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Adaunys Rodriguez.

In “Why They Excel,” Fox Butterfield explores the reason behind the success of Asian-
Americans in the education system. Despite making up only 2.4 percent of the
population in the US, they make up a significant portion of the student body in some of
the country’s top universities, such as Harvard and MIT. The author delves into the
reasons behind this achievement, examining factors such as IQ, motivation, values, and
family ties.
Studies by psychologist Harold W. Stevenson compare the performance of American
and Asian students in math, and the results show that American students perform
worse. However, the difference in IQ between the two groups is negligible. Stevenson
believes that the reason behind the difference in performance lies in the motivation
instilled in children by their parents. Asian parents often attribute their children’s
success to hard work, while American parents often attribute it to talent. This difference
in beliefs and values can have a significant impact on a child’s motivation to succeed.
Confucianism, a common heritage among Asian-Americans, also plays a role in their
success. The philosophy of Confucius teaches that man can be perfected through
practice and hard work, and this belief is instilled in Asian children from a young age.
Additionally, the Confucian ethic emphasizes the importance of family honor, which
provides a strong motivation for Asian-American children to do well in school.
Another factor contributing to the success of Asian-Americans is the close physical tie
established between parents and their children. In Asian cultures, parents tend to hold
and carry their infants more than parents in the US, which fosters a stronger emotional
bond between parent and child. This bond is reflected in the strong sense of guilt that
Asian-American children feel towards their parents and their desire to repay them
through academic achievement.
In conclusion, the success of Asian-Americans in education is the result of a
combination of factors, including hard work, family values, and cultural heritage. The
belief in the power of hard work, instilled in children by their parents and reinforced by
Confucianism, is a critical factor in their success.

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