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Theoretical framework plays most significant factor in the study. In the Literature
review the content reviewed are related with Retail Sector, Retailing
strategy,Advetising,Sales Promoion,Direct Marketing, Personal Selling ,Public
Relations,Ambience,Conenience, Staff support, Private branding and Customer
Satisfaction. Reviewing Articles, Journals ,Magazine related to the topic was always
the core factor in my study ,present updates were taken into consideration, to get into
the depth of the subject and for understanding the nuances of the study


RETAIL STRATEGY:- Retail strategy is a complete action of plans adopted by the

retailers to sell tgheir exclusive product and services to the customers .These
strategies are customised plans aims at attracting the attention towards the product
and services., important components are marketing mix
,segmentation,differentiation,positining strategies. (Gibson.G.Vedmani,2016)

PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY:-Promotional strategies aims at persuading,

convincing customers towards the retail stores, driving the desire for the purchase and
stimulating impulsive buying amongst the customers .
(Roddy Mullin,2016).

PRIVATE BRAND:- A private brand is a good owned, managed ,organised and

controlled by retail own stores or a specific retailer. Private label are known to be less
recognised as compared to National brands and needs aggressive sales promotional
strategies to increase their customer demand. (Alan.J.Dubinsky, 2015)

Retail strategies are the plan of action which any store, retailer ,shopkeeper,seler
incorporate to enhance the business opportunities which is directly proportional to the
sales output implying business growth and profits. (Joel.R.Evans, August 2017 )
Retail strategies are primarily aimed at mass audiences to have dual impact of
increasing footfalls and also getting a chance to subtly hammer stickiness to the


Retail strategies aims at creating demand for the products , building long lasting
customer relationship and assist in strengthening the brand image of the retail sector.
(Matutes, 2016).The strategies are the plan of action that derive the desired results
based on competitive factors which may include monetary ,non monetary ,socio
economic ,demographic factors, it may be pertinent to know that the above said
factors have a consequential result proportional to the consumer buying capacity to in
capsulate the buying pattern pertaining to the end user and buyers can be
scientifically derived upon application of various marketing tools available with the


Sales Staff
Promotion Support

Convenience Pricing



Designing a retail strategy is the complex methodology of application of various

factors that may include analysis of situation ,framing objectives, identifying of
consumers ,targeting them and retaining them for the long period and the outcome of
such application are optimistic to a large extent ,this not only helps in increasing the
footfalls ,ensuring stickiness to the outlet and creating the conducive environment for
the consumer ,enabling them to purchase and consume goods and service offered by
the retailer (Michael Levy ,2017) and therefore has a positive impact on the
profitability of the retailer and helps in accomplishment of organisational objectives.




Retail strategies are the significant actions adopted by the retail sectors to create the
competitive edge in the market, the sales tools applied have a definite impact on the
customers and helps in retaining them at the same time creates new customers .
(Keeling, 2017 ).Retail strategy broadly aims at Segmenting which is dividing the
market in homogenous groups, targeting them with the innovative and creative
marketing plans and programs ,differentiate them with the excellent supply chain
management competitive products and policies ,Positioning the products in the
mindset of the customers . (O.P.Lakshmanan, 2017)

Retail strategies also encompasses the marketing mix which are effectively using the
product categories like Augmented,Core,convenience,specilised and shopping
,placing pricing strategies like skimming the cream,psychological,discounted
,penetration strategies ,efficiently placing the products in the right location and using
appropriately promotional mix tools for reaching to the customers. (Michael Dart and
Robin Lewis , July 2017).




Communication is the most significant part of the retail strategy ,its commonly used to
inform, persuade and create awareness amongst the targeted customers. (Singh D. ,
2016) It also act as a bridge between the marketer and the customers and enhances the
goodwill and reputation of the company products ,companies like Coca
Cola,Britannia,Pepsi ,HUL,P&G are known to have a long lasting relationship as they
have always emphasised on the relationship building and known for using most
effective promotional mix like Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity in their
marketing strategies while advertising their existing products or launching the new
product in the market. Most widely used retail promotional tools are as follows :-

FIGURE 2.4 :-Retail Promotional Mix





Source:- Philip Kotler,2016

Advertising refers to the form of communication which is non personal in
nature involves mass media which entails and aims to increase the sales of the
products ,it is considered to the most impactful medium in drawing the
attention of the targeted customers and also stimulates and induces the repeat
purchase pattern in the customers . (Aurora, 2019)Advertising assist in
achieving many objectives like Creating awareness, exchange and
communication of required information about the product ,developing a desire
to buy the product ,helps in identifying the store locations ,assist in positioning
and repositioning of the products, enhancing the brand image and in turn
increasing the sales and attainment of organizational objectives. (.J.Baker,


 PRINT ADVERTISING -The print media has played the significant

role right from the ancient times ,most popular mediums for this kind
of advertising are Newspaper and Magazines ,different ways used are
Brouchers,Fliers,Pamplets etc. Print media is extensively used by many
product categories like FMCG market, Industrial Market, Electronic
market etc. (Chunawalla, 2015 )This medium is considered to the most
effective and economical medium in communicating with the target
customers. Print advertising is widely popular in urban and rural
market in India .Most popular Print advertisements are used by Big
Bazaar during their special promotional drives like "Sabse saste din"
and "Isse sasta aur kahan"in the month of January and August on the
occasions of Republic day and Independence days .National and local
media is targeted by the advertiser for reaching to the customers .
(A.T.Kearney, 2014)

 BROADCAST ADVERTISING – Broadcast advertising owes its

existence to the early 19th century, started in USA rapidly gain its
access and acceptance to the world . (.N.Kumar, 2017)This is the most
popular advertising in the world broadly used by Advertisers. Different
mediums of this advertising are Television, Radio and Internet
advertising .Television advertising is the most expensive advertising
which is also the most popular way of attracting the attention of the
targeted customers .Advertiser usually hires brand endorsers for
promoting their brand .Most popular advertisers are
HUL,P&G,ITC,Patanjali etc. Cost per advertising depends on the
prime time and hours. Radio advertising is also an old medium of
promoting and communicating with the target customers .Radio
potential customers are primarily rural and semi urban customers ,this
medium is most popular now a day's among the youth audience with
the air of its various private radio channels like Radio FM, Radio
Mirchi etc.This medium is also widely used in promoting all kinds of
markets and products but highly popular with Agriculture market.
(Dahlen,2016) .Internet advertising is most in demand after the
emergence of different online companies and increase in buying of
products and services online by the present customers due to factors
like easy ,flexible, convenience ,variety and door deliveries etc.
Aggressive use of pay per click, Search engine optimization has
increase the online advertising to a great extent. (Dyer, Sept 2015
)Most important players of this market are Google and Microsoft ,this
is a very big platform for many small and medium scale advertisers
also in enhancing their business and brand image .

