuddling close. We’d
buckled in when the captain had announced the descent. This time I was relaxed enough I barely
registered the bump onto the tarmac.
As the plane slowly stopped, the guys stood, grabbed our suitcases and went to the door, opening
it easily. They wouldn’t allow me to carry my luggage. When we went down the stairs, I noticed a
large SUV waiting a little ways away.
“There’s Noah.” Elias moved quickly, excited to see his friend.
I moved slower with Julian as we approached the SUV. I was wary of meeting the new alpha but I
knew that if my men trusted him, it would be okay.
Noah got out of the driver's seat and walked toward Elias. “Elias! You guys! It sure is good to see
you!” His voice was accented, deep, and if I wasn’t head over heels for my guys, I might have been
tempted. He wore a black cowboy hat that he took off as he hugged Elias. They slapped each other on
the back laughing as they exchanged hellos.
“It’s alright, baby girl.” Julian pushed me gently forward as we approached.
Noah pulled back from Elias and Simon to turn toward us. His smile was big as our gazes met.
“This must be Alena.” He held out his hand. When I took it, he bowed, pressing his lips to my hand.
“It is an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance. It’s amazing to see my friends finally have a
full pack and with smiles on their faces.”
Giggling, I pulled my hand back. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m really excited to experience
everything at your ranch.”
“Fantastic.” His white teeth flashed in the light. “Come on. I’m sure you guys are hungry after your
flight. Lucas has been cooking up a storm for you five. You’ll be our only guests for the week.”
“Is that really okay?” I glanced at Julian as we followed Noah to the SUV.
Noah just laughed. “More than okay. Your boys are paying a premium for it.”
I huffed as I glared at them. “They are, are they?”
“Nothing but the best for my pack.” Elias shrugged nonchalantly with a mischievous glint in his
eyes. “It’s better this way, anyway. We don’t have to deal with others.” He shuddered. “I don’t do
well with others.”
“Thought that was Xavier?”
“I’m not the only one that doesn’t like being around people all the time, Princess.” He winked at
me. “Even our fearless leader needs to recharge his perfect CEO batteries.”
I laughed as Noah opened the back door to the SUV and helped me inside. “You guys work with
the public.”
Elias got into the front seat as the rest of us piled into the back seats. Xavier took the very back
while I sat between Simon and Julian.
“We might work with the public, doesn’t mean we have to like people.” Simon chuckled and took
my hand. “Don’t worry. We come to visit once a year and it’s always just us.”
My shoulders relaxed. “Oh, okay, good.”
“It’s something we look forward to, too.” Noah looked in the rear-view mirror as he started the
car. “It gives us a chance to relax and just hang out with friends that we don’t get to see very often.”
I looked around as we began the drive. It was so different from the Washington landscape and yet
the same. It was beautiful. The guys talked shop as we rode along. Simon rubbed his thumb along the
top of my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder.
I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep until Julian was gently shaking me awake. “Hey, baby girl.
We’re here.”
Blinking slowly, I sat up from Simon’s chest that I’d moved to rest my head on and looked around.
We’d pulled up through a large gate that said ‘Second Chance Ranch’. The driveway was long and
ended at a large three-story house. All the lights were on. The door opened as the SUV turned off.
There were multiple smaller cabins along the way up the driveway, with small porches, white
shutters and soft yellow paint. They had red and purple flowers peeking out of garden beds along the
front. It was a perfect miniature version of the ranch out before us.
Two betas walked out. They weren’t as large as Noah, but each one had a cowboy hat on. The
smaller beta’s hat was bright green, and I had to fight back a giggle of delight at the man. The larger of
the two crossed his arms as we all got out of the car.
“Well, damn. She’s a lot prettier than you said she was!” The shorter beta moved forward, his
eyes bright. “Hello, darling, I’m Lucas!” He pulled me into his arms in a crushing hug. “It’s so nice to
meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Lucas.” I looked him up and down. “I really like your hat.”
“Why thank you.” He laughed and titled the hat backward. “I love it. It annoys James here to no
end.” He winked. “It’s great to see you guys.” He hugged each guy with a slap on the back. “Dinner is
The other beta stepped forward and shook everyone's hand. He was gentle when he shook mine
but he didn’t speak much. He was a beta, but he had this vibe that was coming off of him that
screamed alpha.
Noah wrapped his arm around Lucas’s shoulder. “I’ll move everyone’s luggage to cabin one.
Does that work, Elias?”
Elias nodded. “Works for me.” He turned to Lucas. “I have been missing your cornbread
something fierce.” Was that a bit of twang entering Elias’ voice? Oh man, if he called me darlin’ like
the characters in some of my favorite books, I might swoon and die.
Lucas laughed as all of us went inside as Noah went with James to put the luggage up in our
cabin. Lucas threaded his arm through mine and pulled me into the house.
“I went a little overboard, I hope you like fried chicken.” He walked us through the house that
was warm and I could feel the love that went into it. “We’re going to eat in the formal dining room
because there’s so many of us.”
The dining room was in the back of the house. The table was laden with food as we all took our
seats. My stomach grumbled at the smells coming from the many plates.
“You made all of this?” I looked over at Lucas who was sitting across from me.
He grinned happily. “That I did. I’m the cook here at the ranch. It’s my passion. I even wrote a
cookbook that they sell at our local grocery store.”
“That’s so cool!” I couldn’t hold back my enthusiasm. “Can we eat now?”
The guys all laughed, including Lucas.
“Let’s wait until the other two men get here, love.” Simon kissed my forehead. “It’s only polite.”
I blushed. “You’re right, it just smells so good.” I smiled at Lucas. “I’m also really excited to be
“We’re excited to have you here.” Lucas started serving everyone. “Those two will be in by the
time I finish dolling out this food.”
He wasn’t wrong. Noah and James arrived, taking off their hats as they came into the room.
“Mmm. It has been torture smelling this food being cooked all day and not able to taste it until
now.” Noah sat next to Lucas, pressing a kiss to the beta’s cheek. “Let’s dig in.”
Lucas had given me a little of everything on my plate and I happily picked up my fork. It surprised
no one that I finished before everyone else, sitting back in my chair with a hum of approval.
“My favorite was the cornbread.” I giggled. “That was like a tasty dessert.”
Lucas took a bite of his food, smiling. “It’s my specialty. I’ll share the recipe with Simon before
you guys leave if you’d like.”
James raised a brow at the smaller beta. “Really? That’s the one recipe you said you’d never part
with. Little omega, you have some powers of persuasion getting him to cough it up.” He chuckled,
dodging as Lucas threw a fork at him.
Noah laughed, looking at the two beta’s with a soft expression. “Come on, you two. Why don’t we
retire to the living room with coffee?” He glanced around the table. “We have a lot to catch up on.”
I stifled a yawn before eyeing the guys. “Would it be alright if I went and took a nap?” Having
joined the mile high club wore me out, apparently. Xavier smirked into his napkin as he wiped his
face. “That’ll give you guys some time to catch up without an interloper.”
Lucas stood, chuckling. “You, my darlin’, are not an interloper. We have waited years for these
boneheads to bring their omega to meet us. We are all thrilled you’re here.” He walked around the
table to offer me his arm, giving me a saucy wink. “I can understand though, flying makes me
exhausted, too. Why don’t I show you to the cabin and we let the men clean up?” His cheerful manner
put me at ease and I stood, threading my arm through his.
“I would love that.” Checking with the guys that it was alright, which they all smiled at me and
nodded, I followed Lucas out of the room. I couldn’t help but feel comfortable with his bubbly
“The cabins may look rustic, but they are top of the line. It’s one thing for corporate employees to
say they want to rough it out in the country, it’s another thing when they’re actually here.” Lucas held
open the front door for me as we stepped out onto the porch.
I took a minute to look around, pausing to touch each of the pillars. The land that surrounded us
was breathtaking. The rolling green hills, the sounds of farm animals in the distance, and the bright
sun in the distance made my shoulders relax, and I felt peace settle into my chest.
“It’s beautiful.” I kept looking around. “You get to wake up to this every day. Does it ever get
Lucas moved to my side, tilting his head up into the light. He was a beautiful example of the male
variety. He could have easily been a model.
“No. It never gets old. You’ll want to wake up and watch the sunrise while you’re here. It’s
something else entirely.” He leaned against the pillar next to me. “Before I came here, I lived in the
city. I was just another faceless body in the crowd. Never really looking up from my phone to enjoy
life around me. Then, one day, my company made a few of us come here, and I met Noah and James.”
A soft smile appeared across his face. “My life seemed worthless until that moment. I quit my job the
next day and moved in. I’m just lucky they gave me a job and a place at their side.”
My mouth dropped a little. “That was fast.” Like me.
Lucas laughed, grinning like a cat. “When you know, you know. We’re happy. We’re not complete,
not yet, but until that time our omega finds us, we’re content enough.”
A breeze came by, lifting my hair off the back of my neck. “You’ll find her. I know you will.”
Three amazing men like this deserved to have a good omega in their life. Just like I found my
guys, they would give their perfect omega soon.
Lucas looked down at me gently. “Thank you, darlin’.” He was going to make me faint if he kept
saying that.
He straightened from the pillar. “How about I show you to your room?” He winked, a gesture I
was beginning to admire. It showed his playful nature. He was a good friend to my mates, and he
would be to me too. “You’ll just love the bed. The cabin was designed for packs.”
My face flushed as I followed him down the steps of the porch and off toward the first cabin that
was closest to the main house.
“We’ll never get anything done.” I muttered under my breath.
Lucas laughed and threaded our arms together again. “I always figured those men were beasts in
the bedroom.”
My whole body turned red as I laughed. “Do you have a filter?”
“Not a one, darlin’.” Lucas smirked. “So, tomorrow, after breakfast, how about meeting your
My fingers tightened on his arm as I looked up at him, practically hopping up and down with
excitement. “Yes! I’ve never ridden a horse.”
He shot me a wink. “That will change tomorrow.”

S ettling into the wingback chair, I took a sip of the coffee Noah handed me. “Man, it’s great to see
you guys.”
Noah sat across from me with James next to him.
“How’s the business been?”
Simon picked up his coffee. “We’re expanding internationally now. We’re working on a project in
“Dubai? That sure sounds fancy.” James thickened his accent with a drawl.
I laughed, along with my pack. “How’s it going here?”
Noah glanced at James before rubbing the back of his neck, shrugging. “Truth be told, we’re
struggling. None of us are very good with the books and with how busy we are, we’re getting behind.
Not to mention, we can’t seem to keep a good housekeeper around.”
James rubbed his hand along his alpha’s back. The guy didn’t talk much. Touch was more his
I leaned forward. “You know we can help you.” This was always a sore subject. They never let
us help before, even when they were eating ramen for months. We’d be happy to invest in the ranch,
anything to keep them doing what they loved doing. But the stubborn asses refused every time.
Noah scoffed. “You just keep your fancy money over there. We’ll get through it, it just might take
time.” He relaxed on the couch. “But, if you know anyone looking for a job at a majestic ranch, let us
“We will keep an eye out and an ear open.” Simon said wryly. “Depending on how Alena reacts
with the horses, we may be out here more often.” He grinned, matching all of ours.
We’d do anything to see Alena smile. If that meant flying to Montana every other weekend, so be
it. It was a win-win for us. We loved it here.
“It’s nice to see you guys relaxed. Even when you came here before, you were always working.
Remember when Lucas poured his whiskey over your computer for ignoring him at dinner?” Noah
snickered into his coffee as he looked at Xavier. “Hopefully, we won’t have to worry about that this
Xavier groaned. “That was a brand new computer, too. You’re just lucky I have an automatic
cloud backup or I’d be kicking your ass.”
I looked to Noah, remembering what else I wanted to discuss with him. “Have either of you heard
of Dreamscape?”
Noah and his pack shared our views about omegas and their rights. Even helping us with the few
that we’d been able to rescue in the past.
“No, should I have?” Noah’s brow furrowed as he regarded me.
Shaking my head, I let out a deep sigh. “That’s the organization that helped Alena to escape.
Xavier has been trying to find some traces of them, but it’s been a dead end so far.”
“Xavier hit a dead end?” Noah snorted. “Must mean they’re buried deep. I’ll keep an ear to the
ground and let you know if I hear anything.”
Any information we could find out about Dreamscape would be better. Xavier was still digging,
and the alpha was tenacious, but whoever was behind the organization was good. They hid their
tracks far better than anything we’d ever seen.
James frowned, leaning further into his alpha. “That poor girl seems to have been through so
much, but it’s good to see how happy she is. And you guys too.”
“We’re pretty goddamned lucky.” The members of my pack shared a knowing smile. “Part of why
we want to find Dreamscape. To thank them and offer whatever support we can to get even more
omegas out of Society clutches.”
We spent the next hour just shooting the shit. Lucas came back after thirty minutes. He sat between
his pack-mates and took James’ coffee from him, finishing it.
“I love her. She’s sweet, kind, and she has a wit that she keeps hidden.” Lucas set the cup down.
“We’re going to start with the horses tomorrow morning.” He looked at James. “You up for teaching?”
He nodded as he leaned into Lucas.
“She seems really excited. Tell me about her favorite foods so I can make them while you’re
here.” Lucas turned his attention to us.
After an hour, I was antsy to get back to our mate. “I think we’ll turn in for the night.”
Noah grinned as Lucas whistled at us.
“We’ll see you in the morning.”
The guys swept into the cabin about an hour after Lucas dropped me off. Their heavy footsteps echoed
in the space, reaching me even where I relaxed in the gigantic bathtub.
“Alena?” Elias’ strong voice called out.
“In the bathtub,” I murmured, sinking further down into the steaming water. Bubbles floated
around me, enveloping me in their cocoon of eucalyptus and mint.
The moment I found the heavenly bathtub, and its collection of oils and salts, I skipped the nap
and went for a relaxing soak instead.
“Ah, this is a sight.” Xavier’s eyes heated as they trailed over my form, only partially covered by
the bubbles. He leaned against the doorway, his large body blocking out the light I’d left on in the
“Did you guys have fun catching up?”
Simon groaned when he looked around Xavier to see me. “Damn, that is a beautiful sight. Do you
have room for one more, love?”
I giggled and shrugged. “Sure, but I don’t think all four of you will fit. Maybe just two of you.”
“Xavier got to distract you on the plane so my vote is he watches this time around.” Simon patted
Xavier’s shoulder as he passed and began stripping out of his clothes.
“What are we doing?” Julian asked as he popped his head into the bathroom. A smile spread over
his handsome face as he saw me. “Oh, bath time. I like this plan.”
He joined Simon in shedding his clothes, and soon they were climbing into the tub with me.
“Wait,” I laughed as I had to pull the drain stopper to release some water. “I think Noah and his
pack might be a bit upset if we flooded their cabin.”
Julian reset the drain and settled across from me. He took my feet into his lap and his thumbs
started massaging in a way that should be illegal.
I groaned as Simon moved behind me. He surrounded me in his arms, one leg on either side of
mine and cradling me against his hard body.
“You feel so good in my arms.” Simon pressed gentle kisses on my neck and shoulder, sending a
shiver of arousal down my spine.
“They making you watch?” Elias chuckled as he brushed past Xavier into the bathroom. He pulled
his shirt off, and I was momentarily hypnotized by the dips of his muscles as he moved. Gods, these
men were all too delectable.
Xavier’s eyes never left my body as he stepped further into the bathroom. “Bathtub is only so big.
Not like the bathtub at home that we can all fit in.” He shrugged, trying to feign disinterest, but the set
of his jaw gave him away.
“I’ll make it up to you when we’re done.” Julian chuckled at Xavier, who brightened under the
Poor Xavier. He held so much inside and acted as if the worst would always happen. My gaze
lifted to Elias, and he nodded subtly at me, as if knowing what I’d already been thinking.
“We both will.” I smiled and reached my arm out toward my dark angel.
His face softened as he sank down into the tile floor beside the bathtub. Taking my hand into his
much larger one, he lifted it to his lips then placed it against his heart. “Thank you, Alena.”
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I blinked rapidly to keep them at bay. “Thank you,
“Julian is the only one who’s ever given me a nickname. I like you calling me that too.”
This giant of a man with a penchant for knives was going to break my heart.
Elias laid a hand on Xavier’s shoulder. “Why don’t you tell her, brother?”
“Tell me what?” I bristled, stiffening against Simon.
“Woah, love.” Simon kissed my temple and tangled his fingers through my hand under the water.
“Nothing bad.”
“Depends on who you ask,” Xavier muttered under his breath. “My past isn’t pretty, Princess, and
I hadn’t intended on telling you.”
My brow furrowed and my lips parted as hurt spiked through me like a knife straight to the chest.
“Alena, don’t look at me like that. That didn’t come out the way I meant it. I told you a little bit of
my past, but not all of it. It isn’t something I’m proud of, and the only ones who’ve ever known the full
story are the three guys in this room.”
“You need to open yourself up, Xavy.” Julian reached out and touched Xavier, turning his face
toward his. “Alena told us of her past and the only thing it changed was we loved her even more.”
“Nothing you say will change how I feel.” My voice was hoarse and riddled with emotion. Julian
hit the nail on the head. They hadn’t judged me or thought anything differently of me when I told them
my past. Xavier sharing his truth would only make me love him more.
Xavier cleared his throat as his thumb continued to brush across my knuckles. “My childhood
wasn’t pleasant. I was born the son of a violated omega and my mother hated every breath I took.”
My heart broke even further for the small dark-haired child he was. The rejection of a mother’s
love was something I knew intimately, but his went beyond even the traumas of my own past.
“My father force mated her. Bred her every chance he got, but I was the only child that actually
survived. I was abused by both of them, although as I grew wise and kept my mouth shut, they mostly
ignored me.” His eyes fluttered shut, and he sucked in a harsh breath. “I wish they would have kept
ignoring me. But they didn’t. When I was eight, my father found out my mother had been trying to
escape him. He couldn’t have that.”
He paused and the bathroom fell eerily silent as he gathered his strength for the next words. “He
killed her, then he came for me. Couldn’t have her tainted blood anywhere in the house, even if it was
what ran in my veins.”
Elias moved to sit against the vanity, his leg touching Xavier’s in a small show of strength. Julian
has his arm draped over his shoulders as his fingers danced in a comforting rhythm.
“He didn’t expect me to fight back, but I’d hidden a switchblade I’d stolen from his desk. I
stabbed him in the throat as he tried to strangle me.”
Bile rose in my throat at the thought of an eight-year-old having to defend his own life like that.
Yet another failing of our alpha and omega society.
“My uncle found me covered in my father’s blood, his corpse cold on my bedroom floor. I still
remember how the blood smelled. Metallic. Wrong. My uncle was no better than my father, but he had
a special set of skills. He was a trained assassin for high-ranking members of Society. And after that
day, that was what I would become.”
A sob wrenched free as tears poured down my face, unable to hold back the torrent of emotions at
the pain of Xavier’s past.
I tried to hide my face, but Xavier leaned over the edge of the tub and took my cheeks in his large,
callused hands. “Don’t cry for me, Princess.” His brow furrowed as those obsidian eyes danced over
my face. “My past is long behind me. Elias and his family rescued me from that hell and you’re
bringing me further into the light everyday you spend with us.”
“I’m so sorry for what you had to go through. The things you’ve seen and experienced.” My circle
surrounded Xavier and me, each male touching both of us as emotions battered through our bodies.
“You’re the light, love,” Simon whispered tenderly in my ear. “For all of us.”
“Every time you smile, it’s like the sun is warming our skin.” Xavier leaned in and kissed me
gently. “Now, can we move on from the sappy shit? Simon, play with her tits while Julian teases her
“Bossy much?” I started laughing, but broke off into a groan as Simon’s hands cupped my breasts
and pulled my nipples between his strong fingers. Julian shuffled, arranging my feet so that my thighs
were spread wide.
“Hmm…” Xavier hummed. “Might not be the best position, and she’s underwater.”
“Let her relax in the tub for a bit, Xavier,” Elias chuckled. “Before you start pawing at her.”
He turned to look over his shoulder at Elias and narrowed his eyes. “I’m not the one pawing at
her. Simon and Julian are.”
“Semantics, brother.” Elias tapped his palm on Xavier’s shoulder. “She deserves a hot bath after
the long flight. Why don’t you and I go get some snacks prepared and get the bedroom set up. That
will give her a bit to relax and then we can ravish her.” His bright eyes lit up as they trailed over my
Xavier muttered under his breath, but he started to rise to his feet. Pausing to kiss me with
possessive abandon, I fell into his kiss before he pulled away abruptly. “You’ll get my knot when you
get out of this tub, Princess.”
His husky voice was roughened with desire, and made goosebumps erupt over my arms. My
fingers reached up to clutch at his shirt and bring him back to my lips. He obliged with a snort of
laughter. “Greedy omega.”
Our tongues tangled and danced, and I poured my emotions through the single kiss. The love–yes
love–desire, longing, trust, and devotion that I had for my dark angel.
“Alena,” Xavier breathed as he pressed his forehead against mine. “Gods, I can’t get enough of
I shivered. Partially because of his words, and partially because I was cold with my top half out
of the water.
“Back in the warm water,” he rasped, with a crooked grin. “I’ll get everything taken care of in the
bedroom. Then I want that perfect cunt ready for my knot.” He nipped my bottom lip, then turned and
left in a flash.
Sighing, I leaned back against Simon and eyed Julian, who had a wicked smirk on his perfect lips.
“What?” I asked, barely able to hold back my laughter.
“So perfect for us, love.”

