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Werabe University

Werabe, Ethiopia

Dec 16, 2022


This is to declare that this project work which is done under the supervision of Tegegn Dita
and having the title food ordering delivery system for Atot hotel is the contribution of:

Full name Signature

1, GETACHEW GETIE ______________

2, SOLOMON H/KIROS ______________

3, USEDIN ZEYNI ______________

No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally which can be considered as
Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been cited
properly. We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this
declaration is proven.

Approval form

This is to confirm that the project report entitled food ordering delivery system For Atot hotel
submitted to WERABE University, Institute of Technology Department of Computer science




______________________ _______________________ ______________________

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Advisor Name Signature Date

______________________ _______________________ ______________________

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Department Head Name Signature Date

______________________ _______________________ ______________________


Examiner 1 Name Signature Date

______________________ ________________________ ______________________


Examiner 2 Name Signature Date

______________________ ________________________ ______________________


Examiner 3 Name Signature Date


First of all, we would like to thank Almighty GOD for the strength, he has given us
throughout our life and this project Secondly, we would like to express our gratitude to our
Advisor Mr.Tegegn Dita for his help and After these we also thank Mr.Amir Jamal who the
Assist Manager of Atot hotel to give the information about the hotel. We are also very
grateful and would like to extend our sincere thanks to our teachers and students of our
Department of Computer science for sharing their ideas, suggestions, and support and
especially for their commitment. We really give a great respect and credit to everyone who
involved in our project tasks.


Our proposed system is an online food ordering delivery system for Atot Hotel that enables to
use for the customers. It helps to minimize the disadvantages of the traditional queuing
system. Our proposed system is a medium to order online food free from Atot hotel. This
system improves the method of taking the order from customer. The online food ordering
system gives to the customers a food menu online and customers can easily place the order as
per their wish.with a food menu, customers can easily track the orders. This system also
provides a feedback system in which user can rate the food items. The payment can be made
online or pay-on-delivery system. For more secured ordering separate accounts are
maintained for each user by providing them an ID and a password.

Chapter one...........................................................................................................................................7
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Background of the organization.......................................................................................................8
1.3 Motivation of the Study...................................................................................................................8
1.4 Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................9
1.5 Objective of this project...................................................................................................................9
1.5.1 General objective......................................................................................................................9
1.5.2 Specific objective.....................................................................................................................9
1.6 Feasibility Analysis.......................................................................................................................10
1.6.1 Technical feasibility................................................................................................................10
1.6.2 Operational feasibility.............................................................................................................11
1.6.3 Economic feasibility...............................................................................................................11
1.6.4 Political feasibility..................................................................................................................12
1.6.5 Schedule feasibility.................................................................................................................13
1.7 Scope of the project.......................................................................................................................13
1.8 Significance of the project.............................................................................................................13
1.9 Beneficiary of the project..............................................................................................................14
1.10 Methodology of the project..........................................................................................................15
1.10.1 Data collection technique......................................................................................................15 Interview........................................................................................................................15 Observation....................................................................................................................15
1.10.2 Development tools and technologies........................................................................................16 Front end............................................................................................................................16 Back end............................................................................................................................16
1.11 System analysis and design..........................................................................................................16
1.11.1 Limitation of the project...........................................................................................................17
1.11.2 Risk and contingencies.............................................................................................................17
1.11.3 Assumptions and constraints.....................................................................................................17
1.12 Team Composition......................................................................................................................18
1.13 Budget and time schedule of the project......................................................................................18
1.13.1 Budget of the project.............................................................................................................18
1.13.2 Time schedule of the project.................................................................................................19
1.14 References...................................................................................................................................20

Chapter one

1 Introduction
Due to the advancement of technologies and great increasing rate the of internet and the
technologies associated with it, several opportunities are coming up on the web and mobile
application. Many businesses companies and small organizations now use different
technology products into their business using on internet internet. From the business that the
internet introduced is an online food ordering system and delivery. As we observed and we
have seen peoples are shifting from eating in restaurants and hotel due to lack of time rather
they use fast food and take out option, some restaurants and hotels have chosen to focus on
quick preparation and speedy delivery of orders rather than offering a rich dining and
experience. Until recently, most of this delivery orders were placed over the phone.