 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING – This advertising medium is widely

used by all kinds of advertisers and marketers ,different methods and
ways are incorporated in this kind of advertising for drawing the
attention of the customers like Billboards,Flexis,Kiosks,Poster etc
(Hudrasyah, 2015) .It is considered to be the most effective way in
spreading the message to the larger audience. This advertising is one of
the expensive medium but has a limited impact on the customers This
advertising is used by FMCG, Electronic market with their respective
brand endorsers. (Wang,2018)

 COVERT ADVERTISING – Covert advertising is used extensively

specifically in the movies and TV shows .This kind of advertising is
quite a popular in western world .Example of Covert advertising in
Indian markets are Using Nike products,Bournvita in Indian Markets.
(.K.Srivastava, 2015)
 PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISING- Public Service advertising is
for the general public awareness. Campaigns like AIDS awareness,
Child education, Child marriage, Health etc. (Philip Kotler , 2015)This
advertising earlier used by only Government sectors but now private
advertisers like P&G,HUL are also using public service advertising .

Figure 2.5 : Categories of Advertising

Source: Dan Brown and Jim Morrison ,Indian Media Studies,2018

Advertising aims at influencing,awaring,persuading and convincing the
customers about the product ,services and promotional offers and also build
long lasting customer relationships (Anantachart, Aug 2016) .There are many
short term and long term advertising objectives. Some of the objectives are as
 Creating awareness amongst the consumers for inducing the sales
regarding the product and services
 Developing the specific brand image in the mindsets of the consumers
 Increasing the demand for the product in the market
 Creating short term and long term sales of the product

 Combating competition in the market


The term "Sales Promotion" consists of two terms Sales and Promotion ,aims
at increasing the sales of the customers through various promotional mediums
,it is widely used for increasing short term sales ,it helps in increasing
customer traffic and enables the company for quick results .Sales promotion
also doubles the chance of impulse buying . (Gupta S.,2015).Sales promotion
is the activity initiated by the company to increase the short term sales of the
retail store, it's the process of influencing the customer mindset and persuade
them towards the retail store ,it also aims towards building long lasting
relationship and develops customer loyalty. (Foon, 2016)


Sales promotion implies promoting and increasing the sales of the products in
the retail stores by opting sales promotional tools like Discount ,Premium
,Rebates, Price offs. (.K.Batra, 2016) There are many short term and long term
objectives of sales promotion and some of the prominent objectives are as

 Increase company sales

 Helps in clearing the stocks of the company
 Stimulates customers to make the purchases
 Retaining existing and attracting new customers
 Introducing new products and combating the competition
 Helps in gaining back dealer trust

 PULL STRATEGY – The Pull strategy aims in developing customer driven

marketing strategy which drives the customers to the retail stores. This strategy is
extensively used by the stores with the means of seasonal discounts ,clearance
sales and money back policy . (Michael Levy B. W., 2017)

 PUSH STRATEGY – The push strategy is normally designed with the help of
distributors and dealers and aims in pushing off the sales in the market with the
help of innovative sales practice . Methods like Personal selling and Direct
marketing are adopted by the company in order to increase the company sales.
(Villarejo-Ramos, 2017)

 HYBRID STRATEGY – A combination of Push and Pull strategy is Hybrid

strategy .Hybrid strategy is most popular among retail stores in Urban market and
aims in achieving and accomplishing organizational objectives. (Percy, 2017)



Retail promotional strategies always have played a significant role in the success
of retail stores. There are numerous sales promotional strategies to increase the
sales of the company .Some important strategies are as follows:-

🞂 DISCOUNTS:- Discount is the reduction in the price of the product by

getting the same quantity, stores like Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar,
Spencer, Ratandeep aggressively uses discount in increasing customer
traffic, sales and profits of the company. For example. 50% off on
Biscuits, cakes on Wednesday in most of the Ratandeep stores, this
also results in building long lasting relationship with the customers and
helps in retaining existing and creating new customers

🞂 REBATES:- Rebates are the reduction in the total bill by the marketer
,where customer has to less for the product .Many retail stores run the
rebates during festivals as well as on season ,off season to increase the
customer traffic. Rebates can be considered as the most effective way
in promoting the products and also the stores

🞂 PREMIUMS:- Premiums are the extra souvenir, attached gifts offered

to the customers along with the main merchandise . Premiums are
mostly offered by many retail stores as part of their promotional
strategies to increase the customer traffic. For example Big Bazaar
often uses this strategy for increasing the sales. (Parrish.E, 2010)

🞂 POINT OF PURCHASE:- Point of purchase are used to draw the

attention of the visiting customers ,primarily used as an eye catching
tool where special display items are placed or some 3-D effect is used,
many retail stores often use this promotional method as it proves to be
an effective way of increasing sales. (O.C.Ferrell,2016 )

🞂 COUPONS - A coupon is a special incentive tool which is reduction in

price on the products when its being redeemed .Coupons is the most
effective tool when it comes to the sales promotion. Prominent brand
uses coupon in increasing their sales .Example is Fiama by ITC when
launched in the market ,coupons were used in the top magazines
likewise many brands are known to use coupons in promotion and
increasing the company sales .

🞂 CONTEST:- A contest is a competition based activity which aims at

higher level of participation by the customers ,this is quite common
when the company is launching new product or re-launching the
existing brand .Example is Bournvita when relaunched ,actor Hrithik
Roshan was used in the promotion and the contest was conducted for
the participant and winner got the chance of meeting Hritik Roshan
personally as he also promoted his movie Krish during this contest.

