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System Project


The human body is a tremendously smart and complicated organization made up

of millions of functions. Man has successfully deciphered all of these intricate processes
through studies and tests. As technology and science advanced, medicine became an
essential component of the study. Medical science evolved over time to become an
entirely new scientific field. Currently, medical institutions make up the health sector
i.e. Institutions for medical research and development, hospitals, and other colleges. As
a result, the healthcare industry strives to provide the greatest medical facilities to the
common person.

Medical Institutions in Philippines

Philippines, a country that is still developing, has seen remarkable growth in the
health industry. The establishment of various large and minor projects in the fields of
research and size, Inter-structure facilities are still missing in hospitals. Administration of
Philippines has continued to develop a hospital with the intention of offering medical
amenities basic operations compared to hospitals in European countries, the list of
diverse Philippine hospitals is still on paper countries where hospitals have computers
to help staff members with their work. The idea of automating hospital management and
administration is now large hospitals like Manila Doctors Hospital and Philippine
General Hospital in Luzon are part of the implementation in Philippines.

The automation of hospital administration and management is the foundation of this

project. The following works are to be developed:

(i) Working environment of the Hospital.

(ii) The thought-process and attitude of Philippine people.
(iii) The literacy rate of Philippines.
(iv) The Existing system, being used in the majority of Hospitals
(v) The availability of Infra-structural facilities like finance, skilled personnel, and
working environment.


1. The current manual system has a lot of paper work and it does not deal with old
and new car purchase and sale.
2. To maintain the records of medicine and service manually, is a Time-consuming
3. With the increase in database, it will become a massive job to maintain the
4. Requires large quantities of file cabinets, which are huge and require quite a bit
of space in the office, which can be used for storing records of previous details.
5. The retrieval of records of previously registered patients will be a tedious job.
6. Lack of security for the records, anyone disarrange the records of your system.
7. If someone want to check the details of the available doctors the previous system
does not provide any necessary detail of this type.


1. Problem of Reliability: Current system is not reliable. It seems to vary in quality

from one month to the, next. It occasionally produces good results, but
sometimes the results are subpar.
2. Problem of Accuracy: There are too many mistakes in reports.
3. Problem of timeliness: In the current system the reports and output produced is
mostly late and in most of the cases it is useless because it is not on time.
4. Problem of Validity: The output and reports mostly contains misleading
information. The customer's information is sometimes not valid.
5. Problem of Economy: The current system is very costly. We have to spend lots of
money to keep the system up and going, but still not get the desired results.
6. Problem of Capacity: The current system is suffering from problem of capacity
also. The staff for organization is very less and the workload is too much. Few
peoples cannot handle all the work.


1. Employee Details: The new proposed system stores and maintains all the
employees’ details.
2. Calculations: The new proposed system calculates salary and income tax
automatically and it is very fast and accurate.
3. Registers: There is no need of keeping and maintaining salary and employee
register manually. It remembers each and every record and we can get any
report related to employee and salary at any time.
4. Speed: The new proposed system is very fast with 100% accuracy and saves
5. Manpower: The new proposed system needs less manpower. Less people can
do the large work.
6. Efficiency: The new proposed systems complete the work of many salespersons
in less time.
7. Past details: The new proposed system contains the details of every past doctor
and patients for future assistance.
8. Reduces redundancy: The most important benefit of this system is that it reduces
the redundancy of data within the data.
9. Work load: Reduces the work load of the data store by helping in easy updates of
the products and providing them with the necessary details together with financial
transactions management.
10. Easy statements: Month-end and day-end statement easily taken out without
getting headaches on browsing through the day end statements.

To automate the process of daily hospital operations, such as room activities,

new patient admission, patient discharge, assigning a doctor, and ultimately computing
the bill, etc., I will create the given proposed system in the JSP and provide online
services to multiple users, etc.