I closed the bathroom door and leaned back against it and squeezed my eyes shut. A myriad of
memories swept through my mind. All things I wanted to forget. My head never doubted that
Alena would accept my past and still look at me with love reflecting in her turbulent gray gaze,
but my uncle’s voice still liked to eat through my consciousness.
“You’re a worthless piece of shit. No one wanted you, and I don’t either. Only reason I keep you
is cause you’re handy with a knife.”
“Stop it,” Elias commanded in his steadfast way that had me snapping back to the present. “I
know what’s running through your head right now, and just stop it.”
I counted to ten, inhaling and exhaling in deep, even breaths. He was right. Stupid asshat was
always right, although I’d never admit that fact out loud.
“Come on.” He placed a hand on my shoulder, a familiar gesture and one of brotherhood. “Let’s
go into the kitchen and see what else Noah and the guys set up for us.”
Nodding, I followed him, eager for something to keep my mind off my past.
Thirty minutes later, Elias and I shared a high five as we surveyed our handiwork in the bedroom.
Noah, James, and Lucas went all out with stocking the cabin. The closet had revealed a plethora of
blankets and pillows, perfect for our little omega. The fridge was stocked with several bottles of
wine, cheese, meats, and fruit. We gathered five glasses, laid out the snacks on a tray and carried it to
the bedroom.
Elias gathered the blankets and pillows from the closet, placing them on the foot of the bed for
Alena to arrange how she liked. Several candles decorated the space, and I took my time lighting each
one and savoring the relaxing fragrance of lavender.
What had really surprised us was a small package inside the nightstand drawer that contained a
bottle of lube, an anal plug, a vibrating wand, and fingertip vibrator.
A wicked smirk tugged at the corners of my lips as I showed the contents to Elias. He shook his
head, letting out a bark of laughter. “That has got to be Lucas’ doing.”
“Yep,” I replied, popping the P. “This is going to be a fun night.”
“Fun night?” Julian asked as he emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist
and sitting low on his hips. His bare chest pressed against my back, his body heat enveloping me and
cloaking me in his scent.
I looked over my shoulder at him, showing him the contents of the package.
“Oooo…” His eyes brightened. “Lucas gave us some toys.”
“What kind of toys?” Alena asked, her tone curious, yet relaxed.
I slipped the fingertip vibrator on and held it up to show her. “These types.” I twisted on the bed
and turned fully toward her as her eyes widened.
“Have you ever played with any toys, Princess?” My voice dropped an octave, growing husky as
thoughts of torturing our omega with the toys echoed through my mind.
She shook her head, color rising into her cheeks. “You should know the answer to that one.”
Simon wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek. “Xavier loves toys.”
The aroma of fresh slick permeated the air, and my cock jerked to attention behind my fly. “I think
Alena likes the idea of them too.” I rose, taking my time crossing the room to stand in front of her.
I activated the vibe on the lowest setting and traced it down her cheek, along her neck, to the
swell of her breasts. Bending low, I let my breath fan across her ear. “You’re going to love this on
your clit as I knot you, Princess. You’re going to come so hard, you’ll see stars.”
Pulling away, I smiled as her eyes turned glassy and she looked up at me. “You always make me
see stars.”
Good answer, little omega.
I turned off the vibration and brushed my lips over hers. “This will be even better. I promise.
Now, drop the towel and up on the bed like our good little omega.”
Her arousal intensified in the air as she complied with my command. I tried to hold back most of
my dominant nature, but Alena surprised me at every turn with not only how willing she was to obey,
but how much she enjoyed it, if her scent was anything to judge by.
Julian grabbed the toys from the bed, exploring them until he grabbed the wand and placed the rest
on the nightstand. He shot me a wink, more than eager to help with our erotic torture.
Alena moved with slow precision, climbing onto the bed while still clutching the towel to her
chest. She’d made great strides with her past trauma, and with every new confidence she displayed,
my heart warmed.
She settled her head on a pillow, her hair spilling over the cream-colored sheets. Simon must
have dried her hair before emerging, which I was thankful for so she wouldn’t catch a chill.
With one knee placed on the bed, I leaned over her, my lips hovering just an inch above hers.
“Every new experience we have with you is a further sign of your trust, Princess. We can show you
with our bodies just how much we love and care for you. How we will always cherish you as our
omega until the end of our days.”
A delicate V formed between her brows as her eyes grew watery with unshed tears. “Xavier,” she
breathed, reaching up to tangle her fingers in my hair. A tentative smile spread over her face. “I
thought you said to cut the sappy shit.”
I chuckled, the sound warm and something I was still getting used to. Before Alena, it was rare
that I ever laughed. Now, it was a regular occurrence.
“Right you are, Princess. Now why don’t you get rid of that towel?” My heated gaze trailed down
over her body, watching as her hands deftly parted the material of the towel.
I snaked an arm around her back, and helped her fully remove the towel, tossing it behind me and
not caring where it landed.
“Are you sure you’re okay with playing with the toys?” I asked, wanting to ensure we had her full
consent. “If you don’t want to, we toss them away without even another thought.”
That beautiful flush spread over her cheeks again. “It sounds fun,” she whispered, her voice
already husky and filled with desire.
“Good.” I spread her legs and settled between them. I was still dressed in my boxer briefs, the
material straining against my erection. Our skin connected, sending a shockwave of pleasure coursing
through my system. It still happened every time we touched.
I ran my nose along the soft skin of her neck, savoring her natural soothing perfume. I trailed my
fingers along her sides, up her soft belly to cup her breasts. She arched into my touch, the small
whimper of pleasure making me even harder.
“This is our time, Princess. I want to feel you fully against me, staring into my eyes as I take you.”
I alternated kisses and nips along her neck. “Claim you.” She shuddered beneath my exploring mouth
and fingers. “Own you and make you ours forever.”
“Xavy,” she moaned, her nails digging into my back. The plane had been a fairly quick fuck. One
meant to distract her with pleasure. This time, I wanted to make her scream out my name until tears
fell from her eyes under the force of her pleasure. I wanted it all.
I leaned back just enough to shove my boxers down my thighs, freeing my cock. I fell forward
onto one hand, slamming my lips down on hers to pour out the force of my need and desire for her.
Everyone else in the room was forgotten. They were my brothers, but this time it was about me.
She’d learned about my past and accepted it, even crying for the loss of my childhood and the abuse
I’d endured. This omega was too good for me. Too pure. Too caring and kind.
I would spend every moment of the rest of my life showing her I could be worthy of her.
Alena embraced me fully. Her arms wrapped around my torso, her legs around my hips. I teased
her with the tip of my cock, sliding it through her wetness and torturing us both in the process.
I activated the fingertip vibrator with the press of a button and trailed it down between our
bodies. My mouth pressed to her ear, my lips brushing over her sensitive flesh. “I’m going to keep
this pressed against your clit as I take you, Princess. Make you see the stars and then I’ll help you
back down to earth.”
She moaned as I made contact with her clit, her back arching and her hips bucking against me. I
spread her pussy lips, teasing her entrance and slipping the vibrator inside of her before replacing it
with the head of my cock.
Our mutual sounds of pleasure filled the air as I slowly thrust my entire length inside of her
welcoming body. My finger circled her clit, the vibrations teasing my cock as I moved in and out of
her in slow, yet firm strokes.
My forehead pressed against hers. Our breaths mingled together as we rode toward our mutual
release. She clung to me, our bodies moving together in tandem. My name fell from her lips over and
over like a prayer. A plea for release. For the ultimate pleasure.
“That’s it Princess,” I whispered as I felt her walls fluttering around me. I pressed my finger
harder against her clit, circling the needy bundle of nerves. “Come for me. Squeeze my knot. Fuck–”
I broke off into a series of curses as she came around me. Her mouth parted in a silent scream and
my knot swelled before locking into place. Alena continued to spasm around me, her body trembling
with aftershocks and the vibrations I continued to torture her with.
Several minutes passed as we were locked together. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over
“No more, Xavy, please no more,” Alena cried out, her hips squirming as she tried to shy away
from the vibrator.
I switched it off with a smile, kissing her gently. “You’re so sensitive after you’ve come. I love
it.” I pressed kisses into her lips, nose, and eyes before moving to her lips again. “I love you, Alena.”
She blinked rapidly, tears gathering and falling down the sides of her face. “Love you too,
Xavier.” Her hands moved to my hair, tunneling into the thick strands as we enjoyed the last moments
of being knotted together.
When I was finally able to pull free of her sweet cunt, I shivered at the loss of warmth
surrounding me. I gathered the towel, which had appeared back on the foot of the bed–I’m sure thanks
to Julian–and cleaned her body.
Alena yawned and arched into my touch, sweet purrs of pleasure escaping her lips. I gathered her
into my arms, and looked around the room to see my pack mates all watching us with serene smiles.
“You good, brother?” Elias asked softly.
I blinked at him, then looked down at Alena as she dozed off in my arms. I nodded, my throat
suddenly burning with emotion. “For once, I’m really fucking happy.”
“Same,” they echoed.
I closed my eyes as they climbed into bed with us. Julian was at my back, Elias against Alena’s
front, and Simon sprawled across the foot of the bed. We fully enveloped our omega in warmth and
love before drifting off to join her in sleep.

I was woken up with Simon’s head between my legs as he licked and nibbled my pussy with a
contented laziness. I jerked, moaning as a swift climax swept through my body. “Simon,” I
breathed out his name, tangling my fingers in his hair as my hips moved in time with his tongue
and lips.
“That is a magnificent sight to wake up to,” Julian murmured sleepily as he pressed several kisses
to my shoulder. “I should get in on the action.”
He shuffled and started kissing a path down my neck to my breasts. My body was still sensitive
after the intense scene with Xavier last night, and it didn’t take me long to come apart in their arms. I
moaned both of their names, writhing and bucking beneath their talented mouths.
“Please.” I didn’t know exactly what I was asking for, but I needed more. I needed them inside of
me. “Need you.”
Simon gave me one last lick and lifted his head. He swiped the back of his hand over his lips with
a grin. “Jules, do you want her cunt or her mouth?”
Oh, yes please.
I craved every intimate moment with these men.Thoughts of anyone before they entered my life
were erased from my brain. Totally wiped out and replaced with all the things I could do with these
My men.
“Hmm,” Julian pondered as he ran his fingertips lightly over the swell of my breast. “I think I’ll
take her mouth.” He turned those green eyes toward me, the flecks of gold catching the early morning
light filtering in through the window. “If that’s okay with you, baby girl?”
Instead of answering, I rolled over and got on my hands and knees. Circling my fingers around his
cock, I arched back into Simon, telling him without words what I wanted.
Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be so wanton or bold, but these men
made me feel like the most beautiful and desired woman in the world, and damn it, I was going to take
what I wanted.
Simon caressed my ass cheeks, kneading and gripping the flesh. “That’s it, love. Take Julian’s
cock really deep. We know how talented that mouth of yours is.”
My lips parted, and I took Julian’s cock into my mouth, sucking hard as I bobbed up and down.
Simon took his time, entering me slowly and making me groan around Julian.
The beta brushed my hair back, taking great care not to pull or tug on the strands. “That’s it. Fuck,
yes, baby. Your mouth is perfection.”
I savored his words, and they pushed me further, and soon an easy rhythm built between the three
of us. Simon thrust into me with long, firm strokes as he teased my clit with the pad of his thumb.
My orgasm built, and I moaned around Julian, sending him over the edge with a drawn out
exclamation of my name. I swallowed everything he had to give me, loving his taste and the way he
shook with pleasure.
“Good girl,” Simon praised, his hips moving faster. His cock thrusting in and out of me, as the
rhythm faltered and we climbed toward our pleasure.
“Simon!” I screamed his name, my head dropping to Julian’s thigh as I spasmed with unbelievable
His hands trailed up and down my back and sides as our breathing returned to normal. My skin
flushed with heat and sweat trickled down my neck. “I think I could get used to waking up like this.” I
giggled, moving to lie on my side after Simon pulled out.
He hadn’t knotted me. The guys explained to me the other day that they didn’t always have to. It
was a conscious choice.
“I think I can too, love.” Simon kissed my shoulder as he draped an arm over my waist.
“Me three.” Julian beamed as he took my cheeks between his palms and kissed me softly.
“If you three are done, we have breakfast ready.”
I jerked upright, almost head butting Julian in the process. Elias stood in the doorway without a
shirt, and gray sweatpants riding low on his hips. My mouth parted and the words I was going to
speak vanished into thin air as I took in his chiseled abdomen and the perfect V trailing off into his
“Huh?” I finally said, blinking as my gaze returned to his face. His brown hair was messy around
his head in a stylish fashion, and his eyes sparkled knowingly. I’d been caught ogling him.
“Breakfast, little one. Come get some food so you have your strength for horseback riding in a few
hours.” He winked. Damn, if that wasn’t a sight that could make a girl weak in the knees, I didn’t
know what was. “You still want to go, right?”
“Of course I do,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed.” Julian snagged an arm around my waist and helped me off
the bed. “Then we’ll eat and see about a horse for you.”
I grinned wickedly. That sounded like the best plan ever.