🞂 SWEEPSTAKES:- Sweepstakes are commonly referred as Lucky

draw and is used in order to attract the attentions of the targeted
customers .Many marketer adopt this strategy to increase the short term
sales .Detergent powder, Apparel brands are known for using this
technique. (Gupta S. , 2015)

🞂 DEMONSTRATIONS :- Demonstrations is one of the effective tool

of sales promotion where explanation of usage of product is given to
the targeted customers ,it aims in giving the clarification of the doubts
then and there of the customers. This technique is very popular for the
agricultural and industrial products. (Carlson, 2014)

🞂 BUY ONE AND GET ONE :- This scheme is one of the

advantageous strategy to increase customer traffic and continuous
buying by the customers, in this strategy customers gets two product in
one price or sometimes even at the very lowest price by the marketer.

🞂 SAMPLES:- Samples are those free offers specially flown in the

market at the pre launch of the product in the market ,it gives the
customer chance to the customer to use the product without paying for
it ,sampling is often done through door to door ,emails and also by
attaching in popular magazines and Newspaper. (Robert.D.Winsor,

🞂 MEMBERSHIP:- This is one of the important strategies to retain the

existing clientele ,also encourages the spending capacity of the
customers .For example retail stores like Ratandeep,Big Bazaar ,Food
Bazaar is known to run membership program for increasing the
customer traffic.

🞂 LOYALTY PROGRAMMES:-The loyalty programme are used now

a days by most of the retail stores dealing with FMCG goods .Loyalty
programmes helps in increasing purchases and like membership
programme retains the existing customers .For example Company like
ITC has aggressively used Loyalty programmes for their flagship brand
"Wills lifestyle". Holiday promotions are also part of this kind of
strategies. (Gordon.R.Foxall, 2017)

Figure 2.6:- Various Devices of Sales Promotion

Source:- Swapna Pradhan 2015, Retailing Management,

2.6 PERSONAL SELLING :- Personal selling can be defined as a direct interaction

between company and customers ,this includes practical demonstration and
explanation to the customers and at the same time handling all the doubts of the
customers (Victor.A.Barger, 2016) .Personal selling begins with approach to the
prospective customers and ends with closing the deals .

Personal selling aims at establishing close relationship between buyers and sellers and
helps in maintaining a strong relationship between the concerned parties (Don E.
Schultz, 2016) .In all the product categories ,personal selling can be effectively used
as it success is being proved again and again for the success of the organisational
objectives. Some of the objectives are as follows:-
 Personal interaction with the customers
 Handling of queries quickly
 Building long lasting relationship with the customers
 Increasing sales of the company
 Educating the customers
 Developing desire in the customers
 Increasing the and profits of the company
 Accomplishment of organisational objectives

Figure:- 2.7. Modern Personal Selling

Source:- Moncrief.W.C and Marshall.G.W,2014


Direct Marketing is a technique through which retailers adopts a method where there
is a direct interaction between Buyers and sellers ,Business to Customer approach is
taken into consideration ,many companies like Amazon,Flipkart,E-bay has established
well in Indian market by using this approach. (Kabak, 2016) Direct marketing
removes the role of intermediaries and without the known to to be one of the best way
in attracting the attention of the consumers ,this marketing strategy has resulted in
increasing the business multifold and results in high customer satisfaction and profits
,all the promotional methods are communicated to the customers without involving
the intermediaries. (Kaefer,2016)


Direct marketing aims at communication directly with the end consumers and assist
the retailers and customers in understanding their needs and satisfying them
accordingly ,following are the objectives of Direct marketing :-

 Building relationship with the customers

 Generating and developing interest and curiosity amidst the customers
 Informing and educating the customers
 Increases company business
 Assist in achieving organisational objectives

Figure :- 2.8 :- Direct Marketing Strategies

Source:- Tapp,2016 Principles of Direct and Data base Marketing


Public Relation is the marketing promotional tool where company maintain

relationship with all its related publics like
Government,Shareholders,Partners,Employees,Customers. Public relations intends to
have a close contact with all the related personnel and building trust, goodwill and
brand image in their respective customers. (Stephen.D.Bruning, 2017)


Public relations is known to help organisation since ages in maintaining brand

awareness, brand loyalty and brand strengthening .Public relations is known to play an
important role in the domain of marketing as well as retailing (Davies ,2017) .Its
presence has increased the store business ,multifold. There are many objectives and
some of the important objectives are as follows:-

 Building strong and favourable image in the eyes of various publics

 Enhancing brand reputation
 Combating competition with other companies
 Positioning and Repositioning of the product and brand
 Retail Store awareness.
 Achieving organisational objectives
Figure:- 2.9 -Strategies of Public Relations

Source:-S.H.H Kazmi,2015 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing



In the prominent research article on "Catch a growing wave, McCune emphasised on

four main factors which are also known as marketing mix .The best product, at
suitable pricing, right place and the effective promotional programs. (M.Steenkamp,
July 2017) Manufacturer private label brand has to compete with the National level
brands which they can do only with the consistent quality, uniform performance and
initiating the local feelings amidst its users (McCune,2016) . The retailer needs to
focus on key areas like appropriate marketing,pakaging,quality,branding, and most
importantly customer relationship (Tungate, 2017 )

The crucial elements here solely depends most of the time on its manufacturing
process, the time taken, its scheduling, production standards, and the regulatory
compliance oriented specifications marks, strategic brand alliance helps in promoting
manufacturer private label brands. . Brand performance and Brand loyalty can be
achieved by accomplishing the above mentioned factors. (McAllister, Liane,2016).

The Private brands in recent times has multifold increase the business of retail stores
and primarily aims at increasing the demand of the local consumers for the local
products . In most of the stores in present times the retailer is promoting them
aggressively (Jason.M.Carpenter,2015) .There are numerous objectives that company
achieves ,some of the prominent ones are as follows:-

a) The primary objective is to grab the attention of new customers and retain the
existing customers.

b) Tapping the strong regional and local affinity

c) Increase stickiness by use of sales promotional tools

d) Assisting increasing the sales and profits of the retail stores

e) Promotes customer satisfaction

f) They boom during economic slowdown by virtue of having 15-45% discount


g) Helps in accomplishment of organisational objectives


The retailers in the market place is well aware of the competition given by the
established and National level brands ,the result of which is the introduction of private
label brands which helps in combating the competition and also promotes healthy
competition in the market. The below mentioned diagram highlights different aspects
related with the evolution of private label brands in India.