The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of proposed system

Performance: For the past few decades, everyday activities at the hospital were meant
to be handled manually by the hospital administration system. The manual handling of
the record takes a long time and is very error-prone. The computerized hospital
management system is being used to enhance the effectiveness of the hospital
management system. The computerized hospital project is so user-friendly and totally
automated that any hospital staff member can view both the patient's and the doctor's

Efficiency is the primary need of the project. The project should be effective enough to
automatically allocate a bed and a doctor to each new patient upon admission in
accordance with the patient's condition. Additionally, once a patient is released, the
computer should automatically free the bed that was allotted to them.

Complete control of the project is in the hands of a designated individual who has the
password to access it; unauthorized access is not permitted. The administrator has
complete authority over everything, while the other members are only allowed to view
the records and not make any changes to transactions or entries.

Security: The proposed system's primary criterion is security. Since unauthorized

access could ruin the database, it could have an impact on the patient's life in addition
to the hospital. Therefore, security must be provided for this project.

Hospitals are a vital part of our life, offering the greatest medical care to those
who are ill with a variety of maladies that may be brought on by changes in the weather,
an increase in work demands, emotional trauma, stress, etc. The daily operations and
records of the hospital's patients, staff members, doctors, nurses, ward boys, and other
personnel are crucial to the facility's proper operation.

Observing the ongoing population growth and rise in hospital visitors demonstrates how
inefficient and time-consuming the procedure is. All of these records must be kept,
which is extremely unreliable, inefficient, and error-prone. Maintaining these records on
paper is also neither technically feasible nor economically viable.

Keeping the manual system's operation as our project's foundation. To date,

INSTITUTIONS", an automated version of the manual system.

Our project's primary goal is to deliver a hospital that is 90% paperless. It also seeks to
offer dependable automation of the current systems at a reasonable cost. Additionally,
the system offers superb data protection at every point of user-system contact, as well
as strong and trustworthy storage and backup features.


The aim of the study to fully relate with Hospital Management system.
 The Software is for the automation of Hospital Management System.
 It maintains two levels of users:
Administrator Level
User Level
 The Software includes:
Maintaining Patient details.
Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice.
Providing and maintaining all kinds of tests for a patient.
Billing and Report generation.

The study is important to the hospital patients since they could have medical
information without experiencing delays and incorrect information. If they wanted to
access their medical history, they would not be going through a difficult process. The
hospital, especially the pharmacy and billing department would not go through a lot of
paper reports when it comes to payments and accounting records. The use of paper
would still be there but it could be reduced so that excessive paper loads would not be a
problem. The study was also significant to the staffs since they would be able to
register, update, delete, and search information within the system. It was beneficial to
the hospital since it could improve their management through connecting all their
existing computers in one system. In general, the study was important to the hospital
and patients for it could serve as an applicable tool to maintain the productivity and
quality of service in the hospital. Hospital is a leading among the public hospital. Health
system functioning depends on production and use of quality health data and
information at all levels of the health system. This study serves as a starting point for
the assessment based on the situation in public to identify the strengths and weakness
of the system in improving health system functioning. The study forms a basis for
further research on evidence-based management of health services in general and
specifically lead to generation of new ideas for better and more efficient management of
health facilities in Nairobi and the country at large. The study will look at the use of
hospital information system in a private and a public hospital. Findings and
recommendations of the study would contribute towards the ongoing efforts of ministry
of health to develop better health management operations system that would benefit
facilities and healthcare workers identify their weakness and thus propose better ways
that could help improve their efficiency through improved information use. The findings
of the study will be used by all health care workers and health care managers as and
will not rely on haphazard personal experiences or subjective personal judgments or of
friends/relative other than base their decisions and actions on concrete evidence and
thus help re-invent themselves as problem solvers.

1. Although every attempt has been made to guarantee that this report is real in
every way and that the material acquired is accurate, some unsettling elements
may have sneaked in.
2. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, several responders were hesitant to divulge
some details. Additionally, some data points were withheld due to company
policies that prevented the free disclosure of the desired input.
3. The majority of the interpretations and analyses performed for this study are
based on secondary data that was acquired. There may be some inherent
inaccuracies and flaws in this data.
4. Even if the report has been carefully compiled, there may still be typing or
compilation errors.