“O h,wasyoumunching
are beautiful.” I cooed at the horse in front of me through the gate. The horse, a tall bay,
on some grass through the fence. “Can we be friends?”
After we’d showered and eaten, the guys and I set out to meet James at the stable. I couldn’t wait
to ride my first horse. What girl didn’t dream of owning a pony and learning how to ride? Dreams
were something I learned to give up on when I was a teenager, but now I was starting to think that I
could believe in them again.
“That’s Stacey.” James, standing at my side, pointed out a smaller horse near the back of the
corral. “That one is Honey. She’ll be the horse you learn to ride on.”
Honey was a beautiful black color that shone in the morning light. She was happily grazing
alongside the other horses.
“When do we start?”
James chuckled as he gestured for me to follow him into the barn. He was a quiet man, but I felt
comfortable with him.
The guys had already saddled up and were out with Noah and the cattle. Watching them get up on
their horses had been a huge turn on.
Julian had to grab Xavier’s reins to keep him on his horse. The others laughed but gave me heated
looks. I had a feeling I’d be feeling their knots by the end of the day.
A shiver ran down my spine as anticipation built in my core.
For the first hour of the lesson, James taught me about the saddle and everything that went along
with getting the horses ready to ride. I hadn’t known there was so much to do just to get on a horse.
Then I was introduced to Honey, using an apple to get her friendship faster. She was gentle as she
took the pieces from my hand. I loved her instantly. She was calm and just stood still as James let me
help out on her saddle. She didn’t even budge when I swung my leg up and over her side as I got onto
James clapped as I settled in the saddle and didn’t freak out. His words, not mine. We spent
another thirty minutes just walking in circles in the corral. Honey was so well trained that she walked
herself. I didn’t have to do anything.
It didn’t seem all that long before James was on his own horse and leading me out of the corral.
We went slow as we went toward where the other men were.
I clutched the reins but remembered not to pull back. That would have made Honey stress and
back up. I just let her follow James.
The view from on top of Honey was different from just walking. It was awe-inspiring just to be
here. If I was a painter, I’d be in Heaven.
“There she is.” Noah was the first to notice us as she rode up to them. “Look like a natural,
darling.” He winked at me while tipping his hat. These cowboys really were too much. They needed
to find their omega stat, they deserved it.
I beamed at him cheerfully. “Honey is amazing.” I patted the horse's neck, loving the feel of her
coat beneath my fingers. “She’s so sweet!”
“You’re beautiful.” Julian brought his horse up next to me, grinning wildly as his eyes sparkled.
“Are you comfortable?”
I flushed at his compliment and nodded. “I’m fine. James is a wonderful teacher.”
James smiled, ducking his head in thanks.
“Well, let’s keep going.” Noah turned his horse and began leading the group around the cattle.
“We’re just making sure there are none missing.”
I paid little attention to what they were talking about as we rode, having too much fun to worry
about conversation. Julian reached out and held my left hand with his.
“Oh!” I gasped as we came up a hill. “Those are wild flowers!” I pointed to a scattering of
flowers that were at the top. A variety of colors dotted the land, from yellow and red, to blue and
purple, and I couldn’t help admiring them. “How pretty!”
“Lucas tends to come out here and pick some for the dinner table sometimes.” Noah looked fondly
at the flowers. “He feels the same way.”
Julian squeezed my hand gently. “Would you like to pick some?”
“Can I?” I didn’t want to delay the guys from doing what they needed to have done.
“Of course.” Noah gestured with his hand. “As many as you like. There are plenty to choose
I prodded Honey toward the center of the flowers. She huffed a little but did as directed. We were
almost at the spot I wanted to stop when I heard a rattle. Honey froze abruptly. I looked around and
that’s when I saw it.
Oh no. No no no no. This was not happening.
A snake was right in front of Honey, its tail moving rapidly, the distinct sound making my blood
turn to ice in my veins.
“Do not move.” Noah’s voice was authoritative and soft a little ways off. “That’s a rattlesnake.
Take Honey’s reins slowly and make her back up. As slowly as you can.”
Gripping the reins tightly, I pulled them back slightly. She started to back up, but the rattlesnake
began shaking its tail even faster. Honey spooked, rearing up on her hind legs with a loud whine. I
cried out as I felt myself fall backward and I hit the ground hard. My head bounced against the dirt,
and spots danced in my field of vision.
Honey galloped away, and I forced myself to remain calm. No sudden or jerking movements.
Wincing, I tried to push myself up into a sitting position. When my vision blurred and black edges
crept in, I fell back. The sound of the rattlesnake reminded me I had to do something. If I stayed here,
it would strike out and bite me. That would be much worse than the headache or possibly concussion
I was sporting now.
There was a loud noise, the sound of a gunshot, and then the rattlesnake fell silent. Some of the
horses whined at the sound, but quieted quickly as the guys soothed them.
“Alena!” Multiple voices called out my name, the loud shouts making my head ache even more.
“Easy, don’t move her yet.” Noah called out. “She may have a head or neck injury. We have to
make sure.”
I blinked as the harsh light of the sun invaded my eyes before it was blocked by large shadows.
The ground swirled around me, making it feel like I was on a boat. Vertigo. Oh gods, I must have a
“Alena, darlin’, how many fingers am I holding up?” Noah asked as he kneeled beside me and
held his hand up.
“Two?” I croaked, now fighting the rising bile in my throat. “I think I have a concussion.”
It wouldn’t be the first time. Dylan had given me a few over our time together.
“Shhh, princess.” Xavier purred for me, the sound helping to calm my stomach and dull the pain.
“We need to get her back to the cabin so we can get her checked out.”
“I’m going to just make sure she didn’t damage her neck or spine. Alena, can you feel your arms
and legs? Give them a wiggle for me.” I liked Noah’s voice. If I weren’t already obsessed with my
four mates, I’d be more attracted to him.
No, bad Alena. This concussion was making me loopy and think strange things.
I reprimanded myself, then wiggled my limbs as Noah requested. “Just concussion. Fell on my
hip, then my head hit the ground.” Talking was not a good thing when you were already on the verge
of throwing up.
Closing my eyes against the bright light, I reached out, seeking contact from one of my guys to try
and stop the violent waves of nausea creeping in.
Julian twined his fingers with mine and squeezed. “You scared the shit out of us, baby girl.”
“Let’s get her back to the cabin. One of you pick her up, I’ll call our doc over just to give her a
look over and make sure nothing's broken or needs meds.”
“I’ve got her,” Julian started, but Xavier growled fiercely and pushed him away.
“No.” The one word hung in the air, but no one argued as Xavier carefully gathered me into his
arms. “Shhh, princess. I’ve got you.”
I curled against his chest, wrapping one arm loosely around his neck. Nausea made me swallow
hard, the vertigo intensifying as I was moved. “Slow please, really dizzy.”
“As slow as you need.” His chest rumbled with another purr, and I pressed my face into his neck
as the sound helped to soothe me. His scent rolled over me, offering more comfort.
The way back was slow going, everyone walked back instead of riding the horses.
“Don’t fall asleep, princess.” Xavier growled softly. “Not until we see the doctor.”
“M’kay.” I was becoming sleepy, but it was because of his heat and purr. The pain fading as time
went by.
“Put her on the bed, but be gentle!” Elias’ voice broke through my haziness sometime later.
“I’m not going to drop her,” Xavier argued as I felt myself lifted slightly before I sank into the
softest of mattresses.
“The doctor will be here soon.” Lucas’ voice came into the conversation. “I brought some water
and a first aid kit just in case.” He sounded worried.
“Alena, can you open your eyes for me?” Simon’s crisp scent washed over me and I managed to
open my eyes slowly to focus on him hovering over me.
“Hi.” He was so handsome with that lock of hair falling over his forehead. It gave him a boyish
charm that I’m sure he enjoyed.
His smile was relieved. “Hi, love.” His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb sweeping back and
forth over the curve of my cheekbone. “You gave us a scare.”
“Is Honey okay?” I hoped the horse didn’t hurt herself. “She didn’t get bit, right?”
“James went after her. I’m sure she’s fine, darlin’.” Noah was near the door. “Let’s focus on you.”
I closed my eyes again, just wanting to relax. “I’ll be okay. This is nothing compared to the other
There was silence for several seconds before Xavier started cursing under his breath. Elias
joined him and I heard someone punch something.
“Anyone want to tell me what she means by that?” Lucas demanded.
“My ex-fiancé abused me.” I shifted slightly, still keeping my eyes shut.
“Who is he?” Lucas hissed, but I just smiled. It was nice that Lucas was so outraged on my behalf.
I hoped that meant we were friends.
“Doc’s here.” James' voice came this time, interrupting the rest of them. “Let her through.”
“Everyone out, please. Let me look at my patient.” There was a gentle voice. I lifted my head
slightly and opened my eyes.
A beta woman wearing a flannel shirt and jeans walked in. She carried a small bag, and strode
toward us like a woman on a mission.
“Go on. I’ll let you know what to do with her after I examine her.” The woman shooed everyone
out, including Elias, who had to be dragged out by Julian and Simon.
The woman approached the bed, a gentle smile on her face. “Now, let’s take a look shall we? I’m
Doc Avery, though most just call me Doc in these parts.” She sat down next to me, pulling out a
She gave me a thorough exam. Her touch was light on the back of my head and she only shined a
flashlight in my eyes for a few seconds, not making me do it again just to double check.
“Well, you knocked your head pretty good, but it’s not too severe of a concussion. I don’t
recommend falling again, though, sweetie. It’s going to be a big bump for a few days. You’ll want to
ice it a few hours a day, probably at night. You’ll have a hell of a headache tonight, but simple over
the counter meds will help. I’m more concerned about your left wrist.”
I blinked at her confused. “My wrist?” I glanced down at my wrist and noticed it was swollen.
“Yes. It feels like a sprain, but I would like to put it in a splint.” She bent, reaching into her bag.
“I want you to rest for the remainder of the day. Take those OTC meds and get some sleep. I’ll tell
your pack.” She pulled out a wrap that she started to put around my wrist. “As long as it’s just a
sprain, the swelling should go down in two days' time.”
She touched my shoulder before standing, the gesture warm and comforting. “You get some rest.”
“Thank you, Doc.” Watching her leave, I sprawled out in the middle of the bed, ready to sleep for
the rest of the day. Although I knew my guys wouldn’t let me.
I’d ruined the trip. I slumped slightly and hot tears streamed down my face. Now I couldn’t even
ride Honey again before we’d have to leave.
“Woah, now.” Lucas came into the room carrying a tray. “Hey, darlin’, now none of that.” He
placed the tray on the bedside and sat next to me. “Doc said only a slight concussion, and a sprained
wrist. Why the tears?”
Sniffing, I took a breath. “Now I can’t ride Honey again before we leave.”
“Oh, darlin’,” he chuckled softly and reached up to pet my hair. “You’ll be able to come back any
time. You may not be able to ride her, but you can brush her anytime you want. Does that sound
“Really?” The tears slowed.
Lucas’ shoulders shook with mirth. “Yes. Any time. Just not today. Today you rest.” He grabbed
the water he brought and the pills on the tray. “Take these for me. Your guys are all clamoring to come
in, but I said only after you had a minute to yourself.”
“Thank you, Lucas.” I took the pills and water. “The guys are lucky to have you.” I swallowed the
pills quickly, finishing half the bottle.
“Damn straight they are, but you, my dear, are a precious gift to them. They’re out of their minds
right now.” He grinned. “Wish I’d gotten it on video.”
I giggled. “They make me feel safe.”
“That’s just one of the many things a pack should do.” Lucas’ lips curved as he took the empty
water bottle from me. “Now, I’m going to go let the beasts in. You get some rest, alright?”

T wo days later, I stood back, leaning against the fence as I watched Alena brushing Honey. It
was our last day in Montana, and none of us wanted to return to the real world. Her wrist was
still wrapped up, which was driving her crazy, but we wouldn’t let her take it off early.
“She’s in love with that horse.” Noah came up to my side.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen her like this. Just happy and relaxed, not looking over her shoulder.
Thank you for letting us bring her here.” I bumped shoulders with the alpha. “How much for the
Noah threw his head back and laughed. “Not for sale, bud, but I can guarantee we will keep her
here for when you visit now.”
“Can’t blame me for trying.” I shook my head. “We will visit more often now for sure.”
Noah walked off whistling to himself. I turned and watched Alena for another twenty minutes, just
enjoying the way she moved and the contentment radiating from her as she worked. When she was
done, she put up the brush and came over to me, easily fitting into my arms when I opened them to her.
She fit perfectly against me as I kissed the top of her head.
“You look happy.”
She tilted her head back and regarded me with a beaming grin. “I am. It’s been relaxing here. The
hay ride was so much fun last night.”
We’d taken her out to a fire pit about two miles away and cooked dinner over the open flame.
She’d ridden in the back of the wagon with the food supplies.
“We haven’t done one of those in years, so I agree. It was fun and special.” I kissed her gently, her
lips soft and welcoming.
“Is it horrible that I don’t want to go?” She sighed resting her chin on my chest as she looked up at
My heart skipped in happiness. We’d done good this week by bringing her here.
“We’ll come back. I have Noah’s promise that Honey will be here waiting for you.” She giggled
into my chest. “Plus, aren’t you excited to fly back home?” I wiggled my brows at her, making her
giggle more.
“Will it be your turn?” Her husky voice sent a shiver of pleasure straight to my cock.
Moaning, I let out a growl of my own. “You know I’ll make sure of it.” I nipped her lower lip
gently, savoring the way she shuddered against me.
A few hours later we were on the way to the airport. Alena had a teary goodbye with Honey and
Lucas. My heart warmed at seeing how much they’d grown to care about her in a short amount of
She already had Lucas wrapped around her little finger, and Noah and James weren’t much
Our omega had a way about her. She was warm, friendly and inviting. Xavier hadn’t been
exaggerating when he said she was our light. She was. Every move she made and every new thing we
experienced with her, brought light and joy into our lives.
The car ride to the airport was short, Alena relaxing against me as she watched the scenery pass
by out the window. “I really love it here,” she sighed wistfully.
“I know, baby girl. We’ll be back soon, I promise.” I kissed her temple and rubbed my hand along
her thigh.
“It was nice to just forget about everything for a couple days.” She blew out a breath. “No work.
No psycho exes. No jealous former secretaries. Just us, the beauty of nature, and fresh air.”
Elias reached out to her from the front passenger seat of the SUV and took her hand. “Things will
settle and we’ll be back here for another weekend before you know it.”
She gave him a crooked grin and nodded. “Thank you guys for an amazing weekend.”
“Thank you, beautiful.” I kissed her cheek as we pulled up to the plane. She yawned, covering her
mouth as she stretched one arm in the air.
Xavier opened his door and moved around quickly to help Alena out. I climbed out after her and
placed a hand at the small of her back. Leading her to the plane, I helped her into a seat, buckled the
belt and kissed her before grabbing a glass of wine for her to sip on.
Handing her the glass, she scrunched up her nose. “It’s barely noon.”
“Wine is an anytime drink.” Simon winked as he settled in the seat across from her. “I understand
Americans have some hang-ups about that, but I spent a few years in Italy and France. Trust me when
I say wine can be savored whenever.”
“There you go, listen to the Brit.” I tossed the others a bottle of water and took my place beside
“Who won the contest to distract me on the way home?” Alena tried to fight it, but as soon as she
finished speaking, another long yawn parted her lips.
“I think you’ll be taking a nap,” Elias proclaimed with arched brows. “You need rest, I think
we’ve kept you from sleeping too long while we’ve been here.”
Alena frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. How
about we talk about something or play a game to distract me?”
“I have UNO!” Simon proclaimed and started digging through his messenger bag.
“No,” Xavier groaned and threw his hands in the air. “Princess, don’t let him charm you into
playing UNO. He always wins, and he’s not too nice about it.” He shot Simon a narrowed eye glare.
“Can’t help it if you suck at UNO, Xavier. God forbid you be rubbish at something.” Simon rolled
his eyes.
The engines roared to life as the pilot came over the intercom to say they’d be taking off shortly. I
grasped Alena’s hand, placing it on my thigh and twined our fingers together. “It’ll be okay,” I
whispered in her ear as she trembled.
She gave me a brave nod, turning back to the argument brewing between Simon and Xavier over
“There are no life skills to be had in UNO. You don’t get anything for winning all the time,
Simon,” Xavier grumbled.
“Trust me, this has been an argument for over a decade.” I kissed Alena’s cheek. “Xavier and
Simon are actually both exceptional at UNO, but Simon always wins.”
Alena giggled, the sound lyrical and enticing as it filled the cabin of the plane.
“Boys, do I have to separate you two?” Elias asked in a bored tone as he scrolled through his
“Nope.” Simon grinned, eying Alena. “As soon as I can flip down the table, it’s on. The winner
gets the primary cuddle position tonight when we get home.”

“W inner!” I shouted, throwing down my last card and raising my fist in the air. Simon and Xavier
eyed me with bewildered expressions, their mouths hanging open in shock.
“No way. You cheated,” Simon grumbled, but already started gathering up the cards to put them
back into a neat stack.
Alena laughed and finished the last sip of her wine. A delicate flush decorated her cheeks and her
movements were looser. The wine helped in calming her down just enough to soothe the anxiety of the
“I never cheat,” I gasped in mock horror, slapping my palm over my chest. “How dare you make
such a heinous accusation!”
“You guys are too much,” Alena gasped between her fits of laughter.
I smiled and drew her onto my lap. We’d moved to the bench seat that was more like a couch.
Having a personal jet was really handy. “I get the honor of spooning with you tonight, baby girl. I won
it fair and square.”
Xavier grumbled something unintelligible under his breath as he shot me a glare so deadly that if
looks could kill I’d be bleeding out on the floor.
Alena relaxed against me, her eyes drifting shut as she laid her head on my chest. “I like being the
little spoon.”
I held her tighter, loving her sleepy confession. “I like being your big spoon.”
Her breathing evened out as she fell into a deep sleep.
“Was hoping she’d be able to nap,” Elias murmured softly as his gaze trailed over our omega in
my arms.
“Me too.” I nodded in agreement. “Let’s make sure she rests tonight.”
“Comfort is key tonight. Rest and relax before back to work tomorrow.” Elias agreed.
“Fuck work. We could always take another day off and spend it in bed.” Xavier lounged in his
chair with one leg thrown over the other.
We shook our heads, knowing Xavier was probably the most dedicated of us all when it came to
working. Although, that might be different now that we had Alena in our lives.
A lot of things were different now that we had Alena.
And it was a welcome change.