 Traditional shift from the marketer perspective to retailer perspective

 Easy availability of low cost high variety products in the local market

 Generating local felling and promoting "House brand approach"

Figure- 2.10- Evolution of Private labels


Figure- 2.11 Benefits of Private label brands

Source:- David Aaker ,Marketing Dynamics,2016


This study aims at studying the various retail promotional strategies which has
maximum impacts on customer satisfaction and in turn has increased the customer
traffic ,sales and profitability of the company, the presence of private brands and how
saes promotional tools affect their sales and increases customer loyalty . This study
has taken into consideration various dimensions like Sales Promotion, Advertising,
DirectMarketing,Ambience,Convenience,StaffSupport, Personal Selling ,Public
Relation are also independent factors and most significant one which is Customer
Satisfaction which is the dependent factor in the study


1 2020 M.E. Sharpe The comprehensive research

paper on Retail Marketing: A
Critical Analysis emphasizes
more on the retail strategies
which arethe crucial elements in
the successof retail store ,factors
support, effective sales
promotional programs are studied
using the statistical techniques
like Analysis of variance,
multivariate analysis.
2 2020 N.Andrew, P. Cullen Their book which was published
by Thompson Publication, talks
about retail as an activity that
usually market's product or
service to the end-user to use the
same for their own or domestic
use purpose. This is done by a
procurement at a comparatively
larger volume and then selling
them to customers on smaller
scales. As per the author, the
value is in the additional services
to the customer
3 2019 Stanley Philipose Author emphasized the benefits of
collectively ,effectively and
efficiently using the marketing
mix for increasing the customer
traffic and the sales
,Price,Product,Place and Promotion
are the focal areas in retaining the
existing and creating the new
customers. Author highlighted the
fact that ,the optimum and effective
utilization of marketing mix and
sales promotional efforts result in
company success
4 2017 C.Gupta & The Article is a reflection of the
M.Chaturvedi Indian retail industry and its large
scale of employment. Infact it's
the biggest employer after
agriculture in India. The author
speaks about the gap between the
urban and sub-Urban/non-urban is
reducing by each passing day.
They also speak about scarcity of
appropriate space for the retail in
Indian context.
5 2017 Swapna Pradhan The author considers a few factors
to be important for retailing,
examples are: prime space,
service levels, better quality etc.
would be result in a growth
trajectory, effectiveness and
reduced cost of supply. It will
have employment opportunities
better pay and therefore, better
source of revenue, lifestyle,
Shopping experience and great
business worthy opportunity('s).

6 2017 Malliswari. M N The author discusses on latest

strategies in the Indian retail
industries context. The article
emphasizes on the co-existence of
smaller and larger format stores.
The larger chunk of the Indian
consumers are from the middle
class and lower class/poor, who
more than often visit the smaller
store. Popularly of these stores is
convenience of location in and
around the residential areas..
7 2017 L.Anandakumar The author in their article "Retail
& Management – A Road Ahead’,
O.P.Lakshmanan States that Retailing in India has
quite a few unique aspects, an still
from the old school. They can't
afford a world class SCM. The
link between the modern
electronic gadgets and old school
thought is missing the connect,
which make channel quite heavy
and uneconomical.
8 2016 Singh Swati In the article ‘The Rise of Non-
Metros- New Retail Frontiers"
the author speaks about the rapid
developments happening in sub-
urban and non urban towns the
reasons for development thereof.
She believes that the markets in
the urban regions have reached
the Saturation point, moving to
non-metros is the future of
retailing. Western influences,
more working women and
aspiration for luxurious things.
Customers from smaller towns
want to be treated the same way
like the urban consumers.
9 2010 Verma Amit The author discusses about
concept of category management
in retailing. Category
management has become quite
significance due to active changes
in the consumer preferences
compounding with competitions
presence. This make sure that
there's improved forecasting
dealing with increased
profitability in the retail front.
10 2017 Chetan Bajaj and There is a significant impact of
Nidhi Srivastava promotional tools, eg: discount
coupons, trial packs,
complimentary items, on the
repurchase behaviour of the
customer. When examining on the
fearing of loss of face between
promotional items and product
trial, the results reviled that
samples, discount, complimentary
packs, were related to product
trials. the above determine repeat
consumer. there is also a fair
chance of mediating the
association between promotion
and repeat purchase. The store
mitigates the loss of face
considerably involving the store
and trials.
11 2016 Laroche, Michel The consequence of customers brand classifications and selection
process using the fast food
restaurants in China. the outcome
point out to effects of both, the
direct and cross advertising. The
existence of coupons has a
significant effect on customers
approach and purchase intent
towards a particular brand.

12 2017 Vyas, H. Preeta The article focuses on the

promotional activity in the FMCG
segment. The study emphasizes
that there is a significant impact
of unique offers, that are leaning
towards price reduction and
instant gratification attracts all
categories of customers.

13 2014 Janiszewski, Chris The study suggest that the effect

and Mrcus, Cunha of discount and the perceptible
pull towards a particular product
depends on the product itself. It
suggest that the discounts are only
as good as the product its bundled
with. It also points out to a set of
6 studies conduct and prove that
the hypothetical the value of the
discount so offered also depend
upon the specificity of each

14 2016 Nielsen Report The report points out to the

private brand being popular in the
European countries mostly the
western part, highest being in
Switzerland, UK and Spain
hovering between 45-41%
respectively. The central and
eastern part is quite less,
examples: Poland at 24% and 5%
in Ukraine. However in the
Canadian, US and African market
it is 18% each. It suggest that
globally, the average stands at
16.5% in 2013 and the market
share will increase to a
dominating level in future
15 2018 Ashley, Bonfrer and The authors suggest that the
Chintagunta, , private brands have a great deal of
Ailawadi et al advantage for the retailer and
customer. A few of the benefits
include high margins with low
cost, selling shelve space, better
turnover, controlled pricing,
visual identification and greater

16 2016 Quelch ,Harding It states that Private brands have

Cunningham the ability to present considerably
lower price in comparison to the
national ladled brand. It can be a
margin of 15-40%. Since the 1990
the market size of private brands
has doubled with about 30%
higher market share than the
national brands.

