050520reported Speech Test

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Unit Test 7A ___ / 30

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1 Report the requests and commands. Use asked or told.

0 Ms Price to Class 4A: ‘Listen to me.’ Ms Price told Class 4A to listen to her.

1 Liam to Pete: ‘Shh! Be quiet!’

Liam told Pete to be quiet’

2 Jade to Sally: ‘Shall we go shopping?’

Jade asked Sally to go shopping

3 A police officer to Alfie: ‘Don’t ride your bike on the pavement.’

Policeman told Alfie to not ride on his bike on the pavement

4 Rosie to Freya: ‘Don’t worry about the test.’

Rossie told freya to not worry about the test
8___/8 marks

2 Write sentences using reported speech and the words in brackets.

0 ‘We’re moving house next week.’ (Tom said … ) Tom said they were moving house the following week.

1 ‘My Maths homework is too difficult.’ (Isabel said that Maths homework was to dificult

2 ‘We’re going to the youth club tonight.’ (Charlie said that they are going to the club tonight

3 ‘I saw a really good programme on TV last night.’ (Terry said that he had seen really good programme on tv
last night.

4 ‘I’ve never been to the USA.’ (Diana told that she had never been to the usa

5 ‘I can’t go to Ben’s party.’ (Kay told that he couldn’t go to the Bens Party

6 ‘I’ll help Sam do the washing-up.’ (Tony said that he would help sam to did washing up


__12_/12 marks
3 Report the questions.

0 Tom to Anna: ‘Have you seen Sue?’ Tom asked Anna if she had seen Sue.

1 Anna to Jenny: ‘Is Sue in the final     Anna asked jenny if Sue was in the final     .
2 Ralph to Sue: ‘What did you write about in your story?’

Ralph asked Sue    what had she written about in the story   

3 Sue to Anna: ‘Will you come and watch me in the final?’

Sue asked Anna If she would come to watch her In the final

4 Ralph to Sue: ‘How much do you want to win?’

Ralph asked Sue How much she wanted to win


5 Anna to Jenny: ‘Did you enter the competition, too?’

Anna asked Jenny if she entered the competition too?


__10_/10 marks

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