G oing back to work was harder than I thought it would be. I kept waking up during the night
thinking we were still at the ranch. The guys made good on their promise to make the rest of
the day one of relaxation. I’d taken a long bath, been served dinner in bed, and none of them
even tried to touch me.
Leaving me frustrated and horny. I’d have to make sure to tell them they made it worse by keeping
their hands off. Communication and expressing my feelings was still something I struggled with, but I
was making a conscious effort to be more open with them, just as they were with me.
Now, as I stared at the computer screen, I had to remind myself to focus.
Forcing back a yawn, my computer pings, alerting me to an instant message. It was from Rayna.
Do you want to have lunch?
I smiled. Rayna was a wonderful person, and I liked hanging out with her during work. She
always seemed to be able to make me laugh.
Sure. See you in a few?
She sent a thumbs up and I sent out a message to my guys that I was going out for lunch. They were
all in a meeting with their team of lawyers, trying to finalize their Dubai deal. Judging by the IM’s
Xavier sent me, the meeting was torture of the highest degree. I ordered lunch to be delivered to them
a little while ago, hopefully with a full stomach they’d be less angry.
Locking the computer, I grabbed my purse, and I went to the private elevator to the sixty-fifth
floor. Rayna was just coming out the doors from the office, her cheeks flushed and her shirt wrinkled
and two of the buttons in the wrong holes. I looked at her quizzically but she shook her head,
dismissing me.
“I thought we could eat down in the cafeteria.” I followed her to the public elevator.
As we waited, I eyed her. “Your lips are swollen.” I grinned. “Who is it?”
She turned scarlet before turning. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Rayna, I get accosted several times a day by the bosses. I know what a well kissed look is.
You’ve got it.” I smirked as she stuttered.
She ran a hand through her hair before clearing her throat. “Sora.” She whispered so softly I had
to lean in.
“What? Really?” I grinned at her, delighted my friend had someone to appreciate her.
“It just happened a few weeks ago. We stayed late one night, we had some pizza, then she was
kissing me and we,” she spoke even quieter. “We had sex.”
I let out a tiny squeal and hopped up and down, excited for the budding relationship. “So, are you
two a thing?”
The elevator came, and we got into it. Luckily it only stopped a few times on the way down to the
Rayna was quiet until we got into line in the large room.
“I don’t know. She’s invited me to be her date for the annual charity dance.” She started to chew
on her thumb-nail. “I haven’t said yes, yet.”
We sat at a table further in the room away from the door. “Why not?”
I had learned about the annual charity dance last week from Julian. The company threw it every
year to benefit foster children. He proudly told me that every year they’d raised over a million dollars
to benefit kids around the country.
Just another reason for me to fall in love with them.
“I don’t know what this is between us.” Rayne opened her water bottle and took a sip. “She
makes me feel whole, and the sex is phenomenal.” She brought her forehead to the table and moaned.
“But she’s my boss!”
I giggled, starting to eat my sandwich. “And I’m sleeping with mine.”
“No. You‘re pack. There’s a difference.” She ate her salad slowly. “I’m not sure what Sora and I
I beamed. We were pack, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach just thinking about it.
“I have a solution for you.” I leaned forward.
Rayna tilted her head. “I’m all ears.”
“Talk. To. Her.”
Rayna groaned, rolling her eyes. “Not helpful.”
I giggled, and we finished our lunch in relative silence. Rayna took the public elevator back up to
the HR floor, and I went to the private elevator.
The guys were still in the meeting when I got back. I turned on the phones again and went back to
work. Things were going better than they had this morning, Xavier now teasing me instead of sending
random GIF’s to show how bored he was.
My thoughts went to the charity dance. I needed to get a dress for the occasion. I checked my bank
account, relieved that I had a good chunk that could be used for the purchase. I could even afford
some shoes, jewelry, and a clutch.
Come the end of the day, the guys were still in their meeting. I ordered dinner and brought it to the
Simon met me at the door, taking the cart with dinner. He leaned forward to kiss me gently. “Hi,
love. Thank you. We’re going to be a few more hours. You should head home. Call Charles to take
you. Did you grab yourself some food?”
I touched his cheek as I nodded. “I’ve got work to do, so I’ll wait and eat at my desk.”
A few hours later I awoke when I was lifted into arms.
“Mmm?” I wiped my mouth where a little drool had escaped. Ew, how embarrassing? I’d fallen
asleep without realizing it.
Elias looked down at me with a soft smile. “You didn’t have to wait.”
I rested my head on his chest and stifled a yawn. “Yes, I did. I don’t want to go home without you
guys.” I blinked looking at the others who looked exhausted. “How did the meeting go?”
“They’re holding out on us for some reason.” Simon was grim. “If they don’t stop acting like
children, we may cancel the purchase. We thought things were taking a turn in the afternoon, but their
lawyers added in some ridiculous clauses that made no sense.”
“I’m sorry.” My voice was muffled against Elias’ chest. “Want to fuck me? Make you feel better?”
I was still on edge since they hadn’t touched me last night.
Elias stumbled slightly before laughing as the others laughed.
“We will never say no to that.” Elias’ purr was loud and comforting in my ear. I loved the
soothing rumble that my alphas produced to calm me.
“Mmm.” I closed my eyes, drowning in the sensation of being in Elias’ arms while he purred.
“Wake me when we get home.”
They didn’t.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm the next morning. I was laying across Simon’s chest and
surrounded by the other guys. Simon rubbed my back gently.
“Mmm. Five more minutes.” I sighed into his chest.
“Sweetheart, you could stay home today.” Simon kissed my ear.
I sighed. “No, I can’t do that to you guys.”
Simon chuckled. “Alright, but you’re taking a half day today to go dress shopping, yes? Want
some company?” He grinned at my side eye. “I do check the work calendar, unlike the others.”
An afternoon alone with Simon? Sign me up.
I sat up and kissed him, sighing into his lips happily. “I’ve never been so happy.”
Simon’s purr was gentle as he kissed my forehead. “You’ve brought light back into our lives.
Before you, we were just sailing along, not living. Now with you, we are alive.”
My heart squeezed, and I kissed him roughly this time. We were lip locked when the alarm went
off again.
Simon groaned. “We need to get dressed.”
I agreed as we moved sluggishly off the bed. I got distracted watching him dress. The others were
already downstairs having breakfast.
“If you don’t stop staring, love, we won’t make it to the car.” Simon growled low.
I giggled, rolled off the bed, and went to the restroom. “Okay, okay.” My stomach gave a rumble,
alerting me that I hadn’t eaten much of the dinner I ordered last night. That motivated me to get
dressed quickly and rush downstairs with Simon.
I gave my men kisses on the cheeks before making a bowl of cereal. They had oatmeal ready, but I
wasn’t feeling it. I wanted sugary crunchy goodness.
“Tonight might be another late one.” Elias finished his coffee. “You’ll be stuck with Simon.”
“Oh no.” I snickered and ate my cereal. “Whatever shall I do?”
Conversation was easy and light while I finished eating. The guys were all dressed in their sexy
as hell tailored suits, looking as if they’d just jumped off the cover of GQ. Elias loved his red power
ties, and damn they brought out the blue in his eyes, and painted him as the strong leader I knew he
Xavier never wore a suit jacket and rarely even a tie. Black slacks, black shirt. That was his
typical attire. As the day went on, he always unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves to reveal the
intricate ink lining his arms.
Simon and Julian were much more into fashion. Their suits ranged from plaid jackets, or pants,
matching hats, and bright colors.
Elias laughed as he caught me staring and kissed the top of my head. “Let’s head out if you’re
finished eating.”
I slapped his shoulder playfully as he dipped his head down for a kiss. “I can’t help it that you
guys are that yummy in suits.”
“You’re the only one we care to have looking at us,” Elias breathed against my lips. “Now, stop it
before we’re late.”

T hat afternoon Simon and I worked our way through the dress shop.
“What about this one?” He pulled a dress from a rack. It was silk and an obnoxious shade
of yellow. I blanched.
“Definitely not.” I hated the yellow. I was not a bottle of mustard or a lemon. No yellow for me,
thank you very much.
Simon shook his head, smiling as he rolled his eyes. “We’ve gone through over twenty dresses,”
he teased with no malice or venom in his tone.
“I want to find one that is perfect. None of these have been perfect.” I shrugged. Before meeting
the guys, I would have just bought the cheapest dress. Now that I knew what it was like to be loved, I
wanted to please them with my choice.
“Oh.” That’s when I found it. The dress was beautiful. It was floor length with a small train. The
smooth black fabric glittered gold in the light from the intricate stitching and pattern of the weave. It
was low cut and would show off the girls spectacularly. “Simon?”
His eyes settled on the dress, and he whistled. “Yeah. That’s the one.” He gestured for one of the
retail workers. “Can we get this dress?”
“I still need to try it on.” Amused, I put my hand on his arm.
“It’s your size.” Simon moved my hand to hold it. “We can get it tailored if we need to. Now that
I’ve seen it, I can’t picture you in anything else.”
The worker took the dress gently off its hook. “This has matching heels and a clutch, would you
like those as well?”
“Yes, please.” I answered before Simon could, knowing how he and the others would feel about
me wearing heels. When he looked at me with his brows drawn, I seized his hand.
“I have a week to get them broken in. Plus, I don’t plan on running in them, or walking long
distances. I’ll even concede and bring a pair of flats with me to the event if my feet get too sore.”
His brows smoothed, and he smiled. “Alright, love.” He kissed my knuckles. “Let’s get the dress
and head home.”
He looked like he was plotting something but I just shrugged. Whatever he wanted to do, I’d be
for it since he went dress shopping with me. It was a fun afternoon for just the two of us to spend
alone time together.
When I went to hand over my credit card, Simon beat me to it. I sighed, knowing not to fight him
on it. They spoiled me.
“Dinner is on me, at least?” I laughed as Simon wrapped his arms around my middle. He buried
his face in my neck, and my pulse skyrocketed at the small brush of his lips on my skin.
“I have an idea. Let’s get back to the car.” His purr was loud in my ear and sent a shiver of
pleasure straight down my spine.
A wicked smile curved my lips as I thought of an even better idea.
I had a private word with Charles, who smiled knowingly. “Don’t give me that look.”
Charles fought back his laughter with a hand over his mouth as he shook his head. “Wouldn’t
dream of it, Simon.” His expression softened, and he laid a hand on my shoulder. “She makes you all
happy, and that’s what we’ve all wanted for you.”
Charles was Mary’s–our housekeeper/organizer–husband, and the pair had been working for us
for almost ten years, and before that they worked for Elias’ family. They knew how long we’d waited
to find our omega, and they couldn’t be happier with Alena in the house with us.
It hadn’t just been Charles and Mary that Alena had wrapped around her finger. All of our long-
term staff had fallen head over heels for her.
Just like we had.
“Let’s go before I embarrass her.”
Charles nodded, giving me a knowing wink before he slipped into the driver's seat. He had the
partition raised when I slipped into the soft leather seat beside Alena.
I grasped her hand and brought her knuckles to my lips. “I have a feeling you’re going to kill
Xavier with that dress. Bet you a hundred dollars he demands to skip the party so he can carry you
upstairs and ravage you.”
Her giggles warmed my soul, and I flipped her hand over to nibble along the delicate skin of her
inner wrist. “That would be a fool's bet.”
“You’re learning us so well, love.” I trailed my fingertips along her arms before brushing her hair
from her neck. My lips ghosted over the pulse point, which accelerated beneath my touch.
“Simon,” she gasped and fisted one hand in my hair as I slowly inched up the hem of her skirt.
“You smell so fucking good, Alena.” My chest rumbled with my deep purr as her arousal
perfumed the air of the car.
“Simon, wait.” She pulled away, and I regarded her with a furrowed brow. Concern made me pull
my hand from her thigh.
But as she fell to the floor on her knees and wedged herself between my spread legs, realization
dawned on me.
She ran her hands up my thighs before reaching for the button at the top of my pants. My erection
strained against the fabric, dying to see where this was inevitably leading to.
“I want to show you how much I appreciate you coming with me.” The button popped free, and
she slowly eased the zipper down. “And thank you for buying my dress, although I could have done it
I licked my suddenly dry lips and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Anything for you, love.
You don’t need to show me any appreciation. I do this—“
She rose and placed a finger on my lips. “I did this for Xavier last week and I really liked it.” She
cupped me through my boxer briefs and I bit down on my tongue to keep from speaking further.
“He seemed to really like it too.” Her grey eyes shimmered in the dimmed light coming through
the tinted windows.
Fuck, she was going to kill me if she kept teasing the head of my cock like that.
Alena tugged on the waistband of my pants, and I arched my hips to allow her to tug them down
just enough to free my straining cock.
“You all smell so good.” Her voice was little more than an erotic purr as she ran her nose down
my length.
I resisted the urge to fist my hand in her hair and drag her mouth onto me. But it was testing my
“Alena, love.” I bit out through clenched teeth. Her tongue darted out, and she took a tentative lick
over my slit, lapping up the bead of pre-cum gathered. “You’re killing me.”
“That’s what Xavier said too.”
“I don’t really wa—“ My words died as she took almost my entire length into her mouth.
I gathered her hair into a loose fist, not guiding her movements to fucking her throat despite the
intense urge.
As Alena had found out, I could be rather primal and dominant in my desires.
But I didn’t want to hurt her, or scare her. So I put a tight leash on those urges.
“This okay?” I rasped, asking about my hand in her hair. We’d been working on the triggers and
getting that asshole who abused her out of her mind. We wanted to replace all those memories with
good ones.
She hummed in approval as she bobbed her head up and down. She told me with her eyes the trust
she placed in me. In all of us. And damn it if it wasn't even more pleasurable than her mouth on my
The smooth motion of the car told me Charles was doing as I asked and taking the long way home
that posed little traffic or stops.
My head fell back against the seat as my hips jerked. “Fuck, Alena. Your mouth is like Heaven.”
She looked up at me with bright eyes, her lips lush and swollen around my thick cock. She was an
Angel. I had no clue what I'd ever done to deserve this woman, but she was our everything.
“Just like that, love. Oh, fuck.” She reached up to cup my balls, rolling and teasing them as I
fought back my climax. This was too good. I didn’t want it to end.
“Alena,” I groaned as she took me deep into the back of her throat and swallowed around me.
“Coming. Fuck baby, I’m coming.”
Alena didn’t let up in her erotic torture as I erupted inside her mouth. She swallowed every last
drop, then licked me clean as she massaged my balls.
“Mmm,” she hummed as she released my shaft with a pop. “You taste so good.” Her tongue
swirled around my head as she wrapped another hand around my base to squeeze.
My chest rose and fell rapidly with my uneven breaths as I cupped one of her cheeks. “Fuck,
Alena. You surprise me with each day. Thank you for this.”
Her eyes turned watery as she gazed up at me. “Don’t thank me. This is me thanking you.”
I scooped her up into my lap and kissed her soft lips. “You don’t ever need to thank us for taking
care of you. We love it. We love you.” I cleared my throat, suddenly hoarse with emotion. “I love
“Love you too,” she snuggled into my chest and I stroked up and down her back.
I bent low, letting her feel my warm breath fan over her ear. “When we get home, I’m going to
torture you with my mouth until you beg me to let you come. Then you’re going to ride my cock for the
rest of the night.”
Alena tilted her head back, the tears shimmering in her eyes replaced with raw desire and a hint
of mischief. “Yes, please.”