The tasks listed were not clearly defined because the project's validations were not
stated at all. Even though I made every effort to validate the program, some of them
might still exist in this version.

 Due to time constraints, the survey could only be conducted with 1 of the intended 3
 Since managers don't communicate problems with subordinates, there are
communication gaps between staff and management, which violates the psychological
 Poor rewarding system(slow)
 Poor working conditions

Although there may be many restrictions and varying degrees of their impact on the
report, the project's overall goal is unaffected, and because to its high USER
FRIENDLINESS, it would be the preferred option for all types of workers.

Computer - A machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic

communication, under the control of a set of instructions called programs.

Software - It is a non-tangible part of computer system. The programs and other

operating information used by a computer

System - It is any collection of components elements that work together to perform


R.A.D (Rapid App Development) - It was designed and created to determine and ensure
implementation of a system.

Database - Any collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory and
designed for easy access by authorized users.

Debugging - It is to find and remove errors in a system, especially a computer program

or device.

Inventory - It is the act or an instance for recording the inventory related tools and
equipment’s or the process of being organizing the inventory system.


The advantages of a hospital management system include greater profitability,

strict cost control, improved administration and control, and superior patient care. HMS
was created and developed to offer hospitals and other healthcare organizations that is
tangible for imaginable advantage. It is strong, adaptable, and simple to use. More
significantly it is backed by solid and dependable assistance.

This HMS is intended for multispecialty hospitals and can handle a variety of hospital
management and administrative tasks. It is a fully integrated end-to-end hospital
management system that offers pertinent data to all hospital departments to support
efficient decision-making for patient care, hospital operations, and crucial financial
accounting in a smooth flow.

Patients who have common diseases visit hospitals for treatment. Hospitals offer
services like:

 Doctor consultations regarding illnesses

 A disease's diagnosis.
 Providing a facility for treatment.
 Patient admissions facility (providing beds, nursing, medicines etc.)
 Immunization of patients and/or kids

In a hospital, many operational tasks include:

 Keeping a record of the patients' information.

 Creating a bill
 Recording the details of the diagnostic that patients are given.
 Keeping track of the vaccinations given to patients/children.
 Keeping knowledge of various illnesses and treatments accessible.

These are the various jobs that need to be done in a hospital by the operational staff
and Doctors. All these works are done on papers. The work is done as follows:

 Patient information is collected by simply writing the patient's name, age, and
gender. Every time the patient comes up, new data is stored about him.
 Bills are created by keeping track of the cost of each service supplied to the
patient on a finally, they are all tallied on a separate page.
 Patients' diagnosis information is typically noted on the patient information paper.
To reduce the amount of paper in the office, it is destroyed after a certain amount
of time.
 Children's immunization records are stored on pre-formatted sheets that are
retained in a file.
 Different diseases' information is not recorded in any documents. Doctors
perform this task by keeping track of numerous medications.

The receptionist and other operational personnel complete all of this job manually, and
tons of paperwork must be processed and managed. When remembering the numerous
medications accessible for diagnosis, doctors may overlook superior choices because
they are unable to recall them at the moment.

1. On Line Appointments for the Patients

a.) Admission of New Patient
2. Free Medical Advice for the Patients
3. Discharge Detail Functions
a.) Discharge of Patient
b.) Doctor Assigning related to Patient’s Disease
4. Training Courses Provided by the Hospital
5. Statement of Patient Details
a.) Admitted Patient
b.) Discharged Patient
c.) Doctor Details

6. Total number of patients admitted in the Hospital

7. Doctors available in the Hospital
8. Preventive Health Checkups
9. Administrator Links
a.) Login Form
b.) To add new doctors in the site
c.) List of patients
d.) List of Doctors


The database, object-oriented, and networking techniques are the foundation of the
project "Hospital Management System." As there are numerous areas where I’ll
maintain records in databases, I’ll be using MY SQL software, one of the best and most
user-friendly programs for doing so. This project is a web-based application that can be
accessed by many clients through a server and employs JAVA as the front-end
software, which is an Object-Oriented Programming language and has connectivity with

Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz or below
Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (7.83 GB usable) or below
System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor or below
Printer: Laser Printer

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Single Language
Front-End Tool: JSP, Servlets, Java Script
Back-End: My SQL

All of the client-side validations have been implemented using JavaScript. Client-side
JavaScript makes sure HTML documents function properly by living inside of them. It is
event-driven, object-based, and platform-neutral. Any web application that uses these
components effectively implements client-side validations to prevent the submission of
invalid data. Once the user has entered accurate data, the form cannot be submitted. It
is quite helpful to limit user errors.
We have used My SQL, which offers an effective/efficient option for key database
- Large database and space management.
- Many concurrent database users.
- High transaction processing requirement
- High Availability
Industry accepted standards
- Manageable security – Portability

The software's blueprint will be contained in the design document we create

during this stage. It outlines the construction of the customer problem solution. Iterations
are likely necessary since complicated issues rarely have solutions on the first try. The
same holds true for software design. Any design approach, design process, or design
language must be adaptable and simple to allow for changes brought on by design
iterations. Any method or strategy must support and direct the partitioning process such
that the resulting sub-problems are as independent of one another as possible and can
be easily integrated to solve the main problem. This is what the partitioning procedure
aims to achieve.

Three different types of decisions must be made when partitioning or decomposing a

Identify the limits you're willing to cross;
decide how to break the bits of currency; and
Find the right level of detail to signal the transition from design to implementation. A list
of fundamental design concepts for software design that help the software engineer
navigate the design process has been modified and expanded to include the following:

A smart designer should think about alternative techniques, evaluating each one based
on the requirements of the challenge and the resources available to perform the job.

The analytical model should be able to be linked back to the design. It is essential to
have a way to keep track of how needs have been met by the design model because a
single design model element sometimes corresponds to several requirements. Nothing
in the design should be repeated. Systems are built using a collection of design
patterns, many of which you've probably seen before. It is usually preferable to use
these patterns as opposed to reinvention. There is a shortage of both time and
resources. Spending time on design should be used to represent and incorporate truly
innovative concepts that which is already established.
The software and the issue as it exists in the real world should be as close to one
another intellectually as possible. In other words, the software design's structure ought
to (where possible) resemble that of the issue domain. The design ought to be unified
and integrated. If it seems like one individual created the entire design, it is uniform. For
a design team, style and format guidelines should be established before any design
work is done. If the interactions between design elements are carefully defined, a
design is integrated.

When the requirements document for the software being built is available, the design
activity can start. This could be the SRS for the entire system, as is the case with the
waterfall model, the requirements for the upcoming "iteration," as is the case with
iterative enhancement, or the requirements for the prototype, as is the case with
prototyping. Design is the initial step in transitioning from the problem domain to the
solution domain, whereas the requirements specification activity is wholly in the problem
domain. Design serves as a link between the need’s definition and the ideal answer to
the requirements.

A system's design is simply a blueprint or strategy for resolving a problem with the
system. We describe a system as a collection of elements with distinct behaviors
interacting in a predetermined way to provide a specific behavior or set of services for
the environment. A system's component may be viewed as a system in and of itself. A
component is a software module in a software system. There are typically two levels to
the design process for software systems. Choosing which modules are required for the
system, their specifications, and how the modules should be connected are the main
concerns at the initial level. The system design, often known as top level design, is this.
The second level is where the modules' internal layout, or how the
It is determined whether the module's requirements can be met. Often referred to as this
design level logical design or a comprehensive design. It basically broadens the scope
of the system design to a more thorough explanation of the processing logic and data
structures, so that coding can begin because the design is finished.
The system design governs the primary structural characteristics of the system since

the detailed design is an extension of the system design. A system's effectiveness as

well as its testability and modifiability are greatly influenced by the system design. The

system design takes up a large portion of the design process for software.

The specifications for the system to be designed are the input to the design phase. In

order to verify that the specifications are comprehensive, consistent, unambiguous, etc.,

appropriate admission criteria can be that they are stable and have received approval.

