Projecting A Positive Self-Image

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SOCIAL IMAGE Social image represents the impressions people make! CUS as they judge us on the basis of our looks, body ge, communications, attitude and behavior. More often, respond to us based on the impressions pet they bee ai FF, — ‘close a sale oF negotiati Bare salesmen who are unable to A enlon ton they appear credible and convincing. a "pet" or a favorite of their parents because they have a special that is able to win their parents’-affection..A confident, conversant five individual makes an impression of being smart. If he is a oF a front liner position or for promotion, he will likely be preferred ‘and inhibited person or over one who appears to be too assuming overblown confidence. ry possible that people make wrong impressions. But what creates ‘is what matters. Impressions are borne out of what people sx erve in us. Therefore, every individual must be conscious of how te behaves so as not to be misjudged or misunderstood. jis module provides guidelines on how one can make a favorable soci that will gain attention, respect and positive response from others. _ LOOKING GREAT AND ATTRACTIVE << —_ Your physical Projection impressions are usually created during the first u a person and are often based on his physical = appearance, grooming, posture, poise, body language ‘that he projects. dy odor and bad breath. Use deodorants and mouthwa®! People may shun someone with a bad smell uld be well manicured and clean. ern by ladies must not be tattered. ona eo dnt ‘Those who work as food 2d to keep their hair short. Ladies with long hair clipped on both sides or use a headband. You are what you wear. influences how others perceive you but also the way you jour dress to the occasion. If applying for a job, know the s dress code so that you would know what to wear. In going to | the motif or purpose of the event. din your choice of clothes. Avoid using bright colors, alluring ging neckline, mini skirt, backless, etc. unless applying for ires this kind of style. If you are applying for a decent job ent yourself with this style of dress, you can be ‘as a sexy, vain and worldly person, fit for a bar or in the world and not as an office girl, clerk or front liner. ear a uniform make sure itis clean and not wrinkled. chemilines and see to it that they are not torn or damaged ‘buttons in place. re clothes are comfortably fit to wear. required, use office attire - no shorts, no slippers, th collar, no “maong’ pants. jour dress such that you do not only look attractive but also mot misinterpreted as cheap or flit’? If coming for an dress will make you look decent and smart? A ragged : may give an impression that you are not decent enough is not confidently dressed until she is “made s not confined to facial make up. It covers the 9 wardrobe, hairstyle, shoes, accessories ven by beauty experts: heavy one can make you look older. g o your skin. A darker tan powder or foundation omplexion, a lighter color for a lighter skin. |, spread it evenly. Dot the foundation with your d, cheeks and chin then blend over face evenly. allergic reactions before using foundation/ powder, before applying cosmetics. . the eyes. lightly in the hollow of the cheeks. Blend over. priately. Avoid a bold dark look as this can make ler. ir and use appropriate hairstyle. ing tips for proper care of the hair: le the scalp. Brushing enables sebaceous glands ary to keep hair growing and shiny. sing the fingers, slide them in rotating motion in various andruff is loose dead surface skin of the scalp shampoos and infrequent washing. It develops Look for medicated shampoos intended to (not everyday) as this can strip the hair of its through the roots, take care of the scalp by “shampoo, rinsing thoroughly and using hot oll to the contour of your face. Most hairdressers tyle fits you most. 1 and body language ur countenance and are reflections of facial expressions owghs ond ens Thus, the inner glow, the charm c ‘come out when you carry a lot of mind binders and oa ‘to let your inner glow come out naturally (see ted in your posture and body language. An erect posture, appropriate eye contact and absence of unpleasant ct good poise and carries a message that you have self eates an impression that you are sure of yourself. With that make a positive impact and be more influential. only creates positive impression about you but also frees tension. Here are some tips for developing good a standing position, stand shoulders relaxed, arms ide. Avoid drooping Keep them at right angles to “neither drooping forward, nor ‘back. Keep chin parallel to ittocks and flatten your igh preparing for a blow. yrm tow back pains. ep your weight slightly | ‘with a flowing stride, eet the spine - e botto ion of the spi mara the back of the ft least once each hour. 1 break, roll your shoulder times, forward, then (back to Your eye contact has much to say about you. Avoidance of eye contact | can be interpreted as shyness and inhibition, which in turn indicates your lack of | ‘self-confidence. in a conversation, your inability to look at someone's eye can be interpreted to mean that you are taking the person for granted or that you are not ‘interested in what he is saying. neer — eyeball to eyeball contact with the pupils hardly blinking, can be y and appears threatening to other people. A long, lingering or intimacy as when a man lingers on a woman for a) the other party feel uncomfortable. focused on the eyes but there must be a break’ spontaneous eye contact, you may blink the pupil contact must go with pleasant facial expression ood as a sneer. n words, some people may be judged as proud, fe of some unconscious mannerisms. Folded arms on the chest | Biting nail ‘May reveal a defensive or RAC ceticoscas : peeve attitude; uncertainty or | inhibition, shyness or Invading Personal space | Pointing fingers getting too close in an | Interpreted as blaming, | interaction — an aggressive, | accusing, judging, being threatening gesture authoritarian anifest passiveness and low self confidence. It influence or even respect. Among them are What they communicate __ Indifference, no interest, inferiority, insecurity Fear, insecurity, uncertainty Insecurity, inferiority, uncertainty | Indifference, boredom | Not interested, taking someone for granted Irritation, anxiety | Doubt, suspicion, disagreement Fear, anxiety, insecurity | d ask them to tell you the unpleasant non —verbal ved about you. Do the same to them d customers judge a company not only ility of its products and services but also d of service personnel who serve them’. ed in a company or you represent