A week passed quickly. The deal with Dubai was still in talks and the guys were starting to
stress out. I did what I could to help, but ultimately, it had to be the other company that backed
down or the deal was dead in the water.
Here’s to hoping that a night of dancing would help loosen the guys up.
I was giddy with excitement as I stood in front of the mirror doing my makeup. My hair was piled
up on top of my head and it tumbled halfway down my back. When I slid into my heels, I took a
moment and admired my body in the mirror. I wasn’t skinny, never would be, but my men made me
feel beautiful. Something I’d never known was possible. With confidence in my mates, I even left my
scars alone. The past few weeks, we’d come so far, and it was showing in every move I made.
Blowing out my breath, I grabbed the dress, sighing at the touch of the soft fabric as I wiggled into
it. It fit perfectly, not too tight and not too loose. I even managed to zip up the back without needing
help. When I was done, I spun once. The fabric floated around my knees. Even the heels were
comfortable after breaking them in.
That’s when I saw the time. I was running late without realizing it. The one time the guys hadn’t
been with me, of course. I grabbed the clutch I’d placed my phone and cards into, and rushed out the
I moved quickly down the spiral staircase, careful not to trip, when I paused near the bottom.
The men were in tuxes, and I sucked in a breath. They were all dazzling in their own ways.
Xavier in his signature black looked like Tom Ellis in Lucifer. Simon in a stunning gray suit with
midnight blue shirt and silver bow tie. Julian wore black, but with a red shirt and black bow tie. And
Elias was chic in the classic tuxedo with a white shirt and black bowtie.
Holy guacamole, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off the guys tonight.
They all turned and I could hear the purrs from where I stood. Their faces were shocked.
“That’s it. We’re skipping the event.” Xavier stepped forward, and I laughed, holding up a hand.
“No way. We’re not missing the charity dance. It’s too important. Come on, big boys.” I took the
last step down and Elias was there taking my hand to place in the crook of his arm.
“You look amazing.” His lips curved softly as he looked me up and down.
I could feel my ears heat. “Thank you.”
Julian came up to my other side. “Let’s go have some fun.”
The ride to the charity event was hard. The guys’ scents filled the compartment that turned me on. I
knew that my scent was going wild for theirs and that made the purrs turn to growls.
Julian had the good sense to roll down the window, but there was only so much that could do.
The dance was being held in a ballroom in one of the fancier hotels in the area. People who
worked for KDC were invited for free, but encouraged to make a donation, while others outside of
the company were required to buy a ticket at the price of two thousand a pop to attend this event. I
loved that they did this every year for foster children. I learned why a few weeks ago when I was
lounging with Julian on the couch.
“Who came up with the idea for the charity dance?” I looked at our hands that were
Julian shrugged. “It was something that we came up with as soon as we were making enough
money to make a difference.”
“Why foster kids?” I kissed the tips of his fingers, and he nipped the back of my neck, making
me gasp slightly.
“I was a foster kid.” Julian was nonchalant, but I pushed against his chest to look at him. He
sighed and pulled me back on top of his chest. “It wasn’t the greatest of lives, but when I met
Elias, it got better thanks to his parents.”
I curled into his lap and kissed his neck. “So, you do this every year?”
“We raise money hoping that what I went through while growing up, doesn’t happen now. It’s
inevitable that it will, but if we help just one kid, it’s worth it.”
I jumped on him, kissing him feverishly.
As we pulled in front of the hotel, there were cameramen and reporters. I looked at the guys.
“Really? Press?”
Simon grinned. “Every year. Didn’t you know? We were the most eligible pack bachelors in the
state until you came along, love.”
I shook my head with a smile. “Good thing that’s in the past now.”
Elias laughed as he opened the back door of the car and stepped out onto the carpeted ground. It
was even red.
I was going to walk the red carpet. Was this really my life right now?
I still couldn’t quite wrap my head around it as Elias held out his hand to me.
Camera flashes went off as I stepped out of the car and voices from all around assaulted us.
“Elias, who is that?”
“Simon, have you guys finally found your omega?”
“Xavier, when was your last girlfriend?”
They threw questions out at us as we started moving down the carpet toward the door to the
hotel.The flashing lights blinded me and Elias pulled me along with him.
“Sorry, little one. We’re almost away from them.” He squeezed my hand that was on top of his
arm. “Just another minute.”
The others were behind us, waving and saying hello to the reporters. Julian stopped to give an
interview as we finally made it inside. The architecture had my mouth gaping in awe. Artwork graced
the walls with sculptures along the hallways.
We stopped in front of a worker who was giving out tickets for coats and purses. Elias took the
ticket, placing it in his pocket as I handed over my clutch.
The woman smiled at us as she took my things. “Enjoy your evening!”
Elias led us through hallways to an enormous ballroom. Hundreds of people stood around the
room, either talking or dancing. Workers holding trays of appetizers and champagne moved amongst
“We have to mingle a bit before we dance, is that alright, little one?” Elias leaned down and
whispered in my ear.
I couldn’t stop the shiver that cascaded down my spine, and my nipples hardened. I nodded.
Mingling was one of the most boring things I’ve ever had to do. I shook more hands than I could
remember. Most of the conversations went over my head. There was only one conversation that I
participated in when a woman went to touch Simon’s arm and I growled low. Elias had held me still
as everyone laughed about protective omegas. The woman had looked properly chastised. Elias had
purred rather loudly, his smile one of cocky possession.
“Okay. Enough.” Xavier grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dance floor, flipping the others
off. “Let’s dance.”
I laughed as his arm went around my waist while his right hand held my left hand. Xavier moved
to the music, bringing me along for the ride. His lips pressed to the side of my forehead as we
“I can’t wait to tear this dress off of you.” He growled softly in my ear.
My lips curved as he spun me. “You know you are quite a charmer.” Teasing him, I kissed his
He laughed softly as he pulled me close to sway to the music. I loved it when he laughed. He was
doing it more often, and it made my heart lighten.
His hand went to the middle of my back, and I shivered. I really couldn’t wait to get back either. I
wouldn’t let them tear the dress, I liked it too much, but they could help me out of it.
“May I interrupt?” Julian stepped up to us. Xavier smirked and twirled me into Julian’s arms like
a professional.
Julian’s hands went to my waist as he turned us around the dance floor.
“You’re doing great.” He pulled me close. “Are you alright? The people and the press aren’t too
much, are they?”
I looked up at him gently. “I’m okay. You guys keep me preoccupied. Except for that one woman.”
I glared over at Elias and his eyes widened at me.
Julian snickered. “You’re going to punish him, aren’t you?”
I shrugged as we did another turn. “I just might not let him do his favorite thing tonight.”
“Remind me not to get on your bad side.” Julian brushed his waist against mine.
Shaking my head, I scoffed. “You guys are ridiculous, you know that?”
“If it makes you smile, we’ll do it.” Julian suddenly tightened his arm around my waist and tipped
me into a dip. I squeaked, clutching his shoulders.
“Julian!” I was laughing as he brought me back up.
My laughter died as we turned and ran into a dancing pair.
“Oh, excuse us.” Julian apologized.
I started to shake as I met the eyes of the man.
Ryan. Dylan’s best friend and my second tormentor.
Ryan’s eyes crinkled in delight as he grinned at us. “Oh, not at all. It was my fault for not paying
I grabbed Julian’s hand, squeezing as tightly as I could. He looked at me in concern as I fought not
to faint.
“It’s so good to see you again, Alena. I had heard you disappeared. I’ll have to tell Dylan that
you’re doing well.” Ryan’s smirk turned evil as he took a step toward me. “May I have this dance?”
“No!” I backed up rapidly, running into another couple. “Get away from me, Ryan.”
Julian’s expression changed from confused to rage as soon as Ryan said Dylan’s name.
“Excuse us.” Julian snarled, not bothering to force an ounce of politeness. He took my arm and led
me away quickly.
“I’m going to faint.” I tried to catch my breath, but no matter how hard I tried, my lungs couldn’t
seem to get enough oxygen. “Julian, he knows where I am now!” I wrenched my arm from his hand
and ran. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away. The air in the ballroom was
suffocating, and I needed to breathe.
I should have known better. I should have known this could never last. I didn’t deserve happiness.
Dylan would always be hunting me. If Ryan hadn’t bumped into me, they would have seen my photos
in the papers.
Stupid. I was so stupid.
“Alena!” Voices called after me, but I ignored them. I saw a bathroom and pushed through the
I clutched the countertop as I tried to catch my breath. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. Not
him. No.
I sobbed into my hands before turning on the faucet in front of me. I splashed my face with water,
trying to focus.
“I never thought you’d have the courage to leave Dylan. Maybe you have a bit more spunk than I
gave you credit for.” Ryan’s mocking voice echoed through the bathroom as he stepped through the
I turned around, clutched the countertop behind me, and glared weakly. “Why are you here?”
Where were the guys? Had I really lost them when I ran? Stupid Alena, stupid, stupid!
“I’m here as a guest. Finding you was just a bonus.” Ryan stepped forward and his hand gripped
my chin roughly. “You’re looking more chipper than the last time I saw you. When was that? Oh yeah,
when you got those scars on your face.” His mouth curved wickedly. He squeezed my chin, and I
winced at his bruising hold.
“Let me go! I’m not that scared little girl anymore!” I slapped his hand away and stepped
“Alena!” Xavier burst into the bathroom, shoving Ryan to the side.
Ryan grunted before turning on him. “What’s your problem?”
Xavier eyed my face and turned to him. “Get the fuck out before I kill you.”
Ryan threw his head back and laughed. “You wouldn’t dare. Besides, I already sent a photo to
Dylan. He’ll be coming to get his property back.”
I screamed as Xavier dove on top of Ryan, punching him multiple times in the face as he shoved
him to the ground. Blood exploded from Ryan’s face with each punch, decorating the floor and walls
in a crimson spray.
“Xavier!” I grabbed his arm as he went to punch him again. “Stop! N-No m-more!” I couldn’t
control the stutter in my voice. All the walls I had built up to keep myself strong were crumbling
around me.
Xavier was panting as he looked down at Ryan’s now unconscious body. He growled low and
punched him again. His face was speckled with blood, and his hands covered in it.
“Stupid son of a bitch.” Xavier pushed Ryan away and turned toward me. “Are you alright?”
I collapsed into his arms, crying again, not caring about the blood on his clothes or hands. I
needed him to ground me. To keep me upright or I’d crumble. “He knows.”
“Shh. Princess, we promised to protect you and we will.” He pressed kisses on my forehead,
pulling me tightly into his embrace. “Let’s go home.”
“No! He will find us there!” I started shaking again. “He will come, Xavier.”
“Hey.” Xavier titled my chin up. “Do you trust us?”
Black dots edged the corners of my vision, but I managed to nod.
“We’ll take care of this joker and protect you against Dylan, alright? I won’t let you out of my
sight.” He pressed kisses to my nose and cheeks, and somehow I managed to stay conscious.
“Alena?” The door to the bathroom opened again and this time it was the rest of my pack. They
took one look at Ryan on the ground and swung into action while Xavier held me.
Julian took his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. Simon was on the phone and Elias
kneeled next to Ryan, examining his wounds and feeling for a pulse.
“Surprised you didn’t kill him.” Elias raised a brow at Xavier.
“I would have, but it was upsetting Alena,” Xavier said with an utter lack of emotion, as if it
wouldn’t have phased him to kill Ryan. Remembering his past, it probably wouldn’t have. He picked
me up under the knees, his soft purr in my ear offering comfort. “Let’s go home.”
I sank into his embrace, adrenaline still rushing like molten fire through my veins. My body
trembled against him, the tears fell freely from my eyes.
“Shh,” Xavier soothed, making his way out the back door with the others hot on our heels. “I’ve
got you, Princess. You’re safe with us. We’ll always protect you.”
“I’m going to fucking kill that son of a bitch,” Elias snarled as he stepped ahead of us to open the
door of the waiting SUV.
“D–Don’t w–want.” Damn it, I couldn’t speak without stuttering.
“It’s okay, Alena. You don’t have to speak right now.” Julian slid onto the seat next to Xavier and
soothing ran his hand up and down my back.
I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, forcing myself to calm down so I could speak
normally. “Don’t want anything to happen to you guys.”
“Never,” Xavier vowed as he kissed the top of my head. “You’re stuck with us for life. No getting
rid of us now.”
Despite his words, trepidation still crept into my mind. Dylan was powerful, his parents well
connected in Society circles. I’m sure my own parents were helping him too, although I tried my best
not to think about it.
“We’re going to find him, little one.” Elias spoke from the driver’s seat, slipping behind the
wheel with his typical authority. I’d never seen any of them drive, we’d always had Charles to take us
I focused on his hands as they gripped the steering wheel, so strong and confident, just like Elias
was. He’d lost his tuxedo jacket somewhere along the way. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows,
and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. Thoroughly disheveled, but still hot as fuck.
It was a trick I learned early on when I was with Dylan to stop a panic attack. Focus on something
and memorize every detail of it. What color was it? What texture might it have? Was it warm or cool?
The SUV roared to life and Elias expertly maneuvered the car through the throngs of people still
arriving at the event.
My gaze moved to Julian, who had his hands clenched into fists on his thighs. “I’m sorry I ruined
the event.”
His brow immediately furrowed as he turned to face me. “Alena, don’t even think that. I don’t
give two shits about that event.”
“But you’ve put so much work into it, and you’re so close to the cause and–”
Julian silenced me with a finger against my lips as he shook his head. “You are the only thing that
matters in this world. You and the others in the car. The world could burn for all I care, as long as I
have you all with me.”
My normally playful beta made fresh tears stream down my face. He leaned forward and kissed
me softly. “I know everyone else agrees with me. Now, let’s get you home and cleaned up.”
“I need to wash his scent off you.” Xavier’s chest vibrated against me, a growl reverberating from
his throat. “You are ours. Our scent is the only ones that belong on you, not some pissant abusive
Society alpha bitch.”
“That was a mouthful,” I muttered, trying to poke at something to lessen the tension thickening in
the car.
“Alena, love.” Simon twisted in the front seat. His jaw was clenched as his nostrils flared in
anger. “Mated alphas are very territorial with their omegas. We’ve marked you, you are ours in every
way. We can’t stand another male’s scent on your skin.”
Elias’ knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel tighter. “We need to remove it when we get
home. He touched your face. He frightened you and it tainted your scent with fear. As your mates, we
have to set things right.”
“I want you to replace his scent,” I whispered, my throat raw with emotions. Ryan’s scent
lingered in my nostrils, making me want to vomit with every breath. I wanted fresh cut grass, and dark
woods, and the ocean to replace it, for my inner omega to be content again with her mates.
The car turned silent except for the swish of the windshield wipers. Xavier cracked open the
window and the fresh rain replaced some of the sour milk scent that lingered around me.
The long driveway came into view, and Elias barely slowed until we pulled up to the front door.
Xavier opened the door as soon as he had put the car in gear and carried me into the house and
straight to the enormous master bathroom.
“I promise you, I’ll make this better, Alena,” Xavier rumbled, his words laced with pain. “I’ll
make it right and it will never happen ever again.”
My heart trusted him and the rest of my guys implicitly.
But my head still fed me doubts. Dylan would find a way to get to me.
Then what would my future hold?

M y blood was boiling in my veins like liquid fire. How had someone with a connection to that
bastard Dylan make it into the charity gala? It was unacceptable, and I was going to make
sure heads rolled.
I stayed in the car for a few moments after Xavier exited with Alena, just trying to catch my breath
and calm my temper. It would do no good to tend to our omega when I was so angry I was about to
Simon remained with me and Julian nodded briefly at me through the rear-view mirror before
following Xavier.
“We need to find out where this fucking Dylan is and take him out,” I growled, my chest vibrating
with the intensity of my fury.
“Agreed.” Simon nodded as he scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “But right now, we need to take a
step back and care for Alena. Tomorrow we can begin the hunt for her ex and take care of the bastard
at the party.”
I inclined my head in agreement, trying desperately to control my rage. Simon was right. Alena
needed us tonight, and we needed to get the stench of his hands off her body. We might not be able to
be entirely gentle, but we would show her with our bodies how she belonged to us, and not those
Society bastards.
“Let’s go. Xavier probably already has her in the shower.” Simon clasped me on the shoulder
before opening the car door.
With one final deep exhale, I followed him inside.
Climbing up the stairs, I counted backward in my head. Focusing on numbers sometimes helped
me control my emotions. But that only worked until I started making a list of things to do tomorrow.
Including a call to my parents.
They were more than aware of the situation and had begun making inquiries about Alena’s family
and her former fiance. Now, we’d have to speed up the timeline. Something I knew Papa would be all
Like Xavier, my Papa had a penchant toward knives when it came to alphas who abused omegas.
“Stop thinking so hard,” Simon shook his head as we approached the door to the main master
bedroom. The en suite bathroom attached to Alena’s room was spectacular, but the one in my room
put all the bathrooms in the house to shame.
“Too much to do.” I ran my fingers through my hair, tossing the strands into an even messier
arrangement. “But I’m going to turn it off now. We have an omega to care for.”
Simon nodded, and we padded on quiet feet to join Xavier and Julian in the bathroom.
Xavier held a sobbing Alena on his lap on the tiled bench while water from the overhead faucet
rained down over them. He held her close, his chest rumbling with a purr as he murmured soft,
encouraging words to her.
Her head lifted from his chest and she looked at me with utter anguish etched on her beautiful
face. “Alena,” I breathed and practically ripped my clothes from my body in order to get to the
I crouched before her and took her face between my palms. Xavier shuffled a bit to allow me
access to her. “This is all my fault. I promise it won’t happen again. You are perfectly safe with us,
I’ll make sure of it.”
“What if he comes for me, Elias?” Her sob wounded me more than a knife to the gut. “I don’t want
anything to happen to you guys.”
“No, Princess,” Xavier murmured. “Nothing will happen to us. Please, let us remove his scent
from your body so we can show you how much we love you.”
Alena took in a deep shuddering breath and nodded slightly. “I want the smell gone. I only want to
smell my mates.”
I bit back the growl threatening to break free and turned to reach for the shampoo, conditioner, and
body wash.
She eyed the bottles carefully, and her head tilted to the side. “You have my brands in your
bathroom too?”
“Just waiting for you to come in here and use them. You were always more comfortable in your
bathroom, so they just stayed here unused.” A slight smile tugged at the corners of my lips.
The wheels in her mind started turning as different expressions flashed over her face. Her lips
parted as she thought about what to say.
I silenced her with a finger against her lips. “Questions can come later. Tonight, let us take care of
Blinking up at me for several seconds, Alena paused, then nodded.
“Up we go.” Xavier tightened his hold on her, then rose and placed her on her feet. His arms
anchored her against his frame. “Let’s get you washed so I can breathe through my nose again.”
“Me too,” Julian muttered as he entered the shower behind me. Another plus of this bathroom was
the enormous shower that could fit all of us comfortably, with several benches built into the walls,
and showerheads arranged throughout.
“Where’s Simon?” Alena asked as I turned her around so I could begin with shampooing her hair.
“Right here, love.” Simon stepped under the spray in the far right corner. Alena turned to see him
over her shoulder and she gave him a small smile.
I tilted her head back, massaging her scalp with the lavender shampoo. Xavier held her with one
hand wrapped around her back, and the other using a washcloth to clean her face.
That bastard Ryan had grabbed her chin and her arm. The two primary areas Xavier was already
working to clean.
I plucked the hand-held wand from its cradle and gently washed the soap from her hair. “You are
so beautiful, Alena,” I whispered huskily. With her hair thoroughly rinsed, I traded the nozzle for the
bottle of conditioner.
“I don’t feel very beautiful right now,” she confessed, her voice cracking as she spoke. “I feel
Xavier tightened his hold on her and I bent low, my lips brushing over her ear. “It’s okay to fall
apart sometimes. We’ll be here to hold you and help put you back together. But never doubt that
you’re beautiful, because you’re the most beautiful creature on this planet.”
She dropped her head, pressing it to Xavier’s shoulder. “We’ve always got you, Princess. Let us
take some of that burden off your shoulders.”
Their words pierced through my fractured thoughts and I deflated before them, completely and utterly
“I’m trying,” I whispered between my tears. “But I’ve not ever been able to rely on anyone but
myself. I’m trying to lean more on you, but I don’t want any of you to get hurt.”
“Love.” Simon appeared, and I turned to look up at him. “Let us help. You trust us, yes?”
I nodded. I did trust them and I let them into my heart. They were a part of me. Under my skin and
forever with me. Losing them would be like cutting off a limb.
“Xavier will find them. I know he will. No one will touch you again.” Simon cupped my cheek
and bent down to press his lips to mine.
Heat spread through me as Julian crossed the tiled floor to fill the missing space. All four of my
men surrounded me.
They kept me safe. Protected.
Looking deeply into Simon's shimmering eyes and engulfed in the warmth of my mates and the
water, a change swept through me. A determination.
I needed to live my life. To experience things and to love these men fully. I was ready to. While
I’d given them most of my heart, a piece was always locked away, too scared to be freely given to
They’d shown me through actions that they would protect and keep me safe.
They were my end game.
And it was time to embrace it and stop running away because I was scared for them or myself to
get hurt.
“I don’t want to think about them anymore.” The words were slow and steady. Not an ounce of a
stutter or a sob. “I want the rest of the night to be about us. No more talk of them. I only want your
names on my lips.”
“You’re ours, love.” Simon brushed my wet hair off my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my damp
skin. “Forever. We’ve said that before and I’ll keep saying it as long as I need to.”
I took a small step toward him, lining our bodies up and wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Make me yours again, Simon. Replace his scent with yours first.”
A deep growl rumbled in his chest and I shuddered as the wave of arousal swept through my
body. He wrapped strong hands around my waist and turned me to press my back against the wall.
His lips descended on mine. Hot. Hungry. Powerful.
I parted my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he took my full weight. His cock was hard
and ready, slipping along my entrance as he positioned himself. His lips brushed over my chin before
his tongue slid across my skin.
“You are ours,” he snarled, his teeth gently nipping on the place where that bastard had touched
me. “This is going to be hard and fast, love. We all need to put our scents on you, then we’ll spend the
rest of the night worshiping your entire body.”
I breathed out his name, a plea on my lips before he shifted his body to slide his cock inside me. I
clung to his body, my fingers tangling in his wet hair as he took me with hard and fast strokes against
the tile wall.
Water rained down around us and the scents of my mates filled my nostrils, replacing the memory
of the evening.
With my head thrown back, I opened my eyes to see my other three men watching with rapt
fascination. Their hands slowly stroked up and down their cocks, waiting for their turn.
Pleasure swept through me, the orgasm coming out of nowhere and consuming me. “Simon!” I
cried out, as he grunted and groaned out his own pleasure.
His teeth sank into the side of my neck, marking me again. Staking his claim on me.
We came down from our high, Simon helping me back to my feet and kissing me softly. In lazy
strokes, his tongue swiped against mine, enjoying the exploration.
Simon drew back and pressed his forehead to mine. “Our perfect omega,” he breathed out on a
reverent sigh.
“My perfect alphas,” I repeated, smiling and holding him tighter against me.
“Next!” Julian said playfully, shattering the loving moment and bringing humor just when we
needed it.
Laughter echoed off the shower walls as Simon stepped back while shaking his head. “By all
means, mate.”
“I just love it when you say, mate.” I giggled. “Well, I love it when you talk period. Have I
mentioned I’ve always been a fool for accents?”
More laughter emerged before Julian swept me up and sat down on the shower bench with me in
his lap. “My turn,” he growled and kissed me as if he were a dying man in need of oxygen. I was
swept up in the kiss, throwing myself into it fully.
Julian reached between us, his fingers dancing over my clit and making fresh slick coat his cock.
“Fucking perfect,” he rumbled as he adjusted me so I could sink down onto his shaft.
With my arms hanging loosely around his neck, I rocked my hips, sliding him in and out of my
already sensitized body.
They all felt so good when they were inside me. Filling me completely and making me theirs.
After the events of the night, I only wanted to feel their touch and evidence of possession on my
Julian guided my movements, finding a rhythm that had us breathless and panting with pleasure.
His fingernails bit into the soft flesh of my hips as I tangled my fingers in his wet hair.
“That’s it, baby girl. Squeeze around me,” Julian panted as I drew ever closer to falling off the
cliff into oblivion.
I jerked, moving my body in just the right way to get just the slightest pressure on my clit. I threw
my head back, the spray from above sending a rush of hot water over my face and hair. It added to the
sensations rolling through me as Julian snarled out his release.
His teeth sank into one nipple as he spilled himself inside me.
I felt boneless. Weightless. Like I was as light as a feather floating on top of a pond. Minutes
passed as Julian held me close against his chest. I savored the experience.
With the others, I had forced cuddle time because of their knots. Yet, Julian always held me close
despite the lack of extra inside me.
Even when my alphas didn’t knot me, they held me close. I savored the contact. Our connection
strengthening and snapping together. I rode the wave, clinging to him like a lifeline until we finally
came down from our high.
He leaned me back, letting the water pour back over my hair to wet it again.
“You guys have great plumbing and hot water tank for the water to still be hot.” It was a random
comment, but it was the first thing that popped into my sex crazed mind.
The guys chuckled around me.
Elias helped me to my feet and kissed me lightly. “Come on, little one. You’re getting all pruney.
Let’s get you dried off and in bed. It’s my turn next.”
He reached over and shut off the water, the steam in the room keeping me warm despite the hot
water stopping.
Xavier pulled me away from Elias with a hand wrapped around my waist. His lips hovered
above mine, his hot breath fanning over my skin as I savored his scent. “I’ll take this beautiful mouth,
Princess. If you agree, of course. I think your poor abused pussy could use a break.”
Warmth flooded through my system. I loved the small amount of power I gained while taking any
of them in my mouth. The way they encouraged me, and their sounds of pleasure ignited my own. It
was pure euphoria.
“I think that can be arranged.” I grinned before I tangled my fingers through his hair and pressed
my lips to his.
He returned my kiss hungrily. Feasting on me as he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist.
He guided us out of the shower and toward the bed.
The rest of the night was completely forgotten as I was wrapped up in the warm embrace of my

