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My room is on the third floor of apartment building (daugebutis).

My room is very small, but in her i have

everything i need. There is balcpny, but i dont go in there very often. In my room is two couch (sofa) and a
tea table. In room is a loto of softs toys (minksti zaislai). On the couch i often read books and learn.
Opposite (priesingoja) the couch is large window with whait curtains. In corner near window is table with
books shelf (lentynos). On the table are computer, blue lamp and my mom school books.i spend a loto of
time in fronto of computer, i play it, read e-books and do home works.

Mano kambarys yra trešiame musu namo aukste. Mano kambarys yra mazas bet jame turiu viska ko man
reike. Kambaryja yra balkonas bet i ji as daznai neinu. Mano kambaryja yra 2 sofo ir arbatos taliukas.
Kambaryja yra labai daug minkštų zaislu. Ant sofos as daznai ruosiu pamokas ir skaitau. Priesingoja sofos
puseja yra didelis langas su baltomis uzuolaidomis. Kampe netoli lango stovi stalas su lentynomis knygom.
Ant stalo stovi kompiuteris ir melyna lempa su mamos knygomis. As praleidziu daug laiko prie kompiuterio
zaizdamas ir ruozdamas namu darbus

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