What we propose is an online ordering system originally designed for use in Atot Hotel, but
just as applicable in any food ordering restaurants with simple modification. The main
advantage of this system is to simplify and improve the ordering process for both the
customer and the Hotel. The system also greatly simplify the load on the hotels end, as the
entire process of taking orders is automated. Once an order is placed on the webpage that it
will placed into the database and then the admin will response inform, in pretty much real-
time, by a desktop web-page on the Hotels end. Within this web-page, all items in the order
are displayed, along with them corresponding options and delivery details, in a concise and
easy to read manner. This allows the hotel employees to quickly go through the orders as they
are placed and produce the necessary items with minimal delay. The greatest advantage of
this system is its flexibility.

After completed this project the proposed system will help the restaurant manage and fatly
access of the file bill, to generate fast reports, and to satisfied customer need in efficient
manner. Generally the new system will change the existing manual system in to computerized

1.2 Background of the organization
Atot Hotel is located at Keble 1 near bus station in Werabe City. The Hotel handled all
logistics associated with food in a bucket, beverages and live band entertainment. The
ambience of the place can refresh all the stress of every customer. They can enjoy the fresh
air and feel relax. It can accommodate customers from time to time especially centre places
from Werabe City.

The proposed Atot food ordering System with Online Reservation aims to organize data that
computerized the process of managing their transaction and recording inventory of their
foods and beverages. The hotel consists of around 20 employees. It also gives many services
for customer such as cafe, bed, and restaurant and meeting halls. The hotel uses a manual
system for managing customer booking systems for their services. The reservation system
offers registration of customer information, in a web based system. Its objective is to do
effectively with minimum employee, saving time, increase profit and calculating the incomes
daily monthly and yearly to ensure that the hotel delivers information to who it belongs to
customer e.g. by telephoning or email.

1.3 Motivation of the Study

The outbreak of the COVID-19 was the main motive to think as a project idea. During the
lock-down time many business centres and restaurants were closed customers have a trouble
with buying goods. Food were the main thing most people want many restaurants and hotels
close their service due to the absence of customers .The problems that this project is set to
solve in the manual method of food ordering which will allow customer the ability to place an
ordering or producing food online. The system helps to manage order from customer as well
as advertise promotion. The food ordering industry is changing rapidly. The e-commerce
market has experienced strong growth over the past decade, as customers increasingly move

online. This shift in how consumers shop has been driven by a wide range of diverse factors,
some being market or country dependent, others occurring as a result of worldwide changes.
As a restaurant owner, the only way is to be online to expand your existing customer base and
boost streams of revenue. It allows kitchen staff to view ordering information, management

to manage fast food raw materials and staff to search customer delivery and profile


1.4 Statement of the problem

Currently the food ordering system of Atot hotel is manual. Due to this cause, the hotel is
under many problems that affects the profitability performance, efficiency and effectiveness
of day to day activities. The current customer reservation of this restaurant is manual based
where every customer should communicate with the hotel face to face. Although several
problems occur because it had not been computerized.

Some of the major problems are:-

• User cannot reserve things (order online) that they want.

• Users cannot access the hotel information.

• The absence of database management systems.

• Difficult to calculate the profit monthly yearly.

• Poor security records.

• Damage the data

• Unauthorized access

• Data redundancy

1.5 Objective of this project

1.5.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to develop a web based online food ordering and
delivery system for Atot Hotel and café and develops a reliable, convenient and Accurate
Ordering and delivery System.

1.5.2 Specific objective

The system can manage all the information about Food contents, Payment method, Confirm
Order, and Food Item. The purpose of the project is to build an automated online food
ordering system program to reduce the Manual work for managing the Food Item, Category,

Payment, and Customer. It tracks all the details about the Customer, Order, and Confirm
Order. To computerized and centralized all the information in order to reduce the time in
retrieving all the data and information.

