The Fourth Industrial Revolution

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The fourth industrial revolution is change that we need


The fourth industrial revolution is a necessary change that we need today and that the
current conditions force us to move forward, that is why we leave the third industrial
revolution and move on to this quickly. Just as the previous revolutions this brings us to a
series of events that unites biological, physical and digital systems. From the text, I believe
that the conditions in which we find ourselves with the global health contingence and all
the confines that it has brought this, it makes us adapt to technology, and who adapts is who
survives, as Darwin put it. Similarly, the developed countries today include within their
political government plans the need to advance technologically, because they have to adapt
and have to seek to optimize all resources and to seek a sustainable way of taking care of
the infrastructure, the quality of air, water, people and others. Similarly, the governments
need to prepare themselves and give their support in order to reduce the inequality ahead,
they could train people for a more equitable outcome, because socially not everyone has the
means to move forward as the planet progresses.

Economically speaking, the economic systems we have today are not the right ones, it is
not a question of communism vs. capitalisms, today we are in need of a system that meets
the needs of human beings and respects all the resources of the planet, a system where the
main objective is not growth but to optimize human well-being, as a result could bring
about an increase in GDP, as technological advances and innovations are represented
provide opportunities and means for them to develop. I also believe that flexible production
lines are needed, that is, if a consumer requires something personalized, they can be quickly
elaborated and delivered through the advances and innovations that exist. As far as
education is concerned, I think that new education and training must be provided, where
young people are taught things like robotics and programming in schools, and that new
careers exist focused on the future because we really need more creativity, humans are the
ones who create the machines, we intervene to help the technology, for example, to get a
robot to do certain particular actions you need someone to program it.

Finally, I agree with the fact that we are experiencing a fourth industrial revolution that
combines the various advances that have been going on over the last few years, we have
many challenges as human beings because we must adapt and transform our way of life
into almost all the ambits (economic, social, educational and health) according to this.

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