17 2016 Bambuy, Andrade There are more benefits of using a

and Hemzo private brand more so because,
the risk is mitigated by the
companies manager. Also the
managers are of the store and the
can offer the following facts
(Hoch, 1996): Private brands
presence can be increased with the
innovative sales promotional
campaigns and efforts
,appropriate segmentation
,targeting, positioning are some
important aspects in promoting
manufacturers private label
18 2015 Gibson .G.Vedmani The rapid increase in the amount
of Private label brands is
primarily associated with the
price, as these brands/products are
sold at 15-40% less than the
established/traditional supplier,
which in effect gain sensitivity
towards pricing.

19 2016 Bonfrer and The Authors suggest that Private

Chintagunta Brands are extra susceptible to
dynamic economic variation in
the volatile markets, compared to
long-established brands. Hence
they build up when the economy-
corrections(slowdown) happen
and impact the purchasing power
of consumers. On the other hand
when the economy improves, they
suffer the decline in sales as the
purchasing power of consumer

20 2016 Huang, Jones, Hahn, The article suggest that long-

and Leone established brand can sustain
price elasticity of demand and
supply when compared to the
private labels. Therefore the
customers of long-established
brands are more susceptible to a
change in price, in comparsion to
private labels, irrespective of the
location, being in Urban/sub
urban Markets.

21 2017 Gibson.G.Vedamani The author in his book suggest

that, there is a direct relation
between sales and aspects giving
impetus to the consumers eg:
polite salesmen, after sales
support, ambiance, which has a
direct increase in the footfalls at
the store.

22 2017 Khare, A The author speaks about the

aspects that have an effect on the
choices made by middleclass
people living in the smaller towns
of India, when purchasing
goods/services. The study suggest
that offers, discounts and sale,
have a large impact on purchasing

23 2015 Labrecque, Markos, The Author suggest that personal

and Milne branding involve attracting and
subtly pushing exclusivity to the
intended consumers.

24 2017 Avinash Pawar The article promotes the idea that

Personal branding is an efficient
way of communicating with the
audience. This separate them from
Their respective competitor basis
their exclusivity and distinctive

25 2014 G.M. Rege The book refers to the pre-printing

advertising period to the
integrating it to the current
business solutions. It goes into the
depth of start of advertising and
its evolution over time. It in detail
speaks about the Principles and
practices of advertising, Medium
selection, based on practical
understanding of the subject,

26 2013 Gillian.Dyer In the book the Author

emphasises on the medium used
for advertising, particularly
communication. it is based on the
advertising and various facets of it
along with the medium used. The
author in his book examines plane
and simple plan can make
advertising much more attractive
and efficient in communication.
The book also speaks on Humour
used as an effective tool to
communicate to a certain section
of people for better results in
27 2016 Mark.Tungate In the Book, the author speaks
about advertisement from earlier
times to the current advertising
terrain. It talks about the a range
of advertising formats, from print,
voice, visual and digital expanses
including explosion on the
internet. It speaks about global
viewpoint of advertising and
evolving markets.

28 2015 Chunawalla and With a short background &

Sethia history of promotion and
advertising, the authors' also
speak about advertising in Indian
and western context with
reference to growth pattern in
India. The author, in the study
also speaks about in-depth
information of advertising and the
development in India from before
independence top post
independence and till date.
29 2016 Halve and Sarkar Discussing a hundred years of
advertising in India the author
narrates some interesting
anecdotes. They speak about
small town Indian regional
vernacular agencies then,
graduating into the top markets in
the world. It gives us a details of
chronology and how the Indian
markets have evolved from the
British rule era to being in the
race of becoming an economic
super power.
30 2014 Swapna Pradhan This author takes us in to talking
about Indian advertising and
breaks it into decade by decade
preview. It Briefly speaks about
trends in each decade and speaks
about aspects that oriented the
end-user, research, creative ideas
etc. They also speak about the
challenges that may come in
future that can be predicted..

31 2013 Philip Kotler The author states that Marketing

communication is a quite
instrumental in all organisations
marketing strategy. Kotler focuses
on the need of optimum use of
marketing mix and its related
strategies for the accomplishment
of organisational goals .
32 2018 O.C.Ferrel & The author states that Marketing
Michael .D.Hartline, communications and strategies
mostly entail, information ,
persuasion, and subtly hammering
the end-user or target audience
about the offering that an
organisation has to present in the
market . This not only enhances
market awareness but also sprouts
demand in the market for the
33 2010 Schiffman, Kanuk & The author states that an
Wisenblit, organization growth is only
achievable if their offering is
evaluated and display growth.
Hence this study is focused
towards the efforts and evaluation
of method which can examine
these activities.