The architectural design or the system design for the upcoming software system is what

comes out of the top-level design process. This could be made utilizing or not a design

process. The design having been examined and accepted for quality and having been

confirmed against the input specifications could be a valid departure criterion for the


Both object- and function-oriented designs are possible. In a design that is function-

oriented, each module's definition supports a different functional abstraction. The

modules in the design indicate data abstraction in object-oriented design (these

abstractions are discussed in more detail later). One specific methodology, the

structured design methodology, is described in some length in the function-oriented

methods for design. A system is seen as a transformation function that converts inputs

into desired outputs in a function-oriented design approach. In order for each

component to serve as both a component and a transformation function, the design

phase's goal is to define the components for this transformation function. Therefore,

when a function-oriented design method is used, the main result of the system design
phase is the definition of all major data structures in the system, all significant modules

of the system, and how the modules interact with one another. The design must be

precisely specified in the form of a specification after the creator is content with the

document. Languages for specification are used to describe the design. The ultimate

goal of the design phase is to produce the design specification. This design document's

goal is very different from the design notation's goal. Whereas the designer will mostly

employ a design that is represented using the design notation, a design specification

must be so detailed and accurate that it may serve as the foundation for additional

programming by other programmers. Design specification typically employs textual

frameworks, with design notation aiding in comprehension.


Users Table

Field Type Constraint

Name Char (30) Not Null
Emp ID Char (30) Primary Key
Email ID Char (30) Not Null
Password Char (30) Not Null

Field Type Constraint
Username Char (30) Not Null
Password Char (30) Not Null

Patient Table
Field Type Constraint
Card_no Char (30) Primary key
Name Char (30) Not Null
Age Char (30) Not Null
Gender Numeric Not Null
Address Char (60) Not Null
Phone Numeric Not null
Relative_name Char (30) Not null
Relative_address Char (60) Not null
Department Char (60) Not Null
Doctor_name Char (30) Not null

Doctor Master
Field Type Constraint
Dr_code Char (30) Not null
Dr_name Char (30) Not null
Gender Char (30) Not null
Date_of_birth Date Not null
Address Char (30) Not null
Date_joined Date Not null
Designation Not null

Field Type Constraint
Bed_no Char (30) Not null
Status Char (30) Not null

Field Type Constraint
Name Char (30) Not Null
Card_no Char (30) Primary Key
Patient_name Char (30) Not null
Gender Char (30) Not null
Age Numeric Not null
Address Char (60) Not null
Phone Numeric Not null
Rel_name Char (30) Not Null
Date Date Not null
Dr_unit Char (30) Not null
Days Char (60) Not null
Dep_name Char (30) Not null

Field Type Constraints
Reciept_no Char (30) Primary Key
Patient_id Char (30) Not null
Name Char (30) Not null
Date Date Not null
Report Char (60) Not null

Field Type Constraints
Test_code Char (30) Not null
Test_test Char (30) Not null
Rate_per_test Char (30) Not null

Field Type Constraints
Name Char (30) Not Null
Email_ID Char (30) Not Null
Phone Char (30) Not Null
Province Char (30) Not null
Comment Char (60) Not null


1.1.1. What advantages can an Software Requirements Specification (SRS) offer?

The advantages of a good SRS are listed in the content and quality (IEEE 830
standard) as follows:

 Create a framework for agreement on what the software product is to accomplish

between the suppliers and the clients. Potential users will be helped to decide if
the software supplied fulfills their needs or how it must be adjusted to do so by
the comprehensive description of the functions to be carried out by the program
specified in the SRS.
[NOTE: We frequently rely on it as the foundation of our contracts with our clients.]
 Efforts to develop should be lessened. The SRS preparation pushes the various
before design work starts, all needs should be carefully considered by interested
parties in the customer's business to prevent subsequent redesign, recoding, and
retesting. A thorough examination of the SRS's requirements helps spot errors,
misconceptions, and inconsistencies early on in the development process, when
they are simpler to fix.
 Establish a foundation for cost and schedule estimation. The SRS's description of
the product to be developed serves as a reasonable basis for project cost
estimation and can be utilized to get bids or price estimates approved.
[NOTE: Once more, the SRS serves as the foundation for our fixed pricing projections.]
 Establish a starting point for validation and verification. A strong SRS may help
organizations create their validation and verification plans considerably more
productively. The SRS provides a baseline against which compliance can be
evaluated as part of the development contract.
[NOTE: We develop the test plan using the SRS].
 Assist with transfer. Transferring the software product to new users or machines
is simplified by the SRS. As a result, providers find it simpler to move the
software to new customers, and customers find it simpler to transfer it to other
areas of their organizations.
 Serve as a foundation for improvement. Due to the SRS's discussion of the item,
although The SRS is used as a foundation for additional enhancements to the
end product, not the project that created it. It may be necessary to modify the
SRS, but does offer a base for ongoing production analysis.