O ver the next few weeks, my pack wouldn’t let me go anywhere without one of them. To be
honest, it made me feel better, even though I was never alone. Even at work, they’d
temporarily moved Rayna back up to work next to me when they couldn’t be around. There’d
been some prank phone calls to my desk that set the guys off even more.
Xavier even gave me a tracker that he put in a hair pin that he asked me to wear every day. I
thought he was going a little overboard, but was thankful for it nonetheless.
The Dubai deal was keeping everyone busy and distracted. I never asked what happened to Ryan
after we left the hotel and I didn’t want to know.
I hoped he was permanently disfigured after the beating he took from Xavier. I’d expected to have
seen the police, but they never came.
Pretty sure that was the work of Elias. These guys had some crazy powerful connections. I was
thankful I didn’t have to recount the entire event for strangers. It was already on a loop in my brain,
and I didn't need even more reminders.
With the threat of Dylan and the pressing stress of the Dubai deal, my guys weren’t doing so great.
Xavier’s temper was short which led to a lot of arguments between the four of them. I tried to keep
them less stressed and managed to do that with cuddles. It seemed to work the best. They were
calmest when I was around and we were touching. Who knew they were all such big softies?
Especially Xavier. On more than one occasion I stepped in front of him while he was growling
and yelling. The second he caught my scent, and I touched his face, he calmed and relented whatever
asinine point he’d been arguing about.
“So, how’s it going with Sora?” I swiveled my chair to look at Rayna. “You’ve been awfully
quiet about it.”
She froze from what she was writing and sent me a glare. “Just fine.”
“You miss her?” I felt bad having her here up on the seventieth floor again.
Rayna relaxed and shrugged. “We have a date tonight.”
“Oh! Tell me!” I scooted close only to have to stop when the phone rang. I grabbed it and
answered, but there was just silence at the end again. I sighed before putting the phone back down.
It was happening more frequently. An unknown number would come on the caller ID, and there
would be nothing but silence for several seconds before it disconnected.
Every single time, a shiver ran down my spine. But I did my best to hide the fear simmering in the
back of my mind.
“Another one?” Rayna gave me a sympathetic look. “Fine. I’ll tell you.”
She was doing it to distract me, and I loved her for it.
“She’s taking me to Charlie’s Steakhouse.” She wiggled her brows. “I brought my dress to change
into at the end of the day.”
Charlie’s was an expensive upscale restaurant. I’d never be able to afford to drink a bottle of
water there, much less a meal.
“This seems serious.”
Rayna huffed. “I think she wants it to be.”
“Do you?” I rested my chin on my palm.
She played with her hair. “I think so,” she whispered, as if afraid to say it out loud.
I grabbed her hand. “Be happy, Rayna. If life has taught me anything, it’s too short to worry about
silly things.”
She squeezed my hands. “You’re right.” She glanced around. “I have some paperwork to take to
Sora, would you mind staying here until I get back? After that we will go get dinner for the big
I laughed, knowing the real reason she wanted to go and nodded. “See you back in a bit.”
She did not, in fact, return in a bit. It was nearing hour two when I decided I’d done enough
waiting. I wrote a note for Rayna and left it on her side of the desk. I didn’t bother bugging the guys
because they were still in the meeting. They had to be getting hungry, though, because I was starving.
Glancing at the clock, I grabbed my purse and hurriedly ran to the elevator. The cafeteria was
open for a few more minutes. I could grab some sandwiches, chips, and sodas. I wasn’t leaving the
building, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if I went alone. I’d be surrounded by people and my guys
wouldn’t go hungry.
There was a short line by the time I got there. I was digging in my purse for some cash when
someone cleared their throat behind me.
“Oh, sorry.” I looked up and noticed the line had moved further and took a step forward. After a
few more minutes of waiting, I was able to order what I wanted. “Can we put these in a bag?” I
handed over the cash.
I should have brought the cart but hadn’t thought about it. The bags were slightly heavy, but
nothing I couldn’t handle. Heading toward the private elevator, I wasn’t paying attention as I was
looking in the bag to make sure they’d put everything in it.
I should have been paying attention. I might have avoided what happened next.
“Well, well, cupcake.” Dread ran down my spine and I froze mid-step.
“Ryan was right. You were hiding here all along.” Dylan’s hot breath ran down my neck and I felt
the press of metal against my back. “Now, you’re going to be quiet and walk out of here with me.”
My knees cracked together as fear flooded my veins. I couldn’t let him take me. I’d never see the
guys again.
“No,” I managed to croak. I stopped walking, making Dylan stop as well. “l.. I’m not going
anywhere with you ever again.”
Dylan’s dry laugh was like nails on a chalkboard. He jabbed the gun into the middle of my back
again. “If you don’t move, I’ll be taking out that sweet old lady over at the receptionist desk.”
I paled. He would hurt Gladys, too. I started moving again toward the exit with him pressed
against my back. He dug the gun in harder against my muscles.
“You won’t get away with this.” I hissed at him. “I’m not the same omega you can just push
around anymore.”
He chuckled in my ear, making me cringe. “Oh, cupcake, I hope you have some fire in you this
time.” His scent of cigarettes and moldy food flooded my nose, making me gag.
I bit my lip from wanting to scream. He would hurt other people just to get to me. I just hoped that
the guys noticed I was missing soon.
“Stop dawdling.” Dylan shoved me through the doors. He led me down the sidewalk and around
the building to a sleek new car that he opened the back to. “Get in and not a word.”
I was pushed into the backseat and he got in as well. There was a man in the driver's seat that I
didn’t recognize.
“Drive.” Dylan ordered the man before turning to me with a sadistic grin on his face. That’s when
he swung out with the gun and sucker punched me in the face.
I cried out as pain flashed through me and my hand went to my cheek where he’d hit me. Stars
danced in my vision as I tried to blink.
“That’s for running.” Dylan put the gun into his pants. “This, this is for making me chase you.” He
grabbed my hair tightly in his fist, jerking me to his face. Pain shot through me as he ripped some of
my hair out of my scalp.
I whimpered just before his lips crashed into mine, bruising them almost instantly.
“You are mine and always will be mine. Cupcake.” He said the endearment with a sneer.
I pushed at his chest, scraping his face with my nails. He cursed loudly as I got him in the eye.
“You bitch!” He swung out again, this time catching me on the other side of my face.
Blackness swallowed me up within seconds. All I could think of was I’d never get to tell them I
loved them again.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I peeked out the conference room door to see an
empty desk where Alena should be.
The cheering and slapping of palms silenced as a deep growl vibrated in my chest.
Xavier almost knocked me over as he barreled out of the room and approached her desk. His
entire body vibrated with anger as he picked up a notepad from the side of the desk Rayna was sitting
“She went downstairs.” He roared in rage, throwing the pad against the wall before pacing up and
down the length of the office. “We don’t even fucking know how long ago that was! Where the fuck is
Julian stepped forward and planted a hand on Xavier’s chest to stop him. “Xavy. Breathe. Think.
We’ll find her. She could be back on her way up now.”
I cleared my throat and pulled out my phone. I waved it in the air. “You gave her the hairpin for a
reason. Let’s find out.”
I knew what the damn app was going to say before it even fully loaded. The faded aroma of her
scent told me it had been at least an hour since she’d been in here.
My jaw clenched as I ground my molars together. Anytime, you stupid fucking phone.
A long drawn out curse echoed in the room. “She’s at the Westin. We need to get over there
Xavier, in a stint of rational thought grabbed a tablet and brought up the security camera footage.
His dark eyes blazed with heat as they trailed over the images in front of him.
“We need to call the cops.” Xavier’s hands clenched around the tablet, a small hairline crack
splintering from his grip.
He angled the screen toward us.
Dylan had an arm wrapped around her shoulder as he escorted her out the lobby door and into a
waiting vehicle.
Rage boiled my blood, a haze falling over my vision. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
“Not if I get to him first.”

I awoke laying on the floor. My face throbbed, and I knew I would have two black eyes and some
nasty bruises. I blinked, one eye already starting to swell shut. It wasn’t the worst injury Dylan
had given me, but I’d make damn sure it’d be the last.
“Ah. There she is.” Dylan squatted next to me, brushing his fingers across my forehead. “Wakey
wakey.” He chuckled at his joke.
I sat up slowly, making sure I wasn’t going to throw up. My head throbbed.
“You’re a real bastard.” Xavier had worn off on me. I never would have talked back or fought
back before.
“Do you want to be smacked again?” Dylan hissed as he yanked my hair back. “This attitude of
yours is not welcome, Alena.”
“Your touch is not welcome.” I sneered up at him even as the pain blossomed at his rough touch.
I had to get out of here. I managed to open my eyes enough to look around. We were in a hotel. A
fancy one at that. Because of course, Dylan had to have luxury around him.
It could work out for me, though. If I could get out of the room, I could get help. I needed to reign
in my temper.
“You never should have left me.” Dylan let me go and stood, starting to pace. “Do you know how
embarrassing it was to have to explain that my fiancé disappeared?”
Because that was what was important. His image.
I managed to lean against the wall, panting from the pain. It was starting to ebb, at least there were
little things.
“Why do you even care? You could get a new fiance who might actually like you.” Oh, boy. I
really had no filter now with him.
“Because you were mine first.” Dylan walked to the table against the wall and picked up the gun
he must have set here while I was unconscious. “If I can’t have you, no one will. Especially not those
filthy commoners.”
I struggled to my feet, holding out a hand. “Dylan, please put the gun down.”
He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. “Now you’re polite.” He set the gun down casually.
“We’re going home in the morning.”
Fear shuddered through me. I wouldn’t survive if we left this hotel. I might not, knowing how
erratic his behavior was. I’d never seen him this out of control or angry. How long had I been gone
Checking out the window, it was night time. So I’d been gone for at least a few hours. It had
barely been five when I’d gone down to the first floor.
That’s when I remembered. Xavier’s tracker in my hairpin. With everything that had happened, I’d
forgotten. A sliver of hope gave me enough confidence to reach up slowly, hoping not to garner
Dylan’s attention, and looked to see if my hair pin was still there.
It was. Thank goodness. Tears burned in my eyes as I fought the urge to sob with relief. It was
tangled up in my hair, but it was there.
Why hadn’t they found me yet? Bile rose in my throat at the thought that maybe Dylan had done
something, but my guys were too smart for anything my shithead ex would think of.
They’d find me. I just had to have hope.
My foot tapped along the floor of the car as the city flew by outside.
One of our friends from the police force, Detective Allen, drove the car swiftly through traffic as
we made our way to the Westin Hotel. Allen was the first person Elias called as Xavier tracked her
movement on his app.
I sent up a silent prayer to whatever higher power there was that Xavier insisted on Alena
wearing the small hairpin that housed a tracking device.
Nausea made my stomach toss and turn as I thought of how long it had taken to organize
everything. Hours went by before we were finally able to get in the car and race toward our omega.
Turns out Dylan Abbott was wanted for a number of crimes including omega trafficking,
embezzlement, and extortion.
The Seattle PD and the FBI were more than keen on helping us to get Alena back.
As long as they got to take that fucker into custody.
That was only if Xavier and Elias didn’t kill him first. The sheer violence that danced in Xavier’s
eyes as he spun his knife on the table was downright scary, and I’d known him for well over a
When I saw Dylan dragging Alena out of the lobby of our building, the pieces clicked into place.
I’d met him years ago at some stupid society function.
He was an asshole then, and even more of a cunt now.
“Can you go any faster?” Xavier growled at Detective Allen.
“If we wanna make it in one piece I suggest you back down.” Allen could go toe to toe with the
fiercest alphas and walk away without a scratch.
“Xavier, please.” Julian laid his hand over Xavier’s wrist and squeezed. “You aren’t helping the
situation. Now just breathe and the detective will get us there to get our mate as fast as he can.”
Xavier grumbled under his breath, but Julian did what he did best in calming the beast.
Although Alena was much better at it than the beta.
“We’re gonna get her back.” Allen arched his brows and met Xavier’s gaze through the rearview
mirror. “Abbott is the worst of the fucking worst. I’ve been after him for years. Didn’t know how he’d
been treating your girl or I would have pulled her out of there the moment I knew about her.”
Jonathan Allen had a soft spot for abused Omegas and he broke more than one department rule to
get some out of intense situations.
Wait. Did he have something to do with how Alena got out and this Dreamscape organization? I
wouldn’t put it past him. Plus John would know how to hide his tracks and make it so even Xavier
couldn’t find him.
Being Elias’ cousin, John did have some idea of what we did and how we operated. Damn. That
would make sense.
But now wasn’t the time or place to ask him about it. I would talk to Elias first. Being related,
they shared a stronger bond. Elias would want to be the one to ask him about it.
“Thanks, John,” Elias murmured, his gaze firmly locked on the scenery outside his window.
Allen nodded and gave a small hum of approval.
By the time we pulled into the alley behind the Westin, I was about ready to jump out of my skin. I
prided myself on always maintaining control, but I wanted to destroy Abbott for what he’d done to
our mate.
Xavier was in worse shape, Julian having to hold him back from running inside. The mood he was
in, he could probably run up to the thirtieth floor and still have enough energy to smash the door in
and take down Dylan.
“Listen to me, hothead.” John placed his hand on Xavier’s chest. “You have to listen to me. If you
don’t he’s gonna run or he’s gonna touch your girl. Now, let’s stay calm and rational enough until
she’s secure, then I’ll let you have a few extra punches before slapping him in cuffs.”
The wicked smile that formed over Xavier’s face would have made my blood run cold if I were
on his bad side.

