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For the Thallasocratic society these small civilization of sea dwellers are a good example of Thallasocratic society.

They are called badjao and they have

proven to survive so long through human history. Badjao’s found a life near the water and miles away from land and they made it look like its their territory,
they easily adopt its enviroment and make use of it and build their home right there. A home that is eco-friendly for they build their houses near the stilts and is
placed carefully between costal rocks and coals that could not harm any wildlife from the sea. These badjao houses’ has been part not just from history, but
also from architecture. For the Badjao consider design as a communal practice by simply building their houses out of dribwoods and debris. The Badjao’s also
shown us that we could easily or possibly adopt to our environments.
However, as time goes by people in our generation had different perspective about these Badjao houses. They couldn’t see the Architecture in it
anymore and the only thing that they could see is that it is not approriate or it doesn’t fit well in today’s generation. That they should be remove from their so
called teritory since then and find themselves a new home.

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