• To enable customers to know food ingredients before ordering

• To reduce restaurant’s food wastage

• Improve efficiency of restaurant’s staff  

• Eliminate paper work and increase level of accuracy 

• To solve complicated problems that faced to record the manual system

• To provide efficient service to the new customers

• To solve data redundancy

• To design a user friendly system that allow the end user easily adopted.

• To develop a system allow to generate various reports easily

• To design a well-structured data base and configure it.

1.6 Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose of the
organization or intended user for the amount of work, effort and the time that spend on it. It is
an analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking into account legal,
economic, technological, scheduling and other factors rather than just diving into a project
and hoping for the best. When a project is faced with a business opportunity, many project
coordinators and optimistic persons tend to focus on its positive aspects. A feasibility study
enables them to take a realistic look at both the positive and negative aspects of the
opportunity before investing too much time and money on it. The project team has identified
the economic, technical and time feasibility study areas for the project.

1.6.1 Technical feasibility

Technical feasibility is a type of feasibility study that assesses the current resources and
technology, which are required to accomplish user requirements within the allocated time and
budget. Smartphone usage, programming language that is used for development, and Internet
connection are some of the main technical issues that are considered. Some of the questions
that are considered to ensure the practicality of the system are: Do we currently possess the
necessary technology? Customers need to have smartphones to use the system. It is safe to
say that the smartphone penetration in our country is adequate. Additionally, various efficient
programming languages are available to online food ordering system develop the proposed
system, and the internet connection quality and speed is sufficient for the system usage.  Do
we have the necessary technical expertise? Shortly, the answer is yes. Good developers are
available to develop both web-based and android application with attractive graphical user
interfaces. And the technology is mature enough to be easily applied to the problem. Hence,
considering these factors, the proposed system has high index of practicality

1.6.2 Operational feasibility

Our system definitely is used, if it is developed and implemented and there is no resistance
from users that will undermine the possible application benefits. The proposed system may
take time to be fully operational and it requires consistent support and training to the users
of the proposed system.

1.6.3 Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating
financial gains for an organization. It involves the cost incurred on the software development
team, software and hardware, cost of performing feasibility study and so on. The economic
feasibility of this project is analysed based on the benefit it will bring through the additional
service it provides

Cost-Benefit Analysis

The purpose of cost-benefit analysis is to answer questions such as; is the project justified,
that is, will benefits outweigh costs? What is the minimal cost to attain a certain system?
How soon will the benefits accrue? Which alternative offers the best return on investment?
Once specific requirements and solutions have been identified. The costs and benefits of each
alternative can be calculated.

Difficulties: benefits and costs can both be intangible, hidden and/or hard to estimate,
ranking multi-criteria alternatives.


Tangible Benefits

Since the proposed system web based online food ordering for customers, they can easily use
it through their handheld device to get the service they want, saving them the cost of
transportation, the time that could be unnecessarily wasted, and unnecessary interaction in a
possibly congested environment, particularly considering the outbreak of COVID-19.

It will benefit the restaurant by increasing number of customers and orders. It will also help
to effectively record transactions of the service to use the data for decision making and
planning through data analysis.

Intangible Benefits

The system is user friendly, learnable and easily manageable. It will increase the degree of
customer satisfaction. It will bring a new demography of customers for the restaurant, it will
tackle the restaurant’s need for large spaces, minimizing rent cost and allows the restaurant to
optimize their space and use it efficiently. It will also decrease process overhead of the


Development Cost

 Development and purchasing cost: Cost of development team, Consultant fees,

Hardware used, Facilities (Site, communication, power)
 Installation cost: File conversion, Installing the system, training personnel

Operational Cost

 System maintenance: Hardware (repairs, buying), Software (Licenses and contracts)

 Facilities: Headquarter office, furniture, Communication, Power, Delivery bike
 Personnel: Delivery guys salary, for operation (System managing employees), For
support (User support, Hardware and software maintenances, supplies), Training

1.6.4 Political feasibility

The proposed system will implement as one of governmental institutions, the system to be
developed is not conflict with any government directives, rules and regulations. So, the
government is profitable and the system will be politically feasible.