1.1.2 What should the SRS address?

Again, from the IEEE standard:
The basic issues that the SRS writer(s) shall address are the following:

 Functionality:
What is the software meant to accomplish?
 Our System seeks to automate the manual process currently in use in the
hospital for keeping track of its staff' and patients' records Hospital.
 External interfaces:
What interactions does the software have with users, system hardware, and
other software, and hardware?
 Our system utilizes a variety of forms and reports that users can
participate in the system.
 Since we have a centralized database, our system can communicate with it
database software utilizes the network and uses it as it grows network accessories,
such as switches, etc.

1.2. Computer programming paradigm:

The paradigm of software engineering can be thought of as a development
approach that includes the generic phases, tools, methods, and processes such as the
phases of definition, development, and support to resolve software engineers or a team
of engineers use real-world issues in a company, research facility, etc. The model of
software engineering that I find most useful is the "Spiral Model" is how I'm creating my
project. Using this process model, because it is acceptable and helpful for my
assignment for the reasons listed below:

 My initial understanding of the project's requirements was not very thorough.

 Small but overly complicated project.
 This research is brand-new in its entirety. No one has already put them into
practice logics and any other component that is required to guide the project.
 The goal of this process model is the creation of a full system following the
quantity of refinement.
 This method of developing software starts at the system level and advances
through design, coding, testing, and support. All of these processes have been
used throughout the SDLC of my project, however a detailed description of them
would go beyond the scope of the project.

1.3. Process Logic

1. User authentication procedure:

The user who signs on to the system provides input to the module. From within
the system itself, the module verifies the user's legitimacy. The module produces
an output that shows whether the user is valid or not. Depending on the user's
level, the module then grants access rights to the user. The log file is updated
following a successful user sign-on.

2. Process for OPD Registration:

The operational level user controls the module. Patients provide information to
the module, including their personal information. The system will note these
specifics and produce an OPD number and a list of the doctors who are available
in the OPD that day. The OPD Card No. is the output, and the patient is referred
to the appropriate Doctor using that card. After every 24 hours, the Master
Revenue Database records and updates the OPD revenue.
3. Admission Registration Process:
This module receives input from two areas:
(i) From the person who must be admitted to the hospital, the
patient. This procedure records patient information and generates an
admission number, which is referenced in subsequent modules. The
module creates an admission slip with the patient's assigned ward and bed as
the output.
(ii) If the OPD Doctor recommends the patient for immediate admission to the
hospital, the record input is collected from the OPD Registration module. The
Card No. is used as a guide so that patient information does not need to be
entered again. The admittance number has now taken the place of the card
number, and the output generated is the same as before (i).

4. Process for Allocating Duties

The top management and the super user work together to create the timetable for all
hospital personnel using this module. The personnel master database provides input to
the procedure, which then creates a period schedule. The schedule report for the period
under consideration is the process' output.

5. Process of Financial Activity:

These two sorts of inputs are used in this process:
(i) The patient is the subject of the first input. It receives data from the patient
master database, the test and treatment completed module, and the admission-
registration module. The final bill is produced as an output after it records and
processes all financial transactions between the hospital and the patient.
(ii) Second input, which is received, is for the employees of the hospital. It receives
input from the duty allocation process and the employee database for the
preparation of a salary-slip. The module records & processes various
calculations and generates the salary-slip as the output.
6. Process for Testing and Treatment:
This module gets input in the form of a doctor's prescription detailing the kinds of
examinations and treatments the patient will receive. The module produces a lab report
as its output after recording and processing all of the test's varied details. Additionally, it
creates the receipt for the performed tests. One of the inputs to the financial-activity
module comes from these receipts.

