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(Completing an accident report form)

On Monday 1st March, at approximately 4:00pm, Dallin Johnson, a custodian at Mountain Ridge
Secondary, located in 1456 Loftus Drive, Turpentine Rd, Monticaro, was cleaning the building when an
unknown person broke in and attacked him.

Johnson frequently arrived 30 minutes before his shift was intended to start. That day was no different,
Johnson arrived at 3:30pm to begin cleaning. While cleaning the hallways, Johnson heard a sound. He
was obligated to check it out so he slowly made his way, to the noise. Unequipped of anything he could
use as a weapon, he cautiously preceded into class 3:1, following the path left by the eerie clangor. After
a thorough search, Johnson determined he was the only living thing in the room. As Johnson made his
way to the exit, he felt a sharp pain against his head.

He spun around and was met with the grinning face of a teenage boy holding a bat. Not even minutes
later, Johnson felt his eyes closing against his own will. Within seconds Johnson was unconscious on the

Johnson woke up in the hospital and was informed that at 4:04pm, Alicia Nicole, a teacher at Mountain
Ridge Secondary, was walking to her class, 3:4 to retrieve papers she forgot, and she discovered his body
in the hallway. She immediately called the police and ran quickly to retrieve a first aid kit which is kept in
her desk. When she reached the door she saw Parker Rodriguez, a student she had gotten suspended.
She slowly crept away from the door and called police. She hid until she heard the simultaneous sounds
of the ambulance and police siren. Johnson was told by a doctor that he only had a concussion and he’d
be held in the hospital a little longer to make sure he recovers fully.

Rodriguez admitted to injuring Johnson, the reason he did it was not specified. Because this accident
took place in the school, and Johnson was not the source of the harm to himself, the school could be
held liable for the damages to him.

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