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Viewp ints

7 An Interview with a Star 1 of 2

A Before you watch

1 Who is your favorite singer or band?

2 Write four questions to ask your favorite singer or band in an interview.

1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 ?

B While you watch

1 Underline the correct answer.
1 Sunny Day feels a little nervous / tired.
2 The radio show has about thirty / fifty thousand listeners.
3 Sunny Day is a radio talk show host / singer.
4 Mark is thirty-five / forty-five seconds late.
5 Mark knows / doesn’t know Sunny Day.
6 Sunny’s real name is Helen / Angela.

2 Write the four questions that Mark asks Sunny Day.

1st question: ?
2nd question: ?
3rd question: ?
Final question: ?

3 Write the answers that Sunny gives.

1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers S.A. de C.V. 2009

Viewp ints

7 An Interview with a Star 2 of 2

C After you watch

1 Answer the questions.
1 What time does the radio show start and finish?

2 What number is Sunny Day’s song on the charts?

3 When are Sunny Day’s three concerts in Atlanta?

2 Work in pairs. Role-play the interview between Mark and Sunny Day. Then switch roles.
3 W
 ork in new pairs. Role-play an interview with your favorite music band or star.
Then switch roles. Use your questions from Exercise A.

D Language points
Congratulations  Right  You bet  Wait a minute
Complete the dialogues with a phrase from the box.
1 Mark: . Do I know you?
Sunny: I don’t know. Do you?

2 Mark: ! I really like your album.

Sunny: Thank you.

3 Amanda: Mark, don’t call her Angela.

Mark: Excuse me?
Amanda: Her name’s Sunny.
Mark: Oh! ! Sorry, Angela. I mean,

4 Sunny: Say hello to Helen for me.

Mark: OK. Actually she’s coming with me to your concert.
Sunny: Great! Come backstage and say hello.
Mark: !

E Your viewpoint
When do you usually listen to music? What types of music do you like and dislike?
Do you often go to concerts? Do you usually buy CDs or get your music online? Which is better?
I usually listen to music on the train or bus. I like listening to …

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers S.A. de C.V. 2009

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