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on and behavior are all conditioned by our self-image. depreciation thinks inferior and inadequate and therefore ferior_and inadequate. He loses his self-est nd_se pless, becomes dependent on others and loses direction also tend to dislike himself. The person with an illusion of lor, feels and acts superior and has a tendency. to ite or take ad ers_whom_he_ perc e © may not be conscious of the fact that h rs thre jon and unable to win others’ respect and goodwill. if-image is projected in his behavior and attitudes. Out of in his behavior, they form their image or impressions about s towards him, Frequently we find losers, passive people who '$ of abuse or exploitation because they are perceived to be ‘An aggressive person oftentimes takes advantage of that iS. There are also people who are perceived to be too strong that they equally strong and aggressive reaction from others. the other hand, people who project a smart, secure personality with ‘and who vibrate poise and confidence are frequently respected taken for granted. They usually exert strong influence on others. | Of oneself - being able to acknowledge one's positive iI as weaknesses and limitations. Mot being too focused on one’s weaknesses to a point of ‘one’s potentials and strengths. Neither does it focus ‘only on nor do positive qualities that one fails to see his limitations to oneself and accepting oneself in terms of a wholesome ts the realities about himself, including his weaknesses. avior is usually manifested among people who refuse to ; In an effort to prove their worth, they resort to a lot of imple is the case of a guy with low education. He covers ‘by arguing or by monopolizing a conversation 19 i man whose wife excels in her career may start Pale and comparatively inferior. In an attempt to | his dominion and power as @ man, he may usly behave in a vely authoritarian manner, ting to control and monopolize decision making, often ‘unable to see and acknowledge the wife’s point of view. > oneself means being happy for what one is, being honest in one's limitations and weaknesses without resorting to facag: nechanisms in an effort to gain social acceptance. irmations. positive self-esteem is a positive thinker. He nurtures positive about himself and does not allow unpleasant events or negatix ‘others to ruin his sense of worth and value. id Happy Countenance 1 with a positive self-image projects a warm and pleasa oth in his facial expressions and behavior. ace with Oneself rturing negative thoughts and affirmations and by being true b son experiences inner peace and inner joy. h a positive self-image believes in his capacities and inne s with self-confidence yet accepts and recognizes hs ind limitations. ation to Get What One Wants with will power — the determination of a person tog! d to live by what he believes in. It also entails courag® of failure. A positive thinker is always receptive " g in an attempt to gain acceptance ation, being a compulsive talker listakes, fe, pretending to know a lot of things 1 dominate others self with others heroes, movie stars, etc. ense mechanisms eviage'e To-atecibn! 1s do you project in your behavior and ‘following exercise. Indicate with a check oTerthe statement is always true to you, 1 if true. ne s even if things do not happen pleasant in my disposition pre 5 1am and not ‘of my weaknesses: | act the way in ee my limitations like my poor it ion and approval for what \do , ce with ‘ee nf ‘sleep easily without taking sleeping pills being me, even with the weaknesses and limitations that | ¢ et what | want and to take nd determination to 9! Fifieasicin not afraid of failures for | always learn from my re of and proud of my personal assets, capabilities and talents, tense and mervous ‘especially in a crowd or when asked to _ ‘alone than in a group or crowd. to look at others straight in the eye. a soft, uncertain voice especially when faced with people in : my hand for a handshake shy and inhibited. Ve up when faced with challenges and difficult situations ‘to monopolize a conversation and | love to talk about and tend to give meaning to what people do or say. or upset I resort to drinking, drugs, smoking to always agree or say “yes” even when not in agreement. gs of remorse, guilt or torture icy to compare myself to others. hero, actor or someone else. ind easily irritated. ency to indulge in gossips. nt on others. ut you? In what ways do you project arto the test results) ced by the impressions meaning the persons significant j, calls this the “looki Velopment of sel-image is influent Nn gets from his significant others — , the child gradually recognizes the objects around him and as mes more aware of himself and then he forms his self-image nt he gets from his family, peers and other significant people jn ‘ocent child tends to believe and to re-affirm what others say abou, rson matures, his self-concept moves towards greater stability and self identity. He becomes less inclined to change his attitudes, s about himself and is less dependent on significant others for ladjustment ae 0 nse of worth and value is anchored on m d. And he feels valued when his basic physical ant are fully satisfied, particularly during the formative years experienced deprivations, often rejected rather thar ited that he loses his self-esteem. Deprived of love, ht ‘object of criticism, rejection or condemnation, he ma) for nothing, inferior, unlovable or inadequate. ther of Transactiona sis mentioned that fecording. The words spoken for or against hit oval or rejection are all recorded as part of subconscious mind, From sai jences |. When his mother calls him “idiot” he tere clined to think that he is a nobody because like one by the kind of treatment they giv he ifmed and acknowledged, respected and iself as a valuable and capable person vior. falc tiboy wiatestharay ve j, we have some rs head to be satisfied ed, given importance or having person: ~The jlow_self. leah or_self-esteem. The Se complex: ~-Wherrone is not e. "and 1d or acknowledged for one’s of these results to self-doubt tions a o “Extreme polarities are: ing valued for one's individuality o ‘of these results to extreme expre and : ping touched caringly, stroked lovingly, and ae 2 isually lead to shattered self-esteem i elf pity. hurts. insecurities. fear, well e ne heories of Personality. the individual is inclined oP ditions. He can be so.ghwwe ple please, cult to relate in_harmon har in giving ig cowed ates th te fcuk and unhap i a _ That mal contaminate his au life ani relationships. ties ego, the individual with a wounded child, schanisms and facades. He manifests in hi: lled by Et. Keating as te nding Perdiebieto ah givelove _ o takes advantage of other people 2 noffended st extreme, they may manifest intensive They, may also turn out to be obsessed | bondages within us. Most of our present

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