34 2012 Dony Saputra, MM, The study evaluates the marketing

MKom communication presentation and
efficiency on the basis of
Communication Model(AIDA-
Action) for improving promotion
or reinvent product image. The
results were that the current
marketing communication was not
up to the mark.
35 2015 David.R.Buchannan Classically speaking, personal
selling is an important aspect of
B2B Marketing communication
mix. It also states that Trade show
and personal selling report for
60% plus of the Business-to-
Business marketing spent.
36 2014 Gilbert
Gilbert in his book Retail
Marketing Management has
categorically emphasis on the
need of marketing the retail
activities efficiently and
effectively for the attainment of
retail objectives.
37 2015 Cornwell and The author speaks about the
Maignan objective of sponsorships which
normally entail development of
brand and product awareness and
it's an integral part of IMC
38 2012 Sheth & Mittal The study speaks about the
Marketing Mix and the activities
thereof. In reference to Product,
promotion, pricing and place,
distribution and its broader
strategic goals. This is primarily
done to cater to different needs of
different customers.
39 2014 Ali Akbar Balaghar . The study states that, there is a
and M. Mazidazar important connection between
promotions and Sales, both are
interrelated . The author states
that sales promotion is the most
important activity and effective
tool as well. As per the author in
ranking advertisement is 2nd
ranked tool, PR(public relation)
is ranked 3rd and direct marketing
activity is 4th.
40 2014 P. Ranjan and R. The authors speak about the stiff
Sahdev, competition in the automobile
industry. Through the article, the
author have spoken about factors
that affect the purchasing pattern
of customers V/s Mahindra
company vehicles and emphasises
on the effects of sales promotion
activity implemented by Mahindra
automobile company
41 2012 Steven Warrickson There is a significant importance
between the sales person and
promoting action by consumers.
The author also speaks about the
problem areas.
42 2015 N. Doking and M.
Perics The author throws light upon the
various methods of gauge the
effective communication of sales
promotions by using "metric
conjoint analysis technique"
which was mostly in the context
of dairy products. In the opinion
of authors, sales promotion
specifically in the case of
discounted and complimentary
product are convinced frequently
in case of food manufacturing
43 2013 Buil et al The author states that sales
promotion, in building brand
equity, is a key variable, Thereby
described the importance of
famous or well-known brand,
Which render high sales and
greater profit in opposition to
competing brand.
44 2015 Villarejo-Ramos and Brand awareness is the capability
Sánchez-Franco to help the user to recall the brand
when looking for the specific
products. Although there is not
much attention given to non-
monetary influences on brand
45 2015 Groot and Musters The author refers to the case of
FMCG(Fast moving consumer
goods) where its particularly
important to use sales promotion
activity. These are typically the
fast moving products like
beverage and food products.
46 2017 G.Agarwal The Author speaks about the
paradigm shift in the consumer
using the Mobile to shop. He talks
about geo-fencing, offers, to the
constant access to the online
market environment. The ability
to connect with the consumer has
gone up multifolds. QR
technology allow users jo just use
their mobiles to pay.
47 2016 Barry Berman and Retailing involves interacting with
Joel R the customers in order to improve
the overall performance of the
company and developing positive
brand image and goodwill of the
48 2016 Suja Nair In the book "Retail Management"
The author has tries to describe
the growth of retail market in
India. specially in the reference to
the latest economic policies,
economic developments globally,
minor and major changes in the
marketing & economic system.
He emphasises significance
liberalization and privatization
Author says, retail has become the
most important aspect in today's
day and age.
49 2015 Michael Levy and In the book "Retailing
Barton Management‘ the author spoke
about how retailing became a
significant economic activity. Its
a unique explanation on Retailing
operations. Specifically pointing
at the modern and the Western
World. It has various factors
discussed in detail with a
reference to economic growth.
50 2009 Ms. Shallu and The work suggest that, there is a
Sangita Gupta, significant of sales promotion and
buying behaviour of the
consumers. The study hovers
around the decision making
activity of the consumer, when the
purchasing a product or services.
51 2018 C. Nagdipa, J. T. Sales promotional tools like
Selvi and A. Pushpa discount coupons, loyalty
programs, offers, contest etc. were
considered for the study. They
infer that rebates and discounted
offers and loyalty programme
hold an important pedestal in
consumers mind when buying
52 2015 Kearney Author opined that physical
offered at the retail store makes a
big difference and creates a
competitive edge in the retail
market place .Kearney focused on
the Ambience and Convenience
aspects more in his thoughts
53 2005 Ailawadi and Keller Author has opined that
consumers comes in the store with
the preconceived notion ,the store
can change this perception with
their customer oriented approach
,customers gives attention to four
P's ,predominantly promotional
aspect of marketing. Marketer can
successfully accomplish its goals
by psychological influencing them
54 2009 Kumar and . Generic private label brands are
Steenkamp those which are of daily use and
easily available in the market,
examples are Fast moving
consumers goods , Copycats are
now ruling the market as they
offer their offerings in special
discount offers and available in all
the product categories example
Apparel market. Premium store
brands are the customer drive
products ,custom made offers
falls under this category,
prominent examples are Premium
sports car, Value innovators are
the need of the hour ,they focus
on their Unique selling
proposition ,examples include
Google chrome, Apple I products.
55 2010 Schiffman & Kanuk Author opined that the
Consumers preference gets
influenced by many factors :-
Demographics, Psychographic,
Social and Personal. Marketer
needs to consider them before
offering any product and service
in the market .Consumer can be
attracted to different Private label
brands provided ,awareness are
created as local feeling is the
most strongest aspect
56 2015 Susan Whelan and Author in his book has
Gary Davies emphasised on Private brands
which has accepted more where
retailers focused on the
demographic and psychographic
aspects along with optimum
utilisation of marketing mix tools.
57 2020 Steve Dennis Steve Dennis argues that in
present time all the information
customers have at their fingers
and internet is an crucial aspect
.Author has described some
important strategies for taking
customer attention specially in
this digital times when customers
wants variety and quality.
Technology, Customer
orieted,Problem solving,
Customer awareness, if used
effectively results in higher sales
and increasing customer
58 2017 Emily a Benson The Ultimate Boutique Handbook
by the author core intention is to
answer all the concerned W's" and
"H" of the market which are
(What,Why,When,Whom and
How).Customers wants answer of
all the relevant questions and then
marketer can think of building a
long lasting relationship with
them .
59 2017 Barry and Joel Author talks about different
environment affecting the
customer market ,these
environment which influence the
retail sector are
Cultural ,Technological
,Environmental and Legal in short
its the PESTEL which needs to be
the central focus in managing the
retail market
60 2019 Stanley Philipose Author emphasised the benefits of
collectively ,effectively and
efficiently using the marketing
mix for increasing the customer
traffic and the sales
,Price,Product,Place and
Promotion are the focal areas in
retaining the existing and creating
the new customers.
61 2016 Joachim Zentes, The author in this book has
Dirk Morschett explained the various dynamic
developments of retailing,
concentration is on strategic retail
management ,the appropriate
strategies should b used at the
right time can change the market
,retailer needs to put attention on
People management skills ,the
presence and the ways of
employees and customer
interaction, personal selling can
be used in solving customer
queries. Environment of the store,
placing of products ,Point of
display are the areas which helps
any retail market.
62 2019 George Troy, Troy defines the underlying
Douglas K. Barry principles that any retailing
Ed.D market can be successful ,when
marketer understand the emotions
and feeling of the consumer
coming t buy the product and
services..Consumer loyalty is an
important aspect for any retailer
which defines the relationship
between consumer and retailer.
63 2019 Stephen Anderson, Stephen Anderson in his book has
emphasised on the core value of
Store design which along with
locality should be take into
consideration while retaining the
existing and attracting the new
customers in the store, an
underlying principle is Locality as
present day customer wants ease
of service and convenience for
them .
64 2017 Michael Dart, Industry experts Michael Dart and
Robin Lewis identify and reveals
that present retail market should
be encompassed with technology,
Mass distribution, excellent
supply chain management and can
use these aspects and factors as a
competitive advantage over
65 2015 Don E. Schultz, Author in their opinion focuses on
William A. a vey significant aspect which is
Robinson Green marketing and emphasise
on eco friendly products as the
current market scenario, demand
of Organic products are increasing
due to high awareness of the
customers .Organic products in
the sectors of Fast moving
consumers goods, vegetables and
grocessory are in high demand
66 2015 Tannenbaum The author has pointed out on the
Stanley, Lauterborn important issue pertaining to the
Robert retail market and focuses on
lling and coordinating retail
67 2017 Ludi Koekemoe Ludi has strongly opined in the
favour of effective utilization of
marketing tools. The
communication medium to create
awareness amongst target
customers helps the retailer in
sending the appropriate message
to their respective audience
68 2016 Tony Yeshin The author's experience in the
retail industry focuses on
tactically ,strategically and
effectively managing all type of
promotional medium along with
targeted public relations which
assist the organisation in
achieving its company goals in the
most effective manner.
69 2017 George Belch George Belch has categorically
stated that Sales promotion is the
key to influence the customer
mindset and increasing the
company sales .Sales Promotion
are the tools to persuade the
atitude of the consumers to
increase the customer traffic and
also customer satisfaction.
70 2018 R.Mittal and Author reveals in the book that
.N.Kumar Modern advertising can change
the face of present day retailing
.Advertising aims at creating and
developing curiosity and
strengthens the customer
relationships .Advertising is an
ancient way of publishing the
products and services in the