a professiona) the clients and customers whom you encounter on the company or the organization you represent. You are icy, etc. Clients are not particular as to who you are. All| that they see is you as the living image of the you look, talk and act will reflect the corporate image, who escort hotel guests in casual T-shirts and rubber ssion that the hotel is “low class” with me her experience in one deluxe hotel where she *“Ma’am, we have a dress code here. You are not in id in front of her associates and she was certainly very he told me ‘/ hate that hotel. Never again will | go there” ice, the lady customer has made a general impression even though only one attendant was guilty of the jonnel make or unmake the image of their company, it in a professional manner. Customers expect to meet _ four guides, counter attendants, waiters, desk clerks, ional does not only require mastery of knowledge and ertain profession , or passing a professional or career yee. It is a character that demonstrates certain qualities mitment to professional ethics. One must be a e = in one’s appearance or physical projection, tions as well as in attitudes and manners. We can find have earned various degrees, possessing professional far from being a real professional. ‘of Professionalism 1—This includes: — clean cut, no body odor, lails, well pressed uniform, etc. ‘straight body, no hands in pockets, relaxed. hair, biting nails, an impression preted as aggression; too \d inhibition in and justify ideas, readiness ression that one knows what ‘oneself — sensitivity to the feelings of ‘one's social impact. ‘staff for a chat while on duty ; @ pointing finger (Instead, approach the person nversation and horse playing e onversations a ets and then playing with coins and chairs (for bellboys, security guards, escorts, 63 zi 2 TY] 0 ‘Always| Almost! Rarely | Never Always ske- up? (ladies only) | | -| by irritating or uncomfortable a7] on the job (straight 7 . | a Modulated voice? ica | ation with a 5 t+ Ae eet pene | | “| T e3 a 65 ays 2 yt T | Always | Almost | Rarely |Ne Fp te of ney fike please, re | B n talking to Am honest a ommunicalions and avoid oe al signals ike a sour face, soe look, ete. when se [c. S GRACES | 1. Bo | know and p | manners? [2 Dot avoid by, Mi the organization? : a 3. Do | know how | introduced to someone? e y 4. Do | keep my come on time? 5. Dol give way to! i) orto the elderly? 6. Dol keep my ized and the tidy? 7. Dol 2 basic. in the use of the telephone? ; 8 Do | respect the ‘others or their personal space (ie., not op 3, not too close, not eaves droppir i ir conversation q 9. Dol hav ting people | meet like company = + 10. Do I my boss and my company to _ other | Fa I like spitting in public my mouth, etc? ji ry. The average score is calculated as total score IS. Total | Average | Remarks Score | score -is high score | -is moderate or acceptable - is not acceptable and the basics of social graces are To many, they look funny, awkward, in a formal dinner and you get what utensil to use for the first dish, ‘you? <— you. Most likely the host has limited gly those in his/her list of guests. means you have to confirm your @ Seat at the party, Do not attend to avoid the embarrassment of Mt and greet him/her OF start to eat without waiting 12. 13. 14. 16. 47; 18. 20. 21. ‘a cocktail party, do not ask for heavy dinner or a you are old or handicapped). Cocktail parties are fair to maximize social interaction among ly light finger foods, canapés, hors They are not meant for heavy if you are attending place to sit (unless meant to be a standing aff quests. This type of party serves onl d oeuvres, cold and hot appetizers. meals. Do not overload your plate. Avoid mumbiing (making sounds with the mouth). To avoid this soung, close your mouth tightly as you chew the food slowly Stay away from foods that are hard to eat or messy rather than ea, them in amessy manner at the view of other guests. If you are standing, do not try to eat and drink at the same time, Hold your beverage with your left hand so that your right hand will not be wet, cold and clammy when you shake hands with other guests.. Do not talk when your mouth is full. Itis unbecoming for you as a guest to: Wrap and take home foods Bring home a souvenir (like napkin, teaspoon, etc.) except when given by the host as souvenir items Do not drink any liquid when you have not swallowed the food in you mouth, An exception is when a hot food is scalding your mouth and a cold drink is needed as a first aid. Do not eat too fast as if you are in an eating competition. ‘Do not fiddle with your cutlery or you will make an impression that you are nervous. When drinking from a coffee cup, do not leave your coffee spoon insid the cup. Do not create clinking noises with cutleries and glasses. Do not force yourself to reach food from a distance. Ask someone ti pass to you whatever it is you want Avoid getting food from somebody else's plate Do not mash alll your food together in the center of your plate set in the presence of with your left hand and twir ational standards of service wherein veaviest, from appetizer to soup, nd coffee are served last. Do not orders be served to you rignorance of table manners. g of attention, making petty handkerc h the right hand, tines directed upway (European way) using your right hand and hold the fog ts, maybe two or three bites. uuter rim of the plate, its cutting edge direce, use, Place the fork in a manner that the bow i d the handle is parallel with the table edge. the fork, but keep the fork between you and try napkin properly 0 napkin on your lap before you eat. Remove it with the lt and, and with the right hand unfold it across your lap under the table. ‘use the napkin for wiping the lips. ise the napkin for wiping your perspiration or your plate. “remove lipstick with the napkin, the unfolded napkin on the left side of the plate. Net in Conversations ty, Keep conversations with strangers short, maybe 5 or at mos! rou to be able to mix and mingle with others. ‘strangers or guests gently and introduce 3 ple: fam Mr___from eet er party introduces himself herself Ps nrosuces ‘self you can say: and use listening sounds. is accurately communicated and jing about yourself. Be more about himself or his interest ink. Frank, this is Miss Samson: to a high ranking officer Cruz, our coffee shop supervisor”. 1 clienticustomer. to a customer or client. ardo, one of our desk clerks." ition the position title like “Mr. President, I'd like warm and firm (but not too tight). A slack, wilt! ect a low self-confidence. A firm handshake projet rmth and graciousness.

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