Evaluation Audio Drama

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My production was put together to a high standard! I successfully came up with creative
ideas that I could've recorded! I also successfully ensured my production met the clients
requirements! Once I did decide on an idea that I liked, I successfully created a script that
could be followed by the voice actors that I select! Whilst writing the script, I kept in mind
information about each character. For example, where the characters from, how old they
are etc. This played a significant part on when choosing my voice actors as I had to ensure
the actors matched the description about them! This meant for the characters that were
teenagers, I had to actually use teenagers to voice act instead of just finding anyone. I
believe my production has been created and edited to a professional standard! I aimed to
use as much Foley sounds as I could create, including the door creak open, gun shot, gun
reloading and many more! Although I believe my production was high quality and
entertaining, as suggested by someone that reviewed my audio drama, I could've slowed
down the pace of the trapped character. Initially, I tried to make the trapped character
speak a bit faster to show his fear and suffering but after receiving the advice to improve my
audio drama, next time I would aim to slow down that character a tiny bit to build more

The production I created had a range of strengths and resulted in a success! As said by many
people that listened to my audio drama, the storyline was interesting which kept the
viewers interested and Intrigued to figure out what will happen next. The storyline was also
created to a high standard with a good plot twist and cliff hanger at the end! Also, another
strength of my production were the Foley sounds created by myself! A couple of examples
of specific Foley sounds that I thought turned out better than I expected is the gun shot and
the door creak open! The pair of these sounds worked exceptionally well in my production.
The scene I was aiming to set in my production was a big, old, abandoned house that was
pretty empty and quiet, the echo of these two sounds allowed the viewer to perfectly
picture the scenery of the house and how abandoned it is. Furthermore, the creakiness of
the door also allowed the viewer to picture the state of the house and the lack of care it
received for possibly many years. The echo on the gun shot also helps the viewer to
understand how abandoned and empty the house is! Although I and many viewers believe
my production was a success, being entertaining whilst building suspense, most of the
success was due to the planning process of the production. An example of a planning
document that was created that helped a significant amount when picking voice actors was
the character profiles! The character profiles allowed me to pick the correct actors to match
how I want my audio drama to turn out. For example, for the character of Mike who was
described as being excited for exploring haunted houses, a male teenage voice actor was
picked in which I told him to talk in an enthusiastic, deep tone. This will allow the viewer to
understand the details of each character (whether they’re scared or excited, old or young,
male or female etc.) Another piece of work that was created was the rehearsals. This was
the perfect practice run to allow me to vision how each voice actors would act and how the
end product would result in! Furthermore, the overall feedback received from viewers was
rather good! The audio drama was described as “entertaining” with “a good storyline” and
also “good suspense built through the music along with a good cliff hanger at the end”. The
majority of viewers of the audio drama seemed rather entertained by the audio drama and
tend to enjoy it!

Although the production I created did result in a success, as expected, there is some room
for improvement! Some weaknesses of my production were it may have sounded slightly
rushed. Towards the end of the production, the voice actors sped up his words so it sounds
like he’s scared and afraid of something. Where we went wrong is the voice actor sped up
but didn’t use a fearful tone so instead of sounded like the characters scared, it sounds like
the character was rushing. This was also a word of improvement suggested by some of the
viewers to make my audio drama better! To improve and to not make this error I could have
researched more on how to have a fearful tone and on top of that I could have asked the
voice actor to do a longer audition so I could have clearly seen the potential! Also, another
way I could’ve fixed this error is by leaving myself some additional time after the recording
of the voice actors in case improvements needed to be made!

I think I successfully met the goals set by the client! I successfully created an entertaining
audio drama with an engaging and interesting storyline within the genres given (thriller and
suspense.) I also ensured the audio drama would be relevant and entertaining for a
audience of 25+!

I think I put together a fantastic audio drama! I think my strengths are creating an
interesting storyline that keeps the viewer entertained! I also think I quite successfully
created realistic Foley sounds for the audio drama! The Foley sounds created quite
successfully correlated with my audio drama, an example of this is the gun shot sound
effect! As I wanted the house to seem abandoned and empty, I ensured the gun shoot
sound effect had an echo to it to display to the viewer the emptiness of the room it got shot
in! Some areas I would look to improve on for next time would be the planning process of
the production! I would allow myself to ensure there would be enough time at the end of
recording for any rerecording I may want to carry out! This would allow me to ensure every
part of the production was up to standard!

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