71 2016 R.W.Palmatier & AMA specifically has stressed

C.M. Harmeling that brand awareness through
effective Integrated Marketing
communication tools are the need
of the hour, communication
medium serves the purpose and
brand image is developed in turn
creates bran trust and loyalty
amidst the customers
72 2018 Aydın Mustafa The article identifies some core
rmurat issue like Brand strength and
Brand performance in his study
.Brand strength comes with the
value offered by the product and
branding the market
place.Poistioning is also being
discussed by the author which is
placing the product and store in
the mindset of the customers .

73 2017 Vemuri Vishnu The research article on Female

Vanadna Consumers – Factors Influencing
the Retail Format Choice" focuses
on the need of female
involvement in the shopping of
goods and services. Female
constitutes a whopping $30
trillion dollar economy in the
world trade .Retailers needs to
understand the requirement
,preference and wants of women
when it comes to shopping from
the retail stores. In India female
shopping can be categorised
broadly as Fast moving consumer
goods, electronic and Automobile
sectors. Female customers gets
attracted by various sales
promotional tools and offers
specially Discounts ,Premiums,
Season offs and Price offs.

74 2015 Giep Franzen Author in his book has

emphasised on the art and science
of Branding .Branding here
implies that creating a special
name of the retail store in the
market. Branding changes the face
of the product and store in the
eyes of the customer and creates
loyalty .Customer loyalty and
Brand Loyalty are the most
significant aspects any marketer
strives an desires in the market
place. Advertisements targeted at
specific audience an customers
develops and helps in effective
branding .
75 2018 S. Moriarty,William Author has revealed that Digital
D. Wells, and connecting online with the
R.Crawford & Linda consumers are present day
Brennan, demand and marketer needs to
identify how they can satisfy the
consumer needs and preference.
Informing and awaring the
customers about the offers
,Special plans through digitization
can help in achieving
organisational objectives and also
maintaining the relationship with
the customers
76 2018 Maurya Harshit The article Managerial
Implications of Technological
Innovation in the Path towards
Industry 4.0 in Retail has
emphasised on the integration of
supply chain management
,Artificial intelligence,
digitization .The article revolves
around using artificial intelligence
in the success of retail industry
,associated factors are
Conveniece,ease of service and
customer satisfaction.
77 2019 Devashish Das The research article on Changing
Gupta consumer behaviour and shopping
in India, focuses on four aspects
Product,Price,Comfort and quality
.Promotional campaign can be
incorporated to attract the
customers in the retail store .
78 2019 Grzegorz Biesok The research paper emphasises
on "Customer satisfaction and
retailer brand image". Factor
analysis test was conducted to
know the conclusion. Customer
satisfaction can be achieved with
the right quality product,
appropriate pricing, Suitable
location and most effective
promotional programs can serve
as a criteria for the customer
79 2019 Martina Topić This research paper is based on
the theory of a behaviour which
is planned ,consumer behaviour
was analyzed taking into
consideration consumers buying
Fast moving consumers goods
from two retail stores .Their
buying behaviour pattern was
studied and analysed .The
conclusion was more into
customer centric approach to be
adopted for the success of the
retail stores.
80 2018 Justin George This comprehensive research
paper on Retail Marketing Mix :
ACritical Analysis emphasizes
moreon the retail strategies
which arethe crucial elements in
the successof retail store and also
enlightens that effective
utilization of Product oriented 4 P
and 7 P of service market makes a
distinctive difference and also
helps the marketer in achieving all
the goals of an organisation.

81 2018 John L. Fortenberry This research article on "Do

Billboard Advertisements Drive
Customer Retention" identifies and
ascertains the role of outdoor media
in driving the customer traffic to the
store .This article has adopted the
model of AIDA in their approach
.Attention,Interest,Desire and Action
.AIDA model is popularly used by
the marketer for launching the new
product and increasing the demand
of existing products and the retail

82 2017 Subhadip Roy and Mishra The author has revealed that
Ad celebrity endorsements adopted
by most of the brands increase the
demand of the product and retail
store. Popular film star are used to
increase the demand of the
products .Different promotional
campaign are planned which in
most of the cases always has
given best results .Author has
advised to use the endorsers as per
their budgets .