D ylan bound my hands and feet, then put a strip of cloth in my mouth to muffle my cries. I did
every deep breathing and calming exercise I’d ever learned as I fought to keep my panic at
My guys were coming for me. They had to be.
A commotion in the front room of the suite had me straining to hear what was happening.
“Where is she, you fucker?”
Fresh tears streamed down my face as I screamed as loud as I could around the gag.
Elias appeared in the doorway, Julian and Simon hot on his heels.
“Baby girl. Oh, gods.” Elias untied the knotted fabric behind my head and loosened the gag.
Simon and Julian each released my arms and legs.
I collapsed against them, sobbing. “Knew you’d come. Knew it. Xavy?”
My cry for my forth mate was small, but he came running. For the second time, he’d shed blood
for me. His hands were coated in it, and splatters decorated one side of his face.
“Princess.” He collapsed to his knees beside me and I launched myself into his arms. “I’m so
sorry we didn’t find you sooner.”
They converged around me, murmuring soft words of love as their chests rumbled with soothing
purrs. Their scents wrapped around me, reminding me that my home was in their arms. Wherever they
“He won't lay a hand on you ever again, baby girl. I promise.” Elias pressed kisses against my
temple, as his hand glided up and down my back.
A throat cleared, and I looked up to see a strange man standing in the doorway. “Gentlemen. Ms.
Alena. I hate to interrupt, but we’ll need to take statements and get the investigators in here before you
can clean up.”
I tilted my head up to Elias, blinking in question as my words weren’t quite working yet. A sliver
of awareness ran through my mind at the voice. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t exactly place it.
“It’s okay. Detective Allen is one of the good guys. He’s my cousin.”
Ah, that explained the slight resemblance. Would that account for his voice being familiar too? I
could barely think, much less process where I recognized the voice from.
Elias cleared his throat. “She needs rest, John. We need to cement our connection back and get our
scents back.”
The detective nodded, his eyes softening as he looked down at me. “I can stall things and come by
in the morning to take the statements. Just get her out of here before the feds come and I’ll cover for
Xavier stood with me against his chest and without another word, marched me out of the horrific
hotel room.
“See you tomorrow, John.” Elias gave his cousin a hearty handshake before leading the way out of
my nightmare.
John murmured a reply, but we were already too far away for me to make out the words.
The shaking started shortly after Xavier sank into the cool leather seats with me on top of him.
“Turn up the damn heat,” Xavier growled as his arms tightened around me. “Shh, Princess. We’ll
get you home soon. We’ll change your clothes and make you smell like us again.”
I whimpered as I snuggled further into his masculine scent. The unique aromas of each of my
mates filtered through my nostrils and calmed the tears seeking to escape my eyes.
“I’m s-s-so.” I broke off into a sob as I couldn’t speak past my stutter.
“No apologizing.” Julian’s voice washed over me, his hand smoothing down my hair and
comforting me with his touch. “You shouldn’t have gone downstairs alone, but none of this is your
fault. It’s only Dylan’s. You aren’t to blame for his actions.”
“I—“ I swallowed, my hands fisting in Xavier’s shirt. I spoke slowly, each word drawn out as I
fought the stutter. “I love you all. I just want to go home.”
Every instinct within me demanded revenge for my mate. She’d been taken from us. Abused.
And I felt like a fucking failure because I didn’t prevent it. I was the security and tech expert. I
should have put something in place to alert me that she left the office.
We all piled into the SUV, Elias sliding behind the wheel in his normal position. I folded myself
into the third row seat with our omega secure in my arms.
The adrenaline had worn off, and with my purr soothing her, Alena finally shut her eyes and her
breathing evened out.
Thank the gods for small miracles. And for alpha purrs.
“I know what you’re thinking, Xavy. This isn’t your fault.” Julian knew me too fucking well. He
knew exactly what I’d been thinking. Probably before I even started thinking it.
I shook my head, but he held up a hand. “Save it. I’m tired of you thinking every security breach is
your fault. Fuck, you’re the reason we actually were able to find her. You and your little tracking
device in her hair pin.”
“Julian is right.” Elias gripped the steering wheel tighter and his eyes met mine through the mirror.
“None of us knew she was out there alone. None of us knew Rayna was going to step away.”
Simon grunted in agreement. “She was taking care of us like always. She knew we hadn’t eaten
since breakfast and instead of calling for delivery she wanted to support the cafe downstairs.”
“She’s too good for me.” I said it quietly, but as soon as the words left my lips, I knew the mistake
I’d made.
A chorus of snarls had Alena stirring in my arms. Her gray eyes darkened as she peered up at me,
sleepy and shimmering with tears. Fuck, I was happy she recognized our sounds enough not to freak
out about the growls. “Why the growls? What happened?”
“Xavier said he wasn’t good enough for you,” Julian stated simply as he crossed his arms over
his chest.
Alena’s brow furrowed before she tilted her head up to look me in the eye. “I thought we stopped
all that type of talk?”
I swallowed, allowing the lump in my throat to lessen. “I didn’t know you left. I didn’t put
something in place so if you left I would know.”
“That’s not your fault, Xavy.” Gods, I loved it when she called me that. She reached up and
cupped my cheek, and I savored the feel of her soft skin against my rough stubble. “I should have told
you I was going downstairs. That isn’t on you.”
“It isn’t on any of us. It’s on that piece of shit that we left behind for John to take care of,” Elias
growled as his knuckles whitened under his fierce grip of the steering wheel. “I’ll be making sure that
he’s put away for a long time, and that he suffers while he’s in there.”
Simon twisted in the front seat to look at us, before he looked back to Elias. “Something John said
is bothering me. He said he pulled her out the moment he knew about her.”
None of what Simon was saying was making a lick of sense to my racing mind. I was focused on
staying calm despite the scent of that asshole lingering on her clothes and skin.
And trying to get the self loathing from festering too much within my soul.
Elias nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. We’ll talk more to Alena when she’s rested.”
Our omega buried herself further into my chest, her nose rubbing up and down my neck. She was
rubbing my scent on her skin, imbedding it into her very pores. But until I could tear the clothes free
of her body and burn them, I wouldn’t breathe freely.
“Are we almost home?” Alena whispered softly, her voice thick with sleep.
“Almost, Princess. Almost.” I ran my fingers through her hair, so grateful she trusted us enough to
allow this touch. We replaced the traumatic memories with ones of pleasure and love.
We arrived at the house in record time, the scene almost all too familiar. When that asshole had
found her at the benefit and touched her.
I fought back the torrent of emotions swirling through my soul as we entered the house and started
up the stairs. She barely stirred in my arms, both her mind and body exhausted.
“I’m so sorry, Alena.” I kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tighter. “So fucking sorry. I
promise nothing like this will ever happen again.”
Fuck me. Wasn’t that the same thing I said before? And it still happened?
I couldn’t guarantee her safety, couldn’t provide for her. I should just leave now and save her the
trouble of being mated to a fuck up like me.
“Xavier, enough.” The deep rumble of Elias’ alpha snarl tore through me and I halted in place
before I could lay Alena down on the bed.
Several beats of silence stretched between us as I fought to control my mind from racing.
“Xavy.” Alena stirred and splayed her hand out over my heart. “Can you put me down, please?”
I complied, as if I was on autopilot, setting her down on the mattress. I helped her to sit up against
the headboard and her wide dark eyes peered up at me with so much love my breath caught in my
“Enough,” Elias repeated as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. He placed one hand on
Alena’s leg, almost as if it were an anchor or lifeline. “No more blame. You are worthy, I don’t want
to see that look on your face anymore. Now silence those voices or I’ll smack you. Better yet, I’ll sic
Julian on you.”
Alena gasped at the harsh bite of Elias’ words. I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it
softly. They were words I needed to hear. I needed the harsh reassurance from our unofficial leader in
order to put my mind at ease. Wait until she heard Julian actually talk to me like that too.
Because, it happened. Sometimes I needed the stern reminder. Years of abuse as a child, then
spending a decade as a hired assassin would do that to a guy.
She opened her mouth to speak, but I leaned forward to give her a soft kiss. “It’s okay, princess.” I
cupped her cheek and swiped my thumb over her high cheekbone. “Elias knows when to be harsh
with me. It gets me out of my head so I can focus back on what’s right in front of me.”
Tears shimmered in her eyes. “You’ll always be worthy, Xavy. All of you are. When I walked into
the KDC building, it changed my life for the better. I never thought I would have mates, or love, or a
family. But now I do.”
Elias shuffled closer, his warmth surrounding me just like Alena’s. Julian and Simon entered the
room, moving to sit on the other side of the bed.
“You are our family, love.” Simon leaned forward and tilted her face toward him. “Forever and
always. Until the life leaves our bodies.”
“Agreed,” I growled. The despair I’d felt only moments ago was replaced with love and
devotion. “I’ll say one final time, then I’m letting it go.”
Alena turned from Simon and cupped both of my cheeks in her small palms. Her hands were so
soft against my skin. Despite all she’d been through in the last twenty-four hours, she still wanted to
comfort me. Gods, how I loved this omega.
“I’m sorry and I won’t let this happen to you ever again.” I leaned down and pressed my forehead
to hers. “I love you, Alena. My heart, my soul, and my knives forever belong to you.”
“Hopefully, the knives won’t have to come out too often.” She giggled, the sound making my heart
“I hope so too, but if there’s a need, they’ll be there.” I smiled and kissed her.
We converged around our omega, reconnecting and sealing our bond once again. “Let’s get you
out of those clothes and cleaned up, baby girl. I think we could all use a bath and some cuddle time.”
Alena nodded. “That sounds like Heaven.”
I scooped her into my arms and carried her into the master bathroom, my heart feeling light
despite the heaviness of the day.

I sank against Elias’ chest as Xavier moved the cloth along my skin. The fragrant aroma of
eucalyptus surrounded me. Along with my mates, it replaced Dylan’s foul scent. The tub in the
master bathroom was equipped to fit even my four large mates plus me. Something I was
immensely thankful for at the moment. I could reach out and touch any of them easily.
My mates were all doing their best to stay calm and not make any sudden movements. Something I
was immensely grateful for as I worked through the emotions after seeing Dylan again.
I knew I didn’t want to go anywhere. I was home here with my mates, but it made fresh doubts
linger in my thoughts.
“Do I have to break out the alpha tone with you too, little one?” Elias asked as his fingers skated
up and down my arms with a soft caress. “I can feel the wheels turning in your head. Talk to us, tell us
what you’re thinking.”
Letting out a deep sigh, I sank further into the water and let its warmth surround me. Well surround
me as much as possible with Elias at my back and Xavier in front.
Simon leaned over from his side of the tub and ran his fingers over my collarbone. “Listen to
Elias, love. It really makes things easier when we do.”
They chuckled and couldn’t resist the smile that tilted up my mouth.
But my heart leapt in my throat, and I knew I had to express my doubts. Just as Xavier had done,
and we reassured him, I had to do the same.
So I blurted it out. “Do you still even want me? When all you have to do is keep rescuing me and I
come back to your home covered in the scent of another alpha?”
The world stilled around us as no one moved. My statement hung heavy in the air and I tensed as I
waited for their reactions.
“Why would you think that?” Elias asked softly.
“Because all you do is keep rescuing me,” I lamented and trailed my fingers over the surface of
the water. I didn’t meet any of their gazes, despite the fact they were all pinned on me and making my
temperature rise.
Julian scooted closer and placed his palm just above my knee. “We love you, baby girl. That
means no matter what, we will always be there for you. If that’s rescuing you, or putting a bandaid on
a scape, holding your hair while you throw up, cooking you meals. Anything and everything, that’s
what true mates are for each other.”
My breath caught in my throat as I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his. In typical Julian fashion, his
lips were tilted up in just the slightest bit of a smirk.
“Julian is right.” Elias kissed the top of my shoulder. “Anything that comes up. Good and bad. The
beautiful part of a mating bond is being able to share any and all burdens. We told you before, lean on
us. We’ll catch you if you stumble.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out or bursting into sobs. “Thank you for being so
patient with me,” I croaked out after I composed myself. “I know it hasn’t been easy.”
Simon snorted. “Life isn’t easy, love. What makes it worth living is the love of those around you.
The good far outweighs the bad. Holding you makes any obstacles we may have faced worth it in the
“We would bleed for you gladly, Alena.” Xavier placed my ankle on top of his shoulder and
kissed the inside of my leg. “Like you told me, we’re worthy of love. If we have to spend a lifetime to
prove it to you, then that’s what we’ll fucking do.”
A small smile spread over my face. “Thank you.”
“No need to ever thank us.” Julian tilted my head towards him and kissed me softly. “How about
we get out of the water and spend the rest of the night cuddling in Elias’ big giant bed?”
Elias rumbled his approval. “Don’t you think that sounds perfect, Alena?” He nuzzled my ear,
careful to avoid the bruises that were rapidly forming. “I have a little surprise for you in the closet
too. I had hoped you might like to build another nest here. It’s the biggest room, and we can move
over some of the things from the other room.”
“Two nests?” My eyes widened as I looked over my shoulder at him.
“Yes,” he chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose. “We’d love for you to move into this room. The
other room can still be your space alone, but we want you in the big bed and with us every night.”
My omega instincts fired up as I imagined what I could do in the giant space of the master
bedroom. “Can I take the corner with the window seat?”
I couldn’t contain my excitement as I thought of placing a giant pile of blankets and pillows in the
corner. Oh, I could even do a string of fairy lights around the window so I could read at night.
Turning fully in his arms, not caring that water sloshed around us, I kissed him hungrily. These
men made me feel whole and loved.
An omega who was worthy. Despite my scars and imperfections.
“Anything you want, little one.” He pressed his lips to the top of my forehead as his hands ran up
and down my back in a soothing caress. “Now, let’s get you dried off and into bed. You need rest.”
I fought back a yawn. Or attempted to. I stretched my arms up as pure exhaustion raced through my
body. I was sore and tired, but not ready to sleep just yet.
Xavier rose and grabbed several towels off the warming rack. I admired the view of his defined
ass and the intricate tattoos along his back as he moved.
Several growls echoed around me as fresh arousal scented the air.
Grinning like a mischievous god, Xavier bent and scooped me out of the tub. “If you’re good,
we’ll give you a few orgasms before bed.”
He wrapped one fluffy, warm towel around me, and with another he worked on drying my hair.
The thoughts of my past would always be there, buried deep within my conscious mind. Yet, with
my mates by my side showing me what love and mating was, I could live my life as I was meant to.
As an omega with her mates.
Maybe even one day, we’d be blessed with children.
My heart soared at the thought. I’d never given thought to have kids before. It wasn’t in the cards.
Children with my mates now would be a blessing.
Although the thought of Xavier changing a diaper made me giggle.
My dark angel arched a brow in question. “What was that noise for?”
I shook my head, a wicked grin spread over my lips. “Oh, nothing. Just imagining the future.”
Elias wrapped an arm around me from behind. “Good thoughts, judging by the dreamy look in
your eyes.”
“Absolutely.” I nodded, fighting back the tears. “The best thoughts.”
Julian gently grasped my wrist and pulled me into his body. Xavier growled, but it lacked any
heat or menace. “Why don’t we crawl into bed and you can tell us all about them?”
“A perfect plan.”
With my mates surrounding me, I told them all about my hopes for our lives together.
For the first time in my life, I was excited for what the future held for us.