7. Health care supply chain:

This module can operate somewhat independently of the others. It keeps track of the
various drugs' inventories. It accepts input in the form of a prescription and produces
output in the form of a bill that includes the number of medications purchased, their
individual prices, and the total amount the patient is required to pay. The module also
keeps track of the medications in a database and performs a check on their availability.
A notification is sent to the hospital when a medication's stock level is low, and the
hospital then replenishes the medication's stock.

8. Upkeep Procedure:
The most crucial module is this one. It functions to maintain the functioning and
processing of other modules as well as the maintenance of the various databases. It
gets input from every other module in the system. As a result, it seeks to maintain the
system as a whole.
To automate the process of finding news sites, I created the provided proposed
system in JSP. Usenet is used by a wide variety of people for a wide variety of
purposes, including discussions on a wide range of topics, help requests, and the
exchange of media, which is frequently referred to as Usenet's "dark side" because it
involves the misuse of public news groups to trade copyrighted or offensive material.
Thankfully, though, the majority of Usenet users utilize its responsibly, outnumbering the
small number who only use it for illegal purposes like piracy.

People who work make up a large portion of Usenet users and contributors with the aid
of technology. These people frequently use Usenet to report defects in software or ask
for assistance with it. In fact, one of Usenet's early uses was to assist users in finding
and reporting software bugs.

Unfortunately, Usenet's rapid expansion has also made it a challenging medium to

navigate, as it can take a lot of effort to sift through the numerous articles to discover
the ones that are relevant. Numerous software programs have been developed to aid
with this issue, many of which are freely available for personal use.

The actions that come after provide specific information about the necessity of the
suggested system:

Performance: For the past few decades, all tasks involving records were meant to be
done manually. The manual handling of the record takes a long time and is very error-
prone. The computerized system must be implemented in order to enhance the
Company system's performance. The computerized project is so user-friendly and
totally automated that any member can view the report and business status.

Efficiency: is a fundamental need for this website. The website needs to be effective so
that it updates itself every time a new user enters their information. Other users will
immediately find this record useful.
Complete Control: the project is in the hands of a designated individual who has the
password to access it; unauthorized access is not permitted. The administrator has
complete authority over everything, while the other members are only permitted to view
the records and not modify any transactions or entries.

Security: The proposed system's primary criterion is security. because unauthorized

access could damage the database. Therefore, security must be provided for this


 Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model.
 Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine
interaction will occur.
 Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.
 Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioral
 Work to eliminate ambiguity


The project's problem set has one or more conceptual solutions that the feasibility study
suggests. In actuality, it is an assessment of whether continuing the project is
worthwhile or not.

1. Evaluation of these solutions' viability Such an assessment frequently reveals

inadequacies in the original objectives. As the objectives are modified and
potential solutions are assessed, this stage is repeated.

Several project options are typically taken into account as part of the feasibility
investigation, with one being selected as the best option. Additionally, these
options must be thoroughly assessed without expending excessive resources.
The following are some of the steps in a feasibility analysis:

2. To put out a collection of solutions capable of achieving the project's objective.

Typically, these solutions include descriptions of the ideal design for the new
The following four key areas of feasibility study interest are:

Economic Viability: A comparison of development costs to the potential earnings or

benefits from a product's development system. Economic feasibility involves conducting
a cost-benefit analysis to assess predicted costs and advantages.


An investment goes into creating an IT application. Since the organization makes
money from the application after it is developed. Profits may come in the form of cash or
a better working environment. However, there are dangers involved because estimates
might occasionally be off. Additionally, it's possible that the project won't end up being

Cost benefit analysis aids in providing management with a picture of the risks, costs,
and advantages. Typically, it entails contrasting potential investments.