1.6.5 Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility is the process of assessing the degree to which potential time frame and
completion dates for all major activities within the project meets deadlines and constraints
estimates time for the whole project.

Major activities are:

 Requirement gathering and analysis

 System design
 Identifying necessary tools that are used for the development

Assessing the schedule risk, questions to answer include; Are the project deadlines
reasonable? Are the specific deadlines mandatory or desirable? If they are not, several
alternative schedules can be proposed. But if they are, what are the real constraints on the
project deadlines? If the project overruns the specified schedule, what could be the

Considering the activities and tasks that should be performed, developing a fully functioning
app in the specified deadline is tedious. It’s either delivering a fully functioning system in late
schedule, or delivering an error-prone, less functioning system on time.

Missed schedules are bad, but inadequate systems are worse.

1.7 Scope of the project

The proposed system designed and will give a service only for ATOT HOTEL and it enable:

 Customers order for food and get it delivered accordingly their request
 Reduce the long queues of customers at the counter ordering for food
 Reduce the work load on the employees. But, the proposed system not considers the
service given by other hotels in the city.

1.8 Significance of the project

The project is significant to customers, organization (Restaurants in our case), and the city in
general. Customers can be benefited from the system through the services provided in
different aspects such as time efficiency, energy optimization, health issue and satisfaction
among others, which in return creates an environment for restaurants to increase their
services, qualitatively and quantitatively, to reach wide range of customers and boost their
business. The city of werabe will benefit so much from the system in a way that any guest
doesn’t need a prior knowledge of the city to eat good meals while they stay in the city. The
comfort and satisfaction of such guests and visitors causes them to want to frequently visit
the city. That in return facilitates the tourism activity and opens wide opportunities for the
growth of the city.

In view of the rapid development of computer technology in almost all the fields of operation
and its use in relation to information management, it has become important to look into the
development of online ordering system for firms to meet up with demands of the customers.
Therefore, the food ordering and delivery system will help customers and management to:

 Advertise available foods in the hotel

 Reduce the workload of employee
 Reduce time wasted in data processing
 To enable customers to have a visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly
 To enable customers to know food ingredients before ordering
 To reduce restaurant’s food wastage
 Improve efficiency of restaurant’s staff
 Eliminate paper work and increase level of accuracy
 Increase speed of service, sales volume and customer satisfaction

1.9 Beneficiary of the project

The proposed system would improve the operational function of the restaurant. This Online
Food Ordering System Documentation will be beneficial to the following:

The ATOT HOTEL: - The system will provide automatic transaction to the restaurant. It
has a database to retrieve all the information needed in the transaction.

Owner: - Easy them to monitor and controlling their business.

Manager: - For they could trace all transaction efficiently all reports are accurate and it
provide more reliable recording of sales of the restaurant with comparison to its actual cost.
In addition, the data needed by the company to decide matters in relation to inventory can be
easily generated.

Cashier: - The system will do the operation in locating the customer by their account
number during payment process and will use printer that print-out official receipt.

Customers: - Help them reduce time and effort in queuing at the cashier counter, it also
provides security to their payments and records.

1.10 Methodology of the project

The purpose of the methodology is to give an experienced investigator to get enough
information to replicate the study. For conducting our project, we will use the following

1.10.1 Data collection technique Interview
We have asked some people about the current system’s limitation and what they think if there
is an online platform that could overcome these limitations. Some of them have totally no
idea about what could an online platform be and others have a little-to-good knowledge about
such systems. Those customers want to be able to order and get food wherever they want due
to many reasons. They want these services in case something happens in which they can’t be
able to go out like, if an unexpected guest comes and they don’t have nothing in home, if
light goes out unexpectedly before they cook, if they are not feeling well, if they couldn’t find
a good restaurant nearby and other reasons. They expect the system to provide good quality
restaurants nearby, and want the system to display different food from restaurants in detail
and in a way which is simple to choose from amongst. Observation
It is clear that the manual system is time consuming. That is, the time to go to restaurants and
waiting time for the food to be ready. It is observed that people most of the time go to
restaurants when they are hungry and have a little patience until the food comes. Thus, lots of
complaining and even cancelling orders happen. And also sometimes lack of coordination
and agility among waiters causes customers to complain