83 2019 Leslie A. Wood Author in her article has

categorically emphasised on the
effects of advertising .Leslie
stresses on how effective
advertising persuades the decision
making of the customers .Local,
Regional and National level
media are used to psychological
convince about the product and
the retail stores. Short term
advertising increases the customer
traffic for a short period of time
like Season off and Season
clearance sale. The primary
objective of advertising is to
aware, inform and persuade the
customers which can be achieved
through effective promotional
strategies .

84 2018 John.B.Ford The authors on his article

emphasises the need of
ng the retail market. Segmenting
is division of the market into tiny
groups based on their needs and
demand .Targeting is
communicating with the selected
audience with the different means
of communication where as
positioning is placing the product
in the mindset of the customers.
ng enhances and increases the
presence of customers in the retail

85 Kruti shah The author on her article

"Message Framing Strategy for
Brand Communication",
involvement of customers and
knowledge of the commodities are
significant consumer
characteristics the attitude of
advertising , brand attitude,
buying behaviour, pattern and the
purchase pattern .Kruthi Shah
clearly tells there is need of
clearly dividing the market and
then targeting the audience. Brand
communication plays an integral
role in managing the relationship
with the customers.

86 2017 Robyn Blakeman The author covers the areas

which are most important in
understanding the marketing
activities ,in any retail market
positioning, branding, brand
performance, brand loyalty
,Brand strengthening are core
areas to be studied carefully
before entering any customer
market.Blakeman emphasised on
the need of understanding the
market, its customers
characteristics, their perception,
motivational and buying features
equally the demographic
,geographic variables needs to be
ascertained .

87 2018 Larry Percy Author Larry Percy focuses

more importantly on ascertaining
the sales promotional tools value
in increase in the customer traffic
and in turn the customer
satisfaction. As per author, sales
promotional tools like Discount
,Rebates act as most important
techniques in increase in the
sales and the profits

88 2017 Malaval Et Al Author has emphasised on some

major aspects which are Business
to Business, Business to
Customers and various publics
s,Governement etc.Success of
marketing depends on the
relationship with each other
.Companies can build trust and
develops a long lasting
relationship with their customers
and which in turn develops the
customer loyalty and customer
89 2015
Author in his research article on
Philip .J.Kitchen
Integrated marketing
communication: from tactics to
strategy emphasised that Media
relationship and media
involvement are the key areas in
developing a strong relationship
with the retail store or any
company .Philip stresses on the
fact that present day customers are
greatly impressed and influenced
with media trials and information,
retail store can use them for their
favour and publicity ,the
important aspect is the true facts
to be publishes more for winning
the trust of the targeted customers
90 2017 Meenu Mathur and Author categorically stressed on
Anjali Chaudhary the need of Online retailing which
is growing multifold in the current
scenario. Doug Stephens
emphasised that many brick and
mortar stores are closing owing to
the reason ,not able to foresee the
growing customer expectations
and needs ,the utmost is the
customer ease and convenience in
buying goods.
91 2016 Ake Finne & Christian Author in his article on
Gronroos "Rethinking marketing
communication". Author focuses
that relationship with the end
users is most crucial for any
customer marketer relationship.
Marketing communication can be
strengthened when present day
digital medium are used in the
interaction process. Social media
in recent times has entered in
multifold ways at each customer
door step .Search engine
optimisation, Pay per click,
Online feedbacks ,Email, Pop ups
grabs the attention of the
92 2017 Mike Reid & Sandra Author has opined that,market
uxton orientation is always marketer and
retailer oriented, the aim of this
market orientation is to come with
the customer driven market
strategy and the emphasis is on
retailer strategies to attract the
customers in the retail store.
Brand orientation aims at
informing ,awaring the customers
about the brands available in the
store as customer looks for the
variety in the retail stores.

93 2017 Bettman.James.R

Author focuses on the

discrimination between Private
and National brand. National
brands are known and made aware
to the consumes through different
means of communication. Private
brand needs equally sales
promotional efforts like National
brands. Statistical test like
Cronbach's Alpha was conducted
and it was proved that different
promotional campaign are
required for the private brands.
94 2018 Byoungho Jin & Yong
Gu Suh The research article emphasises
that price alertness, perceived
value , price differentiation, and
consumer attractiveness are core
areas in the Korean market to get
a strong hold of the market.
95 2018 G.Baltas P.Doyle Author emphasises on the choice
,pattern of the consumers before
they buy any private brands as
trust ,loyalty are some of the
aspects any consumers take into
consideration while shopping
from any retail store .Retailers in
present time are pushing their own
private label brands as customers
are showing loyalty towards the

96 2016 Cindy Lombart Research article focuses on five

personality attributes introvert
trait, conscientiousness, agreeing ,
attitude and credibility. If the
retailer in his approach adopts
them ,it definitely helps in
attracting new customers for the
private brands. Successful brands
of the world has proved that its
always the pre conceived notion
of the consumers which can be
changed or persuaded with the
retailer genuine approach
97 2017 G.Murugantham & K.
Priydarshini Authors emphasises on the criteria
to be set by the retailer before
launching the private brands in
the retail store and also what
,when and how to use the
marketing communication tools as
if it's not used appropriately can
lead to disaster and have
consquences.Statistical techniques
and their result have shown that
various aspects and factors are
responsible for the growth and
success of the brands and the
retail store

98 2018 Jin Yong Park & Author in his article on "Impact of

Alan.Dubinsky retailer image on private brand
attitude". Author has emphasised
that in the recent competitive
times consumers expectation on
quality,pricing,promotional offers,
location of the store, staff
assistance are high in nature and
consumer local feeling is the most
crucial element in the success of
the private label brands

99 2016 Douglas.L.Fugate The research article focuses on

the fact that the research in their
study has shown the conclusion
that present customers are
showing positive signs when it
comes to buying grocessory ,fast
moving consumers goods from
the retail store ,so the test
conducted favours that retailers
can increase the product rang in
these categories.

100 2016  Trang.P.Tran Author in the article on " National

versus private brand: A regulatory
focus perspective" focuses on the
important question that :- Why the
present customers prefer National
rand in comparsion with the local
brand and the answer lies on the
fact that there are numerous
aspect like mindset of the
customers, huge advertising
,celebrity endorsements, national
level promotional campaign. If the
same approach is adopted for the
private label brands ,they will
have same success stories.

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