Cost-benefit analysis identifies the predicted system savings and benefits and contrasts
them with the anticipated costs.
It's crucial to identify cost and benefit aspects while undertaking cost and benefit
analysis. The following categories can be used to group costs and benefits:

1. Development Costs - Costs incurred during the system's development are

referred to. It only needs to be done once.
2. Operating Costs - The costs associated with keeping the system operational
on a daily basis are known as operating costs. Wages, supplies, and
overhead are a few examples of operating costs.
3. Hardware/Software Costs - It covers the price of buying or leasing computers
and their accessories. Software costs include necessary S/W expenses.
4. Personnel Costs – It is the sum of money spent on the system's development
team members.
5. Facility Costs – Costs associated with setting up the actual location where the
technology will be used. These include things like air conditioning, flooring,
acoustics, and lightning.

6. Supply Costs – These are recurring expenses that increase in direct

proportion to how much paper, ribbons, disks, and other supplies are used.

We can define benefits as Profit or Benefit = Income – Costs
Benefits can be accrued by:

 Increasing income, Or
 Decreasing costs, or
 Both


Existing and new H/W and S/W needs that are necessary to run the project utilizing JSP
are included in the technical feasibility. J2EE is the fundamental S/W need for the front
end of the online healthcare management project. JSP is used to create the
fundamental entry forms, while MY SQL is used to store the data.


Operational feasibility primarily addresses questions like whether the system will be
used if it is created and put into place. Whether user resistance will have an impact on
the potential application benefits? The following are the key inquiries that aid in
determining a system's technical viability:

 The project, is it supported by management?

 Are the customers unhappy with the way business is being done now? Will it
significantly shorten the time? If so, will embrace the new system and the
 Have users been a part of the project's planning and development? Early
involvement reduced the possibility of opposition towards the new system.
 Will the suggested system actually help the company? Does the response rate
as a whole rise? Will information still be available? Will the system have a
significant impact on the customers?

Legal Feasibility:

An evaluation of any potential legal obligations, infringements, or violations that may

arise from system development. Legal viability indicates that either the software is
pirated or the original copy should have been obtained from the appropriate authorities
with a valid license.


An analysis of different system or product development strategies.


An organizational method for creating and managing systems is called the system life
cycle. It aids in creating a system project plan since it provides a comprehensive
description of the processes and related activities needed to create a system.

The term "life cycle" refers to the integration of several activities. In other words, the
system development life cycle is a collection of different actions. The term "system
development life cycle" in the context of System Analysis and Design refers to the
software development life cycle.
Following are the different phases of software development cycle:
 System study
 Feasibility study
 System analysis
 System design
 Coding
 Testing
 Implementation
 Maintenance

Below is a diagram showing the many stages of the software development life cycle.








1. Accept 2. Search for

Doctor Information on Seat
specializing Availability


3. Display the
status for PG


The advantages of a hospital management system include greater profitability,

strict cost control, improved administration and control, and superior patient care. HMS
is strong, adaptable, and simple to use, and it was created with the intention of giving
hospitals every possible advantage. More significantly, it has solid and trustworthy
support behind it.

The database, object-oriented, and networking techniques are the foundation of the
project "Hospital Management System." As there are numerous areas where we
maintain records in databases, we use MY SQL software, one of the best and most
user-friendly programs for doing so. The front-end software for this project is Java, an
Object-Oriented Programming language with access to MY SQL.

The Hospital Management System is specifically designed to satisfy the needs of large
and mid-sized hospitals worldwide. All necessary modules and features have been
specifically created to only match your needs. The clientele in India and abroad have
generally accepted this package. Not content with only this, they are also very happy
and grateful. The entire program is web-based and constructed utilizing a three-tier
architecture and cutting-edge technologies. The application is more user-friendly and
extendable because to its strong database. The package is highly adaptable and may
be changed to meet the needs and specifications of our customers. Long-term research
into the hospital's capabilities and its unique needs has given it a fantastic shape both
technically and usability-wise. It includes all of the necessary modules, including patient
registration, medication information, doctor and ward information, store information,
patient appointments, bill payment, record revision, and discharge information, among

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