1.10.2 Development tools and technologies

Although there are many tools and software’s to develop web based system, our project team
selects some programming languages to develop the system to the front end and the back end.
In addition to this a lot of factors were also considered which includes the database access,
data transmission via networks, database retrieval, data capture, multi user network access
database security, etc. Front end

 HTML:- to create the web page for the system and structure.
 CSS: - to apply some set of styles and characteristics to our system.
 JavaScript:- used for client side form scripting and authentication. Back end

 PHP:- used for server-side scripting.
 MySQL (XAMPP):- used as a database tool, the database system will be used to
implement the back-end of this system is MySQL. MySQL database is a robust
database that can guarantee database integrity, database protection and accommodate
large database. Access to the system was made possibility by a graphical interface

(phpMyAdmin).The phpMyAdmin is very user friendly and can be modified

1.11 System analysis and design

To develop a functional and good quality system, the software development approach chosen
must be suitable for developing the certain system, it must also provide all the features that
are needed for developing the system. Among the different methodologies available, our team
will use object oriented system analysis and design method because it promises to reduce
development time, reduce resources required to maintain website, increase code reuse, and
provide a competitive advantage to organizations that use it. In addition, it supports some
important concepts and terminology which has made it popular among programming
methodology. We will also use procedural method on server side because it is simple and
more understandable for the user as well as the developer.

1.11.1 Limitation of the project

Due to different reasons like shortage of time, lack of materials (hardware and software), and
others, our project do not implement the whole services. These services are:-

 Requires internet connection and also the user must be computer literate.
 the system will only be convenient to people with a small geographical region,
basically just around the hotel i.e. can only help a small area
 works only with limited banks
 guaranty for the customer property

1.11.2 Risk and contingencies

The following are risks that one may encounter while doing the project and the counter
measures that one can take in case of anything:

 Inadequate information for the available papers in the library.

Remedy: we will visit various websites which are related to our project so as to get
more detailed information.
 Power failure:
Remedy: with Generators and or UPS support installed data cannot be lost through
power failure
 Virus attacks:

Remedy: Making sure that up-to-date software is installed frequently to avoid any

1.11.3 Assumptions and constraints

There are some constraints which costs more for the system. If those constraints can
overcome, then this whole system will perform best.
They are –
 Fastest internet access.
 Information flow or data flow can be controlled and more effective.
 Faster server system such as LINUX server.
We assume to support users to access the web site using Amharic language. User
Documentation will be provided for specific guidelines to a user for using the Food
Ordering system. Furthermore a Video (Slide Show) will be provided which will
represent the whole system function and how it works. Time is the main constraint on
this project because we couldn’t cover all the necessary information of the project

1.12 Team Composition

Name of the team members Task(s)

NSR/0382/12 GETACHEW GETIE Leader(manage group

member)and secretary
NSR/0761/12 Programmer
NSR/0324/12 USEDIN ZEYNI Data collector

1.13 Budget and time schedule of the project

1.13.1 Budget of the project
Cost In Birr
Paper 250
Print 200

Transportation 500
Additional cost 200
Total 750

1.13.2 Time schedule of the project

1/1 2/20 4/11 5/31 7/20 9/8 10/28 12/17

Title Selection and Analysis

Data collecting

project proposal

Requirement Analysis

System Design

Finalized documentation



Start Date

1.14 References
1) Title :( DOC) COLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS ...(DOC) EPCS Graduate project | Gebre
Berea -

2) Title: Lecture 7: the Feasibility Study - Computer Science

3) Title: › ~sme › CSC340FUniversity of Toronto Lecture 7: the Feasibility Study



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