I blew out a frustrated sigh as I smoothed down the skirt of my dress for the millionth time. This
damn wrinkle would not come out. I’d ironed it, put a bit of steam on it, and nothing. With a huff,
I spun on my heel and tried to find another dress in the massive closet.
How was I supposed to make a good impression on Elias’ parents if I showed up in a wrinkled
Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I fought back the frustration and I tangled my hands through
my hair.
“Alena?” Elias called out.
As I waited for him to find me, I sank to the floor. I couldn’t face him. I was too nervous to meet
the most important people in his life, other than the pack. I had to be perfect, and I was far, far from it.
“Little one,” he crooned as he stood in the entryway to the closet. “No tears.”
He crouched down before me, tucking my hair behind my ear to expose my face. My bruises had
finally healed. Xavier made sure I underwent every test possible to make sure that nothing was
broken or would have permanent damage. With the help of regular ice packs, and the doctor’s miracle
salve, the reminders of Dylan’s abuse disappeared quickly.
“Talk to me. What’s going on in this beautiful head of yours?” He wrapped his arms around me
and drew me close against his side.
“I have to be perfect to meet your parents,” I whispered softly. “What if they don’t like me?”
“Alena.” Elias hooked his finger beneath my chin and lifted my head to meet his gaze. “You’ve
already talked to my mom on the phone a few times. She already adores you. My dads will too.”
Nodding, I knew what he was saying was the absolute truth. Norah Knight was a soft-spoken
woman with a heart of gold, but she was also a fierce protector and momma bear. The day after the
kidnapping, she insisted on speaking to me on the phone.
I broke down in tears as she told me how strong and brave I was. How thankful she was that I was
in her sons’ lives, and how she couldn’t wait to meet me.
Damn it. Elias was right. I was freaking out because of my own doubts. Norah and the rest of the
Knights were nothing like my family. They were the total anthesis.
I practiced my controlled breathing, Elias continuing to offer silent strength as I composed myself.
Several times this week, I’d talked with a therapist who specialized in omega trauma. She’d been
wonderful to help guide me through the PTSD and how to recognize signs of a panic attack.
“That’s it, little one. Much better.” Elias kissed my temple. “This dress is perfection on you. It
brings out the slight blue tones in your eyes.”
He was such a charmer when he wanted to be.
“Mmm, though there are much better benefits to it than the color,” Xavier rumbled from the
doorway, startling me. For being such a big guy, he sure didn’t make any sounds when he moved.
Elias helped me to my feet and kept me tucked against his side. “Like what?”
“We get to see her sexy as fuck legs.” Xavier sauntered toward me, pure sin reflecting in his
obsidian eyes. His long-fingered hands toyed with the hem of my dress as it swirled just below my
My eyes widened, and I slapped his hand away. “There will be none of that as we visit,” I
With a hand at the small of my back, Elias guided me back into the bedroom.
“Just wait until you see Ma with Xavier. You think he’s a big softy with you? He melts when it
comes to Ma.”
Xavier snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. The lines of his dark tattoos peeked out from
beneath his rolled-up sleeves. His thick hair was slicked back and tamed in a manner it usually
wasn’t. A nice button-up shirt, and trousers completed the look.
My guys were handsome in anything they wore, but Xavier, all polished up to go to Elias’ parents,
made butterflies take flight in my stomach.
“You guys okay?” Julian sauntered in with a smile on his lips. He had a stylish blue and white
plaid shirt with simple black slacks.
I blinked at the three of them. “You guys all look really nice.”
“What about me, love?” Simon entered the room and pouted at me. He was the opposite of Julian
with stylish plaid pants and a white shirt.
Their scents blended together in the room and every nerve ending in my body lept at the
intoxicating aroma. Desire coiled in my belly and goosebumps prickled over my skin.
I shook my head to clear it and forced myself to breathe through my mouth. Yeah right, like that
would help. “We should leave before I get too distracted.” I ignored them as best as I could and made
my way down the stairs.
Then I realized I hadn’t put my shoes on yet. “Damn it. Stupid pheromones.”
“Heard that, princess.” Xavier strode down the stairs with fluid, elegant grace. Damn, I loved the
way he moved.
What was wrong with me? Was I getting close to another heat? No, it was probably just because
they had been overly careful with me for the last week.
I was drawn from my thoughts as Xavier snaked a hand around my waist and pulled me against
him. “Got your shoes,” he whispered huskily in my ear.
“That’s not helping.” I groaned and sagged against him.
The bastard had the nerve to chuckle as he helped me to a chair in the foyer. He slipped my
simple flats on one at a time, his hands lingering on my bare legs as he gazed up at me.
A low whistle had my head snapping up as Elias stood with his sunglasses already on. The keys
dangled from his fingers. “You know how Ma is about being late, Xavier. Let’s go.”
Less than two miles down the road, my cell rang through the speakers of the SUV. I pressed the green
answer button as Ma’s picture flashed across the screen.
“Hey, Ma. We’re about ten minutes out.”
“Sweetie, Jonathan is here, and he wants to discuss something with you.” Her voice was slightly
breathy as she spoke and my instincts went on full alert.
“Can you hand him the phone, please?” I bit back my temper.
“It’s about Bridget,” Jonathan said without preamble as he came on the line. “Get here and I’ll
explain everything.”
“You’re the brains behind Dreamscape, aren’t you?” Surprisingly, Xavier kept the bite of venom
out of his tone when he spoke. He didn’t care for Jonathan, despite suspecting him for being behind
the organization that helped Alena escape Society.
Alena’s sharp gasp echoed through the vehicle. “I knew his voice sounded familiar,” she
exclaimed and slapped her palm on her thigh. “I just thought it’s because you’re Elias’ cousin, but
now I remember. You were the first person who spoke to me.”
“Once you get here, I’ll explain,” John repeated before the line went dead.
“Now it all makes sense.” I tightened my grip on the steering wheel in an all too familiar gesture
of frustration. “We didn’t even have to explain much about Alena’s past with that asshole. He already
knew it. And not just because he’d been working on Abbott’s case.”
Alena leaned forward and placed her hand on my shoulder. “What he’s doing is a good thing,
Elias. A wonderful thing. We need to help him instead of being upset with him. I’m sure he had his
reasons for not telling you sooner.”
Simon nodded. “She’s right, mate. We need to hear him out, and see what he knows about
Bridget.” He already had his phone out and was typing away at it. “I had texted her a couple days ago
to check in, but didn’t hear back. Just figured she was busy.”
We had rescued his ex-fiance from Society much like Jonathan did for Alena. “Do you know
where she is?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the frustration transform Simon’s face.
He shook his head. “No, we keep things vague so nothing can be tracked.”
I pulled into the familiar driveway and up to the front door. No one parked right in front of the
house on the circular drive, and today I didn’t much care for manners. I wanted to know what
Jonathan had to say.
Ma was already waiting outside, sitting on one of the wooden rocking chairs Dad had built for
her. She rose to her feet, elegant as always. Soft blue eyes shone with worry, and dark blonde hair
framed her face. A smile lit up her expression as I helped Alena from the SUV.
“It’s so good to finally meet you, sweetheart.” Instantly Ma wrapped Alena in a hug and the sight
made me suck in a harsh breath. My throat was thick with emotion as Alena took in a deep shuddering
“Don’t make her stand outside all day, Norah. Let’s get her inside,” Dad called out playfully.
“Alan and I want to hug her too.”
Ma released Alena, but held her at arm’s length for a moment. She reached up and wiped her tears
away. “You are family now, Alena. Anything you ever need, Alan, Grant and me are here for you.”
I wrapped an arm around Alena’s shoulders as fresh tears streamed down her face. “Way to go,
Ma. Make her cry within two minutes of meeting her.”
We filed inside, Alena and I at the back to allow her a moment to gain composure. “You’re doing
great, little one.” I kissed the top of her head.
“It’s just like you said.” Her voice was filled with wonder as she took in the house. Warm and
inviting, Ma had perfected her home and made a safe place for anyone who entered. The scent of
cinnamon and orange blossoms floated through the air, natural and enhanced by the scents of Ma, Dad,
and Papa.
“Plan on dinner here, probably one a week.” I laughed.
“I don’t think I’d mind that at all.” My hand slid down her back to reach for hers. I twined our
fingers together just before we rejoined the group.
Jonathan stood gazing out the window with a tumbler of amber liquid in one hand. His body was
rigid, coiled, and ready to strike.
“Should we cut straight to the chase?” Simon asked as he made his way to the wet bar to prepare
“Might as well.” Jonathan let out a heavy sigh and ran the fingers of his free hand through his hair.
“As you guessed, I’m one of the leaders behind Dreamscape. We provide support and assistance to
omegas of Society that are being abused by alphas. Through a series of contacts we have in place
throughout Society, we’ve been able to find those that have been abused the worst and get them out of
their circumstances. Alena was one of those omegas.”
Ma let out a small gasp and her hand flew to cover her mouth. Dad drew her close against his
body, a deep purr setting her at ease.
“I knew you’d figured it out when Xavier went digging. I have a few failsafe measures in place to
alert me when someone tries to figure out who is behind Dreamscape.” He arched a brow at Xavier.
“You’re fucking good by the way, my tech expert had a hell of a time keeping you out.”
Xavier grinned. “I’d love to talk with them sometime, they’re brilliant. Could use someone like
that on my team.”
“You aren’t poaching my team, so just let that thought fall right out of your head.” Jonathan pointed
a finger at Xavier, knowing that was what was already rolling through his head.
“How many omegas like me have you helped?” Alena asked softly.
My cousin’s face softened as he looked at my mate. “A little over two dozen. It takes a
considerable amount of time and resources to get someone out of Society and placed far enough away
from them they won’t be found.” His expression fell and sorrow played out in his eyes. “Sometimes it
isn’t far enough. I’m just thankful that your mates were around to protect you when I could not.”
“Thank you.”
It was a simple statement, but a powerful one as we stood in silence for a moment. Simon handed
us each our drink of choice, and we sipped while waiting for more information.
Clearing his throat, Jonathan crossed the room to refill his tumbler. “We’ve been onto Abbott
because he’s been involved in omega trafficking. Kidnaps young omegas just before their first heat
hits and sells them off to filthy alphas.”
Snarls and growls echoed in the room, every male here letting out their frustration. That slimeball
was dead. I’d find a way to get to him. I’d slice off his pathetic pecker then shove it down his throat.
The need for blood and vengeance rode me hard as I fought for control. I was beginning to feel a
bit like Xavier.
Alena laid a hand on my chest, directly over my heart. Grounding and calming my wayward rage.
“You said something about Bridget?” Simon asked, his knuckles white from the grip around his
glass. How had it not broken yet?
“Her cover was blown, and she was almost found.”

I forced myself not to spiral into a rage at John’s words. Bridget was under my protection. If she
was found out, it’s because I’d fucked up somewhere.
If John didn’t start speaking in the next two seconds, I was going to lose my normally cool
and controlled persona.
“I was able to get her out of there. It’s what I wanted to talk with you guys about. Your friends
over at Second Chance Ranch offered to take her in, but said I had to clear it with you first.”
Noah agreed to take in an omega on the run? It didn’t surprise me per se, but I knew he was
having financial troubles and supporting another mouth would make things that much more difficult.
My mind already started calculating how I could send them help in the form of some government
grant. Anything to save the ranch and their livelihood since the bastards were too stubborn to take
money from us.
It wasn’t their fault that a woman had wormed her way into their lives and made off with
everything they had saved in the five years running the ranch.
“That’s Noah’s decision,” I replied finally. “I’d be grateful that he would take Bridget in and
protect her.”
Alena moved to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist. “It’s a great place, maybe she’ll
even grow close to Noah and the guys.” A note of anticipation rang in his words.
She was right. Maybe Bridget and the Second Chance guys would hit it off. They were a tough
pack to relax after being burned by Lara. Their walls were thick and made of steel. But they had a
huge soft spot for omegas.
Bridget would love the quiet peace of Montana. It would be good for her.
And she’d be safe. That was the most important thing.
“Is she there now?” Alena asked as her fingers wiggled their way under the fabric of my shirt. I
loved the feel of her soft skin against mine.
“I have her somewhere safe until we can make arrangements.” John drained his second drink.
Elias cleared his throat and arched one brow at his cousin. “You know, now that we know about
Dreamscape, we’ll want to be involved, right?”
John rolled his eyes. “Of course, and I have to admit I could use the help. Society is starting to
catch on and they’re pushing their omegas even further underground.”
Grant let out a heavy sigh as he ran his palm over his beard. He was the leader of KDC’s parent
company, Knight Consolidated. For decades, he’d amassed wealth with the goal of taking down
Society. “We need to make those bastards pay.”
Rising, Grant held a hand out to John. “You have KC’s full support. Whatever you need, you let
me know. Capital. Resources. Men. Anything.”
John nodded and shook Grant’s hand vigorously. “Thanks, Uncle Grant. Means the world to me.”
He cleared his throat as the two released hands and parted. “I’ll leave you to your dinner and call
myself a cab. Thanks.”
“Nope.” Ma stepped forward and grabbed the back of John’s shirt before he could sneak out the
front door. “This is family dinner night, and last time I checked, you’re family. So sit.”
Laughter erupted from everyone as John grumbled. No one ever said no to Norah Knight. Not
unless they wanted Alan and Grant in their faces.
Alena smiled and tipped her head up to gaze at me. “I think I really like being part of this family.”
“Always and forever, love.” I kissed her softly. “Always and forever.”

I relaxed against Julian’s chest as we stood on the back desk of the cabin at Second Chance Ranch.
A slight breeze blew past us, sending a chill through me as we watched the vibrant colors of the
Montana sunset.
“Let me go get you a jacket.” Julian kissed the back of my head and moved to untangle our limbs.
“Here,” Xavier murmured as he wrapped a fluffy blanket around us both.
“Thank you.” I grinned up at him before hooking my arm around his neck and bringing him down
for a kiss.
His lips hovered over mine. “You should really come inside, it’s about to get very cold out here.
The blanket will only help so much. Plus, wouldn’t you rather crawl into bed with us?”
“Hmm.” I tapped a finger against my lips, acting like I was thinking about it. There was nothing to
think about, it was a no brainer. I stepped away from Julian and made my way inside. Elias and
Simon sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, typing away on their laptops.
“What are you two doing?” I exclaimed and placed my hands on my hips.
Both looked up sheepishly. “We said no work time. How did you even sneak your laptops in?”
Simon held his hands up and took a few steps toward me. “We weren’t working. Just planning a
trip for us to take in the fall.”
“What kind of trip?” I took one step back as he moved closer.
“It’s a surprise. Let’s just say you’ll love it.” He grinned, and I rolled my eyes as he pulled me
against his body.
Elias trapped me in from the other side and I savored their warmth. I loved being the filling in a
mate sandwich.
The thought made me giggle out loud.
“What’s funny, little one?” Elias swept my hair away from my neck and peppered light kisses
along my skin.
“I’m the filling in an alpha sandwich.”
Simon and Elias groaned at my corny joke before Elias swept me up into his arms to carry me to
bed. “I’ll fill you up with something good, little one.”
I laughed, my heart light and filled with love.

L ucas outdid himself with this breakfast spread. There were biscuits and gravy, fresh waffles
topped with strawberries and bananas, eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, hash browns, and even some
cinnamon rolls that were practically screaming my name.
“You’re an evil temptress, Lucas.” I groaned at how delicious everything smelled. My mouth was
watering, and I was ready to dig in when nature decided to call.
I excused myself and headed toward the bathroom when I saw Noah’s office door halfway open.
Whispered voices reached my ears as I stepped closer.
“Bridget, please stop fighting this.” Noah had Bridget in his arms, her back to his front as he held
her tight against his body. “We care about you so much. Please let us in.”
A low, wounded sound tore free from Bridget. “I’m so scared, Noah. I can’t–”
Noah cut Bridget off as he whirled her around in his arms and pressed his lips against hers.
Holy guacamole, that was hot.
“Princess, what are you doing?” Xavier whispered as he snagged my wrist to pull me away from
Noah and Bridget. “Are you spying on Noah?”
His deep voice made a fresh wave of heat pool in my lower belly. I placed my palms on his chest
and gave him a wide smile. “No spying. But you heard too right? I give it two months before we’ll be
back here celebrating their engagement.”
Xavier shook his head as he brought one of my hands to his lips. He kissed the ring currently
adorning one of my fingers. Not a full proposal from them, just a promise of what was to come.
“They better not beat us.” His grin was wicked as he drew me in for a kiss.
Happiness flowed through me as I fell into our kiss.
I was safe and loved.
Surrounded by my mates and I couldn’t ask for more.
It was perfect.

T hank you for reading Perfectly Knot. It would mean to world to us if you left a review.
Stay tuned for Bridget’s story in Knot The Only One
About the Author

Jenn D. Young is a native of Washington, currently living in Arizona. She has always dreamed of writing about the characters that have
been floating around in her head. Ever since the age of 14, she has been obsessed with romance novels and reading them as fast as she
can get her hands on them. Her first love is Paranormal Romance, but she enjoys stories from all across the genre. You can typically find
her listening to music or an audiobook, reading, or hanging out with her dogs Hermes and Loki.
She loves to hear from her readers, so please give her a follow below:
Facebook Reader Group- Jenn’s Lost Girls
Also by Jenn D. Young
Reverse Harem Books

Snow Falls Pride Series

A new reverse harem series featuring a different group in a series of interconnected standalones in the small town of Snow Falls,
Montana, run by Snow Leopard shifters

Seeking Snow Falls

Storming Snow Falls
Saving Snow Falls

Dark Shifters Universe:

Interconnected with the Snow Falls Pride series, delve deeper into other shifter worlds in a series of interconnected standalones.
Shrouded in the Dark
Emerging from the Dark
Shadows in the Dark (Coming Soon)

Unyielding Fates Series

As balance personified, Atalante holds the weight of the realms upon her shoulders. Together with her four mates, she will eradicate
those that seek to disrupt the balance.

Balance Threatened
Balance Altered
Balance Restored

Darkmoor Manor
Angie finds herself the owner of a mysterious manor filled with gargoyles and hidden secrets. Will Hell consume her or will she battle
with her monstrous mates to defeat the ultimate evil?

Darkmoor Manor

Curvy Omegaverse
A series of interconnected standalones in a contemporary omegaverse world.

Perfectly Knot
Knot The Only One

Eirlys -Part of the Silver Springs Shared World
Shifting Tides
M/F Books:

The Shadows Ascending Trilogy

Enter a world with demons, vampires and archangels as you’ve never seen them before. Follow Lorelei and Vincent on their journey of
awakening and rebirth as their bond forms and solidifies to save the world as they know it.

Into The Shadows

Out of The Shadows
Embrace The Shadows
Shadows Ascending (The complete trilogy with bonus epilogue)

Dragonkyn Mates Series

The Dragonkyn came to Earth almost a decade ago, seeking refuge from their dying planet. Their numbers decimated, they seek only to
survive among humanity. Yet, there are those that seek to destroy them and their fated mates.

Of Love and Dragons

Dragon’s Redemption

Standalone Novels
Forbidden Warlock
Love in the Stars - Contemporary Romance
Also by Aspen Black
Shrouded In The Dark
Emerging From The Dark
Weathering The Storm
The Ghost Dud Series
Ghost Revelations
Ghost Deceptions
Ghost Confessions
Ghost Transformations

Excalibur’s Decision Series

Aryana’s Journey
The Silver Springs Library Series
Books can be read as a standalone
Iris Book 9
Silver Skates
Cider Book 9
Secrets of Talonsville Charity Series
Knight’s Talons

Please visit Aspen and her co-author’s group on Facebook

Aspen Black’s Wanderers

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